#if you close your eyes he sounds like fucking Sidney Crosby
kennyomegasweave · 2 months
This is MY favorite emo Pennsylvanian that sounds like a hockey player with that Pennsylvanian accent. I CANNOT handle it at the present.
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sc0tters · 9 months
Decisions, Decisions | Sidney Crosby
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summary: you begin to prepare for the birth of your baby and the chaos that ensues when Sidney learns about his child.
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, legal age gap (reader is 23!)
word count: 3.32k
authors note: Luna told me to carry this story on so I did. I decided to make it into a three part series as I don’t know how to end this off (so let me know what you want to see) but I didn’t want this part to get too long. Regular italics are flashbacks and these bold indented lines are how many weeks pregnant the reader is.
previous part | final part
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It had been three weeks since you learnt you were pregnant.
10 weeks
You felt sick most mornings but he never noticed.
Sidney played oblivious to the fact that he had slept with you acting like that night had never happened.
Your belly has started to grow but it still wasn’t noticeable “you know peanut the size of a prune?” Connor laughed as he had been reading up about his future niece or nephew “I’d like peanut to let me keep my breakfast down.” You pointed out looking at your brother on the FaceTime call.
Connor had to admit that his heart broke for you going through his alone “he should know.” The hockey player pointed out hinting to the father of your baby.
It made you roll your eyes “until he talks to me I’m not telling him anything.” You mumbled fiddling with the end of your shirt.
The minute you learnt about the pregnancy you called Connor “hey I can’t really-“ he cut himself off the second he heard the sound of you crying “you okay?” Connor asked quickly growing alarmed.
You could barely breathe “I’m pregnant Con,” you announced feeling yourself growing sick at the realisation of what was happening.
Thankfully your brother was there to calm you down “he doesn’t know,” you added hyperventilating as your eyes went wide “who are you talking about?” Connor sat on his bed as he didn’t think you were with anyone at that moment.
“Sidney fucking Crosby.”
20 weeks
You were able to keep Sidney unaware of your baby as you had opted for wearing large sweaters which nobody cared about as it was December.
Sidney had stopped arguing with you as much as he picked up that something was off when you lost the energy to fight him “do you want to know the gender?” Your OB asked as she was staring at the ultrasound screen.
The older woman had a soft spot for you after you let it slip that the baby daddy didn’t know about his child “yes-no-maybe?” You shrugged watching the screen as you didn’t know what you wanted “yes, yes I do.” You finally settling on an answer.
She laughed taking the pictures for you “you are the proud mother to a baby girl,” she announced as you thought you’d be happy to hear that, you dreamed of having a daughter since you were young.
But now that it was a reality you couldn’t help but grow nervous thinking about her not knowing her father.
Surely this was going to be the push that you needed to tell Sidney the truth.
25 weeks
The day had finally arrived, not for you to give birth, but for the rematch against the Blackhawks. This time in Chicago.
You begged Connor to keep his mouth shut but as you watched him cross check Sidney, you knew your request had fallen on deaf ears.
Connor practically had smoke coming out of his ears he was so angry “should have kept your dick in your fucking pants.” He spat as he shoved his finger into the older man’s chest.
Sidney wanted to laugh as the rookie took him on “your sister tell you about everyone she sleeps with?” Sure Sidney knew that you were close to your brother but surely this crossed a line.
The Blackhawks player sucked at his teeth “she tells me about the ones who don’t step up.” Connor pointed out as he hit the older players shoulder before he skated off “what the hell is he talking about?” Sidney muttered to himself as he locked eyes with you on the bench.
He was definitely going to talk to you about it now.
From the moment the game ended you were trying to avoid Sidney, that worked until you got back to the hotel “y/n wait!” The Canadian called out as he saw you walking to your room.
Your legs tried to move faster as you tried to hold onto your notebooks that were in your hand “hey!” Sidney grumbled as he grabbed your hand spinning you around in the process.
The books slipped from your hand landing on the ground with your favourite ultrasound picture sliding right in front of Sidney’s feet.
You felt your heart drop as the boy leaned down to pick it up “is it mine?” His voice was soft as he looked up to see that the colour had drained from your face.
Sidney would have been panicking but this was like the final piece of the puzzle of the words that Connor had put into his head “Sid-” you sighed looking down at the ground “is this child fucking mine y/n!” The hockey player raised his voice causing you to step back with tears welling in your eyes.
Part of you felt like you needed to sit down “if you’re asking if it’s from that night then yes.” You mumbled as you nodded letting your hand slip under your sweater as you felt a kick.
Peanut had been enjoying her active moments during her fathers hockey games “and you didn’t think it was important to tell me?” Sidney let out a dry laugh as he ran his fingers down his jaw.
It was surprising that nobody was seen in the hall as you two had this conversation “you didn’t exactly make it sound like wanted to know about it.” You pointed out as you tucked your hair behind your ears.
The morning after you woke up to an empty bed, actually an empty apartment.
Sidney had slipped out whilst you were fast asleep “sorry y/n,” he mumbled pressing a kiss to your forehead.
There were no two ways about it, Sidney felt disgusting thinking about what he had done. You were this young beautiful girl who had her whole life ahead of her but here he was trying to screw it up. He thought you were beautiful, the kind of girl his parents would want him to bring home. Most of all he loved how you spoke to him, no girl that he’d ever met had that sent him back the shit that he gave you.
Four months ago when his mom came to town and finally got the chance to meet you it took her four minutes to realise that her son was in love with you.
And that was the reason he left. Sidney told himself he that he was doing the best thing for you, because deep down inside if he continued to tell himself that the life of a bachelor was for him then maybe he’d forget about you.
But that wasn’t what went through your mind as you were left hurt with no sign of life from the older boy.
Your pride got in the way and stopped you from ever asking him why he left you that night.
Sidney’s eyes pierced your soul as he contemplated telling you why he left “I had a right to know about this child,” he pointed out crossing his arms.
You scoffed as you rolled your eyes ���just like I had a right to know where you were in the morning?” Your words hit him like a slap in his face.
When he remained silent you nodded pushing past him “look I don’t expect you to understand this or be on board.” You announced trying to be mature about the fact that you were growing his child in your belly “but I’ve survived this far and your daughter doesn’t need you if you’re going to not really give a shit about you.” You added tapping his shoulder as you watched him stare at the ultrasound picture in his hand.
With that you decided to leave him as you walked to away “daughter?” Sidney furrowed his eyebrows letting his thumb rub over the image of the baby “you’re gonna be a girl dad.” You nodded leaving him alone in the hall.
Tears formed in his eyes as he realised what his actions had meant for him.
Sidney was going to have to change things quickly.
26 weeks
Sidney sat in the cafe as he patiently waited for you to arrive “hey y/n,” he was clearly nervous as he saw you walk in.
You were wearing your new favourite sweater that had PITTSBURGH printed out in big bold yellow letters on the grey material “hi,” you mumbled awkwardly standing there as he clearly going for a hug “what did you want to talk about?” You asked sitting down in your seat.
He took in how gorgeous you looked even with no makeup on and your day five hair in a messy bun “look I want to be apart of our child’s life.” Sidney confessed softly not wanting possible fans from around him to hear what he had to say.
Your eyes went down to the menu “c’mon y/n I deserve a chance.” The hockey player reached out to place his hand on yours “how do I know you’re not going to leave one day when shit gets too hard?” You placed your hands on your lap still clearly hurt about what he had done all those months ago.
It had made you feel stupid offering your body up to someone in the way you had done for him only to then watch him leave before the sun came up “all I’m asking for is a second chance.” Sidney pleaded as he let his hands wrap around his coffee cup.
Connor’s voice was in your head reminding you of the fact that you were scared to do this alone “one chance, you fuck it up and you’re out Crosby.” Your warning reminded him that you were mad at him and that despite there being a child inside of you it wasn’t going to make everything okay.
“I won’t let you down Bedard.”
“I’m not the one you should be promising that to.”
28 weeks
Now almost everyone knew about your baby after one of the rookies saw you in nothing more than a vest and leggings when he walked into your office unannounced and let it slip to the rest of the team. The comments and questions were quickly shut down when Sidney threatened them all with extra laps, which of course you greatly appreciated.
But that didn’t matter as you were sat in the doctors office alone staring at the forms that you had to fill in “sorry I’m late,” Sidney’s loud entrance caused all of the expecting fathers in the waiting room jaws to drop.
He sat in the seat next to you as he placed his hand on your knee “I started thinking that you weren’t going to come.” You confessed drawing a smile from his lips “you lack faith in me y/n,” you wanted to hit him but you couldn’t when your doctor stuck her head out of her office “nice to see that the dad is joining us.” She sent you a wink as you walked into her office.
Sidney felt like a nervous wreck as he watched you pull your sweater over your belly “you’ve seen a whole lot more of me before Sid.” You pointed out sending him a smile which quickly left your face as the cold gel hit your stomach “felt that before y/n,” Sidney matched your teasing tone as you stuck your tongue out at him.
Your OB laughed as she watched the interaction between you two “want to see how peanut is doing?” She asked pulling your attention away from the boy in front of you.
The hockey player raised his eyebrows “peanut?” He cocked his head “hey you weren’t ever when I voted-” you were cut off when your baby popped up onto the screen.
“Peanut is perfect.”
30 weeks
Sidney had spent the last two weeks learning all about your child as he watched you begin nesting “should we get both?” Sidney asked holding up two different car seats.
A laugh left your lips as you shook your head “she does not need two car seats or two strollers.” You crossed your arms feeling like his wealth was truly showing.
The boy placed the box back on the stand “peanut deserves whatever she wants,” he pointed out as he made you laugh again “our daughter is gonna wrap you around her finger so tight it’s gonna hurt.” You smiled as you placed your hand on his shoulder looking at the one stroller you preferred more “peanut should get this one.” You added pointing at it.
He nodded picking the box up as he followed you to the next section “her and her mom already do,” Sidney mumbled to himself as he referred to your earlier comment.
You spun around furrowing your eyebrows “you say something?” You asked causing his eyes to go wide “nope.” Sidney was quick to shake his head desperately hoping that you didn’t hear what he said.
31 weeks
The last six weeks were spent for Sidney trying to win you back “I’m just asking for one meal!” Sidney complained as he had been trying to persuade you to go to dinner with him for the last fifteen minutes “look Sid the last thing I want is to wear some uncomfortable shoes and try to fit into a dress that would have fit me pre peanut.” You pointed out as you knew what the hockey player would plan.
It made the boy frown “what do you want to do then?” He asked wondering if that was how low you thought of him.
You pursed your lips together as you thought about it “pizza and a movie.” You also wanted a bubble bath but that didn’t feel like something that you should mention to Sidney especially after the last time he saw you naked you ended up with a baby in your belly.
It didn’t even take him a minute before he nodded “you got yourself a deal Bedard,” Sidney had to admit that it sounded peaceful having a movie night with you before little peanut was born.
31 weeks
Sidney walked into your apartment with a smile as he held the three boxes of pizza “didn’t know which one you wanted so I went with your favourites.” He explained as he placed the white boxes on the table “you don’t know my favourite pizza Crosby,” you pointed out knowing that it was not going to be something he’d just pick up on.
Instead the boy smirked “got Hawaiian because you’ve been craving pineapple, margarita because of your cheese craving, and pepperoni because who doesn’t like pepperoni?” Sidney looked proud of himself as he turned around to see that you were staring at him in awe “what?” He furrowed his eyebrows when you kept silent.
Surely it had to be the pregnancy hormones that made you think he was kissable in that moment “nothing,” you shook your head deciding to go for a piece of pizza instead as you hoped it would make your brain forget about the boy who stood next to you.
32 weeks
The moment Sidney’s parents learnt that they were going to be grandparents they were on the next flight into Pittsburgh “your mom already loves me Sid,” you reminded him as you watched the Canadian wipe his palms on his pants “I’m worried about what she’s gonna do to me.” Sidney mumbled feeling like he was going to throw up.
You sighed turning to let your whole body face him “look we have survived this long acting like we have it together so let’s just continue doing that?” You proposed as you wrapped your hands around his hoping that it would calm his nerves.
Sidney blinked his eyes as he thought about kissing you “right that was probably stupid of me to even suggest that.” You mumbled quickly retracting your hands as your eyes went wide.
He was quick to act as he hooked his fingers under your jaw bringing his lips to your own. At first you were shocked that he kissed you but then instead you just melted into the kiss groaning as his tongue slid across your lower lip “we’re here!” Sidney’s mother called out causing the two of you to jump away from each other.
Well that was a conversation for another day.
33 weeks
To say you were irritated was putting it lightly.
Alex had called you at almost midnight saying that Sidney was drunk at some bar flirting with a girl. The blonde had picked up on the car rides you were taking with Sidney as he took you to your doctor appointments, he knew Sidney was the father of your baby and he didn’t even have to ask “he’s back there.” The reason why he had called you was because Alex didn’t want Sidney screwing up the relationship that he had with you “Sidney!” You grumbled ready to hit him.
Your were in your leggings and some old training camp shirt that Sidney had given you “hey baby,” the boy smiled as he held his arms out so that he could hug you.
What he didn’t expect was that you’d reach out to slap him instead “I’ll let you deal with him,” the girl mumbled shaking her head as she left figuring that there were easier battles to fight than one that involved the pregnant woman.
The boy poured his lips as he cupped his cheek where you had hit him “what was that for?” He asked letting out a gasp as you pulled him through the crowd of people to the door “can you please grow up Sidney?” You begged wanting to have this conversation with a sober Sidney.
That seemed to do the trick as he nodded finally realising how sore his cheek was “you’ve got a hit on you Bedard,” he complained feeling his jaw throb.
You crossed your arms “what the hell was that Sid?” You asked as tears formed in your eyes.
Tonight you should’ve been watching reruns of the bachelor, not trying to deal with your drunken baby daddy “just wanted to have a fun night before the baby came,” Sidney confessed not seeing how stupid he sounded.
It took everything in you not to hit him for a second time that night “you don’t get to do things like that anymore,” you shook your head feeling like the biggest idiot in the world “to think that I thought you’d actually want me too.” You let out a laugh as tears formed in your eyes.
Sidney’s expressions softened “y/n,” he reached out to grab your hand but you were quick to pull away.
All of those memories preparing for peanuts arrival, the moments shopping, trying to build her crib together, seeing her little body grow in each scan, the way you’d grab Sidney’s hand and place it in your belly the second she kicked, all felt like they were getting thrown down the drain in that very moment.
So with all of the respect that you had left for yourself you tucked your hair behind your ears “I’m going to go and stay with my parents for a bit,” you had mentioned before that you wanted to go up to your families lake house before Peanut was born so that you could get some time in the sun beforehand.
Sidney nodded “thought you wanted me to come with you.” You had offered to bring him along as everyone was desperate to meet the man who your child was going to call her father.
You sniffled as you shook your head feeling a tear roll down your cheek “figure your shit out and when you do you know where to find me.” Your words weren’t nearly as harsh as they could have been when you placed a kiss on his cheek before you walked off leaving Sidney all alone on the street.
For some reason this really felt like he had fucked up this time.
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doc-pickles · 6 months
give it to me | sidney crosby
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summary: Sidney is angry after a tough loss, so who better to take that frustration out on but you?
warnings: smut (oral m receiving, p in v unprotected, mild impact play, degradation, use of the word slut)
a/n: self indulgent crosby smut for smutmas! definitely didn’t decide to post this bc of the last two games… anyways enjoy!
The front door slams and you’re startled from your place on the couch. Setting your book down you listen to the sounds of bags being carelessly tossed onto the floor, shoes hitting the back of the hall closet, little grunts of frustration. 
You’d watched the game, you knew why Sid was pissed. But in truth, you’d never seen him this upset, never heard the frustration he emitted with one word, never had him slamming his bags down in anger. 
“Sid?” you stand from the couch just as he rounds the corner into the living room. He’s ditched his shoes and suit jacket but his posture is stiff, his shoulders tense as he stands before you. “Oh baby-“ 
Your words are cut off as Sidney takes a step forward, chest pressing to yours as his dark eyes scan your face. He’s pissed. Not with you, never with you, but you know in an instant that tonight you’ll be the one bearing the burden of his anger and the thought excites you. 
“What can I do to make it better,” you ask quietly, eyes still locked with Sid’s. 
Silently you comply, your ratty sleep shirt and cotton shorts being tossed aside easily. You watch Sidney take a seat in the leather armchair in front of you as you tug your panties down, stepping out of them with his icy gaze locked on you. 
“On your knees for me, princess,” Sid’s voice is barely more than a growl as he unabashedly runs his eyes up and down your body. “C’mon show me how much of a slut you are for me.”
You kneel in front of Sid’s chair, wide eyes staring up at him. His fingers curl into your hair softly then pull. You gasp, Sidney using the opportunity to dip two fingers into your mouth. He doesn’t have to tell you what to do as you close your lips around his fingers and suck harshly. Satisfaction pulses through you as you swirl your tongue around and take his fingers deeper, his eyes going dark at the sensation. 
“Just like that,” Sid groans as you blink up at him. “Give it all to me, such a good girl on your knees for me.” 
With a tug on your hair, your chin is tilted up, Sidney’s fingers popping out of your mouth. He watches you for a moment before letting you go, hands going to his belt as he unbuckles it and unzips his pants. 
“C’mere, want to fuck your face,” Sid groans. “Want to see those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.”
Not wanting to waste any time your hands fly to Sid’s pants, pushing them down just enough to free his already dripping dick. You wrap your hands around him, preening as his head drops back in a moan. With a smirk you lean forward, bringing him into your wet and waiting mouth. His hips thrust up and you moan around him at the feeling of his dick hitting the back of your throat.  
“Aren’t you a good little slut for me,” Sid pants out, eyes never leaving you as you work him with your mouth. “You’re taking me so well, so fucking good.”
You hollow your cheeks just as Sid thrusts his hips up again, taking him deep as he keeps up a fast pace. His hands grip your hair tightly as he fucks your face, tears streaming down your cheeks, “Choking on my dick, princess? You love it don’t you, bet you’re soaking wet right now.” 
Dipping your hand down you run two fingers through your dripping pussy then hold them out to Sid. He groans as he pulls your fingers into his mouth, sucking hard on the flesh as he tasted your juices. 
A gasp leaves you as Sidney moves his hands down to your hips and hauls you off his dick, placing you on his lap. 
“Ride me, princess.”
You don’t need to be told twice. You only give him a few tugs before lining yourself up with Sid’s cock, slowly taking him all in. Moans escape both of you as you take a moment to feel Sid inside of you. 
“So big… Fuck baby you stretch me so well,” you gasp out. “Holy fuck…”
Sid’s hand comes to deliver a harsh smack to your ass, another gasp coming from you at the painful and pleasurable feeling, “Stop fucking talking and ride my dick. Show me how much of a slut you are.”
You nod but Sidney shakes his head and grabs your face, pulling you closer to him, “I need words, baby.”
“Yes, sir,” you breathe out just as he thrusts up into you. “Ohhh-“
Another slap hits your ass and you whimper, taking Sidney’s punishing thrusts in stride. You keep up with his thrusts, grinding your hips down into his as you move as one. One of his hands comes to your waist while the other pulls your hair back, exposing your neck to him. His lips find purchase there, biting harshly before he soothes the spot with his tongue. 
“Need to show everyone how much of a slut you are,” Sidney whispers against your sweat-slicked skin. “Show them who you belong to. Who do you belong to baby?”
Sid snakes his hand on your waist down to where he’s thrusting into you and slowly rubs your clit. The sensation has you near tears as he watches you on his lap. 
“Answer me,” he growls. “Who does this pussy belong to?”
“You! Fuck only you, Sidney,” you cry out as he leans forward and sucks your nipple into his mouth. “Baby… So close…”
“You don’t come till I say you can,” he says in your ear, voice low and dangerous. “Okay?”
You nod and give an affirmative sound as Sid continues to thrust into you. Your fingers are digging into his shoulders, grinding into his hips to get that last bit of friction you need to trigger your orgasm. 
“So hungry for my dick, aren’t you baby? Fuck you’re so tight, riding me so well,” Sid’s words make a lewd moan fall from your lips as your hips meet his again. “C’mon princess, give it to me. Come with me.”
“That’s it, baby, let me feel you clench around me,” he groans, pressing his face into your neck. “Milk my cock, it’s all for you princess.”
With a moan, you throw your head back as your orgasm rocks through you. Sid gives you a few more sloppy thrusts before he stills, teeth brushing against your pulse point as he holds you close to him. You both take a few minutes to catch your breath, clinging tightly to each other.
“Thank you, baby,” SId murmurs into your hair as his fingers dance along your back. “I’ll draw a bath?”
“I’ll pour the wine.”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hiii i've just spent the last 36-48 hours reading your works and oh dear do i lOVE your writing and this universe :') . i dont know if you are taking requests but i think it would be kinda interesting (and low key hilarious) if you would write the lions reacting/reading thirst tweets? idk if this is a dumb idea or not but just like some of them reacting to them and going "well i'm actually gay/married so.. no!.. but thank you!"
Part two of the six-month celebration, everyone! Thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone who submitted comments--I had over 60 come in, and while I couldn’t include them all, reading them was a true joy. The Lion Pride channel was something I started writing on a whim; I never expected it to grow like this <3 Much love to all of you!
TW for alcohol mentions and thirst tweets (nothing explicit)
“Why do I always fear for my life around you?” Sirius asked as Marlene settled into a cushy chair to the side of their table.
She smiled, catlike, and crossed her legs primly. “Because only Finn appreciates me.”
“That’s just the Aries connection, Cap,” Finn said with a smug grin.
“We’re both Leos, Harzy.”
“Eh, close enough.”
Remus raised an eyebrow at her. “You should probably start asking questions before this devolves further, Marley. He’s gonna keep digging himself a hole and we won’t get anything done.”
Marlene’s smile returned with a vengeance. “That’s where you’re wrong, Loops! We’re not doing any questions at all today.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Read it and weep.” She tossed a small posterboard at him like a frisbee; he caught it, barely, though both Talker and Sirius had to duck out of the way. Marlene faced the camera and winked. “Welcome back to Lion Pride, everyone! Today I’m here with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Thomas Walker, and our wonderful cubs to react to your comments on our videos!”
“Bet you thought we’d never see ‘em, huh?” James asked.
“The comments fall into four categories: thirsty, funny, mean, and sweet. I will be reading two of those groups, and my lovely fiancée will be reading the others because she is the human embodiment of sunshine.”
“If you make Dorcas read the mean ones, I’ll be sad,” Leo laughed.
Marlene gave him a look of disbelief. “You think I’m passing up a chance to roast you guys? Puh-lease. We’re starting off strong with some thirsty, thirsty comments! Loops, you’re up first.”
“This is going to be fun,” Sirius said, leaning back in his chair.
She cleared her throat, then turned a smoldering look on their table. “I didn’t know I had a freckle kink, but then Remus Lupin appeared and now here we are.”
“Oh, shit,” Remus muttered, covering his face with his hands as the others howled with laughter.
“Lupin has been looking sexy as hell on the bench for years now. I'm so glad people are simping over him like he deserves,” Marlene read. “And there’s a little heart emoji, just for you.”
“This is every one of my nightmares come to life,” Remus said, though his voice was muffled by his forearms.
James lifted his glasses to swipe away the tears of mirth that had gathered in his eyes. “Are you kidding? This is everything I have ever wanted.”
“Y’know, it is so good to see people drooling over this hot piece of ass at last,” Finn sighed, reaching over to ruffle Remus’ hair as his face turned bright red.
“One more, and it’s a good one,” Marlene warned. She licked her lips, then had to take a moment to laugh before speaking. “I feel like Remus Lupin is the type of guy to bake you muffins—”
“Accurate,” Leo said.
“—but is also a kinky motherfucker.”
Remus’ mouth dropped open as the table erupted into cheering. Logan pumped both fists in the air and Sirius was laughing so hard no sound came out; Talker sank so low in his chair that only his head and shoulders were visible as he applauded.
“Why do people comment these things?” Remus asked, barely above a whisper. “Holy fuck, I’m engaged!”
“Speaking of…” Marlene raised her eyebrows and Sirius smile drooped.
“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes. Buckle up, Cap!” She rolled her shoulders out. “Get someone who looks at you the way Sirius Black looks at a hockey puck.”
Remus snorted; James’ laugh was so short and sharp that it set everyone else off as well. “That sounds like I have a hockey puck fetish!” Sirius complained. “Which is so, so not true!”
Finn made an ‘ehh’ noise, and he leaned around Remus to smack the back of his head. “Hey!”
“Next one!” Marlene announced. “Sirius Black was my bi awakening.”
A beat of silence passed. “Is that it?” Sirius ventured, looking nervous.
“Aw, man, that one’s lame,” Talker said, shaking his head. “Everyone thinks Cap is a little hot.”
Remus shot him a look. “A little?”
“Fair. Marley, I dare you to find one person who wouldn’t tap that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Me, though that dovetails nicely into the last one for our lovely captain. Ahem. I understand why Remus is with Sirius: he's hot as hell and rich, I'd hit that too.”
“Oh, fuck, you’re right,” Leo gasped. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Finn and Logan turned to him in unison with a mix of disbelief and offense written all over their faces. “Dude.”
“First of all, Leo, you found yourself two hot rich boys,” Remus interrupted. “Second, that comment is forgetting that he’s funny, and smart, and nice, and—”
Seconds after the initial cover, Sirius took his hand off Remus’ mouth as if he’d been burned. “Did you just lick me?”
“Moving on! This is in all caps, so be prepared.” Marlene shuffled through her posterboards and turned to Leo with an ominous smile. He glanced toward the camera in mild fear. “What does a person have to do to get some hockey player ass?! Like why is Leo Knut so fine?!”
“Amen!” Logan called as Leo blushed.
“According to six of the seven people at this table, the answer to that first question is to be a hockey player,” Talker laughed. “The world may never know the answer to the second, sadly.”
“Lily could play hockey,” James said, resting his chin on his hand. Every single one of the others rolled their eyes. “She could! She’d be so good at it, too.”
“We know,” Finn groaned. “You only mention it every other day.”
