#ikevamp issac x reader
Hello againnnn xD ❤️❤️
How are you xD, i want to request HC again today xD
How about MC is famous too in her time like.. she is a singer or idol group (kpop) or model ? Just wanna see their reactions when they know, maybe from sebas cause they're from the same country xD
(arthot mozart isaac theo or someone else you like xD)
Your fan xD
Hey there! I'm back from the dead. It's been way too long and I'm so sorry, but school is finally over and I can take some time to actually sort my life out I really am sorry😭😅
But anyway I hope you enjoy this, it was nice to finally get back to writing after so long.
Famous MC/reader and the Ikevamp bois
~Let's just assume that Sebas is the one that shows the saved videos from his somehow still working phone bc Leo invented a cherger or smth let me have this
Arthot - KPop Idol
Ah yes
our friendly neighbourhood thot detective
He's just fascinated
Ahh~ Luv, as always you take my breath away, who would have thought you could move like that *wink*
He's a menace but we love him don't we
but in all honestly he's very surprised and proud
100% your biggest fan
He's so impressed that you can sing and dance like that
At the SAME TIME???!!
He is shooketh and happy
will ask you to sing to him sometime
Under all the inappropriate jokes, he's just happy for you and very exited to see more of your shows bc he's just blown away
Elsa Mozart - Singer
oK so our favorite popsicle is very excited
Some people this that he wouldn't enjoy modern music, but I think he'd be on board with a lot actually
he's just appreciate the diversity
so anyway he looks at you singing on stage and his frozen heart just melts
instant big fan
He's generally appreciate any music inclined mc , but this?
he finds it breath taking
so he's impressed, yeah
but will he show it?
he just nods his head and hummms , and if you look closely you can see a little twinkle in his eye that isn't normally there
to anybody else it would seem rude, but we all know we can't get any other reaction from him
But he is impressed and will treat you differently, with more respect from that point on
if you are really sneaky, you can catch him humming your songs
Smoll apple boi ?smapple boi? Isaac - Model
He blushes so hard
All the blood in his body rushes up to his head
like he's going to bust a bloodvessel someone help-
he's very amazed and at loss for words
like damn you were beautiful before but nOw???
To much for his big brain to handle
in conclusion: Isaac.exe. has stopped working
Theodorkus - Singer
ok so I think he would be similar to Mozart
He's impressed
like very impressed
he recognizes the talent
But will he ever show it
if he's in a good mood he will chuckle a little and marvel at how amazing you are
then later maybe he'll bring it up and tell you he thinks you're awesome in his own way
you know
with lots of dog comparisons but we all know you're proud Theo
you can't fool us for a second, we're on to you
and so is Sebastian
Sebastian - KPop Idol
our one hell of a butler
oh wait
no, wrong fandom
He's a big fan
probably watched your shows before he became Ciel's Comte's butler
He will smile and show you the video too
small headpat and hair ruffle
will kiss your forehead an tell you your cool
sorry but I like to believe that he'd be more affectionate once he opens up to you ok
He's honestly just supportive in general and actually sweet about it
That is all, that you so much for sticking around I appreciate you. ✿😘If your like to be tagged in future posts feel free to ask, also if you have any ideas of what I should do next slide on into my askbox, requests are open!
Love you all! ~Lia♮
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simp-is-here · 2 years
Do you ever just think of how attractive it would be if a vampire slowly laid you onto a couch and leaned over you, brushing your hair away from your neck as they lean in till their fangs are just poking your pulse point, their breath against your neck as they tease the idea of biting you before pulling away with a smirk on their face, then before they leave they put two fingers under your chin and give you the smallest peck then head out the door, leaving the tingles of their touch in their wake.
Did it get hot in here??
Thirsty Vampire Thoughts Saga
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
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Hey Darlings,
My requests are opening for the Summer Of Smut event on July 5th at 12pm EST.
This lovely event is hosted by @voltage-vixen​ & @xxsycamore​! All the details can be found here.
