#im the ceo of loving eldest siblings
godofstupidsentences · 11 months
One thing about me is that I’ll ALWAYS defend eldest siblings in medias
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hier--soir · 6 months
For those of us who know nothing about Succession, could you tell us what you enjoy about it?
my friend! of course! buckle up!
first of all, succession was brave enough to ask questions like: 'what if siblings were real?' and 'what if there was a red head with a fuck ass bob who looked fantastic in a suit?' and 'how can one boy be so deranged and so baby girl at the same time?' and 'how many times could we watch that same man have a breakdown?' and 'how can one person be so clearly asexual and yet use verbose sexual humour as a defence mechanism?' and 'will we get to see that same man fuck a serious milf?' and 'what if your cousin was the most ridiculous person alive?' and 'what if your husband wanted to fuck your cousin?' and--
okay but seriously the bones of the show are that there's four roy siblings, and their father logan roy is the owner of this huge media company.
the eldest child connor was never interested in taking over the company if logan were to retire [because connor roy was interested in politics at a very young age x] but the other three siblings essentially enter into a feud over who will get to succeed their father as CEO when he retires. logan, a Cruel and Narcissistic and Abusive Man, emotionally tortures them the whole way along.
now personally, i love it for multiple reasons.
the writing is absolutely fucking incredible. some of the business jargon goes over my head, but the humour and wit in the writing means that it doesn't really matter that it's about business and economics and politics, it still sucks you in and you get really invested.
i love watching the sibling dynamic. i come from a family with a Bad Dad and lots of siblings, and all of us grew up essentially fighting one another while begging for praise and love from a man who, at the end of the day, resented us for even existing. i see a lot of myself in the siblings, and in their relationship with their father - a lot of the episodes of that show make me feel like im going to spew and/or have a panic attack, but a lot of it is also somewhat cathartic.
its so detailed in studying every single one of its main characters, and you come to both love and loathe every single one of them for so many reasons. it's about immense privilege and immense trauma and self-sabotage and guilt and self-loathing, and also love and all the ways those siblings don't know how to show it.
it's one of my fav shows ever you should check it out x
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the59er · 4 years
Oct 2020!
My Oct 2020 😊:
1 Oct 2020 Listening: Evil - Interpol
Couldn’t believe it’s already Thursday and it’s already OCTOBER. 
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Realization. via Ruby Uzi.
October’s goal would be to continue closing my rings as often as possible and not spend so much on junkfood. All the best, self.
2 Oct 2020 Listening: Brianstorm - Arctic Monkeys
Went to the dentist’s after work. Why am I being so critical with myself? I looked at my teeth and I felt self conscious. You’d think the older you get, the more confident you are, but not necessarily.
Also today I stopped by the new grocer’s and stocked up on necessities (i.e. instant coffee, cereal & chips) and was genuinely taken aback at the total bill. All this money on junkfood when I’ve just made it a point yesterday to spend less? What a joke.
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Finally ran out of the above face cream. This brand is cheap but that doesn’t mean I would waste it willy nilly. I will use every single drop. Most of my bottles will be cut into half for me to scoop out the remaining product left at the bottom of the packaging because I am THAT frugal 😅 
3 Oct 2020 Listening: Strangers - Norah Jones (The Kinks cover)
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It’s En.Din’s birthday! 🎉  Texted him and hamdulillah he is fine!
Went to the hosp for final medication refill for the year. I think Im fine.
Received news on the passing of my very dear colleague’s husband..he passed on Friday night. It was extremely heartbreaking and I immediately broke down. I pray she will be surrounded by all the love in the world and be given MEGA strength to cope with this loss. I cant imagine being in her shoes 😔💔 
4 Oct 2020 Listening: A Well Respected Man - The Kinks
Today is Aunty Rohana’s birthday! 🎉 
The weekend was meant for us to stay home since the numbers for positive covid cases shot up like a coke hit BUT I had to run out and get Dad a new crutch so I took the opportunity to QUICKLY grab Starbucks & whitebox.
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I call this gif “The Uzi aint need no uzi.” lol
Dad is currently mending and I pray he heals well & fast because I feel bad seeing him bored being cooped up. I also strongly feel he has gotten tremendously annoyed by me saying ‘no!’ to him whenever he wants to do stuff like DRIVING. It’s for the best!!!
Times like these Im SUPER GRATEFUL to be able to be home to mind my elderly folks. 
5 Oct 2020 Listening: Feel the Love Go - Franz Ferdinand
Today my brother completed the quorum for the formation of The Migraine Siblings Club. Now ALL of us have gone through this skull-pounding, shut the blinds nightmare.
