#im still struggling with in game photoshoots but this made me wanna some more
saturngalore · 5 months
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see, you’re telling me i’m pretty but it’s obvious! 🗣️
necklaces by the amazing @yuyulie + hair by me! <3
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alyasgf · 3 years
Teenage Rebellion -Adrinette April Day 2-5
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Summary- Marinette convinces Adrien to sneak out! Featuring a daring escape, Jagged Stone concert, André’s ice cream, game night, and cuddling!
Notes- knocking out 5 prompts in 1 because I’m late! Featuring prompts 2-5 rebellion, game night, best friends, and jagged stone! I decided to skip the commission prompt, at least for right now, which is why this was made :)
Side note! they know each others secret identities identity but Chat never officially said he had a crush on Ladybug. Therefore Marinette is fully aware of Adrien’s crush on her and is a huge flirt about it.
She had been trying to convince Adrien all day and if she kept using those faces he just knew he’d cave soon.
“I told you I can’t! I have a photoshoot and fencing practice Mari.” He said, avoiding her eyes.
“I barely got Jagged to give us these tickets last minute! And they’re backstage passes. Backstage Adrien. Picture it with me.” She pulled him in my his shoulders, looping her arm around him.
Adrien tried to suppress a chill and conserve his nerves. Her arm was around him. No big deal.
“Just you, me, the biggest rockstar in the world, and his huge pet alligator! Tell me its not worth your fathers wrath. You could even hide out at my place and spend the night! You wouldn’t have to deal with him until the next day.” She then turned to him, holding his shoulders and staring into his eyes.
“You have got to live a little Adrien. What’s the worst that could happen?”
And with that he caved.
“Fine what time is the concert.” He said, signing defeatedly.
“Yes!” Marinette pumped her first in the air and excitedly told him her plan.
At exactly 3:01 pm the next day he heard tapping at his window.
“You’re late.” He said to the girl two stories down outside his window.
“By a minute, I think you’ll live. Now throw down your bag.”
“Nathalie will be coming to get me in 30 minutes. I need to be long gone.” He explained, throwing his tied lined of curtains down for her to hold still as he climbed.
“Be careful, we don’t have time to stop at a hospital due to a broken leg and I don’t need you getting rope burn or messing up that pretty face.” She teased.
“Oh shut up I’m trying to focus over here.” He struggled to get down without accidentally sliding.
“You’re taking too long! You’re more than halfway just jump I’ll catch you I promise.” She said, and when Adrien looked down she was tapping her watch.
“Are you insane? I don’t have a death wish Mari, just wait a second.”
It was at this moment she chose to start silently chanting jump.
“This is peer pressure you know!”
“Shut up and jump already.”
He jumped.
As he braced himself for the short fall he felt himself feel in soft, unsteady arms.
They both toppled to the ground laughing with the rush of adrenaline.
“You’d catch me huh.” He said once they calmed down.
They laid shoulder to shoulder in the grass heads turned to one another.
Before Marinette could come up with a witty reply they heard something that made them freeze.
“Adrien I heard noise whats going on in her-“
They turned up to see Nathalie’s head sticking out the window, a look of surprise in her eyes.
Adrien knew he was doomed. Still stood up and gave her pleading eyes with his hands formed in a prayer form.
“I didn’t see this. As far as I know you said you weren’t feeling good and I had to cancel your appointments. Understood?”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Adrien said, beaming brighter than the sun.
“Does this mean we can go through the front gate?” Marinette asked sheepishly.
“What was your plan if you couldn’t?” Nathalie asked with a disappointed look.
“Sneak through unnoticed?” Marinette offered.
“Mari! You said you had a plan.” Adrien said turning to her with his arms crossed.
“I never said it was a good one.” She said shrugging.
Nathalie nodded and they went on their way.
Outside of the gate was Marinette’s bike and two helmets.
“Where am I supposed to get on?” Adrien asked, confused.
