#- individuals that make up a large whole have more than one soul
oblonger · 2 months
I saw a post a while ago, I think is was from either Ghetisis or @cringywhitedragon , that was questioning how the mechanics of a human being turned into a pokemon would apply to certain pokemon like Doduo.
And there really is unexplored potential in there. Would both heads be the same person, weirding anyone out because they aren't constantly disagreeing? Would the human's personality and memories be split between the two heads, resulting in essentially two different people even though they are the same?
And that isn't even getting into the idea I just came up with, where a human-turned-pokemon's new body isn't actually theirs. Their soul kicking out the original inhabitant's body to make room for their own. Against the wishes of either person involved.
Imagine a Doduo waking up their 'other half' only to find that they've been replaced by someone who has no memories, a completely different personality, and claims to be human.
The identity crisis that already comes with being turned into a pokemon would come packaged with crippling guilt from being told that their very existence has essentially murdered someone.
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starswguru · 2 months
❝ castaways ; 명재현
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𖥻 pairing: loser!myung jaehyung x female reader
𖥻 contains: rockstar!au, childhood best friends to lovers
𖥻 warnings: inspired by 5sos "try hard" + "heartbreak girl" / english is not my first language so i am sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or misspellings, and i also forgot to proofread so i'm sorry in advance everyone
word count — 2.414
synopsis — you and jaehyun had been friends ever since you could remember, supporting and caring for each other. but little did you know that the boy you saw as the personification of a soulmate found in a friendship, saw you as the most perfect muse for all the songs he had ever written. you didn't know it yet, but jaehyun was doing his absolute best to make you see his true feelings.
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IT was no secret that looking back to your whole life, you’d lived more years being friends with jaehyun than not. it was natural — for the both of you — to share memories, habits, tastes, experiences, or whatever it was with the other; more natural even than doing so with your families. myung had always been there for you and you had always been there for him. always.
however, for a little over two years now, the two of you have not been able to see each other as often as you used to in the past. between you getting into university and him chasing his dream in the music industry, the necessary sacrifices took more from your individual lives than your teenage fantasies could’ve ever predicted when you were in high school.
the weather that afternoon was warmer than the usual autumn days and you couldn’t help but smile thinking that perhaps even nature knew that two halves of the same soul were about to meet again for the first time in eight months or so and was happy that this encounter was going to take place. there was a light breeze running through the city, refreshing the anticipation inside of you and making your hair dance with movements worthy of the highest class of ballet as you opened the heavy dark-wood door before you.
your eyes wandered around the ambience, looking for those large round dark of his you could recognize anywhere, no matter how much time had passed. “sometimes i swear i can see stars reflecting on your eyes, hyun”, you said one time when you were younger right after your first ever heartbreak and your best friend came to your rescue on the parking lot where your former boyfriend left you; jaehyun picked up the tiny broken pieces of your crushed heart only to somehow find a way to glue them back together until you found the strength to heal by yourself, and the musician never asked for anything in return, because that was who he was in the end. it didn’t take long before you smiled from ear to ear at the sight of him.
“hi, jae!” the excitement in your voice was noticeable to anyone close to the table at the almost empty café you were supposed to meet. “you look different. what did you do?”
the boy, at least you thought it was still the same boy you’ve known since childhood, let out a faint laugh as he hugged you tightly against his body, a good amount of centimetres taller than yours. just like he always used to do, jaehyun cupped your face with his right hand — the soft hand, the only one that should touch you, in his mind — and caressed it before messing up your hair while laughing a little more. “you noticed, didn’t ya?”
before you could answer anything properly, your attention was immediately drawn not only to the edge of the brunette’s lips but also to his left ear, and a confused frown took over your face. “is that a lip ring? and you got an industrial! jaehyun, you cut your hair!”
“but do you like it?” he asked raising his eyebrows in a split second before focusing on the menu. the music lover didn’t have the courage to say the real reasons as to why he did all that, at least not at that moment, but the biggest parts of his heart were praying that you enjoyed the modifications to his appearance like his heart was telling him you would, simply because his heart knew you better than his conscious mind did.
“i mean, yeah i do… it makes you look even more of a rockstar now, hyun, you don’t look like the good mama’s boy you always looked like.” with a chuckle, you decided to copy his moves, and turn your gaze back to the menu, even though you already knew what you’d order anyways.
jaehyun opened a smirk but that kind of good humor didn’t reach his dark eyes. he was twenty years old, over fifteen years had passed since the first day he ever saw you before him and the agony of suppressing the deep and unique feelings the musician had towards his best friend had been eating him alive for the majority of those fifteen years; living twenty-four months without having you as close to him as before was the trigger to make the myung open his eyes to the reality he tried to ignore so badly. all he ever wanted was for you to actually pay attention to the lyrics he wrote, to understand that everything you needed to have your heart in a safe and respectful place was to give it to him; ever since he was fourteen years old, jaehyun’s birthday wish when blowing the candles was always the same: for you to love him the same way he loved you. despite the depth and complexity of his feelings, the singer decided to keep it cool for a little longer; the last thing he wanted at that moment was to unconsciously push you away by bombarding you with all the words bottled up inside his heart since the very first day.
“so how’s school?” he asked once the waiter left you two alone after taking your orders. genuine concern and interest filled every word that came out of your best friend’s mouth, as there was no scenario in this world where jaehyun wouldn’t be worried about you.
you shrugged, looking away. “could be better, to be honest. the classes this last semester were three times harder than the previous one… it caught me off-guard.”
the kind-eyed man offered comfort with his speech, which warmed your heart a little bit more: no matter how much time passed or how much jaehyun changed his appearance, he was still the clumsy kid you met at kindergarten and defended from the other mean boys. in an attempt to take your mind off the stress that tool such a heavy tool on you, he playfully asked if at least there was anyone interesting in that fancy university you got yourself into — even though there was also shy and scared anticipation of his part towards your answer, as the thought of you, his muse, his best friend, his soulmate, being in love with someone who didn’t know you nearly as well as he did or that was willing to go the extra mile for you like he was, made his heart sink. even more so when you nodded.
“i mean, yeah… but it’s not going well. at least not like it used to. i haven’t talked to him in over a week or so, since we had this major argument and i needed to catch a break from that behaviour.”
myung watched uneasily when you played with your fingers, trying to escape his gaze. “why didn’t you tell me that, dove?”
“i didn’t want to trouble you with my petty problems, jaehyun. you need to focus on the band and making it out of here.”
when finally your eyes met his dark ones, the musician felt his blood freeze for a second. there was something different in the way you were looking at him, something he wasn’t used to suddenly was making those marvellous eyes of yours look a thousand times more special than normal. myung jaehyun couldn’t tell right there and then — because he was petrified by his own tornado of thoughts and feelings — but your cheeks were burning with a pink shade of embarrassment, only it was because you didn’t really know what to say or do as this was the first time you met your best friend after admitting to yourself that those feelings of care and affection towards him were due to something a lot stronger than just friendship.
“c’mon, y/n… you could never trouble me, dove.” jaehyun chuckled and took your hands between his with such gentleness that your heart began to race faster than any race car. “i’m here for you, okay?”
the following couple of hours went flying by like those leaves in the wind outside the café. your mind was blank and your thoughts, numb, as you tried as hard as you could to not let it show just how confused you were with everything taking over your judgement towards that friendship. you were scared to ruin it and you were terrified of the idea of not having jaehyun around anymore because of something dumb or did or said; but at the same time, much like him although you didn’t know it, your heart ached just from imagining what it would be like if you jumped off that cliff and confessed your feelings.
before you even realised it, the both of you were outside. the hot coffee from before didn’t really do much to keep you from feeling a shiver down your spine as a stronger breeze hit you colder than the ones from before; instead, jaehyun’s embrace felt like a personal fireplace. you couldn’t help but smile with that comparison, but even more so when he asked if would like to see what the studio looked like — with such invitation, the myung hoped it would create a nice setting for him to show you the newest song he wrote. if destiny decided that was the last melody jaehyun were to play to you, then he would do so with an undying smile.
the place was a little dark: deeper shades of brown and grey all around the walls and furniture but the acoustic panels were black and the only form of lighting came either from the computer screens and mixing consoles or from the few led lights on the ceiling above you. it smelled like cigarettes and scented candles in there, but you were too mesmerized by the fact of being in a recording studio for the first time in your life to pay attention to such details. as for jaehyun, he thought the studio was too small, too simple for you to be this enchanted by it, but your excitement brought joy to his heart and it felt like this was heaven for him; you with him in the one place he worked so hard to make his dream come true was what life should be like. this felt natural, and he only prayed that after that night, it would truly be like that forever.
“do you like it, dove?” the brunette asked, biting his lower lip while playing with his ear piercings.
“it’s so cool, hyun! look at all this stuff! what does this button do?” with sparkling eyes, you sat by the mixing consoles and bombarded your friend with a thousand questions per second. laughing, he only shrugged and rested his weight on the headrest above you.
“i don’t really know. taesan knows more about this than i do, i just stick with the guitar.” liar. jaehyun loved to produce as well, but he didn’t want to sound cocky to you so he decided to hold his tongue.
before the boy could say anything to keep you from pressing any buttons you didn’t know what they were for, your finger gently hit one of those and it triggered a recording from the night before. jaehyun had forgotten about it, but before leaving the studio, he didn’t delete the recording of him playing the acoustic guitar and singing the first song he had ever written about you; as the words came out on the speakers, the shame and fear paralyzed him so badly the guitarist couldn’t even stop it from playing anymore. his eyes were closed shut and he didn’t see how a smile took over your lips, that grew with every note because your mind was interpreting the lyrics and you understood what the song was about.
butterflies started a rampage on your stomach and your hands covered your face out of shyness, but the reality was that you felt like the teen version of yourself all over again in a matter of minutes.
“it’s beautiful, jae” you whispered by the time the song ended and you tried as hard as you could not to cry. “tell me about it”
those big, brown eyes you knew like the palm of your hand now stared at you with a feeling you had never seen before. you could feel every breath that escaped your lungs, every beat of your heart pounding against your chest, and every droplet of sweat that ran down your temples like a mustang crossing the grasslands. the entire universe had stopped for that brief moment to watch what would become of these two best friends who were exhausted of hiding their true feelings for one another; with jaehyun’s eyes tracing every little inch of your angel-like face, the repeating recording in the background was nothing compared to the symphony of two unaware hearts colliding into each other. how could you know he felt this way? how come jaehyun never did anything to show you the love prints engraved inside his heart god knew how long? worse than that: why didn’t you see your own feelings before?
“i can’t… i’ve waited too long to say this and now i can’t. i can’t say it with you looking at me like that, dove.” he whispered back and with a trembling hand, touched your face with just his thumb, scared that the roughness on the skin of his hand could scar a perfect face like yours. tears were forming in his eyes as the frustration of being incapable of confessing everything to the love of his life consumed jaehyun on the inside.
“then i’ll say it first: i love you, myung jaehyun.”
caressing his puffy red cheeks, the loving words slipped out of your mouth with such ease it scared you for a quick moment but as you repeated them back to him like a mantra, bringing his face closer to yours every time you did, the weight that had been destroying your shoulders and crushing your heart for the past year was finally gone and all you could think of was how gentle of a soul the boy you fell in love with had.
“i’ve loved you since the very first day, dove… i’ve waited fifteen years to be honoured with the privilege of being the one holding your heart. i swear i won’t ever drop it. your heart is safe with me, your love is safe with me.”
