#imperium spoilers
teasandcardigans · 2 years
imp!lasko could have just used psychokinesis to like idk unlock the door but no! no, this man decided that suffocating the freelancer was by far the easiest plan
don’t get me wrong i loved it but my man think smarter not harder
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angel-shaw · 2 years
This isn't a continuation technically but i guess it is. I am taking @dollscircus (tumber) StraightFowardIdiot (Ao3) work with yandere Sam, and building off that idea:3
TW: any that come with the imperium really. Darlin is mean to Sam, Sam loves it. Mention of torcher, malnourishment and other such things. (It’s only for a short while and they are ok)
Lemme know if I missed any trigger warnings and I will add them:3
Sam was enjoying his new title. King Samuel Collins. It suits him quite well. With his new found power he had been thinking back, thinking back to when he had no power. When he was forcefully turned and forced to start turning other people. He hated himself and Alexis for it all. He only had one good thing during that time. And that one thing was his darlin.
A wolf who found him exhausted on the street one day after he turned more than one person. He was going back to where he stayed but collapsed on the side of the road. His darlin had found him unconscious and took him back to their place. Why? He never got to find out. They took care of him well he was sick, then kicked him back out. After that he started to watch them. Closely. Every second he could he spent looking at and watching them. They hated him, or at least they acted like it. One day Sam helped them after he found them injured, and he just never left after that.
They were rude and unkind to him but he never held it against them,because he loved them.He knew something happened to them and he would wait more than an eternity to find out. Over time they started to at least start to trust him. He still went to his work and still turned people but he always went back to them. His darlin was mad a lot, he couldn't blame them, not with what he heard them muttering about under their breath. They hit him and yelled at him alot, but they also wined out his name at night when the nightmares got too bad, they found him blood just in case until he was freed and named a mass maker, then they just brought him blood to feed on. They took care of him the time when he got blood drunk off of spoiled blood.
They hated vampires, that never changed, they trusted one and he not only hurt them but the people they cared about, they were not going to trust another so easily. He didn't ask about his darlins past when he was with them, he knew they didn't want to talk about it, but he regrets it now. He regrets not asking about themselves more. There is nothing to do about it now, all he can do is look back on the times they had together. He remembers back to the first time they showed him affection. They tied him up in their basement, nothing other than the chain and ropes on him. They left him there the entire day with a blindfold on and then took him to the moon once they got back.
Sam blushed lightly at the memory, he remembered that night extremely well. It was after he became a mass maker. It was their form of celebrating him. They obviously didn't like Sam turning people, it was why they had such a hard time around him, but then he was free. They were happy that they finally had him. He might have been called a yandere but they were just as obsessed over him, and he loved that feeling. He would do anything for them, he still would. But he would never have the chance to listen to them again, not hearing them quietly talking in the few quiet moments they had shared together, not them barking directions or orders at him, not even their small wines he had a love-hate relationship with. Never again would he be able to hear them, because the same bastard that made them hate vampires, killed them. He killed them and their alfa in a fight, taking the one damn thing that made this damned world worth it.
Sam rose from the statin sheets he was lying in, he could feel tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes. He rubbed his face, ridding it of any signs he was about to cry. He threw off the blanket and kicked his feet from his new bed. The bed that was fit for a king. The old king that slept in it, now locked in a separate room, not too far from where Sam was but far enough. He didn't regret turning the old king and taking his place, for all he cared he too could be held accountable for his turning, Sam saw it fit that he was responsible for Damien’s . Not to mention that Sam found it absolutely disgusting how he treated his old concert, and how stone cold his face was when they were executed. Sam didn't understand how someone could watch the person they were meant to love and cherish above all else be executed so willingly.
He got out of the bed, shaking his head as if to shake away the thoughts he was having. He picked it up after months of living with his Darlin, watching them do it whenever they got upset with a pack member and even him later on in their dysfunctional relationship. Sam shook his head harder, before walking over to his (giant) closet, pulling on some pants and a shirt. The clothes were soft, a lot softer than his old wardrobe. He was largely able to fit into Damiens old clothes but he liked his style how he had it.
Sam walked down the halls, the tapping of his heels echoing through the walls. He stopped in front of his news progeny door. Opening it slightly to look inside. He was met with his progeny’s progeny sleeping on the bed he didn't care to take out and his actual progeny laying on the ground, not asleep but just laying there. He didn't care to ask why, instead just closing the door once more and continuing to walk. Sam didn't know where he was walking in honesty. He didn't know the place fully, he hadn't taken the time to look around yet. He suddenly felt a sharp feeling stab at him, not physically, no it was something else. He didn't know what, it went as soon as it came yet he still turned around quickly. His eyes locking on a door he knew led to a dungeon.
