#mk1 au
sonicanvas · 1 day
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MK1 AU where everything is the same, except Nobunaga Oda is Kenshi's ancestor and Syzoth strangely reminded him of the first time he met Yasuke.
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fffrost · 7 months
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Reiko au Post!! (Also a random Bi Han sketch I didn’t finish)
The basic synopsis of this au is that Reiko is good! He ends up working against the rebellion that he was once part of, after he comes to the realization that there is No honor in hurting the people he swore he was fighting for. He ends up working alongside the royal sisters, redeems himself, and over time works his way up through the ranks until he becomes Kitana’s second in command! They grow close and trusting of each other.
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takesfew · 7 months
Johnshi swap au!
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Inspired by @ghostherlig swap au fic (which you should definitely read) I made my own swap au boys in my interpretation! I went for more of a “circumstances” swap
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shugarrdog · 3 months
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I listened to music and came up with an idea for an au, where Lao would join Lin Kuei and leave Raiden, I couldn't help but draw Railao angst
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niku30 · 6 months
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Here’s a small comic based on a scene Emma and I talked about two days ago, featuring Shang Tsung and Wo Shen ( @emmacreatures ‘s MK fan OC ) in a domestic setting.
If there’s one thing I’ll always love it’s showing characters that are known to be endlessly evil in vulnerable and personal situations that they so not usually share with anyone - it adds so much depth and makes them so much more human.
We HC that Shang Tsung enjoys pampering himself for hours on end - and that he cares a lot about his appearance in general. He does it because he simply enjoys it, but deep down the desperate hope of genuinely being admired and loved by someone might also be involved. However that is a side Shang Tsung does not easily reveal to just anyone…
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biiguru · 5 months
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So… this is how it begins. It's pretty sloppy, but I made it quickly, so I just wanted to make it a bit more presentable. A peek into the future of Chaosrealm!😵‍💫💚
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sugamehhq · 5 months
His Angel (Johnshi)
Quick things before you indulge;
This is an au I've started working on where these characters are placed in a world of demons and angels. For this specific story part, a process known as "marking" or "claiming" is done.
In the realm of demons and angels there are rankings. The higher your rank, the more privileged you are. Anyone who falls in the 7-12 range are not lucky people. The only way to climb in the ranks is either by someone above you dies, or by a higher up claiming you as their own (with consent). The marking/claiming process can never be done without consent. An action of consent is required to begin the process.
In Johnny's case, he was born a rank 12. Being a rank 12 means he's been treated poorly most of his life. Of which leads me to say CW/TW for mentions of Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault. Please stay safe!
(Art is included at the end for visuals :] )
“Remind me why you’re here again,” Johnny stated, avoiding Kenshi’s gaze.
The demon was a little confused by the sudden request, but complied, “I wanted to spend time with you.”
“Right,” the angel fidgeted with his fingers, “and why is that?”
Kenshi sighed, “I’ve told you already. I enjoy your company, you’re comforting to be around.”
He paused before asking a question, “Do you not enjoy our time together?”
The angel’s brows furrowed as he searched for an answer.
“Would you prefer I leave?”
“No,” Johnny replied quickly, “I’m just confused is all.”
Kenshi raised an eyebrow before placing himself by the angel’s side. His hand gently took Johnny’s, the other’s small wings moving to cover his face.
“If I may ask,” the demon spoke softly, “what’s confusing you?”
Johnny hesitated, his hand accepting the demon’s touch while he thought how to word his concern.
“Who told you about me?”
His voice was gentle, but rough enough to get the point across. He felt this wasn’t genuine. That Kenshi was sent to keep watch over him for something worse, that there were no real feelings. The fear in his mind was making it hard to see the truth. Johnny was aware there was some connection. The demon had spent months visiting, doing everything he could to protect his lower rank self, showing him respect, bringing him gifts, and yet there was still the strong feeling of it being too good to be true.
“I’m not sure I’m following.”
“If you’re just here to use my body for satisfaction, then use me. There’s no need to butter me up for months if that’s all you want.”
