#it’s getting hard to fit through the doorway
thedeviltohisangel · 3 days
Ok. Completely self-indulgent post me attending a rodeo thing. Yellowstone/Cowboy AU that was originally a Cass/John AU but seemed to fit Austin? Let me know if you guys would be at all interested in something further with this pairing and universe 🤠💕
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Willa put her car into park and looked across the expanse of land that all fell under the name of the Strickland Ranch. God was it intimidating sometimes. It was daunting to see the green grass stretch even further than her eyes could see. Daunting to watch the way her father ached over every head of cattle and every horse and every cowboy. Daunting to think that anyone truly expected her to run this place one day. She was having a hard enough time getting through her first clerkship.
The sound of hooting and hollering had her looking to the right at one of the pens at the front of her family’s property, closest to the stables. It looked like that new mustang had just been let out of the trailer he’d been trying to kick his way through for a couple days. He looked beautiful in the Montana sunshine. His hair so black it looked like a rainbow when the light hit it just right. She hated when they brought back a wild horse to break. She knew the feeling all too well.
“Evening, boys,” she called as she strolled over to the fence. They all tipped their hats and greeted her with a chorus of ma’am’s before turning their attention back to where the newest ranch hand had pulled the short straw and was sat on the back of the mustang as he bucked. “Our resident bull rider didn’t want the honor?”
“No, ma’am, he’s getting ready for the rodeo tonight.” As if he sensed they were talking about him, Willa looked towards the bunkhouse and saw his figure leaning in the doorway. She swears he smiled at her.
“Right. Well don’t keep Chris up there so late he misses the rodeo. Want to be able to laugh at him later.” They all laughed. “See you all tonight.” She threw the blonde cowboy in the distance a parting glance, he was already watching her, before disappearing into the house to get ready for tonight.
She held her friends hand as they took their seats on the bleachers. Willa had a clear view of her father in row one, no doubt ready to castrate his ranch hand that was competing tonight, and was perfectly in line with shoot four where her handsome cowboy would be.
“You didn’t give him a good luck kiss beforehand?” her friend asked.
“No. He hates that shit on rodeo days. I barely even looked at him this afternoon.” Willa munched on a French fry.
“I’m surprised your dad would let him ride. Hard to be a good cowboy if you break your back on a bull.” The elbow in her side was sharp.
“Don’t talk like that.” Her father hated that Austin rode bulls. Had threatened to fire him the moment he got hurt. If he even got sore. But James Strickland hated the way he looked at his daughter even more. “My father doesn’t own him.” She couldn’t look her in the eye when she said it.
When his name was announced as the next rider, Guns N’ Roses blaring through the speakers, everyone cheers except for Willa. This was where her nerves settled in. It was only ever 8 seconds. 8 seconds of holding on tight and then it would be over.
The shoot opened and people cheered. The bull bucked and bucked but he stayed on. Held tight and looked like it was nothing. Like it was Sunday morning and the sun was shining just for him. Down to the toothpick lazily hanging from his mouth.
The buzzer rang at 8, the crowd erupting as Willa simply exhaled. The bull being chased around the pen as the cowboy in question cheered himself and faced the adoration. She spared a glance at her father, stoic and no trace of anything to give his feelings away.
“Willa! He’s coming this way!” It was her turn to be elbowed as her friend was frantically trying to grab her attention. Oh no, not something public. Whatever it was between them had been so good. So good because it was in the shadows. Truck bed nights. Sunrise rides. Sneaking out to the bar three towns over where hopefully no one would recognize her or her name.
“Ma’am.” Gracefully, he placed his signature cowboy hat on the top of her head. With a wink and a searing smile he walked back the way he came like it was nothing at all.
Regardless of her constant blush and the jealous stares of the all the women at the rodeo, she kept the hat on all night.
They did their best to keep a healthy distance to not invite any scrutiny, Willa picking at her funnel cake and Austin smiling for photos and autographs with the younger children that considered him a local hero.
Slowly but surely couples were breaking off towards the band that was playing an acoustic song. Something soft and slow about falling in love but questioning if it was worth the risk. The irony wasn’t lost on her. “Excuse me, Miss Strickland, but might I borrow you for a dance?” She swallowed the piece of fried dough in her mouth and nodded silently as he offered her a hand, kissing the back, and let her to the open patch of grass where everyone else had paired off.
“You were amazing tonight,” she whispered as they found a slow rhythm.
“I’m happy you decided to come. Know you don’t like it.” He wanted to steal a kiss but knew better. The money in riding could be good if you were good enough. Austin was more than good enough, sponsors already sending out feelers and trying to get him on the national circuit. The money would be to build a little house somewhere on the acres of property for them to live in one day, something all their own. A ring for her finger.
“You seem so inspired when you’re up there. Makes me want to get back into racing.” Willa had been quite the prolific barrel rider before she was sent off to law school. Barrel racers got into too much trouble for her to keep up with it.
“You should race again. Should let me take you for a ride tomorrow. Sierra can stretch her legs and-“
“I want to ride the mustang in the front paddock.” He paused their dancing.
“Wills, he’s not ready. Needs a few more days.”
“He doesn’t need to be broken. He’s fine just as he is.” Austin laughed and composed himself, pulling her closer and brushing his nose against hers.
“You want to ride the wild thing, you can ride the wild thing. We’ll see how that goes as soon as the sun rises.” His lips ghosted over hers but didn’t quite kiss her.
“Want to win me a teddy bear?” she whispered.
“Let’s go get you the biggest teddy bear this side of the Mississippi.”
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housecow · 1 month
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the difference between these two 🥺 both??
funny story though. my roommate is still taking food but my memory is so bad when it comes to things i don’t eat myself (adhd)
when i talk to friends and family about the situation the first thing they ask is, “are you sure you’re not sleep eating?” which is adorable. they wanna believe, even if for a second, that maybe i’m not truly at fault for making myself into such a cow 🥺 i get it bc im getting very fat even with the thievery but at the same time. im literally being gaslit
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kenntolog · 17 days
What do u think abt ur average popular guy Gojo and his cute little nerdy gf !!! :33 like she's quiet and prefers keeping to herself and then there's Gojo her super outgoing and talkative bf!!!! Like black cat and golden retriever vibess
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that’s literally popular gojo x loser reader!!
because as soon as gojo finds a way to leave his own class — he is determined to slip you away from yours. if the door is open and your seat is visible to him, he will text you, urging you to come out and just skip the lessons for a prolonged lunch date with him.
you notice him stalking you, a little farther away from the doorway as to not disturb the lesson, yet the wide grin on his face is visible from afar as he looks at you. hands clasped together in a motion of prayer, satoru dramatically falls on his knees and silently mouths ‘please’s to you from across the room. and how can you say no to that pretty face?
his energy is something completely different from yours, which is quite noticeable even from afar, yet somehow it’s easy for you to feed off of it. satoru likes to give and give, though sometimes it’s hard to accept everything. yet he never stops trying and it makes you adore him more.
taking you on lovely dates that he takes full responsibility of thinking through, always so so sweet about it too!! gojo, of course, doesn’t mind you choosing what to do, it’s just a mutual agreement that you have come to that he is best fitted for stuff like this while you take care of indoor stuff, y’know?
satoru loves it when people listen to him so naturally, he does the thing he’s best at with you — talking! everything that comes out of satoru’s mouth somehow interests you(is that what love feels like?) and you find yourself leaning in closer and closer, to hear him better and softly add in your own questions just to get a bit more of him.
always ending up out if it all, you’re surely ready to listen to him whenever he runs up to you with the most excited of his smiles and his mouth doesn’t close for a while before he calms down and lets you talk. conversations with satoru are one of your favourite activities as well as his :))
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nanaslutt · 6 months
Lol I just keep thinking about perv!geto taking her on a proper date for once lmao
PervyRoomate!Geto x reader
note: i have a running series of perv!geto u can find here // but you can read this w/ out context :3
Contains: fem reader, sex toys, exhibitionism, sexual tension, teasing, possessive!Suguru, fingering, car shenanigans, humiliation, degradation, praise, an unhealthy amount of dirty talk, Suguru has a big dick, nipple play, panty stealing, talk of masturbation, belly bulge if you squint, creampie,
A knock was rapped on your wooden door, interrupting a very important part of the drama you were currently watching. "What?" You yelled from your bed, not taking your eyes off the messy breakup scene in front of you. Your door squeaked open to reveal a handsome Suguru, looking too dressed up at 3pm on a Friday. He wasn't adorned in anything particularly fancy, but you weren't really used to seeing him in anything other than grey joggers and some band t-shirt.
You gave him a quick one over, admiring the black slacks that fit his thighs too well, the white button-up shirt he had tucked into them, and a like-new looking belt that was half on, as his fingers made quick work to thread the prong through the belt hole. "What are you doing? I told you I was taking you out tonight." He said, raising his eyebrows. It's not that you looked bad, but you weren't exactly ready for five-star cuisine in your booty shorts and tank top. "Riiight.. are you ready to go? or?" You asked, looking around the room in confusion before your eyes landed on his.
When he finished looping the belt through the buckle, he crossed his arms and leaned against his doorframe, smirking at you. "Get that disgusting look off your face," you cringed at him, pushing your laptop aside as you pulled your body up to sit crisscross on your bed. "I'm not taking you to McDonalds baby." He laughed, confusing you even more. "Okayy.. so where are we going?" you asked. You fully expected him to name some sit-down diner that was one or two marks fancier than a Mcdonald's, but you weren't expecting him to name the most expensive and highly rated restaurant in town.
Your mouth fell agape as you stood watching the dark-haired man in the doorway laugh at you. "Don't take offense to this, but you're not exactly the most wealthy person I know." You said, still looking at him in disbelief. "If Gojo asked me out to this place, sure, that might sound a little more realis-" "Don't talk about that idiot taking you out in front of me." Geto interrupted, uncrossing his legs as he shoved his hands in his pockets and closed his eyes, giving you a smile that did little to cover up his animosity.
Ever since you and Geto had started fucking around pretty regularly, you have noticed a change in his demeanor whenever Gojo would hit on you. It wasn't like it was anything new, Gojo has been hitting on you for years, for as long as Geto has been bringing him around, you think. Before you and Suguru started hooking up, whenever Gojo would flirt with you he would brush the white-haired man off for the most part, maybe give him a scoff or incredulous look if his attempt at a pickup line was really that horrid on the ears.
Recently though, whenever Gojo tried to hit on you, or his touch would linger a little longer than it should, Geto was quick to intervene. Putting himself between the two of you physically, or butting into the conversation to shut down his attempts. Geto knew you weren't interested in Gojo in the slightest, but he couldn't help but feel that greed-eyed monster of jealousy bubble up inside him whenever you laughed a little too hard at his jokes, or in this case, brought him up in conversation unprovoked.
"Sorry~ Didnt realize he was such a sore subject for you.." You teased, "Unriquitted love, maybe?" He knew you were trying to push his buttons, but you weren't far off. Just not in the way you were thinking, because he sure as hell wasn't interested in Gojo like that either. He sighed, before gripping something in his pocket and pulling it out of his pants, keeping it concealed in his fist.
"Anyways, I don't even know what I would wear to this place!" You said exasperated, glancing over to rake your eyes through your closet to see if anything caught your eye. Without making a sound, Geto slipped out of the room and quickly returned with a dark red bag, tossing it into your lap and landing it perfectly between your crossed legs. You peeked inside the bag and saw some sort of black fabric, you crunched your eyebrows together, looking back up at him. "Wear that." He said, his smirk returning to his face.
Your lips dropped open slightly, a small gap being created between your lips. "Sugu.. If you robbed a bank you know I would never tell anyone.. right?" You said, all too seriously. The man burst out in laughter, "Fuck! I'm not as broke as you think!" He spoke through his laughter, holding his hand over his chest. "Just got a raise at work is all, couldn't think of a better way to spend my first fat check." He crossed his arms again, keeping the one fist balled up as he did so.
"Oh shit, congratulations Sugu! I'm actually not a great liar so I probably would've told someone about the whole robbing a bank thing." You said, clicking your tongue, "Sorry." He giggled at your words, rolling his eyes. "Oh, I know." He spoke, watching your face beam as you pulled out the beautiful black dress he bought you. "Oh yeah, bought just the thing to wear with that too." He smiled in faux innocence, unballing his fist he dangled a pair of skimpy, black lace panties in front of him.
They weren't just any panties though, you could see on the crotch of those panties that would be pressed against your cunt, a flat teardrop-shaped silicone vibrator adorned the fabric. Your jaw really dropped now as you stared at the piece in disbelief. He wasn't really expecting you to wear remote-controlled panties in the fanciest restaurant in town, right? "Pretty, huh?" His voice filled the room when you didn't react. "You never change, huh?" You sighed, holding your hand out in front of you as he tossed the panties over to where you sat.
A big part of you thought this was a horrible idea, knowing how sensitive you are, but another, less rational part of you couldn't help but get excited at the thought of Suguru having full control of getting you off with a little remote control in his pocket, while the two of you dined in the fanciest atmosphere you had yet to immerse yourself in. "Pervert." You said, looking up at him under your lashes as you stretched the panties between your fingers, admiring how well made they were.
Suguru giggled, walking over to the bed you sat on, his knees bumping into the mattress as he reached out and took the panties away from you. "Hey-" "Need some help putting them on?" He asked, twirling them around on his finger. You scoffed, "Suguru, why would I need help putting on a pair of panties, just-" You tried and failed to snatch them back from his hands as he yanked them out of your reach. "You sure?" He said, continuing to twirl them as he started to back out of the room with a mischievous grin on his face. You threw your hand up in the air in defeat, giving him a 'what the hell' look before he closed the door behind him on the way out.
"How am I supposed to wear them tonight if you just kidnapped them!!" You yelled through the door, hearing his footsteps descend further away from you. With a heavy sigh, you pushed yourself off of your comfortable mattress and began getting ready for the night ahead of you.
Smoothing out your dress in the mirror, you turned your body around and checked out your own ass in the mirror, and lord was it an ass to behold. It's like Suguru had taken your measurements in the middle of the night to make sure this dress absolutely fitted your figure in the most flattering way; honestly, you wouldn't be surprised if he did. You absolutely wouldn't be mad that's for sure. You had done up your hair and face and adorned your feet with the nicest pair of black heels you owned. You looked absolutely perfect to the unknowing eye.. the only thing missing? Your panties. The absence of something hugging you down there made you feel a little vulnerable, but otherwise, you felt perfect.
After a quick one-over to make sure everything was as it should be on your figure, you stepped out of your room, shutting off the lights and closing the door as you left. Your heels clicked on the wooden floor as you made your way into the living room, where Geto had splayed himself out on your shared couch. His big thighs spread wide on the cushions, his arms spread out behind him on the back of the couch. He looked edible; the way his pecs were pressed tightly against his shirt from how he was stretching his arms apart made you want to pounce on him and play with his massive chest; who was the pervert now?
Right when you finished checking the man out, he noticed your presence, tilting his head to the side, his eyes doubled in size, his eyebrows raising to make room for them. He let his head fall back on the couch, a grin spreading across his face as he raked his eyes over your body before his eyes settled on yours, giving you a whistle. "Yeah, I chose the right dress, you look fucking edible." He complimented, licking his bottom lip before he briefly took it into his mouth.
"Wait till you see my ass." You teased, placing your hand on your hip and tipping your head at him. "Oh yeah?" Geto raised an eyebrow challengingly. Tipping his chin down he stood from his spot on the couch, heavy steps walking over to where you stood in the entrance of the living room. He stuck his hand out to you, signaling for you to grab it. "Give me a spin baby," Geto whispered into the quiet room, the tv playing some unimportant show in the background as you placed your hand in his. He lifted your arm, slowly spinning you around, making sure to get a good look at your ass in the dress.
He whisted again, "Oh yeah~ fucking perfect." He said, spinning you back around to face him again as he released your hand and fished for something in his pocket. "Only missing one thing~" He said, raising his eyebrows at you knowingly. "Yeah, gimmie that shit, feels weird with nothing down there." You said, holding your hand out to him. "Nuh-uh," He said, tsking at you. You scrunched your eyebrows at him in annoyance. Though he didn't give you much time to pout as he dropped on one knee, opening up the leg holes of the panties for you to step in as his eyes watched your expression from the floor.
You felt your face heat up, this position was so intimate it flustered you. "H-huh?" was the only thing you could muster. "C'mon, we gotta get going if we wanna make out reservation on time." He cooed, nodding his head at you. "Do I just-" You started, raising your heel-clad foot from the floor as you poked it into the hole of the panties. "Mhm.. and here I thought you said you didn't need any help putting your panties on?" He teased, washing away some of your embarrassment as it was replaced with irritation.
You kept quiet, stepping into the other hole of the panties and letting him slide the material up your body teasingly. He rose from his position on the floor, standing in front of you in his entirety as he kept his eyes on his hands, where he was moving the cloth up your body. The dress was being bunched up to your mid-thigh, and would soon rest on your hips the higher he dragged the panties up. Once he saw your cunt come into view, the panties only centimeters from touching your throbbing clit, he gazed back up into your eyes, watching your reaction closely.
You swallowed whatever saliva was still in your day mouth, keeping your eyes on his. He watched your eyes flutter, your nose sucking in a breath as he pulled the panties up to your hips, the cold silicone being pressed against your cunt and creating a delicious friction between your legs. Smirking, Suguru slid your dress back down your thighs and smoothed it out before placing his hands on the small of your waist and caressing the skin there. You placed your hands on his chest, feeling yourself throb between your legs with the added pressure and the intensity in which he was staring at you.
"How's that feel?" He said, sliding his hands up and down the sides of your body before sliding his hands to your ass and gripping the fat there, simultaneously pressing your body closer to his, his knee sliding between yours and making the dress wrinkle at the bottom. "Feels good." You nod. Geto tilted his head down, looking between your lips and eyes as one of his hands left your waist to dig in his pockets, out of your view. "Yeah?" He said, licking his lips. "Let's just make sure everything is in working order before we go, yeah?" He whispered agaisnt your lips, neither of you daring to close the distance.
The tension was thick in the air when you nodded, the man in front of you mimicking your nod, whispering a quiet yeah. Your breath hitched in your throat, your legs wobbling slightly when you felt the soft vibration tickle against your clit. Geto's jaw dropped as he watched your reaction to the toy buzzing against your sensitive bud. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head before closing completely when he upped the intensity of the vibrations. "It hittin' the right spot?" He asked, leaning in to whisper against your neck when you tipped it back.
"You let him pull your body tighter against his own, his knee pressing against the toy against your cunt, increasing the feeling as you let your jaw drop, moaning quietly into the air as he left soft, barely-there kisses against your throat. "Y-yes, it's on the right spot." You confirmed. Your legs felt like jello at the stimulation combined with how palpable the tension filling the room was. "Vibrating on 'ur little clit?" You knew he knew how much his voice turned you on, and fuck was it turning you on. "Yes," you whimpered breathily, squeezing your thighs around his larger one between your legs.
"Bet it feels so good." He said, biting your neck gently before pulling away to look at your face, expression painted with lust. You just gave him a nod, gasping as you started to rock yourself on his thigh. "Oh~ Horny girll~" He teased, pulling his body back to watch you hump slowly along his toned thigh. Just when you were falling into a rhythm, the buzzing stopped. When you cracked your eyes open to scold him, you were met with a cocky-looking Geto, smiling mischievously at you. You sighed, realizing how the rest of the night was going to go.
"Oh my, look at the time!" He said dramatically, holding the expensive watch Gojo got him for his most recent birthday out in front of him. "There are no batteries in that watch, Suguru." You call him out, deadpanning. "I'm all-knowing, I don't need a watch to tell me we're going to be late if we don't leave now." He said, patting your ass before he pulled away, you instantly missed the pressure his knee brought between your thighs.
The ride to the restaurant was short but dreadful. He had kept his warm hand on your thigh the entire time, rubbing his thumb teasingly against the inside of your leg, slowly rubbing higher and higher, making you think he was going to touch you, but he ultimately pulled away. You kept waiting to feel the vibration against your clit, but it never came. You just throbbed pathetically with no relief in sight during the ten-or-so-minute drive, although your increased arousal made it feel like hours.
He patted his hand on your thigh when he parked the car, turning his head to look at your hot and bothered face, giving you a charming smile before killing the engine and sliding out of his driver's seat, ordering you not to move before he shut the door. Your roommate popped open your door, holding his hand out for you to help you out of the car. "Such a gentleman." You said, half sarcastically. He smirked, closing the door behind you. He felt his heard skip a beat when you laced your arm with his as the two of you made a short stroll towards the establishment.
Even the outside of the building called you poor in twenty different languages. It was lit up beautifully, the tinted windows giving you a little peek at the rich interior of the building. "You nervous?" He asked as the two of you approached the door. "A little, I've never been somewhere so fancy before." You replied honestly. "Yeah? Just stay close to me, all you gotta do is stay on my arm and look pretty." He cooed.
Geto's confidant demeanor made you hot in the face and other places. You felt like a trophy he was showing off to the world, his confidence rubbing off on you as the two of you walked into the establishment. You approached the man in the front, dressed in a full suit, taking reservation names before you were seated. Geto didn't miss the way the blonde young man blushed as he gave you a one-over, admiring your body before clearing his throat and asking Geto for the name on the reservation. You were too busy looking around the establishment to notice the man's glances, but you did feel Geto's arm squeeze tighter around yours.
"R-right this way." He said, bowing his arm in front of him before starting a trail to the semi-secluded table he would bring you to. The lights hanging above the tables were dim and elegant, it felt strangely warm and comfortable, making you relax your shoulders. "I think our host has a little crush on you~" Geto whispered into your ear, making you jolt out of your daze. "H-huh?" You said, looking up at the dark-haired man in confusion. "You really are so oblivious." He said, giggling, "Someone might try to eat you up one day, you should be more aware." His word irritated you for some reason, but then again, everything he did irritated you.
"Asshole, I'm self-aware. Not everyone is a pervert like you." You spat, averting your gaze to the back of the host boy as you continued your pace to the table. "You'd be surprised." Was the last thing Geto said before the host stopped in front of you, raising his arm out to the table, signaling the two of you to sit. "Thank you." You said to the host, your eye contact making the young man blush as he nodded and said a quick, "My pleasure." before leaving.
"Oh, he's so into you." Geto giggled, sliding into the booth. The seating he gave you looked to be the most beautiful in the restaurant. He had sat you in the corner of the room, a beautiful vintage-looking red light hung between the two of you, the window immediately to your left giving you a view of the Holiday-esc decorated street, twinkling with white lights and garland. You ignored his comment, taking in the scenery as you relaxed into the comfortable cushion, almost forgetting about the toy hiding inside your panties.