“Speaking of the lovely Mrs. Potter,” Marlene began with a sly look as she held up a new card. “Do James and Lily Potter need a third? Asking for me specifically.”
James paused, dumbstruck, while the others drummed their hands on the table. “…no?”
A general sigh of disappointment went up. “I was really hoping he’d say yes,” Leo said.
“Ask Lily next time,” Remus recommended.
James turned to him and blinked slowly. “What are you insinuating, Loops?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“Don’t worry, James, you’ll like this one,” Marlene assured him. “James Potter is the ultimate dilf.”
“You’re damn right I am!” James whooped. “Vindication, bitches!”
“Marley, what have you done?” Talker whispered. “He’ll never shut up about that, now.”
“Oh, never,” James all but cackled. “I’m officially a dilf, you guys!”
“I hate you,” Sirius groaned.
“Tremzy, are you ready? We’ve got a couple very special ones for you,” Marlene said.
“Anything to get us out of this hell,” Logan begged.
“In that case: Logan Tremblay’s ass is better than Sidney Crosby’s. I said what I said.”
A pleased flush rose to his cheeks as Finn and Leo high-fived over his head. “Really? Thank you!”
“And they would be correct!” Finn announced. “Best ass in the league.”
“Come on,” Remus scoffed, though he was smiling.
Marlene cleared her throat to get their attention. “I don’t think I can legally read this on air without being censored or getting the video taken down, but…”
She turned the board around; all seven of them leaned forward to read it, then slowly looked at Logan, who turned vivid red. “Mon dieu. Is that—someone commented that on a video? Like, for people to see?”
“I feel like I need to bleach my eyes,” Sirius said just as Finn began shaking with silent laughter.
Leo’s face fell. “You wrote that, didn’t you?”
“I did,” Finn wheezed, scooting forward to fist-bump Marlene. “We wanted to see what you guys would say. Fuckin’ hell, your faces.”
“Alright, Talkie, are you ready?” Marlene asked around her laughter. “Seeing Thomas Walker with a baby makes me want to have his babies…please hit me up.”
He held up his index finger and took a second to laugh before responding. “If that’s Noelle, yes. If that’s anyone else, I’m flattered, but absolutely not.”
Logan made a face. “Ew.”
“We have two more,” Marlene warned. “For some very special people that aren’t here today, but I think you’ll like them anyway.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “I don’t trust the look on your face.”
“Daddy Dumo makes me swoon.”
A muddle of horrified noises echoed through the studio as all seven of them cringed. “Oh, my god, that’s my dad!” Logan yelped, covering his ears. Sirius looked vaguely ill and Remus’ shoulders crept toward his ears; James shuddered.
“The worst part is, we all know he can get it,” Finn said with a grimace. “God, I feel like I just heard someone talking about my parents having sex.”
“I’m sure he’ll love to hear that,” Marlene laughed. “Last one, from one of our truth or drinks.”
Remus went pale half a second too late. “N—”
“Hope Lupin is a milf.”
A broken noise escaped his mouth and he clamped his hand over it while Talker rubbed his back in sympathy. Sirius shook his head. “Somehow, that’s worse than Dumo’s.”
“Whoever sent that in, show some respect!” Leo said indignantly as Remus bonked his forehead against the table. “Hope Lupin is a lovely woman!”
“I think they noticed that particular fact,” Marlene pointed out, earning herself several scandalized shouts of her name and a whine from Remus. “That’s all we have for thirst comments! Are you ready for some funny ones?”
“Anything,” Remus pleaded. “I am begging you, anything else.”
Marlene shook her head as she stood, still smiling, and kissed Dorcas on the cheek when she entered the frame. “Go for it, love.”
“Dorcas!” they all cheered, lighting up immediately.
“Hey, guys, it’s been a while!” She curled up in Marlene’s vacant spot and took her own posterboards out from underneath the seat. “Alright, let’s rock and roll. Pascal Dumais is the team dad and nothing will change my mind, and Tremzy is the annoying youngest child.”
“That is so accurate,” Sirius laughed, leaning just out of range of Logan’s playful punch. “Whoever commented that has no idea how right they are.”
“We’ve got a whole sibling dynamic thing going on,” Talker agreed. “Tremzy’s the baby of the family, Cap is the quietly chaotic middle child, and Pots is the older brother that starts shit and inevitably gets blamed for however out-of-control it gets.”
Dorcas nodded. “You are one hundred percent correct. In a similar vein: Pots was the dad jokes friend before he was even a dad.”
“Painfully so,” Leo confirmed, shaking his head as they all groaned in agreement. James looked rather smug about the whole thing. “So many puns.”
“Oh, you’ll like this one,” Dorcas mused as she drew a new card. “If Tremzy looked directly into my eyes for even two seconds, all of my problems would be solved. I am sure of it.”
“Yes,” Finn and Leo said in unison.
“It’s something about the eyes, I think,” James added. “They just stand out so much that it’s a little startling straight-on.”
Logan looked to the camera and stared at it, unblinking; it zoomed in slightly on his face. “Everything will be fine,” he said with mock solemnity. “Your problems are solved.”
“Well, that was terrifying,” Sirius said drily. “Got any more for us, Ms. Meadowes?”
“Of course I do! We’ve got quite a few for Loops and Leo.” She took a sip of her water before getting comfortable again. “My favorite thing about these videos is that we can all see Loops get steadily buffer as the season goes on. Good for you, king!”
“Flex! Flex! Flex!” the six of them chanted; Remus rolled his eyes, but slid his sweater sleeve to his elbow and flexed his forearm, resulting in enough hoots and hollers that they could probably be heard a block away. Talker fake-swooned into Leo’s arms and Remus lightly whacked him on the shoulder.
“Remus Lupin looks like he has squishable cheeks,” Dorcas read aloud.
“He does!” James cooed, scooting over and reaching out.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “I swear to god I’ll bite you.”
Sirius cupped his face between his palms and kissed his nose, then pinched both his cheeks gently. “Ta-da!”
“How many of these do we have?” Remus asked, though his voice was a bit muffled by Sirius’ hands.
“Just one more for you, and it’s my personal favorite.” Dorcas assured him. “I love how the team probably had no impulse control until Loops joined.”
Sirius let go of his face and dissolved into laughter as Finn nearly fell on the floor. “Oh my—you think he has impulse control?” Talker slapped the edge of the table as he shook his head. “Absolutely not. Hell no, Loops is the first person to do stupid shit with us.”
“Yeah, I just don’t get caught,” Remus added around his own laughter. “Everyone thinks I’m such a hardass goody-two-shoes and it lets me get away with so much more than you delinquents.”
“Speaking of delinquents,” Dorcas continued. “This one is from our ‘Taste Testing Sexy Alcohol’ video: ah, yes, now I know how to do a body shot. 10/10, very educational video.”
“Do not take educational advice from us,” Finn blurted instantly. “I know this is a joke, but please exercise caution. That video was a ton of fun but a nightmare to recover from.”
Sirius winced at the memory. “I took two naps and then wished for death for a full day.”
“On a lighter note, who’s ready for some Knutty appreciation?” Dorcas smiled at her cards. “I've only had Leo Knut for a season and half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
“Big mood,” four of them said simultaneously.
Leo turned to the camera with a concerned look on his face. “That’s a meme reference, but are y’all okay?”
“No,” Dorcas answered. “Especially not this next person: Sometimes I do something productive and then I remember @LeoKnut is a 19 year old professional athlete who radiates happiness and with two of the hottest boyfriends the good lord has made, and then my bowl of packaged ramen seems less impressive.”
“I’m proud of your ramen,” Leo said, even as the corners of his mouth twitched in a smile. “And I appreciate the note about my boyfriends, because they are definitely the hottest people the good lord has made.”
Talker stuck his lip out in a pout. “Rude.”
“Sorry, Talkie, I’m biased.”
“Last one before Marlene comes back, so you’d better enjoy it!” Dorcas announced. “Did the Lions effectively utilize girl power when they wrecked toxic masculinity, yes or yes?”
“Can we utilize girl power?” Remus wondered, resting his shin on his hand. “Isn’t that exclusively for, y’know, women?”
“We can utilize himbo power,” Finn suggested.
James gave him an offended look. “Not all of us are himbos!”
“Okay, but you definitely are.”
“I am not!” James held up his fingers to count. “There are only, like, three qualifications, right? I might be strong, hot, and respectful, but I’m not dumb so it doesn’t count!”
“Pots,” Remus said quietly, hiding his smile for half a second. “Buddy, that was four things.”
James paused, then sighed in resignation. “Ah, fuck, I’m a himbo.”
“You really are.”
“At least we don’t promote toxic masculinity.”
They raised their waterbottles in a ‘cheers’ motion as Marlene and Dorcas switched spots; Marlene stretched her arms over her head and grabbed the new boards. “I’m back, beloved himbos. Talker, Leo, you are beloved by the people and have no mean comments. Cap, we’re starting with you.”
“Are they actually mean mean?” he asked.
“Sirius Black seems like a little bitch. Not in a bad way, necessarily. He just. Seems like he'd be a little bitch."
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Oh, okay. That answers one question.”
“He’s not a little bitch,” Leo said. “Pouty on occasion, but not a little bitch.”
Remus gave him a long look, then shook his head. “Yeah, I mean, you teared up a little when Hattie got a splinter in her paw but didn’t even yell when you almost sliced your finger off while making dinner.”
“Duality of man,” Finn said sagely.
Marlene cocked an eyebrow. “Finn O’Hara’s hair kind of reminds me of Garfield the Cat.”
“Alright, that’s just rude.”
“It does not!” Logan gasped at the same time Leo made a noise of agreement.
Finn turned to him in utter betrayal. “Nutter Butter, I thought you liked my hair!”
“I do!” Leo defended. “But they’re not entirely wrong. It’s very orange in the sun.”
“I’m never going to forget that,” Finn muttered, staring at the floor.
“Ugh, it bothers me so much that Lupin just objectifies Black all the time!” Marlene read in a high-pitched, nasal voice. “No respect in that relationship!”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Pardon?”
Marlene stared at it for a moment, then shrugged. “Yeah, I have no idea what videos they were watching. Do you feel objectified in your relationship, Cap? I know the opinion of total strangers really bothers you a lot.”
“I’m really glad you picked up on that,” he said with false gravity. “Yeah, it’s such a bummer when my hot fiancé says I look nice. Such a blow to my self-esteem.”
“That was supposed to be a roast against me,” Remus said, looking amused. “Talk about backfiring.”
“Are you ready, Pots? This one’s pretty brutal,” Marlene warned. James nodded and Finn linked their hands for moral support. “James Potter is a swiftie and you cannot tell me otherwise.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “…yeah? That’s true? T Swift is a regular occurrence on the locker room playlist.”
“Also, James Potter looks like someone who would think black pepper was spicy.”
“Now that one is mean,” he complained as the others burst out laughing.  “It’s not my fault I have sensitive taste buds!”
“Oh, honey,” she said under her breath as she took a new card. “Get ready, Tremzy. This first one is short and sweet: Logan Tremblay looks like a lesbian.”
“That is not an insult,” Logan laughed. “Every lesbian I know is rad as fuck. I wish I looked that good in a leather jacket.”
“I just realized Logan doesn’t look short cause he’s next to bunch of hockey players, he’s short cause he’s 5’9.”
The smile slipped off his face in a millisecond as the others roared with laughter. “Quoi?”
“Oh, she got you good,” Sirius gasped, patting his shoulder clumsily. “Holy fuck, can I frame that?”
“That’s not what it says.” An edge of distress appeared in Logan’s voice. “Marley, that’s not what it says.”
James sat on the floor with the heels of his palms pressed against his eyes. “You’re fucking—whoever sent that in, you are my new favorite person. Jesus.”
“Do you need a second to recover before we move on?” Dorcas asked as she draped her arms over the back of Marlene’s chair. “The next one is our biggest section by far.”
“It’s the sweet ones, yeah?” Leo asked.
“It might be a good idea to do those before Lo spontaneously combusts.”
“Agreed!” She swapped with Marlene and hauled a short stack of posterboards out from their hiding place with a smile. “A hug from Dumo can probably solve any issue.”
“Facts,” Logan said. “I could really use one right about now, too.”
“Has anyone noticed how blue Leo Knut’s eyes are?”
“Yes,” the six of them chorused.
Finn gave him a dreamy look. “Every single day.”
“When I first read this one, I thought I wrote it,” Dorcas said with a snort. “Someone give Marlene a raise. No reason why, I just love her.”
“Can we do that?” Sirius asked, looking toward the camera crew. “Can we lobby to give you guys raises? Because you definitely deserve it after all the bullshit you deal with to make these videos watchable, and Marlene, you’ve drawn the short end of the stick ninety percent of the time.”
“How?” she called off-screen.
“You have to actually talk to us and try to get answers.”
Dorcas finished scribbling something down on her notepad. “Just making a note of this conversation for future reference. Moving on! Sirius Black and James Potter are a prime example of hockey husbands, and I adore them.”
“The ironic part of that is that we’re both in committed relationships, but we’re basically married,” James mused.
Remus shook his head. “You guys are so married. Lily wanted to get you matching rings for your birthday, Pots.”
“That would be so cool!” they said in perfect unison. Remus turned to the camera and spread his hands in a case in point motion.
Dorcas stifled her laughter before moving on. “This one is cute. Give Remus Lupin all the hugs! I feel like I could tell him he’s an inspiration and he’d be so nice about it—” She paused to glance up at them. “—this next bit is in parentheses: all the LGBT Lions give me that vibe, but Cap and Knutty are super intimidating so I wouldn’t have the guts.”
Leo’s face fell and Sirius’ eyebrows pitched. “I’m not intimidating!” Leo protested. “I thought we already went over that! Loops gives fantastic hugs, but I want some, too.”
“He definitely deserves all the hugs in the world, but I promise I’m nice,” Sirius said, a bit softer than usual. “Is it because we’re tall?”
Dorcas half-shrugged. “Probably. It’s a little startling at first. Oh, I could’ve written this one, too: The Venn diagram of men I trust and the Gryffindor Lions is a full circle.”
Talker beamed at the camera. “Thank you!”
“So many hockey guys are such douchebags,” Logan said with a shake of his head. “I’m really glad we don’t do that shit.”
“Me, too.” Dorcas slid her old card under her chair. “Sirius Black’s hair looks so soft and I just want to touch it so bad.”
“It is so soft,” Remus agreed immediately. “You have no idea.”
“Everyone wants to touch Cap’s hair,” Finn said, sighing. “It’s so majestic.”
“I need a haircut.”
“No, you don’t,” Remus said as he tugged a stray curl. Sirius hummed.
“This one is from the interview some you did with Jules and Katie: these hockey boys being so soft with kids is my aesthetic! Like, it’s just so adorable to see these big, intimidating dudes be so, so sweet! Love them all!” She turned the card for them to see. “And then they added a heart at the end.”
“It’s impossible to be around those kids and not be happy,” James said. “They’re just too cute and wonderful.”
“Yeah, I love kids.” Finn nodded. “Especially the Dumais and Jules. They’re a hoot.”
“Jules would die if he heard you say that,” Remus laughed. “The hero worship is still going strong with most of you.”
“This one made me laugh when I first read it, but it’s really sweet,” Dorcas informed them. “Anyone else feel like we were deceived these past five years into thinking Cap was this hard-ass man, when in reality he's a cuddle bug who definitely captures and releases spiders instead of squishing them?”
“You weren’t deceived, I was just closeted,” Sirius said. “Also, I absolutely squish spiders.”
Remus gave him a look. “No, you do not. That’s my job. I’m the catch and release person if I can get away with it.”
James shook his head. “The third week of practices you saw a spider and threw me at it.”
“You did what?” Finn asked.
“There was a spider in my stall,” Sirius sighed, looking as if he would rather be anywhere else. “And Pots and I were talking so I didn’t see it until I almost sat on it, and my brain decided the only logical thing to do would be to grab him and shove him toward the spider.”
“That was after you shrieked,” Talker added. “Like, literally shrieked. I’ve never heard anyone make a noise like that.”
“Alright, alright,” Sirius grumbled. “We get it, I don’t like spiders.”
Remus shrugged. “But you are a cuddle bug. They got that part right.”
“We’re in the final two!” Dorcas announced. “This one has some pictures to go with it, so it’s on my phone. Fuck Romeo and Juliet, I want what these bitches have.”
“It’s us!” Leo cooed as the phone made its way down the line. In the upper corner of the screen, the photo appeared—it had been taken in New York, and Logan’s whole face was alight with happiness as Leo and Finn each pressed a kiss to his cheek. The camera caught him mid-laugh, so his eyes were closed and his chin was tucked slightly into Finn’s Strand hoodie.
“That’s my screensaver,” Finn said with a grin, pulling his phone out and turning it toward the camera without moving away from Leo. “One of my favorites.”
“I forgot you took that one,” Logan murmured. He hooked his chin over Leo’s shoulder and kissed his cheek; the four others at the table gave soft are you seeing this? looks to the camera and Dorcas smiled.
“Pots, I think yours is next. I hate to break it to you, Talkie, but they didn’t get any of you and Noelle.”
“We don’t take a ton of pictures together,” Talker said as James took the phone. “I mean, we take a bunch of selfies, but we don’t live close enough to each other to actually post that often. What picture is it, J?”
James was staring down at the picture with an unbearably sweet expression. “It’s our wedding. That’s my favorite one, actually.”
Like Logan, they had been captured while laughing—Lily was bent slightly at the waist as James clapped, his glasses just as askew as the flower crown on her head. It was impossible to tell who had told the joke originally, but they were both radiant in the sunset.
“That’s a really good one,” Sirius said with an unreadable look on his face.
“Well, well, well, fancypants, you two got a video.” James wiggled his eyebrows and Remus leaned in to see.
“What kind of video? One of our tikt—oh. Oh, this is so cute.” He shifted his chair over as the short edit began to play. “D, who made this?”
“A fan.”
“It’s really impressive,” Sirius said without taking his eyes off the screen. The edit was a series of photos, both on and off the ice; Sirius knocking their helmets together, then Remus looking back over his shoulder, then both of them in the water playing chicken in the sun. It was a slideshow of their life and their love.
“Can you send that to me?” Remus asked when it was over. “Cause that’s super cool.”
“Sure thing. Are you guys ready for the last one?” When they all nodded, she drummed her fingers on the posterboard and cleared her throat. “Arthur appreciation hours. He deserves it after managing to control the team.”
A cheer went up—all seven stood and applauded, half-laughing and half-whooping. “Miracle worker!” Sirius called.
“Best coach in the league!” Finn added.
“Most tolerant man to ever walk the earth!” Remus raised his water in a toast and they tapped the plastic edges together, nearly spilling all over the table.
Dorcas’ eyes crinkled in a smile as she turned to the camera. “That’s it for today, Lions! Tune in next time for more content of our boys, and thank you for such wonderful comments!”
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harlowhockeystick · 2 years
Buying a house with a big pool in the backyard in Cole Harbor for the summer with Sid. She's tanning outside without a top on and some skimpy bottoms (because fuck the tanlines) and he sees her laying on her stomach and decides to go outside with her. So after he changes, he walks up to her and he leans over her and starts pressing kisses down her spine, and massaging her back, "What are you doing, Sid?"
"Just came out here to see what you were doing."
"I'm tanning, and you're blocking the sun."
And he snaps the bikini bottom string against her, making her jump, "why don't we take these off and you can come join me in the water, honey."
He rubs his thumb over her pooling wetness just gently enough to make her press her knees together, "Would you like that? Want me to fuck you against the side of the pool, hope none our neighbors see how good I make you feel."
She turns over and sits up, and connects their lips together, "as much as I want to say no, I wouldn'tmind that."
So he kisses her and, with a hand on her stomach, presses her back down into the lawn chair, following her down with their lips still connected. And he's kissing all on her chest, some of them are simple little pecks against her skin, some of them turn more into bites and sucks. She knows she'll be purple tomorrow morning, but she doesn't care, because she can feel the little spurts of gaspy breaths he lets out against her skin, and her hands are in his hair and it just feels so good.
It's 90 degrees and sunny, but the scene they're making is so much hotter, and so much better than her plans to tan in the hot Canada summer heat.
"What do you need from me, baby?"
"I just want you."
"Mmhmm, that's my girl." And he's playing all of the ways he wants to fuck her outside in his head, with a hand over her mouth because their neighbors have kids, and he can hear them giggling on the swing set on the other side of the tall wooden fence, "So many ways I want you, baby."
"Sidney Crosby, if you don't bury your face in my legs in the next ten seconds, I'm going inside and doing this myself."
"Yes, ma'am," he chuckles and the bikini bottoms are discarded, and he's licking broad strips with the pad of his tongue against her folds, and sucking on her clit. When she lets out a loud gasp, he pulls away, stands up, and gets really close to her face, forcing her to make eye contact, while his fingers dance around in between her legs.
"You have to be quiet, baby. Or should we just take this inside until tonight. Still wanna corrupt our backyard with those beautiful sounds you make when I get all up in this pussy," and he jams his fingers into her with his right hand, and covers her mouth with the left, "You like that? Don't you? Love when I make you feel good? Love how I feel inside of you?"
And she's arching her back and clawing at his, trying to pull his hand away from her mouth, so she can let out all of the loud, disgusting moans she knows her body wants to release. When he hits the spot he knows will send her over the edge, and curls his fingers against her, she tries to close her legs around him. He pries her knees apart with his, and mumbles against her ear, "doesn't do you any good with your legs closed, honey, I need them open to make you cum. Can you do that for me, baby? Can you be good for me for just a little longer? Then we can go inside, and you can be yelling and talking your shit all up in my ear while I get all up in this pussy, okay."
He feels her clenching and now that she's teetering over the cliff, he presses kisses against her jaw and mumbles against her skin, "Come on baby, cum for me. You've been so good."
She releases all over his fingers, her legs are shaking, she's pressing her chest against his, with a hand grasping the wrist on the hand still covering her mouth for dear life. After her orgasm, he pulls his hand away from her mouth and leaves a very long, passionate kiss on her lips, his thumb still rubbing the circles on her clit, just like it was when he was working her through her high.
"Do you wanna go inside and finish this little escapade? We can wait to finish all of our dirty little fantasies outside after dark when the kids go to bed."
And she nods her head, still unable to form words and he chuckles at her response, or lack there of, a little bit, picks up her bottoms off the concrete, slips a hand under her waist, and hoists her up against him, wrapping her legs around him with a hand firmly on her ass.
She slips a hand in between them, and unties the string on his swim trunks, still dry, except for the stain that she left on the trip inside. By the time they pass the kitchen, she's palming him through his swim trunks, and he's so hard he might explode. So instead of taking it upstairs, he makes a hard turn into the kitchen, setting her warm skin against the cold kitchen counter, making her gasp.
"Cold, huh? You're not gonna notice in about a minute." And he sinks to his knees and buries his face in between her legs again.
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Dirty Little Secret
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Summary-Hooking up with Evie was supposed to be quick and meaningless for Sidney Crosby. The one night stand became a regular thing. Quickly he realized just how special Evie would turn out to be and how his future would be forever altered by the beauty who brought the spice into his life
Author’s note- For some reason, Evie and Sidney needed me to tell more of their story so here we go. As with “Evie Has Been a Good, Good Girl” , this story looks into the BDSM lifestyle. Everything is done with consent by both parties. Don’t worry. They don’t go into very dark places with it. There will be fluff and angst along with the smut. @newlibrary @princessphilly​
Chapter One- Never Ever Have I-https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/659412562529632256/never-ever-have-i
Evie's apartment- Pittsburgh
It had been two weeks since Penguins party at the PPG and the fateful game of “Never Ever Have I”. Evie could never have anticipated the outcome of the game. She didn't attend the party with the intention of hooking up with anyone and certainly not the handsome hockey captain who was known for his privacy and quiet demeanor. When she threw out her first flirty line, she didn't expect him to take the bait or pay much attention to her at all. Still, there had been a mutual was so undeniable attraction. It was an easy decision to follow him when he led her to the locker room. The locker room where they had fucked without abandon and with an intensity Evie had never felt with another man.
Her phone dinged with a text message from an unknown number.
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Evie did a quick sweep of her apartment to get rid of the clutter. She showered, did a thorough shave of all essential body parts and put on a silk chemise with matching robe. After forty five minutes, there was a knock at the door. Evie did a double-take and went to look through the peep hole. She gasped when he stood silently outside her door, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. She opened the door slowly and moved back to allow him to enter. Evie closed the door and locked it then leaned back against it. They stood in silence for a moment, Sidney's eyes taking in her beauty. "How did you get into the building? she asked.
Visitors were supposed to be buzzed in, but she hadn't received a text. "A guy at the door is a Pens fan- he let me in," he stated as he looked around the apartment.
"That is comforting," she joked, "You could be a serial killer for all I know."
Sidney blinked, then smiled, “Being in the NHL would be an excellent cover, you know.”
Evie smiled back, “May I take your coat? Would you like something to drink?” She moved around to remove his jacket, letting her hands smooth over his arms before hanging the coat on the coat tree. “Are you always this chatty? I guess you weren’t that chatty the other night either,” she said nervously. 
Sidney stepped toward Evie and place his hand on her cheek, then kissed her firmly. She met his kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck, “What do you want? Tell me what you want Sir.”
He pushed her back into the door, "I want you to call me Mr. Crosby while I fuck you." He pushed her robe off her shoulders and kissed them.
"How do you want to fuck me Mr. Crosby?” Evie moaned softly, “Here, let me get you ready Sir." Sidney stepped back and allowed her to take his hand. She led him to couch and began to unbutton his shirt, “May I kiss your chest?” He nodded and she slowly kissed him as she peeled his shirt off. She carefully folded the shirt over the arm of the couch. He watched her intently. "Do you want me to ask permission before each action?" she inquired. She waited patiently for an answer.
He licked his lips and looked down at her, “Finish undressing me. Then I will tell you what I want you to do from there.”
Evie reached for his belt while maintaining eye contact, “Yes Sir.” She could his nostrils flare ever-so-slightly at the sound of the word sir. She pulled the belt out slowly and caressed it lightly. Evie pulled his boxers and pants down quickly, his erect cock hitting his taut abs. “Mr. Crosby, so hard already?” She tapped his feet to remove his socks. 
