#i'm just feeling wistful
galasgamingcorner · 1 year
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Diablo 2 Scenery | Lut Gholein
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somnimagus · 9 months
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My page for @destinytriofanzine! I drew something about kids always dreaming of far off places
[id in alt!]
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willowser · 8 months
to me, this feels like being in a crowded room, overstuffed with the people you love and the memories they've given you. it's too warm from all the laughter and the gentle lighting and the beer in your hand is sweating over your fingers—not that you're drinking it much, really; more interested in chatting—and someone somewhere is playing music you remember from a few years ago. when things were different.
and you look up at the perhaps right time, glancing in the direction of the radio, searching for the source. you know exactly who's playing this song and why, and you want to see the look on their face when they see the look on yours, but—
instead you find bakugou. katsuki. standing near the door with his coat still on. expression soft, cheek strawberry-pink with his scar. once it sinks in for both of you, his eyes widen almost imperceptibly—but you catch the flutter of his dark eyelashes, how his ruby eyes shine with the same intensity they've always had.
it's been so long since you've seen him, long enough that you worried you might never again—but the memory of it is here, too, with all the others. the weariness on his face matching the too-deep frown, uncharacteristically unhappy. there was so much you wanted him to say, so much you wanted to say—and the words have haunted the space put between you for as long as you can remember.
your stomach sinks at the sight of him, but not in a bad way. not entirely, at least. it feels like tracing a faded scar: skin marred but fully healed, with you forever. distantly, you can't help but think he's so handsome; on instinct, like you could love him through the worst of it without meaning to.
across the room, his lips pull into a thin line and he nods once, elusive, tucking his chin a bit when you smile. you reach a blind hand forward to pat your friend gently on the arm, wordlessly bidding them goodbye before turning to squeeze past whoever is in your way. whoever is in the space between you.
his eyes widen noticeably, then, but his expression schools quickly or—dissolves, rather, into a truth he's never had with you, determination for something other than heroics. he, too, moves through the room, a little less politely than you, and his hand stays raised, like he'll reach out the minute he can.
you already do, unable to help from laughing as his jaw clenches, and the minute your fingers find his, you think—this time, neither of you will let go.
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crimsonfeatheredraven · 5 months
You know what? I think Jason should be a bit more unhinged about his death. I'm not talking about death jokes or "did you die?" comments or even the angst filled moments that we've been getting, which I respect in their own right.... but I'm thinking more along the lines of him carrying dirt from his grave around in a little pendant that he wears around his neck 90% of the time... using his coffin as a table or bookshelf...having a stain glass window in his actual apartment that has a depiction of the angel that stands over his grave...
I wish he would be allowed to actually enjoy his second life more...but I also think it be interesting to see him have a more macabre fascination with his death without linking it to Bruce...
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fumbles-mcstupid · 4 days
me every year for the past eight years: THIS YEAR I'm definitely going to make sure I get a DRAWING TABLET in time to make billyalan PRIDE ART for JUNE
me every June: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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pokeglitchden · 1 year
You know, I realized that a (kind of) important date is coming up again. April 19th was the last day I worked at Silph Co. There was an incident there and I and the rest of my department was let go very shortly after.
At the time I really thought my whole career was over, and in a way it kind of felt like everything was over. I was lucky to get hired at Devon, I'm grateful for that bit, but even more I think I'm glad for everything it's led to.
I've met a lot of great people now, made some solid connections, have gone places I don't think I could have DREAMED of going, I've got a dream team of Pokemon with me. Things could be better, always, but they've been a lot worse.
In retrospect, I think getting let go from Silph was possibly the best thing that could have happened to me. Work conditions weren't safe there. So far I've been spared the "Rotumblr Wheel of Hospitalization", but I don't think that would have been the case there. I remember being in the medical wing there a LOT. I.. admittedly don't ̵r̷e̶m̵e̴m̴b̷e̷r̴ ̶a̷l̶l̵ ̴o̴f̵ ̸i̴t̵ ̴v̵e̴r̷y̶ ̸c̶l̶e̴a̴r̷l̶y̷.
Sorry for waxing sentimental over all this. The approach of the date just had me thinking. Thanks to @professorzzazz , @made-this-blog-to-poke-my-rival and.. I guess even @whisperingwinters for helping me come out of my shell a little.
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cookinguptales · 11 days
So there's a bottle shop not too far from me that delivers to my house. This is nice because booze, in general, is too difficult for me to carry without hurting myself. I don't drink a ton, but I like having something delicious (that'll help with my joint pain) every so often.