He walked back to it, slowly putting his hand on the doorknob. He took a grounding breath. Why was he so nervous? It made no sense, he was the strongest person here. But what he felt didn't feel like he had to fight, it felt different, it sparked something protective in him. Like how he felt when he gained feeling for his Darlin. As soon as he realized the feeling he threw open the door and rushed down the stairs. This place should be empty. Even if there were people down here when he took over they would be dead by now, if anything because of starvation. As he walked he could see a dull light in the distance. He looks into each cell briefly as he passes, each one empty.
Until he sees them. Curled in on themselves breathing softly,shalowly. He stops, he can see the body shaking, whoever it is is covered in dirt and muck. He can smell dried blood. It isn't till a few more seconds passes that he recognizes the smell of the blood. “D-Darlin?” he whispers softly in disbelief. The figure in the cell gasps and holds its legs closer to their body. Sam tore open the cell door and rushed in. He didn't touch them, but he wanted to. “Hay, Darlin, is that really you? Oh gods please tell me it's you” He whispered softly. Darlin sniffled and slowly moved their head so they could see him. “S-Sam?” God they sounded broken. “Ya, ya Darlin it's me. You're going to be ok, can I touch you?” he whispered. After a second of a disbelieving staring Darlin crashed into Sam, Throwing their arms around him. He held them back, he could feel how weak they were, he could feel how much thinner they were, their strength all gone. Sam let himself fall back when they collided, just holding them as they sobbed into him.
They stayed like that for a long time. He couldn't feel any tears, they must have been down there, trapped for a long time. Soon darlin pulled back, looking at sam's face. “Sammy….I've missed you so much…how did…how did you find me…” Their voice was small and strained, it sounded like it hurt them to speak, nothing like the strong study voice he adored so much. “It's all right darlin, I'll explain what's been happening. Let's get you out of here first.” He continued to speak quietly. They nodded sharply and he curled his arms around them, picking them up as if they were going to brake, and to be fair it felt as if they would.
Sam stood up slowly, feeling them in his arms. They were so light… He felt them still shaking and their breath still ridged. He walked slowly back up to the halls, making sure he didn't shake them much as he went. He continued back to his room, opting for that over the medical room he didn't know the exact location of. He passed his progeny’s room but did not stop this time, heading to the largest room in the place. Once he reached there, he lightly set Darlin down on the soft sheets. “Hey Darlin, you're safe now. I've got you” he whispered sitting next to them. They smiled weekly, reaching out their hand to close it around his.
It wasn't until he knew they were asleep that he left their side. He quickly got food for them, as well as a healer he had made friends with before he became a mass maker. The healer healed darlins wounds as much as they could, there were a lot of new scars that made sams teeth hurt. He wanted to rip apart whoever made them. After the healer was done they told Sam that they were extremely malnourished and dehydrated, as well as very weak physically. Sam didn't know what happened to them and he couldn't help but worry, he was told they were dead, how they were alive and why they were in the dungeon. He would get all those questions answered when his darlin was ready and he didn't know how long that would take.
Once Darlin woke up Sam was at their side. Telling them that a healer came in and took care of what they could. Sam held them in his arms as he fed them small types of food. Before picking them up and taking them to his bathroom to run them a nice shower and bath. He could tell they were embarrassed by the small blush on their cheeks but they leaned into his soft touch. He wasn't expecting them to do so, not with how they used to act, he knew they were getting better but this was an entire new level, they were leaning into him because they finally felt safe for the first time in however long. It broke his heart. Once they were clean Sam ran a bath and sat behind them as they rested on his chest.
“Sam…” They whispered, scared to break the peace they just got back. “Yes darlin?” Sam replied in a soft but normal volume. “What happened..I know you must have questions about me but I….I don't want to talk about it…yet at least.” Sam kissed their head, their hair was a lot thinner than what they used to have but he would make sure it would be back to what they once had soon. “Of course darlin, you don't have to talk about it till you are ready, i'll tell you what's happened since you've been gone.”
