#i’m about to board my flight home
wickedlittlecritta · 1 year
every day i experience new stresses at the airport
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actualnymph · 11 months
has anyone gone to another country for college? lmk
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writingdumpster · 10 months
secret wife
pairing: Bob Floyd x fem!reader
warnings: none, all fluff
summary: When you go to pick up Bob at the base the dagger squad finds out that Bob's been keeping a wife from them.
word count: 1k
A/N: Thanks for 3k followers!
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Bob pulled his phone out of his locker as the guys all piled into the locker room behind him. There was a text from you awaiting Bob. 
I’m waiting in the lobby for you. Don’t take too long. xoxo
“Did you guys see the hot girl in the lobby?” Coyote asked as he walked into the locker room. Bob smirked to himself as he started to take off his flight suit. 
“Who do you think she is?” Fanboy pondered. 
“I was gonna find out after we got changed,” Rooster said. 
“Don’t bother. Bet she’s a recruit’s girlfriend,” Payback suggested. 
“Who do you think?” Asked Hangman. 
“I don’t know,” Payback responded. “But I know what a woman in love looks like.”
“I don’t believe that,” Hangman teased Payback. 
“I’m married,” Payback pointed out. 
“So you tell us, but we’ve never seen your wife,” Rooster taunted. 
“Her picture is on my dash,” Payback said. 
“Could be anyone,” Fanboy joined in. 
“You’ve met her, Fanboy,” Payback said. 
“You can’t prove anything,” Fanboy teased. Bob was quietly enjoying the conversation as he grabbed the rest of his things. He slipped his bag over his shoulders and closed his locker. 
“See y’all tomorrow,” Bob said as he headed out to meet you in the lobby. When he rounded the corner his smile widened as you stood to greet him. You were wearing paint stained jeans and an old t-shirt that used to be Bob’s, but it had been years since that was true. It was yours now, just like he was. 
“You changed out of the flight suit,” you said forlornly when Bob walked up. 
“It was all sweaty, angel,” Bob told you.
“I wanted to take it off you though,” you whined. Bob gave you a cheeky grin. 
“You want me to put on the white uniform when I get home?” Bob offered. He leaned down and kissed you tenderly before you could answer. 
“The hot girl is your girlfriend?” Hangman practically shouted from behind Bob. He turned over his shoulder to see the whole squad watching the two of you. 
“Wife, actually,” Bob said. “Been meaning to introduce ya.” 
“You didn’t say you have a wife!” Phoenix exclaimed. 
“Didn’t come up,” Bob said. “We’ve only known each other for a month.” Everyone gawked at Bob, thinking a month was plenty of time to let your friends know you have a wife. 
“He likes to keep me protected from his work,” you piped in when Bob failed to explain himself. Bob wound his fingers between yours. He lifted your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. 
“What’s your name?” Phoenix asked. 
“Y/N,” you told her. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” Phoenix murmured. You could hear in her voice that she felt betrayed by Bob. You knew he wouldn’t notice though. You wanted to stop him from hurting her more.
“I keep my ring on my dog tags,” Bob said, pulling them up from his shirt to prove it. 
“I thought it was your dad’s,” Phoenix told him. “You always talk about him.” 
“Bobby’s told me a lot about you,” you interjected. “I was hoping you would have dinner with us. I’d like to make the pilot who saved my Bobby a good meal.” Phoenix met your eye and you gave her a warm smile. She gave a tiny nod and smiled back. 
“I’d love to, ma’am,” Phoenix said. 
“I’m her wingman,” Rooster called. “Could say that I kept Bobby safe too.” Bob blushed brightly. 
“Payback and I were on the mission,” Fanboy said.
“I saved Bob’s wingman,” Hangman added. You looked up at Bob in question. 
“They know you’re the one who makes my lunches now,” Bob said. You giggled. You always made Bob his lunches. When he was deployed he didn’t get good home cooked meals, so you made sure he had them three times a day when he was home with you. 
“Well, some of you might have to sit on the couch, but I’d be happy to cook for my husband’s friends,” you said.  
“I can’t believe that baby on board has a wife and you don’t even have a girlfriend,” Hangman teased Rooster. 
“You don’t either,” Rooster spit back. 
“No woman can hold me down,” Hangman joked. 
“He’s the one your sister would like, right?” You asked, trying to keep your voice quiet. 
“You’ve got a sister?” Hangman called out. 
“Yeah,” Bob said. “And I’m quite sure she could hold you down if she wanted.” Hangman’s eyes widened. You chuckled. 
“You’re going to set him up with your sister?” Rooster complained. 
“That’s y/n’s scheme. She wants my sister to live near us,” Bob explained. 
“She’s funnier than you, Bobby,” you said. 
“You do spend a lot of time laughing at me together,” Bob teased. He didn’t really mind though. Everytime he had come home to find you and his sister in tears from laughing so hard it had made him even more sure that he’d chosen the right person to marry. 
“Well, when do I get to meet her?” Hangman asked, a wide smirk on his face. 
“I’ll have her come over for dinner with all of you,” you said. “Next Sunday at 6:00. Don’t be late,” you told them. Then you tugged on Bob’s hand, signaling you wanted to go home. 
“Bye, guys,” Bob said. “See ya in the morning.” With that he slung his arm around your shoulders and led you out of the base. 
“I can’t believe Bob didn’t tell us he has a wife,” Payback muttered. 
“I can’t believe Hangman’s the first choice for his sister,” Fanboy said. 
“Why not? You think Bob wants to be related to any of you?” Hangman asked proudly. Rooster snorted. 
“Yes. I would have thought he’d want any of us before you.”  
A/N: There is a part two of the dinner now available
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slttygeto · 10 months
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⤷ what was I made for? | something i’m made for
જ⁀➴ synopsis: after hanging out with Suguru's friends, you head home and can't wait to bury it down like you always do. But when your boyfriend insists on knowing what upset you, the night takes a turn for the worst.
જ⁀➴ word count: 2,8k
જ⁀➴ content warning: fem!reader, hurt/no comofrt, angst, fights, suguru is a little mean and says mean shit but reader isn’t any better.
જ⁀➴ note: sorry for the long wait, i'm struggling to work on many things at once. but a huge thank you for showing the first part so much love! it was truly unexpected.
ʚ⁺˖ ⤷ tag list: @error404-tryagain @fiannee @anarosextodo @ayeputita (couldn't tag everyone for some reason, my bad!)
⤷ comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
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Suguru remembers when he first fell in love with you, how his face felt warm when you wrapped your arms around him and told him to have a safe trip, the little bag of goodies you had prepared for him sitting atop of his suitcase. He remembers pulling you into a deep kiss in the middle of a crowded airport, and he wasn’t a huge fan of PDA, has never been—but something about you caring for him, preparing food for his flight and showing up as he was about to board made his heart leap out of his chest.
Your first I love you to each other was shared when you realized you couldn’t handle being away from each other for longer than a day. You move in together shortly after he returns from his travel.
You don’t remember when you started to feel out of place, but it makes its way up and towards the back of your head like a parasite—your emotions were always too much for anyone to handle. You recently had a breakdown over messing up at work, and you’ve never seen Suguru look more lost than when he tried to comfort you. His eyebrows are furrowed in concern, he looks defeated when you refuse to let him touch or hug you. You were a mess, and he couldn’t do anything about it.
When you do calm down and are finally able to breathe properly, your brain flashes you little moments from your breakdown like a flashback—almost as though to shame and embarrass you for the way you behaved, all while your perfect boyfriend looks defeated at your lack of cooperation. You’re not sure if it is true, you hope that it’s not—but you see Suguru sit at the edge of the bed and bury his face in his hands and he curses under his breath. He looks tired.
It’s because of me.
When Suguru notices that your breakdowns become less frequent, he is convinced that you are slowly working towards getting better, praises and showers you with compliments. This is the Suguru you always want to see, full of life and love and not the one you saw that night.
And so you decide that from now on, Suguru wasn’t made to see you at your lowest.
Dinner ends an hour later and you almost run out of the restaurant and towards the car. Suguru is quick to join you, and from the corner of your eyes, you see Gojo standing near his car and his eyes are staring into your soul. You were grateful that he didn’t tell your boyfriend about the bathroom incident. You confided in the male at such a vulnerable moment and you would’ve been pretty upset if he went against your wishes.
You’re as quiet as ever as Suguru starts the car and drives away. You’re mindful of the way you sit not to face Suguru, and decide on letting him pick the songs to play on the way back. And your boyfriend doesn’t seem to notice the way you’re avoiding him like the plague, after all this wasn’t the first time you were eerily quiet on the way back home. But you were wrong.
Suguru watches you as you walk inside your shared apartment and remove your shoes. You’re not wearing any specific expression indicating that you might be upset. After all, you did have a habit of frowning as a resting face. But it feels different as you quietly greet your cat with a head pat, choosing to head to the kitchen first since you knew Suguru would go to the bathroom for a quick shower.
You were avoiding him.
“Did I do something?” Your boyfriend watches as you halt your movements, the glass of water in your hand long forgotten as you stare at him wide eyed, like a deer caught in headlights.
“You’re avoiding me, did something happen?” Suguru tries to remember the night you spent outside. He has no clear memory of saying or doing something that you might’ve tipped you over the edge, so what was wrong? You were never this quiet.
“I’m fine, Sugu. You didn’t do anything.” The smile you flash him does anything but reassure him. You ignore the frown that sits on his face and you turn around, your back facing him as you try to busy yourself with something—anything, but facing the man you called your boyfriend.
“Then why are you acting so distant?” So he was able to pick up on it. You hoped that he wouldn’t be able to, maybe breaking up with him would be much easier that way. You are quiet as ever as you turn around and walk toward the fridge.
You were distant because Suguru wasn’t supposed to see you like this, he wasn’t supposed to know how much of an insecure mess you were when he was around, how you were desperately trying to get him to fall out of love. You can barely say I love you to him without feeling guilty about it. Did you truly deserve his love? It felt like he was wasting his time on someone as miserable as you.
“I am not distant, just tired.” It wasn’t entirely a lie, you were tired. You wanted to sleep so badly, wanted to drown the lingering thoughts of never feeling enough as Suguru’s girlfriend, but feeling whole and complete when you are yourself outside of your relationship. This was a you problem, and dragging Suguru down with you felt a little unfair.
“You were crying in the restaurant.” Your heart stills at this. “But you lied and said you were fine.”
“Did Satoru—“
“Satoru doesn’t know you better than I do.” His tone is sharp, and you’re taken aback by the harsh way he chooses to address you. Was this about to escalate into something else? You didn’t want it to, you didn’t have the energy to fight back and tell him to choose his tone carefully. You might’ve been the easy-going, kind girlfriend—but you weren’t going to tolerate disrespect from his part.
“You’re right, he doesn’t.” You sound almost defeated, and you put your glass in the sink before wiping your hands on the towel. Suguru stands near the kitchen island, and watches you with cat-like eyes. You were barely looking his way, the dark circles under your eyes prominent despite your effort at covering them up with make-up. When did Suguru start paying less attention to you? Or did you simply never allow him to see you like this, vulnerable and exhausted. His heart aches in his chest.
“So you won’t tell me?” You’re about to walk away when he decides to speak, and you heave out a long sigh when you realize that the night was taking a turn for the worst.
“Tell you what?” You mumble under your breath, and you refuse to meet Suguru’s cold eyes. You can feel them on your skin, they’re intense and trying to read you like a book. Perhaps if you don’t look his way, his stare would feel less intimidating.
“Would you please just stop?” Suguru rests his elbows on his the surface of the kitchen island, burying his face in his hands. “I’m really trying to figure out what’s wrong, and you’re not helping.”
“Maybe because I don’t want to tell you what’s wrong.” Your response comes out almost immediately, and the frustration you’ve been suppressing all night suddenly resurfaces. Months of trying to play it cool, sweeping your insecurities under the rug and hoping that a kiss from Suguru would fix all of your problems, it was all piling up into this huge bubble. And the more persistent your boyfriend was, the harder it was to stay quiet.
“What do you mean you don’t want to tell me what’s wrong?” Suguru’s voice is a little bit louder, and he’s almost in disbelief at your words. You were dating, you slept on the same bed, ate on the same table and cuddled on the same couch. You weren’t a girl he started dating last month, or a person he was testing out the waters with—you weren’t even a potential lifetime partner, but he was almost certain that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
“Because it’s useless to whine to you about shit you don’t need to know. My problems are mine, you don’t have to fix me.” You feel yourself shake a little the more you speak, your heart is beating fast at the realization that this was a conflict—you were creating a conflict and it felt suffocating.
“Fix you—who said I have to fix you?”
“Right, no one did—Suguru, just drop it. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“But I do.” His tone is sharp, and his hands are curled up in fists. His eyes are staring you down the same way he looks at strangers—threatening, cold and mean. You find yourself tearing up and it makes you feel stupid. You started this, you’re the one who doesn’t feel enough in the relationship—you’re the one being mean, and yet a single look from Suguru has you almost bursting into tears? Pathetic. You felt pathetic and weak, and the longer your boyfriend stared at you, the harder it was to maintain a normal breathing pattern.
“Suguru, I don’t want to talk about it.” You try again, and you hope that your voice doesn’t betray and breaks. Tonight has been exhausting enough, and the thought of having to speak up what has been on your mind for months now makes your chest feel incredibly tight.
“You’re being selfish.”
Selfish? You were being selfish?
You stare at Suguru in disbelief and he immediately realizes how badly he must’ve fucked up because the tears start falling down your cheeks almost instantly. You, who has been pushing her feelings to the side for the sake of his happiness, were selfish? You, who can’t even remember the last time you were truly happy about something, were selfish? This is bullshit.
“I’m selfish?” Your chin quivers pathetically, and Suguru is quick to reach a hand towards you to hold you, but you flinch away from his hold, arms wrapped you to give yourself the comfort Suguru wanted to give you.
“I am selfish, me?!” Your voice is getting louder, but you didn’t care. All the frustration, all the sadness and insecurities were all coming up to the surface because of one single comment.
“Baby, I didn’t—“
“Don’t call me that, don’t you fucking dare touch me!” You move away when he attempts to hold you. “I’m selfish because I don’t wanna tell my perfect boyfriend with his perfect personality about my shitty problems. That’s just fucking great, isn’t it?”
The last time Suguru saw you like this was months ago and he doesn’t even realize it until now. All those times where you would brush off something that would normally set you off, give him a tight lipped smile and tell him not to worry.
“Your problems aren’t shitty, you don’t even want to talk about them!”
“Because every time I tried, it felt like I was robbing you of your fucking happiness, Suguru!” Your voice is loud. “Every time I realized that my mood was ruined, I could only think of how you must be fed up with me.”
“But I’m not? I never even said that I was fed up!” Suguru’s body language completely changes, and suddenly he’s not even trying to comfort you. More so understand where all of this was coming from.
“Your face says it all and fuck--” You groan into your face, your cheeks flushed from frustration.
“Oh so now it’s my face?” You raise your head to stare at him. “One moment you’re saying it’s how I behave, but now it’s all in my face?”
