girlactionfigure · 4 months
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BREAKING: The Israeli government has approved the closing of the Al-Jazeera news company offices in Israel.
This comes after the news company has been spreading fake news and Palestinian propaganda against the Israeli army and against Israel from Israeli territory for years.
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360cpanews · 25 days
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On Friday, the Israeli military announced the discovery of the bodies of three Israeli hostages in Gaza, who were killed by Hamas during the Oct. 7 attack, including German-Israeli Shani Louk.
A haunting image of 22-year-old Louk's lifeless body in the back of a pickup truck circulated globally, highlighting the brutality of the militants' assault on southern Israeli communities. The military identified the other two victims as 28-year-old Amit Buskila and 56-year-old Itzhak Gelerenter.
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israelnewsysa · 1 month
سنغطي اليوم الـ 218 لحملة الدفاع عن إسرائيل 🇮🇱🇮🇱
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استشهد 4 من مقاتلي نحال في معركة حي الزيتون، حيث تمكنت كتيبة حماس المحلية من إعادة تنظيم صفوفها، وأطلق الإرهابيون قذائف صاروخية من وسط وجنوب القطاع باتجاه العطاف وبئر السبع شرق رفح. وشهدت مدينة رفح سلسلة من المواجهات، فيما تمت الموافقة على الخطط العملياتية لتوسيع الهجوم ليشمل أجزاء من مدينة رفح نفسها.
وأفاد الإرهابيون أنهم هاجموا حي الزيتون 17 مرة. لقد أطلقوا قذائف الهاون، والمدافع المضادة للدبابات، والقناصين، والعبوات الناسفة، وهجمات الفرق، مما يدل على أن كتيبة الزيتون، التي تم حلها في ديسمبر الماضي، أعادت تنظيم نفسها وأصبحت قادرة على خوض قتال شرس على الرغم من عمليتين سابقتين للفرقة في نفس الحي. والعملية الأخيرة في الشفاء بالإضافة إلى ذلك هاجم الإرهابيون من شرق جباليا وعدة مرات على طول محور باري.
وقام مقاتلو كتيبة شاهام التابعة للنحال بمداهمة الحي، والقضاء على الإرهابيين، وتدمير البنية التحتية الإرهابية، وعثروا على معلومات استخباراتية واستخباراتية عسكرية في مدرسة محلية. سقط 4 منهم في المعركة (كلهم يبلغون من العمر 19 عامًا). يمكن أن يشير صغر سنهم إلى أنهم ربما أنهوا للتو تدريبهم القتالي وانضموا إلى القتال لأول مرة.
لا تستطيع إسرائيل في هذه المرحلة السماح للسكان بالعودة إلى شمال قطاع غزة، فعمليات إعادة التنظيم المتكررة للإرهابيين تشير إلى القدرة الموجودة على إعادة تأهيل الكتائب المختلفة مع السكان الموجودين هناك بالفعل، وعودة مئات الآلاف من العرب إلى الشمال لن يؤدي إلا إلى زيادة قوتهم. وبحسب تصريح قائد ناحال في نهاية نيسان/أبريل، فإن القضاء على الإرهاب في المنطقة قد يستمر لمدة عام ونصف.
ولذلك، دعا جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي، يوم السبت 11 مايو/أيار، سكان 11 منطقة في شمال قطاع غزة، بما في ذلك مخيم جباليا بأكمله وأجزاء من بيت لاهيا، إلى الإخلاء فورًا إلى غرب مدينة غزة، استعدادًا لذلك للقيام بعملية فرقة أخرى في نفس المكان أو زيادة القصف لمنع المزيد من التنظيم الإرهابي.
ومن شرق رفح حتى صباح السبت، قضت مقاتلات الفرقة 162 على عشرات الإرهابيين ودهمت العشرات من البنى التحتية الإرهابية وعملت على تطهير المنطقة مع التركيز على التقدم على طريق صلاح الدين ربما لمحاولة السيطرة على الاتجاه. حركة المرور من أجل إعادة فتح معبر رفح وتوصيل الإمدادات إلى منطقة خان يونس للسماح بنقل غالبية سكان منطقة رفح.
