nalle · 5 years
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Die harte Kern → outtakes
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mallrat-trudy · 5 years
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lehdenlaulu · 5 years
isalabelle09 replied to your post: You know how the last few years in the SW fandom...
Sooo… Have they?
I've decided not to look. I've also (hopefully) blocked most of the worst ones so I wouldn't probably even know. ;p
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youcancallmekathyp · 5 years
isalabelle09 replied to your post: Wie wär´s mit ner “I HAVE TOO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT...
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cricrithings · 5 years
isalabelle09 hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: isalabelle09 hat auf deinen Link geantwortet: ...
erschließt sich mir auch immer noch so gar nicht, auch nicht so wirklich, warum jetzt schon wieder bei einem aus dem Team ein Geheimnis aufgebauscht wird. 2,5 Folgen sind ne halbe Ewigkeit in der Tatort-Metrik und das war für ihn irgrndwie verschenkte Zeit, vor allem, wenn Nora jetzt bald weg ist.
Wir können ja einen Wettpool eröffnen und dann in anderthalb Jahren (?) sehen, wer recht hatte ;) Ich setze auf “Pawlak ist der Hilfsschurke von Graf und bringt in dieser Eigenschaft Dalay um”. Und dann gehört Dortmund zu der wachsenden Liste von Tatort-Teams, die ich nicht mehr anschauen mag. :(
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charlyritter · 5 years
For the tv show meme, I want you to answer everything please, except for 1, 7, 8, 11--14, 16--18, 20--24, 27, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 45, 46, 49--51
2 if you could have saved one TV show from cancellation, which one would it be? Deadwood
3 have you ever quit a show before it finished? why? lol all the time, ain’t nobody got time anymore to sit through shows that don’t grip them
4 are there any shows you wish could just be cancelled already? I quit Supernatural when it wasn’t even SUPER horrible yet, so like even earlier than most people, and yet every time I accidentally come across it and it’s on season 58 I’m just like, WHY
5 what’s your comfort show? Columbo or just generally old-timey TV (partly because it’s old which gives it that cozy feeling but also partly because I watched a lot of 60s/70s/80s TV when I was a teenager, so for nostalgic reasons) (I finally found my complete The Persuaders box set when I visited my parents recently and I was OVERJOYED)
6 which shows do you think are underrated and need more love? Boston Legal, Sirens (US), honestly idk why it just seems to be me but I still think the first season of the British Mad Dogs was AWESOME, Jennifer - Sehnsucht nach was Besseres 😂, Bron/Broen, just generally all that good non-English TV but I mean there are obviously reasons why it’s not as well-known especially when it’s not on netflix
9 what’s one show you thought you’d hate but turned out to really enjoy? I am not very familiar with that feeling since I just know myself way too well and always know what I’ll like and what I won’t like and I’m right 99% of the time. I didn’t expect to like The Good Wife that much because it’s a CBS show and I only watch highbrow television. jk but I did think it would have that ~vibe to it and I mean it does to a certain extent but it’s also just pretty well-written
10 what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate? can’t think of anything, also I hardly ever hate shows that I just find them boring and with my list, I don’t have time to spend time on boring sows
15 do you feel like there are any overrated TV show formats? Formats? I don’t know about formats. I mean I can never believe procedurals are still so popular but I did also just watch 2 seasons of The Good Wife in two weeks so (tho I’m not actually sure if it’s strictly a procedural because there is an overarching storyline but there are a lot of case of the week episodes as well)
19 are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now? Nah, nothing. JUST KIDDING, I’ve got 77 shows and 10 miniseries on my listography list and more on my netflix list, what is this questions?! I never get people that are like “I finished my show, so I don’t know what to watch now :(” I always have at least 70 shows in the pipeline. I also hate it because I am never gonna be caught up on everything in my entire life and that thought is just depressing to me. 