“You’re missing the whole point, Suguru—“
“No, I’m not missing anything! You are the one who created this situation, you’re the one who decided to pull away!” Each word feels like a knife being stabbed into your heart. You stare at the man who usually gives you warm, sweet smiles and all of that is replaced with a cold angry look.
“Selfish. Yeah, actually I don’t take it back. You are selfish,”
“Stop.” your lips quivers.
“Because if you actually wanted this to work out, you would tell me what’s wrong instead of finding excuses.”
“You’re being mean, Sugu.”  
Your boyfriend groans out of frustration and leans against the kitchen counter. You stand still next to the fridge, tears streaming down your face. You try to stop and wipe them away, but it feels as though you really needed this more than anything.
“I want to take a break.” You say quietly and Suguru’s head snaps up almost immediately.
“I want to take a break from this—from you, I don’t think I can do it anymore.”
Instead of giving you a proper reply, Suguru storms out of the kitchen and grabs his jacket and car keys and is out of the house in less than a minute. You are frozen in your spot as you let the words you just uttered out loud sink in, and there’s a sense of guilt. You are pulling away from your relationship, you’re willingly taking a break and not looking back, but does it matter anymore?
This was by far your biggest fight with your boyfriend, and the way he stormed out at the mention of taking a break makes you want to crawl in a hole and die. But not anymore.
You can’t even remember the last time you were happy, and for it to go on for so long was so draining and tiring. You could barely recognize yourself anymore. Your feet take you towards your shared bedroom with Suguru and you start packing some of your stuff. Whether he agrees to the break or not is not important, because you were doing this for yourself. And if Suguru truly cared about you, he would let you do what is best for you.
Suguru didn’t know where he was going, he just wanted to get away from you and as soon as possible. The roads are empty, and he isn’t driving recklessly. In fact, he’s probably driving so slowly that it would look suspicious to anyone on the outside.
He parks the car on the side of the road and rests his forehead on the steering wheel. When did it turn into this? When did he become so absorbed in his personal life that he stopped including you or care for you? Suguru doesn’t want to blame himself, but it’s a little difficult. He thought he was living this picture perfect life with you, under one roof with a single pet and future plans ahead of you. But to fuck up this badly and call you selfish simply because you were struggling on your own was horrible.
And to make things worse, he stormed out of the house and left you there all alone. He groans into his hands.
“Fuck.” He wants to fix this. He doesn’t want a break, he doesn’t think that it’s necessary. But you looked serious about it, maybe he could talk you out of it.
He grabs his phone and dials your number, and when it takes a while for you to pick up he just knows that you must’ve been contemplating whether or not you wanted to take the call. Eventually, you do answer.
“I’m sorry,” the line on your side is quiet, so he continues. “I fucked up, I don’t think I should’ve said what I said and—“
“It’s not your fault.” Your nose is stuffed, but Suguru can tell from the tone of your voice that you were tired. “But I need some space, Suguru.”
Some space… So you were considering the break.
“We can work it out, we don’t have to take a break or anything, we can go on a date tomorrow morning and—“
“I called a cab, I’m going back to my place.” You cut him off, and Suguru hears you lock the door to his apartment. “I’m doing this for myself and for us,” Suguru closes his eyes when he realizes that there was truly no hope in talking you out of it.
“Okay… can I still text you?”
“No,” you reply quietly. “I don’t wanna think about you for a while.” He tries not to feel hurt but it’s difficult.
“I understand.” The line goes quiet for a while, and Suguru hears a few sniffles from your side and sighs.
“We’ll be okay, yeah?”
“Yeah,” You wipe a few tears. “I have to go now.”
“I love you.” Suguru waits for a response, and when you take too long to answer, his chest tightens a little.
“Take care, Sugu.”
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2023 ; all works belong to @ slttygeto. do not repost my works on any other platofrm.
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amsznn · 3 months
2,000 MILES TO NONE⋆⭒˚.⋆
part 1 — part 2 here
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in which you surprise your bf matt in L.A.
A/N: TYSM for all the love on my last post, def did not expect it but im glad you guys enjoyed the hc’s! chris and nick versions coming soon!
warnings: none, just fluff.
“hey guys.” you softly spoke into the camera while swinging your legs off the side of your bed. “today’s vlog is gonna be a bit different since im going to be visiting matt in L.A.”
ever since your boyfriend had moved to L.A. to pursue his growing career, your life back at home has felt empty. matt usually visits frequently, but this time was different. you had been apart for close to 4 months. so you took it upon yourself to plan a surprise visit with his brother, nick’s help.
“only nick knows since im pretty sure chris would tell matt by now.” you laugh while placing the camera down on your vanity. “but yeah, im gonna go get ready, call an uber to the airport, then see you guys there!” you waved at the camera before shutting it off and making your way to your bathroom.
while doing your skincare, you couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous about seeing your boyfriend. sure you guys call often and facetime almost every night, but nothing can compare to his actual presence near you.
you’re snapped out of your daze when you hear your phone vibrating on the counter beside you. you go to reach for it and see the screen lit up with the contact name “matty b 💌.” you answered the call and was met with your boyfriend’s raspy morning voice.
“good morning love.”
“hey baby, how’d you sleep?” you asked while turning the sink on to remove the left over serum on your hand. you could hear shuffling on the other side of the phone before matt answered, “good, but i miss you.”
you smiled with the knowledge of your little secret, but tried to sound just as upset too. “i miss you too, any plans for today?”
“yeah, i think i’m going out with chris today, just not sure where. what about you?” matt asked, secretly wishing he could just stay on the phone with you forever, or even better, be with you.
“im going out with a couple of friends today so i may not be able to talk much, i have to get ready now actually.” you lied coming up with an excuse as to why you wouldn’t be answering and instead be on a plane ride right to him.
“oh okay, well call me before you go to bed. love you, baby.”
“love you more.” you hung up the call and made your way to the shower so you wouldn’t miss your flight.
after all your side quests, you finally made it to the airport. about an hour passed before you finally heard your gate number be called for departure. you quickly sent nick a text before boarding the plane. before you left the house you made sure to shut off your location sharing with matt (which he was definitely suspicious about), but paid no mind to it now since your whole body was erupting with anticipation.
you would see him.
you double checked your seat to see if you left anything behind before making your way out of the plane.
upon opening your phone while waiting for your luggage, you saw plenty of text messages and notifications. some left by matt, and some left by nick. nick was letting you know the coast would be clear at their house for two hours since matt and chris went out which was perfect. you click out of nick’s messages, but not before sending him a quick text about being on your way. you didn’t bother looking at matt’s messages since you were going to see him anyways.
“hey guys, i am now in california.” you said making sure to vlog the experience. “i’m waiting for the uber now, pretty sure i’ll be at the triplets house in half an hour?”
while explaining further details, your uber pulled up and you ended the segment of your vlog there. in a matter of time, you would be in your boyfriend’s grasp.
“nick hurry, im outside!” you spoke into the phone, scanning the area for matt’s car just in case he decided to come home early. your camera was out making sure to get the footage for your viewers.
you could hear shuffling behind the door before it revealed your best friend, nick. “y/n, seriously i missed you so much.” nick said while embracing you in a hug before you could even get into the house. besides missing your boyfriend, you also missed nick and chris deeply. the three of you had formed such a tight friendship that it was hard to see them all leave.
“i missed you more nick.” you smiled, tears threatening to drop, but you refused, you could cry later. “say hi to the vlog.” you said while facing the camera towards nick. he smiled before greeting your viewers while bringing your luggage into his room.
“okay so matt and chris should be here in like 15 minutes, so im thinking you hide in here until further notice.” nick explained and you complied. you both took this time to catch up on everything you’ve missed while being apart, and including some funny footage into your vlog. before you knew it, you could hear the jingling of matt’s key’s before the front door opened. nick brought his finger to his lips and whispered, “come out whenever you’re ready.” before leaving his room to go greet his brothers.
you stood behind the door with your camera recording and facing you. a smile painted your face as you could hear matt’s voice faintly. “have you guys heard from y/n?” he asked his brothers.
“no, why?” nick asked trying to sound normal. “she said she was going out with her friends, then turned her location off. weird right?” matt explained before heading to the fridge to grab a soda.
“super weird.” nick agreed. then chris chimed in saying, “i ‘dunno, last thing she sent me was a fucking deer tiktok.”
matt took a sip of his soda before saying, “i just hope she’s alright.”
upon hearing this, you looked at your camera frowning at the thought of worrying your boyfriend for this long. you thought this was the best moment, so you quietly opened nick’s door and slowly made your way down the stairs.
luckily for you, matt was faced away from you, but chris’ jaw immediately fell open. you quickly made the ‘shush’ motion with your hand but it was too late since matt noticed his brother’s expression before turning his head around.
you smiled while standing at the foot of the stairs before saying, “surprise.”
matt quickly dropped his soda and made his way over to you before engulfing you in the biggest hug ever. his head found it’s way to the crook of your neck, with his arms swirling tightly around your waist. you gestured for chris to grab the camera before you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s neck.
it wasn’t long until your shoulder was soaked with matt’s tears, and his soaked with yours. you laughed at the realization of finally being in his arms. the security you felt upon being in matt’s arms could compare to no other. being apart for so long only made your love for each other stronger as you both strived to wait it out until you’d finally reunite again.
to finally be with your person.
“i missed you so much, so so much.” matt croaked into your neck, not ready to let you out of his grasp, feeling as if you’ll be back in boston if he did. you smiled before wiping your tears with your free hand.
“i missed you more.”
A/N: yall should i do a part two of this with y/n in L.A.? lmk, and leave some requests for me to write!
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scuderiasundays · 11 months
chili’s angels
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summary: carlos can’t say no to his little girls, leaving him with some explaining to do on media day + a little insta au at the end 🌶️
words: 806
a/n: this one was in my drafts for a while but i brought it out for @thatsdemko and all the dad! carlos girlies out there. i know there are a lot of you! tagging @vamossainz55, @sainzcaleruega, @monzabee, and @diorleclerc just because. feedback is much appreciated as always. hugs and kisses 🫶🏼
When Y/N found out she was pregnant with twin girls, Carlos was over the moon. He had been raised by a vivacious mother and alongside two sisters, who despite driving him mad as a child, had become his closest confidantes. Carlos stopped wearing the Tom Ford cologne you once loved when it started to trigger your nausea. He rushed to a nearby drive-through at midnight solely to satisfy your craving for fries and a milkshake. And when your shoelaces needed tying, he was always there to help.
“I feel like I’m asking way too much of you,” you spoke. He smiled and gently caressed your growing belly. "Never, mi amor. Taking care of you and our girls is my purpose now," he said tenderly. "You're an amazing mom already, and I can't wait to see our daughters grow up with the same strength and love that you have."
You had held off on naming the twins because you strongly felt you owed it to your daughters to meet them and get an actual feel for their energies. Together, you spent an evening brainstorming a list of potential names, Carlos voicing a particular preference for their names starting with the same letter. Labor proved to be more challenging than anyone had ever prepared you for, leaving you drained once it was over. Carlos cradled the newborns in his arms, softly uttering their names, "Melina" and "Mila," while his gaze shifted from one little face to the other.
Flash forward, and your twin daughters thought the world of their dad. You loved getting to see Carlos in a new light, your love for him only growing as you watched him interact with your girls. "Can we go outside and play? Please!" Melina and Mila were like the Energizer Bunny times two on the rare weekends when Carlos was home. Although he rarely said no to them, they were both feeling under the weather, so he shook his head. "How about we stay inside and do some drawing?" he suggested.
"Can we paint your nails? Mamá always lets us," the girls asked, their eyes widening as they edged closer to him. Carlos paused for a moment, thinking, what harm could it do? Eventually, he nodded in agreement. The girls knew exactly where their mother kept her nail polish kit and eagerly fetched the equipment. "We have Barbie pink and Ferrari red, just like our cars," Melina said, holding up the bottles with her pudgy fingers. "Mama wears the red one when we watch you drive on TV," Mila chimed in. He assumed Melina was referring to the little toy LaFerraris he had bought the girls on their birthday. He loved watching the girls as they raced in their garden, a tangible sign they had inherited his passion for cars.
"What's that thing you always say, Papá? For the Ferrari?" Mila looked up at her dad with chocolate brown eyes. "Forza Ferrari, mija," Carlos replied. Before he could even pick a color, Melina grabbed his hand and started painting his thumbnail bright red. The girls both had a hard time staying within the lines, so Carlos took it upon himself to clean up the edges. After they were done, he was instructed to place each hand under the UV lamp. He couldn’t help but wonder if the nail polish would come off easily later, but he soon noticed the excitement of being nail artists had worn the twins out. He picked them up and gently laid them down for a nap.
As Carlos boarded his flight to Hungary, he realized that his red manicure was not coming off without a fight. He absentmindedly picked at his nails, silently wishing his wife had been there to offer him the mini nail file she always carried. With media day approaching, he knew that people would definitely pick up on his vibrant nails.
"Nice nails, Carlos. Whose handiwork is this?" Natalie, a familiar face, pointed at his hands with a smile. Carlos chuckled and replied, "Oh, this masterpiece? My twin daughters painted them. I just don’t know how to say no to those two." He shrugged, shaking his head.
"Well, here they are to say hello.” The TV presenter had organized a surprise Zoom call with Y/N and Carlos' daughters, who had been nicknamed "Chili’s Angels" by his fans.
"Buenos días, mis hijas. I hope you're feeling better," he greeted them, waving at the camera. Melina proudly held up her mom's hand, showcasing her red nails. "Look! You and Mamá match now!" she exclaimed. Carlos winked at his wife, grateful for the little moment of connection despite the distance.
"Forza Ferrari, Papá!" Mila squealed, waving goodbye. “They really are my angels, all three of them,” he thought, setting off a mental countdown of days until he was back in their arms again.
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 57,575 others
carlossainz55: life is sweeter with my angels. hope i’m making you proud 🫶🏼
yourusername: we’re so lucky to have you! you just had to choose THAT photo of mila scarfing down her pizza? clearly my genes 🍕🤤
fan1: chili’s angels merch when? i swear i will buy it ALL
landonorris: ask melly and milly who their favorite uncle is and i’ll let you by at the start on sunday!
carlossainz55: “come over, uncle lando! we can paint your nails orange.” - melina & mila sainz
anasainzvdec: the most adorable nieces an aunt could wish for ❤️
scuderiaferrari: when mila said “forza ferrari” in an interview this morning! who’s cutting the damn onions?
fan2: carlos and @yourusername are starting them off young 🥹
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btsficsandsuch · 9 months
Taste of His Own Medicine
You suddenly have to leave to go back to your home country for a few months. Yoongi decides to ignore you so you decide to show him how it feels when he realizes you’re gone.
