#ideas swim in my head itching to get out
lifeonmvrs · 11 months
is the art process really meant to be static? am i meant to start one piece and finish it? or am i to explore the thoughts trapped inside my little head and release them as soon as they appear, afraid i will lose them if i don’t start on them immediately? did the universe make planets one by one? or did it explode and started one thing and then jumped into the other, not bothered to finish the first one right away?
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sc0tters · 6 months
Lips Sealed - Jack Hughes
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summary: when jack rights his wrongs it makes this years trip to the lake house unforgettable.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, thigh riding, swearing, fireworks, alcohol.
word count: 4.09k
authors note: firstly to those who read the sneak peeks thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me with this one! @babydollmarauders I hope what I’ve done to our idea has met your expectations. This is my first smut with a plot alongside it so let’s all play nice and act like it was well executed, okay?
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The lake house had always been the best part of your summers.
For as long as you could remember the joyous memories belonged to that house. Being back with your friends and your brother after spending months meant that your mind was at peace “good morning to you too.” Jack smirked as he leaned against the wall of the kitchen.
It made you shriek as you jumped “Jack!” You groaned clutching your chest as you stood up straight. The boy laughed as he watched your Michigan maize baseball jersey fall to your sides as it covered your ass “sorry princess.” The hockey player smiled as he walked over to you “just came to see what the noise was in here.” He explained taking a berry from the bowl in your hands as the boy stared down at you.
Your cheeks turned red as the open jersey complimented the yellow bikini that you wore “just me.” Your voice was soft as you tucked your hair behind your ear watching him lean against the counter “feel like I haven’t seen you alone all week.” Jacks lips formed a frown as he held his arms out to hug you.
Ever since you were younger Jack always did have a soft spot for you “all you had to do was talk to me.” You pointed out as he had been catching up with Trevor as you did the same with Luke “wanna go for a ride then so we can do that?” Your chin rested against his chest as his offer lingered in your ears.
The boat was the true corner stone of the lake house, the boys got to use it as their moment to truly relax and be boys. You on the other hand lived for the laughter you got watching your best friend and your brother miserably fail at water skiing “I’ll even teach you to drive.” Jack proposed finally offering you the opportunity you couldn’t say no to.
Just as you had assumed the rest of the house was captured in a deep sleep probably brought on by their indefinite hangovers “let me help.” Jack placed his hat on your head as his hand went to help you onto the boat “really?” You weren’t complaining that Jacks locks were now free but you couldn’t help but send him a glare as the hat was too big for your head “Trevor would kill me if you came back burnt.” His words made you laugh as you threw your head back.
The idea of Jack having any kind of fear of your brother made your cheeks hurt as you tried to keep quiet going towards your normal seat on the boat “wow you’re really trying to get away from me that fast?” The hockey player teased making you stop in your tracks “meant it when I said I’d teach ya to drive.” His hand extended to yours.
You stared at the single seater that Jack sat on first “you know I don’t bite.” The hockey player joked as he helped you onto his lap making you straddle his leg as you faced the wheel “I’ll help you lead you.” Jack’s voice was soft as he let his chin rest on your shoulder.
Just as Jack had hoped it took you a few minutes to relax as you loosened up allowing the sounds of the water hitting the boat to scratch an itch you didn’t even know was in your brain. But with each hit the boat had on the water it made your legs tense around Jacks and with that your clit would hit different his thigh as your hips would readjust against him “oh.” Your lips fell open as it was now his turn to tense his leg beneath you.
Jack pressed his lips against your shoulder “you’ve gotta stop moving like that.” Jack warned as his cock throbbed at the against his swim shorts “like what?” You mumbled as you the the boat come to a stop.
It was a lightbulb moment that Jack had as he smirked “you never gotten off on someone’s thigh before?” He watched as you began following the movements that his hands had you doing “nope.” You moaned slapping your hand over your mouth as your eyes widened at the feeling.
Your legs shivered as the feelings went straight to your core and up your spine “you trust me?” Jack asked brushing his fingers over your cheek making you nod “use your words baby.” The hockey player cooed making your brain feel as though your were melting.
Your tongue ran over your lower lip “of course I do Jack.” You smiled as the boy grinned “need you to face the front then.” Jack sent a nod to the people in front of you both “if you really wanna be a good girl for me lose the panties.” His words made you moan as you nodded following his request as you crouched down to hook your fingers into your bikini bottoms pushing them to the floor before you got back to his leg.
Jack leaned his head against the headrest of the chair as he watched you straddle his thigh “just follow my hands.” The hockey player cooed pressing his fingers against your hips “Jack.” You moaned as your clit grazed against his skin.
Your soaked cunt spread its wetness over his thigh “fuck you’re doing such a good job.” The mirror of the boat became his best friend when he could take in how your face contorted when your clit hit his skin at a different way “please.” You begged wanting to move quicker now desperate to come.
Of course though you should have known it wouldn’t have been this easy “god you’re so needy already.” Jack laughed as he tried to adjust himself in an attempt to ease the pain his cock felt “keep soaking my thigh with your pretty little pussy.” The hockey player used his energy to lean forward to kiss your shoulder.
The jersey had fallen off of your arms as you kept your head upright “such a gorgeous girl aren’t you?” His teeth sunk into your skin causing a loud moan to fall from your lips “naughty girl, we gotta keep quiet.” Jack clicked his tongue making your face feel warm as it turned red.
But as your thighs clenched around his leg it made Jack laugh “but maybe you want to be caught?” Those words made you whine as you writhed against his leg “that’s it.” He smirked pressing a kiss on your earlobe.
In an attempt to tease you Jack began to bounce his leg making your breasts bounce “use my leg and I’ll make you feel so good when you come.” It made you cry as your legs began to shake “I’m gonna come.” You announced letting your head fall against his shoulder.
The nature of your words turned him animalistic as Jack sped up the movements of your hips “go make a mess on my thigh my pretty girl.” Jack kissed your jaw as you came “god!” The hockey player slapped his hand over your mouth muffling your moans as your legs squeezed his thigh.
As your chest heaved Jack laughed watching you come back to earth “wow.” You forced the word from your lips “I know.” He leaned down to grab your panties as his phone went off ruining this moment you both had.
Jack frowned as he saw it “we gotta get back before they notice.” The boy explained making you nod “just give me a sec okay?” You pleaded sliding your swim bottoms onto your legs.
The ride home was quiet as Jack focused on the path ahead of him leaving you alone now back on your own seat. Meaning that you spent your ride home drowning your brain in fears that caused you to feel sick as you docked “let’s maybe keep this quiet okay?” Jack wrapped his hand around your arm.
It made you want to throw up as you scoffed “like I’d go tell the boys what happened.” You grumbled pulling away from him.
It was a weird mix of embarrassment that mixed with disappointment as it became clear to you that Jack thought so lowly of you. To go from having him being your world as a kid as everyone but Jack could see the crush you had on him. To then becoming friends with him only to find yourself on the boat like this had your world shattering around you “god I need a drink.” You clicked your tongue as you helped yourself off of the boat not wanting to wait for him to do anymore to your ego especially not whilst your orgasm still had you feeling vulnerable.
Jack didn’t know why he said what he had done and as he watched you throw his cap on the ground during your walk back to the house it made him rub his hand over his face “y/n wait!” The hockey player pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as he got up and tried to make up ground in getting to you “bro you will not believe what I found!” Unaware of how you went straight for your bedroom when you got in Trevor wrapped his arm around Jack forcing the conversation he wanted to have to wait.
The next few days all ended in the same ways, you avoided Jack who didn’t allow himself to look like he cared as he prioritised worrying about what the boys might say. It wasn’t that Jack was ashamed or embarrassed, but instead it was the fact that he couldn’t get the moans that left your lips and the way your eyes screwed shut out of his mind. So in essence, letting the boys in on that secret would have had to mean that Jack was admitting it to himself that he actually did indeed like you.
But those thoughts weren’t the ones that went through your mind as you spent considerable amount of time trying to plan how you wanted to screw with Jack. You knew it was childish but Jacks attempt to silence you only served as a purpose for you to get back at him.
That was how you landed up in your red bikini and shirt you stole from Luke at the beginning of the trip “stop it!” You giggled splashing Cole with water from the cooler as he poked at the skin of your leg “what’s so funny?” Jack asked walking out to see the amused look on your face.
It frustrated Jack to watch you wrap your hand around Cole’s arm “just Cole being Cole.” You caught your lower lip between your teeth as the younger boys eyes trailed down your body “Z wanted to know if you would go with him to get fireworks.” Jack lied through his teeth as he smiled.
Trevor did most things with Cole meaning that it wasn’t unbelievable that your brother expected his friend to go along with him “I’ll see you in a bit.” Cole sighed squeezing your hand before he went to head back into the house.
Jack should have known it was too easy as the door slid shut “what are you playing at?” You asked crossing your arms as you sent the Hughes boy a scowl “what do you mean?” Jack shot back as he raised his eyebrows.
You couldn’t help it as you laughed “you dragged me to the store last week to get the damn fire-” what you didn’t expect was that you were silenced by Jacks hand as it went over your mouth for a second time, with this being so drastically different from the first.
He glared as you lay your tongue flat against his palm making sure to lick his skin “god!” Jack shrieked grumbling as he wiped his hand on the fabric of his shorts “okay I hid them is that what you wanted to hear?” The hockey player didn’t see the problem as it was the Fourth of July so that meant fireworks weren’t something you could have too much of.
Your eyes turned to sharp lines as you began to compose your thoughts into clear words “look I know you feel like we made a mistake.” You cut yourself off as you sucked at your teeth staring at the ground “but that’s in the past so can you just let me move on?” Your fingers raked through your hair as the frustration was evident on your face.
Seeing that you were feeling similar emotions to him it made Jack frown and stand in silence “that’s what I thought.” You clicked your tongue shaking your head as you walked to the door thinking that if you were quick enough maybe you could catch the boys “y/n please.” Jack begged placing his hand on your shoulder.
The look you sent him was one he truly never thought he’d get from you. Not only were you irritated but you were also disappointed, and it was disappointment only directed at him “we’ve only got a couple more days together so let’s play nice.” Your words were a clear contrast from your facial expressions as you glared at him “stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours.” You added slipping through the gap in the door leaving the boy with a lot of things on his mind.
To be honest Jack didn’t like that offer, he hated that you wanted to keep him away. So the only thing Jack could think of was to do exactly what you didn’t want him to do, Quinn contemplated calling his brother your shadow as he stayed by your side for the rest of the afternoon and even as meat was on the grill cooking for dinner.
The glares you sent the middle brother didn’t go unnoticed until you both ended up fighting over the last beer in the cooler “let go Jack.” You warned gripping the neck of the bottle “why don’t you go get one from the kitchen?” Jack tugged it back staring down at you.
It was a stupid fight that had gone on for far too long as you both constantly pulled it back and forth“why don’t you!” As you gave it a final tug it sent you and the bottle backwards to the ground and as luck had it the cap of the beer all of a sudden shot off hitting you with the rest of the beer that was in the bottle “fuck!” You gasped feeling the cold sticky liquid soak your body.
The boys silently watched on as you got up shaking your head “nice talking to you dickhead.” The white fabric of your shirt stuck to your red bikini top making you cringe as Trevor’s reaction matched yours “you get your eyes off of my sister right now!” He warned making you look down at your top.
Jacks eyes had followed yours as his mouth watered “I’m gonna get changed.” You mumbled dropping the bottle to the ground as you walked to the porch “okay what the hell happened on that boat?” Luke sent his brother a glare as Jacks eyes only left you once you slid the door shut.
The middle Hughes boy sighed “stay out of it!” Jack groaned as he pushed past his brother “where are you going?” Cole complained seeing that another person had disappeared from the dinner table “to get that fucking beer!” Jack spat as he shook his head following hot on the trail you had.
Frustration coarsed through your veins as you peeled the shirt off of your chest “that little dick.” You grumbled grabbing the wash cloth from your bathroom as you heard the bedroom door open “I’m busy!” You complained setting the cloth door as you looked to the door.
Jack locked eyes with you riling you up all over again “go have that beer Jack.” You grumbled placing your hand on his chest as you tried to force him out of your room “god you are infuriating.” Jack mumbled as he was stronger than you only moving back to the point where his back hit the door.
You stared at his lips before yours moved back to his eyes “at least I’m not the one who acts fucking bip-” Jack cut you off as his hands cupped your cheeks before he kissed your lips.
This wasn’t like anything you had ever experienced as he pulled away for a second to scan your face for any protests that you could have made. But as they didn’t come Jack let his lips capture yours once more “Ja-” you moaned as the hockey player pressed his hands against your waist as he walked you both back to your bed.
As the back of your knees hit the mattress you both fell onto your bed “I hate you.” You grumbled as the boy hovered over you “shut up.” Jack rolled his eyes as he hooked his hands under your knees pushing you further up your bed.
His lips moved to your jaw as all of the anger he had built up about the situation fizzled away with each kiss as Jack let himself nip at your skin “fuck Jack please.” Your body felt on fire as his lips moved down to your collar bone “taste like a fucking delight.” Jacks voice sent shivers down your spine as he moved back to stare at your bikini that barely covered your perky nipples.
If the sound of music from downstairs wasn’t currently echoing through Jacks ears as you had left your window open he would have taken his time but before you could complain the triangles were pushed to the side as the boy lowered his head around one and used his fingers to tease the other. Your hand tugged at Jacks longish locks that you once thought you hated but now as you used it to help steady him as he swirled his tongue around your nipple you were in awe “fuck Jack.” You repeated those words a few more times when the boy realised how responsive your body was to his movements.
But as always the irritating deadline Jack found himself came to the forefront of his mind as he was reminded of the fact that he told the boys that he was only getting a beer “would wanna taste this cunt of yours but we don’t got time for that.” The desperation in his voice was brought on by his painfully throbbing cock that rubbed against his shorts “and besides it seems you’re already ready.” The boy smirked seeing the wet patch that had formed on your bottoms that were now on full display for him to see with you out of that shirt.
His hand cupped your cunt making your squirm “you know I could leave you in here with that.” You warned as you sat up “we both know you’ve been waiting for a proper orgasm for too long to do that.” It was irritating how right Jack was as he sat on your bed again lips mere millimetres away from yours “show me you can be the one to give it to me then.” Your challenge had Jack thinking that he had been dreaming all along and that couldn’t have been real.
