#it's kind of fun to see the same kind of advice repeated in this site on pkmn deck-building that friends and randos i let into my world
glindaupland · 5 months
The Phantom of the Opera | Seoul, South Korea | October 8-14th, 2023 [REVIEWS]
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Wow it's about time I posted these reviews that I kept lying about (this week! tomorrow! in 10 years!) Better late than never?
In this post I'll drop a few general things about the production, but the performances are analyzed in my reviews linked here. I recommend reading those all in order since I revisit points about actors I've made previously along the way to avoid repeating myself. Also leaving a disclaimer that these performances are from October so there are some changes in what the actors are doing now (with the exception of Jeon Dong-seok since he left in November) Apologies in advance for my wordiness, but this is more of a "release my feelings for my sake and if anyone else likes it that's cool too" kind of thing? Listen - I wrote a lot of notes on my performances there. So just go in knowing this is the more coherent version of my insane looking notes app!
Before I start I want to thank a few lovely friends who helped me out with this trip because it wouldn't have gone as well as it did without them!
Thank you to @lucygold95 for helping me so much with planning over the past months and for giving me the best time in Busan. Thank you @capitanogiorgio for all the shenanigans we went through and the most special time going to the 1500th and meeting Yoon Young-seok. Thank you to @fadinglandtragedy for the fun talks and the good advice before my trip! The best part of things like this is making friends of course! : )
| October 8, 2023 | October 11, 2023 | October 12, 2023 | | October 13, 2023 (M) | October 13, 2023 (E) | October 14, 2023 |
This was as close to the original staging as possible. So I was able to take it in one more (or I guess 6 more?) times post-Broadway closing. The Charlotte Theater is a lot smaller than the Majestic so every view was pretty solid in my opinion, even the second to last row. I took a video of my view from 4th row under the chandelier during the exit music on October 11th so you can see! The angel and chandelier are shown halfway through. I'd say 5th row was almost the cut off for the chandelier drop (that was my spot next day) Broadway seats in this area were always too expensive for me so I'm glad I was able to grab these spots for this production
There were photo zones you can take pics at which you've probably seen. One was a large rose wall, the other was the cute statue of their mascot 오유령. People also take forever lining up for the cast boards for photos and yes I was one of those people. Here's a comparison of the cast boards from the second season (pictures I found when reading old reviews on Naver) and the cast boards now (I forgot to take a photo of one on the top floor though)
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I found this review where someone took more detailed clean photos than I did if you're curious about the layout and decorations!
The tickets had these designs! If you booked on Yes24, you received a special envelope and a ticket holder with the face of the Phantom performing for that show
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I only didn't receive a second Ju-taek because that was booked on another site - Interpark (bottom middle ticket). I also received paper masks with printed autographs every day I went to commemorate the 200th performance of the run/100th for Seoul and the 1500th overall Korean performance. We used them for the curtain call photos on those two dates (with Jeon Dong-seok then Kim Ju-taek). There are multiple versions of the program book and at the time of writing this I have all except the Daegu one. The first Busan program book was pretty bare and only had the teaser pictures - the same was the case for my Les Mis program book in Busan. -There are different photos in each one, so to me it was worth grabbing them all. My third version signed by Kim Ju-taek is currently on display as you can see below! (The writing says "내 노래를 날게 해 주오 - Make my song take flight") Once again thank you to Lucy for this! 🥹❤️
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Here's some of my POTO merch (including a spare cupsleeve from the coffee shop next door, I also had a keyring, but I forgot to show it) RIP to the second program book I sacrificed for scans I still have the pages stored/displayed though! I'm not wasteful! I'll have more to post soon after sharing these reviews
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Let me emphasize this: my Korean abilities are limited, so don't look to me as the expert on this at all. But I'll still share my notes and perspective as an outsider who's studying The lyrics have changed quite a bit since 2001-2. There are still lines kept or songs that are mostly similar. MOTN had a lot of similarity to 2009-11 even with its changes, STYDI was identical to 2009-11, but Angel of Music was pretty different from even the last season, etc etc. The Phantoms all have unique lines sprinkled here and there, mainly in MOTN (this happens sometimes in Korean musicals). You get some things like random single line changes in some parts depending on the actor or different order/wording of the same lines as well. Just tiny diversions from the script. This is the case for the Christines and Raoul to a lesser extent. Additionally, actors are often permitted to do some occasional improvisation/ad libs. Some unique lines are pretty normal parts of their interpretations now, some appear depending on the feeling of the performance, some are one time only events. I'll mention some of the actor-specific ones and such in their actual reviews, but I have been trying to mark down all of the differences like these for example
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Of course, some things obviously have to be adjusted to make sense because of cultural / linguistic reasons. So one example would be the "Wrote...written" line in Notes I. Firmin speaks rudely and informally, but quickly tries adding a more respectful ending particle 요 after Raoul and André give him a shocked 'what did you just say?' kind of look. So "대체 뭘 썼다고 하는 건데...요!" is pretty much like "What the hell are you saying I wrote?" André would look so embarrassed by this each time 🫣
Stage door doesn't really work the same as it does in places like New York, London, etc. Most of the time if an actor comes out it's more like a quick greeting or chat with the fans. Some actors (not in this case) might sign or take photos in designated spots, but it really depends and it's not so common. It's gotten more restricted ever since COVID as well. 퇴근길 -> "way home from work" is literally what this is called. Dong-seok did wave at us a few times happily after the 200th performance, Gun-ha briefly came out to thank fans after the 1500th while Ceci and I waited to meet Young-seok who had agreed to meet us. I did not have the time (or strength) for the Seung-woo mob, but he usually greets fans after shows.
I literally asked Yoon Young-seok directly on Instagram if Ceci and I could meet him and give him gifts because I figured it didn't hurt to try! When he agreed, my anxiety was not necessarily about meeting an actor, but more about my ability to express my thoughts in another language. But he was truly the sweetest guy and incredibly patient. I think he got that I understood everything he said, but that replying was a whole other challenge. I'm glad I was making enough sense that he was able to get my points and helped me finish sentences if I looked stressed about it 😂 I basically told him I had been planning this trip since the cast announcement because it was too perfect to miss and that I came for 6 shows. I really like to listen to his Phantom on the cast recordings and I thought he made the shows I had seen so far so much fun.
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We both said where we were from (the US and France) and he was amazed. He was also shocked when I pulled out my original Korean cast recording (I still laugh thinking about the way he said "와, 세상에!" like "Wow, oh my god!" and enthusiastically took it agreeing to sign when I was mid-way asking him haha) I also thought it was funny when he asked Ceci if she saw his Phantom last season. We wish! But she mentioned she had gone to Busan a few times and he looked very touched and appreciative that we went to multiple performances 🥹 This poor man was tired he signed our things with November (11.13) though and he also spelled Ceci's name wrong first time, but it was the 1500th show though okay. And if he says it's November...who are we to question him? Ceci should also legally change names so he isn't wrong. Anyway, ramble over you can find the art we made for him in this post
Here's just bonus fun I had that I will manage to connect to POTO despite it not being POTO because I love doing that. I mean I went because I like these musicals as well (otherwise I would've been foolish enough to go see Ben-Hur but I have, uh, standards for my plots sorry to Park Eun-tae 😭), but it's fun to point out these things. I'm happy to share my show experiences in a different post if anyone's interested in my thoughts on those
I went to see Rebecca, mainly focused on seeing a scheduled date for 이지혜 Lee Ji-hye (Ich) and 장은아 Jang Eun-ah (Mrs Danvers). The whole cast was fantastic. Some Korean musicals have special encore bits they do where the leads sing a part of a song from the show during bows so that was really fun. Unfortunately, we don't get to have fun at POTO like that haha
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Lee Ji-hye was in Y&K Phantom as Christine in the same cast as Jeon Dong-seok (Erik), Yoon Young-seok (Gérard Carrière), and Lee Sang-jun (Cholet). Two other cast members in Rebecca were in Y&K as well - 에녹 Enoch (Maxim) who was Philippe and 신영숙 Shin Young-sook (Mrs Danvers) who was Carlotta. Sadly, they had such few shows this season due to a busy schedule, so I couldn't see them (when will trot give Enoch back to musicals). Original Korean ALW Raoul and Y&K Erik 류정한 Ryu Jeong-han was also on rotation as Maxim, but I picked another day for my show so I didn't see him either
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Les Misérables
I went to opening night of Les Mis in Busan! It was the Dream Theater, same place POTO played at before. As many of you already know, Choi Jae-rim is playing Jean Valjean at the same time as the Phantom.
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I could recognize him easily as the Phantom, but honestly when he appeared at the very start of Les Mis it took me a minute to process that it was him! While I did enjoy his Phantom a lot, I think I enjoyed his Valjean performance a little more. It was only opening night, so curious to see how things develop!
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The actor who played Javert that night, 카이 Kai (stage name), was a former Y&K Erik for two seasons too. So many Phantoms!
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On the last day I got to see Dong-seok and Ji-hye once more in a concert for the musical Frankenstein which they have been in together. So have some pics I took without a mask blocking his face!
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Ending Note
Thinking back to December 2022 when I said: "Maybe I'll go to Seoul and see Dong-seok once or twice and that's it, I can have my first international POTO" That was funny. That was really very very funny and silly of me to say. 9 performances and 6 of those were POTO! But I'm so grateful and I have zero regrets about it. This is one of the best experiences I've had even if it might look ridiculous to some people to do something like this...I don't care! I hope my crazy essays can help paint a good picture for you!
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
i understand why the characters in yu-gi-oh monologue abt what their cards do and shit now
#for various equally silly reasons i'm reading abt how to build a pokemon card deck for competitive play#and like. i fucking understand how these things work now. it's crazy. i'm not entirely sure how a game would flow#but i'm understanding the mechanics of how these things work now#and i'm imagining watching a pokemon card game tournament and i'm like 'hmm yeah i do imagine i'd need someone to narrate#what each of these cards lets me do when they're played assuming i'm not married to the game meta'#although i also kind of imagine that the sort of people who'd watch this stuff would know enough to not need it narrated#kind of like how i understand how the kits of most gnshn characters work on a basic level n i'm familiar enough w/the game n its meta#to be able to understand most kits just from reading abt them although ofc it's hard to know anything for certain#w/o playing for yourself to get a Feel for it since there can be fiddly nonsense not mentioned in print lol#but i know enough abt how the game works on a more basic/fundamental level that i can follow/recognize core strategies at a glance#the sort of fundamentals players draw upon to execute their plays n stuff. i imagine someone good enough at pokemon cards#would be familiar with these sorts of things to not need every word of every card narrated to them to know what's up#even if they don't have the text of each one memorized; it would be a simple elaboration from there anyway i imagine#it's kind of fun to see the same kind of advice repeated in this site on pkmn deck-building that friends and randos i let into my world#taught me when i was learning the basics of gnshn team building n investment priorities and whatnot#like 'build your deck around your main attacker; everything should synergize w/Them'#'oh so like picking a build/playstyle for your main dps and then building your supports to maximize the buffs on that'#'make sure you have enough energy cards in your deck but make sure to pay attn if they're too much or too little for your strategy'#'oh so like managing er requirements' and so on and so forth#tbh i just think it's neat how there seems to be universally applicable advice going in to teaching people strategy n stuff#i can totally understand why my high school physics teacher (the one who is now a verified twitch streamer) is so into gaming meta#limitations force compromises and since different people will decide how to compromise differently it breeds creative strategy#花話
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chrisjake-cp · 3 years
History 3 Trapped Filming Diary (full English translation) - Days 1-10
Just before you start reading, a little note of explanation: the author of this diary will frequently use the character’s name when they mean the actor. I have added the names of the actors between square brackets sometimes to avoid confusion. Also between square brackets you will find some words that are implied, so I added them in the translation to make the translation a bit smoother, but they aren’t included in the Chinese text. 