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For a family that have had it easy, why are we all so stressed? We are stressed about keeping it easy. When I say ‘easy’, I mean comfortable enough. And to remain comfortable enough means to NOT stop working, especially now with the pandemic. And the workforce is now more competitive than ever. I cannot afford to NOT work, even if it means getting stressed out. Migraine headaches have unfortunately became a common occupational hazard. 😩
6 Oct 2020 Listening: This Fire - Franz Ferdinand
Today I wfh with my brother who is recuperating. 
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Work work work work work work work work 🤯
7 Oct 2020 Listening: Modern Way - Kaiser Chiefs
Happy Birthday to my eldest nephew who is more like a baby brother to me! 🎉 
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Also today I got to view the ✨fancy✨ CEO meeting room through webex because my boss was there. I hope everyone who is currently wfo is safe & protected. Im lucky and thankful to be able to limit outside interaction by working from home. Current covid numbers are crazy.
Klang had to go under CMCO and I personally know some people who live there and I pray for their health 🙏 
8 Oct 2020 Listening: Loser - Beck
Today I felt defeated. My office laptop hang at the very critical minute, causing my prime task to be done personally by the boss himself.
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I felt like Ive somehow shrunk myself so small and disappeared into nothingness. Bad bad working day..
9 Oct 2020 Listening: Run Run Blood - Phantogram
Had close to 3 (hours!) webex in the morning. Dad’s leg is improving (hamdulillah). I had double coffee & I am now heating up.
Speaking of heating up, I managed to melt leftover candles into a “new” one. I like candles, they’re therapeutic. 
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10 Oct 2020 Listening: Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Spent my Saturday working until Asar because we just have a LOT to do.
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An old one from 2018 via Ruby Uzi
I still havent finished my work but I felt my brain methaphorically frying, so decided to step out and joined Mars & HH for a quick late lunch / early dinner at fat bird ramen which I had to give ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️:
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It was delicious.
And finally a speedy grocery run because Mom needed vegetables 🥬🥒🍅
11 Oct 2020 Listening: Orchids - Monster Rally
Mars had this link to an enneagram personality test and out of curiosity I did it too for fun, and it was eerily accurate for the most part, it just made me 😱🤯
>> here’s the link to the test! <<
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Apparently at most, I am a Type 9. AT MOST 🙃
12 Oct 2020 Listening: Everybody Here Hates You - Courtney Barnett
Spent most of the day doing meeting minutes from the previous lengthy meeting and I LOVE IT everytime Im done with that task because it’s the most tedious thing ever. 
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It’s one of those little things worth celebrating! 🥳 
13 Oct 2020 Listening: Not About Love - Fiona Apple
I took time off earlier in the morning because had to drive Dad around to the bank, pharmacy, etc. while he’s still recuperating. Tomorrow our area will be under CMCO, again 😔 My paranoia is slowly elevating, again...
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...which lead to me overspending on snacks. This time around I bought loads of magnum ice cream, m&ms and Coke. When I ought to stop snacking ☹️
14 Oct 2020 Listening: Michael Garrison - Prisms (Full Album)
CMCO (Again!) - Day 1.
Traffic was as usual where Im at, when I stepped out to pick up lunch. 
While I wait on Mom, Id try to spend the time reading. I have very limited attention span and reading is a challenge for me these days so I try to combat that by re-reading stuff that I used to enjoy as a kid.
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Finally done with the entire Malory Towers series (it took me more than a year). And wow I no longer like the lead characters now that Im an adult.
15 Oct 2020 Listening: Let it be - The Beatles
Went through my meds pouch and am very proud that some of my painkillers have expired which means I hadnt taken them for a long time 💪 
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an old one via Ruby Uzi, 2016
Had my usual check up today. I gained a kg and as always, I am not sure what to feel about it. It’s just something that I cannot seem to get over. I haven’t been eating. I have been exercising. That “weight gain” was probably muscle gain? I dont even know. But I know it made me feel self conscious.
Im supposed to get a biopsy done but since I seem to have things under control, we should wait until next year (or whenever Covid cases die down. God knows when..) So for the time being, to continue avoiding wheat at all cost since we’ve got that culprit confirmed after multiple tests. 
Food. Love-hate relationship forever.
16 Oct 2020 Watching: The Haunting of Bly Manor
Mars and I started watching Bly Manor because we’ve watched Hill House before and thought it was a great series. We’ll see how Bly Manor goes!
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Army of me waiting at the hosp yesterday 💘 Hope everyone is well.
