#including kakashi himself
skykashi · 1 year
You know, everyone think Kakashi is a bad sensei 'cause the show didn't show us more about the normal stuff they did (which is bullshit because they would have died in the exams if they hadn't learned anything), but then when I see the interactions between the team...
Gosh, it must have been hard to teach them anything. Naruto kept fighting with Sasuke and not listenning, Sasuke was too busy fighting with Naruto too, and Sakura only paid attention to Sasuke to care about being a good ninja.
As much as it's the teacher's responsability to teach, it is also the students responsability to pay attention and listen, something I think team 7 had a hard time doing, not because they couldn't, but because they were too busy with other 'priorities' of a twelve year old.
Like, I remember my school days, and even then I always realized what a headache was being a teacher. Now imagine this with a time-bomb team full of trauma nobody really paid attention to.
And whoever says Kakashi does a 'bad job' I wonder if they think they could truly do better taking into account the ninja's culture of ignoring trauma (which means no support for the teacher either), having no mental therapy, being sent to missions that can go to shit in a blink, with a student that an evil organization wants to capture, another one who is obsessed with vengeance and having a very difficult time handling it (plus, you know, Itachi and Orochimaru), and the last one just daydreaming of marrying one of their teammates.
Really, Kakashi had a hard time and did pretty good taking into account that team 7 probably didn't cooperate that much most of the time.
(sorry for my rant. And I'm not trying to say team 7 was awful, because they weren't, but the fandom needs to stop pretending that they weren't difficult...and with normal twelve years old attitudes xD)
Ikr?!! Exactly this! Like this fandom doesn't only ignore that there literally was nearly a year of time skip and off screen training and missions or the fact that we haven't seen any of the other sensei's teaching shit either but they also ignore that the poor man had the most feral wild kids in konoha and he still did such a great job handling them, fr all the other teams were angels in comparison to team 7.
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mitchmotch · 2 years
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iruka: good morning, sleepyhead. i have to go to work, but i left some breakfast for you on the stove. behave yourself
kakashi: maa, sensei, what could possibly make you think i wouldn’t?
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having normal thoughts about kakashi being haunted by Holes
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r3dlif3 · 3 months
Kishimoto went into naruto with no knowledge on human psychology but managed to depict the hedgehogs dilemma perfectly with Sasuke.
Sasuke thinks nobody can understand the pain and sorrow that comes from being alone. He isolates himself from the outside world, believing his only purpose in life now is to avenge his clan and kill his brother. However, the moment he acknowledges someone who does understand his feelings of loneliness ( Naruto ) , he also proclaims said boy is his best friend, he abandons him. Sasuke had every right to do this of course but, it doesn't change how he hurts and pushes the only one who he perceived as understanding him. Along with him leaving konoha and team 7 as a collective who he also began seeing as friends so he could pursue the only thing he sees himself worthy of; gaining power to kill Itachi. The moment he got too close to people he was immediately reminded of his goal and pushed them away. Naruto's want to find Sasuke in the future also furthers this dilemma as the closer they got to each other the further Naruto drove Sasuke from Konoha.
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photographer au with kakashi! perhaps too easy given his sukea persona, but still fun, i think!
You are correct anon, it is fun! And i’ll include a little treat near the end :)
Kakashi never intended to get into photography. He just sort of found himself picking up a canera one day and trying it out thinking he’d have a little fun and then put it down
He never out it down
Whether it’s because his life is full of tragedy and Kakashi finds joy in taking pictures of beautiful things/people or because he simply likes having something to do. Doesn’t matter. Kakashi love’s photography.
At first it starts off as a hobby. Something he picks up once in a while when life is a bit too overwhelming and doesn’t put down for hours
Then, slowly, it becomes a passion. Kakashi’s not sure when it happens but one day he looks down and realizes he has his camera in his high school biology class. Not only that, but he has had his camera all week. There are dozens of new pictures. Pictures of his friends, or plants he saw that reminded him if tenzo, or his dorky dad. He even has a picture of his mom glaring at some mud on her sundress because he thought her reaction to a little splash of mud was hilarious and he wanted to save it forever.
Before he knows it he’s taking classes for photography. Not with his high school, but through university courses and other outside classes.
There’s so much that he learns, and pretty soon his parents are converting a part of Kakashi’s bedroom into a dark room (it’s a big room so he has the space) for him to develop photo’s with his new camera.
Are there an exceptional amount of dog photo’s? Yes. Mostly of pakkun but Kakashi makes sure to take pictures of all his family dogs. (His dad is a vet and they have a lot of dogs that they’ve taken in from other homes)
His favorite part of photography is taking candid shots of his friends. Gai laughing too hard at one if genma’s bad jokes. Anko’s creepy little smile as she talks about different kinds of poisons with Shizune. A shot of Rin when she got the game winning goal at her soccer game. Even some pictures of Obito, though they’re usually more embarrassing because he finds joy in seeing obito make a fool of himself. (He does have regular happy pictures of Obito but he never shows those ones to him)
Kakashi even has a wall in his room decorated with picture’s he has taken. He switches them out as he finds new favorites, but the picture frames always stay in the same place.
His favorite picture by far (though he won’t admit it to anyone) is the one he took of his mom kneeling down in front of his father after he slipped and fell onto his butt. Both of them are laughing and Kakashi didn’t even hesitate to save that moment in picture form.
When he’s older, Kakashi actually finds someone who wants to learn photography from him, which is surprising not because he doesn’t think others will enjoy photography as much as him but because Rock Lee is not someone he thinks of as being a photography. He is, of course, more than happy to be wrong about that.
Before picking up Photography Kakashi dreamed of being a vet like his dad, or a historian like his
Mother. What he ends up doing, though, is traveling to take pictures of animals and people all over the world. A picture that won him an award is one he took of Raikage A and Bee while they were having a celebration dinner after A was voted into political office. He wasn’t even meant to be there in the same room as them and they had their own photographer, but Kakaahi asked politely if he could take one picture for the paper back home and A and Bee agreed. A ended up keeping a copy of both photographers pictures side by side in his new office.
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linkspooky · 8 months
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It's not surprising to me that Gojo's dying monologue he spent more time talking about his fight with Sukuna than any of his students. Gojo's priority from the beginning isn't to save Megumi but to fight all-out against a strong opponent, the line is: ""The Absolute Strong. The loneliness that follows. The one who will teach you about love is..."
This fight is basically the climax of Gojo's identity crisis which has been a long running issue for him throughout the manga. He's simultaneously a self-confident individualist with an overpowering sense of "ego" and a person with little idea of who he is outside of the role in society that was given to him. Gojo went into the fight looking for someone capable of understanding him, the fight is about Gojo seeking an answer to who he is, that's why he fights and that's why he loses.
Gojo is Not Normal
Nanami's statement is misinterpreted I think.
"You live for Jujutsu. You don't wield it to protect something. You use it solely for the sake of satisfying yourself."
A lot of people took this to mean that Goo didn't care about anyone but himself, even though Gojo directly contradicts this earlier.
"I love everyone and don't feel lonely snow, but somewhere along the way there was a line I drew, not as a human but as a living creature."
He states he does love other people, if only from afar, he just doesn't understand them. Gojo can't make other people his reason to fight, because he only understands himself. He only sees himself. He can only fight for what's inside himself.
"You can make a flower bloom, you can admire it, but you can't tell that flower 'I want you to understand me'
Gojo's students are the flowers. Itadori, Fushiguro and Nobara are all named after flowers. He's raising them up to be as strong as him, he's fond of them, but he doesn't think they relate to him because he exists in a different category of other people.
A lot of people want Gojo to be a more traditional caring mentor figure like Kakashi or Aizawa they're missing what's really interesting about his character. When Nanami says "Gojo only cares about being the strongest" it's true because his entire character is written around the statement "I am the strongest". He is conceptually about what it is like to be the strongest man in existence. That is the character concept, and Gojo's entire identity crisis revolves around that he's built up his personality around being the strongest at Jujutsu and nothing else.
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Gojo can only fight for his own ego and self satisfaction as Nanami says, because he has nothing else, he has no identity outside of that.
However, before I get into why I want to point out that Gojo is not normal. It's not because someone on his power level is fundamentally incapable of relating to other people, but Gojo himself...is not right in the head. He's making an active decision to choose not to empathize with people whatsoever, it's not just that it's hard to understand him, it's that they can't understand him.
Gojo talks about his students like they're members of another species. They're flowers. They can't relate to him on a human level because he's something other than human. A friend had an interesting reading on why specifically it's flowers Gojo chose for his metaphor.
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Plants are less sentient than insects, they don't contemplate anything they are just taken care of by their gardener and grow towards the sun. That's how differently he sees himself from others.
I wanted to include this take from @kaibutsushidousha as well.
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Gojo's not from the planet mars he's a human who has human emotions and human psychology like everyone else, so that's simply not true, but Gojo believes it is and that belief influences how he interacts with everyone.
Gojo can't see himself reflected back in other people for some reasons that aren't his fault and some reasons that are. Gojo has been from birth, treated as different from everyone around him, not for anything he really did but because he was born with a really strong jujutsu ability. He's a literal chosen one. He always seen as the six eyes user, the strongest, before he was seen as a person. His entire life has been defined entirely by the abilities he was born with, he was born to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer so of course that's what he builds his entire identity around.
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Not only is he told that he's categorically different from others, but he also believes it. We know little about his early childhood besides Gege's statements that he was spoiled, but we do see later on in childhood there are people who are willing to treat Gojo normally despite the position he has as the strongest. This is when it starts being Gojo's fault that he continues to see himself as different from other people.
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Shoko, Gojo's closest confidante in his schooldays after Geto's days basically tells him that. She's been with him for years and yet he still has the audacity to act like he's all alone in the world. Even when people try to treat Gojo normally and relate to him on a personal level, Gojo actively ignores their presence in his life like he did Shoko because he's not only been told he's different from other people because he's stronger, but he believes it and he's built his entire world view around it.
This is why the only person that Gojo ever let in was Geto, because Gojo believed that Geto was someone who could stand on top with others. THe only person who could believe the strongest, or teach them about love was someone equally as strong. Gojo just happening to meet another sorcerer who was special class as a teenager not only allowed him to have a friend, but fit perfectly into his narrative that he was separate from others and only someone as strong as him could understand. There are people like Shoko and Nanami who treat Gojo normally despite the fact he's the strongest, but Geto was the only one Gojo met in because he met the qualifiaction of being someone equally as strong.
