#isamu fuwa
corruptimles · 1 year
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I wasn’t feeling comfortable enough with my chibi style so lately I've been drawing as many blorbos as possible (definitely missing a few)
except I didn’t really simplify spamton, he’s already like that
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t-u-i-t-c · 10 months
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the wolf & the grasshopper
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gojurt · 1 year
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i think they would get along
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missmako-chan · 8 months
"kill them with kindness" Wrong. Rampage All Blast
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hidengifs · 11 months
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Kamen Rider Zero-One (2019) ↳ Episode 36: “I Am the Ark and a Kamen Rider”
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porcelaindragons · 1 month
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Kamen rider zero one posting in 2024????? Its more likely than you think.
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omegahaunter · 2 years
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A collection of kamen rider fanart i've done
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skajador · 1 year
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one of my favorite types of secondary tbh
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Who would make the best new main character? (Round 2)
Note: I recommend reading this blog's pinned post that explains what this tournament is about before voting
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Isamu Fuwa- People joked that he’s the real protagonist due to having a form that is usually reserved for the protagonists in typical Kamen Rider fanfare and getting more spotlight than the titular Zero One at one point
The Bugsnax- (just a warning, this has heavy spoilers): I think swapping the perspective with the Bugsnax would be really interesting. The Bugsnax act like dozens of different creatures, but in reality, they're all one hive mind. We could have a flashback to see their backstory, we have tons of perspectives to watch what's going on from since there's so many Bugsnax everywhere, and we could see how they react to the original player and their actions. Plus, it works for all kinds of genres. Maybe it's straight up horror. Maybe it's a workplace comedy, and they drop their act when Grumpuses aren't around, similar to Toy Story.
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skylandart · 1 year
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Here's some Yua/Fuwa for yelling BEST OF LUCK!! to @ineedsomesleeptoday
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tokuteasings · 1 year
Kisses - A.I.M.S and MetsuBouJinRai
Listen. I fucking love MBJR more than life itself. I would die for them, they are NOT dead and they are still very much live within my heart. 
Especially Naki. I love Naki so much and I would give up everything for them and their happiness.
Warnings: Fuck Amatsu Gai and everything he stands for. Naki and Ikazuchi should have fucking murked him in that parking lot lol. If they weren’t gonna do it, Imma do it. 
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Fuwa Isamu
Isamu’s kisses are full of passion. It’s not so thinly veiled but more so along the forefront of his intentions towards you. It’s not trying to devour you, but it’s a kiss that’s meant to display his affections instead. He’s never been so good with words so this is the best way to show you that he loves you more than life itself. His hands are always going back to your neck or to cup your cheek or anything he can touch, really. Isamu is a very physical person so he has to be clinging on to you in some fashion.
The best way to make him a flushing mess is to grab him by the collar and slam your lips together. Listen, it’s the best way to catch him off guard and the kisses are oh so sweeter like this. Especially if you kiss him in public. He’ll sputter and be a blushing mess, earning the teasing of Yua and Naki, but honestly it’s fucking worth it to see his cute lil blushing face!!!!!
Also neck kisses. Maybe it’s because he’s a “wolf” but neck kisses and shoulder kisses and collarbone kisses are some of his favorite. Like sure, the sex appeal is there, but it’s more so…the thrill of it. Your lips oh so near his pulse and if you bite down hard enough, you could tear out his artery and taste his blood and kill him but…it’s a sense of vulnerability. He trusts you with his body, with such a vulnerable part of himself, so those kind of kisses always make him melt. Also bite his neck. He loves it. It’s the best way to lead him towards sexy times. ;)
In public, the only kisses you are going to get are quick pecks on the lips or cheek that you honestly may mistake as a dream or nonexistent. He has to do them so fast to not only keep up appearances as tough but more so he’s always on the go. So those quick kisses are the only ones he can partake in.
However, the kisses that allow him to slow down and take his time are his favorite. Especially when you two are alone, with nothing to worry about, or just…existing together. His hand in yours, another in your hair or holding you towards him as he kisses you like he wants you to take his air away. Kisses to his head are also the best during the times when he lowers his guard, because he wants his head to be filled with thoughts of you and nothing else.
Yaiba Yua
Yua’s kisses are…calculated. Not emotionless, but they’re just enough to convey what she wants without wanting to go overboard. She hasn’t much time to herself with her busy schedule so she kisses you in a manner that she takes her time with her. She wants to draw out each and every moment you two have together, a hand or both around your waist and kisses are never rushed. They start off quick, a peck here and there, then it melts into a longer kiss and then again into another longer one - lazy and languid, opposite of the busy woman you have as a girlfriend.
Similar to Isamu, neck kisses make her rather giddy and are the best way to make her jump. It surprises her every time you do it, a slight flight-or-fight response but it makes her melt into your embrace. But while he shows a sense of vulnerability with it, for Yua, kisses on the neck (the shoulder is preferred) is a reminder that she can relax around you. She loves it when your kiss her shoulder and trail them up and down her back and upon her scars. You can see her finally relax and this sweet content smile upon her lips that makes her mole oh so kissable. Also yes, kiss that mole.