17 Oct 2020 Listening: Let Go - Sharon Van Etten
Today is Jujubeans’ birthday! 🎉 
On the downside, received news on the passing of Linda’s father. He passed on Friday evening 😔 I break a little everytime I hear about deaths now. I guess it comes with age. I’ve grown mellower.
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18 Oct 2020 Listening: Glowed Up - Kaytranada
Today is one of my nephews’ birthday, E! 🎉 
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These days I get dates right, but not days. Like I thought Wednesday was Monday, or today is Saturday? But I know it’s the 18th.
19 Oct 2020 Listening: Unravel - Björk
Happy 19th! 🎉 Thank God for the existence of internet so Mars & I could skype everyday 🤲🏼
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via Ruby Uzi
20 Oct 2020 Listening: Rubber. Band Man - T.I.
This water disruption is making me NOT want to eat for the reason of not wanting to go to the toilet. It’s irrational, I know.. 
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It’s really taking a toll on me ! ! 
21 Oct 2020 Listening: Sunny Afternoon - The Kinks
Went down for breakfast and discovered that running water has been restored! 🎉  
Also today Mars and I hit the last episode of Bly Manor 😩 Would I recommend it? No.
Covid cases keep on popping all over where I’m at right now and I’m trying my best to keep calm but at the same time I worry for the people who are still out and about.
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I honestly CAN live peacefully just on cherry tomatoes and peanut butter 💕 
22 Oct 2020 Listening: Soldier in a Box - Hot Hot Heat
Today Mars and I started watching Glitch. It was okay, but the fact that it has 3 seasons puts me off. Especially when I don’t know when he’s going to need to go back to working from the office. It’s best to stick to smaller shows for now.
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Not gonna lie, I really miss us going out together. With CMCO we’re trying to be sensible and just stay home. I’ve actually already implemented MCO upon myself since early October due to a scare. Even though I was considered a tier 3, it triggered my paranoia to the maximum. Thankfully that person tested negative both for the first swab, and the second swab. Hamdulillah.
I am usually optimistic but it’s getting harder to do so. Plus when else is the best time to be negative but now? 
23 Oct 2020 Listening: Darling - Real Estate
We had webex in the afternoon which left me exhausted. Worked until late even though most people are oddly on leave.
24 Oct 2020 Listening: Why Won’t They Talk to Me - Tame Impala
Spent hours in bed in the morning because I wasn’t feeling it today. But forced myself up and proceeded to wash my curtains and fulfilled other chores and exercised but at the end of the day I gave in to a piece of Magnum when I shouldn’t be snacking.
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25 Oct 2020 Listening: On the Mend - Foo Fighters
One of Mars’ family’s cats passed this morning because of parvo. I honestly cannot bring myself to adopt a cat because I know I don’t have the mental strength to deal with my cat’s loss. RIP baby 🐈 
Also today we started on a different series called Queen’s Gambit and so far it’s interesting despite the fact that I don’t play chess.
Also also today I gave in to yet another serving of ice cream 🍨 😔 Ice cream is my kryptonite. I should look into frozen lollies instead.
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An old one via Ruby Uzi, 2016
26 Oct 2020 Listening: Dreamsong - Michael McNabb
Today is my brother’s birthday 🎉  Ordered cake from Zati 🎂 🤤 
Started my morning with a mud mask. My face is breaking out like crazy, it has somehow created some sort of immunity from my usual Sunday Riley which has helped me before. I read further that you’re not supposed to use the same product every single day to avoid your face becoming resilient from it. But I couldnt help it because those are the only products I have. Am I supposed to buy more products? The beauty industry is such a hoax 😫    
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An old one via Ruby Uzi, 2019
My already depleting self-esteem is running on empty. 
27 Oct 2020 Listening: Sports - Viagra Boys
Somehow woken up at the wrong side of bed and it affected my entire day and I ended up doing office work until 3a.m.  🤮
28 Oct 2020 Listening: The Great Divide - The Shins
Slept in since I barely did last night. I am mentally exhausted. Even though Im off today, I still did work. No choice because financial year is closing earlier this year.
Skipped breakfast and barely had lunch because I wasn’t feeling it AT ALL. But gave in to McD at 530PM as my dinner. I thought I could give myself a break today until I saw the numbers and I freaked and I had to burn them.
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I am perfectly aware that isolation has triggered my ed 🙃
29 Oct 2020 Listening: Tryin to keep it Together - Norah Jones
Just learned that a full cup of McFlurry is easily 650+ kcals.
I live in constant paranoia.