Then he saw Marinette eye the handlebars.
“No no no! Absolutely not!” He protested.
“Do you wanna see Jagged or not?”
Adrien rode on the handlebars.
“Marinette would you slow down! I don’t wanna fall off!”
“Watch your sharp turns!”
“Sidewalk! Sidewalk! Sidewalk!”
“Adrien, lean left I can’t see!”
“If I lean we’re gonna fall Mari!”
“Have a little faith in me!”
“Dear god help us.”
“Would you calm down drama queen!”
They rode with his small suitcase on wheels dragging behind them, tied with a single rope Marinette had brought.
By the time they got to Marinette’s house Adrien had lost count of the near death experiences he had on that bike.
“Never again Marinette.” He huffed as he got off the bike with shaking legs.
“Bonding experience!” She said with a smirk.
She pulled him into the bakery. He said a quick hi to her parents before he was yanked over to the trapdoor.
“Hurry and put your stuff in my room. If we start running late we won’t have time to walk which would mean another fun bike ride Sunshine.”
“Marinette I would really like to see Jagged Stone in one piece if thats not to much to ask.” He huffed, climbing the trapdoor, throwing his suitcase in, and coming back down.
“Are we going or what?”
“Get ready for the time of your life Agreste.” She said in a way that lit Adrien’s heart on fire.
Adrien could get used to that tone.
By the time they left the concert Adrien wasn’t sure anything ever could top that day.
He and Marinette had spent the last 5 hours singing at the tops of their lungs front row at a Jagged Stone concert. They danced together and Adrien had never felt more alive.
Adrien bought them matching t-shirts (as a thank you to Marinette for getting the tickets, not because he thought they looked like a couple when they matched or anything.) When they went backstage to meet Jagged, he signed their shirts and gave them signed CDs and posters.
Needless to say they were on top of the world.
Marinette suggested they take the long way home because it was such a beautiful night, and who was Adrien to disagree?
Their luck led them to André and his magical ice cream.
“Oh I don’t know Adrien I don’t think i can finish an ice cream right now.” Marinette said, trying to pull them along.
“Then maybe we can share?” Adrien suggested nervously.
Marinette shrugged and Adrien took it as a yes. She decided to sit on a bench as Adrien went to get the ice cream.
“Hey André.” He greeted.
“Ah yes Adrien! I see you brought a girl! Would you like one to share with the lucky lady?” He asked while preparing his scoops.
“Yes please.” Adrien was curious what flavors he would get. He hoped it’d be something Marinette would like.
“Hmm... blackberry and peppermint. An explosive mix and thats a fact! But oftentimes it’s the opposites that attract." He said adding the flavors onto a cone. “What do you think?” He handed Adrien the ice cream.
“Perfect.” Adrien said, almost breathless. “Thank you so much André have a good night.” After paying him Adrien turned to Marinette.
She was sitting on a bench looking at some birds fight over bread. The sun was setting right behind her and it lit her up in the most beautiful way.
Adrien took out his phone to take a picture and just as he clicked it Marinette turned toward him. She had a soft look in her eyes that made the picture come out perfectly.
“Bring the ice cream over stalker.” She said with a giggle.
“Oh I thought you didn’t want it.” Adrien said teasingly as he took a large bite while the ice cream was still out of her grasps.
“Adriennnn.” She whined, and again Adrien caved.
“Oh fine.”
And they shared the ice cream walking home. And although both got sticky fingers and mouths from the melting mess, they wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“So what’s the plan now?” Adrien asked as they entered Marinette’s room. “I’ve never been to any sleepovers before so you’ll have to guide me.” He walked over to the chaise and sat down.
“Hold on I’m gonna grab some things.” She said rifling through the trunk at the foot of the lounge.
She ended up grabbing out a deck of Uno cards and Monopoly.
“The biggest tests of friendship known to mankind.” She brandished the boxes with a smirk. “So which one first?”