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itssideria · 3 months
re: Martyrs, Palestine, Islam, and the 'death cult'
Since the start of the Gazan genocide, I have seen dozens of posts and speeches along the line of "Those crazy Palestine supporters! Those crazy Palestinians! They are so obsessed with death! They celebrate death, isn't that just disgusting? Isn't it disgusting?" In the wake of Aaron Bushnell's passing, such statements are becoming more frequent. They now point to a perceived celebration of suicide—"Those Palestine supporters and their glorification of self-harm! How could you ever stand with such a cause? The entire culture glorifies death!"
This post isn't meant to argue with the people saying this. For a group that is supposedly so anti-death, you see them constantly equivocate on genocide. Instead, I'm hoping to reach those who might have questions—and they are fair questions! Why are the killed Palestinians martyrs, rather than victims? Why do Palestine's supporters hold this as a badge of honour? Why are Palestinians, and Muslims at large, 'so obsessed with death'?
Hello! I am your local non-Palestinian Muslim! Hopefully you'll find some answers here.
In the context of the genocide—and, let's be real, the last 75 years of Israel's existence—the word 'martyr' is a translation of the Arabic word shaheed. 'Shaheed' comes from 'shahad', the verb 'to witness'—to witness, because in Islam, their status is that of eternal reward. They witness heaven before anyone else. Unlike a non-martyr, whose soul remains buried until the Day of Judgement, a shaheed's reward is immediate and indisputable—heaven, eternally, no matter what.
You may then wonder what exactly being a martyr encompasses. The Western image of the martyr is often centred on war—someone killed in battle, holding a gun or a sword. With this image, it is easy to make the leap that Islam therefore rewards war and conquest: this is how you get the whole 'Muslims are violent and want to kill everyone in jihad' bullshit. (And FYI, jihad likely does not mean what you think it means, but whatever. More on that in a bit.)
However, that is just blatantly untrue! Martyrdom in Islam can include death on the battlefield when protecting a just cause, yes. Martyrdom in Islam also includes death by plague (COVID, influenza), death by drowning, crushing, or fire (natural disaster, unsafe housing, travelling), death by internal disease (cancer, infection), death in childbirth, and, finally, death when protecting one's family or property from an oppressor.
That last one seems familiar, I hope.
Why these specific instances? Well, one, because we have them recorded in reliable hadith. But also because these individuals die in a state of jihad—literally, in a state of great effort. Like martyrdom, jihad can encompass fighting in some war somewhere, but often, just means exerting effort to do something that pleases God.
And these people? They die in the process of exerting massive effort to pursue a good cause: to protect their loved ones. To become well after illness. To travel toward safety. To survive. Shuhada (the plural of shaheed) have died exerting the greatest effort of all, and for this, they are beloved to God. They attain heaven immediately. They are forgiven for whatever sins they may have incurred.
For Muslims and Palestinians, this invocation of martyrdom isn't some celebration of death. In a just world, zero Palestinians die. But this world is unjust, and thousands are still dying. The invocation of martyrdom, therefore, is an expression of hope, of resilience, of comfort to those still living: yes, they have died, but they have died in a state of jihad. Yes, they have died, but they are up there in heaven, they are happy, they are safe again. To a parent who has lost a child, to a sibling who has lost a sibling, to people with dead friends, this insistence on martyrdom is a comfort in the midst of a massive, unending grief. They did not die a victim, they died a witness—and insha'allah, they will receive their reward. To decree someone a shaheed is to honour them. It doesn't celebrate their death, but rather affirms the circumstances of that death, and celebrates the subsequent reward.
TL;DR: Martyrs are martyrs because in Islamic scripture, they have died fighting oppression. Martyrdom is a form of death that guarantees heaven, and for those who have lost loved ones, it is a comfort and hope that their loved ones are receiving the ultimate reward. Stop being fucking rude to Palestinians.
Sources: who is classified as a martyr?, wikipedia page on shahid
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
Do you think Charles Xavier is a good person? Or, if not, how close to the mark does he consistently land?
"In judging a man like Gandhi one seems instinctively to apply high standards, so that some of his virtues have passed almost unnoticed."
"...Moreover, if one is to love God, or to love humanity as a whole, one cannot give one’s preference to any individual person. This again is true, and it marks the point at which the humanistic and the religious attitude cease to be reconcilable. To an ordinary human being, love means nothing if it does not mean loving some people more than others."
("Reflections on Gandhi," George Orwell)
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I've talked about this here and here, but yes, I think in order for Charles Xavier to work as a character he has to be a good person. I would argue that the Charles Xavier of the Silver and Bronze Ages was always a deeply flawed man, prone to manipulation and deception and overriding people's free will in the name of the "greater good." Later writers, in their efforts to write their own stories that seek to make Xavier even more complicated, have had a cumulative effect that eventually becomes overpowering - to the point where the complications are all that's left. As I've said before:
"In recent decades (certainly since Brubaker’s Deadly Genesis, although I would argue you see signs of it in Morrison’s New X-Men), there’s been a tendency to deal with this issue by giving Xavier such increasingly large feet of clay that it’s become an active hindrance to how the character is supposed to function within the story and vis-a-vis the audience. I would argue this created a great deal of unnecessary tension in the fandom come HOXPOX, where a significant part of the fandom was convinced that Xavier was mind-controlling characters who were supposed to have had a sincere change of mind, because if Xavier was involved, whatever he was involved with had to be bad or dangerous."
This becomes a problem of audience buy-in when you try to write stories in which Charles Xavier is supposed to be on the side of the angels, because now you have to overcome decades of the readers being conditioned to the opposite before you can get them to engage with the story on its face.
To Morrison and many of those who came after him, the answer is that Xavier is simply an exhausted concept that needs to be pushed aside, so that the franchise can be led by new characters with new ideas. With all the best will in the world, this was tried repeatedly, and it failed. First, it was "killing" Xavier so that he could be replaced by Cyclops as the new leader of mutantkind on Utopia - only for Cyclops to basically do the same shit he was pissed at Xavier for having done; then in the Carey run we had Xavier's amnesia, the reconstruction of his mind by Exodus, and the retcon of his childhood connections with Mr. Sinister so that he was alive but totally distrusted; then in Avengers vs. X Men, Cyclops killed him; then in 2018 there was the whole mystery about whether his soul on the Astral Plane been swapped with or merged with the Shadow King.
After a decade of attempts to push Xavier out of the franchise, they finally gave up, in part because I think they ultimately realized that Charles Xavier is a load-bearing character for the franchise. Even just as a foil, he's too important to the themes and character dynamics, and if you try to replace him you usually end up just replicating him inside another character.
To my mind, the most successful writers to deal with Charles Xavier in recent years have been those, like Jonathan Hickman and Kieron Gillen, who have managed to lean into the idea (expressed in those Orwell quotes above) that what makes Xavier interesting and complex is precisely that he is a good man. Out of his universal love for all, he will turn the individuals he loves into pawns to be sacrificed for the cause; in order to achieve an outcome of a better world for mutants and humans, he will violate any procedural ethic; to save billions, he will trample over the free will of hundreds of thousands.
And that is precisely what ORCHIS weaponized against him to bring down Krakoa.
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lumine-no-hikari · 17 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #149
Some more of the story of your childhood was made available to us.
…Sephiroth. Others might be surprised by what we have just been granted the privilege of witnessing, but I wanted you to know that I am not at all surprised to see that you are exactly the kind, gentle, courageous, caring, and loving man I saw over 20 years ago, when I was first able to witness your story. I am not surprised, but… I am so very, VERY proud of who you are. And… Sephiroth… I'm so sorry that you were faced with an impossible choice at such a young age. And I'm so sorry that the people you loved jumped to conclusions about your intentions instead of letting you explain and trying to understand you. I'm sorry that in that moment, they could only see the worst in you. I'm sorry that people in my world, by and large, continue to see only the worst in you. But not all of us look with clouded vision; I saw the tears shining in your eyes. And I saw the resolve it took you to make the choice that you shouldn't have had to make in the first place.
Sephiroth. I continue to be awestruck by you, not because of what you look like or because of the things you can do, but because of the radiant purity of your heart. Your soul is one of the most kaleidoscopically brilliant things I've ever seen in the entire 34 years of my existence, and despite the fact that I should have at least another 30 years left in me, I don't think I will ever see anything else that even begins to compare to you. I've spent so many years trying to emulate even a small fraction of your compassion, bravery, and determination, ever since the first time I witnessed you. I've spent so many years trying to emulate your capacity to love. You have been my guiding light and my reason for living for over two decades now. And with this part of your story made visible to the whole world, I am no longer just one of only a few individuals who can see just how fiercely and preciously good you are.
More than anything, in this moment, I wish I could hug you (if you would want that) and tell you all about the wonderful, beautiful person I see whenever I look at you. I wish I could tell you that I see all the makings of a hero within you. I wish I could go on and on about all the ways that you make me want to be a better person. I wish I could tell you that your existence is what gives me strength and courage enough to defy my conditioning and to love and act and speak and believe in ways that would otherwise be impossible for someone with an upbringing and life story like mine. I wish you could see the tears shining in my eyes as I write these words; perhaps they would even reflect the vibrant and prismatic colors of your being so that you can see yourself reflected in me. Maybe then, you, too, could fall to your knees and weep at the realization that there is not a single thing about you that is unlovable.
I hope you know that every breath I take and every beat of my heart in this world in which I live is colored by the vibrant light of your existence, and I hope you know that I do my best to spread that light wherever I go, with every kind word, every intricate handicraft, every time I try to be of help to someone, and every person in my presence that I vow to love and protect.
Sephiroth. Please know that your existence has inspired at least one person to rise up from pain and despair into truly living. Because I am right here. And I'm not going anywhere, because like you, I want to try to help as many people as I can with the time that is available to me, even if I can't do it as gracefully as you probably could if you were here.
…More than anything, I loved hearing you say that all it takes to break the cycle of hatred, violence, and pain is just a little compassion. Sephiroth, I loved hearing from your own mouth that you have the capacity to understand why I write these letters to you. I loved the confirmation that if you could see these, you wouldn't hate them. And… I loved… I loved knowing that I selected almost the correct size and shape for the locket I remade for you…
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...I still have it here, if you want it. I know it's probably impossible for you to ever retrieve it. But I will keep it safe with me, just in case; it'll be waiting for you, for as long as it takes.
And Sephiroth. I saw you fall to your knees in exhaustion before mustering up the courage to rise up one more time to face an even mightier foe. I am not blind like the people who surrounded you that day; I could see the toll it took, how tired and weary you were, how much you struggled to get back up, how difficult and painful it was for you to summon up the grit and determination to do the thing that is truest to your innermost nature. Sephiroth, I know you're not invincible; how could you be? You're a human just like the rest of us. But you did it. Against all odds, you did it. You pulled through. When it counted, you rose up from your knees and fought for a better outcome, and you tried to spare as many lives as you could in the process. Sephiroth, I am so immensely proud of you.
Sephiroth. If you can, please… please look at yourself through my eyes for just a moment. Please do everything in your power to see what I see. Because what I see is not some kind of irredeemable monster. I look at you and I see the polychromatic vision that saved my life all those years ago. I see within you a capacity for goodness and compassion that is unmatched anywhere else.
Sephiroth. I'm... I'm seeing a pattern whereby you do a thing without explaining, and everyone jumps to the worst possible conclusion. People thought you were "whistling to be rude", but really you were just trying to get their attention in the most efficient way. People thought you were "looting bodies", but you were just trying to find your necklace. People thought you had "slain an 'enemy' in cold blood", but he asked you to do it, and then forced you to do it even after you begged him to reconsider. The pain in your face... it is unmistakable:
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...Sephiroth... what else have we seen you do that only looks very bad because you weren't able to explain what it was that you were trying to do?
