theprayasindia12 · 2 months
Top UPSC Coaching Institutes in Borivali
The Prayas India - Your Ultimate Destination for Best IAS Coaching Institutes in Borivali
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In the pursuit of cracking the prestigious IAS exams, one often finds themselves at a crossroads, seeking the guidance and expertise that can pave the way to success. Amidst the bustling streets of Borivali, one name shines bright as a beacon of hope for aspiring civil servants - The Prayas India.
Unparalleled Coaching Methodology:
At The Prayas India, excellence is not just a word; it's a commitment. With a meticulously crafted curriculum, experienced faculty, and innovative teaching methodologies, students are groomed to excel in every aspect of the IAS examinations.
Comprehensive Course Structure:
Understanding the diverse needs of aspirants, The Prayas India offers a comprehensive range of courses tailored to suit varying levels of preparation. From intensive crash courses to extensive year-long programs, there's something for everyone.
Personalized Attention and Mentorship:
In the journey towards IAS, guidance plays a pivotal role. The Prayas India understands this and provides personalized attention to every student. With mentorship programs designed to nurture individual strengths and address weaknesses, students are empowered to realize their full potential.
Success Stories Galore:
The track record of success at The Prayas India speaks volumes about its efficacy. With a plethora of success stories and top-ranking candidates, it stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment towards student excellence.
Embracing Technology for Learning:
In today's digital age, staying ahead means embracing technology. The Prayas India integrates cutting-edge tools and online resources to augment traditional classroom learning, ensuring students have access to the best of both worlds.
Holistic Development Approach:
Beyond academics, The Prayas India fosters holistic development. Personality development sessions, mock interviews, and group discussions equip students with the confidence and skills needed to ace the IAS exams and excel in their careers.
Reach Out and Transform Your Dreams into Reality:
Embark on your journey towards success with The Prayas India. For inquiries and admissions, reach out at 07710013217. Let your aspirations take flight under the guidance of seasoned experts and join the league of extraordinary civil servants.
In the realm of IAS coaching in Borivali, The Prayas India stands tall as a symbol of excellence, dedication, and unwavering commitment to student success. With a holistic approach towards learning and a relentless pursuit of excellence, it's not just a coaching institute; it's a pathway to realizing your dreams of serving the nation.
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kids-worldfun · 1 year
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The Competitive Nature of IAS Exams: Understanding the Challenges. Find out the reasons why IAS exams are highly competitive and explore the challenges that aspirants face in their pursuit of a career in the civil services.
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iasojaank · 2 years
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preponias · 5 months
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Huntington’s Disease
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misseducator · 1 year
Challenges faced by UPSC aspirants
In India having a government job guarantees you the utmost prestige in your family. And it is truly justified as government exams are one of the hardest exams to crack. It needs:
High level of self-discipline
Great resilience power
Years of hard work
Good general awareness
A zeal to contribute towards the nation
Let us see what are the various challenges an UPSC aspirant faces while preparing for the exam.
Getting started: UPSC is no child’s play. There are so many options and so many things to take care of. Where to start, when to start and how to start? So many questions pop in mind at once. Some students spend a lot of time in planning, procrastinating it. While others do not plan enough and thus get confused on later stage.
Before taking a long dive in the ocean called UPSC, students should give a fair enough time to planning on how they going to start preparing. They should make a road map covering important factors like:
How early should they start preparing? The time needed for preparation varies person to person. It depends on everyone’s level of experience and situations. Every aspirant should firstly evaluate their current level of knowledge.
Will they be taking coaching? There are a lot of coaching options available nowadays, both online and offline. One should give it a great thought about which mode would be best for them as both have its own pros and cons.
2.Increasing competition: With significant rise in awareness and access to facilities, number of aspirants have been increasing day by day.  Reportedly, the count of students who apply for a UPSC exam has rose from 3 lakhs (approximately) to 11 lakhs (approximately) while the number of vacancies stands at a total of 1105. This increases competition.