Marinette spent almost an hour trying to get a smooth game of Uno going but Adrien was pitiful. She almost felt bad for how hard he was getting beat. Almost.
After about 5 minutes of explaining Monopoly she gave up.
“You know what? Maybe this is for another time when we aren’t so tired from a day of excitement.” She said packing up the games. “Ultimate Mega Strike?”
“Oh I thought you’d never ask.” Adrien replied, bouncing up and down with anticipation.
“Wow I’ve never seen someone so excited to meet their doom.” Marinette smirked while turning on the TV and game.
“I could play circles around you any day, bug.”
“Then lets test it.” She challenged. “First to 10 wins picks the movie or show we watch after.”
“You’re so on.”
Adrien lost. Adrien lost bad.
Turns out what Marinette wants, Marinette gets. And what she really wanted was to rub that smug smile off of Adrien’s face.
Now there he sat with his jaw dropped.
“No way I only won one.” He stared in shock at the losing screen.
“Aww its okay Adrien.” She said condescendingly. “Since its your first sleepover you can still pick. Its only right.”
“I’m going to choose because I want to not only because you said I can you know.” Adrien said with scowl on his face and his arms crossed.
“Right.” Marinette let out a small fond laugh. “Im going to grab some blankets and change into my pjs downstairs. You change in here and I’ll knock before I come back. Cool?”
“Mari can we build a fort?” Adrien asked with childlike innocence just radiating off of him.
“Of course we can kitty.”
They stayed up until the early morning hours that night, building forts, watching anime, and talking.
Adrien took dozens of pictures to remember the moments because he swears its the most magical think he has ever experienced.
The next morning, Adrien awoke with a sleeping Marinette across from him. Her hair was sticking out in odd places. He could see her rise and fall with each breathe. He could hear her soft snores.
As he admired her, she opened her eyes and looked into his. He blushed, embarrassed for being caught staring.
Then in a whisper she said, “Are you a cuddler?”
Adrien nodded with wide eyes and a red face.
She then proceeded to move closer and lay her head on her chest. Adrien instinctively put his arms around her.
“Can we stay here a while longer?” She asked in the same whispered voice.
“Please.” Adrien whispered back.
If teenage rebellion always felt this good, he never wanted to stop.
End notes- Thinking of making a second part where Adrien tells Mari how he feels or where I actually write out the fort scene. Let me know which one you’d prefer and what you thought of the fic in the replies!
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sapphicdalliances · 3 years
Dear Chocolatier,
thank you so much for being here!! my sincere apologies for the lateness and messiness of this letter! sorry about my incredibly inconsistent capitalisation! it has been updated on the 8th of january, and may receive more updates this week.
I’m a simple bitch with simple tastes; here is a general summary of my preferences, and fandom-specific notes and prompts can be found further down!
I very much enjoy:
Fics that are short, but imply a longer, deeper verse; since this exchange is for short fics, but some of my prompts seem expansive, I just want to give you carte blanche permission to dip into an AU, splash around in it, and simply not provide additional details.
Comedic tones, slice-of-life, lighthearted fun, any amount of improbable romcom tropes
Am also on board with misunderstandings and drama as long as there is a happy ending!
I’m deeply okay with AUs, and most likely would be down for any modern, romcom, fantasy/fairytale, gender swap, or remix/crossover AUs you feel inspired to explore! My favourite settings include mundane/urban fantasy (witches! werewolves!), anachronism-stew-with-magic western fantasy jumbles, and disney’s Tangled.
Writing tropes I love:
Proposal fic
Wedding fic where the couple getting married is not the main couple
Outsider/third character POV of the main couple
Exes who are still in love/getting back together
Friends-with-benefits-with-feelings/did a bad job keeping it casual
Shipfic where two or more couples are contrasted
Oblique declarations of love/saying i love you without saying i love you
Provision and caretaking (acts of service!)
