#it’s like regular weather
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torchiiko · 4 months
i think its so so cool when my mutuals are knowledgeable in a topic that im not ,, seeing them talk abt it is so awesome i wish i knew literally anything
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esleep · 4 months
the whole "cats choose their owners" thing is really funny to me because ivy very much did NOT choose me. she was a slightly dim-witted and very rambunctious feral kitten, and that combination led to her getting herself stuck inside an old chipmunk nest halfway down the steep bank of the creek by my parents' house. from there she proceeded to scream her head off until both my mom and i came out to see what on earth was making all that racket, then we excavated her out of that hole like a sad little potato. she was grateful for the rescue, but definitely NOT grateful for the ensuing flea baths and conversion to indoor cat life at my apartment, which she reminds me of regularly. ivy i'm sorry for saving you from an early death due to predation/disease/cars, but can you stop biting me every day of my life please
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Fic Snippet: Complicated Relationships
Religious trauma comes in some interesting flavors when gods walk among you.
random little snippet from The AU In Which All the Marriages Are Arranged that i thought y'all might like
~500 words, canon-typical gods and possession talk, also some referenced murder.
Xornoth had been inside Aeor's church exactly once since...since Everything.
It had been the night they'd taken the throne; once they'd talked Scott down from his panic enough to sleep they'd left him in the palace and gone straight to the church. They'd thrown the door open and stormed across the threshold and up the aisle to the altar. Lurching side to side with exhaustion and unfamiliarity with the added gangliness they'd gained from their most recent growth spurt. Trailing mud and blood and the smell of the soot and smoke that was all that remained of their parents' corpses.
The few priests still there had scattered. Even those who had taken their side. Xornoth had ripped the crown from between their antlers and slammed it down on the fine woolen altar cloth, staining the white and gold with the rusty-brown of old blood. Their father's blood.
"If he ever hears your voice the way I hear Exor's," Xornoth had proclaimed through gritted teeth, the heat gathered at their fingertips singeing the fabric. "Then I will burn this place to the ground, grind the ashes into the midden, and turn that statue of yours out there into so much dust."
That's not how it works, you fool! The demon in their head roared in rage, You cannot escape me. And he cannot escape my brother. It is fate! Balance! A Battle forever locked!
Xornoth did not look away from the golden antler crest above the altar. "Do you understand me, Aeor?"
There was no response in words but the atmosphere in the sanctuary shifted, the few candles still lit flickering as if bent by a breeze. A vague sense of acknowledgement rolled over Xornoth's soul and they took the choked off anger from the place in the back of their mind where Exor dwelt to mean it was an affirmative.
Xornoth had never been an elf of many words. They left the heat-warped crown there on the altar, glistening golden in the low lights.
And Scott's mind had always been his own.
His mind but not, apparently, his life, Xornoth thought as, decades later, they once again stood on those same, flawless quartz stairs, a different crown for the same kingdom settled between their antlers, a weight rendered almost invisible from familiarity.
And whose fault is that? Exor sneered. Xornoth ignored him. Turning on their heel to jab a finger at the back of the stag statue's head.
"If I step foot in here and you smite me, Scott will be sad. And he'll have to be king and then he'll never have a full nights sleep ever again and you know it."
They pause a moment. There is no response but there is no roll of thunder either or sudden stormhead over the mountains, so that is probably as good as Xornoth is going to get.
Enough procrastinating. They have a brother to apologize to.
AU Masterpost
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cordycepsbian · 22 days
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epic divorce bee and the abominable snowmoth but gijinka au
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andiv3r · 3 months
Be honest, is it normal to carry around icepacks in any weather between 60-100⁰F (so throughout all of spring/summer/fall and sometimes winter) because of the heat?
(@ltlemon I'm gathering data)
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asydicsydney · 10 months
Guess who started to write a fic during the great AO3 shutdown and finished a month later!!
Ever since I saw that post about Kevin being bird-coded, I've imagined him with wings tattooed on his back. Here is Carlos (and frankly, Kevin) discovering them while stuck in a Desert Otherworld
TW for average Kevin stuff (mentions of blood and injury), 1.2K Words
"Could I study you, Kevin?"
Kevin's third person camera flickers as he spins his chair to face Carlos in the shared office space. "Wha-ha-at?" His nerves bubbling up in laughter in the middle of the question.
