#iceado essay
greetings-humans · 2 months
ice adolescence and russia
1 - Russia in today's world
okay look. I see you when you talk about how the political climate today means that iceado was doomed. I see you when you talk about the many many many doping scandals of Russian athletes, we saw it when the athletes didn't compete under the banner of Russia but as OAR or ROC, which I absolutely support. I see you when you rightfully mention Russia invading Ukraine. This is genuinely horrible, it's horrifying, it's inhuman, and the fact that many Russian athletes (including figure skaters) openly, unapologetically support their government's actions is disgusting.
2 - yuri on ice was just meant to be fun
now, let's also recognize that the core of yuri on ice to be silly and queer and accepting, to talk about anxiety and depression, about burnout and competition, about rediscovering your passion for your work and falling in love along the way. I see this, and these are some the reasons why I adore yuri on ice.
3 - yoi and russia
I would love to say that yoi is about escapism so we should ignore all real life events. But I'm not really that type of person, tbh.
We could all close our eyes and ignore thousands of people dying, ignore the doping scandals, ignore every bad thing Russia had done in modern history. But what about the people directly affected by this? do they deserve to see us comfortably having fun about a figure skating show ignoring the doping, and showing our main characters living and training in Russia, comfortably? with no mention of the inhumane actions of Russia, be they about the war or queer rights? really? is that something they deserve to see?
I see the people saying that maybe we can ignore the war, the way we ignored homophobia and eating disorders and bribing, but for the reasons above I really think we shouldn't.
I wish Russia had not done any of this, most of all because of all the deaths and destruction, but yes also bacause maybe that would have meant that maybe we could have had ice adolescence. However, we don't live in that world. And that still doesn't mean iceado had to be canceled.
4 - do not forgive or forget about MAPPA
I am not excusing mappa, okay? there is no way I will excuse or forgive mappa for ice adolescence. if they wanted to, they could have fixed this.
I've been thinking about this for maybe 20 minutes and I already have a solution, okay? and if I have a vague plan for how to handle this, then I am dead certain that a whole room full of people working for mappa could have figured it out. this is on the mappa execs, not the people doing the creative process. don't be fooled, the execs are probably just unwilling to try, if Russia's actions (and the actions of its athletes) are part of their reasoning.
5 - iceado could still exist even with everything russia has done
i think that the situation is rightfully delicate. but I also think that if a book like red white & royal blue (an openly gay book) could openly condemn US right wing politics and also portray the oppressive heteronormativity of the british royal family, without outright mentioning any real persons, then yoi s2 or ice ado could potray the figure skating scene in russia negatively and could have the characters leave the country.
they could show yakov as that one different coach in russian figure skating or maybe they could prove that he's your typical russian coach, which played a role in viktor's mental health getting worse and worse.
post-s1 scenes could be about viktor changing his mind and leaving russia, as a result of the doping scandal, or rising tensions internationally about Russia. the fact that we saw him and yuuri and yuri in st. petersburg didn't mean that decision was final. the pressures of a toxic environment could have made viktuuri leave, and whether or not yakov (or anyone) would follow them, or viktor would find another coach is something up for debate, yes, but there can be a debate. There can be a debate about yuri plisetsky about georgi and mila, about what this could mean for them.
iceado could condemn russian politics and the doping, the toxic community, and everything else really. in my opinion, the fact that this didn't happen speaks to mappa's unwillingness to try. im not educated in japan-russia relationships, to be frank, so I'm not sure how much backlash the show could possible face from the Japanese government for a decision like this one. Of course, this would insinuate that Japan is fine with the Ukraine invasion which is, well, not very good press to say the least (and naturally a violation of all sorts of human rights). I do however find it odd that we would never hear anything about talks debating this taking place, which means that once again mappa didn't try. And also, truthfully, just how plausible is it that Japan would go "no don't make more of that very lucrative anime because we don't want to condemn Russia's war / we don't want to condemn Russia's doping"? Because it doesn't sound that plausible to me.
