#if movies always show CPR as being a thing you do for 30 seconds
grimark · 1 year
fictional characters being cavalier about head trauma, and shitty movie CPR scenes, are two of my biggest pet peeves in terms of inaccurate depictions of health and first aid things that could and probably do get people killed for real
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icasttourniquet · 3 years
Common Misconceptions: Raising the Dead (CPR)
Let's start with the bad news: basically all the CPR you've seen in movies and TV shows is performed terribly.
Here's the good news: most CPR is performed on dead patients, which means even bad CPR is better than nothing.
What is CPR?
CPR stands for (googles hurriedly) Cardio-Pumonary Resuscitation. It has two parts: 1) chest compressions and 2) rescue breaths. Here's a video in case you're still confused, but most people have seen CPR performed a ton of times during the climaxes of medical shows. It comes right before either a) the nurse yells "Clear!" and the patient comes back to life or b) the EMT says "I'm not losing you" and injects the patient with adrenaline right to the heart, and then they come back to life.
Raising the Dead
CPR is generally performed on dead patients. That is, patients without a pulse. In the first responder business, the situation doesn't really get worse than dead, so it provides a unique opportunity for authors because you can't really get it wrong.
Here are some questions I've heard people ask while learning CPR:
Should I perform CPR on pulse-less patients who have chest wounds?
Can I continue performing CPR if I break a rib?
Should I perform CPR on pregnant people?
What if I can't give rescue breaths? Should I still give CPR?
My patient has a lot of broken limbs. Should I fix those before performing CPR?
My patient was electrocuted. Should I give CPR?
Here's the trick to answering all your CPR questions. Is my character dead (no pulse)? Does performing CPR put a) the first responder, b) another patient, or c) a bystander in danger?
If you can answer (yes) (no, no, no), congratulations! Your first responder can perform CPR, even really crappy CPR, even CPR that is ineffective, for as long as the plot requires (ModN's WFR instructor tells the story of a 6-hour CPR session on a dead patient during a journey to care that included a toboggan ride).
(NOTE: there's actually one solid contraindication: if the patient is severely hypothermic, their heart rate may be so slow and weak as to be undetectable. In this case (and pretty much only this case) chest compressions may actually do more harm than good. Other than that, obvious signs of death like decapitation or rigor mortis indicate you don't need to start resuscitation, but there are still plenty of compelling interpersonal reasons to do it – at that point you're doing CPR for the responder and survivors rather than the patient.)
Otherwise, your character should go for it!
The bad news about CPR
Time for the bad news (other than you having a dead character on your hands). In general,* CPR is not enough to bring someone back. Its role is to continue circulating oxygenated blood while you wait for a defibrillator like an AED to arrive. The AED or manual defibrillator is what actually convinces the heart to stop fluttering/beating erratically, and allows it to resume something like a normal rhythm. That means that in the wilderness, CPR is almost never going to work. That said, ModN's WFR instructors had a couple tales of AEDs falling from the sky (via helicopter, not under their own power), so it's worth trying regardless.
* The exception: lightning-struck patients can at times restart regular rhythms with just chest compressions. This leads to interesting triage considerations when dealing with the aftermath of lightning, but that's a subject for another post.
How to perform non-crappy CPR
There are a million videos on YouTube that can talk you through every sort of CPR. Keeping in mind, of course, that some CPR is better than nothing on a pulseless patient, here are some quick tips that could indicate your character has some training:
Your character distinguishes between adult and pediatric CPR. Because children don't tend to get heart attacks, pulse-less children almost always have a trauma or respiratory cause. This means responders give children more rescue breaths.
Your character keeps their elbows locked. Here's a playlist of some examples of bad CPR (and some are really quite bad). Actors generally can't lock their elbows because they'd risk injuring or even killing their scene partner (so, okay, fine, that's a decent excuse), but people with real training will know better.
They do not always give rescue breaths. Any CPR is better than no CPR. Rescue breaths can put the first responder at risk because they can involve lip-to-lip contact, assuming no PPE is available. I once had a paramedic say bluntly that he really only gives breaths to children—it's just not worth the risk to him for anyone else. If this sounds callous, remember, CPR is (almost) only performed on dead patients, and the number one priority in any disaster is yourself.
(ModN edit: in a professional setting your character will always have some sort of PPE for rescue breaths: a face shield at the minimum, or in the front country a full-blown bag valve mask (BVM) that allows them to use their hands to get air into the patient.)
Your character does a blood sweep before staring CPR in a trauma injury. You may have heard the rule no pulse = chest compressions immediately. This is almost always true, especially in the frontcountry, when most pulse-less patients you encounter will have had a heart attack. However, in the wilderness, we can run into a bad situation: chest compressions that pump all my patient's blood out the gushing wound in their side.
Maybe you're thinking, hey! I thought you said my character could always do CPR on a dead patient and they'd be fine! And yes, I did say that—thank you for listening. If your character performs CPR on a patient with no pulse and arterial wound, they have not killed their patient. This is because the patient was already dead. They have not "sped up" the bleeding out process because this patient has basically already bled out. So, I'm not blaming your character for anything.
That said, the pro-est of pros will do a blood sweep after finding no pulse and stuff/apply direct pressure/tourniquet as necessary. As an added note, your character with no pulse and the arterial bleed? Probably not going to survive.
This leads me to...
Writing more realistic necromancy
If your character's CPR is successful, your character has just raised the dead. Thinking about it this way can help you write more realistic resuscitation scenes. Here's the number one thing that will make all your CPR more realistic:
Your dead patient does not go from dead to walking and talking in a few seconds.
When the body has no pulse for a while, it gets unhappy. This is because all its internal organs are dying and also because it is dead. CPR replicates the pumping of a heart, but not particularly well. Most people whose organs are all dying don't get that shot of adrenaline to the heart (this is not part of any WFR or EMT protocol but whatever) and then go back to swashbuckling adventure after a quick sip of water.
In fact, in real life, checking the pulse of your patient is an important part of performing CPR because sometimes they come back to life and you don't notice.
So how might you accurately describe someone who's just come back from the dead via CPR (possibly plus defibrillation)? May I recommend some of the following words (no need to cite me—just plop 'em in your writing):
Weak pulse
Non-responsive to pain
Not dead!!!
An added point: absolutely no one whose heart stopped is now "okay" because their heart restarted. They are "not dead" because their heart restarted. Admitedly, not dead is pretty good in the first response business, but they need to see a doctor. As soon as possible. This is because something caused the heart to stop and CPR did not treat that underlying cause. Many people who come back from the dead die again soon after, and could come back and die multiple times before picking a state more permanantly.
Wilderness-Specific CPR
In the wilderness, we have get one (1) special CPR-related ability and that is the ability to stop.
In the US, there's a thing called patient abandonment that can get folks in trouble. Basically, if you start treating a patient, you need to keep treating them until 1) they are dead, 2) they are conscious enough to refuse further treatment and do so, or 3) someone else with an equivalent or higher level of training is treating them (ModN: as a W-EMT this is tricky – it's hard to find people more qualified in the wilderness to hand a patient off to!).
Because WFRs and EMTs cannot declare patients dead, and a dead or unconscious patient cannot refuse treatment, that means you are treating them until someone else is treating them. (As a side note, my first first-aid instructor told the story of performing CPR for 30 minutes in an ambulance on a patient missing part of his brain [this is bad] because the police officer at the scene didn't want to declare him dead on the highway, which would mean shutting down the road for a few hours).
CPR is unique, however, because it's performed on dead patients. The law doesn't want a poor WFR to be stuck in an endless CPR loop because they can't abandon their patient, so in the wilderness only, your character can stop CPR:
After 30 minutes of sustained pulselessness.
If another patient needs more help.
If continuing is dangerous to self or others.
Otherwise, backcountry and frontcountry CPR are pretty similar.
CPR is generally performed on dead people.
It is difficult to get worse than dead.
Garbage CPR is better than no CPR.
Recovering from being dead takes time and always warrants more care.
WFRs have a superpower and it is called stopping CPR.
Good luck raising your characters from the dead!
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emile-hides · 4 years
This is a conversation topic that came up playing Overwatch last night; What if the Overwatch cast all has YouTube channels?
And while we voiced our opinions and debated to eachother, I feel the need to share all of my own takes as well.
Now, there’s 32 of these assholes so I’ll put it under the cut. Cause it’s long
Her channel is called “Grandma reacts”
Her viewers send her videos or shows to react to
She likes to have Jack, Gabe, Rein, and Torb on sometimes for some of the funnier videos
Hates daredevil compilations of people on high places with no safety gear
She swears at jump scares
Daily vlogs
She calls her viewers part of the gang
BOB is the camera man and the crowd favorite
She mostly just likes to chat about nothing while wandering around the hide out
BOB makes really cool time lapses of them riding her bike down Route 66
Runs an advice channel
Mostly does Q&A live streams 
All of his ad revenue goes to local charities and hospitals
People sometimes donate to him and that also goes to charity
There’s a very slim chance he got overnight famous because he’s so pretty
One 12 minute video of him playing with Ganymede in Torbjorn’s backyard
Torbjorn recorded it for him
Tried to do a make-up channel
Eventually devolved into a “How to” builder’s channel
Can put together an Ikea bookshelf in 15 minutes without even glancing at the instructions
Ikea furniture speed runs are her most popular videos
Canonically already has a gaming channel
Also has a daily vlog channel where she hangs out with Lucio and Junkrat a lot
Takes requests on what games she plays
Despite mainly being an online PvP gamer, she adores playing story games and voice acting
She cried on live stream when she finished Undertale
Runs Talon’s official YouTube channel
All the videos are join Talon adds
Her channel is a mash
Will play or do any kind of video that’s popular at the moment
There’s three episodes of a Minecraft LP left to die
Seven vlogs all recorded almost 3 months apart
Two animations she made herself
A couple of reaction videos
And a Pachimari unboxing
She has a lot of sponsors
Also, canonically, has a gaming channel
Sometimes does videos of sick ninja tricks in his backyard
Has the same channel from before his fight with Hanzo, so there’s a 4-5 year gap between two videos
“So my brother tried to kill me” is the first video he makes when he finally comes back
Occasionally makes “Master reacts to (anime)” videos with Zenyatta
The show off channel
It’s mostly just target practice with his bow and arrow Genji recorded for him
90% of his comments are telling him to put a shirt on and cover the nipple
His channel also went dead after he killed Genji
Might start recording and uploaded unscheduled vlogs during his hobo days
Also does movie reviews
If I may defer your attention to this post
Yeah he just runs a demolition channel
Roadhog makes sure the camera doesn’t get damaged
Junkrat really loves the slow motion effect 
Like Hana, he has two channels
One is his official music channel with music videos and concert clips
The other is also a vlog channel where he hangs out with Hana and Jamie
He’ll also talk about serious issues and his opinions on them on his second channel
Much like Hanzo, runs a show off channel
His is more popular because he’s straight up a cowboy though
People think it’s a gimmick for the channel. They have no idea he looks and sounds like that all the time
Has a scientific fact of the day Podcast with Winston
Talks about big issues
Her channel is very kid friendly and she explains things like global warming in a way they can understand
A lot of her videos will be watched by kids in science class
“What to do encase of an emergency” tutorial videos
Gives basic medical training, like how to do CPR
Her videos are short and to the point so they can be played in an actual emergency
Genji is usually the person she uses as an example
Her channel is like Junkrat’s but more contained(?)