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“Hi Yoongi.”, you said after letting yourself in the studio. You received nothing more than a grunt. “I brought you some food.”, you said trying to lure him over to the couch. “Not now Y/N. I’ve got a lot going on.”, he said without even looking at you. You were starting to get frustrated. Sure you wanted to spend time with him but you also had something really important and time sensitive to tell him. You knew he was already stressed and cranky and your news wasn’t going to make it any better. “Yoongi please come have dinner with me. I really need to talk to you about something.”, you begged. He slammed his hand on the desk and spun his chair around startling you., “What part of not now I’m busy are you not understanding? Sometimes you can be so frustrating Y/N. Please just get out and leave me alone.” You didn’t say a word and just grabbed your bag storming out of his studio slamming the door behind you.
Back at your apartment you were doing your best to calm your nerves. You couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to speak to you like that and even after you haven’t spoken or seen each other in three weeks. You felt that you were more than patient and understanding when he got into moods like this with his work. He always did this to you where he’d ignore you and if he did pay attention to you he was short with everything you did and said. You finished zipping up the last of your bags and placed them by the door along with your plane ticket. Something had come up and you had to fly back to your home country which was the reason for your visit to Yoongi’s today. You were going to tell him that in the morning you had to fly home and you’d be gone for at least two months. You had hoped to eat dinner together and cuddle a little since it would be the last time you’d be with each other for a while. Instead you were yelled at and called names.
The following morning you woke up and checked your phone secretly hoping for a text or a phone call or anything from Yoongi giving you a reason to call him and hear his voice before leaving for the airport but nothing. “Fine then. If he doesn’t care I won’t either.”, you thought slamming your phone down on the desk. You showered and got changed just finishing up when you got a notification that your ride was waiting outside. You grabbed your bags and took one last look at your apartment you’d be away from and closed the door behind you.
Once at the airport you remembered why you hated flying so much. The crowds of rude people, the loud noises, the having to rush no matter how early you are. You hated it. Your first flight went smoothly. You arrived at your layover destination and decided to grab something to eat while you waited to board your next flight. While eating your sandwich you remembered that you had turned your phone off before the last flight and pulled it out of your pocket to power it on.
Once up and running you waiting for any notifications to pop up. There were two texts from your mom, one from your best friend, and one from your boss. Then you saw something that concerned you. 11 missed calls and close to 20 texts messages, all from Yoongi.
Yoongles: Hey Y/N, I’m on my way home. Did you need me to stop and get you anything? I seriously can’t want to get in bed with you. I need a hug more than anything.
“Odd he wants to pretend like he didn’t snap last night.”, you thought before continuing to read.
Yoongles:Y/N where are you? I thought today was your day off.
Yoongles: Babe seriously you never go this long without responding.
Yoongles: Y/N why is a bunch of your stuff gone? Did you leave?
Yoongles: Listen I know I’ve been difficult lately but you know I love you and you mean everything to me.
Yoongles: Y/N please answer me. I’m really worried right now. Whatever happened we can fix it.
Before you could continue reading your phone started ringing again. You saw Yoongi’s name pop up. Part of you wanted to just ignore him but you did feel kind of bad knowing that he was in distress. You decided to answer,
“Y/N! Where are you? I’ll come to you. We need to talk”
“Umm I’m actually at the airport waiting for my connecting flight back home.”
“What?! You’re going back home? Like forever?”
“No I’ll be gone for at least the next two months. Maybe a little longer.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving? You seriously just packed your stuff without saying goodbye.”
“Actually I came by your studio yesterday. Remember? I had found out yesterday morning that something has come up and I need to go back home for a while. I brought you food and asked you to talk to me. You ignored me and then yelled at me and called me annoying and told me to leave so I did.”
There was a long silence before Yoongi spoke again, “No this isn’t happening. I really don’t get to see you for at least two months? I can’t live like that.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you, “Well maybe this will teach you not to take our time together for granted and to not treat me like that. They’re about to start boarding so I have to go. Take care of yourself Yoongi. I’ll see you when I get back.” With that you hung up not giving him the chance to say anything else. You knew it was harsh but he was also harsh towards you and you wanted him to regret his actions as petty as that might be. Maybe he’ll see what it feels like to be on the receiving end of feeling ignored. A taste of his own medicine.
You shut your phone back off and made your way to the gate boarding your next plane. Your next flight thankfully went quick and you landed back in your home country. You were going to be staying with your parents. Finally arriving at your parents house you quickly went up to your old room and laid in bed exhausted from the day of travel. You turned on your phone so you could charge it and set your alarm clock when you heard a bunch of notifications which you figured were all from Yoongi. You were correct. He had tried to call you six more times and sent you a bunch of texts,
Yoongles: Y/N I’m really sorry. I was such a jerk. I never should’ve asked you to leave.
Yoongles: Please let me know when you’ve landed so that I know you’re safe.
Yoongles: I’ll stop bothering you. Just please let me know you’re safe and okay. I’m laying in bed alone and I really miss you. I love you.
You sighed. As much as you wanted to completely ignore him you knew he’d be a nervous wreck all night if he didn’t know you were safe and you didn’t want that.
You: I just got to my parents so I’m safe. Get some sleep Yoongi. You really need it. I’ll talk to you another time.
Over the next couple months Yoongi texted you and called you more than he had in the last six months. You didn’t completely ignore him but you definitely tried to give him that taste of his own medicine.
You were able to get everything situated back home and got prepared to make the trip back to Seoul. You had decided to keep it a surprise from Yoongi telling him that you were still probably going to be gone for a few more weeks.Thankfully the trip was quick and easy and you were now making your way to his studio. You knocked on the door but all you heard was a muffled Go Away. Rolling your eyes you knocked again, this time louder and harder hoping to get his attention.
It worked because a few second later the door swung open with fury and standing there was a disheveled Yoongi. He looked like he hadn’t slept the entire time you were gone and he probably ate just enough to barely keep him alive. “What do you wa-?”, he stopped mid speech when his eyes met yours. Instantly he lunged forward wrapping his arms around you burying his face in your neck. Before you could say anything you felt his shoulder start to shake and not long after you felt warm tears landing on your neck. Gently you pushed him away to get a better look and saw that he was crying.
“Yoongles, why are you crying?”, you asked wiping at the tears. This was only the third time he had ever allowed you to see him cry and it was heartbreaking. He was taking this a lot harder than you ever thought he would.
Quickly you pulled him into his studio and sat him down on the couch trying to comfort him. After he was able to calm his breathing he leaned onto you snuggling his face in the crook of your neck, “I’m so sorry Y/N. I never knew how hard it was when I shut you out. These last couple months have been awful.” You kissed his forehead, “It’s okay Yoongi. I’m here now. I’m sorry that I just left like that but I wanted you to see how it felt even though it was painful for me too. I worried about you every day while I was gone.” He chuckled, “Yeah well I cried pretty much every night. I don’t know how you did it all these years. I promise I’m going to be better about spending time with you and I’ll watch my mouth.” You smiled while pushing the hair out of his face, “Good because next time I go home I just might not come back.” Yoongi shook his head at the thought.
You watched him walk over to his computer closing all of the systems and powering it off. “What are you doing?”, you asked confused. He started putting on his coat and walked over to take your hand, “We’re gonna go get something to eat and then go home. We have two months of cuddles to make up for and I’m not waiting any longer.” You smiled taking his hand and walking out of the room with him happy that you finally get to relax in his arms like you wanted from the start.
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starry-hughes · 5 months
holiday disaster (luke hughes)
day 22 of star’s ficmas
luke hughes x reader
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Jack walked onto the plane first, getting his ticket scanned and walking through. Before Luke could even have his ticket scanned he was stopped. The two brothers had arrived late to the airport and were last to board the flight. “I’m so sorry sir but this flight was overbooked and there are no more seats.”
“Jacky?” Luke called. The two were supposed to be traveling home for Christmas. “Is there another flight he can take? We are going home for Christmas.”
The attendant searched for a second and Luke was panicking. “There’s a midnight flight, last flight out.” It was noon. “Lukey, you can take my seat and I can wait.”
“No it’s okay, I’ll call mom and tell her.”
Luke made himself comfortable in a corner of the airport as Jack left on the flight. He had to break the news to his mom and call her. “I won’t be making dinner mom, I’m sorry, I’ll be home for Christmas Eve morning.”
You had been staring at the screen when the flight came up as canceled. You almost burst into tears when the flight attendant told you the only flight out was a midnight flight. You were convinced you might miss Christmas. All you wanted was to go spend the holiday with your family and now you were being delayed. Neither Luke and you wanted to leave the airport, the long security lines made you just want to stay, and Luke thought the same.
“Are you using the outlet?” you asked him. Luke looked up. “No, you can use it.” Luke watched as you hurriedly took out your phone charger. “Hi mom,” you called, “I’m sorry I’ll be late, yeah… eleven pm. I hope that flight isn’t canceled.”
Luke’s ears perked up as you said that. He listened to you end the phone call. The two of you sat in silence, doing your own things before Luke cleared his throat. “Can you watch my bag? I don’t really want to take it in the bathroom with me.”
You nodded and smiled as he got up. No one bothered you while he was gone. There were so many people in the airport but it was like the two of you had your own corner of life. When Luke returned, he had two bags of food in his hands. “Thought you deserved some food.”
Luke handed you a bag from one of the fast food places along with a water bottle. “I heard your flight was canceled,” Luke said. “Yeah, flying out to my parents and the one time I want to visit, it’s canceled,” you sighed, “thank you for the food by the way. Let me pay you back.”
He shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. My flight got overbooked. And my brother is currently on the way to our parents without me.” You frowned, “I’m sorry.”
The two of you ate quietly, hoping the hours would go by faster. “I have a laptop, do you want to watch a movie?” you questioned Luke. Shoulder to shoulder, the two of you watched a movie. Luke dozed off on your shoulder. As the day went on, there were less and less people in the airport. As the afternoon passed, both of you would get calls from family members asking how it was going. Luke told you about hockey and his job and his brothers. You told him about your own work and family.
“Hey,” you shook him gently awake, it was six pm. “There’s a restaurant down the terminal, do you want to go get dinner?”
In the airport restaurant, the least likely place to fall in love, you started enjoying time with Luke. You both tried random foods and shared plates. Laughing over dumb stories and joking about being stuck together. At the end of the night, Luke paid the bill and you tipped the waiter well.
You two still had time before your flights. Spending time sitting together and watching another movie or snacking on chips Luke bought. You checked your phone and realized you had to start getting to your gate. “I should get to my gate,” you frowned. “Oh,” Luke said, “I’ll walk you down.”
Luke dragged his suitcase behind him as he followed you. “You should get to your gate too Luke.”
He sighed and nodded. “Can I get your phone number?” You nodded and took his phone which he unlocked for you. You added yourself as a contact and took a picture of yourself for his contact phone. “Have a safe flight (Y/N), Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Luke.” He turned and walked back to the opposite end of the terminal to his own gate smiling.
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miniwheat77 · 5 months
Taboo. (Stepbro!Soap x Reader.)
!This is 100% pure disgusting taboo smut, do not read if you cannot handle it. You've been warned! NSFW, smut, unprotected sex!
(A video surfaced on my tik tok of Neil in that god forsaken wife beater where he says "Big sister to the rescue." and this was completely the reason behind this fic. Good luck.)
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A sigh leaves Johnny's lips as they get ready to board an airplane to go home. Which catches the attention of Ghost. "What's going on Johnny?" Ghost asks. Johnny laughs. "Ah. I just would rather stay on base to be honest." He laughs. "Why?" He asks. "Well. My Step sister stays in my parents guest house everytime I come home and she kind've just... gets on my nerves." He laughs. "How so?" Ghost asks. Passing Johnny a water bottle. "She teases me about some of the dumb stuff I did when we were younger but it's relentless when she's around. Any girlfriend I've brought home she's run off by telling them what I've done." He rolls his eyes. Ghost laughs. "Sounds like her and I would get along ah?" He smiles.
Johnny laughs. "When is the last time you saw her?" Ghost asks. “It’s been a few years.”
Ghost nods. “Well. Johnny. She is your sister. Maybe just talk to her about the teasing.” He shrugs. Johnny nods. “Yeah you’re probably right.” He looks down. “Is that all she does?” He asks. “Yeah that’s pretty much it.”
“You’ll be fine Johnny. Just relax.” Ghost laughs. He nods. Ghosts flight makes last call, and they say their goodbyes. Johnny still has some time to kill before his flight is due.
He was not excited to be home.
Johnny feels dread as he catches a taxi to his parents house. They insisted he come visit during his break off. “It is summertime after all, Johnny.” Was their excuse. He agreed, but upon hearing his step sister would be there, he wished he hadn’t.
He knows she shouldn’t get to him as easy as she does, but there’s just something about her that he wants to avoid.
Despite growing up together, and getting along for the most part, he still wished he wasn’t here.
He carries his duffel bag inside and sets it down. Closing the door behind himself. He can hear his mum humming in the kitchen. “Hello?” He calls out. “Oh!” He hears her. She appears in the doorway to the living room. “Hi honey!” She smiles. She pulls him into a hug. “I’ve missed you so much. How was your deployment?” She asks. “Not bad. Fighting bad guys as always.” He laughs.
“Ah. Johnny. How are you kid?”
It’s his step dad, your dad. “I’m good old man. How are you?” He sees his graying hair. It makes him sad a bit, just how much he’s missed out on. “Good. Nice seeing you.” He pulls Johnny in for a hug. “I’m gonna go put this up in the room.” He nods. “Oh, Johnny wait.” His mum stops him. “Sorry. I turned the guest room into an office. You’ll be staying out in the guest house with Y/N.”
Johnny can feel the color leaving his face. He’s so screwed.
“Oh okay. So.. I’ll go take it out there.” He nods. He breathes. "Okay honey. I'm making lunch so tell Y/N to come in once you're done." She smiles. He nods his head. "I will mum." He laughs, making his way out the door. He runs his hand over his mohawk nervously. He's not looking forward to seeing you. He feels dread settle into his chest once again as he knocks at the door before entering. "Come in!" He hears you call. He grasps the knob, taking one last breath before he opens up the door. He sees you sitting on the couch in the small living area. You're watching something. "Johnny, hey!" You smile. He smiles. "Hey." He nods. "Heard I'm staying out here with you." He laughs. Stepping into the house awkwardly. You laugh. "Yeah, your mum turned the spare room into an office for her work since the place she was working in shut down." You explain, standing up. You hug him, and he can smell your perfume. The hair in his body standing up. He needed to get away from you. He nods his head. "I'll just go.. Unpack then. Room on the left?" He asks. "Yep."
Johnny can't get the tequila down fast enough. He hates this. He's only been here three days and already wants to go back. You've been glued to his side since he's been home. "Hey uh.. Is everything okay?" You ask.
You've just got home from his aunts house, and you'd done it once again. Pointed out something stupid or embarrassing he did as a teenager. He was trying to talk to his cousins new wife and you'd started in with it. He takes a deep breath.