Yet as you sat there with a smirk on your face ready for accept this as a win Jack had to be the one to stop you “take those off.” Jack got up as he undid the drawstring of his waistband only to look up and see that you hadn’t moved “take it off before I rip them off baby.” His tone was harsher finally making you comply with him.
The pile of clothing was quick to form as your eyes trailed down Jacks body desperately noting how each part of him looked “god you’re so fucking beautiful.” He gasped staring like you were the only girl on this planet “c’mere.” You mumbled opening your legs to allow Jack the space to slot himself into.
It didn’t take him long again to have his lips find yours but this time his free hand that wasn’t holding his weight was instead directing his cock over your clit “fuck.” You moaned allowing his tongue into your mouth as your head fell back “you’re so wet.” Jack let out a grunt as he tilted his head down to watch as your cunt swallowed his cock.
Your hand squeezed at his arm “jesus!” You even felt your toes tingle as he bottomed you out with such ease “just you and me in here pretty girl.” Jack jokingly corrected you as he began to move his hips back and forth denying you of the opportunity to snap back at his lousy joke.
Jack felt your body relax as you adjusted to his size “please Jack.” You begged bringing your knees up on either side to make his angle more enjoyable for you “like this pussy was made for me.” Jack felt himself feel every part of your cunt “gonna make sure that I fuck it good.” His words ended with another kiss on your lips as it quickly turned into Jacks drug that was like his oxygen.
Lust clouded your mind as you attempted to drive your hips against his “look at you trying to get yourself off on my cock.” The click of his tongue was playful as your cunt clenched at his words “what would Z say about his little sister being this desperate.” The squelching noise that came after his thrusts made you moan as tears formed in your eyes feeling his full length inside of your aching core.
You struggled to come up with the words “h-he can’t.” You stammered as a sparkle danced over his eyes “then you gotta keep quiet princess.” Jack brushed his finger over your lips as you nodded. He watched your eyes begin to flutter just like they had done so on the boat “you close?” His head dropped to your shoulder where the hockey player began scattering innocent kisses on your skin.
The needy moan that left your lips made him smirk “feel so full.” You huffed as Jack slid his hand between your bodies “you feel me baby?” He pressed against your lower stomach causing the feeling of his thrusts to intensify “that’s what I want you to remember the next time a guy tried to fuck you.” Jacks words were only met with a whine that grew louder as he let his fingers hit your clit.
You chewed at the inside of your cheek “this pussy is yours Jack.” You shook your head at his words unintentionally making him smirk “you wanted to let me ruin you for all other guys then?” His breath fanned the shell of your ear as Jack used everything in his power to make his thrusts quicker.
A cry hit your walls as you pushed your head into the pillow “be a good girl and milk my cock when you come okay?” Your throat went dry as you nodded “I’m gonna-” your legs began to shake as your body looked like it was going to give out from under Jack.
He was right behind you as the pressure he had on your clit increased “let it all go my pretty girl.” You didn’t need to hear anymore as your eyes screwed shut and your hips continued to writhe against his thrusts “fuck!” Jack kissed your lips as your cunt clenched around his cock causing his orgasm to him as he attempted to fuck you through yours.
The two of you lay there for a few seconds until his thrust’s completely slowed and his cock slid out of your soaked cunt “you hear that?” You asked as you heard fireworks from outside as you looked to see that it was dark outside now.
It made Jack smile as he nodded “get dressed and then we can go see the end of it.” The center offered making you smile as he helped you out of your bed “you okay?” He added pressing a kiss against your lips as you nodded.
As you were both totally unaware from down below you sat the boys as they watched the fireworks with their meals on plates on their laps “how much do you want to bet they finally slept together?” Alex’s words made Trevor choke on his food “please y/n has way better taste than that!”
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adventuringblind · 6 months
Joint Coping
Lestappen x Reader
Genre: Angst
Dialouge: "Help me understand."
Summary: Max helps his partners learn to cope in healthy ways
Warnings: Selh-harm, unhealthy Coping, blood, Ferrari, Max being the sane one of the group
Notes: I would like to emphasize that this is a thing that does happen. I know because I've done it. This specifically is not something to be glorified at all. Self-harm done in groups can become competitive. This is a pretty toned down version of things I've experienced and it's less toxic. THIS IS NOT REACHING OUT. Just wanted to clarify :)
This is part of my 1000 follower celebration! Requests are still open if you'd like to participate (the link will take you to the request form).
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Max knows something is wrong with his partners. It's like an itch in his brain he can't scratch. A sixth sense, if you will.
The two Ferrari drivers are struggling with their team. Every problem is their fault. They have become the Ferrari scapegoats. When they do poor, it's the driver. When they do good, it's the team and the car.
He's coming to the end of his patience. If he has to hear them self deprecate one more time he might actually consider making them stand in the mirror and say nice things about themselves. Can he fuck it out of them? Is that a possibility? He really doesn't know but is desperate and willing to try anything.
They both DNF at the next race. Max is a man on a mission through media and debrief. He needs to see that they are okay. At the very least not sitting through some kind of lecture a parent gives to a child.
He sprints to the Ferrari garage and runs into Carlos. Despite his injury that took him out of the season, he still comes to support his team and teammates.
"Carlos!" The Spainard spins around to face him. "Have you seen-?"
"They already left over an hour ago. Did they not text you?"
There are warning bells going off inside of his head. Something is clearly wrong and they aren't telling him about it. He's about to sprint away when Carlos stops him.
"Before you go, you should that there were some awful things said by their engineers and they looked really upset about it."
"Thanks Carlos."
Max is back at the hotel as fast as he can manage. He tried both their cells with no answer. It's killing him from the inside out with anxiety. He's probably just overthinking, but it'll feel better when he sees they are okay.
He keys the door open and doesn't bother taking off his shoes. The lights are off aside from the one in the bathroom. Maybe they decided a nice relaxing bath would do the trick. Max could also go for one. He pushes that thought aside for now.
He knocks gently on the door. "You two in there?" No response. Or at least - not one to him directly. There are a few hushed whispers, but nothing loud enough for him to hear.
He waits Aproximatley ten seconds before he can't handle it anymore and swings the door open. He expects to see fogged mirror and water on the floor. Instead he's met with the sight red wrists and thighs.
He's lost. Max Verstappen has no idea what to do.
They are stripped down to undergarments. Legs dangling over the side of tub. A switchblade in the hands of Charles. They both look teary eyed and doped out. Are they enjoying this?
God, he feels so stupid. Weeks of having Sex with no lights on, sweatshirts in hot weather, no swimming and doing private ice bathes away from trainers. He should've noticed. Max could've stopped this sooner. He wants to rewind and tell them to come to him instead of relying on this to get the through.
"Guess you caught us." Charles let's out a half assed laugh. "You gonna stare at us all night? Or can we get the yelling part over with? Last three partners left us when they caught it. I understand if it's to much. Not your burden."
Max had been a later addition. The two in the bathtub had been together since their teenage years. Had they been Coping like this for so long?
"Sorry about the mess. Relapses are hard. We made it all season until a month ago." She leans her head onto Charles' shoulder. How can they make this type of environment endearing? This is unreal and they need serious help. Which Max will eventually get them when he can get his act together.
He kneels on the floor in between them. Max is just now registering the tears on his cheeks. They'd been in pain for so long. It hurts him just thinking about it.
"I'm not going to yell-" he looks at one. "-I'm not going to leave-" he looks at the other. "But help me understand. I want to help."
"It's easier to do with someone else around. It's more therapeutic." The lopsided smile on the female's face is not helping Max. He has to many questions.
First, he gets them cleaned up. Neither of them flinch when he disenfects the wounds. They don't look at him as he wraps them in whatever gauz is in the first aid kit. They look ashamed as he puts the knife in his bag and rinses the tub.
The one that gets him, however, is the look of pure confusion when Max hugs them both so tightly. It's like they don't know how to respond.
They sit in a circle on the bed. It's comfortable and Max can see both their expressions clearly.
"I know the struggle." He starts. "Punishing yourself is better then someone else doing it, right? But I had Daniel there reminding me to reach out."
"It's just easier this way."
"Easier isn't better. Look at the state you're in. I'm not leaving, but I am getting the both of you help."
He followed through with this the next morning. Then looked supposed to see him when they woke up. He, and his childish mind, kissed all the cuts and scars. Every single one of them received proper treatment.
The female cried and thre her arms around Max. Charles had looked away in shame. The reasons they started this are still foreign to him, but that's not his priority.
He gets them help. All of them, mind you. They do group sessions as the three of them to find healthier ways to cope with each other.
Reasons seem to fade into the background because they don't matter as much. The important thing is that Max caught it in time. That he didn't lose them to their own minds. They are partners, and Max would be devistated to lost someone he loves to those dark places.
He rests easier now that the itch has been scratched. His partners are doing better. They smile and laugh at his stupid jokes again. A bit of confidence regained.
And Max reminds them daily that nothing is worth it if you have to destroy yourself for it. Drivers or not, he loves them regardless.
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zikadraws · 1 year
An actual question which is pretty popular in the Splatoon fandom, how do you think lings wash themselves? Keep themselves clean. Canonically it is stated that water affects them.
Well I actually think I got a pretty good idea of this one !
I've made a little illustrated guide which pretty much summarizes it all, but here is my thought process beneath it anyways. (Long post buckle up)
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So, while it's true that in my mind their ink is already taking care of most of their dirt, one can only swim into their own body fluids before it starts to reek. Especially while being a(n ink)fish. Besides, enemy ink inevitably creates irritations if not properly cleaned off at least once or twice a day. (Off The Hook advises to clean your tentacles thoroughly after a match canonically.)
Now about the water issue, the main thing to keep in mind is that it's mentioned it dissolves Inkfish, sure, but only if they are submerged in it (because ink is less dense that water). So I think that they can take water drops, although it's also mentioned (in a game dev interview) that their skin actually breaks really easily.
But they CAN clean themselves nevertheless ; they just have to follow a few rules.
Absolutely NO BATHS.
Showers only, but put on the lightest drop setting, to the point the water feels more like drizzle (the type of rain they endure the best), just enough to get them moist and allow them to get themselves clean.
(There are specially designed shower heads on the marketplace for that, although it's the norm to have a shower with multiple options. It's recommended to always test the shower when looking for a new place, and use a portable spawner for the first times to be extra secure. Also, check your water pressure before going for a shower.)
Be gentle with your skin and tentacles while cleaning. Use foamy soaps, preferably, and soft sponges. If you're too rough, you might break the skin.
Only run the water to get yourself moisturized, then to wash the soaps. Not any more than needed.
At any time, if it starts to sting, or you feel weak, cut the water and take a break. Listen to your body.
If you don't have the time to take a shower, if you're not feeling like it or simply don't have a shower, there are always specialized body wipes available anywhere in stores. Fitting different kinds of skins & tentacles, with various perfumes, they are ideal to be used between Turf Wars or for a quick groom on the go. You can even clean yourself integraly this way if you wish, but please if you must do that in public, do so in Swim Form. Be decent.
(However, keep in mind the body wipes may be somewhat cheap and required to be at least recyclable, and also a huge market/job source, they still represent a budget, and important waste. Avoid resorting to these only. Water is in most places paid for by the community.)
In any way, do not neglect your hygiene. Else you may develop irritations, itching, dry & crusty tentacles (especially in choppy tentacuts), infections if nontreated injuries, and of course bad odor, which gets pretty bad as you count as a fish. All of these can get you mocked of and ostracized, as Freshness comes from having your turf and yourself figured out and taken well care of (we like to show that off), and unlike you may think- YOUR PEERS NOTICE.
And, of course, always brush your beak and scrub your tongue at least twice a day. Bad hygiene within the beak is the least tolerable, squiddos <3
And so yeah, those are their golden rules when it comes to hygiene. As you can see, I might have gotten a little overboard with it, but I wanted to make it feel like a legit cleaning guide, as I suspect that's something that is taught thoroughly to young Inkfish.
They have various illustrated child books/notices about cleaning safety, and probably have at least one mandatory class about that when they're in elementary school or younger. Being fresh 'n shiny is pretty important, and they are taught to take care of their turf/living space and of themselves, because they need that so they can then properly show off. So they are taught how to do it properly and safely early on, and they're not kidding about that.
I mean in a social system where the store managers can straight up refuse to serve you if you're deemed not fresh enough, you've got to be a little serious when it comes to your personal figure.
Alright, I hope you enjoyed my explanation ! I had a lot of with it~ :))
(Also before I go, I just wanna add a filter I made of this same guide, to make it look like a poorly taken scientific report picture like in a Sunken Scroll, 'cause I thought it was Sunken Scroll material. Enjoy.)
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(Thanks for asking, bye 🎵 =:> =:> =:>)
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kquil · 11 months
SUM. : james gets himself a summer job cleaning rich people's pools and finds himself frequenting a particular household, not that he's complaining
G. : fluff ; modern au ; muggle au ; pool boy james ; rich daughter reader
LENGTH : 1.4k
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“Are you able to do it today?” the man at the door asks as he reaches into his back pocket for something. James was just about to agree when the man pulled out a wad of cash from his wallet, “I’ll pay you upfront, is £100 enough?”
Puffing out his chest and grinning widely, James nods, “That’s perfect sir, thank you, I’ll start right away,”
“Great, come with me,” the man leads him through the spacious house and out to the back garden which had a relatively impressive looking pool taking up the space, “the wind lately has swept a lot of the leaves into the pool and it’s a mess; my daughter has been itching for a swim as well so I’m sure she’ll be happy with this. Thanks uhh…” James grasps the man’s outstretched hand for a shake, still beaming. 
“It’s James, sir,”
“I’m Richard, you can find all the pool cleaning equipment you need in that shed over there,” he points to a shed at the far corner of the back garden, “don’t worry about the lock, it’s not fastened. Thanks again, James,” as soon as Richard leaves to re-enter the house, James gets to work on the pool. There’s a distant shout from within the home and thudding footfalls but James pays it no mind, happy with the easy work and the new addition to his university allowance for the following academic year. 
Half an hour passes and the pool is pristine again; James smiles to himself, proud of his hard work, while wiping the sweat off his brow with the back of hand. 
