#it doesn't match the shape language at all no wonder i keep avoiding it
little-pondhead · 1 month
Okay, I know that the way I draw everyone Is Not Canon Accurate, but like...who was gonna tell me Danny's neckpiece was rounded?? I draw it pointed!! Why do I do that?? Who let me do that????
For comparison:
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official art
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art I did like two months ago
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wondrouswendy · 7 months
Wouldlove to hear more on your casey/saga thoughts 👀👀👀👀
Oh boy, my thoughts are all over the place.
Alan Wake 2 spoilers under the cut for the whole game!
First of all, I think their character arcs are so well written and are intertwined in a tragic way. I can't help but root for them. I have a hard time believing, at the very least, anyone would go through the entire game and think they weren't friends. Of course I subscribe to the headcanon that there's something more under the surface, because what's in Saga's Mind Place are the things she cares about most, the memories and people who she uses to give her strength. It's Logan and Casey.
We're given brief snapshots of their prior workplace relationship and how it evolved into a relationship outside of work. Their shared history of cases.
Mutually respecting each other, Casey trusts her to take the lead on the case. Saga trusts Casey to look after Wake on his own.
Saga's first instinct when Casey runs after Wake into the forest is to find him, not necessarily secure Wake. She knows he's in trouble and she knows he's in so much danger. When the FBC shows up, she demands they help her find Casey.
On the other end of the spectrum, there's just a lot of cute things about them. Mutual love of coffee. They way they drink at the same time?? Hello?? Synchronized much?? Mirrored movements, matching each other's body language.
I bet people avoided Casey around the main office back in Virginia, but I think she wasn't turned away by his grumpy demeanor.
Saga doesn't poke fun at him over the Alex Casey books. She agrees with him that he isn't a fictional character. She agrees it's completely fucked up. She keeps him rooted in reality and doesn't let him stray towards those negative thoughts.
Saga invited him over to her home. For her daughter's birthdays. This is a deviation from fictional Casey, who has no one. Who didn't want anyone but the neon nights of New York City. Real life Casey WANTS to be different from his fictional counterpart so badly, and here's Saga providing an alternative.
I think they fit the "sun/moon" trope very well. Saga's the sun, the bright and cheerful and positive. Casey's the moon, living in darkness but shining light in his own way.
The chapter song No One Left to Love fits them, but it especially fits Saga in general.
They've bonded over another series of traumas. They are shaped by the forces of the game's story and there's no going back to what they were before. They're both in the Dark Place now.
You could easily say that they love each other solely platonically, but I choose to ship them. I don't think either of them would ever commit adultery, but I think it's been on their mind. Pining. Wondering if they made the right decisions in the past. Wondering if they missed their chance.
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sharpestasp · 10 months
AvP (Film)
Alexa Woods lives in rarefied environments. The reason she's in just a camisole may have been male gaze, but honestly? She'd be warm in an environment set to be 'chilly-comfortable' for the others.
Her interaction over the gun shows her initial pacifism, and sets the mark for why a yautja would initially ignore her as not-prey.
Sam Troughton doesn't look as much like his dad as Sean Pertwee looks like his.
Her smooth competence on weighing the "panic" situation when Weyland falls, and only making the singular move needed to stop his descent is so on point for later events.
So, same queen since last hunt? If so, how did they get her chained when the xenomorphs broached containment? Do the elders come back to reset the hunting ground?
For that matter, those tubes, the lighting in them? Looks like the young warriors are sent down in cryo. Betting they don't even get a briefing until they uplink their arm-comps -- OR MORE LIKELY -- they have to match their environment to their training to figure out WHICH hunting ground they are on.
This is one of the worst movies for ancient language translation, BTW.
Also, the incubation period on these is... insanely fast. I mean, we know from comics that xenomorphs, like cephalopods, manipulate their genetic structure, either by hatching out from species with needed traits, or just flat out engineering their children. It's one reason Grid is so lethally intelligent in this. Grid is the Queen's ultimate success.
