#it's NOT a bloody Christmas song folks
spacely0 · 8 months
♦ top tier ★ all-time fave
slashers: ♦intruder friday the 13th part 2 sleepaway camp 2 stage fright scream ★♦cold prey (Fritt velt) 1 & 2 texas chainsaw massacre 1 & 2 wrong turn halloween 1 & 2 & H2O A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors 1987 Child's Play 1 & ♦2 ★♦Curse of Chucky Phantom of the paradise Popcorn 1991 Club Dread My Bloody Valentine 1981 ★♦Society 1989 ♦Psychopath AKA Der Poppen Murders The Funhouse 1981 Peeping Tom happy brithday to me 1981 black christmas ★♦Sceance Maniac (the one with elijah wood) hell fest ♦Just before dawn 1981 Maniac Cop
scifi horror: The Curse of Frankenstein 1957 ♦The Revenge of Frankenstein 1958 ★♦Bride of Frankenstein 1935 ★♦the stuff ★♦the fly 1958 ★♦invasion of the body snatchers 1978 ★♦the thing ♦the faculty ★♦from beyond ★♦re-animator 2 ★♦prince of darkness 1987 Quatermass and the Pit 1967 ♦Pandorum Dr jekyll and sister hyde ★♦the brood ★♦its alive 1974 & it lives again 1978 killer klowns from outer space 1988 Quaatermass and the Pit 1967
hauntings/curses: ★♦burnt offerings 1976 haunting in connecticuit conjuring 1 & 2 insidious 1 & 2 & 3 & 5 ★♦ evil dead 1 & 2 & 2013 final destination 1 & 2 & 5 house (hausu) 1977 Kairo (pulse) 2001 the grudge (japanese & american) ♦ dark water Night of the Demon 1957 ♦The changeling 1980 ★♦The Hole in the Ground 2019 Whispering Corridors
folk horror: midsomar ♦ Viy 1967 ♦ impetigore 2019 ★♦ the wickerman 1973 Burn Witch Burn the medium
catholic horror: ♦ The Devil Rides Out 1968 ★♦ the sentinel 1977 nun II ♦ exorcist III
weirdos: ♦basket case 1 & 2 ♦it follows A dark song ★♦The Perfection The Empty Man ★♦The Skull 1965 Beyond the Black Rainbow dead ringers i, madman 1989 messiah of evil 1973 ★♦The People under the Stairs 1991 ★♦The Reflecting Skin 1990 ★♦Carnival of Souls
zombies: ★♦the video dead dawn of the dead 1978 & 2004 dead and buried i walked with a zombie ♦plague of the zombies The Serpent and the Rainbow
monsters: ★♦Sweetheart 2019 The Gate 1987 The invisible Man 1933 ♦Wishmaster 1997 Warlock ♦the mummy's shroud 1967
vampires: Shadow of the Vampire 2000 ★♦ Martin ★♦Captain Kronos -vampire hunter The Brides of Dracula 1960 ★♦the night stalker & the night strangler salems lot 1 & 2 ★♦son of dracula 1943 subspecies 1 & 2 & 4 from dusk til dawn Vampire Hunter D 1985
werewolves: the howling 1981 ginger snaps the beast must die!
death traps: ★♦The Pit and the Pendulum 1961 saw escape room ★♦Theatre of Blood 1973 The Abominable Dr. Phibes 1971 haunt
found footage: ♦Host 2020 Unfriended 1 & 2 Cloverfield Final Prayer Gonjiam: haunted asylum grave encounters hellhouse LLC ★♦Willow Creek ★♦noroi the curse occult ★♦ghostwatch ♦V/H/S 1 & 2 & viral
★♦ ALL the Amicus horror anthologies are worth watching
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theoppositequeens · 8 months
come on, we can't delay
Fandom: Folk of the Air Rating: M Warnings: Attempted rape/non-con, Canon-typical violence Read on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51081748
Written for Folktober Day 9: "My sister, the serial killer." Hosted by @jurdannet and @jurdannetrevels
come on, we can't delay
It's past midmorning when Cardan's tail twitches over her calf in response to a sound outside their door, his way of waking her up quietly and discreetly.
They've been sleeping in after a revel, one of many, and Jude isn't exactly happy about the interruption. She stumbles from bed, grabs a robe and a dagger, and heads to figure out who needs them. Cardan, the opportunistic creature, has already closed his eyes again, with no intention of getting up.
"What is it?" Jude demands of the wide-eyed messenger. She's passed a note, hastily scribbled onto the back of a receipt:
Will you help me build a snowman? Come on, we can't delay. -T
Under that is an address.
Jude snorts. Trust Taryn to use Disney songs and their dark TikTok counterparts to send coded messages. And okay, they've seen that film a dozen times with Taryn's little one and Oak, the adults miming will you help me hide a body... behind the kids' backs. But it's still a gamble.
"What the fuck, Taryn," Jude mutters, and scrambles to put on some clothes.
The address is a nice suburban house in the human world, too nice for what's waiting inside. Taryn's covering her face in one corner, her shirt blood-soaked and torn. The fae guard Jude has ordered to guard her twin sister is standing in the hallway, shame-faced. He's likely responsible for getting the message to Jude, but he doesn't seem to have been of much help.
"What's happened?" Jude demands, her own shadows scattering to search the house. She tosses Taryn the leather jacket she was wearing, watching as her sister pulls it on, covering up red marks which are rapidly becoming bruises.
"Jude," Taryn sighs, weirdly collected and resigned. She isn't in shock or crying, as Jude perhaps expected. She's just resting her forehead against her hand, looking tired.
Taryn gestures a hand towards the living room, and Jude briefly inspects the man who has bled out on the sofa. The tiny dagger she gave Taryn for Christmas lies abandoned on the blood-splattered floor. Jude can assume what happened: the two glasses of wine, the signs of a struggle, Taryn's ripped clothes, the bruises forming on her twin’s wrists and neck.
"He wasn't successful," Taryn calls, and Jude picks up the dagger before she returns, washing it off in the kitchen sink.
"Good," she comments shortly, and then more softly, "Want a hug?"
They're not exactly the hugging type, but Taryn sinks into her arms and trembles lightly, Jude's shadows already at work on the cleanup.
"I don't... He didn't. End of story." Taryn's voice is firm.
"Certainly his end," Jude mutters darkly, and to her surprise Taryn laughs. It's wild and perhaps a bit unhinged, but a laugh.
"You and Madoc taught me well."
"You did good," Jude says into Taryn's hair, softer than she intends to.
"Clearly I have bad taste in men," her twin sighs, and Jude doesn't bother denying that. Taryn wouldn't listen right now, anyway. Instead she says,
"Disney, Taryn? Really?"
"Hey, it worked," Taryn defends, but Jude can hear she's smiling. "Besides, it's not like we ever made up a code for I killed my date who wouldn't listen to the word no and I need help."
"My sister, the serial killer," Jude jokes, though Taryn doesn't exactly fit that definition. Taryn huffs a laugh against her throat. "Best not mess with you."
Taryn hums in agreement.
"Let's get out of here," Jude suggests. "And perhaps shower before you gain the nickname bloody mummy at home."
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mywifeleftme · 6 months
231: The Pogues // If I Should Fall from Grace with God
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If I Should Fall from Grace with God The Pogues 1988, Stiff
Take my hand, and dry your tears babe Take my hand, forget your fears babe There’s no pain, there’s no more sorrow They’re all gone, gone in the years babe
Ah Shane, another man surely claimed by the number one cause of death in Ireland: Irishness. Sometimes it felt like you had to take your finger and fish around in his horrible mouth for all the poetry you’d been told was in there, but if you kept at it you’d always pull out some slurred gem eventually. Like a lot of men of my genre, to me the Pogues personified down-but-not-out romance, the sort of music for cavorting and resisting but also for sliding your heavy boots along some dusted wood floor, with your hands around a woman’s waist and your exhausted nose in her good-smelling hair. They made masculine music, certainly, but in that manner that admits tears and tenderness among men, the way enough beer can blur the stiff boundary between straight dudes and whiskey can burn right through it by the end of a night. And they made smart music too, cognizant of history, ever on the side of the common person, but with a maniac zest for bloody myths and black-humoured political sloganeering.
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MacGowan loved doomed poets like Federico Garcia Lorca and Brendan Behan, and it seemed that in his understanding there was no separating the doom from the poetry. Certainly he was avid in his commitment to both. In his lyrics and in his stage presence, he presented the figure of a tattered, drunken tramp, whose low state gives him vision, reckless freedom, and the right to broad sentimentality. It’s a pose that’s existed about as long as literature itself has, and there’s plenty of Irish and English folk songs that lean into the trope—what MacGowan, via his punk roots, brings to the table is that he sounds like that character when he sings. It’s moving when a ruinous drunk opens their gob and a high pure “Danny Boy” voice emerges. But with MacGowan, you feel like you’re right there in the bar or the prison cell or the ghostly pirate ship where the action is happening.
Of course, the Pogues were always more than just Shane, and it’s not unlikely he’d be a very obscure figure today if he hadn’t joined forces with such a formidable crew of instrumentalists. Though I’m partial to the MacGowan-dominated Rum Sodomy & the Lash, their most successful record, If I Should Fall from Grace with God, is the moment the band and their brilliant frontman achieved equilibrium. Many of the album’s finest songs are co-writes between MacGowan and banjo player Jem Finer, while new additions (and actual Irishmen) Terry Woods and Philip Chevron (himself passed away in 2013) each contribute moving originals. The band is every bit as put-together as Shane is not, but the record finds them as always shifting gracefully between hellraising punk, rare old dewy folk, and honest-to-God Christmas music without once seeming out of their element. On the better than respectable (though less than classic) albums that followed, they would effectively take up the slack left by their decreasingly functional singer. Even when Shane was often little more than a reeking stage prop, they remained a force in concert.
I own the first three Pogues records (and the Poguetry in Motion EP), and prior to today I hadn’t decided which I would write about. But when I heard the news, I knew immediately it would be Grace’s “The Broad Majestic Shannon” that would be the song to make me weep; and that decided it. Lesser known than the similarly swinging “Fairytale of New York,” but no less special to my heart, it tells in plain speech of the pain and relief in time’s passing. As MacGowan told it, “Shannon” is “a song about an Irishman returning to his hometown in County Tipperary after many years of living in London, and finding that everything about the place he grew up in has changed or disappeared.” He remembers a last drink with friends and a lover, a pensive moment sat at a crossroads where he took the place in a final time before pushing off. Sometime later, he returns to a wall where that crossroads once stood and stands by it a while, pushing around some old rubbish with his foot before shaking his head wryly at himself for being so sentimental about it. Threading those two moments in time there’s the chorus I quoted at the top of this piece, this rich, tender, accepting thing. On the first pass through, it could be the speaker comforting his loved ones on the eve of his departure; on the second, it seems the memory of his own words gently chides and comforts him. “The Broad Majestic Shannon” makes the iron, inescapable fact that all people and things must pass away sound like a blessing, and that coming to accept this fact is the requirement that makes truly living possible. Poets tend to be denied the benefits of their own insights, but they say even in his ruin Shane was content with his lot. He loved and was loved. And now he’s gone where there are no tears or cops or dentists, and we have our time together before we go too.