This isn't really the case for Geto. Geto comes to see weak people as inferior yes in the sense he sees Non-Jujutsu Sorcerers as inferior, but Geto is capable of making connections to other Jujutsu Sorcerer. Geto has his family, he has Nanako and Mimiko and the rest of his followers who he all cares about equally. Geto met all of them and chose to relate to them, he even tells Gojo after killing his biological parents that he's choosing who his real family is now.
"It wouldn't be fair if I made an exception for my parents, now would it? Besides my family now consists of more than just them."
Geto demonstrates someone as powerful as Geto can make a choice to relate to other people. It's shown in the way that Geto treats Nanako and Mimiko, he is their father and he raised them as his daughters. Compared to how Megumi is just a student to Gojo. Gojo's only invested in making Megumi into a strong Jujutsu Sorcerer, because Gojo doesn't fathom connecting to someone weaker than him. He's only their to raise up a strong sorcerer, whereas Geto who's capable of connecting with people in other ways is raising up Nanako and Mimiko and they're connected as parent and child.
Geto and Gojo are similiar in a lot of ways, same level of strength comapred to the rest of humanity, same god complex (and yes it is a god coplex, there's a reason the two people Gojo relates to are Geto who has constant religious imagery associated with him and Sukuna who's literally satan) and yet Geto shows someone roughly Gojo's power level can make connections to others Gojo just chooses not to.
This is where I'm stealing from a friend's post a bit. @theanimepsychologist points out that Geto notices the beginnings of Gojo's identity complex soon after it started with Toji.
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I always thought of the panel above as Geto being jealous of Gojo surpassing him in strength but, in retrospect, I think Geto’s disappointment had more to do with Gojo’s sense of self over-identifying with the title “the strongest” and how that made him harder to relate to, which is one of the main themes in this chapter. I’ll come back to this in a sec. But first… Quick depth psych segway. I think I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating again that an overwhelming sense of self is all ego. There’s nothing wrong with ego per se. The problem is that an over-identification with ego means inherent separateness because, as an organ of the psyche, the ego sense of self is what gives us a separate identity from the collective.
Geto notices that Gojo is drawing a line between himself and other people, and pulling away because of that because people in the second category of weak can't possibly understand the strong and he's reacting to it. Geto is also the only person to underline to Gojo himself that he's unsure about his own identity.
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Gojo knows he's the strongest, but he doesn't know anything about himself besides that, or even what being the strongest entails in his relation to other people. He's never constructed an identity outside of it in part because he's never had to, nobody has ever challenged him for his title as the strongest, and he also fits jujutsu society's mould perfectly. He's perfect at what he does, why would he need to change? Why would a person who reached enlightenment at seventeen need to reflect upon himself or figure out who he is? You can't really become more enlightened.
The other reason he's never constructed an identity is he's never interacted with anyone on equal terms. Metaphorically Gojo exists in a vacuum of human interaction. How appropriate is it in a way that he was sealed in a box where time didn't move completely alone for who knows how long, because that's kind of just how Gojo sees himself in relation to the rest of the world.
As Psycho points out an unregulated ego results in an inherent separateness from the collective. People don't exist in a vacuum however. We wouldn't know who we are if we were entirely alone. We are defined just as much as ourselves, as we are by our interaction with others.
Ich and Du, translated as I and Thou is a book by philosopher Martin Buber. His two main porositions is that we may address existence in two ways:
The attitude of the "I" towards "it" towards an object that is separate in itself, which we either use or experience.
The attitude of "I" towards "Thou" in a relationship in which the other is not separated by discrete bounds.
I -> It is the world of sensations. If I am looking at a chair, I say "This is a chair. This chair is an eyesore." I am seeing the chair. I don't relate to the chair.
I -> Thou can be used to refer to a relationship between human beings. You don't experience the human being., you can only relate to them and what that relationship means to you. He goes on further to say that love requires a subject -> subject relationship. To love someone means you have to relate to them as if they are another being, you can't love an object.
He's a philosopher to put forward that it's human's connections with each other and their ability to relate to each other that brings meaning to life. Gojo in Buber's terms is only experiencing the world around him, not relating to it. How appropriate of someone with the six-eyes, an ability that gives him sight far better than anyone else to see himself as only an observer to the outside world, like a floating pair of eyes.
The choice that Gojo makes not to relate to other human beings on an equal level, not only isolates him, it affects his sense of self. People cannot exist within a background. Gojo's like a vampire who can't see his own reflection. ? It's all because of this caveat that Gojo himself has set up that no one can possibly relate to him unless they were equally as powerful as him that he can't see himself in others. He can't see himself in others, he can't find anyone to help him understand himself, and therefore his identity crisis goes unresolved.
Twitter user @ det_critics pointed this out that the question: "Take away his strength and what is he?" isn't one Gojo has an answer for, and one he's actively been running from.
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As I said Gojo literally doesn't have a reflection, we see that in story when the prison realm opens its eye and it's just a void where Gojo's face is supposed to be. Gojo choosing not to think of himself as the strongest is also a choice not to think about who he'd be if he wasn't. A question he evades over and over again by telling himself that he can't be understood by people who are weak b/c he categorically exists on a different plane of reality.
When he does look for an answer it's telling just how not normal Gojo is in who he chooses to empathize with: which is Sukuna.
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This is who Gojo as chosen to be the only other person besides Gojo he felt he could relate to. The same person who monologues about weak people like this.
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The same person who monologues that weak people shouldn't even be alive, they should be culled. Sukuna sees weak people as insects. Gojo sees them as plants.
The first person that Gojo relates to as a subject rather than an object Geto is cut short, the next person he relates to as a subject is Sukuna of all people. He chooses to see himself in Sukuna, because Sukuna validates that incorrect idea Gojo has that someone as powerful as him could never possibly be understood by other people. After all, Sukuna the strongest sorcerer of all time isn't even really human anymore, he's a curse a calamity. For Gojo who doesn't see himself as relatable to other human beings this is validation of that mistaken notion.
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It's also telling of how much Gojo's own identity issues have warped him that he finds a curse personally relatable, and even pitiable because it's lonely. Sukuna, who's main problem is that he's bored because a life of killing people is unfulfilling and it's turned him into an adrenline junkie. This is who Gojo's personally chosen to relate to because they both only see the world in the category of "the strong" and "the weak."
Gojo's viewpoint of other people is mistaken for several reasons, but one interesting one was pointed out for me by Psycho. He refers to his students as flowers, but they're lotus flowers. Lotus flowers mean many things, but they're seen as symbols of purity because they rise up from the mud. Gojo is only looking at the flowers, not the mud they rise from .
"No mud, no lotus. The mud is what makes us who we are, and no one can 100% understand what wading through the mud feels like. I think people see oh shiny lotus, the outcome of wading through the mud but they overlook the self because we live in an outcome oriented society.
Gojo is someone who doesn't see the mud and therefore doesn't relate to the personal struggles of others. Which sabotages a lot of his personal relationships. Which like, to bring Megumi into this, Megumi is proof that Gojo IS NOT NORMAL.
Megumi is the kind of special genius that Gojo is, he's born with the strongest technique one capable of killing Gojo, but he doesn't become a special class at seventeen like Gojo, nor is he interested in doing that because Megumi is an entirely different person with differnt personal struggles than Gojo. He has all the raw potenital that Gojo does, but they have wildly different upbringings. Gojo was primed for success by being the spoiled child of his clan, while Megumi is an abandoned child. It proves again Gojo's maxim of people who have that much power are inhuman and don't follow human psychology is wrong because Megumi has all the potential to be as strong as Gojo, but he's just a normal kid. Megumi is still wading through the mud and Gojo doesn't see that.
Jujutsu Kaisen seems to be following Buber's logic on how identity is defined by the interactions we have with other people, because there was a period in Gojo's life where he did create an identity outside of being a sorcerer and that's when he was Geto's friend.
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In the afterlife we even see him regressing to that previous state of being. There was a period for three years in his life that Gojo was something besides being the strongest, and that was when he was Geto's friend too. If Jujutsu Kaisen is about how identity and meaning are both constructed from the interactions we have with other people (subject -> subject) interactions then it's telling that Gojo reverts to his seventeen year old self because that was the first and only time in his life he was capable of relating to another person, and acted like a fully developed person outside of the role of sorcerer he was born to play.
If identities are constructed though that means they're not inherent. Gojo is not inherently the strongest, just as he's not inherently different from other people. This is different from what Gojo's been told his entire life. He was born the strongest. It's inherent to his identity, a fundamental part of who he is. Therefore people who are strong are inherently different from those who are weak, it's something internally different about them which makes it impossible for Gojo to comprehend the motivations of weak people.
Rather than just strong and weak being constructed categories. Gojo's the strongest at Jujutsu but if you took him outside of Jujutsu and asked him to work any other job he'd no longer be the strongest. He's only the strongest as long as he remains in his fish bowl that is Jujutsu Society. However, Gojo believes differently, he believes being the strongest is what he is, it's something inside of him, and something that makes him fundamentally different from others. This is the line that Gojo has been told due to being born with the six-eyes and this is what Gojo has bought.
This is also what his ability the limitless symbolizes, no one in this world can touch him or reach him, he exists somewhere else. However, the limitless can be breached and Gojo has been shown before there are others capable of touching him.
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Toji is the first and only living human being to challenge him, until Sukuna comes along. However, Toji does arguably more in story than just give Gojo a good fight. Toji full on traumatized him, soemthing which Gojo refuses to acknowledge. Toji is the beginning of the end of Geto's friendship, the death of Amanai Riko sends Geto on a spiral for an entire years, and drives a wedge between Geto and Gojo's friendship when Geto self isolates and Gojo doesn't know what's wrong with his friend.
Gojo also experiences what it's like to be defeated for the first time in his life, and his response is to perfect the limitless so he runs it constantly all the time. Remember, before that he was exhausting it doing it for three days in a row, and when Geto told him to take a break Gojo reassured him he wasn't worried because he knew Geto had his back. Gojo was someone who could let down the limitless before that, but afterwards Gojo always insists on fighting alone with his shields up all the time. All to deny that feeling of vulnerability that Toji inflicted on him for the first time in his life, something he remembers years later, you know like trauma.