⛱️Guidelines ⛱️
18+ -Minors DNI
Each Character and prompt can only be requested once 
Word Count may vary 
Crossed out means taken
Up to 2 characters & one Prompt per request
Accept suitor x suitor, suitor x Reader, suitor x mc 
please specify reader/ MC's gender. (Alice, Emma, Mitsuki will be defaults for their fandoms)
⛱️Fandoms ⛱️
IkeRev: Ray, Sirius, Luka, Seth, Fenrir, Lancelot, Jonah, Edgar, Kyle, Zero, Harr, Loki, Blanc, Dalim, Dean, Mousse, King Sandwich, Jack Sandwich, Fenray Sandwich
IkePri: Jin, Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, Yves, Licht, Nokto, Luke, Rio, Sariel, Gilbert
IkeVamp: Napoleon, Jean, Mozart, Theo, Arthur, Vincent, Leonardo, Comte, Issac, Sebastian, William
Obey Me: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphegor, Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos
Court of Darkness: Guy, Toa, Fenn, Roy, Lynt, Rio
⛱️Prompts ⛱️
July 17th - Playing dirty in a water fight | Summertime strip tease
 July 18th - Blow jobs with a cooled tongue | Blow jobs on the beach
 July 19th - Beach bar flirting ends in a one-night stand | Sexy summer fling 
 July 20th - Nighttime skinny dipping | Forgetting a bathing suit 
 July 21st - Quickies in the shade | A shaded affair 
 July 22nd - Sharing a cold drink | Sharing a popsicle 
 July 23rd - Hand jobs in the car at the outdoor movie theater | Cockwarming in the car at the outdoor movie theater 
 July 24th -  Sneaking a hand into the bikini | Bonded by the bikini top 
 July 25th - Sleek in sunscreen | Tracing along the tan lines 
 July 26th - Bodies pressed tightly together in the hammock | Sex under the  sun dress 
 July 27th - Sneaking out of a pool party | Conjoined under the water
 July 28th - A summer getaway sexathon | Cumming on a cross-country car trip 
 July 29th - Hot skin + cold substances | The MC/LI's body as a sponge 
 July 30th - Welcoming the sunrise on the shore | Stranded on an isolated   island together
 July 31st  - Free Prompt
Tagging: @thewitchofbooks​, @toloveawarlord​, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly​, @aquagirl1978​, @devildomwritersposts​, @queen-dahlia​, @sarahann-1984​, @canaria-blackwell​, @ikesimp100​, @kpop-and-otome​, @citizensofcradle​, @littlewitty​, @curious-skybunny​, @lordsisterxotome​, @namine-somebodies-nobody​, @queengiuliettafirstlady​, @jihanel​, @atelieredux​, @violettduchess​ - If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.
See you guys on July 5th 💛🧡💛
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shoyouth · 4 years
Hello again! So i have this idea, could i request a hc when mc is being particularly clingy with them? Like, ask to cuddle a lot or backhugs on the living room or when they go about their day, etc? She just feels very needy that day 😂 thank you! And i love your writings so much, it made me smile a lot :)
Hello, my friend! This is such a cute request tbh, ty for sending it in! And aww thank you so much, that makes me so happy to hear 😁💞
napoleon ; he loves it. If you’re not normally clingy, the first time you give him a hug he watches you amusedly, inquiring as to why. But in the morning especially, when you aren’t pulling away from his embrace so adamantly, when you aren’t scolding him to get up but instead linger and return his kiss sweetly—he’s reminded why he loves sleeping in so much, and why he loves you. He could definitely get used to this.
arthur ; will tease you. Instantly. He has that little grin on his face and he catches your hand before you can snatch your hug and leave, and he pulls you right back in to his hold. Though he really is all bark and no bite; the second he has his hands on you, his touch is feather-light, his warm arms circled around your waist delicately. He actually basks in your open affection-days, and he becomes so so soft and he hums in your ear and sways back and forth. He needs it just as much as you. On certain days he may be more playful and return your affection twicefold; one kiss to his cheek leads to him pressing his lips to both of yours.
mozart ; you’ll be hard pressed to get him away from the piano, peeking your head through the door or lingering around behind him. He may feign exasperation at your ‘insistent silent cues’ that you want affection, but he readily turns around on the bench to let you sit with him, his lips pressed against your temple. Once you’ve had your fill, he’s softened up as well, and he’s nonchalant as he says he would not mind if you just stayed and wrapped your arms around his shoulder while he played “if you’d like.”
leonardo ; when you throw him pouts across the library, he can’t help the chuckle that rises in his throat. He’ll close his book and make his way over to you, nuzzling his nose against yours softly as he jokes that you can hardly be away from him. Again, leonardo sleep often just like napoleon, so he really doesn’t mind when you want to cuddle. He’ll sleep with you anywhere but if you have qualms about napping on the hallway floor, he’ll make the effort to clear his bed (only his bed, the rest of the room is still a godforsaken mess) for the both of you to cuddle comfortably, faces towards each other and playing with each others’ fingers.
vincent ; all you have to do is give the word and his paint brush is set down and his arms are open. You either cramp yourselves up super close on his couch or you go to his favorite spot on the hill and lay in the grass. Vincent gives super warm, comforting hugs (theo can vouch for him), and he smiles so sweetly as he holds you against him. He fixes your hair and asks about your day absently, and you may hold hands as you talk or—on more mellow days—you interlock your pinkies as you watch the clouds.
theo ; he’ll be in the parlor reading poetry or talking to arthur when you come in and sit so close beside him you’re practically on his lap. He pauses to protect himself from the stutter lodged in his throat, and his eyes cast to you. At your innocent smile, he simply sighs; he knows what you want. He places his hands on either side of your waist and hoists you into his lap, his arms caging you against his chest. If arthur makes any comment he grumbles and glares, but it’s just to protect his dignity when a pink flush crosses his cheeks (all the while you just smile). Affection in front of the others always flusters him a bit, but he always plays it off and acts suave—he secretly loves it.