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tanlace · 2 years
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concept: hiding from the idealistic rich folks becomes a sport. blair cameron’s reputation is her gold mine; jj maybank has never been afraid to get his knuckles bloody for anything. what’s a more chaotic pair than a girl who has all she could want but is never satisfied, and a boy whose most prized possessions are the sky and the sea?
a series of one-shots preceding valley of the dolls. does not follow the storyline of the show. all are inspired by various songs off the taylor swift albums evermore and folklore.
august: our story starts with a girl and a boy, their face basked in sunlight as they sipped on daiquiris and, for a moment, it seemed the line between the rich and the poor has faded into stardust (paper can be brutally heavy when it is stained with lipstick).
illicit affairs: in the wake of their newfound feelings, blair and jj are prepared to do anything in order to keep their clandestine meetings under wraps as autumn rolls in.
the last great american dynasty: jj is working a wedding at the country club and has no choice but to watch blair from afar as she bathes in all the riches he could never give her . . . holding the hand of a boy who can.
‘tis the damn season: as christmas settles in, blair and jj drive out to the cameron’s lakeside lodge for the weekend to bask in misty quiet the december snow so-generously offers.
mirrorball: following the surprise reemergence of her mother at her father’s birthday party, blair stains her dress with red wine and breaks down in the bathroom. jj is there to pick up the pieces, confronted to a side of the lavish girl he had never witnessed before.
invisible string: the window is always left open for the only person who felt the dire need of slithering through it way after midnight. following a fight out by the beachside, blair has her hands full with an injured jj and bloodstains on her carpet that seemed to have flocked in the shape of a bold, red string from the windowsill to the bed.
long story short: a drunken jj reminisces his failed, past relationships and comes to the conclusion that the girl he would like to spend his forever with is the one with the champagne glass, pressing a cold cloth to his forehead.
all too well: after blair abruptly cuts things off with jj on a warm april night, he finds himself struggling to pick up the pieces, finding a piece of her in everything he sees, smells and does. neither of them quite believes that this is the end . . . but the next page is blank.
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madelineserenity · 2 years
Reaper Nurse Christmas Prompt Countdown | Day 1: Mariah
(This one is with a reader in a polygamous relationship with the nurses. As Christmas is a time for family, I'll be writing some with a child, girlfriend/wife/fiancée, etc. reader. Play Peer Gynt in the background for best effect)
Birds flew playfully in the morning sky.
Insects bathed happily in the cool dew that dripped from leaves and made spider webs glow like the sun.
The sunlight shone gently through your curtains as the breeze tickled them awake.
The entire hospital was bathed in the morning light.
You drowsily sit up and stretch your arms up, straining until you hear a small pop in your shoulder. Even though the day was so calm and peaceful, and you were more than willing to lay back into your soft and squishy pillows, it was too beautiful a day to be wasted. You pulled out the little yoga mat tucked into one of your little box shelves, before rolling it out on the cool marble floor. You pulled yourself into an upward-facing-dog position, hearing another loud pop in your back. The nurses had given you your yoga mat after learning you had trouble waking up in the morning. You used to need two or three prompts from the nurses to get out of bed for breakfast, and even then, you'd be lethargic and rather quite grumpy. Now, you felt like you had so much energy and you felt ready to take on the world in the mornings.
As you shifted positions, lying on your side, and pulling your right leg up to your back, you wondered what lovely breakfast they'd organised for you today. The nurses loved to spoil you, even if some of them were... a little wild, to say the least.
That was when you were startled to hear the sound of an upcoming announcement. What could it possibly be at this time of day?
(turn off your Peer Gynt, it all goes downhill from here, folks.)
🎵 I 🎵
A song? Just as it started, your phone's morning alarm began to chime, lighting up its screen.
7:45 AM 1st Dec
🎵 Don't want a lot for Christmas... 🎵
No. No no no no NO. You immediately flung yourself up, almost tripping as your mat shifted under the sudden movement. You threw open your closet and pulled on your baby blue dressing gown, pulled your door open and ran into the halls.
🎵 There is just one thing I need... 🎵
There was nobody around. Your room was on the fourth floor, far away from the soul shards, and thus, away from any men who could take advantage of your mortality, who could kill you to get you out of their way...
🎵 I don't care about the presents... 🎵
The nurses were probably downstairs, definitely very confused as well. They knew you would prefer to have the freedom to wake up and come down by yourself, they coddled you so often it was the least they could do. Right now though, you wished there was a nurse around. They knew where the PA room was and turn that bloody song off. You had been able to keep the memelord nurses from playing it yesterday, "It's not even December!", but what could you do now!?
🎵 ...underneath the Christmas tree... 🎵
A door opened behind you.
🎵 I just want you for my own... 🎵
"...Who's there? I know one of you jackasses is there. Can y'all stop cloaking and trying to give me an aneurysm?"
🎵 More than you could ever know... 🎵
She appeared.
You could see under her bag, she was smirking.
🎵 Make my wish come true... 🎵
It was Caroline, a professional shitposter and absolute anarchist.
"Merry Christmas, love. I bought a little padlock Matron wasn't aware of - attached it to the public address system room door -"
🎵 All I want for Christmas is.... 🎵
"Mhm! And here," she pulled a shiny, new key out of her pocket. "is the only key to it!" She skated to the side of the hall and unlocked the window, but before you could get to her, she'd skated away from you - backwards, just to be a show-off - chuckling.
As you tried to grab it, she tossed it out of the window, down four levels, directly into a massive bush of thorny roses, just as the
🎵 You 🎵
rang through the halls.
You screamed at the top of your lungs, frightening the life... death? out of the nurses below, who immediately panicked and skated like hell to the elevators, some couldn't bear to wait for the lifts while you were in danger, so they ripped their skates off and started gunning it up the long, painful flights of stairs.
This was going to be hell...
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luckhissoul · 6 months
❝ i wouldn't necessarily mind getting the twelve days of christmas. ❞ perhaps, it's rather abrupt and well, yes, that did come out of nowhere, but as johanna tries to further bury her hands into her gloves to keep her fingers from freezing, she finds she doesn't care. she's not exactly used to freezing england winters. or snow. all was witnessed from the comfort of her window, hot coals waiting underneath her mattress for her. ❝ there are a total of one hundred and eighty-four birds in that song. there's no birds in the winter. i miss them. ❞ despite the harsh winds, johanna feels her cheeks warming. she doesn't think mr. cauthon cares very much about how many birds are in an old folk song. ❝ i don't like gifts very much, but . . . well, i suppose that's a gift i wouldn't mind very much. i could keep the birds warm and then help them find a new home come spring. ❞
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"one hundred and eighty four?" he repeats as he reaches for her gloved hands. he does it without thinking really, warming them in his. he gives a small shake of his head. sounded bloody mad, didn't it? all those birds sounded like a lot of work. and who would want to have more of a work load for christmas. no, thank you. he'd settle for a gift or two. "well, i'll keep that in mind next time i'm at the zoo. i'm sure there's more than one hundred and eighty four there." he lets out a small breath of a laugh. "in my experience most women want jewelry, dresses. pretty, hassle free things. i like hassle free, too. money was my favorite thing to get as a kid." - @cannotfly
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dreamsister81 · 3 years
"If  you listen to the lyrics of Hallelujah closely, you  notice  it’s a  song  about  sex,  about  love,  about life on Earth. The hallelujah isn’t a tribute to a worshipped person, an idol or a god, but it’s the hallelujah of orgasm. It’s an ode to life and to love."-OOR, August, 1994
Why did you cover a Leonard Cohen song?
Because I find myself in Hallelujah, not because of Cohen.-Knust interview, September 13, 1994
“Any of the covers on the album are there because they mean a certain thing in my life that I love and I miss. One day I was house-sitting for a friend and she left her whiskey out and I got into it and hit this horrible sorrowful jag. I went to the gig-Sin-É, in fact-weeping like a fucking animal. The whole time. I sang ‘Hallelujah’ that night and I got through the show just on the edge of tears. I don’t know why. It just wells up inside you."-Hot Press, October 5, 1994
And this version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah", does he know the John Cale version? "Well, actually, I'm playing John Cale's version, that's where I got it from, from that record "I'm Your Fan" that I listened to at a friend's house. I also know Leonard's original, but he doesn't sing every verse, the way John interprets it is so...simple."-Rock & Folk, October, 1994
" 'Hallelujah' for example I learned in New York from John Cale after a year working at Sin-é on a day when I found myself crying like a baby and that song expressed exactly what I was feeling. A title like 'Hallelujah' makes one think of the church, of morality and instead there is a deep humanity inside, there is the idea of making love, losing love, being crucified. Leonard wrote ten verses for that song and I don't know why he didn't sing them all, I just chose the ones I felt were most mine. He has this extraordinary ability to grasp the fundamental element of a certain situation and to "steal" it, make it his own and build the text around it."-Rockerilla, October, 1994
The artists you've covered so far are Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen, Alex Chilton, they're connected on a certain line. It's kind of cult people or like that. Do you select those songs consciously?
It doesn't matter who's song it is. I did it because each moment in my life matched the song so well. For example, Leonard's "Hallelujah." One day, I was intoxicated with so much sadness, I was totally wasted after drinking whiskey and practicing this song. Right after that, I went into the gig as I was, and I was screaming like an animal. I'm singing that song with those experiences in mind. I have to be myself before the song exists.-Rockin'on October 1994
"Hallelujah, I was just housesitting for a friend, watching her cats while she was away and I got into her whiskey and got into her record collection and there was there was John Cale's version of Hallelujah on I'm Your Fan. And I'm not...there are Leonard Cohen enthusiasts...it's not because of Leonard that I did the song, it's simply because of the song and because of the verses. I'm just in there somewhere. I have no blood bound allegiance to Leonard, although i have an incredible admiration and real great love of his work you know? There's a difference between somebody who's a total Tom Waits freak and just somebody who just likes to listen to them, and you know, the Tom Waits freak will know everything: the demos, the back in the days when he used to sound like Billy Joel, blah, blah, blah...hear the European demos, well, he didn't used to, but back when he was a bit smoother. You know, just knows everything. And I don't know everything about Leonard Cohen, and I haven't read Beautiful Losers, and I haven't done that, but it was just a great song."-WBCN's "Nocturnal Emissions", October 23, 1994 in Boston, Massachusetts
" 'Hallelujah' I didn't do it because it's by Leonard Cohen, but because I like the song. Based on that it was done for all the songs, including mine. The version that inspired me is a John Cale version with all ten verses, unlike the way it appears on Various Positions. The night I first proposed it at Sin-é was a special night, I had also been a bit of a jerk. You see, the word Hallelujah has its own definite sign, you connect it to the church. Instead, for me it is a word that celebrates something very human, it speaks of a deep connection between pain and the human condition. That word has nothing to do with being nailed to a cross: there's when you're hurting, but there's also when you're making love, when you're losing it."-Buscadero, November, 1994
"The fact that I did Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah doesn't mean anything, Cohen is something you discover when you're discovering life, you don't get there when you're very young."-Rumore, November, 1994
"Finally, Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah not for the meaning of religious purity that anyone can see, but for more earthly reasons: pain, sex, orgasm and the cruelty of everyday life. I believe in people, not in heaven. Without people God would not exist, he would not make sense."-Tutto, February, 1995
I wanted to ask you about your version of "Hallelujah". I guess its based more on John Cale's version than Leonard Cohen's original?