Kenshi’s heart hurt knowing that thought has been stuck in the other’s mind for months, yet all he could do was repeat the same thing over and over, hoping one of these days it would get through that horrid road block in the angel’s mind. He found himself standing in front of Johnny, gently pulling his feathers from his face, revealing an expression of fear yet acceptance.
“Starlight, look at me,” the demon placed his hand against the other’s cheek, “there’s no need to be afraid of me.”
Johnny’s lower lip twitched as he fought back tears.
“You know that, and I know you’ve been through a lot, but please don’t be afraid of me,” Kenshi wiped the singular tear that fell, “I’d rather die than ever think of hurting you in such ways.”
The angel’s hand shakily met the demon’s wrist. His eyes closed, allowing the tears to fall.
So Kenshi continued, “A close friend of mine told me about you, how you’re a good person, that you don’t deserve what you’ve been through, so I came to see for myself. I started spending more time here than in my own territory. It occurred to me that you really are something special.”
The demon hesitated, his words feeling way too corny for himself, but he chose to keep speaking his mind.
“I grew fond of you. I’ve wanted nothing more than to bring you up from this hellhole, not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because I truly fell in love with you, and I want you to see that. So, over the last few months, I’ve tried my best to prove myself to you. I’ve brought you things I thought you’d enjoy. I respect your wishes. I avoided anything you disliked. I wanted to make you feel safe and give you a safe space. I’ve grown territorial of you. I want to protect you. I-”
The demon’s mind went blank. He had so much more to say, but couldn’t figure out how to word it. It sunk in that he admitted to the fact of wanting to claim the angel, take him as his lover. His mouth hung open, slight nerves settling in his gut as he waited for a slap in the face, assuming the angel would think he was crazy.
How many people have told him the same thing, only to turn around and hurt him for no reason at all? What he did just now, he was probably no better than the other disgusting demons that tried to get a taste of Johnny.
A laugh entered the air, a song the demon would kill for just to hear again.
“You’re so blunt,” Johnny laughed.
Kenshi’s face relaxed, assuming he didn’t mess up his words.
“Not blunt, honest.”
Johnny pulled Kenshi’s hand away from his face, squeezing it in his other hand. He admired the claws of the demon, the color of his skin, how rough yet soft his touch felt, the jewelry that adorned his arm. His eyes trailed up to his shoulder, chest, opposite arm, back to his chest, to his feet, and finally up to his blindfolded eyes. Kenshi stood still, his posture stiff in fear he was presenting himself wrong, which earned another laugh out of the angel.
“You’re trying too hard for someone like me,” Johnny smiled, wondering what his eyes looked like under the cloth.
“I beg to differ,” Kenshi sighed while relaxing his shoulders.
Johnny continued to laugh at the demon. Even if it was to make fun of him, Kenshi enjoyed the sound.
“So, run that by me again,” Johnny spoke, “what’s this about love?”
The demon’s tail twitched nervously, but he obeyed, “I said I fell in love with you.”
“Right,” the angel leaned closer to the other, his voice softening, “and what did you say you wanted to do?”
“Bring you up from this hellhole,” Kenshi replied automatically.
Johnny smiled, taking in Kenshi’s features once more.
He really did love this demon. So why should he feel guilty about this? Kenshi himself just stated he loves him, but that word doesn’t mean anything when you’ve been told all your life how loved and beautiful you are, only to be used and thrown around like a damn toy. 
Even still, Johnny followed his heart. The angel planted a soft kiss on the demon’s cheek. A silent way of inviting the demon into his heart.
Kenshi was hesitant, his heart grew louder, his tail swishing slowly behind him. Was he really allowing him into his life? Was all his hard work finally paying off? 
“Johnny,” Kenshi whispered in awe.
“Are you sure?”
The angel froze. Did he mess something up?
“I-I mean are you okay with me. Are you sure you’re okay with it being me?”
“Kenshi,” the angel placed another kiss on his face, “I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else.”
The demon’s lips broke into a smile, his heart pounded in his ears. He could only imagine how stupid he looked at that moment. His head fell against Johnny’s shoulder, his arms embracing him.