"It's so beautiful, Suguru." You said. He fully expected you to curse him out for the comment about the host, so when he received this response instead he was quite taken aback. At that moment he felt his heart race in his chest, but simultaneously a feeling of sadness crept over him. He wished he could afford to take you to places like this more often. Maybe if you were with someone like Satoru, you would get to experience this more. "Suguru?" You called out to him, tilting your head at his far away look.
"Sorry," He replied, being snapped out of his stupor, looking back to you. You looked so beautiful under the dim glow of the red-tinted lights, he wanted to lean across the table and take your lips against his. "It is beautiful." He agreed. You still felt like something was off, but his mood didn't seem odd enough to ruin the night, so you let it be for now. "What made you want to take me here?" You asked, glancing through the wine menu in front of you. He smirked at you, "What, you don't like it? I thought it was beautiful." He teased.
You kicked his shin gently under the table. "Don't be dumb, of course I like it. I've just never been to a place with a set menu before.. and I don't think you have either." You smiled at him. "I've been to a place like this with Satoru before, just once, It seemed like somewhere you deserve to be taken." He answered honestly, grabbing the wine menu to look at himself when you slid it across the wite tablecloth. His words made you blush, you silently thanked the owner of the restaurant for choosing the red lights, it was saving you the embarrassment of Geto pointing out your flushed face.
"I appreciate the sentiment, but you know I love this just as much as when you take me to get McDonald's you know." You giggled. You were sure if anyone around you had heard the comparison of this establishment to a place light McDonalds, their heads might screw off in astonishment. Your words eased the self consciousness in his chest, only you would say something like that. "Plus, I might start acting spoiled if I don't be careful about coming to places like this." You giggled, making him smile.
"What if I want you to be spoiled?" He responded, his tone making you squeeze your thighs together under the table. "You spoil me enough, Suguru." You respond, your sultry voice uttering his name made his pants feel tight. The mood was quickly shifting from romantic to a more lust-filled one. "Yeah?" He responded, slipping his hand into his pant pocket to find the remote connected to the panties, just rubbing his thumb around the button. You nodded, poking his shin with the tip of your heel under the table, your flirty ministrations being hidden by the long white tablecloth.
"How so?" He asked, tilting his head as he pressed the on button of the vibrator, sending a dull vibration against your clit. He watched your eyes flutter at the stimulation, humming out a "hmm?" when he did so. "You're spoiling me r-right now. Always thinking of ways to make me f-feel good." You replied, taking deep breaths to ensure a whine wouldn't slip out. "Am I?" He replied, leaning back against the booth, upping the vibration with the remote in his pants as he watched you jerk forward.
"Suguru-" You wined quietly, biting your lip as you squeezed your thighs together. "Feel good when you cross your legs, baby?" He whispered, leaning his forearms on the table as he tried to look at your expression from your head tipped forward, eyes shut at the intensity. You didn't know how he knew you were crossing your legs, but you nodded in response anyway. "The waiter is coming baby, pull yourself together." He whispered before sitting back, averting his gaze from you as he watched a new man approach your table. You grit your teeth in irritation, if he really wanted you to 'pull yourself together' he would stop the toy.
You swallowed hard, trying to take steady deep breaths into your lungs, smiling at the nice-looking waiter as he approached the table. "What do you want to drink, honey~" He cooed, egging you on by using the ridiculous pet name. The moment you opened your mouth to speak, he upped the vibration twice, making your body jerk forward. Of course, the waiter just had to ask if you were alright. "Yeah, you alright?" Geto chimed in, hiding his smile with faux concern on his face. You waved your hands in front of yourself, "Hiccups." You said, trying to muster up a smile as you glared at the dark-haired man across the table from you.
"Ill order, we'll take the-" Geto's voice faded out as he interacted with the waitor as you bit your tongue, your stomach clenching at each vibration, feeling yourself drip into the panties. You placed your elbow on the table when the man walked away, squeezing your eyes shut you covered your mouth, moans occasionally being muffled against your hand. "Fuck, that was so hot." Geto laughed, feeling himself twitch in his pants. You looked up at him once you cracked your eyes open again, eyebrows scrunched together in pleasure as your thighs squeezed tightly against one another.
"I'll give you a break." He said, reaching into his pocket he switched off the remote, making your muscles unclench as your hand fell from your mouth, gasping as quietly as you could into the air. Geto pulled the tablecloth over his lap so he could grope himself over his pants without anyone seeing him act so indecently. You had no smart remarks left in your brain, you weren't sure if Geto knew how close you had just been to cumming in front of the waitor, but with how breathless he looked you thought he might've had some idea.
You were the one with a toy pressed against your most sensitive spot right now, but just from seeing your reactions alone, Geto was feeling all hot and bothered. Every time you inhaled sharply or your body jerked, he felt his cock leak into his boxers. "Is this okay?" He asked, continuing to rub his cock slowly, giving himself some sort of relief. You nodded, your expression very obviously coated in lust.
"Good, this shit is making me so hard you know that?" He confessed, looking into your eyes. You forced a smile through the arousal, "Maybe next time, you should be the one with a vibrator on your cock." You teased, making him laugh through a groan. "Yeah, might have to let me borrow those panties when you're done here." You clenched your thighs together at the thought of a big strong Suguru with dainty panties pressed against his hard cock, undoubtedly most of his length would be poking out through the top of the panties, and that just fueled your arousal even more.
"Suguru." You wined, covering your mouth once more, he tilted his head at you, feeling you run your leg up his shin, teasing higher and higher as you stroked your heel-clad foot on his thigh, making him hiss in a breath, abandoning the hand on his cock and placing it on the cushion next to him. "Turn it on." You said from behind your hand, looking into his eyes with half-lidded ones. The way you were getting so into this made his face feel hot, his cock twitching under his pants when he felt the tip of your heel press softly against his balls.
He listened to your instruction, switching the vibration on once more, you sucked in a breath, continuing to rub your foot against his crotch. "So naughty." He giggled through his arousal, watching you swallow hard at how good the vibration felt. "Your wine," A voice came out of nowhere, catching the two of you off guard as the waitor seemed to appear out of thin air, filling your glass with the red liquid before repeating the same to Geto. Your heart was racing out of your chest, quickly you snapped out of whatever horny trance you had been in, retracting your foot from Geto's crotch you crossed your legs once more.
Geto smiled at you as you watched the waitor pour the wine, feeling the throbbing in his pants intensify with the loss of your foot on his cock. "Came to your senses?" Geto giggled, switching off the vibrator so you could relax once more. You blushed, embarrassed about how shameless you had just been. You had almost completely forgotten you were in public. "You make me lose them." You said, the vein on your forehead popping out at his audacity. He laughed, reaching over the table to take your hand in his, stroking his thumb over the back of your hand.
You welcomed the feeling, feeling your irritation wash away. "Sorry, truly, didn't mean to embarrass you, sweetheart." He said, smiling more authentically at your face, still screwed in annoyance. You sighed, his charm melting away your annoyance, "It's fine, dude came outta fuckin' nowhere." You complained, pouting. Geto laughed, "I didn't notice him either, sneaky bastard." His shared animosity made you laugh, easing your nerves as the two of you fell into a comfortable conversation.
The rest of the dinner had gone smoothly, the two of you almost completely forgetting about the vibrating panties as you immersed yourself in the conversation, that was until the desert was brought out. Vanilla ice cream and some fancy-looking dessert next to it, looking too pretty to eat. The both of you thanked the waiter, plastering smiles on your faces until he walked out of view. "Suguru I cant do it." "Fuck I'm so glad you said something, I need to take my belt off before I explode.. and it's not for the reason it normally is when I'm with you." He said seriously, making you laugh.
"This place is so expensive though, I feel bad just leaving this here untouched." You said, raking your eyes over the dessert. "Don't force yourself." He said, rubbing his hand over his bloated tummy. There had been 5 courses, they weren't relatively big alone, but after eating so many little dishes you were feeling like you were at your limit. They had all brought flavors you had never tasted before and never thought you would taste, so you couldn't help but think the same would be true about this desert, you didn't want to miss out.
"If you feed me I think I can do it." You teased, sticking your tongue out for the man in front of you. "Fuck." He laughed, feeling his now semi-hard cock twitch to life in his pants. "Might need to take my belt off for that other reason soon." Geto huffed out a laugh, making you giggle with your tongue out as he scooped some of the vanilla ice cream onto the spoon. "Ahhh~" He said, making you repeat the noise as he placed the spoon in your mouth and focused on your plush-looking lips that wrapped around the spoon and licked the cold cream off the spoon.
He pulled it back, sliding the spoon upwards to make sure you swallowed up everything. When he pulled it away, he noticed some of the white liquid smear against your bottom lip, his cock twitched with interest at how similar it looked to another white substance he frequently saw on your lips. Wordlessly he reached across the table and wiped his thumb against your lip, collecting the white liquid and bringing it back to his own mouth, licking it off.
You felt your heart speed up, a pulse could be felt between your legs as you watched him take his own thumb into his mouth and suck sensually, all while keeping his eyes locked onto yours, before popping it out of his mouth. "Sweet." He said. You felt your lip quiver, taking in a shaky breath you whispered. "Get the check." The man stood without another word, opening his wallet, he slapped a couple twenties onto the white cloth before tucking it back into his pants and grabbing your hand, dragging you out of the booth. "Pre-paid." He said, holding the small of your waist as he led the two of you to the entrance of the restaurant.
You looked down at Geto's slacks as the two of you made quick work to exit. The bulge in his pants was very evident to anyone with a pair of working eyes, glancing up at his face he seemed like he couldn't care less as he kept his sights on the trail in front of him. The two of you walked right past the young blonde man who had led you to your table. The man's face turned a deep shade of crimson when Geto grabbed a handful of your ass and looked back to wink at the boy, undoubtably his own pants had tented at the shameless display of Geto's claim on you.
The cold air felt relieving once the two of you made it outside, easing the burning heat your cheeks were experiencing. "I wanted to treat you like a lady tonight but you make me lose control when I'm around you, know that?" He confessed, keeping his eyes glued in front of him as his car came into view. "Were the vibrating panties part of you treating me like a lady?" You teased, looking up at him. "Maybe not, saw them in the window of some sex shop on the way home last night." He said, finally reaching the car. He gave your ass one last squeeze before he opened the door for you and helped you inside.
"Cant help it, just wanna slut you out every chance I get." He said, winking at you before he shut the door softly, leaving you flustered as you crossed your hands in your lap, waiting for him to enter the car. You gasped when you felt the vibration start up suddenly, moments later Geto's door popped open and he slid inside, keeping the car off as he shut the door behind him. Leaning into your face, he placed his hand on the side of your soft cheek, "Cmere baby." He whispered before he connected your lips together.
You moaned against his lips, his other hand coming to rub against your clothed cunt, pressing the vibrator harder against you. He was panting into the kiss, the exchange was filled with teeth and tongue as he devoured you with his lips. Your hands came up to wrap around his wrist that held your face, making him hum against your lips. Your moans into the kiss increased in volume as he frantically rubbed back and forth against the vibrator, simultaneously making the silicone rub your clit, creating a heavenly feeling.
"Want you to cum right here in my car before we leave, need to see you cum." Geto panted against your lips, making you wine. He was throbbing in his pants, there was nothing he needed more in this moment than to see you fall apart on his fingers and the vibrator he got you, wearing the dress he bought you. You moaned into the kiss, tangling your tongue with his as you felt your orgasm creep up on you alarmingly fast. You dug your nails into his wrist, arching your back your legs spread themselves apart instinctually as you teetered on the edge of your orgasm.
"Sug-uru- Sugu-" You moaned his name breathlessly against his lips, he knew you were about to cum. He kept the same pace and pressure against you as your hips started bucking into his hand to get yourself there. "Take it baby- take it cmon-" He whispered against your lips. He moved his kisses to the side of your mouth and cheek when you became unable to kiss him back, your jaw going slack as the dam broke and you came hard against the vibrator.
His hand gripped your thigh hard, his nails digging into the fat as he moaned with you as you came. He felt lightheaded watching your body jerk and spasm in his hold. "Yeah, that's my girl~ good fucking girl~" He praised, continuing to rub your clit as he worked you through the last shocks of your orgasm. Once you came down from your high and your brain started functioning regularly again, you registered his words in your head. 'my girl' the words echoed over and over in your head.
Surely those words were only uttered from the heat of the moment, but it sure as hell sounded nice rolling off his tongue. You pushed his hand away in overstimulation as the vibration continued, making you twitch against the car seats. "Sorry baby, I got you." He whispered, pulling away from your face he reached into his pocket and switched the vibrator off. "I feel better now." He said, making you come to your senses as you giggled. "You?" You said incredulously. "It makes me feel good to make you cum, you should know that by now." He said honestly.
You believed his words wholeheartedly. His cock was still rock hard and twitching in his pants but he did look more relieved than he did when he first pulled you into the car. His breath had evened out too. "Want me to suck you off while you drive us home?" You asked, glancing between his hard-on poking through his pants and his handsome face. He laughed, "Such a vulgar mouth you have, roomie." He teased, grabbing your face he squshed your cheeks together, shaking your head back and forth. "I plan to fuck you nice and good when we get home if that sounds okay with you, so I can wait."
You nodded frantically, he didn't have to look over at you to know your answer, your head shaking his arm with the intensity with which you nodded. "You're so sweet, yknow that?" He said, his words catching you off guard. "Why are you bein' so sappy? Got a crush on me?" You joked, not expecting the silence that followed as he released your face as started the car, signaling before he pulled out into the dark street, heading for your shared apartment.
You looked over to Geto's face and noticed a light blush dusting his cheeks every time he drove under a streetlight, illuminating his features. You suddenly felt very self-conscious, your own cheeks heating up the longer he took to respond. "Oh." You said, turning your body to face the street as you gazed out through the window. "I'm not asking you to like me back sweet cheeks, just keep hanging out with me and I'll survive." He said.
Your heart was racing, you felt dizzy and slightly nauseous. It made sense that he liked you, the two of you had been living together for years, you spent more time with him more than anyone else you knew, and you had been hooking up for a couple of months now, it made sense that he had feelings for you. It's not like his feelings weren't reciprocated, you started noticing your heart pick up around him a couple months ago, right after the two of you started hooking up.
You had chalked it up to being arousal or lust, noticing how the strange feeling became stronger when he touched you or spoke to you. You realized quickly that this was not just lust, you were in fact very in love with your roommate. He did look like he had been chiseled by the gods themselves, and he had a lovely (for the most part) personality to match, he was funny, he cared about your well-being, he took care of you when you were sick, cuddled with you, gave you the dick of your life- he was everything you could've ever wanted and more.
"Can you say something though, you're making me feel embarrassed." His voice broke through the deafening silence, breaking you out of your stupor. You didn't realize the two of you had already been driving for so long, your apartment coming into view as he pulled into the parking spot in front of your building. Say something, say something, this is your chance, say something idiot just- Geto was internally panicking, he regretted leaving his answer so ambiguous, he should've just said "Of course not~" When you asked if he liked you, fuck he was such an idiot, he just ruined your relationship he was sure of it.
Surely you wouldn't feel comfortable living in the same house with someone who was in love with you, of course, that would be uncomfortable, fuck. Was it too late to say he was joking? Shit. Maybe you would move out, god- he felt sick, he wanted to get out of the car and run away, excape this awkward atmosphere, and just-
Your lips were on his, you were kissing him, you had your hands on his thighs and you were kissing him. "Sorry." You pulled away. "I- I'm not good with this kinda stuff but I had to do something." He registered your voice speak to him. "I uh- I like you too." You blushed, looking at the scenery outside the car, counting the tiles on your building, anything to avoid his eyes. "I almost jumped out of the window, never do that shit again." He said, sighing the heaviest sigh one man has ever sighed.
You burst out into laughter, "Sorry, wasn't exactly expecting you to confess your love when I was harmlessly teasing you~" You said, squinting your eyes at him. He swallowed hard, your hands on his thighs suddenly burning with an indescribable heat against his skin. "Can I take you inside and fuck you now? Think I might die If I don't get inside you soon." he whispered into the silent car.
Your back slammed into the door of your apartment, muffled moans and breaths mingling between the two of you as Geto wrappped a large arm around your waist to keep you pressed against his body, his other digging in his pocket to fish out the key and get the two of you inside. "Geto-" You moaned against his lips, "Hurry." You don't think you've ever felt this hot and bothered in your life. You frantically unbuttoned his shirt, his bare chest being exposed to the open air as you made quick work of his belt while he blindly inserted the key into the door and twisted it open.
The two of you almost crashed to the ground when the door opened behind you, stumbling inside Geto slammed the door shut and locked it behind you, working his hands on the back of your dress he uncliped the hook at the top and slid the garment in one swipe off of your body, leaving you clad in just the panties. "No bra?" He breathed against your lips, feeling his hand come into contact with nothing but your skin when he instinctively went to unclasp your bra. "Thought we might end up like this~" You whispered agaisnt his lips, yanking his belt through the loops of his pants and throwing it somewhere in the room.
He lifted you from under your thighs, kissing and biting your neck frantically as he walked you to the familiar path to his room. You pressed the back of his neck agaisnt you, tangling your hands in his long hair while he kicked open his door and took long strides to the bed, throwing you down on it, making you bounce against his mattress. Geto breathed heavily, unbuttoning his pants with one hand he crawled onto the bed, slotting himself between your thighs and welcoming yours that wrapped around his as he slid his pants off in the process, leaving the both of you only clad in your undergarments.
He placed one hand on your neck and pressed you into the bed, his lips chasing yours as he kissed you needily. You made a sound of discomfort against his lips, feeling something rough on your lower back. You pulled away from the kiss briefly to reach under your back and move whatever was irritating your skin. You didn't expect to pull out a pair of your panties, stiffer than you remember them being, from behind your back, more importantly, you didn't expect to see them in Geto's bed.
"Geto I am right here," you said, deadpanning, holding the cum soaked panties to the side of you. He smiled, taking the panties from your hand he tucked them under his pillow, "You wouldn't get it~" He said, tipping your head to the side he dropped his head to your neck, moving his hand out of the way a bit so he could leave hickeys on your skin. You gasped, "N-no I don't, why keep stealing my p-panties and cumming on them when you can walk ten feet down the hall and fuck me?" You asked, your breath picking up when he kissed a particularly sensitive spot on your neck.
"It's the thrill." He says, biting your neck before soothing over the same spot with his tongue, easing the sting. "Sneaking around and stealing your panties-" kiss "when you have no idea," kiss "Gets me off so hard." He explains. "You're s-such a pervert." You whine, and yet feel yourself clench around nothing at his words. "That shit too." He says, gripping your naked tighter in his hold. "Love when you tell me how nasty I am, keep doing it." He instructs, moving his lips down to take your nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue.
"Fuck- Suguru-" You moan, bucking your hips up into his, simultaneously wrapping your legs around him tighter. "Tell me, baby, tell me how dirty I am." He speaks, the words coming out muffled around your nipple, the vibration of his words tingling through your hardened bud and making you drip between your thighs. "Y-you're such a filthy pervert S-suguru." You say, immediately getting a loud groan of approval from him, his hips humping into your own, the bulge in his pants being rubbed just right against your clit.
"Yeah?" He moans, releasing your nipple with a lewd pop as he switches to the other one, sucking it into his mouth and flicking his tongue over it, feeling it harden in his mouth. "Yeah, baby- s-so nasty stealin' my panties and makin' a m-mess all over them." He groans, his hips pressing themselves harder into your panty-clad pussy. "Bet you pretend 'ur fucking my cunt huh-?" You tease, feeling his hand slide down between your legs and move the panties to the side of your pussy so he could rub his boxer-covered dick between your naked folds.
He moans out a, "mhm-" against your nipple, pulling down his boxers just enough to free his dick as he rubs his length between your folds, his wet tip bumping into your clit as he does so. "Do you w-wrap the around y-our cock o-or-" You were cut off by his fat tip pressing against the entrance of your pussy, not pushing in, just keeping pressure against the twitching hole as he nibbled on your nipple, giving it one last suck before pulling away.
"Sometimes I'll lick the part where your pussy goes 'n taste you," He starts, peppering kisses across the expanse of your chest. "Fuck.." You moan, feeling your face grow hot at his words. "Sometimes I'll hold them up to my nose 'n smell you, use 'em to jerk off-" You pressed your hand over his mouth, breathing heavily at his shameless explanation. "You really are disgusting." You said, feeling yourself clench around nothing.
Suguru released a shaky breath, feeling a tingle shoot up his spine at your mean words before he thrust his cock into your pussy in one thrust, groaning at how tight you felt around him, the sound coming out muffled from your hand pressed against his mouth. "Ohmygod-" You whined, your hand dropping from his lips and falling against the sheets to your side as you gripped the cloth between your fingers tightly.
Suguru leaned back, pulling your thighs over his larger ones and sitting on his calves, he immediately started up a brutal pace inside you, fucking his cock into you as he used one hand to hold your panties to the side, getting a perfect view of your cunt swallowing up his dick. "Your pussy is eating up my dick like it's the tastiest thing in the world~" Geto cooed, bringing the pad of his thumb to rub circles agaisnt your little clit, poking out argrilly from under the hood.
"Fuck- S-Suguru!" You moaned, thrashing your head from side to side against his pillows. "God I love how dumb you get from my dick baby~ You like it this much? Huh?" He asked, emphasizing his words with rough thrusts as he picked up his ministrations on your clit. "Yes, baby- Fuck- Fuck I love it-" You babbled, forcing yourself to peel your eyes open to watch him fuck you properly. "Yeah you do- Fuck, you're so fucking tight-" He groaned, shutting his eyes and tipping his head back as he fucked his cock into you mercilessly, drilling his fat tip straight into your g-spot.
"Can feel myself leakin' all inside your cunt-" He drops his chin to watch your sloppy cunt drip your arousal around him, "She's fuckin' milking me-" He laughs through a groan. Geto was normally talkative in bed, but he seemed to be even more aroused, you guessed it had something to do with the confession that happened earlier in the car. "Suguru- you're splitting me open-" You moan, bringing one of your hands to press down on your lower tummy, feeling his cock beat your walls from the inside of you.
He giggled, bringing one of his hands to press down over yours, making you feel it even more. "Yeah? You feel me deep in there baby? I'm all up in 'ur fuckin' guts." He laughed, pistoning his hips into yours. Your face was all screwed up in pleasure, your hips wiggling against his as you felt your orgasm build up quickly inside you. "Fuck- yes- Suguru Im gonna cum- t-think I-m gonna squirt-" You say, noticing how the ball in your stomach felt a little different than normal.