I do like Weyland's ending. He's the only human I can confirm that Scar killed, but I sincerely doubt Chopper and Celtic got all the humans above.
Alexa seeing the truth of allowing the xenomorphs to escape, so clearly.
Her awareness of her environment is UNCANNY.
I really want to know what vital organ she hit to kill the xenomorph that way with the spear.
And I say again, they would have been dead then and there, if Grid hadn't been summoned back to the Queen.
Alexa Woods has a spine of adamantium. Her approach on Scar to insist on going with him is GREAT.
What in hoolies do the yautja make their weapons of, and why is their armor not as acid-resistant, inquiring minds want to know.
Freeing the Queen incorporates something from that AU, Alien3, but instead of Grid choosing sacrifices among its sibs, they all injure the Queen herself. Which makes scary sense; she can take more damage than they can, and they need as many drones as they can keep alive to serve her, drag back prey.
There is a deep deep moment here, with Sebastian, Alexa, and Scar. Her refusing to let Scar kill Sebastian, then doing it herself once Sebastian reminds her the xenomorphs can't reach the surface? It's a clear sign that Scar is responding to her authoritative nature.
Also, may I say, Alexa is the best fucking shape any human can be in. She keeps up with a young yautja. Who is bigger (longer-legged) and from a warrior culture where the weak die.
She failed, she did not bring a single one out alive, and you SEE that as she looks back at what they escaped.
So, because Scar was stupid, he's implanted. He knows it. I wonder what he meant to do if the elders did not arrive quickly enough? He was obviously concerned, to mark Alexa, so the elders would KNOW she was a blooded Hunter.
(By the way, in the book, it's armor they make for her, not just a shield)
Again with that uncanny awareness of environment, avoiding the Queen's jaws.
The renown that Scar would have reaped, having killed a Queen with MELEE weapons... it's immense by comics and novel canon.
Alexa remains the best tool-using being ever.
That ship remains hella impressive. And I LOVE that the two times I saw an Elder gift a weapon to a human, it was a black person. That's like, a key statement, I feel.
And we all know my AU of the ending is Scar gets saved, Alex goes with, no Pred-Alien happens, and the travesty of a sequel remained unmade.
I know I watched Predators after that one. But I have not seen The Predator that came out recently and I have yet to see Prey. I still very much enjoy this movie.
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chuuyasfanboy · 6 months
Hi ! I Hope you’re doing well and I’m not bothering you too much with my random request, I’m here for a Genshin impact and bungo stray dogs romantic matchup with a male character
Sexuality : Straight
In my free time I enjoy reading, playing video games, listening to music, doing crochet, drawing, learning new languages, dancing and swimming.
Apparence : Long wavy/almost curly light brown hair and almond shaped brown eyes. I’m pretty tanned. 5’4,so I’m kinda short and normal weight though on the curvy side(I have a pear shaped body). My fashion sense is a mix of vintage clothes from the European 50s and kfashion.
So about my personality: I’m a Virgo, my mbti is intj, enneagram 5w6 I’m mostly withdrawn, individualistic, introverted and very honest even blunt at times. I need a lot of alone time.When im with people i’m close with, I tend to be more cheerful and energetic, I like to joke around too and tease people. One of the thing that stands out the most about me is that I’m extremely determined, ambitious and eager to learn new things. However, I do have some very specific subjects/ hobbies I tend to get hyper focused on.I’m also very observant and notices a lot of small details and I try my best to be attentive to my friends which makes me a good listener, especially for my friends who I value very much and try my best to be considerate with( for example by avoiding being too blunt).
I can be very anxious at times and I’m extremely cautious with people I don’t and sometimes do know, I have a hard time opening up and I’m an over thinker.
I have a hard time with small talk, the one where you talk just to be polite, although I don’t mind joking around with my friends and telling nonsense. I dislike noisy and crowded places, it stress me out.
I like funny/teasing and intelligent people who can give me a lot of personal space.
I suffer from insomnia and probably a bit of social anxiety too, my love language is physical touch and act of services.