3.Loads of Syllabus: UPSC exam tests your knowledge about every subject possible. It tests your knowledge about History, Geography, Economics, Political state of the country, Mathematics and much more. It becomes hectic to complete all on time.
It will require you to adapt a holistic approach and revise everything for at least 2 times.
4. Facing Family and societal pressure: As soon as people get to know that someone is preparing for UPSC exam, it automatically raises their expectations of that person. It does earn you a lot of respect but with that respect also comes a lot of pressure. Pressure of cracking the UPSC exam.
At times like this even motivating words can feel very overwhelming. Students should only focus on their plan and work towards achieving it. They should focus on doing better than yesterday.
One of the biggest challenges that a student faces is non availability of books in the market. An UPSC aspirant already has so many things to take care of so I have found an app that will take care of all your book related needs.
Nogozo ! Nogozo is an online bookstore. It is an all-in-one place where you can BUY, SELL, RENT books.
With NOGOZO, you can:
BUY new as well as used books at lowest prices.
SELL your used old books and get the best prices for it.
RENT books at minimum prices and get the freedom to read at your own pace. Rent your favourite book starting at Rs.10 only.
They have a huge collection which consists of Competitive exams books for JEE, NEET, UPSC exams, NCERT, ICSE BOOKS and much more.
They have a dedicated collection for government exams which also has UPSC book list in hindi medium.
You can visit the website: www.nogozo.in
Download the app today at Playstore and use the code *SHAILJA50* for exclusive offers.
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iasgkhindi · 2 years
धर्म और राज्य क्या है ? अवधारणा और विशेषताएं ( What is the Religion and State
परिचय -
धर्म विश्व के अधिकांश देशों की राजव्यवस्थाओं के समक्ष एक जटिल प्रश्न की तरह उपस्थित रहा है । 
कुछ देशों की राजव्यवस्थाएँ धर्म के अधीन चलती रही हैं तो कुछ देशों में शासन ने धर्म का प्रचंड विरोध किया है । 
जहाँ तक भारत का प्रश्न है , यहाँ का समाज प्राचीनकाल से ही धर्म के प्रश्न पर प्रायः विनम्र और लचीला रहा है । इसका सबसे स्पष्ट प्रमाण यही है कि नए - नए धर्मों का जितना विकास भारत में हुआ , उतना कहीं और नहीं ।
 सनातन हिंदू परंपरा के भीतर से यहाँ बौद्ध , सिख और जैन धर्म निकले ।
 कुछ अत्यंत विरल अपवादों को छोड़ दें तो नए - नए धर्मों की स्थापना से भारतीय समाज में विशेष तनाव नहीं देखे गए । 
धार्मिक सहिष्णुता और सर्वधर्मसदभाव ( Religious harmony ) भारतीय परंपरा की सामान्य विशेषताएँ हैं । 
यूरोप की स्थिति इससे अलग थी । वहाँ धर्म के सांगठनिक रूप अर्थात् चर्च का केन्द्रीय महत्त्व था ।
 चर्च ने लगभग एक हज़ार साल तक अपना वर्चस्व इस तरह बनाए रखा कि वहाँ न समाज का विकास हुआ , न राजनीति , अर्थव्यवस्था , दर्शन या कला का ।
 व्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता का इतना अधिक दमन किया गया कि व्यक्ति चर्च से परेशान हो उठा ।
 चौदहवीं शताब्दी में हुआ पुनर्जागरण ( Renaissance ) , जो आगे चलकर धर्मसुधार आंदोलन ( Reformation ) में रूपांतरित हुआ , अपनी मूल प्रकृति में धर्म के इसी वर्चस्ववादी रूप के प्रति प्रतिक्रियावश पैदा हुआ था ।
  इन सब स्थितियों में 1851 ई . में जॉर्ज जैकब होलिओक नामक विचारक ने धर्मनिरपेक्षता अर्थात् ' सेकुलरिज्म ' के विचार की औपचारिक स्थापना की । 
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believersiasacademy · 2 years
Forms of Government (Communism)
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Part 3
Visit : Believers IAS Academy
Communism is a socio-political, philosophical, and economic ideology developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
This ideology was later adapted by Lenin during the Bolshevik Revolution which allowed them to take power in Russia in 1917.