“You do know it’ll hurt like hell, right?”
Johnny sighed, “I’m sure I’ve felt worse.”
Kenshi cringed at the statement. Both for what it implied as well as the idea Johnny might be overlooking how painful a marking for them would be. Regardless, if Johnny was okay with it then he’d gladly deliver.
The demon lifted his head, taking the angel’s face in his palms. His lips found the other’s, testing the waters. He gave Johnny the opportunity to back out, but the angel returned the kiss.
His left hand gently trailed its way down to Johnny’s right hip, where his initial “12” mark was exposed. As if staged, Johnny’s left hand found its way to Kenshi’s exposed back, his finger tips grazing over the demon’s “3” mark. With a consenting kiss and connected marks, their palms began to glow, signaling the start of the marking process.
The two stood together, hands grasping at each other’s marks. It took about a minute for the pain to creep into the angel’s muscles. A burning sensation ran down his thigh to his knee. While Kenshi remained unphased, Johnny’s leg started to shake lightly.
Pulling away from the kiss, he rested his head against Kenshi’s shoulder, a hesitant growl resonated from his throat in response to the pain. As another agonizing minute passed, his knee started to give out, the only thing keeping him from falling over being Kenshi’s hold on his hip.
“Use your other hand,” Kenshi spoke, his voice ever so slightly shaking, “you can hold my arm.”
Without thinking, Johnny did as told, his right hand finding Kenshi’s upper arm. His fingers dug into the underside of his arm. The pain from his hip spread to his side creating a combined feeling of a horrific side stitch alongside a massive leg cramp. 
In an attempt to mask the pain for the other, Kenshi returned to his prior position in providing a kiss. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for Johnny to pull away again. He tried to speak, but the pain took his breath away, though Kenshi could tell what he was trying to say.
“You’re alright,” Kenshi sighed in an attempt to combat his own aches, “I’ve got you.”
The angel rested his forehead against the demon’s in an attempt for comfort. Having been in immense pain for about three minutes, all he could do was stand there and listen to the other’s calming words until the pain subsided.
After an agonizing four and a half minutes, the pain started to dissipate. Johnny’s body collapsed on itself, all his energy had been used connecting his energy to Kenshi’s. The demon’s hands immediately moved to embrace the other, guiding him to the ground safely. While the process was draining for both of them, it wasn’t nearly as bad for Kenshi as it was for Johnny.
The angel struggled to keep his eyes open, fatigue catching up with him almost instantly. As his eyes closed, Kenshi laid him on the ground comfortably so he could rest.
As much as Kenshi would’ve loved to take a nap as well, he dedicated himself to staying by his partner’s side, keeping watch for any suspicious higher ups. Fatigue wouldn’t stop him from protecting the angel at all costs.
As the angel opened his eyes, he felt disoriented, like his world was on a tilt. He blinked a few times trying to take in his surroundings, to understand where he was and what happened. He felt a sense of fear being unsure of where he was or who was around him, but that slowly ceased as his mind registered the gentle messaging of his hip.
Kenshi had found himself instinctively brushing over the mark on Johnny’s hip, a way of comforting the other. He wasn’t sure how much it actually helped, but he did it anyway. The demon waited for a bit to eventually speak.
“How do you feel?”
Johnny hummed in response, still tired.
“Is this helping?”
The angel nodded, the comfort he felt from the other’s touch kept him from seeing the world upside down. Kenshi huffed in response, acknowledging the silent request to keep at it. 
As Johnny slipped in and out of sleep, Kenshi grew tired. He too wanted to rest from prior events. The next time Johnny opened his eyes, Kenshi asked if he could move them to somewhere more secluded.
“Can you stand?” Kenshi asked while helping the other sit up.
“Mm, doubt it,” Johnny shook his head, barely able to lift himself up from the ground originally.
It was a little worrying the effect marking the angel had, but Kenshi pushed his concern aside in favor of picking the other up. He lifted Johnny into his arms, noticing his leg was still stiff, he quickly moved to somewhere more hidden, somewhere that he wouldn’t have to worry about anything happening to his angel.
