#it just kinda fell into my lap during sorrows
uldahstreetrat · 24 days
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Mayncient - 8. Home
"There is nothing in this world I would rather do than write a new future with you."
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dreams-of-yunho · 3 years
o, swear not by the moon
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yunho x princess reader
rating: m
genre: smut with a dash of angst
wc: 2.7k
warnings: sex !!!!!!! just kinda sex stuff idk
summary: you fell in love with the enemy and he breaks your heart
:( but in a sexc way
O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, who monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.
If the days were forgiving, you did not know. If there was love in this life, you could not feel it.
But, the day you met him, among the tulips, everything seemed to shine more brilliantly. Everything felt more warm.
Water coated your feet as you glided through the rain soaked grass, returning to your promised place. Dense mist hung in the cool night air. Drops of water hit your face as you slid through the leaf covered branches which concealed the forest alcove.
You had met him during the vibrant summer months, when the forest was at its fullest. When the leaves were green, bright moss clung to the sides of trees, shade living flowers thrived. But now, an eastern wind ran over your skin and the leaves turned brown and fell to a cold ground.
Blush coloured silk brushed across your goosebump covered skin as the breeze caught the hem of your dress. Lily Pads and their flowers shifted across the pond’s surface. This place, once a great temple, had been built by the ancient elders of your empire for the forest deities. And, as the old gods were lost to time and the first age passed, the once glorious house of worship became a forgotten forest alcove; a great willow tree grew, tall and proud, from the ruins of the marble temple. A murky pond who’s bottom seemed limitless and was concealed by delicate flowers, swayed around the stone foundation. Honeysuckle vines climbed towards the forest canopy across the decaying and crumbling pillars.
War had drained your spirits and left you cold and alone. You could barely remember the days before, when you were so young and ignorant. How the palace was alive with music, parties, and love. How your father and mother would kiss you goodnight and bid you farewell to the realm of dreams. Then, one day you woke and they were gone; that warmth drained.
The warrior princess, your mother was heir to the throne of the empire and, in a scandalous affair, married her younger brother’s best friend and general of the eastern army. They both died in battle, their bodies never returned to the royal capital for burial.
With the war came the clouds; heavy and gray. The sun seemed to disappear, die. So did the spirits of your people. Food became scarce, fathers and brothers were sent to war, and the raging fire of hope doused in an ocean of fear.
After years of brutal and unforgiving warfare, a caravan rode into the capital. Believing they had thoroughly gutted and drained your empire of all it was worth, the enemy came to commence talks of peace.
The son of the chief diplomat-- he came with his father to the palace and, now, sat at the edge of the half submerged temple stairs, kicking his feet in the chilly water.
“Yunho,” you called, the pond standing between you and him.
He glanced up and smiled, waving a beckoning arm.
He had been at the palace for nearly three months now though, you’ve only known him for one. He came from an empire in the south where the sun knew no night and, even in the white light of the moon, his skin glowed golden. Long nights you spent under the star scattered sky as he told you of his coastal home; blue waters and warm winters. How you longed to sink your feet into the white sand of his palace beaches, to feel the sun on your skin again.
Though, as you came to sit next to him on the cold, stone stairs, felt the warmth he generated, the golden light he seemed to produce-- you realized that you didn’t miss the sun as much as you used to.
“I have news from the negotiations,” his voice echoed through the ruins. “This foul war is over; there will be peace again.”
These words could not be true. With the joyful memories of your childhood not even shadows in your mind; a waring state was all you knew.
He seemed to sense your reluctance to believe as he said, “it is true, my love. Our armies have been told to stand down and will be pulled from their posts come next week. It’s all over.” Warmth spread over your cheek as his hand met your face, a gentle smile across his red-wine lips.
“This is glorious news,” you cheered, mind lost in a cloudy excitement. Yet, his words seemed to pull you down to earth; all over. “Yunho,” you raised your head to meet his deep brown eyes, and you couldn’t help but see sorrow in them. “What’s wrong? This is a time of celebration but you seem to mourn.”
He removed the hand from your cheek and returned it to his lap. “I ride south with my father at first light. There is news that my sister has given birth to a boy and, with his work here done, father does not wish to wait any longer to hold his first grandchild.”
“No,” was all you could manage to speak.
He wasn’t supposed to leave; he was your life. Without him, you would sink into the darkness again.
“N-no,” you didn’t know what to do, how to act. Your hands began to shake, acting upon their own volition. Your shoulders followed. Suddenly, you couldn’t breath; the weight of the world crashing down upon your lungs.
“y/n,” Yunho reached for your hands, eyes widened in concern.
But you began to wheeze harder as his warmth spread throughout your body. What would you do without him? What would you become?
Your world shifted as he pulled you into his arms, your head falling against his shoulder. “I’m here,” he spoke into your neck. “I’m here.”
Crisp air filled your lungs again as you became limp in his arms and your mind swam in his words. He was here now, you thought. These were his arms which held you and his lips which spoke and soothed.
Your fingers reached for the lips you’ve loved before, thumb brushing against the plush curves as he comforted you. The fall of his nose, arch of his brow, sweep of his eyelashes, angle of his cheekbones; sharp yet beautiful features, a face you could never forget-- the face of your soulmate.
“Will you forget me?” your arms wrapped around his neck to bring you face-to-face with him.
“We won’t be apart long enough for a single strand of your precious hair to disappear from my memory.” His breath danced across your jaw. “As the moon joins us each night,” sweet whispers fell from his lips and fell to the shell of your ear. “I will return for you. I promise you, my love.”
“Kiss me,” you told him. “Love me while you’re still here.”
Tears began to well in the corners of your eyes as he looked at you, unmoving, just staring. “If I love you now,” he said softly. “It will hurt more while we’re apart.”
“I want to remember the feeling of your lips on mine; your gentle touch.” You held his face in your sorrowful, needy hands. “Please, Yunho.”
“I don’t want to hurt you more than I already have.”
“Yunho,” you swiped a thumb across the apple of his cheek. “You could never hurt me. I love you -- now and forever.”
His forehead met yours as his eyes dropped and he released a shaky breath. “Now and forever,” he repeated, lips moving to meet yours.
His hands fell to your hips as your lips moved against his. Your hands running through his dusty brown hair as he gently sucked on your bottom lip. You grabbed his hand and brought it to the intersection of your neck and shoulders, wanting to feel his warmth on your bare skin.
Lips separated with a quiet smack and he began to press gentle kisses to your cheeks, nose, and the corners of your eyes. Slowly, his lips traveled down to where his hand rested on your skin, causing hushed whispers to leave your mouth. “C-can,” he pulled his lips away from your soft skin. “Can you kneel back?” He asked, running his hands across your curves with great desperation.
Your hands dropped from his hair to his shoulders as you raised yourself to rest on your knees. Wide eyes stared up at you as he sat, a hand reaching up to move your hair back. His hand rested on your cheek and you nuzzled into the warmth. The other ran behind you, tugging at the laces of your dress.
Shivers ran over your skin as the silk of your dress pooled around your legs leaving you in nothing but a thin slip. You kneeled before him as he stood, a finger tracing over your jaw. “Come here,” he called, hand leaving your face to extend the invitation.
You stood and immediately collapsed into his arms. “I love you,” he cooed. Soft hands grazed your shoulders as he slid the straps of your slip and dropped them down your arms. His tongue ran over his top lip as he looked down at your exposed flesh. A shaky hand reached out to touch you but pulled back slowly.
“What’s wrong, Yunho?” You asked worriedly. Did he not like what he saw? Were you not his type? Were you not like the other girls he’d been with? Not pretty enough?
“Nothing,” he sighed and smiled down at you, a hand finally caressing your goosebump covered frame. “You’re just so pretty; I-i don’t deserve you.” He pressed his lips against your forehead.
But he did deserve you. He deserved you and more.
“Take your clothes off, Yunho.”
His head flew up having not expected such an order from you. But, nonetheless he obliged. Nimble fingers worked the ties of his coat and buttons of his shirt. As the last piece of clothing hit the stony ground, you took a step towards him, your palm coming to rest on his toned torso. “You deserve the world and more,” you said, slightly more shaky than you had anticipated.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly close. “You’re perfect, y/n.”
You sighed at his words.
Wet lips suddenly met the side of your neck, sucking until a dark purple mark appeared. His tongue ran down the valley between your breasts causing you to gasp. Air left your chest again as he swept you off your feet, laying you gently on your discarded gown.
“So perfect,” he barely whispered, staring down at you.
His gaze was painfully intense. You couldn’t stand it. It was like he was looking at a meal.
“Yunho,” you whined. “Please, don’t look at me like that.”
“You’re just so beautiful.” His knees landed in between your parted legs, preventing you from closing them as you would instinctually.
Slowly, he lowered himself onto you, his lips dancing with yours. An elbow supported him as he entangled another in your soft hair.
An aroma of rose petals surrounded you, as if he bathed in rose water. Roses were a rare and exotic flower which weren’t native to your empire. You would miss it. The scent of roses having become a constant in your life.
The kiss deepened and your hands grabbed at his broad shoulders. His tongue entered your mouth, brushing against your front teeth.
Reluctantly, you pushed him away, desperate for air. But, he didn’t stop kissing your body, his lips sucking softly on your neck. Your hands ran up his neck into his hair and his sweet lips returned to yours.
Tenderly, a hand ran down your side and to the inside of your thighs. Your heart raced as no one had ever placed a hand there before.
“It’s okay, my princess,” his lips fell to your collar bones. “I’ll make you feel good.”
Warm fingers traced the lips of your pussy, becoming slick with your wetness. Softly, they came to press against your clit and you shifted your hips, having never felt something like this before.
“Relax,” he cooed, his hand parting to encouragingly rub your hip.
You nodded, signaling for him to continue and he returned to gently rubbing at your nub. The warm feeling coming from his fingers quickly turned into a flaming heat. Deep in your lower stomach, something began to stir.
“I,” you didn’t know what to say, the feeling totally foreign.
“Relax, love,” he repeated, his fingers quickening.
The feeling in your stomach grew tenfold; a tight, knot like feeling.
Then it snapped.
Tears streamed down your cheeks and glued your hair to your neck. It all came crashing down on you at once and you sobbed as you came. He was going to leave you. The scent of roses would disappear. His warmth would fade. He wouldn't make you feel like this again; like you were swimming in the pools of heaven--bliss.
“Y/n,” his hands left your body and flew to your face. “Are you okay? Are you in pain?”
“No,” you tried to steady for breath as you came down from your orgasm and grief. “I just love you so much.”
His eyes melted from worry to tenderness. “I love you more than you could ever know.” His lips pressed gently on yours.
You matched the slow and passionate pace of his lips as you caressed his neck and shoulders. You shifted and your thigh brushed against the angry tip of his dick, causing him to moan into the kiss.
He broke the kiss to press his forehead against yours. “Can I make love to you?” He asked, his breath shaky, desperate, and, almost, pained.
“Yes,” you moaned, feeling something brush against your swollen clit.