Thank you very much and have a nice day !!!
Never a bother to get a request! I picked two fairly different characters for you just to keep them from being repetitive, but I hope you'll still like em!
For Genshin, I match you with...
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Wanderer doesn't really tend to care about appearances. Or, physical ones. All he's looking for a partner is someone who's note entirely unsufferable, he does NOT have high standards. Though, he does find your fashion a little amusing. Those are two completely different styles and he thinks its hilarious watching you try to mix them in a comprehensive way. Just poke fun at his hat, he'll stop real quick.
He finds a specific interest in you learning new languages. A hobby? Really? Not something he considers a hobby, it took him a while to even understand the common slang in Sumeru let alone in nations he doesn't interract with much. Definitely asks you for tips every once in a while. He only goes to you and if you point it out he get's all defensive. He finds it really embarassing to have to rely on someone else, but if you don't point it out then…
Thankfully, Wanderer is pretty similar! He's introverted, and needs a lot of time alone to recharge his battery. That battery goes out QUICK too. Its a wonder how the two of you even met (probably Nahida's doing) because he practically ignores everybody. Most people are just really infuriating, especially when they're trying to make him like them. It's obvious, and annoying. When you got to the point you were comfortable enough to be cheerful around him, he almost did a double take. Because, really, he always figrued you were all sassy and cold. Then you just turn around and give him a bubbly smile and he's SO CONFUSED.
He wont ever rant to you, not on purpose. But with you paying so much attention to all his little trauma responses, it's hard for him not to be dragged out of his shell a bit. And oh boy, he has a lot to vent about. Mostly complaining about Ei, or Childe, or Sumeru, or this and that. He doesn't actually tell you a lot about his history, and certainly not about his time in the Fatui. Even with little hints, he's a mystery. It's frustraing, because he just wont open up to anybody, and is intent to never do so. He bottles up a lot, which leads to outbursts sometimes. Which, in turn triggers your overthinking, then triggers HIS overthinking and wow it's just a whole mess. Sometimes Nahida has to step in, because you two cannot function during arguments. Just a side effect of Wanderer, really.
You and Wanderer are both pretty similar when it comes to socialization. You both dislike small talk, and both hate crowded places. Thankfully, it means he doesn't find you annoying, not as much as everyone else. And he's more open to friendly teasing because of it, he knows you wont take offense. The two of you can stay in bed together at 3am and talk about whatever gossip he can think up. It's real sweet, he enjoys you a lot more than he lets on!
For BSD, I match you with...
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Falling for you was a NIGHTMARE for Kunikida. I mean, you hardly met any of his 58 requirements. But I guess you cant stop your heart…
He really respects your fashion, finds it interesting. I definitely see him as the type to research random things, so he might actually dedicate a few free hours to reading up on your inspiration. It's bad, because he ends up knowing more about it then you do, which is- embarassing to say the least. Depending on what you want to put him in, you MIGHT be able to convince him to match with you. Maybe.
As long as you do hobbies only during free-time, he doesnt find any issues with them. Don't try to pull a sketchbook out a work, though. The furthest you'll get is passivey listening to music while doing paperwork. He's very serious about your responsibilities! He doesn't get free time a lot, but if he ever does, he doesn't mind spending it with you doing unscheduled home dates. It gives him a chance to finish up any last documents to sign and you'll get to spend time with him. Read out a book to him, he LOVES it.
He tends to akin you to a less annoying Dazai, especially when you're getting more energetic. Seeing as you don't go out of your way to ruin his day, though, he doesn't mind it. He's willing to indulge you as long as it fits within his schedule, just be mindful of any spontanious plans! He doesn't mind your bluntness, in fact, he actually appreciates it! Everybodys white lies in critiquing him makes it difficult to actually improve. If you're brutally honest, it's all the better for him. Though- he might start to take it personally, especially if it's something particularly important. Not that he'd ever change, buuuut it does bother him for a few hours and he'll busy himself to forget about it.