Aggressive matchmaking/wingmanning by an enthused friend
Hanahaki, or any other improbably dramatic instances of Cannot Spit It Out
Arranged marriage/fake marriage/fake dating
Epistolary fic
Regrettably I also love a/b/o, especially the kind that emphasises on scent safety and contains little to no actual sex
Art tropes I love, if you offered art:
Art where the characters simply look fond.
Fashion remixes – street fashion, cultural/traditional clothes, festival clothes, renfaire-esque clothes, beach photoshoot, get wild with it
Putting animal characteristics on one or both of them
Botanical motifs + celestial motifs
When plants grow directly out of people
The thing where character A is focused on something they’re doing or seeing, and the character B is focused only, wholly, desperately on A. please… the Gaze
Depictions of intimacy where faces are partially or fully hidden, but the body language is gentle
Characters SLEEPING next to each other, or comfortably doing separate activities in each other’s presence
If you wish to get frisky with your fills:
Go for it!
I don’t have strong top/bottom preferences (and usually enjoy it when they switch or are otherwise generally equitable) so whatever you’re in the mood for is fine!
Kink tropes I very much enjoy include oral, restraints, praise kink, when proud characters cry during sex because they love their partners so much, and xeno tropes.
I love non-horny sex scenes; comedic, silly, charged, fraught, or simply affectionate exchanges that happen to include sex are my favourite. Feelings are the real kissing disease.
But like, if you wanna get horny about it.
Chase your bliss.
They simply must be in love.
I’m not as into:
First person narration
Soulmate AUs specifically
Kink wise, my only major squicks are incest, teacher/student, and public sex/getting caught, but i’m also not super keen on daddy kink, toilet stuff, or anything with blades or needles.
In general, please avoid:
Character death or serious/permanent injury
Animal abuse or death
Hopeless or downer endings
Fandom specific info:
changed my life, cured my depression, what can be said about it? truly one of the most important series to me of all time. all musings on craft and creativity aside, let’s focus on the TRUE LOVE!!
i’m all caught up with the manga and supplementary materials!
suggested prompts: - sakuatsu, being mean to each other on purpose vs. being soft to each other by accident - kagehina or iwaoi dealing with LDR - kyouhaba are forced to cooperate on an innocuous, preferably wholesome task, such as gardening, or finding the owner of a lost dog, and it goes approximately As One Would Expect - bokukuroo + overheard phone conversation: and you've slept together how many times now? hmm. yeah, that's not technically a bromance (not in a no-homo way, just in a we-are-both-so-stupid-and-like-each-other-so-much-way) - actually that overheard phone conversation would work for any of these ships.
suggested prompts, art-specific: - festival clothes!! - put some wings on some of them. now it's bird romance, which is for birds - (i lied, this isn't art-specific at all, wingfic is always welcome in any of its forms) - just pick up your whole boyfriend and carry him like that. maybe even kiss him.
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
suggested prompts: - Hanai and Tajima really. struggle to get together. for like a bunch of years probably? Tajima copes with it by patiently processing his emotions in a healthy way and enjoying some casual dating. Hanai copes with it, as he does all things, by not coping - The ways Abe and Mihashi learn to take care of each other… Mihashi cooking 4 Abe… T_T
i simply think the twink and the himbo are in love.
Ace Attorney
favourite klapollo dynamic goes like this:
klavier: *genuinely and sincerely in love with apollo, in a very soft way* apollo: *furious* he's mocking me. why are you like this? klavier: I enjoy your company apollo: FINE, KEEP YOUR SECRETS
also consider: - what if klavier was a big ol golden retriever and apollo was just an angry liddol bunny. like, think about it
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
I love that this series has three couples in different stages of a relationship: one who’ve been together for years and love each other like well-worn grooves; one who have history but have only just recently begun a relationship and are discovering each other anew; and one who probably will not bring themselves to share a kiss for another 27 calendar years.