The book’s author will also talk in the first person POV sometimes, refering to themselves as either “I”, “we” or “this little editor 小编”.  So each time you see me write “I”, it is not my own opinion I’m inserting in the text, but the author/editor’s. If I have anything else to add or explain myself, I’ll add it in a note at the end of the text.  
I’ll repeat: I don’t own the book so I can’t post my scans of the pictures that came with every day. So I posted some other pictures of the scenes that were being filmed with each day. These pics belong to LINE TV or Choco Media, or I’ve taken screenshots. 
Day 1-10 under the cut. 
Day 1
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The first day of shooting happened to coincide with ‘Li Dong’⁕ but the temperatures of that day soared to 29 degrees. The crew was going sleeveless, but the actors were all wearing sweaters or dress shirts. Tang Yi, who had on the most, was wearing a turtleneck sweater and a suit jacket on top at one point, but he didn’t sweat very much.⁕ Meanwhile A De [Stanley], wearing a shirt and a suit jacket, was [clad] the ‘thinnest’ at the scene. When he got off work and took off his sweaty shirt, the wardrobe department exclaimed: “This shirt is so wet!”
Officer Meng’s scenes for that day consisted of eating from 10 am in the morning until 6pm in the evening. He basically ate from when he got to work until he got off work. All in all he had two large bags of rice and poured 4 liters of coca cola. Junhao [Jake] will start sweating profusely and start flushing when he eats spicy food, so as soon as the director yelled ‘cut’, the crew would immediately pass him a plastic bag so he could spit out the spicy Kung Pao Chicken he was eating.
⁕ Li Dong 立冬 literally means ‘establishing the winter’, so it is some kind of winter solstice in Asian culture. In the Gregorian calendar, it falls on 7 or 8 November. According to the IG stories of some of the cast of Trapped, it was indeed 7 November 2018 when shooting started. 
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⁕ Chris apparently doesn’t sweat much, no matter how hot he gets. He says as much in his vlog as well. I envy him, because I’d just be sweating buckets like Stanley. 
Day 2
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The first meeting between Tang Yi and Wenhao is also the second time that Chengyang [Chris] and teacher Jiakui [Chen Jiakui, the actor who plays Chen Wenhao] worked together. They cooperated for the first time on a movie. At that time teacher Jiakui served as the movie’s drama teacher. When Chris had gone through make-up in the early morning, he sat alone in a corner with the script. You could easily see that he was conflicted and upset. [For the other movie] teacher Jiakui was Chris’ mentor, but here Wenhao was the target of Tang Yi’s revenge.
In the process of their scenes where they faced each other, the director hoped that Tang Yi could hate Wenhao even more, but Tang Yi’s personality is subdued and calm. So how could he fly into a raging fit and still keep his calm? In a part that was not captured on camera, teacher Jiakui aggravated some lines to make Chris more infuriated. Afterwards teacher Jiakui also said that the role of Tang Yi is not easy to perform. [Tang Yi] is a young mob boss, The hate in his eyes must therefore also carry a bit of youthfullness, which is difficult to experience for normal people in the course of their lives.
Day 3
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Today was the first time that Zhaozi arrived on set, and while he was bored waiting for his scenes, Zhaozi started to act as the shop’s clerk to sell suits. Apart from suits, bowties and regular ties, he even managed to sell shoehorns. By oneself, the words just kept on flying out of his mouth which left Shaofei beside him looking dumbfounded (if you want to see Shaofei’s dumbfounded meme-like look, you have to absolutely watch the behind-the-scenes on the DVDs)⁕. [Shaofei] continued to shout “If you buy a shoehorn you get Zhaozi for free with it, please someone take Zhaozi away, Unit 3 can’t stand it anymore.”
Boss Tang was tired, and took a nap in his own shop. ‘Just a little while will do. Shaofei and A De, you two be on the lookout for me, and if the director is coming, remember to wake me.’
⁕ Excellent advice. Please do watch the behind-the-scenes after finishing this book, because a lot of what is written here is visualized in the bts. The bts are arranged per episode though, and not per filming day, but it’s still amazing to be able to see what went on. 
Day 4
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The set for the offices of Investigation Unit 3 is actually the office of LINE TV’s Choco Media branch. The contemporary industrial style caused the atmosphere among Unit 3 to be even more lively. 
For Unit 3’s first scene together, the director used a one-shot to have everyone appear on the scene, which meant that the first time all the actors were present, they had to have a ‘chemistry’ test. But apart from the actors, chemistry also had to be there for the whole staff, as the directing crew, the camera crew and the sound crew, really everyone, also had to follow [the actors] along⁕. I still remember that by the 20th take, everyone’s lines ran very smoothly, the shot was satisfactory and everyone was where they were supposed to be. The director and the crew were holding their breath in concentration, and just when they thought they’d succeed, A Zhi [character Zhou Guanzhi, played by Kass Tsai] forgot a line in the very last sentence hahahaha. In the end, this round took 27 takes.
⁕ The author uses a metaphor/reference here. They write 乾坤大挪移 which means something like ‘The Great Shift of the Cosmos’ and is apparently a kind of martial art from a martial arts novel. It consists of 7 increasingly difficult skill levels, whereby the 7th level is almost unattainable. In other words, shooting this one-shot scene required the whole cast and crew pulling off this great cosmos shift, and thus was a big, big challenge. 
Day 5
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After we shot the scene where the two idiots from Unit 3 [Shaofei and Zhaozi] got into trouble and received an explosive scolding by Dapao [Shi Dapao, the name of Unit 3’s Captain]⁕, the director told Shaofei that she wanted to add a scene where he sat next to the window thinking about Sister Lizhen, continuing in the same mood [as the previous scene]...Everyone in Unit 3 felt that Shaofei was continuing to set his teeth into a meaningless old case. If there had only been some progress in the investigation...but [Shaofei] not only didn’t find any new leads, but he also got into trouble everywhere. If Sister Lizhen would still be alive, he wouldn’t be like this now...Shaofei really, really missed sister Lizhen. Rather than say that the director added this scene at the last moment, it’s more like she deliberately didn’t tell Junhao [Jake] that she would add this part. 
When they were shooting, the director played the music from the music box through the megaphone and from time to time talked as well, to provoke moody feelings in Jake. In the end Jake grabbed his phone and scrolled through his mother’s Facebook, and to all our surprise Jake started bawling, so much so that even after the ‘cut’ he couldn’t stop, until the director walked over and lightly patted him on the back. To be able to cry like that in a short amount of time, even he himself hadn’t expected that.
⁕ How much fun is it that the name of the Captain of Unit 3 literally means big cannon, when he explodes in anger all the damn time? 😂 I am quite convinced that in the hospital scene where Shaofei tells Tang Yi of his fortune-telling and that only a cannon can strike him down - he uses the exact same wording ‘dapao’ - it’s actually an inside joke and he may not have meant ‘cannon’ literally. 
Day 6
Today’s weather couldn’t be called very fine, and when we were shooting until 3 or 4 P.M., the daylight was almost gone, just when the filming location had large windows in every corner that reached the ground. Our funny director said “Why did the production team run out of light after 3 P.M.? Did they forget to send notice⁕ to the sun?” This caused the crew that was present to not know whether to laugh or cry. But in the end, before the sun got off work, everyone else smoothly finished their job as well.
⁕ the term “to send notice” is quite literal, but the word is indeed an entertainment industry term as well, that means to hire someone for a short amount of time or for a specific show, without there having to be a longer-term contractual agreement. So it could also be translated as “did they forget to hire the sun [to star in today’s scenes]?”
Day 7
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It was a day with complicated feelings for Shaofei and little Tang Yi, as Shaofei discovered Tang Yi’s past history. 
Before going to meet the adoptive father of his lover, of course Shaofei had to straighten himself out first and shave his beard to leave a good impression. In the evening, today’s final scene was shot. Before starting filming, the director hoped that [Tang Yi’s] adoptive father could guide little Tang Yi’s mood, because the intensity of this scene needed to bring out the reason why Tang Yi’s feelings for Tang Guodong ran so deep and make everyone feel the warmth that Tang Guodong brought to Tang Yi even more. 
Under the constant conflict of raising [little Tang Yi] through much difficulties, a loud and clear slap came down heavily on little Tang Yi’s face. The silence at the [shooting] site caused the loud sound to be infinitely amplified, and the director and the crew were all shocked. When the ‘cut’ sounded, little Tang Yi instantly started crying, and the director rushed to the room immediately. On every crew member’s face was reluctance and shock. Meanwhile the adoptive father sat with his head down on the sofa, full of remorse. 
An extra tidbit from the same scene: the crew’s love for little gadgets
There are always a few conspicuous toys in front of the director’s monitor. She explained that these were toys that members of the crew who are close to her gave her to alleviate stress. I don’t know which toy is the director’s favourite?
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 Day 8
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For the setting of the toilets of Unit 3 we actually used the toilets in a department store. Zhaozi, who arrived at the store very early in the morning, was hit on by an older lady who was just coming into work. The lady said: “Aren’t you Zhao Youting [Mark Chao]? You definitely are Zhao Youting!!” Even though Zhaozi went on to deny it, the lady didn’t listen and believed that this handsome guy in front of her was Zhao Youting himself. 
Actually, Zhaozi passed on the above story [to us], and no one actually saw this older lady. Zhaozi often tells bluff stories with a straight face, but I [this little editor] have my reservations about its credibility. But be as it may, after he was told that he looked like Zhao Youting, Zhaozi’s acting skills immediately leveled up. So okay, whether or not the story was real, we thank this lady ‘from the legends’.
Day 9
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Can I call you dad after this hug? 
I still remember the story of a friend coming out to his mother. He said to his mom: “I’m sorry if this thing disappoints you. I don’t dare to ask for your blessing. I just hope that you can show some understanding.” Through a chat message, his mother could only briefly reply: “If your other half is a good kid, I will give you my blessing.”
Many people in a same-sex relationship don’t dare to confess to the older generation and they don’t dare to ask for their blessings. Their only hope is not to be hated. It’s like that facing this society, and it’s the case when facing your beloved family. When Wenhao and Shaofei met each other, Wenhao gave Shaofei a hug. This hug must have carried [Wenhao’s] unspoken blessing. 
No worries, dear father-in-law. I, Officer Meng, will take care of everything (pats on the back). 
Wenhao and Guodong together brings its own hint of romance.⁕ The fighting was very intense that day, so much so that the police dispatched a Quick Fight Force team in concern [for the situation]. 