Kunikida doesn't mind your aversion to social outings, and is more than happy to take the conversation for the both of you. He does have a bad habit of planning things out to a T though, and if your social battery gets in the way he's just a TAD upset. He'll get over it, though!
Kunikida's not particularly funny or teasing, but he is fairly smart. Especially book wise. Now, he can't recite out the whole dictionary to you, but he can definitely help with spellchecking any essays or reports. He also doesn't mind beating up somebody for you if you may happen to ask. As long as it's deserved, he has a very short fuse with people who feel the need to insult you for any reason.
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northern-passage · 2 years
do you mind if i ask why the language for various sexualities/genders doesn't exist in the tnp world? i'm curious about the authorial/worldbuilding choice - not trying to make any argument - and i'm just wondering if it's because it's meant to emulate medieval fantasy, or is a commentary on the world itself, or because the words we use are very rooted in historical context that wouldn't match up with the history of the tnp world? thank you!
when i started planning stuff for tnp, i knew i didn't want to have any transphobia or homophobia in the game (or racism or sexism for that matter) because i wasn't interested in writing anything "historically accurate", or whatever it is they're calling it these days; while i wanted the game to focus on realistic heavy topics, i still wanted it to be a bit of escapism, and to not have that kind of bigotry present. instead, i knew i wanted to focus more on classism and how that would affect the characters who have all lived at the bottom of the ladder for the entirety of their lives, and how the conflict with Gael, as well as the plague, would more directly affect them due to the actions (or inaction) of the rich.
so i had to think about how this society would look - would it be genderless? would there be a binary like we know it? to be honest, i don't know. i decided to keep the gender binary in tnp because that's what i was comfortable writing, and it's easier to relate it to our world and the identities that we know. i tend to avoid the "genderless" thing because it's difficult to conceptualize - i always see people struggling to fit in real world sexualities in these settings, with characters often described as having "masculine" or "feminine" features, which is something i don't particularly like, considering what that kind of language can imply about real people.
so i chose to stick with something familiar, though the binary in tnp is nowhere near as rigid as ours; there are a lot of people that exist outside of it (like Noel, Clem, and some versions of Lea) and i imagine there are far more identities than just "man," "woman," or "nonbinary." that's why i don't get too specific in those choices in game; nonbinary is not a unified "third gender", and not everyone who exists outside of the binary technically calls themself nonbinary, especially outside of western white society.
these identities in the tnp world are widely accepted, and always have been. children are encouraged to explore and challenge their identities as a sort of coming-of-age milestone - this is briefly mentioned with Lea, but it's the same for everyone. it's a discussion the hunter would have had with Jorah and Rodrick at some point, too. and i debated about not having gender assigned at birth, but again, i ultimately decided to keep it for the sake of being able to relate it to our world. while someone may be assigned male at birth, they will still be encouraged to challenge that when they get older (and just like real life some people will know at a very young age what their identity really is) and that realization and change is, again, accepted and encouraged.
the tnp world doesn't really use trans as an adjective, you are just a man or a woman or a person. the word transitioning is used, but never as a descriptor. body diversity is normalized & it's just... common for women to have a penis, or men to have vaginas, and it's just as common for them to get bottom or top surgery as well. it's not something the people in this world even think about. i don't know how realistic this really would be, if this were real - like i said, it's difficult to conceptualize what it would really be like, especially when trying to include real world identities that have been so shaped by history and our society. but basically trans and gay people have always existed within the tnp world, and unlike a majority of our history, they've always just been accepted.
and because of this i chose not to use modern language simply because i feel like it doesn't fit. again, im not aiming to be historically accurate, but why would any of them call themselves queer when that slur would never have even existed for them to reclaim in the first place? why would f!Lea call herself gender non-conforming when there are no expectations of gender presentation in this world? i'm not going to pretend like it's perfect worldbuilding - my main goal was just making it relatable & understandable to the real people that will be reading it. f!Lea being butch/gnc is emphasized because while it's accepted in the society of tnp, it's not accepted in ours, so it was important to me to point it out, even if it's not something that makes sense within the setting. and obviously i do think there would still be language specifically for the gay community - it's still a community, and they still have unique experiences that only other people that are part of this community would understand, even if they are accepted elsewhere. but creating an entire new vocabulary wasn't really something i wanted to do, to be honest. in general, i imagine people just saying "i prefer men/i prefer women/i have no preference" and that being the extent of it. i also think the discussion around being trans would be extremely casual.