Suguru had made you squirt before, and you never got used to it. It felt so intense, and on top of that, it was so fucking embarrassing. Suguru didn't seem to think so, it always made him so fucking dizzy when he made you squirt. "Yeah? Gonna squirt for me when I cum inside you?" He cooed, his thrusts starting to lose their rhythm as he felt his balls tighten with his impending orgasm. "Yes, Sugu please- please cum inside me- mark me as y-yours-" You wined, looking into his deep eyes as you spoke.
"Fuckkk, wanna be mine?" He groaned, biting his lip as he felt his cock twitch with his orgasm approaching alarmingly fast. "Yes- make me yours!" You cried, throwing your head back as the first wave of your orgasm crashed over you. Your cunt constricted around Geto's massive cock, your squirt spraying onto his abdomen, wetting his skin and boxers he had pulled down to pull his cock out. "Ohfuck-" He moaned gritting his teeth. "Give it to me- milk this fucking c-cock-" He moaned, his jaw falling open as he felt his cum travel up his cock.
You continued to convulse on his cock as he fucked you through your orgasm and into his own. "Gonna make you mine gonna- f-fuckfuck-" He cut himself off, pressing down hard on your stomach as his hips stilled against you feeling the first rope of his cum spill inside your cunt. His eyes rolled back in his head, bringing his hips back, he fucked each and every rope of his hot cum as deep as he could into your cunt, pressing his balls flush against your ass as he spilled the last of his seed into you.
You bit your lip, trying to stay sane as he twitched through the last bit of his high, overstimulating you when his cock moved a little too much inside you. "Godddd-" He groaned, pulling his cock out as the both of you hissed in oversensitivity. His cum immediately follows his cock and drips out of your hole, spilling down the crack of your ass. "So pretty, you did so fucking good for me baby." He praised, pulling your pussy lips apart to watch his cum slide out of you.
"My," huff "eyes are up here." you breathed out with a smirk, making him huff out a laugh. "Feelin' jealous?" He teased, tucking his soaked cock back into his boxers before he leaned his massive frame over you, embracing the feeling of your legs wrapping around his waist as he cradles your face in his hands, looking between your plush lips and eyes before pressing his mouth to yours softly and pulling back. "You feelin' okay? I went kinda hard." He smiled apologetically.
Your own hands came up to hold his sweats face, brushing his bangs out of his face. "I'm a little sore, but I think I'll survive." You said, before looking away and pondering, bringing your eyes back to his after a brief intermission with yourself. "Unless you'll baby me more if I say no, in which case, no, I'm feeling absolutely wrecked." your dramatics made him laugh. You took the opportunity to place kisses all over the expanse of his face as he laughed wholeheartedly.
Once his giggles died down a more serious look took over his features. "I didn't just say all that shit in the heat of the moment by the way." Geto spoke, rubbing your cheeks, "About makin' you mine." He elaborated. "Good." You answered, leaning your head up to press your lips together again. "Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked properly. You pushed him off of you, switching your positions as you crawled on top of him, his hands finding their way to your tits as he massaged them in his hands.
"Depends how well you fuck me during round two~" You tease, wiggling your hips down against his semi-hard cock, steadily growing under the heat of your cunt. "Sounds like you might be my wife in about ten minutes." He challenges, making you burst into a fit of giggles as he sat up and wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug, attacking your shoulders with kisses.
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
Title: Monster Mania.
Pairing: Yandere!Vampire!Neuvillette x Reader x Yandere!Werewolf!Wriothesley (Genshin).
Word Count: 3.0k.
TW: Non/Con, AFAB!Reader, Oral Sex, Mentions of Blood, Non-Human Anatomy, Possessive Behavior, Prolonged Imprprisoment, and Slight Dehumanization.
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“Pouting won’t get you out of this.”
“I’m not—” You paused, gritting your teeth as his shoulder pressed uncomfortably into your stomach. In retribution, you did your best to drive your knee into his chest, to let him know he was hurting you without admitting that you were even more fragile than he’d assumed, but if he cared about your attempts at resistance, if he so much as noticed that you’d moved at all, Wriothesley didn’t waver. “I’m not pouting, I’m trying to get away from my fucking stalker and his—” Another fit of thrashing. This time, Wriothesley was kind enough to tighten his hold on your legs. “—fucking dog. Why is that so hard for you two to get that through your heads?”
He hummed, drumming his fingers against your thigh. “Might be how often call us… what was it, again? A stalker and a dog?”
You scowled, crossing your arms. From your current position, slung over his shoulder, the remnants of one of his rope snares still wrapped around your left ankle, you could only see the thin footpath he was following and the dense forest that laid beyond it. The tree canopy was too thick to let you see the sky (something you mourned and Neuvillette adored, considering his fondness for early evening walks), but rays of golden sunlight still managed to pierce the endless sprawl of branches and leaves, marking the first signs of dusk. Neuvillette had still been asleep when you slipped through the door Wriothesley had forgotten to lock when he left for his daily hunting trip, but he’d be waking up soon; you could already imagine him rising from his canopied bed, picture the diluted shock he’d wear as he stepped into your bedroom for his first meal of the night only to find it empty. You weren’t surprised Wriothesley was so eager to get you home. Neuvillette was stoic at the worst of times, but the thought of letting his pet blood-bag get away was one of the few things that could get a reaction out of him.
Not that Wriothesley was much better. He was more level-headed, sure, more likely to let you wear something aside from ivory nightgowns and untangle you from Neuvillette’s arms when his hunger left him in a blood-thirsty daze, but that never stopped him from taking Neuvillette’s side when you found yourself in another petty argument, from standing in the doorway with a smile and a dreamy look in his eyes as Neuvillette fastened a lace collar around your neck, a collar just a touch too small to cover the twin puncture marks at the base of your throat and just a touch too similar to the steel choker that sat at the base of Wriothesley’s throat more often than not. He might’ve been human, something as mortal and as delicate as you were, but he was still a monster. He’d be crushed under Neuvillette’s heel a thousand times before he ever considered showing you mercy.
The shadow of their mansion was coming into view, now – the lonely building just as dark and just as intimidating as it’d been the first time Wriothesley lured inside. It stretched on as far as the eye could see in either direction and towered above you like some awful, looming thing; thick curtains constantly drawn over its many windows and every surface of its exterior constantly covered in a thick layer of creeping ivy. The rotting boards of the front porch groaned under his weight as he approached the front door, and you braced yourself as he cursed under his breath, patting down the pockets of his heavy flannel. You weren’t sure why they bothered keeping the door locked at all – aside from what it took to keep you trapped inside, at least. Neuvillette was the most dangerous thing for the next hundred miles, and Wriothesley was a close second.
The inside of the mansion was just as ominous; any light from the outside world captured and suffocated before it could penetrate Neuvillette’s endless abyss. You squirmed, hoping Wriothesley would at least let you cross the threshold on your own, but he wasn’t so kind, only responding to your silent plea with a playful squeeze to your calf as he made his way past the entryway and down an unlit hall, passing several torn paintings and overturned tables before finally shrugging open the door to Neuvillette’s study. A bottle of red wine sat open and half-drained on his mahogany desk, a small fire smoldering in the stone hearth he only rarely used. Neuvillette sat beside it, dressed in a simple black robe, his eyes blearily focused on the low-burning flames. He looked concerned, but his apprehension faded as Wriothesley carried you into his line of sigh, disappearing completely as you were hauled off of Wriothesley’s shoulder and dropped into Neuvillette’s lap. One of his hands found its way to your waist, its twin cupping your cheek, tilting your head back and allowing him to press a lingering kiss into the top of your head. “Beloved,” he muttered, practically breathing out his pet name for you before turning to Wriothesley. “Thank you, duke. I’m sorry you’ve had to inconvenience yourself for the sake of what should be my responsibility again.”
With a groan, Wriothesley fell onto the foot of the fireplace, shrugging off his coat. Where Neuvillette chose to hide his bloodlust behind a thick veil of unwavering niceties and delicate elegance, Wriothesley leaned into his brutality; broad muscle straining at the confines of his black undershirt, scruff cropping up faster than he could clear it away, his hair an untamable mess of black and grey and his clothes caked in an ever constant layer of mud and wear (save for his metal choker, of course, which was always polished to conspicuous shine). His eyes lit up when he heard Neuvillette ask after him, posture straightening like that of a soldier called to attention. You’d been too generous when you called him a dog. He was a mutt, too mindlessly obedient to ever question his master’s orders. “How many centuries has it been since you’ve had a reason to call me that?”
“It should be four this year.” Another kiss, this one to the corner of your jaw. You could feel the points of his fangs, still tucked behind his lips but no less dangerous for their momentary concealment. “Don’t you have something to say to him, as well?”
It took a moment to register he was talking to you, another to recognize the hypocrisy of what he was asking you. Your pressed frown fell into an open-mouthed balk. “Absolutely not.” And then, when Neuvillette held strong, “You can’t expect me to thank him for keeping me trapped here—”
“Silence.” He didn’t raise his voice, didn’t bear his fangs or dig his pointed nails into your thigh – he didn’t have to. All it took was that tone. Assertive, but not quite forceful. Lulling, but no softer than the wood and stone of his hellish mansion. Immediately, you shut your mouth. Neuvillette closed his eyes, letting out a raspy sigh before taking you by the hips and turning you in his lap, so that you faced outward rather than into his chest. That was enough to earn Wriothesley’s full attention, perking up as you were perched on the edge of Neuvillette’s lap. “Why don’t we try that again. Do you have anything to say to Wriothesley?”
You glared pointedly at the floor. “Thank you. For bringing me back?”
“And...” This was the part you hated the most. If there’d been an alternative – a dungeon they could’ve thrown you into, a brand they could sear into your skin – you would’ve embraced it with open arms. But, that was the worst part about dealing with an captor. He had all the time in the world to make you bask in your own humiliation, and he never seemed to tire of the pasttime. “And, thank you for making sure I didn’t get hurt in the forest.”
As if there was anything out there that could’ve hurt you more than they did. Still, it seemed to appease Neuvillette, who let out an approving hum as he turned to Wriothesley. “What do you think? Be honest, this time. No lesson was ever taught with a gentle hand.”
He took a long moment to look over you, another to wet his lips. Wordlessly, dependent on the pure desperation in your eyes, you begged him not to listen to Neuvillette, to take your side just this once, but your improvised attempts at telepathic communication proved unsuccessful. “It could’ve been more genuine,” he admitted, with a slight shrug. “Didn’t have much nice to say on the way back, either.”
“Is that so?” His fingertips drummed against your side. “Why don’t you join us?”
Wriothesley didn’t hesitate, practically stumbling over himself as he crawled to Neuvillette’s feet. He came to rest on his knees, hand braced against the rug between his thighs and his cheek only a hair’s width from Neuvillette’s leg, as if waiting for permission to press against him. He always looked at his most relaxed there, on the floor, patiently waiting for an order from his master. It was hard to tell whether it was a skill learned through time, or if subservience was just in his nature.
His obedience was rewarded with a breathy chuckle, a hand run through his unruly hair. Wriothesley was more lax with himself than he usually was, letting his eyes fall shut as he melted into Neuvillette’s touch. “Since your tongue is so uncooperative today,” Neuvillette started, leaning forward just far enough to rest his chin on your shoulder. “How do you think you can show our dear helper how grateful you are?”
A bolt of cold dread shot down your spine. You moved to stand, to get away, but Neuvillette’s arm wrapped tight around your midriff, keeping you pinned against him despite your resistance. “Neuvi’,” you mumbled, squirming against him. “Please, Neuvi’, I don’t want to—”
“Now you’re going to play nice?” His hand fell to your knee, drawing your legs apart. Wriothesley filled the space before you could clench them shut again, his mouth immediately latching onto the inside of your thigh, his dull teeth burying themselves in the plush of your exposed skin. You cursed under your breath, trying to shake him off, but he held tight, fists curling around your ankles to keep you spread and exposed as Neuvillette watched on, his grin pressing into the crook of your throat. “That’s a little cruel, beloved. Can’t you see how excited he is?”
You could. There was a glassy sheen over his half-lidded eyes, a hunch to his posture that meant he was too distracted with you to care about how he held himself. You’d slipped out in a rush, eager to get as far as you could before Neuvillette woke up. In your haste, you hadn’t bothered to change out of the simple, silken frock you were wearing; a choice you only came to regret as Neuvillette dragged the tattered hem to your waist, as Wriothesley’s attention drifted from your thighs to your panties, the lacey fabric torn away with little more than a curl of his fingers and a throaty growl. That, more than anything, caught you off-guard. It wasn’t a threat, but it was more hostile than anything he’d ever directed towards you before. It wasn’t a sound someone like him, someone like you, should’ve been capable of making.
Neuvillette must’ve felt the way you stiffened against him. He pressed an open-mouthed kiss into the curve of your throat, just a touch too close to the vein he preferred to drink from, then another into the dip of your shoulder. “Surely, you must’ve noticed how scarce Wriothesley makes himself around this time of the month.” He paused, laughing airily. “He’d already be safely locked away in the cellar, if you hadn’t made him run out and fetch you. I suppose it must’ve slipped his mind while he was looking for you.”
“I don’t—” A tongue, broader than it should’ve been, hotter than it should’ve been, ran over your slit. “But, he’s supposed to be—”
“Human?” You refused to look at him, refused to acknowledge what he was doing to you, but you could feel his teeth ghosting over your skin, their usually dull tips beginning to sharpen into something more pointed, more animalistic. His tongue slipped into your entrance, thick enough to stretch you open with little more than its curling tip, and Neuvillette’s focus fell to your clit, left neglected by Wriothesley’s unwavering concentration on lapping up as much of your (humiliatingly, quickly accumulating) slick as he could. His thumb toyed with the sensitive bundle of nerves as he went on. “He is rather young, as far as immortal beings are concerned. He made an adorable puppy, back when creatures of the night were free to roam as they pleased, but he’s matured since his days of village razing and cattle slaughtering. I think you’ll find he’s learned how to keep his fangs to himself.” Wriothesley nipped gently at the junction of your thigh. You winced and Neuvillette added, “More or less.”
You could only bring yourself to half-listen to what he was saying. Wriothesley was growing more wild by the second, his formerly languid movements now hasty and agitated, little groans and growls joining the wet, disgusting sounds quickly filling the study. You felt claws that hadn’t been there a moment ago dig into your ankles, his already impressive build taking on bulk that would’ve been possible for anything natural, anything human. It wasn’t enough to just look away, anymore – you shut your eyes completely, bowing your head and curling into yourself as Wriothesley ate you out like a man— no, not a man, a beast starved. The cool marble of Neuvillette’s chest was almost a comfort when compared to the raw heat of Wriothesley’s mouth. It might’ve been more soothing, had he not been taking so much joy in your suffering.
“He’s always been prone to getting carried away. I used to have to fetch him at dawn – he could never seem to make it home before the moon set and he was left bare and unconscious in the vineyard of some poor nobleman.” He pulled back, letting Wriothesley’s cold nose grind against your clit in his place. You weren’t free from his touch for very long, though. The array of ribbons that kept the bodice of your frock drawn tight were undone, the neckline loosened and allowed to fall to your shoulders. “I’ve always preferred a more direct approach. The occasional drunkard taken off the street and drained was always enough to keep me sated.” He paused, cupped the curves of your chest. “Until I came across you, of course.”
You felt his fangs scrape over your neck, but he didn’t have time to bite down before you lurched forward, the sporadic movements of Wriothesley’s tongue bringing you to a sudden, unsteady climax. It was abrupt enough, violent enough to make tears swell in the corners of your eyes, to steal a ragged gasp from your lungs despite your attempts to swallow back any pathetic sound your weak-willed body might’ve wanted to make. For the first time, you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at him, letting your gaze fall onto the black-furred, oversized thing between your legs. He was unrecognizable, black fur and a wolf-like muzzle swallowing any familiar trait you might’ve latched onto. Pointed ears laid flat against his scalp, a grey-tipped tail brushed over the floor lazily behind him as he moved to keep going, to milk every last drop out of you, but Neuvillette reached down and took him by the metal collar now pressing flush against his throat. There was a low, drawn-out whine as he was dragged up and away from your pussy, but Neuvillette’s cruelty was limited to you.
“We spent hours talking about what to do with you, when he first brought you home.” He spoke absent-mindedly, muttering against your throat as he guided Wriothesley onto his knees. Even at only a fraction of his full height, he was tall enough to loom over you, to replace your limited world with a towering shadow of black fur and white teeth. He was panting, his chin glistening with slick and drool, what was left of his tattered clothes torn away in a few aggerated swipes of his claws. You’d been wrong, again – not every part of him was unfamiliar. His eyes were still there, the grey clouded and his pupils blown out but still undeniably his. Still fixed entirely on you.
“I thought he should turn you as soon as possible, but he protested, claimed the transformation would be too much for you.” He bowed his head, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. “Between you and I, there might be a chance he’s hoping I’ll give in first. He does his best to hide it, but he tends to sulk whenever I choose to feed from you. I think he’s hoping we might both have to rely on him.”
Clawed hands curled around the arms of his chair, the wood creaking under Wriothesley’s weight. For the first time, you let your eyes drift lower, let yourself take in the massive, pulsing cock standing erect against his lower stomach. It looked too big; like a prop, made to only vaguely resemble the real thing. It looked like it could tear you in half.
“Then again, he might’ve grown fond of the idea of adding another wolf to his pack,” Neuvillette added, as you went limp against him. “We’ll have to see how human you feel when the sun rises.”
It was an awkward position, Wriothesley too tall and Neuvillette too unyielding. He kept one arm wrapped tightly around your midriff as his other hand drifted into the limited space between your body and Wriothesley’s, his pale hand curling around Wriothesley’s thick shaft and carefully lining it up with your dripping cunt. Wriothesley bucked into the stimulation, his body lurching forward and his head nuzzling into the dip of your shoulder. You felt his breath, warm and humid, fan over your chest, then the rough reverberation of his voice against your skin. “Mate.” It was more of a groan than anything, one long breath that seemed to escape from some unseen vault. It was his voice, but there was something underneath it, too – something more guttural than you would ever want on top of you. “Mine.”
“Ours,” Neuvillette corrected, tightening his hold and drawing you close. You couldn’t see him, but you could feel it, pressing against your throat as his fangs reclaimed lost territory. “Our precious, misguided little pet.”
Wriothesley thrust into you as Neuvillette drove his teeth into your skin, both men piercing you simultaneously. Too stunned to scream, you could only silently wonder who would end you first.
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obsessivelullabies · 4 months
husband ghost who loves you soooo much but he's so horny he can't think
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simon burst through the front door of your shared home, immediately kicking off his work boots at the front door.
you were lounging lazily in bed, watching one of your favorite shows. simon appeared in the doorway, shutting the door behind him.
“lovie,” he breathed. “you busy?” his cock twitched in his pants as he saw you in your camisole and sleep shorts. you looked perfect.
“no.” you answered back curiously, wondering what he wanted.
simon was still in his uniform, the familiar skull mask covering his features. he slowly striped himself of his uniform as he spoke, “need you soo bad.” he rasped.
before you could even form a sentence back, he was completely nude and crawling towards you on the bed. you could see his cock, hard and eager for you.
simon pressed his lips against yours hungrily, his hands exploring under your camisole, squeezing your breasts. they barely fit in his large hands.
he pulled away from your lips, practically tearing off your shirt. he placed sloppy kisses on your tits, worshipping them.
simon was panting with need, his hand trailed down to slip off your sleep shorts and panties. he shoved his face into your neck, sloppily planting kisses as he rubbed the tip of his cock against your cunt, trying soo desperately to get you wet faster.
your husband gently crammed his fat cock into your cunt, groaning. “feels so perfect..” he rasped.
he began pounding into your tight hole, whispering sweet nothings. “my wife,” he groaned, repeating the words as if they were a prayer. he was obsessed with calling you his wife.
he spent hours kissing your lips, biting into your neck and shoulders, rubbing your swollen clit and thrusting his cock into you, desperately chasing his release.
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masterlist! | requests open. | reblogs and comments appreciated. | unedited.
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earthtooz · 11 months
I have this suddenly in my mind and I need to share it, rins the type of person whos like " stop giving me morning kisses" But the day you forget to do that hes like *cold sweat* "wheres my morning kiss"
sfw but suggestive, gn!reader sits on rin's lap, unedited bc i wrote this with my heart
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rin rustles awake to the sound of the faucet running as you pull the handle of the sink and the stream clunks to life, and he can't think of a worse way to start the day.
for one, he did not need the harsh sound of water running to aggravate him.
and two, he didn't wake up to you beside him, all warm and comfortable tucked in his embrace, which is even more aggravating than the grating noise of water against ceramic.
today's an off-day that management issued; a real shame for rin because all he wants to do is spend time with you whilst fitting a quick workout in or two. it was a friday too, which is the perfect day to just relax and do nothing. however, you still have work and no matter how hard rin tried to subtly convince you, his methods did not work.
under the warmth of the covers, rin wonders if he can telepathically send a message to your brain and demand for you to come back into his arms. if you really were soulmates then you'd know, right?
as if it was scripted, you peek around the doorway of the bathroom, blinking in surprise when you see your boyfriend awake and grumpy. he feels a little triumphant when you smile at him.
but the feeling of triumph dies when that's all you do, greeting him with a 'good morning, rin' before turning back to do your skincare. blasphemy. do you even love him anymore?
feeling petty, he yawns loudly, the sound border-lining a groan in hopes of capturing your attention. nothing, you don't even peek around the doorway, instead, he hears the sound of a cap opening.
reluctantly, rin tosses the covers off and pads towards the bathroom, catching you off guard when you spot him in the mirror.
"bit early for you to be up, isn't it?" you question.
"what are you doing?" rin yawns, dodging your query completely.
"what's it look like, babe? my skincare."
he frowns. "that's not what i meant."
"then what do you mean?"
"i meant, what are you doing?" he parrots and you're only more puzzled.
"uhm... talking to you? getting ready for work-"
"you're not where you're supposed to be."
there's a beat of silence. "which is?"
"where do you think?"
"what's with the mind games this morning?" you ask.
once again, he avoids your question. "you should be in bed. with me."
at his admittance, you can't contain your laughter, turning around to cup his cheeks and for a second, rin thinks he has you right where he wants you. any second now, you'll relent and join him in going back to bed. you'll call in sick and you'll give him the good morning kiss he's been waiting for-
"-you're cute, rin, but i need to go to work today."
"why?" rin persists.
"because i like my job, and there's big things i need to plan," you explain, turning around to face the mirror again so you can continue your morning routine but your boyfriend has other plans.
instead, he grabs your hips and spins you around so you're facing him again. this time, you see the uncharacteristic, albeit small, pout dancing along his lips. "won't you indulge me? you still haven't given me a reward for my match last weekend."