“I can fuck with socks on, you know?” he laughed.
She smiled up at him, “Sorry. Do you want me to put them back on?” 
He looked down at her sitting between his legs, her eyes looking between his face and cock, “Take off your nightgown. I want to see you.” She stood up elegantly and slipped the straps off of her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. She stepped out and kicked it to the side before kneeling in front of him. “Spread your legs. I want to see that pussy again,” he instructed while slowly stroking his cock. 
“Whatever you want Mr. Crosby, “ she spread her legs, “Do you want me to use my hands to show you?” He gulped and nodded yes. She spread her folds, “Do you like how wet I am for you Sir? Does it please you?”
He leaned forward and place his forearms on his massive thighs, “Play with yourself, but don’t cum.” She changed positions so that she was on her bottom, legs spread wide so he had an unobstructed view.
Evie licked her lips and rubbed her clit slowly, maintaining eye contact with him before sliding a finger into herself and bringing it out. “Would you like to taste Sir?” she whispered before sliding it in again and pumping slowly. 
“Yes,” he responded as she sat on her knees and placed her finger against his lips. His tongue swirled up and down the length of delicate finger before he slid his mouth down it. 
“Do you like the way I taste Sir?” she purred as she returned to her assigned task, Her breath quickened and her hips bucked hard. 
“Remember not to cum princess. I’ll tell you when you can cum,” he gently reminded her.
She nodded her in understanding, “Getting close Sir. Go further?”
He watched intently, “Go to the edge, but not over.”
She continued her motions, whimpering softly, “Oh God Sir. You have me so excited Mr. Crosby.” She abruptly stopped and sat on her hands, her hips squirming and chest rising and falling rapidly.
She panted, looked at him and then bit her lip. “I want you to suck my cock,” he said firmly. She placed her hands onto his thighs and pushed up onto her knees. She kissed his thighs slowly. “I said suck my cock. Be a good girl and listen,” he growled. She moved her mouth to the tip of his cock and placed her lips around it. She sucked hard and slow and he moaned in return. The moans got louder as she took him deep into her mouth. “That’s it Princess. Suck it so good.”
She rocked her hips as she fucked him with her mouth, “I am glad that you like it Mr. Crosby. Your cock is so big and hard for me. Makes me even wetter.” He gently pushed her head down while she caressed his balls. 
“Stand up Princess. I am going to fuck that pussy now. Get the condom ready. It’s in my pants pocket.” She did as instructed and slid the condom on him then looked up at him. “Get on the couch. legs spread wide,” he ordered. When she was in position, he placed her legs over his shoulders and thrusted into her.
They both gasped, “Fuck” then smiled at each other. He thrusted fast and hard, “Oh yes, Mr. Crosby, I have been waiting on that dick. You fuck me so good with that big hard dick.” He leaned forward to listen to her as she moaned and whimpered, “Fuck your good girl with that cock. Fuck me.”
Sidney panted and moaned while her words made him even harder. “Talk dirty to me, you dirty little whore,” he spit out. She froze her body, “Don’t call me dirty and don’t call me a whore. Okay?”
He nodded, “Sorry Princess ” before continuing to fuck her hard.
“Mr. Crosby, I need to cum. You are going to have to find a different position if you don’t want me to cum all over you,” she hummed.
Sidney continued, “Do it. Cum for me baby girl. Cum for me.” She let her body go over the edge and ride the wave of pulsating pleasure as she screamed. He finished inside of her and slid out.
He stood up and politely threw the condom in the trash. Evie sat up and observed his muscled physique. “Such a gentleman,” she teased.
He gave her a goofy grin and returned to her. “Sorry about the dirty whore thing,” he said softly.
She nudged him with her elbow, “New to this kind of thing, are you? Me too.”
His eyes widened, “What? You made it seem like you a pro at this kinky stuff.”
She gave him the side eye, “Nope, you are the first guy I have done this with. Not sure how or why I was inspired last time. Maybe you just bring it out in me.”
He sat and thought for a minute, “I like doing this with you. Can we do it again?”
She stood up and walked into the restroom to pee. She looked at her flushed cheeks and contemplated his words, “You like fucking me?” Evie got a wash cloth and ran it under the warm water. She walked back into the living room and stared at him for a moment.
The man sitting on the couch was far different than the man who entered her apartment full of pent up sexual energy. She smiled to herself, “Cat got your tongue again, Mr. Crosby?”
He looked up at her as she wiped down her thighs, “I’m sorry. Let me do that. I should be doing that.”
She sat on the couch and spread her legs, “Okay, but I am going to take a shower after you leave so you don’t have to do a thorough job.”
He took the wash cloth from her hand, “I’m Sidney Crosby. I don’t do anything half-assed.”
She leaned back and enjoyed the sensation, “Listen, if we are going to do this kind of kink, I think that we should learn about it and find out what we both like and don’t like. Apparently, I don’t like being called dirty whore so that’s a no from me now on. We can experiment on the rest.” Sidney finished cleaning her and put her legs back together.
He then began dressing himself as she watched. “So that’s a yes on we can do it again?” he questioned.
“Yes, Mr. Crosby, I would like you to fuck me again.” she laughed. 
He finished dressing and stood in front of her. “Walk me out?” he asked. When they arrived at her door, he stood with hand on the door handle for a moment, “Can I kiss you?” She pressed her body against his and wrapped her arms around his neck, “Yes, you may.” He kissed her tenderly and gently, his tongue sliding into her mouth. The intensity of the kiss increased and he pulled her tighter to his body, “You are so beautiful Evie”
She moaned into the kiss, “Such a good kisser. Are you good at everything, Sidney?”
He abruptly ended the kiss and opened the door, “I’ll text you for next time.” He left and shut the door before Evie had the chance the process it.
She stood in confusion for a moment, her fingers pressed against her lips. “What the fuck just happened?” she thought to herself. Crosby walked briskly down the hall. He did a cursory wave to the Pens fan that let him into the building. Mentally he stuffed down the emotion that he felt with the kiss and how good it was when she called him Sidney. “Stay in your lane,” he thought, “She is not interested in that. Stay in your lane.”
One week later
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Evie answered the door fully clothed and stood to the side so he could enter. “Was I not clear in my request? Robe Only?” he said quietly as he entered the apartment.
“Was I not clear in my request to discuss limits before playing? Did you expect me to have a conversation that affects my well-being and safety with you fully clothed and me nearly nude? Surely not Sidney,” she retorted. She picked up the two legal pads from the counter, pens and sat on the couch with her legs pulled into her chest defensively, “Take a seat, Mr. Crosby”
He stared at her in disbelief, “What is with the paper?” as he took his seat on the other end of the couch. Evie ignored his comment while she drew columns at the top of the legal pad- Green/Yellow/Red and handed it to Sidney. She did the same on her legal pad. “Okay, I assume that you have been doing some online exploration into our mutual sexual interest. In the green column, write the things are you completely open to trying. In the yellow column, write things that you would be willing to have a conversation about trying. In the red column, write things that are hard no. We’ll compare and see where we stand.”
Sidney laughed, “Are you serious? You want to write down all the kinky ways I want to fuck you?”
Evie steadied her gaze at him, “Yes, I am serious that I am not going to give you blanket consent to do whatever you want to me. If you are too embarrassed to write it down, then you probably shouldn’t actually do it.” Evie looked down at her paper and began writing her list, “I can feel you staring at me Sidney. Write your list. The sooner we get this discussion done, the sooner I can get naked.”
Sidney laughed and picked up his pen and began to write, “You’re pretty bossy.” 
Later during the discussion Sidney asked, “Wait, I thought slut and whore were off limits last time. Why are they in yellow now?”
Evie took a beat and replied, “Upon further reflection, I think context matters. I don’t want to made to feel dirty and cheap. Humiliation isn’t my thing. However, I would be willing to try be called your little slut or a slut for you. I know it’s splitting hairs, but there is a difference in my mind. A description of my actions is great- description of my character is off-limits. Does make it clearer?”
Sidney nodded his head in affirmation, “So do we need a safe word? We could stick to the red/yellow/green system?”
Evie nodded yes, “Seems to be working for now so let’s stick to it.” 
Sidney continued, “I am assuming that you don’t have some of this ummm, equipment already. Should I order it online and have it delivered here?”
Evie though a moment, “I suppose we need dedicated space to play. I can put everything in the second bedroom. Should I order it though so there is no record of any of it in your name?” Even as she said the words, Evie winced at the implication that they would only meet at her apartment and she would get no glimpse into the other world of Sidney.
He shrugged, “That makes sense. I can leave my credit card information or Venmo you the money. Just let me know what I owe you,” while internally having the same internal conversation. He also noticed her concern about protecting his privacy and felt thankful for it 
They sat silently for a moment. “Do we need to discuss pet names or just let it come naturally?” she asked. 
“Don’t call me Sid or Sidney during play. You’ve already been doing that,” he answered.
Evie got up and walked into her bedroom, “You should probably get something to drink. It’s important to stay hydrated.” She returned wearing the robe and assumed the submissive position in front of him, “Ready to play Sir?”
Sidney nodded affirmatively, “I want to try using that belt from your robe. Bring it to me so I can restrain your hands while I fuck you. Evie smiled and did as instructed, “Yes, Mr. Crosby.” 
Two weeks later
Adriana whistled at Evie, “Damn girl. you looking smoking hot tonight.” Evie did a little twirl in her short body con dress with sparkly heels. “You did not come to play today, girl,” Adriana added, “The men of Pittsburgh better watch out.” Evie smiled and hugged her best friend. “We already have our table in the VIP area. Evie, this place is so fancy there are even Penguins players here.”
Evie’s head turned to Adriana, “Some who? Penguins?” She felt her heart race faster. Surely, HE wasn’t here. She sat down with her back to the corner and perused the menu. The text notification dinged almost immediately. 
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Evie excused herself from the table, but received the questioning look from Adriana. To her right side, she caught a glimpse of the blonde laughing as Sidney slid behind her chair. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear before standing up. Their eyes locked and Evie’s knees grew weak. She steadied herself and walked through the restaurant swiftly. He was here indeed, with another woman. Last night they had played hard and his handprints were still imprinted on her ass as the reminder. She stopped outside the entrance and paced. She could feel him approach from behind. The voice reaching into her soul, “Princess, who are you all dressed up for?”
She turned and hissed, “I should ask you the same thing.”
Sidney stopped suddenly, “Whoa, tap the brakes here, Princess. Remember who you are speaking to.”
Her mind raced as the reality sunk in. She was his plaything, his toy that he used for his pleasure, but nothing more. She was never going to be anything more and the reality tore her heart apart. She willed herself to keep calm and not give into the tidal wave of anger, hurt and regret that she was feeling. The fucking audacity of this  man, she laughed to herself. “I know exactly who I am speaking to SIDNEY. I don’t answer to you. I dressed up for my damn self because I am here to celebrate my best friend’s birthday. You need to remember who you are talking to. Although you prefer not to talk to me, right? You much prefer me with my mouth closed around your cock. Doing what I do best, right?”
Sidney looked around concerned that they were drawing attention to themselves, “Evie, lower your voice. There are people around.”
Evie stepped closer and hissed into his ear, “That’s right. You don’t want everyone to know how you like to spank my ass as you fuck me from behind. It would ruin the image of the Golden Boy, huh? Don’t let anyone know what I let you do to me in private? Well, don’t worry. You don’t have to see me again.” She turned and walked away from him. She looked up to the sky, blinked and willed herself not to cry. 
"Evie," Sidney hissed, "Don't walk away from me.” He grabbed her forearm lightly as she walked back into the restaurant. Evie looked down at his hand and back up into his eyes and stared in disbelief. “You forget yourself, Mr. Crosby,” Evie hissed in return, “We are not in private, Sir. Although I don’t know why I am bothering to address you with any modicum of respect when it’s clear that respect is not reciprocated. Go back to your date, Mr. Crosby. I’ll remain your dirty little secret.”
Evie ripped her arm from his grip and returned to her table of friends. She caught the attention of the waitress and ordered a double of her preferred drink. She could feel his eyes on her, following her every move as she enjoyed her evening with her friends. The anger and resentment boiled inside of her just beneath the surface. The beautiful blonde was the one that he could take into public places while she was the one that he fucked in private. Not even private, at her apartment so she saw no glimpse of anything other than the man that craved control and dominance.
Adriana gave the side eye, “What’s wrong Evie? You are not fooling me with that fake smile.”
Evie sighed, “I made a mistake, A. I made a huge mistake.”
Adriana smiled, “There is no mistakes Evie-only lessons. What happened?”
Evie stood up and waited for Adriana to get the hint that she wanted to walk to the restroom to talk in private. When they passed Sidney’s table, Evie elbowed Adriana lightly in the ribs, “that’s my mistake.” Adriana turned and made eye contact with handsome hockey player before continuing to walk to the restroom. 
“What the hell kind of mistake did you make with the Sid the Kid?” she asked when they reached the restroom. 
“I caught feelings. That’s my mistake, I caught damn feelings,” she cried before punching the wall. 
Adriana pulled her into a hug, “Evita, tell me everything.”
Evie tensed up and turned to lean against the wall. “I don’t know what got into me that night,” she sighed and the tears fell freely. 
“Okay, we are not going to do this here,” her friend declared. “Wipe your tears, fix your your makeup and we’ll leave,” she instructed, “He is not going to get the satisfaction of seeing your tears as we leave. Pull yourself together.” Evie looked herself in the mirror and quietly did as she was told.
When the duo left the restroom, Adriana grabbed her hand and led her through the restaurant. “Okay, we are almost to his table. He is staring at you. Don’t you dare look at that man. Keep walking with your head high.”
As they passed the table full of Penguin players, Adriana shot Crosby a death glare. “Hey,” Kris Letang called out to Sidney, “Isn’t that the girl from the party? The one we played Never Ever Have I? Remember her?”
Sidney shook his head, “Yeah, that’s her. I remember her-Evie.”
Taylor craned her neck, “Wow, she’s really pretty Sid.”
Sidney looked down, “I noticed.” 
On the way to Evie’s apartment, Adriana asked, “Are you going to be able to have this conversation in the car or will it be full on breakdown? Do you have the essentials?”
Evie shook her head, “Yes, I have essentials for a full on breakdown.” They walked into the apartment and Evie went to change into comfy clothes. “A- I feel bad. It’s your birthday and here you taking care of my dumb ass,” Evie whined as she re-emerged and went into her cramped kitchen. She grabbed the ice cream and two spoons. 
“You know I don’t care about the party. There was always be another party. Tell me about Crosby.” Evie explained the night of the first party in generalities. 
“Wait, you fucked him that night? in the locker room?” Adriana asked in confusion, “You don’t do that. You are a wait at least three dates kind of girl. What the hell got into you?”
Evie took a bite and thought for a moment, “I don’t know. I talked to him at the bar, then something kind of took control. I can’t explain it. When I look at him, I am inexplicably drawn to him like a fucking magnet. The sex which was hands-down the quickest and best sex I have ever had. I could not stop thinking about him so when he texted me, I agreed to another hook-up where it became clear that we are both into kinky stuff.” 
“Wait, what? Like S&M stuff?” Adriana gasped, “Who knew that white boy had it in him?”
Evie groaned, “Who knew he had it in him? Who knew I had it in me? A, the things I let that man do to me and he does them so well.”
Adriana raised an eyebrow, “Okay, let’s put a pin that topic. How did you catch feelings? I mean, is the sex that good?”
Evie stared at Adriana, “Should I tell you about the time that man made me cum like 5 times in a night? The man plays twenty minutes of hockey per game. Do you know how much stamina that takes? Now translate that into sex ”
Adriana marveled, “Damn, does he have any friends?”
Evie rolled her eyes, “So yes the sex is THAT good, but every time we get together I get this little glimpse of this other side. The one that is goofy and sweet. When I start to respond, it just gets shut down. I didn’t realize how much I wanted more until I saw him with the blonde tonight. I want that. I want dates and hang outs and it’s clear that doesn’t want from me. I am only good for fucking.”
Adriana grabbed Evie’s hands, “Stop. Stop with that bullshit. You are good for everything that you demand and fucking deserve. If you are accepting less, that’s on you boo-boo. Have you even told him that you want more? Does he even have a clue?”
Evie began, “But what if he doesn’t want more?”
Adriana cut her off, “If he doesn’t want more, then cut his ass off. No amount of good sex is worth making yourself feel less than, Evie. You discovered that you are into kink? Okay, go find a man that likes the kink and everything else.” Evie’s heart raced and her stomach knotted up at the thought of cutting Sidney off. 
They sat quietly and ate ice cream. The knock at the door interrupted their silence. “Who the fuck is knocking on your door Evie,” Adriana quizzed. Evie picked up her phone and saw the slew of texts from him. 
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“Shit, it’s him,” she whispered and handed the phone to Adriana. Adriana quickly read the texts.
He knocked a second time, “Evie, It’s me. We need to talk. Open the door.”
Adriana shrugged her shoulders, “Well?”
Evie nodded yes as Sidney knocked the third time with pleading voice, “Please?” Evie got up, adjusted her hoodie and wiped her tears before opening the door. Sidney had resorted to pacing. His head shot up when he heard the door, “Oh thank God. Can I come in? Evie stood back and allowed him to enter.
Adriana started to gather her things as Evie and Sidney stood and stared at each other. “So I am going to go and let you two chat,” she said to herself.
Evie snapped out of it. “I’m sorry. Adriana this is......”
Evie looked at Sidney for an answer. “Sidney Crosby” he said firmly, “Pleasure to meet you.”
Evie looked at Adriana, ”This is my best friend, Adriana. I managed to ruin her birthday celebration tonight.”
Sidney looked at Evie with sad eyes, “Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Should I go?” He looked at Evie intently, “What do you want Evie?”
She looked up into his eyes, “Please stay.” Adriana laughed, “Well, okay then. Evie remember what I told you. Love you to pieces. Nice to meet your Mr. Crosby.” Both Evie and Sidney looked up and smiled. 
When the door closed, Evie sat on the couch with her knees curled up into her chest. He sat on the opposite end and rested his elbows on his knees, but turned to face her. “Are you okay? It looks like you’ve been crying.” he questioned, “Did you get my texts? It wasn’t a date. She’s my sister. You are overreacting.”
Evie’s eyes flashed, “Can you tell me one time in the history of male and female interactions that a man telling a female that she is overreacting has produced the desired response? What exactly is the desired response to that observation?”
Sidney rubbed his hand through his hair, “The desired response is to figure out what the hell happened tonight. Why did you freak out at the restaurant? Why did you assume I was on a date?”
Evie huffed, “I don’t know Sidney. Generally when men are dressed in coat and tie, eating a fancy dinner club with an equally dressed up woman, it’s safe to assume it’s a date. How was supposed to know she was your sister?”
Sidney sighed, “You could have asked me when we were outside.”
Evie countered, “I believe that my exact words were ‘I could ask you the exact same thing’ in response to your question of ‘Princess, who are you all dressed up for?’ So yes I did ask you. Instead explaining she was your sister, you decided to turn into Mr. Crosby who likes to control and dom me. Don’t try to twist my words. I know what I said and I know what you said.” 
“That doesn’t explain you freaking out. Suppose it was date. Why freak out about it?” he asked softly.
Evie’s face twisted and she put her head down on her knees. “I think you know why. Don’t make me say it. Imagine how you would have felt if the roles were reversed. You know that you were feeling some sort of something when you questioned why I was dressed up. We both know you really wanted to know IF I was dressed up for SOMEONE.”
Sidney looked up to the ceiling, “But you..... you are not interested in dating me. We are both each other’s dirty little secret. Do you tell people what we do?”
Evie whispered, “How do you know? How do you know that I don’t want to date you? We hardly ever talk beyond play. How do you know what I want?”
Sidney stared at her, “You’re right. I assumed that the woman who gave me her panties within fifteen minutes of meeting, who fucked me in a locker room after telling me about her other locker escapades and allowed me into her home with sole purpose of sex might only be interested in sex.”
Evie raised her voice, “Excuse me? I didn’t drug you or seduce you. You were a willing participant. You sought me out- multiple times so don’t try to slut shame me. This is not what I normally do, you know. I had ONE slutty summer when I was in my early twenties to get over a man who was at best unkind and selfish. Sue me that I had some experimentation.”
Sidney stood up and paced, “Stop twisting my words. I am not the bad guy here. I am not the bad guy for being unable to read your mind.” 
Evie growled in frustration, “I never said that you were the bad guy Sidney.” She stood and walked to him, “It would be so much easier to say goodbye if you were the bad guy. If you were a bad guy, it wouldn’t hurt as much that you don’t want me they way I want you.”
Sidney spit out, “Now who is making assumptions? How do you know what I want?”
She placed her hands on his chest, “Do you want to see what I want?” I can show you.”
He nodded yes and she went to grab her phone. “Pinterest? You are going to show me Pinterest?” he scoffed.
Evie handed him the phone and showed him the folder full of gifs- Sidney playing hockey, Sidney smiling, Sidney being goofy, Sidney skating with kids. “This- this is what I want,” she cried.
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 “What?” Sidney asked, “what exactly do you want”
She took a step back and looked into his eyes, “I want it all. I want Mr. Crosby who makes me weak in the knees and submissive as hell. I want the goofy guy who makes stupid Tim Hortons commercials. I want the guy who falls on his face on the ice and gets right back up. I want dates and hangouts. I want to know your family. I want everything that there is to know about you- good, bad, dark, light, beautiful and ugly. I fucking want it all. The question is what do you want Sidney? Do you want that?“ 
Sidney reached out and pulled her into his body, “Yes- Yes I want all of that with you. I want to know who hurt you. I want to know how you got here. I want to know everything there is to know about you. I am absolutely crazy about you Evie. I can’t stand it.” he exclaimed, “Can I kiss you now?”
Evie nodded her consent and he pulled her head to his mouth. The kiss began gently, tentatively until Evie opened herself to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he slid his hand around her waist and up the back of her shirt. “Is this okay?” he said softly. 
“Yes,” she moaned as she kissed his neck, “Can I touch your chest?” He nodded yes and she started to unbutton his shirt, kissing his chest softly as she pushed it off his shoulders. He started to lift the hoodie off of her body, ”May I undress you?”
She reached for his belt, “Only if I may undress you too. Listen, I love that you are asking consent for each thing, but you don’t have to. The answer is yes to all the things, but no kink.”
He pulled the hoodie off of her, exposing her full breasts, “No kink. Got it.” 
He began to direct her towards the second bedroom where they usually played and she shook her head no. “My bedroom. The door is on the right.” He smiled and lifted her under her bottom and carried her into the bedroom. “I never thought I would see the inside of here,” he continued to kiss her placed her gently on the bed. They made quick work of undressing each other. Sidney hovered his body over her as he kissed, licked and caressed his way up and down her body. She squirmed beneath his touch, “Sidney, please kiss me.”
He stopped momentarily and joked, “I am kissing you Evie. Do you want a different type of kiss?”
She pulled on his body toward her,  “Get your Canadian ass up here and kiss my mouth like you mean it.”
He kissed his way back to her neck, “You’re kind of bossy, but I like it.”
He kissed her lips softly then increased the intensity as her hands roamed his body. “Have I ever told you how sexy and  handsome you are? I get wet just looking at you.”
Sidney continued the kiss as his left hand ran down her torso and rested lightly on top of her sex. He hummed into her ear, “You are so sexy. You turn me on every time I see you,” as he slid fingers into her folds. Evie gasped as he began pump his fingers while kissing slowly and gently. They fell into a slow rhythm and she grinded against him.
Her whimpers and mews grew louder in his ear, “Yes Sidney yes.” He could feel her body tensing as she near the edge, “Please, please may I cum?”
He moved to nibble her ear, “No kink, remember? You don’t need my permission to cum, but yes I want you cum for me. Please.”
Evie threw head back and moaned, “So close Beso, so close” Sidney pumped his fingers with renewed vigor. “Ohhhhh Beso,” she clung to his body the orgasm shook through her, “So good my Beso.” 
He continued to give soft kisses as she trembled. He looked her in the eye and smiled, “Good? Do you have condoms in here or do I need to get one from the other room?”
Evie sat up and reached into the top drawer and pulled one out. “You’ve been holding out on me Evie. You made me bring my own condoms. Rude,” he laughed, “Help me?”
Evie smiled, “How much is your contract again Sidney? You could afford the condoms. You’ve been getting off, literally, cheap. Quit ya bitching and fuck me.”
Sidney entered with a slow thrust, “Again with the bossiness Princess?”
Evie went to scold him, “It’s not kink. You are a princess to me always. Now let me fuck you.” It was a slow and sensual meeting of their souls, joining together in pleasure. After they both had their orgasms- he, as always, politely disposed of the condom and gathered the items to clean her. She rolled over and he saw the red marks on her bottom. “Does it hurt? he said softly.
She looked back over her shoulder, “a little if I sit at a certain angle, but I am not in pain. It made me think of you today. It’s like a little reminder of how good you are to me.”
He gently kissed the marks and asked, “Am I? Good to you?” She wiggled beneath his kisses, “So far, so good Beso. We’ll see how good you are with the non-kink side, but so far you are doing excellent which shouldn’t be a surprise to me all.”
He looked at her face, “Why shouldn’t that be a surprise?”
She smiled at him, “Because you are Sidney Crosby and you don’t do anything half-assed, remember?” They snuggled into each other. “Are you going to stay? here with me tonight?” she asked.
 “I would like to stay if I am invited to do so, but I need to ask you a question,” he responded, “Well, actually two questions- Will you go out on a date with me Saturday? What does Beso mean?”
She began kissing his chest, “Beso means kiss. Yes, I will go on a date with you Sidney. I have to warn you though. I don’t usually put out on the first date, but maybe I’ll make an exception for you.”
He grabbed her and rolled her onto her back, “I’ll cross my fingers. Anything I can do now to help my chances?” She pushed his body down, “Kisses, all the kisses, everywhere.”
Sidney smiled and kissed down her stomach, “Yes ma’am.”
