wachsurfer2018 · 2 years
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La Costa di Crotone sul Mare Ionio
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fancygirlplays · 2 years
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travel-inspiration-gr · 9 months
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The most dazzling beach of Paxos with the "floating" boats...
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fatandangry · 2 years
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💙 Something to say goodbye to August 🤍 #ioanninabars #ioniansea #ionio #blueandwhite #summer #sea #sailboat #wu_greece #kings_greece #unlimited_greece #stay_greece #ig_greece #visit_greece #greekphotographers #skylover #sky #cloudlovers #clouds #nikon #NikonGlobal #nikongreece #nikonphotography #nikond3100 #athensvoice (στην τοποθεσία Ιόνιο Πέλαγος) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch8GQpmta47/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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simonecorami · 2 years
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Piccoli gioie serali ioniche #sea #mare #italia #ionio #sunset https://www.instagram.com/p/ChnE75YtL7Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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froufrouni · 2 years
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Ιt's freddo time! #seastories #seaview #seaside #Σκαλα_Πρεβεζας #ioniansea #ionio #visitepirus #visitgreece #allyouwantisgreece #youwillwanttostayforever #relax_at_last https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgq7Bo9Lu0e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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calabria-mediterranea · 5 months
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Calabria, Italy
Photos by @francesco51525, @codadipagliu, @annaeva.67
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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yoooko-o · 1 year
03/05/2023 part1
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brunopino · 28 days
La Via per la Francia di San Francesco di Paola, dal 16 al 19 maggio 2024
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statoprecario · 2 years
"Verso il Mar Ionio. Un vittoriano al Sud" di George Gissing
“Verso il Mar Ionio. Un vittoriano al Sud” di George Gissing
Il Sud d’Italia alle soglie del Novecento è vissuto e narrato come mai prima da un grande e singolare autore vittoriano, quarantenne inquieto e solitario: uno “scrittore nato” secondo Virginia Woolf. Il 16 novembre 1897 George Gissing lascia Napoli diretto a Paola, si ferma a Cosenza, poi raggiunge Taranto, Metaponto, Sibari, Crotone, Catanzaro, Squillace e infine Reggio Calabria, lungo il…
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enryka82 · 9 months
Il giglio di mare, la pianta sacra sulle dune dello Ionio
Cresce sulle spiagge del Mediterraneo il giglio di mare. La pianta “sacra”, infatti, germoglia sulle dune di diverse località turistiche e non. Perché il giglio di mare o giglio marino cresce e si trova alle Canarie, sulle coste atlantiche del Portogallo, le rive del Mar Morto e la costa meridionale del Mar Nero. In Italia il pancratium maritimum, pianta perenne appartenente alla famiglia delle…
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For those curious about the lore of Xenoblade. 
Klaus was an Apple Employee. Apple took over the world and started using their iMecha to rule the world, so then the Saviorite Rebels decided to fight back because they didn’t want the world be controlled by a fucking tech company. This caused Apple to do the unthinkable, create Androids (the Aegises) to fight back. During a battle near the iStation, Rhadamanthus, Klaus’s boss decided to activate iOnios, but Klaus instead decided that he would rather be an iGod. However, Galea, a spy working for Google, tried to stop him. Which broke the multiverse in half. In one reality, immediately after Klaus pressed the button, Galea bitch-slapped him and that made Ontos give her enough girlboss points to turn her into an iGod. In the other universe, Galea was really fucking slow and became an iZombie like the rest of humanity. 
In the new iEarth, Klaus realized half his body was missing. In fact, the rift stole his dick (rude). Saddened by his missing penis, he ended the reign of Apple by covering the world in Pneuma’s and Logos’s iClouds. Then turned all the Core Crystals into iLands. Thus life was born. Meanwhile, in the new dimension that Klaus and Galea lived in, Klaus created the biOnis (it’s bisexual) while Galea decided to spite him by creating a giant fucking Android, which Klaus dubbed the Mechonis. Klaus really wanted to make the two titans fuck, which made Galea realize that her spite didn’t work because she underestimated how much of a weeb Klaus was. Which she really should’ve seen coming after learning that Pneuma had, like, G sized cups (he was trying to make them I sized so that the one saving grace of his androids would be their iCups, but he was laughed out because everyone kept saying I C U P). Ontos, could not remember their real names, so he referred to them by their Minecraft usernames (Microsoft was like the Switzerland of this war, so both Apple and Android employees could legally buy their products, this was solely because no one wanted to live a life without Minecraft); zanzam042 and mey_meth609. In order to preserve their dignity, the iGods changed their names by one letter each, becoming Zanza and Meyneth. 