6 - political yoi?
yes, this means that yoi would have become political, but when politics is about the right to live in your home without fear of death or invasion, why exactly shouldn't it get political?
and let's not forget that a world with no homophobia is already unfortunately political. because queer rights are not globally recognized, being pro or against queer rights (of which there are many so some are pro-same sex marriage but against trans rights which complicates things even more) is still a vital part of many many political parties' campaigns in a lot of countries.
yoi was already political in the sense that it showed a world of acceptance, because that's not a given.
what iceado had to do was show that acceptance does not mean ignoring inhumane, unethical actions.
this doesn't need to be the centric idea of iceado or yoi s2, either, by the way. simply showing something bad but realistic is enough. i wouldn't have needed 2 hours depicting the horrors of Russia ft. yuri on ice, but I would have loved to see 2 hours of teenage viktor trying to make it in this cutthroat world, with sporadic evidence of toxicity and too-much pressure, which are almost canon anyways. and any scenes taking place post-s1 could easily just show viktor make a number of realizations and choices that could lead to him leaving russia (to find a new coach or with yakov, with any of the russian skaters in yoi, or just with makkachin and yuuri, etc), which would show that yes they're not just ignoring russia's wrongdoings.
for being released in 2016-17, yoi was delightfully progressive in its queerness. but in 2024, asking the show to condemn doping and war on its way to show us viktor nikiforov's past is apparently too much to ask.
please give me your thoughts on this, yoi fandom, I'd love to see what everyone else thinks!
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mykatsudon · 1 year
hi, have you heard the rumor that apparently a leaker revealed that mappa permanently shelved ice adolescence? i've seen that someone made a petition for mappa to say something about the movie but honestly i really don't think that's going to do anything :( it kinda makes me wanna cry thinking about how or why the franchise ended up this way, it was HUGE and everyone was so excited for the movie and i just know mappa could still make tons of money if they'd ever release it. i'll never stop loving yuri on ice and its fandom but i just can't help but think it deserved so much better.
I have not seen it and I do not usually believe leaked info like that but it feels believable. We're already in the middle of the year. I really don't believe there's a production going on. My common sense tells me that if there were any type of production we would get some type of promotion; posters, merchandise, VA projects, etc. something major is going on/went on in production that's for sure. It's difficult to understand why such a money making IP would do radio silence like this, to the point hey can't even put together a short manga like in welcome to the madness, or do another Sanrio collab, CD drama? anime café? the fact that we're not getting even those says to me this is canned.
As to why the entirety of YOI seems to be canned and not just Iceado I seriously have no idea, I cannot understand this decision other than this is something to do with it's creators. It would be one thing if yoi ended and that was it, story was over, but to go as far as to say "see you next level" and announce a movie, it's fair to say they had plans for yoi beyond the original 12 eps. YOI was highly successful, best selling anime of 2017, best selling blue ray discs in 2018, bunch of awards, It trended #1 on Tumblr and twitter every Wednesday, when was the last time we've seen something like that happen with other anime? only the biggest of the biggest trend with every episode (aot, jjk, demon slayer, etc) and yoi was pulling those numbers. I stand on my theory that if it were up to Mappa we would be on Yuri on ice season 3 with 2 movies and OVAS by now (7 years later) but this is something to do with Kubo, Sayo and the production team. perhaps they don't want to continue with this project, perhaps they got burnout. But I wanna make a point that I made in the essay I posted some time ago about my suspicions on what happened to YOI. The fact that Yoi was a big money making IP does not guarantee fast input of related media. look at Hideki Anno with EVA: 3.0+1.0, It's a Huge, popular property that makes a lot of money worldwide and still it took 9 years for the final movie to come out! Hideki experienced severe burnout, people who worked closely to him left the production and the whole experience severely delayed the project (this is what I've found on my research) People thought the last EVA movie was canned as well, and this was purely on the basis of the creator because the numbers were there, so the fact that it's taken this long for new YOI content does not mean it's canned forever, but it does appear that the project is in indefinite hold. I, myself am finding peace with this. I've accepted that the project is on hold perhaps forever, perhaps not. But I'm trying to find closure however I can. I do hope we get some kind of announcement though, I do find it kinda impolite to leave the fans in the dark like this.
sorry for the long reply
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mykatsudon · 2 years
I-… don’t think it’s happening anymore…? I think we are on track for the worst case scenario: Ice adolescence becoming lost media. It’s just not normal. This amount of silence from everyone is disturbing like there’s literally not a single artist on the production who has said anything about iceado in like years. It’s bad. I’m preparing for the worst… thinking about changing paths and following my dreams of becoming a comic/manga/webcomic rec and review blog…. I stand by my essay about where yoi possibly went, And I do want to see it through but until then……..