Narumi/Hirotaka: Honestly, the main couple of a series usually goes over my head a bit, but the more i thought about these two the more wretchedly fond of them I became. The thing I think of the most is how Narumi taught him how to smile as a child; how she did things that meant nothing to her, so easily does kindness come, but that meant so much to him; and how now that they are grown, he does things for her that take no effort, but shake her foundations. I think theirs is a love that grows quietly; something that cannot change the world, but can change them.
Koyanagi/Kabakura: My thoughts on these two are not complex, but they are deeply positive. I love how huge their personalities are, and how they fit around and against each other; I love the implication that despite their endless bickering, they are not an on-again-off-again kind of relationship, and have instead chosen each other over and over again for ten straight years. I love that despite everything, they are kind to each other, first and foremost; they find ways to apologise and to take care of each other, and treat each other gently in private.
Kou/Naoya: I love every ship in this manga equally but perhaps I love Kou/Naoya more equally than the other two? They are just so kind and so silly, and so sweet to each other in exactly the way both of them didn’t realise they were missing. I think about Naoya being told that Kou is “okay with being alone”, and realising that “okay with it” and “have accepted it” are different, and taking his little baby steps to fix it. I think about Kou giving Naoya every last drop of patience he’s trained himself not to accept, and doing so because it simply makes her happy. My only concern is that they are both bottoms. I don’t have a solution for this.
suggested prompts, fic:
- accidentally dating ft. Kou and Naoya, or, “and you’ve made out how many times now? Hmm. Yeah, that’s not technically a bromance.” - 5 times Hirotaka and Narumi almost, almost kissed, and 1 time they did; the unresolved romantic tension may kill me and it would be worth it - what Hirotaka and Narumi taught each other (apart from the more mundane gaming and life skills, i believe that she taught him how to smile and be loved by others, and he taught her how to be loved by herself!) - smutty domesticity ft. Koyanagi and Kabakura — a lazy Sunday, laundry in the sun, fucking on the couch, everything easy with familiarity - (addendum to above: pegging)
suggested prompts, art: - festival clothes - someone’s getting married - naoya: *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a tangerine* *hands kou a t - red string of fate motifs
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun
seowaka: they are idiots, and they like each other very much, but they do not know. i love a tall crying boy and his short but much more powerful girlfriend.
chiyo/nozaki + chiyo/nozaki/mikorin: im rooting for her in the face of such overwhelming stupidity. one himbo is difficult enough to seduce but two. chiyo is a hero and a woman of rare courage. i like the pair and the trio equally; again, if you go with trio, it’s important that they all love each other please!
suggested prompts: - 5 times any of these ships went on a date without realising, and the time they realised - urban fantasy AU where Waka is a hapless monster hunter and Seo is an annoying but deeply harmless werewolf who’s been terrorizing his town?? - fairytale AU where Seo believes she must rescue the prince from the tower and deliver him back to the kingdom capital, and the prince, who had not realised he’d been kidnapped, thinks Seo is a usurper from a rival kingdom who must be supervised all the way back to the kingdom capital to be served her justice
suggested prompts, art-specific: - festival clothes… - nozaki carrying chiyo, who’s carrying mikorin - (seo carrying waka) - waka sleeping peacefully in seo’s presence… :’(
Or please do remix it with any of my general tropes listed above!
we made it through all the fandoms.
Thank you for making it to the end of this whole disaster; I hope at least one of the prompts sparked joy! The most important thing to me is that whatever you end up doing, you are able to enjoy the process at least somewhat, and deliver a creation that you like! I can also be found on twitter at @hawberries_ (for art) and @popplioikawa (for general ramblings). If you need some more inspo, I recommend going through my art tags for the selected ships because I put a lot of Opinions into my fanart.
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Nino’s Quest Chapter 2: You All Meet In A Tavern
The party finally meets and, despite a rough start, begin their first adventure!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 (Final)
Read on Ao3.  My ko-fi.
Adrien Regreste: Last session was awesome! When can we do it again??
