#i’m really glad you enjoyed it so sorry to steal your sleep 🥺
daisychainsandbowties · 5 months
So I cannot do horror at all I am too weak stomached for it and thus have never seen alien and likely never will, a travesty I know- especially because I love scifi :'( However obviously I just stayed up way too late in order to read your alien au because everything you write is just incredible and like I don't even know, but your writing is just like honey, viscous and thick and amber hazed and it lingers sticky, sticking in my thoughts. Idk if I'm making sense cus I'm tired but yeah! Incredible! I will be thinking about this all day tomorrow when I'm yawning my way through work amazing as always :) :) :)
i watched alien when i was maybe 4 or 5 so to me it’s like a disney movie, and also my favourite one in the world. as a kid i loved the set design; the way everything is kind of plastic and dirty and old because this ship is a just hauling ore it’s not high tech it’s got a skeleton crew it’s in no way prepared for what it finds out there.
also i loved Ripley and her little cat and i think the pacing of it which is slow & intelligent and sweaty and full of steam and heat and water and dust and blood. it ticks all the casper boxes and keeps giving me new things to stare at in awe like even as an adult i get to read the wikipedia & see quotes about the designs of the aliens and i get shit like how the alien that crawls out of john (very) hurt’s chest is “unmistakably phallic in shape” and how a critic described its “open, dripping vaginal mouth.” they are knocking on my door with that one i’ll be honest.
anyway that’s what made alien au so fun to write it’s a messy marriage of two things i love very much and i get to put my sticky transgender fingers into all the sci-fi and horror things i love.
space as a character and also as narrative framing. blood, and also absence, silence, what you can’t see and what you can’t unsee. it’s all very fun. plus getting to have transfem beatrice & an ava who never got to touch grass or go home, who finds this deadly airless freezing place (and calls it home anyway).
i’m really glad you liked this first part. 🥰 i wanted to give a nod to alien’s slow-dance toward violence & also i think its restrained use of violence overall. this first movie they can’t use guns, they’re made of skin and bone they’re just people and they’re trapped and nobody wants to help them and they were doomed from the beginning. but i guess the thing about Ava and Bea and Lilith i love is that they all look at “doomed from the beginning” and tell it to go fuck itself
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cower-before-power · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on 800 followers!!! 🥳🎉🎉 We haven't talked before cause I've mostly been lurking, but I really loved your Chocolate Chip Pancakes series 🥺🥺🥺
For your event, could you do Zora and "only one bed"? (my favorite character with my favorite trope lmao)
Thank you! 💕
Hello!! Thank you so much! That series was a lot of fun, I'm so happy you liked it. And I'm happy to complete another Zora request! I hope you enjoy it :)
TW: cursing, Zora calls you some names haha
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Your hands shake as you finish your nightly routine, the cold water you’re splashing on your face doing nothing to calm the heat that seems permanently stuck to your cheeks. It was anticipated that the mission would take a few days, but it had not been anticipated the inn you were to stay in would only have single rooms left. So here you were, stuck in the last available room with only one lonely double bed, with none other than the noble hating prankster himself, Zora Ideale.
You’ve admired the masked man ever since he officially joined Captain Yami’s ragtag band of misfits. He was rude, lazy and prone to playing annoying pranks, yet it was clear if you watched him close enough, there was a good and kind heart lying beneath. The problem was, he seemed hellbent on not letting anyone close enough to know that heart. There was an unyielding brick wall stacked meters upon meters high around him. You wish you could chip it away and let the true Zora shine though. You’re positive he would be absolutely breathtaking.
When you emerge from the private lavatory, you’re surprised to find an unruly mop of red hair peeking out from under the blankets. You’d honestly half expected him to steal the blankets and find a spot outside (he certainly napped in enough trees). Gulping nervously, you quickly tiptoe around to your side of the bed. You’re about to pull back the covers and slide in, when a sudden thought hits you. He wouldn’t...
“There’s no stinkbugs under there, idiot,” Zora’s voice startles you, thought its slightly muffled by the blankets pulled up to his eyes. “Would I really smell up the bed I gotta spend the night in?”
“O-oh,” you stutter ashamedly, quickly blowing out the bedside candle before he can get a look at your embarrassed face. “O-of course not. I-I'm sorry." You climb into the bed awkwardly, settling on your back.
He sighs. "Don't apologize, shithead. Just be quiet so we can sleep, or maybe I will consider some stinkbugs."
Silence falls as the two of you lay there, you staring at the ceiling and him breathing quietly as he faces away from you. Moonlight filters in between the ragged curtains that flutter in the cool night breeze, the faint chirping of crickets the only sound as the world settles down for the night. You feel yourself start to relax into the mattress. But the peace stirs something within you, and you suddenly just have to speak.
The man next you sighs in clear annoyance. “What now?"
You take a deep breath, steeling your nerves.