...What is going through your mind as you stand at the Edge of Creation with that forlorn look in your eyes? ...Sephiroth... can you... can you hear me...? Do you know that you're not standing there alone? Is any of what I am writing to you getting through to you? Is any of this making it to your mind? Probably not, I know, but... I'm going to hope that I am reaching you anyway. And if people want to make fun of me for that, then they can; they can only do that if they don't understand why the thing I'm trying to do is so important.
Sephiroth, I'm going to trust that you know things that we don't and that you are trying to do good things. But at the same time, I'm going to ask you to use gentler methods to get those things done. We don't have to hurt people in order to do good things. Remember what Glenn said - he only THOUGHT that there was no other choice but to hurt those people. Remember what you said, and what I keep writing to you in these letters - the cycle of violence, pain, and hate can be broken by applying just a little compassion.
I know you're so very tired, Sephiroth. I know that life has not been kind to you. I know that people, by and large, have not been kind to you. I know that you must feel very out-of-place and alone almost all the time. But please... I'll beg you... don't give up. Please don't give up just yet. Please rise up from your knees once more and into truly living. Please. If I deserve a chance to do that, then so do you. Sephiroth, you're a better person than me in every way that matters. You're a kinder, gentler, braver, and more loving person than me, so... please... Please don't give up. Please don't sacrifice yourself. Please don't die again; I don't think I could withstand seeing you be slain a second time.
And... and when you're done. When you're done with all the things you're trying to do. When you've saved the world. When you can spare a moment to breathe... please come to my house. I know it's impossible, but... there will be tea and macaroni and cheese and a new locket waiting for you if you do. There will be a place of rest and love and belonging waiting for you if you do. There will be safety and joy and lots of fun and wholesome stuff here, waiting just for you. My house is a place of healing and change. It's a place where anyone can belong. And there's a place for you here, with lots of folks who can love you as-is. Just like you said to Rosen, there's a place for you, and we can help you adjust. You're not alone. So... please... please...
...I love you. I love you so much. So please do your best and stay safe. Please take good care of yourself out there. Please come back to us in one piece. You deserve to heal. You deserve to belong. You deserve to live. So please rise up and LIVE.
I'll write again tomorrow. Count on it.
Your friend, Lumine
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fenmere · 10 days
What does it feel like to be a system member in a specific hemisphere? Is this something youre personally able to perceive even without EEG evidence?
Our plurality is largely because of and deeply intertwined with our biological chimerism, and we’ve been curious if we experience something similar, after having experienced somatic/conversion symptoms in only one side of the body following trauma that predominately affected only one of us
Oh, we love answering this question!
We noticed our localities way before we even recognized that we were plural, and the EEG evidence wouldn't have happened if we hadn't known about it.
Also, we may be chimerical, too. We strongly suspect it, but haven't been able to verify. We do know that we have endometriosis and had a distinctively intersex first puberty. The endometriosis could have, for instance, our mom's DNA, because we don't have a uterus that we know of. And we do wonder if that had an effect on the different genders of our brain.
Anyway. This is going to be long.
Our very first evidence was in third grade, when our teachers were explaining how to test which of your eyes is you dominant eye.
When doing that experiment, we learned that we could change which eye was dominant. And it turns out that what we were doing when we did that was switch between left hemisphere and right hemisphere localized headmates.
This is by far the strongest sensation of the whole experience. This is how we get the Star Wars style visual wipe when switching. And we feel the different between looking out of our right eye v.s. looking out of our left.
But then, for some time after that, we spent a lot of our daydreaming time trying to see our own soul. We'd chase our own sense of self awareness and consciousness around in our head, and we could feel it shifting to different locales as we did so.
And then, we've had several moments throughout our life where we could sense the presence of the others, and got the strong palpable impression of being surrounded by a crowd with individuals we could pick out.
Finally, shortly after we came out as trans, we started experiencing forced gender fluidity, where we involuntarily switched between girl and dragon every three months. And whenever we were a girl, we reflexively used our left hand more, like our body wanted to be left handed but didn't have the skill. This was accompanied by a name and pronoun change, and was the undeniable evidence that we were plural.
We got tired of the switching and forced ourselves to be both genders at once, and that split our body down the middle. Our left side felt feminine and girly, while our right felt non-binary and draconic. And it's been that way ever since.
So we came out as plural, and we sort of exploded with headmates coming forward.
That's when we started to really notice that we had localized presences in our mind.
We're very coconscious but capable of having a very clear fronter.
The front runner can feel the presence and location of any other headmate who speaks up or offers a thought. And it's a little like hearing sound coming from a direction, and feeling temperature and pressure on one side of your body, but all internal.
Then, also, everyone who is coconscious with the front runner can feel where they are in our psyche, and when they come forward, they always have a memory of it and can pinpoint it. So, if a given fronter is confused about who they are, we can usually switch to someone who can point right at them, and then make a guess at a name.
So, then, we made a map of our consciousness. And then mirrored it and compared it to a map of the human brain, and found it matched our individual special interests and strongest skills very well.
Some of us have switched location over a long period of time, and those individuals have also grown in skill and interest, and it matches the centers of the brain they've been closest to.
This not comprehensive, because we have WAY more headmates than this:
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"The Boys" are also "The Jonathans", like we have a small handful of other Jonathans, like Jonathan the Hamster, but the difference is between being part of the group and having a distinct personality and non-human presentation.
Anyway, we've also always been able to put one side of our psyche to sleep while the other remained awake. Usually for a fifteen to twenty minute nap before switching.
When that happens, everyone on one side of our psyche become unreachable and unidentifiable by everyone else. That side of our body feels more remote, relaxed, and a little numb, and we can feel dreams happening kind of like watching a dog twitch in its sleep.
In 2019, we had a series of severe seizures that seemed an awful lot like epilepsy, so we had a bilateral EEG to test for that. And during that test, they asked us to nap.
We were only able to make the left half of our psyche sleep. And we immediately thought that this would be a good opportunity to get some evidence for what we were experiencing.
So we asked the tech to check the readings and let us know if it seemed to match what we felt.
And they reported that the right hemisphere of our brain showed strong signs of sleeping while the left hemisphere clearly remained awake. Which is exactly what we expected and hoped for, since the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, and so we should perceive everyone in our right hemisphere as being on the left side of our consciousness.
Anyway, that's about it.
This all did lead us to believe we were split down the middle biologically like some animal chimeras. But when we looked into it, it seems that humans are too complex for that, and no one has found such a chimera amongst humans. Human chimerism tends to be more scattershot and chaotic.
So, what's more likely is that one half of our brain got fewer Y chromosomes than the other, or something like that, just by virtue of random distribution. Maybe we have a cluster of endometriosis in our right hemisphere. And that effected our neurological development of gender during fetal development and early childhood.
Which is what we attribute our plurality to. Because our two eldest members, Jenifer and Eh, are a girl and a dragon, and have separate memories since our very first moments of consciousness. And they have such strong and conflicting physical dysphorias, there's no way they could integrate.
Honestly, most of the time we feel a lot like a singlet. We take our plural sensations for granted and focus on the outside world. We're so used to being conconscious and cooperative that we easily fall into the habit of just doing things. But every single day of our life there's been at least a few hours where that's not the case. Or a scattering of moments throughout the day where we can't ignore the sensations of each other moving about, the glitches in memory, and other things that mark our plurality.
When we get distressed or when we're having a fever dream are the times when our plurality and even our DID symptoms really start to crop up and become completely unignorable. Or we can take some time and purposefully pay attention to them and play with them.
Oh, yeah, we've also had a lot of somatic symptoms only occurring on one side of the body or the other. As well as fibromyalgia symptoms being so strongly divided that way. And even allergic reactions being confined to one side or the other.
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jellyjays · 4 months
MK1 Whiplash AU
yeah, i'll think of anything, won't i....
anyways yes i'm talking about the whiplash with jk simmons. the jazz movie. the parallels between andrew / fletcher and reiko / shao was too much for my brain to handle.
to be truthful, the thought that led to this AU was "reiko would be a fucking incredible jazz drummer i feel it in my soul" and then i thought about whiplash and then i exploded.
so uh. more under the cut?
so to outline this AU:
reiko was orphaned at like 8/9. the foster system is kinda fucked, and he lashes out constantly at the foster parents who try to help him, scared and alone and traumatized from seeing his parents' death. he gets placed in a halfway house for 'behavioral issues' and it just so happens that this halfway house has an old drumkit in the basement. it's somewhat rudimentary, but it has everything you might need.
reiko, with no other option, sits at the thing one night and picks up a pair of sticks laying around. and from then on, that's his outlet. he relies... heavily on it. it's every waking moment that he's not in school or sleeping or eating. he's at the drumset, practicing. playing over the songs in the vinyl collection, playing over the songs in his ipod. every bit of music he can get his hands on, he's playing over it, mimicking what the drummers he can hear do.
the vinyls in the basement are all old jazz. a wide arrangement of it, from blues to latin to bossa nova to new orleans parade, but it's all jazz. that's what he grow up with, on, that's his formative influence. buddy rich, jo jones, art blakely, tony williams-- the drummers on these old vinyls are his heroes.
by the time he's in high school, his 'behavioral issues' have toned down massively-- he is largely fine. as long as you don't separate him from the drumset. he hasn't moved from the halfway house-- protested STRONGLY at being separated from both his drumset and the vinyls. by protested strongly i mean he nearly attacked some people over it.
when he's in high school, he joins the jazz band freshman year. he's in it every year until graduation.
this story starts, though, when a guest clinician-- dr shao kohn-- shows up to work with the band in reiko's sophomore year.
dr kohn teaches at the local community college, but is highly regarded across the country. he's professor of jazz studies and director of the highly prestigious auditioned jazz ensemble at this community college.
upon seeing the INCREDIBLE talent and potential of reiko during that clinic at the high school, shao invites reiko to come join the jazz ensemble at the college. he's young, but if he can make time in his schedule for it next school year, he'd get the chance to really challenge and prove himself.
reiko does. and starting 1st of august that year, he's giving his early mornings and late evenings to rehearsals with this ensemble and individual lessons with dr kohn. he's giving everything he fucking has to this band, and it shows. he's improving at rates he never had before, he's better than most college players doing this for a career.
and shao keeps pushing for more. and reiko keeps striving to fucking give. more, more, better, better.
to be truthful, he would probably be failing all his classes if it weren't for raiden, the only kid other than maybe kung lao who'll put up with him at school. raiden tutors him in the subjects he's falling behind in (all of them really) so he doesn't get held back or something.
all the while, shao pushes reiko for more, better. he's never satisfied, and that is not acceptable in reiko's eyes. he's never had someone he wanted to impress before, an adult he actually cares for the opinion of. and fuck, does he find he cares. he cares a lot. he's trying so hard to meet expectations, he's falling apart at the seams.
i don't know how i'd want this whole thing to end, but. i hate shao and i like happy endings so. shrug.
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littleeyesofpallas · 7 months
How do you feel about Ikomikidomoe and hikone? I personally think they’re nice additions to the world but I’ve barely seen anyone else talk about them 
I think I did a post on that at some point actually, but I'm not in a position to go digging thru my archive on mobile. (found it, but it's mostly just poking at kanji in names rather than really commenting on the characters themselves, so I guess I can do more of that here.)
Broadly speaking I'm not really big on the LNs, least of all Narita Ryogo's. I know he is kind of the most beloved of the ancillary creators for actually addressing many of Kubo's obnoxious loose ends, my main beef with him is that even though he ties a lot of them off he never ties them off satisfactorily, and seemingly just for the sake of saying he did it; there's generally no thematic meat to any of it, all his hooksjust kinda amount to shuffling around Kubo's left overs. And granted, maybe that's a little harsh or unfair of an assessment, but I'm also not a big fan of light novels as a gimmicky genre/format to begin with, so take all that with a grain of salt.