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There are times when Gojo is reminded that it's possible he's the same as anyone else, he can experience human weakness. Geto's fall is another time, one post says it's particularly challenging for Gojo to comprehend why Geto would defect because he saw Gojo and himself as above others and therefore immune to human weakness.
gojou 100% has a god complex and thats why getous downfall hit him harder than anyone else. he saw himself and getou as above everyone else and exempt from ‘regular’ peoples flaws, he never thought either of them could be led astray and when getou finally snaps hes bewildered that something like that could ever happen to either of them. hes not just heartbroken over his best friend becoming an enemy, hes thrown for a loop because getou, the one person he thinks of as just as above everyone else and incapable of failing as he is, could ever do something wrong, could ever be wrong. hes finally put into a position where he has to face the fact that hes just as capable of screwing up as anyone else and he can’t make sense of it. gojous hesitance in killing getou isn’t just a byproduct of their friendship, it’s also him realizing that it could have easily been him on the other side of the conflict, which breaks the illusion of him being better than everyone for a second. and like that’s still not enough for him to reject this idea, personally i think that his comment about him and getou being 'the strongest’ in volume 0 is indicative of the fact that despite everything he still hasn’t grown out of this delusion.
Gojo has trauma, because he's a human being with human psychology. He makes mistakes, he has terrible past regrets like his friendship with Geto gone wrong, but he doesn't acknowledge those things because as stated above Gojo thinks he's immune to having regular people flaws. Gojo seeing himself in another category from regular human beings also allows himself to deny an vulnerability, because the strongest isn't supposed to have weaknesses. Seeing yourself as too distant to ever be touched by others also means they can never hurt you, emotionally or otherwise, an extreme form of the hedgehog's dilemna which is explored an Neon Gengesis Evangelion, an existentialist piece Gege takes obvious inspiration from.
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The fact that he avoids other human beings, not because he's fundamentally incapable of understanding them but because he's distancing himself from human feelings like loss, pain, suffering these weaknesses that are part of the human experience just proves he's the same as everyone else. If he wasn't capable of feeling those things he wouldn't avoid it, he wouldn't spend ten years mourning Suguru but not killing him directly until he was forced to on December 24th, he wouldn't be trapped by the box because seeing Geto alive made him have a three minute long trauma flashback.
Gojo is a normal human, with normal human emotions and human psychology, albeit twisted from the power he was born with and his unique viewpoint of the world but he doesn't believe that he is. He uses that as an excuse not to interact with others and because of this his identity suffers. Gojo is someone defined by how limited he is in the story despite having limited power.
Gojo fails as much in the story as he succeeds. As my friend @justapanda put it.
"But, it loos like being strong isn't enough..." Another point could also be made here that, regardless of being the strongest at this point, Gojo was incapable of stopping his closest friend from straying down a dark path, which is perhaps Gojo’s greatest failing in the series. This failure also comes back to bite him much later on as Kenjaku’s ace in the hole to finally checkmate Gojo involved surprising him with the now possessed body of Geto, which distracted Gojo long enough for him to be successfully sealed by the prison realm. Once again, the vast amount of power that Gojo had attained turned out to be completely useless in preventing his own sealing, which has now placed him in an inactive role for over half of Jujutsu Kaisen’s duration. Earlier in the story, Gojo once said: “Ironic, isn’t it? Given everything, but unable to do anything.” when referring to the function of his own domain. This was another intentional use of foreshadowing to describe the dilemma that Gojo was inevitably going to face himself. Satoru Gojo is no limitless man, for no one man is without his limits." Another point could also be made here that, regardless of being the strongest at this point, Gojo was incapable of stopping his closest friend from straying down a dark path, which is perhaps Gojo’s greatest failing in the series. This failure also comes back to bite him much later on as Kenjaku’s ace in the hole to finally checkmate Gojo involved surprising him with the now possessed body of Geto, which distracted Gojo long enough for him to be successfully sealed by the prison realm. Once again, the vast amount of power that Gojo had attained turned out to be completely useless in preventing his own sealing, which has now placed him in an inactive role for over half of Jujutsu Kaisen’s duration. Earlier in the story, Gojo once said: “Ironic, isn’t it? Given everything, but unable to do anything.” when referring to the function of his own domain. This was another intentional use of foreshadowing to describe the dilemma that Gojo was inevitably going to face himself. Satoru Gojo is no limitless man, for no one man is without his limits.
Gojo has moments where he brushes up against the idea that he's not capable of doing everything, that he has faults and fails like every other human being. However, that feeling never really lasts for long. He always tends to double down on his belief that he's the strongest rather than facing his faults because that's where he's comfortable. Gojo can't see himself reflected in other people and therefore is not capable of reflecting and critically evaluating his faults. Not only that but avoiding looking too critically at those losses, he also stops himself from feeling the pain of those losses and denies that vulnerability.
Gojo exists on another plane from other human beings, and therefore why would he experience human sadness and pain? All he feels is a vague sense of loneliness and unfulfillment because he's been so alienated from his own emotions and in Gojo's mind that's better than struggling with weakness. Who would deliberately choose to be just like everyone else when you can be special? Why get close to others when the hedgehog's spines are just going to stab you? However, people form connections because of their weaknesses. Humans cooperate with each other because they are a social species. All of society exists because people divide labor and help each other out. Even Gojo can't say there's no point in his life where he was weak, because he was cared for as a child and raised in a family. He didn't come out of the womb a fully formed individual. The darwinian survival of the fittest, and the black and white strong vs. weak way that Gojo sees the world just doesn't exist, especially in modern society. There's nothing wrong with individualism, but the extreme end of individualism is wrong because no one exists in this world alone you share it with everyone else.
Gojo doesn't even see that though, because he's not living in the same world as everyone else. In his mind the limitless makes it so he basically exists on another plane of reality, but again the limitless can be breached.
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Detective critics basically said that Gojo's delusion was always a false one, he always existed in the same world as everyone else, he simply deluded himself into believing otherwise. There are reasons for this, his upbringing, trauma and not wanting to face the pain of that trauma, but it's still a choice he made. Gojo didn't want to live for other people, he didn't want to relate for them, so he lived for himself pursuing his own strength. Ironically, it reflects Toji's own decision to take pride in neither himself or others and live only for the sake of showing that the Jujutsu World that rejected him was wrong.
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Toji chose to live a life where he only lived to fight and prove he was stronger than the sorcerers who rejected him. He chose it over his own son Megumi, abandoning him in order to continue his lifestyle as a mercenary. He even chose it over continuing to live because he stayed and fought against Gojo to prove he was stronger than the pinnacle of Jujutsu. Toji lives for strength, and he is someone even Gojo respected the strength of, but what else does he have?
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Toji's identity is unstable, he doesn't really live for any purpose, he kills people then blows the money gambling, he jumps from women to women to mooch off of them, he's also mentally unstable as well he shoots a little girl in the back of the head and feels nothing. The instability comes from his isolation, Toji is rejected by everyone the same way that Gojo is lauded by everyone. But Toji goes on step further in that he fails to construct any identity outside of being rejected and his entire life is spent rejecting the people who rejected him. Why does Toji want to be strong, he doesn't know. Purpose is something you have to construct for yourself, because there's no inherent meaning to life. Identity is something that's constructed by both yourself and your interactions with others because people aren't born inherently one thing or the other.
Gojo and Toji just refuse to do this, and only focus on themselves and the goal of being stronger. In Gojo's case I'd argue he doesn't fight for other people because he doesn't feel that connection with other people or rather he doesn't let himself. Hedgehog's dilemna to the extreme. Gojo only fighting for himself isn't Nanami calling him a selfish person who doesn't care about others, it's sad because Gojo never found any other reason to fight or meaning to his life but by getting stronger for its own sake.
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Gojo only fights for the sake of satisfying himself, but here's the clincher, he's unsatisfied. Not only did he fail in his goal of giving Sukuna the fight of his life, because he knew Sukuna was holding back on him, but also admits to Geto that what would have really been satisfying is if Geto was there with him to pat him on the back.
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He's failed on both fronts, he's failed at being the strongest and he's failed at making a connection to the people in his life. Gojo and Toji die in pretty much the same way, they die standing up in the middle of battle, but their last thoughts aren't of disappointment that they lost but their loved ones.
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They spent their entire lives believing they were stronger and therefore different than others, and fighting to satisfy their ego and what does it amount to? Toji lived a life of hedonism and then died abandoning the one person he genuinely loved. Gojo has failed his stated goal of revolutionizing Jujutsu Society and dies before he can see whether or not his dream of a reset Jujutsu World will even come to fruition.
They belived they were someone stronger and therefore inherently better, and are put in their place when someone stronger comes along. They die just like all the other mortals. They believed they were alone so they died alone. It's sad and it goes to show how destructive being "the strongest" was to Gojo's identity in the end. Gojo thinks he's Sukuna but Gojo doesn't want to be Sukuna, because Sukuna's alone, and unlike Gojo you could make the point that Sukuna's not a human being who has human emotions because he's a curse. If Gojo was truly someone who could understand Sukuna he would have been truly alone the same way Sukuna is, and that's not what he wanted.
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It's too bad Gojo never thought seriously about what he wanted, and therefore learned his lesson too late. He was always looking for someone he could relate to, except for in the people who were right in front of him.