“Ack,” you watched him wince as he grabbed his cock in his hand, pumping it quickly. His face contorted in pleasure so beautifully; you wondered if you looked like that when he touched you.
“This will sting a little,” you felt his tip at your hole. “But it will feel so good.”
He watched your face as his tip entered you. And, it didn’t hurt you at all, so he pushed further in. He was immense, stretching your tight walls impossibly.
You tightly clenched your jaw, feeling like you were being torn in half.
“It’s okay, y/n, my love,” he brushed your hair lovingly. “It’ll feel better when I move.”
“Move,” you choked out, your body incredibly tense.
He pulled his hips back and pushed back in slowly. He repeated, rocking his hips back and forth until the burning turned into pleasure.
“That’s it, princess,” his pace quickened as your walls clenched around him. “You're so beautiful, princess.”
He started to push deeper into you, his hips meeting yours with wet smacks. Your hands desperately gripped his shoulders in need of stability.
It was rapid, the growing of the lustful knot in your stomach. All you could do was moan out as he thrusted into you.
His mouth enclosed yours in a breathy kiss as he felt his own release approaching, the thrusts becoming faster and increasingly deep. Your orgasm threatened to slam into you as his tip grazed a deep spot, causing you to see stars.
“You feel amazing,” he breathed.
The praise encouraged you, your hips coming to meet his, pushing him impossibly deep.
“Y-yunho,” you continued to moan out his name like a credo.
“Come with me,” he kissed up your neck. “Come for me, princess.”
Your second orgasm was even more wonderful than the first, crashing down upon you like a waterfall. Your nails dug into his muscular shoulders, legs trembling around him.
The feeling of his cum painting your walls was like a third orgasm. His warmth completely filling you to the brim.
“I love you, y/n,” Yunho peppered your face with light kisses as he pulled out of you. “Now and forever.”
The sun shone above your free nation, beating down upon you, kissing your skin red as you stood in the field of tulips but, you couldn’t feel it. You were cold, frozen, alone.
Do not swear at all.
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it-me-ari · 4 years
“Sympathy for the Devil”
Part three of the little series I started! This one’s about Lucifer’s hunter training and even his first hunt!
Part one: “The devil may care” (Gabriel does NOT like it)
Part two: “You and me and the devil makes three”
We all remember that the Winchesters and I agreed to make a Hunter out of Lucifer (much to Gabriel’s annoyance). None of us was sure whether this was a good idea or not. Anyway, it was me who convinced Sam and Dean to agree to this, so he kinda was my responsibility. 
It was the evening after we absolutely destroyed my ex kidnappers, I and Gabe were cuddling in my bed while Lucifer was annoying Dean, who tried to watch some games or something, idk man. Anyway, after a while, I noticed that Gabe was unusually quiet and somewhat tense. “What’s wrong?” I finally asked, concerned, since he wasn’t acting like himself at all.
“What’s wrong?!” He snapped and faced me angrily. “You’re seriously asking me what’s wrong?” I flinched, taken by surprise by his sudden anger. “Yeah?” I whispered, afraid to anger him even more. His expression softened a bit but he remained angry. “Today I asked you to stay by my side so that I can protect you. But what did you do? You threw yourself straight onto that demon, without thinking of the risks!” His voice became louder as he spoke. “You could’ve died today.” He then said softly and his anger seemed to be replaced by sorrow. 
I just looked at him with wide eyes, I did not expect this. “I’m sorry I didn’t think-” “Exactly, you didn’t think.” Gabe interrupted me. “You gotta let me protect you.” He pleaded and looked at me intensely. “But I don’t need protection.” I murmured without thinking. I knew I said the wrong thing the moment I saw pain flicker across his Whisky-coloured eyes.”So you’re saying you don’t need me?” He asked dryly, trying to hide how much my statement had hurt him.
“No!” I exclaimed, horrified, and sat down on his lap to look at him directly. “Of course I need you.” I then said softly and placed my hand in his cheek. “Don’t you dare thinking something else! But I’m not completely helpless, you know? I can and will fight for myself. You have to accept that.” My tone was gentle, as I tried to make him understand. Gabe sighed and leaned his face towards my hand. “I know.” He said, sounding defeated. “It’s just-” He stopped, searching for words. “I can’t lose you.” He finally said quietly. “You’re not gonna lose me,” I promised him solemnly. He sighed again and pulled me into a tight hug. We didn’t talk much after that and at some point, I just fell asleep in his arms.
“A NEW DAY HAS BEGUN LET’S START!” Lucifer shouted as he burst into my room the next morning. Gabriel was at the door in a fraction of a second, his angel blade already in his hand before he realized that it was only Lucifer (never thought I’d ever say that). I was a bit slower and only managed to grab my knife, that laid next to my bed on a nightstand.”Lucifer, it’s fucking 6 a.m.” I groaned and relaxed, while Gabe still eyed his brother suspiciously. “So what?” He asked confused, apparently not familiar with the concept of sleep. “That’s way too early! I need at least two more hours!” I complained, deeply annoyed. “Fine. But hurry up.” Lucifer grumbled and left my room, while Gabe came back to me for cuddles.
Two hours and a quick breakfast later I stood behind the bunker with Lucifer, while Gabe was watching from behind. “Alright, do you kill a vampire with silver or a wooden stake?” I asked the angel to test him. He adorably crocked his head and thought for a while. “With a wooden stake!” He then answered, grinning proudly. I sighed and shook my head: “No. It’s neither way, you cut off his head.” “Oh..” His smile faltered and he looked like a lost puppy. (Gabe was laughing in the back.) “Nevermind, can you shoot?” I then asked and sent a warning glare to Gabe. Lucifer nodded and to my surprise, he really was a good shooter. 
I decided that it was more important to teach Luci about the different monsters. I mean the guy is literally Satan, he’ll be fine in combat but his knowledge was rather poor, as I learned the hard way. I started with Vampires and Werewolves but stopped as I saw Lucifer was somewhere else in his mind. “LUCIFER!” I shouted, which made him (and Gabe, who was also dozing off) jump. I then continued, only to lose his attention once again. So I had to come up with something to keep him from dozing. 
After some intense usage of my last functioning brain cell, I had an idea. Luci didn’t even look up (I doubt that he even noticed) when I left the room and Gabe was too lazy to follow me, which I could completely understand. Anyway, I was coming back with a riding crop and an evil grin. “So Lucifer.” I addressed the bored archangel. “What’s the difference between a regular werewolf and a pureblood?” I asked, sure that he didn’t know the answer. “Regular werewolves only change during a full moon, while purebloods can change when they want and have better control over themselves.” He replied with a smug grin. 
However, he was still not very attentive during my lecture, but every time his eyes became glassy I gave him a gentle slap with my riding crop to bring his attention back to me, it worked very well. Much to the amusement of Gabriel and later on the Winchesters, who were watching. But of course, I didn’t really hurt him, I couldn’t bring myself to do something like that, not even with Lucifer (would probably be a bad idea anyway). 
When I finally worked through the most common monsters I and Gabe decided to go on a little walk in the Killarney national park in Ireland while a grumpy Lucifer decided to raid our alcohol storage. “I’m so glad you didn’t teach me like you did Lucifer,” Gabe said grinning as soon as we were alone. “You were just lucky I didn’t think of the riding crop back then.” I shot back, laughing. “Kinky. I like.” He answered smirking and I hit him.
For the next day I had planned to take Lucifer on his first hunt, he might learn faster on the job. When I told Sam and Dean in the evening they were a bit skeptical about it. “You want to take him hunting? Already?” Dean asked with raised eyebrows. “He barely knows anything about hunting or monsters.” Sam threw in. “He knows the basics and what better way to learn how to hunt than through hunting?” I pointed out. “If I keep bombarding him with theory a while longer I think he’ll eat me.” I then added with a touch of sarcasm. “He better not.” Dean murmured in return and looked at Sam for his opinion. “Fine, but let me tag along. Just to be sure.” Sam finally said and I nodded in agreement, I wanted to suggest that anyway. “Going hunting with the frigging devil. I can’t believe it.” Dean said, shaking his head in disbelief.
“I wanna come too!” Gabe demanded the next day when we were about to leave, I just smiled and nodded, I expected that. Sam found us a case in Waterloo, Iowa, so far we had three victims, all blonde and pretty. The papers said that their hearts were missing and the police suspected animal attacks. After Sam finished his briefing I turned to Lucifer: “Okay what could that be?” “Uhh missing hearts, right? Could be a werewolf.” “But it’s not a full moon.” I pointed out, giving him no clue if he was on the right track or not. “Maybe a pureblood.” I nodded approvingly, enjoying my position as a teacher: “Very good.” Lucifer grinned proudly while Gabe rolled his eyes. “Anyone would know that.” He murmured and I chuckled, he was too cute when he was jealous. 
During the drive, I had some time to think about the whole situation. On the one hand, I was excited about going on a hunt with the devil himself but I also found it quite hard to believe that he actually was one of the good guys now. I mean he did horrible things and tried to end the world a few times but I didn’t think he was truly evil. When I was in hell and being tortured by Lucius and his followers he visited me every day and even tho he often made fun of me and teased me, he also helped me to stay sane. He kept me from losing myself in pain and darkness and forced me to react to him, talk to him. I don’t know how but somehow I just knew he didn’t just do that for his own amusement. I was also very worried about Gabriel, he still felt guilty that he wasn’t there to save me, no matter how often I told him that I understood and that it wasn’t his fault. I hated it that he felt so troubled but I didn’t know what I could do against it. 
When we finally arrived in Waterloo we checked into a motel, which was kind of a challenge. I couldn’t let Luci stay in a room with Sam, that wouldn’t end well. Luci and Gabriel weren’t going to work either if we wanted to protect the motel from being destroyed. I and Lucifer wasn’t an option either, as Gabriel refused to let him spend the night in the same room as me. Technically the two angels didn’t need a room, since they both didn’t sleep, but they did need a place to spend the night. Also, Gabriel always cuddled with me while I slept. The solution to this problem was rather simple: we just stayed all in one room.
The next day I and Lucifer got dressed into our ‘FBI outfits’ to talk to the local police and take a look at the corpses, while Gabe would accompany us invisible and Sam would go talk to the victims’ families. Neither the local police nor the morgue revealed something we didn’t already know, only we were now almost 100% sure that we were dealing with a werewolf. So we met up with Sam again. “I talked to the mothers of the vics and they all said the something about a young man who started dating their daughters shortly before they died.” He told us while looking at his notes, ignoring Lucifer as usual.
“Did they give you a description of him?” I asked and felt Gabriel hugging me from behind. Sam smiled slightly at the sight while Lucifer just rolled his eyes. “They just said that he had dark hair and was very pale.” “Sounds more like a vampire if you ask me. Edward Cullen style?” Lucifer snickered and Gabe snorted. “You watch Twilight?” “Of course not! Everyone knows about Edward Cullen!” Luci argued and pouted. “Okay, guys. Not helping.” Sam said with a sigh and looked at me meaningfully. I just shrugged and smiled apologetically. “Alright, I say we should split up to question friends and other people who might know anything about our mysterious man, bartenders, waitresses, and so on.” I then said objectively. 