In Alrest, Klaus had completely rejected his identity as an Apple Employee, thus he allowed life to do as it will. Though he did make iNdol’s inhabitants look like Apple Products, a move made out of nostalgia for his ancient past. As an iPeople, the iNdoline had longer than average lifespans, weighed 2lbs, and could play tetris. This made them the defacto religious power. A man by the name of iMalthus decided to climb the iTree, There, he found two shiny rocks. One rock turned into a big man. The other turned into a blond lady with depression. The big man decided to use his iWMDs to destroy an iLand, just cuz. Which made everyone want the depressed white girl to blow him up. Unfortunately, she accidentally blew up another iLand in the process. So, the populace decided to seal away the ultimate Apple Products at the bottom of the ocean. 
In the iWorld, Zanza decided he was tired of Meyneth’s stupid Android world, so he decided to use his iSword to cut the Android in half, recreating the battle of the original world. He used iBioweapons to infiltrate the Mechonis, his iBioweapons glowed in the dark and had the same battery life as the iPhone127-DX, which allowed Meyneth to retaliate by getting them all stoned. Enraged that his master plan didn’t work and realizing that the biOnis was already at 10% power despite only being active for 3 minutes and 45 seconds, he knew that a sacrifice must be made to secure victory. He unleashed an army of iRachnids on the iAnts, extincting them permanently. With their liFe energy, he waged war with Mechonis. Like in his split of reality, this ancient rivalry resulted in a draw. While the biOnis had more firepower and a sleeker build, the Mechonis had more charisma and a 10 mile long sword. Realizing that he would have to go into iBernation, Zanza turned the telethia into iEntia for efficient storage (coloqually known as High Entia to make fun of Meyneth’s weed addiction, despite Meyneth having never smoked a blunt, for she preferred to use old-school cigars due to no longer having lungs to ruin). Meyneth, too, went into hibernation. Her Androids were very sad, so they built a statue in her honor and then chose to live on her disembodied arm.
Many years later, in both worlds, some british kid was collecting random garbage only to get attacked by a random crustacean. Which was not the worst part of their day. No, they would instead experience a single atrocity, at the hands of a guy with a white face, which they only might know to be a mask, only to then pick up their trusty iSword and fight a guy with black armor. 
Sualk, Zanza’s attempt to make Ontos say his original name, only for Ontos to “glitch” and spell said name backwards. He decided that Sualk is too awkward to pronounce, so he changed his vessel’s name to Shulk. Then decided that he was going to kill every Android in all of existence. This lasted all of 3 weeks, when he met Ontos in person and realized that he was really fucking hot. Then he learned that Androids can be people too (for reference, this is propaganda on Monolith’s part). He then proceeded to make friends with Egil, who is sometimes referred to by his deadname, eGirl, by Zanza, who is officially the world’s first and only boomer (because he made the world go boom). Dickson, known as Dickdick by the nopon, could not let this slander stand. Despite smoking weed, Dickson was also transphobic and sexist, so he could not stand to see Zanza’s name being slandered by touching an eGirl. He did the only logical course of action and shot his son in the face (tho his aim was a bit shit because, unlike Meyneth, Dickson was smoking blunts, which caused him to hit Shulk’s heart instead). Ontos, enraged that Shulk no longer existed to make Zanza’s day slightly worst, decided to revive him for shits and giggles. This was secretly a mistake on Ontos’s part, because Shulk then proceeded to unexist the concept of Godhood, thus unintentionally banishing Ontos to the shadow realm.