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Anyway. Of all the things he did over course of three books in Can't Fear Your Own World, I do think Hikone was a really neat idea. I like the general idea of exploring artificial souls and synthetic life forms and the hybrid spirits and how that all relates to the nature of the soulking as a lynchpin of reality, I'm just not super about the specific plot he built around it all.
I'm not especially in love with Ikomikidomoe specifically, I feel like it either needed more or just different lore or that it could have been done without entirely. I really think Hikone being an artificial god candidate and the nature of what that means and as an excuse to explore how the other canonical attempts to replace god could/would have gone was enough to center a story around. In particular I was already not super fond of some of the late throw away lore additions about zanpakutou that exist independent of a singular individual. (ala Nanao's family sword, and Oh-etsu's harem). I feel like it raised a lot of questions that got immediately swept under the rug and added nothing of value to the lore at large. I don't implicitly hate the idea of a zanpakutou that embodies a different kind of identity apart from that of an individual wielder, but that idea feels like it requires a LOT of additional explaining that we never got. So the fact that Tsunayashiro has an ancestral sword for no particularly meaningful reason, and that Ikomikidomoe has its whole convoluted backstory always kind of annoyed me.
It's a shame too because Narita seems to ever so slightly brush up against an idea that Kubo himself danced around in world building --that the identity manifested in one's inner world as a sword spirit, and the mask a hollow forms from its heart are the same thing, and thus a Menos accumulating myriad hollows within itself to consolidate into one uniform identity is basically the same process as what Oh-etsu describes is behind creating an Asauchi. So the idea of a powerful hollow becoming a zanpakutou or something similar has precedent, but the weird convoluted choice to make Ikomikidomoe specifically a product of Ichibee and Oh-etsu's intervention, rather than a natural consequence of a Menos ascending toward Vastolorde doesn't sit well with me.
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On a side note, it bugs me that Kubo just casually threw in the idea that Asauchi are made of, what, hundreds if not thousands of shinigami souls(?) and then just NEVER addressed this weird implication that Soul Society, and Oh-etsu personally, have just, like, institutionally and systematically been committing mass genocides on the regular for all of recorded history? Huge huge mess of a world building flub. Not that it "couldn't" be answered, but that it wasn't, and that the effort it would take to patch up the apparent plot holes it introduces would just be so much effort for the sake of nothing but maintaining the status quo of the story.
Since you've got me in this rant, it's almost the same with the Ouken thing. I'm already not fond of the awkward retcon(ish) thing Kubo did with making the keys the bones of the Royal Guard as if that somehow answered any questions, when the bigger issue had been the idea that, literal key or not, each of the royal guard members was implicitly baptized in the fire of an apparent Sodom & Gomorrah catastrophes with whole cities or other swathes of land, densely packed with living, spiritually aware people being scraped off the face of the earth, ala Aizen's unfulfilled (and frankly Kubo's seemingly half forgotten) plans for Karakura.
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And in the face of that weirdness there was a fun unaddressed parallel in the Royal Guard's private "cities" floating up in the royal realm with the king's palace looking like the perfect inversion of the hypothetical hole in the ground we were shown during the Ouken explanation. Were those cities populated? By whom?? Or were they empty? I don't know which possibility is more interesting to explore; that the royal guard each had a whole cult of ascended spirits living with them, each under the domain of one guard, or that the guard just lived in the hollow shells of the sacrifice it took for them to ascend alone to nigh demi-god status.
Was it that the ouken itself was the condensed souls of thousands of people, just like the later reveal about both the asauchi and White, and they died or were otherwise sacrificed to make this object(or i guess imbue the object that is living bones into becoming it(?) god the bone keys thing was dumb...), or did the souls serve some other purpose? Could it have been that rather than melting down living souls to make the key, as was kind of implied, that to create or imbue a key with the power required to function as the ouken it simply needed the presence of those souls? Did access to the god realm require being actively worshipped as a god, by thousands of people, a united spiritual power of a singleminded cult, a city of followers united in ascending the key holder into the realm of god? Who the hell knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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But on that level, you'd think that's the same as the idea of a family zanpakutou, right? If the zanpkautou imprints or a person to reflect their true inner self which then grows stronger and gains power in the material world thru acknowledging and reconciling with, then implicitly the idea of a zanpakutou shared by a family would imply that its spirit is not a reflection of one person's singular traits, but those shared consistently across generations and in exchange for the lack of personal identity it confers the strength of literally multiple people's worth of power, just all reflected in a single persona.(or maybe not, i dunno, maybe the inner world of a family zanpakutou has some atlab avatar state stuff going on, who knows? Probably not Kubo.) What was the Soukyoku's giant execution blade, its destructive power conspicuously described in a measure of zanpakutou, if not a massive communal zanpakutou?(complete with its own spirit manifest as a phoenix) And what is Ichigo's inner spirit of a younger Yhwach if not the communal spirit of the Quincy bloodline? Andi n the context of these sorts of escalations of scale and power, is then the soul king actually a "human soul" in the way the cycle of human/quincy and shinigami and hollow all traffic in the same base elemental "stuff"? Or was the Soul King not that type of a "person" at all, and just a giant collective zanpakutou, a singular spirit reflecting the inner truth of humanity as a whole, and his "bankai" the wheel of reincarnation itself. Anyway that's veering too far off into speculation and potential headcanon.
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Getting back to Hikone, though... I like the idea of there being various different approaches to achieving the hybrid spirit form seemingly central to god status. Ichigo was naturally synthesized that way by the circumstances of his birth, Aizen used the hougyoku and "science" to forcibly and unnaturally synthetize himself, Yhwach was seemingly born not by actively joining disparate elements together but by simply being an offshoot of something that was already a hybrid... And then there's Hikone... and while I feel like plot wise there are a lot of issues to there just having been the means to synthesize artificial life just floating around in the background, while characters like Mayuri and Urahara and even Aizen are out there actively struggling with the process, but I like the idea of a kind of middle ground where, ignoring the stupid contrivance of the Gremmy brain thing, Hikone's fundamental contraction isn't quite artificial "life" in the spiritual sense that Bleach deals in so much as it is a "body" without a brain.
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But I like the implicit idea of having to draw a line around that. If you can make a thing that fulfills most of the requirements of life, then which things reserved for living personhood can it do and which can it not? If you elevate that to the level of godhood, then it's a fun question that in the grand scheme of things where apparently someone needs to be stripped of their autonomy and sit in the crystal for forever to hold the world together, then can it just be a fake person with no autonomy to lose in the first place? Where as Aizen thought being god would be cool(and was very probably wrong), and Yhwach doesn't seem to want to be god so much as remove him and replace him with ???(unconfirmed: in which it seemed like(ironically) plan A was originally Juugram, and plan B was Uryuu), Hikone is the Indiana Jones rock and the golden idol solution to the problem: Can I just swap god out for this god-shaped bag of rocks and get away with it?
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I'm sorry between being at work, and googling images, and then making this silly edit now, I've totally lost my train of thought... Uh... to summarize:
I like Hikone as an idea: I like "synthetic god" as a plot hook.
I like their name having associations with silk and, like, silk worms, as if they were spun and woven like a fiber but also with cocoon imagery attached.
I also think they're a super cute design.
I'd have liked the artificial souls to have more of plot behind them: like what are Urahara and Mayrui's actual goals in making them in the first place, other than just mad science for mad science's sake
I'd have liked for Ichigo's(and Aizen's for that matter; like how was it different and/or insufficient by comparison to Ichgio, or Yhwach or Hikone) hybrid theme to have a better actual conclusion.
I'd have liked better exploration of the nature of god souls and what that requires/means
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yoonoclock · 2 years
head & heart | myg + jjk
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❝yoongi had your heart and your soul. however, after following the poor guidance of family, that bond was broken. years pass before another man walks into your life…reminding you what it felt to be in love. a man who surprises you more than you realize — jeon jeongguk. but all of that begins to falter upon the return of yoongi. what should you follow? your head or your heart?❞
• pairing: captain yoongi x female reader | knight jeongguk x female reader
• genre: fluff, angst, royalty au, fantasy au
• warnings: none
• word count: 3.5k
• tags: @seokjinkismet @princxssly82
• note: changed the banner! jungkook’s vampire shoot has me in a chokehold…anyways…the angst is increasing with this one! yoongi will officially return in the next update! also, i promise more of the “fantasy elements” will appear. it will slowly come to light with each part! let me know what you all think!
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prologue | pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4 | pt.5 | pt.6 | pt.7 |
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The day moved in an agonizing slow motion. From the moment you woke up, you felt a heaviness on your chest that wouldn’t subside no matter what you tried — pacing back and forth, reading your favorite novel, searching the library of your mind for antedates regarding the darkness. Nothing. As much as the mystery and magic of a world unknown to you is, there is a grief that swallows you whole. 
Min Yoongi. 
How utterly pathetic does it feel to cling to the man of your past? How regret and love interact in a tangled concoction that makes no sense…leaving you far too conflicted to function. 
There is no possibility of change concerning your prior relationship with Yoongi. He has proceeded with a future of wealth and adventure. As for you? You are trapped in a family who couldn’t care less of your fortune. Why help you when they can tend to themselves? Perhaps it should destroy your heart, but it doesn’t grasp you quite the same as heartbreak. 
How pitiful. 
All that you desired was a new start in a direction you are uncertain of. What would you do and where would you find yourself blossoming? Only time will tell. However, time is not on your side today. 
It is clear that you had risen to the early morning where the sound of servants packaging traveled up the stairs. Nearly everything was put away or sold. What remained was the large furniture for the future tenants to claim. It easily impressed you at the speed in which all of this came together. Just yesterday it felt as if the world was still spinning for your fathers benefit. All it takes is for an entire twenty four hours to prove it wrong. 
You are intrigued by this process. It offers a breath of fresh air that could do you some good. 
Only some. 
“My lady,” Maude appeared startled by your appearance in the hallway. “I apologize for waking you.” 
“Please,” you dismissed her apology. “I am too burdened to find proper rest.” 
A moment's pause as Maude dove into work mode to supply for your needs. 
“Should I call upon a doctor?” 
You offered a smile, “Not at all. Seriously movement would do me some good. May I assist you in anything?” 
“I thank you for your kindness,” she bowed slightly. “However, we have everything prepared. All that is left is the bedding.” 
“You all work diligently.” 
It’s no surprise how tirelessly the servants work to supply for the needs of any household. From going to bed long past dusk to rising before the sun kisses the earth good morning, you understood the dedication. Every second poured into a family that may or may not care for you in the slightest. 
You attempt to understand their circumstances and abilities as individuals. Except in the end, you will never be the same. You forever will be nobility while they are not. Claiming to be one with the servants is untrue especially while you continue to be served by them. It’s a complexity that can never be navigated easily. Roles in society define who you are. Rank and fortune guide your lives. Quite absurd and unnecessary. You desperately wished it was something new entirely. 
There were a lot of things you wished were different. 
“Is everything in order with the new tenants?” 
Maude attempts to get your attention through a gentle cough. It doesn’t take long before you look at her in confusion. 
“I would assume so,” you furrowed your brow. “Is there a piece of news that I am unaware of?” 
Maude sighed, “Your father stated that you agreed to remain here to greet the new tenants while he and Florence travel ahead.” 