"i would beg to differ, your reward was more than satisfactory, you thought so yourself, you're just selfish."
rin grins lightly at that statement as he presses you against the bathroom counter. you're right; itoshi rin is selfish, particularly so when it comes to you. he should let you go to work, and he will, but he can't help but want to take up some of your precious time before your job snags you away from him, and he'll have to wait a laborious 8 hours before seeing you again.
"please? just a few minutes?"
exhaling through your nose, rin knows that you've given in before the words even slip out of your mouth. when they do, however, his celebratory smile is contagious as he drags you back to the bed. sitting down on the edge of it, he invites you to straddle him, the unmade sheets pooling around you naturally.
he doesn't mind living like this for the rest of his life.
"aren't you forgetting something?" asks the athlete.
you blink once, then twice. "no?"
rin holds back his groan. "kiss," is his only prompt but you seem to understand instantly with the way you throw your head back in laughter.
"you mean my normal morning kisses? i thought you hated them. always swatting me away," you lightheartedly mention.
"i do."
"fine then. no kiss."
he almost loses his cool for a second, but composes himself in the blink of an eye. rin's hands begin rubbing your hips, as if persuading you to give in.
"please?" tries the dark-haired.
relenting to the unusual softness in his icy gaze, you place a lingering kiss on the tip of his nose, but rin's got a look of displeasure settled on his expression, and you immediately know why he's upset- because you didn't kiss him on the lips like he was hoping.
"that was pathetic."
"excuse me?"
"another. do it right this time."
cute. you want to give in, but your normally stoic and hard-to-crack boyfriend is acting unusually clingy today, and you want to push your luck in this rare scenario.
"i don't want to kiss you though, you have morning breath," you murmur, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
"what happened to in sickness and in health?" he murmurs, now tracing circles on your skin.
"we're not married."
"we should be, though."
you almost choke on your own spit, shocked by his boldness. "sure. let me go to work first."
his hold around you tightens as he buries his face into your neck, breathing you in as he cherishes the few minutes he has left. "hold on, i just want to be with you a little longer."
you pull him closer. "if you let me go i'll give you a morning kiss."
"a real one?"
"a real one."
he unwinds his grip ever so slightly and you let one hand trace his jaw before giving rin what he wants: his good morning kiss. he indulges in your touch and your closeness, taking whatever you provide because you always are so kind and fair to him when he's all rough edges and jagged ends.
eventually, you pull away, taking your warmth with you. you gave rin your part of the promise, now it's time for his to keep his. except it seems like he's having a harder time fulfilling it.
"i want you to stay," your boyfriend confesses, no louder than a whisper as he looks up at you through his bangs. "don't want you to go."
"i know, but i'll be back this evening and then i'll be all yours."
rin sighs, unwinding his arms and letting you climb out of his lap. a shiver runs up his spine at the absence of your weight and he doesn't like the empty feeling that fills him up.
"go back to bed, rin. you should rest." you mutter.
"after you leave."
you give him one extra kiss before you go.
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hope u enjoyed, anon! sorry i kinda deviated a bit HELPP but i loved ur prompt (evidently), thank you for dropping by :D
© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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servicpop · 3 months
soo, you said to 'flood' your inbox so..may i ask for nanami from jjk? just some sweet domestic fluff, like marriage? i dunno.
if you decide to disregard or ignore this, its okay!
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✶ ﹑ sleepy cuddles _
NOW STARRING : hubby nanami x male!reader
「ㅤSFWㅤ」ㅤcuddling on the couch with your husband!
✙ warnings — none, just fluff!
notes ,, I love nanami sm nonnie... I hope you like it!
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The door clicked to your newly bought home as Nanami walked inside, greeting you with a small loving smile. You had been married to Nanami for a few weeks now, your wedding was set on a beautiful beach in Kuantan, Malaysia. It was truly magical to say the least.
Nanami always finished work later than you did, must've been hard teaching and going on missions but he always made sure to come back as quickly as possible. As he stood at the doorway, you got up from lounging on the couch and walked up to Nanami with a little more excitement in your step. Your hands met Nanami's tie that was resting on his chest and slipped your index finger at the knot, sliding it down.
"How was work?" You asked, placing your husband's tie to the side as your arms wrapped around his waist in a small hug with your ear pressed against his heartbeat. You sighed contently when you felt Nanami's strong and muscular arms wrap around your body tightly as if he never wanted to let you go. He kissed the crown of your head and inhaled your scent. He missed you. Even he lived with you, he still missed you everytime he had to go to work.
"It was alright, the students are doing great," Nanami replied, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. He danced you over to the couch, laying down on it before calling you over to cuddle with him with a flick of his fingers. You complied, settling yourself on Nanami's lap before laying down ontop of him with your chest against his and your face snuggled in the crook of his neck. He had onee arm wrapped around your back while another reached for a book placed on the coffee table.
This was the most calm you've ever been in awhile. The warmth radiating off of Nanami and the plush cushion of his chest was almost enough to lull you to sleep. In a way he was like a big teddy bear, always there to cuddle but he remained relatively still as he read his book. You looked up at his face, admiring the definition in his face, his eyes, his nose, his mouth. You were just the luckiest boy on earth. You moved your hand to Nanami's shirt, fiddling with his buttons silently as your ears tuned into his steady breaths, it was a habit by now.
The silver glimmer of the ring adorning your finger caught Nanami's gaze and he let out a gruff chuckle, placing his book down ontop of your back as his gaze casted down towards your fingers.
"Do you like it? The ring," He whispered, his own hands running through your hair, massaging your scalp with those thick fingers of his. It was quite an expensive ring as it was custom made, just for you. Your ring had carvings on the inside of Nanami's initials whereas Nanami's had carvings of yours. To be honest, he wasn't used to seeing the ring fit so perfectly on your finger and he sure wasn't used to the fluttering feeling in his chest.
You nodded at his question before laying your head down on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, quicker than usual now that you were here. Nanami noticed how your eyes fluttered, trying to stay awake and his gaze softened. He shuffled slightly before wrapping both his arms around you, tilting his head down to whisper a few words. "Are you sleepy?" He asked, rubbing circles on your back. He took the lack of a nod as a yes.
"Get some sleep, sweetheart."
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notes ,, 'v been really tired lately from work but I wanted to at least get something out! Sorry it's short
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ja3hwa · 3 months
♡ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 | 𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : The boys were going to teach you a simple game of pool. Nothing more, nothing less... right?
『Word count』 : 3.9k
-> Genre: Smut. Dark Romance. Supernatural.
Pairing: Vampire!WooSanSang x Human!Reader
[Warnings] : Flirting. Dirty talk. Slight innocent reader. Foursome. Lowkey free use. Dub-con ish, but the reader is into it. Everything is just new for her. Mxm. Manhandling. Blood drinking, biting. Wounds. Whimper kink? Swearing. Clit play. Yeosang fucks her without really asking but the reader is into it. Unprotected sex. Multiple orgasms. Pet names including [Doll, Baby, Pet, Sir, Darling. Pretty thing] Use of the word slut. I shit on religion for a second, so I’m sorry if anyone is religious.
Note: Fun fact I found out that pool tables were invented back in 1470, so I felt like I had to add it aha.
Also hi I'm uploaded two fic in one night. I know crazy right?! Well, I've been really wanting to just post all my work. i got in the drafts, but im pacing myself, hehe. So this is just a little ... gift? Idk ahah i just could help, but post two tonight. Enjoy ♡♡
"Oh, my body, I don't wanna stop until the break of dawn"
Masterlist | Nav | Chapter Three | Series List | Buy Me A Ko-fi
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When you finally woke, you noticed Seonghwa had left the bed. There was a small note on the bedside table with a little heart next to your name written in black ink. You smiled sleepily, stretching slowly in the spacious bed. You’ve never had a better sleep in years, if not ever. Your small single bed that was tattered and moulding was all you’d ever known, and now you had a bed fit for a king. It was almost strange, bittersweet in a way. You felt like you were always supposed to end up here. With them. Like fate was etched in stone way before you were even of age. You had wondered if they felt the same way, as you made your way through the halls once again. It became quite easy to move around the manor now that you’ve explored a bit. You had slipped on a tunic and pants of various shades of purple and black that were sitting on the end of your bed.
“I see you’ve made yourself quite at home, pet.” You shivered at the sound of Yeosang's velvet voice. Glancing above, you see him leaning on the railing of the mezzanine, a sly smirk on his delicate features.
“She’s like a curious kitty isn’t she.” Another voice caught your attention looking towards the doorway of the billiard room you see a feline feature man. San... His dark hair and sharp yellow glowing eyes make your heart thump in anticipation. Strange? you thought. They were all vampires as far as you knew, so why were his eyes such a deep sunset yellow?
“We got to get that staring problem under control, Darling.” You jumped hearing the high-pitched man, Wooyoung right behind you, whispering in your ear. 
“I w-was not staring.” You shake your head, turning around to see all three men now standing around the pool table. San had picked up a pool stick, putting some blue chalk to dab on the end of the said stick. You watched as all three of them took a pool cue and chalked them up, curious at what they might be up to. You had never seen a pool table up close, let alone see anyone play before. You’ve only ever read about it in fancy books or heard it from the richer folk in the village. “A-are you going to play a game?”
Your words sounded flinching like you were some peasant girl asking the higher for a slice of knowledge. But in truth weren’t you just that? “We are most definitely going to be playing a game Darlin’ and you are going to be the price.”
Wooyoung’s words made you gulp, standing there awkwardly playing with the hem of your tunic. San walked over to you while Yeosang set up the balls in the triangle. San’s fingers grazed your chin before lifting your face to look at him. His smile was softer this time, unlike how it was border-lining lust prior. “Don’t worry, Pretty thing. We won’t go too hard on you. Well, Yeosang might, if you’re not too careful.”
You visibly gulp feeling a tingle in your tummy. What could he possibly be insinuating? Your mind was racing, thinking of all the possibilities, slightly thanking Jongho was not here to read your lusting thoughts. You were about to say something, but then Wooyoung came up behind San, pushing him aside so he could give you a pool cue. “I don’t know how to p-play.”
“It’s okay, darling. We will teach you.” Wooyoung’s chippy voice eased your heart slightly. And as you watched Wooyoung start to bicker with Yeosang, who would start the game. You couldn’t help but giggle. For Monsters, they sure act like teenagers. Immature and… youthful. 
“Okay okay, Woo, get over here. Let Sangie Break.” The feline yelled over all the bickering. The nicknames he gave the other males made your heart flutter. In the next few minutes, the three vampires took their turn, trying to get a ball in the hole. Until finally, San got a stripe in making Wooyoung whine. 
“How do you always manage to score first.” Wooyoung was disappointed about his lover winning, shifting his weight around as he stomped over to the bar that was sitting across a billiard table. He grabbed out four short glasses and began pouring an amber-coloured liquor in each one. You could hear mumbles around you, most likely San and Yeosang badgering about something again, but you couldn’t focus on them. Only looking straight at the shorter male, curiously watching him take a shot of the liquid before taking the other full glass and shotting it.
“Pet did you hear anything we said?” Yeosang's presence behind you caught your attention, noting the way his shoulder bumped into you lightly. You shook your head with a little sorry before taking a breath, suddenly blurting out.
“I didn’t think vampires could eat or drink human food.”
The situation reminded you about how you shared a meal with all of them a night ago. You were so out of it, and floating in your mind, you didn’t really take notice that they were, in fact, consuming food. Cooked cow, vegetables, rich sauces, and wines. It was always written in history books and the words of your church that no hellspawn beasts like night crawlers were able to consume and dine on earthy foods. Only craving and needing the taste of blood to sustain themselves. 
San had to try very hard not to laugh at your innocence. Wooyoung had a cheeky smirk on his face, placing the glass on the brim of the pool table, speaking up on your question. “Oh, we do not have to eat or drink to stay alive if that’s what you’re asking. And drinking does nothing for us unless we drink an entire Alehouse. But it does take the edge off for us a little bit.” He downed his drink like he did before, some of the alcohol dripping down his chin. San, within seconds, moved from one end of the table to where Wooyoung stood. His speed created a little wind pocket that blew against your face, making you shiver. San’s hand cupped Wooyoung’s chin, drawing his face upwards. San then opened his mouth, letting his freakishly long tongue slide out onto the younger's neck, licking up the liquor he had spilt.
You gulp, looking away to see Yeosang staring at you intensely with a smirk. He bit his lip before chuckling “God I wished I could read minds. I bet you’re thinking about the filthiest things right now.” He moved to stand in front of you, making you take a step back until you were trapped against the pool table and his broad body. “Such a cute little pet, with such a dirty little mind.”
“W-Wha...I…” You didn’t know what to say cause in truth you couldn’t help but think vulgarly around them. They were all so attractive, and it was like some kind of drug being near them. You looked back to San and Wooyoung, seeing San now had his tongue down the other man's throat, and you couldn’t help but whine. What you didn’t realize was that from looking away from Yeosang, you bared your neck to him, making him growl. “You should never show off your neck to vampires unless you want them to bite you, baby.”
Your eyes widened at his words. But you couldn’t react fast enough. It was like your body became a ragdoll as he moved you with the speed of light. Your back hit the table with a thud, legs spread with Yeosang’s body in between them and his face in the crook of your neck. Your fingers squeezed his shoulders as you felt his sharp fangs run along your hot skin. “S-Sangie…”
“Hmm using my nickname is only gonna make me want to fuck you, pet.” his nose brushed down your main vein, letting him breathe in your scent sharply. You were the sweetest thing he had ever smelt. 
“Sangie.” You repeated suddenly, reaching tighter for Yeosang’s large shoulders, lacing the fabric of his dress shirt in your fingers. The vampire just chuckled, kissing along your hot skin. You wiggled against him, feeling his crotch twitch beneath the layers of cloth that separated you both. “Please.”
“Ooo, She begs. My favourite.” Yeosang’s fangs grazed your neck, making your heart thump harder. You felt like your whole body was on fire, and every nerve was being consumed with nothing but Yeosang. His scent, his dark deep chuckles. The way his fingers glide along your body. 
While his hands played with the fabric on your clothing. You turned your head to look back at where Wooyoung and San were, but the in a blink of an eye, they vanished. 
“Don’t get this party started without us.” San’s voice frightened you as he was suddenly at the other end of the table, leaning over to give your forehead a light little kiss. Wooyoung, however, was now standing next to Yeosang, pushing your right leg opened wider so both men could stand in between them. “I can smell her from over there.”
“I know, our little slut is getting nice and wet from us teasing her.” Yeosang spat out such a foul name at you but it only made you whimper more. No way in your wildest dreams would you have ever suspected your life would end up with being sprawled out on a pool table with three Vampire, kiss and lick parts of your body that weren’t covered by your clothing.
Sinful. Hellborn. A daughter of Lilith. Words from your mother came flooding in your mind like little flashes of a candle flame blowing in the wind. Maybe she was right. Maybe she saw your future before you even knew it.
“F-fuck I need a taste,” Wooyoung whined, tugging at your pants, but what you didn’t expect was him to lift up the loose pant leg, exposing your right thigh. Yeosang pulled up your tunic, drawing his tongue out onto your hot skin. And finally, San, the last one, lifted your wrist to his nose, inhaling sharply before opening his mouth to suck on the soft flesh.
“I’d take a deep breath If I was you, pet,” Yeosang grunted with a sly smirk, making you let out a large gasp. You felt all three of them sink their teeth into you in a sudden snap, almost synchronised. The crunch of broken skin echoed in the room before ringing in your ears. You could feel their addictive vampiric venom pouring into your veins while they emptied you of blood. The euphoric feeling of being drained was indescribable. Like floating on a cloud, feeling the soft cotton tickle your body, leaving your toes and fingertips to tingle. 
“F-ffuck. Argh.” Was all you could mutter out before rolling your eyes back again. You could feel Yeosang’s deep chuckle against your tummy, feeling like the sound almost came from inside you. And without letting his fangs slip, he drew his hand to your covered core. Pressing sharply on your sensitive button through the loose fabric. This made you let out another gasp, calling for Yeosang. “S-Sangie pleasee.”
San retracted his fangs from your wrist before whining, “Hey, I want to hear you cry my name out. Can you do that for me, pretty?” The vampire kissed along your arm until he got to your neck. You nodded while he tilted your head to the side, exposing your jugular. “such a good little doll. Now I want you to scream.”
And with that, he sunk his teeth into the crease of your shoulder and neck, making you let out a loud, painfully lustful cry. “FUCK SAN!!!”
Wooyoung and Yeosang finally pulled away after a few more moments, licking their lips of your blood. Yeosang had a deep growl rumble in his chest as he ran his thumb over the puncture wound, smearing the crimson liquid on your red irritated flesh. Wooyoung did the same but drew a heart with it instead making himself giggle in approval. “Fuck if we didn’t want to keep you alive pet. We would have drunk you dry.”
Yeosang’s empty threat would have scared anyone, but for some reason, it only enticed you more. Pulling your shaky legs up, you placed your bare feet on the edge of the pool table before spreading your legs wide. The grumpy vampire seemed to get the hint, taking his long nail he ripped the fabric right in between your thighs, making a slit-like opening for him and Wooyoung to get a perfect view of your soaking cunt. “Now, why don’t you look at that.”
Yeosang growls, sliding a finger along your wet lips. Your whole body shivers, feeling yourself becoming overwhelmed with pleasure. This shock wave made San sit up suddenly, pulling away from your shoulder, gasping for air as he let out the deepest, most feral-like groan you’ve ever heard.
“Fuck, She tastes so good when you do that. I need one of you to fuck her right now so I can taste that again” His blood-stained lips kissed along your shoulder smearing all the red crimson liquid over your soft skin. His kisses your feverish as if he had become drunk off you alone. The few buttons that were holding your shirt closed were now being opened by the feline male, slowly revealing your hidden flesh. 
“I volunteer as tribute.” 
Wooyoung protested, shaking his belt in a manner of desperation, but Yeosang quickly scoffed, snaking his belt out of the hoops of his pants in one swift motion before dropping it. “I’d like to see you fucking try. This pussy is mine.” Yeosang’s deep venomous growl made the younger vampire cower slightly, giving him a slight pout. 
“Why do you get to go first.” From your angle, you could have sworn you saw Wooyoung stomp his feet, making you giggle lightly, catching the attention of all three of the men around you. Yeosang kisses your tummy lightly, pulling your focus to him alone, his hands gripping your hips and body snuggling tightly against your hot core.
“What’s so funny, pet? Finding enjoyment over us fighting over you?” Yeosang’s lips travelled up your navel as he kissed along your newly exposed skin since San had now successfully unbuttoned your top, revealing your perky, tight nipples on your plump and soft breasts.
“Yes sir…” you whispered, closing your eyes as you revelled in the feeling of his tongue sliding along your body.
“Fuck, she’s so good isn't she.” San covered his mouth with his hand, sighing at how obedient you had become. Reaching for your breast he squeezed your plump flesh together, pinching your nipples between his pointer and thumb. You choked out a whine as he rolled the pad of his finger over your sensitive bud, almost completely distracting you from the vampire between your legs. 
“Come on, Sangie, hurry up. I want to be inside her so badly.” Wooyoung has hopped up onto the end of the pool table leaning on his hand behind his soft frame. His hand palming his covered crotch, panting slightly as he watched San and Yeosang ravish you. Your hazy eyes looked back to see San standing straight and tall behind you. Giving you a sweet smile that was hiding a sinister lust underneath.
Before you could say anything about what Wooyoung had said, you felt Yeosang’s thick cock head breached your tight pussy. “Oh FUck!” You bucked your hips, helping him slide into you deeply inch by inch until he bottomed you out. He was definitely girthier than Seonghwa, making you feel like the wind was being knocked right out of you. 
“Shhit. This is the tightest pussy I’ve ever felt. Are you sure Seonghwa fucked you pet?” Yeosang began to ramble, pulling you down more so your ass was almost off the table. Sangie put his one hand under your thigh and hip, holding you still so he could slowly start thrusting into you, sharply and greatly. “So tight, so warm. Such a good little pet. You like being fucked baby? Bet you’d take all of us in one go if we’d asked.”
“Oh my god! Yes!!! please, Sangie.” You yelped at the top of your lungs just from the pure idea of having all eight of them. Pleasing them all. Dotting on them. You needed them just as much as they needed you. Yeosang gripped your shirt that hung open on the top and pulled you up until your face was inches from his and his lips, almost touching your own. 
“It’s master, my sweet little slut.” He yanked you off the pool table, pulling out for a moment so he could help you walk to the couch and even though his movements were rough, his grip was gentle, holding you closely in a way. Lovingly. “Come on baby, bend over the couch for me.”
He gave your ass a squeeze before letting you fall on your knees on the plush cushions. The couch was facing away from the pool table, so when you leaned over the top of it, you could get a perfect view of the other two vampires. “Okay, new game.” Yeosang knelt behind you, holding your hips, rubbing his palm against your skin. “Whoever gets a ball in first gets to take over and fuck our precious baby here. Deal?”
You had to laugh as San and Wooyoung scrambled around to grab their own pool stick. Your smile was bright as you were about to say some cheeky remark but you slowly felt Yeosang enter your soaked pussy from behind making you only let out a shaky whimper. His hands gripped tightly on your hips as your eyebrows knitted together and your mouth fell into an ‘O’ shape. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Yeosang chuckled as he thrusted into your cunt in shallow motions. His hand gripped the back of your neck, pulling you up so your body was at an odd angle, but you couldn’t care less. “Last time I checked I’m not god’s pathetic son.”
Your fingers lased into the couch cushions, gripping onto it for dear life as you felt him slowly hammer into you faster. Your pussy would clench with each thrust making the most beautiful groans and whimpers fall from his lips. The hand that held the back of your neck, snaked around the front to clench tightly, blocking your airway just lightly, sending your brain into a fuzzy mess. 
“M-Master….” You cried, collapsing onto the edge of the couch. Your legs are shaking, and your arms are no longer able to hold yourself up anymore. San and Wooyoung were bickering, yelling at one another as they kept trying to get a ball in the hole. That was until San bent down and shot one of his stripes by hitting Wooyoung’s ball before getting it into the end left basket. 
Your glassy eyes could see San’s triumph, along with Woo’s high-pitched whine of defeat. The knot in your stomach was tightened with every thrust of Yeosang’s hips but before you could reach your climax he slipped out of your soaked cunt making you hiccup in a loud whine. “F-Ffuckk.”
