#i’m very upset
Okay I don’t know who originally posted about it but they have infected me with this little piece of info.
Why does Eurylochus not ever help Odysseus? Like he’s constantly questioning his orders, (for example, in Remember Them he’s trying to run from the other cyclops and not even considering that Odysseus has planned for this) or challenging him in front of the crew (not just in Luck Runs Out either, in Full Speed Ahead he argues with Odysseus about him and Polites going ahead) Eurylochus is near constantly arguing with Odysseus.
And furthermore, why was he not helping Odysseus with the bag in Keep Your Friends Close? Why did Odysseus have to stay awake for nine days? Why was Eurylochus not helping him?
If polities was alive, that shit would’ve never happened! Odysseus would’ve gotten the help he needed!
But NO, we got Eurylochus, the asshole.
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sarahsainttea · 1 year
I am never going to forgive battinson for putting SPRAY PAINT ON VICTORIAN HARDWOOD FLOORS >:(
I can only imagine the conversation that he had with Alfred when he got discharged from the hospital.
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blasphamy-and-cheese · 8 months
The worst thing about the RWRB movie is all the fanfictions without June :(
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lvrhughes · 8 months
i hated listening to the i don’t remember what they’re called, talk while ur watching the game people, bc during jacks penalty they were just going on about how teams have to do that bc he’s too fast he’ll get those tricky shots blah blah
but no. teams do fucking not have to pin him to the ice with their sticks pressed against his back then not get a penalty, no ofc Jack does for a very fair reaction imo, you can win without pinning players to the ice
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strawjamberry · 7 months
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She could try, but she’ll never not be totes adorbs 🌹❤️
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awek-s-archived · 11 months
tried to revamp my old twt and then decided to deactivate it and just remake it and twt isn’t letting me so now i have to live another day without my besties n screaming into the void on this site instead
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scene-q · 2 years
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little amy sketch I dids a while back
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partoftheairforce · 8 months
i think i’ve just been banned on roblox and i am raging
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idrkwhatsgoingon08 · 1 year
I started Lockwood and Co on Netflix when it first came out because I saw the trailer and thought huh looks cool. I BECAME OBSESSED. Even before finishing the show I knew i needed the books. I watched the show even though it was exam time and got the books. I then thought I’d wait for the potential season 2 to find out what’s behind that dam door but gave up after how long it was taking for even an announcement: I’m now on book 4 and somehow I’m more obsessed only to find nope they’ve gone and cancelled it. It’s like the society and I’m not okay with this and every other actually good show Netflix cancels because they decided it wasn’t good enough for them?? I’m annoyed. Very dam annoyed. How does a show like riverdale have so many seasons when a show this loved and amazing gets just one…????
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becabeale143 · 2 years
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kachwoww · 2 years
The duolingo update genuinely ruined my day
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Being 18 working in a secondary school is painful, I was accidentally yelled at to get to my lesson and then was told I can’t be in the staff room, but I’m angry because they shouldn’t be yelling at students like that anyway
…..I’ve worked here for 5 months….
I also get comments implying I’m stupid and naive all the time and it’s frustrating and then when I try and explain something I get shut down, even though, shockingly, I got the job because I’m not only qualified to do maths support but I also have qualifications in autism, adhd and dyslexia support because I wanted to help my little sister. I know I’m young and compared to others I have very little experience but I feel like they just think I’m incompetent.
It’s worse when the older students (16) try and get too friendly because I’m young, and when I reported a student for making inappropriate comments another staff member asked me what I expected…
Also I can’t wear anything without being told it’s inappropriate, on Christmas jumper day I wore a knitted Santa dress with long sleeves and it fell to just below my knees, and another staff member called it a ‘sexy Santa dress.’
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yellowpamonha · 11 months
my best friend started dating and now can’t call me during the early hours of the morning or watch movies with me online and then stay talking because his girlfriend feels uncomfortable. and yeah if that’s how she feels then he shouldn’t do it, good for him, but like… she is also my best friend. one of my closest. she’s known me for four years now and she knows how important he and out little movie sessions are to me, and that I’ve never had romantic feelings towards him, and now I can’t have one of my favorite moments of the week anymore?
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You know what I hate is stopping at a light with a police car in the other lane. I’m always so sure at that exact moment either the car or I will become possessed by a demon and just fuckin floor it right through the intersection. This fear is so real to me, I don’t know how else to explain it.
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ckygetsjobs · 2 years
Tried watching jackass two but I don’t have enough time rn
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