#im certainly not thrilled about the idea purely because it feels so certain
girlbob-boypants · 4 months
Yeah my laptop is very much at the end of its life.
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
Fandom: Suicide Squad Character: Killer Croc Relationships: KC/reader Request: I love your work!its just amazing how much you get down and how you make others ideas a reality! So do you think you can do a KC one shot? Where he falls for this big shot singer and anonymously leaves little gifts and letters along with phone calls? The reader is flattered and returns his affection, knowing who he is due to their clairvoyance. They meet face to face finally when the reader invites them to their dressing room. What happens after is up to you You waited patiently behind the few boxes of props the theatre had, your eyes on the door. You knew this was how he had been entering the building without being noticed. the first day he had left you a bunch of flowers, you had felt it when you entered your dressing room. You could almost see it: when he had entered, he had stopped and smelt the air before letting out a soft shudder. He was incredibly tall, and had broad shoulders. He left the flowers and slipped back out. Ever since then, you had been greeted every morning by gifts and treats. Your admirer was certainly devoted. He addressed all his gifts to the same name. Songbird. The bond became stronger and you were almost able to make out his feature. You knew he wasn’t human, or at least he didn’t look it. He was different, and that was why he kept his distance from you. but he also loved you. Yes, you could certain sense that. you felt how his heart ached when he was in your dressing you. you could see how hard he had fallen for you and feel how much it was tearing him apart. You started leaving little trinkets for him. It started with a box of chocolate you knew he liked. You left them on your desk, addressed to “my secret admirer”. He had paused, unsure if they were meant for him. He actually left them, so you added a note saying “yes, for you.” the following day. He had been confused but took them nonetheless. The following week were filled with back and forth of gifts. You had given him a chain which you were certain would fit his large neck. You felt his gratefulness, his joy and the thrill he felt for you. Eventually, you found yourself wanting more. You wanted to meet him, face to face, to actually see him. So here you sat, waiting for him. The door lead into the cellar of the theatre. You had been down there a few times, and felt that whatever he was, he needed to stay out of sight of ‘normal people’. It only made your heart ache for him more. But just as you considered leaving, the door opened, and a monster of a man stepped through. he wore a dark hoodie which covered his face, but he was massive. He would easily tower over you; over anyone you knew actually. And he seemed to be made of pure muscle. He glanced around and started to walk to your dressing room when he sniffed the air and froze. “You have sharp sense.” You speak up, stepping out from behind your hiding place. He turned halfway towards you, so he was standing with his right shoulder face you. there was a moment of silence as you waited for him to speak. When he didn’t, you stepped towards him. “So, you’re my secret admirer?” you ask, smiling sweetly when he glances to you. “I am not…” he trails off, hunching over and away from you as if embarrassed. “Like the others?” you offered, stepping closer to him once again. “I know” He glanced towards you, the darkness still hiding his face from you. reaching up to him, you slowly take each side of the hood in your hand and bring it back and away from his face. His appearance and features were more reptilian than you had first thought. He appeared to have scales across his skin, and his nose was flatter than an average human. He was truly something the behold. His eyes were red, and seemed to glow when he glanced at you for a brief second. But he kept his eyes down the rest of the time as you examined his appearance, and you felt the rejection flooding through him as he convinced himself you would scream and run as so many have done. Sliding your hand up, you cup his cheek, the skin cold and slightly harder than you expected. But just because it was harder, didn’t mean he couldn’t feel it. In fact, he instantly reacted to your touch and leaned into his, a shiver running through his body. his eyes finally meet your own, and you could see the pure adoration he felt for you. “How did you know?” he breathes, earning a soft smile from you. “It’s a bit… difficult to explain.” You try to think of a quick way to tell him but couldn’t. at least not here. “Perhaps, we could talk more in my dressing room?” He gives you a single nod, as if unable to believe this was happening as you drop your hand from his cheek. Instead you reached forward and laced your fingers elegantly within his own hand as you guided him towards your dressing room. He followed without question, without hesitation. You pulled him inside and closed the door over, locking it. “Do you have a name?” You ask, looking over to him as he stands awkwardly in your room. he pauses for a moment, debating