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30 Oct 2020 Watching: Ed Hardy the Godfather of Tattooing
Im on leave again today, but it feels exactly like a normal working day because of the load. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Some things never change, huh? From Ruby Uzi, 2017
31 Oct 2020 Listening: Dad’s Best Friend - The Rubberbandits
- Mars & I finished The Queen’s Gambit. 10/10 will recommend ♟ !
- Since it’s halloween, this NEVER gets old and I will look it up every halloween since the year Ben shared me the video:
- On the downside, the great Scot has passed. RIP Sean Connery 🍸 
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sweetshadcw · 5 years
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OOP  HERE  WE  GO  AGAIN  FOLKS  !  i  wrote  this  at  like  2  in  the  morning  a  few  days  ago  and  didn’t  bother  to  proofread  so  if  it  makes  no  sense  . . .  y’all  know  why  sksk  ANYWAY  i’ve  said  this  literally  eight  times  before  because  i’m  a  whole  muse  whore,  hmu  for  plots  or  hit  the  lil  heart  so  i  can  slide  into  ur  tumblr  or  discord  ims  to  get  that  plot  bread
[   MUSE   47   ]   ●●   is  that  GWYNETH  PALTROW  ?  no,  that’s  just  PAULINE  LOCKHART,  the  46  year  old  CISFEMALE  who  is  a  SOCIALITE.  some  say  they’re  SUPERFICIAL  AND  CONDESCENDING,  but  their  family  and  friends  will  swear  they’re  REFINED  AND  FORTHRIGHT.  when  i  think  of  them,  i  think  of   maxed  out  credit  cards,  red  bottoms  clicking  against  the  floor,  peeking  through  cat - eye  sunglasses,  empty  wine  bottles,  spontaneous  trips  to  paris.  i  wonder  if  HER  family  knows  that  SHE’S  CONSIDERING  GETTING  DIVORCED  FROM  HER  HUSBAND.   ●●
full name: pauline elizabeth lockhart  (née humphrey)
nickname(s): n/a
age: forty-six
date of birth: july 26th
zodiac sign: leo
place of birth: ashcroft, ma
gender: cis female
sexual orientation: bisexual
romantic orientation: biromantic
occupation: socialite
hogwarts house: slytherin
pauline was born the eldest child to two people who were both somewhat part of the sports industry. her mother, marilyn, was a hotshot sports journalist while her dad, laurence, was the ceo of a family-owned sportswear company.
unlike her younger siblings, pauline never got into sports. it just... was not her thing at all. instead, while her brother and sister were at practices, she spent a lot of her time with her grandmother, who was literally the epitome of grace and elegance. she was the one person pauline thought of as a role model and in many ways, she took after her.
but yah ! because of her grandma’s upbringing, pauline grew up to be this very sophisticated woman. but just because she grew up that way doesn’t mean she doesn’t take shit from anyone. like maybe don’t try her unless u wanna die ??
anyway !! her parents ended up taking ownership of the patriots when she was in her early 20s and tbh she didn’t really care,,,, until she met papa lockhart oooo !! she still doesn’t care about sports but she pretended to for his sake ksfkfsg
i’d like to think pauline was super in love w him at one point, but in recent years, the love is just,,,,, not there anymore oops ! ngl she’s tried to make things right but it’s gotten a lot worse since finding out about uhhhh syd so now she high-key wants a divorce !!
the only reason she hadn’t brought it up yet is because she doesn’t wanna be the driving force that ultimately tears her family apart even tho it technically isn’t her fault skjdfnjsd although it’s hard to believe, she actually does cares about her kids’ well-being (even though they come second to her own oops) and just doesn’t want them to get hurt
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rkkyungsoo · 5 years
do kyungsoo
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Hello friends, Muffin reporting to Rookies with my first and probably only muse. I will give y’all a brief summary about him and then under the cut, I’ll be providing some plot ideas. I’ve arranged the plot ideas from the good, the bad, the ugly and the truly atrocious. The number of trigger warnings may increase as the list goes on and if you are uncomfortable at any point, just stop scrolling. Please IM me for plots. I have a twitter @_mafiosoo but I am faster on tumblr.
✧ Nov 16th, 1998 (I decided to age him up a bit)
✧ Born to teacher father and stay-at-home mother. While his parents are unremarkable in their achievements, Kyungsoo’s grandfather with the last name of Lee is the CEO of a successful jewelry company. His business is expanded to other parts of Asia and specializes in jade. Kyungsoo’s grandfather is a very traditional man and valued sons over daughters. Unfortunately, his wife gave him no sons and instead, three daughters. The youngest daughter was disowned for getting herself pregnant young, the eldest daughter was an ambitious woman who made a name for herself and the middle daughter/Kyungsoo’s mother was the sweet one who wanted to marry. Since grandfather had no sons, he values his grandsons very much and Kyungsoo has never lacked for money. However, he would rather spend what’s his and not what’s given to him. One day, Kyungsoo hopes to build his own business empire - one even greater than his grandfather’s. 