Public affection is sparse. A quick kiss in the hallways when no one is looking and a brief smile shared between the two of you - like a secret only you two know. In private on the other hand, she’s a bit of a cuddle monster. She returns the shoulder and neck kisses you give her with a sense of reverie that you give her and she has this sneaky little cat-like air to her that makes you wonder what the hell is going on in her brain…you’ll never know honestly.
Loves nose kisses and kissing your eyelids whenever you two wakeup in the mornings. It’s a routine between you two when you wake up. A kiss to each eyelid to shoo away the sleepiness, then to the nose to awaken the senses, and then finally the lips - slow and soft, with no rush to be felt…unless she’s running late (which never happens).
Forehead kisses or kisses to the side of her head are the best after a long day at the office. It’s almost like medicine to ward off a headache. She knows it’s a kind of placebo effect but Aruto and Isamu joke that it’s the best medicine of all, the love of the person you love the most! She has no other choice to believe them when your kisses do help ward off headaches and migraines.
It’s poison, and you can’t get enough. His kisses are not rough per say but similar to Yua, they are calculated. He calculates the angle best to kiss you, to make you keel and keen, and to make noises out of you that he records in these secret encrypted archives within his processors. His kisses are a flow of ambrosia and acid, bubbling and boiling the inside of your mouth. Horobi tends to cling to you like you’re going to disappear from him, evaporate if he applies just too much pressure. But he is careful to never harm you, even though he wants to go further; to test out the limits of how much he wants you and it’s…rather enjoyable when he is allowed to be himself around you.
Public affection is kept to small kisses to your fingers and hands, or a quick peck on the cheek or lips. It’s sparse but to Horobi, it’s the simple little gestures that make him happy. You always need to make the first move most of the time but when Horobi does it, it’s out of nowhere and welcome. If anything, you needed to show him that it’s okay to display these brief moments of affection towards you! He’s getting there, slowly getting used to it.
If anything, the kisses to like his face or forehead help silence the memories and neurons and processes that are within his mind. They can never truly go away, after all, he remembers everything, but they are dampened whenever you kiss them there. It elicits a cute and small little smile from him.
There are times when Horobi tends to fall into a spiral of self-deprecation. It’s because of all the terrible things he has done, and he wonders if you are fine with dating a former terrorist. Or even if he deserves you. It’s best to listen to him during this time and not really shut him up with a kiss but kiss his fingers. The same fingers and hands he used to take lives and hurt others. They’re being kissed and loved, and then press kisses to his form. Because you love him, through every part of him. He is unable to cry fully but this honestly causes his brain to record this event and once again stash it in a private little folder - a reminder of your unconditional love for him.
Affectionate kisses are only meant for the two of you in private, where Horobi is a little less restrained than the public displays. He would always start off with gentle hand-holding, and question if it is alright to kiss you, agency and consent is a large part in his affections and respect for you. He wants you to want these feelings - new and untamed, he doesn’t know how to process them most of the time, it’s so overstimulating - just as much as he does. The kisses you share ground him, counteracts the malice he always kept harbored in his chest and makes it fade away. It’s a promise to do better, be better, and be there for you.
Similar to Yua and Horobi, their kisses are calculated. They take in oh so much time to kiss you that time just…stops. It’s a breath of fresh air, like stepping outside after being cooped up in the office for so long because they need a moment for a break. They need to be given time to themselves, and time to readjust and turn off their brain and let their emotions go with the flow. They tend to cling to you for support, not shaking per say but to ground them - to bring them down from the clouds that they accidentally thrown themselves into and return to a sense of normalcy. These kisses always end with your foreheads against each other, cool synthetic skin against your own flushed flesh one and it’s a sharing of heat and chill - an equilibrium that counteracts calculations and math and numbers in their head and makes them see reality: that they love you with all of their heart.
The forehead touching isn’t just because of the emotions that are flooding through Naki, who is used to being emotionless, but it’s a way to erase the touch of Amatsu Gai. Sure, the wounds are not present since they were rebuilt with no wounds but the memories remain. It’s phantom pains and phantom gunshots ringing in their ears that they know they can erase from their memory but it’s something that remains in their system. They may flinch at first if you try to kiss their forehead or chest where Gai had shot them, but it will take a lot of time for them to come around to it. Baby steps, and the kisses and gentle touches help, a lot.
Similar to Isamu, neck kisses are something that makes Naki the happiest Humagear in the world. It’s a sense of vulnerability, but to Naki it’s not only that but it’s also similar to Yua’s - how it’s a reminder to relax. Though, Naki may question you whenever you do this to them, “I do not think these kisses will be productive towards my work today, but I appreciate the sentiment-” that is when you need to kiss Naki to shut them up, lol.
Similar to Horobi, Naki is also big on consent so they often ask if it is alright to kiss you. Though, they tend to tell you just outright if they want a kiss. They don’t mind public displays of affection either, not letting the looks bother them all that much when they ask you for affection. To Naki, they’re proud to have you by their side, so kisses and affection are simply natural. It’s similar to private affection as well, it doesn’t change between private and public, it’s a constant sort of cycle that it is easy to fall into.
