#is this what goes through people's minds when they come up with ideas for edgy and adult pokemon plots
soulsilversprings · 2 years
Pokeani characters as glitches from the Pokémon games
Gonna leave a bunch of these blank for now bc I'm indecisive and I like hearing what you all have to say!!! Also some of these accidentally got sad oops. Anyways, enjoy!
Ash: Pewter Gym skip glitch (RB). He's pacing around town, still trying to figure out how he's gonna beat Brock with his very ill-suited team, when suddenly everyone starts treating him like he already has the badge. Okay then.
Brock: Bad Egg (multiple gens). He's opened his own Pokémon daycare, and for some reason, one of his client's Pokémon keep laying radioactive, hazardous eggs. Eventually, his business gets shut down, which is why he later decides to become a doctor instead.
Misty: MissingNo glitch (RB). She just so happened to leave the Safari Zone, go to Route 20, and surf along the coast of Cinnibar Island when that monstrosity of pixels jumps out at her. Tried to use it in a gym battle once but was put on a month-long suspension by the Indigo League.
May: that glitch where if the battle ends in a draw, you black out but the victory music still plays (RBY). Specifically from that one cursed Petalburg City episode where she wins against Ash by using Ember on his face and the whole town cheers for her.
Dawn: tells her mom "no need to worry" and then a minute later, accidentally warps herself to Glitch City (RBY).
Barry: the void from DP. He runs too fast in the wrong pattern one day and suddenly, all he sees in front of him is black.
Cilan: Berry glitch (RS). He notices that the herbs he planted at home a few weeks ago still haven't grown and thinks it's a bit odd. But then autumn rolls around and the leaves are still green, the sun doesn't set, and his Xtransceiver is stuck on 10:37am. The passage of time has stopped, and Cilan can do nothing but lament.
Clemont: Lumiose City save glitch (XY). One of his inventions misfired and now has him frozen in place as the world passes by him. Permanently.
Bonnie: The Lv. 153 exploding Bulbasaur glitch (RBY). It's her last day on this earth, and she has absolutely no regrets.
Mallow: Pomeg glitch (RSE & DPPt). She's just trying to comfort her injured Tsareena with those berries she really likes when suddenly, Tsareena passes out in her arms. But not really somehow? She is very confused and alarmed.
Goh: Mew glitch (RBY). He researched meticulously for this one, down to the Fly/Teleport trick, location, and Special stat. Bonus points if Gary convinced him that Mew was hidden under a truck first
Horace: Celebi egg glitch (GSC). Really, he wasn't trying to hatch a Celebi, it just happened. He panics and releases it out of guilt.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
How do you're ocs treat Reader to a self care day?
Theodore is beating his chest with thunderous hands and opens his arms wide and that is your cue to fucking jump on him and let him cuddle you- cuddle the sadness, the depression, the fatigue OUT OF YOU. At least thats his idea of self care (that and shooting people... and breaking stuff... and causing chaos and destruction) but he'll compromise and do whatever you wanna do, as long as he gets to grumble and hold your hand (at least, he loves physical intimacy). Honestly, u can get him to agree anything u want if u just give him a kiss on the nose- and he will instantly melt. He will still complain, thats non negotiable.
Dimitri is a man of money. He will spend his entire account on you if it pleases you, and if retail therapy is your thing, girl u just hit the jackpot. Of course, hes down for seggsy times too, but thats really his idea of self care and if you wanna do something else, he can put his needs aside for now even though he promises you would've felt 100000 times better by the time he was done with you. But like i said, he's a rich guy, he will give u his credit cards and money if u wanna do something else. Hell, he's even rained them bills on you. "Do you want to jump on a pile of money, pchelka? Hm? I can arrange that for you, darling." (pchelka = little bee)
Eros... the golden boy, the charmer. He will literally sweep u off your feet with how sweet and caring he is omg he will actually drop everything he's doing the moment he hears you sigh out the wrong way. Like you take one breath way too deeply and he's right in front of you, holding your face ever so gently and asking you whats wrong. And you dont even need to tell him anything because he's just so darn smart and he can read you like an open book and thus, he knows what you need. He knows if its a "retail therapy" kinda day or "stay at home, do face masks and watch comfort movies" or "take long bubble baths together" kinda day. Please rant to him, he pays close attention to all of it and has the best and most appropriate reactions and... he just loves your voice. And the thing with Eros is that he doesnt just make it a self car day- no, its a self care days/week/months or however long HE deems that you need it. He's the best, i love him.
Magnus is... not the dude u wanna self care with. Like dont come to him and say "can i have some space/leave the house for a while because I desperately need some me time." because to him that means he needs to STEP TF UP and be there more for you as if u werent already tired of him breathing down your neck 24/7. "Hm, what did you say? You want some space? Oh but angel, that's not what you need. No, silly! God made us for each other, we're soulmates! And we need to be there for each other, in sickness and in health! Aww but I don't blame you for getting confused about what your body needs! Its what happens when you dont have a baby in you. And it has been a while since we had our last! I think its time for baby number 8! :D" And you best believe the cult members are glaring at you through the windows of your house, pointing their pitchforks at you to fucking follow your husband to the bedroom and let him put another baby in you or they will come in to help him do just that (and maybe beat u up a little when he's gone for baby shopping).
You say self care and Lucifer's mind goes to torturing souls and eternal damnation. But thats what he likes, and now that he likes you, he will let you express your preferences. I mean, personally he would kinda try to get u into adding more oil into the fire that burns souls, but he knows you dont like it when they scream... maybe he can pull their vocal cords out?? Hm, maybe. Lucifer allows u to do whatever you wanna do as long as you do it in hell/within the premises of his home(castle, really. Real edgy dark, satany theme going on). One time, you wanted someone to just hold u and since Lucifer is the only one who is allowed to touch you, you climbed into his lap and let him hold u for hours as he sat on his throne, and he swears he's never felt more content in his life than with you softly snoring in his arms and shuffling closer to him every now and then, with him carding a hand through your hair and kissing your soft cheeks.
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ccarrot · 5 months
More Chuuya hcs pls
Lemme tell you a little about my aus while i'm at it!!
Whenever i draw SB lab art, if he's got short sleeves and Dark eyes its chuuya and short sleeves with crazy contracted eyes it's cloneboy! If chuuya's wearing a. longsleeved nightgown it's Chuuya from schoolkoku au!
So the mechanics of Corruption are a little strange because N wants chuuya to say the trigger phrase presumably to "factory reset his mind" but in order to actually activate Corruption he needs to wear the ability proof anti-mindcontrol hat BEFORE he says the trigger so that his mind doesnt get wiped in the process.
To continue on Corruption, if N was intending to get Chuuya to actually activate it, then there COULD be a way for Chuuya to stop it himself. I don't buy the idea that Chuuya's been literally coded to respond a certain way to the words, but maybe it's true that he's been conditioned/brainwashed in a way. In any case it's not lile Verlaine's Brutalization.
Nawy originalaccountname has convinced me that Chuuya has a fear of electricity and lightning storms.
Donut Shop Chuuya experiences an Evangelion Mental Breakdown(tm) at 19. Regains a Lifetime of memories. and the stress of that makes him benched from his executive duties. At some point he just, ditches Yokohama and holes up with Adam and Mary in England for a bit. Donut Shop Chuuya comes back to become Dazai's Bakery employee at some point but not after getting dragged into the Bungo Stray Dogs plot. Hopefully no more fighting for this boy afterwards.
Chuuya's ability is sustained by a singularity ability right? The point at which somthing reaches an infinite value is essentially a singularity, for black holes i think its when the center becomes infinitely dense bc the gravitational pull becomes infinte. My loose memory of physics concepts aside, If chuuya's base ability was enhancement, then Corruption is triggered when the enhancement gets activated on himself, and he's get closer to death when the gravity of his ability gets closer to infinity. Asagiri is a Nerd.
I think if Chuuya ever dies, his ability would like. Explode out of him into a giant black smoke hound thing. A massive BEAST emerges in the wake of his death. Gwahh so edgy.
Like ghhh i think if he never managed to leave the lab he WOULD see N as a caring father figure to look up to. From what we know about N he isn't clinically detached, he's very hands on and manipulative. And we also know that chuuya WILL latch onto any form of kindness and devote his LIFE to uphold that. He'd think of N as his parent.
Most of my skk aus involve Chuuya experiencing the Horrors and Dazai is the pov character who goes through comparitively more realistic trials. I follow Asagiri's formula 👍
More abt hallucinations. That scene was definitely supposed to draw a parallel with him and Atsushi i think btw. So i hc he has issues with night terrors and audiovisual hallucinations, no matter how much he ignores his trauma he wont escape these till he faces it head on. Anyways i think he encounters "ghosts" a lot. The Flags, people he may have killed. Murase really frequently, and N when he gets stuck with sleep paralysis fhh. One he minds the least is Rimbaud actually. Rimbaud's "ghost" is never unhelpful but not one he regrets too much either. Rimbaud's last words to him DID fundementally impact the course of Chuuya's life
Either way he gets bad insomnia. Perpetually has reddish under eyes. He uses makeup lately. The edgy red eyeliner to fit his vibe. Bro is so tired.
Chuuya gets injured easily and a lot but he walks it off like A Champ. Perks of an inhumanly good pain tolerance. Also he gets chronic migranes and pain in general.
He actually smiles a lot. He tries to be really expressive when he talks to people, and if he isn't annoyed or half zoned out he'll try to appear friendly. This doesn't apply to School au or Analog au chuuya, those two girlies are still learning the muscle movements for smiling.
I headcanon Chuuya to be singularly the coolest character in bsd ever and no one can compete. Chuuya won an Oscar.
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oddballwriter · 10 months
Heya!! Literally been obsessed with your writing all week and there are no signs of me stopping 😭 was wondering if I could request a blurb (or hc’s if that’s easier. I don’t mind!) about any of the moon boys with an writer/author!reader? maybe reader is always going to them about plots and characters and when second opinions? add whatever you please! thank you for doing all these request for FREE btw you’re a great writer!!! 🤍🤍
Test Readers
Summary: You're an author and the moon boys are surprisingly good feedback. 
Warnings: Mentions of some fighting in the book/story the reader is making 
Author’s Snip: I didn't want to do just Steven so I did Marc and Jake but ended up just doing those two, which I think is actually great.
Notes: I did not proof read this. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
One thing you never had to worry about as a writer was finding test readers. Because the boys were your test readers. Well, it was mostly Steven who did the reading for you chapters to see how well it flowed and if it kept people reading because, well, it's Steven. He burns through books like he gets paid to do so. But you knew Marc and Jake read them too.
In a way, it was good that they did because you knew that Steven would like anything you made. So with Marc and Jake being the type of men to just out right say their opinion was great.
"I don't like where you're taking McIntire's story and character." Marc piped up as he wrapped his arms around you while you sat with your laptop typing up something else. "How come?" you ask. "He feels too... edgy now with everything you added to him." he explains. 'Well, the point is that he's slowly remembering who he was and all the things he's done," you remark, "And he's meant to struggle with that because he doesn't think that he could ever do that as the person he is now." you add.
"Yeah, but," Marc says before scrunching his face to show that he still doesn't like how much there is. "You're right." you sigh and confess, "I was kind of thinking that he was being a little too over powered.". "It sort of takes away from why he did what he did in the first place." you mention, mostly to yourself. "I'll put more focus on that instead." you comment.
As for Jake. If you're being honest Jake is the type of reader who looks more for drama and action. Which somethings isn't needed when there's a "peace time", as you like to call it, in your chapters. But sometimes his suggestions actually work out.
"I'm just saying," Jake remarks as he watches you review over your pages for the newest chapter in your story. "These two characters have a rivalry and hatred towards each other and this is their first time meeting after everything has started the actual story." Jake explains, "So why not have them argue and have a bit of a fight." he concludes. "But this is the first time they actually have a meeting with each other. Every other time was in passing." you argue.
"Doesn't the bad guy already know who your main guy is? He's known all along, no?" Jake asks. "He has an idea that the protagonist has something to do with the legend but he doesn't know that it's him." you explain. "Well, how about the big bad comes to the realization that it is the legend that he's been seeing?" Jake suggests.
You lean forward in you seat and think as Jake goes on.
"I'm not saying have the final fight right now. What I'm suggesting is that you have them maybe get a few punches in to give your readers a taste of that the final fight might be." he says.
You tilt a brow and speak, "That's actually a pretty neat idea.".
"See." Jake teases.