Yeah. But I heard the one on (Cohen's album) Various Positions first. Then I was stuck in a room with that I'm Your Fan CD (a Cohen tribute album) and I listened to (Cale's version) and it was, again, very simple. Then I heard that version one time again in Tower Records, and I was just struck. There and then, I thought, "This is wonderful ."
But am I right in thinking you don't really rate your version, compared with Cale's?
Well, he's a man. Mine's too fast. I know the difference between myself in a totally empty situation-which is best, where anything can happen-and in a situation where something's expected. And I don't feel very good about that day, and the time I chose that song to be included on the record, it was between that version and another version that I really despised. All in all, there must 22 versions floating out there. It's just never the right time. It seems that the only right time is when I'm telling it to people. And I guarantee, I have mashed that version into the ground nightly on tour, just creamed it. And there's also a version on the master reel for "So Real" that, because I was so wiped out and exhausted after that day-we'd recorded "So Real" and I recorded one last "Hallelujah", and that was my best one-I just forgot about that "So Real", I was so tired. So it's just hanging around out there. C'est la vie. Part of making records is letting stuff go.-February 28, 1995 interview, published in Uncut, September, 2004
 I tell him that Bono loves Grace and says that Buckley's cover of Cohen's Hallelujah is better than his own. (Buckley plays John Cale's slightly altered version of the song from the I'm Your Fan tribute album to Cohen.) Buckley slumps back in his chair, as he does when on the defensive, and curls his lip in a manner that accentuates his resemblance to Matt Dillon. "I don't think I did that right," he sighs, passing over the compliment without comment. "I hope Leonard doesn't hear it. The way I do it live is better. I did it all live in the studio, there's no overdubs at all, but I pop it in unexpectedly in the show and it works better. The way I did it sounded more like a child and sometimes I've sung it more like a man."-Mojo, March, 1995
"It's a hymn to being alive. It's a hymn to love lost. To love. Even the pain of existence, which ties you to being human, should receive an amen-or a hallelujah."-Schwann Spectrum, Spring 1995
"I found myself in that song and I performed it many times in solo shows. But I'd be neglecting something if I didn't say that I learned it from John Cale. John Cale was the one that brought it to recording first, on the tribute album I'm Your Fan and he used these lyrics, these verses, for the song that didn't appear on Various Positions, which was the first album that Hallelujah appeared upon. I was house-sitting for my friend Susan and she had some whiskey...I don't know, I just hit a big, really bad sorrow jag and put on the song, and it was so simple the way John sang it that the words went through me, and I learned the words that night, played it that night at my gig at Sin-e...I don't know, it just stayed with me ever since. I wasn't gonna put it on the album at first 'cause I didn't write it and it would be kinda cheesy but I thought better after a couple suggestions from a friend of mine, and I did. Unfortunately, I think people will ask for it until the day I'm grey and old and fat, which I don't like, so I'll have to write something better, and I will."-Sony promo interview
"He has a unique talent for making everyday life poetic and surreal-the most difficult way to write. However, on Hallelujah, I much prefer the lyrics rewritten by John Cale for the I'm Your Fan compilation. It is this version that I have taken up, not Cohen's version."-Les Inrockuptibles, July, 1995
"That's not a hallelujah of chasteness and piety," Buckley explains. "It's more menstrual. It has more to do with the hallelujah of orgasam, of pain, of joy, of flesh, of being tied to the earth. Not of invisible angels in heaven who may or may not come down to tell you how good or bad you are, or Santa Claus."-Sydney Morning Herald, August 25, 1995
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logistic-worms · 3 years
I take a crack at guessing the next shuffle units
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(E for Eternal/Everlasting? Easter? Eight? Episode?)
Point 5* Yuzuru, Gacha 5* Tomoya, Point 4*s Nagisa & Kohaku, Gacha 4* Tatsumi. 
I don’t know why, but I have a strong feeling that Yuzuru and Tomoya will be in a shuffle together…
Set Up:
Eternal/Everlasting: This is just an out-there concept idea that I liked. Plus it would sound nice in marketing i.e the song title, unit name, or event title.
Easter: With this being the next shuffle unit I can’t see  it being in April as that may be too far into the next year, but it’s not a reach they’ll do an Easter event with a shuffle, it might just not be ‘E’. But I would like these specific characters to be in the Easter unit; The Ra*bits leader as well as the practicing christian, just makes sense. Nagisa and Kohaku are mostly just in there for aesthetics (they would look good in pastels, which is what I envision the unit outfits’ color-scheme to be).
Eight: I honestly don’t know why I wrote ‘eight’ down. I forget number symbolism… But the last unit, Ring.A.Bell, had a ‘23’ hidden in the logo which referenced diamond carats, so I can see numbers being used again.
Episode: This is mostly thinking of the advertising set up in-story. Maybe Anzu is tasked with forming a unit to sing a song that will be used in an episode of a drama or a song to promote an episode of said drama.
(F for Festival)
Point 5* Madara, Gacha 5* Kuro, Point 4*s Hinata & Koga, Gacha 4* Subaru. 
Just kind of obvious.
Set Up:
Eichi tasks Anzu to form a unit to perform at a festival that ES is holding or something along those lines.
I like the idea of Mama overhearing this and practically begging Anzu to make him the unit’s leader.
But it’d also be cute if Anzu knows just how much Madara enjoys festivals and understands that he would make the best leader for such a unit, recruiting him herself.
Maybe an emphasis on taiko and fireworks/firecrackers?
Koga’s kind of an outlier but I put him in there to contrast Hinata’s voice. Hopefully he likes this sort of thing, he certainly has the energy for it.
(G for Gift? Greetings?)
Point 5* Hokuto, Gacha 5* Tsukasa, Point 4*s Shu & Rinne, Gacha 4* Ibara.
They’re gonna do two Christmas units. I just know it.
Set Up:
Another holiday shuffle, but more "mature" this time.
No, I don’t know why Rinne’s here. No, it’s not because RinneShu is the Best-Worst dynamic in all of Ensemble Stars. Definitely not because of that.
This is just kind of made up of leftovers…
Ibara seems like a Scrooge-type let’s explore that.
(H for Heart)
Point 5* Arashi, Gacha 5* Hiiro, Point 4*s Tetora & Jun, Gacha 4* Rei.
I know it's pretty out there, just listen.
Set Up:
I’m not sure if I want this to be a Valentine’s event or not but it could work either way.
I’ve thought about the unit members in this shuffle a bit more than others and I know that shuffles are more random than anything but here:
Arashi: Love and acceptance for one’s self. Hiiro: Love for one’s family. Found family & Blood-related. Rei: Sensuality, idk just read Bloody Moon Vampire lyrics. Tetora: Love and respect for others. Jun: Making one’s own love, kind of found family. Whatever he and Hiyori have going on. Maybe the inexperienced lover that complements everyone else in the unit.
As for the task they’ve been given perhaps a magazine shoot, or an ad for something that has to do with self-care. Or an event is being held for couples/families to attend that just sounds really lovey-dovey.
I absent-mindedly put Karate Club together, whoops.
(I for Instinct/Intuition? Illuminate? Ignite?)
Point 5* Tsumugi, Gacha 5* Mika, Point 4*s Adonis & Shinobu, Gacha 4* Wataru.
This just kind of makes sense to me? IDK!!
Set Up:
Ah yes, two wizards, a doll, a ninja, and your run-of-the-mill guy’s guy. Such an interesting set of folks. They all look really good together, color palette wise.
I would want this shuffle to be magic/sorcery themed. Not necessarily wizardry, but the unit outfits should be flowy and light/delicate. Kind of like the Switch Pleiades MV outfit colors/materials wise.
Story set up would maybe be like an advertisement for performance wear or gear like microphones and what not. It’s just random. I didn’t really put a lot of thought into what Anzu’s tasked to do with this shuffle.
(J for Jester? Jewel?)
Point 5* Mayoi, Gacha 5* Hiyori, Point 4*s Kanata & Yuuta, Gacha 4* Ritsu
Set Up:
Leftovers... but I think their voices would sound nice together.
Yes ! ! Put Mayoi and a Sakuma together. I want lore please please please.
I think either theme, Jester/Jewel, would be interesting and would result in gorgeous MV/Homescreen outfits.
They could each symbolize a gemstone? Hmm...
I have an idea song wise for this shuffle... It’d be jazz-y, that’s it, that’s the song idea.
Let me know how cringe or based my takes were. Sorry this is so long.
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You Chapter 2 ~It’s Her Cue~
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Previously in Sparks Will Fly ...
A slap on his back tore his gaze away from Claire. "Easy now lad," Willie said in a low, amused voice. "Ye look like ye could use the same drink as her."
Jamie glanced back at the subject of their conversation. "Aye, but make mine a double," he whispered.
"On it," Willie replied, laughing as he walked off.
What the bloody hell?  He should be withdrawing himself away from this attraction because this mad instant bond between them was like an overloaded electrical fuse, capable of incinerating him alive. He'd already learnt his lesson from his last relationship. He'd been there and done that, but yet he didn't have the will to stop himself from finding out how their connection would play out.
Oh, Christ, this is bad. So, so bad, I'm in so much big trouble.  Taking a huge sigh, he found himself a stool nearest to the pool table and watched Claire steal the show from the best snooker player in Broch Mordha.
If you wish to read this on AO3, here is the link.
If you wish to read this from the beginning:
AO3 link
Tumblr link
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"Just polishing my balls for the lovely lass, here." 
The people around her howled with good-natured laughter.
Claire kept her head down as she sat on the edge of the stool, chalking her stick, waiting for Hugh to stop showing off and blathering with his mates, and to finally break. She felt eyes on her, and when she looked up, she met Jamie's gaze where he sat with his brother at the high table. 
Annalise leaned in from behind her and whispered, "Ginger can't stop looking at you."
Claire drew in substantial deep breaths. She'd watched Jamie play shinty earlier, and she thought he looked impressive then. Tall, strong, lithe, covered in mud and the epitome of a Highland warrior. Not that she had any idea what a Highland warrior would have looked like. After all, she only had the movie, Braveheart to go by. But who would have thought he'd show any interest in her. Perhaps, because she'd probably looked like she was about to climb him. Who could blame her, though? The moment he'd looked into her eyes, he stirred something inside her, which no man had ever done before him. And by some feat of willpower, she wondered how she'd succeeded not breaking into song right then and there. Up close earlier and now, sat only a few feet away, Jamie looked even better. Wavy auburn hair touched the collar of his plaid flannel shirt and the way his jeans hung low on hips, it shouldn't be even allowed. 
"He probably thinks I'm easy. You know how some rural folks think city people like us have loose morals."
Annalise gasped. "Why do you think he would think that?"
"I think I came on too strong and flirty," she confided in a low voice. "He's a man, so of course, he'd respond, and it probably works a treat for him too since I'm only here for a holiday. But my God, he's one fine specimen of a man, isn't he? I'm even getting butterflies, and the last time I had them ...goodness, I can't even remember." 
"Don't be daft ...you don't even know what he's thinking. Besides, you're single, and you're allowed to show interest if you fancy someone." The ice in Annalise's vodka and tonic clinked behind her. "This is the twenty-first century, and you're welcome to it. Flirt away and get butterflies. Let yourself go a little. I don't know if it applies here, but I'll say it anyway ...what goes on in the Highlands, stay in the Highlands." 
Aww, bless her.