Sam explained what all had happened since he thought they had died. Darlin was devastated to hear it all but stayed quite well as Sam explained it all. From the day he was told they died to him taking over the crown. They swayed gently in his arms, playing with some of the bubbles on the top of the water. “So..basically…the imperium is dead and vamps are all supreme and because you are the one who started it all they just stay out of your way and let you have what you want?” “The army of progeny helps with that to but ya pretty much.” “heh, I guess so…what about the pack? You said that they are alive ‘cept David..But you said the other where ok, how are they?” “They're all right, I don't talk to them much but I have some eyes on them, Asher has been a good Alfa and they tried to help take down the Imperium, they are safe, other people won't mess with them, especially not other vamps, they all know they are under my protection.” Darlin smiled “....Thank you…it means alot that you have been keeping an eye out for them…I knew David died that night… the prison guards wouldn't shut up about it” “Oh, Darlin im so sorry” ''Its fine..I..I actually changed my mind. I want to get it out of the way…” “All right Darlin, I'll listen, I'll let you know if I have any questions.”
Darlin started telling Sam what happened. They didn't remember the start of it all, one minute they were fighting Quinn with David and they passed out, then they woke up in the dungeon. The guards were cruel to them, barely feeding them or giving them water, and when they did it came in dog bowls. They whipped them alot to, they refused to get close to them in any way so all the torcher came from a distance. Getting frozen or boiling water thrown onto them or other such things. Then one day the guards didn’t come back, there was a lot of noise but they didn't know what was going on, then they were alone. The other prisoners started screaming and such but they all eventually fell quiet. They got hungrier and hungrier but refused to die, no matter what. Then Sam found them.
Sam figured that the guards were amosent the people that were killed during the fighting, but he would double cheek to make sure. Sam spent the rest of the day taking care of his darlin. Dressing them up in comfy, elegant clothes, getting them the nicest food he could, making sure they were drinking water.
Over time as he took care of them they started looking better, he got a freelancer to help with their hair, he knew they still used it as a stim. He watched as they pulled at their thin hair and get more upset when it came out so he made it a priority to help fix that. He continued to take care of them and they started getting more of their personality back, they were a lot more submissively skittish then their old aggressive skittish. He started helping them around,never wanting to leave their side but also not wanting to overwhelm them with meetings and such, so he left them in his room whenever he had a meeting. He also made sure his progeny and his one he turned knew they were there and that the two of them were to listen to his Darlin no matter what.
Months passed and he started to see his darlin again, they weren't scared to yell at Damien or Huxly and they started working out. Sam was more than pleased when we saw them working out for the first time, his tightening pants proof of that. He sat and watched them until they noticed him. “Oh shit, sorry Sam, I didn't see you come in.” “no no darlin you're good, i'm enjoying the show” “heh i can see that.” Sam blushed as looked away. “It's good to see you working out again darlin.” They walked closer to him, “Sam..I'm sorry for how I used to treat you, it wasn't fair and I-” “No! No darlin you never have to apologize for any of that!” Sam interrupted, quickie standing in front of them, placing his hands on their hips. “I wasn't even supposed to be in your house but I loved you, I DO love you, I loved how you treated me, I was yours and I loved doing anything and everything you wanted from me, please don't apologize for any of it!” He started with his voice louder than he normally used but quickly lowered his voice as he continued to talk. Darlin looked shocked until their eyes narrowed. “Oh? You liked being tossed around and treated like a pet?” They said eyebrow raised. Sam was going to respond but nothing came out of his mouth as he felt his face flush, so instead he nodded.
His darlin smirked and put their own hands on his hips and jerked him into them. He gasped in surprise and they took that opportunity to kiss him. After the moment of shock he kissed back, running his hands up their sides to wrap them around their neck. After months they felt almost exactly as they used to, strong, sturdy, and hot as hell. They knew it too, they loved to flex it, randomly picking him up when he wasn't expecting it. The first time they did it they scared him.
Now his Darlin easily pushed him around, nothing like they used to, just small shoves whenever he made them blush or such. In honesty he missed their harsh nature, he missed them shoving him out of the way when they wanted something, shoving him into a wall as they bit at his skin.
Sam was pulled back into the present as Darlin pulled at the buttons on his shirt. “Mmm~ you liked me pushing you around? You like being my little, pathetic vampire bitch~?” They growled into the kiss, their grip on his hips tightening. He opened his eyes again,wondering briefly when he closed them, he looked up at his mates eyes. He nodded. “Yes~, i've missed you so much Darlin” He could feel them smirk as they dipped their head to kiss his neck. “Fuck~”
They suddenly bit him harshly, him crying out loudly as they drew blood. They spit the blood out of the mouth and grinned down at him again. “Like that?” Gods he missed that cocky face. ‘Y-yes” He managed to choke out, before he felt a sharp pain though his face, they had smacked him, “Yes what.” “Yes Master” He whispered out, face red. “That's a good pet.” They smiled sweetly down on him for a brief moment, making sure that he really was ok with it, they were met with an extremely flushed Sam smiling like a dumbass.