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0nemorestranger · 7 months
an in-depth, spoiler-free review of flight of icarus
despite eddie being written from a pre-joe quinn perspective, there was enough "accuracy" to where i could see him become the loveable goofball two years down the road. "he would never say that" moments were few and far between and i could say the same for the rest of the characters we already know too. the problem was the new guys. ronnie, paige, and al were so one-dimensional! i could tell what caitlin was trying to go for with ronnie and eddie's dynamic, and with everyone hyping it up i was ready for a good time. unfortunately it just read as a wannabe bastardized platonic stobin to me. paige, for being a love interest, had little to offer -- we aren't even told what she looks like, aside from the fact that she has freckles and a wavy bob. and then there's al. i was interested at first, but the more i saw of him the more repetitive his scenes got, to the point where i was like "okay i get it" and skimming most of the parts that he was in. you'd think that caitlin schneiderhan, being a writer for the show, would be good at creating new people out of thin air. but as far as the st novels go, these newbies were the most forgettable.
as far as genre, i wasn't expecting something akin to a cheesy 80s action movie. imo, there's a reason action movies work; trying to capture that tone on paper just feels manic and juvenile, and again, led to me skimming the parts with al in them. i'm wondering if the "bigger" tone of s4 inspired this, but honestly, what drew me to st (el notwithstanding) was the down-home nature of it. i loved the balance between average suburban kids on the cusp of coming-of-age in their mundane lives vs government experiments and abuse of power. it felt real. this just felt like die hard? more like try-hard.
i will say this was the first time i've seen an eighteen-year-old portrayed semi-accurately in a ya book. eddie had the arrogance and i-know-better attitude most boys his age have, especially most edgy boys involved in a not-society-friendly subculture. but at the same time, all he really wanted was to know his dad would stick around. it was heartbreaking. unfortunately it goes back to the repitition and surface-level approach; with trauma having been a buzzword online (where a lot of teens hang out these days) for the past few years, you'd have thought schneiderhan would've approached it with some... care? nuance? understanding? instead it just rang hollow because it was basically the same issue presented in the exact same way, over and over again.
and speaking of the same issue over and over again, can we please get rid of the "character goes through trauma after trauma only to die when things start looking up" trope? the fun of eddie being a one-season character was, yes, we could theorize and create headcanons about his backstory. like i said, i love the idea of just a regular, slice-of-life kid who feels like an outsider in his close-minded small town, but at least he has his guitar and a great relationship with his uncle and friends who love him. but no. this story kinda shit all over that, and knowing his fate made it that much tougher of a pill to swallow.
my biggest dilemma is the ending, inasmuch as it saved this whole thing from being painfully average. the author did a good job of giving us just a glimpse of who eddie would become, and honestly i cried a little bit. that said, the issue is, now i don't know if i have the heart to get rid of the book lol
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 1 year
I had a crazy idea for a Bendy sequel.
So I brought up in another post of the possibility of baby benders being able to “grow up”
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My idea is since Bendy himself is a child coded character,
unlike the ink demon, who seems to have the awareness and complicated thought process of an adult
(Albeit a very emotionally stunted and severely traumatized adult)
Baby benders is basically a child.
Most likely cause the character in the In universe cartoon seemed to be meant to be a permanent child character.
Think like Timmy turner who’s been 10 for like, 10 years.
But now that he’s in the real world, his mind and possibly his body can now grow and develop, albeit most likely slowly since he still isn’t human.
So if he’s currently supposed to be like…. 8? In the early 70d
Instead of being in his teens in the 80s like a human kid would, he doesn’t grow into his teens until much later.
Maybe not until the 90s since that’s when cartoons were really starting to get edgy and mature
Or maybe not even until modern times since being an artist now is… very strange and rough with stuff like A.I. art.
Idk it depends.
So I think bendy would still be mute. Like maybe audrey taught him altered ASL so he can more properly communicate
(Since he would most likely be isolated as an ink monster so he wouldn’t have to worry too much about talking to people who don’t understand his Signing)
Also I think him and the ink demon would be on better terms by this point
(Since my personal theory of what bendy and the silent city is is it’s lil bendy imagining an adventure that turns to him exploring his own mind and trying to beat the ink demon, only to get a better understanding of his alter and the two start to get along better)
BUT the ink demon can’t come out without bendys permission.
And bendy doesn’t want Audrey to know about the ink demon being able to come out because
“Hey the monster in my mind that tried to eat you and absorb your soul and severely traumatized you wants to come out and hang. Is that cool?”
Is not a conversation you wanna have with your sister/guardian.
So the game would be about gent capturing Audrey
and while you sometimes play as Audrey,
who’s trying to escape from a facility filled with ink abominations Gent was creating,
You also play as Bendy who, with the help of the ink demon and a former artist Gent tried to turn into an ink monster,
Goes to try to figure what happened to Audrey and try to save her,
While also trying to understand who he is as a person, his place in the world
And tries to wrangle his complicated dynamic with his brother/alter, the ink demon,
Unsure if he can be trusted, but needing his powers to trek through this dangerous mystery.
What do y’all think?
Would y’all want this?
Y’all think Joey drew studios would make something like this?
Do y’all have your own ideas for a bendy sequel?
Lemme know!
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As a system- please, please be carefull with what you're doing (talking about the Dark Deception DID thing you're trying to do).
Systems really, really don't need more bad rep by singlets who have no idea what they're doing.
DID (and OSDD)is a serious disorder,that forms as a coping mechanism when a child goes through repeated abuse. It's not some made up thing you can write characters having for edgy points or "ooo, their other personality is a murderer who kills people, scaryyy" shite
Of course, DID is not the only way to be plural, but you mentioned DID specifically.
(Not that what we mentioned would be okay to write about an endogenic or a willingly created system, mind you.)
For the love of all that you believe in, be careful.
A concerned OSDD 1-b system.
I will try to be careful with it. If you all think I'm doing something wrong feel free to dm me and help me write him as a better system, and this goes for anyone with systems as well!
What I'm planning for the personalities, I'm trying to stray from the stereotypes, but please let me know if I accidentally write him into one when the system comes up in the fic! ^^
DID is the only one I know about, and if there's a different type of way to be plural that I haven't heard about please tell me I would love to learn :)
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emmondsokolov · 7 months
// I don't really like or care for labels and don't feel comfortable advertising that about myself much, but for my OCs it can be an interesting development point, though I'm still not sure how I feel about talking about it openly, but here goes...
Marloix has said to a few people that he "doesn't do the whole 'love' thing." And he does genuinely mean that. He's not just trying to be edgy nor inviting any challenge to make him fall for someone. Man's an Aromantic Homosexual, he's not built that way, he just wants to be fecked and then left alone. He'll help out and do work and favors for the people around him to keep his mind busy, but he's not in it to make relationships with anyone. He's not quite above making friends though. He may think he is. And truthfully he's a horrible friend who tries not to get attached to anyone too deeply though, for reasons. But it still happens on occassion. Sex is just another way to pass the time for him, and in his canon he wastes a lot of his meagre earnings on prostitutes and brothels. I'm still not sure enough of the ff lore to be able to comfortably bring this sort of thing up outside of his canon though... Surprisingly Marloix is also extremely respectful when it comes to consent and privacy, sexual jokes and teasing aside, so it probably wouldn't come up anyway. On a sidenote, since I started drafting this post up Marloix has been called a Masochist after he started to speak a little more openly on such things. And... hmm... while I suppose the sentiment isn't entirely false, its also not exactly accurate either. With his nerve damage and severe, deep depression in general, he's rather addicted to seeking out any kind of high he can get, not necesarily through pain, he doesn't even like pain, but pain is definitely an option. He didn't correct them though, he'll let anyone weave and believe whatever story in their head they hold about him.
Nelandrie is possibly one of the Straightest characters I have, and likes men in almost every aspect. She stubbornly believes herself to be above falling for anyone though, and remains aloof and uncaring. She has the elven lifespan to justify not rushing into any sort of deeper romance and her work is far more important to her than any kind of relationship, beyond a fast means of stress relief. Sex is a huge stress reliever for her, and she is stressed a lot of the time. A lot of men who push her into a rage may unintentionally find themselves sharing a bed, or more accurately, a broom closet with her. (Though I'm not in any way going to write anything even remotely like this with people I don't know, god no!) Despite being completely straight, Nela is not against showing off a bit of skin for the ladies though, they can stare all they want for all she cares, she'll take it as a compliment. And honestly she would be as polite as her snarky, prickly nature can manage at turning them down if any woman ever came forward about it. She is particularly fond of an ugly little workaholic halfling man though. Not romantically of course! Its just nice to finally meet a man with very similar ideals and takes their job seriously. Definitely nothing romantic about it. Certainly not. No. Never... sips.
Urzula is both Biromantic as well as some flavour of Grey Asexual. She develops crushes on anyone who is nice to her for more than a few minutes and tends to get taken advantage of because of it. She has no idea what to actually do with these feelings and has no desire to act on any on them other than staring and pining from across the other side of the room with sad puppy eyes and not saying a word. Urzula also has almost no concept of long-term commitment to a relationship and is largely oblivious and obtuse to the fact that anyone could actually want that from her, she has unintentionally broken a few hearts this way. Her self doubt is far too strong, and most people only end up with her out of a sense of pity anyway, "I can fix her," etc. It's no surprise they get heartbroken when she doesn't respond in the way they expect. She's far too set in her ways, and most people see that as a bad thing or something that needs to change, rather than simply accepting it. Urzula's a little autistic in this way, combined with a lot of past trauma. She doesn't feel safe with change, and will shy away from anyone who insists she can, or worse, should change. Losing the relationship is just the safer option. No hard feelings intended.
I guess I'll mention Emmond since he's listed here too. He is an Aromantic Asexual who thoroughly believes himself to be a perfectly healthy and normal straight guy. His marriage didn't work out but he has a daughter, Aleks, as a result. He loves his daughter and would do anything to keep her safe.
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marjaystuff · 11 months
Wendy Walker Interview
What Remains
Wendy Walker
Blackstone Pub
June 13th, 2023
What Remains by Wendy Walker is part procedural, part domestic suspense, part mystery, and a cat/mouse thriller between a policewoman and a stalker.
The story opens with Cold Case Detective Elise Sutton stopping at a department store to buy her children a gift. She hears gunshots and is confronted by an active shooter. One man is about to shoot another, so she decides to make the choice to take one life to save the other. Elise is very shaken having killed someone, even if it was necessary to save other lives. As a detective who works cold cases, she has little need to fire her weapon in the line of duty. She is hailed as a hero, but she doesn't feel like one. Steeped in guilt, and on a leave of absence from work, she's numb, even to her husband and daughters, until she connects with Wade Austin, the tall man, whose life she saved. She asks him if it was a good shooting, which saved his life.
But this meeting will put her life in turmoil even though Wade, known as The Tall Man, hails her as a hero.  She is guilt ridden that she took a life and tells him more about herself than she should.  The problem is Wade is not his real name and when she tries to find him, he   becomes a ghost. 
This is where the story takes a turn and deals with the psychological aftermath of a shooting. Elise comes to grip with letting her guard down with a total stranger who is hellbent on ruining her life unless she gives into his demands of spending their life together.  He begins stalking her and threatening the people she loves including her husband, daughters, and police partner. It now becomes a dangerous, twisted, and deadly game between Elise and the man she saved.
This is an edgy, intense, and chilling novel where readers take a journey with Elise. Readers will not be able to put the book down.
Elise Cooper: How did you get the idea for the story?
Wendy Walker: I was listening to the news years ago and heard about a shooting in Boulder Colorado in a grocery store. Listening to the bystanders interviewed it was so clear they suffered a trauma. I wondered what happened to them.  This is where the title, What Remains, comes from. This was a sudden acute trauma and I wondered what happens to people emotionally.  This is where the character was born and from there, I decided to make her a police officer, Elise. 
EC:  The steps of trauma?
WW:  I found it interesting to find these stages.  In the research, some had seven stages, some six, some five.  Someone’s brain goes through this process of what happened. I put in the books these steps: shock, denial, pain, guilt, anger, bargaining, depression, then an upward swing toward acceptance and hope. I had Elise, obsessed with finding one of those caught up in the store to try to put her mind at ease about the shooting. She feels isolated and alone because she has stopped herself from going through these stages. 
EC:  How would you describe Elise, the police officer?
WW: She has an internal conflict after being hailed a hero, yet she has tremendous guilt and doubt about the shot she took killing the shooter.  She tends toward having anguish, is a puzzle solver because she can control it, vulnerable, and a risk taker. Before the shooting she is confident and happy with her life. 
EC:  What about after the shooting?
WW:  What happened really shakes her and changes her.  As a police officer she second guessed herself. She is strong, tough, capable, and protects herself.  I do not see her as a victim. She is kind of a bad ass because she decided to use her weapon to save people’s lives. She feels tormented, puts herself in danger, feels alone, and has secrets. Elise feels isolated, which comes from the shooting because she sees life darker. There is a disconnect from her emotional brain and thinking brain. The book has a scene where the psychiatrist tells her, ‘The worst kind of loneliness is to be with people you love and feel that they don’t see you, then to be alone.  It is more painful.’