✧ Key personality traits: Ambitious, decisive, charismatic (when he wants to be), perceptive, meticulous, distrusting, insincere, persistent and possessive.
✧ Timeline information under the cut due to the abundance of trigger warnings. 
✧ Quirks: sensitive to scents (please tell me what your character smells like when we role play I mean this in the least creepy way possible), fluent in Korean and Chinese (Mandarin), intermediate in English, plays violin, taps his fingers on the table when he’s anxious, high alcohol tolerance, doesn’t take heat well, cannot swim, is insecure about his height, excellent driver
tw: dietary restrictions, violence, obsession, stalking, blackmail...I don’t know if I am missing anything, please let me know. 
Crossed out plot ideas are taken!
✧ Ages 0 - 15: Really good student, never made his parents worry about him for anything. He was legit the type of kid who’d get up in the morning by himself and make his own overly healthy breakfast + lunch. Straight As, participated in school clubs and never allowed himself to indulge in anything he shouldn’t. Did not mix with those popular kids and mostly made friends with smart people. Was likely not bullied because even though he’s a small guy, he’s got a lot of intensity. If a kid tried to grab him by the collar in public, he’d grab the kid back in the throat in private. 
✧ Ages 15 - 19: High school was going smooth at first. By this point, Kyungsoo was on his second girlfriend and on the student council. He was exactly where he wanted to be in life and would have continued enjoying himself if it wasn’t for the appearance of that person. Obsession was a dangerous hole to fall into and the more he tried to crawl out, the deeper he sank. His parents eventually saw the hundreds of sketches he drew of that person and forced him to go to China and finish high school there. 
✧ Ages 19 -  Current: Kyungsoo is back in Korea and feeling in control again. He’s in college, back to being his model student self. He helps out grandfather in his spare time and plays the dutiful grandson. He is pretty sure at this point when grandfather finally kicks the bucket, he and his cousin will both get a decent sum. 
Plot ideas
The Good:
✧ Family relationships: Kyungsoo is an only child but I am open to him having cousins on both sides of his family. If you choose mother’s side, you will have to share my grandfather Lee plot and go to those annoying rich people parties with Kyungie. 2/2 
✧ Positive influence: Someone my hardass of a son can actually look up to. I am looking for someone who is really successful in one aspect of their life and has a gentler personality. Maybe your character sings really well or dances beautifully. Either way, something caught Kyungsoo’s attention and he actually admires this person. He will be somewhat willing to listen to this person’s advice and rely on them a bit emotionally. 0/1
✧ Friends! I am so new that Kyungsoo literally doesn’t have friends right now. Somebody come and help me out here. I gotta at least have SOMEONE to call if Ksoo ends up passing out somewhere. I am hoping he can have some friends from his past and some friends from now. I am also interested in the idea of a trio, like, three really good friends that were always together. Maybe one knows why he was sent to China and one is completely oblivious. 
✧ Tutees: Kyungsoo tutors on the side to make some extra $$$ to fund his appetite for expensive watches. He can tutor your character or your character’s siblings and they can get to know each other this way. 2/2
✧ It starts with an accident - your character or my character accidentally hit/cut/somehow hurt the other person. A friendship could blossom from this? 
 The Bad:
✧ Remember earlier when I talked about a kid who tried to grab Kyungsoo by the collar and he grabbed that guy back in the neck? Anyone wants to BE that kid? They could have had a lot of past issues and can try to resolve them now. Or maybe the past problems will continue forever and turn into a feud. 
✧ It was supposed to be a casual hook up but your character ended up having some feelings and this relationship won’t end well.
The Ugly:
✧ Current obsession: Kyungsoo was obsessed with someone in the past and after a few years in China, he feels like he is okay now. Jokes on him though because I am 100% willing to let him slide back into the hole and get the same sort of feeling towards someone new. I prefer a girl for this role. 
✧ Mutual sin: Someone who knows about Kyungsoo’s past obsession and probably the only one besides his folks that actually knows who the object of Ksoo’s psychotic love is. Kyungsoo can know something bad about this person too and they can mutually blackmail each other. 