⁕ The term that the author uses is 腐味 (fuwei, the taste of fu). The first character, ‘fu’ is the same ‘fu’ that is used in terms like fujoshi 腐女子 and fudanshi  腐男子 (which are Japanese) but it’s the same pronunciation for that first character. So the author implies that there might have been something more than friendship going on between Chen Wenhao and Tang Guodong. They imply the same thing later in the book as well (day 60, where the two are called a CP). 
Day 10
A Mei [Stanley] who portrays A De, said that he was the expert in getting beaten [in this drama]. I say that Stanley definitely dedicated himself to taking on that role. Many times his head bumped into the wall and the crew told him to take a break, but Stanley couldn’t stop yelling “no no, hurry up, I’m familiar with it now!”
All the way through the end Officer Meng and Vixen⁕ no.1, A De, cheered each other on before ‘Action!’ [was called]. 
⁕ The word for vixen is ‘fox spirit’  狐狸精 in Chinese. I love that and I could probably write essays on this subject. In classical Chinese literature, foxes were most of the time portrayed as (mainly female) temptresses who seduced males for sex and then didn’t shy away from sucking the soul out of them, kind of like a succubus. If anyone is ever in the mood for some academic literature about foxes in late imperial China, I've got you covered  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3237790-alien-kind
So A De and Andy are constantly referred to as these foxes who want to seduce Tang Yi and snatch him away in front of Shaofei’s eyes. 
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years
Go Virge, go!
Kanene’s note: TODAAAAAAAAAY IS A SPECIAAAAAL DAYYYY!!! DO YOU KNOW WHY?? THAT IS RIGHT! BECAUSE TODAY IS @why-not-a-tickle-blog BIRTHDAY!!!! Gooooosh!!!! I know I already did a whole speech before, mah friendo, but you’re just so amazing and lovely! Aaaaaa I’m happy for being your friend! <33
Okay, I got a little carried away! Enjoy the gift! x3
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to Thomas Sanders and his series Sanders Sides!
* This is a SFW Tickle-Fanfic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* Oneshot. Something around 3.800 words.w-)b. Lee!Virgil and Ler!Patton in Human AU.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Since  it’s a gift: Essa fanfic não será traduzida, mals. Thankys for reading, my lollipops, especially you, Livvy!! Have a wonderful and incredible day just like you! 
Patton was confused. A lot.
 And that wasn’t even a whole brand-new thing in his life.
 Patton got confused quite frequently, being honest.  
He got confused when he accidentally fell asleep on the couch and woke up four hours later with all his house painted in the dark of the night and without a single drop of memory about where he is or who he is for some minutes. Patton got confused when his attention was caught in some adorably adorable video of kittens being the best thing in the world and quickly ran to Virgil’s room just to show them to him, not understanding why his friend can’t stop looking at him quizzically until Virgil finally asks why does he has a spoon in the knot of his cardigan and Patton jumps because HIS COOKIES ARE IN THE OVEN AND HOW MUCH TIME HAD PASSED-
 Oh. Wait. That is not what he was talking about. Focus, focus!
 Anyway. Life is confusing, feelings, thoughts, actions, trying your best, keep going, look at the refrigerator just to realize you have no idea of what you were supposed to be searching in the first place, humans…
 Yeah, especially humans.
 Patton stared at the figure of his friend laid on the couch, absently looking at his phone while a piece of smile adorned his face. The movie both decided to watch paused in the background as the one currently in the kitchen waited for the popcorn get ready, his hand held lightly his chin and a frown rest peacefully in his features, mirroring the same expression he always saw on Logan every time he was confronted by a problem whose solution seemed impossible to find.
 It was The Pose of all the incredible genius in the world, right? Therefore, in some moment about now the answers of all his questions should magically pop before him, unfolding and refolding in logic patterns just like in all the mystery series and books.
 Right about noooow…
 Well, it didn’t work.
 Patton pouted, turning to pour the warm and probably delicious snack in big bowls that both would pretend they wouldn't be able to finish before even getting in the middle of the so expected movie. He grabbed the bowls and headed to the other room, reprising the entire day in his mind, a faint echo of Logan saying that could help basing his decision.
 Everything started in the morning with Patton arriving at their breakfast table only to find Virgil, but not his usual Virgil.
 That was a Virgil without his hoodie.
 Not that it was a totally strange thing! Usually by his free mornings he would prefer to wander in the house on his comfortable pajamas, however the thing today is… he wasn’t on his pajamas. He was prepared to fight the world – actually Virgil was just going to work, but he said this sounded more badass - on his black Slipknot shirt, jeans and the hoodie nowhere near to be seen.
 Besides that, today was predominantly cold. Cold enough for the one wearing glasses end up missing his favorite cat cardigan by the time he arrived their house, searching for the so dearly craved cloth in every little corner until Patton came across the scene of his friend - his best edgy, lovely friend cutely wearing it and being equally playfully bratty when tried ask it back, pulling out his tongue out as his form dazed in a chase the moment Patton’s promise of ‘physically fight for it!’ – which was a lie, obviously. He gave up the vestment the very moment his eyes locked in a Virgil playing with the cat ears sewed in it – flew from his mouth.
 And, after getting tired out, they cuddled! Okay, this wasn’t nearly a strange occurrence between both, albeit was one of those rare moments when Virgil was the one who initiated it, laying on his lap with a pout and a sharp look, as if he dared the other to say something (and Patton didn’t!! He swears!! Squeals. Do. Not. Count. As. Words.), feeling comfortable enough to even start a Poking War as they were accommodating themselves on the cushions, rays of giggles, squeaks filling the place for some heartbeats before both decided to metamorphose their last bit of routine into a movie night.
 Which was exactly what they were doing!
 Now, don’t get Patton wrong. He was absolutely delighted by everything! Knowing Virgil felt comfortable, safe enough to act nonchalant around him was so heart-warming he could almost feel himself melt in happiness!
 But there was this signal in the back of his mind. A particularly different gleam in the other’s eyes he had already seen before, however couldn’t quite place its meaning yet. Some words unpronounced amongst his lightly snarky demeanor. Some little thing that made Patton feel playful and happily bubbly as well, except he couldn’t really grab the exact information, the exact why or the exact memory.
 Not yet, at least.
  Virgil was about to fucking quit it.
 No, actually, he was about to fuck quit everything when he woke up of his incredibly, horrible, wonderfully teasy tickle dream. The tingles of the dreamy tickles still ghostly buzzing on his body as he quietly giggled, burying his face in the pillows and kicking about everything on his bed, eyes firmly closed as the memories bathed his mind in a flow made to increase awfully his lee mood.
 And then one of his favorite artists posted some new things on Tumblr, which obligated him to see all their new posts and, who knows, accidentally click in the tag ‘My arts’ of them, which end up with him re-finding other works he had already forgot about, path that consequently leaded to some more reblogs and therefore another bunch of tickle blogs which, of course, made his lee mood at work almost unbearable.
 At least he had the cold to blame if someone questioned about the persistent blush spread on his features.
 After everything, finally: The calm and quiet of home, broken by his determined decision to try to make – somehow - Patton tickle him. His friend was soft and playful by nature, and he already knew Virgil liked tickles (quite of an interesting story involving a meme, a movie and the power going out. Heh. Do not ask about it.) so, I mean, the worst part was already gone, right? It wouldn’t probably be that bad. Virgil would just act naturally, smoothly following a few advices he found in some blogs discussing this topic and hope, for the sake of his life, the Universe wouldn’t follow Murphy's Law for ONCE.
 Of course, that didn’t happen. OF COURSE.
 Virgil tried first to be a bratty. He stole Patton’s cardigan and even ran across the house in an attempt to maintain his new possession. He stretched while laid in Patton’s lap: no hoodie, ticklish spots right there. In the last shot he even let himself giggle every single time his mind wandered to the dark corner designed especially for the subject. The one wearing smudged make up even started a poke war!! A poke war!! What kind of poke war doesn't evolve to a tickle war where he would, so sadly and despise his best efforts, lose spectacularly??
 He crossed his arms and DID NOT pout, blowing grumpily some strands of hair that fell in his vision’s field.
 “I would sell my soul for a tickle.” Virgil growled, his usually careful façade crumbling under the quite persistent thoughts of fingers spidering on his ribs, counting each one of them before lazily dragging the tip of the nails to his quivering tummy, dancing and poking unbothered by his squi-
 “What was that?”
 Virgil squeaked, jumping some centimeters in the air when the voice of his approaching friend filled the room, the words getting stuck in his throat, his head shooting in the other’s direction, wide eyes.
 “What.” He eloquently offered.
 “I was too far, didn’t hear what you said, sorry. Could you repeat, please?”
 Virgil tried – failing - to not blush. Patton was… actually being serious, right? That wasn’t any kind of tease, even if the traitor little demon he usually called brain unhelpfully unlocked all the memories of all the tickle fanfics he read that began with that exact same words. “Nothing. It was nothing.” He promptly ignored the way his voice came out slightly high.
 “Oh, okay!” Patton kindly smiled, putting the popcorn on the coffe table and looking for some space on the couch to lay down while Virgil pressed play, the show’s opening quickly filling the air and silence hanging between both. Patton stopped. Suddenly Virgil felt a shiver run across his whole body, his gaze turning to his friend, only to find the one wearing glasses staring at him intently.
 “You like tickles.”
 The word only was enough to jolt his body back to a sitting position, butterflies starting to wake up, proceeding to fly the most desperate as possible in his stomach, his brain fuzzing, crumbling for answers of How and When and What the Fuc-
 “What? NO! I mean, yes but how- when did you just…”
 “Oh!” Patton gasped and Virgil felt his whole face in flames once the realization of the shiny gleam in the other’s eyes, almost as literal stars shining, hit him. Maybe… Maybe something he had done before finally work? “That is why you initiated a Poke War? Were you trying to make me tickle you? Vee, you just needed to ask!”
 Yep. No. Nope. No way. That was definitely worse.
 Virgil tried to hide himself in his hoodie, deciding he could very much rather perish in his Lee Mood than stare at the pure love and awe gazed right in his direction. His lips curving in a shadow of a smile for a second when he pressed himself further on the furniture, noticing with a grumble leaving his mouth the only armor he owned was the cat cardigan. Hood pulled up and his face firmly pressed on his knees, he ignored the way his excited giggles started to bounce and dance in his throat, resulting in his own body bounce a bit.
 “Knock knock…” Virgil felt a light tapping on his knee.
 “Fuck off.” The hissed answer ran without letting he even think about it, too much occupied in pretending to not notice how much this position left his entire tickl- I mean, sensitive torso vulnerable and how much not seeing what was happening increased second by second the tingles and shivers crazily racing in his skin.
 “Gasp! Virgil!” The one dying in the cat cardigan internally rolled his eyes at the literally audible gasp his friend vocalized, almost being able to see the playful mood taking over his expression as it always has when they swore around him. “I should tickle you for this, Mister Potty Mouth!” Yes. Yes!! Come on, come on! “But I won’t.”
 Hey now, what.
 “What?!” His head shot upwards absurdly fast, a fact which, obviously, he would deny it to the end of his living and non-living days.
 “I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide or ignore your desire for tickles every time you have them! Especially…”
 ‘Please – see? I know how to use some freaking good words. - Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say, Patton. You’re cool, you’re a funny guy, you have good intentions but you have any ideas of what the fuck will happen??’ Virgil found himself almost pleading, the sentences already running in his head, but his lips firmly gripped in the fear to let out more than these simple words.