"I just..." He sighs. Tilting back the cup of tequila he'd just poured. He's sure they didn't notice him take it from the main house. "Why do you always make it a point to embarrass me in front of people?" He asks. You look at him in confusion. "What?" You freeze. "Earlier, you brought up some stuff I did as a teenager and you do it all the time. Anytime I'm around." He rests his hands on the granite countertop in the kitchen. "Johnny I-"
"No, you do it all the time. I mean really. Any girl I've tried dating, anytime I'm around you, you make it a point to do it. I mean seriously. I didn't want to come home because of this and I knew I should've stayed on base." He shakes his head. "Johnny, I'm sorry okay?" He can see the hurt in your face from the words he's just said. "They're just stupid stories that I thought were harmless, I didn't know it was bothering you that bad." You sigh.
"Yeah well it is. I didn't want to leave base because of it and I've been here three days and you've already done it." He grumbles.
“Well that just makes me feel like a horrible big sister.” You sigh.
“You’re not my real sister.” He shakes his head.
He can see the hurt in your face. “Why do you always say that Johnny? We practically grew up together! What difference does it make if I’m your step-sister or not!”
“Because…” he grits his teeth. He rubs his hands over his face, stepping around the countertop. “It’s just different okay? You’re not my sister.” He shakes his head. Looking at the ground. "And I'm not a kid anymore alright? I wish you'd stop treating me like one." He sighs. You shake your head. He can see how bad he’s hurting you. He has to go all in.
All the poker chips in the pot, no going back. "Why do you always say that hm? That I'm not your sister? What's the difference?" He can see the tears gathering in your eyes.
“The difference is.. is that…” he shakes his head. Teeth gritted once more.
“Fuck it.” He mutters. He grabs a hold of your shirt, pulling you into him. He kisses you hard, feeling you tense up against him. He backs up into the countertop. Your eyes are wide for a second, closing after a moment. He pulls away when he doesn’t feel you kiss back.
“Shit- shit. I’m sorry.” He steps back. Seeing you standing there. You’re staring at him but he can’t tell exactly what’s going through your head.
He wouldn’t call you his sister because of the way he felt about you.
You shake your head, shaking yourself out of your thoughts. Kissing him again.
He freezes up, just like you had. Before wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up. He sets you down onto the countertop. Your dress gives him easier access to your body, feeling his rough and calloused hands gliding up your hips and onto your waist. Hooking his fingers over your panties to pull them down. He says nothing more, quickly freeing himself from his jeans, lining up with you. Just like that, you're exposed. Nothing between the both of you anymore.
When he thrusts up into you, a gasp leaves both of your lips. Freezing up momentarily at the intensity. Your hands clutch the edge of the countertop. His eyes burn into yours, only pulling away to look between the both of you. The clarity seems to hit the both of you all at once.
A knock at the door has you both jumping. “Shit-“ you mumble. He presses a finger to your lips. “Y/N? Johnny? Dinner is ready!” He can hear his mum yell. “Fuck- oh fuck.” He mutters as quiet as possible. “Uh. Yeah! Okay! We’re just going to finish this movie really quickly!” He calls out. “Okay sweetie. No rush.”
He can hear her footsteps going back to the main house. He turns back to you. Swallowing hard. “Should we stop?” He asks.
Your heart pounds in your chest. Johnny has barely touched you and you already have that knot forming in your stomach. He’s undeniably good at this, he feels even better. “No.” You look up at him. He swallows hard, grasping a hold of your wrists and holds them against the countertop. Pinning them there. He raises himself up, sliding out of you. Feeling you choke out a gasp as he thrusts back into you. The muscles in his upper arms and shoulders flexing. The muscles in his neck doing the same as he grits his teeth. He pushes you back by your chest, until your back is flat on the counter.
“Oh fuck Johnny.” You whimper. His pace is bruising. Slow but hard thrusts. “Fuck- I’ve wanted this for so long.” He clenches his eyes closed. “So fucking long you have no idea.” He cries, body shivering. He’s finally getting what he’s dreamt of for nearly 20 years. “I knew coming here was a bad idea, I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself around you.” He hisses.
Johnny feels like a freak. Like some kind of pervert for pining after his step-sister after all of these years.
It’s almost like you read his mind. Maybe you can see the doubt in his eyes.
“I-“ you start. You flinch as the tip of his cock presses against your cervix. “It’s why I ran off all your girlfriends.” You gasp as he clutches your thighs harder. “Wasn’t just you.” You pant. Eyes fluttering closed. “Fuck.” He growls. He lowers his head, resting it over your clothed chest. You can feel that his hair is damp with his sweat. The thought that you want him just as bad as he’s wanted you lights a fire inside of Johnny. He bites down onto your collarbone, feeling you whimper. He’s going to make you his. He’s going to show you that nobody will be able to touch you like he can.
Johnny will learn every inch of your body and he’ll know exactly what to do to get you addicted to his touch. Addicted to him.
He adjusts himself, fixing the angle at which he thrusts into you. Gliding through your folds. He presses right against that spongy spot inside of you, hearing you gasp. He lowers his hand, thumbing your clit. He can feel you jump at the pressure he puts on it. “I know it’s a lot baby. Just relax.” He breathes. You nod your head, watching his hands as he touches you. Rubbing gentle circles into your clit. “Poor thing.. so swollen.” He pouts, a smile playing at his lips. A whine leaves your lips. You’re close already. Dangerously close. He can feel you clamping down around him. This is where he makes you his.
He pushes your dress up onto your hips, spreading your legs further. Pushing them up just slightly.
He thrusts into that spot, mercilessly. Your legs tremble and tears gather in your eyes. He’s so good at this, so so good.
Tears spill over your eyelids and before you can stop yourself, a moan leaves your lips. He clamps a hand over your mouth, seeing your eyes roll back. His eyes widen as your pussy clamps down around him. He leans down, pulling his hand away to kiss you, fucking you through your high. Feeling you squirming beneath him as he overstimulates you. “M’close, so close.” He pants. “Can you take it?” He asks. You nod your head. His breathing picks up. You can hear his heart pounding from a few inches away. “It’s okay Johnny. Relax.” You breathe, trying to soothe him. His skin is beat red.
“Look at me.” You breathe. His eyes flicker to yours. “Give yourself to me Johnny.” You sigh. His body shakes, he’s right there. You wrap your legs around him, hands clutching at his shirt for dear life.
He grits his teeth, moaning out as he reaches his high, not even thinking to pull out. A gasp leaves your lips, eyes widening as he empties himself inside of you.
Your thighs are sore and shiver slightly. “Fuck…” he gasps. leaning onto the counter to hold himself up. He breathes heavily. He rests his forehead against yours. He can still hear you panting, over his own. He pulls away from you, sliding himself out of you with a gasp, hearing you whine. He stands up completely, tucking himself back into his jeans. “I.. I gotta go change.” He breathes. You nod your head, pulling your dress down slightly, holding your knees up to yourself. Once he’s gone, you make your way into your room, walking awkwardly as you feel his filth seeping from your cavern, coating your thighs. You lock your bathroom door behind you, turning to look at yourself in the mirror.
You’d just had sex with Johnny. Your step-brother.
You shake yourself out of your thoughts. Cleaning yourself up and changing out of your dress before you emerge. You can still hear him moving around in his room. Maybe, it’s a one time thing. Maybe it won’t happen again.
You want to beat yourself up because you know if he tries again. You won’t stop him. You step out into the kitchen, freezing up when you see the countertop where he'd been inside you just moments ago.
A gasp leaves your lips as he turns you by your shoulder, pushing you up against the wall. You didn’t hear him come out. He takes a deep breath, looking at you. “I’m sorry.” He breathes. “I shouldn’t have done that.” He sighs.
“I’m not sorry. Because I liked it.” You breathe, looking up at him through your eyelashes. You can see his eyes darken. He grips your jaw, kissing you again. He kisses you hard, lowering his hand to rest around your throat. Holding you still. You whine into his kiss but he knows he needs to stop before it goes any further. He pulls away, keeping his lips just centimeters from yours. “We have to go inside.” He sighs. Finally pulling himself away from you.
“After you.” He moves to the side. Hearing you laugh.
The dinner table is incredibly awkward. You and Johnny keep exchanging awkward glances, knowing that what you had done just minutes before was sinful. It was dirty and bad and you couldn't imagine what would happen if your parents found out. “So. What movie were you guys watching?” His mum asks.
“Uh..” you breathe. “It was a show I was watching, he was just finishing up the episode with me. Just some documentary.” You speak up fast. Knowing Johnny isn’t too fast on his feet when it comes to lying. “Well I’m glad to see you two getting along.” She smiles. “Yeah. It’s been fun.” You say. “Yeah, I’m glad I came to visit.” Johnny nods. Neither of you eat very much. “I couldn’t help but notice the door was locked earlier.” His mum laughs. “Almost had to dig the key out but I forget you’re both adults and I can’t just barge in.” She laughs. “Oh yeah, I was taking my makeup off in my room and Johnny was taking a shower. Didn’t want to leave it unlocked for some creep to walk in and try to join him or something.” You send him a playful smile, seeing him roll his eyes.
His mum laughs, your dad rolling his eyes at your crude joke.
I almost feels like the dinner goes by even faster. Neither of you wanting to face what had just happened between the both of you.
"Alright, you guys get a good nights sleep, we're going to the lake tomorrow remember?" Your dad smiles. "Yeah, course dad. See you guys in the morning." You smile. You and Johnny walk back to the guest house. It's a slow walk.
When you step inside, locking the door behind you, you turn to him. "Maybe we should talk about this." You sigh. He grips your chin, holding your face still so he can kiss you, feeling you melt right into him. "Or maybe we can talk later." He breathes. His breath is warm on your face. You can't stop yourself as you nod your head. He turns you around, backing you up into the door. Pushing you up against it and kissing you again.
What were you getting yourself into?
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wosoamazing · 1 month
Christmas & New Years
Part 3 - Fire on Fire Series A/N: Don't know how I feel about this chapter but I hope you like it
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You were sitting in the gym with some of the girls, they were all discussing their Christmas plans.
“What are you doing for Christmas? You won’t be alone will you?” Steph asked.
“No, I won’t be. Tante booked me a flight to Paris, so I’m going to Paris. I think we are doing Christmas day with some of Tante’s family.”
“Paris, wow, do you know French?” Kim asked, “Yeah, I do, we actually speak a mix of Swedish, French and English at home.” You all continued talking about Christmas and New Years, and everyone's plans and traditions until it was time for everyone to head out to the pitch.
You were about to board your flight when your phone lit up.
From Leah: Safe travels x (Tell me when you land)
To Leah: Thank you. You too x
Your flight to Paris was pretty uneventful, thankfully, there were no children in your part of the aircraft, although that was probably due to the fact your Tante insisted on buying you a first class ticket, but you couldn’t really complain about the complimentary glass of champagne.
Tante and Moster picked you up from the airport and as you were sitting in the back seat you messaged Leah.
“Who are you messaging?” Moster asked, “No one,” you replied, brushing it off, “It doesn’t seem like a no one, have you met someone?” you looked up from your phone and glared at her at the words, “Well that answers my question,” she said smugly.
“Leave her alone babe,” Tante told her off, “Yeah Moster,” you said as Tante rolled her eyes and playfully stuck her tongue out at you. “Such children, the both of you,”
You and Leah had a lot more conversations between each other at the training grounds and you found talking with her really easy, you wouldn’t even talk about anything important or useful just random conversations, and slowly over the days you found yourself messaging with Leah more and more, having taken to phone calls most nights. You couldn’t figure out your feelings for her, was she just a friend to you or did you want something more, and you couldn’t decipher her feelings for you.
“How did you know? Like how do you know if someone is the one for you? I haven't known her for long but it feels different, like we talk all the time, and some nights we call each other and talk before we go to sleep. Just it wasn't long between when you both met and got married, so like how do you know, how do you know it’s not just a good friendship and you’re not just reading too much into it?” you blurted out
“I mean it’s different for everyone, but I guess you could say it feels easy, and you can talk to them without it being weird or awkward but you can also sit in silence and it's fine too. It’s kind of like a good friendship but with different feelings.” Moster explained.
“How do you know her? Do you play with her?” Tante asked, “Yeah,” you said as you nodded, “and so I don’t want to just be like reading too much into it and then it get awkward, like obviously I’m going to wait longer to say anything to her about it, but some of the girls have said they think she has a crush on me, but I don’t know if that’s true.”
“Just wait, take your time, if she does like or love you she won't mind waiting, aren’t you doing a preseason camp with the team?” “Yeah, and I think she is my roommate, they’ve given us draft plans in terms of roommates and schedules and currently it says she’s my roommate.”
“Well you’ll find out a lot more then, and even if it end ups that you don’t like each other you could still have a good friendship,” you nod and smile, “Thank you,”
Leah sat on the bench as her Mum baked some biscuits, talking away, discussing many things that had happened in their lives recently.
“Have you met someone? You seem different and you’re always on your phone,” Amanda asked her daughter.
“Um, I guess, the new signing, she is really nice and I feel like we just clicked, like it’s so easy to talk to her and she cares about things you say and actually remembers the details, she is very attentive.” Leah said as her Mum watched her expression change as she spoke about this girl.
“That’s good Bubba, go for it, but just don’t jump the gun too fast, and as always remember that if it doesn’t work out she could still end up being a really great friend,” The blonde nodded at her Mum as she slightly bit her bottom lip.
You had planned to spend New Year's Eve alone, having just arrived back from Paris that night you weren’t up for the party Beth and Viv were hosting, you had been invited many times by them and Beth promised you it wouldn't be awkward even though you hadn’t spent much time with any of the team but that wasn’t what you were worried about, you were more worried about the ones you had spent quite some time talking to. Leah had invited you, or more asked you to come to the party and to be honest you were nervous, you didn’t want Leah to have any expectations and you also didn’t want to do something you would regret. However after the multitude of Beth’s messages you decided to go, even if you only stayed for a few minutes. It only took you three minutes to get there, as you were still dressed from your flight.
“Y/N you came!” A very excited Leah said as she opened the door, before she dragged you by the wrist to where the countdown was happening.
“Happy New Year, Y/N/N,” she spoke loudly as she pulled you in for a hug, to which you returned.
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babydollmarauders · 8 months
summary: in which Jack and y/n (lovie) announce Elio’s birth
part of the el!hughes au
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liked by nhl, trevorzegras and 742,893 others
y/n.hughes our sweet baby boy, Elio Quintin Hughes, was welcomed into the world on April 16th at 4:43am, and we couldn’t be more in love
El is absolutely obsessed with “her” baby Leo, and we’re so excited to share the news of our blessing 🤍
tagged jackhughes
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jackhughes so incredibly in love with you and our two angels
y/n.hughes and we love you back with all our hearts <3
colecaufield look at my god baby 🥺 boarding my flight right now! i can’t wait to snuggle him!
y/n.hughes get here quick! trevor is still trying to convince us that we should name him godfather!
colecaufield @/trevorzegras THAT’S NOT FAIR! YOU GOT THE LAST ONE!
y/n.hughes these are MY children. you know that, right? it’s important to me that you know that.
nhl welcome to the newest Hughes! congratulations 💙
_quinnhughes i’m so honored and feel so loved 🩵 i love all 4 of you
jackhughes but… me a little more than lovie because i’m your brother, right?