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moumouton4 · 10 months
Tobirama, Kakashi and Itachi's reaction to you saying the safe word😆
Using The Safe Word Hc || Naruto characters x reader
Including : Tobirama Senju, Kakashi Hatake and Itachi Uchiha
A/n : Okay now this was so fun to write. Thank you so much for the idea and I really hope you'll like it ! Also @mithology-marveloholick I outdid myself for you in the first part 😎
Warnings : No mention of gender ( unless that one time I wrote "clit" ) reader feels bad about using the safe word but their partner is understanding, rough sex, mention of breeding, marking, wall sex, mating press, doggy style, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 1791
Tobirama Senju :
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He is a big softie just like his brother you can’t change my mind. He is just more talented to hide it
He only let his sensitivity express itself with you, and only during moments of vulnerability. Like in the evening before going to bed, in the morning when getting up, in the shower and well during love making
He always wants to do his best no matter what field he's in ( I see him a bit like Katsuki Bakugo )
So he'd done all the necessary research and had come across the existence of the safe word. The aim of which was to warn the partner with a word to signify that you wanted to stop for whatever reason. He found it interesting because the inventiveness of the word prevented it from being confused with another or a "stop" which could be misunderstood in a non/con intercourse
You'd never really needed to use the safe word because most of the time he was very gentle, his hips moving slowly and sensually, while his mouth sought yours out in loving lingering kisses
Except that today, soft and slow wasn’t really was he intended to do nor what he needed
And that’s how you ended up there on all four on your bed as he railed you from behind
His hand found purchases on the flesh of your hips as his finger dug in your skin. The rapid slapping sound of skin only proved the intensity with which he was taking you
A low growl came from his throat as he felt your walls tighten around his throbbing length. He pulled your hair to make your hair turn towards him. As son as he saw your fucked out expression he inched forward and slipped his tongue inside your mouth
Damn he was so hungry for you today. You wonder what had happened during his day
But your investigation could not continue as his hand left your hip and passed in front of you to make rapid circles on your clit. His touch was so much rougher than usual that it made your hips buck forward
But after some time you started to feel overwhelmed. You guessed he wanted to make it last as long as possible and for that he needed to edge you, just like he was doing for himself
You legs started to quiver and close but he kept them from closing - I mean he couldn’t really know yet
As you felt him deny you a nth orgasm though you couldn’t take it anymore “Sh- shadow” you mumbled as tears started to well up in your eye, you were this close from having drool leaking from your mouth
He didn’t lose a second to react. He pulled out and helped you lie on the bed. His eyes were fixated on you as your chest heaved and fell rapidly
But that’s when you started to feel guilty and after everything you couldn’t help the tears from streaming down your cheeks
His eyes widened “Hey hey Y/n are you okay my Love ?” he got to his knees near your lying form
“I’m s-sorry… I couldn’t hold on until you came” you sobbed as he pulled you against his firm chest
“Shhh don’t you dare apologizing to me okay ?” his tone didn’t leave any room for more words “It fucking doesn’t matter. You do, you Dumbass” he said gritting his teeth trying to stop the smile from creeping on his lips. Gosh even in this situation you thought about his pleasure first
“Here let me help you” he said while picking you up bridal style “We’re going to take a nice bath together. You’re going to relax and… if you’re still feeling bad you could use your soapy hands to help me out mmh ?” he said as the red tinged at his cheeks
You nodded softly against his chest and with that you both went off to the bathroom where he prepared a nice and warm bath for you both
Kakashi Hatake :
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To day was what we can call a fucking tiring day. It’s one of those days when he wondered why the heck he became a genin instructor. Like seriously those kids put the mission above their comrades lives
Days like these would lead to two different outcomes. Either training until he can’t stand up anymore. Or fucking you dumb until you’re both completely spent. And today training wasn’t his main priority
That’s how you found yourself pressed against the nearest wall not only 2 minutes after he arrived home. And we all know you like that kind of surprise you naughty little sausage
You were half dressed, your pants discarded somewhere on the floor. While he only pulled his pants down his legs
His strong arms were supporting you against the wall as he kept thrusting his frustration out. This position allowed a deep penetration that made your eyes roll
But as time passed you grew aware of the roughness of the wall. With each thrust your body went up and down and it started to burn
You decided to wait a little bit though. Maybe it’ll go away by itself or his thrusts will become less rough and the burning sensation will disappear. But it didn’t
You also knew that if he acted like that it was because of pent up frustration he couldn’t let go during the day. His pace didn’t decrease in fact it slightly increased as he neared his climax
You couldn’t stand it any longer. Your fingers that were playing with the hair at the nape of his neck suddenly pulled the hair a little - making him moan - as you said “Protection… mmh Kakashi protection” you moaning
At first the words didn’t hit him, his hips continued to work as he kissed your jaw “You’re exquisi- wait what protection ?!?” he stopped right away
Your legs were trembling as your body totally slumped over his.. He held you close ensuring you didn't fall “Are you okay ? Did I do something wrong ?” he was extremely worried despite his usual nonchalance. His mouth, now free from his mask, hung agape as he waited for you answer
“I-I'm fine... it’s just the wall… it burned slightly-” you didn’t even finish your sentence that he pulled you flush to his chest so that your back was off the wall “I’m sorry I got distracted.. it’s just ugh” he sighed
“I know” you said, kissing his cheek “Maybe we can continue but in a more comfortable place ?”
“Are you sure ? I don’t want to impose myself-” He looked at you softly
You tightened the hold of your arms around his neck “Please” you said tightening your inner muscles, knowing it was going to drive him wild
“Ghh ah… in this case” he smirked “Who am I to deny you ?” and with that he brought you to your shared bedroom where he could have his way with you, knowing would be comfortable and eager to take him as much as he wants
Itachi Uchiha :
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He actually was the one insisting on establishing a safe word. He knew that as an Uchiha he could easily lose control while mating with you ( yes in my hc Uchiha don’t have sex but mate )
He just needed to be sure that he wouldn’t do anything that could overwhelm you unpleasantly or harm you
A word that would help him ground himself in the present
“What about kitty ?”
“Y/n… this is supposed to ensure your well-being. Please focus”
“Okay fine” you chuckled “What about Mangekyou ?”
His eyes lit up “Yes. That would do. Good job” he said patting your head lovingly
And it was only some time later, when he entered that period in the life of the male Uchihas when having offspring became a real urge, that the safe word was used for the first time ( don’t mind if you aren’t aware of this, it’s part of my own Uchiha hc )
You were pinning against the bed as he held you in a mating press. His length sliding in and out of your at an almost desperate pace. His mouth was hungrily kissing you, nipping at your shoulders and neck in attempt to mark what is his
It felt heavenly. Well the 20 first minutes. Because at this pace you wondered how he didn’t already light a fire between your legs
You didn’t want to use the safe word at first. You knew he would panic and blame himself for hurting you even if he didn’t - yet. But you also know he wouldn’t want you to neglect your well-being for him
You tried to caress his cheek with a trembling hand, thinking it would coax him out of this state. But it didn’t. The depth of his gaze was enhanced by the swirling tomoe pattern in his eyes. Okay you had to use the word
“M-mang-mange- mphf kyou” you tried. You didn’t know talking through this would be so difficult. You couldn’t help but marvel at the balance between pain and pleasure that prevented you from saying the word clearly
Though he did hear you. And as soon as the words hit his brain, he blinked rapidly. His Sharingan faded. His hip rhythm had slowed considerably.
He then took a deep breath and used all his willpower to gently, completely stop all his movements.
He was totally out of breath, but that didn't stop him from focusing all his attention on you: "Are you all right? I didn't hurt you?" he cradled your face in his hands
You could feel him inside of you. He was still hard and throbbing. You felt bad, as if you were denying him pleasure
But as soon as he saw your teary eyes he kissed your forehead “Shhh you did great Y/n. That’s exactly what you were supposed to do. I’m proud of you” His words were a soothing balm for your mind and you finally relaxed in his arms
He told the truth. He didn’t mind at all having to stop even if he is in the middle of an urge. He could still take care of his throbbing need later
He slowly pulled out and gathered everything that was needed at the moment. A towel to clean you up, a cup of water - in which he added a bit of sugar just in case, unless you have diabetes.
Then he left you a bit to take care of himself. When he came back to bed he made sure you drank enough water before slipping into bed with you. he pulled you close to his chest, reaffirming how proud of you he was
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brighteuphony · 3 months
I LOVE your Sakura AU, thank you so much for making it 🥹
Even though her ending is supposed to be “good”, I always thought that canon didn’t do her justice and threw any character development she had out of the window so she can be with Sasuke
I SO wanted her to finally move on and just let go
And I don’t have anything against Sasusaku
But I think it’d be much more beautiful if Sakura long let go of her feelings by the time Sasuke came to his senses and they developed their relationship TOGETHER from the START
And, once again, your work is AMAZING and I can’t wait for next pieces ❤️
Btw, can I ask a question?) Will we see Naruto’s and Sasuke’s reaction to her condition (maybe flashback to before she left the village?), if not, can you please tell me a bit about it? I can’t imagine them to ignore her after the incident, especially considering that they are at fault as usual
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Thank you so much for the kind words! I've also never been a fan of how Sakura ended up. I have no beef with SasuSaku, but my biggest issue was that we never saw Sasuke try to make up/connect with Sakura in the same way we saw him do with Naruto, so their romance in Boruto just felt so...abrupt?
As for what happens to Sakura and her friends....
Sasuke was essentially put on probation/jailed, but broke out and defected to Otogakure as canon. This devastates Sakura, as she's both in deep denial about his contribution to her injuries and also the fact that she basically threw herself in there for nothing. Kakashi shuts down completely. It's a nightmare replay of his own past, including the female team-mate being horrifically injured by the chidori. The guilt of everything is eating him alive so he basically withdraws into himself and uses her demotion to civilian status as a way to trick himself into thinking that if he just 'rips off the bandaid' and cut ties, she'll be able to move on more easily.
Naruto is the only person who is really able/willing to face justice. After the incident, he was basically also put on probation/awaiting trial but busted himself out to join Jiraya.
So for context, Sakura got clapped hard by the Rasengan/Chidori combo (hearing gone, nerve damage, eyes shot etc) and basically had to be put in a coma to try and stop the damage from getting worse, but unfortunately none of the medics in Konoha had the ability to reverse anything but the most superficial damage. So Naruto joined Jiraya in an attempt to find and bring the only person in the world who could give Sakura a sliver of hope.
I felt like this worked well with canon and the desperation to get Tsunade to be hokage and Naruto basically begged her on his hands and knees to help Sakura. Tsunade made it there in the nick of time managed to save everything but her eyes.
But Sakura's life has fallen apart, her career is over, her parents dead from Konoha Crush and her eyes gone...and Naruto is the most convenient and available person to take out all her rage on, so...while he deserves a lot of that rage..she is essentially punching down on who she perceives to be the cause of all her problems.
Lee is in the same boat as her, but while he tries very hard to be there for her, Sakura can't stand to be with him right now, as it just makes the reality of life hit that much worse- especially when she finds out there's a surgery that might give him a better chance than she'll ever have.
And Ino visits often at first, but then it's awkward...and painful as the weeks go by. They have lunch and gossip but at some point, there's not much a shinobi and civilian have in common, especially after the shortage of manpower post Konoha-crush has Ino entrenched in the shinobi life more than ever before.
I hope this answered some stuff! Thank you so much for the questions and the interest! I love Sakura and I just wanna give her the development and power she deserves!!
