#i'm also still trying to figure out the botw art style
thefaeriecreek · 1 year
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Ok so Link was intended to have a little sister in before the Calamity, so I thought I'd do my own take on her.
Aryll is 7 years old and Link (in my headcanon) is 20. Link's an absolute goof, so he's good at flipping on the big brother goofball mode. Her best friend is a cucco named Helmaroc, or Roc, who follows wherever she goes.
She sits on the roof of their cottage telling Roc of all the adventures those birdies that soar above Mt. Lanayru must've seen on their flight across Hyrule.
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linkstem · 1 month
Introject Ask Game!
1. What's your name and source?
I'm Blue from the The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords manga
2. What type of introject are you? (Fictive, factive, etc.)
I'm a fictive
3. How connected do you feel to your source?
All of it happened to me and stuff so like,,, really connected I guess. I think it really helped us as a system cause it can be interpreted as a really nice DID metaphor... Even though we had no idea we were a system when we read it
4. Do you have any exomemories? What's your favourite one?
I remember my whole sourcce but I dunno about a favorite,,,
5. What do you think of your source's fandom?
6. Do you have any sourcemates in your system?
Red, Green, and Vio!! There's some Zelda fictives from other games/aus I dunno if they count
7. Have you ever met any sourcemates outside your system?
We're friends with a BOTW Link and Zelda, and we know a Saria, we wanna meet more!
8. Have you ever posted/sent a sourcecall anywhere? Did it help you find sourcemates?
I never really felt the need to
9. What do you think are your biggest differences from/similarities to your source?
Uhh it's not really a difference cause I still did all that stuff but I kinda cringe looking back on our source cause I was really different when we first drew the Four Sword. I don't really know how to fight and stuff anymore too, so that kinda sucks
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
Yeah, I mean, that's me!!
11. What's your favourite thing about your source?
I guess the characters, feels kinda weird to call us that, but yeah! The five of us are my favorite thing about it, our interactions make us happy
12. What's your least favourite thing about your source?
13. Any funny exomemories?
This one time Green was playing with paper boats in the water and Shadow pushed him in so we all had to jump in after him and try to pull him out!!
14. Does your appearance differ from your source's appearance?
I have more dirty blondeish hair than my canon hair, and the side part is styled kinda different? And I wear blue earrings!
15. What other role, if any, do you have in the system?
We're still figuring all that out, I think I might be a caretaker though.
16. If you could go back to the life you had in your exomemories/source, would you?
HAHA FUCK NO I have a super cool boyfriend and extended found family now
Seriously though? I miss the castle and stuff, if I could take him and all my other friends with me I would totally go back, Hyrule beats this place any day
17. Does this universe differ at all from the one in your exomemories/source?
Yeah theres fucking weird new technology and sland i DONT understand and there's a SEVERE LACK OF COOL SWORDS AND HORSES AND SHIT
18. What's your favourite clothing item/ accessory that the system owns?
I like our blue scarf!
19. Do you have any merch of your source?
We have Toon Link and Toon Zelda plushies...
20. Do you ever get homesick? If yes, what do you do to deal with it?
Not reallyy, I mean its better but I dont really dwell on it, the people matter more than the place and I have all the people
21. What songs remind you of your source?
Those Hyrule Lofi things are cool
22. What activities/things remind you of your source?
Playing Breath of the Wild? That kinda feels like cheating though
23. Do you like engaging with your source/ content about it?
Yeah!! Everyones so funny and sometimes fan stuff helps me remember things I forgot
24. Have you ever created content related to your source? (Art, fanfiction, etc.)
Yeah, our host likes to draw so we make a lot of drawings and stuff, I like doing whiteboards with our friends. We also used to "roleplay" before we knew we were actually just plural
25. How do you feel about doubles?
I mean, there's already four of me so I'm kinda numb to it, I've met other Blue kinnies and stuff, they're cool!
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lunaryhues · 5 months
Big Art Dump part three.
The rest is under the read more. Be warned: there's a lot.
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^^^ Unfinished drawing of my inkling from Splatoon 2, dated May 24 2021.
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Some recent BotW / TotK Links. First one is Dec 14 2023. Second one is much older, Jan 20 2022. thought it was interesting to compare the two. I was trying vastly different things.
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unfinished Kasane Teto, heavily based on KIRA's song, "i DO what i WANT." I remember wanting to cover that song with Teto once I got ahold of her SynthV voicebank.
dated April 11 2023
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Oh yeah. I drew Wapeach.
dated December 2 2023
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My personal redesign of Betilla with her beautiful perfect son.
Dated November 11 2023
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We never see Rayman use his hood, other than Laserhawk.
dated November 7 2023
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A Barbara I ended up not liking enough to finish. I ended up drawing her with a different style.
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More Barbara. I was trying to figure out how I wanted to draw her.
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I completely forgot about drawing this. It was saved as a .clip (as well as .psd), so I think I was testing out a trial for CSP. What the hell.
I guess I wanted to see if I could draw in a stereotypical anime style???
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Marx doodles
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Magolor doodles
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I don't ship a lot of things. I don't even know if I ship this specifically. I just thought of this and thought it was funny.
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Ramon. Dated Oct 19 2023. I thought he was more funny, if anything. So over-the-top edgy, like a parody.
I reeeaaally didn't wanna draw the guns.
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I had this idea for a pumpkin-themed girl that I would come back to every once in a while. 2nd one is Oct 27 2020.
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More pumpkin girl. First one is Feb 13 2021.
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Cyclops cyborg character named "Illumina" who I've mentioned briefly before. They're kind of like a derivative of a different character, lovingly named Hell Miku.
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Ninomae Ina'nis as Agent 4. She streamed Splatoon 2 at some point. Dated January 25 2021
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Inugami Korone drawn in two different styles, dated January 29 2022.
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Some old OCs who were very precious to me growing up.
I redrew them for fun. Left sword guy is Kris. Right Ponytail girl is Veronica. Girl in the distance is Arrow. Big goddess lady is Soleil.
dated April 23 2022
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Another Kris. Dated September 1 2020
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Okay, fine. I made two versions of the "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy" meme. This was a combination I thought would be funnier, but decided to post the other one instead. but i still also like this one.
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And finally...
I have a Splatoon OC named Ray. This has nothing to do with my current hyperfixation on Rayman. It's a coincidence, I swear.
(I'm not changing his name. I just thought of the idea for this comic and thought it was funny.)
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