#i wrote that and then heard it in the cat in the hat voice lol
mysticfemme · 10 months
it's halfway through August and I'm already getting incredibly excited about autumn, currently building up my autumn fashion Pinterest board as much as possible and yesterday I bought autumn themed washi tapes and tissue paper for my jewellery shop
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eternally-smitten · 7 months
What a Mess
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summary: After a long day at work, Natalie finds out she has more to do when Sun comes to her covered in a mess.
word count: 962
author's note: ...the movie got to me. It healed my inner child. I couldn't resist at least having Sun be a platonic f/o! 13 year old me is screaming her little head off right now because I wrote this lol
banner credit: mmadeinheavenn
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It was closing time for the Pizzaplex.
Natalie shooed the last straggler out of the daycare before shutting the doors behind her. She flicked her staff hat off and ruffled her hair, feeling hungry and worn out. Her day wasn’t entirely done, though, because there was still a mess the kids left behind waiting for her. Balls taken from that dreaded ball pit were thrown everywhere, some shoes were left behind, building blocks littered all over the mats, and drawings scattered everywhere.
She sighed and put her hat back on, “Guess I’m goin’ home late again.”
Just as she started to collect the brightly colored balls, Natalie heard rustling around up in the jungle gym area. Then, there was distressed animatronic mumbling.
“Sun?” She asked, throwing the ball in her hand back in the pit, “Where are you?”
Whatever shuffling she heard earlier stopped as soon as she spoke. Natalie fixed her glasses and walked around, trying to find him.
“Sunny? Come on, I don’t have time to play hide and seek tonight. Can you help me clean up?”
“Clean up?” A voice asked above her.
Natalie saw part of his face poking out behind a slide and waved him down, “Yeah! There’s some drawings here for you, too.”
Before she could utter another word, Sun hopped down and hesitantly stepped in the light. When she could see him better, Natalie audibly groaned.
“You let the kids draw all over you again, didn’t you?” She pursed her lips.
Sun turned his face away a little, seemingly embarrassed, “They said they ran out of paper! They wanted to make me pretty!”
She fumbled with her key ring to find the keys to her office, “At least it’s not stickers again. Those were a nightmare to clean off.”
“You won’t let me have stickers without you around!” He reminded her, “I miss them…”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, Sunny,” Natalie found her key and beckoned him to follow her, “It’s that I don’t trust the kids. They always make a mess that I have to clean up.”
He titled his head, “But it’s so much fun! Lots and lots of fun!”
“Sure, for the one that doesn’t have to spend hours cleaning up sticky goo off of metal.” Natalie unlocked her office and searched her desk for the wipes she bought special for situations like this. Sun watched her curiously in the doorway and looked at how her office was decorated.
It was very dreary. The walls were a depressing gray, her desk chair was extremely worn out, and she had little to no decorations. Except for one thing hung up on the wall.
He pointed ahead, grabbing Natalie’s attention, “You kept it?”
She looked to where he was pointing and smiled, “Of course I did! You made it for me!”
The only thing that decorated her entire office was a drawing Sun did for her when she first started working at the Pizzaplex. It had a little Sun and a little Natalie smiling and holding hands under a rainbow that read “To my new bestest friend! Welcome aboard!!”
Sun clicked his cold fingers together, “You really liked it?”
“Yes!” Natalie giggled, grabbing her wipes before locking the office, “It’s from my best friend! Of course I love it!”
She took a seat on the playmats and patted the spot in front of her. Sun carefully sat down in front of her and leaned down so she could reach him better. His face was covered in crayon and marker. Little suns, flowers, cats and dogs, and kids’ names were all over in an assortment of colors. Natalie took a wipe and started to scrub the drawings away. Her movements made little squeaking noises against Sun’s metal face.
“You gotta stop letting the kids do this.” She muttered, struggling to clean up one particular marker doodle.
Sun did his best to stay still while she cleaned him up, “But they have so much fun!”
“They can have fun playing in other ways, Sunny.” Natalie finally got the one stain out and moved on to the next, “That’s what this place is here for, you know. You live in a playground.”
“I like it, though!” He whirred, “I make lots of friends when they doodle! We also ran out of paper and they weren’t interested in games!”
Natalie stopped to grab a new wipe, “All you gotta do is call me to grab you guys more paper. That’s what I’m here for, you know.”
“You’re so busy!” Sun shook his head, “Busy, busy!”
“Well, yeah!” She pulled his face towards her again, “I am busy here because it’s my job!”
She finished up wiping away the last of the crayon marks and let go of him. The mats squeaked as she stood up and stretched. Sun got up after her and touched his freshly cleaned face.
“Thank you.” He said quietly.
“Sure!” Natalie smiled at him, “Now, can you help me clean up before I go?”
“Keep the light on when you do!” Sun said anxiously, “...Please?”
She handed him one of the drawings she found, “Of course I will.”
Just like she expected, cleaning up took up most of her night. It was shocking how kids could jam toys into places Natalie never thought they could reach. Once they were finally done, she stuck around for another hour or so to drink Fizzy Pop with Sun and to keep him company. When it was time for her to get back home, Sun was left alone in the daycare once again. Instead of feeling lonely, though, he made sure to draw something new for Natalie. He wanted to make sure his best friend could decorate her office with lots of wonderful things.
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Tag list: @rainy-day-ships @bobmckenzie @wanderers-wife @lieutenantselnia @gideongrovel @ghilliedup @felixrichtershubby @fates-theysband @mashyaoi @cherrypieships lmk if you want to be added/removed! ♡
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goldenncherrybombb · 4 years
Hey dude, I was wondering, whenever you have time, and whenever you feel like it, could you maybe write a fluffy platonic bestfriend!harry with a reader who's like 17-18 and an actress who's in a movie and he writes a song for the movie so that's how they know each other, and they're doing the press tour of the movie together and an interviewer is being rude and Harry defends her?
Oh my gosh, I love this idea SO MUCH! I’m literally a sucker for best friend Harry, it’s my favorite thing to write.
Also sorry for taking a bit to reply, I’m still trying to figure out how to use tumblr, lol. And I changed her age to ab freshly 20 :p
any who, hope you like it!
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“And cut!” The director yells, and the bell goes off. Everyone is on the go as soon as he gives the cue. Y/n’s makeup team coming over to fix her hair and makeup.
“Do you guys think I’m doing good?” She questions, a little nervous about how well she is performing. She is a new actress after all, this is her first big Hollywood movie! After many failed auditions, and small parts on Netflix series she finally got herself a big role.
“You are doing amazing girl. No need to be nervous.” Her hair stylist, Anna, reassures her. Her makeup artist, jay, nodding his head in agreement.
“They love you, y/n. You were cast for a reason, girly. Now show em what you got.”
“Thank you guys.” She smiles at them and her cheeks redden at her friends compliments. The bell goes off and they all get ready to film the next scene.
The rest of the day goes well and on her way out she bumps into someone, too busy looking down at her scripts just to make sure she remembers everything. Her scripts and keys fall out of her arms and land on the ground, next to whoever she bumped into journal.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, that was totally my fault.” She quickly falls to bend her knees and pick up her things. The stranger bends next to her.
“‘S ok, I wasn’t paying attention either.” His voice sounds familiar. So fucking familiar. But she can’t put a finger on it. She looks up when she gathers her things. Her eyes meeting the strangers for the first time. “Oh I know you. Your the lead character, y/n l/n.” She smiles at, finding it strange that he recognizes her. Harry Styles. Harry styles recognizes her. And she decides that’s the coolest thing ever. “‘M actually writin’ a song for your movie.” They both stand to their full height and he hands her her keys.
“I heard about that! That must be super cool. I’ve always been super interested in music. Just wish I didn’t sound like a dying cat.” They both laugh lightly at that, and he shakes his head at her.
“Doubt that.”
“I wish your doubts were correct. But unfortunately they aren’t.” He just chuckles before he suddenly remembers something.
“I forgot to introduce myself. ‘M Harry.” He holds his hand out, and she takes it in hers and shakes his hand.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Harry. I’ve actually heard some of your stuff before. ‘M quite a fan of Fine Line.” He shyly smiles and their hands go back to their side.