The key feature of a communist country is the lack of private property, as all the means of production are under the control of the state.
Another major feature of communist nations is their intolerance towards religion. Unlike the western nations who practice separation of church and state, communist nations often suppress organised religion and religious practices.
This comes as no surprise since the founder of communist ideology, Karl Marx himself has criticised religion saying that “Religion is the opium of the people.”
During the Cold War era, when the world became divided along ideological lines, the communist nations led by USSR became the counter to US and its allies.
Communist countries often have a one-party ruling system with the state and party being the same entity.
Currently few countries in the world have a communist form of government.
Various leaders adapted communist ideology to suit their own situations, hence communist form of government can be divided into;
Soviet Communism:
Soviet Union was the first communist country in the world as well as the leader of the communist world till its disintegration in 1991.
Soviet model of communism was developed by Vladimir Lenin and was more suited towards the needs of Russia and its people.
While Marx and Engels focused on the industrial workers and their problems in a industrialised Germany, Lenin gave equal focus on both Agricultural Labourers and Industry workers due to the semi industrialised nature of Russia in the 20th century.
Soviet Union also gave heavy emphasis in the spread of communism throughout the world and founded the Communist International or Comintern to spread communist ideology around the world.
Soviet Union also gave financial and military support to the various communist nations around the world with Warsaw Pact being the largest such grouping.
The slow speed of economic development coupled with massive spending on military caused the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991
Chinese Communism
China is the largest and most powerful communist country in the world at present, though it has a much smaller influence around the globe.
Chinese communist ideology was developed by Mao Zedong in the latter half of the 20th century and is modified to suit the Chinese conditions.
Chinese communism gave heavy emphasis on agriculture and land reforms while little to no concern was given to the industrial workers due to China’s lack of industries.
Chinese communism also did not give much focus on developing communist ideology around the world and was more focused on China’s strategic requirements.
Due to the Sino-Soviet split, China became closer to the US from the 1960s which culminated in communist China gaining the permanent seat in UN Security Council.
China essentially left the state led economic model in the 1980s under Deng Xiaoping, which resulted in massive economic growth which propelled it to become the second largest economy in the world today.
To know more about China click here
Vietnamese Communism
Communism in Vietnam developed under Hồ Chí Minh in the 1950s and North Vietnam became a communist nation.
The entire Vietnam was united under a communist government after the end of US-Vietnam war (1955–1975).
They follow the Marxist-Leninist ideology of democratic Centralisation.
The Viet Cong, an armed communist revolutionary organization in South Vietnam, are responsible for the defeat of the US forces during the Vietnam war.
Currently Vietnam is also in the process of opening up its market to globalisation and is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
North Korean Communism
North Korea is popularly known as the Hermit Kingdom and as such not many things are known about its socio-political situation outside the country.
The Korean communism is unique as it follows a philosophy known as the Juche which promotes national independence and development through the efforts of the popular masses.
It forms a unique mix of ultra-nationalism along with autocratic subservience to their leader and state ownership of every resource including manpower.
North Korean polity is unique amongst communist nations as they are the sole communist country which has a family serving as the de facto head of nation.
They are also the only known Necrocracy as the Supreme Leader of the country still is Kim Il-sung who died in 1994.
The North Korean state is all mighty within the country and controls every aspect of the citizens life, personal as well as public.
It is known that each North Korean citizen has only a limited number of haircuts that they are allowed to have.
They also practice conscription, and each North Korean citizen, man or women has to compulsorily serve in the armed forces.
Other Communist nations such as Cuba or Laos maintain similar political structure and they are also in various stages of opening their economy.
India also has communist parties as mainstream such as Communist Party of India and Communist Party of India (Marxist).
The Naxalite insurrection is also following communist ideology and is often said to receive funding from China.
