#i'm obsessed with crashing into you
nomaptomyowntreasure · 7 months
and in the end, against all odds, it was once again. Saturday.
(fall out boy - zenith, Paris - Oct 23, 2023)
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jq37 · 5 months
OK Brennan, if you aren't gonna let me have Aelwyn posted up in the manor at all times, having her use her dramatic villain skills to protect Adaine before going off to teach middle schoolers is the next best thing I could have hoped for. What a mental image--Ms. "I Came Here To Fuck" teaching cantrips to eleven-year-olds. Wild.
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Spontaneous Headcanon #29
Aizawa has tattoos. More specifically he has a massive back tattoo that spans his shoulders and ends around mid/lower back (No one ask me what it'd be I'm way too sleepy to design one- whatever you think would look best that's what he got). He also has a few small rib tattoos he got around the same time.
Originally no one knew about them until the day Aizawa boldly wore a white shirt without something under it. Mic took one look at him while drinking his coffee, did a mild spit take and proceeded to yank it up to his neck with a "Wow, where'd you get THIS?"
Then Midnight walked in. That's how the rumors of their relationship got started (Surprisingly it wasn't Midnight who let it slip- it was All Might. He didn't mean too- he's just too loud ajrejradrjejkrjkae)
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shanicetjn · 1 year
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I promised a dood of a dude for the peeps on Twitter. <3
Doodled - 11 January 2023
Just really wanted to draw this earring from Disney Dreamlight Valley:
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anxiouspotatorants · 10 months
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"Come on Lane, live a little." "Putting on Limp Bizkit is your idea of living?" "It's either that or A Rush of Blood to the Head." "Curse your britpop-obsession... Bring on the nu-metal."
The Last Great American Dirtbags: An Audio Junkies Roadtrip AU
(Raw images: not mine)
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thinking about Her in these trying times. is she still alive? if she's alive I need a scene between her and nat more than i need air. did she die in the intervening years? did she die while they were in the wilderness?? i genuinely don't know what would be worse but i need to know. I NEED TO SEE HER.
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prettytm · 3 months
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daz4i · 9 months
while I'm not one for romantic relationships or long term stuff i really do hope i meet someone who makes me feel big emotions again (spongebob getting a piano dropped on him meme. of the positive sort) somewhere. somehow. it's been so long. bc of shitty therapy i conditioned myself into stepping back and never letting myself feel and i just want to know someone who'd be able to make me break this conditioning and return that same amount of emotions too. one more time
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why am i thinking that chi-yeol never stood up from that chair when he fell off the grid and all he did for the past 2 days is replay the "dream kiss" sequence the whole time
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nomaptomyowntreasure · 9 months
oh so we're now attempting a lean during arms race? are we not safe at all anymore? Patrick gone rogue. (x)
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lollipopsie · 1 year
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ini mimi miney mo
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kakusu-shipping · 7 months
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This scene from Virtue's Las Reward with GTM-CM-G-OLM but instead of Luna, Sigma, and Alice being the dumbest dummies when it comes to technology it's just me going ham info dumping robot nonsense while I'm massaging his poor stiff joints and he's flirting with me the entire time
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 9 months
#no because my parents have always been so weird to me from a medical standpoint#or abusive? neglectful. I don't know what i could possibly call this but#my Nystagmus. barely doing any research WHEN THEY ARE DOCTORS it's not like they don't know how to look stuff up#barely giving me any information on it. which crashed badly a few years ago when the dude at one of those glasses shops got scared by not#being able to give me full vision which promoted my parents into bullying me about possibly going blind and trying to twist it into being#my phone's usage fault. when low and behold! we go to an actual doctor. my vision didn't increase or decrease much and she says that#Nystagmus cannot be 20/20 THEN MY MOM STILL TRIES TO PROVE IT'S THE PHONE'S FAULT#also how they treated my Lyme Disease when i was little but I'm not. talking about that publicly.#and the fact that they were completely obsessed with the idea that I'd have a speech impediment back in the day#which was probably caused by the fact my sibling was Learns Very Early How To Talk And Does It Really Well flavour of autistic and I was#Barely Talks Very Late And Badly flavour of autistic#which meant they would force speech classes down my throat and when the teachers would go 'Nothing actually wrong with this kid' they'd#send me somewhere else#also the constant 'If you don't learn to talk correctly everybody will think you're stupid and they won't talk to you' which ok. ableist.#anyway the 'speech impediment' was your average 4 y o cannot pronounce r which i got over and they were still turning my life into hell#over it years down the line which meant i was in middle school convinced i had a speech impediment which at that point#WOULD HAVE BEEN A HEALTH ISSUE BUT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT DO WE MOM/DAD#and i realised I don't only because my best friend went 'girl tf no you don't'#that is without to mention my father tried to ask me if i wanted surgery for my (inexistent) speech problem because he heard it fixed#someone else's kid problem#also in middle school i had some blood tests and they supposedly came back saying I'm anemic + i had strep but they didn't do anything#about that and at most blamed my anemia on my period which. i should probably get myself some bloodtests as an adult lol#then there is the one time they forced me to go to school with a mcfucking fever lol lmao#oh and also i would try to talk to them about these weird head tremors/seizures i have and they once again tried to blame it on my phone#only for my mom to see me having one recently and go 'oh yea lol i have them too it's normal' yes thank you /s#and they generally don't listen to me trying to sound the alarm about possible health issues i have unless my brother points them out...#aaaaand there is the entire shitshow they did to me when i was diagnosed with depression and put on pills#at least they are currently nicer about me saying i have autism but they didn't take me seriously at first neither...#egg.txt#vent
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moonsidesong · 1 year
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new friends... :)
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mushroomtopsposts · 2 years
SakuAtsu Reccs
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Let me know if any of ya’ll are curious about what the story is for each of them :)
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innerstrawberrypolice · 11 months
My life is like one big humiliation kink roleplay scene except I don't know the safeword and it just won't end
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