“I don’t mean this in a weird way, but would you want to go grab some coffee?” She smiles and nods her head.
“Would love too.” He nods and gives her a smile before they turn to walk out. As they walk to his car, she assumes, she remembers something her coworkers briefly mentioned. “Aren’t you gonna have a small part in the movie?” She questions, looking over at him.
“Yeah actually, ‘m quite excited.”
“It’s gonna be fun. I saw Dunkirk so I know you will kill whatever scene you have. Aren’t you in a few with me and Andrea?” She questions.
“Five scenes total.” He informs her. “Then I have a few more with Timothee and Jeniffer.”
“That’ll be fun. We party a lot in those scenes.” She shimmies her shoulders when she says party to add some effect, and it does what she intends to and makes him laugh.
They reach Harry’s car and he takes them to a small cafe. They chat over tea and coffee, y/n also having a double chocolate chip muffin because she couldn’t resist. They talk about growing up, all things music, y/n’s career, Harry career. They both tell stories of the craziest moments they have so far in their journey of success. Both have a good time.
They get to know each other and at the end of the night they exchange numbers. He takes her back to set and drops her off by her car. He tells her goodnight and she does the same, smiling when she sat down in her car.
She hope she just made a new friend. They had so many things in common. From the way they dress, the music they like, their favorite food, etc. She thinks it’s safe to say the connected well at the small cafe and she hopes this is the start of them becoming close friends.
And they do end up becoming close friends over the six months they work together. Harry ended up coming to set more often than not, bringing lunch to y/n or eating the food they serve. They go back to her trailer and eat their food, catching up with each other, and sometimes having a food fight. Harry updates her on the songs he is writing, or the Gucci ads he has been modeling for. She tells him about the scene they filmed, or some small roles she has been offered. They also catch up, asking eachother about how their families are doing, making plans for later that night or if one of them had an event they wanted the other to accompany them too.
They both know each other’s families well. They spend the night at each other houses often. Harry takes her to the studios on her days off, showing her the process of recording. She instantly connects with Jeff as well since they both have a similar since if humor that includes teasing Harry on the regular.
But now the filming was done, and so was the editing. They were two weeks away from the release! Y/n was excited but also extremely nervous. But now they were all doing a press tour. And lucky for y/n, Harry got to tag along because of his small role and because he wrote most of the sound track for the movie.
They were about to go on another interview, this one just her and Harry. Their costars doing their own interviews scattered around the building. She was happy her and harry were partnered to do all the interviews today, it meant more time to goof off with him when they aren’t supposed to.
“Well first off I just want to say thank you guys for sitting down with me today.” The interviewers starts, his name y/n found out, is Ben.
“Thank you for having us.” They both say simultaneously.
“So let’s talk about the movie. I know y/n, you are a main character. Can you tell me what it’s like? Being new to the scene and working around men like Harry or Timothee? It’s got to be hard to contain yourself around the pair.” Y/n doesn’t know whether to scoff or smile through it and act like that wasn’t extremely sexist. But when she sees Harry visibly tense and his face harden she knows to just let it slide. She doesn’t want to start something that her manager will want to kill her for. So she bites her tounge.
“I don’t find it intimidating at all. Both of them are very talented, but I don’t find it intimidating. Especially not when they are you friends.” She puts an emphasis on friend.
“Harry, this is your second roll in a movie, and you wrote majority of the soundtrack, how was that? Do you think you will do more movies after this?” Y/n wants to roll her eyes. Of course he gets a normal question but she gets one asking if she could keep her legs closed around her best friend and costar.
“I enjoyed it. It got hectic and stressful at times. But I really enjoyed it and I enjoy acting and obviously writing and singing so I was glad I could do both.” The interviewer nods and this is how the next few questions go. Y/n getting questions like “which costar would you rather date?” “Did you have a crush on anyone while filming?” Really inappropriate and unprofessional questions. But Harry got questions about the writing process, what his favorite scene to film was, and so on. But it was obvious both of them were fed up with the interviewer asking her the types of questions he was. So after the third question Harry chimed in before y/n could come up with an answer that would answer it but not really answer it.
“‘M sorry, but are you gonna actually ask her about the movie? Or how her acting career has been going? Or just anything other than if she found someone hot or who she would mess around with? It’s quite unprofessional and it’s clearly making her uncomfortable.” The interviewer stills, his cheeks flushing. Even the camera crew stills and in the background I can hear jay clapping and saying “yes Harry” faintly. A small smile forms on her face and she looks over at her best friend, noticing how his gaze is strong as he looks at the interviewer with a penetrating gaze. Harry sounded very professional and calm when he told the interviewer off, but his eyes give away exactly how he feels.
“Right, my apologies y/n. But I think that’s actually a wrap.” He looks over at the director and nods.
He doesn’t even shake their hands before he leaves. He just scurries away with bright red cheeks as everyone’s eyes follow him.
“Thank you for that, H.” She smiles up at him before her arms go around his neck and his go around her waist.
“No need t’thank me. No lady should be asked those questions. It’s no ones business who yeh fancy, or whatever the fuck else he was trying to dig out of yeh. ‘S not the ass hats bloody business.” She chuckles and shakes her head, patting his back lightly.
“It’s ok, Harry. You already told him off, no need to get upset over it again.” She pulls back when she’s done talking and Harry huffs.
“Guess yer right.” She smiles at him and pats his head before they walk off set. As they leave the building she loops her arm around his waist and he does the same around her. Her head rests on his shoulder and his lays on hers as they leisurely walk outside.
“Wanna go get some ice cream?” She questions, already knowing his answer but wanting to see his reaction. His head pops up and he looks at her with wide eyes.
“Course I want t’get ice cream! Only mad men turn down ice cream.” She laughs and shakes her head before he stops in his tracks.
“Race you to the car, loser pays.” She squints her eyes at him and holds her hand out.
“Deal.” He goes to shake her hand but she pulls away and starts running towards Harry’s car.
“That’s not fair!” He chuckles, running a little bit behind her.
And in the end, Harry ends up paying for the ice cream with a pout on his face.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Twenty-Four: Loss of Memory ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Ebisu ] [ SasuHina, blood ] [ Verse: Like Magic ] [ AO3 Link ]
It all began in that bookstore.
Rescuing Naruto from his no-good Summer guardian (which, in all fairness, was mostly Shisui’s hairbrained idea to use his Merlin-forsaken enchanted car) meant that Sasuke and Naruto visited Diagon Alley together with the former’s elder brother Itachi leading them through their school supplies list. They’d met up with their friends - the Hufflepuff Hinata and the Ravenclaw Sakura - on the way, barely able to fit into the bookstore. A so-called famous author, Ebisu, had been there signing copies of his books...and Mikoto had begged Itachi get her a signed copy of one of his tomes.
And it was there they ran into the last people they wanted to see: another Slytherin, Gaara, and his father Rasa. After a rather tense standoff, Rasa calling Hinata a blood traitor as a pureblood mucking about with those ‘lesser’, they’d all failed to notice the book he’d slipped into her cauldron of supplies.
It was that book that would shape the coming year in terrible, terrible ways.
The first attack left the entire school shaken: the caretaker’s cat petrified, and a bloody message written on the wall just beneath her form:
“The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir, beware.”
A Chamber of Secrets…? Not an entirely unfounded idea in their four young minds. After all, Hogwarts was old, and even the headmaster had claimed there were still things undiscovered and unknown about it. But given the impressions from the staff (and some students…), it had seemed such an idea had been heard of before.
Only through their history teacher did they learn of the rumors of the Slytherin founder’s alleged secret chamber: a place housing a terrible monster to cleanse Hogwarts of those Salazar found to be ‘unsuitable’ for learning the arts of magic.
A monster within Hogwarts...and one bent on eliminating those of so-called ‘impure’ blood...a terrifying thought. Especially given that one of their own, Sakura, was Muggleborn. And Naruto himself was a halfblood.
But the strange happenings didn’t stop there.
During a Quidditch match, Naruto found himself being chased by a seemingly-rogue bludger. Only after it broke his arm (and the incompetent Ebisu vanished his bones) did Naruto come to know it was Shukaku - a house elf bent on keeping Naruto from the castle - behind several incidents thus far. He revealed that the Chamber had been opened once before.
