#idw sonic 58
lordsmaf · 1 year
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new issue is a goldmine for Tangle faces
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lovelyunknown · 1 year
The sound that came out of my mouth when Sonic said:
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He deserves to have friends and be happy.
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feralen8y · 1 year
reread issue 58 n I've been trying to figure out what tangle might've said in this part
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I think it might be something like. "and if you'll be patient with me being me", which, considering the issue her impulsiveness caused, would make sense in the scene
obviously I have No evidence past the fact I put my hand over my mouth n said it and it sounded like the "words" in the panel, but. I think it really fits, especially with whisper's line after.
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one-half-guy · 1 year
[Idw Sonic #58 spoilers]
Sega of America:
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I automatically:
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woosh-floosh · 1 year
IDW Sonic Issue 58
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A new issue came out this week! Yippee!!
Last issue I focused a lot on Lanolin because I thought she was the star of the issue, being a new character and all. This issue I think the star of the issue is.... Thomas Rothlisberger?
Yes!! This is Rothlisberger's first penciling job for a WHOLE mainline issue! He did about four pages in issue 43, a story in the 2022 annual, and the majority of Imposter Syndrome! However I think the thicker lineart and strong cel shading made his artwork look a little stiff. I think the thinner lines more subdued coloring by Matt Herms really brings out more of the character in his style.
And Holy Shit the character!! Rothlisberger draws characters with such fun goofy expressions and there's so much movement in all the character poses! Wow, just makes you want to get up and draw, doesn't it? He also brings a lightheartedness that I think has been missing from the comics a while.
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As much as I love ABT's interiors his style does seem to give off an overly serious tone. I think from all the fun banter and character interactions it's obvious this arc is supposed to be more lighthearted and fun that I didn't really pick up on from the previous issue. It makes sense after watching two incredibly traumatized children self sabotage themselves that we would now pivot to something lighter. Chao Races and Badnik bases followed the metal virus saga as a fun palette cleanser, and that's one of my favorite arcs! We also get a more healthy depiction of how to move past and deal with trauma from Whisper, it's nice to have her back!
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There's a lot of characters running around this issue but I think Flynn handles it well! The more emotional stuff is only handled between three characters and all the fun bot busting is left up to the bigger team. The last arc felt a bit narrow in scope of characters which made sense for the emotional intensity and themes, but I missed having all my favorite guys on screen! And now team dark's about to show up too?? Guess we'll have to wait till next month!
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That was a pretty awesome combo ngl.
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socksoinabox · 1 year
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Blaze and Sliver!! the friends that could demolish cities together
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pocketscribbs · 1 year
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I’m nothing crying…
…someone’s just cutting diamonds…
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qqhoneydew · 1 year
Lately I've been seeing this weird small but growing sentiment across Twitter and Tumblr that Tangle is being held back by her constant partnership with Whisper and she'd be better off on her own/with Sonic and co. That they should be separated. I'd like to establish that I do have a bias as I ship them, however I don't even think that's relevant to the point I'm about to make because it's been written so clearly in this comic. But to put it simply:
Tangle wants Whisper at her side.
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My friend Wynne put it more eloquently in their post, but this revelation became more clear in the Trial by Fire arc. Yes it's true, Tangle is pretty versatile and she gets along with pretty much anyone that you throw at her. When we're first introduced to her, we see a joyous and bright character who is longing for a free adventurous life, and this desire is only heightened after her first encounter with Sonic and Blaze. I think because of this, a lot of people are quick to compare her directly to Sonic, which is a mistake.
Tangle is a lot more in tune with her emotions and heart than Sonic is. She allows herself to get more attached to people. She also still has a desire for a constant familiarity. She gets homesick. She slogged by her monotonous Restoration job because she wanted to stay close to Jewel. Whisper went off on her own and she couldn't cope with it very well.
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Tangle can do whatever she wants. She has the abilities and social skills to go out into the world and thrive. However everything changed when she met Whisper. They weren't created to be a duo, but things progressed so organically between them you'd think that they were. With Trial by Fire, we see that ultimately she decided that she wants to travel with Whisper by her side. This isn't a case of constantly being forced together by circumstance. Reviving the Diamond Cutters was an idea SHE came up with to strengthen their bond, and going forward, they will likely still be synonymous with each other
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To echo Wynne's statements; Tangle and Whisper fill in each other's gaps. Tangle if left to her own devices, would realistically be pretty aimless, and Whisper would only continue to live clouded in darkness. So yes, they need each other. Tangle realizes this at least and she wants it.
This is kind of another tangent that I wont go too deep into, but something I think gets downplayed a lot, even by other Tangle fans, is her emotional intelligence. Yes she's a bit silly, hyperactive and impulsive on the surface, but when it comes to her own and others' feelings, listening and getting to the bottom of these things, it's a strength just as powerful as her physical abilities.
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scribbsrambling · 1 year
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Despite popular(or more vocal) opinions, I think this realization was very in-character for Sonic when paired with the context!!
Sonic's mindset in IDW Issue 57 wasn't "go solo," because he was already with the Diamond Cutters, but rather that Sonic didn't want to stop, regroup, rally folks, and do it the long, safe way like Lanolin wanted.
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Sonic didn't care the odds were against them (nor does he ever), but once everyone came to his aid and he saw how much faster they got things done, his realization was more-so him reminding himself of how a little patience and planning can go a long way.
It was never about Sonic remembering teamwork, but remembering patience
Don't expect this to be the last time this problem occurs either, it's one of the blue blur’s majors flaws. Sonic's impatience is a trait that's going to cause some issues over and over and over, that's how flaws work.
Not "Oop! I learned my lesson! Never gonna make that mistake again!"
The point of a character flaw is to challenge who the character is, and not all characters will develop past their flaws. Sonic is an example of that and it makes sense.
As long as Sonic the Hedgehog is the quick-footed, quick-thinking, and quick-to-act hero we know he’ll always be, his impatience will always be part of him too.
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kirbytripledeluxe · 1 year
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issue 58:
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rabbithaver · 9 months
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transparent peeking sonic below so you can make him photobomb your wedding or whatever
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lovelyunknown · 1 year
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shirubae · 1 year
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They’re doing that thing again where they’re always really close without directly addressing each other... 👀
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one-half-guy · 1 year
[Slight Idw Sonic #58 spoilers]
Look at her face 😂😂😂 Best Idw Sonic panel so far. 👌
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Hoje nossa garota tava pro crime e já tinha parceiro certo 😂😂😂👌
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autizzysonikko · 1 year
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