Lord DM: Lol dude. Its only been a day ya know We can figure it out a little later
Marinoodles: id love to do this weekend with you adrien! For dnd i mean And with everyone else Not just adrien
Adrien Regreste: Your character was so cool, Mari! I can’t wait to see how you play her :D
Marinoodles: Thank you! <3 Oh um whoops I didn’t mean to send a heart, haha
Adrien Regreste: ?? what did you mean to send?
Marinoodles: Um… this? :3
Adrien Regreste: :O That’s so cute! Can I use it??
Marinoodles: Sure! Your’e fine! *That’s fine! Not that you’re NOT fine I just askdjfasdlkfjadf
Alya’ll Beware: Omg u 2 get a room
Marinoodles: ALYA
Adrien Regreste: ?????
Nino chuckled as he read the string of messages. It made him glad to know that his friends were enjoying the campaign - especially Adrien. They didn’t get a chance to hang out nearly as much as he liked and this was a perfect excuse to get them all together. Besides, watching him and Marinette interact was always good for the soul. Very adorable stuff.
Speaking of adorable, Alya had sent him a private message on Discord. He opened up the chat.
Alya: Just so u know, I’ve got ulterior motives here
Nino: About marinette, Im guessing?
Alya: Yeah Don’t you see? This is a great chance to get these two dweebs togethre!
Nino: Alya… Can’t we just let them enjoy the game? Grow closer on their own terms?
Alya: If we do that, then they’ll still be blushng at each other when we’re in university Mama Alya’s got to do some interventions. I want my nieces and nephews at some point!
Nino: … Sigh Fine.
Alya: <3
Nino: But!
Alya: </3
Nino: Only if you stay in character, okay? At least that will keep oyu invested in the game.
Alya: ...I accept your conditions, Lord DM Cappy.
“Anything you’re willing to spill about today’s session, bro?” Adrien grinned as he asked, excitement sparkling in his eyes. They were both strapped into the backseat of the Gorilla’s car as they made their way to Marinette’s house. It was late, but between Marinette babysitting and Adrien’s photoshoot, it was the best they could do.
Nino shook his head. “Sorry, dude. Most of it probs won’t be too interesting, though, since we have to get the introductions out of the way.” Adrien phone went off and he pulled it out. “Who’s texting you, dude?”
“Alya,” Adrien replied absently as he read the text. The tips of his ears turned red and his eyes widened.
Suspicion settled onto Nino as he tried to crane his neck to see the text. “Yeah? And what’s she telling you?”
“Nothing much. Just some tips about how to play a bard.”
Alarms were sounding in Nino’s head. “Really? What kind of tips.”
“Just… tips. About how charismatic bards should act. That kind of thing.”
Nino pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course she is…”
Before either of them could ask any more questions, the car came to a halt and the Gorilla grunted at them. They had reached their destination.
“Ready for your first real session, dude?” Nino punched Adrien on the shoulder as he climbed out and they headed inside.
“You know I am!” Adrien opened the door and both of them were immediately buffeted by the scent of fresh pastries. They were guided by their noses to the kitchen. “Mmm! That smells delicious!”
Marinette froze, her pupils shrinking to pinpoints as they entered the room. “That’s- thanks! I- We made it for you. I mean! For all of us. For today’s session. So we could eat it. Y-yeah.”
“That’s very cool of you two!” Adrien he took a chocolate croissant off the platter and took a bite. “It tastes even better than it smells!”
“You really think so? Well,” Alya put her hands on Marinette’s shoulders and pushed her a little closer to Adrien, “those were made by hand. Marinette’s hands, as a matter of fact. I mostly just provided commentary.”
“Sorry dudes,” Nino cut in. “But can we start soon? We got a lot I wanna cover today.”
Marinette sagged in relief. “Y-yeah! Let’s get started!”
When Adrien and Marinette had squeezed past and headed towards the living room, Alya narrowed her eyes at Nino. He mouthed the word ‘roleplay’ to her and went to follow the others.