She does dangerous shit with chemicals but somehow it always ends wholesomly
The last minute of the video she speaks in a soothing Bob Ross voice as the lab is on fire behind her
The videos typically end with Angella coming back from her break
It’s technically Efi’s channel
It’s a vlog to record Orisa’s progress tword becoming Numbani’s protector
Very popular, everyone loves how wholesome Orisa is
The money from the ads goes to fixing whatever Orisa breaks while trying to be helpful
All rude comments are deleted
Show off channel
“99 dunks in a row” and such types of videos
They’re typically sped up with relaxing music
Lucio has appeared to play soccer with her a few times
As Gabriel Reyes he ran a prank channel around the Overwatch base
He didn’t do any pranks that hurt or scared people though
Just recorded himself eating vanilla pudding out of a mayo jar to get people’s reactions
His favorite people to prank were Jesse and Genji because they had the most over the top reactions
Reinhardt is unprankable
The channel died with the fall of Overwatch
Advice channel but louder than Baptiste
He’s full of energy in every one of his videos
Calls himself his viewer’s Grandpa
If anyone comes to him for advice on how to handle abuse of any kind he will adopt them on the spot
Also does meme reactions, sometimes has to have Brigitte explain what makes it funny
Has one video where he speaks quietly called “Grandpa reads a bedtime story” and it’s literally just him reading a bedtime story with soft music in the background
Toy unboxings
All of his videos are silent aside from the cute music he puts of them
The only part of him that’s ever on camera are his hands
All his videos devolve into rambles about the universe
Other than that his channel doesn’t have a real theme
He tries to explain scientific principals but quickly turns into a shouting mess about the universe and gravity
Moira is the one to stop recording in the middle of his breakdowns
Soldier 76
Use to run a tutorial channel
Gabe called it “Dad Teaches you” and Jack hates that he’s not your father
He teaches you to cook basic meals and do simple repairs on a car
He talks in a very fatherly voice
Begrudgingly, he became his veiwers father
His channel died with Overwatch as well
Gaming channel, but hacked
Does glitched speedruns on live stream
Clickbait thumbnails and titles
“How to get 1,000,000,000 free V-Bucks in Fortnite”
Steals kid’s Fortnite accounts
Stim channel
All of her videos focus on satisfying visuals
Someone asked her to do ASMR once and she hated it. The video existed for less than 24 hours
Like Brigitte, runs a builder channel
It also doubles as a story time channel as he tends to ramble about the good old days
All his videos are 30+ minutes long
Somehow adds “and that’s how I lost my eye” to every story so no one knows how it actually happened
Bastion guest appears in a lot or Torb’s videos but only because he’s bored and wants attention
Animated story telling
Makes animations of their missions and her day-to-day life
Thanks to her chronal accelerator animations take half as long
Still only uploads like two videos a month
Food review videos
Hates everything, nothing gets high marks
Gets view ship cause she’s hot and very snarky
His channel is exactly like Mei’s
It’s more popular though because he’s a monkey and thus draws kid’s attention better
All of his viewers are elementary school science teachers and their class
Wrecking Ball
Tried to do a builder channel but all the comments were on how cute he is
Hates being called cute so he made his mech say swear words
He’s very popular with little boys
Also loves destruction and may destroy things for fun
“5000lbs wrecking ball VS Junkrat’s house”
Vlogs but like... Work out vlogs.
It’s just time lapses of her at the gym
Insanely popular with lesbians for very obvious reasons
Encourages her viewers to take care of themselves and start slow
Blew a kiss at the camera once, became the most used image of her on the internet
Most of his videos are relaxing music over beautiful visuals he recorded
The other half of his videos are meditation leadings and yoga
He’s also done videos on the omnic crisis and talked in length on his belief for the future
Has one video of him pranking Genji
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beesinaskirt · 5 years
The Knifehead Incident - Pacific Rim AU
Okay so, I made up a Pacific Rim AU some time ago, it is turning out very very gay and I recently watched the first movie with my squad some of them hadn’t seen it, some had once a long time ago, for me it was like the 8th time fajhgkd So I obviously I got inspired to work on it again. And it got as far as me writing an actual scene from it. 
Also a big thanks to @ninjagoruinedmylife for giving me some feedback and just being supporting of my mess of an au in general XD. Also thanks to @nightlybirdie and @echojulien for showing special interest ;;
Hope you enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to ask!!
Title: The Knifehead Incident
Fandom: Ninjago
AU: Pacific Rim
Ship: Not yet romantic Oppositeshipping
Word count: 1152
Summary: Zane is an idiot for his Driftpartner + lots of Angst
"JULIEN!! JULIEN I SWEAR TO GOD!! DO NOT UNMOUNT YOURSELF!!", Wu yelled through the com but it was already too late. Zane had already manually unmounted himself from the Conn-pod. He stumbled a bit before diving into the depth of the deep blue ocean. The massive hole Knifehead had torn into the Jaeger's cockpit made it easy for him to get out.
The Kaiju had ripped out the right side of the cockpit when they had fallen backwards into the sea. It broke the mount they had been buckled to on that side and ripped his drift partner into the water. They had still been in the drift when it happened and Zane felt all of the panic and fear that had rushed into his Kai that moment. Kai's two biggest fears suddenly came true at the same exact time. The brunette knew if he didn't die from getting ripped out of the only thing that was keeping humanity safe from the beasts they called Kaiju, he'd drown. He couldn't swim and Zane knew the same thing. But before the blonde could think he was already diving into the water.
"Either we both die or we both survive.", his brain told him when a sudden rush of adrenaline hit him.
For a time be the helmet and suit would keep him safe from the danger of drowning, he didn't known if Kai's suit was even holding up against the water considering it had already been damaged earlier in the fight. The Knifehead on the other hand was still alive almost right above them. Luckily, they hadn't been alone. Cole and Jay had been with them. They had stopped the Beast from fully taking them out when they fell. And Zane was hoping they'd be able to take the Kaiju on their own. But right now Zane didn't really care about the 2700 tons monster stomping around somewhere, right now he was too focused on trying to spot his partner in the water. The blond frantically turned to look around the whirling water that surrounded him. The night had already been stormy and the giants fighting somewhere above them didn't make the sea any calmer. Though luckily Zane had always been an avid swimmer and knew how to handle himself in the water even with the Drivesuit weighing him down.
After what felt like hours but most likely was barley a minutes of desperate searching and swimming Zane finally spotted the white glint of the matching suit his partner was wearing about 100 Meters in front of him. He immediately started swimming towards the boy while a slight wave of relief washed over him.
Though the closer he got the more he noticed how damaged Kai's Drivesuit actually was. The helmet was almost completely gone which meant Kai had actually been drowning this whole time. This knowledge only made Zane swim faster, but Zane still cursed himself for not being fast enough.
The second he reached Kai he grabbed onto his partner and started swimming to the surface. As soon as they broke through the surface of the water the noise was almost deafening, even though the fight had already moves further away. Zane was relieved that Cole and Jay had managed to get Knifehead a fair distance away from their own broken Jaeger.
Zane checked if Kai was breathing when a loud blast erupted from the Jaeger's Plasma Cannon. Zane immediately covered his limp partners head protectively with the arm that wasn't holding him up with. The blast hit the Kaiju's side and made it crash into the water full force. The blond's eyes widened as a giant wave came rushing towards them. He pulled his partner as close as he could and held onto him while covering the brunette mouth and nose as best as he could. He braced for impact and it hit them in an instant. The two pilots got dragged back underwater almost immediately and were thrown towards their broken, partially submerged Jaeger.
Once the wave had rushed behind them Zane once more broke his head through the surface of the water, pulling the limp body he was holding up with him. He searched his eyes over to the battle, Jay and Cole seemed to be doing okay for now and Zane turned back to Kai. The brunette was bleeding heavily from his right arm and didn't have any sign of life in him. The moment Zane has grabbed him there was no resistance or movement in him, not even a twitch. Zane internally panicked. He started swimming back to their own Jaeger. When they reached it he pushed Kai onto the metal giants unsubmerged shoulder. Still no movement at all. He also climbed onto it and yanked his own helmet off his head. He threw it in the water taking a deep breath. Almost immediately he shuffled over to his partner and put his ear near Kai's mouth. No breathing. For a second Zane's mind complete blanked.
“No...", was the only thing on his mind, "No no no no-"
The blond snapped back into action.
"You're not dying on my watch", he spoke as he started CPR. He started with chest compressions and as soon has he pressed down dusty sea water came sputtering out of Kai's mouth. Zane stared for a second and took a shaky breath before focusing his best on his partner while trying to ignore the loud battle noises surrounding them.
"1... 2... 3... 4...", he counter and after a short while "30...". The blond moved to give mouth to mouth while glancing back up to the his friends still fighting the beast that caused this whole situation. But before he could start he heard a sharp cut off inhale and then a gurgled cough. His eyes snapped back to the body in front of him. Zane's whole body was washed over with a giant wave if relief. He carefully turned Kai on his side and his coughs started sounding smoother. After a short while of coughing and Zane shakily rubbing his partners back the coughs turned into soft but regular breaths. When he was sure his Driftpartner's breathing wasn't going to stop suddenly he looked back up only to see how blurry his vision truly was. The pilot rubbed his eyes and felt his tear stained cheeks trying to clear his vision. He let out a soft breathy laugh when he noticed he had been crying the whole time, when suddenly a loud boom and splash happened. Zane's head snapped back up to see the now headless Kaiju crashing into the water.
They had won, and they were alive.
Zane sighed as he watched their friend's Jaeger throw the head of Knifehead into the water. He looked down at his partner and carefully placed a hand on his side with a soft smile as the Jeager slowly started to stomp towards them.
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queencatherynerhys · 6 years
Taken - Part 9 TRR AU
A/N: The hiatus is over!! Shout-out to @captainkingliam, @mfackenthal for coaxing me out of my writer’s block and giving me so much ideas for this chapter and for the unceasing desire to help me with my stories. I was really afraid that I was getting lost in the hole that I dug with this series and that all the twists have gotten so complicated with I was able to brainstorm with them about where to take this series. I would watch these videos to get the gist of the ending of this chapter. I kind of ran out of steam with the fights.
Movie Inspiration: Pacific Rim – A Worthy Opponent Scene
The Karate Kid – Six Vs. One Scene (specifically 1:54-1:56)
Summary: Is Catheryne going to be all right? Or will she succumb to her situation? How will Liam and the gang deal with all the events that have transpired?
Tag List: @captainkingliam @decisso @devineinterventions2 @madaraism @theroyalweisme @drakewalkerwhipped @laniquelove @drakesfiance @hhiggs @hellospunkiebrewster @alicars @mrswalkerreynolds @mfackenthal @hopefulmoonobject @blackcatkita @cocomaxley @boneandfur @lizeboredom @crayziimaginations @umccall71 @zarina-x-zig @trianiasti @ranishajay @heatherfilliez @flyawayblue56 @simplyaiden-blog
Previous Parts:
Masterlist (too many parts to do them individually)
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 Nothing but a flat line shows on the monitor. Commotion is around the room with Dr. Flint and three nurses rushing about attending to Catheryne’s shuddering figure. Abstruse words spew out of Dr. Flint’s mouth and Liam is too deep in his worry to try to understand. “Attach an oxygen bag. We need to start CPR. Stat!” A flustered nurse hurries to attach an oral airway device down her throat and an oxygen bag valve mask on the other end.