 “… Since I’m totally okay in tickling you! Oh, wait. Did you just squirm? Aww, Virgil!! That is so, so adorable! You’re blushing, too! Awwwwww!!! Okay, okay, okay, I’m… Imma gonna die of cuteness. You’re truly the most precious being I’ve ever met!!! Wait, what I was just saying…?” 
 ‘I will die! No! I’m already dying! See? You already accomplished what you wanted!! Let’s move on to the next damn part!’
 “Oh right!” Patton lightly hit the side of his head. “I’m glad to tickle you! Truly! All you have to do is…”
 ‘Dude, Patton, Pat-Pat, Popstar don’t…’
 “Ask me! Please, please, please!!” Virgil stared him dead in his eyes, crossing his arms, his cheeks so hot that he was surprised his face didn’t melt yet. “Aw, don’t give me that look, kiddo!” Virgil just narrowed his eyes further. Patton pouted, his ‘Puppy Eyes’ expression – more like an unfair weapon - showing and nailing cracks on Virgil’s resolution.
 They stayed like this for a while, until Patton abruptly lifted his hands, his fingers wiggling on Virgil’s direction, the movement so out of blue that catched his friend out of guard, a true yelp jumping from him before he grumpily growled and let himself fall on the cushions.
 “I can’t.”
 “Of course, you can, kiddo! I’m rooting for ya! Wanna see?” And then he started to fold and unfold his fingers, approaching them to Virgil inch by inch “Go Virge, go! Go, Virge, go! Goooo, Virgeyyyy, go!” Inch by inch. Close and then even closer. The boy with a wobbly smile in his face felt like he couldn’t tear his eyes from the movements, the butterflies seeming to freak out in his stomach in the rhythm of the cheers.
 He hides his face behind his hands. Patton was going to be the end of his existence.
 “Stohop it.” Dammit. He was breaking.
 ‘Come on, guy! You can do this!’ He internally whined.
 “Ooh, is that a beauty giggly giggle what I hear? The cheering should be working then, don’t you think?! We believe in you, Virge-poo! And we can’t wait for when we…” Virgil dared to spy the scene between his fingers, only to see Patton’s hands barely touching his sides, his fingers positioned in a claw shape. “… getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha!!” They suddenly moved, clawing unbearably away and terribly close at each couple of words.
 No. Virgil did NOT squeal nor squirmed closer to the fingers. Fuck you. Nobody asked. That is none of your business anyway.
 ‘Just… just don’t think about it! Pull it off. Like… I don’t know! Like a stupid band aid!’
 “It is going to be so much fun! I didn’t even tickle you yet and you’re already giggling excitedly! Think in all your wonderful, beautiful laughter flying everywhere when I finally tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle you silly!! You’ll be giggling up a storm! Happy gasp! Pun inserted!”
 Virgil obligated himself to take a deep breath and not stare the warm, teasy hands which were oblivious of the intern turmoil caused as they rested on his sides. Their tips very lightly, almost impossible to feel and – even more difficult to ignore - poking the ticklish skin, as if they simply couldn’t bring themselves to stay still. The one laid on the couch and yet hiding his face felt the urge to kick just to get off all the pleasantly nervous energy building up in his body.
 Patton squeaked excited, the teasy grin immediately giving space to the joyful smile. “Of course!” He grazed his fingers up his sides to his ribcage, the nails lightly drawing circles around each one of the ribs, receiving a quick tasering in the middle of them before going up to the next one, letting for a piece of moment Virgil’s bubbly and more high-pitched giggles fill the room alone.
 The cat cardigan owner ran the tip of his fingers up and down, up and down, up and down his sides, watching in complete awe the way the other squirmed at each infinitesimal move. He stopped the movement on his right side, his eyes gleaming behind the lenses as accompanied Virgil adorably wiggling away from the reminiscent tickles, as if he tried to escape from the evil fingers scribbling in that exactly spot which connected his left side to his tummy and leaded cute, sweet titters escape from his gigantic smile.
 A devious plan shinned in his head.
 Patton ceased the tickling in order to give him a breath, smiling at the pout that didn’t take too long before blooming in the other’s features.
 He quickly poked his left side, immediately hearing quiet, bubbly giggles dance across the air as Virgil wiggled to his right, only to be warmly welcomed by scratches of one single finger on his lower back, making his breath stop so fast a snort escape. Virgil widened his eyes, his hands automatically clapping in his mouth at the same time a big, gleaming grin took over Patton’s expression. They stared at each other, fingers never stopping, squirms never ending.
 “No.” His voice was slightly wobbly, giggles beginning to intertwine his words as his friend scribbled softly again. “No no no! You are a- dON’T!- such a dork!!! No!!”
 They initiated the cycle again. Every time Virgil squirmed to escape from the left tingles to the right tickles one more finger was added to the attack, soon leaving the blushed poor victim kicking sporadically when the ten fingers resumed their light, tickly attack. “I’m going t-t-to kick you!!” and then was subdued to the snorts and squeals painting his fast titters.
 The one who wore the cat hoodie which moments before had slipped from his head in the ““fight””, now showing clearly the red strongly flaming his cheeks and the tip of his ears shook his head from side to side, the frown he tried to form being immediately won by the smile taking over his features. Virgil let himself embrace the feeling completely over, laughing freely, almost doesn’t believing this was actually happening.
 That it didn’t matter how much he tried to escape nor squirm, the tickling just followed his movements, just as all his (fake) protests didn’t stop the excited, evil teases pouring from the other’s mouth. Not to tell how only the big, happy gaze from Patton was definitely not helping in the slightest his current state at all!
 He was certain. There was no way out of this. He was going to melt and   d i e.
 And he was loving every single second of this.
 “Aww! Tickle, tickle, tickle, Virge!! Look at the happiness shining in your face!! Someone really, really loves some tickly-tickles, am I right? But don’t worry, Virgey-wiggley! I will give you all the tickles you could ever want! Like here!” He booped Virgil’s bellybutton “Here” A couple of fingers slid on his waistline “And here, and here, and here and everywhere!” Fingers flew quickly, traveling on his hips, collarbone, sides, behind his ears…
 The incapacity to know where Patton would strike next killed every single drop of coherent thoughts of his mind, which could only focus on the tickling and how much it was unbearable and everywhere and it  t i c k l e d . His giggles grew to chortles, his hands flying from his own face to lightly push Patton’s, dislocating his glasses and freeing surprised chuckles mixed with his own squeaks.
 “Virgil!!” Patton ceased the playful attack in order to retire the other’s hands off his face, before both knew they’re wrestling, laughter cutting their acts and weakening their movements. “Virge!! I will go to another spot this way!”
 In a blink of an eye one of his friend’s arms hugged his sides and Patton felt a malefic grin crawling his lips without even noticing its presence. Very much different from Virgil, who in the same heartbeat realized his mistake, using the opportunity of the instant of distraction to lightly push the cookie lover off him, quickly dashing across the house. All his instincts gleaming and sparkling the sign of ‘Survive’ in his veins.
 The only reason of what Virgil forgot about the numbness from spending so much time laid on his legs, resulting in trips that definitely made him lose some crucial speed as he encircled the couch, capturing with the corner of his eyes the scene of Patton jumping of the cushions and following his escape route. The crackling dancing in the air owned by nobody specific.
 His heart beat faster, the joy raced his nerves and made his tummy tingle in advance just for imagining the exact moment where two arms would hug him firmly yet gently from behind and his ears would be set on fire the very same moment Patton would say-
 “Gotcha, Giggly Storm! I gotcha, gotcha ya!!” Patton dug his thumbs right above Virgil’s hips, the remaining fingers clawing the poor, sensitive skin in his back, leading belly laughter to took over his friend’s sentence, his knees buckling and legs uncontrollable kicking as Patton sat with him on the floor, pressing his back on his chest and resting his head on his shoulder.
 “Patton!! Pahahatton, come on, no!” Patton just hummed, two fingers calmly walking on Virgil’s waistline. “Don’t you dare!! Don’t you fuckin- gah!” The nails began to slid in the length of the belly, going from a side to another as elected soft snorts and bouncy giggles.
 “Tickle, tickle, tickle, Virge!! Did you thought you could run away from the Tickle Monster? Poor unfortunate soul ~. Now the Tickle Monster has to give you a bunch of more ticklish tickly tickles just for this, don’t you think?!” And then Virgil felt the tickles speed up to scribbles and clawing and wiggles delivered in every inch of his tummy. Going in random patterns, drawing forms on his sweet spot, up and down, from a side to another, over and over again. Quick enough to make him sporadically squirm and kick, a rain of squeals, yelps and squeals flowing from his lips, yet soft and light enough to let him rest his head on the other’s chest and just enjoy the feeling.
 “Awww! Look at how much shaking your tum-tum is! It is probably so happy in receiving its so much craved tickle tickle tickles, right, Virgey-poo?” The answer was only a blushy Virgil hiding his face on Patton’s neck, giggling nonstop.
 “Nonono!! It’s not!” And, if that move only led to a now very exposed neck to be gifted with some special scratches? They both pretended it wasn’t on purpose.
 Patton just rolled his eyes, playfully exasperated, quietly chuckling when the other jumped with the quick squeeze delivered on his hip.
 It didn’t take long before Virgil let out his first ‘Stop’, which Patton happily obliged, don’t having the heart to move when he realized Virgil’s breath becoming calmer, his eyelashes closing as he snuggled closer to the one wearing glasses.
 The duo knew very well they would probably regret napping on the hard, cold floor later, yet none of them managed to bring themselves to care, especially when Virgil’s quiet snorts with the second tickle dream of the day lullabied Patton to an equally peaceful dream.
  Random non-said thing: Patton only remembered that information because the movie they’re going to watch was one of the trilogy they were watching when Virgil gathered up enough will to tell him he likes tickling.
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gabesapwhoreta · 3 years
thank god you're the only person with any sense about msi on this site. some people just can't comprehend that the punk scene hasn't always adhered to the "how to be a good person uwu" rules of tumblr and twitter
honestly i think a major part of it is that there's just a lot of minors in bandom, and a lot of minors that follow me - i know for me personally i didn't really start thinking critically about tumblr/twitter morality until i hit 19 or 20, it was like a developmental thing and a life experience thing. when you put a bunch of teenagers in a space together, they're gonna come up with lots of really kneejerk black and white opinions on things because that's just how teenagers think.
honestly the only reason i bothered with those asks at all it because they were obviously sent by a minor, and for some reason i feel some sense of responsibility for the kids in bandom now? like, i grew up in these spaces, and now the generation after me is inheriting them - and it's always the same exact discourse that comes up, over and over again, the same drama that repeats itself. i had to learn how to break away from the internet's social expectations of morality and start finding my own way, and that's kind of a hard thing to do growing up. i'm probably not the best role model in the world, but i still hope that i can somehow help kids going through the same journey i was on, you know?
my advice to any minors reading this:
Get involved in your local punk scene. Start going to local shows, to see local bands you've never heard of. Listen to older punks talk about the history of the scene, about what it was like when they were kids.