Next chapter- https://starshine-hockey-girl.tumblr.com/post/663119085153943552/will-you-be-mine
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princessphilly · 3 years
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I love these banners, don’t you? Banners made by @whatishockey
Word Count: 5118
CW: angst, smut but not super filthy smut (medium filth?), bad language
Dress and shoes that Nina wore in this chapter
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Only three more chapters and an epilogue left
Nina fidgeted as dug into her pocketbook for her keys to her parents’ house. It was time for Sunday dinner, the one meal a week that she wasn’t responsible for cooking and therefore, Nina never missed it. Cooking was not her forte and Nina had no problems with that. However, this Sunday dinner, she needed to talk to her family about their lives changing.
The smell of roast chicken filled the house and Nina took a deep sniff as she opened and closed the door. Aryanna and Dad were watching the late game aka hate-watching the Ravens vs Saints. The Steelers were playing on Monday night this week. 
“Heey sweettart,” Vernon said, getting up to give his oldest daughter a hug. 
Nina hugged her father back, holding him close for a second. “Hi Dad.”
“Oh no!”
Nina ended the hug, turning with her father towards the tv. Lamar Jackson had just run for a 20-yard touchdown. They all groaned; the Steelers needed the Ravens to lose as both teams were running neck to neck for the AFC North crown. As Nina got absorbed into the game, the situation with Sidney was still in the back of her mind. 
Nina had talked to her mom earlier in the day, explaining everything to her mother, well everything but the sex. Tracey had listened with an open ear before telling her daughter not to make a decision over her potential happiness just because of how it could affect her family. Tracey had reminded Nina that Jason, while he was at UNC now, had been a 5-star tight end prospect and they dealt with the media when it was time for him to sign with a college. 
After talking to her mom, Nina had taken a nap before coming to sunday dinner. As she watched the game, waiting to eat, Nina hoped for courage. However, she kept it to herself when it was time to eat, instead listening to Aryanna talk about school, her dad talk about his new position at work which meant that he wasn’t going to be going out on the road as much anymore. Nina shared some stories about her clients while Tracey talked about the switch to travel nursing over working in the hospital. But when it was over, Nina gulped and summoned her courage.
“So, I got news,” Nina started once dinner was over and dessert was served. She looked down at her glass of water. Before she could continue, Aryanna piped up. “Let me guess, you’re breaking up with Sidney Crosby because you’re a punk.”
Nina glared at her little sister while Tracey reprimanded, “That was rude, little girl.”
“Sorry,” Aryanna muttered.
“Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted,” Nina said, “I have news. After thinking about it, talking to Sidney, and going over the pros and cons, I’ve decided to give him another chance.”
Tracey smiled as Aryanna shouted yes. Vernon looked at his daughter and carefully said, “Are you ready for it?”
Nina grimaced. “As ready as I can possibly. Are y’all?”
“We only want you to be happy, sweetie,” Tracey consoled. “Plus, I saw those pics of you two. He’s smitten.”
Nina groaned while Aryanna laughed. Vernon added, “We were already planning to move soon anyway. We’ve been looking at homes in South HIlls and we just closed on a house in Mt. Lebanon.”
“Oh wow. When was I going to find out,” Nina said with a smirk. She knew her parents had been thinking of moving for a while but the market had been super hot for a long time. Before she had moved into her current apartment, Nina had heard of the different arguments her parents had about moving to different areas. But before they could find somewhere, someone else would snap it up.
Tracey grinned. “We weren’t going to say anything until we closed because of how long it took to find somewhere. It’s taken almost two years and we even saved enough to offer forty percent as a down payment. It’s a fixer-upper though but it has a bigger backyard for my garden and the schools are better.”
“What are you going to do with this house,” Nina asked before taking a bite of her sweet potato pie. Fuck, she wished she could bake and cook just so she could make herself sweet potato pie all of the time. 
Vernon replied, “Probably sell. There are people looking to buy even though this area isn’t that great. ”
“I guess it’s settled. This is exciting though.”
Tracey snickered before looking at her husband. “I hope you are still excited when we need you to help pack, Ni-ni.”
Nina looked to her right before taking out her phone and sending a quick message. Free monday? 12pm?
She received a quick response. Yup, just tell me where to meet
Vernon casually commented, “I’m also looking at it this way; this is a practice for when Jason is in the NFL and becomes famous.”
“Good point,” Tracey said. “I can start practicing telling people no even more now.”
Nina laughed. “Looks like I have nothing to worry about then.”
The conversation switched to the Steelers game tomorrow night as they finished dessert.
Honestly, Sidney was a bit surprised to get a message from Nina so quickly. He had fully expected her to wait until Wednesday and he had been preparing himself for the worst possible outcome. As a competitor, prepping for each game meant learning his opponents’ strengths and weaknesses. Nina wasn’t his opponent but Sidney was now very aware of the power she had over him with just one look, let alone her touch or words. 
Nina had asked to meet somewhere that wasn’t at their homes. Sidney suggested lunch but after looking at his schedule, he asked if Nina could maybe meet him at the Pens offices and then get lunch after. Fidgeting in the smaller conference room, Sidney began to worry that Nina wouldn’t show up when the clock showed that it was already five minutes past the time they agreed to. But then, Nina wasn’t the most on time person either so Sidney rationalized to himself, he should worry if it was fifteen minutes passed and she still wasn’t here. 
Then outside the door, Sidney saw Nina talking with Evelyn, one of their PR mavens. They were having an animated discussion and Sidney smiled softly. Nina opened the door and grinned at him. “Hi Sid, sorry for being late.”
Evelyn waved at Sidney and he waved back. After Nina walked in, Evelyn peeped in and said, “I was just catching up with Nina since it’s been a while since she’s been here.”
Sidney nodded as Nina replied, “thank you so much for the advice, Evelyn, I will definitely use it!”
Evelyn waved goodbye before closing the door firmly. Nina chose a chair directly across from Sidney and sat down. There was a brief pause before Nina giggled. “Oh my God, you looked like you were about to die before I showed up.”
“Well, I had to remind myself that you’d show up but part of me still was worried because of everything in our last conversations,” Sidney replied. 
The aura in the room turned serious as Nina bit her lip and folded her hands together. “Yeah, those conversations,” Nina started. “I like you a lot, Sidney Crosby, but… I hate this circus that surrounds you. I know that it’s something you can’t control but I hate it. But I realized, especially after talking to my mom, there’s nothing I can do about it now. My life’s forever changed.”
Sidney cleared his throat but Nina stopped him. “Let me finish, Sid because I can already tell you’re ready to make promises you can’t keep. So let me save both of us the headache.”
Sitting back, Sidney leaned in his chair. “What are your plans, pretty girl?”
“You have to get over being super private and claim me publicly. You want me to be yours, Mr. Crosby? Then you have to let the world know we are together. No are they or aren’t they bullshit.”
Nina glared at Sidney when she was done. Sidney flushed; part of him hated the idea of letting the world know more than they really needed to know about his personal life. At the same time, he already knew he was going to do whatever Nina asked him to, in his own way. “You know I don’t use social media,” Sidney began before trailing off. Then he smirked. 
Nina casually said, “you’ll find a way.”
“I already figured it out,” Sidney drawled. “What else do you want, pretty girl?”
“No more surprise meet ups with people from the team, let me know ahead of time. Just like I’ll let you know ahead of time whenever I decide you should meet my fam.”
Sidney actually blushed while Nina arched an eyebrow. “I know I’m amazing but that was a bit uncomfortable when I think back. At least you didn’t abandon me to talk to your teammates and let me fend for myself.”
“I’m sorry, Nina,” Sidney apologized. He felt really bad now: he had been so excited that he really didn’t think about how Nina would have felt. Nina shrugged; it wasn’t that bad to be honest because Sidney stayed at her side, introduced her to everyone, and made sure she was included. But that didn’t mean she wanted him to continue doing that. 
Nina smiled at Sidney and asked, “what do you think, Sid?”
Sidney scratched his jaw as he thought of his reply. It was relatively simple but it would also be life-changing for him. He finally said, “Yes, it all sounds good. But I have one thing?”
“What’s that?”
Sidney smirked as he looked Nina up and down. Nina rolled her eyes as she smiled. She could guess where his mind was, right in the gutter. But Sidney surprised her when he said, “Then let me spoil you.  I have no problem claiming you publicly, but I want you to let me treat you like I’ve been wanting to treat you.”
Nina gave Sidney a bashful smile before looking to the side. “I’ll never say no to purses and shoes but I don’t want you to buy out the store-“
“I already know that, sweetheart,” Sidney firmly said, “but let me treat you like you deserve.”
“Okay, okay,” Nina conceded.
Sidney pushed his chair back, making space. Then he patted his lap. “Come ‘ere.”
Nina got out of her chair and sat on Sidney’s lap. “You know where we are,” she hissed even though she had obeyed him. 
Wrapping an arm around her waist, Sidney smiled. Smelling her coconut-vanilla scent, he realized how much he had missed her. “I know, I’m not going to do anything inappropriate, pretty girl. Just missed having you close to me.”
Sidney kissed the back of Nina’s neck, causing her to shiver. “Watch the postgame of our next game, Nina. Now, what do you want for lunch?”
“Um, honestly, I want Chipotle. I have to get back to work in about an hour so nothing fancy,” Nina replied. 
Turning so that she was facing Sidney, she placed her index finger over his lips when he opened his mouth. “I forgot to add this earlier but I’m also going to say this now. I’m not quitting my job anytime soon. I’m going to finish my Ph.D. and if I decide to stop working, it’s because I plan to teach full-time. So, if you expect I’ll be waiting at home and living for you, now you know that’s not going to happen,” Nina stated. 
Sidney opened his mouth to reply but the door opened. “Hey, I’ve been looking for you, Sidney!”
Nina squeaked in surprise and Sidney sighed. It was Brian Burke and Sidney was sure that it was probably something important but this wasn’t quite the moment where he wanted to see him. 
Brian smiled. “It looks like you two have made up.”
Nina weakly waved. At first, she was going to move off of Sidney’s lap but his hand around her waist made that impossible. “I’d introduce myself but I figure I interrupted,” Brian continued. 
“It’s okay, I was on my way to get lunch,” Nina replied. 
Sidney added, “With me.”
“Don’t forget, you said you wanted to help with more planning for our pride game this season,” Brian reminded Sidney.
“Ohh, the pride game! You’re getting more involved in it? That’s awesome,” Nina exclaimed. 
Sidney blushed as he smiled under Nina’s praise. 
“Would you be interested in being involved, Nina,” Brian asked.
Nina paused for a second, her eyes wide. “Um, sure.”
“I can get your contact information from Sidney,” Brian asked.
Nina nodded as Sidney rubbed his hand up and down her back. Sidney said, “I’ll let you know,” as Brian closed the door. 
Placing a hand over her face, Nina sighed. “Wow.”
“It’s fine. Look, your first volunteer project,” Sidney kidded. 
“I need to eat.”
The game against the Isles had gone well. Sidney had tallied two assists and a goal in a 4-2 win after having a four game slump. Normally post-game interviews were a necessary evil but he was a bit nervous this time. Not because he knew they were going to ask about getting out of his slump, but because of what he was going to say. 
The first couple of questions were easy softballs. Then Sidney was hit with the question that opened the door. 
“Sidney, great breaking your slump. There were rumors that your personal life was affecting your game on the ice. What do you think about that?”
Sidney looked at the reporters, all ready for him to give a cliche. Instead, Sidney admitted the truth. “My personal life was affecting my game on the ice. But we’ve fixed our issues and I’m glad.”
There was a pause, as if the reporters didn’t know where to start. Sidney looked at one of the PR interns to the side. The intern gave him a slight smile and a quick thumbs up. Sidney decided to continue, “We prefer to keep our relationship private for now but she means a lot to me and is very important to my life. I will not be answering any more questions about my relationship at this moment.”
Luckily, the rest of the questions were about hockey but Sidney knew that his statement was going to be a big part of what everyone was going to talk about. Once back in the locker room, Geno gave Sidney a big grin. Tanger said, “You did it?”
“Yeah but I’m serious, I’m not going to answer a bunch of questions about my personal life,” Sidney replied. “Now though, every time we struggle, the dumbasses will start talking about it.”
Tanger grimaced as Geno said, “Fuck them.”
Guentzy laughed as he stated, “I agree with Geno. Fuck them.”
Sidney laughed as he pulled his shirt off before pulling off his pads. Sitting in his crocs, hockey pants and pads, Sidney pulled out his phone. There was just one message from the only person who’s opinion mattered to him, wow😍 .
Sidney replied back, made it official for u but in the way u wanted 😁😏
😘🥰 part of me can’t believe it but i’m happy u listened to me, was Nina’s reply. 
Sidney texted, only 4 u, before finishing getting undressed so he could take a shower.
To be totally honest, Nina thought her life would have exploded the minute that Sidney admitted that he was seeing someone in the post-game conference after the Isles game. It wouldn’t take much to put 2 and 2 together, especially when she went out with Sidney and the Malkins to a popular Shadyside restaurant the day after. But things were relatively calmer. 
There were still the nasty looks from other people, especially women when Nina was out by herself, running her everyday errands. But there were also people who seemed to defer to her and it felt so fucking weird. Like, if she wanted to, Nina felt like people were ready to let her do whatever she wanted because she was now Sidney Crosby’s girlfriend. 
Nina bit her lip as she waited in line to pay for her groceries. Then someone bumped into her and it was Ron. “Hey Nina, long time no see.”
“Hi Ron,” Nina replied with a strained smile. 
“Not everyday one sees their ex. Look at you, shopping like the rest of us. Your man ain’t ordering groceries for you.”
Nina resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She could feel the eyes of other people at Weis and she knew there were people looking for something to gossip about. Nina definitely didn’t want to give Ron the satisfaction of a reaction. She merely replied, “I have my own life I have to take care of on my own.”
“Oh wow, because I remember the way you two were looking at each other that time we went out on a date. Makes me think you were cheating on me with him,” Ron goaded. 
Nina gave him a blank look. “We were long over, for almost three years, before I went out with Sidney. But you had two other women when we were a couple,” Nina stated with a shrug. “Anyway, it’s my turn to check out. Bye.”
Nina tuned Ron out as she checked out. The cashier commented, “That guy seems like a dick.”
“You live and you learn,” Nina replied with a smile as she paid, unaware that someone had uploaded video of that encounter to the internet.
Sidney gulped down his protein shake, home after practice. The season was starting well but he felt like the team could be better. Sidney wanted another cup, one more cup and he felt like this was the year. Then his phone buzzed and he saw it was his mom.
“Hi Mom,” Sidney said, sitting on his sofa. He had some time before he needed to get ready for tonight and it was always good to talk to his mother.
Trina chirped, “Hi Sidney, how are you?”
“I’m doing good, short practice today before our game against New Jersey tomorrow,” Sidney idly replied as he turned his tv on. Flipping through Netflix, he chose an episode of How I Met Your Mother. 
He could hear his mother’s smile through the phone when she teased, “Your father told me you told the press that you are seeing someone last week. Is it that girl you kept talking about over the years?”
Sidney giggle-honked before admitting, “Yes, it is. I’m finally dating Nina.”
“Are you sure it’s a good idea? This is something totally different for you,” Trina asked, concerned. Her son had a relationship with Kathy but this situation with this new girl was something totally different. Part of her was worried that since Sidney had wanted this girl for so long, that he was diving into this without really thinking about it.
Sidney replied, “You sound like Nina.”
“Hmm, I do?”
“Yep, Mom, you did,” Sidney said, “Nina wasn’t sure if it was a good idea for a long time but I managed to convince her it was.”
Trina was still feeling skeptical. From what she knew, this girl was from the area, a fan of the team, a different race, and had worked for the team for a period of time. It was possible she could be playing the long game. “Is she there with you now?”
Knowing her son, Trina was convinced that Nina was already living with her son. Her son, when he decided he wanted something, went all out to get it. She was surprised when Sidney said, “No, she’s at work, then she has class.”
“Class,” Trina asked, her tone perking up. This sounded interesting. 
Sidney informed his mother, “Nina decided to get a PhD in rehabilitation science this year. She works as a physical therapist.”
“That sounds interesting, isn’t that how you met her,” Trina idly said. The door opened and Troy stepped in. Trina put her finger to her mouth to shush her husband. 
Sidney scratched his head, wondering where his mother was going with these questions. “Yes. Nina works somewhere else totally different now. But she’s looking into becoming a professor after guest lecturing at, I think, Pitt.”
Trina raised her eyebrows. That was interesting information. Switching the conversation to more mundane subjects, Trina filed that information in the back of her head. It sounded like this Nina was a bit more well-rounded than she thought. 
Sidney sighed when he hung up on his mother. That conversation felt like one thing but he could sense there was another undercurrent. Then he received a picture message from Nina and his mind went straight to the gutter. Sidney sighed; it was going to be a long night.
“You look very nice.”
Nina smiled as she replied, “Thank you,” to the guest. 
It was kind of last minute, this dinner that Nina found herself invited to. It was thrown by Nathalie and most of the top brass of the Penguins were here as well as Sidney, the Letangs, and the Malkins. Because Sidney had gone public with their relationship, Nina had found herself suddenly invited. Luckily for her, Nina already had an appropriate cocktail dress for the occasion. 
Her dress was black with an asymmetrical one shoulder with a bow but it came to just above knee level. Nina’s heels were gold, an impulse purchase several months ago that she was happy to have. The outfit was classy, understated, and definitely Penguins colors. 
Sidney seemed to like it as well from the way his arm stayed possessively around Nina’s waist whenever possible. At least it wasn’t a public event; the possessiveness would have looked bad. But because it was informal and in a private room at PPG arena, Sidney was able to get away with it. 
The length was a blessing and a curse. A blessing that it meant that Sidney couldn’t try to do any funny business during dinner but a curse in that the more he touched her, the more Nina wanted him. By the end of the night, it was obvious that Sidney was getting close to losing his cool and Nina was loving it. 
As soon as they got into the car at the end of the night, Sidney pounced. His lips touched hers, demanding and devouring as he kissed her. Then abruptly, Sidney let go. “You'd been torturing me all night in that little black dress. So sexy, the way it showed off my pretty girl’s body.”
Sidney already knew that Nina was perfect in every way anyway. However, as soon as he saw her step in with that black dress and gold heels, it took every ounce of media training and self-control for Sidney not to strip it off of her and fuck her right there. Right now, he was glad that he hired a car after this event. 
Sidney didn’t even do anything in the car other than keep his hand on Nina’s thigh. The difference was that he told Nina every filthy thing he planned to do to her once he got her home. Nina wiggled on the seat, her legs shifting as Sidney whispered what he planned to do to her. It was insane, what he could do to her with his words. 
Nina had expected Sidney to push her against the wall when they got back to his place but instead, he just guided Nina to the kitchen before taking out two glasses. Picking out a wine, Sidney poured two glasses. 
“I’ve missed you in my bed but I’m patient,” Sidney stated, his hands palming Nina’s ass before giving both cheeks a smack. Then Sidney picked up the glasses of wine and passed one to Nina.
Nina smirked. “I’m not,” she said as she took a sip. 
“Can’t be patient for me, pretty girl?”
Nina shrugged as she took another sip. Then she delicately licked a drop that was on her lower lip, causing Sidney to visibly grunt and shudder. “Maybe,” Nina finally replied. 
Sidney sat down in a chair and patted his lap. Nina sat on his lap, the hem of her dress riding up. “Did you have a good time?”
“I actually did for something that was pretty last minute. Don’t ask me if I remember everyone’s name yet.”
“That’s okay,” Sidney reassured Nina. “No one expects you to remember everyone, yet.”
Nina snorted before taking another sip of her wine. Idly, Sidney added, “Fuck, I love this dress.”
“Maybe if you move your hands higher underneath it, you’ll get a surprise,” Nina taunted. Licking her lips, she winked.
Unable to resist a challenge, Sidney moved his hand higher and higher. Then he whistled when he realized Nina’s surprise. “You went commando all night and didn’t tell me?”
“I’m lucky this dress was lined so well that no one could tell,” Nina admitted. “But it was worth it.”
“How,” Sidney asked as his hand touched Nina’s pussy. She was already wet.
Nina smirked. “Because I knew if you found out tonight, the look on your face would have been priceless.”
Sidney ignored that statement as he stroked Nina’s core with his fingers. Rolling her clit with his fingers, Sidney hissed at the idea that Nina was here, with him tonight. His pretty girl, perfect in his lap. "I love how wet you get for me, pretty girl."
"Only for you, daddy," Nina moaned as she clutched his shoulders. Sidney growled at her words, her pussy clenching harder on his fingers. 
Suddenly, Sidney picked Nina up and placed her on the table. Nina smiled as she hiked up her dress and spread her legs. Sidney licked his lips. “We’re gonna see how many times you cum for me tonight, pretty girl.”
“Fuck, I can’t wait,” Nina moaned as his mouth met her core.
Sidney woke, at first disoriented because someone else was in his bed and curled up on top of him. Then he realized it was Nina and he relaxed. Her head was on top of his chest, one arm on him as she slept on her side. Carefully extracting himself, Sidney went to the bathroom. After relieving himself, he watched Nina continue to sleep, now curled into herself. Sidney took a quick picture, it was so cute. However, after taking the picture, he checked his messages. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted.
Nina opened her eyes slowly, her body deliciously sore after last night. Stretching out her arms, she sleepily asked, “What’s wrong, Sid?”
“Seems like someone has something against you, pretty girl,” Sidney said, suppressing his fury. 
Nina’s eyes snapped open, sleep now forgotten. Sitting up, she queried, “What happened?”
“There's a video of you with some guy at a market.”
Grimacing, Nina sighed. “I ran into Ron while getting groceries. He was being a jagoff asshole.”
“You don’t look bad at all, PR thinks you handled it perfectly.”
Nina got off the bed and walked over to Sidney. Wrapping her arms around him, she pleaded, “Fuck him and fuck whoever took video.”
Snuggling into Sidney’s chest, Nina nipped one of his nipples. “Plot your revenge later, Sid. It’s eight am and I know you have a maintenance day today. Come back to bed.”
“‘Come back to bed?’ You know this is my bed,” Sidney joked. His anger was going away each second that Nina was pressed against him, her lips giving him little kisses and bites on his upper body. 
Nina looked up at Sidney, giving him soulful eyes. “Please, daddy?”
Trailing her hands around his neck, Nina murmured, “I’ve been so good. Please?”
“Fuck, how can I say no,” Sidney groaned as Nina giggled. Picking her up, he tossed her on the bed. 
Scooting back, Nina spread her legs as Sidney settled in the middle of them. “I love the way you fuck me, Sidney.”
Sidney smirked, his brown eyes smoldering as he crouched over Nina. “Oh do you?”
“Yes, I do,” Nina hummed, her fingers tugging on his chain. “You should do it again.”
Sidney settled between Nina’s thighs, pulling her legs around his waist. His lips lowered to hers in a gentle kiss. Slow and drugging, enough to make both of them red hot for each other, full of promise. Pulling away, Sidney nipped Nina’s lower lip. Nina sucked her lip into her mouth, her brown eyes meeting Sidney’s. Cupping Nina’s chin, Sidney reminded her, “How do you ask, pretty girl?”
“Please fuck me, daddy,” Nina asked, her body arching towards his. “Make me yours.”
“Good girl.”
Nina tried hard not to feel self-conscious as she made her way to the ice-level with Aryanna, Catherine and her children, and Anna with Nikita. It had been a week since that awful article with video from her interaction with Ron. It had been set up to make Nina look like a gold digging whore and it hurt to have guys, guys she had only gone out with once or twice, say things that made her seem horrible. Nina hadn’t admitted that part to Sid when he was in a fury about it. Lauren had reminded Nina that men tend to be assholes about women that they couldn’t have and that Nina was way beyond their level even before her current relationship. 
Even though Nina had distracted Sidney that morning, by the afternoon, that article was off the internet. A radio host had mentioned it and then within an hour, issued an apology for talking about it. However, it was forgotten pretty quickly as more people cared about the Steelers potentially staying undefeated with a game coming up against the Browns.
Nina smiled as they reached the ice. The team was doing warm-ups and Sidney was in the midst of his pregame rituals. She actually had more enjoyment from watching Aryanna react to watching the guys on the ice. Tanev gave the glass near them an ice shower while Geno and Kris had greeted Nina and Aryanna while saying hi to their families. Then, very unexpectedly, Sidney broke one of his traditions and came over. Giving the glass a small shower, Sidney waved at Aryanna before smirking at Nina. Nina smirked back before giving Sid a little wave. 
As people took pictures of Sid waving to her, Nina smiled. She could live with this, maybe. ‘No, that was a lie’, Nina thought as they made their way to the family box. She was going to have to live with this now, it was too far gone to go back. And she didn’t want to.
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savoies · 3 years
three times you told sidney if he wanted kids and one time you told him you were gonna have a kid.
Pairing: sidney crosby x reader.
Summary: the title says it all.
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: maybe one bad word and hints of sex.
A/N: thank you to caitee@pierreslucdubois for helping bring up this idea and enjoy my first 3 + 1 fic. also the current divisions aren't present here.
taglist: ​ ​ @nhlpetey @mitch-slap ​ @frostythegoalman ​ @ryanssuzuki  @aria253264 ​  @josty ​ ​ @kaitieskidmore1 ​ ​ @kiedhara ​ ​ @laurenairay ​ @teenagekook ​ ​ @alxvlasic ​ ​ ​ @hockeyallthetime ​ ​ @barzy-baby ​ ​ ​ @officialgritty ​ ​ @bowenbyram ​ @mems06 ​ @joshsandersons ​  @connormcdavo ​ @maattamatthews ​ ​ @pierreslucdubois ​ ​ @selenophileangel ​ @boqvistsbabe @ana-maa ​ @stars-canucks @quinnhughxs
​tagging some buds: @npatrickz @beauvibaby @heybarzy @tkachuk-yeah @cozycozzy @2manytabsopen ​
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(*credit to gif owner*)
You and Sidney had been dating for a few years now. Seeming more like a married couple overall anything. No one really talking about what the next step was or what your future would look like. Honestly with Sid it was more about just seeing what was to come and that everything would come when the time was right. Being basically somewhat married already except not having the title, rings, and wedding.