Kissing their sensors are a ticklish sensation, and it’s not unwelcome but this is the most vulnerable part of them, where their memory is stored. It always seems to beep and thrum with life whenever you kiss it and it sends Naki in a bit of a purring session whenever you do. You always ask for permission to kiss them there at first, but sometimes small surprise kisses make Naki jolt in a happy little manner and a small smile will cross their lips in a silent plea to do it again.
Kissing Jin is floating with fire. Many times he gets oh so excited to kiss you that he may lift you up and spin you around! It’s so warm and freeing, like you’re skydiving but know he’s going to be there to catch you. It’s his hands at your cheeks and cupping them and never letting go. It’s him pouring all of his fiery passion into the gesture and never letting you forget the taste of his synthetic lips against yours. He burns this sensation into his memory banks and has a collection of memories of kisses that he has shared with you. It’s some of his favorite memories.
Public displays of affection are mandatory. He cannot keep his hands off of you! Speaking of hands, he will kiss your cheek in public, lips, and especially your hands! He adores marveling at the difference between his and yours and kisses them. You’re a fragile little human and he loves you for who you are. If you return these kisses to him, he’s over the fucking moon!!! He may pick you up and spin you around and show you off for everyone to see!!!!
Back kisses, on his shoulder blades, right where wings would normally sprout from the back of an individual. Jin loves it when you kiss him there or when he kisses you because…he wants to be your wings and you want to be his. You want to support him when he is falling and he wants to support you when you are falling. You are each other’s net. Your kisses make his heart soar and he wants to do the same to you!
Kissing his newly developed ears are honestly very ticklish. He giggles and snorts and lightly pushes you away with a laugh, “Stoooop~!” he would whine while covering his ears to drive away the sensation. But like Naki, it’s a sense of vulnerability for him. It’s a new part of him and it’s not that he likes the nibbles on the ear but the soft kisses on, like, the lobe makes him giddy. He’ll end up returning the favor, just to make you smile and give you the same amount of love you gave him!
Forehead kisses, oh Jin loves them so much. Nose kisses too!!! If there is a notable height difference between the two of you, he’ll use his height to his advantage to tease you with kisses. He’ll peck your lips and cheeks before running away or backing off, claiming you can’t touch him. Drag his tall ass down and kiss him. Hard. He loves it when you get feisty.
His kisses leave you breathless, like the vacuum of space. They shock you like his namesake. They’re meant to leave you dumbfounded, in awe of the Humagear in front of you - with his broad and strong arms around you, sending you flying yet thundering towards the ground at hundreds of miles an hour. He loves stealing your breath away, leaving you flushed and red faced. He would wink and tease you, “Shocked yet, love?” with this impish grin on his face. Kiss him back, just to wipe it off of his face. It's a game between you two but Ikazuchi tends to win more often than not…being a robot and all…
Like Jin and Naki, public display of affection happens simply because it happens. He can’t really keep his hands off of you and always has to greet you with some sort of hug or kiss! Of course, he’ll tend to go for the lips most of the time anyway. Subaru tends to snicker at his big brother being so happy to kiss a human but he’s just happy that Ikazuchi found a person to love. Ikazuchi will also randomly dip you in public, just to tease you.
Oh Ikazuchi is a monster in private. Kisses will not fucking stop. Forehead, cheeks, nose, lips, shoulders, neck, you name it. Ikazuchi will not stop until he is fucking satisfied. He will kiss you until you cannot bear it any longer. He tends to grip you whenever you two kiss, by your waist or your cheeks. He clings to you like magnets.
Another thing he tends to do is dot a constellation of kisses up and down your face, body, etc. It kind of gives you anticipation for when he finally kisses you on the lips. He would start from the tip of your hair, then your forehead, then eyes, then cheeks, then nose, then finally your lips. It’s tracing stars in the sky and space that is known as you. He changes up the order and patterns whenever he does this though - just to keep you on your toes.
Always shut him up with a kiss. It’s the best way to rile him up. He loves it when you’re a bit feisty because Ikaika looooves challenges. He’ll only laugh a boisterous laugh and try to pay you back for it.
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writing-in-sin · 2 years
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t-u-i-t-c · 10 months
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Kamen Rider Zero-One: The Others: Kamen Rider Vulcan & Valkyrie
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mangolon · 2 years
I love the Secondary Riders.
Kuuga cop
Is he really a traitor?
Band kid
Rider Cutting
Kyosuke Kiriya
Motorcycle man
Shoujo love interest
Banana man
Let’s Henshin
Sister complex
Discount Garren
Protein powder
Failed assassin
Angry wolf man
Honor before Reason
Moral Superiority Complex
and Disillusioned with Capitalism
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akirakan · 2 years
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Cover for Kamen Rider Zero-One #1.
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insomnia-arts · 1 year
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Random Kamen Rider doodle page
I know that last one of Kuroto is garbage, but it’s funny garbage
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