We proceeded how I recommended and that way we found out the name of the guy that was our suspect number one. His name was Barry Taylor and he is a young man with an unknown profession but apparently new to town. A quick call to the police even told us his address, some cabin in the woods, all very cliche. Anyway, the four of us set off to the said cabin to kill him. “Lucifer how do we kill a werewolf?” I asked my student on the way. “With a silver bullet or knife, basically anything silver.” He answered without hesitation, which made me kind of proud. “Correct,” I said with a proud smile, while Sam looked unconvinced and Gabe grimaced, clearly annoyed. 
At the cabin, we first checked the surroundings and looked in the windows, through which we could see that Barry and a woman, were home. I and Sam looked at each other horrified, we both thought, that she was the next victim. Immediately we called for Luci and Gabe and discussed our strategy. And by that I mean we told the others what we saw and then just burst in. Barry and the woman turned around alarmed as we stormed in, guns pointed at Barry. “Step away from her!” Sam demanded and aimed at Barry’s chest, like the rest of us. The pale, dark-haired man, who actually looked a bit like Edward Cullen, widened his eyes: “No- No- You don’t understand!” He stammered and got even paler. “Oh don’t worry, we understand everything,” Lucifer answered and grinned arrogantly. What a macho. “No, I meant-” “He meant that you should be afraid of me.”
At the sound of the cold, female voice we turned and saw that the dark-haired woman, who we thought was Barry’s next victim, suddenly had fangs and claws and stuff. I noticed that Gabriel slowly glided in front of me, his angel blad ready. “You, but-” Sam started, confused. “Barry’s my brother.” The woman interrupted. “He brings me food and keeps me safe.” She explained with a lazy smile, not the least bit stressed about us. “But the vics..?” Sam asked, still confused. “I like to have fun with my food before eating it.” The woman explained and smiled in a way that told me she meant something not safe for work.
“But enough explaining now.” She then said and moved closer to us. But before she could do anything Lucifer appeared behind her and shot her in the head. With a low thud, she collapsed on the floor and before her body fully touched the ground he turned to her brother and shot him too. We all stared at the archangel for a while. “You’re welcome,” he said and smiled, clearly proud of himself. “Why the brother too?” I then asked, not happy with that. “He was human.” “He was about to attack us!” Lucifer exclaimed, offended by my words. “Oh, really brother?” Gabe asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Are you sure? Or did you just wanna kill?” “No, he’s right,” Sam said to my surprise. “He had a gun and was about to pull it out.” To prove his words Sam walked to the corpse and pulled a gun from beneath Barrys’ body. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but- Lucifer probably saved us. Thank you.” He then said reluctantly.
When Sam, who was possessed and tortured by Lucifer, defended him then it must be true. He would never lie to make Luci look better. “In that case, good job Lucifer!” I smiled at him and, to Gabriel’s great annoyance, hugged him briefly. “What’s wrong Gabe? Don’t you wanna thank me for saving everyone in this room, including your girlfriend?” Lucifer grinned at Gabe while the other angel glared back with a deathly look in his eyes. “Lucifer, stop provocating him.”,I said sternly and Luci shrugged, still grinning. We then worked together to let the bodies disappear and then headed back to the bunker.
Part four: “...and this is what the Devil does!”
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unlockthelore · 4 years
Dream Come True - Part II
As much as ____ liked to tease Yumi about her “childish” ways, there was a simplicity and beauty to letting go of the stressors that kept her bound to the circular rotation of the day. Yumi didn’t want to drink her sorrows away and complain over a hot meal, she wanted to live and that’s what ___ appreciated the most about her.
Hand in hand, running across the sand with their shoes tucked in the backseat of Yumi’s car, blouses untucked and hair loose like they were children again. It was late, the sky painted a soft orange flecked with violets and deep blues as the stars began to make their grand appearance.
Warm crisp autumn wind and laughter on the breeze, the waves lapping at their feet as they goaded one another into a game of tag.
True, crunching numbers wasn’t the most exciting job but it did put money in ____’s account and kept her fed. Yumi, with all of her joy and presence, made her feel alive. Once they’d laugh themselves silly, and their clothes were wet from falling more than once into the tide, ___ suggested that they return to the car to dry off.
It was getting later and the warm wind was cooling as evening fell to night, the pair sitting on the car roof and staring up at the stars. Street lamps lining the desolate road on either side cast a fluorescent white glow on the roads, shadows dancing and the gentle hum of insects coupled with the crashing waves and chirping insects.
Yumi’s arm hooked in ___’s own, her head resting on her shoulder and a faint smile offered that was received with a kinder one.
“Are we going to talk about you sleeping?”
___ sighed. She knew that would resurface eventually but she hoped that it would be on the drive home when Yumi was too sleepy to prolong the conversation. “It’ll sort itself out,” she mumbled softly, rubbing her cheek against the top of Yumi’s head. “I mean, what’s the worst that’ll happen?”
“You fall asleep during a meeting and start drooling in front of Minamino-san, ruining the chance of ever having a friendship with him because he’ll always remember you as drool face?”
The silence was deafening and slowly ____ pulled away to level Yumi with a flat stare.
“Your imagination is really frightening, you know that?”
“Think I should be a writer?” Yumi grinned, tucking her knuckle under her chin as she struck a thoughtful pose. “I think that I’d strike the fear in the hearts of many with my thoughts.”
___ snorted, poking Yumi’s cheek and twisting her finger around. “Or mesmerize them with what goes on in that head of yours.”
Yumi whined and batted away her finger with a pout. The pair dissolving into laughter and leaning against one another again. After a moment of silence, Yumi shifted closer and squeezed ____’s upper arm.
“You don’t have to get in the middle of Sanada and I anymore, I know that you don’t particularly like him.”
____’s eyes softened and she sighed. “I’ll get in the middle of you and Sanada as often as I have to if it helps you feel comfortable. Just because I’m going through something doesn’t mean that I can’t be there for you.” She tipped her head to one side, trying to catch sight of Yumi’s eyes. It wasn’t right for her to look so down and although Sanada was at the root of it, ___ knew that there were some things that Yumi had to face on her own. Squeezing the hand caught between her bicep and side, ___ smiled down at her and tapped her head against Yumi’s own, spurring a fleeting peal of laughter.
“I’m just glad that you have more friends besides me outside of work… but it would be good if you had some more inside,” Yumi pointed out, tipping her head to one side. “You know everyone’s names, how to talk to them, but nobody really knows you besides what they see.”
Thinking back to the earlier lunch that they had with Minamino, the way that he seemed interested in hearing more about ___’s escapades from Yumi’s point of view, ___ frowned. Was she really that much of a mystery? She certainly didn’t think so but taking about herself was a little embarrassing and difficult. How much could she say that wouldn’t make her seem narcissistic? And how little would she say without seeming stuck-up?
“It’s hard,” ___ sighed. “If I was more like you, maybe I”d be able to talk to people easier.”
“Well hey, you sassed Minamino like you sass me, so you’re off to a good start.”
___ groaned and slapped a hand over her forehead, tilting her head back. “Don’t remind me of that. I didn’t even mean to. I just don’t get how someone responsible for so many people and themselves could forget lunch of all things!”
Yumi laughed softly and squeezed __’s upper arm. “That’s just the caretaker in you, ____. You’re always looking out for me, I guess you just kinda.. Projected.”
“Onto our supervisor of all people?”
“Well, I didn’t say that you chose the right person to project onto, now did I?”
___ rolled her eyes, pulling her knee to her chest and staring out into the distance. The horizon seemed to carry on forever but she knew that somewhere there was someone else looking out at the same view. Perhaps they didn’t have someone like Yumi at their side, talking and enjoying their presence, and maybe they were alone with their thoughts or hoping someone else was looking.
Maybe they were lonely.
“Earth to ____, Earth to ____!”
The view of the horizon was interrupted by the swipe of Yumi’s hand in front of ___’s eyes. With a few quick blinks, she turned her attention back to her friend who was shivering.
“It’s getting kinda cold, yeah? Get the blanket for me out the back?”
___ Huffed. “Alright, alright.”
As she slid down the side and went to the back to pull out the blanket, she paused. It was a quilt, the same one that her mother made for Yumi after she brought her by to introduce her new friend. A little embarrassing considering that her mother was treating her like she was in elementary school. Making tea, snacks, talking about how she was doing and all — but it was nice. It made her think that this would work out that being in Sarayashiki would be a good thing for her.
Like a dream.
And she met Yumi who made every day like a dream just by existing.
The quilt, checkered red and green, adorned with flowers in the patches sewn atop of it — it reminded her of him.
“Hey Yumi?” ___ asked as she climbed back up with the quilt tucked in her arm.
“Do you think that Minamino gets lonely too?”
Yumi snickered. “Now you’ve got an interest in how Minamino feels?”
___ pinched her cheek. “Not like that,” she scolded gently, setting the quilt around them and tucking her knees close. “I’m just thinking… it’s got to be lonely at the top, huh?”
— 幽☆遊☆白書 —
The drive home is a lull with the sound of Yumi’s quiet snoring and the gentle rumbling of the car. __’s cheek resting on her propped up fist as she gazed at the road ahead. Street lamps lining the road lit their path and made the yellow lines on the asphalt shimmer. It might not have been the best idea to stay out this late but she could hardly deny Yumi the comfort. They did have a stressful day after all and every moment should count. Though no matter how much she reasoned to herself that it was the wisest choice from a friendly point of view, her sleep schedule was going to suffer.
Oh well, it wasn’t as if she was getting much sleep anyway.
Pressing both her hands into the worn leather of the steering wheel, she took in a deep breath then sighed, her eyes fluttering shut for a moment. And when they opened, she glanced up and squinted.
What was that?
Leaning closer, her chin brushing against the top of the steering wheel, she tried to get a better look at the speck drifting lazily across the sky overhead. It couldn’t have been a shooting star or a bird, it stood out against the night sky and seemed to be flying. And she didn’t know of any birds nearby that were pink and blue. Trying to get a better look at it, she shifted to look out her side mirror but it was drifting too far for her to make out what it was.
With a defeated sigh deflating her chest, she pressed back against the headrest and listened to Yumi’s sleep mumbling. Maybe she just needed to get a bit more rest. She was starting to make up things floating across the sky after all.
A soft chime caught her attention and she glanced away from the road to her cellphone vibrating in the drink holder beside Yumi’s own. Bracing one hand against the steering wheel, she reached with the other and bumped her fingers against the screen, pressing the green call button before tapping the speaker. A soft cry of her name making her wince and quickly tap the volume button, casting a cautious sideways look to Yumi who stirred for half a second then slumped against the window with a soft sigh.
“____, are you there?” The person on the other end called.
