#if you remember kyouka's room youll know the reds are for her tbh
chaoticrokiroki · 1 year
todojirou domestic fluff supremacy
they don't move in together right after graduation. it changes things, disrupts their routine, and its an adjustment. so they take it slow, work it out and process the beginning of a new life by themselves first
shouto's not. eager. to live full time in the new todoroki house with his mother, if only because he fears how stressful it could be for her. but he does love his family and it's not bad, not really. he gets to have a little bit of his childhood back, a small part of the time he should've had with his family.
a part of kyouka's still looking for the kind of peace she had before UA, back when her parents were the Adults and made the decisions and kept her safe. its been the other way around for several years, logically she knows its not coming back.
they still meet every day, if their plans dont end up derailed by some villain attack or family emergency. everything's changing but, in this, finding new footing isn't weird or bad or nostalgic at all. it's just exciting, to know theyre both preparing for the same thing. for a place that'll be theirs and theirs alone.
they do move in together after almost two years - into a tiny one bedroom apartment that's barely big enough for the both of them. but there's golden light streaming through the kitchen windows, shining on a small living space that's filled with cardboard boxes and kyouka's tripped twice over the past five minutes and shouto's has no idea on where to place their new dishware and. its warm, here. in this pocket of time they've made for themselves. its warm and its home and its theirs.
it feels like it cant possibly get any better than it is. and yet, with time, it does. with time, they learn how to make themselves into a safe place for one another. a shield, between the other and the grim reality they face everyday at work.
there's always music playing in the background, kyouka cant help but come home exhausted and not want to hear the neighbours' fights or the dogs barking down the street. it drowns it out, makes it a little easier to breathe - coming home to shouto trying not to burn their dinner, wearing a sky blue apron with a pink, sparkly "babygirl" on the front (mina's particular brand of humour is Priceless) and a random rock album playing in the background loudly is. certainly something that brightens her days. something that makes it worth it, to wash grime and filth from her skin and stumble home tired to the bone and sink into his embrace.
there's a stash of soba noodles that makes up probably half of their food - its not really used for dinner or lunch, rather it's treated as a midnight snack. shouto will wake up from a nightmare, tossing and turning and outright screaming for the worst ones (kyouka can never wake him, during those. can never snap him out of his own personal hell like she wants to), and they'll stumble under sudden, too bright lights and share a bowl while sitting at the kitchen counter. touching every possible way, knees and elbows bumping together and making a mess, too sleepy to care about cleaning up.
the mornings are their favourites - they're both lazy, after waking up. kyouka will get up first, sit at the edge of the bed yawning and pushing at shouto's legs in an effort to wake him. he will, eventually. coming to stand beside her at the sink, fighting to get more space and brushing their teeth together. grabbing a slice of toast in a hurry because they both took too long getting ready (it takes a while before kyouka is comfortable singing/humming in the shower but after shouto always finds some excuse to listen in, getting ready in the bathroom longer than strictly necessary) and rushing out the door in two separate directions only to run back and share a hasty goodbye kiss.
there's not a precise way to describe it, not really. its just home, the kind that you know you want as a child and that you dont think you'll ever get as a moody teenager. the kind of home you spend a lifetime searching for, unconsciously.
a final puzzle piece, clicking into place.
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