Claire was grateful for her friend's presence in her life. If Annalise hadn't been there to constantly coax her out of her self-consciousness and to confide in to, she'd probably still be living a secluded life, and London would have eventually eaten her whole. Now here she was, openly flirting with a handsome stranger and she'd agreed to let him take her out.
Claire smiled. "How about you? What's happening with you and Willie?"
Annalise made an exaggerated sighing sound behind her, making her laugh. What a tart! 
"Hey, by the way, Jamie asked me out. So I guess, after this game and a round of drink, we're going to split. He wants to take me on a Christmas night tour. Will you be alright with Willie?" Claire asked. She had to make sure as this was their holiday together and she didn't want Annalise feeling abandoned.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. The boys seem like decent blokes, but as a precaution, I took photos of their driving licences and sent them to Geillis. She'll have them thoroughly checked out. Really handy to know someone whose boyfriend works with the police."
Claire's eyes widened, and she turned around to face her friend. "You didn't! I told Jamie I trust him." Geillis Duncan was their mutual friend they'd met in London at a party. After hitting it off, they'd forged a tight friendship, and the three of them became close until Geillis had to move back to her home city of Glasgow when she met the love of her life. Claire and Annalise were going to visit her before flying back to London.
"Of course, I did, silly. We're both on our own. Just because we're on our holidays and having fun doesn't mean we have to be lax when it comes to precaution. Don't worry, it'll be fine." Annalise reassuringly squeezed her arm. "Speaking of protection ...do you have condoms?"
What!?!  Sex was the furthest thing from her mind. But she didn't have time to reply as she saw at the corner of her eye, Hugh finally, leaned across the pool table and broke. As Claire stood up to take her turn, their audience cheered and whooped. 
Ignoring the hoots and whistles, she watched in concentration as the colourful balls rolled, not one of them dropping into a pocket. She began to walk around the pool table, taking in each position of the balls as she tapped her chin. Alrighty Beauchamp, let's have a look, shall we? This should be easy-peasy, lemon squeezy. We'll go for stripes. 
"Ye ken how to play, hen?" Hugh teased, extracting laughter from his friends. "If not, I promise to go easy with my shaft." Another round of loud laughter ensued.
Claire ignored the innuendo, and the sally going on and focused.
First, I'll down that nine-ball hanging over the pocket and use the rail to tap out the eleven, crammed against the twelve. That'll leave open the six, thirteen, and fifteen. Once I drop the fifteen, using a little side spin, that should bring me to the other end of the table. Then I'll sink the eleven and the fourteen into the same corner pocket, gently hitting the ten off the rail in the process, so I don't get stuck later having to bank shot it. Knock in the eight, then I'm clear to finish it off. Good God, Beauchamp, you're so good.
Satisfied with her strategy, Claire leaned over the green felt and positioned herself. Although Hugh's loud wisecrack didn't rattle her, the intensity of Jamie's stare was another matter. Taking a deep breath, she redirected her concentration on her game plan and took her first shot and then another, working clinically and accurately. Unfortunately, their encounter earlier kept creeping back into her consciousness and playing in loops in her head. It didn't help that his scent stuck on to her when he'd caught her after the fall. He smelled of forest and fresh laundry. None of that heavy musky expensive perfumes London yuppies liked to bathe in. It made her want to lean in, bury her face in the crook of his neck and take a deep breath.
Bent at the waist, Claire stretched over the edge of the table and focused on the fifteen-ball and tried not to wince at the memory of openly flirting with Jamie. In her defence, it wasn't every day she was rescued by a very manly bloke who stared at her like he didn't want to let her out of his sight. She wondered if she'd appeared too eager and was totally misunderstanding the look he was giving her. There had been a hint of wariness lurking behind those beautiful translucent blue eyes when she'd agreed to go out with him. Had she said something to cause him to throw up his guard?  
Having gone to a Catholic, all-girls, boarding school, her experience with the opposite sex was limited to the ones she read in romance novels. Orphaned at a young age, her guardian uncle Lamb didn't believe, dragging her across the globe with him was an ideal way to raise a girl, especially when he worked mostly with men in archaeological sites. So he'd decided the best place for her upbringing was with the nuns, right through college.
So when it finally came for her to start adulting and dating in a big, bad city like London, she'd been like a deer caught in the headlights. But she quickly found her feet with the help of her friend and flatmate, Annalise, a Parisienne by birth and a Londoner at heart. The French girl had been a mentor to her, initiating her to the trappings of singlehood and city life. Though the dating and getting-to-know-a-guy part was also an exciting discovery, she quickly realised every date she'd been to, after having gone through a handful of them, was a recycled version of the last. Same lines, same latest fashion, exaggerated backstories and trying too hard to impress instead of being themselves. So at the ripe age of twenty-five, she still had to experience what it was like to have a boyfriend. Annalise accused her of being too picky, but Claire always reasoned she just hadn't met the right one. She'd envisioned her first boyfriend to be someone endearingly awkward, not too loud and maybe a little shy. But Jamie was the least awkward man she'd ever met. He was easy on the eyes, and he lived inside his skin like a well-worn pair of jeans. He was far from a starter boyfriend she'd envision - definitely, not a boy anything.
"Go, Claire! You can do it!" Annalise shouted at the sidelines.
As she marked her shot on the eight-ball, she glanced up at Jamie and felt her focus wobble a bit. When one of the lads emitted a low whistle as she moved her hips to settle herself at a conducive angle, he didn't have a smidgen of amusement on his face. More than anything, he looked liked he was about to knock the front teeth off of the offender.
She didn't want a pub brawl to start in her honour, even if it sounded romantic in movies or books.
Straightening up from her position, she gave Jamie what she thought was a sexy smile. "Hey, Jamie," she called to him. "You got that single malt ready for me? This shouldn't take long." She tried not to blanch for sounding overconfident and cocky. It seemed cheeky for presuming she'd finished this game in a jiffy, but the pleasure of seeing his piercing blue eyes creased at the corners was definitely worth the minor discomfort her behaviour had caused her. Oh, Lordy! There were hushed oohs, followed by a round of testosterone-laced jests, making Jamie shake his head in amusement. At least, to her relief, he stopped looking like he's about to wallop anyone. Trouble averted in the knick of time!
As Jamie turned to get the attention of the bartender, she quickly lowered herself back over the table in the same position and sunk in the remaining balls. When she finished, her opponent, Hugh looked, well …not the least bit pleased about it. It probably didn't help she'd earlier acted cocksure about winning the game and might have dented his macho ego in front of his mates. 
Claire watched Hugh purposely marched towards her as their audience clapped, cheered and teased him for losing to a lassie.
"Ye got me at a disadvantage. I must admit I went easy on you since ye're new around here," he said loud enough for everyone near the pool table to hear. 
Claire gave him a charming smile, even though she felt like throttling him for not being man enough to congratulate her. "I know. Too bad, you assumed I couldn't play because I have a pair of boobs."
Hugh's eyes dropped down to her breast, and his cheek twitched, as he openly leered at her. "I must admit, ye have a lovely pair, and it might have distracted me from playing a good game, now that I come to think about it. Ye ken what ye need? Ye need a good ..."
"Stiff drink?" Jamie interrupted as he handed Claire a glass of single malt. "That's what ye were about to say, aye?"
Jamie's words were mildly pleasant, but she detected the underlying warning in his tone. Hugh didn't look like one to back-off, but when Jamie took a small step forward, he eyed the height and breadth before him and thought better of it. Splitting a forced smile between her and Jamie, Hugh raised both his hands as a sign of truce and slowly walked back to his mates.
With a sigh, she placed her cue stick on the pool table and faced Jamie. "This is fast becoming a habit of yours, isn't it?"
"What?" he asked, taking a step inside her personal space. It was another one of his moves to add to that growing habit list of his. Her old fashion side, the side influenced by her upbringing in the boarding school, wanted her to take a step back. But the side, that suspiciously sounded like Annalise, was shouting at her to hold her ground.
So she held her ground and arched an eyebrow at him. "You coming to my rescue. Again!"
When his mouth expanded into a smile, she couldn't help noticing his full, beautiful lips. With a cleanly shaven angular jaw, they made him looked like an angel who'd spent time in hell. Her breath caught in her throat, and she quickly looked back up, hoping he hadn't noticed her wandering eyes.
His amused expression told her he had. "Ye could say, rescuing ye is one past time that's beginning to grow on me." 
She laughed out loud. It was something she did whenever she was nervous or when shyness overtook, and the most annoying part of it, it was almost always accompanied by a snort. She quickly sobered up. Acting like a loon was definitely beginning to be her nervous signature move.
As if sensing her unease, Jamie quickly changed the subject. "By the way, that was some show ye put on. Ye'll be the topic of everyone's conversation for the next few days. And Hugh the butt of jokes."
"I didn't realise I was playing with a sore loser," she said, taking a sip of her whisky. When the heat slid down her throat, she tried not to flinch. Acting cool wasn't her forte, but she was determined to work on it. "If I'd known, I would have given up my slot."
"Dinnae fash. Hugh's all mouth and no trousers, but he's harmless. So where did ye learn to play like that?" His eyes scanned her face, and he cocked his head a little like he was committing each of her features to memory.
"My uncle taught me. We'd play for hours whenever we get time to spend together."
"Ye're close to yer uncle. That's nice. I hope I'd be that type of uncle one day."
She beamed. Jamie looked like the type of uncle who would have boundless of energy playing with children. "My uncle's for the most part, both a father and mother to me when I wasn't in the boarding school. My parents died when I was young."
His face turned serious. "Sorry to hear that. My parents have always been part of my life, so I can't begin to imagine what it was like for you growing up without them."
Claire gave him a grateful smile as she pulled a vibrating phone from her pocket. "Oh, bummer," she whispered, glancing down at the screen. "I have about fifteen missed text messages. I didn't feel it going off. I must have been caught up with all the excitement of the game." 
He ran a hand along his jaw. "Some lad missing ye back home?"
She hesitated, glancing up at him. "No." She shook her head, vigorously. "It's my friend, Geillis." She skimmed through the messages wondering why there were so many of them. Annalise had sent the photos of the brothers' driving licences to Geillis, and probably something had come up.
"Is everything alright?" he asked as she continued to read the messages.
"It's fine," she squeaked, looking for any incriminating data Geillis might have found. She found none. Instead, what she was reading was making her face heat up.
"Are ye sure? Ye have a troubling frown forming on yer face. Maybe I can help."
She sighed and rolled her head. "Annalise sent the photos of your driving licences to my friend Geillis. And a selfie she took with you and your brother earlier. You know ...to have you check out and see if you're legit. Geillis' boyfriend works with the police you see."
He arched an eyebrow. "And?"
Is he upset? "Don't look at me like that. I told you I trust you."
He laughed. "Like what? Ye're the one who's giving me an odd look. I told ye I was alright with it. So what did she say? Do I get her seal of approval?"
She winced. "Yeah, Geillis says it's all good."
He picked up his whisky from the nearby table. "Geillis sounds like a verra nice friend. I think I like her already. What else did she say?"
She felt the colour drain from her face. "I swear you wouldn't want to hear the rest of it. Geillis is raving mad."
"Try me."
"I think we should leave it ..."
"Come on, Sassenach. It cannae be that bad."
"I'd rather not."
"Go on, humour me." His blue eyes danced, and she marvelled for the umpteenth time at how handsome he was.