something. “yes.” A single word leaves his lips as you wait for more. But when it doesn’t come, you giggle. His attention snaps up to you as the sound of your laugher name a shiver run down his spin. “are you going to tell me?” You cock your head to one side, stepping closer to him. “I-“ he trails off, not wanting to give you his full name which would certainly send you running. “KC.” “KC?” you repeat it back to him. “Will I get to find out what it stands for later?” “Later?” He turns to you fully, his voice low and making you tremble slightly. You could imagine that deep voice whispering things in your ear at night. “Yes, when you come back after the show tonight? If you want, of course.” You bite down on your lower lip as you look up at him through your eyelashes. KC swallows before nodding. “Great.” You smile widely, moving past him to your vanity to grab a hairbrush. “I have seen the men outside your door.” KC suddenly says, making you looking back to him. Hes staring at the ground. “Why invite ME back?” Placing the hairbrush down, you walk back to him. You could feel the confusion swirling inside time. it was trapped there by self hate and loathing. “You’re different, I can feel it.” You whisper to him, like it’s a secret. “the second I sensed you, it was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. You’re dangerous, ruthless, powerful and unstoppable. And I love it.” His head snaps up to yours at your words. KC bares his sharp teeth at you for a moment before his instincts kicked in. In a second, you were pinned against the wall, your legs wrapped around his waist as he held you in his arms. His lips pressed against yours in a desperate and rough kiss that sent a wave of pleasure through your body. You wanted it so badly, wanted him. you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and you held him close as he kissed you. you deepened the kiss, earning a growl that resonated through his body and you could feel it. eventually, you had to pull back for air, making an audible gasp as he seemed unable to keep himself from tasting your skin. He leaned down and pressed kisses across your neck, even daring to brush his sharp teeth over the sensitive skin there. You let out a soft moan as you allowed your head to fall back and give him better access. “Sing for me, songbird.” He growled against your skin and you let out another soft moan, this time grinding against him the best you could. Your cheeks were hot, your mouth watering for him as your body ached in need. A knock on the door make you jump and look over. Thankfully, no one came in, but one of the stagehands called through the door. “Lighting rehearsal starts in 10 minutes, Miss [l/n].” they called through. “okay, I’ll be right there.” You call out, wanting nothing more than to stay like this. KC held you for a minute, his face pressed against your neck as you both fought to regain your breath. “You have to come back tonight after a kiss like that.” You giggle as he pulls away. A smile dawned the mans lips as his eyes glanced up and down your body. He leans closer. “Bet I could make you sing real pretty.” He half grows in your ear, making you smirk and bit your lip. “Im sure you can.” You wink at him. The two of you manage to sneak out the room and you walk him back to the door he had entered in from. He was about to leave when he turns back to you and brings a small box from his pockets. “Before I forget.” He gives it to you and then disappears out the door. You hold the box against your chest as you race back to your dressing room to open it. Sitting in front of your vanity, you place the box on the table, your mind still spinning from the kiss. You smile and open the box. Inside, was a lovely necklace and a note. You instantly put on the necklace, wanting to see his face later when he saw you wearing it. Then your attention turned to the note. It read: “My Songbird.”
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guacameowle · 7 years
Hi! I'm a huge fan of your fanfics and I just got into SLBP because of you!! Im a huge sucker for angst though and I was wondering if you could maybe write about how it would be if the lords loved MC but she couldn't love them back because they were samurai and she couldn't get over her hatred of them?? 🙏
Why? Why do you make me hurt them like this? (This request is from November, that’s how backlogged I am on HCs. Please, forgive me.) xx
Nobunaga – He told himself he didn’t need you. His Divine Rule would be achieved without you by his side. To hell with you! Go home to your little safe world & live your life without him. See if he cared. He did care though & because of it everyone suffered from his wrath. Nothing was ever good enough for him, he was never appeased by the work presented to him, no amount of sweets could calm him. He’d take on too much, working himself to exhaustion, making himself ill – though he’d deny it to anyone who asked & threaten to kill anyone should they ask him again. You were never to be mentioned again, by anyone. Ever. He didn’t want to even hear whispers of your name. He’d been betrayed enough in life but he wasn’t certain he’d ever get over the idea of you betraying him & leaving him, you stupid foolish girl.