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rae-writes · 3 days
pre/early relationship things + Naruto boys <3
sawft bois, cute bois, sweet bois || 0.9k
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Kankuro asking you to wait for him after the war: there's some things he's gotta figure out (including getting all his feelings together) and some things he needs to do, so he asks you to wait with a sheepish smile at the gates of Konoha
Kankuro's really glad he had his face paint over his cheeks because he feels a blush spread across them when you rub your thumb over the paint and smear two purple lines over your own cheeks in acceptance
And Kankuro nearly falls out in the floor when, a few weeks later, he's back in the sand village opening a letter from Temari and a picture falls out: you're standing in front of a mirror, purple eye pencil in hand, as you very clearly mimic a thinner style of his paint markings- with a bright smile plastered over your face as you look at the camera
Kankuro decides he has to go back to the Leaf as soon as possible. He needs you to be his. Really his.
Naruto trying his hardest to keep a clean presentation in front of you at first; neat hair, no sloppy clothes, wiped off face. He's just really nervous because he really likes you and wants to..essentially detach any images you may have of him from all the village gossip (even though you don't think anything but the best of him)
So Naruto was about to have a meltdown when he bumped into you as he ran late for a team meeting: bedhair fluffed out and sticking up the wrong way, clothes askew and barley put on properly, cheeks and mouth covered in crumbs and jam from his on-the-go breakfast that was clutched half eaten in his equally messy hand
But before he could disappear on the spot and go crawl in a hole and die, Naruto found himself with a racing heart and red cheeks when you gave him a sweet little laugh and helped him out. Your fingers in his hair, brushing and smoothing out the stubborn strands, running along his chest as you straightened his undershirt and zipped his jacket, swiping at his cheeks and lips to get rid of the mess (and sticking your thumb in your mouth to clean off the jam was just the nail in the coffin)
Naruto decides right then and there that he's gonna marry you someday (and when he realizes he said that out loud, he'll practically explode in a shade of red before stammering out a loud "Believe it!" before running off to go meet his team)
Watching Kakashi attempt subtlety as he stares at your lips whenever you're talking or simply just lounging around with him. He wants to kiss you so badly but he's not ready to take off his mask just yet but the thought of kissing you is on his mind so much that he thinks he might go insane if he doesn't get to learn how it feels
It's gotten to the point where Kakashi always presses his forehead against your temple, covered nose and mouth brushing over your cheek in jaw as he plays it off as exhaustion; really, though, he's just a little embarrassed (and a bit scared) to ask you to kiss him without removing his mask
Which leaves Kakashi absolutely shell shocked and delighted all at once when, as you're seeing him off before his mission, you press your lips against his through the mask as a parting gift (leaving the scent of your flavored chapstick behind on the fabric, something that keeps his mind just as occupied as before he got a kiss, only now it's because he needs to taste that flavor- mask be damned)
Shikamaru starting to debate the way he acts with you after seeing his friends with their partners, realizing he's never really asked you how you felt about his...lazy habits when hanging out and wonders if you're actually as okay with it as you seem
It's a real drag, honestly, Shikamaru thinks- having to question something he's never had self doubt on before. He makes up his mind that he's just going to ask you straight out and get it over with. His brilliant plan goes out the window and into the trash, though, when you trudge into his house for your date night and curl up beside him, mentioning something about 'been looking forward to our weekly shared nap' (which makes his heart speed up, hindering him from even being able to fall asleep. he wasn't complaining- for once- not after seeing you so at ease with his lazy habits)
Kiba not knowing why Akamaru runs off for around thirty minutes each afternoon after training is over, but not minding too much since his fluffy companion always comes back from wherever with his tail wagging and tongue out happily. He does get curious, though, so he ends up following along one day
And Kiba about dies on the spot when he sees Akamaru bounding up to you, the civilian that he has a giant crush on (who always smiles and waves at him, no matter what, in passing). He watches his tank of a hound sprawl in your lap- almost covering your entire body- and get petted and cooed at. He stumbles over with a dumb grin and heated cheeks, making easy conversation
When he leaves with Akamaru in tow, Kiba formulates a plan to finally ask you out, hopefully using his best furry wing man to help
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cherryminted · 2 months
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In which Kakashi aka Rokudaime disguises himself as Sukea to indulge his bibliophile self in a local library where he regularly meets Sakura and ends up with a book party every time.
A submission for kksk bingo by @scarecrowsandcherryblossoms with sukea x “this is my first time” x rumor theme (and hokage x gift too if that includes it.)
Meanwhile KakashiSukea
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venerawrites · 13 days
Thanks for the headcanons of Itachi and the s/o who has illness🥰. Oh my god your writings are just awesome keep it up❤️💪
Can I request some headcanons of itachi,kakashi,naruto when their s/o is pregnant?🤭
author's note: oh my god, this has been sitting in my drafts forever! I have only one assessment left, so I finally have the chance to catch up with my requests! Thank you so, so much for your patience and for requesting! Hope you enjoy!
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➤ Itachi
I think I am going to disappoint a lot of you, but Itachi was definitely not happy when he first learned that his s/o was pregnant.
It is not that he is not loving his partner, but given everything that has happened to him and all the decisions he had to make throughout his life, he has promised himself that he would never have children. He didn't want to put them at risk, or worse, make them suffer because of his own mistakes.
The initial reaction was shock.
He was always so careful and they always used protection, so how did that happen??
I imagine he would leave for a few days just so he can clear his head and gather his thoughts.
Itachi is naturally a carer and also loves kids, so it doesn't take him long to come around. After a few days, he is already back to his s/o and they better believe he would not leave them for ANYTHING.
Very overprotective, sometimes quite unreasonable - even in the early stage of the pregnancy, he would insist on taking care of his s/o, cook for them, clean the house etc.
Does not like the idea of his lover leaving the house by themselves, mainly because he is paranoid that either Sasuke or any of his enemies would target them. He always accompanies them when they want to go out, and when he does, he keeps his arm wrapped around their back or shoulders.
As the pregnancy progresses, so do his worries, and if his s/o doesn't want to be overwhelmed by him, they have to set clear boundaries and let him know they need some space to breathe.
Totally a man who would deliver his baby at home!
The moment he heard his baby's cry, he started trembling. No one loves like the Uchiha after all, especially when it comes to their love for their children!
➤ Kakashi
Just like Itachi, for most of his life he was of the firm opinion he DOES NOT want kids.
His s/o, however, was the one that brought up the question at some point in their relationship, and since then he couldn't stop thinking about it.
When his lover told him they were pregnant he was surprised, but not shocked. With the amount of "practice" they were doing, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
I think internally he would be worried and stressing about his s/o, but he would try and act cool about it.
He would purchase dozens of books about pregnancy and would read them all the time. (including during missions and night outs with friends!) Guy and Kurenai would find it cute and would often discuss their own tips with him, while Genma and Anko would roll their eyes at their antics.
Knowing how important is for him to give space to his s/o, he would subtly help around the house, but would still let them go out on their own, do chores or if they are a ninja, even go to low-rank missions.
The more their belly grows, the more fascinated he becomes!
Very touchy - his hands are constantly on his s/o's belly, caressing it or sometimes just holding it.
Kakashi would do that only when his lover is asleep, but he is totally talking to his s/o's stomach and telling his baby random stories.
During the last months, he would also become quite overprotective.
He won't bother his s/o that much, but he won't allow anyone to get close to them, touch their stomach, or bother them for longer than few minutes.
Overall, very supportive and sweet partner, who is going to make his s/o's pregnancy as easy as possible, despite his own fear of failure.
➤ Naruto
0 clue about what's going on! 0!
At first he thinks it is exciting - having a baby is fun, right? You get to dress it, feed it, take it out... it is like playing with a doll!
Buys tons of clothes and toys literally a week after he found out his s/o is pregnant, despite not even knowing the gender yet. (yes, they had to return most of them!)
Comes with a ton of weird names for their little one, because he wants them to be 'unique'. Oinks, Huggy, and Nemar (which is just 'ramen' spelled backward!) were on the top of his list.
The first months are pretty nice and fun! When the hormones start to kick in, however...
I love Naruto, he is one of my fav boys, but I bet my soul that he is so annoying during his s/o's pregnancy!
He would not understand when he needs to give his s/o space and instead will be in their face 24/7. I imagine that he would also (try to) do some housework, but because he put only like 10% effort, his lover would have to constantly go after him and re-do it!
Lots of small petty fights!
Which would always end in Naruto bringing his s/o their favourite snack or takeaway, so it works out!
Very proud to be a future dad - he would go around the whole village, telling everyone how excited he is and how he can't wait to see the baby!
Not scared or nervous at all - he knows that in the end, everything is going to work out! Plus, he and his s/o are going to have each other, so why fear?
His s/o better be prepared to take care of TWO babies, because it would take a long time for this man to become serious and laid back!
cc artwork: Clement Tingry
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Help to Sleep
Kakashi Hatake x Reader, SMUT. MDNI 18+ only. Ao3
6.8k words, kind of a shorter one but im trying to be more concise. also this one won the poll but the Higuruma fic and the Jiraiya fic will also be posted soon! thanks to everyone who voted and I hope you enjoy. tags: thigh fucking, biting, a lot of talking about smell, kakashi is tired and desperate and loves you so much.
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When you met Kakashi he wasn’t a sound sleeper. He would get up periodically throughout the night and excuse himself from bed to sit in the living room reading or cleaning, trying to lull himself back to sleep through monotony. As years removed him from the prescient danger of working in the anbu and moved him to a technically safer position of teaching, he found himself able to sleep feeling safer, sleeping harder, dreaming more, unafraid of being caught unprepared. He could still rouse himself at the slightest shift or change in your shared home, but these days, you would find him sleeping so peacefully, so still, that you felt compelled to check under his exposed nose to see if he was still breathing. He always was. He would often then be awoken by your approach and take your trembling hand in his and press a soft kiss to the heel of your palm, touched by your concern for him. Sleeping next to him was like sleeping next to a large, warm dog, slobber included. As selfish as it was, sometimes you wished he would keep his mask on during sleep, just to have another barrier between you and his drool. His bare, strapping arms would wrap around your shoulders, holding you tight to his warm, broad chest and not release you until he had woken the next morning, pulling you with him in every readjustment and every toss and turn. You would never admit this to him, but he had recently begun to snore, a soft, rattling breath inhaled and exhaled in little huffs. You knew he would take it as an example of his rigorous assassin’s training slipping away from him as age and direction had led him down another path, so for now it was a secret only for you. And you were honored to know something about him so intimate, so private, something he, himself, didn’t know. 