"Well, don't say I didn't warn you." She shut her eyes for a few heartbeats and puffed out a breath. "Well, she said if you're the same bloke who competed against her boyfriend at caber toss last spring and won ..." Oh dear, God. "...I ...um ...I should let you ground my corn."
He practically choked on his whisky.
She grimaced and wondered if she should thump him on the back. "I'm sorry. Geillis has an odd sense of humour. I'm afraid it's just her way of saying that her boyfriend thinks you're ace ...well, that's if you're really the bloke who he thinks you are."
He recovered quickly and grinned. "How about ye? What do ye think of me?"
She ignored the question. "You haven't confirmed anything to me yet," she said, speaking into her whisky glass. "Did you really win the caber toss competition?"
He looked smugly amused, and the smile that spread across his face already answered her question.
"So you're a tree surgeon who plays shinty and tosses poles in your spare time ...whatever next."
He nodded at her phone when it lit up again. "What else is your friend saying?"
She put her drink down and glanced at the screen. "'She said, the men who participated in this year's caber toss, including you, posed with nothing on but their kilt for a charity calendar."
He smiled. "Aye, that's right."
"And she asked me to ask you if you're wearing anything underneath the kilt because I'm getting the calendar as a stocking filler."
His booming laughter made a few heads turn their way.
"See I told you, she's raving mad." She took another sip from her glass and realised it was empty. Ah, fiddlesticks! "I thought her boyfriend would have mellowed her down a bit, but I have a feeling, she's worse than ever."
He eyed her glass and grinned. "I definitely have to meet this friend of yours."
She felt a twinge of ache in her heart, which took her by surprise. "Annalise and I are stopping at her place in Glasgow before we fly back to London on Three Kings. So you won't be seeing her."
He leaned in closer. "I ken we've only just met. Ye think ye're going to miss me when you go back?" His eyes twinkled mischievously.
Even though she was a right bumbling mess around him, she had to admit she was having too much fun in his company. So much so, she didn't really want to think about leaving yet. Her mind was already racing and wondering if Annalise would agree to celebrate Hogmanay here instead of in Edinburgh. "Well, that depends ..."
"Depends on what?"
Her curiosity to explore the dynamic between them made it difficult to keep her guard up. It was useless trying to fight whatever this was when she was so drawn to Jamie. Surely he must be feeling this too. She swallowed hard and decided to be brave. "If I'll have a reason to miss you," she blurted out before she could change her mind. 
A tiny fraction of the playfulness displayed on his face was replaced by uncertainty ...and Claire's stomach coiled at the proof he wasn't prepared to act on the attraction between them. Whatever his reason was, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know as her guard began to scramble back into place. Oh, God, how could I be so dim? Maybe he's got a girlfriend or a wife ...
"Arbroath Smokies."
Stunned, she looked at him. "Wot?"
"Have ye eaten?"
"Uh, um ...not since midday."
"Weel, hard to fall in love with ..." He took a huge deep breath. "...Broch Mordha on an empty stomach."
That playful smile was back on his face. "Have ye tried Arbroath Smokies?"
"No. I don't even know what that is."
"Ye have to try it. I know just the place." Jamie glanced over his shoulder. "Come on, let's have a quick drink with Willie and Annalise so we can get out of here." 
And then just like that, he wove his fingers through hers and tugged her towards the bar.
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Extremely Large Pile of Halloween Music Recs, 2020 Update!
(Reorganized a bit, and with a whole bunch more songs.)
Come Little Children - Erutan (ethereal classical)
Transylvanian Lullaby - Erutan (ethereal classical)
Transylvanian Lullaby - City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (orchestral classical)
A History of Horror (album) - City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra 
Double Trouble - City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (classical)
Carnival of the Animals: Aquarium - Camille Saint-Saens (eerie classical)
Danse Macabre - Camille Saint Saens (dark classical ballet)
Uranus, the Magician - Gustav Holst (orchestral classical)
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - Paul Dukas (orchestral classical)
Night on Bald Mountain - Modest Mussorgsky (orchestral classical about witches)
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Edvard Grieg (classical)
Dies Irae - Mozart (threatening choral/orchestral classical)
Don Giovanni, a cenar teco - Mozart (growly baritone/bass opera - the bit where Don Giovanni gets dragged to hell, both in the supernatural religious sense and in the modern internet slang sense)
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor - Bach (classical pipe organ)
String Quartet No. 8 in C Minor (III) - Shostakovich (classical string quartet)
Dance of the Knights - Sergei Prokofiev (classical)
Flowering Vines - Unwoman (ominous cello waltz)
The Carny of Mr Dark - Deathwatch Beetle Repairman (goth pipe organ)
Castlevania organ medley - Ulla Olsson (pipe organ)
This Is Halloween - Vitamin String Quartet (classical string quartet)
Vitamin String Quartet Performs The Nightmare Before Christmas (album)
The Vampire Masquerade - Peter Gundry (classical)
Waltz of the Bone King - Peter Gundry (classical)
Masquerade Suite: Waltz - Aram Khatchaturian (dark classical waltz)
The Comedians, Op. 26: Waltz - Kabalevsky (uneasy classical waltz)
Grim Grinning Ghosts - Myuu (instrumental piano)
Rock, alternative, rockabilly
Haunted - Ashcan Orchid (folk rock)
The Last Steampunk Waltz - Ghostfire (rock waltz)
Bad Moon Rising - Rasputina (cello metal)
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Apocalyptica (metal cello)
Get Your Kicks on Route 666 - Exdevils (metal)
Shoot The Zombies - Andrew Huang / Songs To Wear Pants To (sing-along folk)
Something Wicked That Way Went - Vernian Process (circus rock)
Dark Carnivale - Frenchy and the Punk (indie rock)
Come Alive (War Of The Roses) - Janelle Monae (rock)
Gallows - Coco Rosie (goth indie/alternative)
My Favorite Things - Youn Sun Nah (creepy vocal)
Annabel Lee - Psyche Corporation (electronic alternative)
The Devil Wears a Suit - Kate Miller-Heidke (alternative)
Toxic - Yael Naim (neo-folk)
Crazy For You - Venus de Vilo (indie rock)
Witchy Woman - The Eagles (classic rock)
Goodnight Moon - Shivaree (alternative)
Bela Lugosi’s Dead - Nouvelle Vague (alternative)
Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) - Concrete Blonde (alternative)
Tombstone - Suzanne Vega (alternative)
Off With Your Head - Mz Ann Thropik (alternative)
Poison Apple - Charlene Kaye (rock)
This Is The Night - Harry Potter soundtrack (rock)
Look Out Young Son - Grand Ole Party (rock)
Painkiller - Birdeatsbaby (rock)
Haunted - Frantic Flintstones (rockabilly)
Freaked Out and Psyched Out - Frantic Flintstones (album)
Zombie Riot - Batmobile (rockabilly)
Alice in psycholand - Nekromantix (rockabilly)
She’s My Witch - The Radiacs (rockabilly)
Werewolf - Southern Culture on the Skids (rockabilly)
Human Fly - The Cramps (rockabilly)
Munster Beat! - Martinibomb and The Coconut Monkeyrocket (‘60s pop remix?)
Circus punk, dark cabaret
Charmed, I’m Sure - Circus Contraption (dark circus cabaret)
We’re All Mad - Circus Contraption (dark circus cabaret)
Pink Elephants on Parade - Circus Contraption (dark cabaret)
The Last Waltz - The Magnificent Seven (dark cabaret waltz)
Tango de la Muerte - The Magnificent Seven (rock tango)
Bloody Bones - Beats Antique (dark circus waltz)
Monster Tango - Mucca Pazza (circus punk marching band)
Rumanian Dance No. 1 - Mucca Pazza (circus punk marching band)
Mr. Spider Goes Home to Spiderland - Mucca Pazza (circus punk marching band)
The Trouble - Birdeatsbaby (dark cabaret)
Theatre Noir - Robyn Cage (dark cabaret) (music video)
Jekyll and Hyde - Theoretics (hip-hop)
Lament for a Toy Factory - Dr. Steel (circus rock)
Bogeyman Boogie - Dr. Steel (circus rock)
Circus Apocalypse - Vermillion Lies (dark cabaret)
When You’re Evil - Voltaire (dark cabaret)
BRAINS! - Voltaire (dark cabaret)
Careless Whisper (cover) - Unwoman (electronic cabaret)
Katrinah Josephina - Universal Hall Pass (a capella)
Buried in Water - Dead Man’s Bones (dark waltz)
Metropolitan Waltz - Orpheum Bell (folk waltz)
The Buccaneers’ Waltz - GurdyBird (electronic folk?)
Black Waltz - Amber Asylum (electronic circus thing)
Creepy Clown Symphony - Myuu (self-explanatory)
Americana, bluegrass, blues, soul, funk
In Hell I’ll Be In Good Company - The Dead South (Americana)
Stranger - The Devil Makes Three (Americana)
First and Last Waltz - Nickel Creek (Americana)
Ghosts of Mississippi - The Steeldrivers (bluegrass)
7 Devils - The Goddamn Gallows (bluegrass, rock)
Old devils - William Elliot Whitmore (bluegrass)
Death Come Creeping - Stefan Grossman (bluegrass)
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie - Colter Wall (Americana)
Shankill Butchers - Sarah Jarosz (Americana)
Hellhound - Shawn James (acoustic blues)
Voodoo Woman - Koko Taylor (blues)
Your Hoodoo Man - Studebaker John & The Hawks (blues)
Voodoo - The Neville Brothers (New Orleans soul)
Voodoo - Jo Jo Zep & The Falcons (soul, funk)
The Witch Queen of New Orleans - Redbone (funk)
I Put a Spell on You - Screamin’ Jay Hawkins (rock ‘n roll)
Jazz, swing
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Duke Ellington (jazz)
I Put a Spell on You - Nina Simone (slow jazz)
I Put a Spell on You - Morgan James (slow jazz)
Old Devil Moon - Frank Sinatra (jazz)
Black Magic Woman - Janice Hagan and Kenny Vehkavaara (jazz)
I’d Rather Be Burned As A Witch - Eartha Kitt (jazz)
Thriller (1930s Jazz Cover) ft. Wayne Brady - Postmodern Jukebox (swing) (alternate link)
The Devil With The Devil - Larry Clinton Orchestra (swing)
Swingin’ at the Seance - Glenn Miller (big band swing)
Spooks - Louis Armstrong (swing)
The Headless Horseman - Bing Crosby (swing)
Skeleton Jangle - Dan Levinson’s Roof Garden Jass Band (swing)
Resurrection Waltz - Lee Presson and the Nails (big band waltz)
Spooky - Puppini Sisters (Andrews Sisters-style swing)
Headless Horseman - Kay Starr (swing)
Hell (Remastered 2016) - Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing)
Ghost of Stephen Foster - Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing)
Memphis Exorcism (Remastered 2016) - Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing)
Boogie Man - Lee Presson and the Nails (swing)
Rattlin’ Bones - Preservation Hall Jazz Band (New Orleans swing)
Save My Soul - Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (New Orleans swing)
Skeletons in the Closet - Louis Armstrong (swing)
Skeletons in the Closet - The Moon-Rays (swing)
The Mack - Beat Circus (swing - doesn’t seem very Halloween at first, until the tuba player gets murdered in the middle of the song. I swear it makes sense.)