EC:  Readers understand what a stalker does?
WW:  Stalkers are irrational. The like to target, humiliate, create fear, and the victim feels helpless. They are compulsive, torment, play a game of wits, and love the control. If they cannot have someone in their life this is the way they do it. There is no end game because the victim will never be with them. They need to have it in that moment, a connection with the person being stalked. It is just in the moment. They crave power over that person.
EC:  How would you describe Wade, the stalker?
WW:  He is fragile and is in a compromised emotional state when he enters the store. In the store his behavior is less than heroic. His self-esteem is shattered.  The focus on Elise is because he has “rescue worship,” which is based on obsession. He believes that the shooting was meant to be to connect him with Elise. He did not see it as random. Being connected to Elise is essential for Wade’s emotional survival. He is also ruthless and violent because he is desperate and loses control. 
EC:  The role of her partner and husband?
WW:  Rowan is her police partner and is meant to be someone who witnesses what she is going through. He ends up helping her and keeps her secrets. He is the other man in her life even though there is no romance but is protective of her.
Mitch, her husband, had an affair that they are trying to overcome. With this dynamic it makes it easier for Wade to torment her and to get at her because of this vulnerability. What they managed to rebuild is challenging and being exploited by Wade. What Elise loves about Mitch is that he is protective, strong, and supportive. He is trying to understand what she is going through but does not. 
EC:  Next books?
WW:  American Girl was an audible original in 2021. It is coming to print in October. There is a TV option for it. An autistic 17-year-old in a small town witnesses a crime, the death of a wealthy business owner. It is a fast-paced thriller. It was inspired by the Tom Petty song, “American Girl.” 
Next year there will be an audio play called Mad Love. It is a psychological thriller.  A con man is married to a wealthy widow and is found murdered in his bed and she is shot and in a coma.
Also, next year there will be a new novel coming out in 2024 titled Kill Me Softly. It is a play on the song, “Killing Me Softly.” It is about a serial killer who is targeting middle aged women and making it appear like suicides. A young feminist researcher comes to believe there is a serial killer.
0 notes
apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙆 | 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙡 𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙨 (18+)
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edit by 🐓 anon. im still screaming over this.
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∘ request: [insert the 14 asking for more Sapnap humor in a pt. 1.5 of Meet the Jacobses]
∘ pairings: edgy!Karl Jacobs x fm!reader
∘ warnings: smut (18+), nsfw, language, drinking, mentions of Todd the frat boy, lots of dialogue, biting, asphyxiation
∘ links: 𐐪 ao3 𐑂 𐐪 previous part 𐑂 𐐪 submit an edgy!karl edit 𐑂
∘ a/n: this one goes out to the babes in the gc. ily.
i stole the Brick idea from the Jesse McCartney movie, Keith. I'm sorry. [tw for that link - sad & jesse mccartney not talking about beautiful souls]
also thank you everyone for your support on this series. when my friends and I conjured this up, I never thought I would be at the point where I get to share peoples art/paylists/etc. I'm so thankful for all of you.
okay I'll stop crying. happy reading and have a great week! :)
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The sun beat down against your skin, your mind drifting to whether or not you should apply more sunscreen. Karl jumped into the light blue water in front of you, the water splashing out to almost completely soak you. You frowned at him as he came up for air, blowing you a kiss mockingly.
Sapnap’s cousins started tackling Karl, the chorus of laughter echoing around the pool. You stretched your legs out beneath the table, leaning into the shade of the umbrella as you watched them roughhouse.
Sapnap came out from the pool house, opening a beer bottle for you before taking the seat beside you. He sighed, buttoning the top of his shirt as he watched the boys. “Did you have a good time at the party yesterday? I dipped after an hour,” he asked, pushing his sunglasses to rest on top of his head.
You shrugged slightly, taking a sip of your drink. You couldn’t wait to tell your roommate how lavishly you’d been living. The fact that you were lounging by a heated pool, drinking beer from Copenhagen with the sons of millionaires was nearly mind-boggling to you.
You wet your lips, squinting your eyes as you looked at him. “I honestly have no idea. I was kind of just there as a Karl accessory,” you joked, making him chuckle softly.
“Yeah, I get that,” he flipped off one of the cousins as they threatened to throw water at him. “It’s always the Karl show around here,” he added. You raised your eyebrows at him and he backtracked. “I didn’t mean that in a bad way. He’s a good guy; everyone’s just obsessed with him.”
You nodded slightly. “Yeah, he’s definitely the star baby,” you joked, making him laugh. “I need to ask you…” You bit your lip voice trailing off as you searched for the night words.
He sent you a closed-mouth smile. “About my mom and Karl?” He asked, biting back a blithe expression. It shocked you how calm he was about the situation.
You chuckled nervously. “I swear I won’t bring it up again, I’m just,” you cut yourself off, unable to describe the question marks pulsing through your thoughts.
He snorted, taking a sip of his drink. “I know right,” he reassured. “When I found out, I almost broke Karl’s nose,” he chided. “Not that I was like… angry it was my mom but out of how weird it was.”
“Yeah it is really fucking weird,” you agreed, laughing slightly.
He gestured as if to thank you for understanding. “I mean, Karl’s a great guy. He was my best friend for a long time but…” He made a face suggesting his discomfort and you snicked. “That’s my mom, man.” You giggled wholeheartedly at this, making him laugh too.
“What are you guys talking about?” Karl asked, seemingly appearing out of nowhere, dripping wet from his pool time adventures.
“Speak of the Devil and he shall appear,” you joked, making Sapnap wink at you. “Tacitus’ Annals,” you answered, making Sapnap nod at you.
He chewed on his lip, with a calm expression as he supported your lie. “I was telling your girlfriend how much I enjoyed his love of Nero,” he continued, you bit back a smile.
Karl ruffled his hair out in a towel. “Come on now,” he grumbled, calling the two of you on your bullshit.
Sapnap squinted as he looked up at him. “Karl supremacy. As always,” he answered with a touch of quiet sarcasm, making Karl roll his eyes playfully as he took to the other seat beside you.
Karl ran his fingers into his hair. “You wanna get matching tattoos together, Sapnap?” He quipped; Sapnap sending him a smug expression.
“Why? What were you thinking?” He asked, knowing he was walking into whatever Karl was setting up.
Karl pulled the leg of his swim trunks off his leg a bit, furrowing his brows. “I wanna get your mom’s name on the top of my thigh,” he teased, biting his lip. You rolled your eyes playfully.
Sapnap let out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh my God, that’s so funny. I totally didn’t see that coming.”
Karl took a sip of your beer and you spoke up. “I think you’d look good with a tattoo, Sapnap. All jokes aside, you’ve got a great body,” you mused, sending him a wink. Sapnap bit back a smile looking at Karl, who you could already tell was glaring back at him. “Side note, I was meaning to ask you. There’s a guy that’s in Karl’s frat,” you paused, trying to remember what Karl had said Todd’s real name was when you were pinning his auction number on him.
Sapnap raised his eyebrows. “Oh, Mark?”
You pointed at him. “Yes, the fake Romney.”
Sapnap snorted. “He did that on campus too?” Karl nodded, a look of disappointment spreading across their faces.
“Speaking of Todd Mark, the king of the Brick” Karl kicked his feet beneath your chair before continuing, “I heard there’s a bonfire tonight,” he probed, making Sapnap slowly shake his head in disapproval.
You raised an eyebrow at the two. “What’s the Brick?”
Sapnap seemed to have already made up his mind on the situation. “A fucking cesspool,” Sapnap grumbled, sipping from his bottle as Karl tsked. Sapnap tilted his head. “You really wanna take her to the Brick? People get together and smoke crack over there. The fact that,” he paused to furrow his brows at you slightly, “Todd Mark? is the benefactor should say something,” he stated, lips curling into an uneasy expression.
You peered over your shoulder at Karl as if to ask if he were crazy. Karl swatted off your gesture. “They don’t smoke crack this time of year. All the locals are back visiting for break.”
Sapnap shook his head again in unease. You chewed your lip, leaning back in your chair. “I don’t know… Sapnap, do you wanna have a movie night instead?” You joked, making Karl sigh behind you.
Sapnap mimicked your mock severity. “Yeah, a stay in and cuddle?”
“Of course,” you repeated.
Karl wheezed. “No, we’re going.”
Without missing a beat, Sapnap chimed back. “Maybe you can take my mom instead?” Karl’s expression flattened at his words and you nodded, high fiving Sapnap in mock victory.
Despite Sapnap’s hesitation, you all went to what they referred to as The Brick. In reality, it was a spot on the edge of a lake. They only called it the Brick because of Todd’s dad, a racecar driver who claimed the post back when he was in high school and later bought it. A large bonfire burned in the center of the space, various people around your age and a bit younger were either dancing to the music coming from one of the souped-up sports cars or shotgunning beers. You pushed away the thought of your stingy fire marshall back home who―more than once―had reported you and your family for “overactive cookouts.”
“Overactive,” meaning your dad and Clay were failing at not catching hotdogs on fire when the two would get lost in a chat about a mutual videogame when the families would cross the fence line in the summer.
As soon as you had stepped foot on the gravel, Karl was welcomed back like some kind of celebrity, so you stayed close to Sapnap. He would lean towards your height, pointing people out that Karl had mentioned in the past or those worth noting. You nodded along, soaking in what he had to tell you and laughing at his jokes.
A random guy strolled past the two of you, making Sapnap purse his lips. “Hey, Sapnap. How’s your mom?” One of the countless jokes thrown at him since you’d arrived.
He tilted his head with a mock look of questioning. “Didn’t your parents just get divorced, Jeff?” He deflected. Jeff’s face dropped slightly as he moved on. You always found yourself struggling not to laugh at how well Sapnap was at counteracting the jabs at his mom and Karl. Most of you felt guilty for how long he had dealt with it.
Karl watched you carefully as you sat down beside Sapnap on one of the vast benches; hands shoved in his pockets as the group around him caught up. You were glad to have someone around like Sapnap, despite the fact that you often went to parties. In the past, it was more of a bi-annual thing, but since being with Karl, you found yourself shoulder to shoulder with nameless people in a line doing shots every other Thursday.
You laughed as Sapnap joked about avoiding the drinks at the Brick because of the mites in the water and the STDs in the beer. “So, I never asked how you met Karl?” He queried, sticking his hands into the pocket of his Baja hoodie.
You smiled slightly. “Uh…” Shameless thoughts of you on your knees in a random building when you barely knew his name paced through your head like a quickfire of serotonin. “We had a lecture together and he liked my handwriting.” Sapnap smirked, chuckling slightly at your words.
Karl’s eyes were trained on the two of you, demeanor shifting each time one of you leaned towards the other to hear over the music or the two of you bumping each other’s arms to grab your attention. You knew he wasn’t jealous, but his look of curiosity was almost hilarious to you. Sapnap stuck by your side while Karl introduced you to his friends. He was basically your encyclopedia on the newer people as Karl would go off on a tangent with them.
The fact that Karl was so close to all of them and was so popular made your heart swell with pride. You were used to Karl’s deadpanned glares at most of his frat brothers and his snide comments, but now he was welcomed back like he was some kind of hero returning from the war.
After saying goodbye to Sapnap for the day, you threaded your fingers with Karl’s, enjoying the time where it was just the two of you. He brought the back of your hand to his lips, smoothing a kiss against your skin. “So… Sapnap’s mom…” you began, making him chew the inside of his cheek. “Where… did it happen?”
He looked down at you with a perked eyebrow before raising his sights forward, pulling you off the street where the two of you were walking. You followed him as the pair of you snuck through between the houses and across the backyards until the two of you were at Sapnap’s house again. Through the front windows, you could see him talking to his sibling in the kitchen.
Karl grabbed your hand, leading you along the side of the estate and toward the pool house. You wanted to groan at the thought before he pulled you through the door with him. “Are you serious?” You hissed, looking around at the dark place. Karl fought not to smirk as he peered out through one of the windows, watching the lights in Sapnap’s house turn out.
The moonlight streamed through one of the slender windows, illuminating his face and washing his features clean. Your gaze trailed along his arms; his tattoos peeking out from beneath his hoodie as he reached up to lock the door.
He turned back to face you, walking closer to you. “Did you have fun today?” He asked, plopping down on one of the couches and pulling you into his lap. He moved your arms to rest around his neck, pressing his lips to your skin. “I feel like I didn’t see you at all. Sapnap’s a bogart,” he muttered jokingly, settling his hands on your hips.
You scoffed before leaning toward him, pressing your lips against his. “Make it up to me,” you murmured, raking your fingers into his hair. “I think I selfishly need you to ruin me here; you know. Like a cleansing of you and Ms. Scarlet,” you chided.