You had never known bliss like being held in his arms, pressed right up against his naked torso. Kakashi never slept with a shirt on, citing his own body heat became overwhelming for him if he did. Once you two had gotten more comfortable as a couple, sharing beds over and over, he began sleeping with nothing on period, encouraging you to do the same, again blaming his body heat. You were happy to oblige, slipping between the sheets with him completely bare, his hands glued themselves to your soft, exposed skin. They were rough, his gloves did their best to protect the thin skin of his hands from callusing and blistering, but they could only do so much. His long fingers were textured and bubbled in places, the palms themselves bearing small nicked scars from the wayward kunai or shuriken, but they felt like butter on your body, sliding so smoothly down your side, from rib cage to hip. Tonight was one of these nights, where his hands grabbed you freely, squeezing every curve of flesh he could reach, his lips ghosting over the back of your neck. 
“So beautiful…”, he would whisper before sliding his tongue up the outside of your ear. 
By this point you could feel him becoming harder against your ass, you pressed your hips against his, rocking slightly to stimulate his growing erection. Kakashi was a grower, starting contained and unimposing but expanding and lengthening into a wondrous, full staff that never left you unsatisfied. His hands would get hotter, press harder, squeeze tighter, as you pulled this transformation from him, bruising the outer part of your arm, your hip, your breast, wherever he was using for leverage to rut his cock against you. You raised your arm to cup the back of his neck, wanting to have as many points of contact as possible with him. He continued kissing your neck, up to your ear and down to your shoulder. 
You wanted to be concerned about how late it was, he had gotten home only thirty minutes ago, after being away for four days. You knew he must be exhausted, you saw the fresh healing bruises on his arms and torso when he disrobed earlier. You wanted to help him relax however you could, allow him to turn off his busy genius’ brain for a while and just feel good. You lifted your top leg slightly, his now engorged cock slipped against your other thigh, and closed your legs again, encasing him between your legs. Kakashi shuddered a groan out against your neck, burying his head further into the juncture between your throat and shoulder. 
“Thank you.” he mumbled, so grateful to be understood so wordlessly by you. 
He hadn't even had to ask but you had read his mind. He wanted the mindless, thoughtless expressions of intimacy that he had only ever known with you. Acts so primal that they held no space for thought or distraction. It gave him a break from how loud his mind usually was, his hips moved on their own to slide against your dampening pussy. Your slick was coating your outer lips and inner thighs, giving him a perfectly lubricated gap to fuck himself into. You loved him like this, so mindlessly desperate for you. You may be the only person in the world to have ever seen him like this. You blushed at the thought. He whimpered and grunted against you, moving his hips faster between your thighs. You felt every inch of his shaft sliding against your slit, his fingers clenching the flesh of your hip; clean, trimmed fingernails leaving crescent shaped impressions in the skin. 
“Baby please…can I? Please, love?” His voice was husky and rough, his lips dampening the skin of your neck. 
His nose was filled with your smell, your hair was in his face, your legs were so tight and wet around him, he needed to cum so badly. His every thought was about you, how good you were to him. How lucky he was to find someone like you. How much he loved you. He was becoming drunk on the feel of you, the smell of your perfume, your shampoo. He could smell himself on you, his laundry soap, the earthy soap in your shared shower.  Feeling you nod finally, Kakashi bit into your pulse point, his long canine teeth burying themselves into your flesh. You gasped at the sensation, your back arching pressing your ass back to meet his thrusts. His movements were becoming frantic and jerky, his building orgasm turning his brain to mush. The build erupted on itself, his teeth bearing down on your neck even harder, long white ropes of cum spurted from his cock, coating your legs and the sheets in front of you. He had been so pent up, it seemed that he would never stop spilling out. A pool of his cum gathered in front of you, you fought down the sense of jealousy, longing to have his cum buried deep inside of you rather than spilled on top of and beside you. But you’d have your chance soon, he needed this. And you were happy to be what he needed. 
Kakashi stilled his hips, releasing his clamp on your neck and he licked the raw spot, already starting to bruise. He should feel apologetic, but he couldn't bring himself to feel anything but pride, the way you panted in his arms, supporting his shivering body. You had been so good for him, so generous with your body, your time, your love. He loved you so much, his heart stirred in his chest as he struggled to catch his breath behind you. 
“I love you.” You sighed, gripping his arms as they wrapped around you, pawing at your breasts.
“I love you, too.” He brings his face around to where you can turn back to reach and kisses you deeply, sliding his tongue against yours, reveling in the feeling of your mouth so hot and wet for him. 
Taking his time to kiss you, relaxing after his efforts, Kakashi finally roused himself to change the bed sheets and you cleaned your legs up in the bathroom. By the time you returned to the bedroom he was covering the bed in the comforter once more, tucking it in the sides and pulling it back so you could get in. He slid in next to you, still naked, the new sheets cool against his flushed skin. You laid on your back, Kakashi opting to lay his head in your chest and wrap his hands around your waist. Every once in a while he would press wet, open mouthed kisses to the outer flesh of your breasts, or the space in between. His mind (and balls) finally empty, he could feel sleep descending quickly as it always did when he was with you. Your hands moving through his silver hair were a tactile lullaby, pulling him deeper and deeper into his dream. You started to nod off above him as well, his heart beat syncing to yours. Tomorrow morning there would be work and reports and lessons and reassignments, but tonight there was just the two of you. 
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Can I request hcs, if they are open, for how any of these characters: Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi, Orochimaru (Madara, Tobirama - I know these ones weren't on your list)
Would handle masturbating in front of their partner?
Like, is it hard for them? Would they feel self conscious? Would they just refuse to do it? What are they thinking about? Are they looking at their partner or closing their eyes? Do they look relaxed? (Just some things to think about, lol)
Just which ever characters you might feel any inspiration for! Hope this is okay! :)
Would He Handle Masturbating In Front Of You || Naruto characters x reader
Part 1 including : Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Ichuha, Kakashi Hatake and Orochimaru
A/n : Hey hear me out. I'm going to add Madara and Tobirama when I'll get to finally see them lmao. I'm only at the ep 291 for now 👀
Part 2 including : Madara Uchiha, Tobirama Senju and bonus : Hashirama Senju ➡ HERE
Warnings : NSFW, masturbation, mention of riding, cum play, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1929
Sasuke Uchiha :
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This guy is really tricky to understand. Like I got to the climax of his insanity so I'm not going to base this headcanon on that
Nevertheless I sincerely think that if you ask him outright if you can look at him while he's touching himself, he's going to look at you sideways and the ground is going to open under your feet / lh
Don't get me wrong he is flustered, very indeed but he won't show it to you
Not yet
He's not especially self-conscious of himself but he thinks it's very personal and he's filled with a mix of shame and embarrassment for some reasons
Moreover he is with you so he wouldn't masturbate often
However you are stubborn and you insisted
Walking around in your underwear to get his attention doesn't work, his eyes linger on your ass and breasts but he always manages to look away
Getting on your knees and sucking him off and stopping at the last second to force him to jerk off doesn't work either
You even tried to sneak in to surprise him but obviously he always knew when you walked in the house
The only time you saw him touch himself, was when his hand was stroking his thick cock in a swift motion from the base to the tip, right before he entered you. A moment when his mind was clouded by anticipation and lust, his lust for you
So one day, as you were about to get going at it, he jerked his cock a few times to make sure it was hard enough before sticking it into you. As he was moving it closer to your pussy you shifted your hips
He was surprised but didn't pay any more attention and realigned himself to you still masturbating
And you did it again 0.0
But then he stopped all movement, while a worried look appeared on his face. He asked you if everything was all right and you had to apologize profusely out of shame for having worried him
He's just so sweet
He realized why you did that a few days later when he thought about it
Because that's what he was thinking about when he was masturbating, you having sex and him impregnating you. But his mind went back to that last time
When he understood, he went to see you, after having emptied himself of course :')
He threw put you on the bed and looked at you with his usual stare, though you could detect some malice in it
"When you expect something from someone, it's because you're able of the same" he said as if he was lecturing you
You raised an eyebrow
"Take that off and touch yourself for me. I'm watching" he said as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. His sharingan-ed eyes went down to your crotch to signal you to take off your pants
And here he had just reversed the roles
That's so typical of Sasuke
Itachi Uchiha :
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He really doesn't deserve to be associated with the other members of the Uchiha clan on this part. Because unlike most of them, he has much less trouble showing affection to his loved ones, and especially his special one, you
When you ask him he is all red, like the clouds on the Akatsuki's robe
He is a little reluctant at first because making love is one thing, his cock is deep inside you and his head is buried in the crook of your neck. You don't see either of them. But now you want to see him with his cock in his hand and his face facing you. What if he moans ? 😱
But also how can he deny it to you when you bat your eyelashes like that at him, your eyes shining brightly
So he'll eventually agree, it's not that he doesn't want to do it it's just that he's afraid to look fragile and vulnerable in front of you
So please do praise him while his back is leaning on the headboard. His nail-polished hand moving up and down on his cock at a slow pace, his eyes closed and his frown wrinkling his forehead
You noticed his discomfort and asked him if he wanted to stop but now that his cock was hard in his hand he would have a hard time stopping even with all the self control in the world ( pun unintended )
So you got closer to him and with a look you made him understand what you were about to do to make sure he agreed ( consent is everything, consent is hot )
You put your small hand - compared to his - next to his on his cock, making his breath hitch when your fingers touched it and his sharingan activated without him having any control over it
You accompanied his hand in its motion before accelerating the movement and his hand followed your rhythm
You saw his face relax as the pleasure increased
After a while you let him continue to make himself feel good, admiring the tip of his leaky cock with precum disappear into his hand while his was fucking his fist. His pace now was nothing compared to the one he started with
And as slimy noises began to be heard, you heard a slight growl that overpowered the other sounds
You looked up to see him sitting there with his eyes closed, his face turned towards the ceiling and his legs spread a bit
The view was ethereal
"So pretty" you said
And to your surprise you heard him grunt your name in a groan, his hand seeming to move a little more vigorously
He ended up coming in a broken moan on his stomach, his hair sticking to his forehead due to sweat
Of course after that you helped him clean up and covered him with kisses on his chest, neck, cheeks, forehead and mouth, everywhere he would feel your love for him. You can try with the tip of his cock but he might get hard again
He looked exhausted and relaxed as if you pulled out of him an orgasm like he never had while masturbating alone
Finally, even when you're not with him and he's masturbating, he likes to imagine that you're close to him watching him do it
Genjutsu what #_#
Almost feeling your touch on his sensitive cock as he jerks off
Finally he did the right thing by listening to you
Kakashi Hatake :
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Bro might be one kinky smut reader
And there is a big but with only one T :')
He is also one introverted boy and even with you he is still shy with some stuff
One of them being masturbating in front of you, even if he has read a lot of this kind of scene in Icha Icha
And he would be lying if he said he didn't get hard thinking about it
You've already masturbated each other so in theory it's almost the same thing right ?