Balrog Boogie - Diablo Swing Orchestra (swing)
Voodoo Mon Amour - Diablo Swing Orchestra (swing)
The House Is Haunted - Casa Loma Orchestra (swing)
Skeleton Jangle - Viva La Rocca (swing)
Two Little Men in a Flying Saucer - Ella Fitzgerald (swing)
Grim Grinning Ghosts - The Dapper Dans (barbershop)
Grim Grinning Ghosts - The Dapper Dans (in person) (barbershop)
Halloween Medley - The Cadaver Dans (barbershop)
Full Moon Tonight - Silvastone feat. Bellsaint (pop)
Demons - Hayley Kiyoko (pop)
Season of the Witch - Lana del Rey (pop)
A Little Wicked - Valerie Broussard (pop)
Halloween - Aqua (pop)
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - violin/cello/bass cover - Simply Three (electronic pop)
Shoot The Zombies (Pink Fluffy Unicorns Remix) - Andrew Huang (happy pop)
I Put a Spell on You (no movie dialogue) - Winifred Sanderson (pop musical)
Fear & Delight - The Correspondents (electro-swing)
Midnight - Caravan Palace (electro-swing) (alternate link)
Midnight - Swingrowers (different electro-swing)
Old House - Dirty Honkers (electro-swing)
Devil’s Samba - Sim Gretina (Latin-flavored electro-swing)
Devil’s Got My Soul - Victor and the Bully (rock/electro-swing)
Cuphead: Railroad Wrath (Electro-Swing Remix) - The Musical Ghost (electro-swing)
Cuphead: One Hell of a Time (Electro-Swing Remix) - The Musical Ghost (electro-swing)
Bendy and the Ink Machine: The Devil’s Swing - Fandroid (electro-swing)
Bendy and the Ink Machine: The Devil’s Swing (Glitch-Swing Remix) - The Musical Ghost (glitch-swing)
Undertale: Spider Dance (Glitch-Swing Remix) - The Musical Ghost (glitch-swing)
Undertale: Spider Dance (Sim Gretina Remix) - Sim Gretina (funk/glitch/chiptune)
Luigi’s Mansion (Remix) - Qumu Music (chiptune, electro-swing)
Undertale: Ghost Fight & Dummy (Peggy Suave Swing Remix) - Sim Gretina (electro-swing)
Electronica, EDM
Backstreet Bones: Everycorpse - Sim Gretina (uhhh…spoopy Halloween EDM remix of Backstreet Boys? If you click on nothing else, click on this one. It’s very worth it, I promise.)
Macabre Rotting Girl Feat. Kathy-chan - Sim Gretina (adorable electro)
Sim Gretina feat. Kathy chan: Let The Monsters Free (µThunder Remix) - µThunder (EDM) 
Ghost in the Machine - PrototypeRaptor (complextro)
Spooky Tune - PrototypeRaptor (complextro)
Nullifcation [Underground] (Legend of Zelda remix) - PrototypeRaptor (grimy EDM)
Grim Grinning Ghost (Remix) - The Living Tombstone (EDM)
Undertale: Megalovania (Sim Gretina Remix) - Sim Gretina (EDM)
Undertale: Spooktune (Sim Gretina Remix) - Sim Gretina (EDM)
Spooky Scary Skeletons (Remix) - The Living Tombstone (EDM)
Warren Zevon: Werewolves of London (Daheen Rmx) - Daheen (psytrance)
Interlude: Limbo - Yoshimasu Kamiya (ambient horror)
Bloodstone - Amon Tobin (atmospheric glitch)
Volk - Thom Yorke (ambient horror)
The Horror - RJD2 (instrumental hip-hop)
Crybaby - Drum & Lace (indescribable brooding atmospheric)
The Kid Who Drowned At Summer Camp - Hot Sugar (instrumental hip-hop)
The Darkest Evening of the Year - Emancipator (downtempo)
Halloween Funtime REMIXMONSTRousMASHup - Pretty Lights (EDM)
HALLOWEEN Theme Song (DJ Deville Trap Remix) - DJ Deville (trap)
The Oogie Boogie (Man) - Duke Skellington (glitch-hop)
Stranger Things Theme Song (Michael Jobity & The Foreign Machine Remix) - Michael Jobity, The Foreign Machine (synthwave - my personal favorite remix of this theme)
Stranger Things Theme Song (C418 REMIX) - C418 (synthwave)
Stranger Things (Louis Futon Flip) - Louis Futon (chillstep)
Stranger Things Theme (Slicey Remix) - Slicey (trap)
Stranger Things - Theme Song (Oscar Wylde Trap Remix) - Oscar Wylde (trap)
Ghostbusters (Kill Paris Remix) - Kill Paris (EDM, future funk - by far my favorite remix of the Ghostbusters theme)
The Ghostbusters Theme (Remix) - The Living Tombstone (EDM)
Ghostbusters Remix - Matheo (EDM)
Ghostbusters Remix - Fat Noize (dubstep)
Lady Gaga: Monster (Starfuckers Remix) - Starfuckers (EDM)
Lady Gaga: Monster (Chew Fu Remix) - Chew Fu (electro-house)
Michael Jackson: Thriller (James Egbert Remix) - James Egbert (electro-house)
Michael Jackson - Thriller [The Reflex Halloween Disco Edit] - The Reflex (moody, indescribable IDM(?))
Beetlejuice (Dubstep Mix) - Figure (dubstep)
The Addams Family (Figure Remix) - Figure (dubstep)
Hedwig’s Theme (KE KRA’s Trap Remix) - KE KRA (trap)
Stress - Justice (French electronic…something)
Things I thought were funny
Werewolf Bar Mitzvah - 30 Rock (parody novelty record)
A Hard Days Night of the Living Dead - The Zombeatles (zombie rock)
Schüttel deinen Speck - Peter Fox (witches’ dance video) (the track by itself)
In the Hall of the Mountain King - Portsmouth Sinfonia (experimental orchestra from the ‘70s - google them, you absolutely will not regret it)
Gangnam Busters - FAROFF (Ghostbusters/Gangnam Style mashup - annoyingly, it works far better than you think it will)
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scruffpuppy · 3 years
songs to make you feel like you’re in a movie part 3 as promised a while ago
money by the drums
daft pretty boys by bad suns
animal by neon trees
love my way by the psychedelic furs
young folks by peter bjorn and john
flashed junk mind by milky chance
benzos and cigarettes by rad horror
social cues by cage the elephant
mistakes like this by prelim
kids by current joys
pompeii by bastille
mind over matter by young the giant
christmas kids by roar
kilby girl by the backseat lovers
we fell in love in october by girl in red
mr brightside by the killers
color tv by deal casino
shut up and dance by walk the moon
strange town by the moderates
how far we’ve come by matchbox twenty
what you know by two door cinema club
banquet by bloc party
the neighborhood by clones of clones
panic by the smiths
like or like like by miniature tigers
sign of the times by harry styles
take me dancing by will joseph cook
black licorice by peach pit
british bombs by declan mckenna
raspberry by grouplove
under my skin by jukebox the ghost
temptation by new order
listerine by dayglow
last nite by the strokes
wonderwall by oasis
undercover martyr by two door cinema club
everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears
butch by saint motel
lovely by st eddy
melancholyism by super whatevr
city never sleeps by tourism
lovers rock by tv girl
when you sleep by my bloody valentine
anthems for a seventeen year old girl by broken social scene
yeah yeah yeah (v2) by jack conte
young blood by joh kahan
pink lemonade by the wombats
alien blues by vundabar
part four coming whenever you guys want it ig. anyways you can find it under live your life like it’s a movie on spotify or the link below
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poepoe-thebunny · 4 years
Rudy/Tony and Fam during Quarantine
Cause this is where my life is at, apparently. I thought I escaped the “quarantine fever writing” that everyone else got. Apparently I was wrong. 
After another visit to the castle, the Thompson’s end up there in quarantine once miss rona hits the world. Thank god for WI-FI and working remotely, even if his parents look vaguely like zombies due to time zone differences. Tony can’t talk, his online schooling schedule is all sorts of weird and he’s pretty sure his teacher just wants to sleep until the whole thing is over. Honestly Tony can’t say he blames her. 
The Sackville-bagg clan, as it turns out, is a surprisingly overprotective bunch when they need to be, especially now that they have accepted their humans into the fold. Even with catching up on modern medicine and germ theory, they won’t allow anything to happen to their precious humans. 
(AU/headcanons incoming??
- Think Rudy was protective before? Think again. 
- Rudy is over 300 years old, he’s old by human standards and he has met people who are old by vampire standards. He’s seen Things(TM) ok?
- He has been through more than one plague in his life. He has seen what it can do to the sick and the poor. He knows it’s a different now, that life-saving machines exist, that they’re working on a vaccine, that soap is widely available. 
- But he also knows it’s not. 
- Tony? Not going anywhere as far as he is concerned. Say hello to your prince, Rapunzel, cause Rudy is keeping Tony up in that tower if it kills him (again). 
- He knows where all of Tony’s masks are, and where he puts the extras. 
- He’ even shops online for masks with Tony, finding cool hand-sewn, gothic looking ones for Rudy himself to wear. He’s not sure if Corona even effects vampires, but Tony likes finding stuff to match his “aesthetic’ and it keeps his mortal happy. 
- He waits on his mortal hand and foot in between videogames and watching Netflix. (Tony likes How to Train Your Dragon and Paranorman, Rudy likes The Little Prince and Kubo and the Two Strings.). 
- Rudy’s first introduction to Tumblr is through Tony, and at one point they reach the Plague Doctor Aesthetics. While Rudy hasn’t spent much time in Italy, he doesn’t think they’re very accurate, and complains as such to his mortal. 
- Rudy is surprisingly easily offended about historically inaccurate things, and it sends Tony into laughing fits. 
- Rudy is Bad At Memes. Like, just in general he doesn’t always get them, and when Corona Memes become a thing he’s just constantly confused. Poor Rudy honestly. 
- Tries to learn to cook healthy human food, except he hasn’t had any major kitchen experience in 200-odd years and it comes out as a disaster the first few times he tries it. 
- It turns into a teaching session between him and the other adult humans, turns out the old couple who owns the castle like to feed people. Rudy walks into Tony’s room with a tray piled so high Tony can’t see his head. 
-Always offering to fly around the castle to get things for Tony, even if he isn’t sick. 
- TikTok dances. Tony shows him, then teaches him. Rudy is shockingly good at them, but Gregory thinks he’s cringy. 
(Not me flexing my love of the good big brother trope, absolutely not, nope)
- Surprisingly rather take charge about the whole thing, he’s come around to the Thompson’s and the old couple. 
- While his parents help when they can, they sort of take a step back, and let the three siblings explain what’s happening in the world to the clan (if they are there). Being the oldest, Gregory sort of defaults to being the leader. 
-Checks in with the Thompson’s, as well as Otto and Emma (The old couple who run the place.) Asks if they need anything while they work/are in school etc. 
- Warns the clan to be very careful when visiting, not just for the Thompson’s, but also because Otto and Emma are getting on in years and could become sick very easily. Always asks for a heads up before a family visit. 
- Won’t tell anyone but, late at night if he’s not busy, he’ll do things around the castle for the humans, especially upkeep for Otto and Emma, while they sleep. 