...and the attacks continued. The school began a dueling club in hopes of preparing the students for trouble. And it was then during a typical rivalry escalation that Sasuke learned something about himself he’d never known before:
He was a Parselmouth.
Immediately, suspicion began to grow against him. Salazar, after all, had been famed for his ability to speak to serpents. And now Sasuke - part of a pureblood Slytherin-frequenting family - was revealed to have the same ability?
...could he be the heir…? The one attacking the Muggleborns? Maybe his friendship with Sakura was fake...after all, they’d been seen bickering at times.
Desperate to find the real mastermind, the group decides to use a Polyjuice potion to interrogate Gaara, figuring his family’s sketchy history may be a clue. The broken bathroom they used was always occupied by a peculiar girl ghost, who later revealed a key clue: a strange diary someone had left in her haunt.
Sasuke did all he could to uncover its secrets, discovering it belonged to a young man named Madara. He had been present during the last attack, showing his valiant capture of the previous perpetrator: the current groundskeeper.
But that did little to solve their problem. As the headmaster and groundskeeper were removed...one last attack seemed the final straw:
But she provided the clue they needed: in her bookish ways, she’d finally found the answer. The monster was a basilisk: a giant snake, explaining Sasuke’s ability to hear a strange voice all year coming from the walls. They then realize that the student killed when the chamber was last opened was none other than Rin, the lavatory ghost...who tells them all they need to know.
But upon their attempts to rally the last of their group...they find Hinata gone. Taken into the Chamber for her status as blood traitor. Desperate, the boys go to enlist Ebisu’s help.
...only to find him quick busily packing.
“...going somewhere, professor?” Sasuke asks, stepping into the room and drawing the man’s gaze.
Ebisu, as it turns out...is a fraud. But that doesn’t stop Naruto and Sasuke dragging him into the bathroom where Rin waits, Sasuke opening the chamber at last with a command of Parseltongue.
One ride down the pipes later, and the trio find themselves beneath the castle.
“...bloody hell,” Naruto mumbles, pointing. “...is that…?”
“A snake skin,” Sasuke replies. “And a huge one. That’s got to be from the basilisk. Remember...keep your eyes closed if you think it’s near.”
“Oh...well…” With a roll of his eyes, Ebisu simply...collapses.
Both boys give him a glance. “...he’s fainted,” Naruto mutters. “Git.”
Making to poke him with his patched-up wand, the blond gives a holler as the professor snatches it, leaping up and grinning.
“Well now...that’s better. Can’t have you two telling anyone what you know! Now, let’s see...how to spin this little story...ah, yes. We were...too late to save the girl. You both succumbed to shock and madness at the grisly sight. All that remains...is to wipe your memories. Obliviate!”
Before either boy can react, there’s a sparking glow from the split in Naruto’s wand...and then Ebisu crashes against the wall.
And then with a rumble, the chamber begins to crumble…!
“Look out!” Each skittering backwards, the boys duck for cover...and as the rubble comes to a standstill, it’s piled high and wide between them.
“I’m all right! But...I don’t think there’s a way through.”
With a groan, Ebisu then lolls his head up to look at Naruto. “...oh...well hello. Who...who are you? And…” His brow furrows. “...who am I?”
“...I think his spell backfired, he’s lost his memory...but what do we do now?”
Sasuke hesitates. “...stay here, and try to move some of this rock, if you can. I’ll go find Hinata! And...keep an eye on Ebisu. Who knows if he’s faking again, so...be careful.”
“...right. You too.”
“Not sure there’s much point in that now,” Sasuke mutters to himself, continuing down the rocky corridor...only to find another door.
“...all right. Er…” Swallowing, he gives another murmur of Parseltongue, the ornate serpent lock coming undone and revealing a huge chamber. At the rear, a giant stone statue of Salazar, flanked by snakes.
And at the end...a motionless Hinata.
“...no…!” Heart clenching in fear, Sasuke dashes forward and crashes at her side, seeing her skin as pale as death. “Hinata...Hinata!”
“...she won’t wake.”
Gasping, Sasuke looks into the shadows, where a familiar young man walks. “...Madara…? But…? Look, we have to get out of here! There’s a monster!”
“It won’t come until it’s called.”
Sasuke pauses...and then lifts his gaze. In Madara’s hands, forgotten by his own, is his wand. “...give that back.”
“Oh, you won’t be needing it.”
“Didn’t you hear me? There’s a monster! And...we…”
“I can’t let you leave. You see...the weaker this blood traitor gets...the stronger I become. It was she who opened the Chamber of Secrets.”
“No...she couldn’t, she -!”
“She unleashed the basilisk, let it seek out the Mudbloods in the castle...and it was she who wrote the warnings on the walls.”
“Because I told her to. My instructions were rather...convincing...” A smirk grows across his face. “But not to worry. It was I, not she, who was in control. To finish what Salazar aimed to do.”
“Why would you…?”
“Because I...am the heir of Slytherin. His blood courses through my veins. Veins which, soon now, will be living again. Resurrected from a memory preserved in a diary for fifty years. And very soon now...I will be reborn. And this time...nothing can stop me from purifying the wizarding world. Not even you...your precious headmaster is gone. No one is left to stand against me.”
“You’re wrong...he’s never gone. Not so long as students remain who believe in him…!”
As the pair stare each other down, a trill sounds at the front of the cavern.
With a toss, the phoenix drops a worn piece of fabric Sasuke struggles to catch. It’s...the Sorting Hat…?
“...ha...so this is what your loyalty earns you? A songbird, and an old hat. Well...let’s see how it matches up against the power of Salazar Slytherin…!” Eyes wide with malice and grin bearing teeth, Madara turns to the founder’s likeness. A chant of Parseltongue sees the statue’s mouth begin to open.
“Now what will you do…?”
Staggering back, Sasuke watches with wide eyes as a rustling fills the air...and the basilisk emerges with a geyser-like hiss.
“Very soon now, the process will be complete. Hinata Hyūga will die...and I will be born anew. And by then, you’ll be rotting in the basilisk’s belly!”
Barely breathing, Sasuke does all he can do, wandless and alone.
He runs.
     (This is a sequel to days 28, 230, 299, and 316!)       Well this is...a lot more rushed than I'd like, but it was the first thing that came to mind. And after wasting WAY too much time reading a summary and then checking film pieces to refresh MY memory (ahaha, get it?), I couldn't back out xD I love this crossover, but obviously I need to find more roles, cuz uh...I had to leave quite a few blank, and some of these are a little...hurried, lol      BUT! We have a crossover with Chamber of Secrets. And it's valiant Sasuke off to save Hinata! Well...he doesn't look too valiant running away at the end there, but he needs to plan! And not get eaten! Not to worry, I'm sure he'll save her in the end.      I know this is an evil cliffie, but...at the same time, we all (or most) know how this goes, right? Forgive me xD Limited time and word count is a killer, lol - maybe I'll do more another time!      Buuut anyway, it's...very late, so I better go ^^; Thanks for reading!
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djddueces · 5 years
An Idol in Teal, Chapter 1
Hey guys. I wanted to ask you something. I wrote this years ago, and I’m only just finding it now, nostalgia hitting me, me crying like a little baby (kind of lol). If you have the time to read this, tell me what you think of it, and feedback is greatly appreciated. I am trying to be a journalist, and by writing like this, I think it will help me.  
“Miku, we’re ready for your mic check,” yelled Luka from backstage. The pink haired beauty trotted over to the audio panel.
“Hai! One sec!” said the teal haired diva. She picked up a microphone and walked onto stage. She looked at the empty seats that would be filled up within the hour. Every time she got up on stage, she felt as if her stomach had butterflies in it. She wanted nothing more than to sing to her heart’s content to her loyal fans.
“Luka, ready when you are!” Miku yelled towards backstage. The microphone made a humming noise, indicating that Luka had heard Miku’s request. Miku took a deep breath and sighed into the microphone.