It was your three year anniversary. Both of you really not wanting to do anything special since you were kind of over that. He had practice earlier in the day but had asked his coach if he could leave a bit earlier.
You at home making your guy's favorite meal. Setting up everything before he arrived home.
Much later after the meal and a few glasses of wine both of you sat on the couch ignoring the sound of the television and just talking about whatever came up, and for you it was kids.
"Hey Sid have you ever thought about having kids?" You looked questionably at your boyfriend not really ever having brought it up before.
"I mean yeah of course. Teaching them how to play hockey like how my dad taught me, why?" He asked as his soft smile was illuminated by the light of the tv. 
"Just curious" You said as you placed your head on his shoulder and watched whatever silly rerun was on tv.
Before Sidney had gone on a road trip you had spent the night and most of the day in your room. Wanting to spend every single minute together trying to memorize every single inch of each other like you guys didn't already know everything about the other.
Bringing you to one month later. Sidney currently being somewhere on the West Coast and you standing in your bathroom waiting for the five minute timer to go off.
You had been feeling sick the past few days. Thinking maybe it was something you ate but it sooned dawned on you as your friend was talking about her pregnancy symptoms. 
So now here you stood in your bathroom. Waiting. And waiting. And waiting. You had texted Sidney earlier just a quick text along the lines of a hypothetical situation of you being pregnant and what his reaction would be which he replied to with a simple id be excited.
Now weren't sure how to feel as the timer went off. Did you want to be pregnant? Were you gonna be sad if you weren't? Was Sidney gonna be okay with you not being pregnant? Your breath unsteady as you turned around the test and saw that it only had one line indicating that you were in fact not pregnant.
You let out a breath but you felt a sadness overcome you. Then you remembered what Sidney always told you. The right time will come. 
Baby showers. Some people loved them and some people hated them. Honestly some people just thought it was a way for women to tell their husbands they wanted another kid.
Your friend had been expecting and now here you were at her baby shower/gender reveal with Sidney.
Both of you sitting in one of the corners of the backyard participating in all the silly baby shower games. 
Sidney seemed to be quite into them more than you and you laughed at his enthusiasm to win the prizes.
"Sidney honey you do know you don't have to play every game right." Your eyebrow raised as he had his nose stuffed into a diaper trying to guess what chocolate was smeared on it.
"I don't know about John over here but I want to win the prize." He said as he pointed over at your other friend's husband currently in the same situation as Sidney in trying to guess the chocolate.
You laughed as you got up to get a drink and stood by the table overlooking everyone and in the corner of your eye you saw your very pregnant friend waddling to you.
"Y/N!! I'm so glad you are here." She smiled at you definitely having that pregnancy glow that everyone talked about.
"Happy to be here. This all turned great. " you smiled.
"So are you next?" She looked up at you with her eyebrow raised.
You choked on your drink as you processed her words. You definitely did not expect to be asked about kids at her baby shower.
"Wait have you and Crosby not talked about it?" She looked at you as she registered your reaction.
"We have a few times but it hasn't come up recently." You looked over at him still trying to beat your friend's husband in another game.
"Hey Crosby." Your friend yelled across the lawn as she waddled to your boyfriend.
"So you planning to knock up Y/N soon?" She crossed her arms as both of your eyes widened.
"Oh my gosh, i can not believe you just said that." You said shaking your head.
"Well we aren't really trying right now but if she gets pregnant then i'd be happy." He said as he looked at you and smiled.
Sidney had just gotten back from a game. One of the games that really mattered. The season was wrapping up meaning they needed to step their game up and try to get as many wins as possible.
Of course Sidney being Sidney came back with a win. And couldn't wait to show you how much your support meant to him.
You had taken a test earlier in the day after he left. Having been more hopeful this time since your symptoms were definitely stronger.
Now here you sat on the couch waiting for him to walk through the door and tell him that your life was about to be different. 
"Y/N babe i'm home." He spoke up as he set his things down.
"In the living room." You yelled back. "I need to tell you something." You said as you patted the seat on the couch next to you.
"Oh ok. Everything ok?" He asked as he searched your eyes for a sign.
"Yeah, at least i think so. Can you close your eyes for me please." You said as you grabbed his hands, opened it, and placed the pregnancy test on them.
"Ok you can open them now." You said.
"Wait. No. Are you serious? Is this for real? Are you fucking with me?" He asked as his thoughts registered in his mind.
You shook your head as a few tears pricked at your eyes.
"You're pregnant." He said as he hugged you tightly. "Oh I'm sorry, can't be hurting the baby." He said with the biggest smile on his face. Sidney was right, the right time did come.
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Milestone Maker - Sidney Crosby
Word Count: 1,992
POV: Reader
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, Language
Notes: So you guys made me realize I could not let this milestone of my OG hockey hubby go by without writing a little something. I hope you all enjoy this. Happy Reading to all of you! Congratulation Sidney on 1000th games! Can’t wait to watch him in the next 1000. 
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“Good morning, my love,” you greeted your husband, setting the breakfast tray down at the foot of the bed so that you could kiss him properly. “Happy one-thousandth game day.” Sid smiled sweetly at you, before drawing you back down for another kiss. You’d been married for almost nineteen months now and you still couldn’t get enough of each other.
Your foot bumped the tray, as the kiss turned heated, reminding you that you’d brought him breakfast on his special day. “What’s this?” He asked after hearing the clink of the silverware.
“I made you all your favorites.”
“You’re telling me there are waffles in there?”
“Of course, with strawberries, just the way you like them.” You set the tray on his lap, removing the cover that you’d placed on it so keep everything warm.
“You know the other way I like this?” He scooped up a dollop of whipped cream and smeared it on your lips before licking it away.
“Eat this first,” you ordered, lifting up a forkful of eggs to feed him. “Then we’ll move on to other things.” He took the proffered bite, seductively closing his lips around the utensil and you were suddenly second-guessing your decision to bring him breakfast in bed. “You know I’m supposed to be the one inciting you like that.”
“Babe, you literally walk in the room and I want you. So consider this a taste of your own medicine.” Sid decided to grab a piece of turkey bacon next, moaning dramatically as he ate. It was all over after that. You grabbed the tray and set it on the bench at the foot of the bed. “Hey,” Sid whined. “That’s my breakfast.”
“Mmmhmm, I’m aware.” You crawled back up the length of the bed so that you were situated beside the length of him
“Then you’re aware it’s getting cold.” That damn smirk was on his face, the one that never failed to turn your insides to goo.
“I’ll remake everything, but this can’t wait.” You shimmied the comforter and sheets that were pooled around his waist down, exposing his body to you. Hands raking down his chest, you felt his sharp intake of breath before you heard it. Sid took the satin ties of your robe and toyed with them between his fingers, itching to touch your body, but this was about him today. You swatted him away before bending down to kiss the little trail of hair that led to the place you knew would drive him wild.
Taking his cock, you let your tongue sneak out and lick the head, tasting his dewy precum. It was your turn to moan, and you felt Sid harden even further with just that small simple touch. When you wrapped your lips around his shaft, Sid’s head fell back against the bed, lost in the power of your mouth. His hand instinctively threaded through your hair, pulling it back so he could enjoy the view. You worked him in and out of your mouth; your hand pumping what couldn’t fit in. “You’re so fucking good to me, (Y/N).” Swirling your tongue around the head, Sid groaned out his pleasure. You had a knack of driving him to the brink in no time and today was no different.
You popped him out of your mouth, then trailed your tongue down to his balls, sucking and licking him the way you knew he liked. His shaft, you worked with your right hand, jerking it up and down in a motion that drove him mad. It was torturous, but torture that he loved and you loved taking him there. His hips bucked up in your hand and you knew he was close, so you took him back into your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks so you could suck him off.
“Fuck baby.” The words were no sooner out of his mouth than he was pushing you off of him and rolling you onto your back. Somehow the ties of your robe had come undone, and Sid pushed it open the rest of the way to reveal your naked form. “God, you’re beautiful.” His fingers slipped between your folds, to make sure that you were wet for him. There was no need for you’d been dripping since the moment he took that bite of egg, but Sid, being the gentlemen that he was, always needed to make sure.
“Please, Sid,” you begged, wanting his cock inside you. “I need you.”
Again, that cocky little smirk, the one that you’d fallen in love with, came out, before he thrust deep inside you. “You feel so fucking good.” He pushed your knees back, before leveraging himself over you, then began pumping in and out of your pussy. His lips found yours, devouring you as he stroked his cock in and out of you. For as long as you’d known him, and it had been a few hundred of those thousand games, this would never get old. You’d always love the feel of him thrusting deep inside you.
Sid pinned your hands on either side of your head and laced his fingers with yours. His mouth was still firmly attached to yours, as he pistoned in and out of you. You were on the edge, ready to fall over at any moment, when he finally broke the kiss, both of you panting. “I love you,” He said looking deep in your eyes, right as you fell apart. The sight and feel causing Sid to spiral down that path with you. He collapsed on top of you, after cumming deep inside you.
“I love you too,” you whispered stroking the nape of his neck, then running your fingers through his soft curls. He moved to his side taking you with him and the two of you laid there for several minutes just catching your breath. Finally, Sid got up and went to the foot of the bed. “What are you doing?”
“Eating my breakfast,” he laughed, bringing the tray back up. “I worked up an appetite.”
You grabbed the tray out of his hand as he snatched up another piece of bacon. “This is cold. I’ll go make you fresh while you shower. You’ve got practice soon.”
There was a pout on his face, one that usually appeared when there was a bad call on the ice. “You’re ruining my day with talk of that.”
“Well, how else are you going to get another thousand if you don’t get out of this bed.”
“Fine, I’m going.”
The two of you went about your day, as you would any normal game day, for although it was his thousandth game, some things you couldn’t change. “I’ll see you at the arena.” He said before kissing you goodbye. “You’ll be on time, right?”
“Of course, I will.” You’d never been late to anything of his or yours for that matter, but you knew he was fretting because there would be a special little ceremony before the game.
“I know. I’m just being paranoid, but you’re all that's here for this.” It was killing Sid that his parents couldn’t be here with Covid restrictions.
“I know, baby. I’ll be there extra early.”
“Thanks, babe. I love you.”
“Love you too.” He was out the door then and as soon as he was, you were putting your surprise for him into action. Of course, the Penguins had things planned out for him, but you’d wanted to do something special for him as well.
You got ready and headed to the arena, making sure you were there thirty minutes before the time Sid had asked you to be, along with your surprise. While this wasn’t the way you wanted to commemorate your husband’s milestone, both you and he would’ve preferred to do it in front of the home crowd in Pittsburgh, you were still happy that the team and NHL were recognizing his accomplishment.
Right before the National anthem, they brought out the carpet where you would meet Sid. You stood there, waiting as you heard the announcer start the speech. Sid looked over making sure you were there and you blew him a kiss, while he gave you a little smirk and wink back. He then turned his attention to the scoreboard to watch the montage and well wishes from everyone. You had tears in your eyes as you watched all his accomplishments. The video came to an end to the sound of piped-in applause and stick taps from both teams.
“Please welcome Sidney’s family,” you heard the announcer say before the door opened. Sid looked over as you walked out, his parents and sister trailing behind you. He was stunned that they were there. Why you weren’t sure, because they would never miss something this special in his life, but you’d definitely been able to pull off this little surprise. He pinched the bridge of his nose to stop the tears that threatened to fall, while yours were already tumbling down.
He stopped at your first, kissing you through your mask. “How did you?”
“I’ll tell you later. I love you, baby. Congratulations.” He moved on hugging and kissing the cheeks of all his family members, while a couple of the guys brought out flowers for you, Trina and Taylor. Geno and Tanger brought out his sliver stick, while Rusty handed out the special plaque that was made. It was over within minutes but the reaction from Sid would last a lifetime in your mind.
At the end of the night, everyone celebrated his accomplishment with champagne at the arena. His parents told him that it had been all your doing to get them here, making sure that they had covid tests and getting them a hotel to stay at for the surprise. They would be staying on a few days longer, but at your home with the two of you.
“I don’t know how to thank you, babe. This means so much.”
“I still have a couple surprises left.” You pulled out one of the boxes you had hidden for him.
He opened the gift, a specially made Rolex watch commemorating his accomplishment. “Wow, this is incredible.”
“Just like you,” you told him before handing him the other.
“Sweetie this is way too much. You didn’t need to do all this.”
“Shush,” you told. “You deserve it, though this one has a no return policy on it so I hope you like it.”
His curiosity was piqued at that and he tore away the paper quickly. Lifting the lid, he gasped, smiling brightly at what he saw inside. “Really?” You simply smiled and nodded back.
“What is it, son?” Troy asked though everyone in the room's attention was now on Sidney.
“We’re having a baby,” Sid announced, before closing the lid and lifting you off the ground. He kissed you as champagne and cheers went up all around you. Sid set you down on your feet, after a few minutes, a worried look crossing his face. “Was that ok? Maybe I shouldn’t have told everyone.”
“It’s perfectly fine. I hope you don’t mind me telling you this way.”
“Mind? Babe this is perfect. You made this day one I’ll never forget.” His hands were roaming over your belly, where the baby grew even though you hadn’t started to show at all.
“I think you did that all on your own.”
“Nah, it’s taken everyone here to get me this far in my career, and it’s taken you to get me something I’ve always dreamed of.” Pregnancy hormones were getting the best of you as happy tears started to pool in your eyes. “Just think, if I make it to fifteen-hundred games, our little one will be out there with you.”
“You’ll make it to that and I have a feeling it’ll be more than one little one out there, Mr. Crosby.”
“God, I hope so. I love you, Mrs. Crosby.”
“Love you too, Sid.”
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blueskrugs · 4 years
Some People Do | Nathan MacKinnon
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title from an Old Dominion song of the same name. highly recommend a listen while reading.
the only other words I have are that I cried while writing this.  
length: 6.2k words
I know that time just keeps going on And words by themselves can't right all the wrongs
No one ever claimed that dating an NHL player was easy. In fact, it was hard as hell. Dating the face of a franchise, the savior of a franchise, was hard as hell. It wasn’t that you didn’t love Nate. You loved him more than anyone else, more than you sometimes thought was possible. But sometimes you wondered if your relationship was doomed from the start, if carrying the weight of the expectations of Denver on Nate’s shoulders was too much for both of you to handle. 
Nate had proclaimed himself unromantic before, but you didn’t really need flowers and extravagant gifts. With Nate, it was always the little things. He would cook you breakfast in the mornings before you left for work and he for practice. He would sneak into your apartment when you had a long day at work and clean up. (Never laundry though. He always said he was too scared of fucking that up.) It was letting you cuddle on the couch, no questions asked, no words spoken, on days you really needed it; he always seemed to know about those days even before you did. You knew the other boys teased Nate sometimes, everything from ribbing him about being whipped to roasting him for his somewhat abysmal gift-giving skills. Nate would just blush and give them that shy little smile you loved so much. 
That’s the way things were for a long time. You were both happy, comfortable. You wondered sometimes, on the hardest nights, if you had gotten too comfortable. If you had forgotten just where you were, who you were with, and how lucky you were that Nate had ever given you the time of day in the first place. 
You missed the drama of the Avalanche’s historically bad, never-before-seen debacle of a year that had been the 2016-2017 season and came into Nate’s life when they were back on their feet, making a name for themselves in the standings again. You still saw the damage it had done to him, though, in the way he blamed himself for losses, took them a little harder than anyone else– except maybe Gabe– in the way he dialed up his intensity even stronger than ever until he was satisfied. Except he was never satisfied, probably would never be, bar winning a Cup or three. 
The Avs dug themselves out a hole. And then they hit a wall again.
It was the same old shit that always seemed to dog the team, injury after injury, games that just never seemed to go their way, no matter how hard they fought. 
October started out fine. They won more than they lost, and it looked like they could have a chance at being something this year. The end of October came with a string of losses. Mikko went down with a lower-body injury on Halloween. 
November continued a downward spiral. Nate stopped scoring, Burky broke his wrist, and they only won a handful of games the entire month. Nate started coming home late from the arena, sweaty and exhausted; you knew he was running himself ragged, literally, on the treadmill and on drills. His blue eyes were hard as stone, and the set of his jaw grew more tense with each loss the team strung together. 
Road trips were the hardest. From the start of your relationship, you and Nate made a point to FaceTime during roadies. You looked forward to those calls all day, because no matter how terrible the game had been, Nate would see you and smile. You would always do anything for him to smile. The calls continued that terrible season, and for a while, it seemed like nothing had changed. Nate’s eyes were more tired than usual, his brow permanently furrowed, but you would answer the phone, and that would all disappear for a moment when he grinned at you.
You had just gotten out of the shower when your phone started ringing with a FaceTime call. You were surprised to see that it was Nate. You hadn’t been officially dating for very long at all, and he had only left for the road trip that morning. 
“What the hell is on your head?” was the first thing out of Nate’s mouth when you answered the call. Somewhere off camera, you could hear Tyson Barrie cackling. 
Your hand flew up to your hair, which was wrapped in a towel. “It’s a towel, dumbass. And I just got out of the shower, I’m not wearing makeup or anything,” you whined. 
Nate rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond when Tyson leaned into frame. “Hi, Y/N!” he yelled. Nate flinched.
There was a moment of darkness and what sounded like the two wrestling on the bed for a moment, before a whispered, “Get out of here!” and a door closing. “I’m sorry about him,” Nate said, picking his phone back up. 
You just laughed. You had only met Tyson one time so far, and he seemed like fun, if not a little crazy. “Let me just-” You reached up to tug the towel off your head. 
“No, don’t! I mean, I think it’s cute,” Nate said. You froze, staring at his blurry face on your phone screen. You were pretty sure he was blushing in the shitty hotel light. “I just- I missed you, and I don’t care what you look like. I mean-wait, I don’t want you to think you need to have makeup or shit on for me to think you’re beautiful.” Yeah, he was definitely blushing now. He was also smiling a little bit, cautiously, as if he was afraid of your response.
You smiled back, settling in against the pillows on your bed, and saying, “Nate, I literally saw you this morning.” He shrugged.
“Wanted to see your face again,” he mumbled. Then, “Can I call you tomorrow after our game, too?”
He did call you the next night, and the night after that, and then roadtrip FaceTime calls became a routine.
As the season went on, you waited by the phone every night Nate was out of town, but slowly the calls became few and far between, until they stopped entirely. 
Most wouldn't forgive what I put you through But I'm here tonight, hoping some people do
Nate started watching game film obsessively, coming home and sitting up for hours. He would watch his own clips, his teammates’ clips, clips from every other team, watching for any mistake or flaw, some way to fix this. He’d always been so serious about schedules and routines, but he started coming to bed later and later. You always tried to get Nate to come to bed with you, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and murmuring a, “Babe, c’mon, it’s getting late,” but he’d shrug you off and say back, “Just a few more minutes.”
You resigned yourself to going to bed alone. Cox started laying in Nate’s spot on the bed. 
The Penguins came to town. The slump continued, for the team and for Nate. Nate got benched. It was December, and all the Crosbys and MacKinnons had come to town, too, planning to celebrate Christmas a little early while everyone could be together. 
Bednar had told Nate he wouldn’t be playing against the Pens following a morning skate. Cale told you he had broken his stick against a wall afterwards. His temper followed him home, came back with a vengeance, and you would never forget the sadness on Taylor’s face and the anger on Sarah’s when he snapped at Taylor over something stupid and let the door slam behind him for good measure. He didn’t talk to any of you for the rest of the night, and he drove to the arena alone.
The Avs won in a game that was nothing short of a Christmas miracle. Nate came home in a slightly better mood, apologized to Taylor, and started channeling his anger into his time on the ice instead. It might have had something to do with the fact that you were sure he hadn’t missed the way you flinched when he had yelled. 
The end of December saw a win streak for the Avs and a scoring streak for Nate. 
“I thought about asking for a trade,” Nate said casually one January night. It was the All-Star break, and Nate had found a cabin on a lake in California to rent for bye week. He didn’t look up at you as he said it, gazing instead up at the stars, and your heart broke.
Nate’s arm was draped around your shoulder, and it had been a comforting weight, but suddenly it felt like it would crush you. You hadn’t been in Denver for the drama of the last teammate that had requested a trade midseason, but you knew the tale, knew the bitterness that was still in that locker room. You knew how it could destroy a team. And you’d had no idea Nate was even considering it.
He kept talking. “Thought about trying to go somewhere where people didn’t care about hockey, somewhere where it didn’t matter if I had been a fluke.” His voice broke. “I just want out sometimes. Get away from all the fucking expectations, the hope that I’ll bring the Cup back to Denver, that I can be the next Sidney Crosby, just the next best thing out of Cole Harbour.” It was the first time you had ever heard Nate say Sid’s name like that, with venom and bitterness.
You were speechless, couldn’t find the words to respond to Nate. You weren’t even sure he wanted you to respond, to argue with him. So you just shrugged off his arm from your shoulders and pulled him into your chest, resting your chin on his head as you watched the stars together.
The trade deadline passed. Nate still wore an A for the Colorado Avalanche, and no one would ever know any differently. 
I know you're hurt, I know it's my fault But I've kept "I'm sorry" locked in a vault
You called Sid late one night in March. He answered quickly, because he always did when you or Nate called, even though it was after midnight in Pittsburgh.
“Sid, I don’t know what to do anymore,” you had cried, with Cox curled up next to you on the couch in the dark. Nate was asleep upstairs, gone to bed early for the first time in a long time. Cox heard your tears and shoved his face into your hand, asking for attention, letting you use him as comfort. You petted him absently as you told Sid everything. And Sid listened, even as you told him stories of the season he already knew, told to him by Nate in similar late night phone conversations, even as it ticked past 1 in the morning in Denver. Sid waited until you finished talking before responding, spewing sympathy and advice that you only half listened to, still caught up in your thoughts. 
In the best days of your relationship and in your worst, you didn’t know what you would do without Sid.
You thought back to the first summer you visited Nate in Cole Harbour. You hadn’t gone the first summer after you’d started dating, as you’d only been together a couple of months, although Nate had begged you pretty much the entire summer. The next summer, though, there was absolutely no getting out of visiting. 
You had never been to Canada before, and you had grown up spending your summers on a lake, but you were convinced nothing would ever compare to Nova Scotia. Nate had laughed at you when you ran out onto his deck, a wide smile on your face. You spun around to look up at him.
“I love it here,” you said. Nate laughed again.
“You’ve barely even been here. You haven’t seen the good stuff yet.”
“I have a house, water, and you, what else is there to see?” Nate chuckled fondly at you. 
You spent the day out on the water with Nate, Sid and the dogs. It was peaceful out there in the sun, the silence only occasionally broken by Sid’s ridiculous laugh or one of the dog’s barks. You were dozing in the sun when Nate came over to you.
“Come swimming with me for a bit.” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m tanning, Nathan.” Sid laughed. Next thing you knew, you were being picked up and thrown over Nate’s shoulder. Sid laughed louder. Sometimes you really hated him and that fucking laugh. “Nate!” you shrieked. “Put me down!”
Nate simply said, “Okay,” before he was throwing you in the lake. You came up spluttering. Nate and Sid were both doubled over in laughter, and dogs were caught up in the excitement and barking. 
“Help me out,” you whined, reaching a hand out of the water. Nate took pity on you and grabbed your hand.
You pulled him headfirst down into the water. 
Sid came up to you on the dock on your last night in Cole Harbour. Nate was up at the house, getting you a blanket and more wine, and you were watching the stars.
“You’re really good for him, you know,” Sid said without preamble, settling next to you on the dock. You waited for him to continue. “I’ve known him for years, and I’ve never seen him as happy as he has been this week with you here.” You blushed. “And you should hear the way he talks about you on the phone, God, I didn’t know it was possible for anyone to get him out of his head and stop focusing on hockey, I don’t know how you do it.” He paused, gazing up at the clear sky.When he spoke again, his voice was soft. “Nate takes everything so seriously. He’s gotten pretty fucked up over bad relationships in the past. I was a little worried when I saw how fast he was falling for you, when he’d call or text me like a middle-school girl with a crush. But I don’t have to worry, because you two are so good together, like you’ve known each other forever, and will be together forever.” 
Nate chose that moment to reappear. “Talkin’ about me?” he asked, pushing Sid out of the way so he could sit next to you. 
“Only good things,” Sid smiled.
Nate draped his arm across your shoulders and the blanket over your legs. You leaned your head on his shoulder.
“I love you,” Nate whispered into your hair, brushing a kiss to the top of your head. 
Nate came downstairs not long after you hung up with Sid. He found you crying on the couch, trying to muffle your sobs into the sleeves of one of his Avalanche hoodies. He made a soft, wounded sound, and you startled. You didn’t have a chance to apologize– for waking Nate, for breaking down– before he was climbing onto the couch next to you. He pulled you into his lap wordlessly, kissing away your tears, holding you as you shook. 
He whispered sweet things to you as you calmed down, I’m sorrys and I love yous breaking the silence of the night. Cox whined, crawling his way into your lap as well. Nate’s heartbeat was steady beneath your ear, his breathing even, and you found yourself soothed by it. The two– well, three, if you counted the German Shepherd who was decidedly not a lap dog– fell asleep on the couch like that. When you woke up again, sunlight was streaming into the living room, and you were still safely wrapped up in Nate’s arms.
He looked younger, softer, in his sleep, the burden of being Nathan MacKinnon momentarily forgotten. You couldn’t help but stare, a soft smile on your face. Nate shifted under you a couple of minutes later, eyes blinking sleepily open. He grinned when he found you inches from his face, already watching him. 
“Good morning,” he whispered, stretching up to kiss you gently. “D’you want breakfast?”
You buried your face in Nate’s neck. “In a minute,” you mumbled. “Comfy.” Nate laughed, loud, and you felt it in every inch of your body that was touching his.
As you sat sipping your coffee in the kitchen later, watching Nate cook you breakfast, like he had for so long, you could almost convince yourself that everything was fine, that the stress fractures of your relationship weren’t on the verge of breaking completely. 
