#it was the scariest and most uncomfortable thing i've ever done but now it's over and i!!!!
mossbabie · 2 months
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May I ask for a matchup? I'm female, and I'm a bit chubby and short. I'm pretty easy to make blush, just compliment me and you've done it.
I like to draw, make video games, and write, but I'm willing to try out anything (like sewing and knitting) if I have nothing else to do. I get nervous in public and usually stick really close to the people I like and trust when I'm in public. I get scared easily and I can be pretty sensitive when it comes to what people say about me. I don't respond well to any form of physical touch by surprise, but I usually adore hugs and cuddles as long as I'm not caught off guard.
I have a bunch of scars all over me because I don't really heal, so I'd like it if they don't really judge me for it. Once I'm used to someone I tend to act more silly around them. I love having stress balls (but I accidentally break them too often-), plushies, or any type of weird pillow I can find.
I like anything soft, this isn't too important, and I'm not really sure why I've mentioned it. Sometimes I get tired of people every so often and I need to be alone, so I'm hoping whoever I get will be fine with that. Of course, once I'm done I'll probably go back to clinging to them unless they don't want me to.
I have a bit of a dark sense of humor, even though I'm pretty big on Justice and people getting what they deserve. Talking to me is just me being awkward, then ranting about science and theories I think are cool, then me being silly, and then, finally, me shitposting. I don't respond well to yelling, and it can scare me a lot.
One more thing before I end up accidentally telling you my life story, since you basically already know everything about me now. I love buying and making the people I care about gifts or little text adventure games. I'll do this randomly, so there's usually no reason for it. Sorry, I said way too much.
After thinking for a little bit, I decided to give you ... Lady (Undertale Snowdin Shopkeeper)! Here are a few reasons why. First of all, if you are looking for someone who is very understanding of your need to be alone, or to cuddle, she is the perfect person for that. Lady will always make sure that you are comfortable, and will never push you out of your comfort zone. Chances are that she will most likely just try her best to make sure that others don’t make you uncomfortable either.
Lady is very cuddly, meaning that you can get as much physical affection out of her as you want. There is no limit at all. And, to add to it all, Lady is very soft, because of her fur. 
Lady is very motherly and caring, so she would help you around with chores, and would always prepare you some delicious meal. She’s also the first one to reassure you about your scars, saying that she doesn’t mind them one little bit and that whoever says they aren’t pretty, they are lying.
Lady is the perfect person to listen to your scientific talks. As she is a mother, she is used to listening to stories and acting interested. Of course, sometimes she is interested, but most of the time, she just doesn’t understand what you are talking about. 
* Their  age: human age: 1781 years old, monster age: 37 years old
* Their  height: 6'2 feet
* Their  yandere type: Manipulative yandere
* Their  dere type: Deredere
* Their  Sexuality: Cisgender female Bicurious Panromantic
A . How would they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? - Lady is the type that shows her affection through physical things or making stuff. Lady would either hug you, cuddle you, kiss you, and other things like that, or she would make your delicious breakfast and would help you out as much as possible. 
B. What type of future are they planning with their lover? - Lady dreams of getting married to you one day, maybe even having one or two more children. She already has three children, but she wouldn’t mind having a few more with you too. She wants to feel like you all are a family. She wants to be happy with you. 
C. What is the scariest moment with them? - The moment that Lady made sure to poison someone that has been harassing you, through laced cigarettes from her shop. Honestly, it’s a surprise that no one ever found out, but one thing was for sure. She wasn’t someone to play with. 
D. How do they usually act with their lover? - Lady is very motherly and sweet. There is not one moment when she isn’t out there, trying her best to make her lover feel better. She will always clean the house for you, and try to spend time with you if you want. She might even start conversations about your favorite topics. 
E. How would they court their lover before? - Lady would make sure to become someone who you can depend on. The moment that Lady is sure that you feel comfortable around her, she would slowly start romancing you, trying to act like she is the perfect person for you, before asking you out. 