Carlos continued, "I've done a study on Cecil before. You know, marking his Night Valean qualities. I wondered last nigh- yesterd- earlier... If you had any similar qualities, since you're doubles and all." He eyed Kevin up and down, searching for a resemblance that didn't quite come up.
"Ohhhh-kay!" His tone lilted up to hide his initial perception of the question. "But I can assure you, Carlos," his voice was tinged with blood oranges, "I am genetically identical to... Him. We are doubles."
"I'm not certain on that," Carlos corrected him, walking to his side of the office and lifting his arm up. Kevin flinches. He does not know if it is from trauma or affection or an odd twilight between the two. "You don't have tattoos like he does. You've seen his, yes?" An 'mhm' is squeaked out through pursed lips as he stares at Carlos' hand turning his arm over. He does not notice his nails digging into his palms. "He has these tattoos of tentacles all over. They move not quite on top of the skin like an animated film. And I know they're not really tattoos because they turn into real tentacles. It's... Fascinating. But you don't have any..." Carlos sounds oddly upset at his final note, dropping Kevin's arm back on the armrest.
Now that he's been freed of the clinical gaze and grasp, Kevin lets out a shaky breath. The desert otherworld may be stuck at 76 degrees Fahrenheit, but his arm and face are reaching the mid 80's, at least. Only now does he process what Carlos said. "I do have a tattoo, actually."
Carlos drops the notes he was returning to and turns on his heel. "You do? What is it? Where is it? Does it materialize like Cecil's? Can I see it?"
The mention of the rival radio host from Carlos' mouth gives him pause, like it has been for the past few months since they built their shared living space, but he regains his composure because, oh my smiling god, he's finally interested in something about him! He does not read into this reaction. "Of course!" He takes the hem of his standard-issue StrexCorp yellow sweater vest, with it's interlocking triangle design across the chest, and starts to pull it over his head.
"Woah, wait, I-I-I didn't mean for you to str-"
"It's on my back, Carlos."
The sweater vest lays piled on his office chair like the grand mountains of the otherworld. He feels this ethereal weight lift off of him. Must be the heat. Really, who wears a sweater vest in 70 degree weather? He positions his third eye just so to aid the process in unbuttoning his work shirt. No one really gets how hard it is to push little buttons though little holes when your depth perception is every which way. He usually doesn't even entertain the thought. Back in Desert Bluffs he could be summoned to a meeting at any moment. There wasn't time to change into his hot pink satin loungewear.
"Do you...need...help? With that?" Carlos snaps him out of his walk-in closet mind at the same time he snaps a button off of its thread.
"I'm fine," he smiles a panicked smile, a smile he's perfected though it is not perfect, "Why would I need help?"
"I can see you biting through your cheek."
A bloody stream of spit drips onto his lapel. He stops chewing and lessens his smile. The last button comes undone and he moves the third eye to look back at him because he can't believe it. He's wearing a Desert Bluffs town fair volunteer shirt. Originally yellow but stained orange by the blood dunk tank he was running. DBCR was a shining sponsor of the old summer event. He smells traces of cotton candy (and blood) and sighs while his face is hidden from view. He tosses the undershirt on to the chair with the other pieces of his work outfit and turns around. "It's neat, right? I can't exactly remember when I got it, but it moves just like...His."
Carlos's brain starts backlogging information. Kevin's gaunt figure, scent, the many scars and still open wounds, his usage of the word 'neat', and the faint gold depiction of wings that, true to his word, are moving. They seem stiff, individual feathers stretching back to full plumage. And although they are not quite as sentient as Cecil's tentacles, they seem to shiver with fear. Carlos traces the sunset arc across Kevin's shoulder blades, feeling the slightest singe on his finger. Unlike with Cecil's markings, he could not keep his hands on the heated skin, not without lab gloves or giving off wrongful impressions of intimacy. "Can you materialize them?"
"I... don't know?" The wings ache each time he tries to move them. Their unfurling requires the energy of a younger Kevin, one who has not been physically shackled to a desk and forced to read out stock reports.
Carlos scratches his five o'clock shadow (he had just started growing it out before getting stuck in a dimension where nothing changes) and 'hmms' thoughtfully. Kevin's third eye spectates Carlos' scrutinizing, he sees his own body tinge red with increased blood flow, and he sees Carlos stab himself in the hand with a scalpel.