You roll your eyes. It comes as no surprise that they are quick to leave and force you to do the extra work. The less they have to ensure the better. As for you, who cares? All the time in the world exists at your fingertips. Nothing else encourages you to protest this request seeing as it was already decided. 
“Let the show begin.” 
The next few hours were filled with constant shouting from your father and Florence. Naturally, they had a great deal to say about the contents of the home they could not take with them. It became your sole responsibility to ensure that the new tenants would not ever touch the tapestries or roses in the garden. You smiled in amusement at their audacity. How could they dictate what happens with property that can no longer be claimed? It made you all the more content that you would make the journey alone. Hearing their persistent boastful words of vanity can and is draining. Witnessing this behavior since birth is more than you can bear. 
Peace is all you desire. 
“I assure you that I will make their stay here unbearable,” you assured your father. “In no way can they ever be comfortable.” 
“Precisely,” he nodded his head. “We can’t have peasants tainting our home.” 
“One day we will return and I intend to see it just as it is now,” Florence stated confidently. 
There is no confidence that they would learn to manage their finances any better. However, perhaps a persistent voice of reason is what will set them straight. Lady Frances is the only one to take on that burden. And a major burden it is. 
“The carriage is waiting,” you motioned out the open doors. “It is wise for you to leave hastily as the new tenants arrive shortly.” 
At those words, they immediately rushed out the doors to leave you alone in the midst of the final touches. Truth be told you had no idea when the guests would arrive seeing as it was quite early in the morning. Since all of your personal belongings had already been put away, such as your books, you turned to entertainment from nature. 
Unlike the previous night, you intended to wander the garden to gaze upon the final blooms of the season. You were careful to trace your fingers along the petals in admiration. Every part of it offered a wave of comfort. When you failed to find solace between the four walls of your bedroom, you snuck out to these intertwined paths. The memories poured over you as every significant life circumstance was felt here. Slowly weaving through the bushes, you expressed your emotions wholeheartedly. 
This is one of the few qualities you will miss about this home. You grew up here. From birth and into adulthood…surely, it is difficult to part with the entirety of your existence. 
Nonetheless, life continues. 
You can only cling to what is good and hope to escape what is not. 
Slowly you began to circle back around the way you came when you heard footsteps beyond the towering gates. Normally this was an entrance specific to those who reside here. It is unlikely the new tenants would approach the backside. Although it still was best for you to check so that whoever it may be does not wait longer than what is acceptable. 
Once you turned the corner to the point you could see the gaps through the metal frame, you immediately captured a glimpse of something familiar — glistening armor. 
“Jeongguk?” You ask in confusion. 
Clearly it was him but a part of you still held an ounce of doubt. At the sound of his name he shifted on his heel to meet your gaze. 
“Y/N,” he whispered before taking a bow. 
“Is everything alright?” You pushed open the metal doors until you stood several feet away from him. “Are you…well?” 
Jeongguk’s expression shifted, “Forgive me, my lady. I couldn’t help but wonder…” 
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Wonder?” 
“About you,” he finished his sentence. 
The way he spoke those words had an effect on you. It wasn’t a grand feeling or an emotion to be worried about. Instead, it is a fluttering that you forgot existed. Years have passed since you last experienced anything remotely close. Perhaps it’s the longing for any ounce of love that determines your responses. 
It has been 5 years….sigh. 
Jeongguk sensed that this may come off inappropriately so he stumbled over his explanation. 
“It is uncommon for me to interact with any person aside from those I serve,” he adjusted his stance in an attempt to ease his nerves. “Running into you offered a different escape I found to be like a breath of fresh air.” 
“That is high praise,” you offered a smile. “I do thank you for your kindness…as well as your company.” 
His eyes possessed an innocence not due to the lack of anything, rather, to the appearance of eagerness for life. Being limited to the same duty in honor of your king can take a toll. From surviving the same routine to protect (when no serious threat takes places) it can be a rather lonely livelihood. 
On top of that, he was built like chiseled stone statues that filled the halls of nearly every establishment under your cousin’s reign. As odd as an comparison this may be…he truly is a sight that your sister would consider “swoon worthy.” 
Doubt still happened to plague your mind, “Is our interaction that significant? I would assume that I am more of an obligation than a celebration.” 
“Every woman should be celebrated,” Jeongguk answers with no hesitation. 
You couldn’t help but release a loud laugh. 
“Quite a charmer you are,” you slowly move closer. “I can’t recall the last time I was this flattered.” 
You vividly remember the last time you had been flattered to the point of burying your face into your palms. It was after church where you were determined to walk in the rain back home to avoid the ongoing bickering between your sisters. Unwilling to allow you to travel by foot alone, Yoongi accompanied you. 
The rest is history. At least, that is what you should be claiming it to be. 
“I do desire to ask you a question,” Jeongguk built up the courage to proceed with his original goal. 
“By all means, please do share.” 
“Would it be premature to ask that we share further walks together? This time due to our own free will and not based on chance.” He presented it cautiously so as not to alarm you. “If this finds you well, of course. I do not intend on making you uncomfortable.” 
Your expression fell, “I fear this cannot take place as I am unfortunately leaving this home. I’m awaiting the new tenants before I myself depart.” 
Disappointment consumed his entire being. You took note of how his shoulders fell just slightly. Even in such thick armor, you were able to catch a glimpse. 
“Would it be appropriate to communicate by written letters?” He then offered an alternative that would suit this change in distance. 
You eased into a smile, “It would be quite appropriate.” 
“May I inquire about your new home? Where shall you reside?” 
“About a day's journey up north, to Beacon Village.” 
“I wish you safe travels, my lady.” 
“Thank you,” you bowed your head. “I look forward to our conversations.” 
“As do I,” he felt an ounce of hope despite the disappointment he expressed. “I hope you feel welcome to inquire about whatever it is you wish to know.” 
“The same can be said for you.” 
Before anything further could be said you heard the bells ring as it is not official that the tenants have arrived. You look to the gate as Jeongguk mirrors your actions. Your time together has ended. 
“Until we meet again,” Jeongguk pressed his right hand over his chest while he nodded a proper farewell. 
Slowly he watched as you returned back through the gates. Now disappeared from his sight. 
No matter what, he still showed you honor. It is embedded in his system that cannot be erased after one interaction. Truly he does hope that the future is in your favor. Being able to converse with you will add a new dimension to his life. Never once has he had this situation but he could not silence his mind when it came to you. Goes to show that the longing is very much active. Although he doesn’t want this to be the deciding factor. 
Yes, he has never given his affection to anyone. Except now he believes there is a possibility (with time). He is riddled with worry about how to properly convey this. Thankfully, he has discovered how understanding you are. 
He has hope. 
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“This is beyond what we envisioned.” 
It is no surprise that they have fallen in love with what was once your home. They traveled through every room to gaze in wonder of its design. When you see it through another person’s perspective, you soon realize what it is you are losing. 
A part of you aches but another part of you is relieved. 
The couple who is so captivated are exactly as Lady Frances described — a hard working husband and wife who are responsible. Captain Andrew and Miss Adaline are beyond kind. You are thankful that these are the individuals who are now taking ownership. 
“I am delighted in your contentment,” you stand back as they proceed through the back doors towards the thriving gardens. “Is there anything else you wish to see?” 
“My dear,” Lady Adaline grasped into your wrists in a gentle embrace. “We have a lifetime to discover all these wonders.”
“Yes indeed,” Captain Andrew beams. “I can see us finishing our lives here.” 
You admired their relationship. How beautiful it is to grow with the one you wholeheartedly love. 
“Must you leave us so soon?” Adaline turns towards you. “We are expecting our cousin, Captain Yoongi, to arrive. A grand dinner in our new home is required!” 
Yoongi is coming back. After all this time…Yoongi is truly going to return from the sea. 
“I thank you,” you forced a smile. “Unfortunately, I think it is best I rejoin my family to ensure all preparations are fulfilled.” 
Adaline nodded in understanding, “We are grateful to you. All blessings for you and your family.” 
Captain Andrew then stepped beside his wife, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “May you have a safe journey.” 
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The journey was long as it was gloomy. Not once did the sun appear for a heavy rain formed shortly after your departure. You mindlessly gazed through the glass of the carriage as all kinds of scenery passed you by. Even through the heavy veil of droplets, you managed to see through the grey haze. 
When hidden in loneliness for such a long period of time, it reminds you of how loud your thoughts are. These thoughts intertwine with memories you had assumed were barricaded. Now that Yoongi’s name had been mentioned numerous times in the last few days…it’s natural for the past to return to either bring comfort or haunt you. 
The rain. Rain holds a fondness in your heart. 
“I beg of you to be careful,” Yoongi voiced his concern the second you ran ahead of him. 
“Is the great sea captain afraid?” You called back through laughter. “Fear not, I am indestructible.” 
You could feel the ocean breeze pinch at your skin the closer you came to the shore. Fresh hair filled your lungs with new life that couldn’t be put into words. Everything about this destination evolved into your favorite comfort. Yoongi knew this well as he attempted to bring you here whenever it was suitable. No matter rain or shine, you adored it. 
That is one of many reasons as to why Yoongi cherished you so. His lifestyle was not ideal for many due to being away for months at a time…and now that he has accepted the offer as Captain, it proposes even longer journeys. When he is with you, time moves slowly. He soaks up every second possible so that the future can be bearable in your absence. 
“Would you look at this,” you beamed. “Water is also falling from the heavens.” 
The wet sand felt freeing beneath your bare feet. You began to twirl in circles with your arms spread outwardly. For a moment you closed your eyes to savor the growing blossoming sensation in your chest. Slowly you felt yourself losing balance. Before you could fall, Yoongi was right at your side to catch you. His hands guided you by your waist through a gentle touch. He stabilized you. 
You finally ceased all movement to then meet his warm gaze. The proximity between you two resulted in a warmth spreading along your skin. 
“Oh,” you blurted beneath a whisper. 
He searched your eyes for a moment, “May I kiss you?” 
“Yes,” you answer immediately. 
Yoongi scoots closer until his chest presses against your own. He shifts his right hand to your cheek, not before trailing his fingertips along your frame. Tingles shoot down your legs to the point of quickening your breath at this. Never once has anyone ever caused such a reaction. 
He angled his head to the side, “You are everything.” 
In an instant he feathers his lips upon your own. You melt into his touch, perfectly molding your mouths together. 
Every fiber of your being ignited into a burning passion. This is all you desire. He is what you desire. 
The carriage hit what appeared to be a rock in the path. Everything shook to the point of tearing you back into reality. When you blinked rapidly you came to see distant structures. You were almost there at your new home. Excitement should flood your veins but it is merely disappointment. 
Why are these visions and thoughts troubling you so much? Could it be that you truly were still in love or are you simply lonely? There is a lot of conflict in your heart. 
A major concern is the intent with Jeongguk. Is there intent for something beyond a friendship? No one can quite place it when you have only interacted twice. For some, twice is enough to determine if they are meant to be (quite like for your sisters). You are not the same as them. 
Whatever the intent may actually be, in no way do you intend on leading Jeongguk to believe romance is a key factor. If you are unsure of yourself, why would you harm someone else? 
Jeongguk must know the reality of your heart. 
You are determined to make it a priority to write to him as soon as you are settled. 
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“You look awful,” Florence smirks. “At least I managed to maintain my looks.” 
“That’s the difference between you and I,” you removed your gloves. “I don’t have to maintain myself, it comes quite naturally.” 
Florence gasped, “Insulting to insinuate that I am the ugly one.” 
You grinned at her to further stir the pot when your father appeared to kill the mood, “Y/N, please fix yourself. We require a level of sophistication that is required of nobility.” 