“Yes, I’m here,” ___ said with ease, exasperation underlying her words. Of course it would be her brother who was calling. She wasn’t sure why she didn’t check the caller ID before she picked up. “What do you want, Souta?”
“Ouch!” Souta said, and she could just picture the hurt expression that he was making. “Is that any way to talk to your little brother?”
“When he’s being a bother?” ___ asked, taking a dramatic pause for effect. “Yes.”
The shuffling and sputtering on the other end put a smile on her face and she rolled her eyes. Souta hadn’t grown out of his childish habits but he was far too old for her to reprimand him all the time. It didn’t mean that she was going to baby him but at the very least, she could humor him.
“So what do you want, I’m driving y’know.”
“Well, I just need a favor…”
“If you need money, call our parents.”
“Wh—“ Souta’s voice pitched and cracked before rising to a screech. “What would make you think that’s why?!”
“Because I’m your older sister, and I know how you sound when you want something that you know you’re not going to get,” ___ explained with a half-hearted shrug that she knew he couldn’t see. “So, what is it?”
“Hmph. Well, what I was going to ask was if you could housesit for me.”
“… Housesit?”
It would have been easy to say no and end the conversation there but curiosity got the best of her. Souta had moved not too recently and was happy enough to show off his new place although she couldn’t attend because she was on vacation. But he neglected to ever mention where he stayed or just why he moved there. It was a little curious but her parents were simply happy that he decided to move on with his life and be a “real” adult. Whatever that meant.
“I’ve got a trip that I can’t miss and I really need you to do me this favor,” Souta pleaded, his voice softening with a whine. “My neighbors are really nice and they don’t bother anyone.”
“Shame that they have you for a neighbor then.”
She sighed and pressed her finger to her temple. Of course, she didn’t want to leave her own home unattended for long but there was less likelihood of someone breaking in. Although she didn’t want to take the chance of that either.
“You do know that I have a job in the city, I can’t just up and live in someone else’s home.”
“Well, why not just go there a few days out of the week and my place on the other? Besides, where’s your job?”
“At Hatanaka Corporation, you know this.”
“I swear I forgot… and let’s see.. Hatanaka…”
From the other end of the line, the sound of pages shuffling and muffled cursing punctuated with soft sighs and quiet grumbling provided a necessary distraction.
“So, how’s your job going there..?” Souta suddenly asked, the soft whine and pleading gone from his voice replaced with the gentle tone that reminded her of their mother. “You don’t really talk about it all that much when I call.”
“Because you don’t call often, and there’s more important things to talk about,” ___ reasoned.
“So are you saying that I should call more often?”
“No way, that’d just be a nuisance.”
“You’re really trying to hurt me with these one-liners, aren’t you?”
Amiable laughter passed between them and ___ shifted in her seat, her lips curving into a smile as she hooked her thumbs in the steering wheel and flexed her fingers.
“How’s your aches and pains?”
___ sighed. “How did you know about that?”
“You said you were driving and that requires holding onto something for a long time, so I just assumed…” His voice trailed off and she knew where this conversation was going. It was one that she had often when her parents were worrying that she worked herself too hard. “If your tendonitis is acting up again, then you should try and relax. You don’t want to hurt yourself, right?”
Glancing aside at Yumi, she smiled faintly. “Don’t worry, I have people looking out for me here so I’ll be fine. Now come on and quit stalling, what about this favor?”
A soft grumbling huff came from the end of the line before Souta whined softly. “That’s the last time I worry about you,” he lied, shifting around papers. “Alright, so Hatanaka Corporation… my place isn’t that far from it. Actually, you should be able to commute a bit easier. You have a car, right?”
“Nope, I’m using Yumi’s,” ___ said, wincing when she noticed her slip-up.
“Yumi!? Whose that? A new friend of yours?!”
“Hey, don’t sound so excited! I have friends too!”
Yumi sniffled and ___ froze as she shifted in her sleep, slowly sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. “___, What’s wrong? Did we crash?”
“… Why would I be talking casually if we crashed?” ___ asked in a deadpan, shaking her head and swatting at Yumi’s arm. “Go back to sleep, you’re tired.”
Souta was blissfully quiet as Yumi fussed before eventually succumbing back to sleep, curled up under the quilt. When her soft snoring filled the air again, Souta sighed.
“So she’s the one that mom mentioned before? Your friend from work?”
“Mhm, she’s just as energetic as you, you two could get along well.”
“Maybe I’ll see her when I come back for my keys when you’re done house-sitting,” Souta chirped happily.
____ Rolled her eyes. “I never agreed, y’know.”
“I know, I know. I’ll leave the keys for you in the mail slot taped to the top…”
“Hey! Hang on, Souta—“ ___ interjected.
Blissfully unaware of ignoring her plight, Souta continued on with a hum. “I don’t have any plants or pets, so you don’t have to keep track of anything. Feel free to stay whenever you want but check in every so often, okay? Thanks sis!”
Before she could form a response, the line went dead and she stared aimlessly at the road ahead. The lights of the city making a glow against the sky in the distance and showing her the way home and to what would be yet another favor for her younger brother.
“Your brother is weird, ___,” Yumi muttered.
___ sighed, smiling exasperatedly. “Tell me about it..”
— 幽☆遊☆白書 —
Kurama sighed, hooking his finger in the knot of his tie and pulling to loosen the proverbial corporate noose around his neck. He didn’t abhor his job but keeping up appearances left him with a degree of discomfort lingering throughout the day. Accustomed to clothing that allowed him to breathe and move freely, the stiffness in his suits and his shirts was difficult to slip into especially when he was not operating under the moniker of Minamino Shuuichi. With a bit of doing, it was easier and he could find it in himself to breathe and meld into the crowds of people flooding the intersections and walking the streets of Sarayashiki.
Botan’s appearance was both a surprise and bound to occur, and while he didn’t expect her to take the inquiry too seriously, it was odd. A haunting melody filling his ears as he recalled his co-worker singing the familiar summoning ritual known and told to children of the Ningenkai. While most considered it to be a simple nursery rhyme, a spoken spell to ward off bad dreams, summoning a baku was no laughing matter. He clenched his jaw as he remembered her yawn and the droop of her eyelids as she tried to stay awake throughout the day. He hardly doubted that one night of calling the baku would have left her so exhausted but apparitions were a greedy bunch.
And sating their hunger was a foolish endeavor.
“Don’t worry, Kurama,” Botan had said with her trademark cheery grin, perched on her oar and looking out at the city skyline. A myriad of colors reflecting in her pink eyes, crinkling at the corner as she flashed him another smile. “I’m sure that it’s just a small spirit so it can easily be banished.”
He nodded at the time. Watching her go in a tentative silence as the sounds of the city washed over him and drew him back to reality. There was nothing to do but allow the Reikai to monitor activity and report any sightings that he might have had — powerlessness that left him far more agitated than he’d let on in the ferry girl’s presence or any other aside from Hiei.
The fire demon was likely waiting for him inside his apartment, a welcomed constant that Kurama needed for the day ins and out with balancing who he was to the public versus who he was in private. Despite Hiei’s surly countenance, he did make for good company once he was settled. And he certainly made himself at home there.
Hiking the shopping bag on his wrist, Kurama made his way across the intersection and toward the apartment building looming in the distance. Climbing the steps gave him a chance to calm himself and loosen his attire, pulling his hair out of its ponytail and undoing his tie. Toying with the buttons as he each one attempted to snag on his finger or a thread in his shirt. A mumbling sigh parting his lips as he reached his floor and opened the door allowing him to walk through and navigate the corridor of doors.
A cool and crisp wind gusted through from the open balcony and he breathed in deeply, pressing his hand to the side of his head to keep his hair from whipping around. Dark red strands obscuring his vision for a moment and a soft gasp caught his attention as he looked up, seeing her.
Still dressed in work attire with her shoes in one hand and backpack shouldered, here hair out of its usual style and feet a bit dirty as if she was walking on gravel.
“___-san?” Kurama asked, tipping his head to one side.
“Minamino-san…” She whispered, her voice softer than the wind. “I didn’t know that you lived here.”
“You either,” Kurama admitted, meeting her half way as she approached.
She chuckled softly and waved her hand. “No, no. I don’t live here. I’m actually doing a favor for someone but it’s late, so I might as well stay the night…” With a sheepish shrug and a lopsided smile that made Kurama want to smile in return. Like this, she looked younger and softer than he expected. A glimpse of something that he only caught when she was pouting and trying to cover it up or talking to Fujimoto Yumi.
“Were you out shopping?” She asked, gesturing to the bag in his hand.
Remembering the weight and what was inside, Kurama lifted the bag up and opened it, pulling out a box of chai tea blend. “I was, I thought that it would help you,” he said, offering it to her. “It’s lucky that I came across you.”
“… You bought this for me?” She said in disbelief, her voice pitching as she scrambled to take it from his hand, their fingers brushing and a jolt of electricity coursing through Kurama’s skin. He pulled his hand back slowly and stared at the tip of his finger before glancing at her as she read over the box and analyzed the contents.
“This is one of those expensive brands isn’t it? I can’t take this.”
He remembered hearing the rumors of how frugal she was and it was a little charming to see her like this.
“I insist,” Kurama paused, wondering if he should continue with how panicked she looked, then adding on. “It’ll help you work ethic so you’re not falling asleep throughout the day.”
The look of surprise on her face coupled with the slight pout and narrowed eyes made him want to laugh. Teasing people was something that he hadn’t grow out of and it was fun when it was someone new.
“Says the guy who doesn’t bring his own lunch to work,” She murmurs, turning away to face the railing and lean against it, her gaze flicking down to the box as she studied it intently. It took a moment and then another before what she said seemed to dawn on her. “Wait, I mea—“
Kurama waved his hand, smiling faintly. “It’s alright,” he says with a hint of amusement at her flustered face. “You aren’t the first to talk to me about my eating habits and I doubt that you’ll be the last.”
Her eyebrow quirked at that then her gaze averted as if she were trying to debate on whether or not she should say anything. He almost hoped that she would. Exhaustion was one of the best ways to find sleep and if she was tired from talking, then she wouldn’t have time to say the ritual. With the box held tenderly i her hands, she shifted slightly and her bag fell to hang from her elbow before she pulled back and let it sit on the ground. Her shoes dropped beside it and Kurama tilted his head at the change in demeanor as she cradled the box between her hands, her gaze sweeping over it once then twice.
“Does it bother you that much?” He asked, leaning against the railing himself after setting the shopping bag by his feet. “You don’t have to pay me back, it isn’t as if it’s a loan.”
She chuckled softly, her head dropping as she brought the box closer to rest her forehead against it. “I really hope it’s not a loan. I don’t think I’m paid enough to actually cover one.”
“I’ll have a talk with finances tomorrow then,” Kurama teased, rewarded with a soft peal of laughter and the tremble in her shoulders as the rigidity in her posture eased.
“Maybe it’s fate meeting you here,” she said after a moment, lifting her head and resting her chin on the top of the box. “Or some sort of shared dreaming that I’m having…”
“A shared dream with who?” Kurama asked, propping his elbow up and resting his cheek in hand. Her imagination never ceased to amaze him in the tail ends of conversation he heard her have with her co-workers.
