#inazuma eleven spoilers
mangetsu-rush · 2 months
Sasanami Unmei early concept
"A body that loves but cannot play football"
The first chapter of the Victory Road story mode was confirmed to be unlocked in early May, so it's basically just around the corner!
In preparation, I wanted to re-read what we already know about the story and especially Unmei. He was introduced as a new character in 2020 for a game named "Inazuma Eleven Eiyuutachi no Great Road". The game has long been scrapped but obviously Unmei wasn't. Still it is difficult to find remains of that development stage (or I'm just really bad at online search).
I do not know how much Unmei's character was changed for VR but the basics traits were reiterated so there might be some truth in the Great Road concepts. So here's what has been revealed about Sasanami Unmei years ago:
-Unmei has a straight forward personality
-he has a "Holmes-like" thinking in everyday life
-he also has a photographic memory (?)
-he loved soccer as a kid
-when he was seven he was unable to continue playing due to a mental trauma
-also since there's no physical abnormality doctors are unable to help him? VERY unsure about that translation though
-"Nevertheless, he enjoyed his student life without worrying about it", he just avoided being involved with soccer
-Meeting Endou Mamoru revived his feelings for soccer -> I think its very interesting how Haru motivates him in VR since he's quite the opposite of Mamoru in OG
-He joins the soccer club as a manager and gradually works his way up to becoming an advisor and analyst -> Def changed in VR
-In my interpretation he seems to be someone with little self esteem/ a lot of doubts but by meeting Raimon he starts to believe that achieving highly ambitious goals may be possible. I wonder if it'll be the same with Nagumohara..
So yeah, that's a summary of what I could find/remember. I think we've got a really good protagonist there. I'm very sure Victory Road will have an enthralling story!
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wrenfeathers · 5 months
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being trapped in a crystal for days (weeks?months?) probably isn't good for you
anyway sorry for the awful quality, i saved it as a jpeg lol
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angelomania · 21 days
we really underestimated how sassy unmei was gonna be from the trailer huh
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unmeiji · 15 days
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crowrrupt · 17 days
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You still have football
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skylardoesthings · 20 days
Wow this guy really reminds me of Arata from Mikage back in the OG series!
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I wonder if-
oh my god.
oh my fucking god.
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juustozzi · 8 days
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victory road dump from sketchbook!
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soccerpunching · 7 months
I love the og-go timeline bcs thats where gouenji doomed himself to forever be chained by a self-endowed responsibility of giving everything to soccer and the soccer kids of the new generation; and (although possible and encouraged) he would not willingly partake in playing the sport he sacrificed everything to as a career again unless he undressed himself of the guilt and said responsibility that literally no one but his conscience and morals told him to answer to
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zakuryoishi · 19 days
sakurazaki and unmei are making me sick in the head because what is this
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inazumaelevenarchive · 2 months
hello everyone! the beta is finally dropping out today and while the story mode won't be available at launch, be assured that any potential spoiler that might be shared on this blog will have the tag "victory road spoilers". and if you are aware of other tags already being used by the rest of the community, please let me know and i will adjust to it as well!
that being said... today is the day! happy victory road beta day everyone!! ⚽⚡
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mangetsu-rush · 21 days
-meet a guy
-take brain damage for him
-tell him he has nice legs under a starry sky at the beach
-create a folder on your phone with information and pictures of him
Normal bro behavior
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uraberika · 21 days
First impressions of Victory Road by someone who has never played any of the inazuma games. I am halfway through watching a gameplay but I just had to share so BEWARE (MILD) SPOILERS AHEAD
the rock-paper-scissors gameplay is absolutely hilarious and i am so here for it and all of its unexplored potential
contrast that with the story which takes a very wild and serious turn from the beginning which is so spot on for the inazuma franchise i actually gasped. it is genuinely the most inazuma thing ever, i swear
the characters seem to evoke other characters but not enough to feel like copy-pastes which i really like
Sakurazaki looks like a mix between Kidou and Gouenji which i appreciate
Unmei is such an awkward little emo boi, i love him already. he still has the drive to protect ppl like Endou but without the sunshine attitude; he is way more analytical which is honestly sooo refreshing i could cry
speaking of sunshine, Kisoji is a 10/10 character already, instant fave, precious boy, must protect, and i have not expected him to become so relevant so early (i thought the others like that long haired goalkeeper would be in the forefront rather)
there are few girls but you can already see the ones who might become relevant to the story: Juno is Haruna/Akane coded, while Lilac evokes Natsumi for me but we shall see if they become relevant later on
pls pls let that female teacher be their coach, i have been missing women coaches from inazuma
i don't mind the simulated social media in it. it doesn't add much for me but it also helps in establishing how far away from the og series we are, which i appreciate
og characters becoming coaches was a top tier idea in GO too, i'm glad they kept it
i have said it before and will say it a hundred times, endou's kid being uninterested in soccer and being a little brat in the field is a genius move and whoever came up with that should deserve a raise. it seems a bit self-evident but when you think about it... endou had met and recruited/shown the ways of sakka yarouze to many such kids who did not care about football the Right WayTM and for his son to become the antithesis of his own philosophy... *chef's kiss*
i am gonna lose my mind because of the names though... like i will end up referencing half the cast in japanese bc that is how i learnt their names before the game came out but now i only know many other character's translated names so... my tagging system will be a mess
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angelomania · 21 days
unmei jumpscare
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unmeiji · 18 days
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hsohangout · 9 months
saw a post about ina11 tumblr sexymen and im sorry to say this y'all but orion already gave us one who checks out a lot, if not all of the boxes
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garbage--account · 7 months
I know this is too early to know and that I'm crazy, but ...
PS : in case you're wondering who is Haru :
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