The Truly Atrocious:
✧ The Past Obsession: Of course he’s not over it. He doesn’t see his fault as much as he sees what happened as the other person’s fault. The reason I want to put this in the truly atrocious section is because unlike the current obsession, Kyungsoo harbors some resentment towards this person. He feels like this person made him leave Korea and this person made him crazy. That said he also really liked this person before. In the beginning, his affection was probably pure and he’d just want to stay close to the person without talking to them. Then eventually the stalking, lusting and drawing stuff happened. It’s good Kyungsoo went to Korea because otherwise, I have no idea how things would have ended. I prefer a guy for this role because Kyungsoo’s parents would have panicked harder.
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caredogstips · 7 years
Isabella Rossellini:’ There is no work between 45 and 60 – you’re in limbo’
At 43, Isabella Rossellini was sacked as the appearance of Lancme. Now, 20 years on, shes been rehired. She talks movies, her father, Ingrid Bergman, and her rollercoaster life
In 1996, when Isabella Rossellini was about to turn 44, she was sacked. After 14 years as the look and spokesperson of Lancme cosmetics, she was told in no uncertain terms that she was past it. Beauty advertising was about the reverie, executives told her , not the coarse actuality, and women dreamed about being young; the actors face would soon become an undesirable remember of the ageing process. And so, despite Rossellinis insistence that eternal youth was neither her daydream nor that of any woman she knew( she replies she told Lancme that the new reverie was to be independent, to be strong, to insist yourself ), she was replaced, preferably humiliatingly, by the very similar-looking Juliette Binoche dark whisker, pale skin, full cheeks, high-pitched cheekbones only 12 years her junior. Heartbroken at future prospects of losing her task, her central generator of income and two seconds family of colleagues, the mother of two expected a elderly executive what she was supposed to do next. He alleged, Rossellini withdraws, I am not your wet nurse.
It was pretty rough , without doubt, it was difficult to, she announces now, as we sit in a grand, flower-filled area at the site of the violation, Lancmes HQ in Paris, where, at 64, Isabella Rossellini is all smiles and once again the ace entertainment. My daughter was 10 and my son was one, and I was a single mum. I announced and was depressed, and I worried financially. As a fortysomething single father of two myself, I tell her I can well dream. What Im struggling to understand is how, when Lancme called her simply eight months ago to ask her to return to the bend, Rossellini didnt suggest they jostle their mascara up their derriere and construction it.
She is unfathomably magnanimous. There was that sense, when a sidekick wants to know why I was going back, she agrees. I said, Because Im flattered, Im exceedingly touched, I miss them. Its very personal, but I dont know whether Im being forgiving. Rossellini says the company from which she was expelled is now most varied. When I was here 20 years ago, the secretaries were women and the bosses were husbands. The manufacture was one of men forming commodities on the understanding that makeup was for seduction, she says. But I employ makeup on even if I go out with my sister there is a pleasure in the gesticulate. I was not understood.
Significantly, the labels CEO is now a woman, Franoise Lehmann, and it was she who obliged the most recent ask. Having propelled expeditions fronted by Penlope Cruz and Lupita Nyongo, she felt it was high time Lancme celebrated older age, more. As Rossellini justifies, Last year , Lancme turned 80, and we were thinking, what was life like for women 80 years ago? They couldnt vote or own their own apartment its stunning. We wanted to reflect the liberation of the status of women that has been so strong in our century.
Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini with Ingrid, Roberto Jr, Isabella and Renzo in 1953. Image: Rex
Having been born into scandal, Rossellini had ensure her “mothers ” drop-off contaminate of sexism and double touchstones. Ingrid Bergman met the administrator Roberto Rossellini on the make of Stromboli, fallen in love and contributed birth to his son while still married to her Swedish spouse, Petter Lindstrom the parent of Isabellas eldest sister, Pia. Despite a profession as an Oscar and Tony award-winning performer, and perhaps because of her likenes as a modest, elegant manifestation of womanhood( Bergman had just played Joan Of Arc ), her success was eclipsed by her adultery. In March 1950, in the wake of the circumstance and her precede wedlock to Rossellini, Bergman was denounced on the flooring of US Congress by Senator Edwin C Johnson as a atrocious lesson of womanhood and a potent force for cruelty; she was, he suggested, an debate that actors should undergo background checks before being employed to entertain Americans. Despite Johnsons belief that out of Ingrid Bergmans ashes will grow a better Hollywood, the proposed bill substantiated futile, but the arguing marred her vocation and family life. Bergman temporarily lost custody of Pia and retreated to the more forgiving European film industry. She and Rossellini later divorced, sharing joint detention of “their childrens”, Roberto Junior, four-year-old Isabella and her non-identical twin sister Ingrid( an academic who educates Italian literature ).