like i said, i don't think i'll ever directly use the word bisexual in game, i don't even think i'll use gay - but that's why i've made certain deliberate choices, like giving Merry a same-sex partner from the beginning. before i genderlocked her, i made a specific variable that would flip with whatever the player chose, because i wanted to make it clear that these characters are not "playersexual" and that gay relationships are normalized. Lea, too, has a.... "relationship" with Shoshana, that varies depending on player choice. Rafe and Harper have a romantic relationship as well. Rodrick is trans, and that is something that is potentially important to a trans hunter - that they had a shared experience, with Rodrick helping them through the process. Rafe and Jackal are both nonbinary main characters that exist outside of just the romance options. Merry casually brings up hormone potions in front of everyone, and i also deliberately made the hormone potion be one of the items the hunter recognizes in the alchemy shop. and the real diversity win is Lord Duncan also being gay. lmfao. i despise when people refuse to "label" their characters, so doing it this way i knew i wanted it to be painfully obvious and undeniable, and not something people could ignore, even if i don't ever directly use the word "trans" or "gay" or "bisexual"
and all of that to say that i don't want it to come across that i think the lgbt community, in real life, only exists due to oppression - i'd like to think we'd always find each other either way, and i imagine the tnp world has a vibrant gay community. but i also think it would be inauthentic to not even consider how the setting of the tnp world would affect the language or experience of these characters, if that makes sense. so i try to walk a fine line somewhere in the middle, even if that results in some of it being inconsistent.
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Here is a full translation of the interview with the FAZ:
Mr Waltz, statistically you're a rarity. Only five percent of all actors in Los Angeles manage to get enough jobs to get accepted into the SAG. And out of that group, only about five percent earn enough to make a living out of their art.
Becoming an actor is like becoming a father: really easy. Being and staying an actor is much harder.
We're meeting today, because you're not playing the villain for once, but some kind of action-hero in James Cameron's Manga movie "Alita: Battle Angel"
As a futuristic doctor you revive a cyborg from Mars, so you're basically working on the interface of human and machine
Haha, you could put it like that! I like that!
When the story was published as a comic in 1990 it was considered Science-fiction. Today, people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos actually work on brain implants and dream of colonies on Mars. Have you dealt with such things as preperation?
I don't take Elon Musk seriously. His behavior strikes me as ridiculous and you can't forget that he has a commercial interest in the topic's sensation. I've already watched moon landing's and flights into space as a child. Is it really necessary to introduce billionaires into space tourism? Well, we will see what happens. I am interested in new technologies but it's difficult to seperate them from journalism of sensation, even if it's dressed seriously.
In time, a lot of things might be possible that I can't even imagine right now. But there is another question: the question of necessity.
The market economy drives our world into an orgy of uselessness. It damages our planet and our lives on it. Who wants to live on Mars? That we will all be unemployed and the environment destroyed is in no relation to any use.
Can one stop the progress if it's useless?
Not as long as someone benefits from it.
What about the desire for disruption?
Disrupting something is an easy action, replacing it with something useful is not.
I'm always ready to disrupt something if there is a useful counterproposal. Not necessarily until then.
A lot of things are turned upside down in film industry. Netflix not only revolutionized the concept of television, it also produces exciting movies. And Youtube even has its own celebrities among the new generation.
Over the past few months I've watched some movies which hadn't been produced without Netlflix. For example the winner of the Venice Film Festival "Roma". Movies like that wouldn't run longer than 3 weeks in theaters. Through the premiers and prices it now receives the attention it deserves. And after that it's on Netflix. As superficial as I can see that, it's not the worst thing.