“It’s okay, pet. Breathe…” You tried to take in a shaky breath as you felt your whole body being manhandled until you were sitting perfectly on someone’s lap. San’s naked lap, to be exact. His hazy smile got you blushing as he leaned forward to kiss your cheek so delicately.
“Don’t worry, sweet thing. I’ll take good care of you.” San’s cooe made you relax nicely against him as he lined his cock with your abused cunt. You were already so sensitive but somehow you were still craving more. The loud sound of pool balls whacking together got you startled but San stroked your cheek with his thumb slightly as he pulled your face towards his with his fingers. “Focus on me, baby. I want to see you come apart on my cock okay. No closing those pretty eyes."
You nodded with a short whimper followed by a simple yes that was so quiet you’re surprised San heard it. But then you remember that you weren’t fucking a normal man, but a beast in human form. A blood-sucking night-crawling beast that could kill you with his bare hands at any time. Your pussy clenched around his lengthy, and girthy cock making him groan. He slowly lifted your plump thighs up helping you gather a rhythm with your hips so you could ride him slowly. “S-sannie. Oh g-god please.”
“Such a good girl. Come on. Fuck you’re so tight...” You focused on his knitted brows and slightly parted mouth, seeing he was enjoying this just as much as you were. Your hips got faster as San started to buck upwards to match your movements. Your whole body was feeling like it was on fire, sensing you were close. He pushed your body up so he could help thrust deeper inside you. This left your tits to be right in his face, making him groan as he latched onto your plump flesh and sucked. Your breasts would be completely covered in hickeys by the time San was down them. And as his mouth traveled to the top of your breast you clenched around him, sucking him deeper into your tight cunt. He lost himself in your scent, the way you squeezed him and the sound of your pretty moans. He needed more, just another taste. He needed to taste the flavour of you when you came.
“S-San I’m gonna cum.” You gasped, tangling your fingers threw his hair.
“Come for me, baby. Be a good little human for me and cream on my cock.” He licked your skin before biting down, sinking his fangs into the top of your breast, jackhammering you at an inhuman pace. You screamed so loud that the whole manor would have heard, coming so much around Sans hard cock. You were it grew bigger inside you as your clenched harder, feeling him drink his fill of your red hot liquid. 
“San.” A male voice called out but your head was too dizzy, feeling San continue his assault on your cunt and teeth in your flesh. “SAN!!” The voice got loud but your eyes began to droop feeling a wave of sleep erode through your body. You heard San lewdly growl animalisticly against you, still drinking your blood as his cock stilled tightly in you, letting him come deep inside you.
The voice before screamed again, but your eyes closed, and darkness took over before you could see or hear anything else.
Special Taglist : @yeorisanaxox @maeleelee @superbbananananana @hannahlovesateex @soobiverse @addriaenne @tunaasan @yeoifying @pksvie @kpetts @bts-army380 @innieontop @b-a-nshee-blog @sundayysunshine @ruru775 @staytiny816 @ssimplygxthic @idfkeddieishot @hyukssunflower @satsuri3su @koizekomi @cgriffin17 @skz1-4-3 @isiloiale @imperfect0angel @sugarnspice630 @yeorisanaxox @maeleelee @uarmytess @mxnsxngie @shuporangporanglinossss @nopension @sanhwalvr @gypsythrift @hyukssunflower @dearinsaniiity
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whoreteen · 1 year
𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐍𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐘 ♥︎ - yoon jeonghan !
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◟* ♡ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : not being able to wait until Jeonghan gets off the phone with Joshua, you decide it’d be a good idea to get yourself off on his thigh. He makes sure you pay for that.
◟* ♡ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : thigh riding, begging, oral (f receiving), breastplay, orgasm denial, dirty talk, manhandling, voyeurism, use of pet names, slight use of the words ‘slut’ and ‘daddy’, dom!jeonghan, innocence kink.
◟* ♡ 𝐀𝐔’𝐒 : established relationship, idol!au (ft Joshua)
◟* ♡ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 : 4,3K.
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“Jeonghan,” you whined, a frown curving down to the corners of your lips as you stood in the doorway, subtly trying to push your boyfriend to hang up the phone.
Scratch that, you desperately needed him to give you what you wanted, to fuck you so hard until you couldn’t tell your right from your left, to be so close to you; but yet he wasn’t as close as you wanted. He never was and, to be fair, it wasn’t his fault at all. Between his schedule and your time at work, you never had time to hang out, let alone have sex, hence why you’d be damned if you didn’t spend at least some of today making up for lost time.
“Yeah?” he hummed.
You licked your lips, moving a step closer to him before purring seductively, “Can you please hang up? I need you.”
You hoped your statement would make your boyfriend hang up instantly but to your disappointment, he just shot you a smile, before laughing at something the person on the other end said.
So that didn’t get him…
Jeonghan: 1 - Y/N: 0
You groaned louder than intended, feeling yourself getting more turned on as the seconds went by. You watched the smile on his face widen as he continued to talk animatedly, joking about something that had happened at the end of yesterday’s performance. Your eyes darted down to glance at your boyfriend’s bare chest as you tried to stop yourself from drooling.
You were already soaking through your panties and he hasn’t even touched you yet and seeing him sitting there wearing a pair of well-fitting, perfectly worn jeans and no shirt did nothing to calm your libido.
Shaking off your thoughts, you tried your best to quickly compose yourself as you offered him a smile.
“Baby, come on,” you whine, struggling to get his attention for even a minute. “Wouldn’t you rather have sex?”
“You’re so needy,” he said through a smile. “Let me finish this conversation, and then I promise you’ll have my undivided attention.”
You rolled your eyes before looking at him with curious eyes. “Who’re you on the phone to anyway?” you asked.
“Joshua,” your boyfriend half-smiles before turning to put his phone on loud speaker. You offered him a nod before softly saying, “Hi, Shua.”
“Hey Y/N, I missed you,” he replied back, his response coming out in a low whisper.
You indulged in small talk before giving Jeonghan your best puppy eyes and pouty lips, hoping it would be enough to convince him to hang up. He took Joshua off loud speaker before mouthing, “Five more minutes, okay?”
You groaned before deciding to get up and go to the closet in the foyer, and it didn’t take long to find the shopping bag containing the new lingerie set you had bought a few days earlier. You had intended for it to be a birthday surprise for Jeonghan, but this seemed like an equally good time to use it.
Stripping off your clothes, you replaced it with the brand new lace and pink satin bralette and matching thong. Your tits were practically spilling out, and if that didn’t get his attention, then nothing would.
He had left one of his black dress shirts hanging in the closet, so you pulled it on over your lingerie, buttoning it enough of the way up to cover your panties, but keeping the top half open.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled, knowing that your boyfriend would go crazy upon seeing you like this. You knew him oh to well.
You walked back into the bedroom, where he was happily complementing Joshua’s improvement and hard work over the years. When he saw you standing there in the door frame in nothing but his shirt and very revealing lingerie, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened.
You could hear Joshua’s voice through the phone, but Jeonghan was too busy staring at your exposed chest to pay attention to that. It suddenly hit him how long it had been since he had last seen you naked, and his cock responded immediately to the sight in front of him, exactly how you expected him to react.
Y/N: 1 - Jeonghan: 1
“Hello? Are you there? Jeonghan?!?”
Only when Joshua practically yelled his name, he broke out of his trance.
“What-uhm…sorry, I-uh, I missed what you said,” he stuttered, his voice slightly hoarse and you couldn’t help but have a manic smile on plastered on your face, your eyes glazing over from some lust quirk.
After a brief pause to listen to Joshua’s (predictably inappropriate) comment, he responded again, this time with his voice under control, “Yeah, Y/N took off work today, and apparently she’s horny.”
You rolled your eyes, as his best friend no doubt cackled away on the other side.
Jeonghan snickered at his reply. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll take care of her later,” he said, his brown eyes locked with yours. “She already knows nobody can fuck her like I can.”
You groaned, letting your head fall back as you let out a frustrated sigh.
Well, if he didn’t want to be involved, then you’d at least get yourself off.
Usually you would feel rude interrupting his phone call, but the last time you spoke to your parents, Jeonghan’s fingers had suddenly become very busy. After trying to cover your moans with coughing, your mum had called you every other day for a week to make sure you were drinking enough fluids and weren’t coming down with a cold, so this seemed like fitting revenge for having to go through that ordeal.
You took your time removing his shirt from your body, undoing the buttons slowly as you watched his eyes darken with every extra inch of skin that became visible.
Jeonghan couldn’t help but lick his lips at the sight.
You dropped the shirt to the floor, doing a small twirl so that he could see your entire body.
“She’s pretty needy today,” he told Joshua as you walked up to him, climbing onto the bed so you were kneeling between his spread legs. You could tell he was intent on making him jealous, especially since he knew he had a crush on you. You, on the other hand, had no idea. “…but then again, that isn’t exactly unusual.”
Leaning forward so that your hands rested on the headboard on either side of his head, you bent your elbows so that you could brush your mouth over his, only briefly, before straddling his firm thigh.
“Hi, baby,” you purred, leaning in so close that your lips were almost touching. His breath hitched a little as he tried not to lose his mind, because you were so close.
He couldn’t help but look at you intensely. God, you were just the hottest person he’d ever laid eyes on.
“Hey,” he raised an eyebrow, his tongue darting out to lick his lips as his eyes fell to your lace-clad breasts, now perfectly at eye-level for him to shamelessly ogle. He could see your nipples through the very thin material and you could feel him twitch in his jeans.
More than anything, he wanted to disconnect the phone and take you right then and there, but he also couldn’t help being curious about how far he could go with this.
“She’s straddling my thigh right now,” he said into the speaker, his lips curving into a smirk. He almost immediately grabbed your hips before massaging the skin there, his brown eyes gazing at your exposed thighs. “My baby girl’s usually not this slutty, I don’t know what has gotten into her.”
You felt the heat rising in your cheeks as you bit your lip, not sure how to react to the new side of your boyfriend that you saw in front of you.
You couldn’t help but wonder what Joshua was thinking or saying, you heard a babble of noise from the phone, but couldn’t decipher any of it. The twinkle in Jeonghan’s eyes and the smirk on his face spoke volumes, though. Despite a part of you feeling embarrassed that his best friend knew what you were up to, there was no way that you were going to let your boyfriend win this battle of wills.
Ain’t no way in hell. Mama didn’t raise no bitch, you had to finish what you’ve started.
Setting a slow, rhythmic pace, you slid your hips forward before drawing back.
“Fuck,” you moaned when you pressed yourself down on his thigh and he bucked his hips up against your heat. You made small flicking movements to rub your clothed pussy against him. The pressure only increased your arousal and there was no way you were going to last long.
“Hannie, can you please hang up?” you pleaded, rolling your hips in a circle. You could feel the rush of wetness in your panties, and your skin felt flushed as you sped up your pace slightly.
His eyes travelled to where your cunt was rubbing against him, entranced by the sight of you using his body to pleasure yourself.
“You should see her like this, bro. Panting, begging, her tits bouncing with every move, and her panties fucking soaked. My jeans are going to be damp in a minute.”
A squeak of shock escaped your mouth, and you glanced towards the phone, trying to overhear what Joshua was saying. Your hips kept moving, though, as you grinded your clit against his thigh. You knew he was right, the light wash of his jeans was going to darken with your arousal if they hadn’t already.
“Hannie, please…” you whispered, craving his touch to bring you closer to the edge.
“What do you want, angel?” he quipped and you were ready to snort at him but you refrained, instead taking his free hand in yours and guiding it to your breast.
“Want me to touch you? Is that it?”
You hummed in response.
He squeezed the soft flesh, and even after you moved your hand to settle on his sturdy forearm, he kept you in his grasp. The rough pad of his thumb stroked your nipple through the thin fabric, and you arched your chest into his touch.
You were sure that Joshua could hear your loud noises of pleasure through the phone, but you were past the point of caring.
Jeonghan let out a small chuckle at whatever was said on the other side of the line. He gave your breast one last squeeze before trailing his hand down your body, moving it to grab your ass.
“She’s already left a wet spot on my jeans, I can feel it on my leg. I have no idea what’s got into her today. Maybe she needs two cocks, Shua, what do you think?”
You let out a loud moan, your body subconsciously reacting to his words.
You began riding his thigh harder, feeling your muscles tighten as you rubbed your clit against the rough fabric of his jeans. He adjusted his leg a little to increase the friction, as his hand tightened its grip on your body.
“I think she likes the sound of that,” he sighed into the phone. “I didn’t realize what a dirty girl she was.” He raised his eyebrows at you, a little impressed with the side of you that had come out today.
His hand released your ass for a second before coming back with a quick slap, causing your body to jolt forward as you emitted a small gasp.
“Oh yeah, she likes it rough,” he told him, massaging your ass as he licked his lips, his cock twitching thinking about the red mark he knew was decorating your skin.
Your met his eyes, and silently begged him to hang up the phone and finally give in to you, but he knew that the tide was turning in his favor.
He reached for the pink thong covering your heat before speaking, “Hmm, I think Shua is enjoying finding out just how slutty you can be, don’t you think that it’d be rude to hang up on him now?”
Balancing the phone against his shoulder to free up his second hand, he ripped the flimsy fabric of your panties and tugged them off your body.
Any other day, you would have berated him for destroying yet another pair of perfectly good underwear, but the friction of the rough denim against your bare pussy was the only thing on your mind.
His hand firmly grasped your hip and paused your movements for a second, which allowed him to run a finger across your exposed slit. Bringing it up to his mouth, he swirled his tongue around it, making sure Joshua would be able to hear exactly what he was doing.
“Do I taste good, daddy?” you quipped innocently, voice sickly sweet.
It was as if something snapped in him the second the word left your mouth, you could tell from how tight he was gripping your waist that it was taking all of his will power to not ram right into you and rail you until you couldn’t walk the next day.
“Like heaven,” he groaned. “She tastes so fucking delicious,” he informed his group member.
This time, you could literally hear Joshua’s loud groan through the line, and you knew he was jerking off. The thought made your heart skip a beat and you couldn’t help but let out a whimper.
You let your body grind down hard on your boyfriend’s muscular thigh, one hand wrapped around his bicep, and the other with a death grip on the headboard. “She’s close, Joshua, I can see it all over her face.” He then turned his focus back to you. “Do you want to come for us, baby?”
You vigorously nodded, rolling your hips even faster as your pussy throbbed.
Jeonghan’s cheeks were slightly flushed and you could see the outline of his hard cock straining against his jeans. The knowledge that he was as into this as you were only brought you closer to the edge.
“Shua wants to hear your response, slut,” he gently scolded.
“Yes, yes.. oh fuck, I’m so close,” you moaned out, circling your hips frantically. He landed another harsh slap to your ass, causing you to cry out.
“Can you hear her?” he asked, listening to his response. “Come for us, baby, let Joshua hear how beautiful you sound when you cum.”
With his words, you felt your orgasm rip through you, hard enough to make you see stars for a second. Your body shook with its release, and you were sure that not only Joshua, but probably the whole entire city, could hear you.
As you came down from the high, you slumped against your boyfriend’s chest, slowly catching your breath.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he finished, before ending the call and tossing his phone onto the bedside table. He tilted your chin up until you were face to face, pressing his lips to yours in a rough kiss.
You adjusted your position so that you were straddling both of his thighs. Your hands knotted into his fluffy hair as he pulled you in closer to his body until you were seated right on his still-covered cock.
Jeonghan let out a soft groan when you rolled your hips experimentally against him, causing his cock to twitch. He pulled away before catching your bottom lips between his teeth.
His hands moved from their place on your hips to quickly unhook your bra so that your breasts were exposed to his lustful gaze.
Moving his lips downwards, he took one nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking until you were putty in his hands. He shifted his attention to the other breast, loving the way your fingers ran through his hair, tugging gently whenever he hit a particularly sensitive spot.
“Fuck me,” you begged, desperately craving him inside you. “Please, daddy.”
“Since you’ve asked so nicely…” he trailed off, smirking at you before easily lifting you off of his body enough to slide out from underneath so that he could climb off the bed.
Your expression immediately switched from one of concern to one of pure desire when he tugged down his jeans and boxers.
When he didn’t immediately climb back into bed, you crawled over to the edge of the bed, reaching forward to gently stroke his long, hard cock and run your thumb over the prominent vein before reaching his tip, loving the way his breathing quickened.
“Don’t,” he growled through gritted teeth. Finally taking control, he gently pushed you backwards on the bed so that you were left fully exposed to him.
He knelt on the floor between your legs and draped your knees over his shoulders. As his breath hit your sex, you bucked your hips upwards, desperately seeking contact.
One of Jeonghan’s fingers traced your core, causing a shiver to run up and down your spine as he looked at you with obvious lust. You were already wide open for him, but his fingers spread you further, baring your clit.
Hooking both of his arms around each of your thighs, he dove straight in, knowing exactly what to do to turn you into a writhing, moaning mess.
You were too lost in pleasure at this point to notice your hips mindlessly rolling up against his face.
“You taste so fucking good,” he mumbled against your skin as he continued to suck and lick your cunt. God, he was so fucking close and it drove you insane… You could feel his touch, his mouth everywhere.
“And you’re so good at this,” you cry out.
His mouth was already doing so much and he was only just starting. “Fuck, don’t stop.”
You craned your neck up slightly, admiring the way his head looked between your legs, his dark hair bouncing as he nuzzled and licked, sucked and licked.
It wasn’t long until Jeonghan could feel your thighs shaking, your body beginning to tense up. You were far too lost in current bliss to even notice how fast your hips were rutting against his face, you were too busy drooling and moaning like a whore to notice how close you already were.
But your boyfriend knew you too well.
Just before you could come, he pulled away from you, causing you to let out a plaintive whine.
“No no no, what the fuck,” you sobbed, sounding like a pathetic, cock-obsessed whore but you didn’t even care at this point. “Why did you stop?”
“This is what you get for distracting me during my phone call,” he smirked, licking your juices off his lips.
Standing up, he gripped your thigh in one hand, his cock in the other, notching the head of himself at your entrance. As he gently thrust forward, just the head slipped in.
You groaned in frustration, trying to rock your hips downwards, but Jeonghan moved his hands to your hips, holding you still.
“It’s my turn now, you already had your fun, remember?” he teased, but internally he was running through every breathing exercise his vocal coaches had ever taught him, trying to get his body to calm down enough to not come at the slightest feel of your warmth enveloping his cock.
He continued to tease you with a few shallow thrusts, as you wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to feel more of him inside you.
You began to whimper, desperately needing him to fuck you properly.
“I bet Joshua is thinking of you right now, don’t you? He’s probably getting off as we speak, to the thought of you like this, begging for a cock inside you,” he purred. With that, he thrusted forwards, loosening his grip on your waist until his cock was fully sheathed inside you.
“Hannie- ah, fuck!”
His deep groan echoed throughout your body, as he leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of your head and leaning down to kiss you deeply. Your moans against his mouth gave him incentive to thrust harder, heat pooling in the pit of his stomach as your tight cunt slowly pushed him closer to the edge.
“You like that thought, don’t you?”
His face now inches from yours, he continued his dirty talk, watching your eyes close as you visualized everything he said.
“You like the idea of Joshua with his hands around his cock while he thinks about fucking you? Would you like to have him here with us right now? With his head buried between your legs until you came? What about having two cocks inside you?” he whispered, loving the way your entire body reacted to the thought of you being shared with his friend.
You tried desperately to stifle your whimpers, but he knew you too well.
“You can’t lie to me, Y/N. I can feel the way your pussy clenches around me every time you think of having Shua here,” he punctuated his words with hard thrusts, bringing both of you closer to the brink of climax.
You let out a moan that would make even a porn star blush, and wrapped your arms around his lanky torso, digging your nails into his back.
“So wet and tight for me, Y/N. He has no idea what he’s missing,” he cooed, his voice dripping with desire. “You feel so fuckin’ good, princess.” He set a punishing pace, turning you into a barely coherent mess of groans and curses.
You tried to respond with your own dirty words, something about how big his cock felt inside you, but you couldn’t.
The angle at which he had you meant that the tip of his cock was consistently rubbing your g-spot, rendering you incapable of forming full sentences. The only noise coming from your mouth was a high pitched whimper, forced from you with every thrust.
Jeonghan, however, was talking enough for the both of you, continuing to murmur about what Joshua would be doing if he was here with you, enjoying the way your body belied your true feelings about those thoughts despite your best efforts to appear unaffected.
He hit that sweet spot inside you and you let out a loud gasp, “Oh my god, that feels so good. Fuck, right there, Hannie- just like that. Please.”
You we’re rambling, not able to control the words that fell from your lips. You didnt know if any of it was coherent, and to be fair, you didn’t care at all. All you could focus on was Jeonghan and the way you’ve never felt this good before.
“Yeah?” he rasps, his throaty tone sending a shiver down your spine. “Like this, baby?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” you cried out as you fucked yourself on him. Jeonghan gulped at the sight and feeling. You were so damn fucking sexy and it was killing him. You were killing him.
“Fuck- I’m so full.”
He groaned loudly when he felt you clench around him before pushing deep into you and staying there. Your pussy felt so full, so stuffed that you couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling back when Jeonghan began moving his hips again. He slammed himself once again, causing you to jerk forward but your boyfriend quickly caught you. One thing was for certain, you definitely wouldn’t be able to walk after this.
“God, baby, you’re so fuckin’ tight, I- fuck,” he grunted, panting into your mouth, lips meeting in messy kiss but it was hard to kiss properly now.
“Need you to cum inside me, please, daddy. W-want you to fill me up,” you sobbed, feeling his thick cock twitch inside you. “Please.”
Jeonghan moved two fingers to your mouth and of course you eagerly accepted them. “You sound like a filthy little slut, do you know that?”
You nodded vigorously, eyes wide as your tongue swirled around his long fingers. You knew exactly what to say to turn him on and get him going.
“My filthy little slut, ain’t that right hmm? Show me how much of a desperate slut you are for me.”
You felt your brain get fuzzy as you let yourself get lost in the feeling of his fingers in your mouth. You looked up at him with doe eyes, knowing you looked pathetic as you drooled all over his fingers and eventually, it just felt so good that you couldn’t make any noise outside of muffled whimpers but Jeonghan still didn’t remove his fingers. You didn’t mind though, you loved it - the feeling of being stuffed full of him on both ends was almost enough to make you cum on the spot.
He added another finger in your mouth, stretching your lips wide. Your body arched as you clenched his full length in your walls, your eyes slipping closed and loud muffled cries resonating from your throat.
Jeonghan could tell you were about to cum, the way you were fucking yourself down onto his cock, meeting each of his thrusts.
Removing his wet fingers from your mouth between your bodies before they found your clit and began to make fast circles.
“Cum,” he commanded. “There you go, that’s my good girl, go ahead and let go for me.”