issac ; if you ever were to surprise him with a back hug out of the blue, oh boy. He will sputter and choke, whirling around with big eyes. He may huff defensively that you shouldn’t surprise him like that, but the feverish flush of his cheeks shows you that he’s not mad at all. Though it may take some time, he grows to love your surprise affection on your clingy days, especially when he gets too stressed or focused about teaching or tinkering. Also a major sucker for the intimacy of close embraces like dazai and arthur, where he caresses your cheek and kisses your forehead—it relaxes and reassures him a lot.
dazai ; this sly dog can instantly read when you’re clingy, but he won’t do anything until you tell him. Everytime you’re glued to his side or brush against his arm, send him needy looks—he just smiles and asks if you’ve eaten or read the book he recommended. When you finally cave and tell him, for an odd moment he will remain quiet and not do anything, maybe have you just follow him. But once you’re sat down somewhere more comfortable, he’ll turn to you and gently take you in his arms, similar to arthur, and just hold you. His fingers will card through your hair, and it’s only when you silently beg for affection that you are able to draw out this soft kind of intimacy from him.
jean ; like issac, he isn’t much of a fan of the surprises. I don’t think he’d ever come to love it though because he’s afraid of how he’d react—would he feel threatened and pull his sword on you? What if he hadn’t drank enough that day, would he turn on you? For this man’s guilt-ridden heart, please initiate affection slowly. He’d love the soft handholding while you walked and talked, or the hand on his guiding arm. As he grows more comfortable, you could initiate gentle but firm hugs or sitting in his lap, and like arthur, he would end up needing it more; he will melt in your hands with his face pressed against your shoulder, your fingers running through his hair. It helps him forget and feel loved in time.
comte ; quirks a brow at first, a soft smile crossing his lips at your inquiry. He’ll cup your chin in his hand and kiss you gently, assuring you that he is all yours and he is only there to fulfill your every desire (“Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast begins playing in the distance). He’d gladly let you latch yourself to his arm while he traveled the mansion, but he throws his tasks out the window quickly to instead sit in the gardens with you, admiring the landscape with his arm securely around your waist. At times like this, he feels very happy in a mellow sense; your affection helps him forget that he’s immortal, and that he can share moments so intimate like this with you.
sebastian ; quite honestly you’re both cooking in the kitchen when you slowly intertwine your fingers with his empty one on the counter. He pauses in reading the recipe to look to you for an explanation, but you’re nonchantly getting the ingredients together. Sebastian is observant, and so I think he would quickly understand that this is your silent confession of being needy, so he’ll just smile and press a kiss to your cheek before continuing with his work. He will try his best to leave your hands connected while you work, or return to your hold as quickly as possible if the task requires both hands.
shakespeare ; your shows of needing affection may have to be more subdued if you ever want a desirable reaction. If you come on too strong or lively, he will only use poetic words to answer your actions, his eyes flashing as he’s on guard, for you couldn’t be that happy to see him, could you? But if you’re more mellow, perhaps kissing the inside of his wrist or ghosting your touch along his neck, he may shiver and crumble. Such intimacy! Mayhaps you do hold such love for him in your heart of hearts, and he’ll gloss his lips down your forearm to kiss your inner elbow to show his own desire.
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You’ve twisted my arm with this one. Ikevamp boys as kitsune would be adorable. Especially Isaac. I want him to have a super fluffy tail so I can pet it and make him even more flustered than he normally is.
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You really couldn't help it.
It was so damn fluffy!
Your hands ran through the soft strands of Isaacs tail, or one of them, the largest and longest one he has. The auburn color matched him perfectly, extenuating his eyes and markings, and was quite literally the warmest thing ever.
The forest was quite today, with only nature interrupting your thoughts, Issac lounging on top of you as he buried his face into your stomach further. His ears twitched as well, your fingers rubbing at the base and between the two of them, his purr was deep and reverberated through you.
Your chest filled with warmth, and not from Isaacs face, but from the stillness the moment held. You wanted to bubble it, pit it in a locket and keep it close to your heart, forever with you. The love you held for Isaac started to surface, and you realized you never wanted him to a day without knowing how much he meant to you, how much you loved him.
His face was flushed, unable to let himself relax, and you weren't helping at all. The calling strokes of you placed on his ears, the was your fingers threaded through his tail, and the uncalled for reactions! It felt heavenly, but this was intimate, too intimate- yet he never wanted it to stop.
The purr that continued to leave his throat wouldn't stop, and his instinctively curled his extra tails around your legs, his face still nuzzled into your stomach.
You started to hum, a small song made in a time later than he was meant to see, the lax tone that you held was lazy and nostalgic. His heart finally ease, and he started to pull from his escape, arms loosening from around your hips. He looked up, and you caught his eyes, cupping his face gently as you brought him closer to your face.
"You know I love you, right? More than than the sea, who kisses the land on her sandy beaches every moment of everyday, more than the stars who make the most beautiful constellations by just being near one another, and... more than I ever thought I could love another."
Were those tears in his eyes?
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
could i request a scenario with issac x an astronaut mc??
idk i think it’d be really cute and they could bond over their love of space together 🥰
Isaac x MC/Reader (You) || Ikemen Vampire
Warning(s): None (Maybe a little OOCness - I haven’t picked up IkeVamp in sometime)
Note: Oh I agree, it WOULD be cute <3 (now if only I could capture that cuteness....) 
