#it's actually purple on the cover but I thought pink fit the name 'rosie' better
moonybadger · 1 year
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🐭♥️ Redwall Couples... TWO ♥️🐰
Presenting Gonff and Columbine (Mossflower, Legend of Luke), Hon Rosie and Tarquin (Mariel of Redwall, The Bellmaker), and Tammo and Pasque (The Long Patrol)!
I probably should have found a third hare couple to include in this one to make it more appropriately hare themed... but I really wanted to draw Gonff and Columbine V_V
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kyouhomuu · 5 years
Prompt Experimentation: Prompt #1- Cuddling Somewhere/Spooning [Mahō Shōjo Madoka Magika]
Prompt #1: Cuddling Somewhere/Spooning
Pairing: KyōHomu
Homura shivered, her eyes blinking as the sudden spike of coldness forced her into consciousness, her vision blurry as she warily took in her surroundings, only to realize seconds after that she was in hers and Kyōko’s shared bedroom. The faint whisper of rain pattered against the outside of the bedroom window, causing the sleepy, half-aware ravenette to shiver once more, this time more firmly once she realized that she was no longer covered by the blanket she and the redhead had fallen asleep with.
The covers had fallen down their bodies and nearly off the bed entirely, leaving the smaller, raven-haired female exposed in only her long-sleeved purple top and black shorts. She lifted her head slightly just as a warm, solid weight suddenly squeezed her middle and she peeked over her shoulder just as she was tugged backwards and closer to Kyōko’s warm body. Homura smiled at the sight of the still sleeping redhead and she shifted slightly so that her elbow could nudge the opposing female’s stomach gently.
“Kyōko.” she whispered.
“Mm?” the lancer hummed, already half-way conscious as the voice of her smaller, darker-haired girlfriend penetrated the sleep-filled haze of her semi-unconscious state.
“The blanket… it’s gone.” Kyōko gave a soft grunt of awareness before she uncurled her arm from around the other girl’s waist and reached down somewhat lazily to grasp around blindly for their missing article. Meanwhile, Homura rolled over so that she was facing the redhead and shifted closer so that she could curl into the others warm chest. Kyōko’s fingers finally snagged one of the corners of the blanket and she grunted lightly in relief as she quickly yanked it back onto the bed and flung it over their bodies, making sure that it was tucked securely around Homura’s smaller frame (whereas it lay more hazardously around her own form) before she let her arm fall back over the ravenette’s waist and pulled her impossibly closer. Kyōko lifted her head to let loose a light yawn before she let her head fall back onto their shared pillow, her chin nestled atop Homura’s head while the smaller girl shifted so that her nose was nuzzled into the crook of the taller girl’s neck. The redhead hummed softly, happily at the action and gave the ravenette’s waist a soft squeeze in reply.
“Better, Ōjo-chan?*” she murmured sleepily as she curled herself tighter around the smaller girl.
“Better, Ōjo-chan?*” she murmured sleepily as she curled herself tighter around the smaller girl.
“Mmhm.” Homura gave a minuscule nod, not wanting to move too much from her favorite position against Kyōko’s body as she lifted her arms and wrapped them lazily around the redhead’s waist. Kyōko smiled gently, peeking out from half-open lids at the adorable ravenette snuggled tightly against her before she tilted her head downwards slightly and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Hey, Homs…” The ravenette gave a soft ‘Hm?’ in reply, already half-way asleep once more but now trying to stay awake just a moment longer as her girlfriend’s voice filtered through her ears, wanting to hear what she had to say. Kyōko smiled affectionately and couldn’t resist pressing another kiss to the top of her head before she leaned further downwards and gently nuzzled her forehead. “I love you.” A streak of rosy-pink flitted across the top of Homura’s cheeks and along the bridge of her nose at the heartfelt admission and she swallowed nervously in reply before she nuzzled even deeper into Kyōko’s warm chest, her left arm unhooking itself from where it had been lying draped over the taller girl’s waist and instead brought it back in front of her so that she could cling to the front of the red-head’s black tank top.
“I love you, too, Kyō.” she murmured as she pressed herself even tighter against the opposing girl’s warm figure. Kyōko smiled gently and pressed a tender kiss to the smaller girls’ forehead before she lifted her head and rested her chin atop Homura’s beautiful, silky raven hair.
“G’night, Homs.”
“Sweet dreams, Kyō.”
Ōjo - Princess
- My god, an actual story that came from my head and not one where I just edited an old crappy [and unpublished] oneshot scrap of mine and substituted in a character’s name. Genius. Heavy sarcasm there in that last sentence if you didn’t notice that, BUT anywho, this is my contribution to the small [but hopefully expanding] pool of KyoHomu shippers like myself. Started this piece about three days ago but got stuck due to a mixture of overnight work hours and writer’s block. Finally finished it today while listening to STAY from BLACKPINK, I thought it fit the prompt so I decided to give them a mention just for the hell of it [also ‘cause I mutha’-fuckin’ ADORE this song and you can’t tell me otherwise]. But that’s all for now.