As she does this, Dr. Flint pulls up the sleeve of her white lab coat and prepare to conduct the resuscitation. Liam observes, frozen in dread and bleakness. Drake stands beside him, silently offering support but also with the same rigid body language.
The doctor gives Ryne a set of 30 compressions to the chest. “Come on, Your Grace, come back,” she pants through gritted teeth as she strains with the physical activity and pressure of her job. The high-pitched noise still audible. Liam losing hope by the second. Please, my love, please continue to fight. Fight for me. For us. I know I am asking a lot of you, but I will die if you leave me.
Another set of compressions are met with the same results. Dr. Flint and the nurse across from her glance at each other, silently communicating the inevitable outcome. She performs two more sets of compressions, pouring her last strength to revive her. By now, four minutes have passed. The nurse she mentally communicated with earlier raises his wrist, readying his watch to pronounce her time of death.
“TBD 8:07pm,” she declares gravely as she turns to meet the king’s gaze. “I am truly sorry, Your Majesty. I’m afraid we can’t do anything more for her.” Liam loses all control of his faculties and anger flows through him. “NO! No, you must bring her back. Keep doing CPR!” He grabs one of the nurses by his scrubs and yells at him and begging him to bring her back to him. Drake rushes to him, always being the reasoned one when Liam becomes clouded by his emotions.
He struggles in his best friend’s arms, but desperation wins. He runs beside Catheryne’s lifeless body on the bed. “NO! Don’t you dare take her off that machine! She’s not gone! I’m not letting her be taken from me again. I am not letting her leave me!” He hollers at the nurses who are starting to unhook her from the apparatuses. They look at Dr. Flint and she hesitantly nods, giving the tiny ember of hope he clings on to a chance to spark life. Maybe a miracle will show itself.
Liam cradles Catheryne’s still face. If it were a regular day, she looks just as if she’s sleeping but it isn’t one of those days. Here, it’s up to him to bring her back. He weeps, not caring for the audience he has. He can’t, he doesn’t have the strength to summon his kingly side. In this moment, he just wants to be Liam, a Liam that can mourn and be vulnerable with no judgment. As he holds her, he remembers the recurring nightmares he suffered during their time apart. He recalls the terrible visions of seeing her die in front of him by the hands of his enemies, the blood that surrounds him, the sudden cold temperature of Ryne’s body under his touch, and his desperate screams of distress as he begs her to come back.
His nightmares finally catch him. He never thought the day would come that he would have to truly live it, but here he is. There isn’t blood, but everything else is there. His own cries sound foreign to him, “Catheryne, listen to me. I am begging you. I will do whatever I need to do. Just come back to me, please! If there is a God out there, please, bring her back. Bring her back!” He rocks her unresponsive body as he trembles from his frantic sobs of pain and utter loss.
A lifetime passes in the span of two minutes. Nurses and the doctor clear out after she informs Liam that it’s crucial that they disconnect her from her tubes. Her IV and adrenaline tube are taken off as well as other multiple conduits are removed. He refuses to let her go out of his hold as they work around him to attend to her.
His peripheral vision catches the sight of Maxwell and Hana’s tear-stricken faces by where Drake stands at the window. He must’ve called him during all the disorder. He knows he should give a turn to say their goodbye, but he is not ready. He doesn’t know if he can really let go of her, physically and emotionally.
Not once in his life has he been this broken. My enemies are dead, but it doesn’t matter. We only won a battle. Even through the grave, they managed to win the war. The last piece of himself he had kept intact for the moment he and Catheryne are finally reunited again after her coma shatters and he physically feel the effects of it. His body slumps forward and wraps his arm around her and rests against her motionless form.
He whispers ever so quietly, “You guys, if you could, I would love a few minutes with her alone. I just want to say a proper, private goodbye.” He hears them shuffle out of the room and the door click. He pulls away slowly and stands up beside her bed to finally truly get a look of her. She is truly beautiful, even in her current…condition. He takes one of her perfect hand and wraps it in his own, bringing it to his lips.
“I remember the first time I saw your face in that bar, Catheryne. I remember the light you emitted. Oh, the joy you had in you. You were such a free spirit. I had only spent an hour with you, but I knew in that moment of time that you were an astonishing woman. Oh, my lovely Ryne, how I beg to change back those events. I would change it, so you don’t come to Cordonia. We don’t fall in love, but at least you’d be alive. Safe and alive. Happy. I am so in love with you, my beautiful perfect Ryne. The only thing I wanted to do was spend the rest of my life giving you the world, but it looks like I just took you from it. I am so sorry, Catheryne. I am so sorry that even now I am begging you to come back and keep fighting even if I know that’s the harder and more painful choice.” He falls to his knees and touches his cheek with the back of her hand, still holding it.
“I’ve been bred to be a selfless leader, but right now I want to be selfish. I am a selfish man, begging you to come back, but if you can hear me now or if anything or anyone at all in the whole universe can hear me, I am pleading with you…please…please…” he whispers as fresh tears roll out of his eyes to her hand. He squeezes it as he clings to hope for life itself.
What follows comes to him as complete shock when he feels her hand imperceptibly squeeze his back. If he wasn’t concentrating, he is sure he would have missed the feather-light touch, but he is confident of the definite gesture. He slowly looks up and smiles the widest of smiles when he sees her big, brown eyes again. Open and alive. Miracles do happen.
“Oh, my god, Catheryne!” he wraps her in his arms tightly, not worrying if he attacks her again. His happiness overweighs the subconscious threats of his presence around her. She just died and with the current situation he’d be a fool if he lets anything get in the way of showing his joy and relief of having her back.
He wraps her in his arms and cries tears of joy as he hears and feels her grumble underneath him. “Ugh…L-Liam…I…I can’t…breathe…” she struggles to voice out as he clings to her. The deities heard his pleas and granted his desire. He pulls away to see her face, life and color filling it again.
“Oh, my love, I thought I’d lost you,” he says by her ear. His shattered world feels almost complete again as he feels her chest rise and fall underneath his touch. He never wants to let her go but he knows he should or else he endangers hurting her. Slowly, he tugs himself away from her and reluctantly looks into her eyes, hoping he sees his Catheryne in them.
When he does, he loses all control and cries. Right now, it’s just Liam and Catheryne and no one else. In this small hospital room, it’s just them. He buries his face in her hands and kisses it. “Oh, Ryne, I love you.” He sobs, letting all the pain and burden he’s been carrying all this time as king and as just Liam.
Quietness pass between them for several minutes until finally Catheryne speaks up, “I hate to break the moment, Liam, but you’re breaking my stitches.” Liam looks down and see a bloody bandage on her arm, instantly he feels a pang of guilt for squeezing her so hard. “Oh, I am so sorry, my love.”
Liam rushes out of the tiny room to fetch Dr. Flint and inform his friends of the news. “She’s awake. She’s alive!” He breathes hard as if that action exasperated him. Drake, Maxwell and Hana all glance at him as if he is hallucinating. They didn’t believe him. He briskly walks back to her room with his friends and Dr. Flint in tow.
When they see her awake, they all start to rush around her bedside, but the doctor stops them, “Everyone let’s give the duchess some breathing room. She just came back from the dead. Let the professionals do their work before you do anything.” She walks beside Ryne and greets her, “Hello, Your Grace. It’s good to see you up. I must say I already knew you were a fighter, but to come back like this is truly a testament to you. Now if you can look and follow my finger while I check your vitals.” She flashes a light at Catheryne’s pupils, and she responds by squinting.
Dr. Flint reattaches her to the IV tube and heart monitor. “Looks like you reopened one of your stitches. I’ll bandage that up for you straightaway.” She grabs some materials in the cabinet and her friends stand beside her.
“You scared me to death, little blossom. You’re not allowed to do that again, okay. You’re not allowed to die again until a very, very long time from now,” Maxwell complains.
“I am so relieved to see you awake, Catheryne. How are you feeling?” Hana inquires with concern in her voice.
“That was one hell of a feat to come back from the dead, Knightely. You make my gunshot wound look obsolete,” Drake gruffly says.
She looks at her friends and faintly smiles. She is tired, and she doesn’t reply to any of their comments. She just offers a warm smile and apologetic eyes. She feels different from all of them. Now that her past has been brought to the light she cannot escape it. She sees it behind the eyes of all four of them – the fear they have of her. Will anything ever be the same again?
Dr. Flint ordered that she stay in the hospital for one more week after being woken up before releasing her. All of her wounds have almost healed. Scars left in their wake. Her back is full of diagonal, jagged scars from the whips and flogging. A big knife scar sits right above her chest where her heart is. She hates mirrors now. She hates looking at the imperfections that cover her. She doesn’t recognize herself anymore.
Her hair is disheveled; she didn’t have the energy to fix it. Hana would come into her room everyday after she showers and fixes her hair in a French braid while Maxwell and her talk about their day and sometimes noble gossip that she tunes out.
Drake comes in after them and tries to get her to talk about anything, but most of the time they just sit by the window in quiet. The only thing missing is their mutual friend, whiskey. The hospital wouldn’t let him carry liquor. He leaves right after they watch the sun set together. He always tells her that he’ll be back the next day. Sometimes, he’ll try to talk about Liam, but she tunes that out too.
During the week, he’s only been by once to visit her. She doesn’t know if she was grateful. She didn’t really know how to pick up their relationship after this. She was informed of her episode and what she did to Liam. The guilt that she feels eats her alive slowly inside and she doesn’t know how to cope with that.
When he came by to see her, it wasn’t for personal reasons. He was there as King Liam not her fiancé. He came to see one of his subjects is feeling ok and to inform her that her duchy is finally ready, but since she’s still recovering she is ordered to stay at the palace. It was a brief, cold, devoid of emotion meeting.
After he delivered his message, he left without a goodbye or any sign of affection. Again, she doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Would he ever be able to look at her the same again? Would they ever be the same? Could he see her as the Catheryne he fell in love with? Or will she always be Catheryne the spy? Catheryne the heartless, cold killer? The woman that has the drive to kill him.
When her discharge day came around, Dr. Flint comes to her room to do one last vital check before releasing her. The stitches on her arm were removed before she left. “Now, Your Grace, I am prescribing you one hour of exercise every day. When we put you into an induced coma, it weakened your body and internal system. So, good exercise and good diet for three months. Then, you come back for a check-up. I’ve already talked to all your friends, and they will help you through this process. Just remember, be patient with yourself.”
She hands her a folder of papers and bid her farewell. The travel to the palace was quiet. She feels alienated and a bit nauseous from the fresh air, having been in a sterile, secluded hospital for three months. When they arrive at the gates, reporters and photographers swarm the gates. Thankfully, the guards were instructed to bring the limo to the back, so she doesn’t have to deal with them.
Events pass in a blur. She is ushered to her room with an excessive amount of guards surrounding her. Don’t they know she can protect herself? She figures this is Liam’s doing. His overprotectiveness always shining through, but she finds it annoying. She doesn’t need all this protection and if she chooses to she can disarm all 5 guards very fast.
Her stay at the palace becomes monotonous and boring. Everything feels routine. She gets woken by Maxwell who drags her to breakfast with Bertrand, Hana, Drake, Savannah and Bartie. After, Hana walks with her to the lake she showed her when they returned to Cordonia. Sometimes, when she’s not available Drake or Maxwell will walk with her around the palace grounds, always staying in the back away from the demanding eyes of the press.