They snorted a laugh and picked him up, carrying him like a princess despite his title as King. Sam if possible would have blushed even harder. He kept his face in the crook of their neck as they walked down the halls, he could feel eyes follow them as they went. Who wouldn't stair, a wolf was carrying their king like he was a fragile doll, which was funny in itself, seeing as he knew they were about to absolutely reck him.
They get back to the room and Darlin doesn't think twice about the fact that the two news additions are in there before throwing Sam onto the bed and getting on top of him. Sam on the other hand, does, about to shout out for them both to leave Darlin cuts him off with a kiss. Biting his lips as they do, he’s mindlessly grinding up into them as their teeth mix with the kiss. It isn't until Damien lets out an embarked squeak that Darlin looks over at the two. “The hell are you two still doing here? Get the hell out.” They growled, the other two didn't waste any time before dashing out. Not before darlin had seen Damien's reaction to the scene in front of him. “Heh~ looks like your progeny is a little whore Sammy~”
Sam rolled his eyes and pulled them back to kiss him again, “I couldn't care less right’ now Darlin” He laughed as they grinned and bit at his neck again. They didn't make another comment, instead flipping the two of the over so Sam was straddling their chest. “Fuck! Fucken hell Darlin, i forgot how hot you are under me~” his comment earned him a harsh smack to his thigh, he bit his lip to stop a shout. “You love it when I hit you dont you bitch.” They smirked as they rubbed the spot they smacked. Sam nodded as he started to grind down onto them. “What do you want, Sam?” Sam started to answer but was cut off by a sharp smack to his face and flipped back to his back, he took a sharp breath of surprise and darlin grabbed his cheeks, shaking his face as they growled in his ear, “I dont give a shit what you want. Why the hell would i?” Was all he could make out before he felt his pants being ripped off and darlin grabbing his dick harshly.
He gasped as he felt the cool air hit his half hard dick before darlins hand quickly remedied the cold. “I want you in me” He heard them say before he could feel them push themselves partially down onto him. His breath came in short harsh increments as he could feel them swallowing him. “D-darlin you didnt-” He was once again smacked, this time on his thigh, “You think i don't know. Fucking dumbass, of course I know I didnt prep, I dont give a shit right now. I said I want you in me so ill fucking have that.” They ground out though their teeth, holding back their pained gasps and moans.
He nodded sharply as their ass met his thighs as he bottomed out. They leaned down, catching their breath as they kissed his neck. They took awhile to get used to his size again, especially because they only had his pre cum and whatever they used of their own wetness to shove him inside in their impatience.
After a few minutes of them getting adjusted and Sam peppering their hair with kisses as they waited, they started to move. They start slow but after the first few bounces they speed up. Smacking themselves down on him. Sam moaned as they claimed him, marking his neck with their teeth as their nails raked down his shoulders and chest.
His teeth ached to be in them but he didn’t. He knew better. Instead he had his hands on their hips as he met theirs with his. Darlin moaned uncontrollably as his hips sped up more and more, until they smacked his face, not hard but he could feel a sting, and scolded him.
Sam fought to keep his hips down, still occasionally thrusting up into them. Every time he did they punished him, whether it be a smack or them sinking their sharp teeth into him and ripping his skin,either way he loved it. He could feel his core sing every time their bodies met.
“F-Fuck darlin-“ He panted out, “Darlin ‘m close. God ‘m so close.” He could feel their smirk against his neck. “Good~ Ahh~ fuck. Sam,” His name sounded like a prayer on their lips, “Cum with me~ come on Sammy. I want you in me while I finish”
He couldn’t say no to them, he never could. He nodded frantically and was rewarded with their lips on his once more. The kiss was desperate and messy as they moaned together.
It wasn’t much longer before the two of them finished together. Later Sam would learn that multiple of his staff as well as his progeny were made well aware of his and his Darlin’s activities by the time their joined noises came to a stop, and he honestly could not care less.
The two of them sat there for a while,basking in their glorious afterglow,until they started to feel sticky and gross, or at least until Darlin started to feel sticky and gross. Sam couldn’t care,he was just basking and he wouldn’t be the one to stop that ever, expecily just to clean up.
His darlin carried him to the bathroom and washed him and themselves off, slowly pressing kisses to his skin. Once they were done they dried them both off and got him back to the bed, where they threw the messy blankets off the bed to be washed later, and set him down. They climbed in with Sam and cuddled him close to them.
They both fell asleep soon after, holding each other. Just how they should be
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nanowatzophina · 2 years
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Cataclysm Finale really slaps huh??