He bit his lip, eyes pulsing with lust as he fought not to grin. You pressed your lips against his, turning to lay back on the couch and yank him on top of you. He chuckled into your kiss, as your hands moved to curl into his hair. His lust was a taste you could get drunk off if given the chance as his hands traveled the length of your body, moaning as you ground your hips against his, gripping into his clothes.
He leaned off of you momentarily to pull his shirt over his head as you slipped out of yours, you wrapped a leg around him, pushing him onto the couch instead and pinning him between your thighs as you straddled him, running your hands up his tattooed chest and connecting your lips again.
One of his large hands covered your breast as you began to grind your hips against his. His teeth grazed against your skin as he caressed your body while you moved against him, trying to create as much friction as you could against his jeans. He ran his fingers along the hem of your underwear, his lips curling into a smirk as he moved slightly to get a better look. "These are nice. Did you plan this?" He leered, snapping the elastic against your hip playfully. You rolled your eyes, pulling his chin towards you and pressing your lips against his. Every movement of his body seemed to lick at the fire deep within you.
You smirked breathlessly as his lips settled against your collarbones. “These are my church clothes. I had no other motive,” you jousted. His hand reached up to rest against your collarbone, his fingers lightly curling around your neck.
“Of course, how could I not realize,” he jabbed, pressing his lips and tongue against your neck. You moaned, tugging at his zipper before wrapping your hand around his cock, pumping him into harder arousal. He groaned against your neck, bucking into your hand lightly. His head tilted back against the couch beneath you, cheeks flushed at the attention. His teeth nipped at your skin as you ground yourself against his thigh, basking in his noises of pleasure.
His cock pulsed in your hand, making him grab your wrist and pull you beneath him. He gripped one of your legs, resting it in the crook of his elbow as he pushed himself into you, connecting your lips to swallow your moans. The feeling of him inside of you sent a wave of pleasure through your body. His voice was low in your ear, murmuring your name as if it were a curse. You moaned as he took one of your hands, lacing your fingers together beside your head as he kissed you again, tongue slipping into your mouth.
His thrusts became more rhythmless, his hold on you driving him deeper as the pool house filled with the noises of your whimpering moans. Karl’s breath was warm on your neck as he took advantage of your submissive state. He moved his hand from around your leg, wrapping his fingers around your neck again. Your body shivered, waiting for the pressure of his hand as his hips rocked against yours.
He chuckled darkly, teeth grazing against your shoulder before his lips hovered beside your ear. “Beg for it,” he commented, voice strained as he thrusted into you.
You swallowed, fingers digging into his back. “Choke me,” you groaned, “please.” His hand tightened around your neck, breath hitching in your throat as his thrusts became rougher. He bit back a smug grin at the way you reacted to his antics, relishing in your body beginning for more.
He relaxed his hand, pressing his lips to yours as you struggled to inhale. Heat ran through your body as your leg curled around his waist, nails raking down his back.
You leaned away from his lips, voice coming out unevenly as you moaned his name. His movements became sloppier as you groaned in bliss, tugging the flesh of his bottom lip between your teeth. You tipped your head back slightly as you reached your climax, riding out your pleasure and sending him over the edge as he pulled you closer to him, his hands digging into your hips as he encouraged you to continue grinding against him. You exhaled deeply, pressing your lips against his neck and his cheek before kissing him breathlessly as your movements slowed.
You pulled on your shirt, Karl’s hands moving to rest on your hips as he pressed a kiss to your neck. “Should we leave a note for Ms. Scarlet?” You joked, making him chuckle as his arms wrapped further around your waist, cheek pressing against your shoulder.
“Who?” He teased.
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@mrwinemaker @madsbbg @idiotinnit @westyywifee @kiritokunuwu @theholycakehole @itgetsatadhazy @himbobimboeater @karlkitten @pluto-dizzz @twist3dtinkerbell @more-like-reyna @teenage0jealousy @deepestofwaters @honk-izzie-was-taken @froggyy06 @ghoulandghost @instabull @glowstick-cafe @marshmallow-babe @drunkpumpkincake @anoaeunoia @little-gremlin-in-the-walls
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jostepherjoestar · 3 years
Do the Stardust Crusaders prefer an adorable or sexy s/o?(not poly, like what does each member prefer? also i hope this made sense)
Stardust Crusaders and their preferences HC’s
suggestive // gn reader
So this one made me think a little since in my opinion your fave will ALWAYS like you no matter what! So instead of only going by “adorable or sexy” let’s widen it up and delve a bit deeper into their preferences personality wise and style wise :D (ofc u will always be their favourite dw 😌) Kakyoin and Jotaro are kept sfw!! 💖✨
Avdol is such a kind and understanding soul but still never afraid to voice his opinion in an earnest manner. He’ll appreciate that sentiment in his partners too, open to many ideas and understanding others’ way of thinking.
He does enjoy someone who’s a bit rowdy or playful to help bring out that side in him. Being silly together and just overall heightening the playful atmosphere really puts him at ease.
That’s the exact reason he secretly loves a little bit of chaos around him. Avdol himself is calm and determined but drama and unexpected events always seem to follow him. Don’t worry though, he loves being able to stride in and show off his abilities he’s so proud of!  
Be sure to work on your debate skills though, the man is a whole library of knowledge and if you end up in a discussion he needs you to be able to offer your substantiated opinion. If you talk him into a corner, be sure to soften the blow to his ego with lots of hugs and kisses afterwards 😌
Style-wise the man doesn’t have strong preferences. Earthy tones and a natural flare complement his own style very well though, so he loves a bit of a scholarly look as well. Show up in a long coat and cute glasses carrying some cool old books you’ve found and he might just swoop you off your feet hehe!
If you wear a minimalistic set in the bedroom- think dark burgundy, chocolate, burnt orange, he cannot take his eyes off of you. He’ll treat you like the absolute present you are while he unwraps you 😏  
Let this man spoil you for the love of all that is good!!!
He has SO much love to give and he will shower you by the bucketload so you better enjoy his antics! He thrives off of complementing you, albeit with the cheesiest lines, anything to see your cheeks flush. Also expect lots of cute gifts!!
If you’re a bit clumsy, get embarrassed easily and are a bit shy... Polnareff will never let you go, he’s so smitten by the way you stand behind him so often while meeting new people as he chatters away. He’ll pull out his best charming jokes to get you to laugh and when he sees how cute you are trying to hide your smile he’ll come smother you with kisses.
Loves it when you go along with his jokes and impulsive nature but prefers it if you’re a bit more responsible, the man struggles with self control so needs some guidance and someone to hold up the stop signs.
He will also look up to a more dominant person just as much, wanting to make sure he does everything to be on his best behaviour to please you. But he never looses that cheeky side and loves getting reprimanded for it. (not just in the bedroom, daily life as well) So make sure to keep that leash tight ;D!
Ok as much as I hate to say it... this man’s style tastes can be a bit tacky. If you like pink he’d love to see you in anything cutesy and frilly, perhaps to a worrying degree. Be sure to gently steer him to your own choices, he’ll forget all about his own ideas if you show a bit of skin anyways. This man is too easy to distract for his own good 🙄
Oldseph (forgive me Suzy Q 🙏)
Because he is the way he is *sigh*, he loves being yelled at for his antics. Joseph will never stop acting like a child no matter his age, that youthful sparkle always present even as he has started to take life a lot more serious.
Boss him around a little too much and he’ll pick you up just to smirk at you until you shut up. Eye-rolls are the dead give away that you like him and he’ll gladly accept them along with the annoyed sighs.
If you reside on the other side of the spectrum- playful and offering a childlike wonder too, he’ll take it all the way. Everyday is a silly playdate, joking around, showing off, any way to impress you and pull you along into the fun.
He LOVES vintage clothes, the fifties are his favourite era style wise and adores it when you dress the part. Joseph ain’t no chump so he’ll always offer to pay the deft fees of authentic vintage pieces. Hell, he’ll even fly you overseas if there happens to be a special item on sale that you’ve been eyeing.
Just like Polnareff, he loves to spoil you. Indulging your every need, even when you’re grumpy or mad at him. It’s his life’s goal to make those droopy corners shoot upwards with his dumb jokes and antics.
Stroll up in nothing but stockings and garters and he’s dead. Good job you killed the un-killable Joestar! But before his soul ascends the mortal plane he’ll ravish you, sure to buy you a new pair that’s even prettier.
As we all know this edgy dude doesn’t love loud annoying people. But here’s a secret he’ll never audibly let slip: if he sees you holding yourself back, trying not to be “too” much of anything he might not like... that next yare yare is him admitting he doesn’t mind it, as long as you don’t start yelling. He’ll actually enjoy your excitement, quietly of course, sure not to let others onto his amusement of your cuteness.
If you share his interests (marine biology, reading, nature in general) he’ll feel a bit more inclined to talk about them, just a smidge. Jotaro enjoys listening to you talk about your passions though, even if they differ from his. That intent stare taking in the way your eyes sparkle, that cute smile making butterflies flutter in his stomach.
Even though he loves going on walks, admiring nature and inhaling the fresh air, he is a secret homebody and would love it if you shared the sentiment. Lounging on the couch in comfy clothes, quietly enjoying each other’s presence while doing your own things, just basking in the shared space.
Since this is SDC Jotaro, he’s in the early stages of his love for showing off his accessories and he likes it when you do too. Just a couple of small hints at your likes through cute pins or a small chains.
He likes to be stylish but is by no means that into fashion, he knows what he likes and sticks to that. But if you’re a bit more of a fashionista he’ll share his opinions on louder outfits that attract a lot of attention. Just don’t take it too personal, he means well 😬
Likes you best in your comfortable pj’s, wrapped up like a cute burrito in a dolphin blanket 🥰
As much as the jokes get made, if you’re the mom friend, he’s constantly trying to do right by you. A doting nature that still lets him be independent will make him go 🥰😍!!
Love and kindness towards others is so endearing to him, and if you’re not afraid to speak your mind openly, he might have to confess his love right this minute. He won’t be shy in letting his liking for you show either, offering charming jokes and compliments whenever you’re near.
And if you share his dry genZmemer humour, gently starting to drop hints that you’re not afraid to be a bit edgy you become his ultimate favourite person.
Because of his introverted nature, he likes someone who is a bit more independent as well, offering yourselves time and a comfortable pace to move in throughout the relationship.
He also greatly admires a strong need for justice and loyalty to a cause, it shows integrity and intelligence. That fiery passion in your eyes invigorates him just as much!
Kakyoin loves elegance and something that complements your features, no matter what style. He does have a bit of a thing for having matching colour palettes or at least ones that complement each other.
Cool gem tones are his favourite; emerald, ruby, sapphire...the list goes on.
At home though...get him a random shirt with a ridiculous slogan or phrase and he’ll wear it till it’s barely hanging on by a thread. Make him one too, a plain white shirt with a scribbly drawn frog or a meme-y phrase! He’ll wear it forever, being reminded of his love for you every time he laughs at the visual 😊
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zevexsii · 3 years
naib subedar sfw + nsfw hcs (gn s/o)
cut for length and nsfw content !
another difficult person to enter a relationship with. naib has lost too much to feel comfortable getting close to someone he knows isn’t going to stay close- you’re in it for the long run. 
in matches, you’re naib’s first priority (when you’ve been assigned to a team together, of course). the second naib notices you’ve been chaired, he’s headed your way as fast as he can. typically, he’d like you to stick together so he can keep a safe eye on you, but naib’s not too pressed if you two split of your own volition. 
there’s an incredibly low chance of being injured during a match with naib. if you’re wounded at the end, it’ll be small scratches or a bruise here and there. regardless of how small or shallow any of your scratches may be, naib is cleaning and bandaging them up, scolding you for being so reckless the entire time. 
he’s another big eater! devours anything you make and is more than happy to show you how to cook nepalese food. cook for him and let him curl up and rest his head on your shoulder afterward and he’ll be tempted to marry you on the spot
loud noises overwhelm naib extremely easily. crowds also make him edgy and anxious. when naib’s panicky, he gets annoyed and will probably snap at you- he would do best with a relatively calm s/o who’s able to keep their head in stressful situations. 
if you’re looking for ways to calm him down, don’t go to overwhelming physical affection right off the bat. someone trying to wrap their arms around him will be seen as a threat to naib’s safety and would only trigger his ptsd even more. instead, grab one of his hands and try to help him regulate his breathing. remind him that he’s safe with you, that there’s nothing to worry about. when naib needs physical comfort, he’ll seek you out. this tactic goes for calming him down after nightmares, too.
the most comforting position for naib is allowing him to sit on your lap and bury his head in your chest- he’s caught between the urge to hide from everything and the urge to protect you. like this, he’s got a solid rock of refuge and it feels like he’s shielding you from any perceived danger. 