To know more about Absolute Monarchy click here
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ragavendrarajalu · 2 years
How to clear UPSC CSE in the first attempt
Clearing UPSC Civil Services is not an easy task. But nothing is impossible.
Here are a few useful tips to clear the UPSC Civil Service exam in your first attempt.
1. Understanding the syllabus
Read the syllabus prescribed by the UPSC. Download the syllabus from the UPSC website and understand the syllabus. Take a print of the syllabus and keep it with you while preparing.
2. Previous Year Question
Download the previous years questions from the UPSC site and analyze the question trends. Also, make note of the weightage of questions on various topics.
3. Study plan
Make a customized study plan. Break the entire year into multiple phases. Start your preparation from the topics you feel easy. This will build your confidence.
Reading NCERT is the first step in the UPSC CSE preparation. NCERT books are lucid and easy to understand. NCERT books will lay a strong foundation for the topics you will read later in great detail.
5. Reference books
In the market, an ocean of books is available for the UPSC examination preparation. But an aspirant has to be wise in selecting reference books. pick a book for each subject. Multiple reference book reading for the same subject will not bring any drastic difference to your marks.
6. Newspaper
Newspaper is like a holy book for UPSC aspirants. Read one national newspaper of your choice. Make a note of all the relevant articles covered and link the day-to-day happening to the subjects you read.
7. Notes
Note-making is a tedious task. But this will help you in the revision phase. Prepare separate notes for GS-1,2,3,4.
8. Optional paper
Optional paper decides the fate of every UPSC aspirant. Go through the syllabus of optional papers given in the syllabus and select the one in which you are comfortable. As the optional paper is descriptive in nature, writing practice is a must.
9. Mock tests
Take up as many mock tests as you can. Practice makes one perfect. Mock tests will help in analyzing our weaknesses and thus we can overcome the mistake we commit.
10. Revision
Revision is the key to success. Every individual will tend to forget what he /she read in a week's time. To overcome that the only way is to revise in a regular manner.
I have written an elaborate blog on the same topic on my website. Here is the link for that blog https://sgiasacademy.in/how-to-clear-upsc-civil-services-examination-in-the-first-attempt/.
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lavanya77 · 3 days
best book for ias prelims general studies
Explore the ultimate resource for IAS Prelims General Studies at Sosin IAS Academy. Our recommended best book for IAS Prelims General Studies is meticulously curated to cover all essential topics, including history, geography, polity, economy, and current affairs. Written by experts in the field, this book offers comprehensive coverage and insightful analysis to aid your preparation. Get your copy today and streamline your path to success in the IAS Prelims examination.
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theprayasindia12 · 4 months
Top UPSC Coaching Classes in Mumbai - The Prayas India
Top IAS Coaching Classes in Mumbai - The Prayas India
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In recent research by IASEXAMPREP, The Prayas India stands out as the Best IAS Coaching Institute in Mumbai. The findings emphasize the institute's exceptional coaching methodology, marked by personalized attention and a commitment to individualized learning. Personally navigating the complexities of IAS examinations, I can attest to The Prayas India's prowess, surpassing expectations. Their comprehensive study materials, innovative teaching techniques, and nurturing learning environment make it the optimal choice for success in civil service examinations. Endorsed by IASEXAMPREP, The Prayas India is undoubtedly the pinnacle of UPSC Coaching in Mumbai.
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apoorvablogger · 19 days
Best IAS Coaching in Mumbai - The Prayas Indi
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The Prayas India is widely regarded as the best IAS coaching in Mumbai due to its comprehensive curriculum and experienced faculty. The institute provides personalized attention, high-quality study materials, and regular mock tests, ensuring thorough preparation for the IAS exam. Known for its focus on conceptual clarity and analytical skills, The Prayas India effectively equips students to excel in the IAS exam. Contact them at 07710013217 for more information.