I’d like to apologize for taking so long to do your request (as well as the other one that you sent in). Hopefully what I have written was worth the wait and I was able to fulfill your request! (If not then I’m sorry to disappoint)
My Lunar Lover
You’d made a singular comment, an off handed one at that, about how you’ve set foot on the moon back in your time. You and Isaac were out on a stargazing date set in the back of Le Comte’s mansion by the fountain, his arm wrapped around you and your body pulled flushed to him. The vampire in question had been talking about the phases of the moon; how could such a topic not remind you of the old life and occupation you’d left behind? Not that you regret doing so; you've never been happier than you are now with Isaac by your side.
Yet the confession you spoke in passing caused him to pull away from your shared embrace and go rigid as a board, almost like he’s preparing for a blow to the heart; he’s waiting for you to laugh and tell him you’re joking. You’re one of the only people who withheld from poking fun at him (or if you did it was clearly meant to be taken as a jest) so he wants to get his hopes up at your news, put trust in you, but simultaneously he doesn’t. Come on, mankind going into space? Walking on the moon? Preposterous! You have to be pulling his leg here!
Cherry blossom coloured eyes searched your own, scanning with a fine tooth comb for those telltale signs of teasing (signs he’d see almost on the daily with a certain troublesome duo) though he’d found none. It hit him in that instant that you were far from lying. 
A sort of switch flipped in your boyfriend - he went from skeptical, tense and guarded to showing you the smile he’d only let slip with you, less he got called out by a certain someone, with a spark in his expression. Only when he delved into something he was well informed in did he get like this, so to get the opportunity to hear about the wonders of modern day science, astrology and it’s huge advancements would of course fuel his curiosity greatly. 
You watched him quietly take in the realization. There was something about that twinkle in his eyes that reminded you of the shining stars above, painting him cute in your eyes. You kept that to yourself though. 
Isaac, in the heat of his excitement and desire for more information, grabbed a hold of your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze; he caught himself quickly though and let go, wondering if he’d just been a little too rough with his sudden grab. Aware of how he ticked, you made the move yourself and went for his hand, a silent way to let him know that it was alright. His palm was warm in your own, a pleasant sensation. Isaac’s smile widened just a fraction more, whether it was because you’re comforting him or he gets to hold your hand at all, who knows, maybe both. The first signs of a light blush growing on his pale cheeks,  his heart refusing to calm down and he uttered a simple question to you, hoping above all else that you’ll agree.
“Can you, perhaps… tell me more?” 
Already you had the answer in your mind - yes, of course - but you took a moment to study him and his expression. Every time he got like this, so passionate about one of his fields of study, a warm feeling grew in your chest. Seeing him so happy and in his comfort zone made you equally as happy - but the fact that it was about something you yourself loved as well? It’s heaven on earth to get to share an interest with someone close to you.
“Of course I’ll tell you more, anything you want to know I’ll answer the best I can.” He gave a final pause, leaving room for you to back out of his soon to be interrogation, but eased into his questions when he saw you weren't moving, something he’s thankful for. He’d take this thought to his grave, but Isaac felt overjoyed - dare he describe this feeling as giddy - at the idea of talking with his favorite person about a topic he loved. It was like he got to deepen the connection the both of you had and without fear of you becoming lost in his rapid fire ramblings.
As much as Isaac loves you, for the most part he questioned about the science behind it all (he did still try and squeeze in questions that were specific to you and your experience though). How did you get on the moon? What is it like up there? Why did you decide to take the trip? 
You explained to the best of your abilities all that you knew, many times fighting to hold in your laughs at the slight twitches and incredulous faces he tried to hide when you told him something particularly interesting, funny, or stupid that people say in the 21st century.
Slowly the Q&A naturally dwindled down and the two of you went back to looking at the stars, shifting the topic from the moon to going back and forth between each other as you pointed out constellations and groups of stars; telling about their stories and origins. The excitement never left either of you though, enthusiasm still seeped through in your actions and speech as you both pointed high into the inky night.
Your boyfriend's smile never left his face either, and you’re sure this is the longest that he’s ever had it on. It seems you’ve made a little world with just the two of you, a space where he didn’t have to restrain himself.
“Thank you…” Isaac whispered all of a sudden, turning away from the sky to face you, the light from the moon catching his eyes, making them dazzle in such a beautiful way.
“For what?”
“For indulging me in my interests and….” he hesitated for a moment, that adorable blush from earlier coming back, the pink hue barely visible in the dark but still possible to see if you stared enough, “... and for letting me know a little more about you.”
“We can do it again if you want, I’m sure I wasn’t able to cover everything I know,” you smiled, hoping he’d take the bait; anything to spend this kind of special time together again, a time that only two space loving lovers could share. 
Isaac, with a rush of confidence, scooted closer to you, coming to rest his forehead against yours.
“I’d… like that very much…” 
“Then it’s a date!” you laughed, placing a feather light peck on his free-for-the-taking lips. 