Most importantly, when someone does something that seems shitty, try to figure out why. In the case of someone like Jimmy Urine, you might find out that someone's intentions were actually very different from what you thought - if you met Jimmy in 1998, you wouldn't get very far calling him a racist, but you'd probably get a lot farther if you explained why he should leave saying the n-word on stage to black guys. (Which I'm guessing is something he eventually realized on his own, anyway, considering he stopped saying it.)
The same goes for people with bad intentions, too, though. No one is a monster, no one is inherently evil - we're all just people, all stuck within our own limited perception of things. Hitler didn't just wake up one morning and decide genocide sounded like fun - there were reasons why he did the things he did, reasons that make sense until you view things from literally anyone else's perspective. The sooner you learn to start seeing people as people, the easier it will be to figure out why people do bad things, the easier it will be to actually change things, and the easier it will be to step outside of your own perspective every once in a while to question your own actions.
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cassowarywary · 3 years
Hello, I love your Eskew art! How'd you get the titles to look like that? I zoomed in and it looks like you actually drew the text but it looks like different fonts. Do you have advice to people who want to make text like that?
I'm glad that you like my art! Sorry that this is late; I only realized that I already had asks when I got a new one. Put under the cut because I love to ramble
The titles are generally based off different fonts, with a few exceptions that I think are glaringly obvious when I look at them. If you are looking for different fonts, I really recommend 1001 fonts (https://www.1001fonts.com/) where there are a ton of free fonts for non-commercial use. A few years ago, I went through the entirety of fonts uploaded at that point (I think it was about...10,000 or 11,000?) and downloaded a few hundred which I really liked, wrote the same phrase in every single font on a word doc, and then just used the find+replace function to test out different titles. I'm currently doing the lineart for Crossroads and this is one of the 12 pages
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I've been reliably informed that this is "a really weird thing to do, what the fuck?" I do not recommend going through the entirety of the site (looks like there's currently over 15000 fonts? And a fair number of them are pretty repetitive. Better to just use the site tags). I'm not great at typography creation, so though I often change elements or letters, I will generally take the style of one of these fonts.
But you're asking about how to draw the letters! And that is something I can help with! Here's my advice: use a ruler. Use a ruler for everything. When I'm doing the titlecard art, I'll generally have guidelines around the outside of the "textbox", then guidelines to measure out how much space I can use for each letter, then how much space for spaces between the letters, then a guideline for the center of letters (how high the lines should be on letters like A, E, F, ect). The size of the textbox for each letter determines how steep letters like W, Z, K, or R should be. You can kind of see these lines on both versions of the Reproduction art.
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This advice is most applicable to when you're making art with consistent lettering and capitals (more straight lines). If you're doing a consistent font with lower case letters, then the guidelines are still helpful, you just need to also put a lot more work into trying to copy angles. I spent more time on the lettering for Performance than I did on the lineart for some for some of the other illustrations.
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But when you're doing stuff with lower cases or inconsistent lettering, then the ruler thing doesn't help as much. I still recommend boxing in the area that you want your font to be, and approximating how much space each letter should take up (so you're not cramped on the right) but it is more difficult to plan. On the good side, this means that inconsistencies are not as big a deal: even if you repeat letters, they don't need to look identical like they would in a consistent Caps font.
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As you can see, I always draw my letters in pencil first. Normally I would erase it after but I'm doing these on watercolor paper and it tears so easily with erasing. And even when you do make mistakes, have inconsistencies, ect, I can almost guarantee that other people will not notice or care as much as you. Going back through and zooming in on all these titles shows a lot of mistakes but they're so small compared to the whole piece that I think it would be silly for me to obsess over them.
Also, to be honest, I do all this because I think it's fun and I like to change up the fonts to better fit the area I'm putting them in. If you find a font you really like and you have a decent light source, there's no shame in tracing lettering, or going on a program like Canva and putting text over an illustration.
I hope this was helpful! I'm not an expert and there's probably guides on how to become better at lettering; this is all just my process for this specific project. Good luck!
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likeawildthing · 4 years
in terms of design advice, any ideas for a broke college student apartment room? 💕💕
college is a weird time because you are kind of a grown up but also definitely not! and your interests and tastes will change so rapidly in the next few years. so honestly it’s a great time to experiment and be creative. this advice all depends on your particular space, but in any small space everything that can be double duty, should be double duty (night stand is also a tv tray/laptop tray, art is also bulletin board or jewelry holder), the more uses you can get out of something, the better! going vertical on the walls where you can get away with it is amazing. here are a few easy and cheap ways to upgrade and some basic design principles:
take this design quiz to find out your style (plug in a fake email) and then google or pinterest away. you’ll see repeat themes (for ex. major bohemian trend is macrame, which easily DIYable, or MCM is all about legs and clean profiles). maybe that would be fun post - to highlight different styles and trends. but here are some upgrades that translate to any design style for cheap:
don’t go to a nursery and drop a hundred dollars you don’t have. a plant or two or three you really love will change the vibe of the whole space, and give you something to take care of, which is ofc good for your mental health. tips for getting plants and planters on the cheap!
think of a relative or friend who already has houseplants and ask for free ones next time they’re splitting. i literally did my entire garden this way in my first place. 
look on like FB marketplace or whatever your swap site is because people are often selling plants or cuttings for a discount.
i have literally split the cost of a plant with a friend and then split it in half, like a baby before Solomon
pothos plants of any kind are easy to take care of and can split into smaller plants pretty regularly.
succulents are usually a few dollars at the store and everyone loves them! start with one simple succulent.
herbs! if you get herb garden seeds or plants you literally make what you eat!
if you have pets, make sure they are pet friendly.
i do not spend a lot of $$ on planters! i use terra cotta because 1. they’re cheap as hell and 2. cute! some of my favorite planters are terra cotta pots kristina painted for me! you can also thrift pots, which i would encourage, or reuse food containers by putting small holes in the bottom. 
create hanging plants by making yarn macrame holders! youtube is your friend on this! you can get a ceiling hook for like $3 if it’s a solid ceiling (drywall) and super easy to patch up when it’s time to leave.
function + form. something organic that you can change out inspiration or art, like a cork or inspiration board (look on like a varage sale or in a thrift store for this).  you can get four12x12 cork boards from target for $7 and create something like this from two of them, which is in and of itself a piece of art (and you can take it down w/out damaging walls)
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other cheap things i have done for art:
calendar or magazine pages in thrifted frames  (my favorite cheap tricks is to get matte black or white craft paint for $1.25 from wm or target and paint a bunch of odd frames to unify them)
a picture ledge like this from ikea is your best friend because you can interchange the art to be whatever you want!
embroidery hoop fabric bulletin boards
seriously, posters are cool. get a cheap poster online and hang it with washi tape. it’s not precious. if you want something more grown up, try to thrift a frame for it for cheap. if you don’t like the color of the frame, paint it! if you can’t hang something heavy like this on the wall, use command velcro strips OR set it on top of a dresser or bookcase and lean it against the wall.
i love tassels and buntings. just google either of those and you’ll get thousands of cheap ideas. in my last bedroom i just had a bunting i cut and made over my bed and it acted like a bedframe and i loved it.
just free prints from the internet hung up with little clips like this ($2 from target) or bulky push pins – those holes are so easy to patch!
when my kids were little until two weeks ago i had an entire wall covered with their artwork. i’m saying maybe go to the thrift store, get some ugly canvases with your friends, and have a painting party. everyone brings a $4 thing of acrylic paint and a brush and have a party. good memories + new art for everyone. swap at the end!
pictures! actually print out those pictures and tape them to the wall with washi tape. you can also do something like this with push pins for as big or small as you want to make it (i have this in my living room
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here’s a proper primer on the 7 elements of design, but you can skip that and go here if you want!
white space and focal points. in the same way that you need to break up one massive wall of text into digestible paragraphs, you also need to break up the focus in your room. a FOCAL POINT is a statement area in your room (i.e. the window, over your bed, your desk) that your eye is drawn to, and where you want your eye to be drawn to. ideally rooms should have ONE focal point (that’s like the adverb room for writing) but in a dorm apartment, that isn’t practical because it HAS to be multifunction. the important takeaway is that white space on your walls is okay, and important. it gives you a soft space to land, visually, which is important in making you feel more relaxed and even productive.
groupings – grouping like with like makes great sense organizationally AND design wise. a collection of postcards will look amazing on the wall together rather than spread around the room. 
adding layers can make a space feel luxurious – curtains, rugs, extra throw pillows or an extra blanket on your bed or chair. plants are great for this, but fabrics and baskets can add another layer. these can be pricey so i would a. raid your mom’s house if that’s an option and ask if she needs ‘x’ rug or curtains anymore. you can also thrift curtains for cheapppp or even look for clearance fabric – once you wash the curtains they really are safe to use. clearance frabric can be hemmed without being sewn and hung with curtain rings if you need to. and $5 tension rods can work as a curtain rod inside a window frame if needed. i could do a whole post on this but a cheap rug next to your bed and something soft on a window can do wonders!  dude i have also bought cheap cotton weave cloth from walmart and used rit dye to make turqoise curtains and i loved for years. see also: RIT DYE
so decorative pillows are expensive as HELL but regular, cheap pillows are like $4. i get cheap fabric or thrift fabric and sew my own, which you could do by hand, really, and use the pillow stuffing to make it. ikea also sells great cheap pillow covers! 
gosh there are no hard and fast rule here but here is a great primer series on color theory for design that you can translate to your room
simplifying a color palette will feel more calming to you, and so will using cool colors like blues and greens. but again, no hard and fast rules. repeat a color or element (shape, pattern) throughout a room 3x (ex. i have a blue rug and that same blueish tone is in a chair and also on a bookshelf. they don’t have to be the same blue, just color family, and it makes it all seem more intentional)
buy secondhand. there are entire thrift makeover and upcycle youtube channels that are amazing! same for diy blogs. 
reuse and repurpose what you have. i turned a dvd player box into a toy oven for my kids and they used it as a play kitchen for four years. my bookshelf that stores our games in my living room was $12 from salvation army - i just painted it and added casters for $15. my dresser was a thrift from the REstore, a habitat for humanity store. my end tables are actually butcher block pieces that were in my dad’s factory for forty years. i love bringing old things back to a different life. and you don’t always need a ton of tools to do it.
barter and trade. i traded a one of my kid’s dressers for the hutch that holds our toiletries outside of our upstairs bathrooms. 
sell and repurchase something that works for you. i sold my old bookshelves on fb marketplace and bought another that actually works better. this isn’t applicable to everyone!
make muffins for someone in exchange for their sewing skills or knowledge. i’m teaching my friend to sew right now! libraries often have classes and such to learn new skills.
OK so i have rambled enough. i could ramble more. i hope this gets you started and if you have more specific or follow up questions, on this or organization side of things, let me know! remember these are all just guidelines and the most important thing is having a space you love, that makes you feel comfortable and that you’re proud of and happy in. comparing yourself to others isn’t always the best and you can make it a space you love no matter where you are. 
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souprights · 4 years
DIY for Transmasc Minors/Those still living with unsupportive family
For context, I'm just turned 17, still living with my parents and live in the USA. This is just my experience! It may not be the best/easiest way to go about DIYing. I'm going to do my best to make this as comprehensive as possible, and please let me know if anything if incorrect or if I should add anything.