undo his strict ponytail and massage naib’s scalp and he’ll be passed out in a heartbeat, snoring softly, his grip on your clothes tight as ever. 
on naib’s bad days, he’s practically glued to your hip. he’s terrified something horrible’s going to happen to you- like the things that happened to his fellow soldiers or even worse, the things he’s done and (seen done) to other people during his time as a hired mercenary. it’s scary, who can blame him? 
wouldn’t mind too much if his partner was into pda, but would feel uncomfortable reciprocating the vast majority of it. naib’s still trying to unlearn the “vulnerability is bad” mindset. he’s been surrounded by that idea his entire adult life, so give him time. this has been touched on before, but hand-holding makes naib soft!! whether you’re enjoying a mellow walk through the manor gardens or lingering in the lobby post-match, one of naib’s calloused hands will find a way to intertwine with yours. 
making naib blush is difficult. very few things can force their way into the chinks in his stoic armor, but soft kisses pressed to his cheek are guaranteed to send an intense flush to his face
if you’re too shy or uncomfortable with pda, you can bet naib’s doing everything he can to fluster you in a safer setting. you’re doing dishes? surprise smooch! indulging in some much-needed downtime? smooch! if naib’s feeling cocky and the time is right, he’ll land his lips somewhere on your face right after you’ve finished a calibration during a match
not too huge on nicknames!! your name is satisfying to say, and naib doesn’t think anything he could call you would fit any better. if you hear him mumble a sleepy “sweetheart” in the middle of a cuddle session while he tries to pull you closer, no you didn’t
naib’s idea of a perfect day ends in a steamy shower or relaxing bath with his s/o. nothing spicy, just soft moments with his love. once y’all are dried and done, throw on your pajamas or one of naib’s shirts (if you’re small enough- mans is 5’6”) and crawl into bed. naib tends to curl in on himself (think fetal position) if you aren’t there- a lot of times he ends up unintentionally becoming the little spoon. 
when naib wants to hold you close, his arms will snake around your waist and he’ll invite you to lay your head on his chest or burrow your face in his neck. when you wake up, it’ll most likely be to naib pestering you in the most loving way possible- ever the early riser, this one. 
naib can’t really be pinned down to any specific top or bottom role (no pun intended). during the beginning of your intimate relationship with him, naib leans towards taking a dominant role. it’s indescribably difficult for naib to relinquish control over a non-intimate situation, so you can imagine leaning back and letting go would be even harder. 
gets incredibly handsy when he’s horny. won’t hesitate to seek you out, either. naib doesn’t see the point of masturbation if he has a partner, but he respects your boundaries if you’re not in the mood. 
going back to the surprise kissing bit earlier, when naib wants to let you know he wants to fuck, he’ll pin you up against the closest surface or loop his arms lazily around your shoulders (if you’re short enough) and smash his lips into yours a little rougher than usual- nibbling on your bottom lip right before pulling away. 
has a bit of a fixation on oral. favors receiving over giving slightly, but is still addicted to the way you taste. for masc readers, it’s literally impossible to gag him. to be entirely honest, you could facefuck him with very little resistance. naib wouldn’t hesitate to use you and he expects you to treat him the same way.
 tug on the sheets ever so slightly while he’s sucking your cock and naib will drag your hand to the top of his head, reminding you to pull his hair.
for fem readers, he’ll slowly spread apart your sopping pussy and the corner of his mouth will lift up in a pleased smirk, his rough hands buried in the plush of your thighs. if you attempt to rut your hips against him, naib’ll put an end to that right quick, pinning your hips to the bed, his grip tight enough to leave bruises. 
no matter what, naib’s covering every inch of your bottom half he can reach in hickeys and bruises, occasionally leaning back to admire his handiwork, leaving poor you all needy and aching, whimpering pitifully. 
he’ll look up at you underneath his dark brown eyelashes when you cum, feeling up your sides and pulling your hips closer to his face. the whines his actions pull from your throat will never cease to satisfy him. 
when naib has pleasured you to your mutual satisfaction, he’ll sit up and wipe his mouth on the back of his hand, intentionally smearing your fluids across his face, grinning hungrily as he stares down at you.
now, when you’re sucking naib off, things can get intense pretty damn fast. one moment you’re gently stroking his cock (decently sized too, a good 6-7 inches, average girth), and the next he’s got you by the hair, ramming his dick in your mouth. might accidentally cage you in with his thicc thighs- he’s lost in the feeling of your pretty lips around him, what can he say? gently tap him on the leg and he’ll loosen up a little bit. 
groans loud. louder than he does when he’s actually having sex (at least when he’s topping). the noises he makes are nothing short of animalistic; low growls and heavy moans, straight from his chest. you might have to stop him and remind him to relax. there’s much more to come (no pun intended), and it wouldn’t to well to have naib tire himself out now. his breath will hitch in his chest when you suddenly pull back, but he’ll give you a shaky nod when you tell him to calm down. 
really makes a show of undressing, unless he’s been super pent up lately or something happened to pull out jealous naib. naib isn’t as buff as one might expect; he’s more of the lean type, his strength concentrated in his shoulders and core muscles.
naib’s torso is littered with various scars, some deeper and more noticeable than others. he doesn’t like to admit it, but they’re definitely an insecurity of his. run your fingers over them, or press your lips to the most obvious one, and naib’s heart aches (in a good way, of course). it feels so tender, so soft, so warm to be accepted and wholly loved, regardless of any self-labeled flaws and mistakes. but, mr subedar needs more. 
so he stuffs himself inside of you, letting out a breathy groan at the sudden contact and throwing his head back in delight. when he’s sure that movement wouldn’t cause you too much discomfort, he’ll begin to sloppily thrust himself back and forth, panting heavily. he’s breathing too hard to let out a coherent sentence, egged on by your moans as he angles himself as deeply inside of you as possible. 
depending on how long foreplay lasted, naib can go anywhere from 2-4 rounds. he’s already quite sloppy and forceful, so you can imagine how he gets when he’s tired- sweat beads on his forehead and his chest heaves with every breath, each of his desperate thrusts deep enough to make you see stars. 
naib views cumming inside of you as more intimate, but if you’re uncomfortable with that, he’ll pull out and empty himself onto your stomach. if you have a uterus, he’ll do his best to pull out anyways- considering your current setting, neither of you can really afford a pregnancy scare. 
as mentioned above, naib is more of a top-leaning switch. he defaults to domming because it puts him in control, so you’d have to have a strong relationship with him already. 
if you want naib to sub, you’d have to initiate sex. naib values people who are outright with their intentions, so hold true to that. settle yourself on his lap, arms linked lazily around his shoulders, and press a few soft kisses to the side of naib’s neck. this is the point where he’ll tense up and either gently tell you he isn’t in the mood, or tug you closer. 
naib doesn’t mind where you take him, as long as it’s in a private space. probably has a thing for being fucked on furniture anyway. oral (for both parties) is fine in semi-public spaces- the risk gets naib off more than he’d like to admit- but penetration is reserved for you to witness, and you alone. 
pay special attention to the sensitive spots on naib’s neck and he’ll turn into a whining mess under your touch. grind down on his lap as you gently undo his low ponytail- grab a fistful of his soft hair near the nape of his neck and watch him turn to mush.
in any situation (domming or subbing) naib’s particular to the missionary position. it gives him a perfect view of his s/o at all times.
prep him thoroughly if you want to fuck him in the ass or peg him. he has very limited experience with being penetrated, so no matter how many times naib roughly groans for you to “hurry up and fuck him already”, make sure he’s lubed up and ready to go.
gasps so loud?? when you push your cock or a strap-on inside of him, his entire body goes rigid for a second, and his eyes roll back in his head. it’s delightful. let him shift around for a moment- he’s still getting used to the hot, full feeling that’s overwhelming his senses. naib will grunt out when he’s ready for you to move.
 naib tries to give you what he’d want from a partner; hard, sloppy thrusts with no particular rhythm that leave you aching for more. in barely any time at all, naib is squirming underneath you, choking out requests for “more” and “harder” between half-baked curses that die on his lips. when he cums for the last time, you can see all of the tension leave his shoulders and his final yelp of ecstasy fades into a content sigh.
as far as aftercare goes, naib prefers showering with you over taking a bath. it’s quicker and more convenient, and at this point, naib is puckered out. he just wants to crawl into bed with his s/o. 
falls asleep real quick! it’s lights out as soon as naib’s head hits the pillow and he’s sure you’re in his arms or vice versa. 
gosh i love myself one (1) mercenary 
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
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I got seven different asks about the College AU so here are some headcanons I have about them! (imagine aiura is in the picture I couldn’t find a good one with all of them)
I definitely didn’t mean to make this so long but I can’t help it I love them all so much<3
Saiki Kusuo
→ marine!!!biology!!!major!!!!!!!!
→ doesn’t need to study but he still does bc he finds marine life so fascinating
→ read all of his textbooks on the first day bc he was so excited eeeek
→ always wears his germanium ring in class so he can stay hashtag focused
→ him and aiura have to bail toritsuka(didn’t go to college) out of jail once a month
→ speaking of aiura, she somehow has convinced him to go on a date on five different occasions
→ i think after high-school he realised he didn’t mind a kind of casual not-relationship with her
→ lets her hug him to greet him and sometimes he hugs back bc college boys stare a lot and he is just worried for her okay?
→ maybe I’m just projecting bc I kin aiura
→ does not go to parties unless he absolutely has to
→ if he does go to a party he’ll drink something quietly in a corner, just watching the crowd
→ a perv laced Teruhashi’s drink and almost lured her up the stairs so of fucking course Kusuo sprinted to help her, holding her on the way home bc men are drawn to her like bees to honey
→ she didn’t let him live it down ever
→ he rented a studio apartment and keeps it super clean, minimum clutter but enough to look lived in
→ cooks amazing food that Nendo smells from upstairs and next thing you know, they’re all bringing chairs to Kusuo’s apartment and have dinner
→ nothing excuses the fact he makes at least eight servings every time–
→ such a dad to everyone honestly
→ usually studies at a library or teleports back home if there’s a big test
→ mrs. saiki was banned from visiting every two days but she still ends up there somehow
→ not that he minds bc he’s the biggest mama’s boy ever
→ probably graduates a year early
→ doesn’t move away even though he got a job at the aquarium at the other side of the city help–
Kaidou Shun
→ fine arts major you can NOT change my mind
→ doesn’t do good in theoretical subjects but mans can draw some good bowls of fruit
→ wears those stained from the paints t-shirts all the time bc ‘no they’re not dirty it’s art!’
→ him and aren have small designated spaces in their apartment so they can focus on their hobbies/studying
→ his corner at the living room has newspapers on the floor to protect it from the splattering paint, some canvases propped up on the wall and a lot of unfinished projects
→ hides all of them when Nendou comes over
→ can not cook or clean to save his life
→ so he calls his mum to help clean up when Aren is at work
→ got over his 8th grader syndrome at some point
→ still wears red bandages bc he’s edgy
→ volunteers at the neighborhood exhibit centre
→ got asked to showcase his own works for a night and hasn’t shut up about it since
→ goes to yumehara for relationship advice and braids her hair as a thank you
→ couples sleepovers with Yumehara and Teruhashi (yes they’re dating shut up)
→ always makes something for Aren at special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries etc)
→ at first he went back home every saturday bc he missed his family :(
→ Aren helps him get over it though!!!!
Nendou Riki
→ got in on a sports scholarship
→ we already know he couldn’t be accepted in a college otherwise
→ in the chiropractic major bc he wants to be one of those athlete doctors
→ has failed way too many exams and classes
→ Hairo helps him so much though!!!
→ the last one in the group to graduate but somehow gets a job first (excluding Saiki)
→ him and hairo get up at 5 am for jogging or to hit the gym
→ and then he goes and gets noodles bc ‘if noodles aren’t for breakfast why do shops open at 6 am?’
→ hasn’t stepped foot in class in months
→ he gets decent grades after failing the first semester and it’s totally not Saiki’s doing
→ he ends up signing up for way too many clubs
→ attends all of the meetings and has so many friends through them
→ I would be his friend too in college honestly
→ a fraternity wanted to get him bc he’s so good at sports
→ he declined bc he does not understand how fraternities even work
→ is the life of EVERY SINGLE PARTY change my mind you can’t
→ whatever you do don’t imagine nendo surprising his boyfriend with flowers after every practice
→ *dies cutely*
Kuboyasu Aren
→ idk I just think he would enjoy Marx’s Capital
→ debate club? hell yeah
→ gets in philosophical conversations at the school yard for HOURS
→ kaidou has to drag him away
→ only shops at thrift stores and makes coffee at home bc “capitalism is not accepted in this household”
→ rides his motorcycle to college even though he lives five minutes away
→ grew his hair out in a mullet again and he looks *chef’s kiss*
→ thought he would be moving too fast if he asked Kaidou to rent an apartment together
→ aiura convinced him it was fine
→ cooks kaidou’s favorite foods every day
→ participates in student rallies, human rights protests etc etc
→ comes home with bruises and kaidou thinks he looks so hot but still yells at him
→ Aren’s favorite place to study is his balcony or at a coffee shop
→ always with kaidou! cute boyfriends who do everything together!!
