#if I say peasle will you
ivybelladonarose · 5 months
Someone should DoorDash me some pho. 🍲 I could really use a hot bowl of some noodey soups.
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trixree · 3 years
Ok so i want to read your star wars fanfics so bad but i feel like i should know a little more about star wars. What do you recommend i check before diving in ? I have seen the movies multiple multiple times but nothing else. Should i watch the Mandalorian ? Can't promise I'll watch clone wars tho there's a lot of episodes... PEASL HLP
Honestly? Watch whatever you want and learn it all as you go along from fanfic. That's,... that's what I did... [sweats] Most of my Star Wars stuff is set during the Clone Wars (between prequel movie #2 and the end of prequel movie #3) but it's hard to point at the animated clone wars show and say, "go watch this for context" because the show is done in random episodic bits, not chronologically like Normal Television. There's a wiki that walks you through the good and bad episodes of Clone Wars and the filler and whatnot. That's what my partner has been using to guide us through the content (him for a re-watch and me for a first-time watch). You should DEF watch the Mandalorian because it's very delicious and good but it won't give you much of anything about literally any other goings on in the SW universe. But honestly? The SW universe is a deep sandbox and I am taking what I like and scattering what I do not into the wind with my little plastic trowel. There is no mandatory viewing. God does not walk these grounds.
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roseyblushess · 6 years
Faithful encounter
A/n: um, this is my first published imagine, it’s definitely gonna have multiple parts
Pairing: Bill Denbrough and Percy Rose
Warnings: Swearing, and bullying?
Summary: Percy Rose, best friends with Beverly Marsh, and soon to be part of the Losers Club. After standing up to Henry, Bill thinks he’s fallen in love with her.
A quiet knock on my window made me stop reading my book and jump with a small squeak. Looking over to my window I see my best friend Beverly Marsh. We both smiled bright and I raced to get dressed.
Knowing we’d end up going to the quarry later, I changed my underwear to something….more flattering. It’ll distract anyone from looking at my body. I’m not fat, but I’m not as skinny as Bev, so I would definitely get insecure when I’m around her sometimes.
I put on a low v gray top, and some high jean shorts with a belt and sandals. Running to the door, tripping once or twice. Once to the door out of breathe, I basically slam the door open, smiling brightly to the red head girl in front of me who was doing the same.
“Hey Perc!” She squealed lightly and hugged me tight
“Hi Bev!” I laugh doing the same to her. We are so excited to see each other because schools and home life have been way too busy, so we would hardly see each other. Other than passing by each other in the halls, where we would do some small talk.
“Come on, we are going to the quarry!” She grabbed my hand and dragged me to my bike. Talking about what had happen in each others lives, half way to the quarry, we had heard shouting.
Me peasling faster, I saw Henry and his gang messing around with a bunch of boys.
“Hey asshat!” I yelled getting off my bike, not caring if I end up getting beaten up. He turned his head towards me and Bev, letting go of what looks like to be the smallest kid of the bunch.
“Why don’t you fuck with someone your own size?” I said walking over to him
“And if I don’t?” He challenged me, looking down at me with a smirk.
“I wouldn’t fuck with her!” I hear Bev say from behind.
“Shut up slu-” before he could finish the sentence, I had kneed him in the gut, gotten behind him, put him in a headlock and twisted his arm back while pushing down on his back.
“What were you saying?” I say in the sweetest voice I could muster up. I let him go, pushing him down to the ground. I walked over to the group of boys he had tormented, and went to the smallest kid who was Henry’s target.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked looking at him for any injuries, making his cheeks redden slightly
“Uh, yea, um I-I’m fine” his voice small, probably from the events before I showed up. He quickly took a hit from his inhaler.
“My name is Percy” I smiled holding out my hand.
“I’m Eddie” he shook my hand. Surprisingly his was bigger than mine. Considering I was taller than him by a few inches, i was shocked a little.
“Me and Bev here we’re going to the quarry…wanna come?” I asked, biting down on my lip a little, and connecting my hands together, waiting for an answer from the small boy.
“Sh-Sh-sure” I heard a stuttering voice from the side of us. I turned to see a boy with dark brown hair, green eyes, fairly light skin with freckles.
He’s beautiful
“Th-th-th-th-th-thank y-y-you” his face light red. I said that out loud
“Whoa, stuttering bill getting compliments from a girl? What the fuck?” A kid with dark hair in glasses snorted
“Richie, shut the fuck up!” A kid with curly hair said to him, hitting his shoulder in the process. I just giggle, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks slightly.
“I’m B-Bill” he smiled
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