Mitsuhide – This was probably for the best. You deserved to be with someone who didn’t live the lifestyle he did. You should be with someone who was kind, generous, worked a stable & comfortable job, someone who could always be with you & give you the family you deserved. He couldn’t guarantee he could do that for you – every day was uncertain for him & his life belonged to Nobunaga. He’d throw himself into his work further, trying to block out thoughts of you & keep himself from becoming distracted. He’d become a shell of a man, emotionless yet still striving to help his lord bring peace so that you could live safely, even if it wasn’t with him, even if you hated him.
Yukimura – Being a samurai was everything he stood for. It was his destiny to live and die the way of the samurai, but you… you hated him for it? There were so many good men, like his Lord Shingen, who were samurai. Why couldn’t you see the good in everyone like him? He was heartbroken, but if this was what made you happy & kept you safe then he could let you go. He had a responsibility to keep you safe - & a true samurai wouldn’t go back on their word. Word would spread though of how vicious & reckless the young Sanada had become on a battlefield after that – throwing himself into battle with no regard for his own safety, purely intent on dying a true samurai death. Maybe that would be the only way he could honor both his family & you, even if you didn’t care for him.
Saizo – Good thing he wasn’t a samurai, right little lady? But because he chose to dedicate his life in the service of his little lord you wanted nothing to do with him? How… unfortunate. He’d expected to live a lonely life. People in his profession often didn’t have happiness thrust upon them, he knew that much. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t imagined taking you as his bride, living a quiet peaceful life he knew he could never have. Loving you from afar wasn’t anything new to him. He’d continue to do it just the same even after you left him. Perhaps he’ll take on a couple extra missions, get away for a while to drown himself in bloodlust & the thrill of a fight. It wouldn’t matter to you though, would it, little lady? It was a shame he’d likely never find dango as good as yours though…
Masamune – He should have known that even dragons didn’t have impenetrable skin. He should have known to not get close to you. It was his mistake to fall in love so carelessly, for trusting a woman when he shouldn’t. So what if all of Oshu feared him & spread rumors about his cold demeanor. Let them. Even Shigezane & Kojuro wouldn’t be able to dissuade him as he fell further into his work. Defending his clan – that was his priority, not you. When he was alone though & had a moment to himself when he wasn’t preoccupied, had a second to just sit & stare at the moon he’d consider something; what if in his next life he wasn’t born a samurai? If he found you then, would you be able to love him? He hoped so. He’d be sure to find you again & again, even if you continued to hurt him. One day he’d be a man you could love.
Kojuro – Ah, so that was your decision was it? Well then, he guessed he had no choice but to let you go. He couldn’t very well keep you with him despite his adoration of you, not when you hated his position. If you would just give him the chance though, he was sure he could… no. No, you’d made your decision & you seemed resolute in it so he would try to respect that. Perhaps this was merely a reminder to him of his duty to Lord Masamune – he had to be there for him wholly; distractions could prove disastrous. He was a samurai of the Date Clan & nothing would ever change that. Still though, for a while you’d made him feel young again, of which he’d be forever grateful. He’d likely compose some bittersweet verses in your memory, though eyes other than his would never see them & they’d never be spoken aloud. The pages they’d be written on would become soft from wear, the ink fading over time. He truly meant what he said though, you’d forever be his precious girl.