“What nobility?” You raise an eyebrow. “We are forced from our home because you abused the sanctity of what was nobility.” 
“Our fortune is used to showcase our wealth,” Florence intercedes. “Can you not see the value in that? No longer will we bother to give to charity.” 
“Splendid,” you roll your eyes as you begin to step away. “I shall find my room to rest. Please leave your fortune at bay” 
You didn’t care to listen to any further bickering. There is a great deal that has transpired in the last few days to leave you bed ridden. Except you still had the energy to write to Jeongguk. 
Perhaps you were putting too much thought into it. Or maybe it was everything it was supposed to be. 
“Oh Y/N,” you bury your face into your hands. “Be cautious.” 
You took a seat at the writing desk that had been preserved over the journey for you to use. It was positioned beside the window where now it had turned into the night. The moon cast high in the sky to offer a blanket of soft light. For you it was not enough to see the paper, so you take out a candle and light it. 
Before you a flickering flame brought a wavering warmth. Slowly you reach for the ink to scribble any coherent sentences that come to mind. 
Dear Jeongguk, 
I pray that this letter doesn’t appear hastily on my end. I desire to make it known of my heart before you. Sincerely do I wish for us to form a friendship that is honest and pure. As it stands, I am conflicted with a previous love that has long been dismissed. However, I find myself facing waves of feelings that rekindle what once was. I am uncertain as to what that entails. 
He is not a part of my life in any shape or form. But that doesn’t mean traces of him are not present. 
These are my truths that I desire to share. If you wish to no longer proceed with our previous decision to communicate through this distance, I understand. 
Thank you for the honor of your protection and guidance from my foolish mistake. 
May you always be safe,
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Hey so AU where the lessons gradually slow down, become infrequent, and become... almost uninspired. The teachers seem more basic. The lessons feel like they're repeating.
At the same time, The Guys are feeling more lively, none moreso than Red Guy. As the teachers get weaker, their lessons get boring (still horrifying, but now it feels almost cheap), he's actually laughing full-on real laughs, not just scoffed chuckles. He's also yelling more, and he's just- more fulfilled. Like he's the one who's finally charged up.
And then the new teacher comes.
They're teaching about Teamwork. How sometimes you have to make sacrifices to help your team. How you have to give them your all. Your every piece of your very soul.
They keep focusing on Red Guy specifically.
They take them to other places, you know, the usual. Then they land in an Expanse. Nothing to see... but a checkered floor.
They sing about how it feels so good to apart of something bigger than yourself.
Other teachers begin to crawl out from the darkness.
Something is heard scraping across the floor, closer and closer.
The teachers are decrepit. They ignore Duck and Yellow Guy. They drag themselves closer, bleeding and leaving behind guts and parts and pages and everything, groaning and reaching out to grasp onto Red Guy. He's panicking, of course he's panicking, because the lessons don't usually get this individually focused and something about this feels familiar to him.
Out of the darkness is pushed a large notebook. The lines on the page jump off and grab Red Guy by the wrists, dragging him closer.
The teachers sings about how once you're on a team, you're always on the team!
Duck and Yellow Guy scream and sprint to tear the lines away as Red Guy has a pen shoved into his hand and his hand put to the notebook. The lines wrap all the way around his whole arms, up to his shoulders, and squeeze.
The teacher sings about how you always owe your team your blood.
As Red Guy is forced to just draw, as the other teachers around him groan out the words "Draw, ideas, give them to us, write, draw-" as he pours out everything he's got in his mind, the pen digging into his palm and using blood as ink and something is happening, his yarn is being pulled back and tangled in the ever-encroaching notebook lines and his face is exposed but it's peeling off in blood and meat but under the meat-lined felt there is a human face, half exposed with one wide terrified eye staring and the corner of a mouth set in a scream-
The teacher sings about how you always owe your team your tears.
He's crying out, he's screaming that he didn't make this he didn't do this he couldn't have done this he would never have made this and Yellow Guy and Duck are trying to kick away the decaying past teachers and free him, and the drawings and writings are taking shape, new teachers more interesting, more terrifying, more alive-
The teacher sings about how you always owe them your soul.
The page is filled and the floor vanishes. They all fall, and hit the tile of the kitchen with a BANG!
Duck and Yellow Guy groan. Red Guy slowly sits up, silent. The felt rolls back up on it's own, pasting back over the dull, half-closed human eye, hiding it once more under fabric and yarn.
"What on earth did they do to you?!" Duck squawks.
"He made more of them," Yellow Guy says slowly. "On the paper."
"But he didn't- he's not the one who-"
"What happened?" His voice is flatter than they've heard it in a long time now.
Yellow Guy begins explaining, long-winded and nigh incomprehensible but Duck nods along and interjects when he thinks it helps. Red Guy just stares at them, unmoving. Yellow Guy finally stops, panting, and they look at him.
He looks back with his eyes more unfocused than they've been in a long, long time. His yarn is tangled. His posture is slack. His voice as it comes out strike a cord in both of them, familiar but a memory neither can fully grasps.
Red Guy says, "That sounds really boring."
TL;DR is this ties into the Red Guy had a hand in making the show and then got trapped in it theory, they ran out of his original ideas for teachers and one popped in to force him to create more and it took away all the personality he'd developed over the years and put him back to how he was in the very original Don't Hug Me I'm Scared webisode.
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monstersdownthepath · 2 years
So what are the Velstrac?
Before we get into our impromptu Theme Month, how about we take a look at its subject?
The Velstrac, also known as the Kyton to most mortals, are the debased and detached rulers of the Plane of Shadow. As many know them, they are kidnappers, torturers, sadists, and madmen. In reality... this is almost entirely correct, though not without a sufficiently twisted reason.
The first of the velstrac were born from the debased and selfish thoughts of mortalkind, their appearance and mannerisms so disgusting and vile that the gods collectively agreed to chain them as deeply in Hell as they possibly could in a manner similar to how they handled their wayward Titans. Like all things shunned, imprisoned, and abandoned by the gods, though, they eventually broke free... or, depending on what accounts you believe, were freed by Doloras, Our Lady in Pain, or followed in the footsteps of Aroggus, one of their own, as he fled (though the current “accepted” theory combines both). They took up residence in the Plane of Shadow, called to it by the darkness... and, perhaps, the echoes of madness emanating from the prison of Zon-Kuthon, the god of pain, envy, and loss.
The velstrac’s presence in the Plane of Shadow does not predate Zon-Kuthon’s imprisonment, but they do predate his release quite considerably. Having been freed a mere 10,000 years ago, Zon-Kuthon has nonetheless quickly made a name for himself among the like-minded fans of torture and sadomasochism, establishing him as their greatest visionary in the arts of drawing screams from hapless victims.
But what are they?
Velstrac are artists
To know what they are, one must understand their drive: Unlike other Lawful Evil fiends (like the devils they share borders and towns with), the primary motivation for the velstrac as a whole isn’t conquest. Instead, they embody the Law in Lawful Evil via the enforcement of their will on the universe... their aesthetic will. In their own twisted ways, each velstrac wishes to create, but their chosen medium is living flesh, and they often create by destroying. As it goes, they quickly hit walls when it comes to butchering themselves into new and novel shapes, and turn their knives outwards in search of others to practice on. Whether it’s searching for a specific type of pain, finding the perfect pitch in their screaming, reshaping their mind with prolonged mental torture, or the reshaping of the victim’s flesh altogether, each velstrac wishes to bring terrible harm upon others until the others are transformed into something more befitting of the shadowy fiend’s tastes.
Velstrac are scattered
On an individual scale, velstrac rarely make long-term plans, preferring instead to chase their inspiration and hone their skills on whatever fools manage to catch their attention. They are largely isolated creatures, like daemons, each working on their own personal projects and collaborating only if their ideas cross over with one another. They possess a very loose hierarchy and no true government, though the highest echelons of this hierarchy is occupied by the Demagogues, whose works are entirely comprised of new and esoteric forms of suffering. They do not lead so much as hold sway over a large collection of fanatic fans, many of which hoping to impress their favorite artist, or play some part in their next project, one way or another. If anyone among this fiendish race is going to be concocting a century-spanning plot with world-shaking implications, it’s going to be a Demagogue hoping to unveil their new magnum opus or chase an avant-garde idea to its most destructive conclusion.
The most unified group of velstrac are the ones who serve Zon-Kuthon, working to increase their fel god’s power and influence in the worlds beyond their darkened plane and bring him souls to enact his depredations upon.
Velstrac are devilish
In many senses, the velstrac share more than hellish origins with the devils. They, too, transform mortal souls into more of their own through prolonged and excruciating torture, though they do so on a 1:1 basis, one of the few fiendish races to be able to do so besides the demons... were it not for the acceptable losses during the transformation process, assuring they don’t become as numerous as the demons have. Lacking the mechanisms of Hell to harvest souls for them, velstrac must seek out like-minded souls to undergo the hideous process of transforming them, and will go to any length to get such souls into the Plane of Shadow so no other afterlife can claim them... but because the depraved and masochistic are slated to become new members of their kind, that means they must go elsewhere to find materials to actually work with and hone their crafts.
Enter the shadowy bargains and mercenary work.
Like all Outsiders, velstrac can be called via magic or by frantic prayer. However, they can--and do--offer their services to sadists and monsters who can assure them a steady supply of flesh and blood to work upon, entering unofficial contracts they respect to the letter due to their Lawful nature (an especially enterprising velstrac may get a devil to pen the contract for them, enforcing it with Hell’s power). Poor and unfortunate captured souls are tormented in life and, if the velstrac has its way, long after their death, the horrors arranging for the gutted but still-living carcass to be transported to the Plane of Shadow so their brethren can pounce upon their soul the instant they finally die to continue their work, no longer constrained by the limits of flesh. This assures at least two souls: the victim, stolen from the cycle of souls, and the one who signed the pact, condemned to the Plane of Shadow to be transformed.
They possess physical similarities as well; like devils, silver is the most effective weapon against the velstrac. Silver weapons bypass their Damage Reduction, and the Regeneration possessed even by the least of their kind (necessary to survive the wounds they often and eagerly inflict on themselves) is suppressed primarily by damage from silver weapons, though most of them can also be harmed by Good-aligned spells and weapons.
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animehouse-moe · 9 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 6: Shibuya Incident 2
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I'm actually thoroughly surprised. It's a bit hard to explain, truthfully, but this episode does surprisingly well on the whole. But I suppose that is owed to the star studded staff that came out of the woodwork to work on this episode. Anyways, I won't spoil the fun, so let's get down to brass tacks before I let the cat out of the bag.
Mahito vs Kokichi. I would say I'm.... satisfied. Though I suppose that might be a bit of a crazy statement to make considering the fight. It's just... I'm not quite sure how to explain it. A lot of the added scenes were great, and it's not quite that they felt piled on, but that they weren't really put together well?
We got all sorts of crazy scenes and even a Gurren Lagann reference by the man himself. But how much is a pile of art worth, truly? How much motion, movement, shading can you imbue a moment with before it tips over the edge? I feel very strongly about how Vincent Chansard approaches animation with his OP cuts at times, and I just feel like that point's been reached with sequences here. I know, crazy thing to say, but it's just.... not quite lost the plot, but maybe the purpose?
Tengen Toppa Jujutsu Kaisen is cool, but it ignores the purpose of the original sequence in the manga. A do or die moment for Kokichi becomes a grand stand of overpowered individuals that stretches the fabric of the fight itself. Very Gurren Lagann in that sense, but this is Jujutsu Kaisen. I love the reference with Kokichi going on to stab Mahito, and I think Mahito drilling through to Kokichi is a cool change up. But the middle parts? While cool, end up excessive and misrepresented.