Bergman remarried, but Rossellinis childhood persisted involved. She and her siblings lived between New York, Paris and Rome, remain in hotels and accommodations with a nanny, her parents and step-parents taking it in turns to drop in and spend time with their seven collective juveniles, who were understandably close( Rossellinis trademark chipped tooth arose when her 12 -year-old brother hurled phone calls at her look. Bergman announced for three days, but Isabella decided to keep it ).
With her baby, Ingrid Bergman. Picture: Rex Shutterstock
Before contacting her teens, Rossellini spent six months bedridden and two years in a body cast to correct scoliosis, or curvature of the backbone. She had no intention of following her father into the film industry. I come from a generation of women where, though my mother was a far-famed actress and had a big career, we always presupposed in the family that she was gifted with a tremendous flair so she was an exception, a freak. The other women in their own families might work, they are likely not work but, the majority of members of all, you are a good baby and you marry.
She was, nonetheless, assessed to be financially self-sufficient from a young age. Her father-god, sarcastic of coin and commercialism, had died with merely $200 in his bank account, while Bergman had entrusted her own financial affairs to controllers and been repeatedly burnt. My mom never operated her fund. It was frightening for that generation. Women[ in their own families] ever gave it to the men to take care of. I did say to my mum that I was going to take control of my own fund. I had visualized what happened if you dont.
At 25, while working as a television reporter, Rossellini was sent to interview Martin Scorsese, who was promoting his cinema New York, New York. They hit it off, inaugurated dating and got married. The resulting revelation have all contributed to pattern presents, and very soon Rossellini was working with photographers such as Richard Avedon and Bruce Weber, and appearing on the report of Vogue,( much, she has said, to Scorseses hassle ).
With then husband Martin Scorsese in 1981 in New York. Photograph: Getty Images
Despite this relatively late start in modelling( I didnt know prototypes were 14, Rossellini once announced ), Lancmes contract made her the highest-paid simulation in “the worlds” when it came in 1982. In an sarcastic event of record repeating itself, the contract contained a decency rider( much like the contracts of the 1950 s Hollywood studio system ); this was soon quite scuppered when Rossellini became pregnant by a modelling colleague while segregated from, though still technically married to, Scorsese. Later, she would appear as a drag tycoon in Madonnas 1992 Sex volume, to the fear of Lancme, who worried that beings would think she was gay.
Given the pious moral imposed on her and her mom, I wonder if Rossellini ever reflects on how much weve changed. I have a feeling that its went worse, she articulates. My parents paid a bigger price, but the latter are unique. Nowadays, theres paparazzi everywhere. Its likewise the organised fame thought the red carpet has become a undertaking. Sometimes we insure the actors, and we know their reputations, but not necessarily the cinemas they were in. Its not exceedingly petitioning to me, because I dont been in love do red carpet. Its like a charm contender, and I think everyone appears awkward about it. A mas of performers are very shy parties. There are a few who love public attention, but theyre a minority; I guess performers like to act, and they like storytelling.
Rossellini has often said she opts pattern to action, which minimise her great aptitudes. She tells me simulating “ve given me” the confidence to act. Both my parents were very famous, so I was reluctant, but simulating gave me the be thought that I could dare. Her iconic act in Blue Velvet, as the bereft mother and lounge singer accepting shocking abuse at the mitts of Dennis Hoppers Frank Booth, prevailed her an Independent Spirit award in 1986. Director David Lynch originally missed Helen Mirren for the character, but Rossellini urged him to cause her a chance; the pair went on to become a duet for six years.
With Kyle MacLachlan in Blue Velvet. Photo: Rex
Wild At Heart, her next campaign with Lynch, won the 1990 Palme dOr at Cannes and, ironically, just a year before leaving Lancme molted starred in the critically acclaimed camp-fest Death Becomes Her, in which Rossellinis character sells the secret of eternal youth to desperate ageing housewives in Hollywood. I wonder if, given that role, and the sacking from Lancme soon afterwards, she herself became insecure about her advancing years?
Rossellini cheerfully contends she made a clear distinction between her professional and personal life: When youre young, there is so much pressure, because you work, you need money. As you grow older, the focus becomes clearer and clearer, if you like. Nothing ever talks about that, how wonderful it is to grow older. They ever talk about wrinkles, but ageing is interesting, wrinkles or no wrinkles.