هاجم الإرهابيون من شرق المدينة 18 مرة خلال يوم السبت، بما في ذلك هجمات معقدة مع خروج الخلايا من فتحات الأنفاق وإطلاق الصواريخ الحرارية. نفذ 401 مقاتلاً غارات جوية على موقعين لإطلاق الصواريخ تابعين لحركة حماس في مدينة رفح، بعد أن أطلقت المنظمة الإرهابية 7 قذائف صاروخية من المدينة ووسط قطاع غزة يوم الجمعة على المنطقة المحيطة وجنوب البلاد، بما في ذلك وابل من القذائف الصاروخية. سقوط صاروخين على مدينة بئر السبع.
كان هناك اشتباك عنيف في يوش أمس.
وعلى الجبهة الشمالية، هاجم حزب الله أمس 8 مرات، من بينها إطلاق 20 صاروخاً على مدينة كريات شمونة. وهاجم سلاح الجو البنى التحتية والإرهابيين في جنوب لبنان. وأجرت قيادة المنطقة الشمالية تمريناً آخر يحاكي القتال في الأراضي اللبنانية، يجمع بين المشاة والمدرعات والهندسة، مع تقديم الإمدادات اللوجستية في الطريق الجبلي والإمدادات الجوية لقوة المناورة، ويضاف هذا التمرين إلى قائمة طويلة من تدريبات الاستعداد الحربي ضد حزب الله منذ أكتوبر ويطالب الآن حزب الله بزيادة هجماته الصاروخية وإلحاق أضرار بالمباني السكنية في كريات شمونة وبقية مستوطنة الحدود الشمالية.
ومساء الخميس، وافق مجلسا الحرب والمجلس السياسي والأمني ​​على توسيع العملية في مزراح رفح. وتعارض إدارة بايدن استمرار العملية دون تأمين إجلاء منظم للسكان والإمدادات الإنسانية وتجنب التفجيرات في المناطق المأهولة بالسكان وتطالب بإجراء جراحي مع استمرار المفاوضات وإمكانية التوصل إلى صفقة رهائن. ويبدو أن القدس تقبل بهذا الموقف. وسيذهب فريق آخر للمفاوضات في القاهرة، وستقوم الفرقة 162 بتوسيع المناورة إلى عدة أماكن غرب مدينة رفح.
وإلى جانب النداء الموجه إلى سكان جباليا والمناطق المحيطة بها للإخلاء، أمر جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي بإخلاء 9 كتل إضافية في رفح لما يبدو أنه يبعد كيلومترين آخرين عن محور فيلادلفيا. اختارت إسرائيل توسيع الهجوم، لكن هذا التوسع هو بين علامتي اقتباس "لدغة إضافية في المنطقة". وعندما تركزت كتيبة جفعاتي 401 ونحال و215 على استكمال احتلال المنطقة التي تلقت أمر إخلاء يوم 11.5 والتقدم السريع على طول طريق صلاح الدين، والاستعدادات لفتح معبر رفح تحت إشراف إسرائيلي، وتطهير المعبر. المنطقة المحتلة مع التركيز على البنية التحتية تحت الأرض على طريق فيلادلفيا، واحتلال مناطق إضافية من مدينة رفح وحدود المحور، وذلك دون إثارة معارضة أمريكية كبيرة ودون تجاوز الخط الأحمر الذي وضعه بايدن عندما يجري المفاوضات في القاهرة (وتحسين موقفها في المفاوضات مع نجاح احتلال المنطقة) والقضاء على ألوية حماس الأربعة هناك على مراحل.
على أية حال، المعارك مستمرة.
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mindbogglerofficial · 2 months
Things That Happen Only in Israel !
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Ukraine has sanctioned Israeli-Georgian millionaire Mikhael Mirilashvili
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Russian-Israeli businessman Michael Mirilashvili at his offices in the city of Petah Tikva, on November 17, 2020. (Emmanuel Dundand/AFP)
Ukraine has sanctioned Israeli-Georgian millionaire Mikhael Mirilashvili, accusing him of supporting the Russian invasion, reports Zman Yisrael, the Times of Israel’s Hebrew-language sister site.
Mirilashvili is considered close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Mirilashvili is the owner and president of Watergen, a company that developed a patented technology that processes air to generate clean drinking water.