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educrat-ias-academy · 27 days
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arunkumarblog · 30 days
Best IAS Coaching Institutes in Andheri
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Discover excellence at The Prayas India, the premier IAS coaching institute in Andheri. With a meticulously crafted curriculum and seasoned educators, it offers a holistic approach to IAS exam preparation. Beyond traditional teaching, it fosters critical thinking and provides modern learning resources. The institute's supportive community and top-notch infrastructure ensure students receive unparalleled guidance. For those aspiring to ace the IAS exam, The Prayas India is the ultimate destination. Contact: 07710013217.
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preponias · 10 months
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Smart Corn
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123itee · 2 months
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joshtalksias · 3 months
Unlocking Success: Navigating KSG IAS Fees and Harnessing Inspiration from Josh Talks
In the labyrinthine journey towards UPSC success, aspirants often find themselves grappling with two fundamental elements: choosing the right coaching institute and staying motivated throughout the arduous preparation process. In this article, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of these essential aspects, focusing on the fee structure of KSG IAS and the inspirational reservoir that is Josh Talks.
Decoding KSG IAS Fees: Charting Your Path to Success
At the heart of every aspirant's UPSC journey lies a pivotal decision: selecting the coaching institute that aligns with their goals and aspirations. KSG IAS, helmed by Dr. A R Khan (Khan Sir), stands tall among the myriad options, renowned for its holistic approach to UPSC preparation. Central to this decision-making process is a thorough understanding of KSG IAS fees structure, which serves as a beacon guiding aspirants towards their UPSC goals.
Unraveling the Fee Structure:
KSG IAS offers a spectrum of courses tailored to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of UPSC aspirants. From the comprehensive Foundation Course to specialized optional subject coaching and test series, the institute ensures that every aspirant finds a pathway to success that suits their requirements. The fee structure, meticulously crafted to maintain transparency and accessibility, encompasses various payment options, installment plans, and discounts, thereby accommodating aspirants from all walks of life.
Transparent and Accessible:
Transparency is the cornerstone of KSG IAS's fee structure, with detailed breakdowns provided for each course offering. Prospective students can navigate through the fee charts with ease, gaining insight into the financial investment required for their UPSC preparation journey. Whether opting for a one-time payment or availing installment options, aspirants can make informed decisions, ensuring that financial considerations do not hinder their pursuit of excellence.
Drawing Inspiration from Josh Talks: Nurturing the Spirit of Resilience
While KSG IAS equips aspirants with the academic rigor necessary for UPSC success, platforms like Josh Talks serve as catalysts for inspiration and motivation. Founded on the principle of spreading ideas and fostering personal growth, Josh Talks transcends conventional boundaries, igniting the flames of determination and resilience within every aspirant.
A Repository of Inspiration:
Josh Talks, through its dynamic array of motivational speeches and community engagement initiatives, nurtures a culture of inspiration and empowerment among UPSC aspirants. From riveting success stories to practical tips for exam preparation, Josh Talks amplifies the voices of UPSC achievers and thought leaders, instilling a sense of purpose and conviction in every aspirant's journey towards success.
Fostering Community and Camaraderie:
Beyond mere inspiration, Josh Talks cultivates a vibrant community wherein aspirants can connect, learn, and grow together. Through interactive events, workshops, and online forums, aspirants find solace in shared experiences, seek guidance from mentors, and draw strength from collective resilience. In this nurturing ecosystem, every aspirant is not just a participant but an integral part of a supportive network, united in their quest for UPSC success.
Conclusion: Embarking on the Journey of Excellence
In the intricate tapestry of UPSC preparation, KSG IAS and Josh Talks emerge as guiding lights, illuminating the path towards excellence and success. Aspirants, armed with the knowledge of KSG IAS's fee structure and inspired by the motivational reservoir of Josh Talks, embark on a transformative journey towards their UPSC goals. With determination, resilience, and unwavering commitment, they navigate through challenges, overcome obstacles, and emerge victorious, ready to make a profound impact on society as conscientious civil servants. In the pursuit of UPSC success, may every aspirant find solace in the guidance of KSG IAS and the inspiration of Josh Talks, forging ahead with unwavering resolve and boundless optimism.
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