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It's the dangerous game of giving an anime powerup, that does have me concerned as to how fights moving forward will be handled. Mahito's powers are limited, and he himself expresses that in S1 with the weakness of certain forms. His fleeing from Kokichi (which was horribly marred with ghosting and dimming) expresses the limits of his abilities incredibly well while providing an insanely well done original scene to the fight. This last piece with Mahito vs Kokichi though? It pays no attention to the limits of Mahito's soul, or the rules of his abilities. It extends past the reason and fairness that Gege put in place to provide a grand stand in the end. Is it cool? Definitely. Do I mind it being in the episode? If you're a manga reader, not really. For anime onlies though? Gives the completely incorrect intention with the character.
For reference, this is all that happens during that whole break in sequence in the manga.
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Returning to the fight at large, it's pretty clear to see that the animation is carried through by a few of the key talents working on it. Not all sequences outside of the handful are terrible, but a good number lack any sense of pace or weight. I don't know if I'd be as harsh on them as I am if there weren't as many great cuts, but such is the way things go.
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So, once more to reiterate, I'm rather satisfied with this stretch of the Mahito vs Kokichi fight. Undoubtedly carried by the star performers, the fierce individuality brought by each can clash with both one another and the source material at times to make the fight more than a little challenging to follow. Certainly far better than what I was expecting though.
Though respectfully, what is this? The difference in the hands between the cuts is rather painful, and just the way it is in movement compared to the re-used cut of Mahito's initial domain expansion from season 1 makes it feel so wrong. The epitome of S1's flirting vs S2's sexual harassment.
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Talking the episode as a whole, before moving on to Shibuya itself, it was arguably the most consistent of the bunch we've gotten for season 2 so far. Sure, the lows stick out like even more of a sore thumb than before, but the highs are far stronger, and the character designs remain largely consistent throughout. I think my only complain is how out of place the background characters for Shibuya can look in comparison to how the actual cast is drawn.
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Like... I just don't really know what to say. Did they even try to match the art style? Even worse is the fact that when they're dealing with characters that did exist in the crowd, in the manga, they're able to style them properly? Like, the above image of the people in the crowd to this one, would you believe that they're from the same series?
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Aside from that, I don't really have any complaints with the rest of the episode? It's exposition heavy, but the character designs are surprisingly solid, with Kusakabe arguably being the best adapted from Gege's style. He is missing a lot of the real charm to his character that's expressed through his design, and much like Megumi his hair differs to the manga, but there's something about it that feels much more "right" than other first time designs. Does make me question just what went on with Yuko, Yuki, and the other characters who have been appearing for the first time through this season though.
Will say though, they've nailed the new cast of voices coming in. All have the right vibes and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they can do with their respective moments in the series.
This episode certainly has me less worried than all of Gojo's Past for how Shibuya will look. Gosso's involvement feels far less heavy handed, and while the individual freedom afforded by that may be detrimental at times, it feels like the far better decision for an arc like this. It won't be on Park's level, but I'm starting to think that there'll be potential, just have to see if things end up out of hand or not.
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corrupted-starcharts · 2 months
-{{ Corrupted Starcharts }}-
A No Man's Sky RP/Ask Blog following the journeys of a small collective of Travellers and their companions.
Character introductions and info under the cut, as well as a deeper dive into this blog as a whole. Please note that some liberties may have been taken with No Man's Sky's storyline and lore!
And hey! If you're a fan of NMS lore and OCs, why don't you come hang out in the World of Glass Lore Archive discord?
-{{ The Collective }}-
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-{{ Twin-Iteration: Raskol }}-
Pronouns: They/Them
Specialties: Cosmology, Language, Agriculture, Communications
-{{ Cosmologist // Phantom }}-
Raskol is counted among the universe's oldest Travelers. Around since the early days, they have lived more lifetimes than they care to count. Taciturn and a bit socially stunted, it was until very recently that Raskol largely kept to themself. They dip their hands into numerous projects and fields, but their work begins and ends with, well- the beginning and end of the universe. In fact, they are determined to see this universe to its end; Raskol is constantly fighting their body breaking down- they must find or build a new body before every 16th death, lest they risk being lost to the World of Glass indefinitely. Though known for being particularly grumpy, Raskol is attentive and protective to those they care for. And they're finally learning how to be more fun, to boot. It's probably the Nipnip. Particularly sensitive to the V̸͈͎͚̹̓̑ͅổ̷̯͎̍̇͠i̶̳͕̫̻̓̅d̵̡̹̮̹͚̒̾͝.
Interceptor Callsign: Purged-EVA
Commander of Vy'Keen Freighter CSV-16 Parhelion
Overseer of Korvax Settlement Humend's Crossing
Often settles on paradise, swamp, or dissonant planets
Fluent in Korvax, ATLAS, and Autophage
Runs a pirate radio station alongside Iteration: Onfim; Raskol typically broadcasts from the Isdoraijung and Eissentam galaxies
Cultivated a strain of Nipnip that will knock your boots off
Spent many lifetimes convinced they were a Korvax entity
Rebuilt Priest Yamazyv is their partner, they are more or less together again after millennia of separation
Difficult to anger, but their anger sure is terrifying
Took Iteration: Threnody under their wing, more or less "mothers" them
Raskol's Tags:
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-{{ Twin-Iteration: Onfim }}-
Pronouns: He/They
Specialties: Tech Development, Mechanics and Cybernetics, Piracy, Smuggling, Hacking and Data Siphoning
-{{ Hellion // Virus }}-
Onfim, by all accounts, is not supposed to exist. A fragment of a fragment, an iteration of an iteration. During one of Iteration: Raskol's stints in the World of Glass following a death in Odyalutai, a fragment of their soul broke away, later forming into its own separate and fully formed individual, spawned into a new universe of his own. His universe turned out to be incredibly unstable, however; and after being caught in a timeloop for... weeks? Months? Onfim found himself somehow shunted out of his own universe and into Raskol's. This transition was not a gentle one, and much of their torso and arms had to be rebuilt by Polo. Prone to reckless decisions, his body has ended up in need of constant repair and revision; a recent addition of an Atlas Terminal's panel to his heart casing may have been a mistake, but it's f̴̰̎̎ǐ̷͇̓̽ņ̴̻̖͇̌͊͘̕e̶̯̦͛̚͜. Capricious, fickle; a wonderful friend to have and a terrible enemy to make. Onfim is a social butterfly who never stays in one place for long. Known to be quite ruthless in piracy dealings but, at heart, he's just a goofy little punk.
Interceptor Callsign: Burning-Hellkite
Co-captain of Gek freighter CSV-22 Tresserhorn alongside Pirate Lord Agni
Overseer of Vy'Keen settlement Sajiru's Crossing
Settles on desert and radioactive planets; avoids extreme weather and storms at all costs
Fluent in ATLAS, Gek, Vy'keen, Autophage
Runs a pirate radio station alongside Iteration: Raskol; Onfim primarily broadcasts from the Euclid and Calypso galaxies
Iteration: Kestrel is his partner :)
Onfim's Tags:
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-{{ Iteration: Kestrel }}-
Pronouns: She/They
Specialties: Big-Game Hunting, Archaeology, Paleontology, History, Tracking and Survival
-{{ Historian // Cursebearer }}-
In her early years, Kestrel cared little for exploration and discovery. She was something of a big-game hunter, often contracted by various guilds for jobs tracking and hunting Titan Worms and Biological Horrors. Her hunting days came to an abrupt end when she was unknowingly hired to kill a Leviathan- an encounter she refuses to talk about. One by one, she watched her entire squadron go down as the creature rightfully defended itself. Kestrel's hesitance saved her- barely. A piercing song hit her ship, forcing all systems to fail and shut down, sending her crashing to her death. The song hit her brain, too, like a railspike through her right eye and ear, blinding and deafening her. As she recovered from her time in the World of Glass, Kestrel staunchly avoided her old life. Somehow, she found a taste for archaeology and paleontology, finding an appreciation for history, ancient things. Ruin excavation and treasure hunting can be a thrill in its own way.
Interceptor Callsign: Singing-Venatrix
Commander of Korvax freighter CSV-23 Dreadmaw
Overseer of Gek settlement Edostryo Water
Often settles on swamp and infested planets
Fluent in Gek, Vy'keen, and ATLAS
She is terrified of Living Ships, Organic Frigates, and the like; this includes Iteration: Threnody
Iteration: Onfim is her partner :)
She has fitted her right eye with a cybernetic replacement made from Atlantideum and Salvaged Glass; it serves as her analysis visor/scanner
Kestrel remains deaf in her right ear
Particularly fond of building bases within ruins
Kestrel's Tags:
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-{{ Iteration: Threnody }}-
Pronouns: They/It/She
Specialties: Astrocartography, Navigation, Divination, Music, Communications
-{{ Astrocartographer // Seer }}-
Only a Traveler in part, Threnody is the result of a glitch. When a Traveler and their Living Ship perished simultaneously, an error occurred upon their arrival to the World of Glass which merged the two entities: the Traveler's body with the Ship's soul- though the Ship did end up having some influence on their new body. Softhearted, incredibly emotional, and afraid of most things. Threnody largely keeps to themself, unless Iteration: Onfim insists on dragging them around. Threnody is still trying to figure out what their 'purpose' is, after a long time of guilt. They follow rather than lead, going wherever they are needed.
Interceptor Callsign: Forsaken-Harmony
Reluctant commander of Vy'keen freighter CSV-24 Whalesong
Overseer of Vy'keen settlement Yetrint's Eve
Prefers dissonant, exotic, and infested planets
Fluent in Korvax, Vy'keen, and ATLAS
Aside from Raider and Support crews provided by Onfim and Raskol, Threnody's entire fleet consists of Cosmic Megafauna
They have two sets of eyes; the second set is usually (mostly) closed, and when open, they expand Threnody's vision into the Infrared/Ultraviolet ranges
Threnody's Tags:
-{{ The Crew }}-
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-{{ Yamazyv }}-
Pronouns: They/Them
Specialties: History, Metaphysics, Religion, Cosmology, Cybernetics
-{{ Rebuilt Priest // Harbinger }}-
Yamazyv was a Priest-Entity who was among Korvax Prime's casualties at the hands of the First Spawn in Iteration: Raskol's universe. Left to fester and rot in the World of Glass for eons, Yama's resentment for the Gek, the Korvax who lived, the ATLAS, and the universe at large, only grew. With the Voidmother's resurgence, Yamazyv was given a second chance. Scraps of their shell found by Raskol during a tense stint in the Odyalutai galaxy, they and Iteration: Onfim worked together to rebuild the fallen priest. Brooding and vengeful, much of the crew is rather unsettled by the Rebuilt Priest, even Raskol- despite the love they hold for their old partner.
Interceptor Callsign: Little-Sister
Co-commands Iteration: Raskol's freighter, the CSV-16 Parhelion
Overseer of Korvax settlement New Esakure
Typically settles on radioactive, dissonant, or frozen planets
Fluent in Korvax and Autophage
Nearly killed Pirate Lord Agni during several of their first meetings, but now they get along almost too well
Yamazyv's Tags:
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-{{ Agni }}-
Pronouns: They/Them
Specialties: Piracy, Smuggling, Weapons Development, Sabotage and Demolition
-{{ Pirate Lord // Destroyer }}-
Agni was born into what was, at a point in time, one of the most affluential and high-rated trade families in their sector of Eissentam- until, that is, Agni brought the whole damn thing down themself, with the help of some particularly irate Vy'keen pirates. They've actually had numerous dealings with the Corrupted Starcharts gang- they were among old Iteration: Kestrel's hunting crew; the fact that they survived the Leviathan's retaliation is a feat they will take every opportunity to brag about, much to their old squadmate's dismay. When Kestrel could not be found, they returned to piracy, plain and simple, and met Iteration: Onfim. The two (now three, since Kestrel has been found) are thick as thieves, causing all sorts of havoc together.