“Mm, with Yumi… ah, I mean Fujimoto-san.”
Kurama waved his free hand dismissively. “It’s alright, I know how close you are. It’s good that you’re friends. You seem to help each other a lot.”
She seemed to relax at the reassurance and his smile broadened. Times like this, he realized the disparity between his own age and that of his co-workers or those around him. They were younger, subject to feelings that he’d long since come to terms with and understood intimately, and required validation not only from others but themselves. Feelings that were considered childish were abhorred. Self-reliance was encouraged but also led to self-neglectful habits when a person was accosted for being too vain.
His gaze drifted to the distant city lights and he sighed. Humanity still confused him in ways that he couldn’t put to words.
“It’s weird being fussed over.”
Her voice broke through the veil of his thoughts and his gaze drifted to her. A gentle breeze whipped her hair from her face, exposing the good-natured smile and the adoring look in her eyes as she turned the box over in her hands. Pink dusted her cheeks and the change in her aura wasn’t out of adoration or some feeling of romantic interest but appreciation and slight embarrassment. Kurama’s fingers curled, his pinky brushing against the corner of his lips, eyes narrowing as he examined the micro-expressions. From the twitch in the corner of her lips to the way her pupils dilated as she brought it closer to examine the print.
“Is it because you’re used to being the one fussing?” He suggested, suppressing a soft laugh when she bolted upright and turned toward him with wide eyes. “I wish I could say it was a lucky guess but we might be the same in that regard.”
“I would say,” she pursed her lips and leveled him with a flat stare. “You were scolding me for not eating but you didn’t even bring a lunch for yourself.”
Kurama chuckled. “You’re really not going to let that go, are you, ___-san?”
“Absolutely not. Do you know how surprised I was when my supervisor called me out for not eating and then didn’t bring anything for himself? What were you going to survive off of? Sunshine?”
“Well, I have heard from a few that I am like a plant,” Kurama teases, rubbing his chin as if he were really thinking about surviving off of sunlight and air alone.
___ batted her hand at him and he snorted with laughter, pulling his arm aside after she swatted him a few times.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding…” He reassured, his eyes closing as he basked in the breeze. “But is it really that bad to let yourself be worried over..?”
A question that he asked himself more times than he could count but could never find a conclusive answer for. With the steady habit of questioning and answering, chasing himself in circles like a kit trying to capture its tail, it was never easy to simply say yes or no.
“It depends.”
“Huh?” Kurama muttered, the soft noise parting his lips as he opened his eyes, looking at her curiously.
“I think it depends on who is doing the worrying and whether or not you feel that you’re overwhelmed,” ___ clarifies, meeting his gaze. The distant lights’ glow are watered down and faint against her skin but halos her in soft hues akin to a rainbow. Kurama rests his chin against his fist and nods slowly.
“Do you feel overwhelmed, ____-san? Is that why you can’t sleep?”
He wasn’t sure what answer he was hoping for. A flippant response that would send them into another fit of laughter that would last for a few minutes before they parted ways. Or perhaps an honest one that might tell him that there’s no reason to worry.
— 幽☆遊☆白書 —
Kurama’s apartment door closed with an echoing finality, his keys dropped into the bowl sitting on a table by the couch in the living room as he passed by. The plastic shopping bag crinkling as it shifted in his grasp, dropped unceremoniously on the low table near the feet kicked out on top of it it. A watchful gaze followed him as he stepped to the window, giving his plants a bit of his youki then pulling back the curtains. Moonlight filling the living room and chasing away the shadows aside from the one reclining on his couch and sifting through the shopping bag.
“Is she the one?” Hiei asked, the hissing pop of the drink that he wanted punctuating the sentence.
Kurama glanced over his shoulder at him as he downed the contents of it. He still wasn’t sure how he could drink something that spicy but he wasn’t going to question it. Even now, Hiei could be a mystery to him when he wanted to be.
“Her address is already known to the Reikai and they’re conducting their investigations. It’s good fortune that she’s not there,” Kurama explained, his thoughts drifting to his co-worker and the last words that she spoke to him before they parted ways. Sitting on the ledge of his window, he rested his back against the cool glass and folded his arms across his chest. “it should go smoothly.”
Hiei hummed low in his throat, a disconcerted noise that caught Kurama’s attention. “Something about this isn’t right.”
“What makes you say that?” Kurama asked, arching a brow.
“Good fortune goes hand in hand with coincidence,” Hiei glanced his way and narrowed his eyes, crimson irises glowing in the dim silver light. “And we both know there is no such thing.”
Kurama hesitated, letting the implication sink into the air between them, charged with tension unusual to their common silence. “You’re saying it was orchestrated..”
Hiei nodded faintly then crushed the can in his hand, tucking it back into the bag then retrieving another. “I’m saying that this is going to become annoying soon enough,” he corrected, fiddling with the top of the can. “More so than it already is.”
He brought the can to his lips then hesitated, staring at the opening then glancing aside at Kurama with what the youko would say was the utmost skepticism. “And that tea that you gave her, it isn’t from the Ningenkai, is it?”
Kurama smiled thinly. “No,” he admitted, brushing his fingers along the underside of the petals of the Flower of Forgotten Dreams. “But it will help her sleep. And sweet dreams is something any kind soul deserves.”
The silence stretched on but Kurama could feel the weight of Hiei’s gaze and waited for the inevitable shoe to drop from the fire demon’s musings.
“Even you?” Hiei intoned softly, a look in his eyes that made Kurama’s insides warm and his chest ache.
“Hiei,” Kurama sighed, smiling ruefully. “When have I ever been kind?”
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jbhenwiler · 5 years
SU Fanfic: Redemption from a Dark World Day 1
This story is set about 6 months after the events of "Steven Universe: The Movie"  My Original Character for this fanfiction, just as Spinel was designed to emulate self-harm and abandonment-related mental disorders, is made to be a "poster child" for PTSD.  (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)  I hope you enjoy my "Fusion" of the prose and script styles of writing!  (Yes, I know I have problems switching between past and present tense... it's something I couldn't muster the effort to fix.) ====================================
---------------------------------DAY I
   A skinny body lay on the sandy beach in the afternoon.  It was a 21-year-old man dressed in tattered jeans and a ripped T-shirt.  He has short brown hair and pale skin.  Despite appearing to have been washed up from the ocean, his skin and clothing were perfectly dry.  A teenager and a group of mysterious beings approached the man who was still as if dead.  A darkish pink greatsword lay at the man's side.
Steven: (Checks the man to see if he is breathing) Oh thank goodness, he's alive.
Pearl: How did a human wash up here anyway?  The tides should have carried him further west.
Garnet: And for that manner, look at his clothes.  They're dry.
Steven: You're right.  That's kinda weird.
Pearl: (Notices the sword) Wait a minute... That sword...
Steven: What is it Pearl?
Pearl: That design style is Bismuth's signature look.  Only she would make a sword like that.  But I don't remember Bismuth ever making a sword for a human other than Connie...
Steven: In any case, he's out cold.  We should move him to a safer place.  Let's take him back to the house.
   At that point Amethyst arrived, having come from the fry stand, holding a paper bowl of fries covered in Fire Salt.
Amethyst: Yo, check out the dead body!
Steven: Amethyst, that's not funny.  And besides, he's alive.
   Garnet picked up the human effortlessly and began carrying him back to the beach house.  Steven, Amethyst, and Pearl followed her.
   At the beach house, Garnet laid down the still-unconscious man on the couch in the living room.  The man let out a sigh and his left arm jerked a little bit.  Pearl brought in the sword and set it down on a nearby table.
Steven: Even moving him didn't wake him up.  What exactly happened to him?
Amethyst: Just look at his shredded clothes, man.  Whatever he went through, it wasn't good.
Just then, the man stirred.  His eyes tightened up, then shot open.
???: ROSE!!
   Everyone jumped back at the man's sudden outburst, then everyone's face lit up with shock when they realized just what he had yelled out.
Pearl: Rose... who?
???: (Looks around the room) What happened?  Where am I?  Where's Rose Quartz?  (Looks at Pearl) And why did you change forms?
   Everyone is confused.
Steven: You're in Beach City.  Pearl's looked like this for a while, and how do you know my mom?
???: Beach City?  No, that's impossible.  Beach City's gone.  It was destroyed during the first day of the Second Gem War.
   Everyone is shocked and confused.
Steven: What are you talking about?
Garnet: (Appears to be thinking [Using her Future Vision])  Hmm...
Pearl: What is it Garnet?
Garnet: From what he's saying, and what my Future Vision's ability to read timelines is telling me... This man may be from a parallel universe.
???: Parallel... Universe?
Steven: What's the last thing you remember?
???: (Appears to be straining himself with thought) I...  Can't remember much... I think my name is... David?
Steven: It's OK, David.  You don't have to try too hard to remember.
David: Actually, something's coming back to me...  I fell off a cliff... I remember Rose trying to grab my hand but I slipped.  I fell into a river, my head hit a rock, and then I blacked out.  I guess that's how I got here somehow.
Amethyst:  So you were carried by a river into an alternate timeline?
Pearl: It's the only somewhat logical explanation we have.
Steven: Going back to the question you haven't answered yet... David, how do you know my mom?
David: Your... Mom??  You mean, in this timeline Rose had a son!?
Steven: (Lifts up his shirt) See?  That's mom's Gem.
David: (Stares at the Gem) So her Gem's in your body... That means she had to give up her form to make you... Yep.  That sounds like her alright.
Pearl: You mentioned a Second Gem War.  What exactly happened in your timeline?
David: (Straining himself again) Urrgh...
Steven:  Don't push it too hard, David.
Pearl: If I know anything about human amnesia, it's that the memories will come back with time.
Amethyst: Anyway, kid you look starving!  Here, try these fries.
Pearl: Amethyst don't you dare!  You know how humans react to high amounts of Fire Salt!  He'll end up burning down the house!
Amethyst: Aww, can't you take a joke?  Anyway, David, was it?  Let's get you some food that WON'T turn you into a fleshy flamethrower.  Come on!
   David and Amethyst begin to leave the house to go to the fry stand, but Pearl stops them.
Pearl: Amethyst wait!  David's clothing is all torn up, and come to think of it, he smells horrible.  He shouldn't be out in public like that; it would draw too much attention.  Wait here, I'll get some of Greg's old clothes.
Amethyst: Do you really think Greg's clothes will fit him?  The kid's really scrawny.
Steven: He's too tall to fit in my clothes so they'll have to do.  I think dad left some shirts and jeans in the closet from when he was living with us after his leg broke.
Pearl: David, wait here. (Goes to the closet and begins digging through it)
   David suddenly hunches over and collapses onto the couch.  Steven rushes to his side and the others follow suit.
Steven: David!  What's wrong?
David: I'm... Remembering something.  I think it's how I met Rose.
   Everyone gathered around.