As soon as he felt the telltale signs of your orgasm, he increased the pressure, and you came hard, screaming his name, which you could barely hear over the sound of your own pulse pounding in your ears.
Your body felt limp as he thrust once, twice more before coming with a “fuck” and a loud groan.
He rolled off of you, and the two of you lay there for a while, trying to catch your breath.
After a few moments of silence, you burst into a fit of laughter, turning onto your side to face your boyfriend.
“There’s no fucking way I can look Joshua in the eye ever again.”
Jeonghan snorted in amusement. “You sure you don’t want to come to the concert tomorrow? Stand right in the front row with a sign that says ‘Shua, will you marry me?’”
“Better idea: why don’t I just write ‘Joshua Hong, will you fuck me?’” you joked, winking at him.
With a cheeky grin, he responded, “Best idea: why don’t we spend the rest of today and tonight naked in this bed?” he raised his eyebrows suggestively, and your eyes instinctively darted to his cock, already beginning to get hard again at the suggestion of round two. “So how does that sound?”
“Sounds like the perfect day off.”
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© hoshzone, all rights reserved.
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cloverfarm · 30 days
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— every trick in the book
sdv!harvey x f!reader
rated e - 3k
Tags: gentledom/service!dom harvey, mutual pining/ yearning, kissing, begging, teasing, body worship, oral, fingering, vaginal sex
part ii of read you like a book, but can be read as-is!
“You’re always working so hard,” It’s a soft murmur, as your fingers fit around him. Feeling the hard outline through the fabric, as you scoot backwards off him, “Let me take care of you, too.”
It could just be last night that you mean, but it’s more than that. You want to make him feel appreciated. Seen.
(Or - you return the favor.)
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You wake to a sunlight streaming in, stretching pale gold across the floor.
An arm slung across something solid, a low thrum beneath your ear. It takes a moment before the night before comes rushing back, a heat settling in your core and cheeks that is absolutely linked to the body you’re using as a pillow.
A tilt of your head, and your eyes are meeting his. Your lips parting with surprise - quickly forgetting your shock that you slept in with the distraction of him.
Harvey, still in your bed. Stripped down to a white t-shirt and boxers. His glasses still resting on the bedside table.
If it had been anyone else, you would have expect them to leave. But it felt right - the dress shirt slung over your kitchen chair. One of the toothbrushes you bought in bulk, tucked in the cup next to yours.
“Morning,” You stifle a yawn, as you sit up, “How long have you been up?”
The arm looped around you tightens for a fraction of a second, before it slips down to the bed.
“I woke up early, but I made sure not to wake you.” His voice is lower than usual - rough with sleep.
There’s a soft smile then, with the tilt of his head, “You looked so peaceful.”
You don’t know how he can be so sweet, when he ruined you so thoroughly the night before. The urge coming back to kiss him again, your eyes dropping to his mouth.
Thinking about how he tasted like you, when your tongue has brushed his.
But you don’t quite know if he wants that, now that a new day has begun. His insistence that last night was about you. That he had wanted more, but had never reached out and taken it for himself.
It leaves you on uneven footing.
“Are you hungry?” You manage, instead.
The time ticks towards overdue for your chores, but you can’t bear to drag yourself away.
His head shakes.
But then he’s adding hesitantly, “Coffee would be great though, if you have it.”
Your teeth sink into your lip as you smile.
“I think I can manage that.”
As if you haven’t been growing beans to harvest for him, as if you didn’t already know how much he loves it. So many morning already spent, the buzz from his smile as you handed over the cup doing so much more than a shot of caffeine could.
When you return, holding two cups, the shirt from the night before tugged on - you linger for a moment, in the doorway.
Harvey is frowning at his phone, lost in thought. He’s always handsome but like this - sleepy and tousled, his guard down - it is something you want to remember.
“I could get used to this.” You sigh happily, as you set the cups down on the side table.
His hand scratches through his hair, the words coming slowly, “Having someone in your bed?”
“No,” You huff, though you’re smiling.
“Seeing you. Like this.”
The look he gives you is startling, something tender nestled deep in his eyes. His voice rough in a new way as his hand reaches for yours.
“Come here.”
With a squeak, you’re hauled into his lap. It echos the night before, though with familiarity in your movements now.
His eyes flick between yours for just a second - and it’s you that kisses him first this time, in the dawn of a new day.
The soft press of lips that grows hungry. His name panted against his mouth as his hands wander - more confident in the way his palms curve around your waist.
A sleep-thick hum when he hears you, just before his tongue sweeps across your lip. They part for him, a rock of your hips as you shuffle closer.
Feeling him beneath you, separated by just a thin layer of cloth. Soft sounds pulled from you as he deepens the kiss. His touch slow as it slips down to your hips, and then under your sleep shirt.
A twist of his wrist, until his fingers brush your inner thigh. A throb of need shooting straight to your cunt, your breath tight with anticipation.
“Yes,” You moan - needing his touch, “Please, Harvey.”
He hums, the sound turning to a rough groan when the tips of his fingers slip against you. How wet you are for him already, the little buck of your hips into his touch.
“I don’t know why you bothered to put this back on,” He husks in your ear, his other hand tugging at the hem.
It’s all you need to hear before you’re pulling it off, letting it drop off the side of the bed. The sound he makes is one you’ll commit to memory - the need, as he pulls you back in for a kiss.
A shot of pleasure ringing through you as he circles your clit, with that same pressure as the night before.
Your own hand drifts, across his chest, and down. The back of your hand brushing his as you cup him, greedily watching the way he inhaled a sharp breath.
“You’re always working so hard,” It’s a soft murmur, as your fingers fit around him. Feeling the hard outline through the fabric, as you scoot backwards off him, “Let me take care of you, too.”
It could just be last night that you mean, but it’s more than that. You want to make him feel appreciated. Seen.
He groans at your touch, the smallest nod - giving himself permission - as your fingers hook around the elastic of his boxers.
Lifting his hips so you can tug them down. A dark dusting of hair thickens where his shirt is pushed up, down to where it frames the base of his cock. Heavy where it bobs against his stomach, the head flushed. The tip shining, threatens to leak with his need.
“Harvey.” You sigh, and his cheeks dust with pink. Lips parting to say something, the sound turning into a ragged gasp when your head ducks.
The tip of your tongue catching the drip, tasting velvet skin. Messy, in the way your cheeks hollow as your mouth closes around him. Spit pooling on your tongue, slicking him up as you go deeper.
You like the way he sighs - the involuntary throb when you swallow him down. When your fingers curl around his base. The soft squeeze before your palm drops down to cup him.
“Look at you.” Harvey’s voice has your eyes opening. That tone from the night before, his fingers tightening where they fist in your sheets - holding back the urge to buck into your mouth.
You’d like to make him let go, you think. Like to let him take, for once.
It makes you moan. A soft hum around him that has his head tilting back. Leaning into the pump of your fingers, the swirl of your tongue.
Until his hands are reaching to cradle your face - saliva stringing from his cock to your lips when you ease him out of your throat.
“You can come in my mouth,” It comes out hoarse, and his fingers pinch against your skin, “Unless you want to come somewhere else.”
“Yoba, sweetheart.” He grits out, teeth clenched. A twitch of his cock in your palm, where you still squeeze him.
You push yourself up, kneeling between his spread thighs. His hand already reaching to cup you. A rough sound in his throat when he feels how you drip for him, inner thighs sticky.
“I’d really like to fuck you,” Harvey rasps - the tip of a finger traces your opening, nudging at the tight entrance. “Would you let me in here?”
He dips inside and you can’t help but clench around him - remembering how good he felt the night before.
“Yes,” You keen, as he sinks knuckle-deep.
A second finger added after a moment, thick inside you as he works you open - your hands fisted in the shoulders of his shirt.
Until you can feel a tremble in your thighs. Something building in your belly as your eyes grow hazy with pleasure.
Pliant, as he leans you back. Fingers slick with you as they tug at your legs, guiding them over his own.
A hand finding a wayward pillow, his own look dark as he lifts it in question. 
“Can I use this?”
You nod, and he smiles, “Then tuck this beneath you, sweetheart.”
It’s easy to do as you are told. Tucking it under your back. A low cluck of his tongue as he leans over you - hands catching the edges.
A sharp tug as he works it into place beneath your hips, tilting you up to meet him. His boxers pushed down his long legs, lost in the twist of blankets as he fits himself between your thighs.
“This okay?” Harvey asks, and it takes your brain a moment to process.
Eyes too caught on how his hand wraps around himself. Half-tempted to tell him to keep going, so you can watch as he works himself empty across your belly.
“Y-Yeah,” You manage, a small frown as the corner of his lips turn up, “It’s been a while-”
“I heard you,” The smile deepens, his cheek indenting with a dimple, “Two years, right?”
That knocks you out of your daydreams, heat flooding through you.
“You weren’t supposed to be listening to that,” You huff, eyes dragging away.
He thumbs at your chin, bringing you back.
“I’m glad I did.” The teasing edge ebbs, “Been longer for me, don’t worry.”
He already knows your birth control methods - something you are only now grateful for. Weeks spent going over that first appointment at his clinic, a hand scrubbing over your face as you had stuttered - already enamored with him.
“I find that hard to believe,” Your hips lift, meeting his length - letting it rub against you.
There’s an inhale of breath as he shifts over you, eyes dragging over your form.
“I would disagree,” He husks, “But that’s something I’d rather do later. Right now, I…”
Harvey’s words trail off. His thumb rolling against your clit, before it shifts against your skin - tugging you open.
Your skin puffy and slick beneath his touch - a strong throb of desire racing through you.
“I want you.” You whisper.
He smiles back, “You have me.”
Your breath catches as he lines himself up. The thick head of his cock pressing against you, wrenching a sharp inhale from your lungs as he sinks into you.
Half-seated in you when he goes still, worry crossing his features, “You sore, honey?”
Your head shakes. A roll of your hips as you try to take him deeper.
“No,” You pant, “Feels, feels good. You’re just-”
Bigger than your fingers. A tight fit into your slick hole, your moan drawn out as his hands fit against your waist. Tugging you to meet him, until he’s buried fully.
Twin sighs, as he takes a moment for you to adjust. You’re the one that moves first, again. Greedy, in the way your teeth sink into your lip. Hands reaching to brace on his thighs, just above where his knees press into the mattress.
He begins to move, but not before he shoots you a look that sends a jolt through you. A slow saw of his hips that drags his cock against your walls.
A little squeal when he shifts almost all the way out, only to hilt himself with a sharp thrust.
“That what you want, sweetheart?” He coos, with a slow roll of his hips. Slipping from you again, just the tip of him inside as he waits.
“Yes,” You beg, “Please-”
The syllables string out as he fills you again. His low grunt melding with your moan, as he finds his rhythm.
Steadily pounding into you. The pressure in your belly swirling as your thighs inch wider. His fingers curling against your skin, a gentle tug to meet the slap of his hips against yours.
It has a hand dropping to the sheet, twisting in them the ground yourself. Ragged panting breath as each thrust sends a jolt down your spine.
“Is that good?” He asks. Voice strained, unable to help the circuit of his eyes. Your face down to the sway of your tits - as your hands drift up to cup them, thumbs brushing the tight peaks of your nipples.
To where you take him, each inch of him slicked up.
“So good,” You manage,” Want you to feel good, too. I don’t-”
A soft gasp then, when his cock nudges against a place his fingers found, “It’s hard for me to come like this, but I want you-”
He hums, with a hint of a smile. Those strong hands angling your hips up another fraction. The next thrust sending his cock directly against that spot.
Your cry is loud, wrenched from you. Heavy-lidded eyes widening with how he feels inside you, reaching for him when he arcs down to press his mouth to yours.
“You let me worry about that.” He tells you, as a hand leaves your waist, drifting downward, “Just relax, sweetheart.”
It’s hard to relax when you feel strung-tight. Clenching around him as his finger rub circles against your clit with each rock of his hips.
You’d always thought he had a good memory - the way he’d ask after your animals, the crops you were growing - and he proved it now. Calling back to the night before, when he had been watching.
Learning just what made your hips lift, your toes curl. The warmth that pools in you accelerated with the way you take him in - the soft pull of his brow of concentration, those lips parted with his own harsh breath.
Another urge to pull his shirt from him, so you can see every inch - the breadth of his chest, almost as if you could see the way his heart races beneath.
It’s too much.
His name a soft chant as the pressure builds and builds. Losing their shape, as you find yourself on the brink.
“Oh-” It almost sounds surprised, when it slips from you. A panting gasp, as he smiles, “Harvey, don’t stop. I’m gonna-”
His eyes darken, “That’s a good girl. Let me feel you.”
You clench around him, with a soundless gasp. Heart fluttering behind your ribs, as his fingers press just a little harder.
“You like it when I call you that?” Harvey husks, “My good girl?”
You’re coming before you can answer. His touch, his praise snapping that strung-tight thread inside you. The harsh sound of your breath turning into a dull ringing in your ears, as Harvey feels how you pulse around him.
The hand on your hip pinches tight. Lips parted as he groans at how tight you are - how your release coats his cock, the wet sound of you taking him growing louder. 
Bringing him right along with you, just as you start to come down. 
“Want you to come in me,” You manage, as you roll your hips to meet his thrusts.
Harvey’s answering hum is closer to a growl. Low and rough - his pretty eyes blown wide with need. That steady rhythm short and turning sloppy, as his head tips back.
His own murmured curse, as he does as he is told. A moan ripped from him as he follows - grinding himself deep as he comes. Throbbing inside you, each shallow thrust spilling more of him against your walls.
Leaving him breathless, just as you are. His look dazed when his head lowers, the curl of his lips when you’re already watching with a soft smile of your own.
You miss him when he leaves you. A low hiss as you find yourself empty, the bed dipping as he lies down next to you.
A breath before your mouths are meeting. Soft swallowed sounds as your hands drift across his chest. As his own trace over your curves, down further when he feels you sigh into his mouth.
Gentle, as they slip between your thighs again. Tracing your seam - his fingers slick with his release, when he begins to touch you again.
The moan that slips from your lips is ragged, the words panted out.
“Harvey,” You gasp, as his fingers circle, “I’ve- I’ve come enough, you don’t-”
Harvey silences you with another kiss, sharing a breath as you sigh into his mouth. His voice dropping with a soft command.
“I think I’ll be the judge of that, sweetheart.”
The coffee grows cold.
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Harvey smiles the whole way home.
Still stuck on the morning, the drawn-out goodbye that followed him from the bedroom, to the kitchen, to the porch.
“Text me when you get home, okay?” You had leaned against the doorframe - your smile sweet and lopsided. Almost as if still dazed, a feeling that was mirrored in his own chest.
It makes him feel brave. There’s a degree of confidence, in his abilities. It hasn’t been so long that he’s forgotten.
But feelings - feelings are something else. It took weeks of flirting and a sizable shove from Elliot to get him moving.
He doesn’t want to mess this up.
Harvey calls you, as the clinic door shuts behind him. He’ll be late to the museum, but he’s sure Gunther will understand.
His breath catches, but you pick up on the second ring.
“Hi,” He’s smiling again, “Uh, I made it. Home, I mean.”
You laugh and it makes his heart flip, “Good. I was worried about you.”
“Right. Easy to get lost,” He sags against the counter, fingers clutched around the phone. A second, as he inhaled - gathering up his courage.
“Uh, listen. I’d like to see you again. Would that be alright?”
There’s the briefest pause, and it feels like time stops with it.
“Yeah.” Your smile bleeds into your words, “I’d really like that, Harvey.”
His name sounds nice, on your lips. Not Doctor, just him.
Almost too caught up to catch your teasing, “I need to get you your book back, after all.”
“Oh.” He flushes, remembering how it had been abandoned the night before. Forgotten, in the swirl of the morning, “I am so sorry. I completely forgot-”
Your answering laugh is so sweet, that his worry fades. Voice softening, as you ask,“Can I stop by at lunch?”
His answer is easy.
“I would love that.”
And as he climbs the stairs to his apartment, he finds himself thinking…
He could get used to this, too.
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thank you so much for reading! 💖 was so excited to do a little part 2 for this fic!
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 10 months
pervy voyeur!ethan who jerks off to his roommate masturbating in her bed. Maybe she invites him to join? please I'm begging
I miss writing Ethan smut (any smut, honestly) so much! Most requests I have left are non-smut... The gif fits perfectly the scene
Warnings: smut, voyeur!ethan, masturbating,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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It wasn’t a secret to you that Ethan was a bit of a voyeur. You had caught him peeking through the bathroom during your shower a few times, trying to catch a glimpse of you naked. Anyone would have been uncomfortable and said something, but you didn’t. It didn’t bother you. A part of you wanted him to watch you. 
After your shower and getting ready for bed, you headed to your bedroom and purposely left your door open — ajar. 
It was Thursday, aka self care Thursday, so you grabbed your favorite toy from the back of your nightstand and settled on your bed against your pillows. Once you were comfortable enough, you peeled off your pajama shorts and began teasing yourself over your panties. 
With the stress of school and all the exams coming up, it was nice to relieve some stress by getting off. 
Quickly enough, you started feeling the arousal building in you. You craved for more, though, so you slipped your hand underneath the delicate fabric and immediately went to your clit. You rubbed it, the sensation sent a jolt of electricity up your spine, and pulled your cami down, reaching for your hardened nipples. Your thumb and forefinger held the peak gingerly and rolled it around, letting out a moan as your back arched from both stimulations.
In the living room, Ethan counted the minutes before quietly going down the hallway and stopping outside of your room. It was perverted and wrong to purposely eavesdrop on your roommate’s intimate moments, but Ethan would do anything to hear your soft moans. They were so beautiful he wanted to record them and make it his favorite lullaby. 
Tonight was different, though. Tonight, your door was ajar and Ethan could perfectly see you lying on your bed in the dimly lit room. He stepped closer to the door and saw the bottom of your legs through the little gap. You had no pants on and those beautiful thighs he dreamed of squeezing and burying his face in between looked so fucking apetizing. 
Most important of all though, was the hand shoved in your underwear.
His breath caught in his throat. Ethan should be looking away, he was your roommate, but he was so incredibly aroused by the sight before him that he could not possibly move a muscle.
Not getting enough satisfaction, you removed your underwear and ran the rubbery head of the dildo sliding right between your folds, smearing the wetness that had accumulated there. ‘’Aah,’’ you sighed, loving the pleasure the toy provided. 
In the doorway, Ethan couldn’t believe what he was seeing. After months of fantasizing and imagining you touching yourself to the sounds of your sweet moans, he was finally seeing the spectacle with his own eyes. And it was fucking beautiful.
You moaned again, pushing the dildo inside you, and he swore under his breath, feeling himself grow hard as the blood rushed south. Ethan covered his mouth to moan to himself, his other busy rubbing his length over his jeans as you slowly pushed the toy in and out of your tight pussy, your arousal coating it as you worked it between your legs. 
Cupping a hand over his aching cock, Ethan somehow managed to keep a very tenuous grasp on the groan that wanted to spill out of his mouth. If he made any sound, it would be over for him and he really didn’t want to pack his bags and crash on someone’s couch. 
You bit your bottom lip as you grabbed one of your breasts, toying with your nipple while pushing the toy deeper. Lost in your trance of pleasure, you opened your legs wider, whimpering as the explicit sound of your slick echoed in the room. 
‘’Fuck,’’ Ethan slipped quietly, fumbling to open the front of his pants so he could get his hand around his cock. 
The show kept going a bit longer, until Ethan’s voyeur eyes locked with yours in the crack of the door. He froze, looking like a deer caught in headlights. Blood rushed to his cheeks and panic struck his face. He didn’t even know what to say, how to explain himself. He expected you to yell at him that he was a pervert, but instead you raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk. 
‘’Like what you see?’’ You looked directly at him, bucking your hips against your hand, your walls clenching around the toy. 
Your words sent Ethan into a stuttering mess as he blushed furiously. ‘’I… Maybe a little,’’ he uttered out, his cock still in his fist. 
‘’Well, come on in.’’ You patted the space on your bed. ‘’Do you think you could help me finish?’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup
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stevieschrodinger · 4 months
Steve eats, but only because Robin puts food in front of him. Only because she reminds him it's for the pup.
Like he needs reminding. Steve often rests his hand protectively over his rounded tummy. It's reflexive, to protect the only part of Eddie he has left. He feels like he hasn't slept in months, even though he knows he sleeps often, in broken bits and pieces.
He hasn't spoken for a long time, he knows that. Everyone watches him, and everyone used to tell him the same thing, 'they're just dreams Steve, Eddie is gone.'
Steve knows though, they aren't dreams. Eddie is alive, and he's trapped in the Upside Down because Steve didn't try hard enough, didn't push hard enough, didn't say the right things to get the others to believe him.
It upset Dustin the most at first, but Dustin has also been the most adamant because he saw Eddie die, can't even entertain the idea that Eddie might still be alive, because that means he left Eddie behind. That's a lot of guilt to ask a kid to carry.
Steve knows they're talking about him again, like them whispering in the kitchen makes it any better. Steve's starving himself. Steve isn't sleeping. Steve isn't showering. Steve's mate sick even if Eddie never mated him. It's the pup. It's the trauma. It's the nightmares.
They aren't nightmares though, not when Eddie holds him close, laid on a grassy meadow under a sunny blue sky.
El is here, kneeling in front of Steve, 'do you really think Eddie is alive?'
Steve clears his throats, feels full of cobwebs and sand, 'I know he is.'
Steve's said it a thousand different ways. A million. He's cried it and screamed it and shouted it and whispered it and said it as normal and level headed as he could make it sound, 'I am absolutely certain that Eddie is alive,' no one ever believes him.
She nods, 'we will check-'
'El.' It's Hopper, in the doorway, he said 'El' the same way he would say 'No'. 'We talked about this-'
'No, you talked about this. I am tired of this, for Steve, I will check. We will check, just this once.'
And Steve feels too broken to let himself hope, but he heaves himself up off the couch anyway.
El opened a gate in the pool. There's not been water in the pool for quite some time now, and it just seemed apt. A place where there is already a weakness in the world. Perfect for El.
In the end, just to stop the fighting, everyone has gone back to the Upside Down.
Steve squints at the sunny blue sky, not at all surprised to see it. Everyone else is making suitably shocked noises. The grass is green, the trees lush. From the trees, a demodog watches them. It looks different, like it fits here, healthy and well fed now, it shakes and stretches and then lopes off further into the woods.
Everything is overgrown, like the Upside Down is reclaiming everything that One created here.
Nearby, laundry flaps on a washing line, metal band shirts and torn jeans, 'Eddie,' Steve breathes for the first time in over six months, and heads into the house.