Meanwhile, following the journey of Rex (who did not yet have enough testosterone to call himself T Rex). Pyra, who had initially called herself iFire, but decided to change the name after Addam was too stupid to understand the difference between “iFire” and “I Fire,” decided to revive Rex because unlike her creator, Pyra was not a transphobe. Though in Addam’s defense, he also didn’t know how to spell his own name, so perhaps iFire was expecting a bit too much from him when she told him her name. After fending off Bads and riding iZurda to iGoth (known as Torigoth to the local catgirls), Pyra allowed Rex to stare at her boobs from a nice low angle. Little did she know that Rex took this as an insult and immediately jumped off her. Pyra, taking this as a sign that being a fire type did not, in fact, make her hot, breathed a sigh of relief. While wandering aimlessly through the forest, iZurda decided to upgrade himself, becoming 10,000x lighter and becoming slightly easier to shove into your pocket, costing only the small fee of Rex’s entire house. Though this new model lacked any of the combative or transportive capabilities of its older counterpart, iZurda2 was more marketable due to closely resembling a plush toy. During their travels, Rex and Pyra met the self-proclaimed Queen of Anus, Nia and her butler, who had a passion for writing poetry despite his utter lack of thumbs. While Rex and Pyra walked everywhere, Nia rode pussy. They soon met a number of actual monarchs. As a terrorist, banned from setting foot on any nation, Nia got along well with these global superpowers. Bads would not let these happy times last. Thus, they kidnapped Pyra. Jin even punched her before telling Rex that he was bad at Driving, which Rex took insult to despite cars not existing. So much that Rex considered giving up his quest. Nia snapped him out of his downward spiral by lovingly punching him in the face so hard that he was sent to the emergency room for a concussion. When he returned, he’d forgotten everything about his journey and decided to go home. Somehow, this was the correct decision, as he found the secrets to the universe in some cave. This inspired Nia to reveal her true powers to Rex. Like Rex, Nia was also trans. But unlike Rex, she was so good at it that she unlocked the ability to give bigots cancer. Using that power, they saved Pyra and Mythra, who decided to become green and call themselves Siri. Rex, Nia, and Pyra ascended the iTree, where they met Klaus. Rex wondered how Klaus was able to maintain his impeccable abs despite the rest of his body being withered away and the man clearly having never exorcised once in the past 1.7 billion years. It was a far more interesting question than listening to the man’s 30 minutes long senile rant. Rex eventually shut him up by telling him he was Gay for Bads. He then left the room to go kill Bads. 
With Klaus finally fucking dead, the timeline tried to recover. Unfortunately, this caused a plethora of merge errors, which would result in the utter annihilation of everything. The worlds used radios to communicate, and decided to create backups of their population, with one person from each acting as the failsafe should the directive fail. As the only existing monarch, Melia became the representative of Shulkonis (a name they agreed on because it would eternally annoy Shulk). Meanwhile, Nia became the representative of Alrest because everyone agreed that it would be funny to officially crown her Queen of Anus. During this period of time, Nia had sex with T Rex’s entire polycule and they had 3 children, Nio, Mia, and Mio (it took them three attempts to get the name right, which is why they had so many kids). Shulk did not get to have sex, because Shulkonis was under threat from the Shadow Realm kept tears holes in reality that an army of iZombies would come out of. They called it “the Fog” because it looked nothing like fog. Despite each world’s woes and hoes, the day was upon them that Shulkonis and Alrest would fuse. Unfortunately, Alvis reappeared from the Shadow Realm and cut Shulk’s arm off. Offended by this behavior, Shulk built a cool prosthetic for himself. Dunban was a bit envious that Shulk got to have a functioning right arm but he didn’t. Unfortunately, that was Shulk’s final invention because he accidentally gave his prosthetic arm super sharp laser claws, causing him to laser claw everything he tried to touch. He and T Rex then gathered an Army consisting of 7 people to wage war against the iMonad. Riku, the first of Riki’s son’s (Riki also had 14 kids in an attempt to figure out how to name them), created an iKatana during that battle. Having missed the memo that the iSwords were supposed to have names vaguely reminiscent of soup, decided to call his iSword the Lucky Seven, in honor of the seven people that tried to stab Alvis in the face. 