“Hey Luka, if you can hear me, isn’t this crazy? I mean we’re just two average girls who flew halfway across the world to the most famous city in the world. Actually, forget that. TO THE USA! Who would have ever thought I would be doing some kind of mini World Tour like this. It’s surreal. Also, pardon my language I’m just really happy about all of this! Thinking about my life, it’s been such a roller coaster. I’ve had my ups, my downs, my blackouts, my fights, but most importantly, I’m doing what I love. I couldn’t be happier right now.” Miku sat down on the edge of the stage and standing behind her was Luka, who sat down next to the girl with the pigtails.
“Well, you ARE Hatsune Miku you idiot. Everyone loves you. Seriously, what’s up with that? You know I joined your little “group” just so I could get more famous than you.” She sneered and tilted her head away from Miku, who just snickered in response.
“How is this my fault?” Miku giggled. “You WANTED to join me. If I remember correctly, you were all “MIKU LET ME JOIN AND DO A SONG WITH YOU I CAN PROVE IM A BETTER SINGER THAN YOU!” Man, the tears that were rolling down your face was too funny.” She continued to laugh, which just angered Luka.
“Listen you little shit, you wouldn’t be where you are today, and you owe me!” She scowled at Miku. Miku stared up at the ceiling, as if this was some magical anime moment where something sentimental was about to happen. That or a wind would come out of nowhere and over exaggerate the whole scene.
“You’re absolutely correct. I wouldn’t. Not without you, without Len and Rin, Meiko and Kaito. Even the other Vocaloids like Gumi and IA and Yukari. All of you have taught me so much….” She placed her face into her palms. Tears formed at the edge of her eyes. Thinking about all of this caused her to become emotional, and the only one she could really cry in front of besides her mother, was Luka.
“Miku, please don’t cry.” She wrapped her arms around Miku and stroked her hair.
“Everyone’s moved on with their lives. I mean, I know Gumi and IA are around for me still, and there’s the other up and coming Vocaloids, but I miss the original crew. And soon, how do I know that I you’ll still be around Luka? Everyone else left, so how do I know that you’ll still be around. Why am I even thinking about this right now? I shouldn’t be crying over the past…..” She continued to sob as Luka hugged her.
“This is the life of an idol. It’s the life YOU chose. You have to take the good with the bad, and turn it into something positive. You’re creative, you’re talented, and you’re amazingly perfect in every way Miku.” Luka blushed.
“Are you…trying to hit on me or….?” Miku wiped away her tears and glanced up at Luka, curiously. Her eyes were like kaleidoscopes. They glimmered in the stage light due to the leftover tears still engulfed in her eyes. Luka retaliated and pushed Miku away, her words and face flustered.
“Idiot, what are you saying?!?”
‘I’m saying that you’re hitting on me. Do you want to be lesbian lovers? I mean, I’m cool with that and all, and if we are, I’m glad it’s you.” Miku gave no hesitation in her answer, speaking almost as if it sounded believable.
“I dunno, just a thought.”
“Miku, you know you’re like a sister to me right?”
“Ah, friendzoned, the classic.”
Luka sighed and stood up. “Come back to me when you’ve gotten more mature.”
“NO LUKA DON’T LEAVE ME IN MY TIME OF NEED!” She pounced on Luka like a cat and clinged to her waist.”
“GET OFF OF ME! How do you go from happy, to sad, and now to excited?? You are so weird Miku it’s not even funny…..”
“Heh heh, excited.”
“OH GROW UP BITCH.” She stormed off the stage, returning to her dress up counter backstage. Miku scratched her head and yelled towards the backstage.  
“NO LUKA COME LOVE ME!” but Luka ignored her. “Seriously, I was just trying to cheer myself up.” Miku looked around once more at the empty ballroom. “I never noticed how pretty Hammerstein is. New York City itself is gorgeous, but there are also the people that give me the creeps.” Goosebumps trailed down her shoulders and a she shuddered.
“Luka is right though, I choose the idol life.” She hopped off stage and towards the back entrance of the ballroom, where hundreds of fans would rush into soon to see her perform. She peaked through the little crack in the door to see if the coast was clear to venture around. It was empty. Slowly, she pushed open the door, which creaked slightly. She walked into the hall, where her merchandise stand was still on display.
“I want a hat of me.” She took the hat out of the box behind the counter, and put it on. She proceeded to take out her phone and open the front facing camera.
“Haha, selfie time.” Just as she was about to snap the picture, a tall figure stood behind her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” said the tall figure, his voice deep and intimidating.
“Umm, selfie time?” Said Miku jokingly.
“What’s with the hat?” He pointed to Miku’s head.
“Ummmm, I’m wearing myself? You know I’m Hatsune Miku right??”
“How do I know that?”
“Wanna check my ID?” She searched for her wallet, which she couldn’t find. “Oh damn I must have left it back stage.”
“Uh huh. Come with me missy.” He snatched the hat from her head and threw it back in the box.
“IM SERIOUS! IM HATSUNE MIKU!!” She screamed, but almost immediately covered her hand with her mouth. She didn’t want the crowd outside to hear her. Who knows what would happen if they found out that Hatsune Miku was live and unguarded. The thought made her fear for her life. She loved her fans and all, but with the good also comes that bad, and she didn’t want to meet the bad.
“I’ll give you one chance to prove it. How do I know you’re REALLY Miku?” The tall figure, who was actually one of the bodyguards from the ballroom, folded his hands across his chest and sneered at her.
“Dude, seriously? Wipe that weird look off your face. It’s creeping me out.” She took out her phone again and dialed a number.
“You’re lucky I’m giving you a chance, don’t tempt me lady.” The phone started ringing and a familiar voice was on the other line.
“Hello?” said the familiar voice.
“OH GOOD LUKA! Thank you for picking up!”
“Huh? Miku? What’s going on? Where are you? Did you get yourself into trouble again?
“E GASP LUKA! Why I never! Why would you accuse me on such grounds?”
“Because I KNOW you Miku. You always wander about and do stupid things and then I come bail you out like always.” She sighed and Miku knew she was facepalming by the “smack” noise that she heard on the other line. “What do you need me to do now, Hime-sama Miku??”
“Here’s the story. So I wanted to get my mind off of what we were discussing before. I strolled around and took a look outside. I got curious about my merchandise here and took one of my own hats and baldy here caught me and is accusing me of grand larceny and I need you to come here and prove to him that I’m Hatsune Miku and not some fan with a wig before he throws me in the slammer and makes me clean bathrooms for a living, okay? Okay. Thanks hun. Love you!”
“Baldy?!” said the bodyguard. Miku chuckled nervously.
“Not happening,” said Luka.
“WAIT? EH!? WHY NOT!?” Miku went into a panic frenzy.
“Because you said we were lesbian lovers and I do not approve against some heinous accusations.” She was about to hang up, but Miku’s constant pleas were annoying Luka, and she eventually succumbed to temptation.
“FINE. Holy shit, shuddup!” Luka screamed and Miku had to pull the phone away from her ear since Luka screamed so loud she might blow her eardrum off.
“Heh heh, you’re picking up a New York accent. I think it’s sexy. Rarwl.” She bursted into laughter but there was no one on the other side of the line. Luka had hung up.
“Huh? Hey? Luka? Luuukkkkkaaaa? DON’T LEAVE ME IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE IN PRISON!” Miku got onto her knees and held out her hands. “Take me away coppa I’ve been a bad girl.” He grabbed her arm and picked her up.
“I know that voice anywhere. That’s the real Luka. And you’re the real Miku. I’m sorry for accusing you….” He bowed his head.
“It’s no worries. I just didn’t want to be cooped up in that ballroom. I mean, it’s beautiful and all, but I really want to explore New York City. I’ve been here before in 2014 when I did my first ever show here, but was confined to a very tight schedule filled with guest appearances and photo shoots and I really never got time to spend alone in the city, ya know? Man, guess I’m picking up your accents huh?”
The bodyguard handed Miku her hat back. “But don’t you have a show soon? You can’t disappoint your fans can you?”
“No, I meant after my two shows here. Sadly, I’m departing from here tomorrow morning. I can still spend one more night here. I always wanted to know what a Saturday night in New York City feels like, but since my show lets out late just like in 2014, I don’t think I’ll have time to.” She slouched her shoulders. “Man, I need a vacation.” Interested in her story, the bodyguard walked towards the ballroom doors.