In the afternoon, they dine together and sometimes they gather in her room and turn on a movie flick. But tonight, she just didn’t have the energy to accommodate them. She hasn’t been alone since she’s been released, and she is craving that time, so she politely asked them to leave her alone for the afternoon.
She wanders the long corridors of the palace in her sweats and a hoodie over her tank. She lets her feet carry her through the hallways. She zones out her surroundings and she come to an unfamiliar wing. She hears noises in one of the rooms, and her curiosity gets the best of her.
She cracks the door open and immediately recognizes a dojo. She quietly opens the door and slip inside stealthily. Everyone is preoccupied with the sparring men in the mat.
Her eyes roam the impressive room. Training equipment and various stimulator stands are scattered along the fighting mat. An impressive collection of martial art weapons line the left wall. She moves closer to it to get a look. She observes a particular gold-trimmed black bo staff propped on a stand along with regular staffs, several nunchakus, ka-bar knives, daggers, sais swords, katanas. But what catches her eyes is a pack of stainless steel willow leaf throwing knives.
They look just like the set that her father had given for her 7th birthday. She thought how peculiar it was to give a seven year old a set of knives, but her father said that throwing knives helped him clear his mind sometimes. She was able to master knife throwing by the time she was 8 and used it as a calming mechanism just like her father taught her.
Her fingers touch the smooth, cold, steel blade and she picks one of them up. She twirls it in her hands, precise and elegant. Familiarity seeps in through her and she notices a target hung on the wall across her. She holds the blade by the tip and let it fly off her grip, landing straight in the middle of the target. She’s never missed.
The sound of the blade burying itself in the wall pulls the men away from the spar, but she doesn’t notice that they are watching her. She grabs the set and one by one flings it to the target. All 6 fitting on the small dot is the bulls-eye. She smiles to herself. Her first genuine smile through this whole ordeal.
She is pulled away by the sound of applause beside her. She finally notices the crowd that has gathered around her. Liam’s face appears from the group, and he strides up to her. It’s the first time she’s seen him since his visit. He looks a little rugged like he hasn’t gotten any good sleep. He appears to have lost a little bit of weight, but not enough for a random person to notice.
“That was impressive,” he steps in front of her. He’s wiping his brow with a towel and Ryne remembers being so head over heels for him that this simple action would have her wanting him. She observes him and he’s attire. Like her, he’s wearing sweatpants and a white T-shirt stained by sweat.
“Thank you,” she replies with a shy whisper. She watches as the crowd disperses and do their own spars. She watches as they practice a certain style of fighting; she recognizes it as krav maga. “So?” she awkwardly says, not really knowing how to spark conversating. How did they get to this place when not long ago they could talk about anything? They were so comfortable around each other as if they’ve known the other their whole lives, but now they’re so close but so far away.
“Were you sparring?” she asks him. “Yes, I realized after these…events that I have to be more prepared and well-versed in fighting, so Bastien and Mara have been teaching me these last month. My philosophy used to be utilize whatever technique keeps you alive, but it seems that hasn’t worked quite well for me as of late.”
The guilt in her heart grips tighter because she knows he’s talking about the time she almost killed him. She frowns and looks away. She couldn’t bear to meet his eyes for she was afraid of what she might find there. A wistful gloss comes over her eyes as she watches the guards spar each other. She misses the adrenaline and the intense exhilaration from a fight or just spar. She recalls the plenty of memories she has of her parents. Though they weren’t the role model parents she wanted, the experiences she’s had with them are irreplaceable. She hated being bred for a certain lifestyle, but her parents gave her all the attention and love that she needed. Maybe through normal eyes it was odd to teach your child such things, but her parents knew they had enemies and they gave her the tools she needed to stand and fight for herself. When she was growing up, she hated it, but as adultness settled in she sees in hind sight the importance of this side of her.
She would have never survived in the tunnel if it weren’t for her parents. She is slowly coming into acceptance that she will never escape this side of her. This is who she is whether she wanted it or not.
Liam breaks her reminiscing and says, “Care to join me?” He inclines his head pointing to the center of the room to the fighting mat. He must’ve seen the look in her eyes, but her mind starts to think over the offer. Is it safe? She hasn’t had an episode since the last time, but she doesn’t know how severe it can get. She doesn’t know if she can take it if she hurts him again.
“I don’t think that’s a very smart idea, Liam. I’m unstable,” she reasons with him. “Come, Catheryne. It will be alright. Guards are here to watch us if anything happens. Besides, Dr. Flint said you need to have your exercise every day and I doubt you’ve done any kind of physical exertion for the day.” He flashes a tiny smirk and holds out his hand for her to take. She knows there’s no way he would take no for an answer, and as long as he’s the one offering who is she to refuse him.
They walk down to the middle of the room and they split directions. Liam goes to the right while her to the left of the mat. She strips of her hoodie and suddenly she feels very exposed with only her tank top and sweats. She removes her shoes and step onto the mat. She looks across to Liam who matches her, but in the span of few seconds he’s managed to lose his T-shirt.
Clever tactics targeting my emotional weakness for him, but I don’t think he realizes I have years of training in my side. She grins and takes a few steps to the middle of the mat. The foam sinks slightly under her feet, but she doesn’t mind it. She’s been trained to fight in every terrain. Liam meets her in the center and she informs him, “I don’t think you realize just how many years I have against you, Liam. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it, Ryne. I’m tough and you can never hurt me. But just in advance, I’m sorry, I forgive you and I love you,” Liam assures her. She is caught off guard with the last three words he hasn’t uttered to her in three months. Another tactical advantage because the next thing that happens sends her on the floor. He knew she would be distracted by it, so he used to his advantage and slammed her down to the ground.
It was sudden, but not hard. He’s careful with her just like always. After, he stands back up giving her the chance to recover. “Liam, one. Catheryne, zero,” he boasts. By this time, most of all the guards have their eyes trained on them.
Alright, I guess I need to kick it up a notch and actually mean it. “Nice touch with the distraction there. You should’ve saved it cause you only get once chance to knock me off my feet,” she speaks as she shrugs her shoulders, loosening her muscles.
She stands still in place watching Liam’s figure with laser focus. She’s not the duchess right now. In this moment, it was just her and Liam in a casual sparring session. She observes Liam as he starts to advance to her. He throws punches, powerful and full of control. She steps back with each punch thrown at her, not for defensive tactics, but she’s observing how his body moves finding any opening in his defense.
Finally, she sees it. When he throws a right jab, he angles his body too forward exposing a bit of his side. When he throws that punch, she spins from in front of him to beside him where he’s exposed side is and strikes it, knocking the breath out of him.
“Oof,” Liam holds his side as he bends down putting his hand on his knee. “I didn’t see that coming. I’ll give you credit for that,” he admits his small defeat, but the war isn’t over.
They admit their stances back across each other, gearing up another round. This time there are no smiles only intense stares. They were both competitive in their own right. Liam will be damned if he didn’t put up a show especially in front of his guards. He always could get a little prideful and egotistical.
Catheryne is an embodiment of calm before the storm. She stands with her hands clasped behind her back waiting, testing out the waters. Liam attacks first again, but this time she meets him head on throwing a blocking strike to the punch he throws. Her reflexes are muscle memory to her. Before he throws the left jab, she’s already preparing to block it.
She headbutts Liam with force. She immediately thinks, I hope that doesn’t leave a mark. Liam takes one step back, disoriented for only a moment. He shakes his head and throws his hands up on a guard. I need to think smarter if I’m going to beat her. He eyes the weapon wall and the staff catches his attention.
Liam and Ryne circle each other like two predators hungry for action and thrill. When he makes it to the wall, he grabs the black staff and arms himself with it. He swings like how he was taught with strength and control. He drives Ryne out of his reach, but she doesn’t look the least bit intimidated. In fact, he catches a little glint of amusement in her eye, but it disappears with the blink of an eye.
He holds the staff confidently with both hands as they continue their circling. Liam doesn’t give Ryne the chance to reach the wall and moves forward slashing towards her aiming directly at her chest, but she performs an impressive bend backwards. She does a series of back flips putting distance between them.
She steadies herself by widening her stance. Her body language changes from loose to rigid in a matter of milliseconds. She’s done playing around. Her training kicks in and propels her forward. Liam gears for a swing at her feet but she does a no hands cartwheel to her right, avoiding it and subsequently putting her close enough to grab a staff her own.
She spins it in her hands striking a hard stance with her hands outstretched and the staff tucked in behind her back. They perform a dance in front of each other. They attack with aggression and precision. Catheryne steps away from the defensive and attacks first. Using the staff to lift her, she aims a flying kick aimed at Liam’s face. He blocks with his staff, but her momentum is greater and knocks him backward.
He regains control and strikes her with a series of slashes and swings. She responds defensively, ducking every attack and using the weapon as a shield. Ryne notices that Liam likes to burst his attacks and that he gets very tired quickly when he exerts all the energy in his reserve.
“You know you really should save your energy,” she gives him a tip as she tucks in for a roll knocking him to the ground while catching his leg in her hold using the staff to lock his leg, but she practices control and reels her adrenaline back in before breaking his knee.
“Ah!” Liam exclaims. “That’s two-to-one. I think you need to step up your game, Liam. Or just abandon the staff since you don’t really know how to use it,” she haves fun taunting him. For some odd reason, sparring brought their old relationship back. They didn’t mind being rough with their moves. They both know they’re competitive and they don’t mind it.
He obeys and throws away the staff. “Alright, I’ll give you a fighting chance,” she says with a smile as she lets go of her weapon. Another round starts. Punches and kicks, both blocking and attacking hoping to get an advantage against the other.
Catheryne slaps Liam’s forearms away leaving his torso completely open and she uses her chest and body as a weapon again knocking Liam backwards. By now, he’s learned her techniques. He feigns a punch but ends up sweeping her leg under her.
Catheryne is caught off-guard but not enough to disorient her. She uses her downward momentum to propel her kip up back to a standing position. When Liam throws a roundhouse kick, she catches it and flips him over her head even with the weight difference. She aims a punch for his face but stops an inch away. “You lose,” she smiles in her glory and the guards who have been watching breaks in an applause.
“I concede. You win fair and square,” Ryne holds her hand out and helps him up. They face each other, hands still intertwined. Sweat covers Liam’s face, but Catheryne looks as if she wasn’t even exhausted. They smile, and Liam says, “It’s nice to see you smile, my love. I haven’t seen you this happy and playful since the Homecoming Ball.”
Liam watches as his carefree Catheryne retreat into her guard. He watches as her eyes shift from happy to cold in an instant. He notices her posture, guarded and fierce. Her eyes are dilated and hazy. “Catheryne?” What’s wrong?”
Her grip of his hand tightens, and her nails dig his skin. “Ryne, my love? What’s wrong?” He asks again moving to touch her cheek, but she slaps it away.
“You’re an enemy. You are an enemy and you must be stopped. I must kill you,” she growls.
Liam is confused on what is happening. One minute she was happy, and he was talking to her, but now she’s in her episode. Ryne pushes him on the chest and her punch connects to his face this time. The metallic taste of his blood fills his mouth and he begs for her to come out of her episode while ordering his guards to stay away while he tries to coax her out of this hallucination.