So I've been trying a lot of different kinds of beers lately. For many years, I thought I hated beer, but I've realized that honestly I mostly just hate a lot of the beers that are popular lmao.
This time of year there are a lot of sour beers, which is nice. Those are my favorite, I think, especially the fruity ones. I'm drinking one right now that was brewed with raspberries and rose hips and it's really, really nice. Really refreshing in this warm weather.
I think the funniest thing to come out of all this, though, is that I've ended up trying a lot of beers from Anderson Valley Brewing... which is like an hour from where my parents live. So it is a little funny that I only realized I liked their beer while roughly three thousand miles away.
Dad and I are planning to go for a visit next time I'm in California to try a bunch of samples. Should be a nice day trip. I always like going down to Anderson Valley, not least because we always stop at Pennyroyal and pick up cheese. Sometimes they let us pet the baby goats, too. *_*
I'm not really going anywhere with this, I'm just excited by the prospect of petting baby animals and eating that one goat cheese they have that's mixed with blueberry preserves.
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siena-sevenwits · 7 months
#Take with grain of salt - not exactly sad but will probably feel much dandier another time#Tonight I want so much to create - to make stories that will make others love what is good and true and beautiful#I have a condition which (among a lot of other things that are irrelevant to this post) causes me to feel very tired a lot of the time.#and I also tend to go through bouts of insomnia - in the middle of one now.#It's small potatoes compared to what a lot of my friends have to go through health-wise and I am grateful#(though i probably should be more so)#But - the point. I am just so tired all the time and I try to soldier through and be creative because that's the way my heart is shaped#But so often I just feel like the exhaustion sabotages everything and tonight I am just aching to be more creative than I've been#I'm not unhopeful about it - so many people go through this after all and end up making wonderful art. And there's something to be said for#patience and filling the creative well and trusting all to God. But tonight I feel - not sorry for myself thankfully - just very wistful.#Wanting to make something really beautiful and see it through the end and be more resilient in the face of the tiredness.#(Ha - my life is a good one if that's what's making me wistful!)#God can do whatever He wants with it and maybe the greater glory is for another time.#But I also wonder... I would not have been calling to Him unless He has been calling to me - and I hope!#OK - sentimental pout over. ;-)#neverending storytellers
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burstingsunrise · 10 months
If you managed to process it, I would love to hear a story about your experience at Luke's Fonda show🥰 No pressure though, only if you want😊
funny timing for this, i wrote up a little summary post a while ago and have been kind of working up to posting it.
it's hard, because how do you adequately summarize something that means so much to you? it feels like nothing i say will be enough, but i do want to share some things about it, because i think that will help it feel real. thank u for asking and providing the encouragement. <3 emo bullet points ahead! i tried to focus mainly on show-related things but this experience wasn't just important to me because of the shows, so some of the other stuff sneaks in.
that’s the first thing. it didn’t feel real, and it still kind of doesn’t. because i was only there for a few days, and i spent every morning getting coffee with meg and every night seeing luke perform my favorite album. like…that’s not real. that can’t be real. 
accidentally but unsurprisingly coordinating outfits with meg on night one. the scientology recruiter on the sidewalk recognizing us from the day before when we’d walked by.
stress buying armloads of merch from an incredibly patient and probably at least somewhat high guy who immediately forgot about me, but who i will probably forever remember fondly.
roy and the mustard having a chat in the balcony.
standing in the crowd waiting for the first show to start. all of the anticipation mixed with all these different emotions, and then finally luke appears on stage. sings the opening of a beautiful dream. the lights shine on him more brightly as it crescendos and we finally get a good look at him. i turn to meg and i say “he’s so sparkly.”
comedown on night one. hearing “let me see all the things that i was supposed to see” while i was there. seeing it.
being able to look over at meg meaningfully when certain things happened during the shows, including but not limited to luke’s gratuitous displays of ass. poetic, really.
leaving the venue night one, in a daze. one of the security guys saying “have a good night” on our way out the door. he had no idea. no fucking idea what we’d just been through. have a good night! now that your lives have been changed forever! sausages on the sidewalk.
collapsing in the hotel lobby, quietly reviewing photos and videos, actually being able to do it openly and to talk about it or not talk about it, and to finally start to have it sink in.
staying up way too late, and eventually falling asleep in my new luke shirt.
the woman with the intense boston accent who hopped on the elevator and immediately asked me if the hotel had a coffee shop with a level of desperation in her voice that spoke to me deeply.
finding sam and meghna in line for night two, and the strange euphoria of speaking openly about things I almost never can to people i just met, but also already knew. being annoying and posting the same palm trees. wishing it would have worked out for emie to be there too.
