#imagine the sheer panic a a doduo would feel if the woke up as a human without their other half
oblonger · 2 months
I saw a post a while ago, I think is was from either Ghetisis or @cringywhitedragon , that was questioning how the mechanics of a human being turned into a pokemon would apply to certain pokemon like Doduo.
And there really is unexplored potential in there. Would both heads be the same person, weirding anyone out because they aren't constantly disagreeing? Would the human's personality and memories be split between the two heads, resulting in essentially two different people even though they are the same?
And that isn't even getting into the idea I just came up with, where a human-turned-pokemon's new body isn't actually theirs. Their soul kicking out the original inhabitant's body to make room for their own. Against the wishes of either person involved.
Imagine a Doduo waking up their 'other half' only to find that they've been replaced by someone who has no memories, a completely different personality, and claims to be human.
The identity crisis that already comes with being turned into a pokemon would come packaged with crippling guilt from being told that their very existence has essentially murdered someone.
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