“Catheryne. Listen to me. Listen to my voice. It’s Liam. I am Liam. I am not going to hurt you. I am not the enemy. I promise. The enemies are gone. They will never hurt you again. Not as long as I am living and breathing. No one will hurt you again.” He backs away from her reeling composure.
He remembers the advice Dr. Mallon gives him of trying to remind her of who she is while she’s in her state, “Please, remember who you are. Your name is Catheryne Knightely. You are loved. You are safe. Your favorite color is blue. Your favorite place is the beach. You grew up in North Carolina and moved to New York. You live in Cordonia now. You are a duchess. You own a duchy named Valtoria,” he continues to list facts about her, praying and hoping it works.
She throws a punch again but he’s ready this time. He restrains her against him, “Please, my Ryne. Please remember me. I love you. I love you so much. Remember our trip to the secret cove when we first met. Remember our trip to the Statue of Liberty.”
Having her close, he can see the turmoil in her eyes. He sees it, he sees Catheryne, his Catheryne behind the rage, fighting for control. With that he’s assured that his tactic is working, and he continues to list their adventure together.
He knows that she is still there and that she will never stop fighting. After a long five minutes of restraining her and her struggles, she finally takes control and she falls unconscious from the strain and fatigue. Liam carries her back to her room and sits beside her sleeping form. He recalls the events leading to her episode. He was talking to her about how their relationship felt normal again and how she looked happy.
He can’t figure it out and decides to call Dr. Mallon and ask him for advice. He relays the whole conversation and mentioning how he hasn’t seen Catheryne’s old self since the homecoming ball.
“Liam, did you use the word homecoming specifically?” Dr. Mallon asks through the phone. “Yes, doctor, please. Just tell me what you think it is.”
“Well, when we were in the tunnels. After I’ve administered the chemical into her system and the clips, Amir would recite words to her and I overheard some and one of them was the word ‘homecoming’. I believe, if I am correct, it is a trigger word for her. A word that can spiral her back to an episode almost instantaneously. While she was in the hospital, we were able to remove traces of the hallucinogen from her system, but anything in her memory. We can’t do anything but try to avoid those. I would be very careful about the choices of word you mention around her. I believe they used traumatic moments of her life and the words have a connection to those. I’m so sorry that I can help you more that this, Liam. But good luck.”
“Thank you, Dr. Mallon,” Liam replies before hanging up the room. Again, the guilt in his heart overwhelms him. It’s because of him that she has to continue fighting and go through so much pain. He lays down beside her. Right now, he just wants to feel peace. He just wants to mourn his old Catheryne.
He whispers by her ear and make a promise, “I promise, Catheryne, I promise that I will fight beside you through all of this.”
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All the asks!
Okie Doke. Except 84. I answered that yesterday. 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My ex. 2. Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing as hell. I’ll talk to anyone.  3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My new potential beau.  4. Are you easy to get along with? I think so.  5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I think so.  6. What kind of people are you attracted to? People with presence. A nice face doesn’t hurt either.  7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Maybe. We’ll have to see how things go tomorrow.  8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? The same dude who always is.  9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope. The last officer I rode with tried to test this and failed.  10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? My sister, probably.  11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “okay don’t get into anything too life threatening”  12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 1. “I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do” - Abba; 2. “My My My!” - Troye Sivan; 3. “Mystery of Love” - Sufjan Stevens; 4. “Edge of Town” - Middle Kids; 5. “Paris Latino” - Bandolero.  13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Unless you are a hair stylist, not really.  14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Luck yes, miracles maybe.  15. What good thing happened this summer? This past summer? I got to play with the SWAT team! I went to the Lake with my bestie! The solar eclipse was a thing! 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Negative. 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Affirm. 18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Nope. I wonder what happened to that kid. I wonder if he still wears Hawaiian shirts every day.  19. Do you like bubble baths? Yes. 20. Do you like your neighbors? Most of them.  21. What are you bad habits? I tend to smack my gum.  22. Where would you like to travel? I’d like to visit every Disney park. I’d also like to visit Norway.  23. Do you have trust issues? Affirm. 24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Makeup! or Coffee.  25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My tummy.  26. What do you do when you wake up? check the time.  27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Negative. I’m good being pale. 28. Who are you most comfortable around? My bestie. 29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Not to my face. 30. Do you ever want to get married? Maybe? IDK. 31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? It is! 32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Tom Hardy and Armie Hammer. 33. Spell your name with your chin. flu8ff6y 34. Do you play sports? What sports? Negative. 35. Would you rather live without TV or music? I’ll just die. Thanks anyways. 36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Affirm. 37. What do you say during awkward silences? Random “fun facts” 38. Describe your dream girl/guy? 6′3″, dark hair, blue eyes, spent some time in the military, not a cop.  39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I love Macy’s and T.J. Maxx.  40. What do you want to do after high school? Already did it. 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Negative. 42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? That I’m pissed.  43. Do you smile at strangers? All the time. 44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Outer Space. 45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? The need for coffee.  46. What are you paranoid about? Owing people.  47. Have you ever been high? Negative. 48. Have you ever been drunk? Affirm. 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Affirm. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black. 51. Ever wished you were someone else? Affirm. 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My metabolism.  53. Favourite makeup brand? Too Faced 54. Favourite store? Safeway. 55. Favourite blog? Can I say my own, or is that too self-centered? I’m digging @symphony-in-silver they post Chris Isaak gifs and I am here for it.  56. Favourite colour? Tiffany blue. 57. Favourite food? Sushi or pizza.  58. Last thing you ate? A smoothie I made for lunch.  59. First thing you ate this morning? I had a cup of coffee… 60. Ever won a competition? For what? Yes! I won four Golds and Bronze medal for SkillsUSA in high school for  Broadcast News Production (gold), Prepared Speech (gold, two years in a row), Crime Scene Investigation (bronze), and CPR/First Aid (gold). I was the first female in Nevada to win two gold medals in the same year. I also won a short fiction award senior year of college.  61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Negative.  62. Been arrested? For what? Negative.  63. Ever been in love?  Affirm. 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I got cornered like a wounded animal and it was awful.  65. Are you hungry right now? Negative.  66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? Negative. I like you all about the same.  67. Facebook or Twitter? Twitter. 68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr.  69. Are you watching tv right now? Negative. 70. Names of your bestfriends? I call my bestie “favored person” quite a bit.  71. Craving something? What? Yes. Chinese food. 72. What colour are your towels? Yellow and Blue.  72. How many pillows do you sleep with? Five. 73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Sometimes.  74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Not as many as I did when I was six. 75. Favourite animal? Dogs. 76. What colour is your underwear? Black. 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? If it’s ice cream, vanilla. If it’s cake, chocolate. 78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Chubby Hubby. 79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Plum. 80. What colour pants? Light rinse denim color. 81. Favourite tv show? Adam -12 82. Favourite movie? L.A. Confidential (fuck you, Kevin Spacey) 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls. 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Same as last night.  85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Karen.  86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Pearl. 87. First person you talked to today? My mom. 88. Last person you talked to today? My ex. 89. Name a person you hate? My advisor. 90. Name a person you love? Officer Male Model (A nickname given to him by a toothless motel clerk).  91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Affirm. 92. In a fight with someone? Negative.  93. How many sweatpants do you have? Like two, maybe? IDK. 94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Oh my god soooo many.  95. Last movie you watched? Boondock Saints (It was St. Patrick’s). 96. Favourite actress? Gal Gadot. 97. Favourite actor? Colin Farrell 98. Do you tan a lot? I don’t tan so much as fry.  99. Have any pets? No. :( 100. How are you feeling? Pretty okay.  101. Do you type fast? If I’m not thinking about it. 102. Do you regret anything from your past? Affirm. 103. Can you spell well? Affirm. 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Affirm.  105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Negative. 106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Affirm. 107. Have you ever been on a horse? Unfortunately.  108. What should you be doing? Putting my laundry in the dryer. 109. Is something irritating you right now? My eczema flared up again, so yeah, that’s irritating.  110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Affirm.  111. Do you have trust issues? Didn’t I already answer this? 112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom, probably. 113. What was your childhood nickname? Fona.  114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Affirm. 115. Do you play the Wii? Negative.  116. Are you listening to music right now? Affirm - The The’s “Beyond Love” 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I’m largely indifferent. 118. Do you like Chinese food? I don’t like chinese food. I love chinese food.  119. Favourite book? John Steinbeck’s East of Eden or S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders.  120. Are you afraid of the dark? Negative. 121. Are you mean? Yeah, kind of.  122. Is cheating ever okay? On people or in cards? People no, cards maybe.  123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Negative.  124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Affirm. I saw at least three dogs today and I fell in love with every single one.  125. Do you believe in true love? Maybe? It seems like a ploy to sell engagement rings to me. 126. Are you currently bored? I’m almost always bored.  127. What makes you happy? Television, records, things that go ~squish squish~ or at least look like they embody the ideals of things that go ~squish squish~ 128. Would you change your name? Affirm. I’m working on getting my last name changed to distance myself from a deadbeat male parent. 129. What your zodiac sign? Virgo! 130. Do you like subway? No. Port of Subs or Jimmy Johns. No subway.  131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Say “too late asshole. That ship sailed, sank, and is now home to a colony of octopi” 132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? I definitely already answered this one.  133. Favourite lyrics right now? “Give your love freely to whoever that you please, don’t let nobody tell you ‘bout who you oughta be.” - Josh Ritter “Getting Ready to Get Down.  134. Can you count to one million? Probably not.  135. Dumbest lie you ever told? “my mom won’t let me give my number out” I was seventeen.  136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed. 137. How tall are you? 5′4″ in my 5.11 boots. 138. Curly or Straight hair? Curly. 139. Brunette or Blonde? Can I go with option C - red.  140. Summer or Winter? Summer! 141. Night or Day? Day! Unless it’s a ride along and then Night. Nothing fun happens on day shift.  142. Favourite month? May.  143. Are you a vegetarian? Negative. 144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk. 145. Tea or Coffee? Coffee. 146. Was today a good day? So far it’s been whatever. 147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers. 148. What’s your favourite quote? “When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do.” - Walt Disney 149. Do you believe in ghosts? Affirm. My grandma’s house is absolutely haunted.  150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Out of Elivagar sprayed poison-drops” (The book is the Oxford World Classic translation of the Poetic Edda.)
Thanks for asking!
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intimatevoid · 7 years
*casuallys steals yet another one from @notfinlandjosswhedon*
1. Did the last type of shoes you wore have laces? They sure did. 2. How much money did you spend yesterday? None. I’m broke. 3. Are you CPR certified? Used to be, but it expired. 4. What genre is your favorite movie? Hard to say. I don’t really watch many movies. Maybe action, or comedy if it’s genuinely funny. 5. Are you messaging anybody right now? Sorta on and off, one person.
6. Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? It’s not a bad photo, for once.
7. What’s your favorite thing to snack on while watching a movie? I don’t really snack while watching movies. 8. When was the last time somebody hit on you? Oof, it would have been a long time ago. Maybe when Seb and I started getting involved with each other. Not many people hit on me. 9. What was the gender of the last person you met? I met several people together, of at least three different genders. 10. Which one of your friends do you feel most comfortable around? All-time, Dusty and Chloe. IRL, Sage and Ruin. I don’t do “one”s when it comes to friends. 11. Do you own a map of the world? Only on my phone. 12. What brand is your underwear? Just cheap kmart underwear.