Hideyoshi –  You waited an awfully long time to tell him, didn’t you? So, there was no hope of changing your mind? Not even a little? Poor Inuchiyo though, did you hate him too? That must be tough for him. He could understand why you felt the way you did & would respect your wishes but that didn’t make it hurt any less. He knew the pain that came from the life of samurai, had lost those he cared about. He certainly didn’t want you to know that pain. Would you love him if he gave up this life? No, he had too many people depending on him, he couldn’t do that. You were truly special though, he hoped you knew. Try not to hate him too much, ok? How about one last hug before you go? If you ever changed your mind though, *wink*. He didn’t realize how much he’d actually miss you & would make sure nobody saw him cry.
Inuchiyo – You couldn’t love him because he was a samurai?! Fine! Fine. He should have known being a samurai would ensure you’d never be with him & as much as that hurt he welcomed the pain as a constant reminder of what he needed to do for you. He vowed to protect you & your family as his own, regardless of you only loving him as a… brother. Now though, “brother” left a bitter taste in his mouth that he’d force himself to wash out with liquor later. A lot of liquor. When he thought about it… he guessed you wouldn’t be stupid enough to associate with samurai considering your past. Yeah, so… don’t make any idiot mistakes & settle with someone who wouldn’t be there for you constantly. He’d be forced to give anyone hell if they hurt you. Even if you didn’t want his help he was going to give it to you, so just shut up & let him, ok!? That’s what brothers were for, right?
Ieyasu – So you thought you were just going to leave him, was that it? After everything he just confessed to you? You were certainly a dumb thing, weren’t you? He’d sooner have you killed than let you leave with the knowledge that he had feelings for you. Too bad for you, if only you’d agreed to stay with him then no harm would have to come to you. But as it was… tch, he was tired of looking at you. Now that he got a good look you weren’t much of anything anyway. Leave him, get out of his sight. He never wanted to see you again. Be sure to never cross paths with him in the future if you knew what was good for you. Next time he wasn’t sure he’d be so merciful. You’d probably never amount to being more than a kitchen wench anyway. Stop looking at him like that, he wasn’t upset. Get out!
Mitsunari – What use did he have for a manju-girl like you anyway? You were hardly anything worth looking at. He didn’t have time for you. Anyone who didn’t recognize the strength of samurai had no right being around Hideyoshi. Now that he was thinking clearly, it was best if you left, else he’d make you leave himself or finish you off so you wouldn’t cause further trouble. It was likely some succubine spell you’d placed on him in the first place anyway. Well he wasn’t falling for your treacherous tricks anymore! He was used to people in his life not accepting him for who he was, so it came as no surprise that you’d be the same. He’d read tales of the folly & foolishness of men but he’d never once thought he’d be one of them – how droll. He was set to rights now as it seemed – he didn’t need anyone but Hideyoshi, that much was certain. You absolute dullard…
Kenshin – He’d finally found something he couldn’t keep; not that he wanted to add you to his collection, truly, it was just… he’d never come across something so beautiful – inside & out. He certainly wished he could be the man you could love, but it seemed life had other plans for him & you, hmm? He considered himself lucky that he had the chance to know you, to fall in love with you. If perhaps one day you changed your mind, he’d be waiting. He’d continue to love you just the same, cause after all, you’re still you. Would you take a flower to at least remember him by? He had plenty to distract himself though. He had his collection & there were always other wars to be fought. Yes, he could stay preoccupied, but for a while… he’d like to just take comfort in being surrounded by his favorite things & think of you, & the future you would never have with him. He hoped you’d be happy.
Shingen – He wasn’t used to a woman denying him but it seemed you were his first for a lot of things. He couldn’t help but laugh at how unexpected this was - he had seen his confession going much differently. He was used to taking what he wanted, but with you… Were you aware of everything he was offering you? He didn’t want you to merely warm his bed, he wanted you as his bride! No other would have the honor of being his Lady Takeda, but you’d give that all up before it was even yours? You & your family would want for nothing. It seems you had much to learn about samurai though, not all of them were vulgar & dishonorable men. He’d made a promise & he wasn’t going to go back on it – your family would remain under the protection of the Takeda Clan, he didn’t turn his back on those he considered family. He’d show you that being a samurai was nothing to be ashamed of – just watch him bring peace & unity to this country. Hate him if you wished, but a tiger couldn’t change its stripes.
