#if colin Bridgerton has zero fans I’m dead
doomed2repeat · 4 months
Angry Penelope is great but I actually cannot wait for angry Colin. He’s actually been through a lot and has never actually expressed any anger over any of it either. And not only just directed at Pen for Whistledown or anything, because WTF do you mean his family hardly ever return his letters???? What else could they possibly be doing, they have servants and no electricity!!!
This pic gives me hope that Colin also gets his chance to have his big feelings too, and I know Luke N is going to deliver in those scenes.
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doomed2repeat · 4 months
I’m a writer Colin truther because Colin spent his first summer abroad writing letters to his whole big ass family (plus Penelope) and Penelope was the only one to respond to all of his letters.
And then he goes away for a SECOND summer abroad and writes to his whole big ass family (plus Penelope) and even fewer people respond the second summer away???
And he just…still keeps writing them letters???? Yeah that’s a man that misses Penelope but that’s also a man who just likes writing. Wasting time and ink going “surely my family will write back if I can create really evocative descriptions of sunsets” like the NERD he is.
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doomed2repeat · 4 months
The Colin needs to be humbled discourse is wild, like did we not watch the same 2 seasons? That man nearly locked himself into one of the most toxic marriages in the series just because he thought she was the first person to ever take him seriously, had a flop Eat Pray Love trip around Greece where he just got high, stared at grass and avoided making eye contact with women, and then came back to England at 22 years old, with no money and no prospects, already a burden to his parents, and frightened. He’s HUMBLED.
Not to mention he cannot have a conversation with Penelope without revealing his biggest insecurities to her, like that he feels aimless and purposeless, that his self confidence was in the tank after Marina and it changed how he saw himself, that he had to practice the speech he made to cousin Jack because he was nervous, and even in the midst of Penelope being angry at him he couldn’t help but let it slip that his own family barely kept in contact with him when he was abroad. If anything Penelope being mad at him might be what breaks him completely. My guy is a walking cry for help (and I love him for it.)
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doomed2repeat · 4 months
Colin Bridgerton isn’t the best and sweetest and kindest guy because he never does anything wrong, he’s the best and sweetest and kindest guy because of how he acts when he realizes he messed up. Green flags only.
Making mistakes, saying something stupid or careless, relationship conflict etc- it’s normal, it happens to everyone. But it’s how you react to those mistakes that speak to your character. Two seasons in and we’ve already seen that Colin is always accountable for when he feels like he hurt someone, even when it’s not his fault, and goes out of his way to try to make amends. He’s also not stubborn, he doesn’t drag his feet when it comes to apologizing, and he doesn’t double down just because he can’t stand to be wrong.
When he realizes how much he hurt Penelope no one is going to make Colin suffer as much as Colin is going to make himself suffer, because he won’t take it lightly or blow off Penelope’s concerns. Even the way he tries to fix Penelope’s problem shows his ability to take responsibility and try to partner with her to find a solution (even if the solution is just…marry her yourself Colin!!!).
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doomed2repeat · 4 months
The strongest soldiers in the Bridgerton fandom are the Polin fans who actually like Colin. Taking hits from all sides but we’re still here!
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doomed2repeat · 2 months
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Literally blushing and giggling right now.
Luke Newton interviewed by Jonathan Bailey💙💙
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doomed2repeat · 3 months
Book Polin fans… coming from someone who started the show without reading any of the books and only read them during this long wait for S3… I kinda think people are taking the complaints that the show gave Benedict Colin’s personality as an excuse to say Colin has no personality, when the two things are NOT the same.
Colin has a personality. In fact he has his same personality FROM THE BOOK. The problem is that Benedict has some (and I mean only SOME) of it too when they should’ve either kept Benedict the same as his book counterpart OR given him a fresh personality that fit a niche in the show that wasn’t filled yet.
And some of the stuff that’s given to Benedict in the Colin/Benedict personality tug of war we gotta gatekeep for Colin, I’m sorry. The amount of times I see people credit the “have you ever been to a farm” scene to Benedict is wild.
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doomed2repeat · 4 months
I’m gatekeeping Colin Bridgerton from people who are obsessed with the idea of Penelope making him jealous with other suitors, even if that means I have to gatekeep him from Shonda Rhimes herself!!!
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doomed2repeat · 2 months
False advertising is bad UNLESS it’s Netflix overhyping Debling to pull in all the casuals and then paying him dust in the actual series, moving on quickly and not even taking him seriously for a second. Like I actually need some of these fans to be disappointed this season not gonna lie. I don’t care if y’all like the season, I care if EYE like the season and I have no use for Debling in my Polin season at all. If the season ends with most of the audience screeching because Colin didn’t grovel enough, or they didn’t get to see him act jealous enough, or Debling wasn’t the good guy they jumped on the bandwagon for, I’ll literally be over here:
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doomed2repeat · 2 months
Colin has never had a good woman to appreciate him, so I don’t understand why Penelope’s suitor needs to be pristine husband material. If Debling is a schemer like Marina I could get behind it, especially if Colin has to make a hard choice to save her from him just like Penelope did, because that might be a plotline giving him empathy for how she acted as Whistledown.
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doomed2repeat · 2 months
Yeah I see now why they didn’t post anything for Polin week.
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