#i will always be pro 'anti mike stans (not the ones who don't annoy me) and theories i don't like'-ism but really some of the things i
maddy-ferguson · 10 months
the anti mike posts sentiment rise only leads to more pro mike activism posts so really everyone's losing here
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dcbicki · 5 years
there's a super vocal shipper on this hell site that makes long drawn out posts regarding various "conspiracies" and metas about how b*ler is endgame. bc finn recently played two gay characters its like their tin hat theories are in overdrive and they can't see mike as anything but gay. I hope the duffers don't succumb to fandom bullying (looking at you r*ddie shippers) and forget all they've hinted at with regard to mileven being endgame. it wouldn't make sense to abandon mileven at this point
I’m pretty sure I know who you’re referring to, but let me just start off by saying that it’s easier to avoid reading things that you know for a fact are going to annoy you if you block the people that post them/the tags used. That’s what I’ve done for months now – I’ve blocked dozens of people who irritated me, and I stay far away from their tags (not that I can say the same for them with our pro- tags.)
But I do get why you’re bringing this up. Their following isn’t small, but if you consider in the number of casual viewers, the sheer size of the Mike/Eleven fandom (casual viewers who aren’t invested but who bought into it because that’s what was intended included), and the fact that it’s actually canon and not going anywhere, I don’t think you need to worry about the Duffers ever pandering to a minority of fans who claim “homophobia!” if you don’t ship their crackship.
There’s zero romantic subtext to By*ler, but that’s not to say people aren’t allowed to ship it. You should be allowed to “ship” anything as long as it’s harmless, and you’re not harming anyone, and it’s not a toxic relationship. Everyone’s had ships that haven’t panned out, or haven’t gone anywhere because they were never intended to. Hell, sometimes they do make more sense than what we get. But there’s a difference between acknowledging that canon isn’t for you and shipping something non-canon for funsies because you prefer it, and pretending canon is something else entirely. You can make a case for some other shows/works – and I’m gonna have to ignore the “IT” part of what you mentioned because, really, there was subtext for that pairing, I believe – but there’s no grand conspiracy when it comes to Stranger Things (at least not in terms of the ~romantic~ relationships.)
The only subtle, blink-and-you-miss-it hints the writers have dropped had to do with the science side of the plot, or with Brenner and Hopper’s statuses. They’re not gonna pull a bait-and-switch at the last minute and suddenly have Mike come out as always having been in love with Will when it’s pretty clear to anyone who has a basic understanding of how storytelling works that it’s not the case and that it would now just be plain stupid – not the idea of Mike having feelings, but the idea that it would happen in this universe that they’ve created. That’s why AUs are fun, and fanfiction is an outlet.
And the Finn thing… I mean, major yikes. This whole “all of his characters are gay so obviously, Mike is, too” thing is so dumb, and it ties back to something I said on twitter a while ago: His fandom comparing all of his roles, and pitting each character against one another is just bizarre, but it’s super interesting how the majority of hardcore Finn stans (that I’ve seen) seem to like Mike the least. And the most anti-Mike people I’ve come across also happen to ship By*ler… Mike who isn’t canonically out, and By*ler that isn’t canon. It’s just interesting when you think about it; especially when you factor in that people are constantly questioning that kid’s sexuality and it’s just weird. Like, why do we care so much? Let him be, and let him chose roles that he wants to play regardless of what their sexuality is. It’s not hard.
To sum up, the ST writers aren’t going to change the story just because one of their actors’ has played LGBTQ roles. That’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, but yet… There just seems to be some odd trend of hating on straight characters – because, yes, we’re led to believe Mike is straight – for fun. And you can’t claim that not shipping By*ler is slander or hating on gay representation because it isn’t rep in the first place. But, like, whatever, to each their own.
Also, block people and blacklist tags if this kind of thing is getting on your nerves.
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