_quinnhughes sure bud
y/n.hughes i’m so grateful for you and your big heart <3
trevorzegras i’m taking him home with me, he’s mine now
y/n.hughes how about you settle for cuddles?
trevorzegras eh, i guess cuddles will work
dawson1417 the cutest baby! congrats!!
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liked by njdevils, lhughes_06 and 816,923 others
jackhughes Elio Quintin Hughes- April 16th, 4:43am
my wife is a badass. plain and simple. not only because she pushed out our two beautiful children, but because she’s the strongest person i know. she’s been through hell in her life, and she only ever comes out stronger and wiser. but playing a large part in not only getting us together, but also being someone Lovie can turn to, and always being there for her, is my big brother Quinn. so we wanted to show thanks to him in the best way we knew how: naming our son after him.
tagged y/n.hughes
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lhughes_06 i’ll be shown thanks next, right?
jackhughes for what? being lovie’s first child and being babied by her? no thanks
y/n.hughes leave my son alone, jack!
y/n.hughes i’m so grateful for you, quinn, and the whole Hughes family <3 i don’t know where i would be without you all, and i don’t WANT to know
jackhughes i love you so much, lovie
njdevils welcome to the team, Elio! congratulations Jack and y/n! ❤️
_alexturcotte he’s so cute, J! you guys make some adorable babies!
_alexturcotte now make another, i want MY god baby!
y/n.hughes IT’S BEEN 2 DAYS! i am NOT making another baby yet!
_alexturcotte you hate me
y/n.hughes give me 2 YEARS and then maybe we can talk!
nicohischier he’s beautiful 🩵 congratulations!
jackhughes thanks cap! i’ll text the team about meeting him tomorrow!
john.marino97 he’s precious! can’t wait to meet him!
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tinybitsubby · 9 months
****Disclaimer: this is not my list. (meaning I don’t like/prefer/agree with everything on it)
Several months ago I was down some rabbit hole and found a message board where someone had asked a question about having a D/s oriented vacation and people responded. I went to visit it recently and it doesn’t exist anymore. I had copied it to notes to send to the Hubz at one point and thought I’d share it here and see what you all think of it. Thoughts? Ideas? Copy and pasted below.
Someone asked a d/s chat room ideas to turn a romantic tropical vacation into a major D/s getaway for those exploring D/s.
1. Start off on the right foot. Spank her ass right before the flight or drive so it’s uncomfortable to sit during travel. Maybe tell her to sit still when she keeps shifting in her seat.
2. Tell her that unless thr public can hear, just for this trip she must always address you as sir. Punish forgetfulness.
3. Make her kneel every morning.
4. Objectify her by shoving a few fingers deep into her mouth a few times a day. Call her good girl and watch her gag for a minute then wipe her runny eyes and move on like nothing happened. My wife/sub says this type of brief degradation flips her mindset so fast. She hates it but loves the complicated emotional part.
5. Since the owiest part of anal is the initial insertion, tell her that she will be announcing every single time she’s about to get in the shower so he can come to the bathroom in a minute. When he comes in she must lube up her clean asshole and degrade herself by holding her own ass open for him. He will sink his dick all the way in and hold it there while she tells him a reason why she deserves to take his cock up her ass. If she can’t think of a good reason, the dick stays in until she does. Not fucking her, just staying in there stretching her open. Then he rinses off and leaves so she can shower. An uncomfortable size of dildo (not plug) can be used instead if he doesn’t like to get erections and then let them fade. I’m not into anal except for the very subby headspace it creates. It makes me feel so vulnerable and it’s kind of painful. We did this on a trip and it became a true exercise in submission as I got more and more sore. When he sat me down to tell me this would happen, it really set the tone for the trip. Don’t discount this idea. Also Halfway through the trip we had anal sex which is rare for us and it made every shower insertion after that more uncomfortable and really upped our D/s. Seriously, try it, especially if anal is really not her thing. She’ll feel like such a good sub. You want her to feel like a good sub for submitting in ways that are uncomfortable. Please try this! PS If she loves anal, don’t do this, hahaha. PPS. Since we got home he sometimes says tell me when you get in the shower next and I know this will happen and it reminds me of our trip when we solidified our DS.
6. Bring an implement she doesn’t like and tell her she must ask for 10 hard strokes every day by a certain time. Obviously No anger or lectures just checking it off the to-do list. If she forgets and the time passes, she gets 25 or more instead. You should know Tears are ok in the D/s dynamic. If you’re flying and don’t want to take implements then you always have a belt or a brush.
7. Spit in her mouth every time no one is looking
8. Let her know before you leave that even if she’s a very good girl, there will be tears twice on this trip to remind her of her submission. Make her ask for one of the times and surprise her with the other. You get to choose what makes her cry. Don’t overlook the power of this emotional release for a sub. This secretly also teaches her to ask for an emotional release when she feels it could be beneficial to her mental state or the relationship.
9. Tell her she cannot cum until the third day of the trip. Then have lots of sex the first two days.
10. If you are leaving town, make her dress like a total slut
11. Bruises man. Give her some really good butt bruises and then spend time every day, poking pinching and spanking them. It keeps her hyper aware of her place. A 1.5” dowel from hardware can give bruises in just a handful of strikes without chaffing the skin too much like stingy implements do because they take too many strikes to get a bruise.
12. Tell her that on this trip, if she has an alcoholic drink in her hand, there will also be a plug in her ass. No exceptions. Going to order a drink with lunch? Go plug that ass before we leave. For added fun, you pick the size each time. Alternatively, if that’s not possible, you could just tell her that whenever your dick is going in her pussy on this trip, there will also be a plug in her ass at the same time. Or alternate days.
13. She’s doesn’t get to orgasm on this trip.
14. Tell her she will kneel and suck your balls every time you change clothes. “Sorry, you have to come back to the room with me because I’m changing into my bathing suit.”
15. Make her stay naked every minute you’re alone.
16. Call her trashy names.
17. Whatever you want to do to Dom her, whatever your desire or fantasy is, do that. BUT, tell her in detail hours in advance. A sub’s brain goes haywire when told something like this. “Look at me. Tomorrow I’m going to spank you very hard and you’re going to hold very still. I’m going to cum when I’m done but how I cum is going to depend on how well you take your spanking. If you can stay still I’ll just sink into your cunt and that will be that. But if I have to keep telling you to get back into position or keep your feet down I’ll cum down your throat and if I have to wrestle you at all during your spanking, I’m fucking your ass and continuing to spank it.” Or just tell casually with a smile you know after dinner I’m going to fuck your face and slap it hard every time you need to pause to breathe. Etc.
18. I’m jealous. I want a D/s vacation! Just stuff holes all the time. Anytime you think of it, put your fingers, dick or toy into one of her holes for minute. Let her know her body will be invaded over and over on the trip multiple times a day and occasionally during the night. Make sure you tell her to expect it because then her mind will be on it all the time.
19. Flirt with other women and make her sit quietly and smile. Maybe kiss one.
20. Fig her. Especially if you can’t spank because of noise. At least 20 minutes, the heat doesn’t peak until 15. If you’re flying and can’t take ginger, China Gel on your thumb is almost as good.
21. Bind her and make her wait patiently while totally bored. If rope is a travel issue, take some medical tape.
22. Get her pregnant
23. Clothespins. Use them a lot. Is she sucking your dick, put them on her labia. Are you fucking her, put them on her nipples. Are you spanking her, put a row of several down the skin of her tummy or back on her labia. They keep her on edge and feeling subby. I’m not kidding try them because the ache when they are removed is like nothing else. If she’s sunning by the pool, maybe there’s one hidden somewhere for a while.
24. Just fucking Dom her, use the time to make your own D/s dreams come true. She wants you to take control.
25. Fuck man this list is great but maybe only pick a few.
26. Give her a daily writing assignment if you have relaxing time. Give her a question that is hard to talk about and demand honesty. Better yet, both of you share.
27. Tell her she can’t say no on this trip. Goes without saying, but respect hard limits.
28. Make her wear dresses with no panties. Pull it up every time no one is looking. Smack her pussy, or finger fuck her or sit back and admire. Just mix it up. Fuck her before you go somewhere so she has to feel jizz running down her legs.
29. Make her skip a meal now and then to watch you eat
30. Randomly tell her to head back to the room and masterbate to orgasm. Or to only get really close to it. Give her a time limit.
31. Choke her out. Maybe she wakes up in a compromising position.
32. If she’ll be wearing bathing suits, only spank or strap her on one side. She’ll be miserable with all the counts on only one side and if anything should show, it will just look like she took a tumble or something with a bruise or welt on just one side. It’s the symmetry that lets people know what’s up.
33. If there’s a need for a punishment spanking on the trip, do it in diaper position. It’s intense because you can see her face. Make sure you’re ready to handle seeing her face during a punishment as some Doms just can’t handle it.
34. Tell her you won’t be touching her vag once on the trip. Her other holes will be used as you see fit daily. You can put a binder clip on her labia to hold it closed to prove your point.
35. Carve a souvenir scar into her.
36. Tell anytime she wants to cum she’ll have to pick between two things she doesn’t like first. Get her close to orgasm so she’s really needy and then say I want you to come but first A or B. If she doesn’t pick in 10 seconds, she gets both then back to the orgasm.
37. Pick a window of time each day that she cannot speak
38. Tell her she must wake you up with her mouth every day.
39. Take medical gloves and do cold inspections of her. Make her feel like an object.
40. No eye contact for the trip.
41. Dude just tell her this trip will be rough. Rough sex, rough spanking, rough manhandling. Just make things challenging for her and then get through them together. That’s all we subs want. We want to endure a hard challenge for you and then be called a good girl for enduring it. You get to be the guy setting up whatever challenge turns you on AND be the support system when it’s emotional for her. That’s all of D/s!!!
42. Edge her. You can do it or she can, but lots of random edging to keep her needy all day.
43. Golden showers.
44. Make all decisions for her. Tell her when to get up, when to sleep, when to use the bathroom, what to wear, order her foodand drinks without consulting her. Tell her when sex is happening and what type. If it’s too much, just pick one day where she can’t make a decision.
45. If you’ve never slapped her face, start on this trip. Maybe just a couple times at first and then build up to several times in a row during some form of sex. Require eye contact. Let her tear up and let her go through the range of emotions. While looking at you and enduring it, let her feel your support, but then slap her again. As a submissive this is for real an emotional growth as a couple and can be meaningful. Talk to her about it the next day. Tell her she’s so good for taking it in and you’re going to slap her again soon.
46. Spank her very hard right before the trip so the little spankings here and there actually hurt quickly. Wipe tears and give hugs. This hard and soft feedback at the same time feeds a sub like you wouldn’t believe.
47. Don’t let her sleep in pajamas. Always nude. She’ll get used to it.
48. Force too much Alcohol/weed into her and then discuss both of your darkest fantasies.
49. Slap that pussy every chance you get. Keep it just a little sore.
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winterarmyy · 1 year
Plot Twist | Part II
An arranged marriage with mafia!bucky. 
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Navigation: Part I | Part II | Part III* (end) | Extra
Words: 2.5k++ (whoops, this one’s longer)
Pairing: beefy mafia!bucky x female!reader
Warnings: only soft things most of the time. bucky's 'innocent' seduction, and reader is a bit extreme when she's angry. a bit of attempted murder but we can turn a blind eye on that. otherwise, safe to read.
A/N: Thank you so much for the incredible support from the previous chapter! I thought this gonna be a flop tbh. I’m still gonna do either way, it’s for my own indulgence after all. But, now that I know lots of you are on board, I’m thrilled to take y’all along for the ride! Enjoy!
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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“Where is she?” Bucky had been searching for his wife in the crowd, but he was left disappointed when he wasn’t able to catch not even a glimpse of her.
Steve leaned closer, “Clint said they’re on the way a few minutes ago. They should be here any second now.” He informed.
Bucky seemed dissatisfied with his answer; maybe he should’ve come home first and come this gala with her. But Steve insisted that he was already late due to the flight delay, and he should just go straight from the airport. His wife would come later her own, should be fine.
“Fine my ass.” He thought. For some reason Bucky had been restless lately. Maybe he had been away from his wife for too long. He was thinking of taking some time off from this business, perhaps finally bringing Y/N to a trip somewhere.
They didn’t spend much time together, but when they did it was well-spent. At least that’s what Bucky think. After the reception ceremony, he brought Y/N straight home. He had to catch a flight later that night. Something about having “Some contract to settle at in Italy. I’ll be back in two weeks or so.”
Y/N was still in her wedding dress when he tell her the news. He remembered her looking sombre but she didn’t complaint at all; instead she looked up to him as said, “Have a safe trip, please.” Bucky didn’t expect her to look at him so yearningly. He wondered what was she thinking when she said that.
For a moment, he thought of cancelling everything and stay in New York. Spend time with her, get to know her. But thinking back about the piles of workload he had on his back, he quickly snapped back to reality.
As Bucky was walking out, about to leave his newly wedded wife at the door; he hesitated. He paused as his gaze trained on her, what should he do? Kiss her goodbye? Hug her?
Y/N looked up with eyes filled with confusion. Did he forget something? Is there something he wanted to tell her?
Bucky himself doesn’t know what to do. “Fuck it.” So, he simply turn around and left her internal questions unanswered. Trailing closely behind Steve greeted Y/N goodbye before jogging up to Bucky.
“Who’s in charge of her?” Bucky asked as him and Steve walked towards the car. “Clint.” Steve answered right when they meet up with Clint himself at the car door. Bucky sharpen his stare as Clint opened the door for him, “Keep me posted.” He ordered.
Turning back, Bucky took one last look at her; she was still standing stood at the entrance. Gloom seemed to surround her, but he could see she was trying to put up a strong face. His eyes soften for a second as he thought, “She does look gorgeous in that dress.”
He felt bad during the trip. He doesn’t particularly know why, but his heart aches whenever he thought of his wife was standing there when the car drove farther away from the mansion. Maybe it was the look she gave him before he left. Or maybe he was just getting mellow, as Steve said.
So, he did everything he could to make it up for his absence. Jewelleries, clothes, shoes; anything expensive that he set his eyes on when he was away. That was the only thing he can do; at least the only thing he knew women liked. Prettiest things for the prettiest lady.
Alas, none of the gifts he gave her ever really made her happy. Clint said she accepted it but always in a reluctant manner.
“He didn't have to give me this...”
“I can't possibly accept this...”
“Do I really have to…”
Her behavior left Bucky beyond puzzled. He didn’t know what to do; he barely knew her. So, he went with the most generic way to make a woman happy. Though it didn't completely backfire, but he wasn’t satisfied with her response.
Until one day, a ‘revelation’ he called. A ‘sign from God’ for those who believe. He found the answer when he was in Paris, two months after he was declared as a married man. On the way to his meeting, he drove by a cute café. Its’ surrounding layout was adorned mixture of white, pink, and peach roses. A thought came up to him as he remembered a moment during his wedding reception.