“They’ll be letting people in soon. About an hour right?” He looked at his watch. It’s 12:30. VIP ticket holders are about to enter. And you’re show starts and 1:30, but you have someone else as your opening act, correct?
Miku nodded. “Yeah, Anamanaguchi, so what?”
“Well,” the bodyguard continued, “that means you won’t start until about 2:15-2:30 since your show initially starts at around 1:30. Since concerts never start on time, we’ll say around 1:45. I’d love to hear about your backstory.”
Miku was shocked. Never once has someone been curious about what her childhood was like and all the struggles it took to get here. A small smile crossed her face and she was really happy. She had so much pent up energy and she wanted to rant but no one would ever listen to her.
“But why?” Miku asked curiously.
“Honestly, to kill time,” the bodyguard said straightforwardly.
“Thanks….” Miku said sarcastically.
“Not only that, but I never get to do shows with idols like you. Most here are stuck up and crazy. But you, I can tell you’re not like that, and deep down, you’re caring and have a lot of sympathy for the ones around you. You’re different.” Miku’s smile was obvious now, and she started tearing up again.
“I haven’t heard someone talk about me like that in a long time that’s not named Luka or my mom. Thank you, er, what’s your name?” She looked around for some kind of ID, a nametag specifically, but found nothing.
“You can call me Jasper,” the bodyguard said.
“OOOH, cool name, and you already know mine,” she giggled. Jasper stood up and pointed upstairs. Come on, I know a place where we can chat quietly. Plus, your fans will be entering soon.” Miku nodded and stood up, following Jasper. They walked up the stairs, and down a long hallway, which led to another flight of stairs. Another hallway soon after led to the upper-most level of the ballroom.
“WOAH! I can see my house from here!” Miku said, jokingly. “But wait; won’t fans be coming here also soon??”
“Yes, in about a half an hour, but we’re not staying here, follow me.” At the back of the upper-most level was a small room, which looked to be some kind of mini-bar that was built into the ballroom. “Come, we can talk here.” Without hesitation, Miku continued to follow along. The room was small and comfy. In the middle was a small bar, filled with all kinds of different assortments of drinks, from kid-friendly such as Coca-Cola and Hi-C to hard liquor like Jack Daniels. Miku could sure use a drink right now.
Surrounding the back of the room were couches with coffee tables. To the inner-most part of the room near the entrance, were small dining tables, no larger than the size of a desk. Jasper directed Miku to one of the tables and sat down.
“We should be fine here. We’re out of sight. If someone comes in, they’re gonna have to look pretty hard at you to see who you are unlike if we sat at the other end of the room where we’re exposed and everyone can see easily.”
“I guess you have a point.” Miku eyed the bar, but knew she would have to wait to guzzle anything down until after her show. She didn’t want to be drunk on stage after all.
“So what do you want to know about me? My name is Hatsune Miku, I’m an idol, I sing, I dance, I do commercials. I’m basically like a puppet that can’t cut its strings loose from this industry.” She folded her hands and sat upright. “I understand I choose this lifestyle, but sometimes it can drain me, both physically and emotionally. I need a break, but I’m doing show after show after show. I’m tired man.”
Jasper looked at Miku not with sympathy, but more of curiosity. “So how goes it?”
“How goes what?” Miku said with one eyebrow up.
“How did the famous Hatsune Miku come to be? What motivated her? What got her in the clear? How did she become “Hatsune Miku?” That is your real name right?”
“YES, that IS my name,” she said sarcastically.
“Sorry, but you know how other singers like to change their names for some reason.”
“Yeah dude I know….They’re dumb. I try not to associate myself with people who are don’t even know their own identity.” Jasper let out a hardy laugh.
“For someone who seems to be so nice, you also have anger issues.” Miku kicked him from under the table and pouted.
“So you really want to know all about me? I guess this is some kind of interview, or oral biography.” Miku nodded her head and folded her arms, smiling confidently.
“Well, here goes. The life of me, the most famous idol, HATSUNE MIKU!”
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dcuglybooks · 3 years
A short story collection featuring stories that are either mean and ugly like that turd that thudded you in school, or sweet and cuddly as a little gloomy kitten; or puppy if you’re more of a dog person.
Stories Christians don't have to read backwards. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LGB4HGN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_UIpaGb2VC4BBX
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Here’s a free short.
“There’s a ghost in this house. There’s a ghost in this house.”
Linda was getting tired of the shit. Every day at exactly noon her alarm would play this shitty overdubbed version of a Cardi B song. The original song wasn’t her cup of tea to begin with, this new version that sounded like drunk karaoke was even worse. Most times she would be sitting there and the sound of a drunk sorority girl would make her jump out of her skin. She couldn’t even find the song or alarm in her phone to do anything about it.
Linda and her girlfriend, Melissa, moved into this old house last month, the rent was so damn cheap; landlord said it was because it used to be a party house so he never charged much. The logic didn’t make any sense but at $300 a month and a mile outside of town, how were they not going to sign that lease?
“I think,” spoke Melissa one night while watching her phone float around taking pictures in the air, “the reason rent is so cheap is because it’s haunted.”
“You think?” Replies Linda while snatching the phone out of the air. “I just wish this damn ghost would stop posting pictures of our bedroom to our Instagram accounts. Did you see the caption last night?”
“Oh you mean ‘Pumpkin spice is almost here. Basic bitches, rejoice!’ The comma is what set me off. Why did she put a comma in that? Why bother? It wasn’t even used correctly I don’t believe.”
“We’re being haunted by a basic bitch.”
“I think that may be offensive.”
“I hear it all the time, it just...... yeah ok maybe. I guess I shouldn’t assume this ghost is a bad stereotype, I won’t say it again.”
“True, this girl may have more going for her than just these annoying social media posts from our accounts”
“Remember the mirror though?”
Last week as the couple were eating dinner they heard a clatter and crash from the upstairs bathroom. Running full speed ahead up the stairs and around the corner Linda saw all their makeup in a pile in the empty sink. She could see a pair of red lipsticked lips floating in the air while eyeliner was seemingly drawn onto the air in a cat eye shape. She sighed and said “What now?” These types of things had been going on since the first night so at this point it was old hat.
The lipstick went to the mirror and wrote “I am finally going to kill you.” Linda took a step back prepared to flee until the lipstick wrote below it “JK LOL YOUR FACE” and then the face floated off into the wall leaving behind the makeup like some sort of painting.
The first time anything strange had happened, a pizza showed up at the front door; delivery for an Amanda Perkins. The girl who moved out recently, they took the pizza because it was already paid for and assumed the girl had made a mistake. They were sure of this as they sat and watched old re-runs of home improvement and munched away; then they noticed the slice floating over in the air above the recliner and the chewed up pile on the seat. They screamed and ran outside, Melissa forgot her phone inside and Linda’s made a ding from inside her pocket.
“Hey I know this is really weird, it’s weird AF for me too. We can make it work though, ladies. I swear I won’t bother you, I already cleaned up my mess.”
They inched inside looking around like scared toddlers and sure enough the mess was cleaned up. After that they just rolled with the weirdness.
“Are you sure Amanda left, Mr. Morris?” Linda was on the phone with the landlord.
“Yes. Positive. Why would you think she still lived there?”
“There’s been..... some things.”
“Drunk college girl, she probably stumbled home one night and forgot she went home for the summer. Its no deal. Not big or small.”
“Are you absolutely positive there is no deal? Big, small, medium, or slightly larger than medium but not quite large?”
“What do you think? I know her ex and he killed her and then buried her body in the basement so now her ghost is haunting you. This is why I charge so cheap rent! No. I don’t believe what you think. I will be going.”
He hung up without ever realizing Linda never once mentioned any of that other stuff. Linda thought, Why does he talk like that?
Turned out that’s exactly what had happened. After doing a quick google of the ghosts name they found out she never came home. After a quick Facebook search they found her ex boyfriends page. After some scrolling they found a post that said “Amanda and I broke up again and I am going to kill her.” The post had six likes and four comments.
