miaokko · 2 months
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💥D O U B L E
B A R R E L💥
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junkermcqueen · 2 months
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bordadoneuronal · 7 months
ichikuu !! ♡
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yeah hi lol i found about hypmic. im not dead, estaba de parranda. 😍
for some translations and terms:
first pic: "with this he will surely fall" (means fall in love with him) / in his imagination ichiro says "wow kuko, the lightning mcqueen..." (its very normal in latam say "makuin" instead of mcqueen just for fun... or shitpost yeah.)
in the third pic i used a walter white shitpost because i like breaking bad shitpost. it means "my love. go to sleep now, i send you a kiss" i think its very kuko coded. :P
i also uploaded this pics on my tiktok!! its 'nchestrellada' if you want to check! i might post more stuff while i'll try to survive at uni.
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artistic-anime-trash · 6 months
Bad Ass Temple HCs Because I love them. :)
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1. Hitoya saw how dumb Kuko was, and how anxious Jyushi was and said “Ah yes, I shall look after these two. They won’t make it on their own.” And now they’re a family.
2. I dont care what they say- no way Hitoya is under 40. I’m thinking he’s like 42-ish. (Same goes for Jakurai to be honest)
3. Kuko and Jyushi saved Hitoya from his depression after his breakup from Jakurai. (He wants him back so much. And tbh Jakurai does too but he’s bad at communication and Hitoya is too prideful to say anything.)
4. Jyushi and Kuko often fight like brothers. Especially over the TV. Jyushi wants to watch Anime and Kuko wants to play games and they can never compromise. It usually ends in Jyushi crying because he hates conflict and Hitoya yelling at both of them for acting like children.
5. Kuko is super sweet but hurts Jyushi’s feelings a lot on accident. It typically comes from how blunt he is, and Jyushi feels bad about saying how it hurt his feelings. So Jyushi just gets sad and quiet. Kuko can tell something is wrong but never pushes Jyushi about it. It usually comes down to Hitoya noticing something is off and forcing them to talk to each other.
6. Jyushi often has nightmares about being bullied and whenever he wakes up he calls Kuko for reassurance. Jyushi inadvertently causes Kuko to be more careful with his words, because he doesn’t want to make Jyushi cry.
7. Kuko is a gremlin, and we all know this. That incident at Hifumi’s club isn’t the worst or last situation Jyushi has had to save him from.
8. Jyushi likes to try and do sleepovers at Hitoya’s house, but Hitoya hates the idea so much. He knows Kuko is too much of a gremlin to keep up with his “all white” aesthetic. Jyushi would get too anxious to mess stuff up that he’d never fully relax. Hitoya, in short, doesn’t want to deal with them.
9. Kuko used to date Ichiro, but him and Ichiro broke up. Ichiro then was dating Samatoki for a while but then they had thier whole breakup. So now, Kuko is trying to use his Gremlin riz to get Ichiro back.
10. Jyushi isn’t Ace/Aro, but his anxiety is so bad that the thought of an involved, romantic relationship causes him to freak out so it’s never happened.
11. Jyushi’s favorite anime is Black Butler (He also LOVES TBHK), Kuko’s is Demon Slayer (or I could also see him liking JJK), and Hitoya doesn’t really watch anime anymore but he used to really like Inuyasha.
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cactus-of-the-dead · 1 year
Have you ever drawn something that turned out so absolutely perfectly that you just fucken stare at it in amazement that you actually made it
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astro-break · 8 months
Thoughts on the 3rd ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 |
i love how its samatoki who tsks when ichiro talks, they never stop and i love it fuugen looking dude still has a great design love the fact that they kept the Ramuda is scared of ghosts plotline ww TBH is a silly name DJ or not, but it does tie in some ARB lore eyyy joint mission! does that mean that nagoya and oosaka will be enemies? might be and interesting naughty busters and MCD interactions OFC theres gonna be some good good ichiro/kuko and samatoki/sasara KUKOOO I LOVE YOU the kinshachi! love those little dudes, they're tiger-headed dolphins lol JYUSHIIII you chuuni dork i love your flowery wordss Mr. Kuko wwwwwwww nooo amandaaaa so ripped up oh more visual kei!! i am so happyyy www this villain is so silly i love silly villains. how unfortunate that they'll be plot slaves but they genuinely had something fun going on awww look a kuko being silly and amagani being a silly lawyer LETS GOOO JAKUHITOOO eyyyyy lets go grandmaaaa the MVP of repairing Ichikuko relationship lets gooo naughty butters!!!!! i love themmmm were they also a influence ichiro to get onto the right track? thats sweet ofc they had to tie in different characters together still love that sun shadowing them the moment they talk about the villains the squeakkkkkkkkkkk amanda thats so cuuteeeeee awww no magical girl transformation? rip -