Firstly, if you're under the age of 16, I don't recommend this at all!! DIY should be a last-ditch effort, after you've tried all else. Please seek therapy, a supportive friend group, and a good community before turning to illegal means, because, yes, purchasing and being in possession of T without a script is illegal.
What's it Gonna Cost?
For cost, you're going to need about $60 - $115 of reliable income a month. Depending on the site you use, and how many millilitres of (injectable) T you purchase, that's going to vary, but $60 is the typical minimum I can find. Don't forget shipping is going to be around $15-30.
This only includes the T!! Don't forget you're going to need needles, bandaids, and alcohol swabs if you're injecting, as well as blood tests.
What Kind of T?
Whether you use gel or injections is entirely up to you and your comfort. However, please avoid orals! Those are just gonna wreck your liver, no matter how painlessly tempting they may be.
Gels run more expensive, but with injectable, there's extra purchases/packages to be had.
Hang On, Blood Tests?
To make sure your levels are in a safe/normal range, you're going to need a blood test. If possible, look for Quest or LabCorp-esque places to get proper bloods done. I was too nervous to do that, given how closely my parents track my every move while I'm not at home, so settle for finger prick at-home tests if necessary. Unless the site advertises Discreet Packaging, I highly recommend having these sent to a friend and picking them up at school/when hanging out.
Do one before starting T, one at Month One, Two and Three, respectively. Based on your levels, adjust or figure out your dose. If everything is typical at Month Three, you don't have to test again till Month Six. After that, check at your One Year mark, then yearly thereafter.
Where/How Do I Get All This?
eroids.com is the first place I turn to when looking for places to order T. You can read reviews for each site listed, and get an average rating from people who've used the sites. If you want to go for gels, I suggest poking around Reddit and finding other people who've DIYed with gel, and asking them for their opinions and recommendations. Make an informed decision no matter what you choose, and spend PLENTY of time researching.
For needles, bandaids, and alcohol swabs I honestly just use Amazon. MAKE SURE you mark your order as a gift, or else you're probably going to run into the issue of the packaging being marked with "medical supplies." Imagine your overbearing parents seeing that and ripping open your package, and immediately assuming you're spending your days in back alleys shooting up. Not fun. Take my word, and learn from my mistake.
As for bloods, just poke around till you find a test that takes your free T and total T both, or go somewhere and have it done proper.
Now, you might try using a PO box to not worry about your family seeing any packages arriving, or having it sent to a friend with more relaxed/accepting parents. Later in the year (when I'm doing this) using the approaching gift-giving holidays to keep people out of your parcels might be plausible. Or maybe your family doesn't care. Ultimately, imagine the worst case scenario and judge what to do knowing your own situation.
Okay, But....Bitcoin
Ah, yes. Daunting, tricky Bitcoin. Majority of sites only accept Bitcoin as payment. But I swear it's not as bad or hard as it sounds. Your first issue is honestly going to be finding somewhere that doesn't require you to be 18+ to purchase it. Now, don't worry too much. For me, I got my older sister to put in all her details, and I just used my money to make purchases. You can do the same with an 18+ friend, relative, or relative of a friend's. Or, send an 18+ friend's CashApp the money necessary to make a Bitcoin purchase and transfer for you.
Now, my first order of T was only about $60, with shipping and everything, since I only bought 4ml total to begin with. If you buy a bigger vial, it's going to cost more. $60 was as much as I could spend without making my parents suspicious (they keep an eye on my bank account), so if you have a similar problem or a smaller spending threshold of concern, don't worry. Just spend your max threshold on buying Bitcoin as often as you can. The Bitcoin will be stored for you to compile and use later. Keep in mind its value may go down, so buy a bit extra if you're saving up over time.
I use an app called Edge to handle all my Bitcoin transactions. It's simple, easy, and you can use a card, a direct bank transfer, Apple Pay or Cash (if there's a Bitcoin ATM near you--no worries, there's a handy map in the app itself to lead you to the nearest one of those). I used Apple Pay, so unfortunately, I can't help with any other methods than that. You can also use CashApp, but Edge's verification went much much faster, and I was not in the mood to wait a few extra days.
There's going to be a fee, usually outlined before you select your payment type. I included that in the cost of the T above, which might be more or less.
And lastly, it's not instant. It usually takes a few hours, but if it's more than a few days, reach out to customer support.
Each site lists instructions with how to send payment once ordered. Just follow their instructions, and talk to them if you have any trouble. They're usually more than happy to help you send them money.
So I've ordered my T
Shipping times are going to vary!! Keep this in mind. If you used eroids, users typically include shipping time in their reviews. This may influence which site you pick. Domestic sites tend to have faster shipping and don't risk customs seizing your pack--if customs seizes a pack with an illegal substance, you're going to get a letter. That's pretty hard to find an excuse out of, way closer to impossible.
Typical processing times are 2-5 days, but may vary a little, depending on things that may include a lovely little pandemic. Shipping is typically 1-2 weeks for domestic sites, 3-5 weeks for international. Shipping prices tend not to vary much, however, no matter where the warehouse is.
Hiding Changes
This is going to be the tricky part. I've known some people to only go on T for three months or so, as to get some changes to reduce dysphoria, but not have family members notice. If you spend a lot of time around family, the changes are gradual and they might not notice. But keep your own safety in mind above all else. What's the worst that's going to happen if your family confronts you over your changes? How long will you be able to write off your voice as "a cold" before someone wises up? How much longer are you going to be staying with your family?
I'm out to my unsupportive family, so despite being discouraged from any transition of any sort, any and all voice changes I'm writing off as voice training. Facial hair? Minoxidil. More muscle? I've been working out. These may or may not be things you can use, so consider carefully.
Aside from your voice and facial hair, there won't be anything too difficult to hide or write off. Shave your facial hair away as soon as you get up if it develops/needs to be hidden. Consider and compile a list of excuses as to why your voice is changing in case of questions.
Hiding Supplies
This is going to depend a lot on your house and situation. Do you have animals, parents or siblings who invade your spaces and find your hidey holes? A piece of advice I read in an MtF guide to DIY is to hide something you won't get in trouble for where you plan on hiding your hormones, and see if anyone finds it over a few weeks. Repeat until somewhere safe is scouted.
I have small cardboard boxes I keep under my bed, in a cabinet I have in my room, and on my desk. Only bandaids are kept on the box on my desk. But the other places I hide things have an equal distribution of my supplies, so even if someone finds one box, I'll be able to continue HRT.
Try to keep your T much better hidden than other supplies. I'm in an arts-focused degree in college, and a very artistic person, so I've managed to write off needles and syringes as pieces to build a 3D art project for a portfolio. Try to find an excuse to use if your needles are found. Maybe the art thing works for you, maybe not.
Consider taking precautionary measures of removing/covering labels of your T if you're using an injectable kind. You might be able to get away with calling it a prop of some kind, for a TikTok video or something if it's found.
Disposing of Needles/Wrappers/Etc
Alright, so you've done your first shot of T, or applied your first gel packet. Congrats! Now, how to hide the evidence? Firstly, for gels, it won't be too difficult. Just use a plastic grocery bag and fill it with other miscellaneous rubbish and mix the wrappers in with that. Toss the tied bag in your own bin, or a neighbour's bin if that's safer. If that's not possible, do so at school.
Needles are a more tricky circumstance. If you're able to purchase and safely dispose a sharps bin, 100% do that. If you're in a place like me and that's not possible, go and buy some soda with twist-top lids, or get them from friends. Once the bottle is empty, you can toss needles into there. In my experience, 1ml syringes and the small needles used for T injections fit in these 500ml bottles no issue. I throw these sealed bottles in the bin once they're full. I know this isn't proper disposable, but I'm unable to get a sharps bin.
Never throw exposed needles into the bin, or leave them somewhere anyone or anything could possibly be exposed to them.
For T bottles, I've only ever found one site that sells it in containers smaller than 10ml. I'm not sure if the 10ml bottles would fit into the soda bottles or not, so follow the same procedure as disposing of gel wrappers. If that's not possible, use a sharp knife to cut open your soda bottle at the widest part and put the bottle in there, before using a strong adhesive tape (not scotch tape--duct tape or something similar) to seal the incision before disposing of it.
In Conclusion
I've left out a list of the changes T causes, and starting doses, because those are all easy things to find, which you probably know already. Regardless of what this small guide says, please keep your own safety in mind and do as much research as possible before moving forward with DIY, and know that I'm no kind of professional, and all this is based off my tiny bit of experience.
As of the original posting of this, I haven't yet started T. I'm going to start in about two weeks, however, and have gathered everything necessary. I may update this guide further as I take T.
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mykpopwire · 4 years
interview: D-CRUNCH is back and ready to fly high with Across The Universe!
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D-CRUNCH is back with a new mini album, 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe”.
Let’s have a look at what the members have to say about the album and more.
1. Please introduce your latest mini album, 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe”.
O.V: One year and five months after our last album, we are back with a new mini album which consist of powerful and energetic title track – Across The Universe, a ballad specially for our fans – Calyx, a song from D-CRUNCH’s heart – One Word and lastly a song where you can enjoy D-CRUNCH's cute charms – H.A.G.Y (Have A Good Young)
Hyunwook: This mini album is about how D-CRUNCH can fly off to anywhere whenever we are with Diana even when we are in difficult situations and an album where you can always listen to D-CRUNCH's various voices.
Hyunho: D-CRUNCH is taking a step further with this mini album. We worked hard to show you the more mature and cool side of us, so please look forward to it.
Hyunoh: We prepared many good songs for the album including the title track where we want to spread our wings and fly with our people who are going through a hard time and also a fan song with the lyrics written by ourselves. The members wrote the lyrics just as sincere as when we are writing our hand-written letters.
Minhyuk: Just like the title track of this mini album, 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe”, it means let’s fly, let’s go across the universe.
Chanyoung: This mini album is an album where we want to show D-CRUNCH's various charms! I think it's an album where we can fall in love with our better selves, better than before!
Jungseung: 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe” is an album with a title track where we will show a powerful performance and it also includes other songs with different charms! We worked really hard on it, so please listen to it a lot!
Dylan: The title track gives out the vibes of D-CRUNCH’s intense charm and energy. There’s also songs with sincere lyrics in this mini album.
2. Please introduce the title track, “Across The Universe”. Any special points Diana must pay attention to?
O.V: You need to pay attention to the powerful performance, but I also want you to focus more on the reason why we wrote this song! As you can understand from the lyrics of this song, no matter how hard and difficult it is, we can always fly if Diana is with us. It's a song made from the heart of being able to get across the universe, so I'd appreciate it if you could always be with us. ^_^
Hyunwook: There’s some really fancy dance moves for the title track. We put a lot of efforts and practiced hard to show you this! I hope when Diana see the special dance, they will think that we’re cool. Haha
Hyunho: The key point of this title track is the members' strong appearance and performances, and also the chorus part.
Hyunoh: It's a song about a dream of flying together with wings that my people have attached. It also contains D-CRUNCH’s earnestness to repay all the love that Diana has given to us.
Minhyuk: If I were to say the special point of this song, I think everything from start to finish is the special point!
Chanyoung: I think you can find D-CRUNCH’s sexiness in this title track and please pay attention to the powerful performance!!