God, if only you knew how much Isaac loves you and all that you are. He couldn’t ask for someone more perfect for him than you. From personality to passions, you are the one for him. His lunar lover.
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simp-is-here · 2 years
Does anyone also like those things where (in like a fic or in your imagination or something) you’re with someone who has abnormal strength. Then you’re against a wall or a tree with their hands on the surface you’re up against, they kiss you and it starts off very sweet and gentle before becoming very passionately, then when they pull away you notice that the place on the surface where their hands were is completely destroyed from their strength because they were holding back so you wouldn’t be hurt.
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Thirsty Vampire Thoughts Saga
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simp-is-here · 2 years
When they bite you for the first time, their grip on your body like you’ll disappear in front of them. The tremble of your body while you run your fingers through their hair, letting the ecstasy overtake your being.
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simp-is-here · 2 years
When they come into your room to talk to you and see that you’re asleep, they brush your hair away from your face and trail their fingers down to your pulse. They kiss your forehead and linger there as to not be consumed by the hunger you fill them with (literal hunger). They pull away and brush their fingers against your warm cheek before leaving you to sleep.
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Thirsty Vampire Thoughts Saga
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simp-is-here · 2 years
(Mainly aimed towards Ikémen Vampire [don’t know why but they’re who come in mind for me])
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Thought 1
Thought 2
Thought 3
Thought 4
Thought 5
Thought 6
Feel free to send your own thoughts
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simp-is-here · 2 years
While you both are being intimate they leave little love bites in places only you two can see (maybe 1 or 2 in places for others to see but who knows 😉), the feeling that they trust you so much to sink their fangs into your neck and show you a side of them they keep hidden away just adds to the feeling of closeness between you two
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simp-is-here · 2 years
The Thirsty Vampire Thoughts Saga continues
When they are holding your face gently before one of their hands slowly trail down to your neck so they can feel the rushing beat of your pulse against their fingertips. Their eyes flash with a hunger before being replaced with the gentle loving expression that they had before
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Thirsty Vampire Thoughts Saga
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
For you Summer of Smut requests, may I please request IkeVamp’s Isaac x F reader with the July 19th prompt - Beach bar flirting ends in a one-night stand? Thank you so much!
This one was a lot of fun! It stayed spinning in mu head for a while, but I actually love it. A huge thank you to @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen for these marvelous prompts. I hope you enjoy ❤️
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A Night to Remember
Fandom: Ikevamp
Pariing: Issac x F!Reader
Prompt: Summer of Smut Day 3: Beach Bar flirting turns into a one-night stand
Type: NSFW - Minors DNI
CW: college au, intoxication, one-night stand, non-established relationship, marking, vampire bites, vaginal sex, multiple orgasms, fingering
WC: 1100+
Tagging: @toloveawarlord , @thewitchofbooks , @queen-dahlia , @kissmetwicekissmedeadly , @aquagirl1978 , @canaria-blackwell , @devildomwritersposts , @ikesimp100 , @sarahann-1984 , @kpop-and-otome , @citizensofcradle , @littlewitty , @curious-skybunny , @lordsisterxotome , @queengiuliettafirstlady ,@namine-somebodies-nobody , @jihanel , @atelieredux , @violettduchess - If you want to be tagged or remove please dm me or fill out the form here.
You curse the bright light of the summer sun as it shines right into your eyes. Rolling away from the window, you are briefly aware of how heavy your limbs are. Cursing the amount of alcohol consumed, you turn, burying your face in the pillows next to you. A strange smell catches your attention and breathing deep, a lingering smell of cinnamon and spices sends your mind reeling back into your dream. Cherry blossom eyes, so beautiful as they stare at you. Your name is a whisper on his lips, and you groan at the memory. Heat starts to pool between your legs and you rub them together, hissing softly at the soreness there.
Your hand reaches for your phone, brushing along a cool glass along the way. Opening your eyes with a hiss at the brightness, you look at your nightstand. Your phone is plugged in next to you along with a glass of fresh ice water and some painkillers. Doubt clouds your mind. Was last night a dream?
Finally standing up to get ready, you catch your reflection in the mirror, a deep red mark on your neck has you pausing. Speechless, your fingers trail along the tender flesh, marks bloom in various shades along your neck, shoulders even trail to your breasts. Sitting back on your bed you shut your eyes, searching for any memories in your foggy state.
His eyes are the first thing to come to you, the unique shade of pale pink burning its way into your mind. He was so shy, sitting next to you at the overcrowded bar, but not talking to you in the beginning.
After he offers to buy you a drink, the conversation flows smoothly. He was a professor at the nearby college, some colleagues of his had dragged him out to this party. Sympathizing with him, you indulge him in your story, both of you bitterly laughing at how you were both dragged here.
Issac, his name was Issac. The bar fades from your mind, instead, you are on the dance floor, his arms around you as he dances with you from behind. You can’t remember how you got from the bar to the dance floor, who knows how many drinks that took. All your brain lets you remember is dancing with him, the way his arm brushes your breast or how his erection brushes against your ass, a silent invitation. His breath had teased your neck before the proposal came.