Some people say sorry to hear it's okay But I know it's not so you don't have to say That you understand 'cause I know you don't
In the living room where you had left your phone after last night’s phone call, you got a text. Then another. And another. Nate’s phone started ringing; his face went white, and he dropped the spatula he was using.
Confused, and starting to get worried, you set your coffee down and rushed to pick up your phone. The first thing you saw was a text from Mel, simply saying, “i’m so sorry.” Nate was still on the phone in the kitchen, speaking in an anxious hushed tone to whoever was on the other end. You ignored the handful of other texts you had received in favor of looking at your Instagram and Twitter notifications which were blowing up. You clicked on one with a shaky hand.
Your heart dropped. Your phone fell to the floor with a clatter. 
In the kitchen, Nate’s voice rose, but you couldn’t hear any of the words he was saying over the pounding of your heart in your ears. 
You sank to the floor and picked up your phone again. You had been tagged in a series of pictures, all of Nate. There was Nate with a girl in a bar, with a girl in his lap, his arm wrapped around her waist, his lips on hers. There was more than one post, too, all dated, starting all the way back in November. All nights when Nate and the Avs were on road trips. Different cities, too, but always the same girl.
Blonder than you. Prettier than you. Better than you, apparently.
There were dozens of pictures. Some were dark and kind of blurry, but all were unmistakably Nate. 
You scrolled through all of the pictures again. Cox whined next to you. Nate still hadn’t left the kitchen, but you knew he had been tagged in all of the posts too. Texts and notifications were still rolling into your phone, from friends and family and strangers. You turned your phone off.
Then Nate was crouching in front of you, brushing your tears away. You hadn’t even realized you had been crying. You scrambled away from Nate’s touch like it burned you; his hand stayed outstretched in the air.
Just ten minutes ago, you had been beginning to think that things could get better again, that you could fix the damage in Nate, in your relationship. Now, everything you had known for the last two and a half years lay shattered at your feet, spread out for the whole world to see.
“You weren’t supposed to find out like this,” Nate murmured.
A hysterical laugh forced its way out of your throat. Your hands were still shaking, but your anxiousness had just been replaced with anger. “I wasn’t supposed to find out like this, or I wasn’t supposed to find out at all?”
Nate flinched a little, and you felt a brief flash of vindication. “I didn’t mean-”
“You didn’t mean what, Nathan? Didn’t mean for me to find out, for the whole world to find out? Or you didn’t mean to say it like that? Like you were just waiting for the right time to tell me, but it never worked out?” Nate had stood up again, but he wasn’t looking at you. “God, I was sitting around like a fool all season, waiting for you to call me, but of course you never did, because you had found someone better than me. Did she get to go to games, too, when you were flying her all across the country?”
Nate was flushed with anger now too. “You don’t understand-”
You cut him off. “No, Nate, I don’t fucking understand. I thought, I don’t know, maybe the past two years actually meant something. So tell me, make me understand, because you lost me a long time ago.”
“Just shut up!” You took a step back from Nate, though he hadn’t moved. You weren’t sure Nate had ever raised his voice at you. “We were in Ottawa in the beginning of November, and we all went out to a bar because we finally got a fucking win. She started flirting, and she had no idea who we were, and it was so nice to meet someone and not have the expectation of being Nathan fucking MacKinnon. I never had to listen to her lie to me about how well I played or some shit about how the team would figure it out, that we could get better.”
“Did all the boys know?” you whispered. “Have you all just been laughing at me behind my back all season, while I’ve been blindly in love with a boy who’s been flying another girl to all of his road games?”
Nate paled and took a half-step in your direction. You backed up again, until your knees hit the couch. “No, they- they knew I was taking the season hard, I guess, so they gave me space. Gabe might’ve been getting suspicious, but I- they would never do that to you.”
“Excuse me for not believing that. I believed you would never cheat on me, either, but here we are.” You turned to leave the room. 
“If you’d just-” Nate was angry again. You spun around, your heartbreak fanning the flames of your own anger.
“If I’d just what, Nate? Stopped caring about you and hockey? Stopped supporting you? Stopped caring about us?” Your voice broke, and you blinked back the tears burning behind your eyes. You had started out yelling again, but now your voice was quiet. “I’m sorry I tried, Nathan. I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough for you.”
You turned again, started making your way towards the stairs. 
“Wait, Y/N, please.” Nate’s voice came out desperate, like he was choking back tears. You couldn’t possibly understand why; he had done this to himself. “I never actually slept with her.”
“Good for you, Nate.” You let out a humorless laugh. “I hope the PR team has fun trying to save you and your fuck-ups. The posterboy of the Colorado Avalanche showing his true colors at last.”
Nate finally let you turn and make your way upstairs. He didn’t follow as you made your way into the bedroom and packed a bag with enough clothes to last you until the next road trip. He was sitting on the couch, stiff and tense, but he jumped up when you came back down the stairs. 
“Where are you going?” he asked, starting to reach out to grab your arm, but stopping himself at the last second, grasping at the air instead. “Please, Y/N.”
“I don’t know, Nate,” you sighed. “But I can’t stay here. I’ll be back to get the rest of my stuff while you’re on your next road trip. Say hi to your other girlfriend for me.”
Nate followed you outside. Cox barked once as you climbed into your car. “But-but you live here, with us! Please, let me fix this.”
You turned to Nate one last time. “You know, you could have fixed everything else that screwed us up this season. I really thought we could’ve been fine. But this, Nate? I don’t know anymore.” 
Nate flinched as your car door slammed. You watched in your rearview mirror as you drove away. His hands were shoved in his pockets, unmoving, and then he was out of sight. 
You drove aimlessly around Denver for a while. You let yourself get lost before you found somewhere quiet to pull over. Except, the breakdown, the tears, never came. Instead, you felt numb and hollow. You had really been foolish enough to believe that you could love Nate through everything, and that he would love you back. Hadn’t Sid said it seemed like you would be together forever?
When Nate showed up at the game the next night with a fresh black eye, no one commented on it. No one commented on EJ’s freshly bruised knuckles, either.
The season ended quietly. The Avs had managed to turn the season around, stop the bleeding, but they never quite could fix the damage. You had moved out of Nate’s house after the fight. You rarely saw each other anymore, but you didn’t tell him you kept going to games until the very end. You just couldn’t keep yourself away, no matter how much it hurt to watch him down on the ice.  
Nate went home to Cole Harbour. You stayed in Denver. 
Sometimes you thought back to the beginning of your relationship with Nate. You remembered what it was like when you first met, when Nate was still shy and quiet. It had been so stupidly fucking cliche, too: in a goddamn Starbucks. 
You listened to the man next to you in line rattle off a list of coffee orders, ranging from basic to borderline ridiculous. The baristas were already beginning to look overwhelmed as the cups lined up. He had the grace to look sheepish, at least, and tucked what looked like a ten dollar bill into their tip jar. You didn’t pay him much more mind after that, stepping to the side and trying your hardest to stay out of the way of other patrons while you waited. Then your grandmother had called, asking for technology help, even though you were hundreds of miles away from home, and you had other family that literally lived five minutes away from her. You were distracted and missed that a barista had called your name. You were still caught up with your phone and didn’t realize until someone was tapping you on the shoulder and tentatively saying your name.
You looked up, surprised, and your entire field of vision was filled with one very blond, blue-eyed, broad-shouldered man. First, you made the connection to him being the one with the list of coffee orders in line next to you, and then, that the man standing in front of you, struggling to balance several coffee carriers, was Nathan MacKinnon. 
“I grabbed your coffee by mistake,” he said. “It got mixed in with all our orders, and I only just noticed it had a different name on it. I’m really sorry.”
You smiled, taking your coffee. “It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it. I didn’t even hear them call my name.” Nate still looked apologetic. “Did you lose a bet or something?” you asked then, looking at the stack of coffee cups Nate still held. 
He grinned at you. “Something like that.”
You had left the Starbucks that day with Nate’s phone number. At the time, you had no real intent to use it; you didn’t kid yourself. Nathan MacKinnon was a former first-overall draft pick, hero of the Colorado Avalanche, and you were just some girl whose coffee he accidentally stole. 
Nate texted you first. He did that a lot in the beginning. He was always a little awkward– a life spent focused on hockey meant that he wasn’t the best at small talk– but he was sweet and could make you laugh.
When he first asked you out, you said no. You had watched his face fall, watched him bite his lip and take a step back from you. You felt a surprising rush of sadness settle in your chest as Nate’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. You had said no because you didn’t want to be just another girl, another fling that meant nothing. Suddenly, you weren’t sure if that’s all you would be to Nate, and you were a little scared by how willing you were to see how far it could go. 
“Ask me again in a couple weeks,” you said softly. Nate startled, still looking a little bit like he wanted to run. You looked up at him fondly.
Life went on in Denver that summer without Nate. You went to work. You went home to your empty apartment. Really, it wasn’t all that different from life with Nate in Denver, at least not in the last couple of months. You texted with Sid and Sarah every once in a while, but you got complete radio silence from Nate. Tyson Barrie texted you a video of Cox and Ralph playing one day in mid-July, and you could hear Nate laughing somewhere in the background. You didn’t reply. You didn’t want to admit to how many times you watched the video, just to hear Nate’s laugh again, either. 
“You are not getting my dog a fucking-what it’s called? A puppuccino?” Nate gripped his iced black cold brew tightly in his hand and glared at you. Cox sat patiently at your feet, eyeing the cup of whipped cream in your hand and licking his lips eagerly.
“It’s just whipped cream, babe! And, look, he likes them!” 
Nate raised an eyebrow at you. You had forgotten that the trips you took to Starbucks with Cox while the boys were on road trips were secret. “Y/N.” Nate crouched down and squished Cox’s face. Cox looked unimpressed. “This is a highly trained guard dog. He does not need any fucking whipped cream.” Cox’s tongue darted out and licked Nate’s nose. It was Nate’s turn to look unimpressed.
You bent down to give Cox his puppuccino. He lapped it up excitedly, getting whipped cream all over his nose and whiskers. Nate rolled his eyes at the both of you. 
“You’re not allowed to spoil our children.” You paused, still watching Cox try and get the last of the whipped cream out of the cup. Nate had never mentioned kids before, but you sometimes watched the smile he had when he played with Linnea or Sophie, even though he was still a little terrified of holding a baby. You looked at him, but he was still watching Cox calmly.
“Are you saying that Cox isn’t already your son?” you asked, only deflecting a little, and trying very hard to not picture Nate with a tiny baby of your own. 
Nate scoffed. You both looked down at Cox, who had rolled onto his back, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. “Besides,” he said, tugging you closer by your hips, “I think Cox will be great with kids, and there’s only one way to find out.”
You just rolled your eyes.
You always had to grit your teeth and smile when someone heard that you weren’t originally from Denver and asked, pretty much without fail, if you had moved for Nate. The answer was always that you had moved for work and had met Nate by chance. If Nate was a part of the conversation, he would chip in that he’d had to work to even get you to consider dating him. He’d always kiss you after that, on the forehead, on the cheek, and he’d look at you like he was the lucky one. And you could look into his eyes and forget for a moment that you’d been upset.
You always wondered why everyone assumed you had dropped your life, your family and friends and your hometown just to follow Nate and his hockey career. Now, you were wondering if you were ready to drop your life, your friends, and everything you loved about Denver just to get away from Nate and his hockey career. 
You didn’t hear from Nate when he returned to Denver for training camp. It hurt in a way you couldn’t articulate, a bone-deep ache, a hollowness that you had never felt before, the fear that you had both let your relationship go past the point of no return while neither of you were paying attention. You thought wildly as you laid in bed alone, if you would ever see Nate again, be able to look him in the eyes and tell him you loved him one more time.
Because you did. You still loved Nate, maybe always would, and you missed him, spent the whole summer missing him, had missed him long before he went back to Cole Harbour by himself. You were terrified that you lost the best relationship you’d ever had. You were too scared to reach out to him yourself, half-sure that he’d never even respond, and that would be all you needed to know that you had reached the end. 
You watched the boys’ Instagram stories as they went golfing everyday after practice. You watched Nate smile and laugh with Gabe and Burky, though you noticed that the smiles never quite seemed to reach his eyes. You looked at the Avs’ social medias every day for the pictures they inevitably posted of Nate. He never seemed to be smiling. You would drive down near the Pepsi Center, only to see his face plastered everywhere. Seeing Nathan MacKinnon around Denver seemed unavoidable; he was on posters and on shirts and jerseys. Seeing Nate, though? Your Nate, with the lisp and the love for dogs, who yelled at his teammates on Fortnite and loved his family more than anything? You weren’t sure you’d ever see him again. 
So whether you kiss me or you close the door Just know that I'm better than I was before
You were surprised when someone knocked on your apartment door one night after dinner, only a couple of days before the regular season began. You were even more surprised when you pulled open the door to see Nate. He startled a little when you opened the door, and you leaned against the doorjamb, allowing yourself to just look at him.
His summer tan had already started to fade. He was wearing jeans, but an old Avs T-shirt, and he was picking at the fraying hem. He was no longer as lean as he was the last time you’d seen him towards the end of the season, but he looked exhausted the same way he did in the final stretch.
It hurt to look at him for long, so you cleared your throat, tore your gaze away from the dark circles under his eyes. Nate shook himself a little, looked away from the 29 on your right shoulder. You had forgotten that you had put on an old, stolen hoodie after work. For a while, it had still smelled like him, but now it didn’t smell like anything. 
“I thought you gave everything of mine back,” was the first thing he said.
You shrugged, tugging the sleeves of Nate’s hoodie over your hands. “Couldn’t bring myself to give it up.” You looked back at Nate. He looked pained. “What’re you doing here, Nate?” The exhaustion of the last couple months, the heartbreak, the worry, showed in your voice.
“I just-I wanted to see you. Wanted to try and explain, if you wanted to listen. I know I’ll never get the words right, and you could slam the door in my face right now, and I wouldn’t blame you. And if you do, I’ll leave you alone. But if you don’t, I will spend the rest of my life apologizing, trying to show you how much I love you.”
You covered your mouth to cover the sob that rose out of your chest. Nate’s eyes snapped up to yours, those bright blue eyes that you still loved so much, and he looked panicked. “Nate, I-”
“Look, if I were you, I’d hate me. Hell, EJ socked me, and I thought Sid was gonna leave me out on the lake to die when I first flew home. If you spend the rest of your life hating me, it’s all on me. You probably wouldn’t be the only one. But, fuck, Cox misses you. I miss you.” Nate stepped closer, reached out to brush his thumb across your cheekbone. 
You let yourself revel in that touch for a moment before you took a step back, clutching your door for support. “I spent all summer wondering if we were over, Nate. Wondering what I could’ve done differently.” Nate bit his lip. He was still standing in the hallway outside your apartment. You hadn’t invited him in, and you weren’t sure you were going to at all. “I don’t know if I can do this again. If I can fall in love with you, be in love with you, and watch you go off on road trips and wonder if I can ever trust you again. I don’t know if I can do this,” you repeated. 
Nate closed his eyes, seemed to be steeling himself for something. He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. And I know it’s not enough, will never be enough, and I’m sorry for that, too.”
You hesitated. Nate blinked once, twice, fidgeted with the hem of his T-shirt again. It would be so easy, you thought, to let him back into your life. 
You closed the door.
The last thing you saw was Nate’s face, hurt but resigned. You leaned back against your door, slid down to the floor, and let the tears that had been burning under the surface for months out.
Part Two! 
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jerakeenc · 3 years
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“No, please, don't, stop!” Those were the words that haunted Johnny Lawrence. One's that followed him day and night, ones that he looked at late at night in the darkness, when no one else was there, and traced them, thinking that they were the rightful punishment he got. That the first time he met his soulmate, they would scream for him to stop. To stay away. It was the punishment for Johnny Lawrence.
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See the Long List at Dreamwidth
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hockeybabe87 · 4 years
Sidney Crosby - Safe
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Prompt 13: “I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
You leaned your back against your desk as Sidney left open mouth kisses along your collar bone leading up to your neck.
“You like that babygirl?” He whispered into your ear before he bit down on your neck slightly causing you to moan ever so quietly.
You were one of the top executives for the Pittsburgh Penguins and it was no secret how quickly you seemed to click with Sid when you started working for the team.  However, you were married, well soon to be divorced, to your husband Brad.  You tried your hardest to avoid the attraction you had to Sidney, but with the divorce and the relaxed nature of upper management, you didn’t have a reason to ignore it anymore.  
You couldn’t help it as you arched your body into Sidney.  His hand slid down your back until it reached your ass where he gave it a nice squeeze.  You loved when practice was over because he would always come upstairs to your office and give you a nice hello.
Your focus was quickly taken away from Sidney as there was a knock at your office door.  You swiftly pulled away from Sidney and smoothed out your clothes to not give whoever was on the  other side of the door any indication as to what was happening.
You gave Sid a once over to make sure he was decent.  He was now seated on one of the plush black chairs scrolling through his phone.  You would never have been able to tell he was just getting ready to fuck you.
You opened the door expecting to see one of your interns or a coworker.  Your jaw dropped when you saw Brad and your 3 year old daughter Piper perched in his arms.  As soon as she saw you she immediately made grabby hands for you to take her.
“Mommy!” She said.
“Hi honey!” You cheered as you accepted her into your grasp.
“Y/N, we need to talk.” Brad said.
The sound of Brad’s voice immediately had Sidney on edge, but he was trying to hold back to let you handle this yourself.
“Oh, sure! What’s up?” You asked as you bounced Piper.
“I received a job offer in London.” He stated flatly.
“Wow that’s great!” You said trying to sound happy for him, unsure of why he felt the need to tell you this information.
“I want to take Piper with me.” He said coldly.
His words had Sidney up out of his seat waiting for your reaction.
“You can’t just take her Brad.” You seethed holding her close to your body as she laid her head against your shoulder.
“I didn’t come here to fight with you.  I came to let you know.  Give me Piper back right now.” He barked.
You were appalled at his tone and began to panic.  Piper was your entire world, she was the only thing getting you through the divorce.  She was the reason you worked so hard and the reason you finally chose to be happy.  You hated that Piper was growing up in a home with two people who hated each other.  She was your everything.
She clutched onto you just a little bit tighter than normal.
“I’m not giving her back to you right now.  She wants her mom.” You explained.
Brad getting fed up with the situation grabbed your arm and yanked you towards him.  Almost instantly Sidney had Brad off of you and shoved against the wall.
“Don’t you ever touch her like that again. Do you understand me?” Sidney growled.
You quickly walked Piper into your office not wanting her to see what was happened.  You sat down and held her close.
“Mommy loves you so much Pipe.” You whispered as you kissed the top of her head.
“Daddy is mad.” She said.
“Don’t worry about Daddy, I’m not going to let anything bad happen okay?” You asked and she nodded her little head.
After a few minutes Sidney came back inside and immediately came over and pulled you into a tight embrace.
“Are you guys okay?” He asked looking you both over for any injuries.
“We’re fine.” You said still visibly shaken from what happened.
Sidney had an idea and began digging through your desk drawer.  He pulled out a pad of paper and a few highlighters.
“Do you wanna draw Pipe?” He asked and she was immediately wiggling down your body and dashing over to him to accept the writing utensils.  After he was sure she was entertained he came over to you and wrapped you in a large hug.  The dam broke as the tears immediately began rolling down your face.
“He can’t take her.” You cried as you buried your face into his chest.
“He isn’t going to take her anywhere baby, I promise.” He said soothing you.
“He’s going to take me to court, and he has more money.  He can give her such a better life in London than I can.” You whimpered.
You knew you weren’t broke by any means, but compared to the money and the power Brad possessed, you knew you would be no match.
“Listen to me for a minute.” Sidney said kissing you slowly.
“He is not taking her anywhere.  I don’t care if I have to drain my bank account to get the best lawyer in the country.  I’m not letting him take her.  I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.” He said staring into your eyes.
“Let me call Mario, you’re taking the rest of the day off.  You and Piper are staying with me until we figure this out.  I’m not leaving you alone.  I’m going to take care of this. I promise.” He said.
The amount of trust you had in this man was unlike anything you’ve ever felt.  You loved him with every fiber of your being and you would do absolutely anything to make him happy.
“Thank you.” You whispered as you pulled him into your arms.
“No need to thank me.  This is what it's like to be loved.” He replied kissing your cheek.
“I love you too.” You said leaning your forehead against his, trusting that as long as you were with Sidney that everything was going to turn out just fine.
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catboygretzky · 4 years
for the writing prompts, 111 and 134, maybe? I feel like that could be kinda funny
I didn’t realise you didn’t mention a fandom until AFTER I wrote 800+ words, so sorry but this is hockey!
PROMPT FROM HERE: You have… Superpowers? and Was I really that drunk?
TAGS TO NOTE: Flyers gen + hints of TK/Patty
OTHER: Not the superpower AU you may have been hoping for but....
WARNINGS: alcohol 
“I honestly think your ass is the best thing that I’ve ever seen. Definitely the best ass I’ve ever seen. I mean - I haven’t seen Sidney Crosby’s ass out of hockey gear in person, and no offense but he’s next level in every way, even for a Pen. But. Holy fuck, man. Your ass. How does it? How does it manage to look that good? I’m just here, living my life, and BOOM. You turn around and hit me with that. How is that fair?”
“I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink,” Carter said slowly. Patty wished he was anywhere but here.
Travis salutes with his beer can. “Mayhaps. But sober me also knows that the tank Patty is hauling is prime.”
“Please, never say those words about me ever again.” It was close to a whine, but Nolan just wanted him to shut the fuck up. Hat tricks were apparently an excuse to get absolutely shitfaced on Kevin Hayes’s sofa - coincidentally, Nolan’s sofa as well - surrounded by half the team. Wasn’t Claude supposed to be the mature one? Didn’t he have a family to get home to?
“Like, it’s not as big as Sid’s.” Because he was on a first name basis with Crosby, now, apparently. “It’s not even massive, but damn. When a dude walks in with a hockey player waist and a round thing in your face you get, like, sprung, dude. Absolute fucking specimen.”
“Sometimes I wonder how you put words together the way you do.”
“It’s one of my many superpowers,” TK said, eyes fuzzy but sincere.
“One of your many superpowers,” Patty repeated. One of these days maybe he’d understand Travis, but now wasn’t that day.
“Yeah, I have loads.” 
“You have...superpowers.”
“Loads,” Travis reiterated. 
“Okay, Travis.”
TK held up the hand that wasn’t holding his beer and started counting on his fingers. “I can wax poetic about your ass, I can wipe my own ass, I can watch Marley and Me and only cry a little...I’m practically Superman, dude.”
“Okay, Superman. I think it’s time to switch to water,” Claude said, trying not to smile. Patty wanted to die.
“Speaking of water, can we talk about how thirsty, I mean absolutely parched, I am for Patty’s ass.”
“Can we stop talking about Patty’s ass?” Kevin said through a laugh. “I think he’s about to catch on fire with how red his cheeks are.”
“Fuck you guys,” Nolan said lowly, trying not to make eye contact with any of them. Sometimes being the only sober one sucked.
“And don’t even get me started on his rosy cheeks.”
“Please stop talking about me.”
“Okay, no more Patty talk,” Travis said. “Hehe, Patty talk. Like Patty cake. Talk, cake, talk, cake. Patty cake. Patty’s cake. Carter’s abs, though? Can we talk about those? No homo - I mean, a little homo - but you can drink water out of those things.”
“Speaking of water -” Claude didn’t try to stifle his snort and went to the kitchen to presumably get a glass of water. By the time he came back, Travis was monologuing about Carter’s hair, but he stopped to send a huge grin Claude’s way.
“Okay, I know we’re all thinking it, but G looks pretty daddy, right? Like. The beard?” 
“Okay, I think it’s time for someone to take him home,” Claude interrupted before Travis could start sounding like the comments on his Instagram photos. 
“Patty can take me home,” Travis leered, turning to Nolan. “He can haul me around with that absolute dump truck of an ass.” 
“He can stay here,” Kevin said, standing on shaky legs. He was still laughing at TK, in fact everyone that wasn’t Nolan was laughing at TK. Even TK was laughing at TK. “Not sure he could even make it into an Uber.”
“Good luck.”
“Night, night, Daddy.” Travis blew him a kiss.
“Never call me daddy again.”
Travis sent him a toothy grin. “Okay. Father.”
Travis had never known pain like this. 
“Wakey, wakey, Travis.”
“Patty, babe,” TK moaned. Nolan was evil incarnate; he was standing at the door, smirking, while Travis was dying. “Turn the lights off.”
“Nope.” He flashed the lights on and off a few times. “Wakey, wakey.”
“What happened last night?”
Nolan snorted, throwing himself onto the bed. It was his bed, if anyone had the right to throw themself into it, it was him, but God, did he have to jostle Travis like that? “Well, after the game a bunch of us came back here. You got obliterated on cheap beer. Spent about ten minutes talking about Carter’s abs, called G ‘Daddy’ to his face multiple times, and said talking about my ass was one of your superpowers.”
If Travis wasn’t already on the brink of vomiting he probably would have been after hearing that. “Was I really that drunk?”
“You were absolutely wasted.” 
Travis groaned. 
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zackcollins · 4 years
like a train through a house of glass ch. 4 || carter hart
chapter 1 || chapter 2 || chapter 3
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Author’s Note: Since chapter 4 was done relatively quickly after chapter 3, I’m going to treat you guys this time and post two chapters in one day. This should be posted sometime in the evening, just to break them up a little. GIF credit goes to the original creator!!
Warnings: As per usual, the paralysis warning still applies. Nothing else, other than a swear word or two.
Word Count: 1.6k+
Title: Crash by Chad Brownlee
Additional: I forgot to mention it last time but: this story takes place sometime last season after Claude and Ryanne announced her pregnancy. The language is ambiguous again, though I had the reader make a comment that might be a little borderline. My boyfriend is transgender so I had him review the comment and the context of it to make sure it made sense in an ambiguous setting. He said it seemed to fit, so I left it the way it was. If anyone doesn’t agree, feel free to let me know and I’ll figure out a way to change it to be more ambiguous.