Shigezane – Hey, no hard feelings, right doll? You couldn’t help how you felt, but it did hurt to know the only reason you couldn’t love him was because you didn’t like samurai. He was so much more than that though, he thought for certain he’d shown you as much. He knew he could take care of you, you already saw how he cared for his family so… why? It just wouldn’t sink in. Just in case though, you know the Date Clan is always here for you right? Really, if you needed anything just… just find him. He’d have to find something to distract himself with – maybe Masamune had need of someone in other regions for a short time. Throwing himself into work sounded like a good idea. He hadn’t expected to feel such a heavy ache in his chest though. Funny how things worked out, huh?
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Ermahgerd, somanyreplies...
Mostly because I haven’t had time to sit and answer ‘em.
So! For @mrningbrd, @simblrkersil, @emeraldfalconsims, @simper-fi, @holleyberry, @vampireacademysims, @penig, @serabiet, @kayleigh-83, @getmygameon, @stinkyunicorn, @alexbgd, @fuzzyspork, @crystaldollhouse, and last, but certainly not least, @strangetomato...
mrningbrd replied to your post “Well, this is a pain in the booty...”
Im also having ACR issues even though i 100% finished the story. Same exact issues too
mrningbrd replied to your post “So I had a bit of a think...”
I think i fixed my acr problem. Did u try taking it out and then redownloading it and putting it back in? That fixed it for me
Yeah, I did try taking it out/redownloading/reinstalling. Multiple times. And nada. It’s so frustrating! I was kinda disheartened when you said it didn’t work with having played the story, but reassured when you got it working. :) I mean, I know it works because it worked just fine in my initial install, once the story was played. So, I’m hoping that’s the key. I think it must be, because there are some fundamental changes with how the story neighborhood works once the story is completed. If that’s the case, I’m hoping it’ll still work even though I started the freeplay scenario before doing the story. 
So, I’m about halfway through the story. Hoping to finish it tonight with enough time to experiment in the other neighborhood. I’m encouraged by the fact that I peeked in the freeplay hood and the story rewards I’ve unlocked in the story so far were also available there. So *fingers crossed*.
simblrkersil replied to your post “So I had a bit of a think...”
Melissa Fancey, maybe? (IDK how you feel about her, but I love her XD horrifying flame pants and all)
It was between her and the adult Ivy Copur, actually! But in the end I went with Ivy because I’ve never had her as a playable before. :) I’m sure she’s thrilled to go through this torture.
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?”
I think the next time someone asks me what my aesthetic is, I'll just direct them to this post. :P
It’s tough when you don’t fall into one box or another but instead cherrypick bits and bobs from all the available boxes in order to build your own wacky box. :) I think henceforth I’m going to call my game aesthetic “Mutant Hybrid FrankenSHTEEN.” *nods sagely*
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “So you’re stranded with seven other complete strangers on what may or...”
So I see overlay boxes work? Was not expecting that.
They do! At least the ones I installed do! (Male and female body hair and two tattoo boxes.) It’s likely because the game has the “heatstroke” overlay from Seasons. (And maybe the frozen one, too, but it’s sort of hard to freeze on a tropical island... :) ) Many things work, in fact, but some only after you’ve completed the story. 
I’m still trying to figure out the game engine the thing uses because knowing that will make it easier to predict whether or not a TS2 mod will work and/or which version of a mod to try first. It’s either Seasons’s or OFB’s or maybe a hybrid of the two. But it also has some stuff from BV, like the pirate ship. Those are all just objects, though; the beach lots don’t have surf like BV beaches do. (Which is a shame because it’d be fun to have @maybesomethingdunno‘s surfing mod in it, but I’m 99.8% certain that won’t work. :) And even if it did, it’d look weird without surf. :) )
simper-fi replied to your photo “So what do you do when you have way too many babies on a lot and not...”