Damn the imagery on this MV goes super hard i love the non-traditional stuff you'll find scattered around at a glance the ones i spot are: buhddist funeral rites with from, what i can count 39 candles which can mean thank you… those funeral flowers look like white chrysanthemums (grief, honesty, truth which the later two may be nods to the fact that they're not in their right minds), pink, and purple carnations which symbolize capaciousness and unpredictability Kuko also references gokurakujoudo which is the most well known higher buddhist celestial land known as the land of bliss so basically he's saying that he's so hot shit that he'll reincarnate into the holiest of holy lands Ragnarok is the end of the known gods according to nordic mythology aside from like. two gods and two humans which means either Jyushi is a ghost as shown in the scene or he's just that cool and survived Kuko's second verse is a reference to old paintings that depicted monks training their spiritual disciplines by mountainsides. if you're an old soul like me, think Libra Dohko's Mnt. Roshi Hitoya's second rap scene is mimicking an egyptian depiction of a weighing of the heart, specifically it seems to be parodying the scene found in the Papyrus of Hunefer. interestingly, the three opponents are on the side in which the feather of maat is commonly depicted on, the thing which the heart is weighed against while Amanda is the heart Hitoya and Kuko's spots on the papyrus is where anubis would be, setting them as the judges who preside over this battle. Jyushi is also sitting where Ammit, the devour of the dead, would be depicted sitting. Ammit is also a goddess, which is fun Given the red moon behind him, Jyushi also plays at a fallen angel The chorus' first scene is another very famous generic buhdist scene. while i don't think it references anything specifically, the three sitting on lotus flowers and the bodhi tree's in the back implies that they are buddah. like no joke, they are actually buddha don't know if this is actually a reference, but the red hell-like place that the three find themselves in might be Sañjīva, one of the buddhist naraka's where those who are reincarnated there are born fully grown and are attacked by other people and monsters return of the kinshachi! kaleidoscopic imagery which is also heavily associated with buddhist imagery That ending is a reference to the spider's thread by ryunosuke akutaguwa! you might remember it if you've played Danganronpa V3 but its a story about a man trying to escape from hell from a spider thread but ultimately falls back into hell because of his greed - that Obaaachannnn is so cute. and the bait and switch was so silly Kuko as always is just the absolute star of the show even if the spotlight isn't on him Huh???? Are Doppo and Hifumi okay???? Please??? you can't just cliffhang that???? how dareeee
Badass Temple endingg lets gooooo Kuko verson is so cute!!! that illust tooo Jyushi is just so stylish and silly, treading that fine line. also is that just water in his champagne glass www this is such a fun ending version i love it. Its just a lot warmer and more comforting in my opinion, super sweet and heartwarming. a lot more electric guitar as well
I'm so glad for their first feature episode I really enjoyed BAT! The song was such a banger and the imagery along with it so evocative. I really liked the episode how it brought everyone together for a chaotic jaunt. I hope next week with dotsuhompo will be just as silly
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akkivee · 2 years
Hello! The way ichi reacted to jyuushi's "you sound like kuko-san.." in the the mixed up drama track comment makes me go 🥺 im also curious of what you reacts to this (small crumb) as a ichikuko fellow so I..
ichiro’s fond little laugh actually murdered me and simultaneously added five years to my life span thank you for asking lol‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ idk how much time passed from ‘6 colours’ to ‘mixed up’ but it’s just really nice that ichiro’s now able to hear kuukou’s name and laugh instead of looking and sounding pained 😭😭😭
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ramuda-kinnie · 2 years
Some Official JakuRamu Lines 💖
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Tonight before the bed I’m not really in Hypmic vibes and I’m feeling a bit low but I’ve accidentally turned the six-colors drama track on and I decided to recap the JakuRamu moments while I’m at it. As someone whose favorite arc is TDD, this part is a pure bliss. 💖 I love the fact that there is a full translation now too because I did not really feel like translating the whole thing myself, but putting the translation here makes it easier to share on the English blog (translation cited from here).
Also, goddamn these parts. I’m emotional 🤧
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— May 18, 2022
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doppo-hot · 3 years
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h4kka · 2 years
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ghiubi · 3 years
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junkermcqueen · 2 months
behold my magnum opus
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kuu-o · 3 years
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I saw other artists on Twitter doing it and I wanted too 😩💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️✨💜
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madmanzai · 3 years
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ichiro: ahaha if you tried that on me i could just step over your leg
kuko: bet
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nanbaka-82 · 3 years
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Sasara and Kuko being little shits and pushing their boyfriends to do shit with using their stubborn mindsets then they themselves failing after ten seconds is the highlight of my life
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nyamerin · 3 years
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my version of "gambare, nakamura-kun!!" >__< 💕💕💗 i love them sm
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