13. Is the light on in the room you’re in? Yeah. 14. Who did you last spoon with? That would be Ash. 15. Are you currently watching TV? I don’t own a TV. 16. Have you ever had surgery or stitches? Yeah. Most recently, I had some small benign cysts cut out from my corners of my eyes. The stitches I got from that looked fucking cool. 17. Do you own any clothing that has animal print? Nope.
18. Does your family eat dinner together? Usually Ash and I eat dinner together, but sometimes we fend for ourselves. 19. Where do you work? I don’t work right now. 20. Are you in high school? Hell no, thank the lord. 21. Do you have a TV in your room? I don’t have a TV at all. 22. Are any of your electronics charging right now? My phone.
23. What was the last video game you played? That would be Warframe.
24. What did you last put on a piece of toast? Butter, cheese, and egg.
25. What did you put in your last smoothie? I’ve never, ever made a smoothie.
26. What stores would you say you buy from the most? Probably Aldi. I don’t have a great deal of money to spend.
27. What’re some TV shows that you would like to get into? There are so many things on my netflix list.
28. Is there a movie you’d like to see? The Void. Apparently it’s a fun eldritch horror.
29. What’s the most recent email in your inbox? I keep my inbox clear. Couldn’t tell you what came in last.
30. What’s the last thing you Googled? "how to propagate mint”
31. What was the last thing you watched on Netflix or Hulu? The Good Place.
32. Do you follow any celebrities on Twitter? No, just some friends.
33. What was the last flavor of pudding or yogurt you ate? I legit have no idea. It’s been way too long for me to remember.
34. What color are your shirt and pants? My shirt is red, my trackies are grey.
35. What color were the last pair of shoes you wore? Black and green.
36. Anything exciting coming up? Sage is coming to stay at mine on Tuesday. It’s not for a happy reason, but it’ll be nice to see you.
37. What numbers does your password on here have? How about get fucked
38. This time tomorrow, what will you be doing? Probably sleeping.
39. Would you rather get money or gift cards for your birthday? Money, for sure. 40. Have you ever texted a landline phone by accident? No idea. 41. Have you ever spoken to a detective before? Yeah, briefly, after the 2011 floods. 42. What colour is your garage? I don’t have a garage. 43. Have you ever played laser tag? No, just paintball. 44. Do you pick out your outfits for the next day the night before or the AM? If I’m preparing for something the following morning, then I always lay my clothes out the night before. I’ve been doing it since school. It’s the only thing that helps manage my executive dysfunction. 45. Do you wear earrings? Even better, I wear tunnels. 46. Is your wifi protected? Yes because this is not 2007. 47. What did you have for lunch today? Noodles. 48. Does your phone have a cover on it? Just a thin plastic covers. 49. What colour was your swim suit this year? I don’t own a swim suit. I haven’t ever felt safe owning a swim suit before. Lotta personal history blocking me there. 50. How many bedrooms does your house have? 2. 51. Do you have any pictures of you and your friends in your bedroom? A couple, I think.
52. Did you and your family go on many road trips when you were younger? Not really. Doing anything as a group with a family of 13 is a difficult task, let alone moving them anywhere for a purpose, let alone moving them for its own sake.
53. Do you own any Funko Pop! figurines? Hell fucking no.
54. How many cats and dogs have you had as pets in your lifetime? My family’s owned 3 cats, 1 of which was mine. And 4 dogs, none of which were miine.
55. Can your mom and/or dad play any instruments, or how about anyone else in your family? Nobody in my family has ever been musically inclined. Clare played flute in high school and Tina played a little guitar, but I’m the only person who’s ever stuck with music. And even then, barely.
56. What’s your favorite colour and what items do you own in that colour? My favourite colour is purple and I own no purple clothes. 57. What brand or designer is your purse and/or wallet? It’s just a cheap no-name brand that I got second hand. 58. Can you crack crab legs without a tool? I’ve never eaten crab legs before. 59. How many light sources are in the room you’re in? One lightbulb, my mouse, and my computer screen.
Before (first line) and After (second line), 2 years ago; Today
60. How old is the last person you kissed? 24. 35.
61. What is the last movie you watched? Pfft, as if I remember that. I watched Arrival last night.
62. Are you happy? *noncommittal shrug* With myself, yes. With my world, no.
63. What’s one thing that you really want to do? Continue my transition. Move to a bigger house.
64. Is your cell phone right by you? It usually sat on the arm of my couch. It’s almost always within arm’s reach.
65. What are you wearing on your feet? How fucking good do you think my memory from 2 years ago is? Nothing.
66. Did you ever waste too much time during the day? I get up, I work, I go home, I sleep. No time to waste. Define “waste”. Fuck you.
67. Do you like cuddling? Yes. I need it like I need air.
68. Do you sleep with one leg out from under the covers? Depends on the weather Usually, yes
69. Where’d you get the shirt your wearing now? I don’t know what I was wearing 2 years ago. Online from some derby fan store.
70. Did you get at least eight hours of sleep last night? Usually I made sure I did, so that I wasn’t too tired for work. Yes.
71. When is your next long road trip? *shrugs* I have no road trips planned.
72. Ever kissed someone who’s the first name starts with an “A” or “C”? Yes and yes. Still yes and yes. A couple of new A’s but no new C’s.
Just regular questions again:
73. Do you have a common first name? Fairly common.
74. Do you like your middle name or your first name more? I like both equally. ‘S why I picked them. ^_^
75. What year would/did you turn 21? 2013.
76. Can you see your veins through your skin? Yeah, I’m white as they come.
77. Would you rather live in an apartment or a duplex? I’ve only ever lived in apartments. I quite like them.
78. Do you like spicy chips? Not particularly.
79. Do you wear more pink or yellow? I don’t think I own any clothing of either colour.
80. What’s the last thing you bought besides food/drink? I think it would have been some bin bags.
81. Who scheduled your last doctor visit? Me.
82. What’s the last funny movie you watched? Probably the K-On!! movie. Although that was more cute than funny.
83. Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Pfft, I barely remember my OWN birthday.
84. What is the design on your shirt? A kitty wearing a helmet and roller skates, with the worsds “roller derby cathletes”.
85. What is the origin of your last name? I took it after someone I care dearly about.
86. What piercing do you like most on the people you are attracted to? Tongue for sure. Gods, that one just slays me.
87. What country do you live in? Australia.
88. Did/do you ride the bus to and from school? In high school, yeah.
89. What band would you stand in line for 24 hours to see? Literally none of them.
90. If you were in a band, which role would you be? Probably guitar, but I’d love to learn drums.
91. Would you ever consider prostitution as an occupation? I think I’d be pretty awful at it, since I don’t like sex.
92. If you could relive one year of your life, which would it be? None of them. That’s literally my worst nightmare.
93. What makes your heart beat faster? Attractive people getting close to me
94. Are you a one night stand or serious relationship type person? I’m not really a one night stand person at all, given my disinterest in sex. But my sense of a “seriously relationship” is highly subjective and customisable based on the person it’s with. So, the latter, but it depends.
95. What is the one thing that you need to do to die happy? For me, it’s more something I need to continue doing, and it would be
96. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? I drove home one morning after a party, and while I didn’t realise it at the time, in hindsight, I think I was still drunk from the night before. That was probably pretty risky.
97. What’s your standard excuse for not doing something? I don’t feel like it. On the other hand, because of my mental illness, there is a major difference between me not wanting to do something and me not being ABLE to do something. Don’t get them confused.
98. What is one moment you wish you could have taken a picture of? Pretty much all the good bruises I got from my time playing roller derby.
99. What place holds the most memories for you? Sadly, my old workplace. And they’re not good memories at all, not in the slightest.
100. Who was your first date? My first actual date was Ash, about two and a half years ago.
101. What’s the best trip you’ve ever been on? Couldn’t tell you. I can’t afford to go on many trips.
102. What languages do you speak? English and Japanese. 英語と日本語。
103. How many ex’s do you have? Anywhere between 2 and 4, depending on what you call “ex”.
104. Do you swear? How much? I swear a great fucking deal.
105. Have you ever had food poisoning? I think I’ve had it once. Not sure if it was actual real food poisoning, but it was still pretty fucking bad.
106. Do you like snakes? I love them with all my heart.
107. Do you gossip? Yeah, though I try to make a point of only gossiping about things which won’t harm people.
108. Do you like to party? With the right people? Hell yes.
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juniperblank · 5 years
Common Misconceptions About CPR (and some other First Aid actions)
Some of you may ask "what do you know OP?" Well my friend, my mom was on a medical internship, my grandma was a nurse up until recently, and my father currently IS a nurse. Lastly, I have certification fron Red Cross that expires next year. Most of the kids at my grade level are CPR certified due to the fact that the science teachers we had last year had a unit on it, which was personal to one of them. We were talking about it while at a music festival, kids from last year who were in our advanced choir this year. Our director and teacher, who is also CPR certified, piped up that it's nothing like you see in movies. It really bugs you once you know the truth.
First of all, don't do CPR on someone who has a pulse. CPR is meant to jumpstart the heart and breathing. It isn't to get some water out of the lungs or something like that, it isn't for drowning unless the person has recently lost their pulse and breathing. Check for pulse and breathing no more than 15 seconds, no less than 5. You want to be certain, but you don't have much time. Your chest compressions must be between the nipples, the middle if the ribcage. Doing it too high is ineffective, doing it too low will not only be ineffective, but will break the sternum, the bone that connects to all the ribs in the middle. If you search up this term you will see a tiny little part at the bottom not linked to any rib. Thats the part you may snap. Not to mind that you will be going two inches deep on the ribcage (you may not even think you can go that low, but you can) to reach the heart and the main purpose of the ribcage is so you can't reach the heart. What I'm trying to say is you may break some rib while performing CPR. Put your dominant hand down flat, then your other hand over it. The hand on top will close around the dominant hand. Some close their dominant hand, some dont. Either way, this is what you put on that aforementioned area to begin compressions. Remembee, two inches into the chest (if you get the course they will have dummies that click when you push deep enough, and trust me that distance will stick with you) and awfully enough, do it to the beat of Stayin Alive or Another One Bites the Dust. These are 100 BPM which is around a heartbeat. As you start compressions, if there are people around tell them to locate an AED and call 911 or your emergency number. If you are alone, quickly call the number before starting CPR and keep it on speaker while doing chest compressions. Do 30 of these at a time. Do not bend your elbows or bounce up during this time. Make sure your hands keep touching the chest. Go straight down onto the chest; do NOT go on an angle. After 30 compressions, go to rescue breaths. Rescue breaths are pinching the nose, putting your mouth on the other persons fully and making sure their chest goes up. Do this twice. Go back to compressions. Repeat until an AED or ambulance shows up. I cannot teach you the exact details of an AED, because they're a bit specific. This one of the two times you will stop CPR, but will go back to it immediately afterwards if the person doesn't wake. Scratch that- there are three reasons to stop CPR. An AED, an ambulance shows, or the person wakes up. CPR including rescue breaths isn't some romantic lifesaving thing, it's lifesaving and terrifying and exhausting. The person under you has no pulse or breathing, and you have to keep going and going. Unless there is someone else who can perform CPR to quickly trade off with you, you may be there for a long time.