"CARLOS! Are you okay?" He moves his vision to get a better look at the wound. Oh, how the blood oozes and gathers to start building a scab and how expertly trained on the location of certain vital internal parts Carlos must be in order to still be standing right now. He bites his lip and draws blood there too. He tastes it and wonders what Carlos' would taste like.
"Kevin. Your wings- they're- astounding." The third eye whips back around to see its body's wings in all their gold tinged glory for the first time in years. Unlike their inked form, the manifested wings are a stark white that ignore whatever lighting conditions surround them, although the tips of each feather still shine a golden glow.
"They...they are. But, how did you get them out? I was, um, distracted."
"Oh, right! Well, Cecil's tentacles can involuntarily manifest when he's excited, and I know you like blood, so I stabbed myself. I can't actually do any damage, the Otherworld will just heal it. Look-" Carlos raises his hand to where he thinks Kevin's looking, showing the complete lack of a scar or scab on his palm, "I'm not hurt. And-" he squints as he walks closer to his lab partner's wings, "These are just stunning. The way they emit pure light is mind-boggling and makes them really hard to look straight at. Can you fly with them?"
Kevin freezes while his body feels a rush of heat never before known. He sees the endless sky outside the Otherworld lab, with zero smog clouds and just one ever present lighthouse. He sees himself next to the red light, wishing it a good morning, and diving off the railing. He sees his town, his new town, from a perspective unlike those of his spectral eye. The masked army looks like regularly sized people and Carlos looks like a very scientific ant. He lands next to his radio station and he folds his wings back together before he lets them dissolve back into the golden tattoo under his magenta DBTCR tank top, the same color he used to see the world through. He opens the door and the vision dissolves too.
"I can try."
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grunge-mermaid · 6 months
I really need pinterest to learn the difference between natural nails and nude acrylic/gel enhancements
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daz4i · 6 months
man i can't wait to move out so i can. like. sleep
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pepprs · 8 months
today was my second favorite (and possibly favorite) kind of weather which seems to happen so rarely these days: sprinkly rain that’s so thin and faint it doesn’t even register as droplets. as we were walking back from the event tonight (<- absolute chaos i may post about later but at one poijt i was on the verge of an anxiety attack lol 😻) some ppl in the group were complaining about the rain and i said “noooo it’s one of my favorite kinds of weather! it feels like you’re walking through a cloud!” and one of the ppl who complained immediately responded “tess you’re so cute. you’re like a little pixie” and i was like :#~D
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greeds · 11 days
ive been in a deeper depression this week and on the second day i was genuinely wondering to myself if someone put the evil eye on me for how bad it all suddenly was. hot sweats and unable to fall asleep at night, constant headache. weve also had unbearably hot weather around the time my episode started but idk if its what caused it, maybe just exacerbated :( i had a bad argument w my dad around that time. its just been a really bad week for me. im so lonely
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soracities · 1 year
m, i am sure you love every season, but do you have A favorite season (even if for a tiny bit? or a slight preference towards one in particular?)
oh, i am absolutely absolutely a winter baby 🤍
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chipsoda · 4 months
whats ur favorite hsr ship
homsad. i love those little freaks
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hamstermastersamster · 3 months
Last night I dreamt I had to protect a guinea pig that controlled the weather.
You must understand, there was nothing outwardly strange about this guinea pig. It couldn't talk, it didn't, like . . . cast spells or manipulate weather around me or anything. It was just a regular-looking brown guinea pig, albeit quite a large one (because it was very calm and felt so nice being held in my arms like babeh).
BUT everyone involved just somehow understood that the pig's existence was intrinsically linked to/stabilising the weather, and if anything happened to it, Bad Things would ensue.
The best way I can emphasise how Normal this guinea pig looks is that at some point, a legit Marvel-level superhero got involved to help me (nobody specific, just . . . a superhero of some kind), and he DID have superpowers and a stupid costume. And he acknowledged the importance of the pig and was going to help me protect it.
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cantankerouscatfish · 3 months
bro wtf, this is late May weathers. get outta here.
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bokatan · 6 months
i just need to put it out there that i'm disappointed by the costume quality from what i've seen of the fallout show
they really couldn't get any better paint for the power armor? they went hard on the vault set design, but they had to settle for some "cheap silver spray paint with a basic clear coat over it" vibe for the power armor???
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