#idk howl and sophie's ship name bro
zaliyours · 2 months
you're deserving of love, especially because of your imperfections. i'll accept you as you are, love you as you are, and be proud of you as you are.
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seikatsu-ga-tsuzuku · 4 months
If you don't mind, can I ask something from Shouwa Genroku Rakugo? What do you think are Sukeroku and Kikuhiko’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?
Sorry if you've answered these questions before (it's just not many people that I know that love this ship, yes I found a few who loves the anime but like, they don't want to see the subtext romance of those two and think of them 'just bff')......
If you want to answer the questions above with Howl and Sophie's dynamics, too (even not as detailed as above) I don't mind (this is one of my oldest ship, and one of the few m/f ship that I love until now)....
Sorry for my long ask....
I only know one other person who has watched SGRS and it's my best friend because I forced him (thankfully he loved it). So I've never gotten to talk to anybody about it before but him, and he's not much of a shipper, so no one has asked me these questions.
Sukeroku's greatest strength I would say is his friendly and talkative nature. You can see it shine through in his rakugo performances so I feel like those traits help him in his craft in a way. His biggest weakness however is running away from his problems when things get tough. Kiku's strength is his perseverance, ironically enough the opposite of Sukeroku. He wasn't suited for rakugo at all due to his docile, awkward, and serious personality but he admired the art so much that those things about himself didn't stop him from pursuing the thing he loved, and eventually becoming good at it and even revered for it. His weakness I would say is allowing regret to consume him. He spends decades of his life trapped in the past so much so that it makes him a shell of his former self after [redacted]'s death, and it hurts the rest of the relationships he has in his life. What I love about Kiku and Sukeroku's dynamic is that Kiku was judged and gossiped about by the people in his town since he was small, and Sukeroku was one of the first people to accept him for who he is and befriend him. Kiku used to be annoyed by him, but ended up caring for him as they grew and studied rakugo together (I love the pinky promise scene when they were still kids ugh). Even as adults, they remain close, and though Kiku is annoyed with some of his behaviors and the fact that Sukeroku is technically better than him at rakugo, it doesn't affect their relationship much (until the bitch who will not be named comes into the picture). I respect others' shipping decisions, but idk how anyone can watch this show and just see them as best friends. Like, they act so much like a married couple with the flirting and the doting on one another. They're pretty physical with each other too, or at least Sukeroku initiates that, and the ear-cleaning scene when Sukeroku lays his head on Kiku's lap bro? When that's a known thing and sign of affection between couples in Japan? Plus the episode where Kiku sees him again after awhile and they take care of Konatsu together? They are literally a couple and they're her fathers, no one can convince me otherwise. They did a rakugo performance just for her pretending to be a couple. HELLO.
(Fun fact, I've actually written an essay in college for a Queer Films class about the gay subtext of Sukeroku and Kikuhiko's relationship, and I got an A, so you've come to the right guy to talk about them with lol)
For Howl and Sophie, my favorite thing about their dynamic is that despite wanting to run away from all their problems, they push each other to solve them and want to help and protect each other. Their relationship is almost like they need each other, and they choose each other. They give each other things, whether it's acts of service or actual items, and they're always thinking about the other. They make me sick in the best way uuuuggghhh. They are also one of my oldest and favorite m/f ships ever, HMC is peak romance to me, idc.
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