#im planning a podcast with two friends so i can funnel my ramblings into that
slitherbite · 3 years
Berserk! I've never seen Berserk. What kind of story is it? The art looks incredible
Okay I'm going to start this off with a two disclaimers: 1) it's a very disturbing story with a lot of triggering content (like graphic rape ans csa) so I can't in my right mind say that I recommend it to anyone. 2) I think only read around 180-200 chapters out of 354, so im not even 2/3rds through the story.
Berserk is a medieval horror with supernatural elements, and while a lot of it appeal is that it's a grimdark grizzly gorey story with a lot of action and incredible art, it's actual heart lies in the relationships between characters. It takes a lot of time to establish the relationship between it's main characters, Guts, Griffith and Casca, and the way their personalities, ambitions and goals interract with each other is really fascinating to me. Their friendship is the driving force of the story of the 2nd arc and the tragedy that happens after it. As horrifying as some of the events are, it's a strangely human story about persevering through the worst possible things, especially since Guts is among the most unfortunate protagonists I can think of. Everything that could go wrong in his life took a turn for even worse, and while he's THE dark broody cool asshole macho guy that swings around a huge sword, a lot of his story revolves around the fact that he's learning to trust and love people. Griffith is fascinating too but I havent given him much thought. Casca is/was a very cool character but shes wasted potential because Miura is a misogynist
I enjoy the characters (later some more characters get introduced who are equally interesting as these three but ive barely scratched the surface with them) but the worldbuilding of it is also incredibly interesting because the gods and religion thats based on christianity is something evil and to be feared, no divine intervention can help the protagonist, only humans can help each other.
Overall the series has a LOT of problems (the content that is often there for pure shock value, the misogyny, some awful changes made to characters again for shock value and manpain) and i first got into it because of the stunning art, the manga is visually incredible, i binged the 1997 anime and the manga equivelent of it in about 10 days and i was NOT WELL LMAO. 1997 cuts some stuff out of the story but its very minor. it definitely gets into your head and its a very depressing read. I take months long breaks inbetween reading. I genuinely cant with a clean conscience say i recommend it but its been living in my head for over 2 years and its something thats pretty satisfying to pick apart, criticize and analyze.
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