#i wrote this last night at a weird time so im posting now sdlskdf
barry-j-blupjeans · 3 years
uh always ready to hear about any and all trans hcs
yes!!! just to put it out there: a lot of these are based off my expirences of being a trans man. there are different expriences w everyone n i try to represent that here a bit!
first start w lup, bc A) yes canon trans character!!! but B) i've got hc's about her transition slkdfjsd. i love the idea that she named herself after her aunt bc i imagine her aunt to be like,, the only adult who ever rr cared about her n taako as kids. her aunt also made her her first dress, w taako's help!! taako regularly keeps his hair short during their childhood, bc they'd get a lot of comments about how similar they looked n lup hated that bc of Dysphoria (taako, personally, wanted to look similar, but he cares about lup too much to see her suffer through something that could be fixed easy, thus hair cut).
(i have a big fic about this here, if u want lskdfds)
i hc magnus as trans vv often- there's a lot of reasons why but a big one, like many to follow on this list, is just bc i relate to him slkdf. i feel like little-magnus didn't really grow up with a lot of gender roles being put onto him, but he start just feeling weird during puberty n eventually figured out just like. oh. im trans. he was set to get top surgery after the starblaster mission but uhhh, that fell through. (inspired by this fic by 15Acesplz on ao3) taako offers to do it Magic Style for him and he's unsure at first, but after a while, n after they realize they're Stuck in the cycles, he takes taako up on it.
(i also have a fic about trans magnus! imagine that!!)
barry!! barryyyyy. trans barry, my beloved!!! downright, barry just didn't know he was trans until at least his twenties. he was focused on other stuff, but also he just didn't know until he could get out of his hometown and meet other non-cis ppl. and he wasn't rr sure he was, for a while. he knew he liked women, that was hard to ignore, but had never come out to anyone. in fact, the first person he ever came out to was the school libraian, because he didn't know how else to phrase it when looking for books about the subject (they had so many resources for him once he got across what he was trying to say, tho!!)
he knew there was a magical way to transition, but just didn't want to do it that way. he prefers taking injections because it makes him feel more self reliable. the only other person he offically came out to was his mom, who was super supportive!! she suggested the name sildar, after his grandfather, as a joke, but was the first person to consistently call his barry and use his correct pronouns.
(no fics about trans barry, sorry to break the chain lksdfjsd)
last but not least: merle. here me out. merle, like barry, didn't really grow up with the concept of gender roles, but he did know he liked the sound of "he" for himself more than "she". i don't think merle really ever told anyone, or did anything extra, besides start introducing himself as, yknow, merle, w he/him. he figured himself out after he left home, so he didn't have to deal with anyone who grew up knowing him, not that they'd particularlly care. merle doesn't really medically transition because he's already comfortable with his body. he loves himself and he knows pan loves him, what more could he need?
kravitz: i don't have a lot to say w kravitz. he never came out when he was alive- i see him as dying kinda young. the raven queen was the first person (goddess) to truly accept him as he is and helped him get a body he was more comfy with. he's had a lot of time to expirement with what he's ok with and what gives him dysphoria, but he's also had ages to realize that nothing is gendered. he's a lot more gnc than others n is pretty proud about. he's doesn't like to talk about how it felt when he was alive, but speaks vv highly of the raven queen n how accepting all the other gods are, too.
(kravitz is the kinda guy to see anti lgbt protesters at pride, using god as an excuse, and just like. call up their gods in front of them. and be like "hey, u love queer ppl, right?" and they're like "oh hell yea i do"
yeah that's it!!! i've also writen a non-binary angus fic that u can find here (chapter 3), but also if u want me to write a fic about a trans hc, 100% hit up my ask box, i will do that for u.
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