In contrast to that, I don't have a hard time with not watching Youtube. It's probably a cultural matter and depends on how we want to shape our lives. Of course it's also a generational matter. But why is that? Just because someone is younger, it doesn't mean they are predestined for entertainment through videoclips.
You have 4 children. You have to be familiar with this world. Where do you see the difference to your generation?
In school we were always confronted with things we didn't like, but which we couldn't dispose of.
That's where the wonderful word "Bildung" comes from, which doesn't exist in English. Education refers to an information value. "Bildung" goes further than education through its cultural formation. When I was in school I also didn't understand why I had to study Latin. But not wanting to learn Latin would have never occured to me. Just because no one speaks it anymore and learning it seemed uncomfortable.
And did you like it?
It created connections within a language, trained precise phrasing, as well as logic and discipline. It's certainly more challenging to learn an abstract language than watching a funny Youtube video.
About for or five years ago you warned Facebook might be a breeding ground for the fast growth of terror organisations. Are you surprised that it also seems to threaten western democracies now?
Not at all. History has taught us that medium and structure can be more dangerous than the message, because it's easier to handle the problematic movement than the well oiled machine that keeps it going. Especially when algorithms control the dynamics in the networks, those networks can become independent.
Some hope that societies might improve through a "Wutbürger"-culture and a crazy government.
At best, all of that just has entertainment value.
So maybe not anyone should always add their opinions?
If you don't have anything clever to say you should shut your mouth. But actually it's the other way around. Apart from this choir of stupidity being really annoying, people who haven't developed the resistance and sensors might fall for the noise. Whoever shouts the loudest ends up being heard.
You are known for keeping your private life private. How does that match marketing's and fan's expectations?
Fame is an unsolved problem, not only for me.
You either remain an anonymous observer without a bigger platform to present your realizations. That is an unfortunate paradox because the people who get the chance to move in public have to deal with growing fame while they also distance themselves from the influences and experiences of real life.
Studies have shown that introverts would handle most jobs better. But they tend to get cast out by the loudmouths.
I can imagine that. Self- and foreign perception are a tricky thing. I can remember the first Loveparades in Berlin which I saw on TV. I always avoided the event myself. In the interviews, people were saying things like: "We celebrate our individuality!" And there were one million people that all looked the same. The music was a monotonous bum-bum-bum and I always tried to spot a moment of individuality.
You've been living in the centre of individuality for a while now. Do you still consider the United States of America governable?
Maybe not as a federation. The question I'm interested in is whether the USA as a federation are still worthy of governance. California alone is the fifth largest economy in the world.
In an interview from 2003 you talked about posing, about film makers who eroticise themselves and about how to stand yourself
Oh God, I remember.
Are you currently able to stand yourself?
Sometimes. But it's not easy.
At that time you weren't a Hollywood star and you made yourself very clear in interviews.
"Schindler's list" is mendacious because Spielberg might have thought "that type of movie still lacks from my collection of movies about dinosaurs and UFOs
Or that Roberto Benigni's "Life is Beautiful" is "crap" because it communicates that it's alright to laugh about concentration camps. "when it's a tender laugh"
Do you still dare to say such things now that you constantly meet other Hollywood stars?
In Germany, yes. In America, no.
Do you believe it's better to become famous later in life? And does aging feel better when you're at least famous while you're aging?
Hopefully both, right? As a young man you often experience the world through tunnel vision, because you impatiently want to experience everything, even though you can't sort a lot of things right. If the attention hits you at that point in life, you get in danger of stirring towards a dead end where you don't develop well.
Do you believe you became more careful and more lenient over the years and success?
You're becoming more careful and more lenient. I never thought of that before. I thought: Now I suddenly step back a little. You become more lenient when you connect yourself to it. In a strict German way you could call it cowardice, because you gain another point of view, the insight. And apart from the experience and the success it might be due to the abrasion of the testosterone-related edges.
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