“Do you think it's possible to keep my bouquet?” Bucky heard Y/N whispered to one of the wedding planners that attend the reception. The man nodded as he explained that he can arrange the request for her. She smiled brightly and thanked the man.
Bucky watched her with a spark of curiosity in his eyes. He had to ask, “You like roses?” it was short, straight to point. The question seemed to take her by surprise, Bucky never asked useless question like this.
“I love this particular type of rose.” She answered. A soft smile brightened her pretty face. A sincere expression that Bucky rarely sees in a person anymore.
He liked that.
He wanted to see more.
Wanting to continue the innocent conversation, he asked, “There's a difference?” He quirked an eyebrow.
It seems there was a silly thought that came across her mind as she giggled, “If I tell, it will only bore you.” she said.
There was glimmer in her eyes, purposely luring him to provoke her; a powerful seduction it was indeed, he leaned closer towards her, "Prove it."
~End Flashback~
“Steve, tell Clint to arrange a bouquet for her.” Bucky said, something in his eyes lifted his expression. There was no special occasion this time. It just reminds him of her.
Steve looked over him, “The usual red roses?” he asked, as if Bucky had done it was a daily occurrence.
“No…” an unconscious smile creeped up on him, "…white majolica spray roses." He said as he recalled the way she said it.
Turns out that was the best gift amongst all he gave so far. His chest seemed to tighten and soared at the time whenever he recalled how Clint explained her reaction to it.
“The widest smile he ever saw.” Clint said.
Too bad Bucky wasn't there to see it for himself.
Bucky was woken from his daydream when he heard a commission at the other side of the hall. When he turned to his left, he didn’t see Steve anywhere, he was supposed to be there. But it didn’t take long until Steve popped up in his view.
Steve walked up to the group of where Bucky was hanging around since he arrived. He faked the sincerest smile at them, “Gentlemen.” He nodded once, before leaning closer to Bucky, “It’s Y/N.”
Upon hearing her name, Bucky didn’t waste any more of his time with the meaningless small talk and left the group. Unlikely of him to leave without a proper greeting but it’s his wife for fuck’s sake.
Bucky nearly printed, “She arrived a few minutes ago and went to grab a drink.” Steve said. His brows quirked into a deeper frown, “Unsupervised? In here?” Bucky growled. Steve knew better to leave his wife in this ‘battlefield’ alone. “No, Clint was...”
The first thought that came to him was she was in danger and that pumped a rush of adrenaline through him. But it was far from the truth. In fact, quite the opposite. When Bucky managed to slither through the crowd he ended up stopping at his track.
His wife was the center of attention; two feet in front of her was a woman, tall and blonde. An empty glass in Y/N’s hand. Red wine soaked into the silk of her dress; leaving an eye-sore of a stain on her beautiful lilac dress.
“Do you think this is funny?” there was a grit in Y/N’s voice, nothing like the gentle tone she used around Bucky.
Foolish woman she was, that blonde, believing what she did was amusing. Purposely stepping on Y/N’s dress, and when she was left unguarded the woman lifted the bottom of the glass that Y/N was holding spilling the deep red drink on her dress.
“It’s a little bit funny.” The blonde giggled gleefully. And she was out there thinking that ridiculing Y/N Barnes was a humorous joke. Unaware of how petrified the people surrounding them. No one messes with Barnes. No one.
Y/N stood tall and proud; she tried to remain unfazed by childish tricks as this. A smile curved on her lips; with a wave of her hand, a waiter came to her side and take away the empty glass from her hand before quickly retreated.
She walked gracefully towards the woman; surely the blonde was taller than her but somehow Y/N managed to make her feel like she was being looked down upon, “Oh dear…” Y/N chuckled.
Despite the light laughter from Y/N, there was a sudden change in the thickness of the atmosphere. It was much heavier, sturdier, quieter. Standing face to face, eye to eye, the dumb blonde finally realized the trouble she was in, especially with wordless superiority that Y/N was exuding.
Very much resembling Bucky’s, or perhaps the very opposite.
If Bucky’s was winter cold, hers was searing fire.
“Go ahead, laugh again. Best believe that I will shove this knife down your throat when you do.”, what a menacing gaze in those coffee-stained eyes of hers.
The woman was caught of guard when she saw a blade in Y/N’s hand. When did she got her hands on one of those? Perhaps if she was vigilant enough, she would’ve seen when Y/N pulled the knife from her thigh strap from the hidden side of her leg.
Alas she was stupidly brave to counter Y/N’s threat. “I-in front of these p-people? You wouldn’t dare.” She stumbled upon her own words.
Amused, Y/N simply smiled, “You think they would care? Look around, you fool.”
The crowd was split into two categories; those who was scared for their own life and those who wanted to see blood. But both of them doesn’t give enough of a care about the life of another foolish woman who doesn’t know her place.
Y/N was right. And the woman was deemed to meet her doom.
“Come on now, ‘it’s a little bit funny’ right?” Y/N taunted her with a wickedly innocent giggle, before charging the knife to the woman’s throat.
Y/N was expecting to feel the blade sunk into her flesh, thrilling to see blood spilled from the wound but instead, she was stopped by a grip on her wrist, pulling her away from her target, “Woah there, tiger.” She recognized this voice anywhere.
“Bucky…” she whispered his name as he pulled her closer; her back flushed against his sturdy chest, muscular arms around her waist. “Okay, okay. Easy now...” His hand grazed along her wrist up to her palm, taking away the weapon from her hand.
“That’s it. Calm down, honey. Wouldn’t want you to get hurt, would we?” Bucky dipped his face to the side of her neck, whispering sweet nothings in her ear; his thumb rubbing her waist, coaxing her to submit. Y/N does not know what kind of sorcery was involved, but he managed to calm her down. She leaned further into his embrace as she place her hand top of Bucky’s.
Bucky eyed Steve, giving a signal to take care of the rest of the mess, as he gracefully lead his wife away, towards the balcony for some privacy. As soon as they step outside, the cold air breezed on the surface of her exposed skin, waking her up from the lavender haze Bucky lured her into.
Having her back facing towards Bucky, she could hear him closing the door and walking up to her. She was still pissed off about the whole ordeal, but somehow her husband still managed to sway her around to face him, “It’s just a dress, we can buy more it you want.” He coaxed with a gentle caress on her arms.
“That’s not the point.” She spat, an upset frown decorating her pretty face.
But that only soften Bucky even more, “Then?”
However, she remained silence. In fact, she doesn’t know how to say it. She just looks down at the stain on her dress, “It was a gift from you.” and yet the words left unsaid.
Bucky followed her gaze; the stain was surely prominent on the pastel dress. Dragging his eyes lower, he can see the wine dripping on exposed thighs through the slit of dress, bit by bit flowing lower towards her ankle.
He lightly push her back against the railing before going down on his knees. Wordlessly, he lifted her leg and place it on his thigh; he could feel the thin heel of her shoes digging into his skin, but he didn’t care. Y/N didn’t question any of his action, especially when he pull out a handkerchief from the pocket of his suit and gently wipe the excess fluid from her skin.
“Why are you mad, doll? Tell me.” His tone was honeyed as if he was pleading, as his hands keep dapping the wetness away.
There was a few seconds of stillness before Y/N finally confessed, “It was a gift from you.”
Bucky looked up at her, “What is?” As if he didn’t notice the first time he saw it.
She sighed an exhausted breath, “This dress. It was the very first gift you’ve given me.” She sounded genuinely upset. A tiny pout was starting to form on her lips.
Deciding to play dumb, Bucky asked, “Oh, is it?” he grinned a foolish smile.
Y/N wanted to wipe that smug from his face, “I’m being serious, Buck! I—” her words were cut short as she felt Bucky’s lips on her thighs. His gaze dragged slowly from her eyes and downwards to where was planting his invisible marks. Litters of feather-like kisses, as he hands gently grip on the back of thigh and calve.
“Bucky… What are you doing?” her brain was unable to render a full thought, while he lungs seemed to forgot how process air for her to breathe.
He lifted his head up for a second, “You’re just so precious, doll...” He smiled, dipping back and planted another kiss, “…that’s all.” He mumbled against her skin.
His stubble felt too good she almost melted where she stood, “I—I’m still pissed off.” She faked her anger, hoping it will stop him from doing such intimate thing in a public place like this.
Bucky willed himself to stop, as he knew if this kept going, he might go all the way regardless of where they are, “Then, let’s get out of here. What do you think?” He placed her leg down as he stood on his feet.
The offer seemed tempting, Y/N was feeling a little bit hungry and everything in the gala was bite-sized. That’s not food. At least not in her book. Her eyes brighten to the thought of having proper meal, “Can we? But aren’t you like, an important person?” she peeked at the glass door ahead, the silhouettes of people moving around, laughing; seemed like they were enjoying the gala.
“Compared to you? Never.” There was a hint of flirtatiousness in his tone. Playful, yet flirty.
Y/N rolled her eyes, “That’s not what I meant.”
Bucky chuckled as he held out his hand, silently inviting her to an unplanned rendezvous, “Come on, sweets. Anywhere you want to go.”
<< Part I || Part III >>
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Feel free to share your thoughts 🤍
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dilemmaontwolegs · 9 months
Hey! Love the temptation danny story so much! Can i have a follow up request where reader has to go home for vacation due to a family reunion while danny is off somewhere for testing and she tells danny that its ok that she goes alone since he is busy but he keeps insisting that they should go together but reader has already booked a flight and the next following days while the family reunion is going on danny just arrives and everyone gets so starstruck by him and he is so possessive of her while the reunion is going on, LOVE THE FICS BTW YOU ARE AN AWESOME WRITER
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The Taste of Temptation || DR3 {6}
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, smut, fluff (two part request) WC: 3.4K F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven Snapshots: One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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Wednesday “Honestly, it’s fine,” you reassured him for the seemingly hundredth time. 
Daniel’s suitcase was at the door beside yours except the planes you were leaving from in Nice were going in two very different directions.
“It’s not fine,” he muttered as he checked his Passport was in his back pocket before pulling you into his arms. “I was looking forward to seeing your family again. They’re going to be mine soon too.”
You smiled at the reminder and brushed your thumb over the engagement ring. “You’ll see them at Christmas.”
“Not everyone,” he pointed out. The Christmas get together was going to have both of your immediate family members, with his flying out from Australia. “I want to talk to your cousins.”
“What? Why?” You pulled back to see the mischievous look in his eyes and the smile that promised he was up to something.
“Cousins always tell the truth,” he chuckled. “And I want to know what you were really like as a kid.”
“I was a little angel.”
His hands roamed over your body to settle on your ass and he pulled you flush against him as he teased, “What happened?” 
You giggled as you rose on your tiptoes and grazed your nose along his throat before resting your lips on his jaw as you teased him right back, “I fell for a man with a wicked tongue.”
You could see the darkening in his eyes and his lips parted with a filthy suggestion on the tip of his tongue but the blaring of an alarm from his jeans drew a groan out instead. “I’m going to have blue balls for the flight now.”
“You should probably take care of that.”
“It’s a 30 minute drive to the airport, Kitten, you could take care of it along the way.”
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It was a strange feeling returning to the town you had grown up in. The streets remained the same, trees lining the curb and kids playing in the front yards, but the faces were all unrecognisable. Like you, most of the people you knew had fled as soon as they finished high school, searching for something bigger than what this place could offer. 
Nearly every parking space on the street was taken by your extended family but your dad had saved one for you near the house with the recycling bin. It was a good thing too because Daniel had kind of spoiled you as he walked you to your boarding gate. He hadn’t been able to resist dragging you into the duty free shops in the terminal and now the extra baggage was missing the pair of hands that carried it for you. You had told him it was too much but he just kissed you until you forgot about arguing. It wasn’t fair, you could never win an argument when he cheated like that. 
You got the feeling everyone had been waiting for you because the moment your car door closed they all filed out of the house to come and help with your luggage.
“There’s the city-slicker, welcome home,” Vanessa greeted with a kiss on your cheek before pouting as she saw the empty front seat. “Damn, thought you were bringing the sugar daddy with you.”
“Don’t call him that, he’s not my sugar daddy,” you warned with a roll of your eyes but your cousin clearly wasn’t paying attention. “Daniel is with the Red Bull guys in Japan for some big event. He wishes he could come but they called in everyone: Scotty, Liam, Mad Mike, they all had to be there too. ”
Your dad took the suitcase from your hand and nodded understandingly. “That’s a shame, but at least my little girl has finally come home.”
Your bedroom hadn’t changed all that much since you left to go to university and you could see the pin pricks and faded lines in the wallpaper outlining where your posters used to be. 
“Ohh, this is gorgeous,” Nessa grinned as she helped herself to the garment bags, the tags still on the designer clothes Daniel had bought you. “So am I going to meet this not-your-sugar-daddy before the wedding?”
“You could come to Christmas if you want, and go ahead, try it on,” you sighed before flinching at the squeak she made before abandoning her clothes like you were still kids and stepping into the first dress. “Nice to see you haven’t outgrown stealing my clothes.”
“There’s a reason we are the same size, it's fate. Karma herself said, Nessa, you deserve to wear nice things too,” she joked as she turned around. “Do me up?”
“You are so full of shit,” you laughed as you zipped her up. “Am I going to get that back?”
“Do you have a sugar daddy?”
“Well there's your answer.” 
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Friday “Hey Kitten,” Daniel greeted with a bright smile when the video call connected. “How’s it going?”
You leaned the phone against your mirror so you could continue to apply your makeup and held up two shades of lipstick. “Just getting ready to go out with Nessa. How’s the event? I haven’t seen many pictures.”
“Left hand, and you won’t - they are keeping everything under wraps until they have finished filming. Think the Melbourne GP promo vid, but bigger…”
You opened the lipstick he chose, the one you knew he would since he always complimented the shade on you - and when it transferred to his skin too. He fell silent as he watched you lean closer into the mirror, leaving the swell of your breasts filling his screen.
“Kitten…I wish I was there,” he sighed when you pulled back and blew him a kiss to show the colour off. 
“I wish you were here too,” you admitted, taking the phone with you as you sat on the bed and hugged your pillow. “Two days down, four to go.”
“You’re still counting in days? I’m counting in hours, fuck it, minutes.” He sent you a screenshot and you saw the countdown timer on his homescreen, the hours and minutes slowly ticking away until you were reunited. “Where are you and Nessa going? Is Carter going too?”
You shook your head at the question. Vanessa’s brother was far too busy with his new girlfriend to want to go to the local bar. “He’s too cool to hang out with us at the Old Oak Inn.”
Daniel sat up a little straighter and didn’t appear too pleased at the news. “Is anyone going with you?”
“You know what I mean,” he huffed, “who is going to look out for you two?”
“Everyone knows everyone here, baby, we’ll be fine.” You gave him a smile as your chest warmed with the same gooey feeling you got every time he worried about you. “I love you, my protective he-man.”
“I love you too, Kitten,” his face softened until he heard Max calling his name outside his hotel door. “Send me lots of pictures, baby, I wanna see my gorgeous girl having fun.”