“Let's take this to your room.” You had been hasty to agree, the heat from the alcohol had been slowly setting your entire body ablaze. You knew he felt it too, the way he couldn’t keep his hands off you as you head back to the resort.
Swiping your key, he follows you in, pushing you against the door as it closes. Caging you, his elbows rest against the door on either side of your face. His lips hungrily press against yours, his tongue raging a war against your own. His body pressing against yours leaves a heat blazing in your core.
His fingers find your skirt, hurriedly pulling it down to expose your swimwear. Shivers erupt as his fingers brush your skin. You focus on his buttons, your fingers clumsily stumbling on each one. His button-up hits the floor at the same time your skirt does. Breaking for air, he takes off his t-shirt as you shrug off your top. His arms trail to your hips, lifting you into his strong arms. Your hands find purchase in his hair as he carries you to the bed.
Your breath is knocked from your lungs as he falls on the bed with you, moving to straddle you. One hand props him up above his face, his second hand trailing your thighs. When his lips go to your neck, you can’t help the moan, his finger teasing so close to your heat. His chuckle is rich from your neck.
“Look at how wet you are” He teases, ghosting above your folds. You whine his name, feeling him lick along the column of your throat. His nose presses right against your pulse when his fingers finally delve into your heat. Your body arches, lips parting in pleasure. Barely able to remember the sounds coming from you, you remember how his fingers feel against your walls, his thumb coming to caress your clit. His growls against your throat as he kisses mark after mark into your skin has your entire body trembling. You can feel your orgasm building and boy does he know it. His eyes glance up from where he is tantalizing your breast
“Are you going to cum all over my fingers?” His lips never leave your skin and the words only add to the heat threatening to consume you.
“Yess, Please Issac, Please” you managed to gasp out. His mouth works its way back to your neck and up to your ear.
“Come on then” He nips your ear, tugging the lobe down just as the coil in your stomach bursts. His name falls from your lips as you ride your orgasm, feeling his fingers continue to tease your heat. His hands finally leave your core and he gives you a little time to breathe as he sits back, licking your essence off his fingers. A wicked grin crosses his face as he studies your reaction, your legs spreading wider. Taking his length in his hand he crawls back over you, your heart practically beating out of your chest at his proximity.
His lips descend upon yours in another sloppy passionate kiss, his length sheathing into you. His hands come to your hips as his lips leave yours. You can feel the bruises being left due to his tight grip, the timid man that approached you mere hours ago is nowhere to be found. The pleasure is rapidly building again feeling his length rub against your walls. Falling back more into the pillow, you can do nothing but moan his name, the pleasure rendering your brain mush. His face falls to your neck and as your pleasure builds. A burst of pain flashes from your neck as your orgasm washes over you. Every nerve in your body fires at once as your vision blacks out. You are briefly aware of feeling him still in you, his lips finally detaching from your neck. Your body is weightless as you feel Issac kiss your neck, making his way back to your lips. His body collapses tiredly next to you and you are pulled into his arms.
A knock pulls you from your memory, and you wrap a robe around you. Tiredly pulling yourself to the door, your best friends' face comes into view, a wicked smile bursting across their face when they see your hot mess state.
“Well someone had a night to remember”
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
Summer of Smut 2022 - 18+ only
Here is my Summer of Smut 2022 works. Please note that these are 18+ only. Summer of Smut was hosted by @voltage-vixen and @xxsycamore​. The Original post is here. I hope you enjoy! 
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July 17th 
Playing dirty in a water fight  
An Unfair Fight - FenRay Sandwich x F!Reader
Summertime strip tease 
Picture Perfect Vacation -  Mammon x AFB!Reader
 July 18th 
Blow jobs with a cooled tongue 
Garden Tea Party - Licht x Emma
Blow jobs on the beach 
Good Hondje - Theo x F!Reader 
 July 19th 
Beach bar flirting ends in a one-night stand
A Night to Remember- Issac x F!Reader
Sexy summer fling  
One Last Time - Lancelot x F!Reader x Ray 
 July 20th 
 Nighttime skinny dipping 
Dangers of the Forest - Dalim  x Alice 
 Forgetting a bathing suit
What a View - Jean x Reader
 July 21st 
Quickies in the shade 
A New Task - Clavis x F! Reader
A shaded affair 
Stolen Away - Seth x M!Reader
July 22nd 
 Sharing a cold drink 
Lemonade  - Napoleon x F!Reader 
 Sharing a popsicle 
A Cherry Treat -  Edgar x Roselina Kingsley (OC)
July 23rd 
Cockwarming in the car at the outdoor movie theater 
Movie Distractions - Fenrir x F!Reader
 July 24th 
Sneaking a hand into the bikini 
Tugging my Strings - Luka x F!Reader
 Bonded by the bikini top 
Under your skin- Diavolo x F!Reader (OM) 
 July 25th 
Sleek in sunscreen -
My Love to Give - Yves x F!Reader 
Tracing along the tan lines
Forever Entwined - Leonardo xF!reader 
 July 26th 
Bodies pressed tightly together in the hammock
 Tell me a Story - Rio x Emma
Sex under the  sun dress 
Dangerous Euphoria- Gilbert x Emma
 July 27th 
Conjoined under the water 
A Midnight Swim -  Roy x F!MC (CoD)
 July 28th
 A summer getaway sexathon 
 Vacation Plans - Solomon x F!Reader
Cumming on a cross-country car trip
A Cherry Treat -  Edgar x Roselina Kingsley (OC) 
 July 29th 
Hot skin + cold substances
As the Moon Rises - Jean x F!Reader (IkeVamp)
The MC/LI's body as a sponge
A Way to Cool off - Lucifer x F!reader (OM)
 July 30th 
Welcoming the sunrise on the shore
 Sun on the Horizon - Leon x F!Reader 
 Stranded on an isolated island together 
An Isolated Picnic - Luke x F!Reader 
July 31st  
 Free Prompt 
Teasing Treasure - Fenn x F!Reader x Dia
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shoyouth · 3 years
hmm... how would vincent, isaac and comte react to mc dying way too early? (like, the month wasn’t even up yet and they died in a carriage accident or something)
warning route spoilers, delusion, death, violence, anger, depression, anxiety, victim blaming
Omg you’re really coming for my heart...I love stuff like this! So sorry for the long wait! <3 I also accidentally started writing this for mozart so lmk if you want this written for more—I’d love to! But god yeah—this is a long one I’m so sorry.