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newswatchindia · 6 months
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nandakiniuk · 7 months
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Understanding the Israel-Gaza Conflict: Key Questions and Context
Hamas is a Palestinian militant group that governs the Gaza Strip and seeks to replace Israel with an Islamic state. It has engaged in multiple conflicts with Israel since it assumed control in Gaza in 2007. In addition to these wars, Hamas has launched numerous rocket attacks on Israel and carried out other violent actions. Israel, with support from Egypt, has imposed a blockade on Gaza since 2007 for security reasons https://nandakini.com/education/understanding-the-israel-gaza-conflict-key-questions-and-context/
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brijeshtiwaripune · 7 months
Israel gaza Crisis Updates: Biden and Abdullah Unite for Gaza Aid
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Gaza and Jerusalem - President Joe Biden had a conversation with Jordan's King Abdullah, as announced by the White House on Tuesday. During their discussion, the leaders addressed the ongoing developments in Gaza, on Israel gaza Crisis and affirmed their commitment to facilitating the increased and continuous delivery of vital humanitarian aid to Gaza's civilian population, along with the resumption of essential services. The White House press release also stated that the President emphasized the significance of safeguarding civilian lives and upholding international humanitarian law while Israel defends its citizens and combats terrorism. Highlights: - Biden and Abdullah committed to facilitating 'life-saving' humanitarian aid for Gaza - Phone, internet down in Gaza again, Palestinian communications companies say - IDF confirms strike on Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza - 52 Palestinians killed in refugee camp strike, Gaza Health Ministry says - Israeli forces 'fighting deep inside the Gaza Strip': IDF President Biden and King Abdullah underscored the critical necessity of preventing the forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and explored ways to alleviate regional tensions. Since the militant group Hamas initiated a surprise attack on Israel on October 7, numerous casualties have occurred, with thousands of people losing their lives and thousands more sustaining injuries. In response to this attack, Israel launched a bombing campaign and imposed a complete blockade on the neighboring Gaza Strip, intensifying the risk of a full-scale war in Israel gaza region. Continue >>> Read the full article
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preponias · 8 months
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Iron Beam
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k3-ias-indore · 8 months
Israel-Hamas war: India launched ‘Operation Ajay’ to evacuate Indian nationals from Israel
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👉There are about 18,000 Indian citizens residing there. As many as 447 Indian nationals, who were stranded amid the raging Israel-Hamas war have been brought back to India under 'Operation Ajay'. 👉"Second flight carrying 235 Indian nationals takes off from Israel's Tel Aviv," posted External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on X. 👉Follow for daily news📰 https://www.k3ias.com . Source: hindustantimes.com #currentaffairsquiz #currentaffairs #k3ias #viral #mppsc #instagram #cricketlover #bgmilive #topnews #Bharath #india #bharatham #israelnews #IsraelPalestineConflict #ICCWorldCup #icccricketworldcup2023
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nejnalz · 1 year
Priestly Blessing @Western Wall, Israel
Numbers 6:24-2624 The Lord bless you and keep you;25 the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;26 the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
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jmw87 · 1 year
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#Repost @natasharaquel with @use.repost ・・・ Israel’s Protests explained: everything you need to know about the mass demonstrations in Israel against the government’s planned judicial overhaul. #israel #israeli #judicialreforms #israeligovernment #netanyhau #protests #telaviv #palestinians #israelipalestinianconflict #israelnews https://www.instagram.com/p/CqS46F2LgAS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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israelnewsysa · 1 month
the 218th day of the campaign for the defense of Israel🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
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4 Nahal fighters were killed in the battle in the Zeytun neighborhood where the local Hamas battalion managed to reorganize, the terrorists launched rocket barrages from the center and south of the Gaza Strip towards the Otaf and Be'er Sheva, east of Rafah there was a series of clashes while the operational plans to expand the attack to parts within Rafah itself were approved.
The terrorists report that they attacked 17 times in the Zeytun neighborhood. They fired mortars, anti-tank guns, snipers, IEDs, and squad attacks. Hamas's resistance shows that the Zeitoun Battalion, which was disbanded back in December, has reorganized and is able to conduct fierce combat despite two previous divisional operations in the same neighborhood and the latest operation in Shifa'a. In addition to this, the terrorists They attacked from the east of Jabaliya and several times along the axis of Bari.
Fighters of the Shaham Battalion of the Nahal raided the neighborhood, eliminated terrorists, destroyed terrorist infrastructure, and found military intelligence and intelligence information in a local school. 4 of them fell in battle (all 19 years old). Their young age can indicate that they have probably just finished their combat training and joined the fighting for the first time.
Israel cannot at this stage allow the residents to return to the north of the Gaza Strip, the repeated reorganizations of the terrorists indicate an existing ability to rehabilitate the various battalions with the population that is already there, and the return of hundreds of thousands of Arabs to the north will only increase their power. According to the statement of the Nahal commander at the end of April, the eradication of terrorism in the area could last a year and a half.
