yioh · 1 year
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GUYS look at my wha oc😎
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argent-gale · 9 months
Oddly Nostalgic
I got a notification one of my blogs turned 7 yo today.
I haven't been on here in months but it got me reminiscing a little.
About how I'd eagerly await those reblog/like notifications.
About how I'd squee when I got a message notif.
I remember when I lived/breathed TWD and SW. Those fandoms injected a spark that made life so much more interesting.
I remember writing fics. Getting recs. BEING recd.
I remember chatting people overseas until legit 2 am my time on a worknight.
I'm not really involved in any fandom right now. My online fandom friends have drifted away. People I used to talk to multiple times a day have just...disappeared.
I get sad because I remember how it used to be. So fun. I remember thinking how boring my life was before I got so involved in my fandoms. Now that I'm not in them anymore it makes me sad because my life is once again dull.
I wish I could get excited over things again but I just can't.
I scrolled through my feed and saw some old "faces" and smiled remembering. I guess I should be grateful I had that time at all.
I packed away all my fandom merch and will probably sell/give it away. I spent so much money on that stuff, lol.
Anyway, just musing today.
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jrueships · 5 months
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Ofc you overanalyze your photos sauce, of course
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the sassy little hands on hip pose football men love to strike when they're waiting isn't helping you either cringeking 💔 guyfailure
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idk what he's complaining about, they're trying to make him gorge and not weird guy gorge, stop being a hater to your helpers, sauce
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sephiramy · 1 year
just genuine musing
I get a lot of really complimentary feedback on the style used in these doodle comics:
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and being that they are so easy to make, it has gotten me wondering if maybe doing a whole comic (as I really do miss making them) in this hyper simplified method would be a good idea for me 🤔
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I wonder what the Buffyverse characters thought during the change of the millennium, like with the scare of Y2K and everything. I wonder if any of them were also afraid that the world would end, like some people were.
I'm kind of surprised that there wasn't an episode about this. Or at least a book or tie-in comic or something.
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momentsbeforemass · 11 months
What’ll it be?
(for someone who’s stuck in neutral)
What’ll it be? What’ll you have?
It doesn’t matter how you ask it. The answer to the bartender’s eternal question? It has consequences.
It marks the designated driver. It shows wisdom in an unexpected place, revealing someone who knows their limits.
And it can separate a night you’ll want to remember, from one you’ll always regret.
Today’s Gospel is the parable of the sower. Well, really just the last part of it. Where Jesus tells us what the good soil represents, what the rocky soil represents, etc.
This one shows up a lot in the readings. So we get to hear this one a lot in church.
But whether it’s the explanation by Jesus that we get today, the short version we hear at Mass during the week, or the long version we hear on Sundays. There’s something missing from every version of this parable.
The truth of the parable of the sower is that in this life, there are no bystanders.
There is no safe place to stand out of the way. No matter how much we’d rather not get involved, we already are.
We’re stuck. We have a choice to make. We don’t just get to pick which type of soil we’re going to be.
We have to pick which type of soil we’re going to be.
And just like the bartender’s eternal question, our answer to that question has consequences. Eternal consequences.
So what’ll it be?
Today’s Readings
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vigilskeep · 1 year
colour symbolism breakthrough
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ncgz · 4 months
so uh... I'm "involved" with someone. We are testing the waters but omg I think I love him. He's so sweet, and he's considerate cause he knows this is my first relationship. He makes me so happy and safe and Everytime we text or call we normally end the call at 2-3 in the MORNING. I call him cutie and he's embarrassed about it but I know he loves it. We aren't really talking about it in school but PEOPLE FOUND OUT. I really wanted to keep it on the down low but thats ok. Cause I have him.
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porto-rosso · 9 months
man every so often i’ll hear about teachers refusing to take students’ 504 plans into account and it’s just like. taking my peers by their shoulders and shaking them that is illegal what the teacher is doing is illegal it violates the rehabilitation act you can threaten the school with legal action over this
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flamingdoodles102 · 1 year
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Stiiiiilll a WIP with these fusions gotta make a character sheet for them >w>
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lonesomedotmp3 · 1 year
just an absolutely BIZARRE conflation with marriage and heterosexual relationships as 'growing up' like it's this inevitable unstoppable unwanted thing that you must force yourself to endure like I thought you wanted us to root for this relationship man what are we doing
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blueiight · 1 year
have you seen this. thought you might appreciate it
i have not seen it until u sent it to me. thank u for sending! i find it to be fascinating. i always thought the fan culture around jonathan majors to be somewhat troubling & tangled with some the erotic stereotypes of black men in pop. culture. majors’s fandom was as nonblack as it was black, unlike cosby & kelly whos fandoms was predominately comprised of black people all over the world, in part due to the fact that majors reinforced a lot of sexual stereotypes nonblack + some black ppl have around black men. fit, oiled down, u barely saw his face u mostly seen his swole body. the fantasy his marketing team sold was the hypermasc big black guy was ‘gentle’ for an audience.. u have to wonder if these same people would have found him so attractive if he had the same exact face but was physically built any other way. ppl on twitter actually posted his pics when he was skinny + the response was creative levels of delusion writing about how he was ‘starving’ ‘struggling’ n the like. and the pic where he was skinny was at a hollywood event! all bc he wasnt on creatine same exact person same face the same ‘sex symbol’ became hideous/a symbol of struggle.. bc ppl found majors’s body attractive, erotic, sexy, ppl associated his attractiveness with his morality/how he would act. thats why ppl r asserting now that he was ‘always ugly’, bc somehow the cruelty + abusive behaviors u do has any relationship to how u look? that post is really strong in how it ends. what do the gp do when the container for erotic desires is shattered indeed, when the fantasy of idolatry is shattered again. and again. and again.
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evilromero · 1 year
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now personally if it were me i simply would've let mel giedroyc cook. but it was not up to me
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redfairysblog · 2 years
Involve me. Involve me intentionally
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gideonisms · 6 months
Just found out I was thirsty not by receiving a signal from my body about it but by dozing off and dreaming about cold water from different alluring angles. This is great. I think all my wants and needs should be revealed to me this way
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oncorhynchus-nerka · 3 months
VERY IMPORTANT a dam in the Netherlands, the weerdsluis lock, is directly on a migratory path for spawning fish. They have a worker stationed there to open the door for the fish, but they can take a while to open it. So to keep the fish from getting preyed on by birds they installed a doorbell. Only, the fish don't have hands to ring the doorbell. If you go to their website, they have a LIVE CAMERA AND A DOORBELL that YOU RING FOR THE FISH when they're waiting, and then the dam worker opens the door for them! I can't express how obsessed I am with this. look at this shit. oh my god.
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Please check on the fish doorbell once in a while :)
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