vincent ; you’re not gone, Theo, you’re just busy! On a trip! You’ll come back; you’re his friend. Vincent will be delusional. Though at some point in his route you help him open up, mature a bit, it’s no secret that he’s almost been infantilized by cybird. He’s been portrayed as innocent and naive, so when faced with such pain, it’s almost...he almost can’t handle it. He can’t fathom it. And so to combat pain and trauma he denies it. It’s one of the stages of grief, isn’t it? He just won’t...he won’t come out of it.
At first Theo would want the others to not push Vincent, to let him handle it his own way. He wants to shelter his older brother, but when it’s been months and Vincent’s paintings are only you, it’s only you on the canvas, on the walls, and you’re staining his clothes, his hands, his psyche—even Theo breaks. It’s horrifying, and Theo can’t breathe watching Vincent consume himself with you. Yet when Theo harshly yells that’s you’re gone, “they’re dead, Vincent!” Vincent only giggles.
Vincent is in his head, his dreams, bc you’re there! You’re there for him to pet his hair and coo his name; you’re the perfect muse, so sweet and kind and beautiful—you wouldn’t leave him. You’re immortal in his head, so how can you be gone? They just don’t get it. But if you’re not present in real life, then he’ll just stay in his imagination; anywhere you are.
issac ; issac will...he’ll spiral. He’ll be so overcome by anxiety; anger, guilt. He told you, didn’t he? Getting too close would only hurt you, he—you were two porcupines, and getting too close would only bring pain. He wants to blame you for your death—how could you not see the carriage? You’re not from that time, but surely you’re not so naive! But then he remembers your bright smile as you were reaching for him, his name forming on your lips before—and he breaks down again for the nth time that night as it plays over and over in his head till his vision is bleary and there’s a pounding in his head from the ferocity of his sobs.
Issac is socially awkward and a bit tsundere, but I think this is where the anxiety and anti-social tendencies will solidify into actual issues. He will curl in on himself; even walking down the hall he’s hunched over, shaking with fast-paced calculated steps as he prays that no one approaches him. If they do, he will only ignore them or lash out, scalding words on his tongue. “I didn’t accept a second life to make friends.” He’ll snap at Arthur or Dazai; he’ll even avoid Napoleon, shrugging off his hand on his shoulder with a glare to hold back the tears. He barely leaves his room, much less the mansion; the kids wonder why he won’t come to give lessons and Napoleon will just offer a sad smile. The university head will finally have to be turned away from the mansion by Comte, and the only chores or requests Sebastian’ll receive from Issac will be scribbled notes of paper from under his door.
Issac is just overcome by self-loathing, self-pity; he faced so much pain, betrayal, and loneliness in his past life, so how naive did he have to be to believe that he’d be able to be happy? He had a taste of warmth, of love, of adoration, only for it to be ripped away. And now he adamantly wishes he never felt it at all because he desires it so terribly that it keeps him up at night thinking of you.
comte ; we’re all very aware that comte has a...dark past, shall we say, even if we don’t know the full story. How the shadows fall over his eyes, how he almost seems to become so intense in such short moments that you’re struck with fear and reminded so deeply in your bones that he is a full-blooded vampire.
Now if you were to perish so quickly into meeting he...he won’t be himself. Even the others can tell he’s not the same; they can feel the involuntary shudder down their spines as they hastily look away from his own impenetrable gaze, his brisk walk, the unfaltering thin line of his mouth that at any wrong move seemed more than willing to tear another’s throat out. How could he let this happen? To you? The one bright light who entered his mansion, so pure, so sweet, so perishable. And he did nothing to stop it. He’s powerful, he’s limitless, and you’re the opposite—weak, mortal, and yet when he could extend your lifetime, keep you safe, he did nothing of the sort. Ironically, he didn’t have the time. And that sets him off.