“Hey!” James snaps his head around to see the most gorgeous girl he has ever seen walking up to him in a flowy summer dress. Doesn’t she know how crazy guys get over girls in cute summer dresses? He was about to make a fool of himself but quite composes his exterior, it's not how he was raised nor how he wants to be seen since he can make the safe assumption that you’re Richard’s daughter, “Thanks for cleaning up our pool,” you grin up at James and reach out to shake his hand, “you’re James, right?”
“Uhh, yeah, nice to meet you…” he shakes your hand after wiping the sweat off his palms on his cargo shorts. 
“I’m (Y/N), a pleasure,” you then turn to the clean pool, your smile beaming, “I can’t wait to take a swim! You did a great job,”
“Please,” James bows whilst gesturing to the pool, “it’s ready for all your swimming pleasure,” James’s smile grows wider at your twinkling laugh. 
“Thank you very much once again, sir James,” you do a cute little curtsy with the skirt of your short dress and James is smiling fondly at you, a rosy blush flourishing over his cheeks from how cute you were.
“Well, I should really leave you to it,” James starts, not really wanting to leave since you’re so captivating but knows that he shouldn’t overstay his welcome.
“Oh, before you go,” you pipe up, “would you mind giving us your phone number for when we need our pool cleaned again?” James hesitates for a moment, not expecting your offer but he didn’t want to reject such a cute girl either - even if you only wanted his number to clean your pool. 
“I think that’s a great idea, princess,” a familiar voice adds and James turns to see Richard stepping out of the house with a grin. 
“Right, dad?” you agree giddily before finding James a pen and a sticky note to write his number on before he leaves with his cash payment.
Once he’s gone your dad turns to you with a raised brow and amused eyes, “any and all extra pool cleaning jobs are coming right out of your monthly allowance,”
“Dad!” you whine and playfully stomp your feet. 
“There’s a price on love that, even you, are not exempt from, princess,”
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Your dad wasn’t kidding when he said extra calls for James to clean the pool came from your allowance but that was a small price to pay for getting to know the new pool boy. It didn’t take too long for your mom to rationalise your antics and, thankfully, she finds it just as amusing as your dad. After a couple meetings with James, she playfully gave you a thumbs up in secret when you were making a quick snack for James in the kitchen. Clearly, she approves of him.
“He’s polite, hard working and very handsome,” she commented as you nodded along. The both of you shared a quick squeal of excitement together before you moved to give James a love-filled snack during his break cleaning. It felt nice to have your parents' support when it came to James, especially when it meant that you could get away with keeping James at the house long after he finished cleaning the pool.
Over the summer, you really got to know him and found him to be more and more beguiling after every encounter, long or short. The more you got to know him, the more you got to witness the allure in his boyish grin, his charmingly tousled hair and mesmerising hazel eyes peering behind round glasses. It was becoming hard to just have him as your pool boy. 
“You know…” James muses as you set down a tray of lemonade and pretzels on the table beside him. He was currently taking a quick break in the lounge area beside the pool and it was the perfect time for you to join him as usual, with snacks, “I’m starting to think that I’m not here so much just to clean your guys’s pool,” he lets out a short, nervous laugh, as if insecure about his own speculation. James has never earned so much in one summer thanks to you and your family needing your pool cleaned at least three times a week but no family needs their pool cleaned this often - it was odd. Two days ago, he only needed to take out a floating leaf from the centre of the pool and he felt too guilty to accept full payment for such a modest job. He wasn’t complaining but he doesn’t think he can stand being your pool boy much longer if he wants to keep things professional. 
His pool cleaning jobs at your house were so quick and easy that you often invited him to stay longer and keep you company while you went for a swim in the same pool that he so graciously cleaned for you. Sometimes, you would just sit outside with James and talk for hours about anything and everything under the sun. Any time spent with you wasn’t taxing either, unlike some girls in the past, who complicated things for no reason. 
James would be blind to say that you weren’t beautiful, in fact, you weren’t just beautiful but enchanting as well. He feels at ease speaking to you like it’s the easiest thing to do in the world, you listen to him earnestly, value his opinions, laugh often at his jokes, share the same humour and he just feels so refreshed every time you make snacks or drinks for him. Needless to say, you have James wrapped around your little finger. He wants more with you than just being your pool boy but from his unfortunate history with girls in the past, you’re just too good to be true that James made himself believe you’re only like this because he works for you. 
“More than just to clean our pool?...” you muse to yourself as James takes a sip of the lemonade, “Maybe you’re right,” James almost spits out the lemonade he was drinking as you sit down in the chair beside him and giggle at his surprised expression. 
“Maybe I call you over here often because I like your company, James,” you explain and the way you said his name was so hypnotic, James had to take a moment before he could properly respond. 
“You mean it?” His resemblance to an expectant puppy is so uncanny that if he had a tail it would be wagging furiously. 
“I tell no lies,” you say with a wink as James smiles widely at you. 
“Then…” he bites his lip, nervous despite being quite confident in what your answer may be to his following proposal, “are you free this Saturday?”
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A/N : i have so many aus for james, it's unreal - they just suit him so well! that or im just obsessed with this man, which i will not deny. also, i just picked the most dad name i could think of for yn's father here, sorry XD thank you everyone for being patient with me and my absence recently too, you're all amazing!
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins ; @astonishment ; @until-i-found-you ; @goodoldfashionedluvergirl ; @tiensmamains ; @celestcies ; @lovelydoveval ; @inlovewithremusjohnlupin ; @calums-betch ; @futurecorps3 ; @hihihi1112 ; @ghostgardn
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bigfatbimbo · 3 months
Glad to see I am not the only one whose a sucker for Shark!Vox-
Elaborating on some of those ideas for a second, first of all the binder point. That goes for pretty much all his shark aspects, he hides them to the best of his ability because he doesn't think they fit his brand. So in the case of his tail and back fins, their probably constantly aching because he insists on keeping them tamped down. Prob also makes them more sensitive in general but I digress
I'd also imagine he has gills but they aren't on his neck their on his screen, like people assume their just vents for his system to cool off but in reality their gills. Just closed gills.
He swims with Vark to keep his skin healthy cuz he's almost completely dried on by the end of the day. Wearing that suit constantly does not help either, it already itches super bad you don't need to make it worse with that tight ass suit come on :(
Probably covered in scabs and scars because he scratches at himself so violently.
This on the more angsty/general side but hey, he's an insecure little guy (who probably has some identity problems to work through) it seems only natural that he'd try and hide the more "unsavory" aspects of himself.
I will also leave you off with this more goofy note, y’know how sharks go completely limp when you flip them over? Yeah...Vox has to sleep on his side cause if he lays on his back for too long he straight up can't move-
I mean less work for me, don't gotta break out the cuffs no more-
End chorus! Good night darling!
The angsty part is so sad because like if this were canon, he would absolutely hide all of these features and try to forget about them for as long as possible.
Swimming with Vark thing gets me thinking, though. Because until he waterproofed his head, which probably he probably didn’t start out with, he’d just have to take really long baths I guess.
I mean, I feel like in the shark au, all of his features would be waterproofed and updated like that way faster because he’d be actively trying to figure out how to do that.
But i’m just thinking like… because wants he trusts you enough and lets his shark parts show in front of you, just like running your hands up and down the fin on his back. He’d literally snap at you to stop but like all of the bite leaves his voice because that would just be so relaxing. Same with his tail.
(p.s, cd anon i love you feel free to rant about shark vox whenever, it makes my day.)
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patscorner · 3 months
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TW: Panic attack, mention of disassociation
(Red is what's loosely referenced from the song)
This one is shorter bc I lost motivation 🤭
You couldn't breathe. No matter how many deep breaths you took, no matter how hard you tried to ground yourself, you still couldn't breathe.
You really needed your boyfriend, but he hadn't been returning your calls. It's been 3 days.
The last you heard from him, you guys had an argument about how much time he was spending with you. Maybe next time, you'll keep your mouth shut and be happy with what you have because now, you don't see him at all.
He knew how you got without him. He knew because you told him how you were no good at being alone. You told him that without him, something takes a hold on you, and you don't know who you are. You told him that the anxiety builds in your chest when he's gone for too long. You told him that it feels like you're drowning without him, and when you see him, it's like a breath of fresh, clean air.
Without him, you're a mess. Without him, it made your skin itch, and it takes so much to stop you from tearing the skin off your bones.
You don't know how long you've been on the bathroom floor, arms around your knees as your rock back and forth, loud sobs falling from your mouth.
You were stuck in a vicous cycle of sobbing, throwing up, disassociating, hyperventilating, passing out, and then waking up and doing it all over again.
You hear muffled ringing coming from your phone that's sat on the counter next to the sink. You don't move, as the ringing in your head was too distracting. You just continue to rock back and forth until it stops.
Then it starts again. You wait. It stops.
This happens 6 more times, and each time you ignore it as you continue to dry heave into the toilet.
The next thing you hear is your bathroom door opening and arms wrapping around you. You don't know who it is, but you've got a pretty good idea.
You can hear muffled yelling, but you can't hear what anyone is saying. You put your hands over your ears, as the voices, the ringing, the dry heaving, is all too much for you.
"Ple- please.. too much... please..." You sob, rocking back and forth harder, your breathing picking up once again.
You start to rock slower as the voices stop, tears still wrecking your body.
"-aby, can you hear me?" A soft, familiar voice rang throughout the now quiet bathroom.
You lift your head up and meet 6 icy blue eyes. One is your boyfriend and one being his two brothers.
You assume, since Nick is closer, he's the one who embraced you earlier.
"Baby, I need you to follow my breathing, please." Matt pleads, as he gets closer and takes your hand and puts it on his chest so you can feel it rise and fall. "Can you do that for me?" He asks softly.
You nod absent-mindedly. "Matt?" You ask, trying to recognize him.
"Yes, yeah, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." He reassures.
"Where have you been...?" You ask as he stretches your legs out in front of you, making it easier for you to breathe. Like you said, being with him is like a breath of fresh fucking air.
Matt shook his head. "I- I don't know, baby, but I'm here now. I'm so sorry for leaving you like this." He said. "Can I give you a hug?" He asked, his arms rubbing your arms.
You nod as tears prick your eyes. Huh, you'd think you'd be out by now.
Matt embraces you in a big hug, tears leaving his eyes quietly as he relishes the embrace. It's been too long.
You pull away, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry." You say.
"No, no, no, never fucking apologize. Ever. This is on me. I know how you get when I'm not around, and I left anyway. I'm sorry." He says wiping his own tears.
"It's okay... it's just when you're not here - it feels like I'm a mess, like I fall apart." You whisper, your voice breaking.
Matt sniffles. "You're breaking my heart, baby. I'm so sorry. I'll never leave you again." He embraces you once again.
"I love you." You mumble into his chest. "I love you, too." He says.
"Can we get food now?" Chris asks from the other side of the door. He and Nick had left to give you both some privacy, but obviously, they were growing impatient.
You laugh and pat Matt's chest as you both stand up. "Yeah, just let me shower." You say, suddenly feeling gross.
"Love you, Matt." You say as he walks out.
"I love you, too, honey."
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Sub!Alcina gets pregnant by Y/N
18+ Minors DNI
CW/TW Reader is gender neutral but has a penis in this one. I don't really care if this pisses you off, TERFs. For some reason this one in particular has triggered y'all XD
Anyway, for the rest of you awesome peeps, this was a request from ao3 and I had to write it T^T Sub!Alcina is my favorite. Y/N is also a hard dom. Let’s get into it!
Alcina in everyday life is a force to be reckoned with. You don’t live up to her standards? Well, everyone’s replaceable, right?
She likes things done a certain way and she always gets what she wants.
But, little do people realize that Alcina has a very different personality in the bedroom. During intimacy with Y/N, she likes to be taken care of for once and told what to do. It’s the only place she feels comfortable expressing herself in this way and she absolutely cherishes it. Y/N has satisfied this deep need for her to be and feel useful. It’s all she’s ever wanted, really.
One day, Alcina feels… Weird. She’s unusually warm. All over. It’s mid-autumn, so the weather is not to blame. But, she’s wired. Like her body is tingling and itching for something.
Later on, Alcina realizes what she’s been craving pretty much all day. She is sat at her vanity when she bites her lip and fantasizes for a moment. She lets out a breathy gasp as she imagines Y/N taking her completely. She hasn’t ever told Y/N… But one of the most deliciously sinful things she has ever wanted them to do is… Breed her. She was always meant to be a mother and the idea of creating a little one with Y/N was an intoxicating thought. She wants Y/N to fill her up with their love. She wants to feel her body swell with life and know that it’s Y/N who put a baby in her. It’s as much a sensual desire as it is an emotional one.
Y/N has been out most of the day, and Alcina feels an unusually strong urge to be with them. It’s like a biological pull that is driving her crazy with lust. She knows that Y/N will make all of her pent up sexual frustration melt away in an instant once they start touching her.
Alcina tightly rubs her thighs together in an effort to quell her arousal, but she lets out a dissatisfied whine. She is truly hot and bothered and there is only one solution. She can’t wait for Y/N to get home.
Alcina plans to surprise Y/N and slips into some skimpy black lace lingerie. She is nothing if not a performer.
Y/N finally enters Alcina’s bedroom and they freeze at what they see.
Alcina is lying on her side in the bed. Her scantily clad outfit barely covers the most intriguing parts of her body. Her soft breasts and voluptuous thighs are on full display. The innocent doe-eyed gaze she’s directing towards Y/N is lighting them up. They know this look. Alcina is feeling very needy and it makes their feral side burn with pleasure.
“Draga… I need you. All of you.” She pants.
Normally, Alcina prefers oral, but she pointedly looks at the slowly growing bulge in Y/N’s pants as she says this. She’s indicating exactly what she needs. Wow, this is turning out to be a pretty great day.
Y/N wordlessly sheds their clothes and gets onto the bed.
Alcina tries to move over to make room for them, but Y/N roughly pushes her down by the shoulders. “Did I say you could move, you dirty hussy?” They say and begin effortlessly ripping Alcina’s lingerie off to get clear access to her body.
The soft gasp and mewl that Alcina elicits lets Y/N know that she is swimming with desire.
Y/N leans down and presses harsh kisses up and down her neck, every so often nipping at her soft flesh.