grabbing meg’s hand to pull her into the crowd on night two. the feeling of relief. somehow we did it. two nights, two shows, two opportunities for everything to go wrong, but actually everything (or at least the things that mattered most) went right.
every time luke gazed our direction, on night two, which felt like a lot, and how every time it was kind of unbearable in the best way. because it’s him and because he was singing songs that mean so much to me while it felt like he was staring into my soul, and because i could look over at meg and know she knew exactly what i was feeling.
the shows going by so fast. i tried so hard to be in the moment and appreciate every second, but it was such a strange, out of body experience. this was something i’d daydreamed about and pictured in my head, but i never thought it was a real possibility. and even in my daydreams, i couldn’t fathom being that close to luke and being there with meg while it happened. it felt surreal that these things were actually happening to me.
the way luke smiled during the breakdown in mum, but also looked like he was dying so beautifully during place in me. admiring his large mouth during slip away. (it really does some riveting things to hit those points of emphasis.)
all the times he ran his hands through his hair to push it back off his forehead. all the times it fell right back where it was. the way he started the shows with it styled, but by comedown it was already just a perfect mess.
his silver nails and his new necklaces and the way his eyes sparkled.
night two, when luke started singing the new bloodline verse. that moment of “what is this? i don’t know this?” it hits different when it’s a song you know so well it’s like it’s a part of you, and suddenly there’s something new to it. thinking about those new lyrics, where they came from, how long they’ve existed, when and why luke decided to add them in, but just for night two.
the talking breaks, ranging from “i’m fuckin’ terrified” early on night one to “can you see my nipples in this shirt” late on night two. octopuses hanging from the ceiling. he didn’t know if anyone would like the album. but he knows we like to scream. making the album was such a very him thing to do, and it’s friday, and he’s in love.
the confetti cannon going off during starting line on night two, being positioned so it rained confetti into my hair, into my purse, down my shirt. it was blue and white and silver because of course it was, because luke thinks about these things.
his smiles and waves and little bows at the end. the shuffle step off stage and the way i watched his back disappear into the darkness until i couldn’t see him at all.
spending both shows with my hands clasped over my heart. it wasn’t a conscious choice. it’s just where they landed.
being stuck in the crowd after the night two show ended, surrounded by groups of people taking pictures of each other’s mascara tears or lying facedown in the confetti. seeing myself in some of those photos a few days later on twitter. and not just those photos - photos from the stage too. the photo luke posted (and took down). and the photo where meg and i are looking up at him with lovestruck smiles.
walking down hollywood boulevard at night, almost silent. walking down the other side of hollywood boulevard the next night, dodging drunk people, talking about luke’s nipples.
making the most absurd pouty face and waving pathetically on the elevator as i left meg on the 9th floor for the last time, then trying not to sob stepping out onto the 16th.
the trip home. feeling physically awful from several days living on iced lattes, kind bars, and no sleep. emotionally drained, sad to be leaving luke and la and meg. sitting at the airport, wishing i could be with my friends at the beach instead.
getting home, unpacking, tucking away my confetti for safekeeping. so incredibly happy but also so devastated to know that it really is possible to have it all, but only for a few days. grateful i had the chance at all, and that it worked out as well as it did.
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ofyorkshire · 3 months
She ain't got no money Her clothes are kinda funny Her hair is kinda wild and free Oh, but love grows Where my Rosemary goes And nobody knows like me
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btvspolls · 9 months
Life Update
hey everyone, sorry for being so inactive this week. My paternal uncle passed away on monday morning, and helping with preparations for the funeral has taken up most of my time. I'll resume activity when I can, but in the meantime I encourage you all to check out the brilliant @sunnydaleherald for not only poll/bracket updates but also curated lists of fanfiction, fanart, meta, ect. from not only tumblr but also reddit, buffy-boards, ao3, dreamwidth, youtube...if it hosts btvs content, they cover it.
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“Voyage dans la Lune”, Cyrano de Bergerac (Théâtre 14, mise-en-scène d'Henri Lazarini)
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estbela · 2 months
Hmm. I just found my old fanfiction.net account. I never posted anything on it, but it bought back a lot of memories of me reading fanfiction, mostly at night, and mostly about hws Seborga, as he was my favourite character back then :] I dunno, it feels awfully nostalgic.
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
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cowboy-garfield · 1 year
Life is hard at the moment. Not outwardly; it's just abt the same as always in that regard, but mentally. Glad you all are here—even if this is just a rb page I don't talk very much on. Tumblr is one of the places I feel like I can be myself and in some respects I feel like I'm being slowly crushed in a box bailer irl
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lynxalon · 1 year
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