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greetings-humans · 11 months
introductory post (includes some interaction boundaries, more details on me (ao3 acc, etc) & a dni under the cut)
yeah it's about time I made one of those ig (disclaimer: I'll edit this, if/when the need comes)
so, hi! im deelay! you can call me dee, if you want! [btw if you know my irl name, not here you don't unless we're DM-ing]
gender is so weird and I'm okay with any and all pronouns (barring it/its)!
for details on what to use when talking to me or about me (like pronouns and gendered terms etc) you can go here
-im a young adult and that's like all imma say age-wise. however please take that into account when interacting with my blog! some of the reblogs/posts here might not be what I'd have been okay with seeing when I was like under 14 or something. so yknow. exercise some modicum of caution please.
-currently in uni, studying to get an english degree (every new thing I learn about teaching makes me want to yell at some of the teachers I've known/had, did they even study in uni? did they even keep in touch with pedagogical studies?? definitely not, form what I can tell)
-I'm technically a writer? like I write,,, supposedly lmao. like all the greats, the one thing I never seem to do is yknow write-
I write sometimes, let's say. and I'm also really interested in writing my own crime fiction novel one day. but that's for some day in the future lmao
-definitely a reader tho (yes ao3 and i are in a committed relationship)
my interests and fandoms are. a lot. for example (and in no particular order):
DC (the bats, mostly)
the magnus archives (ive never listened to a podcast before and I'm just around the end of s3 as of April 2024)
riordanverse (pjo, hoo, magnus chase, a little bit toa, pjo show [which was very good, it just needs more screen time to fix up the pacing and add more depth in the appropriate moments])
fullmetal alchemist brotherhood! (i used to have roy on my pfp, he's my favorite character! i also wanna write a huge character analysis essay on him but uni responsibilities mean that's very slow going)
star wars (prequels, kotor, clone wars)
criminal minds (im at early s13 as of November 2023, so mind your spoilers humans) (ngl as of Jan 2024, this hyperfixation of mine is dying a slow and steady death but who knows there might a revival one day)
jujutsu kaisen! (I'm just about to finish s2 as of April 2024 but I know what's happening by the end of s2 and I've given up on the storyline so spoil away, I'll just ignore you and live my life in my fanfic sandbox:] )
yuri on ice is an old love of mine (ice adolescence😭😭 one day😭😭 oh one day😭😭 so that was a fucking joke, mappa count your days and also im stealing viktor you can't have him, im gonna write iceado WITHOUT YOU) (well imma write it with a friend but like most importantly WITHOUT MAPPA and I urge all creative yoi fans that think they wanna try doing their own version of iceado to go ahead and give it a go!)
sasaki to miyano (saw the anime and the movie and fuebdehhshahgdhe)
haikyuu!!(all caught up, manga and anime-wise! also patiently waiting for the movies that should've been a season but anyways they better not fuck this up too much-)
bungo stray dogs is also an old but semi revived interest of mine (im pretty much up to date with the manga, just haven't read all of the light novels)
tian guan ci fu / heaven official's blessing (as of Jan 2024, I've finished s2 and tgcf is amazing it's wonderful, im starting book 1)
there's like. so much more.
sooo muuuuch moooreeee
so I'll just let you figure the rest of it out
If you wanna see some of my thoughts without infinite scrolling, you can also search for the tag "deelay words".
Another tag of mine is "deelay's tbr" (which stands for "to be referenced") which you'll find at posts that really make me Think™ and that I want to keep in mind when I do anything creative with the characters involved.
When interacting with my blog, if you want to avoid spoilers at all costs, I suggest blocking the fandom tag because what you consider spoilers might not be what I consider spoilers if we're at different arcs of whatever that media is.