Each time Y/N’s lips touch her skin, Alcina feels fireworks shoot off. How are they able to make her feel so alive? She closes her eyes blissfully, but Y/N suddenly slaps her across the face and grabs her by the back of the head to look at them.
“You’re gonna keep your eyes on me the whole time. Understand, toy?” They tell her.
Alcina is in heaven. The sting from Y/N’s hand hitting her face leaves a tingly sensation that makes a burst of pleasure shoot down into her sex. She is so wet… So, so wet. Her arousal began to pool below her and Y/N slowly kisses their way down to her pussy. Her neatly shaved lower lips are puffy with want. Once Y/N pokes and prods at them with their tongue, Alcina shrieks with unexpected pleasure.
Y/N grins deviously. “I’m gonna allow that outburst because I’m the one who caused it. But next time, I won’t be as forgiving, toy.” They tell her and clap their hands onto her luscious hips, gripping them hard.
Alcina eagerly nods her head, wanting to please Y/N.
Y/N resumes their exploration of Alcina’s dripping pussy and latches onto her already hardening clit.
Alcina grips the bedsheets as Y/N teases her bud mercilessly.
Gentle bites on Alcina’s clit and rougher swipes with their tongue, provide Y/N the outcome they’re looking for.
Alcina pants helplessly and can’t help but to grab onto Y/N’s head with her hands.
Y/N plunges their tongue deep in Alcina’s love canal and begins thrusting with the appendage.
Alcina knows she’s close and so does Y/N. They can feel her walls tightening up. They add two fingers and drag them in and out of Alcina’s heated core while they focus their mouth on her clit.
Alcina wails as she hits her first climax and her orgasm makes everything feel warm and hazy.
Y/N laps up her love juices. They take the two fingers that were just inside of Alcina and hold them to her mouth. “Suck.” They command and tightly grab onto her shoulder with their other hand, holding her in place.
Alcina moans and opens her mouth. She greedily sucks Y/N’s fingers and makes sure to look them in the eyes when she does. All she wants is to serve them.
“Yeah, you taste that? Remember that I was the one who caused it. I made that happen.” Y/N tells her in a raspy whisper.
Alcina nods and Y/N finally pops their fingers out of her mouth. “You’re nice and lubed up now, huh? All prepped and waiting for my cock? You’re such a nasty slut.” They tease.
Alcina feels her arousal begin to burn again. This was what she had been waiting for.
Y/N pushes Alcina’s legs open and eyes their prize. Alcina’s glistening sex is just begging for them to fill it up. With no warning, Y/N dips their fingers into Alcina’s core and coats them in her arousal.
Alcina lets out a surprised squeal, but Y/N immediately snaps at her. “You keep that disgusting whore mouth shut until I say so!” They order.
Alcina is coming undone just from Y/N’s words alone.
Y/N takes their now lubed fingers and rubs them all over their hardened shaft. They growl as they smell Alcina on them. They need to just take her right now.
Y/N lines up their cock with Alcina’s entrance and begins pounding away.
Alcina desperately tries to meet Y/N’s rhythm with her hips, but they seem to be too fast even for her.
Y/N grunts and slows down as they remember something. “Shit, I need a condom.” They murmur and try to remove themself from Alcina to go get one.
Alcina quickly wraps her legs around Y/N’s back and holds them there. “Wait! Wait, I… Don’t want you to use one.” She begs.
Y/N’s eyebrows shoot up. “What?” They question.
“Please, please… Fill me with your seed, Y/N. Fill up my womb. Put a baby in me, Y/N… Please…” Alcina whines as she looks into their eyes.
Y/N is speechless. They splutter for a moment in surprise, breaking character. “Um… Really?” They ask.
Alcina nods and keens as she anticipates what’s coming next. “Yes…” She hisses in pleasure. “Make me your bitch, Y/N. Knock me up. I need you to fuck me and get me pregnant. I want to be a mother again, Y/N. Please…” She whispers.
At Alcina’s words, Y/N’s dick begins to throb. This was so hot. “Okay, let’s do it.” They say, a new determination blazing in their eyes.
Alcina smiles breathlessly and lays her head back.
Y/N continues thrusting into Alcina and brings their hands up to rub her nipples with their thumbs. “You’re boobs are going to get so huge. Changing because of something I did. Your body is mine.” They snarl in desire.
“Yes, yes, yes…” Alcina chants softly. This is what she’s been waiting for all day.
“Everyone’s gonna know that I claimed you when you’re carrying my baby. They’re gonna be jealous because you belong to me and me alone.” Y/N grunts out. They feel a wave of hot pleasure building in their lower stomach. They were about to blow the fattest load and it was all going into Alcina.
Alcina was getting so close to orgasming from Y/N’s words and ministrations. She loved when they talked dirty like this.
Y/N thrusts a few more times before they let out a harsh roar as they spill their seed deep into Alcina’s fertile womb.
Alcina feels Y/N’s cock pressed up against her cervix and the force of their orgasm makes her climax soon after.
Y/N feels pure pleasure as their balls empty their virile, hot cum into Alcina’s awaiting pussy. Their seed paints Alcina’s womb white and they wonder if this would be the time that their baby was conceived.
Alcina’s eyes well up with happy tears. She was going to be a Mama again. She is thrilled Y/N reacted positively to her deepest wish. Alcina was positive that Y/N had just gotten her pregnant, but of course, she wouldn’t know for sure until she went to see Mother Miranda.
After a while, Y/N finally finishes pumping into Alcina. They try to pull out, but Alcina once again wraps her legs around Y/N.
“No, no, no…” Alcina whines through her aftershocks. “Stay inside me. Just a little longer?” She begs.
Y/N grins. “Okay, babe. Whatever you want.” They tell her.
Alcina closes her eyes and brings a hand to rest on her stomach. There would be a little one growing in there soon. She couldn’t wait to see how her body changed during pregnancy. She wanted everyone to know she was Y/N’s and what better way to prove it than by getting knocked up with their baby?
Later on, as the two cuddle in bed, Alcina is still reeling from the amazing sex that she and Y/N had earlier… However, she feels a familiar hunger coming over her again. “Y/N?” She asks softly, as Y/N rests their head on her chest.
“Yeah?” They ask, snuggling into her more.
“Do you think we should… Try again?” She suggests. “J-just to be sure it takes! You know, for the baby?” She clarifies, very flustered.
Y/N takes their head off of Alcina and just grins up at her. “You don’t even need to ask, Alcina.” They say and begin kissing her once again.
Note: That was dirty, nasty, disgusting… Did you like it? Let me know! ;)
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queenimmadolla · 2 months
hi babes
word? Chronic
character? Steve
genre? Humor
trope? First time
atomic betty, you have no idea how excited i was to see you in my inbox! i love your shit so much, this one is for you! i hope you like it, you wondrous woman ♡ 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐲 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
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  Steve’s nervous.
  Steve Harrington is very nervous. 
  And Steve Harrington is rarely—when not in mortal peril—ever nervous. Ever.
  Regardless of discussion pertaining to the size of his head, Steve Harrington is blessed  with genetics that leave most envious. He’d been an adorable baby, who’d grown from a cute kid turned heartthrob teenager to a handsome man. 
  Steve has also gone through every stage in relation to those age frames. He’d been one pompous asshole when he was a teen and he’d grown significantly as a person in the years since. 
  The crown of King Steve was left behind, encased in the glass display of trophies and framed headlines of high school glory days. He’d traded it in for a new outlook on life, trying his hardest to remove himself from the claws of his father’s control and live a life completely of his own.
  He’d gone into the Business world right after he’d been able to move out, climbing, schmoozing, and sometimes low balling his competitors, to reach the top. Complete financial independence was finally his, and when Steve’s parents were ready to move on from Hawkins, he’d purchased the Harrington home from them—intent on filling those once lonely walls in that big house with laughter, love, and his own family. His kids. And…his wife.
  Steve’s love life fared more notoriously in high school than as an adult. 
  It’s not that he lacks charm or the interests of women—he’s had numerous hookups and one night stands since—when he’d been building a career, romance hadn’t been on the top of his list of priorities. He’d just wanted to scratch the itch; fuck a lot, and get back to business as soon as he’s had his orgasm, and she’s had her several. Personalities didn't matter. He didn’t need anything other than a willing body, warm mouth and wet holes. That was made clear to all his sexual partners, not a single one of them went in expecting more, though a few had left it craving so.
  Steve was sure all of them had fled the earth by the time he was finally ready to provide. 
  He had the home, he had the income, and he had all the love to give. And not a single woman he encountered in two years of dating since, clicked with him. There had been a couple he thought would be more permanent, stick around longer. It had been wishful thinking. 
  None of that mattered now, though. Not with you perched on the edge of his swimming pool, bare legs dangling in the water as you watch him do a few laps.
  You’d been dating for a couple of weeks now, and it almost terrifies Steve how much he cares for you. 
  It had started off as a friendly encounter, though Steve was immensely attracted to you, and when you didn’t seem to hate him, he’d gone in with some flirting. You’d returned it, he asked you out on a date, and the two of you hadn’t stopped; sharing something intense and electrifying in the best of ways. With you, he felt a level of comfort he hadn’t ever achieved before—which surprised him, as he once believed Nancy was his soulmate given how comfortable he had felt with her. You made him feel safe in ways he hadn’t known he was desperately searching for.
  He’s pretty sure it’s going to be you that shares his home with him. You whose belly swells with his babies, ready to fill the rooms. Or at least he’s hoping, praying, ready to beg whatever deity he has to that it’s going to be you. 
  That’s still not why he’s nervous.
  Steve Harrington is nervous because he’s pretty sure the two of you are gonna fuck tonight. 
  He’s fucked a lot, alright? He’s probably slept with more women than the average man, but it was all in good fun for both parties and solely based on getting off. 
  This is not one of those encounters. 
  He’s not just fucking you. There are so many strings attached and he cherishes each and everyone of those strings, so he’s nervous because a lot is riding on this, and while he’s eagerly looking forward to the possibility of you riding him, he doesn’t wanna fuck this up. 
  He’s pretty sure you’re it for him, The One, and he’s also pretty sure he won’t last the second he’s inside you, can feel you around him so yeah—he’s really fucking nervous.
  Apparently, it shows.
  Once he’s done trying to tire himself out—maybe that’ll make him last longer—he wades over to you and uses your lap to prop his arms up on.
  “You okay?” You ask, amusement coating your voice as you run your hands through his wet hair and Steve has to pry his eyes away from your tits. Letting you convince him to skinny dip with you after he’d cooked you dinner had also proved fatal to his libido. There’s no way you don’t notice what’s going on with him under the water.
  “Wha─? OH! No, yeah, I’m fine. Just. Swim.” 
  Your tits also seemed to do his brain in. God—you look so good.
  “I saw. You swam a lot. Looked like you were training for the Olympics.” 
  “I could have made the Olympic team.” He blurts out and you push him off of you to dunk him in the water instead. He emerges laughing as he wipes water from his face. When the two of you just started dating, he might have bragged a bit about his time leading the swim team enough to make it a taboo subject and now he does it to playfully annoy you.
  “So, what exactly are you nervous about?” You lean back, torso stretching out and hands on the ground behind you. Steve has a difficult time remembering how to speak English. He’s pretty sure he’s drooling.
  “Huh? Nervous? Me? You’re mistaken, honey.” He knows he’s caught. You already seem to know him like the back of your hand. It makes his heart flutter and his dick twitch.
  “You were nervous at dinner, too, not like right now but I swore I saw you sweating.” You muse aloud, legs swirling in the water again and Steve’s eyes fly to the space between them just as they close to conceal it. 
  He glances up to see you hadn’t even been looking at him, your stare focused on the lights he’d had strung up above the pool for night swimming as you ponder. You were just unknowingly teasing him.
  “No, no. Not nervous, remember?”
  “It can’t be the house, I’ve been here before…” You trail off.
  “So, we’re just pretending you can’t hear me.” 
  “But this is the first time I come over so late,” The smirk on your face is dangerous and Steve is positive he’s not lasting tonight, “Stevie, am I making you nervous?”
  Your demeanor is so teasing, Steve can feel his face heating up despite the allocation of most of the blood in his body being below hip level.
  “…You’re very beautiful.”
  You throw your head back as your pretty laughter rings out and Steve grins, happy to amuse you and reap the benefits of watching your chest.
  When you're done, your head lulls around and the smile you offer him would make his knees go weak if he was using them, “I might be able to help with that. Can I offer you a smoke?”
  “A cigarette wouldn’t hurt,” He muses, eyeing you curiously. 
  “Not a cigarette, Stevie, though I know you’re a chronic chainsmoker.” You pull your legs out of the pool and stand to retrieve something from your purse. Steve proves the phrase hate to see you go but love to watch you leave applies to your relationship as he unabashedly stares at your ass the entire time.
  When you return, you’ve got a yellow prescription pill bottle in one hand with your lighter in the other. 
  “Think it might calm your nerves.”
  Steve is on you the moment you re-settle yourself, crowding his upper half onto your lap as he smirks, “I think you might be right.”
  After you pull out a joint from your stash jar, and the filter is between his lips, you spark a light and he mumbles around it, “It’s been a while, be nice.”
  You know what that means, so when Steve takes his pull and hands you the joint for your turn, he immediately begins violently coughing and you expect it.
  You don’t expect him to be so focused on his violent coughing that he somehow forgets to float and immediately sinks into the pool. You let out a little shriek, toss aside the items in your hand, and push yourself into the pool after him, water rippling enough to splash over the sides.
  A few moments later, you both break through the surface of the water, Steve spitting out water he’d inhaled when he’d been coughing and gasping down there, and you lead him to the wall of the pool. Steve grips onto the edge, and you grip onto the sides as well.
  After Steve’s done coughing, he starts laughing hard, leaving you to throw him a bewildered look. It only makes him laugh harder, and you truly fail to find any humor in the situation until he wheezes out, “That was so embarrassing.”
  You roll your eyes, but a chuckle sputters out of you and soon you’re laughing with him, despite having ruined your hair and soaked the joint you’d left on the ground.
  “We are telling no one about this. It stays in this pool.” He declares around his laughter. You move closer to him and Steve’s laughter stops but his smile remains, soft eyes filling with lust as you’re nearly nose to nose.