- Dusting hard to reach spots like chandeliers, organizing books in the old castle library, moving heavy furniture and stuff since he can fly. 
-Low key drags Rudy and Anna into helping him clean 
(”But Gregory, this is our home now too! I’m sure they don’t mind.” 
“Humans are fragile, and they’re letting us stay here out of kindness, so don’t be rude. Clean up after yourself little brother.” 
“He’s right you know.” 
“Of course I am. And don’t think you’re getting out of cleaning the rafters Anna, and stop leaving your books everywhere for them to pick up.” 
 ‘hmph.” )
- Of the vampires he’s lowkey the best at cooking human food. Tony, Rudy, and Anna just walk into the kitchen at night and Fredrick is just watching his eldest, genuinely amused, as he dances around the kitchen in a “Kill the Cook (Too late, I’m already dead)” apron, blasting out dad rock from the stereo. 
-Bonds with the Thompsons over cooking human food, especially Tony’s dad after he teaches Gregory what an “air guitar” move is. 
-Gregory discovers pinterest food aesthetics, and is a machine of baking, mixing, and decorating sweet candies/cakes/brownies. He wants his food to look pretty dang it. 
- Anna and Rudy just watch, silently judging him. 
- She’s just thriving tbh. 
- She has internet access now, and her brothers have never been more terrified. 
-If Gregory is the vampire equivalent of a pinterest mommy, Anna is the vampire equivalent of creepy diy aesthetic tiktokers. 
-Not like, bloody horror diy, but like, the subtly creepy but still sweet kind, like the Addams family or Coraline. 
- She learned needle arts with her mom, so she’s out here sewing Coraline dolls, or patchwork dresses a la Nightmare Before Christmas cause she CAN. 
-Makes her own handbag with those felt cartoonish vampire faces and big fake bat ears on the side. 
-Learns more modern patterns and stuff, but will make masks for the humans as gifts, cause she doesn’t want them to get sick. 
- After watching Coraline together, she made “Other Me” dolls of her brothers, button eyes included, and stuck them in their coffins. She would make them “move’ by flying them around to different rooms when her brothers weren’t looking, just to freak them out. 
- Spoiler alert: it worked. They ran to Tony for help and she laughed over it for days. 
- Anna loves adventure books to Rudy’s poetry and Gregory’s fables/folk tales. She hates being excluded from her brothers “adventures”. 
-Tony introduces her to comics and video games and she just lives her best life. 
-One of her favorite comic book character is Cassandra Cain/Blackbat/The Orphan.
- She loves books like Matilda, The Chronicles of Narnia, and The Giver, as well as games like the Lara Croft/Tomb Raider series. 
-VICIOUS at video games, this girl has no mercy, she will blue shell you so hard. 
The Adults: 
-Life is Hard(TM) right now, but the Thompson’s try to make the best of it. They’re very grateful to Otto and Emma for letting them stay. 
-They’re both working remotely, so they’re a little messed up sleep schedule wise. But that’s ok, their vampire friends don’t seem to mind. 
- Freda teaches Dottie how to make proper tea, cause she likes it and Dottie is sort of addicted to caffeine. Dottie teaches Freda how to make mochas and smoothies, Dottie likes mango-pineapple smoothies and Freda likes hot white chocolate mochas with cinnamon. 
-Surprisingly, Frederick and Bob become pretty good friends. Frederick understands the stress of having to care for your family in very uncertain times, and the two men bond over unsure parental decisions. 
-Bob is also surprisingly good at making Frederick loosen up, much to Freda and Dottie’s amusement. While initially awkward, they have a surprisingly snarky and sarcastic sort of friendship. Frederick deadpans insults at him and Bob cheerfully annoys him into Being Nice For Once while being completely aware of the fact that he’s annoying Frederick. 
-Meals where Bob cooks often consists of him singing oldies into his spatula, making bad impression of certain singers, including Elvis and Cher. He is occasionally joined by Tony and Gregory, making the entire family laugh. 
- Anna’s bones may be old, but she can hand sew like a goddess, and has occasionally taken to fixing up the kids’ torn clothes, as Dottie can barely keep straight lines and Freda prefers knitting. 
- Someone (read: Freda) mentions that Frederick can play the cello, and after a rousing performance, it turns out that Otto can play an accordion, and of course Bob can play the guitar. A jam session occurs as the kids just stare in utter bewilderment.
- Tony’s grandparents were kinda hippies, so Bob and Dottie know a lot of oldies and folk songs, which while different than from what they normally hear, Otto and Anna connect too. They swap songs back and forth, and it turns out Dottie can do a mean Loretta lynn impression. 
- Dottie likes the Beach Boys, and teaches the others how to Twist. As in, the dance, and Freda actually likes it quite a bit. 
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moony-moons-world · 3 years
A list of amazing musicians that isn't (sadly) more commonly known...
I: Steps Ahead - formed in 1979, ended semi in 1986, jazz, rock, r&b, fusion. Instrumental, swingy in a very relaxing way and positive!
II: Silly Wizard - A 1960/70's folk band - when I talk about folk - this is what I mean. They both sing in (Scottish) Gaelic and English. Their songs go from silly, happy and hyper to ballads and mourning. I genuinly wish I had been alive in the 70's to see them live.
III: L'arpeggiata - an essemble that plays a lot of different styles of classical music, with various colorations with other wonderful artists. No one in their right mind would call them dull. Family favourite.
IV: Forndom - A Norwegian musician. Viking music, one of my favorites. Everytime I get goosebumps. Best song: hemkomst (homecoming)
V: The Dolmen - an English group that make folk (see above) rock. Think Pink Floyd and Celts and you get a basic idea of what they do. Amazing vocals, songs that go about everything (pirates, war, love, prejudices etc) and they dare to go wild.
VI: Duke Elkington - think instrumental, jazz, blues, rock & roll, soul, and everything in between. There should be a Duke Ellington day, week and month. He was so important that he changed music for good. He even played for Queen Elizabeth.
VII: Eivør - a Faroesic/Icelandic singer/musician, Viking music mixed with techno/dubstep/electronic and a voice that is the best I have heard in many, many years.
VIII: Philip Glass - minimal music. He's the one to listen to. Mind, don't be in an impatient mood, because then it will be irritating, but otherwise it's the best. Koyaanisqatsi- a movie from 1982 - is one to watch to find out why this music is so amazing (it's successors Powaqqatsi (1988) and Naqoyqatsi (2002) are worth a look too).
IX: Magna Carta - a band from 1969. If you like poetry and music this is one to listen to. Lord of the ages is their most well known song. Just kisten and decide for yourself if you like them or not, because it's quite different and difficult to describe their style. It made me fall in love with poetry.
X: The Sidh- they are from Italy, they have mixed bagpipes, lowwhistles, and the like, with edm rhythms and electronic/dance/dubstep/techno. Excellent for going all out at parties and 'raving', you don't need drugs to go high with them.
XI: Adam Lambert - glam rock/rock the most top 40 artist in my favourite musicians list. Currently also working with Queen. His voice is flabbergasting and his lyrics are really relatable. It's always a kick to hear/see. Remember Fever? That's him. Remember Glee's starchild? Marry the night? That's him.
XII: Bronski Beat - a 80's band. New wave/punk/electronic. Small-town boy is their most well known song.
XIII: Clamavi De Profundis - this is an (vocal) essemble that sings (mostly) the songs from books as The Lord of the Rings (J. R. R. Tolkien) in full length and in an amazing way. But also different songs (their Christmas songs are cool). Song of the Lonely Mountain, they do it.
XIV: Supertramp - sure they are famous, but can we please talk about the fact they make ridiculous amazing songs and music? They are easy to listen to and when you actually really listen you realize how genius the lyrics are. Plus the singer (Rick Davies) has this voice I could listen to all the time.
XV: The Doors - yes also extremely well known. Heck Jim Morrison is one of the club of 27. But their music, if music was anything like sex this would be it. 'Riders on the storm', and 'the end' are well known, but 'People are strange,' never forget that one.
XVI: Pyrolysis - a Dutch folk band. Similar to Silly Wizard, but with a more current sound, and wider range of songs. Want to dance the Scottish? This is the band to do so.
XVII: Kila - an Irish folk/rock band. That's all I am going to say about them. Because that should be enough. :-)
XVIII: The Lumineers - Every now and then people post 'Academia' music lists, but hardly ever this group is among them. They should. It's relaxing, joyful, well done and poetic and by far one of my favorites to sing along with. Ophellia, Angela and Ho Hey are the most famous of their repertoire.
XIX: Postmodern Jukebox - Modern songs (and old ones) remade in postmodern music. Their videos are very good and an delight to watch. Just do it.
XX: Ramses Shaffy - a Dutch singer, sometimes in French, with really beautiful songs, lovely lyrics and he had this kind of voice that will calm you down immediately and fill you with hope. This. is. what. Dutch. music. should. be. like, like. all. the. bloody. Time.
That's all for today folks, see you next time.
(though feel free to ask new music ideas (or suggest them) if you want to :-D)
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littlejeanniebean · 3 years
“you need to back the fuck off of me before i punch you” + full lyrics for God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs or a wizarding version of the 12 Days of Christmas song? 😃😂
this is the last prompt in my inbox! woot woot! 🙌 this was such a weird but fun one to end on, thanks @pianistbynight! 
also, wizards have the same 12 days of Christmas song, they just take it very literally 😂 
thank you all for prompting me this year, friends! stay safe, give love, and happy holidays!🎄
Say It’s Carol Singers
Lily awoke to an irregular tapping at her window that did not at all sound like an owl wanting to deliver a message. 
She threw off the covers, took her wand off the nightstand, and tiptoed to her curtains. Since she was home for the holidays, she hid her wand behind her back. In one swift motion, she pulled the curtains aside and threw open the window.
Someone threw their leg over her window sill. 
“You need to back the fuck off of me before I punch you.” Lily raised her visible fist menacingly. 
“Relax, Evans, it’s me, your boyfriend, whom you lo—ow!” 
Lily had thwacked him over the head with the back of her wand hand. “You scared me half to death, James! What were you thinking coming here — How did you —” 
“Oi! Prongs! It’s bloody cold out here and I need your help to land this thing!”
Lily’s eyes widened. “Is that —”
“Sirius Black, at your service.” The long-haired boy twirled his effeminate hand. 
The sound of footsteps came from the hallway.
“Lily?” her mother knocked on her door. “Are you alright? I heard a noise coming from outside...”
“Say it’s carol singers,” James quipped.
“You need to hide!” Lily shoved him bodily into her closet and drew the curtains in Sirius’ face. Then she opened the door to her mother. “It’s alright, mum, just couldn’t sleep, so I was exercising —”
“Exercising?” Her mother raised an eyebrow. “Ooh, you do look rather flushed, don’t overdo it now.”
Lily nodded quickly, kissed her mother goodnight, and shut the door. 
“Exercising?” James peeked out from her closet. 
“Shut up,” Lily stuck her tongue out at him and crossed back over to the window. “How’s your gas tank looking, Sirius?”
“Why do you automatically assume I would contribute to the greenhouse effect, Evans? I’m a deviant, not a monster —”
“Alright, alright, just park it somewhere far away from here. Suburban folks don’t take too kindly to motorbikes, flying or otherwise.” 
“Right-o, come on, then Prongs.” Sirius flipped down the visor of his helmet. 