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teddybasmanov · 2 years
Well, Healer, that's a bit of a surprise, isn't it...
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aviorstars · 2 years
imperium finale spoilers
so uh.... how are we all doing after that because that was. that was Something. i'm a wee bit scared for what this means for prime universe! avior & starlight.
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burr-ell · 3 months
love that matt saw people woobifying the vanguard and went "the people who started the campaign on murder? lol anyway their besties suck ass too"
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They are like siblings to me (derogatory)
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Bonus doodles of me figuring out how to draw them
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utilitycaster · 4 months
For REAL though Edmuda hammering home the point that keeps being made by Ludinus and, frankly, by Bells Hells; most of the people (not all, but most) of the people mad at the gods have grievances that boil down to "why am I not The Raven Queen's most special little boy? Why do OTHER people get to be The Raven Queen's most special little boy?" and this is already not terribly valid as a complaint, but it is also really undercut when coming from uh, sorcerers and psionics who did even less than clerics for their powers.
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nyaskitten · 18 days
Ras has gotta apply for the NBA (Ninjago Basketball Association) atp... we have like 4 scenes of this man jumping incredibly far (s1e1, s1e3, s1e10, s2e9) he could be the greatest basketball player in the Merged Realms...
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jaal-ama-daravv · 3 months
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The Von Valancius Dynasty | Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader
The Koronus Expanse awaits
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transfem-octopus · 3 months
So I think it’s fairly obvious at this point that the Imperium are planning to invade a colonize Exandria and seek to awaken Predathos in furtherance of their planned colonization of Exandrian.
My Question is how much does Ludinus know? Does he know that his Imperial Allies are pursuing the destruction of Exandria’s Gods so as to weaken its native Empires and make them vulnerable to a military invasion? Is he nothing more than a quisling hoping to curry favor with the Imperium by weakening Exandria.
Or is he completely in the dark about his allies intensions towards his planet. Is he so blinded by his hatred of the gods and his own hubris that he cannot see the forest for the trees? Men often hear what they want and they disregard the rest.
Or does he know what the Imperium is planning but doesn’t care. I’ve said it before I think Ludinus plans not to free Predathos but to consume the God Eater and become greater than the Gods. If that is his plan perhaps he thinks that it is he who is using the Imperium and not vice versa.
Either way there is no way Ludinus plan is not going to blow up spectacularly in his face and Bells Hells are going to have to clean up the mess.
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toastingpencils37 · 2 months
I love how in Season 2 the Imperians are still wearing their typical clothes, but in different colors than black, showing that they're slowly getting comfortable with changing their strict uniformity.
Plus, it also shows that they're still proud of their culture. But not in the original "We're superior than anyone else way", but now in a "Yay culture!!!" kind of way now.
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peraltuki · 1 year
Angel dating the hottest men who's names start with d, that's real community service
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pluralzalpha · 1 month
My theory on the Breen, which will probably be proven wrong by Thursday:
The Breen homeworld has an eccentric orbit around its primary, giving it extremely long, harsh seasons. The Breen have evolved to be able to take two forms, each adapted to a different climatic stage.
The ordinary humanoid stage is adapted to the long summer, which is temperate, while the fluidic/gelatinous form is adapted to the long winter, when the planet Breen is a frozen wasteland. What they're made of I don't know, but it's something that's stable at subzero temperatures and breaks down or evaporates at higher temperatures.
The shift to summer happened only a relatively short time before the 24th century, and it's still summer in the 32nd. This explains the contradictory accounts of planet Breen by outsiders; the tales of the frozen wasteland are out of date.
The winter form is stronger and more resilient than the summer form in the right conditions, but can't survive in normal class-M environments. At some point, the Breen learned to be able to shift between the forms at will, and decided their winter form was superior. They developed their suits to keep themselves cold, just so they can stay in their "superior" form all the time.
Perhaps the ship we saw in "Mirrors" is an environment just for dealing with other species, or perhaps they keep their ships in class-M conditions and stay in their suits all the time out of a cultural imperative.
Eventually, maybe with L'ak's help, they'll learn that neither form is superior, merely adapted to different conditions.
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aviorstars · 2 years
imperium spoilers
okay so i only read the transcript for this one because i seriously thought milo was going to die. i went in to this thinking that he was Done for and i didn't wanna hear that tbh! glad that they both came out the other side ok, AND we got an appearance by our favourite stealth. also i found it hilarilous how people are pissy about the weather and damien is solving that..... by using.... more magic.... someone please get lovely out of vincent's basement. PLEASE.
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
i refuse to believe imperium is an entire fucking realm, that shit is too small and cramped to be a realm by itself
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