Despite implicit pressings within the movie and beautiful industries, she has repelled reconstructive surgery( as someone with an acute radar for even discreet undertaking, Id stake my reputation on her illusion being wholly without involvement from either needle or knife ). In 2012, Rossellini took part in the documentary About Face: Supermodels Then And Now, and responded, Sometimes I wake up and think, Is this the new technology? Tells go and do the operation. But the majority of members of the time I wake up and think, Is this the new paws bind, is this the new road of being misogynist, is this a new way to tell women theyre ugly, is this a new channel of telling women they should be this and this? And you commit standards that are impossible to be reached, because the underlying problem is misogyny.
She is, she tells me , not interested in chasing perfection. When parties tell me, You seem so glamorous, you search sophisticated or stylish, its fantastic. But when people say, Youre beautiful, I find it a little deigning. Worse now, because they say, Youre still beautiful. In Italian, we say its a bayonet with both hems, because I know that they represent it to satisfy me, but its almost like alleging to a black lady, Youre not so light, you dont seem so pitch-black. I am old-time: this is what 65 looks like. She is irritated that her generation isnt better gratified for. There is no fashion for women my age, Im sorry to say. She tugs at her charming navy silk tunic. This, I designed myself, because its hopeless to find acts that arent for simply one form. It has to be scrawny, or it has to be sexy I dont just knowing that going on in fashion. I point out that sleeves are as easy to find as black orchids. Exactly! “There wasnt” sleeves. I crave sleeves! You cant find them.
I wonder if it isnt old age that Lancme and Hollywood couldnt deal with, but middle age. Geena Davis, Michelle Pfeiffer and Holly Hunter, all big stars in the 1990 s, struggled to get good employment opportunities in their 50 s. Rossellini agrees: My mum told me that there is no task for women between 45 and 60, because you are in-between. You are not young enough to play the young girl, but you are also not old-fashioned enough to play the matriarch, the voodoo or grandmother. So there is a period of 15 times where youre in limbo and they dont has been able to hire you. Then after 60, a great deal of work coming through. That was true for my mum. And you realize, Maggie Smith is the hottest happening on Earth. Helen Mirren is the hottest act on Earth. Then there is this gap.
Rossellini fell right into it. The movie characters thinned out and, while barely in the desert post-Lancme, she was forced to create her own opportunities. She launched a short-lived but very good cosmetics route, Manifesto, for women of all ages and skin colours. She wrote and performed speeches, made a documentary about her father, performed in plays off-Broadway and took on enjoyable activities like a cameo in Friends, as Rosss dream woman. She bought a small organic farm, investigated animal action and preservation, and studied guide bird-dogs, though she lately had to stop after some lead tugging justification her to drop-off and disable her back.
Guide hounds are labradors and golden retrievers, she excuses. I could have broken my back, so I imagined , no more teaching large-scale hounds! So what I do now is whelp and its fascinating. Like a pup doula? Exactly. They communicate me pregnant momma, they have the puppies, then I keep them for 2 month and distribute them to all the voluntaries for guidebook puppy training.
With her daughter, Elettra, in 1985. Photograph: Rex
She had been blithely withdrawing from showbusiness for a year when she was offered a part in Joy, the romantic humor starring Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro, best friend of Scorsese, with whom Rossellini has remained close. She stopped cashing her actors trade union pension cheques, rejoined the workforce and, in the wake of Joys popularity, was offered a estimate gig on upcoming world TV demo Master Of Photography and a role in a drama.
She still oversees the farm. All the person or persons at “the farmers ” thought where I was, because I was hurtling again. For the moment, I try to manage it all, so well see how long it lasts, this burst of wield, she tells, taking nothing for granted. But she affection TV, and thinks it more attractive a hypothesi for full-grown females performers and onlookers alike. The conjecture I have is that the movies forming “the worlds largest” money are realize for young males, and thats why they are these large-scale war movies. Not because full-grown females dont like them, but because we have a family to create and so we work, “were about” babies, we cook, we are the caregivers and we have careers. So at night after dinner, we cant go out and watch cinemas. She detects television streaming on Netflix, Amazon and online boxed situateds please open brand-new and far more inclusive potentials. I think there will be a lot of actresses wreaking again, she smiles. Im doing a series announced Shut Eye, and first of all I never expected to be a leading role in something again. Im a contribute with other actors, but I am a extremely, very substantial proportion. Theres a whole new audience of ripen people who can watch 45 instants of television and then was sleeping. So its highly fragmented. We dont have these large-hearted phenomenon series where you have the entire country watching, but you have enough parties to establish numerous series, tell many stories.
I wonder if Rossellinis story, as the simulation, pastured middle-aged woman and then back again, is one she wishes she didnt have to tell, or so liberally forgive. She smiles. I feel that its a story and this is the last chapter. Its a glad ending.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
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