  ”I won’t tell anyone.” You promise in a whisper and Steve barely has to lean in to claim your mouth, the taste of him and chlorine flooding your tongue. He dominates the kiss, mouth easily working yours as he pulls you in closer. Despite his slip up moments ago, you trust him to keep you afloat and press yourself to him, arms wrapping around his shoulders as his hands move to grip your ass, hauling you up and you can feel his head nudge against you.
  Steve doesn’t last long at all. But he makes up for it in recovery time and you go at it again in the pool. And once more on one of the lounge chairs, again immediately after the two of you make it inside, then in the shower, before finally ending in his bed.
  Turns out, he had nothing to be nervous about. You’re completely satisfied with everything he’s got to offer.
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mommypieck · 10 months
i need just a crumb of porco content…like him and reader going away on a beach vacation or something
going on vacation with porco is both a paradise and a nightmare. it all starts with porco complaining about your swimsuit.
"but i liked the old pair." he whines, laying on a sunbed while clinging onto your hips like a baby.
"i know, porco. but you liked it too touch, it had stains." you tell him but he just gives you puppy eyes.
during the day, he's like a dad, laying on a sunbed while drinking beer. he tries to act mature but every part of him itches to build a sandcastle.
the real fun begins when the sun falls.
"we can't, porco." you say, trying to swim away from him. even since the last people went away, he ran into the water to you to beg you for some fun. he's hard, you can feel it but you're scared people might see you.
"i know you want me." he moans, kissing your neck. you wrap your legs around him, surrendering to him.
"i do want you but i don't want to get kicked out."
"we're not going to get kicked out if keep quiet." he tells you as he pushes your bikini bottom to the side. it takes him few swipes of his fingers against your slit before you're dripping on his fingers. he doesn't waste much time preparing you and you can see on his face that he's just itching to be inside of you. he presses his tip against your folds to tease you but he's the one who gives it, sinking inside of you. he starts thrusting it, the water around you splashing. you know that potential visitors will know what you're going but you have to agree, porco is so good inside of you and this was a good idea. he presses his head against your chest, kissing the top of your breast. you can see that he's close to cumming but he tries to bring you to your orgasm first. it takes him few thrusts before you clench on his cock, cumming. he cums shortly after, filling you up. you would normally cringe at the cum inside of you but you're in water and water washes everything.
"you know, y/n. this might be my new favorite swimsuit."
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sugar-omi · 10 months
Kinda a request but also not: I would like to see jealous/possesive!MC bc I've been somewhat lurking in the tags, and I haven't seen any of it besides one person scraping an idea of both Cove and the MC being yanderes for each other. Like I'm insane about Cove, ik I'm not alone 😭.
It would be super interesting to see how a jealous/possessive!MC responds to Baxter during the step 3 prologue when he hits on Cove. 🤭
i can ramble abt this forever n ill prbly end making a part 2 to this lol pls even a few of my first post have a lotta jealous/possessive reader w a light yandere theme since im not completely in the scene but the possessiveness makes my brain churn LOL <333
tags : Suggestive, step 3, slight yandere theme, jealous/possessive reader
synopsis : you might be a bit too possessive with cove. but if he loves it and it sets the record straight, what's the problem?
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when baxter starts making subtle flirtatious comments to cove, it makes your head spin
of course you know your boyfriend is attractive!
you've seen the way tourists look at him, and when you were still in school, you heard and saw the way other students ogled and giggled to each other about how cute cove is.
unfortunately, you can't just put a collar on him with your name on it. although a small part of you thinks cove might like it.
so even after baxter gets the idea that you're both taken. (not that it needed to be said with the glare on your face and the way you straighten up, pulling cove into you)
you still go to some lengths to make sure he remembers that
instead of just holding his hand, you'll pull him into your lap of you can, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his shoulder/neck occasionally
and if you're in cove's car after a dinner date, and baxter just happens to walk out of his condo where he can see you stretched over the middle console, tangling your fingers in cove's hair and kissing within an inch of your lives...
well that's just a coincidence <3
and if you're coming back from a trip at the beach that was getting much too steamy with your hand dipping under the leg of cove's swim shorts, and run into baxter on the way back
you won't easily admit that it brings you too much happiness to see cove fidgeting, itching to get away so he can be alone with you, and how baxter's eyes widen a bit at the blooming marks on cove's skin
if you can put the grudge aside enough to hang out with baxter during the "sightseeing" moment, then of course the topic of dating and crushes comes up
baxter smiles when you say that cove has only ever been with you, and vice versa.
of course you note the melancholy look on his face, and you feel like he's being sarcastic. or at least half-hearted in his well wishes
maybe the look on your face is a bit too much on the sour side, but you don't worry about that. "cove and i will certainly spend the rest of our lives together. our souls are intertwined after all."
your smile is a bit sickly sweet, but you move on anyway
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I wanna talk a bit abt cove though...
yk how in step 2, if you punch/scare/cuss at jeremy, cove admits that he likes it?
I think he knows and sees how jealous, how possessive you are and feeds into it sometimes
it makes his heart beat (and even turns him on) that you're claiming him in any way
he sees how you pull him into your lap, or how you hold onto his arm, or how you kiss him even more when in front of baxter
he knows that when you ran into baxter, you find too much pleasure in how he squirms. and when you finally get back to his room for a little privacy, you're almost feral with how you touch and kiss him
he sees the way you leer and smirk when baxter walks by you two, and cove flushes because even though he's embarrassed bc baxter definitely saw you making out, he's also a bit... excited by it
it doesn't make sense, and it embarrasses him more just thinking abt it, but it just makes him feel so warm and tingly when you act like this that it overrides his shame <33
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rosiegirlie · 29 days
Press Your Number: John Egan x OC
word count: 4.8k a/n: I couldn't resist trying my hand at a John Egan story even though I'm nervous about it lol. As will probably be my usual this isn’t as researched / historically accurate as it should be so sorry in advance. I'm really just going off the vibes tbh ! read on AO3
The sun was setting with only the smallest bit still hanging on above the tops of the surrounding trees. It would soon be too dark for Jacqueline to continue working but luckily she’d reached a comfortable stopping point. She climbed down her ladder and stepped away from the plane to look up at her work. Oddly enough Jacqueline felt more proud of her pinup girl on the side of the plane than any of the pieces she’d shown back in Paris. 
Normally Jaqueline painted nature scenes. She hadn’t painted a person since university and had been nervous when Corporal Ken Lemmons told her what they wanted. But she had to admit that she’d done good. The painted blushing blonde looked full of life with her lips red and open in a playful pout. Jacqueline had worried whether or not the outfit was too risqué but she liked how the blue two piece swimming costume stood out against the plane’s sheet metal. It was eye catching. She hoped the men liked it just as much as she did. It still seemed like some sort of joke that she was getting to paint again. When she’d overheard Ken bemoaning having to paint designs on the planes she’d jumped at the opportunity before even introducing herself. She never thought that she’d be able to do this sort of thing when she transferred out to Thorpe Abbotts.
Jacqueline figured she still had a couple minutes of light left and climbed back up on the ladder with her paintbrush and palette in hand. The shading along the cleavage didn’t seem right no matter how many times she touched it up. She ached for proper paint but knew to keep her complaints to herself. She’d find a way to make it work, she always did. 
“Now that’s a view worth writing home about.”
The voice came from behind Jacqueline and in her surprise she jerked forward and had to stretch out her hand to brace herself against the plane to steady herself.
“Take it easy now.” The voice was louder, closer. Whoever the speaker was, he was probably right below Jacqueline. She pushed off from the plane and steadied herself on the ladder. 
“I’m good.” she assured him. After taking a breath she finally looked down. 
The man she didn’t recognize had moved up closer to the plane to get a better look at her work. A quick study of the man had Jacqueline wishing she’d met him in different circumstances when she wasn’t wearing coveralls three sizes too big, hair all tucked up into a sweat stained hat, and hands covered in paint. He was tall with broad shoulders. He was wearing a white sheepskin jacket instead of the ones every one else seemed to prefer. His hair looked thick and Jacqueline’s fingers itched to run themselves through it. She thought she saw a mustache. She needed to get a better look at him. 
“Do you like it then?” She asked, gesturing to the pinup with her head even though he wasn’t looking at her to see the gesture. Jacqueline thrived off of hearing what people thought of her art. She was greedy for any possible crumb of praise.
“She’s beautiful. Modeled off your broad back home?” 
“No, I just dreamed her up.” 
“It’s damn realistic to be something you just dreamed up, you must have practice at this sort of thing.” 
“I don’t have a lot of practice in painting half naked women, no.”
“Could’ve fooled me!” The man stepped away from the plane and Jacqueline finally got a better look at him. 
He was gorgeous. Jacqueline really wished she looked more presentable. She pushed her feelings aside and joked, “It’s the naked women we practice on, not clothed.”
“I knew it! You must be some sort of professional artist.” 
“Oh no, please.” She shook her head. “I hate that idea. If you ask me there’s no such thing as a professional artist.” She knew she should stop there but instead continued, “Art is something you engage with, a conversation with something you tap into. An artist should always be open to continual growth and learning. An artist is a student, not a professional. Or at least if they’re a proper artist they wouldn’t consider themselves a professional.” Jacqueline let out an embarrassed chuckle. “Sorry,” She raised her free hand not holding her paintbrush and palette and scratched at something on her cheek and along her jaw. She shrugged. “You were trying to pay me a compliment, it was rude of me to ramble. Thank you.”
When Jacqueline shifted to look back at the man she immediately met his eyes causing her to blush. His eyes were wide and after a brief moment of intense eye contact left her face to trace down her body. She felt his gaze as it went down to her hands in her lap. She burned as he worked his way back up to her face. It had been a while since a man had studied her like this and she hoped it turned into something as foolish as she knew it was to want. It was like his energy had changed completely and she didn’t know why. But she didn’t mind. 
He smirked up at her, causing Jacqueline’s heart to skip a beat, and said, “It wasn’t rude no. Trust me, I love a good ol’ fashioned ramble.” He shook his head and put his hands on his hips. “I’m just realizing I was seriously misled on some key details.” 
Jacqueline did nothing but stare at him, confused. He continued before she could figure out a response. “They said your name was Jack. I didn’t realize that was a nickname.”
Instinctively she tisked, “I told them to stop calling me that, it makes me sound like a boy. I hate nicknames.” 
“If it’s not Jack then what’s your name?” He prodded. 
“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” She challenged with a smile. 
“You can call me Bucky.” “Your mother named you Bucky?”
“My mother named me John but—”
“Lovely to meet you, John.” She stuck her free hand out and smiled wider when he took it in his own. “I’m Jacqueline.”
The officer’s club was full of laughter and music and men working off the restless energy that came with surviving another day. Normally Bucky would be right there with them, right in the thick of it. But he’d flown his first mission that day. He’d gone up and it hadn’t been anything like he thought. He couldn’t even remember what he thought it would be like. Bucky studied the glass in his hands. His hands had done terrible things that day, his hands were nothing like her’s. Nothing like Jacqueline. 
For some reason Bucky hadn’t been able to get her out of his head. He’d never felt like this before, focused so much in on one woman. But he kept thinking about how delicate her paint stained hands looked and the way her scratching at a wayward piece of hair on her face made him realize that she was a woman and not a man like he’d been expecting. Bucky felt ridiculous for being so worked up over a broad’s hands but here he was, a mess. It had only been a couple of days but his thoughts kept coming back to the woman he hadn’t been able to find since meeting on the hardstand. The endless meetings with Colonel Huglin and various other staff hadn’t given him the free time he wanted to search for Jacqueline but at least that afternoon he’d worked out that she wasn’t a mechanic. His mistake had been assuming that her getup had been her uniform. Now he was back to square one. 
A loud cackle broke through over the general noise of the crowd and Bucky couldn’t help but look for the source. There was a group of women by the corner of the dance floor and they looked like they were trying to contain one of them. Bucky watched and took in the view as they joked amongst themselves. The redhead, whose back had been to him, stepped out of the way and Bucky got a better look at the rest of the women in the group. Immediately his eyes jumped to the woman closest to the dance floor, the one with one hand on her hip while the other fanned at her face. She was wearing a rich blue dress that complimented her chestnut hair falling loosely around her face. He’d always liked the color blue but now he knew it was his favorite. She wasn’t wearing red lipstick like the rest of them but Bucky didn’t mind. She seemed to be entertaining her friends and making them laugh; he could tell from all the way across the room that she’d be the life of the party by his side. She was beautiful and Bucky needed to talk to her, needed to dance with her. Anything at all. He was a man starved.
But before he could make a move Lieutenant McDaniel was by his side and Bucky knew he was trapped. By the time he managed to get away from the conversation he’d lost her. Bucky kept his eyes peeled as the night went on, always looking over his shoulder. He’d catch glimpses but then she’d be gone before he could reach her. He couldn’t focus. He blamed his poor darts performance on the booze and joked that he’d come back around once he cleared his head. He wandered back over to the bar defeated. First he’d lost Jacquline and now he’d lost this mystery woman. If any of his guys found out he’d let them slip through his fingers they wouldn’t let him hear the end of it. Bucky’s reputation would never recover. He needed to pull himself together. He downed the last of his drink in one go and asked for another. As he waited for his drink he turned to lean against the bar top and look out over the room. His heart skipped a beat. 
There she was in the middle of a group of women settling down around a table across the hall. She sat down in the seat against the wall, the only one facing him directly. A wave of desire rushed over him, an overwhelming sense of longing that had Bucky feeling like a kid with his first crush. 
Bucky turned around and accepted the drink the bartender was offering him. “Thanks.” He lifted the glass in a cheers motion then turned back around with his eyes immediately going back to the woman. 
Something one of the girls said made her throw her head back in laughter again and Bucky instantly felt himself smiling along with her. The woman was a vision; Bucky wanted to have his way with her. She grabbed her hair all in one hand and pulled it up and away from her face. She fanned herself with the other, still laughing with her friends. When she pulled her hair back the woman had exposed the side of her face and neck so Bucky could now take in her full profile. He almost dropped his drink when he realized he knew that jawline. It was Jacqueline. He’d been eyeing Jacqueline all night and didn’t even realize. He could practically hear Buck in his ear teasing him for being such a fool. 