David: I remember what happened to Earth in my timeline.  The Second Gem War wasn't a war.  It was a calamity for Earth and its people.  The Crystal Gems were grossly outnumbered.  The Diamonds themselves led a relentless assault on Beach City.  Rose and the others had no choice but to flee for their lives.  There were no human survivors of the attack, and Beach City was razed to the ground.  The Crystal Gems went into hiding and... Humanity was subjugated within days.  The Diamonds decided humans would make a good slave species.  This thankfully meant we weren't wiped out... But in our opinions it was a fate worse than death.  We were lower than the Pearls, assigned to Gems for forced labor, entertainment, and the unlucky ones were forced to fight to the death for the amusement of the elite Gems.
   Everyone looks horrified.
Steven: What was your job?  What did they make you do?
David: ..............................  Nothing, at first.  I was kept in a cage for about a year until Yellow Diamond herself came to requisition me for a job.  (David's face falls with sorrow as his memories slowly seep back into his mind.   His hand slowly goes to the bottom of his torn-up shirt, and with shaking hands, pulled it up.)
   Scattered all over David's torso, in a terrifying crisscross of flesh, were scars.  Crowning them all was a large, thick scar smack-dab in the middle of his chest.  Pearl's hands went to cover her mouth in an expression of horror, and even Garnet looked shaken.
David:  I was a living practice dummy for Yellow Diamond's soldiers.  That's... That's what they made me do.
Pearl: By all accounts you should be dead...  Only one thing could have saved you, and that's--
David: Rose Quartz.  She and Pearl happened to be in the area on a scouting mission.  By the time she found me... (Points to the chest scar) I was just impaled on a Quartz soldier's blade.  I remember the Quartz saying, "I love the sound they make when you skewer them."  I started going cold...
Steven: What happened after that?
David: Keep in mind... I was blinded by pain at that point...  What I do remember is Rose immediately jumping into action.  She poofed the soldier with her sword, which caused the sword inside me to poof too, and I began to bleed out rapidly.  I remember... Rose being physically restrained by Pearl so she wouldn't shatter the Quartz soldier.  My senses were failing me... But I remember Pearl telling Rose to focus on healing me rather than killing the Gem who attacked me.  Her rage immediately turned to sadness.  She crouched down and put me on her lap, then the tears started falling.  She... Wasn't just crying to heal me.  She was genuinely concerned for my life, the life of a human she just met.  It... Captivated me.  My stab wound started tingling and my ruptured heart started closing up, which was a very strange feeling.  Last thing I remember before finally fainting from blood loss was, heh... Rose flipping me over so she could cry her healing tears on the exit wound on my back.  ...I think that's all I can remember for now.
Pearl: That's... Terrible!  You're so lucky to be alive...
   David got up from the couch, and Steven, who was actually shedding his own tears a bit, rushed up and hugged David.
Steven: It's OK, you're safe now.
David: (While being hugged) Huh... That's uncanny.  That's exactly what Rose was saying as she was healing me.  You sure that's not your Gem talking?  (Steven giggles at this and he wipes his eyes)
Pearl: Anyway... Let's get you out of those rags.  Here.  Go into the bathroom to change.  You should definitely bathe too.  There's soap and shampoo in the medicine cabinet.
David: Thanks, Pearl.
   David took an oversized white t-shirt and jeans (Plus a belt to make the jeans fit) and went into the bathroom.  The sounds of water running can be heard from the bathroom.
Garnet: ...That timeline could very well have been ours.
Pearl: I know.
Amethyst: That is one broken human.  Imagine living like that.
Steven: How do you think he'd react if he knew mom's original form?
Garnet: (Checks Future Vision) Not well.  We should keep that under wraps for now.  We should also make sure the Diamonds don't show up, especially Yellow.  There's no telling how he'd react to their presence, whether the Diamonds are friendly or not.
Amethyst: Good point. He'd probably go to town with them with his sword.
Pearl: He's traumatized, not stupid, Amethyst.  I'm pretty sure he'd understand the futility of a direct physical assault on all three of them.
   A few minutes later, a fresh, clean David wearing comically large clothes walked out of the bathroom.
David: Uhh... How do I look?
Amethyst: You look--
Pearl: Amethyst, be nice.
Amethyst: You look a lot better, David.  Now let's get you those fries.
David: Ok...  (Still thinks he looks silly)
   David and Amethyst walked out of the house and started walking on the beach towards the boardwalk.
Amethyst: So... What was Rose like in your world?
David:  She did not take losing Earth well.  It was kinda like a personality disorder.  She would treat Gems, especially Homeworld Gems, like they were trash to be destroyed, while considering humans to be a sort of priceless treasure that had to be protected at all costs.  Rose was obsessed with protecting me, while Pearl decided that I needed to learn how to defend myself.
Amethyst: So she had Bismuth make you a sword.
David: Exactly.  Pearl taught me how to swordfight.  Rose wasn't too happy about it.  She didn't want me near any battles.  But Pearl insisted on it.  "You can't protect him from everything!"  She said.
Amethyst: Rose was treating you like her pet, basically.
David: ...Yeah, I guess that's right.  But it was definitely better than being sword fodder for Yellow.
Amethyst: ...That must have sucked.  Does it still... Hurt?
David: Not really.  But a lot of times I would have nightmares about getting attacked.  Rose would usually wake me up in the middle of them.  She was so focused on protecting me she would get all concerned even if I was being hurt in my dreams.  Now that I think about it, her constant worrying about me was really stifling.  Poor lady was doing her best to defend humanity when the whole planet fell out from under her.  It's the one thing she would never let me ask her.
Amethyst: What was exactly?
David: Why she was doing it.  No other Gem treated us humans that way.  Everyone else was perfectly happy with having us as slaves and didn't care what happened to us.  Rose cared so much that it hurt.  Sometimes Pearl would take me on walks away from the base just so she could sneak me away from her.  Speaking of which... (David's face becomes crestfallen) Rose must be worried sick about me...  Pearl probably thinks I'm dead, and Rose won't be having anything of it.  She's probably turning the world upside down looking for me.
Amethyst: What about me?  I mean, the other me.  You haven't mentioned her at all.
David: (Looks like he's thinking)  Rose mentioned an Amethyst... A couple times.  Unfortunately that's another thing she would never open up about.  She would always look sad when saying her name, though.  I hate to break it to you, but I don't think my Amethyst survived the Beach City Massacre.  Not even Pearl would talk about it.  It must have really hurt them to lose her.
Amethyst: Dang...  I hope I went out fighting.  I bet I was holding the last line of defense or something, buying Rose and the others time to get out alive.
David: ...Something like that.  Rose did also mention a human she was trying to escape Beach City with.  His vehicle was part of the escape plan.  Whatever happened to him wasn't pretty.  Rose keeps a picture of him and her together in a sort of shrine inside the base.  That and a broken guitar.  Some sort of musician I guess...
Amethyst: (If Gems could go pale she would be like a ghost right now) Hey, David?  Maybe you shouldn't talk about that with Steven or his dad around.  Just warning you.
David: You don't mean?
Amethyst: Let's just say that if that man hadn't met his fate... Rose might not have been around to save you.
David: (Grimaces) Yikes.
   They arrive at the fry stand.
Peedee: Welcome to Beach Citywalk Fries: Home of The Bits!
Amethyst: You know Steven doesn't eat fry bits as much as he used to right?  And he was basically the only guy eating them.
Peedee:  Not really.  Ever since the Off-Colors came to Little Homeworld nearby (David visibly tenses up) they've been interested in human foods.  And a lot of them learned that they were one of Steven's favorites so you bet they've become a hot item.  Anyway, what can I get for you?
David: (Whispers to Amethyst) What should I get?
Amethyst: (Whispers back) Fries and a Boardwalk Burger.
David: I'll have a fries and a Boardwalk Burger, please.
Peedee: What size fries?
David: Uhhh... Medium, please.
Peedee: That'll be $6.25.
David: (To Amethyst) Uhhh... Amethyst, I don't have any money.
Amethyst: Oh, right!  Hey, Peedee, just put it on the Universe tab!
Peedee: OK... But Greg better be coming by to pay up soon!  Dad's starting to get impatient and if this keeps up he won't let you keep doing this. (He goes into back to make the food)
Amethyst: So, David.  What's the food like over in Apocalypseland?  Cause the food here will blow your mind!
David: (Looks embarassed and somewhat sad)
Amethyst: Sorry, was that the wrong thing to say?
David: (Tearing up a bit) I miss my mom's cooking...
Amethyst: (Pats David on the back) Sorry, man.  Didn't mean to bring on the feels like that.  Look, here's your food.
   Peedee hands David his food and he and Amethyst find a bench to sit on.  David bites into the burger and looks delighted, the tears vanishing from his eyes.
David: I haven't eaten like this in forever!
Amethyst: You deserve it, bud.  By the time we're done with you, you'll be looking chunky in no time!
   By the time David was finished eating, the sun was beginning to set.
Amethyst: We should probably get back to the house.
   David and Amethyst walk across the beach towards the beach house.
Amethyst: Hey, kid, there's where we found you.
David: (Stops and stares intently at the body-shaped indentation in the sand, then walks over and begins searching the area)
Amethyst: Kid, I don't think anything else washed up with you.  We need to get home or Pearl's going to get all scoldy!
David: (Continues searching, now digging in the sand)
Amethyst: (Walks over) What exactly are you looking for?
David: (Looks at Amethyst, his eyes are tearful again) My picture of mom...  I always have it with me...  It wasn't in my old jeans pockets.  Wh-Where did it go? (Starts digging more frantically)
Amethyst: (Starts helping him look, but to no avail)  David, maybe we can pick up the search tomorrow.  It's starting to get dark.
David: (Wipes his eyes) ...OK.
   David and Amethyst arrive at home.
Amethyst: Yo, guys.  What's up?
Pearl: What took you guys so long?
Amethyst: Apparently Mr. Down in the Dumps here lost a picture of his mommy.
   Pearl and David both glare at Amethyst.
Amethyst: Sorry, went a little too far there.  Anyway, David is really worked up over it.  Maybe tomorrow we could form a search party and comb the beach for it?
Pearl: That's a wonderful idea.  Also, Greg stopped by, and we filled him in on what was going on with our new addition.  He's in the Galaxy Warp room with Steven and Garnet if you want to take David up to meet Greg.
David: Did you say Galaxy Warp?  (A mixture of fear and anger cross his face)  No, I won't go anywhere near that thing!
Pearl: Excuse me?
David: ...Sorry, I... Just have bad memories of those things.
Amethyst: Let me guess, Gems invaded Earth using them?
David: (Nods)  Any moment a Gem could pop out of one.  I... Can't stand being near them.
Amethyst: Well if you won't go to that party then we'll just have to bring the party to you!  I'll go get Greg and the others!  (She runs upstairs)
   Amethyst returns with Greg, Steven, and Garnet.
Greg: (Looks at his clothing on David)  Gee, am I really that big?
David: (Blushes) No, it's that I'm really small.