Nessa burst into the room as you ended the call and ripped the pillow away from your arms. “Get up, bitch, the taxi is here.”
The bar had changed a lot since you last went, the atmosphere more akin to a club than a pub, and you narrowed your eyes at Nessa who just grinned back. “You said it was a chill night out.”
“I lied,” she said with a shrug. “We can go back if you’d rather get in a fight over monopoly?”
 You cringed at the thought so she dragged you through the busy room and straight to the bar. 
“Holy shit, we have royalty in the house,” an old school friend greeted as he tended to the bar. “Did Monaco get too busy?”
“Not quite, Mark, I’m just back for a family reunion.” He placed your old favourite drink down without having to ask and you quirked an eyebrow at it.
“I have a good memory, but it might taste better than it did in the old plastic cups we drank out of,” he laughed before pouring a bourbon for Nessa. “Milady.”
He wandered off to serve someone else and you turned to Nessa. “You and Mark?”
“A few times, you know, just a bit of fun,” she said as she winked at him when he glanced back. “Oh, head down, Andrew’s here.”
You ducked into her arms and kept your head down until she said you were safe and sighed with relief. “Jesus, everyone really does come here. Is there any other bar around?”
“If you want to catch an STD off the bar top, sure. Plus, your high school sweetheart will probably find his way to Ruby’s later anyway.”
“We dated for like four months, I wouldn’t call him my highschool sweetheart,” you scoffed. 
Nessa’s brow lifted. “Need I remind you he took your V Card? Your first always has a teeny tiny place in your heart.”
“Not mine, and Danny took my A Card so that trumps it.”
“A Card…?” she trailed off before her eyes widened in realisation. “Ew gross. Did it hurt?”
“I’m not telling you anything.”
“Whatever, we both know how you get after a few drinks.” She grabbed your phone and held it up as she raised her glass and you clinked them together before tipping them back. “Perfect. And done.”
You barely caught your phone as she carelessly tossed it back and you saw she hadn’t sent it to Danny but uploaded it to Instagram. “Fucksake, Nessa, you left the location on.” 
You had learned quite quickly that most of the people that followed you only used it to see updates Daniel might not have posted himself, including using the locations of your posts thinking Daniel would be with you. It had led to a few scary situations before you learned to keep your location off or at least generalised - but she had tagged the Old Oak Inn.
Taking another photo with a pout, you posted it with the caption, ‘half of my soul is half a world away, miss you danielricciardo’ and hoped it would stop some people within driving distance from making the pointless journey hoping to see Danny.
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You opened the photo again and zoomed in to see Andrew in the background, his eyes clearly looking at your ass when the camera snapped.
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“What made you happy all of a sudden?” Nessa asked as she returned with fresh drinks.
“Danny’s on his way,” you giggled nervously as you clutched your phone to your chest.
“I thought he couldn’t come.”
“He couldn’t, and he shouldn’t, but I don’t think there’s anyone with the balls to stop him. He can be a little stubborn sometimes.” It was a severe understatement and if he wasn’t such a good driver you were certain he would have been fired for some of the escapades he found himself in because he got a little overprotective and possessive when he was away from you. “Christian Horner offered me a job just so I could be wherever Daniel was and keep him in line, but I think it was a joke.”
“You need to accept it, joke or not, your man is whipped for you.”
You took a sip of your drink before you spilled the truth about who really did the whipping and pondered the idea you had initially laughed off. You could still work a similar role with Red Bull, so maybe it shouldn’t have been brushed off so quickly. For tonight, you would focus on having fun with Nessa and catching up with old friends.
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Saturday You groaned at the dawn light that brightened the room as the curtains were ripped aside and rolled over. “Nessa, piss off.”
“Something bothering you, kitten?”
You probably looked like a zombie coming to life as you threw your blankets back and rushed up to meet Daniel as he climbed onto the bed. The old frame creaked unused to the extra weight on it but you didn’t care if it collapsed, you weren’t letting go of Daniel once he was in your arms. 
“You’re actually here,” you murmured against his lips when you finally broke apart to breathe. You had kept looking over your shoulder all night expecting him to appear but when the bar closed and he still hadn’t arrived your hope had simmered down.
His smile was blinding as he brushed your messy hair back and buried his face in your neck with a deep inhale. He was a cat high on catnip the moment his nose brushed your racing pulse and he guided you back into the sheets as he caged you beneath him. “Told you I’d see you soon.”
“My parent’s room is next door,” you whispered as his hips settled between your legs and he teased you when he rolled them against you.
“Then I suggest you find something to bite,” he chuckled, his fingers slipping into your panties and feeling how your body had instantly reacted to his touch, “because I have missed you so much. I just need to feel you around me. right now.”
His lips parted and he sighed at the pretty sight as he dragged your panties down your legs. “There’s my pretty kitty,” he mused as he shuffled down the bed so he could settle between your legs, kissing your thighs softly as he reacquainted himself after three days apart. “Have you missed me?”
“Like crazy.”
“She thinks I’m talking to her,” he whispered and you felt the warmth of his breath on the sensitive spot he was confessing to. You giggled at the silly man and squirmed with the silent plea for him to stop talking and do more, the bed creaking with the movement. Daniel grabbed your hips and held them still so the bed fell silent before shaking his head with an amused smirk. “Impatient little minx.”
Rather than take the taste you knew he wanted, he flipped you onto your knees and pushed your head into the pillow to silence the sounds that spilled forth as he curled two fingers into your cunt. A few flicks of his wrist were the only preparation he gave your body before his shorts were halfway down his thighs and he replaced his fingers with his cock. 
Your pillow heated with the heavy moan that filled it and it grew damp as your teeth clamped down on the satin slip. It had only been three days but the burn of the stretch danced the fine line between pleasure and pain until he reached around your hip and found your clit. 
“Fuck you’re tight, kitten,” Daniel grunted, his lip almost bleeding as he bit it to keep quiet and pulled back a little so you could acclimate to his size again. “You okay, baby?”
You answered by pushing yourself back, needing him as much as he needed you, and you relished in the full feeling when your ass met his body. His heavy breathing broke the quiet morning and he covered your back, pressing his lips to your spine and following the line to your neck. 
“Lay down for me.”
Unwilling to part with you for a moment, he helped you onto your stomach and carefully shifted until his legs were outside of yours and your thighs pressed together. The pillow muffled your moans as the position increased the feeling of fullness and he rode you with long smooth strokes, keeping the bed from creaking.
“Three days was too much, kitten,” he confessed quietly as he kissed your shoulder. “I can’t go a day without you. Want you with me, always.”
Despite the exhaustion of the late night and early wake up, you weren’t able to get back to sleep, even with Daniel there to spoon you. A knock at your door had put an end to that plan and you were reminded that everyone was getting ready to go to the lake for a day out on the water.
Everyone except Vanessa were surprised to see Daniel joining you for breakfast and you got the best pick of the cooked meal while they all fawned over the celebrity.
“Alright, alright, leave him be,” you said as you moved them along and handed him a plate you had filled before sitting on his lap. Seats were in short supply with so many people coming and going that you were happy to share one. “I know he’s a bit weird but try to treat him normally.”
“Morning, Sugar,” Nessa teased quietly as she took the seat beside him.
“Ness…meet Daniel, officially,” you said, since she had seen him on a video call.
“We met this morning, didn’t we, Sugar? Who do you think let him in? We had a great chat about you.”
She was finding it too amusing and Daniel’s shoulder bounced with a laugh as he stuffed bacon into his mouth to avoid commenting. “I thought you were joking.”
“I told you, cousins always tell the truth,” he chuckled before kissing your cheek. “She didn’t tell me anything new though; I already knew you were smart and beautiful.”
“She was just saying that so she could keep the Givenchy dress she stole.”
“Pfft, not true, but I can totally play it up if you want to part with the Jimmy Choos too.” She turned her attention to Daniel who had been thoroughly enjoying the interaction while idly massaging your hip. “Did she tell you that she climbed up a tree to save a cat? The fire department gave her a medal for it. Or this one time she single-handedly stopped a bank robbery.”
“Oh my god,” you snorted at the absurdity.
“Don’t get me started on how she took down an international crime syndicate with a muscle car.”
“Who am I? Vin Diesel? Just shut up.”
“No, no, give me more,” Daniel encouraged. “I thought Lando was imaginative but this is next level.”
You could see the moment her train of thought was lost and a sly smile grew. “Think you could introduce me?”
“To Lando? No way, you would eat him alive.”
“Come on, I introduced you to Drew so you owe me.” You felt Danny’s hand stop the calming circles and wished she had kept her mouth shut as he asked who Drew was. “Andrew, her first boyfriend, well only boyfriend before you, I thought you would have known, my bad.”
Breakfast was fairly quiet after that and you knew Daniel had questions he was just waiting to ask when he got you alone. Fortunately, you could put them off for a few hours as you all set off to the lake, the distraction of you in a bikini enough to placate him in the meantime.
“So this Andrew…” he stated as he pulled you into his arms and waded out deeper into the warm water. “Why haven’t I heard about him?”
“Because it was years ago?”
“Did you love him?”
“I was 17, I didn’t know what love was,” you laughed as you combed your fingers through his hair. “Are you jealous?”
“No,” he scoffed, but it was clearly a lie.
“Baby, you’re the only man I have ever loved, and the only one I will ever love - with one exception.” His eyes narrowed and you giggled as you kissed his cheek. “If we have a kid someday and it’s a boy, then I would love him too.”
The corners of his eyes wrinkled with the smile that split his face. “I suppose I could live with that.”
“Good, so forget about Andrew. You are everything I want and need.”
“So long as I don’t have to cross paths with the bastard that took your innocence.”
There were only two days left before you flew back to Monaco, what were the chances?
Click here for part seven.
Taglist {1}: @moonvr @copper-boom @yunnie-f1 @ophcelia @lightsoutletsgo @alwaysclassyeagle @neiich @omgsuperstarg @starwarssavy23 @fdl305 @faeb1tch42069 @sweetestrose569 @pleasantducktimetravel @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @belennasif @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19 @destourtereaux @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky @jpg3 @bangtanxberm @ohthemisssery @eviethetheatrefreak @kimi240302 @andydrysdalerogers @formula1mount @storyteller-le @dakotali @daddyslittlevillain @elijahslover
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #12)
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FEB12: Bear Hug
John had been on tour for the past six weeks, and you were beyond excited to see him. He’d asked you to pick him up from the airport, but it was almost the middle of the night. No one was in the terminal except you and a few employees, so it was a little eerie. 
You waited in the designated spot, holding a neon green poster that had “Welcome Home, John!” painted on the front, and you had made him a basket full of his favorite snacks. You waited and waited, wondering if you should find somewhere to sit down. You didn’t know how much longer it would be. He’d told you his flight wouldn’t be on the board, so you couldn’t check. 
Suddenly, you heard voices coming up the stairwell towards you and where you stood in baggage claim. You were expecting a whole plane full of people, but the only ones who crested over the landing were John and three other men. 
There was a tall soldier in a ball cap, a short, stocky one with a mohawk, and a pale blond with scars across his face. You waited for them to see you. When John spotted you across the huge empty space, his face lit up with joy. He waved and broke away from the others, jogging to greet you. Dipping low, he scooped you up in a tight bear hug, crushing the poster between you, needing to be close no matter what. 
“Mm,” he purred, “It’s so good to see you, pretty girl. How are you? Are you alright?”
John pulled back a bit to look you over, but he didn’t break the hug, checking for any clues to the contrary. 
“I’m fine,” you smiled, “I’m so glad you’re finally home. Who are your friends?” You nodded to the men waiting behind him.
They stood patiently, if a bit amused, and watched as John finally let you loose so he could introduce you.
He pointed to the one in the ball cap, 
“This is Kyle,” 
Then, the mohawk.
Then, the blond.
“And Simon.”
You shook hands with them, and Johnny smiled roguishly,
“You must be the bonnie lass that the captain cannae stop starin’ at on his phone.”
You blushed, and you thought John did as well, but his may have been a rush of anger based on the warning glare he gave to the other man.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” you said.
“They’re gonna crash at my place for a few days, so I was hopin’ I could stay at yours, love,” he proposed.
“No problem,” you agreed, “I parked in the deck. Let’s go home.”
John planted a soft kiss on your cheek and slung his bag over his shoulder. You were a little uncertain about the influx of guests, but you couldn’t complain. Your lover was home, and that’s all you cared about.
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Check out the schedule here.
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asumofwords · 10 months
The Sublet - Roommate!AU
Warnings: She/her pronouns, slow burn, angst. Tags will be added as the fic goes along.
Pairings: Modern!Aemond x Reader
Summary: Living with Helaena Targaryen was one of the best decisions you had ever made. Meeting at university, the two of you became thick as thieves and quickly best friends, moving into a flat together. But what will happen when Helaena has to leave, and her quiet, brooding, brother moves in?
Notes: Hello angels! Here is chapter two of my new mini-series! Was a lot of fun writing this, and am hoping to have a new chapter our every week if possible! I hope you enjoy <3
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Chapter 2: Departure
Helaena stood at the door, two large duffel bags in her hands. Her hair was braided back away from her face, something you had begged for her to allow you to do early that morning before her flight. Her violet eyes looked around the apartment before landing back on you. 
“I’m going to miss you so much.” She swallowed, eyes looking teary.
You stepped forward, cocking your head as you offered her a small smile, “Hey, hey, hey Miss Waterworks, not yet! We got to get you to the airport first before I let you cry.”
Helaena laughed and you reached out to grab one of her bags, grabbing your keys from the small hallway table dish. Helaena spun and pulled open the door, moving out of it with one bag in hand whilst you followed behind her, pulling the door behind you with a click. 
“Is it locked?” She asked, watching as you tugged to make sure.
“Yes, mum.”
Helaena clicked her tongue at you before moving to go down the steps of the apartment. When you arrived at the bottom, you moved across the street to drop her bags into the trunk of your car.
“I’m going to miss our drives in this beast.” She sighed as she got into the front seat, rubbing the dashboard where an array of small, iridescent bug stickers sat, curtesy of the self proclaimed ‘Passenger Princess’. 
“Hel, you’re making it sound as though you’re never coming back.” You pulled out of the parking spot and began to drive her to the airport, hand coming out to shuffle through the old 2000’s CD you had put in the stereo.
“Might as well be dead. I love mum, but she’s going to be more wound up than ever, especially with Nyra there.” Helaena leant her head against the window, looking out at the trees you past on the road. 
“Well at least Baela and Rhaena will be with you. You haven’t seen your cousins in ages. Plus you’ll have Daeron with you too.” You smiled at her, quickly turning your head away from the wheel. 
Helaena smiled back, hand reaching out to turn up the volume of ‘I’m like a Bird’ by Nelly Furtado. 
“Yeah, I’m going to invite them to come visit us! Remember last time they came and we went out?”
Your lips pulled back into a grin, “And you got so wasted I had to carry you home on my back?” You snickered.
Your best friend grumbled, “Serves you right for ordering shots.”