And it's this way of thinking that helps him get over his flustered state
But once he's naked in front of you he's all pink
So he sits with his back against a pillow and close his eyes
You even asked him if he needed you to hold his books on an interesting page while he touched himself
He felt his face get warmer as his face got even redder
"N-no don't worry" he replied as he began to gently move his hand up and down on his shaft, grunting slightly as he felt his fist tighten on the head of his cock
At some point, his eyes fluttered open just to make sure you were still there and he was surprised to see you staring at him like he was the seventh wonder of the world
Was he that good looking ?
In fact he seems legitimately ashamed of those scars from his time in the anbu but also somehow of his tattoo
The look you gave him made his dick twitch in his hand and he grunts
He asks you to sit closer to him
As he does so the speed of his hand increases
And finally he comes in long hot ropes on his lower belly
Yet he keeps moving his hand along his length, he likes to overstimulate himself
After cumming a second time, he lets go of his cock and makes himself comfortable in bed closing his eyes now that he is comfortable in his sheets and relaxed
You took a clean washcloth to clean him and then joined him in bed to cuddle
He kisses your forehead thinking that even though it was hard for him at first it's still something he could do with you but only if you touch yourself as well
Why should you be the only one to enjoy the show ?
Orochimaru :
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Literally has no shame
You are his creature and he is your master, at least in the beginning of your relationship, little by little he will start to realize that you are essential to his life and not at all to take your body, at least not in this way, he prefers to take you with his dick
And maybe he will start to be embarrassed at some point but not for the moment, you'll have to wait for him being in love with you
He is not at all self conscious about his body and he could walk around naked in front of you without any problem, he knows you love his body
It's not at all hard for him, the only hard thing there is his dick
And either if you are the one who suggest him to masturbate in front of you or if the idea comes from him, the goal is the same. It's a way to show your submission and belonging to him
And a good way to show it is to cum on you, on your face if you want, but otherwise in your mouth or on your breasts, where he can admire his work
He may even spread the mess he made on your breasts with his long cock or ask you to suck his dick clean
He needs to keep his eyes open, to have you in his sight
Not because he needs to see you to visualize you, he already knows you from every angle and could even draw you in detail. But he needs to see if you look at him, if you know the effect you have on him, how you make his cock hard and leaking
It's kind of intimidating in a way, he's the one who's naked but you feel almost as naked as him, even in your clothes, the way his piercing yellow-green eyes stare at you while being propped on his elbows
It's one of the only times, when he thinks about something other than his work, sure he sometimes thinks he could impregnante you and create an army of perfect little beings that would be the flesh of your two bloods but he is overall really disconnected from reality
And he looks so relaxed it's hard not to undress and join him, to ride his dick into the next century
So touching himself in front of you is something he can do without shame but seriously what's the point of jerking off in front of you while you look pretty drooling over the his cock when he can just undress you and take you as hard as he wishes
Just come here and enjoy
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🥯🧀 Again my requests are open 🌯🍩
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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animeomegas · 3 months
Hi monarch! I’m so glad your wrist is better!!❤️❤️
I’ve been wondering how would the Naruto boys react if an alpha that is consistently trying to court them suddenly doesn’t show up one day?👀 like what if they’re used to the alpha coming around in the evening to recite poetry for them, bring them flowers, food, just any courting item tbh and then one day they don’t show? Maybe because of an unplanned mission they didn’t have time to warn him about, or a cold that resulted in them falling asleep
I’ve been thinking about this mainly with Sasuke of course😫😩 he keeps turning the other cheek everytime the alpha comes but he suddenly finds himself well groomed and ready waiting for them to show at the time they usually do, checking the clock constantly wondering what’s taking so long 😖
What do you think👀
Thank you, queen! It's still a bit sore, but I'm exercising it gently now :D
Sasuke was actually the first one to come to my mind too!! He's like a cat that pretends he doesn't like the human, but when they're a second late for feeding time, he's like ??? Where are they??? They have five seconds to arrive before I find them.
I think most of them would notice. Although, I can see it taking Naruto an extra day to notice. Maybe Kankuro too.
Some of them, the more... normal of them... just figure the alpha was busy and don't panic too much. This includes Chouji, Iruka, all the slightly more adjusted ones.
Some of them are immediately like... I must stalk them to see if they're okay. Kakashi, Shikamaru, Sasuke. They need to know straight away. What if they were dying and needed help? Best check up on them. And when they find the alpha, you'd best believe they don't talk to them. They notice they're still alive, then they go back home to sulk about being forgotten for the day lol.
(Side note, I love the idea of Sasuke getting ready for the alpha's arrival. He's so cute, no matter how much he tries not to be haha.)
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
One of the best things I like about your Kakanaru is that everyone agreeing that Kakashi married up. Like he married an Uzumaki. An Uzumaki jinchuuriki to boot. Something only Hashirama and Minato had managed before. And then that Uzumaki is Naruto Uzumaki? Hero and Saviour of the world. Kakashi married so up that it's practically outer space.
Exactly. Anyone else who marries Kakashi? They're marrying up. That's Hatake Kakashi himself after all.
But Kakashi marrying Naruto? Kakashi married so far up it's unreal and everyone including Kakashi himself but excluding Naruto knows that.
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4izawas · 7 months
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╰─▸ ❝ 𝐒𝐎𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃~! ❞ ──── 𝐟𝐭. 𝐤. 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞.
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: “Y’gotta shut that pretty mouth before you get us caught,” Kakashi moans, his callused hands grasping at your hips as the water sloshes around you. “F-Fuck, that feels good…”
𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: naruto | 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: kakashi hatake/reader | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: nsfw ; minors dni | 𝐰/𝐜: 3.06k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: age gap, jonin reader, spoilers for season 2 of naruto, teen death mentions, kakashi & reader are friends, exhibitionism, public sex, bath sex, spit swallowing, biting, creampies, minor cockwarming ( briefly ), y’all nasty af idk what else to tell u homie, previously established relationship.
𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐜𝐚𝐬: the fifth and final day of kinktober <3 enjoy u weirdos
— 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 !!
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Sitting back, eyes closed, you soak in the heat of the water of the natural hot spring, relishing the way it soothed the ache in your sore muscles. Your last mission, one of utmost secrecy at the bidding of a the now deceased Lord Third Hokage ( and wasn’t that a startling fucking thought, knowing the old man was good and dead when he’d been around to see three hokages including himself come and go and then even came out of retirement in Minato’s place ), had run long and difficult; only two of the six that had set out had come back, with one of the pair being yourself. 
Two of those who would never return had been your own students, still so green at the gills and small in stature in your eyes that wearing their blood home still made you ache all over in ways unrelated to your strained body. 
Water suddenly sloshes up over the sides of the public baths you recline in, but you don’t react. You recognize those footsteps, recognize the breathing patterns behind you to your right and recognize the familiar aura of that intense chakra that you used to be so jealous of — but that was a long time ago, and you no longer had any care or need to be jealous of a superior turned equal. 
“What ways have you rid yourself of your students now, Kakashi?” you ask lazily, not bothering to open your eyes. “I hope they aren’t trailing behind you like a litter of lost kittens.” No matter how fond you were of Kakashi, his children were no obligation of yours, and despite how good it felt to bask in the relentless warmth of the public bath, you would abandon it in favor of peace and quiet. You were in no mood for children — not now. Not after what had happened on this last mission. A silence follows, though comfortable, before the unseen man replies. 
“I told them to take the day off,” he admits quietly, settling down nearby. “After what happened, it’s the least they deserved.”
You hum thoughtfully to yourself. “Mmm, I agree,” you murmur, then sigh and cross your arms over your bare breasts, eyes still closed. “They’re too young for this. I still think we should bump up the genin applicant age requirements to sixteen.”
You can practically sense the man nearby nod. “Yes. All the trauma… It isn’t healthy. Not for children — it’s why I never take students.” His voice is soft and conflicted; he loves this trio, you already can tell. Nothing wrong with it, of course, those sorts of feelings from teacher and student  just typically backfire eventually — your own set being the perfect worst-case example. 
“And yet now you lead three,” you muse wryly, a half-amused smirk on your lips. A scoffed sigh at your right shows his own ill-concealed amusement, and the two of you fall back into silence, wordlessly enjoying the heat of the water as well as one another’s company. 
After a moment, a soft utterance of your name — hesitant and cautious — has your ears metaphorically pricking up. “Where…” Kakashi pauses, thinking the question over; ultimately he decides to pursue its answer. “Where are yours? Your students.”
Your kids. 
A stiff, cold silence settles over you both, the frigid sensation cruelly eating into Kakashi’s bones despite the heat of the baths, and you say nothing — but he can see the way your muscles have tensed in a way that looks painful, and he’d seen the way only you and a single lost-looking chunin had returned bloodied and bruised from a mission that had started out with six in number, and he knows. Kakashi knows what happened, he just doesn’t want to believe it. You’d had this pair of students at your back for years now, they were about to graduate entirely and leave your tutelage. Kakashi himself knew them both by name, had greeted them whenever he visited you for whatever reason; they’d both made homes for themselves in you and your house, and for you to be without them after striking out on a job with them was the only real evidence he needed of the truth. 
But again, he didn’t want to believe it. 
“Gone,” you finally mutter, voice cold and empty of emotion. “Information was bad. One of ours sold us out on top of it. We couldn’t catch a break.” Another long silence separates the two of you, and the small area of water between you both feels like an endless ocean. Kakashi silently mourns with you, knowing nothing could soothe the hurt of what’s already happened; you’d lost students before, twice before actually, but these had been the first you’d taken on in so long, and they’d been with you for years at this point. Adding onto the agony,  you’d only ever lost one at a time in those two instances before — and never your entire set. 
