#im juggling so many characters in my brain i literally dont know what im gonna do
cerealmonster15 · 6 months
back to the trials and tribulations of I Dont Know How To Write Chenyas Voice
#GIRL HELP. everything i write for him is like 'ok ok placeholder this is what youll say but ill edit it to make it more chenyalike later'#LATER ME ISN'T GONNA KNOW WHAT TO SAY#chenya you cant even get banished from this fic i made you besties with one of the main characters..............#BUT i think the pov is USUALLY(????) gonna be cater. so maybe ill be saved. idk we'll see#im juggling so many characters in my brain i literally dont know what im gonna do#like i was thinking about it in the shower#bc i wanna have that subplot drama of jamil/azul and danarte when he shows up but like#HOW am i supposed to naturally do that#i did think a lot about one part tho. when i said i was stuck in a bathroom loop sjlkdfjd#i doodled out some of it. cater and jamil WILL talk in the bathroom at a social/party/whatever#i got a buncha ideas for that scene and itll be a good way to like#introduce the jamil/azul plotline#im thinking theyll be kinda in the background at first but then come more to the forefront in certain scenes/when danarte gets more involve#idk it's a crazy tangled dumb soap opera in my head#trying to actually write it is like. probably an impossible task#but i sure am trying#and FOR WHAT i do not think people will want to read it LOL#but. /i/ can read it kldsjflkjds#that being said. i also have some of my kalim/silver + jamil/azul fic written from nanowrimo#that one. theoretically i could clean up some of what i have and post as a first chapter#but ims cared LOL idk if im ready#what if i wanna change stuff. what if i wanna move scenes around. how much should i do. what if what if what if-
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captainshyguy · 6 years
ok so like...i saw infinity war lmao 
here’s my thoughts under a cut bc spoilers ofc 
it was pretty fucking funny in a lot of places 
it was...incredibly clunky but i saw that coming like they couldn’t rly juggle that many characters
the plot was SOOOOOOO predictable like it was so obvious that thanos would end up with all the stones and kill everyone
and we ALL KNOW that they’ll bing em all back in the next film 
like....the guardians of tbe galaxy have a 3rd film coming out, spiderman has a 2nd and so does lack panther so.....the whole shock factor ofthem being like ‘oohooohooo look we’re killing them all!! will they come back?? FIND OUT NEXT TIME’ like....we know they will lmao 
the only ones im....not sure will come back are loki and heimdall bc they were killed before thanos did all the shit 
i mean so was gamora but??? if they brought back of the gotg except for her then we’d only have mantis left as girls go, and like....unless marvel are dumbasses (i mean they are so i wouldn’t put it past them) they arent gonna for that 
like...what was the point in making a film where we all know that they’ll bring everyone back lmao (and even if they dont then thats just stupid lmao) 
the only death that even resonated slightly in me was peter bc he was so like...genuinely scared, like the others died too quick for me to even....care rly 
well no i felt something at t’challa ofc but OFC they’ll bring him back and again...it was very quick (i know they’ll bring peter back too but they dragged his out the MOST that it felt like something AND he was the youngest death lmao) 
either way like....as my half brother put it ‘they could have just shown the last 5 minutes and dive into the next film and it wouldnt have mattered and like...mood 
also...captain marvel teaser hint thing...yes 
i refuse to believe that thanos loved/loves gamora like DONT give me that 
hahhaah doctor strange died 
the FUNNIEST infinity war post on this entire site is still ‘dimentio dies in infinity war’ like you CANNOT top that 
speaking of other fandoms and avengers my dumbass brain the minute i saw thanos turned away, and you just saw the silhouette of his armour i was like ‘hahaha look it’s zarkon’ 
i dont watch any of the marvel shows anymore but...i wonder how this will affect stuff like aos and daredevil and whatever
literally all of the romance just had me like :/ 
here’s the thing....if you cant keep me entertained enough that i start thinking about super paper mario then you’ve failed and...i was tryna insert the spm lot into that asdfghjk
everyone has said this before but thanos RLY looks like a purple joss whedon 
i had another point but i forgot gkgnsdgndsk
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