You laughed loudly at the memory of Helaena stumbling about the club, singing so loudly that her voice the next day was crackled, and mascara stained her under eyes, "That wasn’t me, that was Bae!”
“Oh yeah.” She giggled.
The drive to the airport went fairly quickly as you sang side by side and talked about everything and nothing, and before you knew it, you were standing at the gate hugging Helaena for dear life as everyone around you boarded the plane. 
“I’m going to miss you so much.” She cried, cheeks wet with tears.
“Aw Hel, you big softy. You will be back in no time! Plus we can FaceTime while you’re there.”
Helaena pulled back and wiped her eyes with the back of her hands, nodding at you as she sniffed. You leant forward a pressed a kiss against her forehead, “Now remember to call me if you need anything, okay? I will come if you need me.”
“Okay, I promise.” She readjusted the tiny beetle shaped bag on her shoulder and took a steadying breath, “I gave Aemond your number, so he will probably text you when he gets there, so remember to give him my key.” Helaena gave you a pleading face, “Please be nice to him. I know he can be quiet and standoffish, but he has a good heart. It hasn’t been easy fo-”
You grabbed Helaenas’ shoulders as you smiled at her, “Hel, breathe. I promise to be nice, and it will be totally fine! You just worry about your fam and I will take care of everything else, okay?”
Helaena nodded again before she pulled you in for one last hug. You squeezed her tightly, feeling your heart clench in your throat. You knew it would only be a month, but ever since you had become friends, you had been inseparable. 
This would be the longest you would be away from each other. 
You watched as Helaena boarded, waving at her as she passed through the gate down to the plane. You had to sniff your own tears back as you watched her silver hair disappear out of sight. Once she was on the plane, you made your way back to the car and drove yourself home, feeling the quiet around you immediately. 
Helaena really was a solid rock in your life, and you hoped you were the same for her. She had been there for you through so many life milestones. Buying your first car, your first big break up with your douchebag ex, everything. And you wouldn’t have it any other way than at her side.
When you got back to the apartment, you parked your car and finally checked your phone. There was a text from Helaena saying she had wifi on the plane, and another from an unknown number.  
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You got out of the car, flicking your hair behind your ears as you shut the door behind you, locking the doors with a click of the button. You looked up at the apartment block you and Helaena called home. It was an old art deco building that had been cheap to live in when you and Helaena first moved in, a little run down if you were honest, but beautiful nonetheless.
But now, the apartments were stupidly expensive, and yet your Landlord hadn’t once increased your rent. You wondered if it was because they knew who Helaena’s family was, old money and new, and one of the biggest and best lawyer firms in all of Westeros. But really, the Targaryens had their toes in many fields.
They owned vineyards that stretched over thousands of acres of their ancestral lands, realestate, restaurants, you name it. They owned something of worth, and their name held power.
You remembered when you first went to inspect the apartment. It was decently sized with tall ceilings, some of the paint was peeling, but once you and Helaena had moved in, you spent the first weekend painting the walls together. But the thing that had drawn you to it the most was the bath. It was hard to find an apartment in the city with one, and considering that the block was so old, it even still had the original tub and penny tiling floors. 
You walked up the stairs, as you opened Helaena’s messages.
When you got to the top of the landing, Aemond was already there, waiting.
The silver haired man was leaning against the door boredly, looking down at his phone, a silver strand of hair falling over his eye. At the sound of your approach he straightened his posture and looked at you. 
You had forgotten how tall he was. The Targaryen towered over you.
It had been a while since the last time you had seen him, and his hair was considerably longer, hair tucked behind his ears. His violet eye watched you as you gave him a small smile, the other clouded eye, unmoving. 
“Hey.” You greeted, standing in front of him, fingers gripping the strap of your bag, unsure of whether to shake his hand or offer him a hug. 
It felt awkward.
“Hi.” He responded quietly, eye searching your face. 
Aemond wore black jeans and tight black top that stretched across his chest. Around his neck, hidden behind his shirt, was a small silver chain that dipped beneath. You remembered he had been wearing it the last time you saw him, Helaena said something about Valyrian steel? You couldn’t remember, but it was something that he clearly never took off. The smell of leather and smoke curled around the both of you as you looked down at his toned arms, a black leather jacket slung over one. 
It was in that moment, as you took him in, that you realised something.
Aemond was handsome. 
Gods, how had you forgotten he was handsome?
“You going to let me in?” He asked, tone flat.
You felt heat rise in your cheeks, your hand with the keys flicking up as you moved to open the door to the apartment. Aemond barely moved an inch to allow you to reach the door, and you had to utter a small ‘excuse me’ to him so he would shift and give you space. 
You felt his eye on you as you opened the door and stepped through the apartment, Aemond bending down behind you to pick up a faded, green duffel bag that he had left on the floor while waiting for you. 
“Welcome.” You smiled backwards at him, dropping your keys into their dish and fishing out Helaena’s from your pocket, “These are yours.”
Aemond grasped the keys, large keychains attached to them from grazing across the palm of your hand. They looked comical in his, what with all her keychains; bright blue butterflies, shining green and pink dragonflies, and a long pendant with your name beaded on it hanging from the tips of his fingers. Helaena and you had made them for each other on one of your infamous craft nights in. 
Aemond nodded at you in thanks.
You moved through the apartment as he followed behind quietly, his height looming over you making you feel incredibly small. 
“So,” You turned around looking at your roommates brother, “You’ll be in Helaena’s room.”
Oh Gods, here we go.
“Um,” You looked around the lounge room trying to diffuse the sudden tension, “Did you need anything?”
“No.” He answered looking down at you, bag still in hand, "Thank you.”
“Right, well, Helaena’s room is on the left. Let me know if you need anything.”
Aemond nodded and walked down the hall, his large black boots beating against the wooden floor boards. You watched as he continued his way down to her room, opening the door and stepping inside. The door shut behind him with a soft click, and you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding in. 
Your phone buzzed in your hand and you looked down at it. You quickly typed a response to her back.
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You huffed a laugh and went to sit in your room, putting away the pile of laundry that sat unfolded on the bed. 
Aemond didn’t leave the room or make a sound after he went inside. He was as quiet as a mouse, just as you had remembered he was last time, and you felt that the next month would be spent with  him existing in her room and you existing around him. It would most likely be awkward, though you didn’t mind, at least he wasn’t Aegon. 
Aegon was nice, but he was also a sleaze. Trying to get into everyone and anyones pants. Even after you had told him you weren’t interested, he continued to flirt with you boldly, immediately giving you the fatal ick. 
However, there was one thing you couldn’t deny about the Targaryens.
They were all stunningly attractive.
They all had the same piercing, violet eyes that only people of Valyrian decent had, as well as their shimmering silver, white hair. They were like sirens, luring anyone into their trap, and you had almost fallen for Aegon’s until he opened his mouth.
As the afternoon faded away and the night soon crept in, you reheated some of the pasta sauce that Helaena had made, adding a singular portion to the saucepan until you remembered that her brother was also here, and had not emerged from her room at all. Not to eat or got to the bathroom, or even get a glass of water. So with that thought, and the echoing ‘be nice’ in the back of your mind, you added a second portion to the saucepan and began to heat it up. 
You put another pot of water in the sink and filled it with water to boil on the stove, putting some music on shuffle with your phone, and as you waited for it all to cook, you unloaded the dishwasher. 
‘Freak’ by Lana Del Rey played loudly out of the speakers as you moved the cups and dishes back into the cupboard, the water on the stove coming to a boil. You put in the pasta and stirred the sauce a bit, adding some spoons of the pasta water into the sauce pan, just as your grandma had taught you. 
“Baby if you wanna leave, come to California, be a freak like me too." You sang quietly, grabbing two bowls and forks for the both of you. 
As you watched the water boil, the pasta cooking inside, you thought of what the next month was going to look like. 
You wondered how Aemond would react if Cregan came over. 
Would it be awkward? 
You shook your head, it was your house, and Aemond was a grown man. You were sure that he wouldn’t mind.
And if he did, tough titties.
When the pasta was cooked, you strained it, separating it into the two bowls and pouring the sauce over the top. The smell of Helaena’s amazing sauce filling the space around you, making your mouth water.
“What are you making?” Aemond’s voice came from behind you, startling you. 
“Gods be good.” You breathed, hand readjusting its grip on the saucepan as you scraped the last of bolognese into one of the bowls, “Bolognese, got a bowl here for you if you’re hungry. Helaena made it.”
Aemond moved from behind you, and as you turned to look at him, you noted that he was just in his jeans and shirt, shoes long gone. Thats how he had crept up on you. That or you were lost in your own world. You picked up the second bowl and moved to hand it to him. 
As your eyes moved towards his face, you noticed that Aemond had tied his hair away from his face in a low bun and you felt your breath catch in your chest as he looked at you. 
“Thanks.” He grabbed the bowl and moved towards the dining table, steps silent as he crossed the room. 
“No problem. Do you want a drink?” You asked across the room, opening the fridge, pulling out a soft drink for yourself.
“I’m okay, thanks.”
A pause.
You filled up a glass of water for him and moved towards the table, placing it in front of him on a coaster. Aemond sat with his hands in his lap, not beginning to eat yet, like he was waiting for you to sit down. Perhaps he was waiting for you. Helaena had told you that their mum was rather strict with etiquette and traditions, and you likened that this was a lesson from her. 
You went back to grab your drink and pasta before sitting opposite him. 
“You know,” You began, hoping to break the tense air around you, “You don’t have to eat at the table, we can sit on the couch if you want. Or you can eat in Hel’s room if that’s better for you.”
“Hm.” Aemond hummed, not easing your worries, before twisting his fork into the pasta, bringing it up to his lips to blow. 
You ate in silence together. 
It wasn’t uncomfortable in a way that you didn’t like each other, or that there was any bad blood, you just did not know anything about him, and he knew nothing about you. And he barely spoke. But beside that, Aemond was perfectly polite, if not a little stiff. 
You thought that perhaps picking a random stranger from the train and bringing them home to have dinner would make for more easier conversation and be less awkward.
“Helaena cooked it,” You explained, trying to fill the room with something other than the sound of clinking cutlery, “Not me. I think it was to save us both cooking.” You laughed, twisting another forkful of pasta for yourself, you felt a great urge to get to know him a bit, after all you would be living together for a month, “Hel told me you’re thinking of moving back to Kings Landing.”
Aemond placed his fork back into the bowl, “I am.”
Short. Stiff.
No wriggle room.
No ‘yes, and’. 
“Do you know where you would stay? Probably close to family right?”
Aemond was quiet, and you felt like you had stepped over a line. You suddenly remembered his strained relationship with everyone but his mother, but even then, that was somewhat difficult, or so Helaena had told you. You opened your mouth to apologise, but Aemond responded.
“Most likely. Might go back to uni and finish my degree.”
You blinked at him, “Oh? I didn’t know you were studying?”
“I was. But I deferred when I moved to Harrenhal.“ Aemond paused, staring at your face blankly. It made you wriggle in your seat, “I think it would be good to finish it.”
“I think it would be.” You agreed, “I’ve only got a year left until I graduate. God, I can’t wait until it’s over.” You smiled at him, having finished your dinner, “What were you studying?”
Aemond’s lips pursed as he looked at you, as though he would rather be talking about anything else, or more likely, not speaking at all, “I was doing a double degree. History and Philosophy, majoring in Politics.”
Your eyes widened in shock, “Oh damn. A double degree? How the hell did you manage that?” 
One degree was hard enough, you couldn’t imagine juggling two.
Aemond let out a humourless huff, “What are you studying?”
You leant back in your chair, stretching your arms above your head sighing, “Similar to you, History, but I’m doing a little side Poetry class which I’m enjoying.”
Aemond hummed, “Poetry?”
“Yup.” You popped the p, suddenly feeling as though you were being interrogated in your own house. It set you on edge.
“Favourite poet?” Aemond asked, the question catching you off guard completely. 
You blinked, thinking for a moment before you answered him, “Kafka.”
“Kafka?” Aemond replied, brows lifted, “A romantic.”
You cocked your head as you looked at him, “Kafka is a lot more than just a romantic. I think it would be disingenuous to put his work into a box.”
A smirk wound on Aemond’s lips as he hummed, the first time you had ever seen the man give something that wasn’t a frown or pout, and you felt your heart race in your chest. 
“You’re right. Just was not expecting you to be a Kafka girl.”
Now you were offended, “What, did you think I would be more of a Sylvia Plath?”
“Nothing wrong with Sylvia Plath.”
“I know that.” You snipped, “Let me guess, you’re an Edgar Allen Poe.” You pointed at his all black apparel.
Aemond let out a sharp huff.
“Emily Dickinson.” He answered, lips pursed again. The way he was watching you, it looked like he was sizing you up.
You hated it. 
“Hm. Favourite work?” You pressed, arms crossed across your chest as you looked at him.
You couldn’t tell if he was making fun of you or not. 
“‘A great Hope fell.’”
You were surprised once again, “That’s not beating the Edgar Allen Poe allegations.” You paused in thought, tilting your head as you thought of the piece.
“‘A not admitting of the wound, Until it grew so wide, That all my Life had entered it, And there were troughs beside.’” You recounted a paragraph, feeling as though you had one-upped him for even knowing it, but in truth you had recently studied Emily in your Poetry class, and her work was fresh in your mind. 
You wouldn’t tell him that though.
Aemond blinked at you with one eye, not showing at all that he was impressed that you knew his favourite poem off by heart, or even slightly surprised, which made you want to hit him over the head with your fork.
“They are both amazing in their own right.” He stated as he stood, pulling his empty bowl towards him before he collected yours.
You thanked him, watching as Aemond moved to the kitchen and began to stack the bowls into the dishwasher without being asked.
Maybe those manners from Alicent weren't bad after all.
“Do you know where the linen closet is?” You called across the room.
Aemond nodded. 
“Okay, I have work tomorrow so I won’t be home. You have your keys?” 
Another nod.
“I’m going to watch some tv. Do you want to join?”
Aemond turned around and walked back towards you, “I’m going to bed.”
Your mouth felt dry, and a blanket of embarrassment curled around you.
“Ah, no worries.” So much for trying to make this easier, “Well, goodnight.” You gave him a curt smile and moved towards the couch, not waiting for his response as you got comfortable, turning on the telly to put your favourite show on to binge. 
“Night.” Came Aemond’s smooth timbre from behind you, and not long after you heard the soft click of his door. 
You grabbed your phone and checked to see that you had some new messages. The first from Helaena, she had sent you a photo of her in a car, having landed in Old Town, followed by five consecutive messages.  
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You smiled at your screen, typing back a response that there was no murder yet. 
You hoped that it wouldn’t come to that. But with Aemond’s quietness, and even the subtle stubborn and self assured manner that he carried himself with, you felt that perhaps things may come to a head one way or another.
Helaena had said the two of you were more alike than you know, but you just couldn’t see it. He was so quiet, and you weren’t. He was brooding, and you were forthcoming. He was a dick, and you were not. 
Most of the time.
Flicking back to your notifications you spotted another message, finger tapping it to open.
It was Cregan.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
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