BABY CORRAL! I love it!
holleyberry replied to your photo “So what do you do when you have way too many babies on a lot and not...”
Haha! That is awesome.
Heh. It was one of those ideas “born” out of desperation. I had seven babies at the time, couldn’t afford cribs (But I decided early on that rock “fences” would be free, in order to create “rooms” on the lot, if needed), and no one could sleep on the lot with a baby laying on the ground. (Which is SOOOOOOO stupid and needs to be modded out.) Hence, baby corral. It works. For babies, anyway. :)
vampireacademysims replied to your photo “So what do you do when you have way too many babies on a lot and not...”
Lmaaao! Wow I'd go crazy, I cursed my life each time I got quadruplets, now imagine this XD
Well, it helps that there are 8 adults to share the load. :) Nine babies isn’t so bad with 8 adults around, as it’s almost a 1:1 ratio, so long as no one slacks. *side-eyes Orlando Centowski* It’s just that they can’t do much else besides baby/toddler care other than occasionally shoving something edible in their face and maybe taking a nap here and there. :) In a normal two-parent household where at least one has a job, I pull my hair out with just twins. Maybe I won’t, so much, after doing this, though...
penig replied to your post “Preggo Ben!”
At the volume there's about to be, it hardly matters anyhow - nearest person deals with whoever's howling.
Ah, but the problem is that they’re ALL howling at once. :) Basically, they all have to cry themselves to sleep, since there are no cribs to put them in. Well, I do have ONE crib now, actually. One crib for nine toddlers. They get rotated in and out of it. I could buy more now, but the toddlers are all going to age up soon -- and there’s no “selling back” according to the rules I’m using for this scenario -- so I think I might want to save the resources for other things. Like more leaf beds. Hopefully children can use those.... And maybe some hammocks for the adults. I think they’ve earned them. I shudder to think of the hell it must’ve been hell to sleep on the ground in the third trimester...
serabiet replied to your post “In this Castaway scenario I’m playing, the castaway’d townies must use...”
why am i getting incoming village of the damned vibes off this development
It is kind of like that, actually... *laugh* Thankfully the lots in the game are big. Lots of a room for a tribe of the damned children.
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “When you spend hours on stuff that’s purely, uselessly decorative....”
Ahh you to so much more trouble than I do! I wish I had the patience to plan it out and apply it. My strategy for making my neighbourhood look better is essentially MOAR TREES!!!
More trees is my go-to, too! :) But actually, I don’t plan this sort of thing. It’s more like, “Hey, that lot opened the Athletic career! Now they need someplace to play.” *plops down baseball diamond in random spot* Then it’s, “Hmmmm, that looks really out of context. *moves baseball diamond close to lot that unlocked the career* Then it’s, “If people are gonna come see the game, they’ll need some place to park their car.” *builds adjacent completely useless deco parking lot* Then it’s, “I’m envisioning cracked windshields. Plus, how’re they gonna tell if it’s a home run?” *plots strategy to put lots under baseball diamond just so that fences can be built.* And on and on.
It’d be so much easier if I could just plop down the hood deco and be done with it, but I...just...can’t....
getmygameon replied to your photoset “So this is what I decided to do with Castaway. Take 8 of...”
Very neat :) you're really making that game your bitch aren't you? LOL jk XD
I’m tryin’! Although lately, it’s more like I’m the game’s bitch, jumping through hoops trying to make things work the way I want. :)                 
stinkyunicorn replied to your photoset “Komei has a “job” as a hunter, so he’s off the lot for a chunk of...”
"Hard row to hoe in this scenario"... You're a poet and didn't know it. I'm enjoying all your Castaway posts!