Now let's talk the Heimlich maneuver. The Heimlich is used correctly in most media- if someone is choking. However, it is rarely done correctly. If you see someone who appears to be choking they are likely attempting to cough something out or trying to. Ask them if they are choking. If they can verbally respond, they aren't choking but likely experiencing a breathing problem. Urge them to cough what is causing them the blockage. If they do not respond verbally but nod or motion yes to you somehow, you need to ask if you can perform the Hemlich on them. Weird, I know. If they consent then it's game time. First, you stand at their side, leg in front of them to catch them if they fall. Locate the shoulder blades. With the bottom part of the palm of your hand, hit between the blades 5 times. It will hurt the person. Next, get behind them. Use one leg to support you and the other, again, to catch the person. These next actions will resemble the Hemlich you may've seen before in media. Locate the belly button. You may have to ask them to point it out. Lace your fingers together EXCEPT for the thumbs. These will need to stick out in a spike like form to actually do something to the diaphragm. Stick the thumbs above the bellybutton and push in and up. Do this 5 times too. It will be uncomfortable for the person you are performing the Heimlich on, but so is choking. Repeat the pounding on the back 5 timed and the stomach compressions 5 times until the person can clearly speak and tell you they're fine, or until you can clearly dislodge the item.
The last thing I'll be talking about is seizures. If someone says that you need to hold the tongue of someone having a seizure, resist the urge to puch them. You can't choke on your tongue. Do NOT touch someone having a visual, twitching, seizure. A seizure can be many things. It can be just staring in one place, it can be what many think it is. There was a kid in a class of mine last year and the next who had seizures frequently, and while they weren't Grand Mal, they weren't just simple little things either. Let me tell you, the first couple times being around that is terrifying and frankly chilling. But a seizure is losing control of your body likely because the brain is overwhelmed, that person isn't comfortable either. Unless you are the person who is taking care of them directly, don't stare, don't say anything to them when they regain control. Let them have their time. If someone us having a seizure, move everything away from them so they don't get injured or injure someone else. Only touch the person if the are standing or sitting, as to ease them down gently so they don't injure their head. I saw my scuence teacher do this quite a few times, and he would always rush to the aid of this kid if he heard they were having a seizure. I cannot begin to explain how awesome this teacher was, and funny as hell too. Try to find information about the person having the seizure to determine whether ir not this is their first time. If it's someone's first seizure, call your emergency number after 1 minute of the seizure continuing. Only do so for someone with regular seizures after 5.
I really do recommend getting certified. It can cost a lot of money, though. Each Red Cross certification? 150 dollars. I was lucky it came to me for 5 since it was school-funded. It holds amazing lessons from people not only certified, but liscensed to teach this. I can't offer every bit of information. You can learn what to do in an extreme allergic reaction, asthma attack, how to apply a tourniquet, how to treat burns, and so much more you may not know. You would be protected by the Good Samaritan Law and will have to renew certification every 2 years. I think it's worth it.
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sugarlinnie · 6 years
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐞
1. What is your full name?
Lai Kuanlin!
2. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name?
Mommy calls me angel! And sometimes monkey!
2. Do you have any allergies?
Strawberries. :( But guess who still eats them! yummy.
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
It was down to below my butt once!
5. How well can you write in cursive?
:/ Gross.
6. Name one item on your bucket list.
Uhm! I really wanna go to France.
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
I’m not blind? How could I have gone on a blind date? haha
8. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it?
Uhm, five years? Maybe? It was one of the first things my mommy bought me and it’s white and really pretty!
9. How often do you eat out at a fancy restaurant?
Uhm… maybe four or five times a month? Mommy has lots and lots of clients.
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
lol not @ all c;
11. Can you drive stick?
...C-Can i what?
12. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
France! Oh, it’s so so beautiful! Mommy went once and told me all about the lovely people and the nature and the SIGHTS! She said I would love it, that there’s this quaint little cafe with the bet cupcakes. . . I want to go so so badly..
13. Nutella or peanut butter?
Nutella! Yummy!
14. At what age did you have your first kiss?
Uhm…. fifteen?
15. DC or Marvel?
16. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
My mommy hosts some! But they’re not interesting.
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
I read one of the Harry Potter books I think, but I don’t remember the author! I don’t really read unless it’s for class :(
18. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang with?
Facebook is for old people
19. Have you ever donated blood?
Yes! And it hurt really bad :( But they gave me a cookie and some juice after and the mommy convinced them to give me an extra one. And then gave me hers :)
20. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?
21. Coffee or tea?
22. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
I like the pink drink but mommy says its too sugary :(
23. Last show you binge watched?
Spongebob! I watch it a lot but not when mommy is home. She gets annoyed and good girls don’t annoy their mommies.
24. Dogs or cats?
25. Favorite animated Disney character?
I like Flounder!
26. Have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself?
My family is me and mommy so yes! I’d say so! I’m not very good at cooking though..
27. Favorite winter activity?
I like building snowmen! We do it on the building’s roof because there’s not much free land outside where we live. :(
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
Have I ever what?
29. Can you blow a bubble gum bubble?
Yes! Once I blew one so big it popped and landed on mommy! She didn’t think it was very funny...
30. How early in the year do you start celebrating Christmas?
September is when I start hunting for gifts and I make mommy decorate with me right after Halloween!
31. What emoji best describes your life right now?
The heart eyes!!
32. Are you fluent in more than one language?
33. What is the longest you’ve ever kept a New Year’s resolution?
Uh…. i’m not sure!
34. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? Did you gain any of the weight back?
Mommy says I’m perfect. And that diets are only to help people feel better about themselves. So I don’t diet.
35. Are any of your grandparents still alive?
Yes, my grandma!
36. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions?
Apparently, I’m very expressive.. Mommy calls it funny. :(
37. Have you ever gotten a commercial jingle stuck in your head?
The Geico commercials :( But mommy gets mad when i sing them all day..
38. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was over?
39. Do you consider rapping singing?
40. Does your home have a fireplace?
Yes! A really big and really pretty marble one!
41. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
42. If you could have only one superpower, what would you want and why?
I want to talk to animals
A lot
especially kitties
43. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
i don’t drive !
44. Do you listen to any religious music?
no ew
45. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
i like dr pepper! sometimes!
46. What was your ACT score?
47. Rice or quinoa?
I like rice better :(
48. From 1-10, how good of a driver do you consider yourself?
-2 i suck :(
49. Do you like horror movies?
50. How easily do you cry?
:/ very easily :/
51. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where?
I have a cute little ghost tattooed on my forearm! He’s got little fangs and a cute little smile!
52. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?
mhm … by closest that means bella and yukyung so probably shopping!!
53. Can you handle spicy foods? What is your spice limit?
gross no :(
54. Can you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones?
i can play the piano really well! i’ve been learning since i was little and mommy even got me a tutor for a while so i could learn to play the longer songs! i play for a little every day and when i’m sad or nervous, i write my own little melodies!
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
mommy thinks i’m an ambivert and i agree!! I think i’m a little of both!
56. Last CD you bought?
the red summer!
57. Do you like roller coasters?
58. What day of the week is laundry day for you?
mommy has the staff do our laundry.. so it varies!
59. Have you ever played spin the bottle?
60. How long have you known your best friend?
eight years! I love my bella :((
61. Can you eat using chopsticks?
yes yes! mommy giggles because i don’t really do it right, but i always get more on my sticks than she does so i’m the real winner here :)
62. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of?
yes !! i have tons! little kitties and i have a few rainbows and uhm, i think a unicorn maybe? there’s also lots n lots n lots of pink!
63. How often do you say y'all?
64. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Chocolate! but strawberry is a close second!
65. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
i’ve been with mommy since i was fifteen. so four years so far!
66. Star Trek or Star Wars?
67. How good are you at math?
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
69. How often do you read/pay attention to your horoscope?
70. What is the shortest your hair has ever been?
my shoulders! but it was really ugly :(
71. Have you ever broken any bones?
my nose! and i broke my wrist a few months ago because i tried to be a big girl when mommy wasnt home and it didn’t go well :(
72. Do you like to go fishing?
no yucky why would you take fishies out of their ponds
73. Do you believe in evolution?
mommy calls me a monkey and says i definitely used to be one but i don’t think that’s evolution
74. Favorite costume you wore for Halloween? How old were you?
ooo!!! i love this question! last year for halloween, we went to a party for mommy’s work and i got to play princess all night!! she got me a pretty swooshy pink dress and the prettiest pink heels and she even hired someone to do my makeup and my hair for me!! everyone thought i was the best princess they’d ever ever EVER seen!
75. Real or fake Christmas trees?
real why would you ruin Christmas with a fake tree :(
76. How many pillows do you sleep with?
eight! but i usually end up laying on mommy’s chest so …… :)
77. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
it’s a loft! it’s really expensive so we each sort of have our own floors? if that makes any sense? it’s on the business side of town, so i don’t have many friends or anything, but the loft is split into the lobby ( you have to have a passcode to get in and everything! ) fourteen different subfloors, the penthouse, and then the roof! but if you get on the elevator, a teeny little hallway leads to the different loft on each floor so for instance, if you step off on the wrong floor, you’re not walking directly into someone else’s living room!
78. How many of your friends are of the opposite gender?
It’s too hard to count all of my friends!! :(
79. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
80. How long have you been at your current job?
since i was seventeen!
81. What kind of car do you drive (year, brand, model, color)?
i have a cute little mercedes that mommy bought for me but….. Again…. I suck at driving
82. How flexible are you?
i can do the splits going straight down AND to the sides, and i can put my feet behind my head!
83. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
84. Phrase you say the most?
‘ cute! ‘
85. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
i kiss mommy all the time!
86. Do you own any homemade clothing?
i make a lot of my clothes! heejin and i learned how to sew from our aunt and i really liked doing it so i make lots of sweaters and things!
87. Do you like fast food?
yes yummy!
88. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
89. Have you ever learned to do anything from a how-to video on YouTube?
i learned how braid my hair!
90. Describe your sense of humor.
i dunno i just really like those funny little vines
92. Favorite cereal?
chocolate lucky charms!
93. Have you ever auditioned for a reality competition show?
94. Have you ever gotten a TV theme song stuck in your head?
95. Do you believe in ghosts?
96. Do you think there is life on other planets?
97. Have you ever given money to a street performer?
yes! everytime i see someone i give them whatever i happen to have in my purse!
98. Your deepest fear?
being alone
99. Pancakes or waffles?
waffles! mommy makes the yummiest waffles and she covers them in strawberry sauce and chocolate chips for me!! if i was a good girl the night before, i even get whipped cream!!
100. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
yes i’m still friends with tons of my high school friends!
101. From 1-10, how good of a dancer do you consider yourself?
102. How much of a patient person are you?
103. Do you know your IQ?
104. Do you eat meat at all?
if i could be a vegetarian i would but i like baked chicken and tacos too much :(
105. Do you own any clothes from a garage sale or a thrift store?
yes ! i own tons of clothes from both!
106. Have you ever bought anything from a flea market?
yes mommy and i love visiting flea markets! It’s where we found a lot of our lazy day outfits!
107. Have you ever quit a job?
108. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
yes :(
109. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over and over again and enjoy just as much each time?
110. Do you or have you ever worn glasses?
yes i have to wear them sometimes :(
111. Have you ever skinny dipped?
once or twice with mommy!
112. Are your birth parents still together?
yes! :)
113. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show?
114. Favorite type of cookie?
115. Have you ever been broken up with?
uh yeah. i guess..