There's a bowl of odd looking fruit on the kitchen counter. In the lounge, books. So many books, all stacked and arranged into strange little towers like they are giants in a city, and the books are skyscrapers.
Upstairs, Eddie has clearly nested in Steve's room; there are guitar bits and tools on the desk, two guitars in parts.
The bed is mounded with soft things, Steve scents a pillow, it smells like Eddie...and not.
'Where the fuck is he,' Hopper grumbles.
Steve wants to snap. Wants to scream at them all. They fucking believe him now don't they? They could have had Eddie home months ago if-
Dustin has books from the living room, in the front of each is stamped 'Hawkins Public Library'. So that's where they go.
Steve doesn't know what to do when he spots Eddie. He's crouched on a table, bare toes gripping the edge. He's pale, even more so than before, skin a pale enough alabaster that Steve can see the shadow of blue veins underneath. He's flipping through a book, back and forth, back and forth, before finally stopping and hopping down from the table, 'Eddie?'
Eddie doesn't answer, eyes trained on Steve. His hair has grown, even longer, thick dark curls that Steve wants to bury his hands in.
There's a ticking noise, a low, growling rumble as Eddie stalks closer. Things happen very very quickly, Hopper raises his shotgun, El screams 'no,' Eddie's face peels apart like the petals of a flower filled with teeth as he roars and charges at them.
Hoppers gun is jerked up by an unseen hand, his shot causing plaster to rain down from the ceiling, and then Eddie is floating in the air, roaring as his face blends back to normal and then peels apart again, furious.
El's nose is bleeding, she wipes it away.
Steve moves closer. Eddie looks strange; taller. Leaner. Just, more, somehow.
Steve reaches for him, and Eddie desperately tries to get to him in return, clawing at the air, 'put him down, El.'
'Do not do that-' Hopper starts, but doesn't finish, because Eddie lands neatly on his feet, catlike in his grace, where El drops him.
He lunges for Steve, and Steve let's himself be pulled close and gathered up, Eddie clicking and chittering quietly in Steve's ear, scenting his neck, a strange sucking sensation on his skin as Eddie's face peels apart into one big mouth.
Steve relaxes. He has Eddie back.
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sluttywoozi · 11 months
May Flowers | Like A Cowboy Final Chapter
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Like A Cowboy | Cowboy Like Me | Give You My Wild
Pregnancy is hard, but April showers bring May flowers, right?
Rating: M (18+) | WC: ~7.2k (~2.8k plot, ~4.4k smut)
Warnings: pregnancy, pregnant sex, pregnancy kink, fingering, masturbation, (healthy) possessiveness, oral f. rec., piv sex, multiple orgasms, crying during sex, creampie, aftercare
Reader Notes: has breasts and a vagina, about 6 and a half months pregnant, gets carried/lifted by Mingyu (he’s a strong ass cowboy with big bulging muscles)
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“Honey, can I get you anything before I join you?” Mingyu asks softly from the doorway, fondly observing the way your book rests on your swollen belly. 
You look over, shaking your head with a sweet smile before returning your attention to your book. You’ve been reading like crazy since your stomach started growing, consuming every word you can find on childbearing and childrearing. He tries to read the books when you finish them, but with you no longer able to help as much outside or inside, he doesn’t have a lot of spare time. He doesn’t mind though, would run the whole ranch by himself if it meant you got to rest like you deserve, and it’s more than enough that you still take care of the cooking and linens. 
He doesn’t think you know how grateful he is to have a steaming meal on the table every time he comes in after a long day of labor in the thawing spring air. He makes the effort to tell you, but he’s sure there’s another way. Maybe he could show you, but you only want gifts for the baby right now so anything he gets you wouldn’t be for you. He could hire a farmhand from sun up to sun down and use the day to pamper you, but he’s not sure you’d like that either. 
You’ve become… sensitive. About your body and about having all of his focus on it. 
Mingyu, of course, already thought you were the most beautiful and precious creature to ever walk the earth, and you’ve only become more so since your pregnancy began showing itself. You glow, your whole being radiates light and sweetness, and though you’re a bit quicker to cry than before, you’re also prone to telling him you love and adore him at the drop of his cowboy hat. 
He’s changed too, growing much more protective and somehow less clumsy if it means saving you from your new lack of coordination. You’re unused to having the equivalent of a butternut squash attached to your front, and it shows in the tender spots he finds every night. You’re tender about the squash itself too, lamenting each shift that no longer fits and mourning every dress you have to let out, though you try to hide it from him. 
He assumes you don’t want him to know that you’re experiencing some negative feelings too, especially after the little gathering he’d thrown you last week. Some of your friends are with child as well and they were all absolutely exuberant, going on about how wonderful it was and how they almost didn’t want it to end. Your smile had turned false then, though he doubts they noticed. He doubts you think he noticed, but Mingyu sees everything when it comes to you because he’s always paying attention. 
That’s why he’s also caught onto how physically sensitive you are now, too. You grimace every morning as you secure your bodice, wince whenever he accidentally touches your breasts in the night, catch his hand and guide it to your hip if you notice he’s going for your belly. He’s trying to stop touching you in these places, but it’s difficult when he’s so used to you loving when he touches you anywhere. He misses being close to you, misses making love to you, but he’ll give you space for as long as you need it. Or he’ll do his best to, at least. 
It’s something he keeps in mind as he gingerly climbs into bed next to you, shuffling close enough for a kiss before exchanging an, “I love you,” letting his head drop heavily to the pillow, and promptly falling asleep.
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Mingyu blinks awake to moonlight barely peeking through the curtains and a hand gently tapping at his chest. 
“S’wrong, honey?” He mumbles, his fingers tangling with your own as his head lolls over so he can squint at you in the darkness. From what little of you he can see, you’re nervous. That wakes him up, makes him shift onto an elbow and lean over you, his hand releasing yours so he can cup your cheek and bring your eyes to his. Is it something with the baby? Is something going-
“Nothing’s wrong! I- I think I… I want you, Mingyu.”
That’s the last thing he expects you to say, and the reaction it causes in him would bring him to his knees if he were standing. Heat flashes down the back of his neck, all the want in his body rushing into his cock as it hardens in his underclothes, his eyes going half lidded and his mouth dropping open as he leans in to press his lips to yours. 
“Did you have a dream?” He questions, kissing your cheek and forehead before continuing, “Can I touch you? Kiss you?” 
“I never fell asleep,” you groan, rubbing your legs together beneath the sheets, “And yes, Gyu, please.” 
He’s gentle with you, turning you onto your side and bringing a pillow to rest under your belly. You lift your head so his arm can reach around and cradle you to him, leaning your body against his and draping your thigh over his leg to open you up. He doesn’t want you to have to support yourself at all, wants to give you whatever you need, whatever you want. Which, apparently, is him, so he won’t make you wait. 
His free hand slides between your thighs, his arm brushing against your belly and his cock jumping against your back as his fingers glide over your folds. You’re so wet he gasps into your neck, two of his fingers dipping inside and finding you hot and slick, “Did you touch yourself?”
“I tried, but it wasn’t enough. I didn’t want to wake you, though, you work so hard and you need to sleep,” you whine, bucking into his touch. 
“Sweetheart, you can tell me that you need me anytime and anywhere and I’ll give myself to you,” Mingyu promises, pressing his teeth into your shoulder and letting his fingers sink deeper, spread apart, fuck up and in. You’re so responsive, your body writhing in his hold and your thighs shaking against his as you near the edge. It seems your heightened sensitivity is working in his favor now, so he twists his thumb over to rub your swollen clit and digs his fingers in just a little harder. 
At this angle, he can tap his fingertips right into that patch inside you that makes you gush, and he can feel you tighten around him, feel you get closer and closer to the edge with each grind against that spot. He wishes he could taste you, feel you on his tongue, but that might be a bit much for you tonight so he’ll talk to you instead. 
“So perfect for me, my pretty wife all round and full with my baby, fuck,” He gasps into your hair, his cock throbbing and leaking where it’s pressed into your back. 
His words must be enough to get you there because suddenly, your back is arching and your whines are echoing throughout the room as your slick floods his hand. It almost breaks him, feeling your walls hug his fingers and knowing how much better they feel around his cock, but he holds himself together long enough to see you through to the other side of your release. 
You’re sobbing by the time it’s over, so Mingyu gently withdraws his fingers before cleaning them with his mouth and wrapping you up in his arms. He rocks slowly, humming so you can feel the vibrations in his chest and smiling to himself as he feels you start to come down. 
“Did so good for me, honey,” Mingyu murmurs, pressing a kiss to the side of your head and ignoring the insistent pulse of his dick. 
“Thank you, Gyu, love you,” you mumble back, already on the verge of falling asleep in his arms. 
“Love you, baby,” Mingyu promises as he shuffles out from under you and to the bathroom, starting up the shower and leaving it on cold before wetting a cloth with warm sink water and carefully cleaning you up. 
He’s not sure if a cold shower will actually help considering he’s harder than he has been in months, but it’s worth a shot. There’s no way he’ll be able to sleep like this and he doesn’t expect it to go down on its own, so the shower is his best bet. 
Every muscle in his body tenses when the icy water hits his skin, and even after five minutes of shivering under the spout, he’s still rock hard. He grimaces, letting his head drop back to rest against the tiled wall as he gives up, turns the shower to warm, and wraps a hand around his cock. His own touch is never as good as yours, but it’s all he’s known for the last few months and it’ll continue to be all he knows until you’re ready for him again. 
Truthfully, he’s over the moon at getting to touch you at all tonight, getting to be so close to you and unravel you like that, and he knows all he needs to do to push himself over the edge is think about you. His hand starts moving of its own volition as he calls to mind the thought of you touching yourself, the delicious squeeze of your walls around his fingers, the breathy sighs and moans you’d let out. 
He can’t swallow the punched out groan that leaves him when he remembers taste of you on his fingers, or stop himself from gripping his cock tighter, or slow his hand when it starts to speed. The wet slap of skin on skin fills the shower, and though Mingyu wishes it was you and him making those sounds together, he got to touch you tonight and that’s more than enough for him. 
It’s more than enough that you’re carrying his child, letting them grow in you and with you, taking care of them and nurturing them with your body until they’re ready to be loved in person. The idea shouldn’t send heat zipping down his spine, but it does and his hips follow, thrusting his cock into the sleeve he’s made with his hand as a coil starts to wind in his stomach. 
It’s wild to him that just a little bit ago, you were doing this, touching yourself and chasing that release, and when you couldn’t find it on your own, you knew you could wake him up. You still felt guilty, he knows, but he’s ecstatic that you reached out to him, both physically and metaphorically. He’s missed you these months even as he slept next to you every night, and to be so close to you was fulfilling beyond measure. 
It’s what will push him over the edge, what will make that coil in his belly snap, and he can feel his heart start to race as he gets closer and closer. He pictures you, sleeping peacefully on your side in your nightgown, pressing your hips back into his, night after night. You, bent over the railing of your front porch all those moons ago. You, with one injured hand above your head and the other holding yourself open for him.  You, under him and on top of him and all over him, just you you you. 
You’re all Mingyu needs, all he wants and all he will ever want, and as he thinks about putting this baby in you, pumping you full and keeping you full until it took, until there was evidence beyond rings and a vow that you’re his and he’s yours, it breaks him. His cock pulses in his hand as it hardens further and starts to spit cum, his desperate grip damn near cutting off the circulation at the head. His head thunks against the tile and he whines your name, feeling the wave overcome him and letting himself drown in it. 
Trembling under the warm water, he attempts to catch his breath, his eyes still clenched shut and his hand still fisting his cock. He needs to sleep soon if he wants to get any work done on the ranch tomorrow, but he just can’t find the strength to move yet. The water is what spurs him, going from warm to cold to freezing in what feels like no time before he turns off the shower and dries off the excess moisture. 
His pants from before will need a wash, his prespend having soaked through the fabric, so he scurries naked to the dresser in the chilly night air and opens the drawer as quietly as he can. He pulls out the first underclothes his fingers touch, climbing into them before sliding into bed next to you. You’re still breathing softly, one arm folded beneath your head and the other cradling your swollen belly, and Mingyu feels all the love in his body rush into his heart as he watches you sleep peacefully. 
“I love you,” he whispers softly, so quietly that it’s nearly lost in the creaking of the house and the wind blowing through the trees. His hand covers your own before he bends at the waist to press a kiss to your stomach, “And I love you.” 
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Leaning back into the rocking chair, you heave a sigh and let your eyes fall closed. Your fingertips are starting to ache, as is your back, but you’ve got a whole stack of linens to repair and there’s still daylight left, so onward you’ll go. 
The baby has been quite active today, aiming little kicks right into your kidneys and line dancing all over your bladder, but you’re glad for it. The movement of the baby means they’re growing like they’re supposed to, and you’ll always take the aches and touch-sensitivity and endless trips to the bathroom over the alternative. 
This journey has been rife with worries, many of which you neglected to share with your husband, and reminding yourself that your family is about to grow is what gets you through the day. 
That, and Mingyu. 
He’s outside right now, tending to the flower garden he started for you after you felt the quickening. It’s full of your favorites, and some medicinal herbs as well. Marigolds for their healing properties, peppermint and ginger for your morning sickness, stinging nettles for your nutrition, and chamomile for your sleepless nights. 
He spent hours researching, and even conferred with the town midwife to determine what would be best to plant for you. 
Nearly every time you look at it, you’re moved to tears thinking about just how much he loves you. This seems to be one of those times, and you press your palms to your eyes as if you could stem the flow of saltwater. The tears spill over onto your cheeks anyway, your breath hitching on a sob that you couldn’t swallow for the life of you. 
These crying spells started around the same time your belly made itself known, and they’re one of the many aspects you won’t miss when this baby finally comes. Along with the fact that you can barely stand to let anyone touch you anymore, not your mother, not your father, not even your husband. You hate to see his face fall every time he reaches for you, but you’re just so tender all over, which is part of why you cry so often. 
Your tears dry up soon enough, but not so fast Mingyu doesn’t see. When you pull your hands from your eyes, you catch sight of him. He’s standing with his hands on his hips, biting that plush bottom lip and making you itch to tug it out from between his teeth. Instead, you swipe the sheen from your cheeks and give him a shaky smile through the window. 
He sends back a small, fond grin and laughs to himself, disappearing from view as he returns to his weeding. You let the smile drop and arch your back, rubbing at a persistent ache in the lower curve of your spine. You’ll have to have Mingyu try to work it out for you before bed or you won’t be able to sleep at all tonight. 
You still can’t believe what you did last night, waking him up and begging him to touch you like that. You haven’t been in the mood for months, and suddenly you needed him so bad you just couldn’t take it anymore. It came over you like a cresting wave, starting in your mind and rolling down to your core. 
You did your best to relieve the ache on your own, but you couldn’t reach far enough to get your fingers inside with your belly in the way and eventually, your back started to hurt too much with all the straining. You knew you’d never get to bed if you still felt like that, so you did the only other thing you could think to do. 
You woke up your husband. 
And, goodness, did he relieve that ache. 
The problem is that it wasn’t enough. Now that you’ve felt his touch again, you want more, you want everything. 
But you can wait until he finishes his work outside and eats the dinner you’ll make for the two of you. There’s no way you’ll interrupt him just so you can ask him to satisfy your desires, even though he told you to do exactly that just last night.  
You were wrong. You were so very wrong. 
As soon as you started thinking about Mingyu touching you again, a spark lit up in your center and now you feel all warm and, dare you say, wet. 
You can’t focus on your mending, your fingers stinging with pin pricks, and you also can’t take your eyes off your husband. 
He took his outer layer off, leaving him in just a white tank and his denim trousers, and every time he lifts his shirt up to wipe his sweat, you see a flash of his toned, glistening abdomen. 
He’s doing it on purpose. You know because he caught you looking and smirked, and you haven’t bothered to look away since. You’re not sure what your expression is telling him but you know your eyes are full of a heat that only he can cool. 
When he whips the tank over his head and uses it to mop at the sweat on his chest, you decide you’ve had enough. 
You shoot up (as fast as you’re able) from your rocking chair and march to the front door, throwing it open and standing on the edge of the stairs with your hands on your hips. 
You forgot to put on your shoes so you can’t actually go haul Mingyu inside like you want to, but he must have heard the door open. He appears from around the corner of the house, his muscles shimmering in the waning sunlight and flexing with every step. 
“Hey, baby,” He calls, grinning with happiness like he doesn’t know exactly what he’s done. “I was wondering when you’d break.” 
He stands shoulder-level with the railing of your front porch and folds his arms on the wood before resting his chin on the cushion they create. The way he’s looking up at you through his eyelashes has your heart fluttering, and when he reaches a hand out to tug you closer, you give him yours and move on instinct. 
“I knew you were teasing me,” You shake your head, squeezing his hand and moving your shared grasp to your belly before flattening his palm over it. You haven’t been able to let him touch you much over the past couple months, finding your skin too sensitive for even your clothes, but you want him to feel what you feel. 
His whole face lights up in a beam bright enough to replace the sun when the little kick thumps right under his hand. Before you know it, his eyes are filling with tears and he’s taking your free hand to bring it to his face. You cup his cheek, brushing the tears away with a gentle thumb and feeling your own eyes welling up.
You try to kiss him but you can’t bend over enough to reach, making you pout and let out a huff. 
“Back up a little, honey,” Mingyu instructs before disentangling his hands from yours and letting you step away. He plants his hands on the railing and gets a foot on the foundation of your house, hauling himself over the fence with more grace than you expected. 
“The stairs are right there,” You point out with a laugh, stepping back as he crowds you into the wall. His hands brace next to your head and he leans into your space, his lips inches from yours as he whispers, “Is it a crime to show off for my wife?” 
“Never,” You breathe, tilting your chin to press your mouth to his. He kisses you deeply, sighing like he’s just tasted the finest whiskey and moving as close to you as your belly allows. 
When his hands leave the wall and find your body, they’re tender, soft on you, like he knows just how sensitive you are. And of course he does, because he’s your husband and he knows everything about you. 
Down to the fact that when he angles your head so he can kiss you like he wants, it makes your knees weak. His hands move to your hips and squeeze just a bit harder, just enough to give you some more stability as he kisses you until you’re dizzy. 
“Can we go,” You gasp in between kisses, “Inside the house?” 
“Can I carry you?” He responds, waiting for your nod to sweep you up into his arms bridal style. He’s so strong, holding you steady as he walks to the front door you’d left open. He toes off his boots before he walks inside, knowing you’ll scold him if he tracks dirt on your clean floors.  
Crossing over the threshold with him like this brings up memories of your wedding day, of when he surprised you with the house he’d built with his own two hands for you to share. It’s a home now, and in just a few months, there will be a new member of your family to make it even warmer. The thought nearly makes you tear up again as Mingyu lumbers up the stairs to your bedroom. 
You swallow down the emotions rising within you, refusing to cry yet again, and smile up at Mingyu as he carefully places you on the bed. 
“How do you think we should do this?” He inquires, his eyes on your bump and his hands on his hips. You go over the positions you’ve used in the past, but most of them won’t accommodate your stomach. 
“Maybe from behind?” You suggest, beginning to unbutton your dress before his hands take over for yours. You arch a brow, watching as he meticulously pushes the buttons out of their openings and remembering all the repairing you had to do while he was trying to put this baby in you. 
“I wanna be able to look at you,” Mingyu counters, his eyes caught on the movement of your breasts as you work the dress off. You’re left in just your shift and bodice, and the look in his eyes sends your confidence rocketing up. 
“How about,” He starts talking only to stop and take hold of the backs of your knees, “If I pull you to the edge of the bed and stay standing? We can put some pillows under your hips to prop you up.” 
Picturing it in your head, you work out the logistics and find his plan to be solid. The bed isn’t too low to the ground, but you still won’t be at the height of his hips so the cushioning is a good idea. 
You nod with finality, reaching for the pillows above your head and pulling them down to hand them to Mingyu. He slides one arm under your back and lifts you enough to slide one, then the other pillow beneath your hips, leaving you at the perfect height. 
You could almost laugh at all the planning required for making love in this state, but the heat is flooding back into you as you watch Mingyu slowly undo his belt. 
He’s staring at you with half-lidded eyes, his gaze roving over every inch of your body, clothed and unclothed. His cock strains at the denim of his jeans, the dark blue growing darker where the head must be. 
You can’t even see him but you want him in you, making you wonder if you’re still stretched from last night. You don’t want him to get you ready, you just want him to fill you up again and again and again, just like he did all those months ago. 
You open your mouth to tell him but gasp instead as he shoves his trousers and underclothes down, revealing his hard, swollen cock. It’s leaking at the tip, flushed and so so pretty, and you almost wish you were laying the other way so you could have him in your mouth. 
You don’t think you can wait though, fighting to tear off your bodice and pull your shift up. It’s difficult with the pillows beneath your hips and it occurs to you that you should have gotten undressed before getting comfortable, but that’s rectified easily enough with Mingyu’s help. 
He lifts you as you tug the fabric up, his eyes following the hem and his breath catching when your belly is revealed. You raise your arms when he takes over, pulling the fabric over your head and tossing it so it lands on the dresser instead of the floor. 
There’s an expression of desirous awe on his face, his eyes wide and warm and full of something you don’t recognize. His hands hover over your skin, unsure of whether or not he can touch you, and when you nod your consent, he places them on your hips and opens his mouth to speak. 
“Seeing you like this, knowing it’s our baby growing in there, knowing you’ve got a piece of me inside you all the time… It does things to me.”
You haven’t thought about it that way before, and you feel your core squeeze at the idea of always having a little part of Mingyu with you. 
He grins down at you, a feral, possessive glint in his eye, as he watches you process his words. His hands sweep over your body and for once, you don’t feel the need to guide them away. Instead, you want them all over you, want him all over you. 
It’s like your sensitivity has turned in his favor, and you feel goosebumps rising on your skin in his wake. You fight back a shiver when he carefully trails his hands over your tender breasts, his eyes observant and his bottom lip bitten between his teeth. He brushes his thumbs over your nipples, just the barest touch, but it still has you arching your back and swallowing down a whine. 
“Ohhh, this will be fun,” Mingyu smirks before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your belly, “But I’ll be gentle with you, sweetheart, don’t worry.”
“I know you will be,” You breathe as you reach down and sink a hand into his hair, attempting to lift your hips for him so he can pull off your underclothes. “Let me,” He says as he pulls your hips up with one hand and tugs down your drawers with the other. They land on top of your shift and his hands hover over your skin, his eyes meandering along your bare form as he tries to decide where to touch first. 
You’re growing impatient, having been teased enough before he even brought you inside, but you know he’s missed you. You’ve missed him too, wished almost every night that you didn’t feel the way you did and that you could just be with him, and it seems your wish has come true. 