Carter kept sneaking you glances between shots on net. He would make a save or two and then look over at you with a smile on his face. Each time, you would smile at him but viciously point back at the ice to tell him to focus. 
During the breakaway drills, Carter made some spectacular saves. You beat on the glass in front of you and cheered in a show of solidarity. A few of the guys looked in your direction. Kevin smiled, giving you a thumbs up. Shayne turned to Ivan, bringing his glove up to block his mouth. When Shayne dropped his glove, he and Ivan were laughing which made your stomach sink sharply. Shayne skated over a moment later and leaned on his stick.
“You know,” Shayne said, motioning his head toward Carter. Carter had just made another fantastic save on a shot Sanheim made from the left-wing boards. “The team has a bet going about how long it takes Carter to propose.”
You felt your throat go dry and your face heat up. “Ghost…” you choked out, coughing at the end to try to fix the awkward feeling in your throat.
“The prize is something special,” Shayne smiled and winked at you before he skated back to join the rest of the guys. 
You say there, head swimming with emotions. The only thing that brought you back to your senses was a puck slamming into the glass right in front of your face. You jolted, shaking the haziness out of your head. When you regained complete composure, you saw Joel looking sheepishly in your direction. Shaking your head, you rolled your eyes at him. 
For the rest of the practice, you tried to focus your attention solely on the drills the guys were doing and the missteps they were taking. You knew that Carter liked it when you were able to point out the flaws and what your opinions were on how to fix them. Even though you tried your best to do that, your mind kept trying to wander to what Shayne had said. You kept imagining various places Carter would get down on one knee, holding a ring and ask you to marry him. 
Another puck slamming into the glass brought you out of your fantasy land. This time, Brian was standing there holding his glove up in salute. You raised your hand in salute, sheepishly smiling. 
“Hey, (Y/N), is everything okay?” Brian asked, leaning against his stick. He flipped his mask up, allowing you to see the concern on his face. 
You had grown incredibly close to Brian because he had taken Carter under his goaltending wing. You knew everything you said to Brian was confidential and not even Carter knew half of the stuff you had divulged to Brian. Sighing, you fiddled with your hands before looking at Brian.
“Ghost said you guys have a bet about when Carter is going to propose,” you said.
Brian smiled, placing his blocker on the glass. You brought your hand up, placing it against his blocker. Brian pressed the glass lightly before retracting his hand. 
“Not exactly,” Brian said, putting his blocker back on the knob of his stick. “I don’t want to ruin anything but I will say that the team has been pooling together some money for a surprise for you two.”
You felt your stomach swoop with both anticipation and anxiousness. You nodded at Brian as he skated to have his turn at the drills. A moment later, Carter was standing where Brian had been. You lit up significantly, pressing your hand to the glass. Carter smiled, slotting his blocker against your hand. You both pressed in on the glass at the same time causing it to shake. You both giggled as you retracted your hands. 
Shayne caught your glance; he was vehemently shaking his head and pinching his lips together. You nodded, focusing your attention back to Carter. 
“What were you nodding at?” Carter asked, lifting his mask. His face was fond yet somewhat confused. 
“Ghost made a stupid face behind you,” you said, waving your hand dismissively to Carter’s left.
Looking over his shoulder, Carter stuck his tongue out at Shayne, giving him a stupid face. Shayne handed his stick to Ivan before using his fingers to make a Joker-esque smile with the corners of his mouth. 
You and Carter laughed as you focused your attention back to each other. 
“Vigneault excused me from the team training session tomorrow,” Carter said, placing his glove against the glass. You splayed your hand on the glass over the top of the glove, pressing softly. “He told me Ryanne managed to get you an appointment with Dr. Owen tomorrow afternoon.”
Nodding you dropped your hand to your lap. “Yeah. She wanted to pitch in and help because the team deserves help sometimes. She brought me my favourite coffee, too.”
Carter glanced toward the alcove Ryanne always sat in. She appeared to be deep in conversation with Claude and Brian. 
“(Y/N), I’m glad everyone is being positive about what happened,” Carter said, glancing back at you. “I’m not sure how I’d handle it if my partner—the love of my life, really—was faced with negativity from my closest friends.”
Your heart hammered in your chest and you felt your stomach swoop for what felt like the millionth time today. 
“Love…I’m the love of your life?” You whispered only wanting Carter to hear you. Bringing your hand up, you splayed it across the glass. 
Carter nodded, placing his glove against the glass. His smile was completely genuine when you looked at his face; his eyes were pure and sincere.
A whistle cut through the air, breaking the moment. Carter looked over his shoulder; when he looked back, his face had fallen.
“Somebody must’ve fucked up royally,” he said, dropping his glove from the glass. “They’re lining up for bag skates. Send positive thoughts my way. I don’t feel like dropping dead today.”
You wiggled your hands in front of you and chanted some gibberish. “There. Positive vibes sent.”
Carter pressed on the glass, making it shake roughly. “You’re a dork.” Skating away, Carter looked over his shoulder. “I love you, (Y/N)!)”
That statement echoed through the building. Everyone on the ice stopped from where they had been lining up to look toward you and Carter. Not seeming phased, Carter blew you a kiss. 
Normally, you would feel embarrassed that something so publicly affectionate had happened. After the realization you had in the car on the way to practice, you felt a sense of pride this time. Your body felt warm and gooey from knowing Carter loved you enough to scream his love for you while he was at practice with his entire hockey team. 
When you focused back on the ice, you noticed that everyone was still looking at you. You felt somewhat scrutinized but still proud of Carter’s confidence and declaration. 
Another whistle echoed through the building, grabbing the attention of everyone. As the guys lined up, you wheeled yourself to Ryanne’s alcove. She smiled and waved when she saw you, dropping some of the cheese sauce from her nachos on her shirt. 
You chuckled as you wheeled up beside her. Ryanne sheepishly smiled, wiping the mess up with a napkin.
“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I’ve been craving nachos like mad.”
You raised your hands in surrender. “No judgement from me. I’ve never been pregnant but I understand that pregnancy cravings are insane.”
Ryanne smiled before shovelling more nachos into her mouth. Some cheese sauce oozed down her chin and all you could do was roll your eyes and chuckle. Taking her thumb, Ryanne wiped away the excess cheese; she quickly slurped the cheese from her appendage. You made a stupid face at the grotesque sound and felt chills travel as far down your back as they were able.
“I heard Carter say that he loves you,” Ryanne said after gulping some of her pop.
“I think Sidney Crosby heard him,” you stated, feeling your face heat up. 
You heard the pop fizz beside you before Ryanne took another drink. She hiccuped before screwing the lid back on. 
“Fair enough,” she hiccuped again, covering her mouth with her fist. 
After a moment, Ryanne burped rather loudly. You looked at her, abject horror in your eyes. She brought her hand up, covering her mouth as quickly as she could. Her face turned bubblegum pink as she shrunk in her seat. 
“I didn’t mean—“ Ryanne was cut off by another loud burp. She brought her hand up to her face again, covering her eyes this time. 
“Ryanne, it’s fine,” you reached over and rubbed her back. You heard her sigh as she shifted in the seat. “You’re pregnant. Your hormones are all over the place. I can’t expect you to have as much control as m—“
You dropped your hand from Ryanne’s back, instead choosing to wring them along your pant legs. Ryanne smiled sympathetically. 
“Oh, hun,” Ryanne said, leaning over to wrap you in a hug. 
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You didn’t care what you had said to yourself earlier. You needed to cry. Dropping your head onto Ryanne’s shoulder you cried softly. 
It felt like an eternity before you felt comfortable enough to lift your head and pull back from Ryanne. She had a loving look on her face while she sympathetically squeezed both of your shoulders.
“It takes time, (Y/N),” she said, brushing some hairs that had stuck to your forehead away. “We’re all here for you and Carter. We’re the Flyers; everyone here is a formation. If one of us breaks formation, all of us break formation.”
You smiled, leaning over to hug Ryanne again. Ryanne hugged back, applying gentle pressure. You jolted when you felt sensation travel up your back. Leaning away from you, Ryanne had a look of confusion on her face.
“Is something wrong?” She asked.
You shook your head, allowing tears to stream down your face. 
“I felt something in my back.”
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Only You (Sidney Crosby Imagine)
The text got deleted for some godforsaken reason, so I’m hoping this fixes it.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sidney Crosby/Fem!Reader
Words: 3462
Warnings: NSFW
Requested: yes / no
Summary/Request:  hi! are you still taking requests? bc i wanted to know if i could get some sidney smut but like with a girl that's like way shorter than him
(AKA established relationship Sid smut with a super short reader)
No one would say you’re particularly good at dancing, but damn if you didn’t love it. You were always dancing by the end of every party, to whatever was playing over the speakers, whether it was intended to be a soundtrack or not. Today is no exception. At clubs you tended to get lost in the crowd, but since it was only yourself and a few of the other WAGs, you’re still visible from the outside. Visible to Sidney from his seat on the patio, where he’s stopped bothering to pretend to be invested in the conversation taking place around him.
He loves to dance as well-- especially when he’s got a few drinks in him-- but he’s always loved your dancing. He can’t help but watch every time you take the floor, mesmerized by the way you move. By the way you sway just a tad awkwardly, the way you don’t even care. The freedom of it. But more than that, he’s captivated by how stunning you are. His favorite thing to do is remind you of how gorgeous he thinks you are, with quick comments and long nights, depending on how much he gets to see you.
Before you ever met him, you’d already felt short enough. Dating a professional hockey player and spending time with his friends only made you more acutely aware of your height. Considering the entire team is at least as tall as Sidney, who has more height on you than you’d like to acknowledge, you felt like you were Jack after climbing the beanstalk, surrounded by giants. That’s bad enough, though you’d expected the guys to make you feel small and were prepared for it; what you weren’t prepared for was the WAGs. They were all tall and long-legged and blonde and graceful and dazzling. You were the shortest by far, not even reaching Sidney’s chin, and most of them had half a foot or more on you. It rarely bothered you, but when you’re surrounded by literal models all the time, it’s difficult not to feel self-conscious on occasion.
The party is winding down alongside the sunset, and the small group of you retire from dancing to help Tanger and Catherine start cleaning up. You gather some used plates and cups that had been abandoned on tables around the yard, depositing them in the trash bag Kelsey is walking around with. The serving dishes for the food need to be brought inside, but you notice that-- aside from Tanger-- the guys are still sitting around shooting the shit while the girls do the work. On your way inside with a casserole dish, you smack Sidney on the arm and scold the lot of them. They hang their heads and stand to join in with the tidying-up effort, adequately chastised.
Sid keeps shooting you looks, the kind of looks that make your face heat and your heart skip beats. Anticipation coils in your gut. You’d been having a great time dancing and talking with everyone, but you’re suddenly eager for this to be over.
The downside of Sid being Captain is that he can’t beg off team events early unless it’s a legitimate emergency, so you’re stuck cleaning and talking for what feels like an eternity. The party was a “team bonding” event to welcome the newcomers to Pittsburgh, and Tanev, Galchenyuk, and Kahun seemed to appreciate it, at least. You would appreciate if everyone would leave, so you can go home and fully enjoy the promise of the heated once-overs Sidney has been so generously giving you all evening.
You try to appreciate the time with everyone and be present in the conversations going on, but Sid has taken every free moment to shoot you glance after glance, like he can’t keep his eyes off of you. It’s not as if you haven’t been zoning out of various discussions to look at him too, though, so glass houses and all that. The guys slowly trickle out with their better halves over time, until Geno and Anna are the only ones left. It takes you a moment to notice, since you’ve been a bit transfixed by Sidney’s hands for a few minutes, because he’s definitely showing them off, knowing your weakness for them.
Momentarily, you meet eyes with Geno, who looks knowing and smug, before he turns his gaze to Sid. That’s probably going to be embarrassing later, but right now you don’t really care if anyone knows your plans. Despite being an asshole, Geno is actually a good guy, so he excuses himself and Anna not long after. They say their goodbyes, giving out hugs and cheek-kisses and back-slaps before leaving, both giving you a wink on the way out. They really are perfect for each other, huh?
More importantly, you’re now free to go. You make some polite conversation with Catherine quickly, just thanking her for hosting and wishing her luck with the children, offering to babysit if she ever needs a break. Sid switches with you, giving Catherine a hug and thanking her succinctly. It takes a handful of minutes for you to say goodbye to Kris, and you swear you can feel Sid’s frustration at having to wait. Typically, he wouldn’t care about waiting for you, but he’s been clearly turned on for at least an hour and probably desperate to get you alone. You’re definitely on the same page. Unfortunately: societal niceties.
The instant you’ve finished with Kris, Sidney has a hand on your lower back, guiding you toward the door and out with a final farewell thrown over your shoulder. Kris and Catherine stand in the doorway to see you out, making sure you get into the car and start up safely. Luckily, you can justify Sid’s potentially-inappropriate handle on you as coincidence, considering the fact that his hand naturally rests at the same level as your lower back, more or less. It’s just incidental, or a happy accident, or whatever. When he has to remove his hand so you can both load into his car, you immediately miss the contact.
You return the Letangs’ friendly wave as Sid backs out of the driveway. Even if he didn’t have the C, you’d never be able to leave events early because he always parks in the driveway and gets blocked in. Or maybe he lets himself get blocked in because the C means he’s trapped anyway? Not important. What is important is the big hand he lays heavily on your thigh, too high up for polite company and so, so warm. He keeps his eyes solely on the road as he drives, despite clearly holding onto the last of his composure by threads.
“The worst part is that you don’t even mean to do it,” he says, voice far deeper than when he spoke to Tanger. It sends a shiver down your spine, your entire body tensing in a barely-visible wave at the familiar sound. You have no idea what he means, and your confusion definitely shows on your face. Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to want a response, because he just takes a beat and continues.
“You just dance, like there’s no one watching, like you wouldn’t even care if there were,” he says, voice conveying a thousand things; arousal, possession, awe, “And everybody watches you, but you only look at me.” His hands squeeze the steering wheel and your thigh in equal measure. You’re not proud of the sharp inhale you take in response, but you’re also not really thinking of your pride right now, or anything other than the heat and pressure just close enough to tease. Your brain is stuck on a loop of only you only you only you, but you don’t say it, not willing to give him the satisfaction of your devotion yet. Also, if you did give in and say it now, the two of you would probably end up with a ticket for public indecency. You can talk your way out of it once, but twice would probably be pushing it.
You don’t say a word the entire ride home, and his grip on you and the wheel eventually loosens. Though he does periodically tighten his fingers back around you, just sporadically enough to keep you on edge, keep you wanting. And god, did you want. Sid was the most beautiful man in the world on a normal day, so when he’s all focused and deliberate, almost ready to succumb to lust? Truly Athena herself couldn’t keep chaste in his presence.
Pulling up the driveway with his hand tight on the skin bared by your now bunched up skirt-- easily pushed out of the way by Sid’s searching fingers-- has your heart rate skyrocketing. He doesn’t spare you a peep before he cuts the ignition and exits the car, not needing to say a word for you to scramble to follow him, grabbing your bag and climbing out of the car so quickly you almost end up tumbling face-first onto the concrete. By time you get to the mud room, he’s already removed one shoe and is working on the other. He hadn’t worn a jacket, since it’s one of those rare September days where the world forgets it’s supposed to be transitioning into fall, so it’s 91° and 8-fuck-thousand percent humidity, so he doesn’t have to bother taking it off. Good. Less time wasted. As for you, you kick off your shoes and place them in their usual place a little less carefully than usual. Sid definitely has some level of OCD, but that won’t bother him. Probably. Maybe.
Clearly it doesn’t bother him right now, because he walks through the second door into the living room, still without a word. You follow behind, but staunchly refuse to compare yourself to an eager puppy despite the similarity. He leads the way to the bedroom, which seems way too far right now, in your opinion, but that’s not your brain talking. At least you get a nice view of Sid’s ass in his black swim trunks, close-fitting enough to accentuate his figure rather than hide it.
What you expect to happen once you reach the bedroom, is for him to immediately push you up against the door and kiss you senseless. What you do not expect, is for him to slowly crowd into your space, cupping your jaw with one hand and stroking your cheek gently with his thumb. The other hand comes to rest on the side of your ribcage, squeezing gently once as he looks down into your eyes. There’s so much adoration in his gaze that you feel like the swelling affection inside you is going to make you burst.
“I love you,” he says. His expression turns a bit bittersweet, like he knows he doesn’t say it enough, but appreciates you understanding it anyway. You cradle his face in both hands and kiss him once, almost chaste. A far cry from what you anticipated.
“I love you too,” you reply. You know you maybe say it too much, often enough that he gets flustered sometimes, or thinks it’s said out of habit and not sincerity. But you mean it every time, with all your heart. Again his expression changes, this time from bittersweet certainty to overt devotion. He looks at you as if you’re the most extraordinary person in the world, like he can’t believe he gets to have you, like you’re the exceptional one in this relationship. All you can do is kiss him again, longer this time, harder.
This is where the passion you’d expected comes in, where he starts kissing you like he can’t bear to part from you even for the necessity of breath. Where his hands run down your sides to sneak under your shirt, so they can skim back up your stomach to cup your breasts. Your bathing suit suddenly feels like far too much material between his hands and your skin, and you itch to take it off. To take all of it off, to bare yourself to him in a way that never felt so right with anyone before.
With your diminutive stature, he has to bend at the waist to kiss you while standing, and you know it sometimes gives him a crick in his neck. Which is totally the reason you’re eager to get to the bed, obviously. Not because his hands are warm even through your top and his lips are soft and damp against yours and the small needy sounds he makes into your mouth drive you wild. You’re just being considerate. Yup.
Whatever ulterior motives you may or may not have, you nudge him backward, guiding him toward the bed even as he continues to dip down to kiss you between looking back to make sure he doesn’t trip. When the backs of his knees hit the mattress, he doesn’t fall, just stops. He strips off his shirt with an unrestricted urgency he never shows anyone but you, throwing it toward the hamper. You follow suit, shucking off both tops, and pushing down your coverup skirt for good measure. He pauses, brushing his big hands over your shoulders and down your chest, admiring your figure so brazenly you feel yourself blush.
“You just gonna look?” you ask rhetorically, still a tad breathless, but feeling a bit bold yourself. In return, you’re graced with that beautiful crooked smile and a look far too dark to match-- under normal circumstances, at least. He squats down to grab you around the waist, tossing you onto the bed in a feat of strength that’s more than a little sexy. The noise you make is decidedly less sexy, but he just smiles wider, shoving off his trunks like an afterthought before joining you on the bed. You wriggle out of your suit bottoms, not getting a chance to throw them off the bed before he’s on top of you.
Sid is so intense this way, laser focus directed solely on you, fixated on the best way to take you apart. For the most part, you go with the flow. You’re more than willing to follow his lead, knowing from experience that he’ll make this more than exceptional.
With your body bared to him, he looms over you, eyes roaming your upper body. His thick thighs are solid and warm against your own legs, closer to your knees than you might expect of a more proportional couple; though all you can think of is how the scratch of his wiry body hair drives you a bit crazy. He kisses you again, only momentarily, before moving to your jaw, your neck, your shoulders. There will definitely be some dark spots that Malin and Kelsey will tease you about next time they see you, but the pressure and tinge of pain feel so good that you don’t much care.
Before Sid, you had assumed that your breasts simply weren’t that sensitive. Since the first time you’d slept together, however, you’d learned that maybe you just hadn’t had competent partners before. He sucks more hickeys into the thin skin of your breasts, mouthing and teasing at your nipples until you’re arching into his lips as you make sounds a bit too desperate for your liking. It’s just so good.
Occasionally, he’ll ask you to sit on his face. He knows it’s not easy for you, because your height means you have to rest a bit higher on your knees, which stresses your thighs. But he loves it so dearly that you do it from time to time. This evening, however, he seems far too frantic to eat you out as per usual. Instead, he abandons your chest to recapture your mouth. After so long, he knows exactly how to move, to lick, to press, to drive you crazy. Crazy enough that his fingers dipping into your folds make you gasp into his mouth in surprise.
Your focus shuttles between his fingers stretching you meticulously and the way he’s kissing the soul out of you. Your brain simply refuses to focus on one thing, jumping from his lips to his fingers to his thighs on your knees to his dick occasionally brushing your thigh. It’s all so much, his body the perfect complement to yours, no matter how counterintuitive that may seem.. He’s so big and warm, enveloping you in smooth skin and pounding pulse, completely encompassing you.
Once he deems you adequately stretched, he kisses you once again, slow and wet and deep. He asks you for the umpeenth time if you’re ready, if you’re okay with this, and you’re too much of a goner for him to do much more than kiss him and shimmy your hips closer to his own.
You’ll never get used to the first push inward. Sid’s not particularly long, but he’s thick, stretching you wide and hitting all the right spots you never even knew existed before him. His back is curled in a deep arch so he can bury his face in your chest for the initial stretch, like if he looks at you, he’ll lose it. Not that you would know, really, with how you throw your head back into the bottom edge of the pillow. All you can do is make a small “ah” sound, rocking your hips back and forth in an attempt to adjust to his size. Once bottomed out, Sid stays still as long as you need, no matter how the involuntary rolling of your pelvis makes him dig blunt nails into your hips.
“Come on,” you say, finally, hips reduced to tiny twitches, “Fuck me, Sid.” The phrasing draws a broken moan from his throat. He doesn’t bother wasting time with slow, dragging thrusts; just goes straight to fucking you into the mattress with as much speed and force as he can manage. Your ankles barely meet behind his back with how broad his torso is, so you dig fingertips into his shoulders to avoid being driven up the mattress.
No matter how single-minded he may seem as he shoves in and drags out, he still kisses you so sweetly. Whispering endearments and reassurances against your lips (though he still has to crane his head to do so, so maybe avoiding neck pain wasn’t your only motive for getting him into bed), he steadily fucks you into oblivion. By time he sucks a mark just under your jaw that’s sure to last, you’re gone, floating somewhere above yourself. When he comes, he bites into your collar bone, groaning out his pleasure as he fills you. You reply with a groan of your own, acutely aware of the warmth filling you, his cock still spreading you wide.
“Maybe I should dance more often,” you quip, once your breathing settles to something manageable. Sid huffs a laugh into the pillow, rolling to the side to avoid crushing you any more than he already has.
“As long as you’re not looking at any other guys,” he replies, letting his head flop to the side to smile at you.
“You know it’s only ever you, Sid,” you can feel your smile grow into something halfway between giddy and sentimental, “Only you.” He groans dramatically and throws an arm over his face, in a gesture you know means that he wishes he was 18 again so he could go twice in a row. All you can do is laugh and turn toward him, peeling his arm away and giving him a soft, lingering kiss.
“Just make sure you stay on the edge of the crowd so I can actually see you,” he says against your lips, grinning even as you gasp and smack his shoulder.
Over time, you’ve learned that aftercare is important to Sid. He likes to pamper you, to guide you into the shower so he can soap you up and wash you down. He loves to carefully towel you off, pressing gentle kisses to the places he bruised with his mouth and fingers. To cover you with his clothing, a t-shirt that reaches past the mid-point of your thighs and shorts that may as well be capris. To settle you into the bed once the duvet has been tossed toward the hamper, wrapping you in the sheets and comforter, tight against himself. Taking care of you has always been his favorite thing, the way you look up at him with drooping eyes and sleepy voice to thank him for everything. For the reassurance, for helping clean you, for your vaguely sore lower body and the way it makes you feel such deep satisfaction, for loving you, for making you feel loved, for making you believe you are loved. Believe you are loved, are cared for, are worth his love and care. Only you.
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princessphilly · 3 years
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Word count: 5627
Tag list:  @ohpuckyeah, @joelsfarabee, @besthockeyfics. @dreamer1430 @Defiant-Mouse @miracleonice87 @lovethepreds @linkingdolans @chicagostylehockey @heatherlcrosby87 @hockeywocs @shortstacks-blog @heatherawoowoo @newlibrary @markymarkstrom @iangiemae @puckbitchesgetmoney @missymore @himbos-on-ice @fiveholegoal @no-pucks-given @pagirl6866 @willieshakesqueer @nazdaddy @whatishockey @alphalib22 @romanseggy @laurenairay @texanstarslove @konecny-s @cutiesara23 @myhockeyworld87 @extratragic @squidlywiddly87 @stuff4me2do​ @allinangel93 @mydarkestsecretlol​
CW: angst, meeting the family, references to the n-word, people sucking
I decided to go ahead and finish it when I got a sudden burst of creativity when I came home.
Nina snuggled in bed, a happy little sigh leaving her lips. Sidney looked at her, a fond smile on his face. It had been a month since they were back together and life was almost perfect. Well, they were 6-3-2, 14 points earned which was okay but not where Sidney wanted the team to be. It was still early in the season, it was mid-November so there was plenty of time to right the ship. He and the boys would fix it. Sidney sighed before attempting to try to go back to sleep. However, he heard the sound of a door opening and he sat up, pushing the covers down inadvertently. 
Sidney racked his brain. It was Sunday, Marta, his housekeeper’s day off. Mario or Nathalie would have called before coming over. He had no idea who the hell it could be. “Fuck,” Sidney breathed. There were only two people who would do a surprise visit and one of them was a week earlier for the Moms trip. 
Lightly brushing his fingers over Nina’s side, Sidney urged, “Pretty girl, wake up.”
It was roughly 8am so it wasn’t hard to get Nina, an early riser by nature to wake up. “Urgh, mawning,” Nina mumbled as she cracked open her eyes. Sidney looked anxious and agitated which made Nina focus. 
Sidney opened his mouth, then closed it. If he was right, he was fucked and his pretty girl was probably going to run away screaming. He finally said, “Um, someone just opened the door and there are exactly five people other than me who have a key. There are two who’d do a surprise visit.”
Looking down, Nina was thankful that she had on one of Sidney’s shirts and shorts while sleeping. “Well, fuck, at least I’m not naked,” she said pointedly. Sidney had the grace to blush as Nina continued, “If it’s what you think it is, you need to get that under control,” pointing at his rather obvious morning wood. Sidney pulled the covers back over himself and Nina
Then a voice called out, “Morming, Sid!”