→ gets so drunk when they go out
→ drunk karaoke with kokomi yes yes yes
Hairo Kineshi
→ did someone say Athletic Training?
→ does every single sport and is amazing at it
→ will cheer for his bf if they have a game at the same time though
→ it was his idea to move in together bc ‘hey we’ve been dating for three years now might as well’
→ volunteers at a nearby elementary as a coach for the kids
→ wants to be a P.E. Teacher and he’s going to be great at it
→ does everything he can at campus
→ helping random clubs, making posters, cleaning up the hallways, helping the cheer squad with their new routine
→ dances ballet as a hobby even though he’s so good at it that he could be a professional
→ makes everything a competition with Nendo so they never get bored
→ once made everyone get up to jog with them and they ended up sleeping on random benches while Hairo and Nendo were halfway across town
→ will punch someone if he sees them catcalling a girl
→ doesn’t drink at all and eats super healthy
→ designated driver for the group’s outings downtown
Aiura Mikoto
→ is so good at stage acting it’s unreal
→ lands the lead role almost every time
→ is also an amazing singer so she gets great roles in musicals as well
→ doesn’t have to get a job bc she gets all her money from doing readings on campus
→ gets coffees and pastries from all the coffee shops around campus and sits Kusuo down so he can taste them
→ they have a little taste-testing date in his apartment until they decide none of them are as good as the ones at Cafe Mami
→ she totally doesn’t make him teleport there every morning and he totally doesn’t listen to her
→ moved in with chiyo bc they wanted a nice place that they couldn’t afford on their own
→ teruhashi told them to move in with her but they already loved their little place
→ aiura’s bedroom is the most comfortable and cozy room ever
→ their apartment is also the hang out spot for the group bc it’s just so homey
→ hangs out with her theatre group a lot, especially after class
→ they can’t compare to her friends though:(
→ everyone goes to her when they’re worried and she loves it bc she’s the mummy of the group
→ she makes everyone coffee and their comfort food before big exams:)
Yumehara Chiyo
→ psychology major one thousand percent
→ you know how they say that people choose psychology bc they don’t know what major they want?
→ that’s exactly what happened except she fell in love with it immediately
→ such a good student!!!
→ always does her assignments on time and still manages to have a social life
→ teruhashi asked her out at the end of their first semester and that’s the first time chiyo missed a deadline
→ practically lives with teruhashi, insisting it’s just to leave aiura alone
→ she’s just IN LOVE OKAY?????
→ would want to be a sorority girl at first
→ changed her mind when she realized how much shit they all talked
→ her and kaidou drink wine and talk about their relationships and studies
→ she’s so sleep deprived it’s unreal
→ she doesn’t need sleep anymore though
→ coffee is her best friend
→ makes asks Aiura for readings twice a week
→ brings all her psychology friends home and they analyze their textbooks
→ once she got the hang of it, she decided to examine Kusuo
→ she told him he needs actual medical evaluation
→ he almost threw her out the window when she offered some Xanax for his nerves
→ chiyo is a neat freak one hundred percent
→ hates when Aiura throws everything on the floor, but she loves cleaning
→ opens her own office after school
Teruhashi Kokomi
→ lesbian doctor :)
→ just wanted to get away from her perv brother at first
→ she always wanted to be a doctor though, preferably a neurosurgeon
→ she’s super duper smart and hates when she gets good grades bc of her good looks:(
→ makes it her goal to show her professors that she’s more than a beautiful girl
→ hasn’t failed a single exam
→ helps everyone with their studies even though she’s drowning in work
→ drops the perfect girl image at college and decides she should try and aim for something normal
→ gets invited to every single party
→ in a knitting club bc it would get disbanded without one more member
→ knits!!!matching!!!sweaters!!!for all of her friends!!!
→ asked Chiyopipi out while drunk
→ never regretted it though
→ her and aren get so drunk when they go out with the group
→ it’s honestly unreal how much they can drink before passing out
→ has to get carried home
→ wakes up after getting drunk and runs to her class before remembering it’s Sunday
→ her penthouse has the perfect view of the sunset and sunrise and is all she could ask for in life
→ does get lonely so she’s practically living with Chiyo and Aiura
→ once she realized she didn’t like boys she made it her goal to get Saiki and Aiura together
→ people wonder how she has so much time to play matchmaker and volunteer while she’s in premed
→ does her internship at a hospital
→ ends up working there as a neurosurgeon after her Doctorate degree
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grimmshood · 2 years
here long ass au fic thing i wrote and cant finish about ji-woon like he's a normal guy and nospin doesnt die and also he gets a crush on zarah who is actually an art director on his album
it took a week for ji-woon hak’s career to take a swift turn.
he’d been playing the role of charismatic playboy with an edgy flair from the moment he’d been selected to join boy group NOSPIN. and he knew he played his role well, even if he didn’t get along with his fellow members as much. but no one could blame him, going from a trainee to joining an existing up-and-coming group with enough difficulties on its plate. five men tasked with doing the primary production work on their own songs, their own choreography, writing lyrics, and so on. two members were foreigners still learning the ropes and it showed in the responses to their promotions. ji-woon knew pressure was high, but he liked the challenge. and so he worked. 
they’d done extremely well, too. following ji-woon’s debut as a NOSPIN member, their collective hard work and effort granted them an all-kill hit. their popularity skyrocketed, and ji-woon loved the attention, although he dreaded having to share the spotlight. the fans cheering him on pushed him to work harder and harder while his fellow members grew exhausted. nights and days of lyric writing, production, rummaging through the other members’ belongings for ideas and for what they’d come up with, so that he could pull them up to his speed, and he continued forward.
their next comeback was a full album, and it was going to be big. ji-woon wanted it to be better than anything he’d contributed before, and he made it clear to his members. the album was the first thing on his mind when he woke up, and the last thing he thought about before falling asleep.
but no matter how much enthusiasm and dedication one man can have, the others could see something wrong bound to grow from ji-woon’s insistence.
their leader, woojin, approached ji-woon and put his hands on the smaller man’s shoulders. 
“you’re working really hard. but you need to take a break.”
ji-woon frowned. 
“i can’t stop now. i have too much i want to put into this.”
woojin brushed a hand past his forehead through his hair. 
“we’re all working really hard. you know this. but you’re not only moving too fast for us to keep up, you’re going to burn yourself out.”
he looked ji-woon directly in the eyes as he spoke.
“i- no, we need you to slow down. take a few more breaks, man. this isn’t going to do you any good.”
ji-woon brushed the other man’s hand off his shoulder. “i’ll be fine.”
he felt insulted- he couldn’t burn out when he was barely putting in any effort. he wanted to do more, add more, make these songs truly worth performing.
woojin frowned a little. “i’m worried. if you keep this up, you might burn yourself out before the album is finished.”
“the work isn’t hard for me. i just work differently. you guys know this.” 
woojin’s gaze relaxed. he wasn’t getting through to the man in front of him.
“at least take it easier for a while? you know we’re going to start recording in a few days. why not break now and get back to speed once we start recording?”
ji-woon sighs. he’s not letting up on this. if it’s not woojin’s own brotherly love for him, their manager’s probably put him up to it. 
“fine. just until we start recording.”
and he realized that taking a break gave him time to return to his personal projects. an experimental set of tracks, ones he’d like to release when he finally goes solo. they’re nothing like anyone expects from him- a hint to memories of the past, when his father took him to the theater to encourage his future entertainment and ji-woon found boyish glee in dark
films with violent monsters and screeching soundtracks. the shrill noise, but most of all the way people’s voices changed when they experienced fear- it was enchanting. he now had time to revisit those sounds and play with them in his music.
the morning they were set to begin recording, their manager yun-jin had cleared all their schedules so the boys could prepare and be ready to record into the night. they’d split up that morning, woojin insisting ji-woon be the last to leave the dormitory. ji-woon watched as the leader left with changmin, his brother in age, and his rival in popularity chun-woo gave him a cheeky smile as he and blink left the building. 
by himself, ji-woon finally gave himself a real moment of relief- he reclined on the couch with his eyes closed for a moment. and with that, he pushed himself up, picking up his bag. he planned simply: he’d have lunch while checking over his lyrics once more, then make sure to be the last in the studio. he really needed to sell that he’d been resting, or he’d get scolded again.
he was lucky that he’d waited. when he finally made his way up the stairs to the recording room, 
the faint smell of smoke filled the hallway, and he could hear muffled thumping from-
shit. the recording studio.
he dropped his bag, not even thinking as his feet carried him to the door. he wrestled the handle down and yanked the door open, finding even more smoke and the yelling began to fill his ears as he tried to process what he saw. a pile of
speakers had fallen in front of the door to the booth, the thumping coming from just behind it.
“ji-woon! open the door!”
“ji-woon-ah! we’re in here!”
and he hadn’t even registered the flames inside and outside the booth. 
“ji-woon, it’s getting hotter!”
“open the door!”
the screams of his friends rang in his ears as he began pushing the speakers as hard as he could, barely registering the heat of metal and plastic as he shoved one onto the floor, kicking it. the door handle rattled as he shoved another speaker out of the way.
“I’m opening it!” he called out, grabbing the handle and pulling the door open. 
changmin immediately fell into his arms, coughing and sputtering. chun-woo pushed past the two with blink’s arm around his shoulder, limping as he walked. woojin followed, pushing ji-woon further out of the room as he coughed.
“hurry!” he yelled. “get outside. i’ll be with you guys in a minute.”
ji-woon continued moving, pushing the younger man in his arms to continue walking. “a few more steps. hold on, okay?” 
he pushed himself under changmin’s arm to lift him up, moving further as he did. the two men in front of them finally reached the stairwell, and chun-woo held the door open.
“where’s woojin?” 
ji-woon shoved changmin into his arms, turning around. “get the others outside. i’m going to get woojin.”
“he’s still inside?!”
“just go!”
he ran back to the studio, frantically looking around. “woojin, where are you?”
“here. i told you to go,” he coughed. the taller man was carrying ji-woon’s and blink’s bags as well as his own, waving a hand in front of him. 
“you’re insane.” ji-woon stepped over broken plastic on the floor, grabbing the bags from woojin’s hands. “come on, let’s get out of here before it gets worse.” he tilted his head towards the open stairwell. -
ji-woon was devastated in more ways than one. the comeback had been postponed while the group recovered- he’d gotten burns on his arms from the speakers, but the other four had more serious burns. they had yet to know how the fire started, and those who could had been sent home to recover. 
he was stuck waiting. it’d be a while, even after the physical healing was done- there was the trauma, after all. changmin was delicate, blink never said anything. they’d have trouble.
and he was to be toted as their hero in interviews. he couldn't rest, because he had to serve for pr coverups. it felt like a joke.
the surprise offering, though- almost as if they were trying to make it up to him specifically. while the others went on hiatus to recover, ji-woon still had real work to start. his solo debut would come much sooner than he expected. -
immediately after the release of CUT THRU U and its rocket to success, all five boys had made an effort to thank the staff that helped in marketing and designing the album. they’d even delivered bungeoppang for the staff, spending several hours in a small truck as they made the pastries. 
needless to say, ji-woon intended to do the same for the staff that would design his solo single. good favors, he thought, will give me more influence on the final product. 
one man couldn’t afford to do the volume of thanks that five had done before, so ji-woon opted to personally visit the staff and bring them snacks for the day. it wouldn’t hurt to know the people themselves, after all, so he didn’t mind the smaller move.
he’d gotten a few cheers, and while being given a short introduction to the team on his yet-to-be-named solo, he shifted his eyes, watching to see if everyone was turning their heads. this was his project, and he wanted the attention and approval of everyone on board. he smiled as he greeted the staff, thanking them as he went- and out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone who didn’t seem to care at all.
they’d immediately caught his attention. he looked over to see a girl who seemed to be his age, brown hair pulled back into a bun with a few wisps falling in front of her nose. she looked focused, sketching intensely on the notebook in front of her. he couldn’t bring himself to speak- he stood and watched, before she sighed and put her pen down. she placed her palms on the desk and began to stand, turning her head to see ji-woon step back quickly.