So, you can wait. 
You can wait as his touch skims over your belly and back up to your breasts, as his eyes become cloudy and dark when he sees for himself just how much they’ve grown. As he lightly twists and pulls at your nipples, as he curls himself over you to suck one into his mouth. As he brings you up higher and higher until you think you might fall over the edge, just from this. 
When he trails his kisses down your stomach and starts to kneel, you know you can’t wait anymore. “Gyu, please. I need you,” You implore him, your thighs tensing as you feel arousal starting to seep out of you. 
“Can I taste you first? I wanted to last night but I didn’t want to push you,” He breathes, his fingers tapping at your hips and his eyes big and round. 
You really want him to fill you up but his mouth would feel nice too, and you suppose you should let him get you ready at least a little knowing how delicate you are right now. You also just might happen to love giving him what he wants. As soon as you sigh, “Yes, honey,” he hauls your thighs over his shoulders and dives in, making you gasp and claw at the bedcovers. 
His tongue glides through your folds and you can feel the pained groan he lets out, feel the vibrations move through your center. He worships you, sucking your clit, licking your folds, pushing his tongue into your entrance to get a taste at the source. It feels so much better than you remember, so much warmer and wetter, and when he shakes his head to bury his tongue deeper and coincidentally rubs your clit with his nose, it makes your hips jump. 
He brings them back down with gentle hands and you untangle yours from the sheets to cover them with your own, squeezing at his knuckles and wrapping your fingers over his. You can’t see him over your bump but you can hear him, hear every whimper of pleasure and groan of want, hear every noise his tongue makes as it slides in and out of you. His nose keeps dragging over your bundle of nerves and every single pass pushes you closer to the edge, sounds of your own escaping your mouth, unfettered and unfiltered. 
You’re about to tell him you’re getting close but he suddenly presses the tip of his nose hard into your clit and shoves his tongue as far inside you as it can go, and that’s all you need. 
That’s all you need to cum, to cry, to keen, your arousal flooding onto his tongue and your thighs snapping closed over his ears. He moans into you throughout your whole release, drinking down your wetness with an open mouth and prying your legs away from his head when he finally needs to breathe.
Tears stream down the sides of your face, your eyelashes fluttering as you blink away the stars swimming in your vision, and when he takes one final lick from your entrance to your crest, you can’t help but shudder. He cautiously slides your legs from his shoulders one after the other, and rises to his feet on shaky knees. 
“Alright, baby?” He rests one knee on the edge of the bed and leans over your bump to press his you-soaked lips to yours. You make an affirmative noise against his mouth, bringing your hand up to cup his cheek when he tries to pull away, not wanting the kiss to end just yet. He hums and kisses you deeper, seeming to understand that you need this contact right now. 
You know Mingyu won’t rush you, he never does, no matter how desperate his need is. Which is why you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him into you, gasping when you feel his hot, leaking cock come into contact with your core. 
“I want you inside me,” You break away to exhale, watching his jaw clench and his eyes grow darker. 
“I’ll give you whatever you want, darlin’, you know that,” He dips back down for one more kiss before standing upright and guiding his cock to your entrance. The tip notches in easily, your arousal and earlier release opening you up for him, and he grasps the backs of your knees with big, calloused hands. 
“I can hold your legs, baby. I don’t want you to strain yourself,” He offers, his voice deep with want. He hooks his arms under your knees after you untangle them from his waist with a thankful hum before slowly pushing into you. The stretch is delicious, stealing your voice and all the air in your lungs as he carefully spreads you open. 
You’re glad he suggested this way because you want to look at him too, want to watch his face as he feels you for the first time in months. He almost seems like he’s in pain, his mouth dropped open and his eyes clenched shut. He’s making weak, punched-out noises as he slides inside you, his fingers gripping tighter with every inch. 
When he bottoms out in you, it’s like you can’t breathe. He’s so thick and long, and he’s buried so deep, it makes you want to cry. You look a bit closer and find, to your surprise, that Mingyu is crying. There are tears slipping out of the corners of his still-closed eyes, and he opens them to reveal a desperation you don’t expect. 
“I’m sorry, baby, fuck, ’m sorry,” He forces out, his hips stuttering against yours.
“What are you so-,”
“I can’t hold it, I’m gonna-.”
His head drops back and heady moans escape his parted lips, his abdomen tensing every time he ruts into you. His cock jerks against the clutches of your walls as a warmth pools deep inside, making you gasp and arch your back. He’s never reached release so soon, but you can’t blame him after he’s been without you, and honestly, it makes you feel ridiculously wanted. 
When his hips stop moving and his cock stops leaking, you expect him to pull out and give you his fingers or tongue, but he stays rooted inside you, his cock still hard and his eyes determined. He starts fucking you slowly, pushing his spend deeper and deeper even though he must be sensitive by now. 
“Mingyu, you don’t have to, I already-”
“Do you still want me inside you?” 
“Yes, but-”
“Then I’m staying,” He promises, falling into a gentle rhythm, his movements eased by your wetness and the sticky cum he’d filled you with.
“Enough with the interrupting,” You whine, raising your hips to meet his and trying to fuck him back as much as your heavy belly will allow. His cock twitches as he laughs sheepishly, giving your legs a squeeze with his hands and breathing, “I’m sorry, honey. I won’t do it again.” 
“You’d better not,” You threaten half-heartedly, gradually losing yourself to the pleasure of his movements. Every time he bottoms out, your walls flutter and clench around him, attempting to hold him inside though you know he’s stronger than you. When he draws his hips back, yours follow, sparking a familiar push and pull, give and take, that you’ve perfected together in the years since you wed. 
Your head tilts back when the tip of his cock strokes the one spot inside you that always makes you gush, your moans rising in volume and your legs twitching in his hold. He notices this, of course, and aims every thrust at that spot, nearly panting with exertion as he fucks in and out of you. You feel the coil in your center winding tighter and tighter, your walls sucking his cock in deep and hugging him like you never want him to leave.��
“Will you touch yourself for me?” Mingyu asks, his voice thready with pleasure. “I’m getting close again, it’s so- Ahhh, so sensitive and your cunt is so perfect.”
You acquiesce immediately, one hand gripping at the sheets and the other sliding down your body and around your bump to find the throbbing little bundle of nerves nestled in your folds. One circle has you getting wetter, another has you clenching down, and a third has you falling over the edge. 
You must drag Mingyu along with you, his cock growing impossibly harder and starting to shoot cum inside you. The release is strong, like a tidal wave overcoming you and pulling you under. It blurs your vision, fills your ears with a roaring sound, makes you shiver and squeeze uncontrollably around him as he fills you up for a second time. 
With your arousal and his spend, you’re overfull, making a combination of both seep out around his slowly softening cock. You open your eyes to find his still shut, his face slack and his knees visibly shaking. 
“Gyu? Honey?” You speak softly, so as not to startle him. His eyes blink open, full of tears again, and you feel your face break into the fondest smile of all time. You want to pull him close, hold him to you, comfort him, but he’s still got you by the legs and you’re not sure he’s ready to move yet. 
“Missed you so much,” He nearly whimpers as he pulls out, a veritable flood following in his wake. “Love you so much.”
“Baby, I love you,” you coo, wiggling in his hold until he releases your knees and lets you clumsily scoot back on the bed, the pillows falling to the floor in the process. You hold your arms out to him, hugging him tight when he climbs onto the bed and curls around you, his legs tangling with yours and his arm cradling your belly. 
“I’m sorry I made you wait so long,” You already felt guilty for not being able to let him touch you like you used to, but seeing him moved to tears by how much he missed you has you reeling. 
“Don’t apologize, darlin’, it’s not your fault. You’re doing important work, growing our baby, and I know there are changes that come with that,” He assures you, his hand gently stroking your skin and his eyes raising to yours to make sure you’re alright with his touch. 
You smile, tears rising in your own eyes, and cover your hand with his. There are changes that come with this journey, good ones and bad ones, and you wouldn’t trade them for the world. Not when you know that it’ll all be worth it in the end, when you finally get to hold the baby you’ve been nurturing and protecting with your own body. When you finally get to hold the baby you and Mingyu made together, the one that will be the perfect blend of you and him. 
You don’t know what they’ll look like, sound like, be like, but you love them already, and you know Mingyu does too. 
You nudge him before he can fall asleep, whispering a soft, “Let’s get cleaned up, hm?”
He nods drowsily and peels himself off of you and the bed, reaching for the ceiling to stretch his back and eliciting a sigh from you as you watch his muscles tense. Holding his hands out to you, he waits for you to entwine your fingers with his before carefully pulling you up into a sitting position and helping you shuffle off the bed. 
You follow him into the bathroom and stand shivering on the tile as he starts the shower and bundles you up in his arms from behind. You melt into him when he scoops your belly up and holds it for you, easing the constant strain on your back. He sways you lightly, enough so that you start to drift off where you stand. 
When steam starts coming from the shower, Mingyu holds a hand under the stream to test the temperature and, finding it just cool enough for him and just hot enough for you, helps you climb in. 
He was the one half asleep before but it seems that making love has taken all the energy from you, leaving you to lean against him as he washes you with gentle hands. 
“Do you want to take a nap in the guest room before we make dinner?” He asks into your neck, just loud enough for you to hear over the rush of water. You nod, your head lolling forward and back before you just tip back and let yourself rest fully on him. He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you and pressing a kiss to your hair before shutting the water off and helping you out of the shower. 
He takes a fresh towel from the stack in the cabinet and lovingly dries you off, dabbing at your belly and breasts instead of rubbing because he knows the texture of the towel is too much against your skin. 
“Want me to carry you?” He swipes at his own body much more roughly before throwing the towel into the hamper.
You hold your arms out and he laughs again, whispering, “You know I can’t carry you like that, baby.” Pouting, you hold onto his neck as he lifts you sideways into his arms and walks you to the guest room, both of you naked as the day you were born. 
He lays you down, crawling into bed next to you and murmuring, “Can I keep touching you?” 
You turn your head, pressing a kiss to his lips before whispering back, “Yes, Gyu, please keep touching me.”
He grins a sleepy little grin, mumbling an, “I love you, baby,” to you before leaning down to peck the top of your belly and speaking into your skin, “And I love you, baby.” 
You won’t cry again, you won’t cry again, you won’t cry again. 
“I love you, Mingyu,” You whisper back, tilting your chin down and covering his hand on your belly to breathe, “And I love you, baby.” 
There’s a little kick under his hand, you can feel it from the inside and he can feel it from the outside, and you exchange sweet smiles before finally falling into blissful slumber. 
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AN: and with that, Like a Cowboy is finished!! This will be the final part as i'm not interested in writing kid fics, so i hope it was a good way to close out this couple's story.
This is the one year anniversary of my posting Like A Cowboy, and I can't believe how much myself and this blog have grown since. I've made amazing friends, gotten closer to my best friend, and gotten to know you all. I've spent so many hours writing so many words (over 200k by now) and i can't wait to spend many more hours writing many more words
thank you to all of my followers, old and new, for supporting me and loving my work
thank you to @petrichor-mingi for beta reading this and many other works for me and thank you to @svthub for supporting me and helping me grow!
thank you to @absentcaryatid for leaving my first ever review and convincing me that my writing is worth reading
thank you to @bbychocolat for being my cheerleader and convincing me my work has value 💕
and thank you to @sluttywonwoo for getting me into seventeen and mingyu in the first place, and for getting me to write for fun at all 💖
i love you guys 💖
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luveline · 6 months
i am in love with the way you write kbd!steve and would love to see more of him being enamoured w reader and the way she is with the girls if you’re up to it😩🥺🤍 love you all smooches for you 😙😙
kisses before dinner ♡ mom!reader
Steve watches through the slice of open doorway. You do it all in relative silence, a moment's peace between you and the second oldest, Bethie sitting prim as a doll on the countertop you've put her on as you clean her face with a damp hand towel. You take the stain of her peanut butter and apple slices off of her lips in gentle strokes, drying her off with the other end of the towel. Your hands (like Beth's hands, the same fingers and the same shaped nails) are sweet as you trace your pinkies from her temples to her chin in unison.  
“There,” you say finally, “perfect again.”
“Thanks mommy.” 
You lean down for a kiss, which you get, but Beth wraps her arms around you before you can think about escaping, whispering something Steve can't hear. 
“I love you too,” you say a touch louder. “You okay?” 
“I'm okay.” 
“You're happy?” 
“Yeah, mom, I'm happy! I'm amazing.” 
“Amazing?” you ask, your fondness for her filling every syllable. “You are amazing, that's true.” You peel back to smile at her, turning into her touch and obscuring Steve's view. He hears the soft smack of another kiss, almost jealous, until Avery comes to attention where she's laid up at his side to ask why he's holding a sock. 
“It's your sister’s,” he says. 
“Which one?” She giggles. “I have too many.” 
“What? You do not, you have the perfect amount of them.” 
Avery's shoulders shake next to his arm as she laughs at his mock-outrage. She kicks her leg over his thigh and he squeezes on instinct, sock and all in hand. 
You and Beth make your return to the living room hand in swinging hand. Beth's polka dot pyjamas are trailing behind her on the floor and her hair is a little wild, but her face is pristine, and her smile is even better. 
“You look happy,” you and Steve say at the same time. You to Avery, and Steve to Beth. 
The girls laugh. Dove, playing with blocks that don't fit together by Steve's feet, looks up suspiciously at the commotion. “What?” she asks. 
You laugh more, “Just me and daddy sharing a brain,” you say, wiggling your fingers at her. 
“Mm,” you agree, collapsing on the couch next to Steve's open side. Beth climbs into your lap and he'd think you hadn't noticed if it weren't for your arm wrapping immediately around her. You've been great at this whole mom business since the very first baby, not because you're a natural, but because you always tried so hard to be as loving as you could be. 
When Steve met you, he fell in love with you for a multitude of reasons. You were interesting, beautiful, with a penchant for taking care of people and falling asleep in the sunshine. He'd come calling and find you knocked out in sunbathers or elbow deep in washing up. You wanna help make dinner?
“You're looking at me funny,” you say. For a few moments, Steve had been looking at the version of you he met almost ten years ago. 
“Am not.” 
“Are too. You were looking through me. Now you're doing fake googly eyes.” 
“They're not fake,” he says, indignified. “They're so real. Look how real they are.” 
“Don't give yourself an aneurysm, I believe you.” 
“What's an aneurysm?” Beth asks. 
Avery nods agreeably with her sister's line of questioning, eyes flicking between you and Steve in wait of the answer. 
“It's a bad joke,” Steve says dismissively. 
“Ouch.” You lay down against his shoulder. It's not an especially romantic nor affectionate touch, but it doesn't have to be. His skin thrums with your nearness every time. “So mean to me, Stevie.” 
“Did you always call daddy Stevie?” Avery asks. 
You rub your cheek against his sleeve. “What do you mean?” 
“‘Cos, like, his name is Steve.” 
“His name is dad,” Beth says. 
“Daddy!” Dove says. 
Steve gestures for the littlest to come forward and sit with them. She climbs up with help onto his knee and gives him a hug, but no sooner has she sat than she's climbing back down. “No, mom didn't always call me Stevie. She used to call me Harrington, or H when she was feeling nice.” 
“And plain Steve,” you say. 
“Yeh, but why Stevie?” Avery asks. 
“Well, why Avey-bear? Dovey?” you point out gently. “It's nice. Like you wanna keep saying someone's name, even after it's done.” 
It's why Bethie’s called Bethie, and not Bethany, Bethan, or Beth. Her legal name is Bethie, and that ‘ie’ at the end, while having been a name Steve adored, is a little tribute to love. Your love for him. 
He forgets sometimes, but now he's remembered he might start crying. Dad hormones, he decides. Having kids makes you more emotional for sure. It's definitely not because you're amazing, and lovely, and everything he ever wanted day in, day out, every second of every hour— 
“I just love him,” you say, kissing the top of Steve's arm. “Same way I love you guys. He's my family, he has been since we met.” 
Bethie’s lips curve just like yours when she smiles, and Avery has hints of you in hers, too. “That's nice, mom,” Avery says. “I'm glad you met him.” 
“Yeah, me too!” you say, a breathless cheer as you throw your arms around Steve and Dove's soft tummy to hug him tightly. “I wouldn't have him or my pretty girls if I didn't.” 
Beth worms her way into the hug and Steve gets an arm around Avery's shoulders to include her, not sure who's forehead to kiss first. You reach over his lap to rub Avery's arm softly and he decides you should probably get the first one, on account of being the world's biggest, sweetest sweetheart. 
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7ndipity · 5 months
Take Care Of You
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: After a particularly rough week, you come down with the flu. Luckily, you have Yoongi to look after you, even if you think you don’t deserve it.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: mentions of illness, swearing, teeny bit suggestive and silly at the end, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!
It was still dark as you woke up shivering, your whole body aching as you rolled over, seeking out the warmth of your boyfriend. After less than two minutes though, he tried to shift out of your hold, making you whine.
“Babe, I’m melting,” He complained sleepily, trying to squirm away. “Why are you so warm?”
You only groaned weakly in response.
Yoongi’s eyes cracked open at the small, pained sound, looking down at you with sudden concern. “Babe? Are you okay?”
“I don’t-”, a sudden fit of coughing seized you, shaking your whole body.
“Ah, shit.” He clicked the light on, making you wince at the sudden brightness, sitting up to get a better look at you. Your face was pale and covered with a faint sheen of sweat, your whole frame shaking violently from shivering, despite the heat rolling off of you.
“I told you you’ve been working too hard.” He sighed, feeling your forehead. “Stay here, I’m gonna go get you some medicine.”
He disappeared through the house as you curled further in on yourself, trying to ignore the pounding in your head.
You knew he was right, though you hated that he had to be proven right in this way. You’d been pushing yourself harder than usual the past few days, trying to keep up with the usual demands at work, as well trying to get ahead on a few projects in the hope that you and Yoongi could take some time off together.
He had expressed several times that he’d been worried about you, but you’d kept brushing him off, saying that you were fine, your usual response whenever he voiced those types of concerns. He had enough on his plate, oftentimes stretching himself thinner than you had this week, and you didn’t want to add the burden of looking after you to the list.
He returned with a couple pills and some water, encouraging you gently to sit up before he handed them to you.
You took the meds with a slight wince, feeling the soreness in your throat, before trying to pass the glass back to him, but he shook his head, nudging it back towards your lips.
“Drink, you need to pay extra attention to hydration if you’re sick.” He said matter-of-factly.
“You sound like Web Md.” You tried to tease him, but your voice came out too weak and cracked.
“Drink.” He said again sternly, though his eyes stayed soft.
You relented, nodding before slowly finishing the glass.
“I’m sorry.” You croaked.
“Shh, it’s okay. Just sleep, okay?” He said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
He helped you get settled back under the covers before returning to his side of the bed, keeping a watchful eye over you until you managed to drift back to sleep.
You don’t know how long you were asleep for, but when you opened your eyes again, it was light out, Yoongi’s side of the bed empty. You assumed he’d left for the studio, leaving you to get what rest you could, though you tried to ignore the faint pang of sadness in your chest at the thought.
Slowly, you sat up, stretching out your stiff limbs. You could tell your fever had broken, or at least lessened, you were only faintly aching now, though the dull pounding in your head was still very much present.
You decided to make the trek to the kitchen for some tea and more meds, looking for an extra sweater or hoodie to pull on for warmth before shuffling down the hall.
“What are you doing up?” You jumped slightly at the sound of Yoongi’s voice, turning to see him standing in the doorway, carrying a tray of food and tea.
“What are you doing here?” You asked in surprise.
He smirked. “I really hope you’re not so sick that you forgot I live here.”
“I mean why are you still here? Why aren’t you at the studio?” You asked.
“I told them I couldn’t come in today.” He answered, setting the tray on the bedside table.
“Why not?” You asked, confused.
“Because you’re sick,” He said as if it was obvious. “I’m not leaving to fend for yourself.”
“I’m fine-” Your argument was choked off by another fit of coughing. Yoongi quickly moved to steady you as you wobbled slightly, your legs not supporting you nearly as much as you’d hoped.
“You’re not fine.” He said softly once you’d quieted. “Please, just let me take care of you?”
Reluctantly, you nodded, letting him help you back to the bed, tucking the blanket in around your
legs before settling the tray on your lap.
“How are you feeling?” He asked gently, handing you a cup of tea. You blinked, surprised that
he’d remembered the right herbal blend you liked for times like this.
You glanced up at him, noticing that he was watching you, waiting patiently for your response.
“My head hurts.” You admitted quietly.
“These should help.” He said, opening a bottle and handing you a couple pills. “Anything else?”
You shook your head. “Not really, I just feel kinda shitty.”
“A shower might help with that.” He said, chuckling at your choice of words, happy that you still sounded like yourself. “Will you be okay on your own or do you want me to help?”
“I’ll be okay on my own.” You said softly, staring at him curiously.
“Okay. You should eat something first, though.” He said, sliding a bowl of soup over in front of you. “Then, if you want, I can set you up on the couch and we can watch one of your shows?”
When you didn’t answer, he looked up, catching the way you were staring at him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
You shook your head. “You’re just being really nice.” You said.
He tilted his head. “I’m always nice to you.”
“But all this-” You bit your lip. “You didn’t have to do any of this.”
“What are you talking about?” He said softly. “This is nothing, I’m just looking after you the way you deserve.”
You didn’t feel like it, you felt like you were getting in his way, keeping him away from his own work and responsibilities.
“Nuh-uh, I know that look.” He caught your chin with his fingers, turning your eyes back up to his, looking at you seriously. “Whatever’s going on in your head right now, it isn’t true. You deserve to be taken care of, you hear me?”
When you didn’t answer, he sighed, cupping your face in his hands.
“Y/n, I love you, I want to take care of you. I actually like getting to take care of you, when you let me, that is.” He added, making you crack a tiny grin. “Okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
Good, now c’mere.” He said, trying to pull you into a kiss, but you pressed a hand against his chest.
“What if you get sick?” You asked.
“I don’t give a shit. And even if I do, then you can take care of me, that’s how relationships work.” He said stubbornly, leaning in again.
You let him connect your lips for just a second before pulling away again.
“Thank you.” You said.
“You’re welcome.” He replied. “Now, eat your soup before it gets cold, and then you can take your shower, unless maybe now you want me to help you with it?” He raised a brow at you.
“Stop trying to flirt with me, I’m sick!” You laughed.
“Who’s trying? I’m succeeding, you blushed!” He defended, pointing to your flushed cheeks.
“I did not, I have a fever!”
“Uh-huh, sure. Whatever you say, Babe.”
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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