“Get her bro!”
“Bitch ain’t appreciate you anyhow bet!”
“U need any ting lemme no”
“Fuk gr8 ass tho. Mind if I hit her up?”
These people were insane. Did not a single one of these people see the part about wanting to kill her? Actually PLANNING to kill her.
The police found it interesting enough to look into it, they found reason to arrest the guy. After a long court trial Amanda’s ex-boyfriend, Brent, was sentenced to life in prison for murder. The body was exhumed and buried at a family plot. The rent got more expensive because Mr. Morris was in prison for helping cover a murder so his aunt took over.
You win some you lose some.
Amanda did not leave though. The ghost hung out still to this day four months later. The social media posts kept going. The pizzas kept getting ordered, only now from their pockets because Amanda’s parents closed her bank account. Amanda was irritated about that, she was cut off from her parents money and stuck living with two other people.
Linda and Melissa tried to make her feel as comfy as possible, they left a pen and notebook in each room so she could communicate with them. Usually the notes were always about how bored she was being a ghost and how if she tried to leave the house it got all bright and she started floating. Amanda was “for real afraid of flying” as she wrote on a notebook.
Amanda’s behavior got strange at some point. She began doing things like drawing stick figures on the bathroom floor in shampoo, she would wrap herself in toilet paper and roll down the stairs creating the illusion of her body disappearing, the worst of it was when she would lay in bed with Linda and Melissa startling them when she pulled the blanket. It was like living with an invisible insane person. Either her mind was slipping or she was just a strange character. She would turn the TV on and watch the same episode of “King of Queens” for ten hours straight while they were at work. They wondered what would happen if they deleted it from the DVR but didn’t want to face that at all.
The alarm kept going off too; Linda had to hand out awkward smiles and apologies when it happened at work or in public. One time she had to apologize to a middle aged woman when it went off in the cereal aisle while shopping and her son started singing the lyrics to the original version as loud as his voice would allow. The mother gasped at all the words her kid knew and knocked a shelf of maple syrup over. The bottles burst all over the floor, Linda tried to help clean it up but she was shooed away by a guy with a mop bucket and a face that said he wanted her dead as shit.
They asked her multiple times what they could do to get her to move along, to which she would always write “sno-cone” on her notebook with no explanation.
Linda woke up sick on a Tuesday and didn’t go to work, she came into the bathroom and seen a note written in lipstick on the mirror that read “Baby, all my life I will be driving home to you.” She blushed, Melissa had left her a really sweet note on the mirror. When Melissa got home she surprised her with a bout of some of the best sex they had ever had, despite Linda being sick she felt overcome with love for her partner.
“Wow. What did I do to deserve that?” Asked Melissa after.
“The note.”
“Oh yes. The note, got you good with that one. So, if it was so good mind telling me what it said?”
“You know what it said!”
“Of course I do.”
She didn’t know what it said. She had no clue, but she wasn’t going to raise a stink about what just happened. No way, no how. She got up and went to use the restroom, as she sat on the toilet she looked up and saw the words on the mirror.
Linda didn’t know what to say; she shook her head and internally accepted defeat on this one. The couple didn’t talk about it again, the ends justified the means on this one they silently agreed; thanks Amanda.
The trio had carried on life like this for months, seven to be exact, when they heard a bang and a crash from the front door. Assuming this was yet again Amanda doing some goofy nonsense they ran downstairs to clean up the mess only to find a man standing their pointing a shotgun at them.
“You’re the dykes who got me locked up, aintcha?” Said a freshly broke out of prison Brent. “You know, usually I’m cool with like loving whoever and like rights and like equality and shit but tonight is not your night. Go sit.”
They were tied together on the couch while Brent sat channel flipping on the TV.
“Amanda is still here,” spoke Linda “she’s a ghost, at some point she’s going to help us and you’ll probably get hurt. She’s probably posting pictures on Instagram right now so she’s a little busy, but I promise when she finds out she’ll come running.”
“No she won’t.”
“Ok? So you think her post is going to get a ton of likes then?”
“She’s afraid of me.”
“Ugh are you generic ‘I beat my girlfriend’ guy number seventy or not?”
“Then why is she afraid of you?”
“I’m bigger than her…… I guess?”
“She’s a ghost.”
“I’m still bigger.”
​“How can you be bigger than an incorporeal being with no mass or weight?”
​“See, she doesn’t way anything.”
“You didn’t think any of this through did you?”
“Not one bit.”
“It shows. Why did you kill her?”
“Hey I’ve never been what you’d call a planner. I killed her because she broke up with me for the fiftieth time that year and all my friends were giving me a hard time about how I would just crawl back to her. I said ‘can’t crawl back to her if I kill her!’ They all thought it was funny so I did it.”
“Ah………Makes perfect sense to me.”
“A guy has to watch his reputation, right?”
They sat there watching late night infomercials in silence for another half hour. Linda nudged Melissa as she seen a phone floating around taking pictures of a floating can of soup.
Of all the ghosts in the world, why was theirs like this?
“Brent, there’s some stuff on the DVR” Linda told him.
“Good I hate infomercials. Oh yuck, ‘The King of Queens.’ I hate that show, Amanda loved it. That fat fucking heifer guy gets to make it with that babe every night. Fucking loser ass UPS guy”
They could see the phone slowly lower and start hovering towards Brent. They let him rant.
“And that Deacon guy, what a fucking idiot, he leaves his wife at one point which is silly because she’s so fucking hot.”
The can of soup hovered behind him.
“That guy that dates the ugly chick from the bowling alley, now I can’t tolerate him at all.”
The soup can shook with rage.
“He ends up living with the other guy right? Like what the fuck? Are they like a thing or not a thing? I didn’t pay enough attention. I did pretend to though to get some action every now and again, show fucking sucks though. Here I’ll do you guys a favor.”
As he deleted the episode from the DVR the can came slamming down into his head.
They heard a voice yell “MY BONES ARE GETTING WEARY! MY BACK IS GETTING TIGHT!” As the can of cream of chicken turned Brent’s head into cream of Brent’s brains.
After the violence stopped the notebook hovered in front of them and said “Sorry, I was on TikTok, I’ll clean this up tho.”
Much like the first night that’s exactly what happened. They were untied and they watched as the mess was cleaned up. Brent’s body floated over to the ground and the can of soup was laid on the table. The phone floated over to Melissa who dialed 911.
After the legal mess was cleaned up they decided that having Amanda around maybe was not such a bad idea. No one could really kill them, it was like having a built in security system. They did eventually add a third line to their cell plan and let her set up social media for herself as a reclusive twenty something who couldn’t leave the house due to a skin condition.
Her pages were ok, they didn’t get much interaction or followers but Amanda was happy. Sometimes people would say they wanted to hang out with her because they lived close, Amanda just said her skin condition was contagious AF. No one ever thought to say “Hey, what exactly IS your medical condition?” People could be so polite sometimes.
Christmas morning as they all opened gifts Linda and Melissa cried as Amanda opened the complete series collection of “The King of Queens.” The three sat on the couch together that evening and watched all of season one.
Baby all my life I will be driving home to you.
The next day they heard a familiar song. Together they both smiled and thought that yes, there was a ghost in this house.
0 notes
sapphirexdaze-blog · 7 years
Soo, I finally wrote my first LWA fanfic / one shot / prompt. I usually just write original stories, so writing this was a little nerve racking to do, tbh, but idk I hope this came out okay lol.
“Imagine person A of your OTP walking into their and person B’s apartment to find B dressing up their clearly uncomfortable cat in cute outfits singing “Buy U a Drank” by T-Pain.”
Her legs ached, her mind was fuzzy, and she wanted nothing more than to go home and plop herself down on her bed, and cuddle up to her girlfriend.
Diana Cavendish, ever since her adolescence, was always working herself to no end. All those years of late night study sessions and constantly having a great deal of work and assignments to accomplish were starting to catch up to her. Though it’s been four years since she, and her friends, graduated from the academy, the now 22-year-old heiress just couldn’t seem to catch a break. Between becoming one of Luna Nova’s fellow instructors, and being the head of the Cavendish family, there really was little to no time for rest.