F. What's their favorite memory/thing in the relationship? - The moment that you first met her children. The moment was so sweet, and to this moment, she can’t forget when her four favorite people finally met and were getting so well along, like a true family. 
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btsareyandere · 5 years
Safe - Gabriella
Yandere jungkook
Warning - violence, mentions of a gun, graphic mentions of blood and injury, mentions of murder.
E/N= enemies name
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"Gabriella!" Jungkook shouts, stepping out of the backseat of his limo into the vast expanse. Thick tree lines surround him and they are being drowned in a thick fog hanging just feet above the leaf covered ground.
"Gabriella! I swear to god if I have to come and find you I wil-" he stops suddenly to turn and face his henchman who is coughing to gain attention.
With a deep sigh, junkook opens up communication with the stocky framed man.
The guards eyes shake slightly before settling on the spot between his boss's eyes.
"Mr Jeon, Sir...Gabby is-"
A sharp click echoes through the otherwise still forest as Jungkook lines the cold barrel up with the forehead of his man
"I've told you before not to call her that. Have I not?!"
The man falls to his knees and begins to plead for mercy, much in the way he has seen you do, many times before.
"Y-yes sir, sir you did. I'm incredibly sorry for my negligible behaviour, please forgive me. I was hoping to tell you that ga- uh your wife left around an hour ago with the new guard. She said you gave them the all clear"
Jungkook is silent for a moment before he realises that he personally assigns and...well 'fires' all staff and that he hadn't hired anyone recently and especially no one who has contact with you.
"Find her. He doesn't work for me and if you don't bring me her before harm occurs, you wont work for me either".
The men all scatter in different directions on phones and ear pieces as jungkook also sets off in search of his most prized possession.
On the other side of the forest, your quick, secret little stroll with the new guard was taking an uncomfortable turn and you knew you needed to head back home.
"Um, I'm grateful you snuck me out but I think we need to go back. If jungkook finds I'm not at home, he'll kill us both" you fiddle nervously with the long sleeves on your thick t-shirt and glance tentatively at the overbearing guy, your brown eyes becoming glassy as they harden in the beginning stages of panic.
He shrugs and places a hand on your lower back to keep you walking forward, an action that tenses your entire body.
"No ones allowed to touch me!" You shout automatically, recalling the times you didn't obviously protest others physical touch and jungkook punished you severely.
He turns and grips your throat in one swift motion, pulling you close to his much firmer body.
"Listen here you little bitch. I don't care what you say, or for the rules of that degenerate you call a husband, or is he your owner, we've not figured it out yet."
You gasp for air, naturally, but the frequent inhumane treatment by jungkook has taught you how to preserve your oxygen for quite a long time and perhaps that's a good thing.
"We?" You question
He nods and drops you like a hot pan.
"Yeah, me and the boys. See we used to do business with that brute, was going alright actually; that is until one of the young ones saw you" from this moment the man becomes increasingly animated and sarcastic, clearly mocking the words of the juvenile that used to work with him.
"*Ain't she got the prettiest hair.....those curls are to die for.....maybe I could work for Mr Jeon one day and save her...* and other sappy shit like that, damn you really had him hooked." He finishes with a scoff.
You stare at him open mouthed and wonder about the identity of this man who would fantasise about rescuing you from your husband.
"What happened to him?" Your small voice asks.
The man, who had previously wandered a few paces comes running back to tackle you to the floor.
"Your husband is what happened, death is what happened and HE....he was my baby brother"
You watch in horror as the balding man raises his left arm and prepares to bury it in your face, only stopping when a loud yell is heard from behind the trees.
You both look up in wonder and see a silhouette barreling towards where you both lay on the floor.
Jungkook launches himself into the bigger male and knocks him free of your smaller frame.
Instinctively, you roll onto your stomach and shelter your head with your hands, a common position you take up when jungkook looks pissed.