Greg: It's OK, you don't need to be humble around me.  Although I should probably take you out shopping for more fitting clothes.  Pearl told me all about you.  You've been through a lot haven't you?  (He sits down on the couch)
   Going through David's head are thoughts of this man.  He was certain of it.  This was the man Rose had been in love with when the Gems invaded.  He had come from a universe with Rose and without Greg and gone into one with Greg and no Rose.  Uncannily, it was as if the two of them were fated to be apart no matter what world they occupied.  This saddened David.
Amethyst: Whatcha brooding about, big boy?  Come sit down with Greggy here and talk.
   David sat down next to Greg on the couch.
Greg: So... What was your life like on your world?
David: ....... (Blushes and also looks sad)
Greg: ... That bad, huh?  What was Rose like?
Amethyst: She sussed over him constantly and treated him like a pet.
Pearl: Amethyst!
David: ...No, that's basically it.
Amethyst: Anyway, from the chat me and the kid had on the way to the boardwalk, his Rose was a little different from our Rose.
David: ...From what Pearl... My Pearl told me, Rose changed after the invasion.  She became extra-clingy and possessive.  I only knew that side of her, and the hyper-aggressive persona she took on in battle.  Pearl was her only tether to reason... Honestly, without her, Rose Quartz would probably have gotten herself shattered from running headlong into an impossible battle.  It would have been nice to see the side of her before the war... Before our world turned bloody... Before my family... (He suddenly sobs and tears up, burying his face in his hands)
Greg: Woah, woah, easy there.  It's OK.  We can't change the past, and we can't dwell on it for too long.  Anyway, where did you live before all this?
David: (Calms down as quickly as he broke up) ...I lived in a suburb outside of Empire City.  Henleaf Town, it was called.  It's all gone now... Replaced with one of... THEIR creations. (His face suddenly turns red with rage)  They put up a stadium where humans are forced to fight each other and... And... Sometimes they have to go up against actual MONSTERS!  (Suddenly stops and just sits there panting angrily)
Pearl: Corrupted Gems... They actually had humans fight them for... Entertainment?
Greg: (Is sweating nervously a bit) I'm really in over my head here, aren't I?  This guy needs help.
David: ...The Diamonds' cruelty knew no bounds...
Greg: Have you told him about the--
Everyone but Greg and David: SHHHHH!!!
Pearl: We should probably get to bed.  Greg, David's sleeping on the couch, so--
Greg: Yeah, I know.  Back to the van for me.  Hey, David?  I'll come by tomorrow afternoon and take you to get some better clothes.  See you later!  (Exit Greg)
Pearl: David... You should probably get to sleep.  I'll get some blankets and a pillow from the closet for you.  Steven, get changed for bed.  (Exit Steven and Pearl)
   David sits on the couch, still reeling a bit from his emotional outburst.
David: (To himself)  I shouldn't be so harsh.
Garnet: (Walks up to David and sits down next to him, and puts her hand on his shoulder)  You have every right to be the way you are.  Under your circumstances you could only do so much.  I won't pretend to have been through what you experienced.  You're human.  You have lower limits than a Gem would.  The fact that you're able to express your feelings instead of bottling them up is a great strength.  What's important is that here you have a group of people who will genuinely listen to what you have to say. Good night, David.  (Exit Garnet)
Pearl: (Brought in blankets and a pillow)  Sweet dreams, David.  (David shudders)
   David lay down on the couch and closes his eyes...
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pastelgrungewrecker · 5 years
Papa Loves
Daddy loves momma and momma loves him Tomorrow we get to do it over again
((Humanformers borrowed with @criminarchy‘s permission))
“You’re gonna stay with me and Brainstorm for a while, Froggy- okay?”
Still young, still old, so tired; Mimi nodded, holding tight to an old stuffed animal that had seen better days. Perceptor and Drift stared at Rung, who fixed them both with a hardened look before steepling his fingers.
Whirl lifted Mimi up in warm steel and carried her out, feeling his chest tighten as his shoulder grew damp while little shoulders shook.
Brainstorm looked up as Whirl entered quietly, opening his mouth to call out a greeting before his voice fell quiet before he could. Whirl looked like a stormcloud and Mimi a gutterkitten as she curled up her gangly body as tight as she could in Whirl’s hold.
“So they gave us temp custody?”, he asked softly.
“Mhm. Perce and Catshit McGee are being required to attend therapy sessions with Rung until they can be deemed suitable parents.”, he answered, “Shoreleave starts tomorrow, and since you mentioned you needed me to tag along to help you find someth’n...”
Brainstorm waved his hand dismissively, “That can wait, we have two weeks and if all else fails I can have it shipped to a different port.”, he said, gesturing for him to set Mimi down, “She’s more important, anyway. What do we know?”
Whirl looked down to Mimi, who coughed softly as her eyelids fluttered in an attempt to stay open. He glanced to Brainstorm before murmuring to her, “Heeeey, hey Froggy. You look beat, kiddo. Wanna get set up and hit the hay?”
She nodded, croaking her yes afterwards before she yawned. Brainstorm ceased his silent request for her to be released from his partner’s hold, his own arms over his middle as his heart broke, “Whirl, go on and tuck her in. She looks worn completely out. She needs a good night’s sleep.”
A nod, and Whirl’s heavy-soft steps carried Mimi to the side room that had been refashioned into a guest bedroom. Brainstorm had stopped by Perceptor’s hab earlier in the day when it was first suggested he and Whirl may have brief custody of Mimi during this whole bit of turmoil, and snuck away some of her pictures and posters.
He had an idea of what they were dealing with, given the content of the photos he found- but he wanted to be sure.
His thoughts chased each other in circles until Whirl returned; folding a hoodie with holes in the wrists where thumbs no doubt would poke through over his metal arm.
“Rung says its some kinda neglect issue.”, he said quietly, “Mimi... Froggy wasn’t raised in the right place for a kid, we all knew that. A Wrecker ship, no matter how tight, ain’t the place for a li’l bean to go on runabout.”
“I’d imagine- but that’s not the real issue, is it. This has to do with when Percy came home, to Kimia. After all of that.”
Whirl sighed, slow and tired, “He got sent to G9, but you already knew that, didntcha angel?”
“Mhm. Figured it out the first time I had to get him out of a nightmare.”, said Brainstorm, “Whirl. What happened to them.”
“He shut down. He shut down bad and after G9 no one but me seemed to give a god damn aout what was happenin’- but even then i still left, too. Kid didn’t really have anyone left, after that. Springer and Kup wanted Percy cold and fresh, like a sniper should be. She got... left behind. In more ways’n one.”
“She raised herself. When Perceptor couldn’t manage it anymore. And with Drift already gone...”
Whirl nodded, “Poor thing was a li’l tadpole in a real big pond. I know she ain’t gonna sleep yet- I know her. I know she’s gonna cry, but she ain’t gonna want me to see. It’s something she learned from her Papa.”
Brainstorm looked levelly at Whirl, and the Wrecker suddenly had the feeling the scientist knew far more about this than he let on, “And I learned from Perceptor just what to do when that happens.”
Whirl blinked his good eye, before a chuckle slipped from him in almost a whisper, “Smart as a whip, aintcha.”
“Stubborn as fuck, too.”, was Brainstorm’s cheery, soft answer as his steps took him to the room Mimi hid in more than anything.
He didn’t knock, slipping in with a soft call of Mimi’s name. The lump on the bed shifted, and hiccuped, and then sat up. Her face messy and tearstained and framed in mussed hair, looked back at him in the dark.
He walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed before scooting a little more onto the mattress so he could sit with crossed legs. He smiled, a soft and somehow sad smile.. and opened his arms.
“I’ve been there too, kiddo. Let’s cry it out together?”
Her eyes filled with little diamond shards and she sobbed out loud once, crawling over to Brainstorm in a tangle of blankets to clamber into his lap and bury her face against his chest. Her arms were thrown over his shoulders as she bawled- feeling him bury his face against her hair as his own eyes grew damp.
“I know, sugar, I know.”, he whispered, “it’s fucking hard, wondering if it was something you did, somewhere you went wrong. And the feeling, it stays, and it hides in the back of your mind, I know.”
Another wail.
“I know, sugar, I’m here. Papa’s got some crossed wires and Drift is a fucking prick on a good day anyway- but Papa’s sick, okay? The war made so many people sick in the heart, but he’s gonna get better no matter what. I know he loves you, under all that ice he shows off, I promise you.”
Her words were lost in her tears as he pulled her closer and rocked her side to side.
“And I know, I know it’s hard to believe me when I say all this shit- I know it sounds like lip service but I promise you. I PROMISE. You’re loved, we all love you more than you’re ever gonna be able to know. Even Papa. Even Drift, once we dislodge his dumb anime-hair looking head. Whirl loves you, okay? Whirl loves you so much its silly. And I love you, even the parts you think make you a bad girl.”
Whirl stood in the doorway, leaning against it and listening as Mimi wept her sorrows onto Brainstorm’s clothing and the scientist’s lean arms wrapped around her like iron cables.
A part of him, a part of him that thrived on dying battlefields amongst gunfire- seemed to deflate, now. It softened, just a little (just a lot) as he listened to the daughter of a fellow pseudomartyr weep like she was dying.
Brainstorm kissed the top of Mimi’s head, “Don’t ever be afraid to cry, here. If it hurts, it hurts, and you don’t need to hide that. We’re big time grownups, mostly, so we can take it if you tell us when we’re wrong. And one day, Papa is gonna cry too, like he did when you born, I know he cried then. And that’s when the ice is gonna break for you, and you’ll have your papa back. He may not be just exactly the same, he may not be perfect... But he’ll be home, and so will you.”
Mimi coughed, a raspy and weakened sound.
“I’ll do anything I have to so you get your Papa back. Anything at all.”
Mimi’s voice finally sounded, thin and trembling and so unlike the boisterous girl Whirl remembered.
“Bee, am I. Am I bad?”
“No, sweetie, you aren’t bad at all. You’re hurting, and you’re sad and upset and scared... but that doesn’t make you bad. That just makes you a person, cross my heart.”
Whirl turned away, slinking away from the door and breathing deep as his good eye stung suddenly. He stepped away, activating the little comm-piece hooked over his better ear.
“Whirl to Rung.”, he said quietly, “We got Mimi home. I think she’s doin’ that destressing thing you said.”
::I see. How is she holding up?::
“She broke down, completely. Stormy’s with her now- and I think it’s for the best. I know how this kind thing is, but Stormy knows it in a way that’s... different. But a fittin’ kinda different.”
::I agree, Whirl. You made a good choice; and I truly believe you and Brainstorm are the best ones to help her. I couldn’t think of two people more compassionate to take her on.::
“..Thanks, Eyebrows.”
::Anytime. Make sure she attends her own session next week; I don’t doubt that while you and Brainstorm can help her untangle her emotions, there will still be some things we’ll need to put our heads together for.::
“Can do. Whirl out.”