- BLACKPINK, STAY – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NVwS4mcVYg
- X-Posted on FFN [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13064841/1/Prompt-Experimentation-Oneshots] and A03 [https://archiveofourown.org/works/3563183/chapters/37292237]
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maddoujinshi · 6 years
Prompt Experimentation: Prompt #1- Cuddling Somewhere/Spooning [Mahō Shōjo Madoka Magika]
Prompt #1: Cuddling Somewhere/Spooning
Pairing: KyōHomu
Homura shivered, her eyes blinking as the sudden spike of coldness forced her into consciousness, her vision blurry as she warily took in her surroundings, only to realize seconds after that she was in hers and Kyōko’s shared bedroom. The faint whisper of rain pattered against the outside of the bedroom window, causing the sleepy, half-aware ravenette to shiver once more, this time more firmly once she realized that she was no longer covered by the blanket she and the redhead had fallen asleep with.
The covers had fallen down their bodies and nearly off the bed entirely, leaving the smaller, raven-haired female exposed in only her long-sleeved purple top and black shorts. She lifted her head slightly just as a warm, solid weight suddenly squeezed her middle and she peeked over her shoulder just as she was tugged backwards and closer to Kyōko’s warm body. Homura smiled at the sight of the still sleeping redhead and she shifted slightly so that her elbow could nudge the opposing female’s stomach gently.
“Kyōko.” she whispered.
“Mm?” the lancer hummed, already half-way conscious as the voice of her smaller, darker-haired girlfriend penetrated the sleep-filled haze of her semi-unconscious state.
“The blanket… it’s gone.” Kyōko gave a soft grunt of awareness before she uncurled her arm from around the other girl’s waist and reached down somewhat lazily to grasp around blindly for their missing article. Meanwhile, Homura rolled over so that she was facing the redhead and shifted closer so that she could curl into the others warm chest. Kyōko’s fingers finally snagged one of the corners of the blanket and she grunted lightly in relief as she quickly yanked it back onto the bed and flung it over their bodies, making sure that it was tucked securely around Homura’s smaller frame (whereas it lay more hazardously around her own form) before she let her arm fall back over the ravenette’s waist and pulled her impossibly closer. Kyōko lifted her head to let loose a light yawn before she let her head fall back onto their shared pillow, her chin nestled atop Homura’s head while the smaller girl shifted so that her nose was nuzzled into the crook of the taller girl’s neck. The redhead hummed softly, happily at the action and gave the ravenette’s waist a soft squeeze in reply.
“Better, Ōjo-chan?*” she murmured sleepily as she curled herself tighter around the smaller girl.
“Mmhm.” Homura gave a minuscule nod, not wanting to move too much from her favorite position against Kyōko’s body as she lifted her arms and wrapped them lazily around the redhead’s waist. Kyōko smiled gently, peeking out from half-open lids at the adorable ravenette snuggled tightly against her before she tilted her head downwards slightly and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Hey, Homs…” The ravenette gave a soft ‘Hm?’ in reply, already half-way asleep once more but now trying to stay awake just a moment longer as her girlfriend’s voice filtered through her ears, wanting to hear what she had to say. Kyōko smiled affectionately and couldn’t resist pressing another kiss to the top of her head before she leaned further downwards and gently nuzzled her forehead. “I love you.” A streak of rosy-pink flitted across the top of Homura’s cheeks and along the bridge of her nose at the heartfelt admission and she swallowed nervously in reply before she nuzzled even deeper into Kyōko’s warm chest, her left arm unhooking itself from where it had been lying draped over the taller girl’s waist and instead brought it back in front of her so that she could cling to the front of the red-head’s black tank top.
“I love you, too, Kyō.” she murmured as she pressed herself even tighter against the opposing girl’s warm figure. Kyōko smiled gently and pressed a tender kiss to the smaller girls’ forehead before she lifted her head and rested her chin atop Homura’s beautiful, silky raven hair.
“G’night, Homs.”
“Sweet dreams, Kyō.”
Ōjo - Princess
- My god, an actual story that came from my head and not one where I just edited an old crappy [and unpublished] oneshot scrap of mine and substituted in a character's name. Genius. Heavy sarcasm there in that last sentence if you didn't notice that, BUT anywho, this is my contribution to the small [but hopefully expanding] pool of KyoHomu shippers like myself. Started this piece about three days ago but got stuck due to a mixture of overnight work hours and writer's block. Finally finished it today while listening to STAY from BLACKPINK, I thought it fit the prompt so I decided to give them a mention just for the hell of it [also 'cause I mutha'-fuckin' ADORE this song and you can't tell me otherwise]. But that's all for now.