This failed. Instead Z, who suspiciously had nothing to do with Zanza, decided it would be funny to create iOnios. Nia, having finally realized that she was, in fact, the sole ruler of the Militaristic Nation of Anus, decided, for the sake of her people’s dignity, to change the name by a single letter, thus resulting in Agnus. Melia, also changed her nation’s name from Shulkonis to Keves. After Shulk’s death, it seemed rather unnecessary to refer to Shulkonis as such. While all of this was happening, Riki went on an adventure to stick the Monapon in some cave (he was sick and tired of having it in his inventory). His actual biter, of course, was in the ruins of Frontier Village, which was located approximately 23 meters above where he stuck the Monapon. Nia and Melia, tired of Z’s bullshit, decided to take a nap. When they woke up, a group of nine-year-olds started lecturing them on the meaning of life. Deciding that iOnios was not worth saving from these kids, Nia and Melia went home. Realizing that said nine-year-olds might lose against the embodiment of procrastination, Melia decides now is the time to activate Alcamech. Nia gets the memo and teleports her house into Anus Castle. To her delight, the people of Anus Castle reconfigured the mech so that her house would not appear as a buttplug. The kids, upon being asked what to do with the fate of the universe, decide to press Ctrl+Z.
The End
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canesenzafissadimora · 10 months
La mattina del 16 agosto 1972, lo Ionio, bacino del Mediterraneo orientale, restituisce alla storia contemporanea la vecchia storia. Il volto iconico e il corpo statuario. La lingua greco antica.
Dal ventre ionico del mare di Riace, a Porto Forticchio, riemergono il petto e la schiena della Magna Grecia. La massa del tricipite, il volume della coscia e la caviglia snella.
Supini, occhi fissi in superficie, spalle atletiche, braccia vigorosamente pronunciate, cosce elaborate secondo la forza umana, zigomi pungenti, e bocca bruna da baciare. Due guerrieri nel mare nostrum.
Il sub Stefano Mariottini, a 300 metri dalla costa del mare di Riace, e a 8 metri di profondità, rinviene, depositati sul fondale, ricoperti da pugni massicci di sabbia, due statue bronzee.
Chi è la?
Lo Ionio, sempre clemente e mai avaro, fa l'omaggio più bello che un mare del Sud avrebbe potuto fare al suo Meridione di terra, offrendo ciò che per ben 2500 anni circa ha custodito. Guerrieri bronzei di manifattura ellenica, con cui la spuma greca del mare di Calabria, ha visibilmente giocato per secoli, elaborando ricami, miriade di piccinissime incrostazioni, stratificazioni di sale e chiazze di ossido.
Sulla via degli antichi greci, il mare ritorna ai postumi i suoi Grandi Padri. Il bronzo B e il bronzo A, il vecchio e il giovane. Tenuti a pubblico battesimo come "I bronzi di Riace".
Un'offerta degli Dei al nuovo mondo. Un complesso di meraviglia stravagante e spettacolo puro, piacere della carne e sublimazione dello spirito. Stato umano di sbalordimento.
Alti rispettivamente 1,98 e 1,97 m, per un peso di 160 kg. Risalenti alla metà del V secolo a.C., con un carico di mistero che li rende praticamente bellissimi. E li fa oggetto di grande ammirazione, di pubblica lode.
I bronzi diventano immediato emblema di una storia unica, sempiterna, rivelata dal gaudio, il lume, il dolore e la gloria, ma velata da un mistero straordinario, irraggiungibile nella normale contemplazione, vivo al di là di ogni ragionevole orientamento, pervaso di reazioni cariche di fascino, in grado di donare ai due guerrieri ulteriore valore storico, artistico e culturale. In una misura che ovviamente non è comune in termini di doti e capacità.
I bronzi di Riace hanno una ritmica impossibile da riprodurre, l'immenso che riflettono li sottopone alla cadenza di un tempo illimitato e indefinito. Indistruttibile e interminabile.
Senza uguali e senza simili, affermato e indiscusso marcatore distintivo identitario della Regione Calabria, seppur patrimonio dell'umanità intera, nel 50° del loro ritrovamento in mare, di cui oggi, 16 agosto 2022 si celebra la grande festa, ancora una volta raccontano l'immortalità del loro tempo, la durevolezza della storia, l'indistruttibilità dell'arte.
Dal 1972, imponenti e fieri, i bronzi di Riace, si offrono nella loro interezza, nudi e abbaglianti, al Museo di Reggio Calabria. Da ogni parte del mondo, per questo compleanno della storia di cui essi sono la goduria e il piacere, è verso il MARRC di Reggio che invito a organizzare processioni di aerei, macchine, pullman. Colonie di giovani. Ciò che sarà visibile ai vostri occhi è di sconcertante bellezza. Verrà naturale prostrarsi innanzi ai Bronzi come coi Santi, che mentre i Santi sono nicchie sacre a custodirli, i Bronzi li custodisce la Calabria. La culla della Magna Grecia.