A shift in the air, and he turned. Brainstorm stood, his arm over Mimi’s still trembling shoulders.
“Bir-irdy?”, she asked quietly, a hiccup breaking her name for him in half, “C-Can I sleep with you ‘n Stormy tonight?”
She scrubbed an arm over her eyes, swollen and bright and still shrink-wrapped in tears, “Don’ wanna be alone.”
Whirl smiled, gentle and as soft as he could manage, “... Yeah, ‘course you can.”
Within an hour, all three piled into the bed shared by a scientist and a Wrecker. Whirl dropped into an easy doze; Brainstorm curled next to him. Between them, wrapped in her own favorite blanket covered in faded frogs and lilypads, lay Mimi... Fast asleep.
The suite was silent, except for a rattley purred snore from Brainstorm, and soft huffing from Mimi as she settled into her curled position.
Whirl opened his good eye briefly, glancing at the pair of messy heads bundled against his chest, and smiled.
He didn’t analyze the rising emotion in his chest, ruffling the sleepy Mimi’s raggedy mop before moving to kiss Brainstorm’s forehead before he dozed once again.
The makeshift family unit slept in peace, chasing away the nightmares they knew fed on loneliness.
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ruddiestbubbles · 7 years
Remember Those Walls I built
The first time Jack hears Halo it’s during his junior year. Bittle is in the kitchen, kneading dough of some kind, hips swaying back and forth as he sings along softly. It’s a song he’s never heard, but it’s got a good beat and the singer is decent, though he much prefers country. He doesn’t mean to just stand there in the door to the kitchen, silently watching, but the song really caught his attention, and threw his mind back many years.
Also on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10209050
Parson had once been grounding. He’d been like gravity, always pulling him back to the ground when he’d gotten lost in the dark storm clouds of anxiety. Jack had fallen for Kenny, and he’d fallen hard. Maybe he wasn’t in love. No he hadn’t been. What he felt for Kenny was purely physical, sure he was a good friend-- okay maybe not a good friend, but decent at least-- but it was only ever physical. But none the less, Kenny had gotten past those walls he’d built, they weren’t very high, but they were there.  
Kenny had been a lot of things to Jack, best friend, hockey teammate, support system, friend with benefits. Their friendship was rocky, sometimes all smiles and laughs, while other times it was words spewed with venom. It didn’t help that their lives were so thoroughly ingrained that they knew every little thing about each other, from what made them tick to what made them a withering moaning mess. It was something they used to their own advantages on a daily basis. Their relationship was radioactive. A ticking bomb just waiting to hit zero. And it did. The destruction was paralyzing, bringing everyone in Jack’s life to a grinding halt, frozen in the moment, like a leaf that’s just landed in a pond that’s freezing over in the icy cold winter.
Kenny hadn’t frozen, not like Jack or Alicia or Bob. He went first in the draft. When Jack had woken up and heard, well, that had been the equivalent of a knife to the heart which someone had grabbed and twisted. And maybe whatever higher being was up there had just wanted a nice solid laugh, because the tear stains on Bob’s face and the still falling tears on Alicia’s just twisted that knife even more. The pure sympathy and sorrow, well, that had hurt to see too. He knew then and there that he’d fucked up. That he was fucked up. Royaly.
Of course while he was in rehab he thought about Kenny. Thought about how they could be out there on the ice together, the most amazing duo the hockey world had ever seen. But no. He fucked up and now he’s in rehab without Kenny. Even though Kenny had said so many terrible things, he still felt like he needed him, like he wanted to be right by his side in every single way possible. But that relationship was toxic, a bomb counting down from ten on a constant loop. Maybe this was all a blessing in disguise, though it sure didn’t seem like it at the time, not when his body was weak and his mind foggy and yearning for something. But he didn’t feel anything anymore, except for a strong desire for his anxiety meds and Kenny.
He did try calling Kenny. It had gone straight to voicemail and that had hurt, but when his phone had started ringing, Kenny’s name on the screen and that picture of him of Jack side by side, both holding red solo cups, he just couldn’t answer. Not the first call, or the second, or the third, or the fourth. He never did answer again, not the calls or the texts. And Jack watched with sorrow as Kenny took the NHL by storm.
That should be me
He thought it everytime he saw ESPN talking up Kenny like a god-- again-- and every Aces game he watched. Bob tried everything he could to talk Jack out of watching the games, out of anything hockey, but it didn’t work. When Jack was finally able enough he instantly started a rough routine. Wake, eat, workout, protein shake, hockey, a long run, shower, eat, sleep. It was a constant. Constants helped with his anxiety. Alicia and Bob both worried endlessly about Jack. He was constantly pushing himself too hard, too fast, too much. It was unbearable seeing their son pushing himself to the very edge and then collapsing into sleep when he thought he’d had enough.
Jack had eventually gotten back to where he was and farther. His chubbiness was gone. He had grown into his height, mostly, he was still did that awkward slouchy thing where he thought that would make him feel less big. His muscles were toned and strong, but his heart wasn’t in it. His heart had not been in it since the OD. He used to live and breathe hockey, but now, he just dabbled, more or less.
“You look exhausted.” Bob would say, a hand resting on Jack’s tense shoulder.
“I am exhausted.”
“You know, it’s okay to relax, right?”
“But what do I accomplish in that? I just feel like I’m not getting anywhere!”
“Sometimes it’s okay to stop, take a breath, and enjoy the view.”
That simple talk had been enough to open Jack’s eyes. He stopped his ridiculous routine the very next day. It made him anxious, but that was okay. He still went on a long run in the morning, protein shake, shower, reading a history book-- he found it on a desk in his dad’s desk and instantly fell in love. He made so many trips to the library in the following weeks. He got into the habit of sitting on the back porch with a book and bottle of gatorade while the sun set in the distance. Sometimes he’d even fall asleep and Bob would wake him up with a small laugh and a hopeful glint in his loving brown eyes.
He even started coaching a peewee team, by his dad’s suggestion, and he loved it. It wasn't the same as playing hockey, but the kids he coached were so cute and had so much determination, it was honestly inspiring. It was long lived though when he packed up and went off to Samwell. He’d gotten far better since the overdose, but he still a closed off person. His wall was built high and thick, no one was going to get through it. Well, no one except Shitty, or Lardo, or Ransom and Holster. But they weren't like Kenny, and they had to fight teeth and nail to get through that wall.
But then there was Bittle, standing in the kitchen, swaying his hips to Halo and singing along quietly, and all Jack could do was stare, lip his licks and walk the fuck away before he actually started drooling. After that day, well, he took a deep breath and clamped down on those feelings, they were not something he needed, or wanted, quite frankly. He distanced himself from Bittle. He didn’t mean to be an asshole, but it just kinda happened, and it was exhausting.
Sometimes it’s okay to stop, take a breath, and enjoy the view
So he took a deep breath, stepped back, and just tried to enjoy it. The checking practices were going well. He wasn’t too much of an asshole anymore, though he had his moments. Then the check happened and Jack couldn’t breath. But Bittle was okay. That was good. It was great. But Jack was the opposite. He blamed himself fully and that too was taking a toll. But Bittle forgave him. That didn’t fully settle the anxiety in the pit of his stomach, but it helped.
Over break, back home in Montreal, he skated on the pond in the backyard, played shinny with his dad and uncles and read so many history books. Bob noticed the slightly off way Jack was acting rather quickly.
“What’s on your mind?” Bob asked gently as they skated slow laps around the pond.
“It’s euh… nothing, yeah, nothing.”
Bob chuckled. “Definitely not nothing. I won’t push, but you can talk to me, eh?”
Jack skated a couple more laps, his eyes on his skates, the slow flash of silver. “It’s euh… umm….” He shook his head, took a breath and tried again. “...Feelings.. Euh.” And well, he was never good with words.
“Oh? Who’s the lucky person?”
“Daaaad.” He groans, gliding to a stop. “It’s a guy from the team…..”
“Is it that cute Bittle kid?”
He puts his head in his hands, his face bright red. “Y-yeah.”
“I totally called it! Your mom owes me twenty bucks!”
“Have you asked him out yet?”
“N-no… I’ve euh…. Been a bit of an asshole to him.”
“Bud, it’s okay to like someone, no matter who they are.”
“I know….”
“And it’s okay to let yourself have things.” Bob puts a hand on Jack’s shoulder, getting him to look him in the eye. “You know what your uncle says, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
When Jack came back from break, well, he didn’t exactly take that shot right away. He was going to, at the kegster, but Kenny showed up, and that was a shit storm. A raging storm. And then christmas break rolled around and Bob and Alicia pestered him for deets, which he had none of. Something always seemed to get in the way; whether it be weird schedules, people, or just bad luck, but Jack just couldn’t seem to be able to tell Bittle.
One day Jack came back from a class, the Haus was blissfully empty, besides Bittle, in the kitchen, Halo playing and Bittle swaying and dancing as he kneaded dough, singing along gently. And Jack just stood there, in the doorway, staring.
Remember those walls I built
Well, baby, they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
Jack hadn’t even realized it, but those walls he had built so high and so thick after Kenny, well, they had tumbled down, and he didn’t even notice.
I found a way to let you win But I never really had a doubt Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now
Bittle was perfectly haloed by the sun, his golden hair glowing, his small hips swaying ever so slightly. Jack was so fucking gone.
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you break it
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out
He hasn’t felt this way since Kenny, and even with Kenny it was nothing like this. It wasn’t heart stopping, it didn’t make his brain stop and anxiety settle. This was so, so, so different from anything he’s ever felt before.
Everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by your embrace Baby, I can see your halo You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more It's written all over your face Baby, I can feel your halo Pray it won't fade away
How did he not realize this before? How could he not see just how much he wanted Bittle. How much he needed him in his life. It was too much, and yet at the same time, not enough.
I swore I'd never fall again But this don't even feel like falling Gravity can't forget To pull me back to the ground again
Bittle was it for Jack. That was the one thing he knew for sure in that moment. There was no one else like Bittle in the world, and Bittle’s all Jack’s ever wanted.
“Jack! You scared me!” Bittle squeaked, as he finally saw Jack. “Jack….?” He ventured, seeing the way Jack’s sad droopy blue eyes blown wide, mouth slightly ajare. “Jack, honey, are you okay?”
Bittle was right there. Shinning golden perfection. And he wanted, so bad, more than he’d wanted anything in his life. More than he’d wanted Kenny, and definitely worse than the crazy withdrawal he went through in rehab. He swore he wouldn’t fall again, not after Kenny, but this wasn’t like that, this didn’t feel like falling, it was like floating high above the clouds. And maybe Bob was right, he was allowed to have this. But talking was never his strong suit. So he took rushed steps forward and kissed Bittle. Bittle squeaked, startled, but it seemed like all he could to kiss back. It wasn’t hungry and dirty, no, it was a long, slow burn of lips and tongue. Jack pulled back once, just to see this was real, he didn’t believe it, but maybe he should. He kissed Bittle again, because that’s all he could do, step back, take a deep breath, and enjoy the view.
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