25 do you prefer proper opening credits, or a simple title card? my attention span is so low that I somtimes even skip title cards, so definitely those
26 favourite TV show theme song? oh god I think it’s the girlfriends theme song :/ But it’s just so ~90s girlpower and it does fit the show so ://
28 who would be your dream cameo on your favourite show? I honestly do not know what part Colin Firth could play on Breaking Bad
29 do you tend to quote TV shows a lot? have you ever started using a word/phrase because of a TV show? All the time. “Not great Bob” is a mood for eternity
32 what’s one show you could watch over and over? I first had “I could watch all my favorite shows over and over” as my answer to this but actually, some of them are too painful to watch again (like Bron/Broen) sooo? Boston Legal maybe. Or my comfort shows (see 5)
34 what are your top 5 shows right now? shows that are still airing or shows that I am currently watching for the first time: The Good Wife, Santa Clarita Diet, Grace and Frankie, Dark, The Good Place
35 who are your top 5 TV characters right now? right now I’m all about Will Gardner but it’s basically the usual suspects Saga Norén, Jesse Pinkman, EB Farnum, Peggy Olson, Frank Columbo
38 do you prefer hour long episodes, or 30 minute? Out of those two I prefer hour long episodes esp since 30 mins tend to be comedy shows which I can’t get into that often but in general I think 40-50 minutes max per episode is perfect
39 do you prefer 22 episode seasons, or 13? 13!!!!! THIRTEEN!!!!!! 22 episode seasons are an atrocity and yes I am looking at you, The Good Wife
40 is there a show coming out soon that you’re really excited about? I generally don’t really get excited for new shows, just new seasons. Right now I’m excited for Santa Clarita Diet season 3
41 if you could change 1 detail about any show, what would you change and why? I don’t knoooooow I’m not creative enough for these questions. If I had it my way, there definitely wouldn’t be any romance on Stranger Things
42 what’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever watched a show in one sitting? I think probably like around 10 hours?
43 what do you think is a good amount of seasons for a TV show? Five. (It’s not my fault everything about Breaking Bad is perfect and they did everything exactly the way it should have been done…….)
44  if you could replace any actor on TV in playing their role, who would you like to play and why? Alicia Florrick so I’d get to experience what being smart is like?
47 are there any shows you love but your friends aren’t interested in? I mean tbh I have the best taste in TV out of all my friends so lots. My friends don’t even know most of the shows I love. 
48 are there any shows your friends love but you aren’t interested in? unfortunately my irl friends are all like “The big bang theory is so hilarious!!” kinda people sooo… In terms of online friends, right now I don’t see what could ever make me want to watch Grey’s Anatomy but never say never I guess (I did say the same thing about Tatort so.)
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apicturewithasmile · 5 years
it’s the finish your goddamn unfinished fics 2k19 challenge
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rovermcfly · 6 years
@isalabelle09 replied to your post: Immer wenn ich die Europahymne beim ESC höre werde...
are you insinuating you’re missing Wetten dass/Gottschalk/Lanz?!?
yes I miss Wetten Dass with Gottschalk because I grew up with it and it was a nice family ritual and it was fun
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notajoinerofthings · 6 years
isalabelle09 replied to your post “i thought i had seen everything that is to see in my rather small...”
So are you going to copy him?
@isalabelle09 absolutely not, because i’ve got a) a very old dog who can only walk short distances very slowly b) a very bad history with skateboards
if i were to copy him, though, i’d go full-on trash mode and also blast some music whilst racing with my doggos through the streets... and the playlist would consist of exactly two songs on repeat, this one and this one
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poisonouschicken · 6 years
#This whole scene was everything I ever wanted#Star Wars#The Last Jedi#fuck say what you want about the movie#Rian knows how to do Jedi showdowns >> You have no idea how nice it is to see tags like this, opposed to all of The Discourse (TM) that is still raging all over my dash ❤❤❤ that showdown was awesome and heartbreaking and something I didn't know I wanted or needed until Rian handed it to us
Dude ikr? The first star wars movie in a long time I’m excited about is the one movie fandom is collectively against. (LONG POST AHEAD)
There were iffy bits but I don’t understand the level of vitriol. it had original ideas AND treated the OT characters with respect. I’m just delighted we finally have something in the new canon that treats Jedi like human characters who make mistakes with unintended consequences instead of some failed moral authority or fascist reinhforcers. 
And I like that we got the value of respect and obedience in Poe (even though the execution could be better) - too many occasions in Disney Star Wars that worship the reckless, impulsive individual *side eyes the fiend Filoni* whose actions magically fall into place as The Right Thing, never mind that they’re disobeying more experienced mentors. By having Poe understand his place as a soldier, I think TLJ destroys the idea Anakin was allowed to behave that arrogantly just because he was ‘talented’ and knew better than everyone. Poe is equally talented, but he was humble enough to accept a lesson and change his behaviour because he really did just want to help the rebellion, not feed his narcissism that he was ‘The Best Pilot’.