Fortunately, it was the beginning of spring break, which meant that the blonde could finally take at least a bit of time off and spend some of it relaxing with her significant other. She wanted nothing more than to cozy up and get comfy with her lovable Japanese goofball, Akko.
Her Atsuko.
Just the thought of her instantly made some of Diana’s stress fade away. A small smile crept its way up her tired face as she walked towards the front door of her house. Fumbling around the inside of her bag, she found her keys, and unlocked the door.
“Akko?” The blonde called out as she closed the door behind her. “I’m home.”
Diana heard faint music coming from their bedroom, and what sounded like her girlfriend’s voice, singing along to whatever tune was playing. Following the noise, Diana was not prepared for the scene that was about to unveil before her.
“Akko, are you-“ Diana’s mouth hung slightly open as she processed the setting in front of her.
“I’ma buy you a drank…” Atsuko Kagari was sitting on their bed, singing off tune with the T-Pain song that she had playing throughout the room. “Then I’ma take you home with me!” She gleefully cheered out as she held up an animal, a black cat to be exact, and examined the outfit that it was uncomfortably modelling.
The cat, which was Akko’s familiar, had on a miniature white hat that resembled the one that Shiny Chariot owned. To go with it, was a smaller replica of the rest of Chariot’s outfit that hugged the poor feline’s body a bit too uncomfortably.
“I got money in the bank,” The Japanese girl kept singing as her familiar struggled to escape from both her arms and the tight-fitting clothes, “shawty, what you think ‘bout that? I’ll be in the grey Cadillac.”
“…Akko…” Diana tried to call out to her girlfriend once more, pinching the bridge of her nose as she felt a headache coming on.
The sudden outburst of lyrics startled both Diana and the cat that Akko was holding. At this point, Diana started to blush at the proactive lyrics and the palm of her hand met her face, making a soft smack sound as the heiress shook her head.
“OOH OOh Ooh,” Akko lowered both the volume of her voice and music as soon as she realized that Diana was standing in their bedroom doorway, “o-oh, hey, Diana. When did you get back?” She nervously chuckled, as she tried to slyly, but gently set the cat down behind her.
Diana almost scoffed at her girlfriend’s poor attempt to hide the cat away from her view. As soon as Akko set it down, it scurried off into the living room, still trying, yet failing to remove the clothing from its body. Diana made a mental note to help undress it as soon as she was done prying some answers from the Japanese girl who was profusely blushing in front of her.
“I have a rather large amount of questions running through my mind right now,” the British girl started, “but the only one I will ask is, ‘Why?’”
Akko shrugged. “I was bored!” She exclaimed. ”I was waiting for you to come home and I got… Preoccupied.”
“…So, you dressed the cat up in a Shiny Chariot costume?”
“I thought he looked cute in it!”
Diana sighed, but removed her shoes as she finally stepped inside the room. Akko shifted over and made room for Diana to sit next to her, but instead the British girl promptly laid down next to her, setting her head on her lap. Diana closed her eyes once Akko started running her fingers gently through her platinum blonde and green locks.
They were like this for a few moments. Akko still embarrassed on being caught horribly singing and playing dress up with her feline familiar, and Diana still exhausted from her day.
But finally, the heiress broke the awkward silence in the room. “It was a rather amusing event to be witnessed after a long day’s work.”
Akko looked down at her tired girlfriend to see a genuine small cross her face. The brunette let out a small giggle and nod her head in agreement.
“It would also make for an interesting story for me to tell Professor Du Nord once break is over.”
Akko’s body tensed and her ruby eyes shot open at that statement. “Don’t you dare tell her!”
Diana couldn’t help but to laugh at her girlfriend’s outburst.
“Diana!” Akko cried out in embarrassment. “I’m serious! Ursula-sensei should never, ever find out about this!”
The laughing girl laying upon her lap didn’t answer, she was still trying to control her giggles.
“Daiana! 何がそんなに面白いですか?” The brunette unknowingly started speaking in her native tongue, something she did when she was severely flustered. This only made the blonde laugh even harder. “私は本気です!笑うなー!”
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Showa Genroku 5 – 13, 15 | Classicaloid 14 | Masamune-kun’s Revenge 2 | Osomatsu-san 16
(ep 5)
You can hear the sarcasm in his (Sukeroku’s) voice, even with only subs. Actually, both Kiku and Sukeroku have their sarcastic moments.
How does the charcoal not burn the cushion?
You can clearly tell she’s got him wrapped around her little finger. Pretty ambitious, in those times.
Apparently injured legs can feel when rain is coming…that sort of thing.
In an age without phones, there’s more need for socialisation.
Basically, this is the equivalent to a high school or uni play. Low budget as ever.
Tanuki…well, they’re pranksters. Of course.
It seems pretty sexist in this day and age, but back then…welp. Let’s not complain about comparisons between some so-called “good ol’ days” and the present.
(ep 6)
“I don’t need lectures from a bum like you.” – Especially a drunk bum…
Even if it’s selfish to take something because of the thrill…I do kinda miss my days of scanlation. It’s hard to get a thrill like the one I got when I did that. Heh heh. Well, 2017’s going to be another intense year filled with Japanese, because even though I’ve shifted my education once more, I stuck Japanese in there again.
The texture on the smoking pot is quite something. Huh.
That’s a biiiiiiig cicada…
Hey, a Yotaro. Is that Daiku Shirabe Yakumo 7th’s doing?
Miyokichi says “gokigenyou”. I have enough lip reading skills to detect that, at least.
Who wrote the signs at the rakugo stage? I wonder…
(ep 7)
There always seem to be more women during Kiku’s performances.
The humour in this is a bit slapstick, but that’s why Charlie Chaplin is a household name now, right?
How many Es are in Tennessee, anyway? I never kept count…4? Okay then.
The ear picker is a sign of romance and intimacy. In Japan, anyway.
Extra “that” in the subs.
“Master Bonsai” sounds like such a cliché.
The “slice of eye” technique is just so effective. I’m lucky I’m not a film school student, or else I wouldn’t be eloquent enough.
A two futatsume show wouldn’t sell. Didn’t you say that a few episodes ago, Sukeroku?
(ep 8)
The master’s (Bonsai’s) fanning himself so much, it must be summer.
You need to win favours for a shinuchi promo…hmph. Better note that on the wiki.
Come to think of it, this was the age of letters, wasn’t it? Sukeroku’s right.
The Sukeroku and Miyokichi scene is so powerful, you can’t look away from it.
Drinks solve everything for these guys…sheesh.
Sometimes antagonising Kiku ain’t the answer, Sukeroku.
Without Sukeroku, kiku just kept clinging on to his part…huh. This part suddenly made a lot more sense, now that ep 14’s clarified Yotaro’s purpose.
The thing about this show is that it’s quite the acquired taste – you come for the humour, stay for the drama…or something along those lines. I spotted Sukeroku’s name on the very right, by the way.
(ep 9)
The dressing room is the “comfort room” in Japanese.
Of course Kiku wouldn’t be Sukeroku’s partner in crime for something like pissing the masters off…
I think it was “Edo flair”, subbers, but it was kinda hard to notice…
With those tired eyes, Kiku looks like Jean Otus (of ACCA).
These foreboding shots of light on water…hmph.
Note Amano’s got a fan that says “Japan one” literally, but whether it implies he’s number one in Japan or something else is number one in Japan is entirely up to debate.
There was a typo in the subs, but since the erroneous part was “While her husband it out…”, unless the actual word is “is”...I dunno what the correct word is.
The angles in this show are part of the personality. However, as Hand Shakers tells us, too much of a good thing can spoil it. Good thing this toes the line properly.
“Storyteller” is the appropriate equivalent for rakugoka, but “storyteller” doesn’t seem to do a story about rakugo justice. You need the jargon to make the world come alive, I feel.
You can tell Haruko Kumota used to be a BL author before from the way Sukeroku and Kiku act and react in that end scene of the ep.
(ep 10)
The cat…and the box-in technique from Erased. Letting go…is a theme in this show. Didn’t I say that already?
The kanji for “7th generation” was pretty nasty in regards to stroke count. No wonder they simplified it.