Kakashi wonders when and what he’ll have to tell his own students; they’d joined you and yours for exercises and more than a handful of missions in the past, and Kakashi knew how fond Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were of the pair of seventeen year olds that followed your lead — but later. They’d hurt enough this week. “I — ” he starts to apologize, wanting you to know he understands, but you don’t let him. 
“It is what it is,” you almost growl, and Kakashi knows that you don’t want to speak about this anymore. He won’t make you. You never forced him to discuss his own losses, so what kind of person would he be to press yours?
The two of you sit in silence again, the tension slowly easing into a more comfortable aura, and you both finally relax, basking for an hour in the simple, easy quiet that had fallen between the two of you. You can hear each other’s breathing, can sense the soothing pulse of one another’s chakra, and it’s an easy existence. The two of you had always managed to rest together once your burning jealousy faded and Kakashi’s self-deprecation eased enough for him to accept the hesitant companionship you offered — not friends right away, but you’d started off by sharing a few drinks every now and then, and then meetings every other fortnight or so became weekly, then biweekly, and they finally evolved into happening whenever one of you felt the need to see the other. 
Like now. 
“God, my calves ache,” you grumble, finally breaking the silence again, and he doesn’t bother fighting off the fond smile that creeps up at the sound of your grumpy voice. He’d been nervous that the most recent mission would change everything, but that was foolish; neither of you were strangers to loss. You’d manage, as always. 
“If it makes you feel better, my shoulders feel like shit,” he offers, his soft smile widening upon hearing you snort. 
“You trying to one-up me, Hatake?” you ask lazily, sitting up and stretching. He turns to answer, and after seeing them so often it’s easy to practically ignore the way your breasts lift above the water and reveal half-hard nipples as you raise your arms. 
“I could make this a competition if you really wanted one,” he retorts easily, and your amused huff turns his smile to a slight grin. 
“Fuck you,” you reply. A warm, excited buzz starts to fill him, a feeling he frequently had when in your presence; god, he loved spending time with you, however it may be. 
“Right now? Normally we drink first,” he teases, and another silence falls between the two of you. Kakashi squeezes his eyes shut and kicks himself a little, wondering where the urge to say something that hinted at being vulgar to you had come from; this wasn’t one of his dirty romance novels, this was you, and Kakashi liked you. He didn’t want to fuck this up. 
He jumps a little at the feeling of someone straddling his lap, and when his eyes instinctively flick open they widen at the sight of you gazing down at him with a dirty grin twisting your lips. 
“Don’t tell me the old man can’t get it up after making the joke,” you tease in turn, and he starts grinning again. Why was he worried, again? This was you he was speaking to. You’d said much filthier things, things that would get you kicked out of most public places should you be overheard. 
“Big talk for someone with such a small dick,” he replies, tilting his head to the side while looking up at you, and you scoff. 
“I think my cock’s plenty large, Hatake,” you rumble, reaching between your bodies and taking his cock in one hand. A soft gasp leaps from his lips unintentionally, and you laugh breathily. “See? Large and still growing,” you murmur playfully through your messy grin, and Kakashi laughs in a way that devolves into a shaky whimper when you run your thumb across the sensitive underside of the tip of his cock. 
“I’m n-not sure that belongs to you,” he manages to choke out as you start pumping his shaft one-handed beneath the water, and you hum slightly. 
“Isn’t it?” you ask slyly, leaning down and beginning to lave hot, open-mouthed kisses along his neck. You stop for a moment with your tongue pressed flat against his racing pulsepoint before biting slightly at it and sucking at the hot flesh before moving up to his jawline. Soft pleased noises are your reward from the man you’re straddling, and you smile softly against his heated skin in between kisses and bites before continuing. 
Your free hand begins to wander, gently beginning to massage the shoulders he’d complained of aching, all while covering him in love bites and kisses. “God, I’m so glad you’re home,” Kakashi whispers, his big hands coming to rest on your hips as you caress him with both your hands and your mouth. “Y’were gone so long-“ he’s interrupted when your mouth covers his so your tongues can lave over each other before you move on, and he keeps speaking. “-I kept getting so fucking hard and couldn’t do a damn thing about it without you, and I… Fuck, I missed you, I wanted you home, wanted you home so bad!” His deep voice comes out in a slight whine as his hips buck up into your loosely fisted hand, but you don’t fault him for it. Kakashi had always been especially sensitive to your touch, and this time was no different. 
He continues to nonsensically ramble as you play with his cock and drown him with your lips, your hips slowly starting a smooth rhythm of grinding against him to soothe the taut heat in your belly. 
“You talk too much,” you growl into his mouth, nipping at his lips in between kisses all while getting rougher and rougher with each roll of your hips and jerk of your hand. “Shut up and fuck me until you have to carry me out of the fucking hot springs.” It all comes out louder than you’d intended, something that makes Kakashi a little nervous; this wasn’t a private bathing area, anyone could come in at any time, and if you got caught the two of you would be blacklisted by the staff. You had to be careful. 
“Y’gotta shut that pretty mouth before you get us caught,” Kakashi moans, his callused hands grasping at your hips as the water sloshes around you. “F-Fuck, that feels good…!”
“I gotta shut my mouth?” you reply, voice filled with exasperated sarcasm. “Hatake, you’re whining like a virgin touching his first pair of tits, don’t even try me.”
“God, you’re such a fucking brat,” Kakashi groans, and you chuckle right before he captures his mouth with your own at the same time as you lift your hips. He does the same, freeing his cock from beneath the water, and you sink down on it before it really has a chance to start getting cold. The two of you moan into the other’s mouth at the simultaneous feeling of being filled and filling someone. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Hatake,” you whine breathily into him, and he moans deeply and rolls his hips up into yours in response. The only noises falling from those sinful lips of his are stuttered whines and groans, noises you mirror and respond to in kind as he fucks up into you at the same time you thrust down, the head of his cock slamming against your sensitive cervix as the cock your insides are practically moulded to carved out it’s usual place inside you. 
“F-Fuck yes — please, more!”  Kakashi whimpers, and you let your head fall back at the tone of his words, slamming down just a little bit harder. Water sloshes violently around the two of you, splashing up over the lip of the bath as the two of you roll your bodies together in that perfect way that the two of you were well practiced in. 
Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you hold on tight and he brutally fucks his hips up into yours, water splashing and his heavy balls slapping audibly against you as he fills you to the brim with his cock. “O-Oooh-!” you moan suddenly, the noise swift and punched out of you. At the sound of it, Kakashi’s voice cracks. 
“Oh, God yes — harder, ride me fucking hard, just like that-!” 
His eyes are rolling up now, and the grip he has on your hips is bruisingly tight. One of his big hands runs up the length of your spine, his forearm crossing your shoulder blades while his hand grips desperately at your shoulder, tugging you closer to him and mashing your chests together. One of your own hands moves to cup the back of his head, your fingers disappearing into his white hair, and your own head lolls forward so your forehead rests against one of your arms around his shoulders. 
“Fuck, Kakashi,” you whisper out in a whine, moaning softly as he cants his hips up in the way he knows you like without even thinking. “A-aah-! Mmmhh… Oh, fuck…”
“S-So good,” he grunts, “Fuckfuckfuck — Y-Yes, c’mon, s’close-!” His rhythm is getting lost in the pleasured haze you’re both collapsing into. You can feel yourself on the brink, and you relinquish your grip around his shoulders with one hand to push the other between your grinding bodies to rub furious circles around your clit, your hips stuttering messily up into your own touch. 
“Y’gonna cum for me, Kakashi?” You ask breathlessly through a moan. “Gonna cum in me, gonn fill me up? Gonna breed my whore fuckin’ cunt?”
“Only a whore for me,” Kakashi growls plaintively against you, and you whine. 
“Y-Yeah, baby, only for you. ‘M all yours…” The promise has him moaning again, your own voice joining him as the two of you both ease closer and closer to the edge, a long drawn out series of filthy noises and sounds falling from both of your lips at the same time. 
The stone at least two feet outside of the baths is darkened by water that’s splashed over from the violent movements going on in the heated pools, and both you and Kakashi are sopping wet and soaked; anyone with a brain in their head would know what’s happened, people who frequent the public baths here aren’t typically idiots — but you don’t care. You’re too fucking close to cumming to give a fuck about the disgust, about the reports that would be made, about the notice that would be put up warning patrons of the consequences of being caught fucking on the property. 
“M’gonna cum,”Kakashi whimpers breathily, “God, I’m gonna cum, gonna cum so hard!”
“Yeah?” you ask weakly, letting out a gasped cry when he hits inside perfectly. “A-Aah! Y-Yes, yes — cum for me, Kakashi, fill me up!” You watch through a haze as his eyes roll back and his jaw drops, his mouth open and ready for the moment you spit in his mouth. A garbled cry echoes in his throat moments before he swallows what you’d given him, and two quick ruts up into you end with him keeping his hips up and grinding his cock inside as a familiar warmth spreads inside your cunt. You circle your clit faster and faster until your own orgasm washes over you, your own eyes rolling back and one twitching slightly as you clamp down on and begin milking his cock of all the cum it has to offer, pressing down into where he’s pushing up into you. 
Your grip on him tightens as you cling to him like some love-stricken beast, and he reacts in kind, squeezing you back and clutching your naked body close as his cock twitches inside of you with each new spurt of cum he releases inside. 
“Fuckin’ — F-Fuckin’ love you,” he mumbles into your skin as his heart races against yours, and you hold him close while he does the same with you. 
You press a gentle kiss to the crown of his head. “Love you too,” you whisper, allowing yourself the simple pleasure. ‘I love you’s were only said in moments like this, with him balls deep inside where he belonged and filling you up like you deserved. 
The two of you rest with his cock still in you, basking in the afterglow before Kakashi finally breaks it. 
“Come home with me,” he says quietly. “Sleep in my bed with me tonight, wanna hold you to sleep.” You’re quiet for a moment, unsure, but eventually nod.
 “Okay,” you whisper. You’ll allow yourself the luxury of comfort, even if just for tonight. If anyone but Kakashi had offered it, though, you know you would have denied them. Kakashi just had a way about him that you couldn’t deny. “Let’s get out of this water and — and go home.” You hear his breath hitch when you refer to his home as your own, but don’t comment on it. Why would you, when not a word you’d uttered was a lie?
And hell, if the two of you fucked a handful more times around his house before falling asleep for over eleven hours, no one had to know but the two of you. 
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © { 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 } 𝐛𝐲 𝟒𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭.
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