Which is why I also don’t understand the argument that Rian is some Kylo fanboy and TLJ is just an exercise an apologist fanfiction. Kylo may have echoes of possible redemption, but he’s utterly incapable of forgiveness or stepping outside of himself. He wasn’t some naive boy. He was evil before he killed Snoke, he was still evil even after Snoke died, because surprise! Snoke wasn’t “forcing” him into the Dark Side. If anything, that just adds more contrast between him and Rey. Kylo’s had every advantage - a glorified lineage safe upbringing and doting parents and he’s still a self-pitying hopped up little shit. Rey was an abandoned urchin and she still found enough hope and optimism to look outside of her troubles to help other damaged people, and she proves that having a shit life isn’t enough excuse to start slaughtering people, completely dismantling all the rubbish that Anakin was made evil because of his slave upbringing or “abuse” by the Jedi. Cause Rey reinforces what Luke proved in ROTJ - that crappy childhoods or genetic heritage don’t determine your choices or opportunities. She was always going to be THAT compassionate and forgiving, and Kylo was always going to be a murdering douche canoe. And she’s never going to be reconciled with Kylo because they’re polar opposites (but NOOO let’s miss the point completely and go into moral fits over assumed Reylo overtones - come on, she had nothing but pity and contempt for him. Their brief truce is a product of HER good nature, not his.)
And I LOVE that Luke had his minor dramatic wobble - I don’t think it was OOC at all - he’s an overdramatic Skywalker, he’s always been afraid of falling to the Dark Side (Vader!Luke in Dagobah) because he knows from Obi wan and Yoda the consequences when Jedi fall. And Idk I’m imposing my own biases here - but having Luke be indirectly responsible for Jedi Genocide 2 is the perfect way to drive home the notion that bad things happen even to the best people. All those arguments that the Jedi deserved Order 66 because they were evil/arrogant/abusive get thrown out the window because Luke is the Universal Hero - he’s not as “rigid”, he’s learnt from the wrongs of the past and he’ll bring about perfect peace. Yeah well, he did everything right and it went tits up. Possibly because mass genocide tends to happen when you have a genocidal maniac around and IT’S NOT THE FAULT OF GOOD PEOPLE TRYING TO DO GOOD. No one could think Kylo’s insanity was Luke’s fault, and it’s equally stupid to think Anakin’s decisions were the Jedi’s fault! *Cough* Jedi haters are delusional dirtbags *cough*
UGH I love the possibilities this movie gave us - so much to explore and build upon now that the old traditions have been burnt and dismantled. I can’t be the only one getting bored of the slavish devotion to Lucas tropes. It’s not a perfect film but it’s the most exciting addition I’ve seen in over 10 years.
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ingebjorg9 · 6 years
isalabelle09 replied to your photoset 
                   The three locations that were stitched together to...                
   I LOVE all of your well researched location trivia, so thank you💜    And thank YOU for the nice comment :)  I love it when I can post something that’s interesting and/or useful to someone!
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nalle · 5 years
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Nemesis → outtakes
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mallrat-trudy · 5 years
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lehdenlaulu · 5 years
isalabelle09 replied to your post: Someone literally looked at Rey and Leia hugging...
I wish I could unread this omfg
Sorry. :D And trust me, there's worse stuff out there.
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youcancallmekathyp · 5 years
isalabelle09 replied to your post: isalabelle09 replied to your post: ...
The BEST gif omg ��❤️
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cricrithings · 5 years
hat auf deinen
letzter Tag des Urlaubs, pffffLichtblick: Nur zwei...
Dann genieß ihn wenigstens noch, den letzten Urlaubsabend❤️
Ich versuche es, seufz. Das Elend ist, daß ich am letzten Tag immer schon so deprimiert und unleidlich bin, daß es fast schon ein verlorener Tag ist ... (Und dabei mag ich meine Arbeit sogar grundsätzlich.)
Edit: Heute war ich zumindest bei einem schönen 1. Mai Grillen, das hat den Urlaubs-End-Blues rausgeschoben ;)
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