Without thinking Bucky set his drink on the bar and headed straight for Jacqueline. One of her friends, the redhead, saw him first and elbowed Jacqueline in the side to get her attention. John felt something settle in him when she met his eyes; it felt so right to have her looking at him. He’d always loved attention but never had it hit so right than now. 
He reached out a hand. “Dance with me, doll?” 
“Doll?” she cocked an eyebrow at the endearment but before Bucky could worry about being turned down she was pushing her chair out from the table and standing up. “I can’t promise I’m a good dance partner. I’ll probably step on your toes.”
“A worthy sacrifice to have you in my arms.” He pulled her onto the dance floor and twirled her around, smiling when she giggled as she spun. 
“Smooth talker, are you?” Jaqueline said as she settled into his arms and followed his lead as they started to dance. 
“I’m whatever I need to be when the situation calls.” he boasted.
Jacqueline laughed. “Spoken like a real American.” 
Bucky looked down at her confused but defensive. “What’s wrong with speaking like an American?”
“Nothing at all! Just that you lot tend to act before thinking and seem to think you can handle everything on your own.” 
Bucky was quick to heat with anger but took a second to consider what she’d said. “Where are you from, then? Because your accent sounds an awful lot like mine.” 
“Alright, you got me.” Jacqueline winked at Bucky like she was letting him on a secret. “I’m a Yank like you.” 
“Do you not consider yourself American?” He watched Jacqueline chew on her lip while thinking how to answer. Now that he had her up close Bucky was grateful Jacqueline had forgone the red lipstick for something closer to her natural lip color. He was having a hard enough time keeping his cool as it was. if her full lips were fully painted up Bucky wasn’t sure he had the self control to stay respectable.
“I spent most of my life over here.” She finally answered. “I can’t even remember the last time I was in the States.” she took another moment to think. “It was probably when my mother passed. No, it can’t have been that long, I had to have been back since then. But maybe… no. Hmm… Wow.” she blushed, probably embarrassed at her rambling, and shook her head. “I guess I haven’t been back in nine years? Almost ten.” 
“That’s a long time to be away from home.” 
“Not if it never felt like home to begin with.” Jacqueline said with an unbothered shrug. 
“I can’t wait to figure you out.” Bucky said without thinking first. He quickly turned to look away from Jacqueline to hide his face in case he really was blushing like he felt. 
“It’s still early days.” Jacqueline mused. “We’ve got time.” 
The song ended and the pair separated to join in the applause for the band. A slower song started up and Bucky was quick to pull Jacqueline back against him before she could escape. She didn’t resist him and settled into his arms, leaning her head on his chest. The thing that had settled into him before dug itself deeper. He hadn’t felt like this since his first days learning to fly. 
They danced without talking for a while until Bucky leaned down close to Jacqueline’s ear and whispered, “I looked for you, you know.” 
“You looked for me?” she pulled slightly away stared at him with a look of bewilderment. “What do you mean? Why?” 
“Because I wanted to see you.” he said honestly. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” 
Jacqueline mouth dropped open in surprise. She seemed to be lost for words and Bucky loved that. He loved throwing people off their game. He stared at her mouth and took note of the slight smudge of pale lipstick on the corner of her mouth. He wanted to kiss it. He cleared his throat and pushed down his instincts that were begging him to wrap Jacqueline fully in his arms and give into all temptation. He was going to take a page from Buck’s book and be a gentleman about this. 
Jacqueline was already at the bar when the Major came through the doors. A couple of cheers went up at his entrance and she couldn’t help but smile into her drink at the reaction. She loved the theatrics. But she’d done her research and she couldn’t believe she’d been so informal around someone with such a high rank. It didn’t make her want him any less, but it did intensify her nerves. Rank implied status and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to get back into the world of status. She watched as he wove his way through the crowd. He didn’t stop talking for a second. Jacqueline wasn’t sure why she was so endeared by his working the room. 
The couple next to her left the bar leaving more than enough room for him to come up next to her. Jacqueline set her glass down on the bar and tried to straighten herself up. She didn’t know what she was going to say to him. Should she wait for him to say something first? She was awful at intentional flirting. Jacqueline glanced over her shoulder and then whipped her head back around. He was almost at the bar and Jacqueline knew he was going to come up next to her. This was it. 
But then he didn’t recognize her. Didn’t even spare her a glance. Jacqueline wanted to laugh she was so mortified but held it in. Based off of the rumors she really thought he’d at least look at her even if he didn’t start flirting. She took a deep drink of her gin and tonic as she listened to the Major order a pint and make small talk with the airman on his other side. Her body felt like it was on fire she was so hyperaware of her surroundings. She felt beyond silly for getting her hopes up that he would want to talk to her again. It had been such a brief thing; they’d barely talked. It didn’t matter how nicely she tried to put herself together, it didn’t matter how long she’d spent on her hair and makeup. Her first impression had come and gone. She’d lost her chance to blow the Major away.
“Another round? Gin and tonic, right?” The bartender asked as she finished off her drink. 
“Please. Thank you.” She said with a smile but barely met the bartender’s eyes. As soon as she had her new cocktail she slipped away from the bar and into the crowd. 
Her original plan of doing something — admittedly she hadn’t gotten far enough along to actually plan anything, she’d been counting on John to do most of the doing — was useless now so she figured to hell with it. She was going to enjoy her night with her girls. Her closest friends and coworkers, Ginny and Elizabeth, cheered when she returned to them. Jacqueline thanked her past self for not telling them about meeting the Major. She knew they would tease and end up repeating the stories that had started spreading through the base. It didn’t do her any good to think about all of the women John had slept with. Maybe it was for the best that Jacqueline was forgettable. She needed to keep thinking about him as the Major, not as John. He was just a nice man she’d met and that was that. 
An hour later and her friends were all sitting around a table, laughing at Ginny’s imitation of their old supervisor. Jacqueline pulled all of her hair back from her face, twisted it around in her hand and held it up at the back of her head. With her other hand she fanned at her face. She’d worked up a sweat dancing and her hand was doing nothing to help her cool down. Jacqueline had just made up her mind to go out and grab some air since she was so hot, maybe she’d even turn in for the night, when Elizabeth elbowed Jaqueline in the side. 
“What was—” Jacqueline’s voice broke off when she followed Elizabeth’s line of site and saw the Major walking towards them. He was looking right at her and when she met his eyes he grinned. The other girls at their table turned to see what Jacqueline and Elizabeth were staring at and the conversation had died by the time John reached their table. 
She felt butterflies when he said her name. 
“John.” She replied with a smile. Then she’d taken his offered hand and followed him out to dance floor. 
She’d spent the rest of the night wrapped up in John’s orbit. Even when they weren’t dancing John had kept her close, a warm presence that Jaqueline didn’t mind despite hating the heat. Normally Jacqueline was only good at being lively and social at the beginning of the night, more often than not she would slip out early to sooth her introverted nature begging to be alone. But somehow she loved being constantly surrounded with John by her side. It was easy to maintain a smile and keep up with the jokes being thrown around with the weight of John’s arm around her waist. 
Time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye and too soon John was walking her back to her hut, the perfect gentleman despite the rumors. Jaqueline wondered if this was what flying felt like; oddly enough she felt weightless with her arm wrapped around John’s. 
“When can I see you again?” John asked when they were almost at her hut. 
“It’s a small base, I’m sure we’ll run into each other.” she said coyly. Jacqueline didn’t have a lot of experience with men but she knew with men like John she had to hold her ground. “I’m sure you could find me if you really wanted.”
“Is that a challenge?” He sounded excited, like Jacqueline had given him some sort of gift. 
“You think you can manage finding me?” 
“I’ll manage it all for you, whatever you ask.” 
John’s words were what Jacqueline had always wanted to hear from a man but she knew to be wary. “You should be careful saying things like that to a girl. She might get her hopes up.” 
“And if I want her to?”
That took Jacqueline by surprise. She spluttered, “Then you should show her you care. Talk is useless if it’s just that.” 
“Good thing I’m a man who acts.” And with that John twisted Jacqueline towards him. His hand went right to the side of her face and he cradled her jaw as he pulled her in for a kiss. 
Jacqueline didn’t even pretend to be respectable. As soon as John’s lips were on her’s she was desperate for more. She pulled her arm out from being trapped between them and wrapped it around John’s back to bring him closer. It was clear he hadn’t expected Jacqueline to escalate the kiss but he was quick to match her energy. He moved his hand into the thick of her hair and Jacqueline couldn’t hold back her moan when he tugged at it to bring her closer to him. 
Her moan seemed to snap John out of it and he ripped himself away from Jacqueline, breathing hard. He took a couple of steps back leaving Jacqueline standing there looking like some strung out floozy with slick lips and wide eyes. She figured she should be embarrassed by how scandalous she was sure to look but she couldn’t seem to care when John seemed to be just as out of sorts. They looked at each other in silence, their heavy breathing the only noise between them. And then they both started to laugh loudly into the night. John came back to Jacqueline’s side.
“I’ll come find you.” He promised with a kiss to the top of her head. Another to her forehead. 
“I’m looking forward to it, Major.” She gave him a wave before entering her hut. She waited a minute until she let out a giggle and danced around the empty hut like the teenage girl she was feeling like. 
Jacqueline spent the next day on edge waiting for John to pop up at any moment. She meant what she said: Thorpe Abbotts wasn’t a big base. There were only so many places one could hide and she wasn’t even trying to hide. But to her dismay John never showed. She felt like such a fool for getting her hopes up. Her mood the following day went from bad to worse when the forts started rolling in after the mission. Lieutenant McDaniel’s fort, the one John was flying on, hadn’t come back. John was gone.
That afternoon Jacqueline was lost in thought staring out the minuscule window. The forest around the base reminded her of the years spent in Switzerland even though the two looked nothing alike. She had been such a child back then; the world had been so big back when she was young and now Jacqueline felt so small standing in the corner of the switchboard room. She felt so naive for losing herself over a flyboy so quickly, especially one she barely knew. Her cousin had joked that Jaqueline would find herself a pilot and finally have one of those romances that inspired great art. Even her aunt had commented on the possibility of her work leading to producing something she never thought possible. But just because the first world war and her various lovers had inspired her aunt to write didn’t mean Jacqueline was the same. Jacqueline was nauseous thinking about using her heartbreak as inspiration. Maybe this was why she couldn’t consider herself a proper artist.
The sound of her coworkers arguing pulled Jacqueline from her thoughts. It was no surprise they were talking about her. Nor was it a surprise they would do so openly in front of her without care. After all the time they’d spent together the three of them didn’t hold anything back. 
“At least she got out quick.”
“Bloody hell, Ginny. That’s awful to say.” Elizabeth dropped her nail file on the ground as she looked up scandalized.
“I’m just saying!” Ginny defended herself. “You can’t tell me that the heartache would be the same if they’d been together for ages. She’s better off this way!”
Elizabeth bent down to reach under her chair. She picked up her nail file and pointed it accusingly at Ginny. “But you don’t need to say that!”
“It’s important to see the bright side!” 
“It’s also important to have more than a couple of hours to process losing someone. You of all people should know better.” Elizabeth chastised. 
Ginny’s face went red with a mix of embarrassment and anger. “I was just trying to help.” She pouted, bitter that Elizabeth had poked at her sore spot.  “It’s okay, Ginny.” Jacqueline stepped away from the window and turned back around to face her friends. She gave them a weak smile in an effort to assure them but she could tell from their faces it didn’t work. 
Their office was small, enough room to maneuver around their chairs but not much beyond that. It felt as cramped as their switchboards looked. But luckily the girls knew how to make the space work, having worked together for almost two and a half years. When Jacqueline had been approached to transfer to Thorpe Abbotts until the Americans could get their crew up and running she said she’d only go if she could pick who would work underneath her. Ginny and Elizabeth hadn’t let her down and Jacqueline was beyond grateful she didn’t have to navigate this new world alone. 
She plopped down into her chair and let out a deep sigh. “You’re both right, I suppose.” 
“How’re you doing?” Elizabeth asked gently. 
Jacqueline shrugged. “As expected.” 
“I’m assuming you don’t want to get a drink with us then, after we get off?” 
“No one’s getting off anymore.” 
“Ginny!” Elizabeth, as always, was scandalized by Ginny’s comment but Jacqueline was laughing despite herself. 
“I didn’t even get off to begin with.” She confessed after she stopped giggling. 
“All that and you didn’t—”
“When would I have had the time to shag him?” Jacqueline asked with a tired sigh. “You know I haven’t seen him since.” 
Ginny was quiet for a moment but then said, “At least you snogged.” 
Jaqueline’s heart hurt as she thought about how John had looked at her when he pulled away from their kiss after he walked her back to her hut. “At least there’s that.” she sighed again. 
An alarm rang out and the girls sprung to attention. 
“I got it.” Jacqueline motioned for the other two to settle back into their chairs while she put on her headset. She connected the right wire then said, “Good afternoon, this is RAF Thorpe Abbotts. How may I direct your call?” 
He thought it was a dream at first, that made he’d hit his head at some point during the mission and was losing it. But his gut told him he recognized the voice of the operator who answered his call. He cleared his throat. 
“This is Major Egan. We’re out at—”
“John!” the voice was breathless and desperate just like he’d been dreaming. Straight out of his fantasizes and into reality. “Major, are you there?” 
Bucky cleared his throat again and said with a laugh, “Does it count as finding you if I don’t see you?” 
A loud laugh came through the phone and Bucky felt human again. 
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ovaryacted · 4 months
Controversial take. Leon is not a sex god. We’ve seen how this dude flirts. He’s not swimming in coochie (or dick for the dudes). Hes in the Sahara of panties.
I’m sure he’s had flings sure, but that would be more for scratching an itch rather than what he truly desires (a connection).
Tbh, I actually see Leon not really interested in sex with anyone after RC. Dudes limbic system got metro fucked. Even if he could get ass, he most likely wasn’t interested.
That was, until he meets his s/o. Maybe it after after RE4, RE6 or older. he meets his s/o, gets a connection, and then he feels it.
“Holy shit? I’m turned on? Haven’t felt like this since the fucking police academy.”
He probably isn’t some kind of sex god, he needs to take it slow. Poor dude probably gets into his own head a lot because he wants to please his s/o.
