#im an autistic slug
bullsandthebones · 1 year
do y'all think autistic slugs have sensory issues? like 'eeww I can feel my slimeeee'?
if so then me too
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octoooo · 7 months
Woke up to the thought of “sea slug texture” and I dunno what that means.
Anyway, a couple sea bun sabito doodles <3
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He’s complaining to Giyuu about being a bunny (yet again)
He’s so AUUGH I love him <3
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starriknight · 5 months
Idk if anyone else feels this at all but if there are days where I’m simply in my house/only interacting with people in my household, by the end of the day when it’s only a couple hours from going to bed, I got so violently stimmy in like the way that I can’t do anything without excessively stimming the whole entire time. While I somewhat enjoy stimming, it can be so annoying that I feel like I can’t physically function if I’m not doing it
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ever-ive-been · 1 year
i got a rainbow clicky clacky slug and even tho it a plastic slug we have so much in common.
we both shift around and can stay put or still, we make weird sounds that make us happy, we both can be in silly poses siting, standing, and moving, were are both rainbow lovers happy being silly little gays, were childish, we are chaos gremlins!
then i look around me and how i must act in public and think im not acting like the slug, im not acting like myself. i repressed so many of my things just to get by . im a childish person but at the same time im not. i want to be like my rainbow slug and that is a goal i will work for i might not be able to be like my rainbow slug now put i will try hard to find a place i can be.
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chaoticcosmos666 · 3 months
I got so fucking zooted at a house party Saturday that all day Sunday I was still zooted. Meanwhile two dudes got drunk as shit and fought outside and my homie down in Australia said "I can just see u high off ur ass basically like the "can I get a waffle?" Vine". Which I won't lie I was... Then played with the sensory slug and sat in the 'tism chair. I felt like I was being held 👉👈
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autismnation · 2 years
i remember about a year ago i wrote a fic where an autistic character has a rainbow slug stim toy and now i have a rainbow slug stim toy. so. that's wacky. /pos
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gemsandr0ses · 4 months
tivo headcannons
tivo is criminally underrated and there is nothing about them so
im sharing my headcannons about the silly :3
they’re autistic! :3
their special interest is ocean creatures, mainly sea slugs
he does have arms they just retract (is that the right word) into their body when not needed
they got wheels (same with the arms, they retract when not needed)
they can feel a pretty wide variety of emotions, the “i cannot feel sir” line was a joke about how those emotions were, well, somewhat coded. (this includes romantic feelings too)
he and oodle actually share a bed because oodle sometimes struggles to sleep alone
Tivo is a really good cook
they can and will throw hands for any reason.
that’s all i got :3
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assumptions about me
also look at this autistic shark
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also whats your favourite fish
i assume that u have been in atleast 1 musical/play (u could have worked stage crew idk i get those vibes)
also wow im just like that shark fr
hmmmmmm my favorite fish are koi but i do love me some sea slugs
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teethcritter · 1 year
Opinions on nudibranchs/sea slugs?
theyre very pretty.... im very autistic abt the deep ocean and cephalopods specifcally so i dont have much to say abt sea slugs
but. mollusk solidarity
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slowjamastan · 2 years
i literally only use rm for one thing u alrydy know. go away
every heta fan has their own interpretation of what its about i think. its a lot of things to different people. i love reading long worldbuilding fics bcz despite all the silly details we have canonized, the basic rules of the world are non-existent and ive read so many 250k+ fics that cover similar topics or events but are so so so different cuz they decide a few facts at the beginning before they start even writing it and that changes the course of what the series Means. its a wildly different experience every time + it keeps things fresh
to me, ideally, theyre guardian spirit shinto-type deities of civilization and also just some guy :) they definitely each have weird superhuman powers (mostly unspecific but definitely present and up to interpretation) but mentally physically they're a random person no more prepared for their role than anyone else would be. its like that show kamichu (that i love so much) but on a larger scale and about ugly men (its funnier when they arent attractive) and some cute girls (ditto except all women r queens <- homo)
when an author goes out of her way to justify the nationoids' existence i writhe on the ground like a salted slug but in a good way. get philosophical with it invent multiple fictional religions about my anime blorbies i love u autistic girls i am alive for You
i enjoy any view of their lil world unless u do something really wrong like that one girl that had them be like 4th (5th???) dimensional beings with a shared headspace world parallel to real life ummm. that was too out there for me. didn't like it. but anything else is fine i think. im flexible
i just really like mundane divinity as a theme in fiction it drives me insane ! i love when gods and spirits are just there and life is normal about it!! immortality themes make me foam at the mouth!!! also i love human/divine romances that cant last long!!!!! FUCK!! this is literally why genshin got me so easily. btw genshin and hetalia exist within the same multiverse they're the exact same thing and the same concept. if you're delusional like me
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travelerswoes · 13 days
Minors / Ageless blogs DNI
Im writing this after midnight lol don’t hate me
cw // mention of dead animals and taxidermy.
