#it's insane to me people don't see... the amount of room for love billy had?
hephaestn ยท 2 years
if i see one more time that steve is the brother max deserves iโ€™m throwing hands
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stranger things rewatch details/thoughts pt 3 (s3 ep1-s3 ep8)
-El kept the baby mask from her sister and its up in her room!
- she also has a large poster of a bird on a beach
- the first store when they walk into Starcourt has a very creative name. "Camera Repair"
- the girl behind Max in the movie theater is MAD annoyed at them. they talk (before the movie starts), and she shushes them. they pass snacks, and she shushes them. rude
-the Scoops Ahoy menu sign quite literally calls it an "Ocean of Flavors"
-i wonder if Will remembers much of the events of s2, or at least the possesion/exorcism. it seems to flood back to him in the theater
-ah wait, Yurtle WAS relocated! totally forgot, could've sworn he was a goner.
-poor "lard-ass". hope he's okay
-Hopper's hatred of Mike is too funny I kinda hope it continues, even if he does loosen up
-god Hopper reminds me so much of my dad. he went as him for Halloween a few years back, and I was s3 El :)
-did Dustin follow Steve's advice in getting Suzie? pretend not to care?
-a buck 25 for a scoop of ice cream sounds fantastic
-a lot of cosplayers forget this with "Scoops Ahoy" Robin but the letters on the You Rule/You Suck board are multicolored. red underneath, black traced slightly off. in Graphics that's a technique used to create a 3D effect, and I'd like to think that was her intention bc she seemed that artsy :)
-God I adore how much you can see the amount of love in Hop's eyes when he's watching Joyce help a customer. when will someone look at me like that oml
-Joyce and Bob were watching Fraiser in the flashback
- Mike has some serious nerve telling the father of his girlfriend and the goddamn Chief of Police that he's a "lying piece of shit"
-Max calls Lucas "Don Juan" ๐Ÿฅบ
-if you watch the first Russian message scene with English captions it gives away what it says lmao
-Hopper joyfully singing along to You Don't Mess Around With Jim owns my heart
-Steve already HAD chesthair in s3. you can see it if he leans over in the Scoops uniform ;) do with that what you will
-Lucas is continuing his streak of winning Max back after her dumping him. 6 and 0
- when El and Max are playing the spying version of Spin the Bottle, the people on the wheel are Dustin, Mr Clarke, Mrs Wheeler, Mr Wheeler, Steve, Nancy, and (of course) Billy
- Will's persona of "Will the Wise" is a LOT more assertive than he normally is. bet that'll come in clutch in s5
- Hopper has no shame opening the door in just a towel lmao
- happy screams...
-Max using the iconic 80s phrase "ugh, gag me with a spoon!"
- I completely forgot the whole "Dustin wanting Steve and Robin to date" thing happened before s4
-Robin was apparently a theater kid (which made her "weird" in the Old Steve's standards). she also played soccer
-still not over how Mike and Lucas mock Will's DnD game and act all bored with it and then continue to play DnD really seriously in high school
-the whole "Robin being a lesbian and Steve her emotional support himbo" decision really WAS last minute bc there's a few hints pretty early in the season that would normally lead to 2 characters eventually falling in love (aka- on the rooftop of Starcourt when they have to duck down to avoid the Russians, Steve and Robin do the whole "unintentionally holding hands in danger" thing)
-the way Billy is standing and acting in the scene in Heather's house is INSANELY similar to Henry Creel in the rainbow room (down to the creepy smile and the hands clasped in front)
-Hopper breaks the mayor's nose. guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, blood relation or not
- "if you die, I die" - said Dustin, with total seriousness, to Steve. this better NOT be foreshadowing
-when El wears Sarah's hairtie as a bracelet, it covers up her number tattoo
-oh my GOD Jonathan getting whacked with the hospital stool looked WAYYYYY more brutal than I remember... how the hell did he not get paralyzed
-at first i thought that Hopper's eventual escape route from the machine explosion was adding afterwards for Plot Armor, but that's not true! when the Scoops Troop is running from the Russians they take the same escape route underneath the machine
-the door out to Murray's wonderful little "backyard" says "Keep Door Closed"
-I don't blame Alexei, cherry slurpees are far superior to strawberry
-Erica being a total math genius is something that HAS to be brought up again
-when Robin spits in the Russian's face, he says "you're going to regret that, suchka". suchka, translating in the subtitles as "little bitch"
-after the hospital, everyone must've taken a well needed shower before heading to Hop's cabin
-i would die for Karen Wheeler's FunFair dress
-can we talk about the fact that other than El, Dustin is the only kid to ever K1LL SOMEONE??? I mean maybe he just got wiped out but that Russian doctor looked very not alive
-did Todd ever get his car back
-the answer is hopefully no. screw Todd, Steve's her daddy now
-I think if I had to choose one of these monsters to NEVER have to fuck with ever it'd be the flesh monster. sure Vecna can kill you from your own mind but something about fighting melted humans/rats feels so very wrong and traumatizing
-Steve's been in a vehicle poorly driven by children twice
-if Joyce doesn't stick to this Detective Byers plan in s5 I'm gonna cry
-also I need to physically SEE the Enzo's date, even if it's a flashback
-Dustin and Erica staying at the hill means that they had no way of knowing if the Griswold Family was alive, or whether or not Steve and Robin were headed on a su1c1de mission
-I'd be shittin me britches if i was in that mall no lie
- the flesh monster mind flayer must have some sort of eyes in its tentacles because it tried to catch a mannequin that was wearing El's outfit
-662608004 was the code Murray wrote, but the real password was 662607004. all he got wrong was the 7. come on Bald Eagle
-they straight up left Max, El, and Mike at the mall
-according to Hopper, gunfire is the universal language for "EVERYBODY OUT!"
-Max and Billy lived on 4819 Cherry Hill Lane
-on that TV ad, when they suggest a rise in Satanism is cursing the town, they zoom in on a Dungeon Master's Handbook
-the epilogue says it's 3 months after the 4th of July, AKA October. but it's implied that the party is still just them, so maybe they joined the Hellfire Club in the middle of the year
-Dustin doesn't wear his hat when he's sad
-someone actually bought the Byers' house. fuck that, man I'd firmly believe it's cursed
-was El staying in Will's room? because she's seen packing up her stuff but the Byers only had a 3 bedroom house
-we all know that Steve wears lipgloss this season but I'm also convinced that Mike is in the epilogue
-Mike didn't seem to enjoy that goodbye kiss as much as he was expecting...
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