Jungseung: The title track Across The Universe is a song that means let's fly away and get over all the difficult situations together! We practiced hard for the song, of course a song is yet another song but we practiced a lot, like a lot for the song performance. I hope you will watch the dance practice video a lot, too!
Dylan: The title track Across the Universe has a message that if D-CRUNCH is with Diana, we can fly high into the sky even in the difficult situations. 
3. Renowned producers and lyricist are involved in the production of 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe” album. How do you feel working with them?
O.V: I think I've learned more about the perspectives on composition and lyrics. I also learned a lot about expression and realized the differences. While working together, I can feel they were giving lots of consideration and I’m thankful for it and it was such a good experience.
Hyunwook: Since we're still in the learning process, it was such a great opportunity to learn while working with these great people. I think we should continue to improve in the future.
Hyunho: They are very kind and I got to learn about lots of things, so it was a precious time.
Hyunoh: There’s certainly that sense of professionalism. I was able to see, feel and learn a lot while producing together with them. They were being considerate and gave a lot of advice and I’m happy we gained such good outcomes.
Minhyuk: We worked with really cool and famous producers this time. I learned a lot of things that I didn't know and received a lot of help too. I hope we can work together again next time!
Chanyoung: I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this album. I think I should work hard on this album and repay you with good results!
Jungseung: It was such a great honour and as great as the song they had made, I think we should achieve great result too.
Dylan: I was so glad they led me well and it was an honour to work with them and I was happy that I got to learn a lot.
4. G.I.G has been involved in D-CRUNCH album production since debut till now. Has your song writing style change or improve since then?
O.V: Since I’ve been working more systematically, I think my targets are definitely changed. I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to say and how I’m feeling about Diana and I think I need to improve more. Hahahaha
Hyunwook: We surely have improved a lot. When I debuted, I mostly worked using my senses and feelings rather than professional knowledge. But now I’m glad that I've grown more professionally by learning from many people. But I always think that I need to improve and learn more.
Hyunoh: In the past, the three of us used to brainstorm and come out with ideas together. These days, we only discuss once the certain topic or goal been given. We've seen a lot of improvements. There are pros and cons, but we always communicate with each other while trying to make up for the shortcomings.
5. Could you share a funny episode while preparing for 비상 (飛上) - “Across The Universe” album?
O.V: Rather than funny, I’d like to share a quite dangerous episode. In the ‘Across The Universe’ choreography, there is a move where Hyunwook do a lift. And when he was practicing the move in the beginning, he fell. All the members are nervous for that part. So, please keep an eye on us!
Hyunwook: I had a lot of difficulties preparing for this album. Among them, I think dancing in the sand during the music video shooting was the hardest. There's a part where I have to go on top of Minhyuk and there’s a lot of sand went onto him. Minhyuk had sands all over him, I'm sorry Minhyuk!
Hyunho: When we were shooting the music video, the location itself was a little scary because it was located in a place where there were only few people. We also had some horror experience. Haha.
Hyunoh: While preparing for this album, when I thought of the fans who are waiting for us, every moment was exciting and fun. There is another funny episode, during the jacket shooting, there is a shot where we must jump. A funny situation where we were photographed in the air with frighten looks on our faces.
Minhyuk: The interesting episode while preparing for the album reminds me of the scene where we dance in the sand during the music video shooting. The members fell because it was slippery and deep. But it was also cute and fun. Fortunately, we didn't get hurt!
Chanyoung: Interesting episode while preparing for the album! I think it was in the water-hit scene at the jacket shoot. We were all got hit by the water, so the pictures came out well, but we were all shaking in cold. Hahaha
Jungseung: Dylan and I got the vocal line for this title track and the note is higher than I thought. I remember having a hard time and my voice cracked while recording. Haha! I also remember I was sweating while working hard for the recording!
Dylan: I went into a building with O.V where all the lights were off to do horror experience at the music video shooting site. It was really scary but also fun.
6. Your favourite song from this album?
O.V: Hmm... I think it’s the song that I tried to be a vocalist for the first time, Calyx...? Please give it a lot of love, everyone ><
Hyunwook: I personally think One Word is perfectly matched for my preference.
Hyunho: Mine is Across The Universe. I like the addictive performance and chorus the most because they are impressive.
Hyunoh: I like all D-CRUNCH’s songs, but I think the best song in this album is the fan song, Calyx. I'll make lots of good songs so that my favourite song can always be updated.
Minhyuk: It’s Across The Universe. It also means let's fly! and when I listen to the song, my heart beats fast and I get excited!
Chanyoung: The title track in this album, Across The Universe is my favourite. This is because I like the magnificent sound of the chorus the most.
Jungseung: I like One Word the most. The reason is that there are many meaningful words in the lyrics. I like them because I can relate to them a lot. The song expresses my true feelings for the love that have been given by Diana.
Dylan: My favourite song in this album is a song called Calyx. I watch a lot of dramas and this song feels like a drama OST. It was a great song since I first heard it. I have this song on repeat in my playlist!
7. If you can go across the universe, where would you go? Why?
O.V: Everyone, do you know this?! It’s said that there is a planet in the universe that has the same environment as the Earth. We can't reach each other because it's too far away, but I want to go there!! I’m really curious. I wonder how the people there are like and if there's a parallel universe.
Hyunwook: I want to go to the planet Gliese 581, which is the most similar to Earth. I’m really curious how it’s like to live there!!
Hyunho: I want to go to black hole. I want to get sucked into a black hole and look around it!
Hyunoh: I will float in the universe freely and go to a place where I can see everyone who loves me.
Minhyuk: I want to go where Diana is! I want to go where D-CRUNCH can meet Diana and spend time together across the universe!
Chanyoung: If I were to go across the universe, I’d like to go across Diana’s heart~ Because no one knows what's on the other side of the universe, I think there's something beyond of what you think!
Jungseung: I want to go to the moon. Since it's close to the Earth, I really want to go and play there!
Dylan: If I could go across the universe, I’d like to go to the moon. I also want to go outside of the galaxy and see what’s around the galaxy.
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8. Anything you would like to achieve or do for this comeback?
O.V: More than anything else, I hope D-CRUNCH will not get hurt, always be healthy and get to be known by more people! I also want to reach people through more contents!
Hyunwook: I’m sure it’s the same for every album, but I think our goal is to let the public know D-CRUNCH and to have good influence on our music.
Hyunho: I want to let more people know about D-CRUNCH.
Hyunoh: To let many people know about the group called D-CRUNCH and to listen to our songs. I hope those people will give a lot of love, receive a lot love and care for each other.
Minhyuk: Honestly, it's a big dream which is to win first place on music programs. I really want to achieve it!
Chanyoung: Through this comeback, I hope more people will notice that D-CRUNCH is this kind of group.
Jungseung: Of course, my big dream is to win first place in music programs! But I think it would be enough to show that we're better than our previous album without any members getting hurt!
Dylan: Through this comeback, I want to show Diana our mature and cool side through the stage performance. 
9. Because of COVID-19, you have not been able to meet Diana as often as you want to. Are there any activities that you surely want to do once the situation get better?
O.V: Definitely the concerts. I can feel a lot of energy from Diana whenever we performed. I hope to have happy concerts with Diana soon.
Hyunwook: I really want to have concerts with Diana. Being in the same space with Diana. Diana have been watching us through the online concerts, but Diana is not in front of me and I can’t see them. That’s definitely something I'm sad about. So, I really want to have face-to-face concerts!!
Hyunho: I want to have concerts the most. Because it’s where I can meet and get close to Diana!
Hyunoh: I want to do concerts and stage performances too, but I really want to have fansign events or fan meetings where I can communicate with Diana. I want to express my feelings to all my people who are still supporting us and waiting for us even when we can’t meet due to Corona.
Minhyuk: Urm… There are a lot of things I want to do together with Diana, but what I want to do first are fansign events, fan meetings and concerts.
Chanyoung: When Corona situation gets better, I want to do everything~ concerts, fansign events and fan meetings ㅜㅜ
Jungseung: I really want to perform in front of Diana when the Corona is over. I miss those cheering and screaming from Diana. ㅠㅠ
Dylan: When the situation gets better, I want to do various activities such as fansign events, fan meetings and performances with Diana!
10. You will never leave home without?
O.V: AirPods!!! Whenever I walk around, I always listen to music according to the weather or the atmosphere of the place.
Hyunwook: It's definitely handphone. I'm restless without it!
Hyunho: It's a hat. I like hats so I always carry them with me when I go out.
Hyunoh: I always take my handphone, earphones, wallet, perfume and also good attitude.
Minhyuk: Mask, handphone, earphones and also clutch, perfume and wallet!
Chanyoung: Every time I go out I must bring mask and handphone! It sounds like an obvious answer, but it's a must these days!
Jungseung: Mask, handphone, wallet and AirPods. I will definitely bring these four with me whenever I go out.
Dylan: Nowadays, I always take masks, AirPods, wallet and handphone. Even with just these four, I can do anything and go anywhere. Haha.
11. Any dish that you can cook well?
O.V: Fried rice! It's a dish that I recently cooked. I think it's delicious!! (Of course that’s my personal opinion.)
Hyunwook: Kimchi fried rice...? Haha. Actually, I'm not confident in making any dishes.
Hyunho: Actually, I'm not good at cooking. But since I like ramyeon a lot, I think I'm good at cooking it!
Hyunoh: There’s nothing that I can’t do, cooking too. I think I'm pretty good at everything~ Haha
Minhyuk: I’m not really good at cooking, but the dish that is approved by my family is ramyeon!
Chanyoung: The best dish that I can cook is ramyeon. I still don’t know how to cook well yet, so I want to learn a lot. Haha
Jungseung: Fried rice, fried eggs, etc. I'm not really good at cooking, but I like to cook so I do it often.
Dylan: The most confident dish to cook is kimchi fried rice. The reason is I once made kimchi fried rice for my younger cousin and I remember he liked it because he said it was very delicious!
12. What is your best and worst subject in school?
O.V: My best subject... English?? I think it’s English. My worst subject is science. Science is too difficult...
Hyunwook: I was good at liberal art’s subjects, such as Korean, history and society. On the other hand, I think I was really bad at natural science’s subjects, such as math and science. Math is still too difficult for me to study…
Hyunho: My best subject is physical education and the worst subject is art.
Hyunoh: I'm good at all arts and physical education classes! But I can't do math or science. Hehe...
Minhyuk: My best subject is physical education and my worst subject is English...!
Chanyoung: My best subjects are math and physical education and the worst subject is social study.
Jungseung: I think I was best at Korean language subject. I like Korean language because I think there is always the answer in the sentences. My worst subject is math. I think math is one of the subjects that I always got wrong answers because there are so many formulas to memorize and the answers vary depending on how I write them.
Dylan: The subject I’m best at is English and the subject I’m worst at these days is math.
13. Dylan is the youngest member but is there any members that always behave as the youngest instead?
O.V: It’s definitely Chanyoung. The youngest member in my heart is also Chanyoung. The reason is when I first joined as a trainee, Chanyoung is the youngest then. He did a lot of aegyo to me and he acted cute a lot as well.
Hyunwook: This member is Hyunoh isn’t it? He has a lot of aegyo and cute, so sometimes I think he’s the youngest.