But damn is he eager to learn and whew he’s a fast learner. Also a pussy eating/dick sucking champ. He’s a giver 100%
I actually see Leon’s first time with his s/o to be rather emotional for him. This is the first person he feels a genuine connection and love for. He’s allowing himself to be in what is (to him) his most vulnerable state. Probably says “I love you” a lot during sex.
I went on a tangent but enjoy fluffy smutty Headcanons I guess hahah
Hi anon, thank you for the message! I believe this is angsty anon, if it is hey boo. If not, hey either way lolz.
Just wanted to say this isn’t a controversial take at all, and it’s my canon at least. Thats mostly how I characterize Leon as a whole, and when I write for him I keep these things in the back of my mind when I view him as a sexual being.
My response to this is much longer than I anticipated (as always, are we surprised? No!). But I will make a separate post expanding on this idea of Leon specifically.
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small-sinclair · 1 year
But I Love Ya
Again, @bluecoolr’s gave me this idea based off this gut killing comic and this one too. I think it’s neat and is sad but it’s nice :3
This is a gift to @fluffy-little-demon and @ahmnom.
Tw: past trauma, mention of physical abuse, mentioned of self-harm, mention of emotional abuse
This story takes place two years into the killings.
Hope y'all enjoy!
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It's been two years, 3 months, 12 days since Trudy died, but Bo still felt her looking at him front his bedroom doorway, her eyes unforgiving and solid. He felt her gazing at him as if he was the mistake she made, an unsolved wax structure that needed to be washed out and burned, destroyed to nothing but liquid heat to be used later for something better and different.
Deep down, Bo wanted her eyes to go away, to un-feel the nails over his skin like claws over a rock, sharpening and ready to kill. He wanted nothing more than to diver under his covers and hide from his mother's gaze, but even under the covers Bo wasn't safe. He excepted that he wouldn't be sleeping tonight, and he's okay with it? Is he really?
Bo turned to his side and turned on the lamp on his nightstand. He sits up and wiped the sweat from his face. The heatwave will never lift until he's down with his mother's work. She told him that she'll allow him to sleep peacefully once it's all completed. It's been two years of killing, fighting, destroying, and creating. The amount of blood on his hands could drown a single person if they didn't know how to swim. He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his wrist. The scars itch so bad that he wants to run a knife over them just to stop the stings and aches of the past. Maybe that'll help him sleep?
It's not your fault, I supposed, that I can't love you, his mother's voice echoed through his head. It's just hard to love you, and I've tried everything that I could.
"I love you, Mama," BO whispers to himself as he ran his fingers over the fabric of the bed, feeling the sheets and its weight. "I truly do love ya."
You're wasting my time and your father's time, Beauregard! His mother laughed like she did the first time he told her he loved her and his father. Now, git! The more interesting twin is about to do his piano residal. Don't want you to fuss or nothin' when guest are here. Take Lester to your room and wait until it's over!
The memory ended with a slap across the face and Lester crying when it happened. his mother never cared for Lester, and it hurts Bo sometimes when he's reminded with the lack of baby pictures of Lester.
On the nightstand, he takes the picture of him and his brothers against the lamp and held it between his fingers. It was taken on his Polaroid by a friend. All of them were smiling as the twins stood either side of their little brother, who was grinning ear-to-ear with a college diploma in hand from the state college. He was the only one of the brothers to get some type of higher education. Even though his little brother never showed it, he was pretty fucking smart when it came to geology and environment. he works for the state picking up and recording roadkill--
Why didn't you or Vincent go? Why didn't Vincent try?
His mother hated that Lester proved her wrong with getting a degree, and she hated it more when he cut her out of his life. Bo didn't blame her, but he knew that he couldn't do that. He wasn't strong enough to do that until she died, until the day he killed her himself. Hands around her throat, chocking out the life he never wanted. He didn't want to hear her voice or see her eyes. He didn't want to feel her hand slapping across his face or tying him down as his father beats him with a leather belt or a twitch. He didn't want to hear her breath or say anything to him...
So does he still owe her everything? Why does he do this for her? Destroy people and lives just to make her dream come true? Maybe it was the catholic inside him to honor thy parents and wishes, but he didn't want to admit it. If he did, he would end up losing to her and she would win again. Come to think of it, his knees did hurt from begging his mother to love him, to hold him, to make him feel like he belong to a world where sin is the truth and blessings are a lie.
"But I love you," he murmurs to himself as lowered the photo on the bed. "I've always loved ya."
He rested his head in his hands and closed his eyes. he allowed his mothers nails rack over his skin and cut him open like a fish. He let the past pains of hits and tears go after him, over and over again until he was nothing. It's what he deserves, right? He was to take the pain or his twin would get the brunt of it. Poor Vincent. He'll never truly know what an iron hot pan felt against his back. Still to this day, he doesn't tell Vincent how his back go so burned and scared. How could he?
He takes a deep breath in, tasting the dust and honeydew of the south, and let out a long, hallowed breath filled with sadness and skill. When he looks up, all he could see was himself looking back at him, and the shadow of his mother standing in his other half. He'll always be the other half of someone, his brother, his mother, father-- he'll never be whole until he finishes what his mother started.
If he was more like Vincent, looked like and creative like him, would his mother love him the same?
I can only love one child, Bo. Sadly, you'll never know love.
The ciggarette burns on the back of his shoulders ached and screamed to let open. As much as he would love to take his knife and carved out his mother's blood, what would he be lift with? His father? Vincent and Lester? Everything he does is for his family. When will he be able to do something for himself for a change?
He just wanted to be free from her claw-like nails. He wanted to be gone from her gaze from above, but how could he when she's laying in a casket down the road? Why couldn't he bury her and take his brothers somewhere else where they could breath and be free? Why could he do that?
Becasue he's stuck here. He will never be forgiven until his brothers are, too. They've done nothing wrong--
It's becasue you are a Sinclair, boy, his father answered, his stomach aching from an unseen punch. We have the word 'sin' in the first part! You are born in to it and you will die to it! Now, get on those fucking knees and beg!
He placed the picture to the side and laid back down, hands folded over his chest. "But I love ya, Mama," he whispers again. "I love ya and Pa and my brothers."
That's nice and all, but who would love you back? It's not me, I'll tell you that for free!
He wanted to turn out the lights and sleep, but the heat of the marsh and the sins on his skin will never allow him to rest. He will never allow himself to rest until his mother's job is finish. If he can't be forgiven, then he'll work hard enough to make sure Vincent and Lester are! He will not have his brothers fall down with him, he can't allow that!
Do you think your brothers love you, Bo? Ha! they only love you because you are their brother! Shape up and help me Lester! He won't sit still, so help me get him in your old chair--
he shot out of bed as he heard the straps tying onto his skin like cold chains. Bo held his chest, controlling his breathing, as he looked at his empty bed. It's only him and the night, the darkness of the room filling his thoughts as the demons came out to play. The painful memory of his little brother being restrained and taped to his bed--
Lester. Have to make sure Lester isn't held down. He can't be held down! He never would allow it! Bo will set this world on fire if he ever saw Lester tied down again.
He takes his green plaid and puts it on as he heads out of his room. He wonders down the hall past his mother's bedroom and stops at the end, standing in front of Lester's closed door. Gently, he nudges the door open and tip-toes in. His baby brother was curled up in his blankets in his Scooby-Doo boxers and cuddling a pillow-shaped ladybug. He was breathing softly, his chest calm as it rises and falls without a care.
Silently, he crept over to his brother's bed and kneels next to him. Gingerly, his fingers wrap around Lester's wrist and pulled forward. Relief washed over him like a waterfall when he found that he wasn't restrained or tied. Only light scars of the past showed. Goodness, his thoughts were getting to the best of him tonight. He leaned down and kissed his brother's wrist before standing up. At least his baby brother is safe--
"...Bo?" A tired voice escaped as he stood next to the door. "Bo, 's 'at ya?" Lester asked, sitting up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Wha' are ya doin'?" He yawned as sleepiness started to take over.
Bo looked back at his brother and shook his head. "Nothin'. Go back ta' sleep, Lessy."
"Had a nightmare?" He asked, his eyes going into focus. "'S okay if ya did." He scoots over and patted the empty side. "Wanan sleep wit' me?"
Bo's brows lifted in sadness. He felt like he was a child again. Back when they were kids, Bo and Vincent always went to Lester if they had a bad dream. For some reason, he was good at keeping the demons and monsters at bay and gone until the sun came up.
Bo bit his bottom lip nervously. "If ya don't mind."
"Never had, Bo," Lester answered, laying back down, patting the bed next to him. "Com' an' sleep."
Bo came back to his brother's side and laid in the bed. Like he did before, he pulled his brother close to his chest and closed his eyes. He does love his brothers, and his brothers love him.
But his mama never will.
"Love ya," Lester murmurs, cuddling into his brother's side.
Bo doesn't say it back, but he wishes he could.
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for the parent fic, may be a bit cliche but how about the fam when one of them is sick (nothing major just the flu or something) perhaps reader is sick and Tan and Jovie work together on making them feel better
oh this is adorable!! i love it, thank you so much for the idea <33 please send any more ideas you have!
This takes place as part of the bullet proof universe, but it’s not necessary to have read all of them :)
Taglist: @venusthepirate @shadows-of-nyx @syd-vixious @thefloatingpickle @sallyp-53 @fictionalcomforts @s-haa @the-bisaster @phoenixhits @wee-little-mouse @cupofstarss @eefos @slut-f0r-u @lotustv
Bullet Train Masterlist
sick day
You wake up feeling like shit. When you try to talk, your throat burns so bad that you can see red, and you have a headache that you absolutely can’t get rid of. Your bones protest every move you make; even getting out of bed makes you want to cry. When Tangerine rolled out of bed this morning, you didn’t follow him like you usually do, unable to get the energy to even turn over and face away from the bathroom light. If you didn’t immediately know something was wrong, he definitely did. To everyone else, you’re pretty good at hiding when you don’t feel good, but he can see through all that with a single glance your way.
Which is probably for the best, because someone has to be the one to tell you that you’re sick. God knows you won’t do it yourself. You’re more of a push-through-it kind of person, but he won’t allow that. Not when he’s here to take care of you.
Through sickness and health and all that.
You try to get out of bed, but quickly realize that it’s not going to happen when your vision swims in front of you. The only option you have is to flop back against the pillows with a heavy sigh. Tangerine watches you from the bathroom mirror, checking you automatically for injuries. When he doesn’t see any, he notices the sweat on your brow and the gaunt look of your face, a dead giveaway of your condition. You don’t get sick a lot, but when you do, he knows the signs. It’s been the same symptoms ever since you’ve known him.
“Love,” he says, a crease between his eyebrows, wrinkled in concern for you. “You can’t go to work today.” He stands in the doorway, slipping his rings onto his fingers and running a hand through his unbrushed hair. The pajama pants he’s wearing are worn thin and filled with holes, but they’re his favorite pair and you’ve yet to figure out a way to throw them out. You would never tell him, but when he’s gone on a job, you sometimes wear them around the house. Jovie’s been sworn to secrecy about it.
“I have a meeting,” you groan, rolling face-first into the pillow and hoping it will swallow you whole. “I have to.”
“I’ll go to your fucking meeting,” he says easily, setttling onto the edge of the bed and putting the back of his hand up against your forehead. “You’re burning up.” There’s a frown in his voice, one that you don’t want to turn over to see.
“No shit,” you mutter, muffled by the pillow.
“You just stay here, right? I’m going to take Jovie to school; don’t get out of bed.” Tangerine brushes the hair out of your face with a gentle hand before smoothing a kiss onto the crown of your head.
You mumble your approval at his plan, but any further comment is interrupted by the blasting sound of his ringtone, which you can never get him to turn off.
“Fucking hell,” he curses. With deft fingers, he answers the call, putting the phone up to his ear. “This better be fucking good.” You feel sorry for whoever’s on the other line about to receive all of Tangerine’s normal attitude, only multiplied by your current situation.
His frustration only grows when whoever’s on the other line doesn’t say whatever Tangerine wants them to say. He snaps back at them, “I don’t see where that’s my fucking problem.” His head lolls back as he looks up at the ceiling, blowing a deep breath at the cream colored plaster. You know he’s itching for a smoke: he’s playing with his rings and fiddling with a thread hanging off of his pants. Without thinking about it, you reach into the nightstand and grab the pack of gum, tossing it at him. He doesn’t have to look to know what you’re doing, and he catches it easily with one hand, sifting through the various flavors before unwrapping one.
“Look, you fucking twat,” he interrupts, holding the phone out in front of him. “I have better shit to deal with then this. My girl is sick, and my daughter needs to get to fucking school. So, I’m going to ask you to kindly fuck off for the rest of the day, yeah?” Before the other person can respond, he hangs up and tosses his phone onto the bed by your foot.
“Fucking idiot.” His curls bounce as he shakes his head while heading towards the closet. It doesn’t take long before he’s back in your field of view, dressed in a black polo and his worn brown leather jacket. It’s far from his usual level of dress, but he has no reason to dress up if he’s just dropping Jovie off.
“Don’t forget to pack Jovie a lunch,” you say, your voice hoarse and low.
“Love, when have I ever fucking forgotten that? Everything’s going to be fine, just go back to sleep until I get home, okay?” The concern is evident in his voice, as is the love. You’re so fucking happy that you’re at this point with him again, able to cohabitate and raise Jovie as one unit, mom and dad together.
You apologize quietly and draw the quilt up higher to your chin, shutting your eyes against the might streaming in from the window. Tossing and turning, you hear the morning chaos that ensues outside the closed door of your bedroom. At some point, Jovie knocks on the door and kisses you goodbye, but you’re too out of it to do anything but smile.
“Special delivery!” Jovie exclaims, pushing your door open. She’s carrying a plastic mug of tea, and Tangerine is following behind her with a bowl of soup in his hands.
“You’re going to get sick,” you protest half-heartedly, sitting up against the pillows. “I can’t take care of you if you’re sick.”
“Love,” Tangerine chides fondly. “I’m the one taking care of you this time, yeah?”
“Me too,” Jovie chimes in excitedly. “I’m helping Mommy feel better.”
“You’re doing a great job, baby,” you agree, letting her climb carefully into bed beside you. You take the mug from her before she can spill it, the steaming tea warm against your palm. Tangerine settles on your other side and grabs your hand from where it's resting in your lap.