It didn’t take long for the demon to join the other on the ground. Without any sort of bed, the floor was just barely tolerable, but for a fatigued pair such as them, it was the comfiest thing in the world. 
Having been newly bonded, Johnny joining Kenshi in being a rank 3, the two settled for cuddling each other for a while. They’ll save rank discussion and their future for a later date.
Right now, the only thing that mattered was the fact that Kenshi’s goal was met. He had saved him.
His angel.
Some extra details to think about:
Markings hurt for every pair that consents to one. For Johnshi their marking is the most painful one of the list of character's I have.
Pain of markings is basically like a cramp in your muscle.
Receivers' markings can be found in three places: Their hip, cheeks, or their necks.
Givers markings can be found in three places: Their back, chest, or stomach.
Markings are extremely draining, specifically if the rank distance is large like Johnshi's was. (Johnny had to sit through four and a half minutes of burning pain as his mark switched through the nine stages of ranks before ending at Kenshi's rank 3.)
When bonded with another being, your energies are tied to one another. You can feel what the other feels, comfort them by touching their mark, and overall, just feel closer to your other half.
Angels and Demons all have three types: Angels can have white wings, brown wings, or black wings. Demons can have spiked wings, pinched wings, or rounded wings. (There's more to this, but I don't want to make this too long.) Johnny is a lower-ranking brown wing while Kenshi is a higher-ranking spiked wing.
Ranks also determines the kind of jewelry a person would own. Kenshi's on the higher end, so he possesses golds. Johnny originally being the lowest rank of 12, he possessed bronze.
Kenshi's whole goal in this au was to bring Johnny up from a rank 12 to a rank 3 to keep him safe, of which clearly, he won.
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Here's some art to give you an idea of what this looks like :))
@s-icarus-hofmann designed their outfits ! Everyone thank them for the help :))
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!
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litllehrt · 5 months
redraw of my first mk post
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This is a redesign of my au hanzo cuz i thought he looked bad in my first art
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jellyjays · 4 months
MK1 Whiplash AU
yeah, i'll think of anything, won't i....
anyways yes i'm talking about the whiplash with jk simmons. the jazz movie. the parallels between andrew / fletcher and reiko / shao was too much for my brain to handle.
to be truthful, the thought that led to this AU was "reiko would be a fucking incredible jazz drummer i feel it in my soul" and then i thought about whiplash and then i exploded.
so uh. more under the cut?
so to outline this AU:
reiko was orphaned at like 8/9. the foster system is kinda fucked, and he lashes out constantly at the foster parents who try to help him, scared and alone and traumatized from seeing his parents' death. he gets placed in a halfway house for 'behavioral issues' and it just so happens that this halfway house has an old drumkit in the basement. it's somewhat rudimentary, but it has everything you might need.
reiko, with no other option, sits at the thing one night and picks up a pair of sticks laying around. and from then on, that's his outlet. he relies... heavily on it. it's every waking moment that he's not in school or sleeping or eating. he's at the drumset, practicing. playing over the songs in the vinyl collection, playing over the songs in his ipod. every bit of music he can get his hands on, he's playing over it, mimicking what the drummers he can hear do.
the vinyls in the basement are all old jazz. a wide arrangement of it, from blues to latin to bossa nova to new orleans parade, but it's all jazz. that's what he grow up with, on, that's his formative influence. buddy rich, jo jones, art blakely, tony williams-- the drummers on these old vinyls are his heroes.
by the time he's in high school, his 'behavioral issues' have toned down massively-- he is largely fine. as long as you don't separate him from the drumset. he hasn't moved from the halfway house-- protested STRONGLY at being separated from both his drumset and the vinyls. by protested strongly i mean he nearly attacked some people over it.
when he's in high school, he joins the jazz band freshman year. he's in it every year until graduation.
this story starts, though, when a guest clinician-- dr shao kohn-- shows up to work with the band in reiko's sophomore year.
dr kohn teaches at the local community college, but is highly regarded across the country. he's professor of jazz studies and director of the highly prestigious auditioned jazz ensemble at this community college.