“ah, sorry for watching.” he scratched the back of his head and tried to give her a smile, only for her to look him up and down before briskly walking away without a word.
it was strange. most people paid attention to him, positive or negative. they reacted to his smile, and usually staff would be happy to receive gifts from their artists. but this one, she didn’t even care. it made his mind race- did she see him from the start? did she hear anything he’d said? what kind of person didn’t acknowledge a celebrity standing a foot away from them?
he didn’t understand, but he immediately knew he wanted to know more. he started by asking the staff around- who was that? is she always like that? even then, he didn’t learn much. she was apparently like this most of the time, silent and unmoving. she was supposed to be an art director, but she worked outside with the design teams directly. otherwise, her coworkers barely knew her. what a strange person, he thought.  -
ji-woon stood in the living area of the dormitory, throwing knives in hand. he tossed one, then another, while blink silently watched from where he was reclining on the couch.
“so you’re just bothered because she ignored you.”
ji-woon frowned, tossing another knife at the board on the wall. “i mean.. it wouldn’t be the first time, but it’s weird. i was right in front of her.”
“well maybe she needed to use the bathroom. i don’t know.” blink rolled his eyes. “you can’t expect everyone to like you.”
ji-woon tossed another knife, making a loud thunk as it landed just barely in the center.
“i know. but i haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”
blink chuckles, covering his mouth. ji-woon looks towards him, furrowing his brow.
“what’s so funny?”
“did you ever consider that you might just have a crush?” blink curled his legs up, putting his hand on his forehead. “the playboy actually likes someone.. and i thought it was impossible!”
“i don’t even know her!” ji-woon clenched his fists. “that is not what this is.”
blink raised an eyebrow. “hard to prove when you look like a tomato. it’s not a bad thing, though.”
ji-woon glared at him.
“i have a single to write, and you’re not helping.”
“because throwing knives and talking to me about a girl is going to make your song magically write itself?” 
thunk! ji-woon threw another knife behind him. 
“shut up.”
“listen, if you really want to know, just go back and ask her.” blink folded his arms. “that’d be the most direct way to find out.”
“shit. that’s it.” his eyes lit up.
“okay, wait a minute. Don’t get too crazy, ji-woon..”
“too late for that.” the idol turned around, pulling his phone out of his pocket. -
this was the first step.
he placed one of his photocards gently in the fold of a bright pink card, a note written inside.
i want to apologize for the other day. 
i owe so much to the staff for where i am now,
and i’d like to thank you properly since i couldn’t then.
please call me.
underneath, a slip with his number written on it was taped to the card.
he placed this card into a plain white envelope, writing what he could remember of her name across the back.
the next step was to actually deliver it. -
ji-woon approached the front desk, smiling gently at the secretary. 
“is miss khan here today?” he asked.
“i think she has a meeting right now. if you needed something, you could have called,” they responded. 
“oh, it’s nothing that important. since she’s not here, could you give this to her when she gets back?” he held out the envelope, painfully aware of the tiny tremble he felt in his fingers. 
“of course.”
he turned around, walking out of the building and onto the sidewalk before gripping the sides of his head. 
it should not have been that hard to deliver a damn note! he’s confident. he knows he is. so why did he feel so nervous?
maybe blink was right, and it was just a crush. but it didn’t make sense. ji-woon had dated girls before. sure, they’d always been the ones to ask him out first, and the ones he didn’t reject usually had something he was interested in, but those relationships never lasted long. the girls never liked how much he really wasn’t interested in them. was that how he felt right now?
he couldn’t get her face out of his mind. she’d looked him over like a piece of meat and simply walked away… no girl had ever done something like that. he couldn’t read her expression when she’d looked at him, and it made him feel crazy. -
ji-woon was in the living area again, sitting on the couch idly as woojin and blink moved around the kitchen.
“augh, i really don’t feel like making anything right now.” blink sighed. ji-woon could see him from the couch, the taller man leaning over the counter with a fork in his hand. 
“we can just get delivery again.” woojin responded, handing blink his phone. “get burgers or something.”
“not going to ask me if i want anything?” ji-woon called. 
woojin looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. “not unless you plan on buying.”
“you’re so mean to me,” ji-woon cried, holding his arms out dramatically. “and after all i’ve done for you…”
woojin rolled his eyes. “if you want something, say so. otherwise blink can just order whatever.” 
“i don’t care that much. just make sure you get me something good,” ji-woon responded. he felt the telltale buzz of his phone and looked down at the screen to see a message from a number he’d never seen before. he knew better than to look at strange messages, but… would it hurt to have his hopes up?
?: you wanted to speak to me?
his eyes lit up.
JW: I’m sorry to be rude, but who is this?
?: Khan. i got your number from a card someone left for me at work.
JW: Oh! Yes, I wanted to talk to you! ^_^
K: what for?
JW: I brought snacks for the staff the other day and greeted everyone, but I don’t think I got the opportunity to speak with you ;;
JW: I was told you’re an art director, so you must work really hard! It just doesn’t feel right to have missed such an important person.
K: you really don’t have to do anything.
JW: Please! I wouldn’t feel right at all. At least let me buy you coffee or something.
“what’s this weirdo smiling about now?” woojin leaned over the back of the couch as he spoke, looking over ji-woon’s shoulder.
“probably watching his own fancam again,” blink suggested. 
“none of your business,” ji-woon responded. woojin raised an eyebrow. 
“if you’re hiding something for once, it has to be interesting. come on,” he said, reaching out for the phone.
“back off.” ji-woon glared at the other man, turning his phone away from his eyes. “i said it’s none of your business.”
“maybe it’s that girl he was complaining about.” 
both woojin and ji-woon turned their heads to look at blink.
“it is not.”
woojin looked back towards ji-woon, a smile creeping on his face.
“it is, isn’t it?” he leaned in closer to ji-woon. “our charming little maknae’s actually talking to a girl?” 
“shut up! it’s none of your business who i talk to!” 
woojin grabbed the phone from his hands and began scrolling. “wow, you’re really going hard on this one, aren’t you? i thought girls usually asked you out first.”
“it’s not a date! give that back!” ji-woon swiped the phone out of woojin’s hands just as the phone buzzed again.
K: if you insist. i’m free tomorrow morning.
ji-woon quickly responded.
JW: Tomorrow morning is perfect! See you then ^^
immediately after pressing send, he shoved the phone down onto the couch.
“and i did not ask her out. it’s just coffee.”
“yes. because you normally take girls out for coffee? it’s okay to say you asked her out.”
“you guys are jumping to conclusions. i’m just going to meet with her, and then we’re going to part ways and probably won’t see each other again.”
blink shook his head. “sure. if that’s what happens.”
he swept his fingers through his hair, pushing black locks out of his face. he only wanted to ask a question, but he felt the need to impress. to do so, he’d assembled a simple but stylish ensemble- a plain white t-shirt under black and navy flannel over light jeans.
the cafe they’d agreed on was near the company building, nested between a convenience store and a small bookstore. when he arrived, there were already a few people inside and idle chatter filled the air. he straightened his mask, then took a seat at a table in the corner of the room next to the window. he watched the people outside pass by, looking for the girl he’d invited.
K: where are u?
JW: In the corner! I’ll wave! 
ji-woon followed his response with a happy looking sticker, then looked around for her. she immediately caught his eye, and he waved his hand.
she wore a sleeveless white turtleneck under a black coat. he couldn’t help noticing the sliver of skin at her shoulders, but quickly shook it out of his mind. couldn’t afford to be caught staring. 
“morning.” he smiled at her, standing up from his seat. “tell me your order, i’ll buy.” 
“you don’t have to.”
he frowned. “but you agreed when we talked! let me buy it this once. you can return the favor some other time,” he replied. he gave her another smile. 
“..ah. fine.” the girl resigned. “just an iced mocha, then.” she crossed her arms and sat down. he watched her pull out a phone before he turned to approach the counter.
he ordered the drinks, her mocha and a latte for himself. while he waited, he looked back over to where she was sitting. she looked bored, lifting her head to view the surroundings before looking down again. 
ji-woon returned to the table, drinks in hand.
“thanks for letting me treat you. it means so much.” he placed each cup down, then pulled the chair out to take a seat.
“...thanks for buying.” she gingerly took the cup in front of her, holding the straw and swirling the liquid. “you wanted to talk, right?”
“yes!” he straightened up at this, almost leaning forward. “first, i want to apologize again for the other day. i didn’t get to properly greet you in the office, i think i must have bumped into you or something.”
“...what do you mean?” she looked at him quizzically. “i don’t remember seeing you there.”
“it was when i brought snacks a few days ago… i saw you working on something, then you stood up and just… looked at me and walked away. i was right behind you…” he looked away sheepishly. just describing the incident out loud made him feel the blood run to his cheeks.
“oh.” she took a sip from her cup. “i’ll be honest, i still can’t remember that. but i know you didn’t do anything worth apologizing for. sorry about that.”
“you really don’t remember it?” he cocks his head to the side.
“my memory is bad.. sorry.” she looks away.
he sighs. it’s not her fault, and now he cares even less about the situation. something about her feels magnetic, and he’s not ready to let her go just yet.
“that’s okay. besides that, i wanted to know more about what you do.. especially with our work,” he gestures vaguely.
“oh, the ALICE album. that stuff. well,” she sips her drink again, then leans in a little. “i’m not allowed to talk about much, but since you’re technically part of the client i think it’d be okay. ALICE is completely on hold until everything gets back to normal on your side.” 
“really?” ji-woon raises an eyebrow. “and my solo isn’t going to cause issues with the release?”
“none of the shooting has started yet since we were still developing the layouts and concepts. so whatever you do for the solo, we have to work with that for the ALICE content.” she rests her chin on her hand. “right now all we can do is focus on making sure the solo is good.”
ji-woon smiles at the idea of having everyone’s focus to himself. the pretty girl in front of him leading it practically amplifies the feeling.
“...How do you feel about the solo plans so far?” he’s pushing further. if he can’t find out what she was thinking before, he might be able to find out what she thinks of him now based off business.
“i’m surprised a concept like this passed at all. but if the other albums sold well, i guess they’re banking on people liking you.” she blinks slowly. “we haven’t heard any of the solo yet, obviously, but when all you’re told is that the artist is calling himself The Trickster and doing knife tricks  it’s a little strange. but i think we can work with it.” 
“so you already know my stage name, then…”
she scoffs. “we’re doing the graphics for your solo. obviously we’re going to know your stage name.”
“what did you think of it?” 
“interesting, i guess. i won’t know until it’s done.”
he’s enthralled by the way she talks, the way she barely expresses at all. she’s got the tiniest mole next to her lip, another just under her eyebrow.  
“...depending on what you do, we could- are you okay?” 
he shook his head.
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“...you seem a little spaced out.”
“i’m alright. just couldn’t help thinking about how pretty you are.” he rested his chin on his hand, leaning forward as his smile softened.
“...really.” she raised an eyebrow.
she suddenly turned, reaching into her pocket. 
“right, i’ve got a meeting later.. i’m sorry, i have to take this.”
“it’s fine! thanks for letting me treat you.” he responded.
she stood up from her chair, picked up her empty cup and threw it away before stepping outside.
fuck. maybe blink really was right. he couldn’t tell how much of his flirting had been the typical him and actual, genuine interest. but watching her walk away made his heart fall, and he wanted nothing more than to grab her by the hand and ask to her to stay. even if he barely knew her.
somehow, ji-woon found himself pouring feelings he didn’t know into the lyrics of his single. he sat in one of the studios, laptop and keyboard to his left and notebook to his right. the notebook lay open, pages covered in roughly written stanzas and unfinished melodies. he tapped out a few notes, then played them back. 
let me be your alice
i’ll follow you into the dark
these weren’t lyrics for his single. he wrote them for ALICE, for five, not one.. but they pulsated in his brain.
he thought for a moment, then he quickly scribbled down the lyrics onto the page. 
wherever you are,
i’ll be by your side
hm. there was something. 
he wrote down a different verse, then scratched away at the second line.
you don’t know me yet
but we’ll be together all the same
her face popped into his head again, and he furrowed his brow. he tore the page out of the book, tossing it to the floor.
this wasn’t working. 
after meeting with her, he’d managed to write a melody that fit the concept he wanted - loud and garish, but a hint of loneliness underneath. he just needed to expand it, add more to the song itself- but nothing felt right. 
he looked over to his phone, thinking.
JW: it was nice talking to you!
JW: would it be okay if i brought up my ideas to you? 
K: Sure
After asking permission, he’d sent her many photos- dark and edgy looking albums, posters from slasher films and horror movies about entertainment, pictures of knives and circuses and sparkling mirrors and chandeliers. 
He’d sent a few of these to Yun-Jin before, and they were photos he’d brought to meetings as well, but some he’d picked specifically for her. He just knew she’d understand. 
But there was no response, not for days. as he struggled to write lyrics, he thought about it. had he gone too far? did he do too much? 
he just knew he needed to see her again and find out what the problem was.
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I'm curious, what are your thoughts on Canon Harry, Hermione, and Ron?