That said, I'd also appreciate it if you gave me a heads up on spoilers in any asks.
if you're here for any of my fics then well.
if you're here for pjo, um. those fics are truly discontinued/on indefinite hiatus. that hasn't changed. I have tentatively decided to attempt to reread some of the books, and I'm also watching the show, so if I get inspired enough and manage to plan out a decent fic out of Percy Jackson Revealed,,,, then maybe there shall be a fic. But!!! I have no idea what the ending is gonna be, and without an ending I'm doing nothing because the chances of me dropping the fic (again) would be higher than my anxiety during exam season (aka very very high)
if you're here for the man behind neal caffrey tho!! hi, there. I am working on that sequel, don't worry. it's just long and I'm also working on uni and this other writing project I have going on. feel free to send me an ask with any questions or comments or whatever.
unnamed grishaverse project: yeah so, I have a project going with my friend noel @fifteenth-entity, we're fixing the darkling! this fic will take place like around 50-100 years pre-alina, and will feature the darkling doing darkling things while that generation's most prominent grisha (aka a bunch of queers) also do things that may or may not affect the darkling. and his views. and personality. there may or may not be character development in the works. (there is, he gets better). this fic is canon divergent before canon even happens. the entire plot of shadow and bone will be eventually reworked. (also, no darklina, no darkling romance, in general, this boy needs to get mentally healthy without worrying about romance or sex okay) [for more info on this just search "unnamed grishaverse project", it's the tag I've used in like the only post about this. do feel free to send me an ask about this tho!!]
ice adolescence-esque fic: mappa fucked up majorly with canceling iceado and im supremely annoyed, mad, and upset. it just so happens that I was in the middle of my yoi renaissance era when the news came out so with my obsession going strong, I really wanted to try doing something with iceado. and then @athenov got roped in a la "be my coach co-conspirator/co-writer, viktor(ia)!"(notably with no drunken dry humping involved, I'm so proud of us). this is not going to be a very linear story, we're going around and about in different points in time. the first narrative follows viktor at 17ish deciding to try to ratify the quad flip and it includes some insight on his friends (who are OCs, im not sorry, his backstory is so barren, we had to!) and on how he ended up so alone by the time yoi was happening. the second narrative is post-yoi viktor coming back to russia ft yuuri, yuri & yakov. this is not a russian gov-positive fic. russian culture is very interesting and im sure some russians are wonderful people —diversity is a thing, after all— but to be perfectly clear, fuck the russian government and everyone supporting their actions. what they're doing is inhumane. [posts about this project will be tagged as "dee & athenov's yoi fic"!]
Another thing: If you have a genuine, not malicious or mean-spirited, question, feel free to send me an ask. Keep it chill, though! if you try to pick a fight i will delete the ask for the first time, but on strike 2, you're blocked.
i like to think that I'm open to discourse on some topics but not if you're starting out all aggressively cause if you're aggressive, I will be defensive (while privately having a panic attack) and we're not gonna get anywhere.
so. once again for the people in the back
If you're here to pick a fight with me then gtfo please.
I don't like fighting, it makes me anxious, so save us both the trouble and be as civil as you can be if you have a disagreement with me. don't forget to check my dni tho. I'm not gonna sit around having basic arguments about my rights to queerness as an aroace person or some stupid shit like that.
that said, unless I'm literally at your post saying shit you disagree with. don't come at me. literally block me. it's fine. I quite literally do not mind or care. like, if you saw my post or reblog and decided I suck then just block me will you?
Moreover, if you ever want fic recs for a fandom I'm in, you're definitely welcome to send me an ask! but if you don't feel like talking, anything I will ever tell you is straight from my ao3 bookmarks. sooo, feel free to hunt around those! [in case the link isn't working for you, my ao3 username is Justice_not_Revenge]
ao3 disclaimer: anything before 2021 is not necessarily something I claim. So like don't think I'm into this thing or that I'm passionate about this ship just because in 2019 I bookmarked 100 fics with it, people tend to grow and change so yeah.
some generic DNIs
if you're anti-lgbtq+ in any way
if you support AI art or AIs stealing fic content
if you support relationships between adults and minors (with an age difference over 1-2 years or sth)
racists, ableists, sexists/misogynists, incest shippers
literally anyone who thinks violating someone's concent is nice and fun and quirky
okay that's all! thank youuu-
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