Minutes pass and you focus on your breathing, spitting out the dead leaves and specks of dirt that get sucked into your mouth with each inhale.
You hear your name being called but it sounds distant and dreamlike, not promting you enough to open your eyes and face the world; that is until you're being lifted into the air and placed squarely on your feet.
You keep your eyes closed and hold your hands out above your face, still clearly fearing danger.
"Baby open your eyes" a familiar voice coaxes as they grip your wrists to lower your arms.
"What were you thinking? Seriously, I really need to know" his voice is low but soft, much softer than you were anticipating.
You shrug and sniff quietly, keeping your eyes trained on his now scuffed shoes.
"I wanted to go out. Since you banned me from leaving the house, I've felt trapped. I hate it". To match his, you kept your voice low and soft.
"I do these things for a rea-"
Suddenly a loud roar could be heard from behind jungkook and he turned to face it with you held tightly behind him.
"Baby stay quiet" he calmly orders.
Jungkooks semi-dazed opponent rises to his feet despite the blood pouring from his cracked skull.
You peer around your husband and take note of the damage he has done to the man, realising that when he is angry and taking you to the borders of life and death, that he is in fact going easy on you and not releasing the full extent of his physical abilities.
Jungkook notes your little head poking out from beside him and nudges you back to cling desperately to his suit jacket.
"Jeon-fucking-jungkook" the man spits.
"I was giving you a chance to live E/N. To not end up like that pervert little brother of yours" jungkook taunts.
You wince a little at his words since you had enjoyed hearing how someone wanted to stand against the scariest man you know and fight for your safety.
"I wasn't going to kill her, you know; not immediately anyway. I figured I could send you pieces of her for a while, see you pained the way I was when you murdered my brother."
The man shuffles closer with each word and holds a hand out, trying to reach for jungkook despite the distance, clearly not seeing well.
"Why do you keep her, jeon? You could end her, I've seen how strong you are, seen how you treat her. You could easily get another toy, possessions come and go"
Jungkook hisses and you notice his shoulders tense considerably.
"This one is my favourite possession though. She's priceless and definitely not replaceable, that's why I keep her safe at home"
The man falls and grips his temple as he laughs gently at jungkooks words.
"I almost felt something then, you're a great actor. Perhaps she'd be happier with me....but remember this, Jeon, as long as I continue to live, even in your home, that woman wont be safe. I'm everywhere."
Jungkook finally loses his composure and with one great push, throws you to the floor before retreating and beginning the end of his enemies life.
You watch with horror as he lands blow after blow to the mans already fragile skull, watching as it bleeds profusely and begins to soften.
One exceptionally graphic sounding punch has you on your knees, emptying the contents of your stomach where you kneel.
Once again, jungkook is the one to bring you back to the present when he plucks you up and throws you over his shoulder, marching with intent, back to his waiting car.
Once there, men swarm from all directions to assist him with you.
"Take us home, clear up the body, cover this up and I might not kill you all"
He orders to the crowd of silent males, all shocked by the volume of blood that covers their boss and the empty expression on your messy face.
Jungkook lowers you down and tosses you unceremoniously into the car before sliding in and turning you to face him.
You're dirty, clammy and looking far from okay, something that pains him greatly.
He holds your upper arm tightly and strikes you across the face to which you don't react.
The silence between the two of you is bitter until he exhales and pulls you into a tight embrace.
"I keep you locked up and close because you're precious. I treat you the way I do because I love you, Gabriella and you've put yourself in danger all for some fresh air. You're selfish and it wont go unpunished"
Unlike his previous tone, this one is harsh and cold, he's obviously angered and that frightens you, however when he leans back and looks into your eyes for the first time today, you see concern and fear reflected back at you.
"I'm sorry" you half cry, half whimper.
"I know. I am too. I just want to keep you safe"
You nod and bury you head into his chest. Does he really mean that, are you ever free from danger with him?
Your eyes leak gently and you grip his shirt with force, continuously repeating the same word again and again whilst the car begins to move...
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