Sidney sighed in relief. It was Taylor, not his mom. Nina noticed it and arched an eyebrow. “Eh, it’s my sister, pretty girl.”
“Shit,” Nina fretted. This was going to be awkward, she didn’t even know if she wanted to meet his family but now, she was going to,have to. At least it was a sister.
The door creaked open and a blonde-haired head peeked in. “Boo,” Taylor said. Then her eyes perked when she saw who Sidney was with. 
Nina groaned. Her hair was in a scarf, it was obvious she slept over and fuck, fuck, fuck. A devious smile spread on Taylor’s face. “Nice to see that you finally let a girlfriend sleep in your room, Sidney.”
“Shut the fuck up, Taylor,” Sidney yelled as his little sister giggled before closing the door.
Nina facepalmed. “That was fun. Fun fun fun.”
Rolling onto her front, Nina mumbled, “I’m not ready to meet your family.”
“I’ve already met yours,” Sidney reasoned. 
“That was because Yanni was part of your Lil Penguins program. That was work related for you, doesn’t count.”
Trailing his fingers down Nina’s back, Sidney replied, “True but, it still counts. What are you doing next weekend?”
“I’m going to be in Philly for a wedding.”
Nina turned onto her left side, facing Sidney. Sidney sucked his bottom lip into his mouth before letting it go. “Don’t get any ideas.”
She slipped off the bed, pulling the scarf off her braids, letting them fall down her back. Rummaging through her clothes on the floor, Nina pulled out her bra. Pulling her shirt off, she put it on to the sound of Sidney’s groans. Nina rolled her eyes. “I’m stuck having to meet your sister because she decided to give you a surprise visit. I’m not meeting her without wearing a bra.”
“But you look so amazing without one,” Sidney replied. 
 Nina shook her head before leaving his bedroom. Making her way to the kitchen, Nina literally bumped into Taylor. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Nina gasped. 
“I’m okay,” Taylor reassured Nina, taking the moment to check out this girl that Sidney was now seeing. She wasn’t exactly what Taylor was expecting but one thing that Taylor liked about Nina was that she had kind eyes. Taylor had heard about her over the years, especially that Nina had kept rejecting Sidney. Her brother rarely heard the word no so that made Nina intriguing to her. 
Taylor offered, “Have you had breakfast yet?”
“No, and I’m hungry.”
Opening the fridge, Taylor took out the ingredients to make omelets. Nina sat at the island, a pensive look on her face. “You know, I totally didn’t expect to meet you this way. This is awkward as fuck.”
“Eh, don’t feel bad, I should have given Sid a heads up,” Taylor replied. “Plus, I’ve heard about you over the years.”
“Oh really?”
Taylor laughed as she cracked eggs. “Sidney couldn’t shut up about you. First it was he met this nice girl at work. Then, it was that you kept telling him no and he was confused. Later, he was beating himself up because he managed to fuck up before he could even ask you out. I really enjoyed that, I liked that you kept not only telling him no but when he pissed you off, you didn’t forgive him right away. I love my brother but his ego needs to get cut down sometimes.”
“True, he has a huge ego. He needs to take himself less seriously,” Nina concurred. “But it’s probably impossible to get him to do that.”
Taylor shrugged, pursing her lips. “At least he means well,” Nina added. 
Nodding, Taylor replied, “He does mean well, most of the time.”
“Already ganging up on me?”
They both laughed as Sidney entered the kitchen. “Why are you here, Taylor?”
“I went on a camping trip and I decided to be nosy and visit my big brother before heading home,” Taylor chirped. “The look on your face was worth it.”
“Hahaha. Should’ve called,” Sidney grumbled. 
Taylor quipped, “Oh, did I ruin your morning sex plans? I’m so sorry.”
Nina snorted as she laughed. Sidney gave her hurt eyes and Nina blew him a kiss. 
“Don’t worry Sid, I’m not staying long. Just enough to rest and then get back on the road,” Taylor said. 
“You drove,” Nina asked. Sidney was now standing right behind her and she could feel his hands massaging her shoulders. 
Taylor nodded as she flipped the first omelet. “You’re not what I expected, Nina. You’re way too pretty for a hockey player like my brother.”
Sidney wanted to kill his little sister as she continued to chirp him. Well, not only chirp him but ruin his planned lazy morning sex. But as he watched his sister and Nina interact playfully, Sidney could admit there was a slight good point. Taylor and Nina were hitting it off and Sidney knew that Nina would meet his family soon. This was a good sign. 
However, after practice four days later, Sidney was wishing his sister had never stopped by. Nina had been incredibly busy all week and Sidney knew he wouldn’t see her until next week due to her trip out of town. He was feeling extra irritable and hearing his name over the tv didn’t help. 
“So, two weeks ago, Sidney Crosby admitted that he was having relationship issues that were affecting him on the ice.”
Tanger went to change the channel on the tv in the lounge, muttering, “Fucking ESPN.”
“Shh, keep it on,” Sidney urged, crossing his arms over his chest. He wanted to see what kind of bullshit ESPN was saying now.
A couple of the guys stopped to check out the TV. Kevin Neghandi laughed as he responded, “Yeah, he admitted that after breaking a slump. Ever since, he’s been on a 2 point-per-game streak. But this really isn’t about him.”
“Huh,” said Geno, scratching his head.
Buccigross continued, “There was a picture of Crosby and his girlfriend posted on the internet, a nice picture. Someone posted it and made a derogatory statement about his girlfriend, Nina Jackson. This player is a player for Clemson.”
Neghandi laughed again. “Ms. Jackson has a younger brother named Jason Jackson. He was also the number 20 prospect, number 1, 5 star tight end. He also now plays for UNC.”
Sidney chuckled as he realized exactly where this was going. The guy on the tv continued, “Clemson and UNC had the rare Thursday night game last night. #1 Clemson went to the Tar Heels, ranked #22 and got spanked, 56-30. Jason Jackson had 10 catches, 200 yards receiving, and 3 TDs. His response in the postgame.”
The tv showed a clip of Jason talking to the media. A reporter asked, “What inspired you to have such a big game tonight.”
“Lowell decided he needed to talk about my sister on the gram so I had to put him in his place,” Jason drawled.
Sidney’s phone buzzed and it was a message from Nina. my brother is so dramatic 🙄
Nice to know he’ll always have your back, Sidney sent Nina. 
Nina smiled happily as she looked at the Thai food on plate. She was so hungry and excited to see Jamila face to face in person for lunch. Her friend looked more vibrant than usual, as life was treating her good. They made small talk until Jamila said, “I heard something about you, that you aren’t single for the first time in forever.”
“Oh really?”
Jamila looked at her best friend. “You’re dating Mayo boy.”
“What?!?” Perplexed, Nina stared at Jamila while Jamila rolled her eyes. 
“Sidney Crosby is like Mayo. Super white. Damn, my dating habits really did rub off on you. Welcome to being a basic bitch like me.”
It was Nina’s turn to roll her eyes. “Stop being so fucking dramatic, Jamila Brown.”
“I was an actress, I’m supposed to be dramatic. Tell Mayo boy if he ever breaks your heart, I’ll kill and cremate whatever’s left of him after your father and brother are finished with him.”
“Are you really gonna nickname him that?”
Jamila smirked at Nina and Nina sighed. Shrugging elegantly, Jamila replied, “I’m a part of Philly sports Twitter. I got lots of other names I could call him.
“Be a bigger bitch, Mila.”
“He gets a better nickname when he lets you fully run his pockets. And don’t give me that look, don’t be afraid of being called a gold digger. They are probably calling you worse names. Make Mayo boy run that card up when he takes you on baecation. Once that happens, I’ll upgrade his nickname.”
Nina sighed as she looked at the menu. Jamila reached out and put her hand out, covering Nina’s menu. “You know I’m just playing, right?”
“I don’t want to talk about it now, let’s talk about Toyin’s wedding instead,” Nina murmured. 
It was Jamila’s turn to sigh. “I’m sorry, Nina. I’m sorry for being a bitch. I shouldn’t be taking out my bad mood on you. I hate men.”
“Not forgiven yet,” Nina snarked. 
Jamila looked pensive as she said, “I like this guy but I don’t want to admit I like him. He’s like too perfect, too nice, well not that nice. He actually gives a fuck.”
“Let me guess, you’re scared and about to do something super stupid,” Nina dryly replied.
Jamila gave Nina a shocked look before she slumped in her chair. “I don’t want to,” she pouted. 
Nina reasoned, “Then don’t. Just ride it out for once.”
“Easy for you to say,” Jamila replied. 
Nina shrugged as her phone buzzed. It was a message from Sid, well really just a picture of him sweaty post-practice. Nina left him on read, she would get him back later for that. “Stop being stupid, and stop self-sabotaging.”
Jamila rolled her eyes as she ate her food. After swallowing, she arched an eyebrow. “Mayo boy sent you a message?”
“Yeah, but I’m focusing on you. I’ll see him next week… and his parents.”
“This is going fast,” Jamila commented. 
Nina bit her lip before saying, “I guess he had to wait eighty-four years, I mean five years, so he’s going to take advantage while they are in town.”
Nina pointed out, “At least I’m giving my relationships a chance, unlike you.”
“Fuck you.” 
Jamila gave Nina an exaggerated nasty look as Nina quipped, “I’m strictly dickly, bitch.”
The conversation switched to safer topics. However, throughout the wedding weekend, Nina had the thought in the back of her mind that maybe things were going a bit too fast. 
“Well, Taylor says she likes her. I checked out her instagram account and she doesn’t even mention you. Lots of nice vacation pictures though.”
Sidney looked at his mom from across the table. Trina had a pensive look on her face. Troy raised his eyebrows before leaning back in his chair. 
Sidney reasoned, “I want you two to meet her. Give her a chance. Nina is amazing, I’m lucky that she even likes me.”
“Why wouldn’t she like you, you’re Sidney Crosby,” Trina scoffed. 
Sidney shrugged. “Nina’s a PhD student and everything. It hasn’t been easy for her either.”
“Interesting,” Trina said. 
Nina herself was feeling extra nervous. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to meet Sidney’s parents, especially after having to turn in a huge paper and part of her thesis to her advisor. But, as she shook her head and smoothed down her shirt, they were in town and she was going to try to make her best impression.
Midway through dinner, Nina began to wish she was somewhere else on this Friday night. While Troy, Sidney’s dad, seemed nice, it felt like Trina was judging every single thing she did. Every reply Trina made to Nina’s questions was in a dry voice, as if it was boring her. Nina felt a bit discouraged. Sidney obviously loved his parents but it felt like his mother didn’t like her. 
On the other hand, Trina felt like Nina was looking down on them. It seemed like she was mentioning her PhD program, her thesis, like she was too smart for them and her boy. Trina sipped her water as there was a pause. She didn’t know about this girl but at least, every time she looked at Sidney, Trina could see the stars and hearts in her eyes.
Nina looked at Sidney, her palms sweating. She didn’t know what to say as she looked down at her plate. Her appetite was gone. Sidney, himself, didn’t really notice anything as he answered his father’s questions about the beginning of the season. Then Troy turned to Nina. 
“So what do you plan to do now that you’re with Sidney,” Troy casually asked.
Nina replied, “I have about two more years left before I finish earning my PhD. I plan to continue to work and I may teach a class or two.”
“You still plan to work,” Trina asked.
Nina nodded. “Yes. I love what I do and I’m not wasting my degrees.”
“Why do you want to work?”
Nina could tell that Trina intended that question to be light but Nina could still feel the claws. She was tired of this passive-aggressive bullshit and ready to curse her out. But Nina couldn’t so she measured her words carefully. “I did four years of undergrad, three years of school for my doctors in physical therapy, and I will do four more years for my doctorate. Why would I stop working after earning my degrees?”
Trina paused; she had expected some trite, suck-up answer. But it seemed like Nina was serious. “I would think that if you were with my son, you’d rather not work.”
“I’m not built to be a housewife.” Nina laughed. “I love what I do and if I’m expected to stop for Sidney, then maybe I need to reevaluate some things.”
Trina felt like she lost control of this conversation. All she wanted was to see what kind of user her boy’s dream girl was. Now, she had the feeling that her son was going to get dumped and it was going to be her fault.
Sidney laughed. “I don’t expect you to be a housewife. You would be so bored if you were.”
Nina flashed Sidney a quick grin before adding, “Nathalie has let me know the responsibilities though. I’ve done lots of volunteer and charity work over the years so that isn’t new at all. I’m excited about the toy drive, I remember when my parents just got out of the army and cash was tight. I got my favorite doll as a kid from a toy drive.”
“That’s nice,” Trina said. Maybe this Nina girl wasn’t completely stuck up, she thought as the night continued. After a couple of hours, Nina said her goodbyes. It was getting late and she was spending the morning taking her little sister to volleyball practice. After she left, Trina let out a sigh as Sidney turned to her.
“You have to lay off on Nina, Mom.”
Trina turned to look at her son. Sidney was giving her his most serious look and she sighed. 
“I like her but I don’t know if she’s the one for you, Sid. It seems like she’s one step from leaving you,” Trina said. “I don’t see her sticking with you if things go bad.”
“Just because she plans to work?” 
Sidney gave his mother an assessing look. He knew she meant well but this wasn’t for her to decide. “This isn’t your problem.”
“Fine, I like that she has her own life. She’s not obsessed with you and she plans to be her own person,” Trina conceded. “But she’s different.”
He knew this was going to be hard, asking his mom to back off but Sidney knew he had to do it. Nina hadn’t said anything last night but Sidney could sense that she was tired of how his mother was acting. Sidney also knew that if Nina decided to cut ties, it would be completely over. Sidney started, “Compared to Nina, I’m a dumb hockey player. But what I have with her, I’ve never found with anyone else. If you have a problem with that, that’s you. But be civil to Nina.”
“Really, Sidney Patrick Crosby,” Trina said, incredulous. But the look on her son’s face was something she had never seen before. Even though she didn’t believe her son would really pick any woman over her, a voice at the back of her mind told her that if Sidney ever did, this would be the woman he’d pick over her.
It was Saturday night and Nina pasted another smile on her face. If Trina got snide again, Nina didn’t know if she could be nice about it. But at least they were in public. As they sat down for dinner, a couple of guys came up. Sidney and his family had perfect PR smiles but the guys stopped in front of Nina.
“Hey, aren’t you Jason Jackson’s sister?”
Nina grinned. “Yes.”
“Why did he have to have such a great game against Pitt today? He killed them,” one of the guys said.
Nina shrugged. “Pitt should play better defense.”
After the guys left, Troy asked, “your brother plays college football?”
“Yup. He was the top prospect in Pennsylvania last season. Games on tv and everything.”
“I didn’t know that,” Sidney murmured.
Nina giggled as she replied, “All you do is eat, sleep, and breathe hockey.”
Sidney blushed as everyone laughed at that statement. However, through the night, more people came by the table to give Nina props for her brother’s monster game than to try to get a glimpse of Sidney. Jason had 184 yards receiving and 2 TDs for UNC today and there was already buzz about Jason being on the fast track to the NFL. During a lull, Trina stated, “You must get asked about your brother a lot.”
“I’m used to it. Once ESPN comes to your brother’s games when he was a sophomore in high school, you have to get used to it,” Nina said with a shrug. “I’m old enough that it really doesn’t bother me.”
“How does your brother deal with it,” Sidney asked, curious as he remembered some of his early experiences with fame. 
Nina replied, “College football is a different beast than the pros. So, he’s on scholarship and his days are pretty much regimented with meetings, practice, classes, more meetings, video study. I ran track when I was in undergrad so my experience was slightly similar. Main difference is that Jase gets paid for his likeness in video games now and a percentage of any jersey sales with his name and number.”
“You ran track,” Troy asked. Unlike his wife, he felt a bit more open towards Nina. It was obvious that she didn’t need Sidney for anything and Troy could see that his son was able to relax in a way with Nina that he hadn’t been able to relax with a woman before. 
“I had a partial scholarship. I ran the 4x100 relay and the 100 meters. I didn’t have the athletic ability to race for a living but I did decent,” Nina stated, feeling a bit shy. It had been a long time since she even talked about her track career. “I was state champ my senior year and my team won silver at the Penn Relays my sophomore and junior years of college. Now, I just run to stay in shape.”
“Wow,” Sidney said, impressed. “Sounds like you loved it though.”
Nina flashed Sidney a grin. “I did, I love running. What most people forget is that you can’t just run for health, you have to run and do strength training and yoga or Pilates.” 
“Have you been to any of your brother’s games,” Troy asked. “Seems like they are doing well.”
Nina replied, “We went to the season opener. I will never go to North Carolina in August ever again if I can help it. I’m going to their game next weekend at Virginia Tech. We’ll probably go to the bowl game since my little sister will be off school that week.”
“Seems like you stay busy,” Trina mused. 
Nina couldn’t help a little glare as she managed to say without malice, “I plan my calendar in advance.”
Trina said, “That sounds good. You have a life outside of everything.”
“And I will continue to have a life outside of everything,” Nina said with a syrup-sweet smile.
Nina quietly washed her hands, glancing up to the mirror. Trina was looking down on her hands as she washed hers. Tentatively, Nina asked, “Are you having a good time on this trip?”
“I enjoyed the Moms’ trip,” Trina replied. 
Nina looked down at her hands as she dried them. This was so awkward and she wanted to cry. 
“Sidney Crosby is here, and so are his parents,” somebody exclaimed just outside the ladies bathroom. Trina and Nina both shared a look until another person said, “And his n-word girlfriend is here with them too.”
Nina opened her mouth but Trina put up a finger. The second person continued, “His mom doesn't look too happy with that black girl. Maybe you could get a chance, finally.”
The door opener and the two women came in, laughing. The laughter stopped when those women saw Nina and Trina. 
“You don’t have to worry about getting a chance with my son because there’s no way I’d let him be with someone like you when he’s with a lady like Nina,” Trina stated. 
The two women shared a look but Trina stared them down until they left. Nina let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “No wonder my son is always saying that it hasn’t been easy for you,” Trina offered. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure they get kicked out.”
Nina sniffled as she said, “That’s the first time I’ve heard it in person. It’s usually nasty messages online. I really, really hate it. But I guess I’m going to be stuck with this for the rest of my life.”
Impulsively, Trina reached out and grabbed Nina’s hand. “From the way that my son looks at you, nasty women like those will just have to be angry forever.”
Nina giggled as they shared a look. It felt like there was a truce and she was going to take it. After Trina talked to the manager and got those women booted, Nina definitely felt like there was definitely a truce.
“Don’t take anything seriously. If they don’t like you, they’ll say absolutely nothing to you. If they make jokes, they like you.”
Two weeks after meeting Sid’s family, it was his turn to meet Nina’s family. The team was home for American Thanksgiving and they didn’t have a game until Friday evening this year. So Sidney was going with Nina to meet her extended family. He was feeling extra nervous and desperate to make a good impression. 
Sidney grimaced as Nina giggled. “Plus, it’s Aryanna’s birthday so they won’t be too mean. I think.”
“Anything else I need to worry about,” Sidney asked. 
Nina reached out over the console and touched Sidney’s hand. “Relax, it’s not a game. You can’t lose.”
“But, I want them-”
Cutting Sidney off, Nina said, “I know, you want them to like you. So be the dork that you are instead of faking like you aren’t a dork.”
Sidney felt a bit insulted but Nina gave him a dazzling smile. “I like it when you’re being dorky, anyway.”
Sidney tried hard to follow Nina’s advice. There were so many people that he couldn’t keep them all straight so he focused on making sure he remembered the names of the older people in Nina’s family. There was Mawmaw, the family matriarch, Tracey and Vernon, Nina’s parents, Aunt Tasha who baked the sweet potato pie that he was having his third slice of, Aunt Dee, Uncle Tony, and Uncle Bashir. All of the cousins kinda blurred together but Sidney figured he’d learn their names quickly. 
Overall, he felt like everything was going well. Sidney answered everyone’s questions and he guessed his answers were good since one of Nina’s older cousins told him his new nickname was White Boy. Nina had snickered while some of the younger ones giggled. Right now, Sidney was talking to Aunt Tasha. “What would it take to get you to bake me a pie of my own,” Sidney asked. 
Tasha laughed while Tracey smirked. Tracey interjected, “Oh no, Tasha gonna be bragging about this forever. ‘Guess who came to Thanksgiving and loved my sweet potato pie? Sidney Crosby loved my sweet potato pie.’ She will never shut up!”
“Don’t be mad that you can’t bake a pie as good as me, Tracey,” Tasha chided, laughing. “Nina makes a better pie than both of us but that girl don’t wanna cook.”
Tracey smirked when she saw the look on Sidney’s face. “Oh no, Tash, now this boy gonna be begging my daughter to make him a pie.”
Everyone laughed as Nina was in a different room. Mawmaw chided, “I’m happy that one of my family don’t got to be in the kitchen like that. I wish I could’ve been the same at her age.”
Sidney decided to scroll his phone as the older women began to argue. Then he felt someone tap his shoulder.
“White boy, you wanna play spades?”
Sidney looked at this cousin of Nina. He was sitting at a table with Vernon, one of her aunts, and another cousin. “No,” he replied, shaking his head. 
The cousin got a devious grin on his face. “It’s easy, you should play for Shantara, she can’t play for shit.”
Sidney’s competitive instinct told him it was a bad idea. And from the way Vernon was eyeing him, Sidney knew he was right for shaking his head. “Nope. I’ll learn by watching.”
“Nina’s white boy smart,” Aunt Tasha hollered. “You play spades and renege, boy, someone about to go for those knees.”
“Stop torturing, Sid, Deonte,” Nina scolded as she sat in Sidney’s lap. “At least wait til the second visit before hazing him over spades.”
“I like this boy, Nini. Keep him, he’s betta than that last boy you brought here, bless his heart. Didn’t know how to talk to people,” Mawmaw advised. 
Nina wanted to die as the rest of her family snickered. Holidays: the time of the year where your greatest fuckups get rehashed for shits and giggles. 
Nafis snorted. “What’s his name... it wasn’t that Ron boy, was it? Naw, it was James’s old friend, Jordan. We all knew he wasn’t shit, I mean, nothing, when he made Tommy mad.”
Nina winced as remembered that. Tommy was one of the sweetest guys and hard to rile up, but anyone who could make cousin Tommy mad was a douchebag. 
“Her pets like him. Tess curls in his lap and Steely lets him pet him,” Vernon said. 
Everyone stared at Sidney, eyes wide. Stuttering, Aunt Tasha said, “T-t-that cat and d-dog hate every damn body other than Nini and her family. I be damned.”
Mawmaw laughed.
The rest of the dinner went without incident. But at a quiet moment, Vernon pulled Sidney from the group to a quiet spot in the yard. It was late November in Western Pennsylvania so no one else was there. 
Vernon Jackson had seen more of his fair share of crap in his life. Growing up in Ward 8 of D.C., Vernon had dodged dealers, hustlers, stick-up kids, etc. to survive. His grades weren’t great so Vernon went into the army to ensure that he escaped. Through being deployed in the Gulf War then to Mogadishu, Vernon had done his best to make sure that all his children had more than he did growing up. 
Now, his sweettart, his eldest, his sweet girl, Nina was grown. She had done more than he and Tracey combined. But looking at the man he was sure his daughter was in love with, Vernon began to wonder if he made a mistake. 
Oh, it was obvious that Sidney Crosby was in love with his daughter. But the feelings of love could fade and given his history, Vernon couldn’t trust that Crosby would do the right thing. 
So as a loving father, Vernon pulled Sidney to the side. “I just wanted to ask you something important before I give my blessing to this.”
“Yes, sir,” Sidney responded. 
“You know your children will be considered Black?”
Vernon watched Sidney’s face after asking that question. Lust and infatuation was nice but this was his little girl. The last thing he wanted was his daughter hurt because she fell for someone not just clueless but maliciously clueless about race. 
Sidney quietly replied, “I know. People will see them as Black and will think the worst of them first.”
Not bad, Vernon thought. He expected a colorblind response.
Then he heard Nina call out, “Dad? Sid? We are about to cut the cake!”
Vernon and Sid both grimaced but for different reasons. Vernon because he couldn’t really have cake because of his diabetes, Sid because cake wasn’t on his meal plan. Vernon told Sidney, “before you start making plans for rings, you need to start thinking about how you are going to start speaking up about race. Think about that.”
Sidney kept Vernon’s words in his mind through the week. Trina had told him what happened in the bathroom that night but Nina told him that his mom had handled it for her. But as he waited for Nina to open her door, Sidney couldn’t help but think what he could do to avoid situations like that from happening for Nina. But words failed as Nina opened the door and gave him a shy smile. 
“Hi pretty girl,” Sidney drawled as he walked in, closing the door. He hung up his coat on her coat rack before sitting on Nina’s couch.
“I missed you daddy”
“Missed you, pretty girl. Did you have fun?”
Nina straddled Sid’s thigh and replied, “it was a good time even though UNC lost. The VT campus is beautiful. How was the road trip?”
Sid laughed as Nina played with his hair. “It went well but Geno got hurt. He’ll be out for two weeks.”
“That sucks.”
Sidney hummed his assent as he wrapped an arm around Nina’s waist. He missed his pretty girl and it seemed like she missed him too. They sat there together for several quiet moments before Nina whispered, “I really missed you, daddy. It’s been too long.”
Sidney gave Nina a slow smile as she began to grind on his thigh. He felt the same way as he kissed Nina, soft and slow. Then as they broke apart, the sensual haze on Nina’s face turned into horror.  “God damn it,” she muttered. 
Sidney frantically asked, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“I just felt my period show up, three days early,” Nina said, rubbing her temples. Her period was cock-blocking her after a couple weeks of no dick and she wanted to die. “I just felt cramps and as much as I’d like to slide to my knees and suck you off, it won’t happen tonight.”
Nina groaned as she closed her eyes, head down. Sidney just started to laugh. 
“Cmon, pretty girl. Let’s just watch movies tonight.”
“Movies sound good,” Nina replied, “I just refuse to watch Friends, ever.”
Sidney giggle-honked as Nina moved from straddling his thigh to curling into his lap. 
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