116. How often do you smile when getting your picture taken?
i smile in them pretty often actually!
117. Have you ever accidentally dialed 911?
yes :(
118. Oldest memory?
baking cookies with eomma for my appa back in taiwan!
119. Have you ever been the victim of a nasty prank?
i’d rather not talk about it.
120. How often do you snort when you laugh?
121. From 1-10, how good of a singer do you consider yourself?
-4 but guess who sings anyways!
122. Favorite Disney song?
scales and arpeggios and i see the light!
123. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
i really want to be a professional photographer..
124. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
125. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
126. Name one thing you wish people would stop posting on social media.
weird challenges :/
127. Last musical artist you saw live?
red velvet! mommy took me!!
128. Credit cards or cash?
129. Favorite fandom?
uh ...
130. What is your astrological sign?
I dunno!
131. Have you ever been fired from a job?
132. Any hidden talents?
I can actually dance really well!
133. Can you surf?
134. What motivates you to do well in life?
making my mommy proud of me.
135. Your worst physical feature?
my mouth i think :( it’s really red and annoying sigh
136. From 1-10, how much are you like your father?
137. How lucky do you consider yourself?
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasantly surprised.
the day i met my mommy.
139. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty?
140. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
my boots! they’re black but they have a cute lil fabric bit of flowers sewn to the inside!!
141. Favorite summer activity?
142. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
uhm…. likey!
143. Have you ever lived with a roommate you did not get along with?
144. Have you ever lived on a farm?
no haha
145. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal?
yes! I write in it every day!
146. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
147. How often do you get mad at yourself?
Lots :(
148. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
yes on my belly when i was thirteen!! there’s a lil white line :((
149. Have you ever been hunting?
no! that’s nasty!
150. Favorite YouTube channel?
I don’t watch much youtube.
151. Have you ever had a pet besides a dog or a cat?
i had a bunny! i named him carrot :(
152. From 1-10, how well do you work with others?
153. Are you friends with any of your exes?
all of them!
154. Apple or PC?
155. Do you collect anything?
i collect funky little jewelry pieces!
156. Have you ever seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
no :( i’d like to though!
157. Any missed opportunities you wish you had taken?
158. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
159. Do you have a pool at your house?
Yes! It’s on the ground though. and it’s not mine haha
160. What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
twenty - seven hours!
161. Last thing that made you laugh?
i saw a video of a cat using a human toilet!!
162. Disney or Nickelodeon?
163. Name one celebrity you wish was still alive.
164. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother?
165. Your best physical feature?
my eyes! and mommy says i have cute thighs!
166. Earbud or earmuff headphones?
earmuff headphones!!
167. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
168. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ear lobes?
yes i got my nipples done a month or so ago!
169. How often do you wash your hair?
every two days but i shower every day!
170. Showers or baths?
baths !
171. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
yes, for sohee!
172. Bottled or tap water?
bottled !
173. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?
I dont remember :(
174. Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to discuss?
does.. Does chocolate count
175. Favorite video game?
animal crossing!!!
176. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight?
yes each year from my mommy.
177. How many of the United States have you visited?
I havent! but i’d really love to visit Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Canada!
178. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
179. Have you ever gotten a surgery?
180. Your least favorite food?
fish :(
181. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
182. Do you like wearing hats?
no not really
183. How much of a jealous person are you?
:/ i get jealous so easily..
184. What was your SAT score?
185. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show?
i vote for p101 all the time but it’s not really reality i don’t think
186. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military?
187. Snowboarding or skiing?
190. Have you ever dyed your hair?
191. From 1-10, how good of a cook do you consider yourself?
192. You have just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit
my work blog!
193. How many things can you do with your weaker hand?
i can legibly write my name!
194. Were you involved in any academic clubs in high school?
195. Have you ever played hooky from school?
196. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies?
197. Do you root for any sports teams?
no :/
198. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
cuddle my mommy
199. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would you choose?
panther! grr!
200. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know.
I’m actually really, really scared of people rejecting me.
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Is the True Identity of Voldemort's Pet Snake Hidden in the New Fantastic Beasts Trailer?
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Is the True Identity of Voldemort's Pet Snake Hidden in the New Fantastic Beasts Trailer?
Warner Bros.
Warner Bros.
In the Harry Potter series, many of Voldemort’s horcruxes were give rich backstories, like Tom Riddle’s diary, Marvolo Gaunt’s ring, and of course, Harry himself. But the most personal horcrux containing a fragment of Voldemort’s soul is also the biggest mystery. Voldemort carries Nagini the snake with him wherever he goes, but we still don’t know how the two met or where Nagini came from. Fans may not have to wait much longer to find out: One fan theory laid out by Vanity Fair suggests that Nagini is actually a cursed witch, and her true identity will be revealed in the next Fantastic Beasts movie.
On March 13, the trailer dropped for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, the second installment in the Harry Potter prequel series written by J.K. Rowling. The clips include lots of goodies for fans—including a first look at Jude Law as young Dumbledore—but one potential bombshell requires closer examination.
Pay attention at the 1:07 mark in the video below and you’ll see Claudia Kim, the actress playing a new, unnamed character in the film. While we don’t know much about her yet, Pottermore tells us that she is a Maledictus or “someone who suffers from a ‘blood curse’ that turns them into a beast.” This revelation led some fans to suspect the beast she transforms into is Nagini, the snake destined to be Voldemort’s companion.
That isn’t the only clue backing up the theory. The second piece of evidence comes in the trailer at the 1:17 mark: There, you can see an advertisement for a “wizarding circus,” featuring a poster of a woman resembling Kim constricted a by massive snake.
If Kim’s character does turn out to be Nagini, the theory still doesn’t explain how she eventually joins forces with Voldemort and becomes his horcrux. Fans will have to wait until the film’s release on November 16, 2018 for answers. Fortunately, there are plenty of other Harry Potter fan theories to study up on in the meantime.
[h/t Vanity Fair]
Disney Enterprises, Inc.
9 Things You Might Not Know About National Treasure
Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Released in 2004 to mixed critical reviews but a positive audience response, director Jon Turteltaub’s National Treasure has grown into a perfect rainy-day film. Stumble upon it on a streaming service or a cable channel and the fable about historian-slash-codebreaker Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage) excavating the truth about a reputed treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence will suck you in. Check out some facts about the movie’s development, its approach to historical accuracy, and why we haven’t seen a third film.
Originally planned for a summer 2000 release, National Treasure—based on a concept by Disney marketing head Oren Aviv and DreamWorks television executive Charles Segars—had a Byzantine plot that kept it in a prolonged pre-production period. Nine writers were hired between 1999 and 2003 in an attempt to streamline the story, which sees code-breaker Benjamin Franklin Gates (Cage) pursuing the stash of riches squirreled away by Benjamin Franklin and his Freemason cohorts. Filming finally began in summer 2003 when Marianne and Cormac Wibberley got the script finalized. Turteltaub, who spent three years in development before finally starting production, told Variety that “getting Cage was worth [the wait].”
Fact and fiction blur considerably in National Treasure, which uses history as a jumping-off point for some major jumps in logic. While it’s not likely the Declaration of Independence has a secret treasure map written on it, Franklin and other Founding Fathers were actually Freemasons. Of the 55 men who signed the document, nine or more belonged to the society.
It can be tricky to secure permission to film on government property, which is why producers of National Treasure probably considered themselves fortunate when they discovered that Walter Knott of Knott’s Berry Farm fame had built a perfect replica of Independence Hall on his land in Buena Park, California back in the 1960s. The production used it for a scene requiring Cage to run on the Hall’s roof, a stunt that was not likely to have been approved by caretakers of the real thing.
One of Cage’s cryptic clues in the film is reading a time of 2:22 on the clock depicted on the image of Independence Hall on the $100 bill. Bills in circulation at that time really did have an illustration that pointed to that exact hour and minute, although it was changed to 10:30 for the 2009 redesign. There’s no given reason for why those times were picked by the Treasury Department, leaving conspiracy theorists plenty to chew on.
Speaking with The Washington Post in 2012, guards and escorts for the National Archives reported that the National Treasure films have led visitors to ask questions that could only have been motivated by seeing the series. One common query: whether or not there really is a secret map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. “I call it ‘that’ movie,” guard Robert Pringle told the paper. “We get a lot of questions about the filming.”
Both Cage and director Jon Turteltaub attended Beverly Hills High School in the late 1970s and shared a drama class together. While promoting a later film collaboration, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Cage revealed that Turteltaub had actually beat him out for the lead in a stage production of Our Town. Cage was relegated to two lines of dialogue in a bit part.
On a press tour for the film, Cage told reporters that he and co-star Diane Kruger bonded by going out at night and singing karaoke. “We’d go and karaoke from time to time and sort of blow it out and be completely ridiculous, which helped, I think,” he said. “I think it was some Rage Against the Machine, AC/DC and some Sex Pistols.”
Popular films often have the residual effect of drawing interest to the real-life locations or subject matter incorporated into their plots. Mackinac Island, site of the 1982 romance Somewhere in Time, has become a perennial tourist spot. The same influence was true of National Treasure and its 2007 sequel, both of which apparently contributed to an uptick in attendance at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
It’s been over a decade since National Treasure: Book of Secrets hit theaters, but Cage is still optimistic fans of the series could see another installment. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly in 2016, the actor said a third film was in development, with the convoluted writing process slowing things down.
“I do know that those scripts are very difficult to write, because there has to be some credibility in terms of the facts and fact-checking, because it was relying on historical events,” Cage said. “And then you have to make it entertaining. I know that it’s been a challenge to get the script where it needs to be. That’s as much as I’ve heard. But they’re still working on it.”
Matthew Simmons/Getty Images
How Accurate are Hollywood Medical Dramas? A Doctor Breaks It Down
Matthew Simmons/Getty Images
Medical dramas like Grey’s Anatomy get a lot of things wrong when it comes to the procedures shown on the screen, but unless you’re a doctor, you’d probably never notice.
For its latest installment, WIRED‘s Technique Critique video series—which previously blessed us with a dialect coach’s critique of actors’ onscreen accents—tackled the accuracy of medical scenes in movies and TV, bringing in Annie Onishi, a general surgery resident at Columbia University, to comment on emergency room and operating scenes from Pulp Fiction, House, Scrubs, and more.
While Onishi breaks down just how inaccurate these shows and movies can be, she makes it clear that Hollywood doesn’t always get it wrong. Some shows, including Showtime’s historical drama The Knick, garner praise from Onishi for being true-to-life with their medical jargon and operations. And when doctors discuss what music to play during surgery on Scrubs? That’s “a tale as old as time in the O.R.,” according to Onishi.
Other tropes are very obviously ridiculous, like slapping a patient during CPR and telling them to fight, which we see in a scene from The Abyss. “Rule number one of CPR is: never stop effective chest compressions in order to slap or yell words of encouragement at the patient,” Onishi says. “Yelling at a patient or cheering them on has never brought them back to life.” And obviously, taking selfies in the operating room in the middle of a grisly operation like the doctors on Grey’s Anatomy do would get you fired in real life.
There are plenty of cliché words and phrases we hear over and over on doctor shows, and some are more accurate than others. Asking about a patient’s vitals is authentic, according to Onishi, who says it’s something doctors are always concerned with. However, yelling “We’re losing him!” is simply for added TV drama. “I have never once heard that in my real life,” Onishi says.
[h/t WIRED]
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