Shinigami. Of course he’d unleash that on the audience. Watching again has allowed me to really study Kiku as a person.
I wonder, are there full texts for these rakugo stories somewhere (like those books the apprentices memorise from)? I’d like to read them all someday, even if it’s just a testament to how much Japanese I’ve learnt.
In a world full of filial piety, the man really shouldn’t piss off his ancestors.
With that hat, Kiku looks like something out of Joker Game. Plus, even though the old person says “these days they have their televisions”, nowadays it’s “these days they have their phones and their internet” (in a spot of irony for me, LOL). In the end, technology will be too good for rakugo…and that’s what makes this show all the more interesting for me. Me, who wants to understand the past but still advance to the future.
For bad pun central, stop right here. The English “equivalents” to some of these Japanese puns really are kinda corny, and that’s saying something…since I’ve been looking at joke books since I was a kid.
How old is “old”, old man? If Konatsu’s calling you old, the internet is old.
(ep 11)
On the wall near Kiku are the signs “beer” and “tsukimi soba” (moon viewing soba). There’s another one past the one with a woman on it, but I can’t really make it out.
Oh, it’s the sign! Unfortunately I don’t know the second kanji, so I can’t tell you what it says.
This scene with the bag always makes me laugh. Every time, I tell you.
Konatsu’s got dango in her mouth. How do I explain dango…they’re sticky. Kinda like mochi. Never had them myself though.
I think ep 11 really shows how far Kiku’s come as a rakugoka.
(ep 12)
The word used for “inn” is ryokan. People tend to translate that as “(traditional) Japanese inn” in order to contrast with “hotel” and such.
The “chopsticks over the edge of the balcony” scene…now that I think of it, that is some heavy foreshadowing.
Is there a man who doesn’t like women? Probably.
Is it possible to make art using the spirit (behind it) alone?
Shibahama. Of course. Also, I’d never heard the term “a total lush” until this episode, I don’t think.
If only Sukeroku were like Kuma…haha. (sad tone)
I never thought about it until TV Tropes brought it up, but Miyokichi really is yandere.
When a grown man is driven to tears…you know stuff’s gone down.
Hey, there was no OP or ED on the ep now, was there?
(ep 13) [Trigger warnings: death, hell, political commentary etc..]
What is “inter[ring] the ashes”?
The world has had some horrors to get globalised like it is today…unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do about it.
You put an end to oral traditions by not having anyone to pass them on…that’s the scary part of this show. Also, all the boxing in looks like Yakumo’s going to hang himself, and that’s the point. Which is even scarier.
I think this show’s only gone off model once.
Enma being the king of hell.
In English, Konatsu’s words are even more deceiving in regards to her “drink”.
Yotaro does the “bwong” bit more fast and lively than Yakumo.
Such a rebellious spirit (Konatsu) wouldn’t be right, tied down by marriage.
Oh yeah…I forgot they announced the “Rakugo Association President” thing in this ep.
“Lately all we hear about is deaths…” – Basically 2016 for the wider entertainment world. (Then came Trump. Aye carumba, what is the world coming to?)
Wait, do you want to shake Yotaro or the man who impregnated Konatsu?
I wonder how the reality of the Sukeroku scene played out…maybe it demonstrates his senility, interpreted one way.
Lilies, chrysanthemums and daisies…white is the symbol of death in Japan. (The chrysanthemums are yellow but the theme is the same.)
(ep 15)
Fresh new ep…well, I’ve been keeping this one since it first rolled out to the public, so it’s not entirely fresh. However, this is as fresh as it’ll get in regards to how the simulcast commentary goes.
Urk, why must CR be so insistent with turning “Descending Stories” into the title? It’s hardly convenient.
Imawa no Shinigami…I saw the video on ANN. It’s a nice song, but hard to put on repeat because the visuals are so good.
Whoa, even I can tell how fast Yota’s motormouthing, and I’m not even listening to it!
“Fussing to the shamisen”? What’s that?
She (Konatsu) clearly mouthed “papa”, and I think that word goes across multiple languages.
Huh. There’s no identifying name on this story, and it seems so crucial. That’s why I asked for a full guide of them (like the books that you sometimes see Kiku practising out of).
You can tell what books I’ve studied and the random things I’ve picked up from the quotes I can spout at a moment’s notice. For example: “…full of sound and fury, signifying nothing…”
Amaken’s eyes are funny while he gripes about the shinuchi’s role.
Who is this glasses guy? I can’t read the kanji…
Kappore. It’s something like this, anyway.
Was that a non-language-barrier pun? (About how the story suddenly switched to being about women in Yoshiwara.)
He’s (Yotaro’s) motormouthing again…
Higuchi really is a spanner in the works for Yakumo, eh? Especially because it turns out he’s the one who begged Yakumo for work the day 7th Yakumo collapsed. Karma’s such a pain in the butt, isn’t it?
Oh no! I-If Kiku dies next ep…where will the story be? Surely, we have Yotaro/Sukeroku and the Yakumo legacy, Konatsu and Higuchi, but I’ve learnt from the SGRS discord that Kikuhiko really is the glue of this work and this fandom. Don’t let him die or else we’ll all have a real funeral service for him…(well, maybe not that extreme, but people will be in real mourning due to a fictional character…and that’s bad.)
(Classicaloid 14)
I’ve seen from all the “best of 2016 anime” posts that Classicaloid’s gotten on to a lot of critical reviewers’ lists, but looking at my top 10, it didn’t make it. (If you’re wondering, it’s currently in spot 12 and since it’s a 2016 list, it won’t move up from there.) As for 2017, it’s currently in 4th place, but it’s likely to get debunked by later anime (Inuyashiki for one, since I’ve heard about it…if I hear about its source material while it’s still a manga, then its anime has a lot of promise!).
Beethes? On love? That’s new.
A capriccio is “following one’s fancy” according to Google-sensei, while I already knew poco a poco to be “little by little”.
Not all those foods Kanae listed are Russian, right? Pirozhki I know is Russian via YoI, but stroganoff clearly is not. To confirm my suspicions, I asked Google-sensei about gazpacho and that’s Spanish.
Gorbacho…? I might need to check that one over, but Sensei has nothing on it.
Those gyoza buddies have already appeared twice in this ep (excluding the OP) and both were in Kanae’s vicinity.
The foods listed are just local specialties of the area. Okonomiyaki is quite known as an Osakan one, that’s why.
They teach kids how to make vodka in this show…that’s slightly horrifying…Please don’t try making vodka at home, kids.
The birds…are so adorable! Ahh!
“Madol” appears to be a squashing together of “mad idol”.
This is actually very enlightening. At least from Bada’s perspective.
It’s not even the usual credits. It looks like karaoke…and that’s the entire point. There’s even lyrics!
(Masamune-kun 2)
The problem with Kirito-face (Masamune) is that he keeps going over his problems day by day, as if he can’t live without focussing on his revenge. Unfortunately, that’s the point of the show. I know it can do better than that! Plus, Heike Monogatari.
BL sandwich?
Okay, I’m definitely out of here. Ew. Fanservice without any particular reasoning is the worst.
(…but why did I leave the video long enough to find out that Makabe doesn’t even look adorable when stuttering? Yet another reason to leave.)
(Osomatsu-san ep 16)
The one episode I really liked (aside from the feels-getters), aka The Mad Max Parody…I think.
Manekineko behind the interview.
Apparently, Matsuno Matsunan can be read as “Matsuno Makkusu”, but the subs never explained that now, did they?
LOL, Iyami’s too visual kei in this.
Matsu in that case meaning “end”, but…you know…Matsu of the century…
The innuendo…it’s slghtly grating the second time ‘round, but it made me laugh the first time.
Welp, from that one segment, you basically learn how to make a successful non-Gintama…well, success…in Japan.
Highly relatable, but painful due to it being relatable.
Why is the Karamatsu!Ichimatsu not a meme like the Todomatsu face?
Matsu-cest…squick. Why do people ship that?
Technically, only fans of Karamatsu are Karamatsu girls…or boys.
Why is this second face not as memeful as the first?
With a series like this, you really have to be careful that it’s funny every time…because it’s only one third as funny the second time around, at least for this episode.
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