- BLACKPINK, STAY -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NVwS4mcVYg
- X-Posted on FFN [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13064841/1/Prompt-Experimentation-Oneshots] and A03 [https://archiveofourown.org/works/3563183/chapters/37292237]
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markleetrashh · 6 years
Makeup Voiceover;Yuta
Request: Make up voiceover Yuta pls!!!!
• im back to supply you all with nakamoto yuta • this time with the makeup voiceover series • also i apologise if it’s almost the same for every member • nct has too many members and it’s hard to come up with different plots dkkdjd • but nonetheless i hope you all will like it!
• back story of how you two met • both of you already had youtube channels and were active; he’s doing reaction videos etc while you, beauty and vlogging etc • one day in his comment box a subscriber asks him to do a reaction video to your makeup challenge video (or smth like that) • and he thought it’d be interesting so he did when he found out you were staying in the same country too • got to support local youtubers you know • turns out he was mesmerised and immediately fell in love with this beauty aka you • he then slides into your dm’s on instagram and all that and found out you all actually stay pretty close • and you finally gave in to meeting up with him • he’s exactly the same he is on text/calls • sarcastic & funny • not to forget he looks much better in real life too like?? • eventually yall got together and even started a collaboration/couple channel • both your subscribers love you all to death • so one day yuta suddenly jokes around and says he wants to do this challenge • and he didnt think you’d actually agree to do it • which was why he was shocked (and excited) when you agreed right away • main reason he wants to do it is because he wants to compliment you • as though he doesnt do it enough • and to show you off to the public how much he loves you • so he leaved you alone to film it and doesnt peek because he wants it to be a surprise • finally when it comes to his turn to record he’s literally smiling so big you can see all his teeth • which of course, is cute to you • “welcome back to the *shipname* couple channel, and today we’re doing something a little different” • “as you can see our wonderful Y/N here would be doing her normal makeup video, bUT, SURPRISE SURPRISE, i’ll be doing a voiceover instead” • “without talking anymore, LET’S BEGIN” • “to start off we have naked face Y/N, a sight you all hardly see, other on some vlogs that is” • “nonetheless, still pretty” • “her skin’s so fair and smooth, babe teach me your ways” • “ooo she’s starting” • “first she’s putting on some foundation, it says it’s from l'oreal paris” • “oh i know this brand” • “now she’s taking a stick out,, looks like foundation too? but it’s not?” • “makeup’s hard wow” • “okay she’s using whatever that is to cover her dark circles” • “oh shit- i forgot to say the brand” • “my baby will just add it in when she edits it in im so sorry” • “next she’s taking out a big palette” • “from naked..?” • “interesting brand there… just like how i like Y/N-” • “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YUTA IM-” • “i mean,, i don’t lie” • “still, i dont think the viewers need to know that-” • “just pretend you all didn’t hear anything” • “ *whispers* she’s going to kill me after this oh no” • “OKAY BACK TO THIS” • “she’s taking out a small brush,, and choosing a violet-y, purple colour” • “put them on the eyelids” • “do the same for the next eye” • “damn she already looks hot” • “oh what she’s adding on glitter now??” • “what is she looking so good for” • “she’s taking out an eyeliner” • “from this brand called kat von d??” • “another interesting name” • “oh look she’s winking at me again- while trying to draw on her eyeliner” • “next eye…. and she’s done!!” • “i recognise that look,, she forgot to draw her brows, AGAIN” • “oh look at her, she probably gave up drawing them for this video” • “forgetful cutie” • “moving on to her cheeks next!” • “my favourite place to kiss other than her lips” • “she’s bringing out the… uh.. ‘maybelline fit me blush’” • “aw the brush is so tiny” • “but oh she’s applying it on her cheeks” • “they’re all pink and rosy now!!” • “makes them more kissable” • “lastly, and sadly, her lips” • “i could kiss them all day if she let me tbh-” • “babe….. again….” • “im sorry, got too distracted” • “but she’s using this very light shaded matte pink” • “oh it’s a liquid lipstick?? that’s cool” • “and.. SHE’S DONE!” • “she hardly ever goes for such dark colours for her eyes but im glad she did - she looks stunning” • “dont you guys think so too?” • “prettiest girlfriend for the most handsome boyfriend” • “what a perfect couple” • “okay but in all seriousness i’m glad you all keep on supporting us and loving our videos and we hope you always would!” • “we’ll try our best to give you the best quality videos like this one” • “thank you for watching, love you all!!”
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