“Do you feel better?” Jovie’s voice is sweetly laced with concern, her eyes wide and staring into yours. “Daddy told me you were sick all day.”
“I feel so much better. Daddy took care of me while was in bed.” After Tangerine dropped Jovie off for school, he came home and stayed with you, only leaving your side when he absolutely had to.
“Good job, Daddy,” Jovie says solemnly, her head dropping to your lap.
“Thanks, Jovie-love," Tangerine says quietly, ruffling Jovie's hair and settling his head on your shoulder. "You've been doing a good job too. Why don't you tell Mommy about your school day? I'm sure she would love to hear."
Jovie mumbles her agreement and sits up, her hair mused and sticking up, curls going in every direction. A quick glance at Tangerine shows his hair in a similar state of distress, curls falling onto your shoulder where his head is laid.
""We made rainbows," Jovie mumbles, looking up at you. "I drawed one for you and Daddy."
"Really?" you ask. "Can I see it?"
"Yeah, when you're feeling better," Jovie assures you. "I don't want germs on it." Her response makes you smile, and Tangerine's hand finds yours under the covers.
"That's a good idea, love," he says.
Eventually, Jovie gets bored and runs off to find some toys, and you’re left to lean on Tangerine. “That little shit-stirrer’s going to get into so much trouble,” he grins, amusement in his voice. “I hope you’re ready to clean up crayon markings on the wall.”
“I’m sick,” you state with an apologetic smile that he can see right through. “I guess it’s going to be up to you.”
“Fuck, I guess I’ll have to manage on my own.” He hands his head in fake defeat, a grin on his face. “You sure you’re not feeling up to anything?”
“Bugger off,” you laugh. “Only one fucking thing on your mind.”
“That's not at all what I was referring to, get your mind out of the gutter, love." He settles in next to you, and your burrow into his side as close as you can, your face in his chest. You don't let the rough material of his shirt deter you as you take a deep breath and appreciate the family you have here, supporting you.
"I’m glad you’re feeling better," Tangerine whispers against the crown of your head. "And if you feel bad again tomorrow I'll be here for you. All you need to do is get better, I'll handle the rest."
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Here goes:, because this has been swimming around in my head:
K/az has injured his arm(s) on their last job. He’s sore, having trouble moving it, it's in a sling, etc., something like that.
And on top of it all, for reasons of your choice, he’s SUPER sneezy.
I just want to read I/nej helping him tend to his nose. Since K/az can't reach it himself (or he can but not without immense amounts of pain). Like, I/nej rubbing his nose gently for him, massaging his nostrils through cloth to help him sneeze or not sneeze, soothing the itch, cleaning it up--anything, just give me I/nej tending to Kaz’s super sneezy irritated nose ^__^; only if you like
THANK YOU for this prompt i adore it so much and i genuinely had so much fun writing this! i hope you enjoy :D
assistance (basically, k/az is a TOTAL mess and i/nej is lovely as usual)
After a nasty run-in with some thugs from a rival club during a job gone sour, K/az found himself in quite the predicament. The kind of predicament that meant both of his arms were out of action. To his credit, he’d held up his own against the gang for a surprisingly long time but still walked away with a broken wrist and a very painful forearm that was most likely fractured - not to mention the sizeable purple bruise he was sporting on his jaw. 
K/az threw open the door and stomped into the Slat looking positively bedraggled. His hat had been discarded somewhere amidst the conflict. 
“It was twenty versus one! I can’t believe he wouldn’t let us get involved!” 
“What, and blow our own cover? Did you want us to die?”
“He probably died!”
“Saints, J/es, N/ina, calm down. He was putting up a good fight, I’m sure he’ll be- oh, K/az,” I/nej said, spotting K/az as he entered the room. She stood up from the table where J/esper and N/ina were bickering and approached the rain-soaked man.
“Yes, I took care of them all,” Kaz rasped, answering Inej’s question before she could even ask it. 
The gap between them was almost closed as Inej stepped forward, looking closely at his face. 
“Are you okay?” she dared to ask.
Kaz let his expression soften at her words.
“I’m okay,” he hesitated, “well, I’ll be okay.”
Concern blossomed in Inej’s eyes like the petals of a crocus.
“You know that’s not what I want to hear.”
Kaz remained silent. He was suddenly acutely aware of each and every droplet of water sliding from his hair and onto the floor, and the way his sodden clothes clung to his skin, and the warmth he felt in his cheeks from Inej’s proximity even under the sting of a fresh bruise. Another drop of rain slipped from Kaz’s mess of soaked black hair, falling down right between their faces. Inej’s eyes tracked the droplet down as it fell to the floorboards. She lifted her gaze to meet his. The heat in Kaz’s cheeks grew, much to his resentment.
“I think you dropped something,” she said quietly, looking back down at the rain-spattered ground.
The corners of Kaz’s lips twitched. He noted the glint in Inej’s deep brown eyes.
A (surprisingly clean) towel ruined the moment by soaring right into their faces. Kaz and Inej looked up simultaneously, met by Jesper’s shit-eating grin.
“Good fight, boss? I knew you’d come out on top,” he said smugly.
“Were you not just panicking because you thought he was dead?” Nina asked with her eyebrows raised.
Inej snorted.
“No idea what you’re talking about, Nins.” 
Now it was Kaz’s turn to raise his eyebrows. “And why did you throw a towel at me?”
Jesper shrugged. “Looked like you needed it.”
Kaz sighed. He took the towel from Inej who had picked it up off the floor where it had landed. Inej clocked the way he winced when reaching his arm out.
“Thank you,” Kaz said quietly. He made his way over to the stairs, the gazes of everyone in the room like lasers on his back. Inej watched him closely and, seeing his extra-pronounced limp and the shake of the arm holding his cane with every step, decided to follow him. 
“I don’t believe I asked for an entourage.” 
“It’s not just your room that's upstairs,” Inej replied, a little too quickly. She knew Kaz didn’t believe her, but he still let her trail behind him as he ascended the stairs lopsidedly. They walked in silence until they reached Kaz’s room, when he looked back at her with a single eyebrow lifted. Inej took this as her cue to pretend to disappear into her own room. She definitely didn’t imagine the pained sigh that escaped Kaz. As soon as he’d shut his door, she slipped back out into the corridor and stood quietly outside, listening.
She heard the creak of Kaz’s chair as he lowered himself into it, then a heavy clatter on the floor.
“Shit,” muttered Kaz. The chair creaked again. Probably dropped his cane, Inej thought, strange, though, that’s not like him. The patter of the rain on the roof and windows severely hindered her ability to listen in on him, however. 
After a few moments, Inej did manage to hear a rather wet-sounding thump, presumably Kaz discarding his thick, wool greatcoat onto the floor. Another sigh. Part of her wanted to enter the room and see him, help dry his hair, hang his coat up by the window, fall asleep with her head resting on his firm shoulder, but she knew she shouldn’t. So she waited, she listened. 
“Oh, Saints,” Inej heard after a short while. She had not a second to wonder why Kaz had said that, as the next moment she heard a sound she hadn’t heard in a very long time. 
She then heard what she thought was Kaz sucking a sharp breath in through his teeth. He’s in pain, she realised. A million thoughts barrelled through her mind - is he sick? Injured? Both? Inej worried at her lower lip, knowing now that Kaz was in way worse condition than he was letting on. Against her better judgement, she slowly pushed open the door… right as Kaz was (trying to) stifle another harsh sneeze.
“hH’GKKTTSChhiew! Huhh…” 
The hand he used to pinch his nose was shaking slightly as he lifted it from his face. His brows were drawn tightly together and his teeth were gritted, hard - Inej had never seen him looking so pained. He looked up at Inej who was hovering in the doorway, hand still lifted cautiously in the air, as though he was scared to put it down. 
“Saints above, Kaz. You said you were fine,” Inej said with worry.
Kaz averted his eyes. “I am fine,” he replied shortly. 
Inej approached him and gently took his gloved hand in hers. 
“Don’t-” he started, teeth still gritted. He yanked his hand away instinctively. She noticed how his face paled slightly.
“What happened to your hands, Kaz?” asked Inej, quietly but firmly. Kaz still didn’t meet her gaze.
“You can’t expect me to believe that.”
Kaz hesitated. He looked down at his hand.
“Broke it. My wrist,” he muttered with reluctance, “Think the other arm’s fractured, too.”
Inej held back a gasp. “Tell me you’re joking.”
Kaz shook his head, hair still damp from the torrential rain.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” she asked incredulously, “In fact, nevermind that, we need Nina to fix-”
“No, we don’t-!” Kaz cut in. His words were tinted with a note of panic that she’d never heard before.
Inej let her shoulders lower. She sighed. “At least let me patch you up, then.”
“Right. Good. I’ll get the first aid kit,” Inej said, beginning to turn away.
“-hahH’KKSCHHhiew! Oh, God, I-” Kaz sneezed wetly and openly, cringing at the mess it left on his upper lip. He raised his hand weakly to his face to cover it.
“Saints, and I’ll get some tissues. Try not to move your arms around too much, okay?” Inej said. She left the room.
A short while later, Inej returned to Kaz’s room, clutching a box containing the Slat’s first aid kit, as well as a rather old-looking box of tissues. He was still sitting at his desk, one arm hanging at his side, the other with its hand resting carefully on the tabletop. His nose had become significantly pinker since Inej last saw him, which was only mere minutes prior. She was greeted with another grating sneeze.
“Bless you,” Inej offered.
“I’m sorry, I… cah-cahhn’tseemtostop-! huhH’KTSCHHh! ‘GKKSCHH! hah-hAH’KKTSCHHhiew!”
“Wow. Bless you, bless you, bless you,” Inej said with a sympathetic smile, “Oh, you’ve made a real mess of yourself there, Kaz.”
He lifted his hand to clean himself up, but tensed up at the pain. Inej leaned forward and gently helped his arm back down.
“Here, let me.”
“There’s a hahh-handker-’TSSCHhiew! Ugh. Handkerchief, in my coat.”
“That’ll be soaking wet, Kaz. I have tissues.”
She plucked a couple of tissues from the box she’d placed on Kaz’s desk and used them to gently clean up Kaz’s face. He sighed.
“You know I can do it myself,” he said thickly, voice muffled by the soft tissues in front of his face.
“I know you can, but is it going to do you any good?” Inej asked; a rhetorical question. She made sure to keep her touch on his face gentle. She knew how sensitive his nose could get. As if on cue, Inej felt Kaz’s nose flare under the tissues.
“‘Nej, I’m going to-” His breaths were rapid and shallow.
“I know.”
“But I don’t wanna sn- haHH’GKKTSCHHhew! haH’ISCHHhiew!” He cut himself off with two heavy, messy sneezes, right into the tissues in Inej’s hand. “Saints, I’m sorry,” he added breathlessly.
“Bless you, bless you. It’s okay.” Inej gently cleaned his face once again. The pure exhaustion in his coffee-brown eyes sent a pang of pity through her heart.
“You really don’t need to say ‘bless you’ every… hahh… every- oh- sorry, I’m- haHH’KKSHHHhiew!”
Inej smiled. “Bless you.”
Kaz rolled his eyes. Inej tightened her hand on his face slightly.
“Blow,” she instructed. Kaz looked up at her in disbelief.
“I really don’t think that’s-”
“You heard me,” she cut in, “By the sound of those sneezes, you need it.”
The dark haired man hesitated, but eventually leaned into the tissues with a sigh, and blew his nose heavily. Inej smiled sympathetically. Kaz emerged looking positively mortified.
“Never doing that again,” he muttered.
“You wouldn’t have had to if you didn’t insist on taking on that entire gang on your own,” Inej pointed out. Kaz shot her a look. She tilted her head at him, still smiling softly. “Now let’s get you bandaged up, okay?”
He nodded. Inej opened the first-aid box and pulled out a roll of wide bandages.
“Roll up your sleeve for me,” she said gently. He obliged.
Inej got to work wrapping his broken wrist in bandages - it was the best she could do, considering Kaz refused to let Nina see to him, at least for now. It wasn’t long before Kaz’s breath caught again. He turned his head away from Inej, trying his best to keep his hand still as she tended to it.
“Sorry- hahH’KKSCHHIEWhh!” 
“Bles-” Inej started.
Kaz shook his head. “N-not done-” he said, panting. “hAH’KTSCHHUHh!”
His whole body shook with the force of each sneeze, his shoulders tensing and legs jolting slightly upwards. Luckily, Inej had finished wrapping his broken wrist, so she could stop to once again tend to Kaz’s nose. She pressed two fresh tissues to his face and massaged his nose ever so gently. His breath caught sharply.
“Don’t, that’s too- hahH-! Too gentle, I’m g-go--huHH’GKKSCHHHh! ‘SSCHHHhiew!”
“Oh, Saints, sorry. You really can’t stop, can you?” Inej said, still cradling his face with the thick wad of tissue.
“It’s the rain, or something. Apparently it really g-gets to… to… me-'' Kaz's eyes narrowed and Inej felt his nostrils flare desperately even through the tissues. His breath hitched.
“haAHhdt-! huh-hUH-huhHh- oh, S-saints, it’s not comi- haAH-!”
“Stuck, huh?” Inej teased, “Happens to the best of us.”
Inej decided to reuse her “too-gentle” massaging technique to ease Kaz along. Perhaps it worked a little too well - he exploded into a series of tearing, messy sneezes, each outburst just barely caught in Inej’s hand.
He was left panting, almost unable to catch his breath. Inej reached for a few more tissues, keeping the used ones braced to Kaz’s face in case of another incident. She now held a thick wad of tissues, pressed to Kaz’s streaming reddened nose. 
“Bless you - I don’t even know how many times,” Inej said with a slight laugh. She cleaned up the rest of the mess that had gathered on his face with the tissues, all while Kaz’s cheeks turned pink in true mortification. Inej noticed this and added, “You don’t have to be embarrassed. This happens to everyone.” 
She saw Kaz’s shoulders relax slightly and he exhaled slowly.
“Saints, that was awful. I’m sor-” he started.
“Don’t apologise. You know I value being able to care for you. I’m glad you let me.”
Kaz nodded silently. He leaned back in his chair, exhaustion now clear in his face.
“Let’s get to that other arm now, shall we?”
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