I was up late last night, sad just watching Family Guy on TV. So I didn’t wake up until 11am, which was only because my work group texts were going off and I couldn’t fall back to sleep. Really productive day off lol.
I repacked my small bag, securing everything within it. I am still needing to go buy a backpack so hopefully just combine my two bags together which will be easier for carrying around. So until then my other bag is just poorly packed.
I ate the other tuna thing I had and they’re soooo much better cold. I did pick them up in the non-refrigerated section though so they can get tossed in my bag in the future.
Only a couple of hours ago I walked to the nearby gas station and got a thing of milk and some cereal and had that for dinner alongside a muffin. I saw a dead bird on my way back from the gad station and wanted to take it home since the guy gave me a bag before realizing that I quite literally don’t have a home to bring it to LMFAO
I have a small but well loved taxidermy section and I just started to get into collecting and harvesting my own bones, starting with birds. I only ever get to add to it if I find one already dead from (hopefully) natural causes because I’m not going to harm wildlife for my little hobby. So it was very disappointing to not be able to take him with me, but I did get a picture! Don’t worry, I’ll be posting it in a different post so you won’t be forced to see it.
At one point my data was being really, really slow and I realized just how much of a struggle it’s going to be for me to have to go without absolutely no audio stimulation for an extended period of time. It’s one of the few things that keeps me sane, perks of being autistic i guess lol. I have a portable battery so if i’m not at a place with an outlet i can at least keep my phone and headphones charged but if my phone / data fail to work idk what to fall back on for stimulation that’ll work. I have one of those rainbow slug sensory toys which I did bring with me, but I’ll be craving the sound of metal music 😫
Maybe I can go old school with it and get a walkman and some cassettes of my favorite bands and listen to music that way. (That’s not a bad idea tbh…)
I am still not super excited about talking with my sister tomorrow, I am expecting the absolute worse to happen but I’m trying to stop my rumination on this topic because it’s literally all i’ve focused on since i’ve been awake so that’s all I’ll mention about it until i have it.
I had someone pound on my door last night and then again this morning, so when I go to work tomorrow I’m going to be bring my bags with me just in case they think my check out is tomorrow and not Monday, I don’t want to have to pay anything to get my stuff back which is something they do apparently?? Idk I was reading some reddit threads about motel 6 and saw that mentioned a few times.
I have nearly $1,000 in savings! Which is very exciting! I get paid every two weeks so it won’t be for awhile yet that I get to add more money to my savings account but I should get cash tips on Thursday or Friday and that’ll help me with getting food because I’m trying to use up all my cash before I dip into what’s in my bank account.
I also went through today and reorganized my apps and deleted a bunch of them for storage purposes. I’m going to do that with my photos on my next day off just so I have something to do that has some added benefit.
My dinner :3
Peep the sudoku book, game is very frustrating but I love playing it. I am much better at it on my phone where I can erase my mistakes better, but I have this almost full sudoku book that was a hand-me down and I’m going to check Books-A-Million for a clean copy once I finish it so at least it’ll give me something to do and conserves my phone battery.
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metrodisco · 2 years
having to interact with people who are completely outside of my autistic queer tumblr circle bc im like what do you mean you dont know about its me boy im the ps5 and live slug reaction. also why are you normal
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abyssalautistic · 3 years
think ill do the 30 days of autism acceptance challenge by @/autie-j so here goes :)
April 1st: Introduce yourself. Talk about who you are as a person. Your age, hobbies, special interests, family, etc. Anything you feel comfortable sharing.
im sammy! im a queer autistic irish 18 year old! my biggest special interests are animals / nature, cryptids / mythical creatures and vulture culture, but i have more!! i literally love every animal that has ever existed (even slugs, snails, worms and leeches which i have phobias of). im in my first year of college atm, doing marine biology! my main hobbies are drawing, going out for walks in nature and birdwatching! i collect animal bones / feathers, seashells, plushies, animal books and snowglobes! thats all i can think of for my intro :))
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autismnation · 1 year
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I posted 8,102 times in 2022
That's 8,102 more posts than 2021!
65 posts created (1%)
8,037 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 534 of my posts in 2022
#ck s5 spoilers - 22 posts
#ck spoilers - 12 posts
#stranger things - 6 posts
#tw vent - 6 posts
#cobra kai spoilers - 5 posts
#inthetags - 5 posts
#tw scopophobia - 4 posts
#cobra kai season 5 - 4 posts
#kurt kunkle - 3 posts
#cobra kai s5 - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#anyway i find it hilarious how i researched autism to be respectful when writing an autistic character and now im like oh. oh. i'm autistic
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2 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
if you can please donate some money to this. it will save the lives of lgbtqiap+ kids who are stuck in a refugee camp in kenya.