Given my absolute trashing everyone else and sparse comments on Harry, you can probably guess.
I honestly don’t even know where to start with this.
I guess we’ll start with Harry.
Harry Potter
First, sorry guys, Harry is painfully stupid. It’s not that he doesn’t try hard academically, that he’s not book smart, or that he’s just acting his own age, he is honestly, truly, painfully dumb and is consistently an idiot throughout the entire series.
Let’s take third year as a random example. Harry’s informed there’s a mass murdering Death Eater on the loose that has the country in such a panic that they send dementors to Hogwarts, he is told directly that this guy has motive to come directly after him, he even notices that he’s kept a close eye on that summer in Diagon Alley.
Harry decides that his life is a bottomless pit of despair if he can’t go to Hogsmeade every month with everyone else. Not even if he doesn’t get the candy, Hermione and Ron bring him that afterwards, but not going at all brings him misery. And I get it, it sucks to be stuck in the castle when all your friends get to go on a field trip. BUT HARRY, HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN WHY EVERYONE’S MAKING YOU STAY IN THE CASTLE?! Harry’s response is he isn’t afraid of death because... he isn’t afraid of death. Really, it’s not so much that he’s that brave but more that he hasn’t thought this one through. 
Harry finally gets to sneak out to Hogsmeade and is thrilled and it takes Hermione pointing out that Sirius Black may very well know these other entrances (which he does) for Harry to even realize this is a possibility (even though Harry didn’t make the map). His response to Hermione is surprised Pikachu face for two seconds then, “No, there’s no way, Sirius Black could never figure out something as cool as this.” Then, when Harry’s finally caught, it takes both Snape and Lupin calling him a dick who dishonors his parent’s sacrifice and entire nation trying to keep him safe, for Harry to realize that maybe sneaking into Hogsmeade was a pretty shitty thing to do. 
We also have the whole firebolt incident in which Harry’s sent a very suspicious package that could very well kill him with no return address. Harry gets unbelievably pissed that Hermione narks on him, even though he does eventually get the broom back. How dare Hermione get in the way of his quidditch!
This is just one book, mind you, we could go through all seven and find equally mind bogglingly dumb moments. Harry’s just not a bright guy (he also is very academically lazy, but that’s not the same thing.)
Otherwise, Harry doesn’t just have a little anger issue, he has a serious problem and I’m convinced he’s a psychopath. 
Whoa, you say, hold on! Where does that come from?
Well, not so much the earlier books. While Harry is a dick (and yes, guys, he is) he doesn’t show really worrying tendencies. The worst he gets up to is icing out Hermione when she becomes inconvenient (see Firebolt fiasco), treating Neville like trash (Harry bails on Neville to sneak out to Hogsmeade), and just being generally self-centered. 
I’m talking about the Order of the Phoenix onward. First we have HARRY’S RAGING CAPS-LOCKS FOR AN ENTIRE NOVEL. Granted, he’s an angry dude in a stressful situation, but that was... a lot. But it’s really Half-Blood Prince were I start grimacing.
We have his reaction to Ginny. It never really seems like Harry ever likes Ginny, it’s more that he has this green rage monster in his chest that wants to possess her. It is the weirdest thing I’ve ever read in my life. Or, well, one of them. So that’s... a thing. 
Then we have the whole Draco thing. Harry becomes obsessed with Draco Malfoy, more so than usual. And yes, Draco was up to no good, and sure we can tilt our heads and say it’s pretext for Draco/Harry. Except guys, Harry’s scary about it. Take out the appeal of the slash for two seconds, Harry stalking Draco is that problematic thing that if Draco were a woman we’d be saying “ABORT ABORT ABORT”. It of course, culminates in the bathroom incident. Now, you say, Harry didn’t know what that spell would do. Well, he knew it was for enemies and even afterwards, though he panics and feels bad, what he really seems to be bad about is the potential consequences to himself not the action. he focuses more on the fact that the beloved Halfblood Prince was Snape than he does the fact that he nearly murdered Malfoy. If I’m remembering correctly, Harry in fact makes out with Ginny not long after, got to set that chest monster loose, y’all. 
Then in book seven Harry starts using the unforgivables with absolutely no regret. Torture for you, Bellatrix, I am edgy now. It’s very clear that Harry only cares superficially about morality. He generally follows the rules and various ideals because he likes the idea of being noble and virtuous, he isn’t actually a virtuous guy at all. 
I’m not even sure he really understands friendship. Harry’s friends are people who are great and all except when they become inconvenient, then he can treat them like the trash they are until they come back around (if ever). 
He’s kind of a monster actually. 
He’s also the poster child of why Voldemort may have a teensy-tiny point that the statute of secrecy as it stands around muggle children is not sustainable. Really doesn’t look good for the cause when the most famous child in the wizarding world is raised by extremely abusive muggles and grows up extremely maladjusted because of it. 
Hermione Granger
Now, I give Harry a lot of flak for his treatment of Hermione, but Hermione’s not a barrel of roses either. She may be friends with a pair of assholes who don’t really like her all that much, but she kind of dug her own grave.
First, Hermione has a bit of a superiority complex, even when she’s completely friendless. She absolutely looks down on girls like Pavarti and Lavender and part of the reason they hate her so much is because of that. That’s part of Hermione’s issue, she’s too good for everyone, and so she eventually becomes friends with famous Harry Potter and Ron Weasley who barely tolerate her because she was too good to be friends with, say, Neville.
Hermione never realizes this.
She also deeply enjoys, I believe, being the smartest person in the room and much smarter than her friends. Granted, this is what she defines herself as, and it means she’s needed by everyone around her for this reason, but she still does like it just a little too much.
And oh my god is she horrifyingly righteous.
This we see in what happens to Marietta, Umbridge, as well as her own parents. She permanently disfigures a girl for snitching them out to Umbridge, never telling anyone this was the consequence, and is smug when we see what happens to her because “snitches get stitches”. It’s pretty heavily implied by canon that Umbridge was raped by centaurs (first they’re centaurs, that’s what centaurs do, second we next see Umbridge in the hospital wing looking catatonic and the gang laughs and makes horsey noises). Yes, Umbridge is a vile evil woman, but that Hermione’s so proud of her vengeance is.... concerning.
Finally, her parents. Hermione, without asking her parents’ consent, wipes their memories and rewrites their entire lives. Congratulations Hermione, even more than Harry you are the poster child for Voldemort’s cause of “what goes wrong when muggles raise a magical child”. Hermione essentially kills her parents, treating them like no more than dolls, and the most she’s upset about is what it did to her. To Hermione, her parents aren’t people, not really.
People in general aren’t people, or at least, Hermione is more than willing to go to drastic lengths if she feels she has been slighted or betrayed. Never get on Hermione Granger’s bad side.
Ron Weasley
Shockingly, I’m not really a “Ron the Death Eater” kind of person. Ron clearly has an inferiority complex, he sees being friends with Harry as a way to make him special from his brothers, he’s overly ambitious and easily jealous, he’s academically lazy, kind of an ass, and he has many flaws as a person.
That said, he’s not the same level of scary asshole as Hermione and Harry. Ron doesn’t cut up Draco Malfoy in a bathroom or even disfigure the guy. He’s just your more or less normal dude who doesn’t realize he’s friends with lunatics. 
TL;DR Harry and Hermione are assholes. Ron’s kind of an asshole too but shockingly less so than the other two.
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siswritesyanderes · 3 years
Wow we just love to put Sadie through it don’t we? Which Doctor would you pair her with? Or a Torchwood person, if you think they’d fit her better.
Oh boy, it would be so interesting for all of them. And obviously, we're assuming this happens slightly later in her life; she's a teenager in Rule One because it's Twilight, but for a Doctor Who story she'd be in her twenties. Also, jury's out on whether it's platonic or romantic yanderes.
(For clarity, we're still working with the premise, as expressed in earlier posts, that all versions of the Doctor eventually get to kidnapping, so in most of these scenarios, she's already at full-time companion status. For Twelve, though, let's say it takes a bit longer for her to get there. If it doesn't squick you out, we could say she meets him the same way Bill does; at a college in which he's teaching. Either way, she'd have more Earth-bound interactions with Twelve than anyone else.)
Nine would probably be the most coherent and straightforward, for her. (Well, it's a tie between him and Thirteen.) He'd be frank about everything he's thinking and feeling, with regards to her, and he would be easy to talk to about it. Kinder and more reasonable than his edgy attire might suggest. Even when he doesn't bend on the whole kidnapping thing, he'd be easy to have a discussion with. Sadie tries probing about why he feels that he needs to keep her close, but he's resistant to telling her anything about his past. Admittedly, it makes her very curious. He's an alien, physiologically and mentally and emotionally distinct from humanity, and he's secretive, and he won't let her leave. The mystery of it all is very engaging. Obviously, she'd still rather not be kidnapped, but since that hadn't been made an option, she would like to learn everything.
Ten would be so complicated, because Sadie knows that the dynamic between them isn't healthy, but she also really doesn't like hurting people's feelings. She would try to help him talk through his problems and his trauma and his crimes, and that would only make him more obsessed and dependent. After all, who would help him to pick through all these painful memories, without her? It's like the pain of each old shame, each loss, is dulled just by discussing them with her; like she's left fingerprints of salve through his mind, and if anything were to happen to her, all of the salve would disappear at once. That's all in addition to the love he already felt for her. Sadie can see this increasing neediness developing, but he would just break down again if she stopped now (He wants to tell her everything, soothe more memories, wrap her more thoroughly around his emotional wellbeing.), and anyway, hopefully if they keep digging, they'll come out on the other side of this. Right?
Eleven would be hilarious just because Sadie would keep trying to manage a coherent, meaningful conversation about the parameters of the relationship, and he just keeps jumping from topic to topic and talking around her protestations and not addressing things as deeply as she wants to. His restlessness and Sadie's tendency to dwell and think things through would take some reconciling. She would try to adapt to his personality; she learns that asking him one question or making one request doesn't work as well as giving him a list. If she only says one thing, even if she repeats it, it can get lost in the deluge of his constant activity, but if she says, "Doctor. Four things. One: I need to eat. Two: Can I at least stop by my house to pick up some of my own clothes? Three: If so, can I bring my dog?...(etc.)", he'll likely remember and address each point. For the record, he would let her bring Brillig onto the TARDIS. He would start calling him "our dog". And he can speak dog, so he really treats Brillig more like their shared son. If Sadie wants to seriously discuss something, Eleven will whistle and tell Brillig something like, "Off you go; your mother wants to chat with me alone." And Brillig would go because, again, the Doctor speaks dog. Brillig is a good outlet for his energy, which makes it easier for Sadie to actually talk with him without him bouncing off the walls.
Twelve would be interesting because, like I've said in previous posts, he'd have a bit of tsundere energy, and Sadie would take that largely at face value at first, so he'd be acting all surly and she's just like, "Well, if you don't like me, then we don't have to interact, right?" Eventually, this train of thought would lead to her surmising that Twelve is more invested in her than he initially shows (since he keeps actively seeking her out), but she'd still be pretty blindsided by how much so. When it gets to the point that he does kidnap her, she would be scared stiff; she misread his feelings for her so many times, she has no idea what to expect anymore, so she just goes silent. He would initially try to reassure her that she's safe in a prickly, dismissive way, but when that doesn't help, he softens up and speaks honestly with her about his feelings. It still takes a while for her to relax. Twelve becomes really sweet, in his treatment of her, to make up for having confused and frightened her.
Thirteen would be frank and communicative, like Nine. More forgetful, though; she often has to say things like "Have I already said that?" or "Have I told you that yet? I meant to..." But she's trying to be communicative, and Sadie learns to periodically ask, "Now, Doctor, is there anything you think you should tell me but aren't sure you have?" Like I've said before, Thirteen is more of a slow burn, boil the frog yandere than most of the others, so as far as Sadie is concerned, she's just a companion at first. Enjoying the universe, and all of the alien cultures she gets to see. There's time for Sadie to develop camaraderie and fondness for Thirteen, before Thirteen's possessiveness becomes obvious, so Sadie talks her through it as a friend more than as a matter of survival or anything else. Thirteen is her quirky alien friend who sometimes has a bit of a dark side; it's fine. When Thirteen suddenly suggests that they're dating, Sadie goes with the flow. But eventually, she's going to ask to go home, and Thirteen will keep finding reasons not to, and they'll have their first argument. It isn't their last; Sadie and her time lord BFF go back and forth about this all the time.
I never watched Torchwood, but I do know Captain Jack from Doctor Who, and it blows my mind that I hadn't thought about him as a yandere before now. Hot, flirtatious, can't die, apparently armed with a gun even when he's naked. Thinking of him flirting with Sadie is delightful. I think he'd be closer to a jovial stalker than a kidnapper.
Aah, thank you for this question!
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