“I just wanted to say....I’m glad we’re on this mission together. I know you are probably annoyed to be stuck with me, but I’m happy you’re my partner.  I know everyone thinks you’re just some troublemaker who doesn’t give a shit about anything but terrorizing nobility and pulling silly pranks, but you’re a lot more than that. You’re talented, loyal, kind, and you want to take care of those who are looked down on. I know you’ll have my back these next few days. I just wanted to let you know I am grateful you’re here-both with me and with the Bulls.”
Your words are met with silence, not that you were really expecting an answer anyways. You pull the blankets up tighter around you, your heart happy you managed to say what’s been on your mind. Even if he never acknowledges what you’ve voiced, at least he knows.
“You’re not so bad yourself, idiot,” Zora replies suddenly, his raspy voice much softer than you’ve ever heard it before. If you didn’t know any better you’d say he sounds almost...fond. The idea sends your heart fluttering in your chest.
The gentle moment does last long though. “Now shut up and go to sleep,” he snaps, and you giggle quietly to yourself at the very clear note of embarrassment in his voice. “We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”
“Yessir,” you chirp, snuggling into the covers and closing your eyes. All your nerves have been wiped away; you feel strangely content. “Goodnight Zora. Sleep well and have sweet dreams.”
“I said shut the fuck up."
You giggle again, your mind already growing thick and hazy as slumber tugs you into it’s warm embrace. Before it can totally claim you, you swear you hear a quiet “you too, idiot ” echo into the inky night.
You fall asleep with a smile etched across your face.
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lovely-renard · 2 years
Hiii!! I would love to join your match-up event if that’s alright. My name is Luna, I’m 5’4 and I use she/her pronouns. My star sign is taurus and my MBTI is INFP. My love languages are words of affirmation and quality time. I would like a match up with Tokyo Revengers (boys).💕
• Hobbies: I really enjoy art in general, things like painting and drawing. I’m currently learning digital illustration. Also, I like to cook (very taurus thing) and going on night drives without a specific destination. I’m always listening to music
• Fashion style: I don't specifically have a favorite style of clothing, but I really like grunge and edgy fashion style.
• Favorite songs: depends on my mood, but currently Golden by Harry Styles, Dancer in the dark by chasing Atlantic, Cardigan by Taylor swift and Black by Pearl Jam (this is my favorite since I was kid)
• Series: I’m currently obsessed with Bridgerton, Spy x family and I’m watching again Full metal Alchemist.
• Describe yourself: I'm not that close in the starting but then I'll start being more chill. Once a can really let myself be, I’m very funny and I get more extrovert. I have a funny, chill, calm and loyal personality. I’m very caring and protective to those who I consider family or close to me, I try to always be for them doesn’t matter if is something bad or good. I have long dark brown hair with brown eyes. I have an hourglass body and I’m a little bit thick, like thick thighs and all that XD. I'm the kind of person to steal my significant other's clothes A LOT, I just don't have enough comfy clothes. I dislike some spicy things; I have a preference to sweet and sour food instead. I have a good sense of humour and I like people with good humour too! Sometimes I can be very sarcastic too. I almost forget, but I’m very clumsy and usually a little bit dense xD.
My first time doing a match up, I hope I did this right! thank you in advance my love, so glad I found your blog when i did. Can’t wait for more of your content. 💕💕💕
Pd: sorry if I made a spelling mistake 🥺 English is not my native language
I match you with ... Draken ♡
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Your relationship song : Just my type (The Vamps)
“Why don’t they admit they’re in love? It’s getting kinda annoying, looking at them dancing around each other…” Draken grumbles, head comfortably seated on your lap.
“And why can’t you just watch the show without complaining? I warned you: this was my turn to choose a movie.”
“Well I didn’t excepted you to pick such a lame one! The characters are so dense, it’s unbelievable.”
Before he could continue his little rant against the (you had to admit) not that good movie, you place your hand on his head, playing with the strands of his hair. As excepted, he shuts up immediately and adjusts his position, his own hand drawing random patterns on your tights. With this simple yet quite effective trick, you can enjoy the rest of the movie quietly, the only sound besides the TV being your boyfriend’s breathing.
When the credits start to roll, you teasingly ask “See? It wasn’t that bad, right?”. No response. Frowning a bit, you repaeat yourself a bit louder, in case he was distracted. Still no answer from him. You lean forward, wondering if Draken was mad at you for some unknown reason only to be met with his sleepy face, eyes gently closed, chest heaving up and down deeply and steadily. You didn’t even notice he started stopping drawing randoms forms on your skin.
Smiling sweetly, you reach for the blanket on the other end of the couch, trying not to move to not wake him up, and spread it over him, making sure he’s nicely tucked in. You trace his sleeping face, from his jaw to his nose, cheeks and brows, stopping your fingers on his tattoo. You take your time to trace each lines slowly before leaning and kissing it, whispering against his skin “Good night, Ken…” before resting your eyes too.
Little did you know he was actually awake the whole time, finding it hard to not react at such an adorable behavior.
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