Nino took his seat and set up his DM screen around his notes and dice. Clearing his throat, he got started. “Marinette, you and Alya are sitting at a booth inside the tavern when in walks two men. The half-elf is wearing brightly colored clothes and is holding a…” He squinted at the paper in front of him. “Dude, what’s your instrument?”
“A lyre! Oh, and he’s blonde with green eyes - like me!” Adrien beamed, practically vibrating in place with excitement as he looked between the girls and him.
“Right, right, I getcha. And standing next to him is a human in chainmail armor, the symbol of the sun worn proudly around his neck.”
“Sounds like a cutie,” Alya said with a waggle of her eyebrow.
Nino’s cheeks heated up, but he pressed on valiantly. “So, uh, what do you do?”
“W-well, do they, um, do they match the descriptions we were given?” Marinette meekly replied.
“Yup! The description the monks gave you was right on. These are the dudes you are supposed to meet up with, no doubt about it.”
“R-right. Then I’ll wave them over then.”
“Right on. Adrien, what do you want to-”
“I walk over. Can I roll to seduce?”
Nino blinked in confusion and noticed the shock written plain on Marinette’s face. Alya, however, seemed on the verge of maniacal laughter.
“I… You want to seduce someone? Why?”
“Well, that’s what bards do, right?” He looked between his friends with an excited look on his face. “So what do I do? Roll this twenty sided die, right?”
“Yeah, but,” Nino struggled to get a hold of the situation, “who are you going to seduce?”
“Marinette, of course!” Adrien said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. If Marinette had been one of Adrien’s anime characters, there would have been a gush of blood erupting from her nose. As is, it just looked like she was about to pass out. “You and Alya are… you know, so it makes sense!”
While that was definitely airtight reasoning, Nino couldn’t help but groan. “Alright, let’s see what the dice have to say about it. Roll the die and add your charisma to this.”
Poor Marinette, wide eyed and blushing from cheek to neck, watched in bated anticipation as Adrien shook the die with gusto and let it loose. The first real roll of the game, Nino reflected. And it was being used to flirt with a party member. Was this a sign of what was to come?
He watched to see what the die will land on and what it might say about the rest of the campaign…
It rolled across the table, propelled by an overeager Adrien.
It came to a stop, directly in front of Marinette.
It showed…
...A one.
There was a stunned silence before Nino began laughing uncontrollably.
“Alright, bro. This is what happens - you walk up to them, put your hand on the table, and forget your own name as they look up at you expectantly. I follow behind and introduce ourselves.”
Adrien pouted, but a small smile poked through when Marinette giggled. Some color besides red was returning to her face.
“Maybe next time, sunshine,” Alya said through a grin. “So, are we ready to talk about adventure?”
After the party’s rocky opening moments, they hit their stride as they talked over the details of their first quest together. The locals had been dealing with a band of kobold raiders who were stealing their live stock. After a farmer was found dead, they decided the raiders had gone too far, and sent out a call for adventurers. A wandering bard, a local cleric, a noble runaway, and a knight errant answered.
“You spot the kobold den. The entrance just seems to be a hastily carved slab of wood covering a cave mouth.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask…” Marinette wrung her hands. “What’s a kobold?”
“Good question!” Nino folded his hands and looked between his friends. “Has anyone here seen a kobold before? Or know something about the arcane?”
The sound of ruffled papers greeted him as the party shuffled through their character sheets. Adrien’s eyes lit up. “Oh! I’ve got bardic knowledge.” He smiled and nudged Marinette, who joltd. “I guess I’ve seen some stuff on the road, huh?”
“Sure, bro, but let’s see if you know anything about them.” Nino watched as Adrien rolled. “Nice. Much better than your last one.” There were giggles around the table and Adrien playfully rolled his eyes. “Anyway, you know that kobolds are short, lizard dudes who like to build traps. Very community based, team efforts are their gig.”