“Er…” One of James’ hands carded through his hair. “Er, I was hoping to have a few words with Lily, actually —”
“Ughhhh, you said it would be a quick stop just to say hello,” Sirius whined.
“Actually, as I understand it, I’d better come with. You have a sidecar, don’t you?” Lily conjured a helmet for herself and bundled up in a thick wooly jacket. “Don’t want you getting into trouble for violating the Statute of Secrecy in my neighborhood.”
So it happened that James got on the back of the motorbike with Sirius again and Lily climbed (very carefully) into the sidecar. As they roared across the sky (for aesthetic, Sirius really was not using any fuel), Lily turned on the radio to the Wizarding Wireless Network. 
God rest ye merry hippogriffs
Let nothing you dismay
For while the reindeer travel far
The eve ‘fore Christmas day
You, too, hold your very own pow’r
You’re fierce and strong and brave
Oh, who needs to deliver toys
Deliver toys
To all the world’s girls and boys?
Lily choked out a confused laugh. “This… was supposed to be a happy song, I’m sure.”
“Oh, it gets better!” James yelled over the wind, enjoying her amusement.
In Hogwarts, in Scotland’s moors
The children learn to fear
Your carnivorous nature
Extends to human flesh, they hear
But then they learn that if they’re nice
You’ll be their friend for life
Oh, who needs to deliver toys
Deliver toys
To all the world’s girls and boys?
Fear not then, says your keeper
Let nothing you affront
For keeping one’s life is a better
Reason to be naughty not
You aid all those who trust you
With your pow’r and might
Oh, who needs to deliver toys
Deliver toys
To all the world’s girls and boys?
Sirius and James took the motorbike down in a meadow for a bumpy landing. 
“Right, make it quick you lovebirds,” said Sirius, walking away quickly like they were about to do something he didn’t want to witness. “I want us to get back before Euphemia wakes up.” 
James took Lily’s hand and helped her out of the sidecar. 
“Seriously — no pun intended,” she added quickly before her weird-humored boyfriend could comment. “What possessed you to come all the way out here?”
“Didn’t want you to miss me too much.” James grinned. 
Lily shoved him into the snow, immediately felt guilty, because she was starting to feel rather lonely with no one but Petunia for company most days since her parents’ jobs were particularly demanding over the holidays. (Lily really identified with the hippogriffs in the song.) 
So she reached down to help James stand, but he tugged her down on top of him.
“Oof.” The wind was knocked out of her when she looked into his pretty hazel eyes. 
James tucked a tendril of deep red hair behind her ear, tinged pink from the cold. “Happy Christmas, Evans.”
“Happy Christmas, Potter.” She sighed against his lips. 
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crowtrobotx · 3 years
Tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
tagged by: @le-cat-nipp ❤️❤️ Thank you, dear 😘
i’m tagging: I am literally so awkward about this lol if you’re reading this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged
fave genre? I’m a folk, alt rock, indie rock and classic rock gal. There’s a few modern/pop folks I’m hugely fond of as well. I’m not anti-any type of music tbh.
fave artist? Fleet Foxes, Of Monsters and Men, Lord Huron, Florence + the Machine, Hozier, Lorde, Simon & Garfunkel, Bob Dylan, Hozier, Janelle Monáe, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Billie Eilish, Old Crow Medicine Show, Lil Nas X, Phoebe Bridgers, Mitski, David Bowie
fave song? Oh man of all time? Fugg. I am very partial to “Shake It Off” by F+TM but this answer could change daily lol.
most listened song recently? Long Lost - Lord Huron
5 fave lyrics? I am not sure if this means “songs with the best lyrics” or “favorite lines” …. I’m gonna go with the latter
“And it echoes when I breathe/Until all you'll see is my ghost/Empty vessel, crooked teeth/Wish you could see” I of the Storm, OMAM
“Words hung above, but never would form/Like a cry at the final breath that is drawn/Remember me, love, when I'm reborn/As a shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn” - Shrike, Hozier
“Oh, you fool, there are rules I am coming for you/Darkness brings evil things, oh, the reckoning begins/I tried to warn you when you were a child/I told you not to get lost in the wild” - The Yawning Grave, Lord Huron
“The fabric of your flesh, pure as a wedding dress/Until I wrap myself inside your arms, I cannot rest/The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound/I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground” - Howl, F+TM
“Though I liked summer light on you/If we ride a winter-long wind/Well time's not what I belong to/And you're not the season you're in” - I’m Not My Season, Fleet Foxes
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? Sci-fi, fantasy, horror
fav writer? VE Schwab, Neil Gaiman, Ursula K Le Guin, Haruki Murakami, Patrick Rothfuss, Samantha Shannon, JRR Tolkien
fav book? “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman. I have a lot of favorites but that one wins every time.
fav book series? I really love The Lord of the Rings. It’s a classic but it’s so special to me.
comfort book? “Little Fires Everywhere” by Celeste Ng. It’s set very close to where I grew up!
perfect book to read on a rainy day? “The Slow Regard of Silent Things” by Patrick Rothfuss
fave characters? Sandor Clegane, Addie LaRue, Lila Bard, Gimli, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Thorin Oakenshield
5 quotes from your fave book that you know by heart?
“Every hour wounds. The last one kills.”
“There’s none so blind as those who will not listen.”
“Gods die. And when they truly die they are unmourned and unremembered. Ideas are more difficult to kill than people, but they can be killed, in the end.”
“I believe that life is a game, that life is a cruel joke, and that life is what happens when you're alive and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it.”
“‘Hey,’ said Shadow. ‘Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.’
The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes.
‘Say 'Nevermore,'’ said Shadow.
‘Fuck you,’ said the raven.”
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fave tv/movie genre? Similar to books, I love sci-fi, fantasy and horror - I also love documentaries.
fave movie? Spirited Away. Hands down.
comfort movie? Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. First hyperfixation 🥴
movie you watch every year? I traditionally watch “A Christmas Story” at least five times every holiday season lol. Fuck yeah Cleveland!
fave tv show? Black Sails
comfort tv show? Mystery Science Theater 3000
most rewatched tv show? Oh geeze. Either MST3K, Cowboy Bebop, Game of Thrones, Parks & Rec, Frasier, King of the Hill or X-Files
5 fave characters? Fox Mulder, Crow T. Robot, Captain James Flint, Dale Gribble and Catra
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
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ginevraweasiey · 4 years
the weasley-hollands
after the war...
percy feels the guilt eating away at him like some kind of parasite. it is big and all-consuming and, even though percy forces food down george’s throat as his baby brother wallows in grief, he himself isn’t eating. he can’t, not when fred is dead because percy had distracted him from the war going on around them. it’s all his fault for being selfish and abandoning his parents and his brothers and his baby sister. maybe fred would still be alive if percy had stayed.
the guilt is everywhere all the time and percy doesn’t know how to deal with it so he just lets it eat at him. he tries everything he can to numb it. he visits the burrow and insists on going back to work. he’s not like george; he can’t just develop a nicotine addiction or start sleeping with anything that breathes to get the grief out of him. percy thinks too much for all of that so he just thinks about other things. the guilt can take him in silence.
by the time his first niece is born, percy has been promoted to head of the department of magical transportation. molly and arthur are endlessly proud and percy asks them if they think fred would be proud of him. he doesn’t know why he asks but the question is out of his mouth before he can shift his thinking to something else. percy feels his breath hitch; it’s the first time he’s said fred’s name. he thought that, if he didn’t say fred’s name, he hadn’t died. it was always just he and him, never fred. that could’ve been anyone, anyone other than his baby brother.
arthur starts to cry and percy feels the guilt crawling up out of his throat. he’d made his father cry. he’s about to take it back, say nevermind and start talking about the weather, but arthur takes him by the shoulders and looks him in his eyes. percy had inherited molly’s hazel instead of arthur’s blue but arthur’s eyes were the twins’ eyes and percy feels like fred is looking him in the face. it’s terrifying and liberating. 
(arthur says, yes. yes, he would be bloody proud. he’d make jokes, but he’d tell everyone he knew. he loved you.) 
he loved him. he loved him. even when percy had treated them like garbage, even when he’d left, fred had loved him. he’d loved him and he’d have been so proud of percy. it makes percy want to cry and so he does. he hasn’t cried in a long time but he just lets it go and it feels like the tears have cleansed him of his sins. he is fucking reborn in the burrow kitchen and he feels clean. he feels new and he feels so incredibly, unconditionally loved.
audrey holland is an asian-american witch and, when she starts working at the ministry as a liaison for MACUSA, percy is enthralled. he’s never seen a woman like her before; she is all legs and loud voice and straight posture and don’t mess with me. she is a lion like percy and she is brilliant and witty and beautiful and she loves him. she tells him that after two months of dates, even when she knows what he’d done, how he’d been once, she loves him.
audrey asks him to marry her. percy just laughs and laughs because, three years ago, he’d have been humiliated that a woman had asked him to marry her instead of the other way around, but audrey is audrey and so he says yes. he says yes and they laugh together and it’s like percy can feel fred clapping his hand on percy’s shoulder and congratulating him. 
they get married in february of 2000, a couple of months before ron, and it’s ‘intimate,’ but the hollands are like the weasleys in that they are boisterously happy and love a good party. after the wedding, they go to america and percy thinks it’s probably the worst place he’s ever been. audrey gets a good laugh out of that.
they come back after a few months in america and percy goes back to work. audrey does her liaison work and she tells him they should wait to have kids. percy agrees but it’s not even a year before she tells him she’s pregnant, with that sheepish smile on her face that just says oops! percy is ecstatic, if a little nervous. 
audrey is four months along when percy looks himself in the mirror and makes a promise. he will always be there for his child. always, unconditionally. and if that child tries to abandon him, he will march himself out there and bring them back. he won’t make the same mistake twice; that’s a promise.
molly josephine weasley is born in january of 2002 and, although every one of his siblings will say the same thing about their kids, she’s probably the prettiest baby he’s ever seen. and she adores him. besides audrey and his parents, percy has never had anyone adore him. he walks into a room and molly will give him the biggest smile, all gums, and reach her hands out as if to say, please come closer because you make me feel safe.
audrey decides to quit her job and percy feels terrified. he would hate for her to resent him for keeping his job while she leaves hers. audrey calls him daft and tells him that the travel sucks, anyway. it’s a decision she wants to do and it will never be his fault if she is unhappy. so, she stays home with baby molly and he works on. 
molly’s only a year old when audrey’s sheepish smile returns and percy’s heart grows a size bigger. they’d planned to wait several years before children and now they had one and another on the way. molly doesn’t quite understand but she’ll put her little hands on audrey’s swelling stomach and giggle to herself.
lucille alexandria is their early christmas gift of 2003 and, like her sister, she is inhumanly pretty. percy pesters audrey every night for a week to make sure she hadn’t had an affair with a veela. audrey smacks him in the chest but she laughs because she knows their babies are going to be heart breakers.
on most nights for the next twelve or so years, percy will stand in the doorway of his daughters’ bedrooms and listen as audrey brushes their hair and sings them korean folk songs that her mother had sang to her. it’s a beautiful thing to see, his wife and his daughters. his stars. the guilt is only a dull hum now; it isn’t all-consuming.
and, when lucy weasley, aged eleven, pulls her first prank at hogwarts, percy knows that fred is looking down at them and he is howling with laughter.
“after the war...” masterlist :)
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