3 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
hi !! you can call me ash or eli or jade, i don’t really mind. my pronouns are he/him. DNI IF UR A BIGOT OR OVER THE AGE OF 18 (unless i interact first). please use tone tags when talking to me :-] i’m apart of many different fandoms but usually i post about stranger things, the movie spree, cobra kai, heartbreak high and the osemanverse right now.
i also sometimes post vents or reblog posts that relate to my trauma and mental illness as this place is a safe space i use as a coping mechanism. i tag all my vents ‘tw vent’ so block that tag if needed and pls don’t follow me if u think i might post something that will trigger you.
here’s some stuff i’ve made:
my eddie munson hcs
my autistic eleven headcanons
my stranger things gender/sexuality headcanons
3 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
ive basically indoctrinated my friends into stimming and i think thats so funny like i convinced my partner to chew on their rainbow slug™ despite hating spit so much (when u chew on things u get spit) and my bff just texted me "stimming rn"
5 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
stranger things queer hcs
joyce byers: pansexual, she/he/they, genderfluid
jim hopper: straight but also sort of queer bc joyce is genderfluid, he/him, cis guy (biggest ally in the entire world though)
mike wheeler: bisexual, he/him, cis guy
eleven: lesbian, she/they, cis girl
dustin henderson: gay, he/they, nonbinary
lucas sinclair: bisexual, he/him, cis guy
nancy wheeler: lesbian, she/her, cis girl
will byers: gay, he/him, demi-boy
jonathan byers: biromantic asexual, they/them, ftm guy
max mayfield: bisexual, she/he, nonbinary transmasc
steve harrington: bisexual, he/him, ftm dude
robin buckley: lesbian, he/they/she, nonbinary
erica sinclair: agender, unlabelled, any pronouns
argyle: gay, agender, he/him
eddie munson: gay, he/they/vamp/it, ftm dude
murray: asexual aromantic (was in a qpr with alexei), he/him, cis guy
garreth: queer asexual, they/he, nonbinary
7 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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melechbolete · 3 years
here is my friend application form, inspired by this tweet
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but about friends, because i’m actually in a relationship but am tired and feel lonely. if these feel judgmental they totally are! i am making judgements so i stop exhausting myself, using all my spoons on people who i realize on a delay are not good for me to spend them on
1. video chatting y/n? if n, phone chatting?
2. attachment style
3. how you handle conflict
4. abolitionism y/n?
5. what is religiously or spiritually important to you?
6. how deeply do you fuck with the discourse
7. do you make anything? poetry? pie? do you like to share it?
8. what are your (conversational?) pet peeves? (this is not a trick per se but if these things line up with how my autism manifests, we best find out now)
9. thoughts on oversharing?
10. how playful are you? can you laugh at yourself? 
11. if you clicked really a lot with someone, how often would you ideally want to talk?
12. what work do you do/have you done on yourself personally?/your mental health
13. how would you describe your heart and/or brain if you could imagine it was some anatomically incorrect size, way, or shape?
14. where do you live? 
15. what’s your myers briggs personality type? yaaaa its like boring astrology but its a special interest of mine so i wanna know
16. what do you dream of doing?
17. are you dependable?
18. how do you feel about bugs, slugs, frogs, fungi, and other slimy, grimey critters? 
19. do you value honesty? like really truly even if its awkward? metacommunication? even if its clunky?
20. (optional) special interest/s? favorite object/s?
no references needed because lonely people can be the best people
im a list autistic what of it!
this is serious but i dont think anyones gonna do it, its mostly for me to know what id ask if i ever meet people. and obviously id answer the same questions and any of yours, if you are real and really wanna do it
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soda-kins · 4 years
hey! do you think i could get a kin matchup for animal crossing, kingdom hearts, and vocaloid please? im autistic and have a special interest in robotics, it's more of like a "if you put all these things together it does a thing??" i dont actually know how it works. due to this life i try to be unassuming in public but around friends im silly and feel much more comfortable. i love my friends. i also love weird creatures like sea slugs and pillbugs! my music tastes seem to be 2000s or sound 2000s
Hello there! Thank you so much for your request!☆
I got a really positive vibe from this description! It made me smile a whole lot. Once again, I’m working on this while being really tired, so I hope my explanation makes some sense!
I personally associate you with …
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Goldie [ Animal Crossing ]
Ventus [ Kingdom Hearts ]
Ryuto [ Vocaloid ]
The explanation is under the cut!☆
I was stuck for a moment while trying to come up with picks for this matchup. There were a few characters that flew into my head while reading the request; Such as Sora, Roxas, Cookie, Sable, Utatane Piko, and Len Kagamine.
However, I finally ended up with these three!
All three of these characters love and support their friends as much as they can! Despite being very friendly and quite silly around people that they’re comfortable with, sometimes they’re seen as rather quiet in public. An energetic, passionate energy guides all of them through their lives! Ventus, in particular, adores all the creatures and beings he comes into contact with on his adventure to other worlds. Ryuto can be seen as aloof at points, yet he lights up when greeted with something he has genuine interest in. Oh, and Goldie’s outfit absolutely screams 2000s aesthetic. So that’s one of the reasons why she was picked, also. These three have the common thread of being captivated by the world around them. Whether it’s technology, insects, or what have you!
That is what I gathered, anyway!
I hope you enjoyed this and have a good day!☆
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- Mod Sig★
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