Therefore, on Saturday the 11th of May, the IDF called on the residents of 11 areas in the north of the Gaza Strip, including the entire Jabaliya camp and parts of Beit Lahia, to evacuate immediately to the west of Gaza City. Presumably in preparation for another divisional operation in the same place or to increase the bombing to prevent further terrorist organization.
From the east of Rafah until Saturday morning, the fighters of Division 162 eliminated dozens of terrorists, raided dozens of terrorist infrastructures and worked to clear the area with an emphasis on advancing along the Salah al-Din road, probably an attempt to control the direction of traffic in order to reopen the Rafah crossing and deliver supplies to the Khan Yunis area to allow the transfer of the majority of the population of the Rafah area.
The terrorists attacked from the east of the city 18 times during Saturday, including complex attacks with squads coming out of tunnel shafts and firing thermobaric rockets. 401 fighters directed airstrikes against 2 Hamas launch sites in the city of Rafah, after the terrorist organization fired 7 rocket barrages from the city and the center of the Gaza Strip on Friday into the surrounding area and the south of the country, including a barrage of rockets into the city of Beer Sheva.
There was one violent clash in Yosh yesterday.
On the northern front, Hezbollah attacked 8 times yesterday, including a volley of 20 rockets into the city of Kiryat Shmona. The Air Force attacked terrorist infrastructures and terrorists in southern Lebanon. The Northern Command conducted another exercise that simulates combat in Lebanese territory, combining infantry, armor, and engineering, while providing logistical supplies in the mountainous route and aerial supplies to the maneuver force. This exercise is added to a long list of war readiness exercises against Hezbollah since October and is required now that Hezbollah is increasing its rocket barrages his and causes damage to residential buildings in Kiryat Shmona and the rest of the northern border settlement.
On Thursday evening, the War Cabinet and the Political-Security Cabinet approved the expansion of the operation in Mizrah Rafah. The Biden administration opposes the continuation of the operation without securing an orderly evacuation of the population, humanitarian supplies, and avoiding bombings in populated areas and demands surgical action while continuing negotiations and the possibility of a hostage deal. And it seems that Jerusalem accepts this position. Another team will go to negotiations in Cairo and Division 162 will expand the maneuver to several places west of the city of Rafah.
Along with the call to the residents of Jabalia and its surroundings to evacuate, the IDF ordered 9 additional blocks in Rafah to evacuate for what appears to be another 2 km from the Philadelphia axis. Israel chooses to expand the attack, but that expansion is in quotation marks "an additional bite in the territory". When the Givati, 401, Nahal, 215 brigades are focused on completing the occupation of the area that received an evacuation order on 11.5 and rapid progress along the Saladin road, preparations for the opening of the Rafah crossing under Israeli supervision, the purification of the occupied area with an emphasis on underground infrastructure on the Philadelphia route, And the occupation of additional territory from the city of Rafah and the Axis border. This without provoking too much American opposition and without crossing Biden's red line, when it is conducting negotiations in Cairo (and improving its position in the negotiations as the territory is successfully conquered) and eliminating in stages the 4 Hamas brigades there.
Anyway, the battles continue.
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mountainebony · 1 year
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sethshead · 4 months
If creating a human shield hotline for civilians does not seem to you like the sort of thing a genocidaire would do, please consider the possibility (reality, really, but baby steps) that Israel is not a genocidaire.
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109 views • Jun 5, 2024 • #israelhamaswarupdate #israelnews #hamasPresent Israel Palestinian war is an ongoing conflict in the Levant area (Eastern Mediterranean region) of West Asia that commenced sometime in the 19th century. Latest developments indicate that Israel troops and tanks have made a thrust deep into the Northern part of Gaza strip. Israel forces have also taken over some ground in Rafa - a southern city next to the Egyptian border. Israel is bent upon liquidating and eliminating Hamas forever from the Gaza strip. On the other hand, Hamas and other Jihadi elements are keen to throw out the Jews from the Palestinian land. This ongoing war has caused anxiety all over the world. In this dialogue our experts discuss all the developments. The issues raised by the World community in the International Criminal Court & also International Court of Justice have been also brought up during the discussions. #hamasvsisrael#WarInTheLevant#gazaundersiege#WorldCommunityConcerns#GlobalAnxiety#palestinianresistance#israel#hamas#israelhamaswarupdate#israelnews#gaza#palestine#NISSMAT
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