Interceptor Callsign: Vile-Ironhand
Co-captain of the CSV-22 Tresserhorn, alongside Iteration: Onfim
Overseer of Gek settlement Linik's Eve
Usually prefers swamp or desert planets
Fluent in Gek and Vy'keen
Agni's Tags:
-{{ OOC Blog Info }}-
Hi, call me Shy or Crow! I'm the fella running this blog. My main is @blackcr0wking, and I have an art blog- @blackcr0wkingart - as well, some posts from which may end up in here. ;D
Anyway. I've been playing No Man's Sky on Playstation since release in 2016, and though I've fallen off of it here and there, it always pulls me back in. :'3 If you'd ever like to meet up/hang out in-game, feel free to shoot a message for my PSN and/or NMS friend code!
Posts on this blog are made both in and out of character depending on content as well as my energy levels at the time. In/out of character posts should usually be tagged as such (as long as i remember to do so); though I do also distinguish character posts by color, as follows:
》 Raskol's broadcasts are denoted by a deep violet.
》 Onfim's are marked by red-orange.
》 Kestrel's text is accented with teal.
》 Threnody's posts are marked with sky blue.
》 Yamazyv's broadcasts bear a deep, muted gold.
》 Agni's text is a dark olive green.
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And I think that about covers it, thanks so much for reading! Inbox is always open for questions and such, both in-character and out-of-character. :)
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gear-project · 5 months
Somewhat offtopic from Guilty Gear but do you consider BlazBlue to be a Cosmic Horror Story (aka Lovecraftian Horror)? It appears BlazBlue ticks a lot of the boxes and its cosmic horror nature is best shown with the reveal in Centralfiction that the original world (dubbed the Age of Origin) was actually destroyed by a war between humans and Prime Field Devices that gained sentience and Turned Against Their Masters, which can all be traced to humanity finding the Susanoo Unit and later the Amaterasu Unit after having dug deep into the Earth and wanting to explore the Boundary, and that the whole universe is at the mercy of a war between the Master Unit and Terumi, and Terumi was the cause of all of that, which goes to show how humanity was largely powerless against Terumi.
Aside the fact I technically answered a similar question and even compared it with Guilty Gear, the topics concerning what happened "prior" to BlazBlue and even Xblaze are still somewhat up for speculation, especially with how Dark War reinterprets several characters.
And we still technically do NOT know how Entropy Effect will interpret BlazBlue as well, though that in and of itself might just be an isolated spinoff, it's still ambitious to think it might contribute to the saga in its own ways.
Central Fiction itself reveals that the Azure itself is the point of Origin, not necessarily the Contact Mediums. It was that Boundary Power that created "Possibility" and "Sentience" in Machines (not unlike how Gears are created from Magic fused in bodies connected with the Backyard and eventually gained sentience, if not retained it themselves).
It would be more accurate to say that the Sankishin are man-made devices that Mankind created FOR exploring the Boundary but ultimately GAINED sentience from exposure to that Boundary.
You can parallel this with how the Universal Will was a created in the Backyard: an artificial body of information built to study and maximize Mankind's true potential but ended up mirroring Mankind's true paradoxical nature.
Terumi (as the Susanooh unit) is the result of a sentient being rebelling against their "true purpose" and desiring to carve their own purpose. In that regard, he is ironically more human than he would ever care to admit.
Even the Master Unit was bound to a "human purpose" and was very limited in how she could defy or rebel against that purpose or "directive". It took the Black Beast to organize a rebellion that could take away that purpose and give her true freedom from the shackles of Human Desire, even at the cost of its own existence.
Neither the Boundary nor the Backyard are necessarily something "deep underground", but rather a space outside the physical realm which they might partially define or comprise.
Even if most "Sheol Gates" are underground in BlazBlue's case... some of those gates have appeared in the sky far above as well (which is how Amaterasu manifested in Chrono Phantasma at one point).
As for how much of that you could define as "horror" or even of Lovecraft's influence is also somewhat debatable, as most of it more or less sets the "backdrop" of a story that isn't always defined by horror as a genre.
Just like you wouldn't say that the Backyard is entirely a "horrible place" just because someone like Izuna or even Slayer have lived there at one point, or even Bedman. It's just a place that partially "defines" what the world is... it isn't something all too Eldritch-like (even if it can sometimes create Demihuman and Horror-like traits in individuals).
As stated in the Boundary's case, though, the Azure itself embodies Possibility: just as that can create "dark possibilities", it can just as easily create "light possibility": Good Fortune, not always Bad.
I'd also make a comparison to Soul Calibur's Astral Chaos... a realm outside the physical that is pulled in both directions by both the Essence of Light (and potential Virtues) and the Pull and Allure of Darkness (and potential Desires). Neither value define the place, but they do largely influence it... much like the Flame of Corruption and the Scales of Juno once did.
Granted, some places DO cross dimensions like Lovecraft is fond of using as a plot device, but they do not always follow the same tropes as such works might be known for.
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dondon-patapon · 5 months
Observation Log 4: 1/14, 9:52 PM
Temp: 25 deg.
Weather: Overcast, heavy wind
Obs: More debris than normal blowing ashore, staying inside.
The cold is seeping into my bones. While the weather on this small corner of the universe has cleared up somewhat, the ripping winds defeating any and all attempts I made at bundling up. My bones stiffen; fingers gone numb in the span of crossing the small gap between my cabin and the lighthouse. Inside it wasn’t much warmer - stone walls offered little for insulation. Did little to restore my sore bones. And again, my numbing hands struggled to get the lamp lit. This has been a miserable week in that regard. The fineries of the equipment up here are still in clean working order, after all - it’s me who continues to rust and corrode.
As I warm my hands by the fire of the lit lamp, I’m left listening to the voices in the air outside, rushing by. Whistling of the wind as it buffets the lighthouse, rushing around and off into the distance. Echoing into the night. Have you ever been in a large crowd of people moving quickly? So many individual voices having their own separate, personal discussions, yet at a certain point of perception it just sort of… dulls. Fades into an indistinct mass of noise. 
I honestly kind of enjoy nights like these. It’s a nightmare to be out in, but from inside the energy gets the blood pumping. Keeps me alert, on my toes. You’re not getting any sleep with a parade outside your window, and you’re not nodding off with this wind out there. 
Where are they going, all those indistinct little fae? Rushing through this space, so far outside the bounds of normal universal traffic. Are they in danger, perhaps? Just migrating? Going to war, perhaps. Perhaps I’m overthinking this. The wind whistled shrilly, followed by a faint thud, seeming to agree with me.
A rattling from down below jolted me out of my imagination, soon followed by the faint squeaking of metal on wood. Hmm. What could be going on down there? Grabbing my toolbox, I made my way back down to the bottom of the lighthouse, the rattling getting louder all the way.
Yes, the tuft of cold air that greeted me got me up to speed real quick. This wind was putting the lighthouse door through its paces, rattling it relentlessly. The old hinges on this wooden relic were starting to come loose, I see. Fair enough. With a sigh, I set my sore bones to work.
I was never great with my hands, so to speak. Clumsy, blunt, and forward - I think I’ve mentioned this before. My strength was always with people. I just wanted to look after the kids I grew up with. Keep them close, make them smile, and all that. Offer them an ear when they needed it. Offer to punch out the source of their problems, when there was one. Tsuki always said I was obsessed with fixing people’s problems. I remember I pouted. She might’ve been right, but why’d she have to put it that way, huh?
I remember she giggled, and kissed me on the cheek. She told me she never said it was a bad thing.
Goddamnit, I miss her.
We were going to travel the world together. Now look at me, letting these days roll on by on the off chance our paths cross again out here, at the edge of the universe.
We had plans for our future, you know? Before everything fell apart. Before I left on this fruitless quest, if I can even call it that. I can’t bring myself to consider what could’ve been anymore. It’s just a dull ache that will never fade, one among many.
At least I could put those skills to use here, keeping this place functional enough for all the other lost souls unfortunate enough to be out this far.
I managed to liberate a bunch of torn-up books and letters, among other documents earlier. It’s a whole mishmash of the new mess of junk that’s washed up the past day or two, but it’s something. But for now, I should return to my post. Even with the hinges secure, it’s still uncomfortably cold down here.
Tsuki always said I was so comfortably warm. I wish that was still true.
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weepylucifer · 1 year
Hey I’m really sorry if this is a really weird thing to find in your Ask box, but I saw that you tagged a really nice gif of Hugh hugging Picard (and I’ll admit I haven’t seen the show because I can’t watch Hugh die), and you said that Picard let him die and that he said “He got what was coming to him.” Is that true? Please tell me it isn’t. I’m really sorry. I’ve been really attached to Hugh ever since I discovered him, and if Picard said that about a person who died trying to protect his whereabouts I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Well it was all very sloppily written, and not really doing Picard's characterization any favors, which is why I'm pretty confident in saying that I consider the writing throughout the Picard show to be largely incompetent. Like, the Hugh arc in season one was not intentionally written to make Picard look like someone who lets his friends die and then shrugs it off, this was all just a result of an uncoordinated writers room rushing through tying plot threads together with little deep thought about them.
What happened is this:
Picard teleported out of the Hugh situation to Riker and Troi's home, knowingly leaving Hugh and Elnor stranded with a bunch of dangerous Romulan cultists who want to kill them. Picard then spends the rest of the episode eating pizza and reminiscing with Riker and Troi and never even mentioning the two people he just left in a life-threatening situation (especially weird since such a big deal was made about Picard caring about Elnor earlier in the season). Hugh has to watch some of the former Borg he tried to rehabilitate from the Collective die because he refuses to reveal, indeed, Picard's whereabouts. Hugh gets angry about this and attempts to activate the dormant Borg cube they're on to fight the Romulan cultists, who by the by have been treating him and the other former Borg as subhuman scum for years. He gets stabbed and dies before he can do so.
Later, in the season finale, Picard hears about this. He says, "Poor Hugh, it must have taken appalling brutality to turn such a gentle soul to violence" and moves on with his day. So, he doesn't say "He had it coming", verbatim, but to me it kind of sounded like the implication was "Well, Hugh got violent, and so he was killed for lashing out. Eh. Too bad. Moving on,"
It unintentionally leaves us with this kinda gross messaging that if you stand up to systemic oppression, and your oppressors kill you, you were in the wrong for "turning to violence" and it's obvious that you can expect to be killed. Earlier in the season, Hugh and the former Borg were used to represent people who are ostracized, marginalized, looked down on, and even systematically slaughtered by everyone else in the galaxy for things they couldn't help (seeing as no one chooses to get assimilated by the Borg, the crimes of the Borg are no individual former drone's fault, they are victims, not monsters). This concept of Borg rehabilitation was huge and felt like an amazing step forward in the Star Trek universe! My favorite part of the show by far! But the writers had no idea what to do with this sideplot and clearly had bitten off more than they could chew. This is such a huge concept with so much potential that it could well be the focus of a whole show, but they burned the idea on a side-plot in a season that was actually about androids. So they had no idea how to tie this plot up and therefore ended it in the worst way possible: with everyone involved dying for no reason and none of the main characters caring about it at all. So yeah
Basically the way he's characterized in this show made Picard go from my favorite captain to "fuck this bald bitch" so... I'm trying my best now to just ignore that the whole show exists
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