upon seeing the INCREDIBLE talent and potential of reiko during that clinic at the high school, shao invites reiko to come join the jazz ensemble at the college. he's young, but if he can make time in his schedule for it next school year, he'd get the chance to really challenge and prove himself.
reiko does. and starting 1st of august that year, he's giving his early mornings and late evenings to rehearsals with this ensemble and individual lessons with dr kohn. he's giving everything he fucking has to this band, and it shows. he's improving at rates he never had before, he's better than most college players doing this for a career.
and shao keeps pushing for more. and reiko keeps striving to fucking give. more, more, better, better.
to be truthful, he would probably be failing all his classes if it weren't for raiden, the only kid other than maybe kung lao who'll put up with him at school. raiden tutors him in the subjects he's falling behind in (all of them really) so he doesn't get held back or something.
all the while, shao pushes reiko for more, better. he's never satisfied, and that is not acceptable in reiko's eyes. he's never had someone he wanted to impress before, an adult he actually cares for the opinion of. and fuck, does he find he cares. he cares a lot. he's trying so hard to meet expectations, he's falling apart at the seams.
i don't know how i'd want this whole thing to end, but. i hate shao and i like happy endings so. shrug.
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xylomilo · 5 months
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AU where instead of going to Orderrealm, Rain goes to Earthrealm and somehow scores a date with Raiden
I might make more lore of it…. Maybe. It’s called “human” rain au btw.
Picture descriptions in alt!
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chadillacboseman · 7 months
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Nobody tagged me, I just wanted to do this lol. This is part of the MK1 AU, featuring @thesingularityseries OC, Kate, and my OC, Alex.
"You are not my Alex," Kate feels the energy swell within her chest, threatening to become an all-consuming fire.
"Your Alex is weak. A pathetic, powerless mercenary. I am what he could have been," the black-clad warrior clenches his fist and small balls of fire erupt from his knuckles, dancing along the gloved surface before detonating in the air.
Kate lunges, her body vibrating with radiation, furious at the imposter's words. He's quick- quicker than her Alex, dodging the blow and sending a hard, explosive fist into the back of her head.
Kate thuds to the ground and skids a few feet, leaving shallow currents in the dirt in her wake. Before she can recover and roll to her feet, a hard foot lands on her back, shoving her back down into the gravel.
"Fuck...you," she spits and he laughs; it's a cold sound, devoid of any mirth.
"I'll pull that core from your chest," Alex hisses before driving his foot harder into her back, "But first I'll make you suffer."
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ghostat7am · 7 months
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Posting this because I'm actually proud of it
Been making a Mortal Kombat au with my friend with our characters! Hers is Johnny and mine is Kenshi.
Redrawing of this page from Trigun
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arcana-shipper · 8 months
MK1 Kuai Liang and Loogamon
Yeeaaaah, have to switch out the ice dragon with a eventual fire wolf thing. Although, now Bi-han's Gabumon got a wolf brother so...that's a plus.
Also, yes it's an X Digimon but hey, deserves a special Digimon. So without further ado...his partner.
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Fusamon Level: Baby I/Fresh Type: Slime Attribute: None
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Bowmon Level: Baby II/In-Training Type: Lesser Attribute: None
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Loogamon Level: Child/Rookie Type: Demon Beast Attribute: Virus
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Loogarmon Level: Adult/Champion Type: Demon Beast Attribute: Virus
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Helloogarmon Level: Perfect/Ultimate Type: Demon Beast Attribute: Virus
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Fenriloogamon Level: Ultimate/Mega Type: Demon Beast Attribute: Virus
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niku30 · 6 months
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I love them so much you don’t understand… They’re so attractive together !!!
Wo Shen ( top / MK1 fan OC ) belongs to @emmacreatures 🧡
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biiguru · 5 months
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Shortly after the first creature was found, another one followed after! Upon returning home from some collapsed ruins in Seido, Darrius finds another demonic baby that was born into Chaosrealm!🖤
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marziethepan · 5 months
i know this may sound weird but like. with all the AUs ive seen going around. what if
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