“Cool! I tell the rest of the party that. So are we going in then?”
“W-wait.” Marinette narrowed her eyes in thought. “It seems too obvious, right? We didn’t even really look that hard for the way in, we just stumbled across it.”
“Right…? Oh!” Adrien caught on. “You think it might be a trap? So how are we going to get in then?”
“Well… they have to have a way in, right? So let’s look around. Maybe there is a secret passage.”
“Okay, I’ll make a perception roll for all of you.” Nino made some quick checks behind his screen. “So - Babe, you find a small boulder that seems out of place.”
“I’ll move it.”
“You got anything on you to do that with?”
“My big, beefy, lady knight muscles.”
Nino chuckled. “Alright, dude. Roll a d20 and add your strength modifier.” He watched the die land - more than enough to heft the thing. “Nice! You don’t have any trouble shifting it on your own, but there is no way anyone smaller than you could have pulled it off.”
“Huh. Guess they really don’t want kobolds going out alone.”
“So you go down into a side passage in the cave before eventually emerging into a small room with a table and chair. There is a lever against the wall, a string that runs into the darkness, and a sleeping kobold in the chair. What do you do?”
“Well we gotta take out the kobold first, right?” Alya glanced over at the other two. “We can’t have them raising an alarm or anything. I’ll nudge Marinette towards the kobold.”
“Does it count as, um… Flat footed? Do I get sneak attack?”
“You bet, dude. You’ll hit, no sweat, but roll for stealth.” She did. “Ooo, barely. After stumbling, you manage to get over there and silence the sentry for good. Now what?”
“Um… I’ll look around. What’s the lever for?”
“Got any knowledge of engineering?”
Alya made an X with her arms. “Woah woah woah. Hold up, girl. Why do you know about engineering?”
Marinette shrugged. “You never know when understanding how buildings stay standing will help. In character, my family is known for their castles. Seemed like a good choice, you know?”
“Anyway,” Nino continued. “You can tell the lever activates a trap. A boulder trap, by the looks of it. Stepping into the hallway, you notice the entire thing is on an incline and your room is well hidden.”
“Oh, wow.” Adrien tapped at his chin. “We would’ve walked right by and been crushed by the boulder.”
“Wait…” Marinette’s eyes lit up. “I have an idea!”
A few minutes later and her plan was set into motion. Adrien stood by the hidden side passage and began to play his lyre as loudly as he could while Alya struck a stick against her shield repeatedly. Before long, their characters heard clawed feet rushing up the passageway in large numbers. The first to spot them was Adrien, who ducked back inside the passage.
“Now! They can’t retreat!”
Marinette’s character pulled the lever and a loud rumbling was heard. A giant boulder rushed past the room and the brief squawks of the enemy turned to silence.
“You enter the passageway to find one heck of a mess… and no survivors.” Nino let them cheer for a moment before adding, “At least, from this group. There’s anywhere from five to eight squished kobolds out here, and you remember that the villagers were sure there was about twenty.”
They were about to continue when Adrien’s phone went off. His face fell when he looked at it. “Sorry, guys. Looks like I need to head home now.’
“What?!” Marinette exclaimed before immediately blushing at her own outburst. “I mean- it’s just- Been here haven’t long- Going now?”
“I’m really sorry. You guys can go on without me.”
Nino shook his head and stood. “No way, dude. We’re in this together.”
“...Really?” Adrien said, looking hopeful.
“You bet, sunshine! This party doesn’t split.”
“Y-yeah! We’ll wait for you!”
“Thanks,” Adrien said with a smile. “I promise, I’ll make next week work and I’ll make sure we can stay for longer. Somehow.”
After saying their goodbyes, Nino hitched a ride home with Adrien. Nino hadn’t even thought about the traps being used against the kobolds, but they managed it. As he listened to Adrien chatter about the campaign, Nino could feel that this was going to be a campaign to remember.
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