I’m glad you’re enjoying them! :) I’m having a blast playing it. It’s a great change-of-pace for when I get in one of those “I don’t feel like loading TS2″ moods. And it’s like instant gratification because the game loads instantly, so I can go in and out of the game to screw around with things and test out bizarre, wild hair ideas really easily.
And it was totally accidental poetry; I didn’t even realize it rhymed beyond “row to hoe” until you pointed it out. :)
alexbgd replied to your post “Goopy in Wonderland. :)”
a zoo with sims..
Preeeeeety much, yes. :)
holleyberry replied to your post “Goopy in Wonderland. :)”
Come on Goopy. Sandy's there too. Go after her man.
I totally thought he would! They double-bolt! They’re the only possible pairing with more than one bolt, I think. But.... Sandy goes for Ben Long and Goopy seems to like Andrea Hogan best. Go figure. They seem to be each other’s second-faves, though. And it’s not like it really matters since it’s basically one big polyamorous clan. Which is exactly what I wanted. 
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Goopy in Wonderland. :)”
At least those sand mites he just acquired in his nether crevisce will keep him company. XD
Poor Goopy. Only the lice and the stink bugs love him. :) Well, OK, that’s not true. Everyone loves him except Marisa Bendett; those two are oil and water, apparently.
crystaldollhouse replied to your post “Goopy in Wonderland. :)”
This looks so fun :D
It’s realllllllllllllly fun. Very addictive, too. And beyond being fun to play, it’s really fun to experiment with it, too, to see what’ll work and what won’t. 
strangetomato replied to your photoset “So this is what I decided to do with Castaway. Take 8 of...”
I agree with Fuzzy. this makes me want to play Castaway again too. Maybe I'll start loading that up again as a "just for fun" game.
DO EEEEET! You know you want to. Come to the dark side...
fuzzyspork replied to your photoset “So this is what I decided to do with Castaway. Take 8 of...”
You make me want to track down a copy of Castaway! I'll forever kick myself for not buying the one I saw at a thrift store last year. D;
*cough*games4theworld*cough* I pirated mine, and that site is nice. (No creepy porn ads, at least! :) ) The game’s not legitimately for sale new and unused anymore, so unless you can find a used copy, pirating is actually more ethical than paying more than retail to some shady online “store” that doesn’t have the right to sell it for those prices. *gets very irked at “stores” who ignore retail agreements*  Either way, EA doesn’t get any money out of it, so...eh. :)
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “Drat! Dang! DOUBLE DRAT!”
This is probably not helpful at all, but I just discovered that in TS2 there's a settings option to add the Pets unlocks from codes shared with friends. I suppose it's too much to hope that they've done that for CS as well.
Not that I know of. I searched around a lot and read lots of “game strategy/hint” websites, and didn’t find anything about it. Buuuuuut, as it turns out I’m playing the story, anyway. In the end, you’re kind of forced to, at least if you ever want to use any of the electricity-dependent items in it. I’m just kind of blitzing through it to collect up all the story rewards, including some I missed on my first play-through.
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “corruptuslocus: Also ACR 1 vs ACR 2 I know ACR 2 has more features...”
I only use V.1, and the only thing I know of to miss is autonomous proposals and go steadys. Have you seen this much with V.2, Icad?
Last I heard, twojeffs never got the auto proposals/go-steadys working in V.2, anyway. V.2′s kind of an eternal beta, as I understand it. The biggest differences between the two is that in v.2 you have far more control over the settings on a Sim level, so it’s much MUCH more customizable than v.1 is. It also has some settings that I really like, like setting a Sim’s “ideal family size” which further moderates whether or not a pair will try for baby. That being said, you have to fiddle with those settings manually on a Sim-by-Sim basis to get the full effect, which can be tedious unless you’re a person like me who gets off on tedium. So, like I said, which version is “better” really depends on how much control you want to have and how much effort you’re willing to put into it. I like v.2 a lot better, personally, but it requires AL/M&G, so I can’t use it in Castaway.
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