He resorts to smoking, self-loathing; he’s angry, and it’s like molten lava under the surface, ready to decimate all in his wake. We can all tell he’s trying so so hard to maintain a gentlemanly act, to be kind and wise and yet his animalistic tendencies are ready to pounce. He’s so hurt that it was you—so young, so bright—and he’s supposed to be the host, meant to be your guardian to return you safely to your time and he failed. It will speak mass volumes to him of his own failures, his own fears, and your death may destroy his whole purpose in the mansion; you become the haunting metaphor. Though he may return to normal, it will take many years and much coaxing and silent support/stern scoldings from Leonardo to pull him out. He’ll be the shell of himself as he tours the mansions centuries later, the ghost of the residents laced into every touch of his hand on the dusty walls.
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Hello friend! If these are still open, might I be able to request an Ikemen Vampire matchup?
I am an INTJ-T, Aries sun, Capricorn moon, and Cancer rising. Currently I am attending college as a psychology major, soon I’ll be going into graduate school for clinical psychology (my end goal is to be a child psychologist or professor).
Some description of myself: I’m 22 years old, she/they, approximately 164cms, chin-length hair, dark eyes, and olive complexion. I am nearsighted and I do have glasses… though I often forget to wear them (which can be a problem at times). I do have two tattoos, both located on my legs, and I plan on getting more. I often dress to be comfortable. Usually it is dark hoodies, ripped jeans, black boots… yeah, pretty much anything black lol.
Personality wise I’d say I’m pretty motherly. Sure, I’m not really good at expressing myself unless I experience strong emotion— but I try at least. Some people can be a bit intimidated by me, apparently. I suppose one reason is I can be blunt about things. Though I enjoy caring for others. Over the years I’ve developed morbid humor and a strange fascination with the dead… yes, I suppose it can make people a little weirded out, but I just adore bones. I do have high standards for myself. I’m a perfectionist and that will be the end of me. I stress and panic over little things, especially when it’s work-related. I don’t really like to show others that something is wrong, especially when I know they are going through something. I would rather help them with their issues than have them help with mine.
When it comes to relationships, I’m not too sure how I’ll be. Generally, I’m not someone that’s too big with physical touch. I’d say that my love language is quality time so I’d rather just be in the same room as someone/spend time together. I guess if it’s a romantic partner I wouldn’t mind someone hugging me? Not sure. All I know is that the only physical touch I’m okay with is someone messing with my hair lol. I’d probably like someone intelligent, who can take care of themself, and be calm. Someone who could help ground me when I stress, or help me snap back to reality— that would really be nice. It’s tiring being a support for everyone else, I want someone to support me.
Some likes/interests: Astrology, coffee, psychological disorders, health psychology, mortuary sciences, reading, art, horror movies, collecting (books, bones, crystals, tarot decks, and coffee mugs), paranormal stuff, sharks, rainy/cold weather, and conspiracy theories.
Some dislikes: Mushrooms, bright lights, hot weather, bees/wasps (they scare me), tea, loud places, parties, and getting sick.
I hope this is enough information, my friend. Please keep up the wonderful writing and if you do get to this, thank you very much <3.
Thank you so much <333. There is no better reward than knowing that you enjoy the little things that I manage to put out there. Also you remind me of myself a bit, I think we'd get along well :))))). But anyway let's get into it.
I matched you with......
.......... Isaac
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Isaac is shy and inexperienced when it comes to a lot of aspects of a relationship
But that doesn't mean he can't get used to things and can't improve
I personally see Isaac as a perfectionist idk if that is actually canon or not I can't remember
When you first met Isaac, he was just kind of sitting in a corner and looked like he was having an existential crisis
And judging but the fact that Dazai and Arthur where holding apples and where reciting an apple pie recipes like poetry he probably was
It took the two idiots a hot second to realize that you where standing there
Arthur immediately started flirting with you and Dazai just smiled and started talking to
You just looked passed them and watched as a very shaken Isaac staggered out of the room
After this you frequently met in the mansions corridors but you never really talked to each other
On a clear night you went out into the garden to see the night sky
It was refreshing to see them so vividly, not overshadowed by many city lights
You where just walking when a certain scientist caught your eye
He was looking through his telescope and studying the stars
However he noticed you quickly
He invited you to join him and you happily agreed
After that day you started meeting up more often
Usually just to chat about astronomy but it soon turned into asking each other about your other hobbies
It was nice to get to know each other and Isaac found himself falling for you
He did find your fascination with bones a little weird at first but he would never judge you for it
It becomes a common thing to see you both in the library reader
One day he took you to a small coffee shop and that's where he asked you out
You to spend a lot of time together, since it's both of your love language
Sometimes you don't even talk, you just sit with each other or in each others arms and do your separate things.
He's not to experienced so you might have to help him with things
But all in all he's super supportive and understanding, even if a lot of times he can't put it in words properly
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