Percorrendo il chilometro più bello d'Italia, come lo definì il D'Annunzio, arriverete nella casa in cui I bronzi di Riace, carichi di vigore e bellezza, vi incanteranno. Qui comprenderete che la Calabria, con il suo carico di Magna Grecia, non è una trovata qualunque, ma una verità assoluta.
Poi dirigendovi verso la costa Ionica, sostate a Riace, immergetevi nello Ionio, i Bronzi laggiù fanno sempre magie, raccontano cose che non si sono mai dette.
Buon compleanno ragazzi, buon cinquantesimo miei eroi. Buona festa, Bronzi, e che la bellezza vi accompagni sempre. Anzi, porti innanzi a voi il mondo intero a stupirsi.
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Giusy Staropoli Calafati
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teredo-navalis · 2 months
Non vedo l'ora che sia lunedì per andare sulla spiaggia e vedere cosa mi donerà lo Ionio :3
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muraenide · 10 months
History of the Leech Family - Part I The Leech Family had been part of the underwater Mafia for as long as civilization existed among merkingdoms, but they were not the only ones in the Trench. Underwater Mafia history went back to three thousand years ago, approximately five generations of the average merfolk. It all began with a single man (or merfolk): Bermuda von Mar Ionio, a nobleman who is distantly related to the Royal Family of the Coral Sea.
Bermuda wanted to do something to protect the merpeople of the Trench, which at that time, was a wartorn, anarchic city left in the dust from the negligence of Atlantica after the war with Titans and humans. Common citizens in the Trench would frequently suffer from robbery, murders, and kidnapping among other things. There wasn't enough food to go around. Death was a common everyday sight. Bodies could be found at every turn of the corner. Strange diseases that caused death and deformation run rampant. Without funding from the Royal Family or their consent, even as a nobleman, there was nothing Bermuda could do. But lacking funding and manpower didn't discourage him from his noble quest. He established the first group of vigilantes under his name.
After some time his charisma and exceptional leadership drew people to him. More and more vigilante groups formed, volunteering to set various operations into motion in the Trench so that they could operate independently from Atlantica. Their operations covered external trade, domestic trade, defense, agriculture and food security, arts and culture, foreign affairs, advancement of science, technology, and development. Gradually, the Trench started to become more civilized, alleviating people's lives by massive strokes. Touched by the power of group work, Bermuda suggested forming a brotherhood among ten of his closest companions who were all leaders of their own vigilante groups, which consists of:
Bermuda von Mar Ionio
The confederation was called the Court of the Abyss, led by Bermuda with Mariana as his second-in-command. To further prove their loyalty to Bermuda, the Court of the Abyss performed a blood oath. They each swore fealty and loyalty to Bermuda by signing their names on a special contract infused with powerful and ancient magic. This magic also extends to ten rings for each of the parties involved, to keep their spirits bound to each other for all of eternity.
Each of their vigilante groups begins calling themselves a name, using their founder's first name as their last name and adding 'Family' to refer to themselves as a whole. It was what Bermuda wanted as he sees everyone as his family. For example, the members of the Alyss Family might not necessarily be blood-related to each other, but all of them would proudly call themselves a part of the Alyss Family.
Though the Court of the Abyss was first established to alleviate the lives of less fortunate people, it gradually starts to take a different course as years passed. Some merfolk lived longer than others; it would be seven generations of the Mareels long before one generation of the Ghiaccios. The Dohrn Family's members, though few in number, were all immortals that could never ever die. As the bosses of the families switched out from the original, the next might not always agree with its predecessor. The first family that gradually turned to crime was the Nautiluses when the second leader got sick of always giving but never asking for rewards, realizing that he has enough people to steal and that it would instead gain him higher returns, the entire family of Nautiluses soon abandoned their post to provide enough food for the Trench and turned to robbery of merchant and pirate ships.
Peace and stability were short-lived, but the tipping point that would eventually cause the Brotherhood to break apart was Leech's betrayal of Bermuda.
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calabria-mediterranea · 4 months
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Lights, shadows, colours and tradition.
The charm of Southern Italy's Calabria
where magic still happens.
Photos taken in Sant'Andrea Apostolo dello Ionio, Calabria, Italy by @guidotaroniphotographer
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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