Hyunho: It’s Chanyoung. He’s a very mischievous boy.
Hyunoh: I think Minhyuk has a baby-like charm. How should I say this? Like a baekchimi…? (someone who is ignorant but somehow charming)
Minhyuk: I think it's Hyunho. He looks quite scary and strong on the outside. But when we talk, he’s cute like a baby.
Chanyoung: I think it's Hyunho. Unlike his appearance, he’s soft-hearted and shy. So, I think Hyunho is very cute!
Jungseung: Chanyoung haha. He has lots of aegyo and sometimes he’s cute too.
Dylan: I think it’s Chanyoung. We share the same room and compared to me who is the youngest, he’s cuter and loves snacks so much like a kid!
14. Can you share other member’s hidden charms which would make Diana fall more in love with D-CRUNCH?
O.V: Minhyuk’s hidden charm that cannot be hidden is his cuteness. Once you fall for his charms, you will get lost in his cuteness. Diana~ please know that from now on
Hyunwook: I’m the same age with Hyunho, but I can learn a lot from him and he’s a reliable person. Whenever I asked something from him, he always do his best to help and you can trust him. We’re the same age but I really respect and like him.
Hyunho: Dylan is young and cute, but sometimes he can be more mature and manly than me. So, I’m surprised.
Hyunoh: He looks like a mischievous boy. But when he’s leading the team, his hidden charisma is very cool. He’s good at making songs, good at talking and exercise hard too. O.V is very charming, isn’t he?!
Minhyuk: Jungseung’s charm is that he usually looks like a Binggumi (silly but cute and lovely), but whenever he’s working he’ll change 180 degree and I think that is very attractive.
Chanyoung: Hyunwook sings very well and he's so handsome. He has a good heart. He's good at everything and he's good at taking care of the members. ❤️
Jungseung: When on stage, Chanyoung is very sexy and he looks so cool while dancing. But off stage, I think he has the same personality as me. I think Chanyoung’s hidden charm is that he looks a bit like a fool. Haha
Dylan: Hyunoh is very sexy when he’s on stage. But off stage, he’s a very warm and cute person.
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15. If you had to pick just one D-CRUNCH’s song to introduce to others, which song would it be?
O.V: Urm… I want to introduce all of the songs but I can’t. So I’d choose I’m OK. Since everyone is going through hard time these days and wish to be comforted, I hope you can cheer up and find strength by listening to our songs!
Hyunwook: I want to introduce this album title track, Across The Universe. Haha
Hyunho: I want to introduce One Word. I hope this precious One Word will give you a lot of strength.
Hyunoh: Well, it depends on the person's preference. But if I had to introduce according to my preference, I’d like to recommend Calyx, the fan song in this album.
Minhyuk: A song in this album which called One Word. This song makes me feel comfortable and I've been listening to it all the time these days!
Chanyoung: I'd like to recommend a song called One Word. This is because it has a unique charm that you can't find in D-CRUNCH’s title track!
Jungseung: I think most of D-CRUNCH’s title tracks are strong and powerful and many of the non-title tracks are the opposite and good to listen to, so please listen to them a lot!
Dylan: I think I will introduce the title track, Across The Universe. I want to show them our stage performance video too. Ha ha.
16. Few months left for 2020. Anything you wish to accomplish before the year ends?
O.V: I'd like to read the book that my mother bought me. Hahahaha. I think I'll read a little bit more if I write it down like this!!
Hyunwook: It's a pity that 2020 went by so quickly, without many memories. For the remaining two months, I want to make happy and good memories with Diana.
Hyunho: I want to meet, communicate and make memories with Diana.
Hyunoh: With this album we will definitely fly~!!!
Minhyuk: I want to show you that D-CRUNCH is growing into a cooler side.
Chanyoung: I want to go on a trip with the members before the year ends. I hope more people will know about D-CRUNCH with this album.
Jungseung: I hope we can finish our promotion without any injuries until the end of this year. I want to make a big dream and be in the music program ranking!
Dylan: Before the year ends, I want to go to the amusement park and fly just like the name of this album.
17. What is your goal or wish for the year 2021?
O.V: Rather than looking forward to many things, the things that we’re doing now, this comeback! It's my wish that this life will continue smoothly and my goal is to do my best and be satisfied with the outcomes!
Hyunwook: I hope the bad situation ends. Once the situation gets better, I hope we can meet many overseas’ fans, communicate with them and do performances too. Through this, I realized how precious ordinary daily life is and I hope in 2021, it will be as what we wish to be!!
Hyunho: I want to meet with Diana from various countries!
Hyunoh: As always, my wish is to spend a healthy year while cherishing my people and love each other. Everyone, I love you >_<
Minhyuk: My goal for 2021 is to win first place on music shows, and my wish is to let the public know more about D-CRUNCH! Also, I hope all our members are always healthy and won't get hurt!
Chanyoung: My wish for 2021! D-CRUNCH to be number one on music shows!! 👍👍👍
Jungseung: My wish and goal for 2021 is that D-Crunch will grow more and be more mature.
Dylan: My goal for 2021, since it'll be the year that I become an adult, I want to do more activities and I want to be a broad-minded person like the broad world. I want to make more memories with Diana. Everyone, I love you and I Dylang you!!!
18. How do you want Diana to remember D-CRUNCH?
O.V: Cute idols who are chasing their dreams…? When I think about us, I think that is the closest!! All of us are the kids who are working hard to achieve success. Please give us a lot of love, Diana~~
Hyunwook: I want to be remembered as a group that works hard and also as a great group. I will put a lot of effort to achieve that. I also want to hear that we are a group that create something with our fans.
Hyunho: I hope you will always remember the passionate D-CRUNCH.
Hyunoh: Not only as a group who is good at singing and dancing, I hope we can be remembered as a group that cares and cherishes everyone. So, I will continue to work hard.
Minhyuk: Not only the good songs, but I hope you remember us as a team that is cool on every stage, has a distinct individual colour and has excellent teamwork.
Chanyoung: I hope you will remember us as a team that works hard in everything they do, always outgoing and bright, has great skills~ and great teamwork too! ^^
Jungseung: I hope whenever D-CRUNCH appears in Diana’s playlist, they will think, “Ah, I love their songs!”, “Oh, they are good at dancing!”. These kinds of thoughts.
Dylan: I’d be happy if you remember us as a team with good visual and performance, and good teamwork. ^_^
19. It has been one year and a half since your visit to Malaysia. Anything that you miss or something that you wish you had done back then?
O.V: I'm sure it's the same for any performances, but I really miss the way you cheered and sang along every time. It’s unfortunate that... I can't show you the current me...? Hahaha, I'm kidding. I can't wait to see you again!
Hyunwook: The sky walk in Penang was so memorable and I was so happy that Malaysian fans cheered and responded so much. So, I think I remember and miss every day I spent in Malaysia.
Hyunho: It would have been nice to make more memories with Malaysian Diana, but it was disappointing that time went by so quickly. I hope to see you longer next time.
Hyunoh: I miss everything. From the performances to the fan signing events, the fun corner and the anticipation of going to another country really made me excited and happy. What's sad is that I always feel sadder about the day I left, “Couldn't I have been nicer to the fans?”, “Couldn't I have shown a better side?” with that in mind, I wanted to go to Malaysia again.
Minhyuk: I think the time we spent together with our fans. I want to go to Malaysia again to meet and talk with my fans. ㅜㅜ!!
Chanyoung: Next time I go to Malaysia, I want to perform more! I want to look around the shopping malls too!
Jungseung: It has been a year and a half since I visited Malaysia, time flies... First, I want to meet with Diana! I also want to visit the shopping malls again! There are many things to see and lots of delicious food. So, I have good memories.
Dylan: I really miss Diana in Malaysia and the next time I go, I want to do a lot of performances and make lots of good memories with Diana.
20. Lastly, can you say a few words to Malaysian Diana?
Watch and rewatch D-CRUNCH’s latest MV here!
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Did the best moment of your life happen at summer camp? >> You ever get to that point where you just resign yourself to taking surveys you’ve already taken? Because I’m pretty sure I’ve taken 75% of the surveys I run into but it’s not like there’s a great influx of new surveys to take, so what’s a motherfucker to do but just make repeat performances... Anyway, some really great moments have happened to me at summer camp; I’m pretty nostalgic about the camps I’ve gone to at Easton Mountain. They were great experiences, even with the bullshit that sometimes happened.
Do you get tired of fakebook? lol >> I’m just tired of facebook in general -- how ubiquitous it is, how much data it collects and what it does with said data, everything about Mark Zuckerberg, etc. How random people behave on facebook is of much less concern to me than the above.
Are you a poser on facebook or are you real? >> I don’t really use facebook. I have one for the purposes of establishing lines of contact, and that’s it.
Are you a people pleaser? >> I wouldn’t say that.
Do you get irritated a lot? >> Not a lot, no. Irritation is a pretty obvious red flag for me -- if I feel irritated it’s probably because I’ve let some important need of mine go unfulfilled, like hunger or sleep or emotional processing. Or I’ve fallen into a depressive episode.
What's something you've realized about yourself lately? >> Eh, nothing really stands out as particularly revelatory.
Do you know a lot of idiots? >> I don’t know any idiots.
Do you want a puppy or a kitty? >> No.
Do you hate that some people are stuck-up? >> No, because that’s not really been my experience with people.
Would you rather be poor and humble or rich and snooty? >> See, the thing about this is... I’ve only been poor. And for one, I don’t think being poor means I’m automatically humble, I think it means that I have to look at life and at other people in a different way than I would if I wasn’t in this position. It means I have to acknowledge my socioeconomic dependence, which means treating people like objects or means to an end is significantly more disadvantageous to me than it would be to a rich person. It means I have to budget my indulgences, and can’t just be capricious and lavish with my spending, and I can’t just throw money at a problem to make it go away. I don’t know what it would be like to be rich -- I don’t know how having those advantages would change me as a person, and I don’t know what unseen disadvantages would arise. I know who I am now, and despite the hardships of being below the poverty line as an individual (and only a little less so as a member of a household), I more-or-less like how I am. I see no reason to complicate things.
Do you know any humble rich people? >> I don’t know any actually rich people at all. I know upper middle class folks because Sparrow is related to them, but while they do seem to lack class consciousness a lot of the time, they still mostly live in a reality I can halfway comprehend.
Do you hate the millennial stereotype? >> Not really. It doesn’t affect me. But I don’t encourage people to spout that nonsense, either.
Do you think everyone should have a right to live, and by that I mean live a comfortable life? >> The problem with this is that, as a human being who is invested in lessening suffering for all living creatures, I feel as though people should have this right. Unfortunately, as a human being who is equipped with the ability to think about things critically and logically, I think that it makes no practical sense. What I do think is that social systems can absolutely stand to be more supportive to all peoples, and we should absolutely work towards that. We should always seek ways to ease suffering. But we should also expect that even our striving has the possibility of creating suffering, and weigh that against the good we believe we’re doing. It’s just a constant process, I think. Trying to be more conscientious and more humane humans than the humans that came before us.
Does your religion or spirituality teach you to love your enemies? >> I don’t have any of those things.
Do you love your enemies? >> I don’t have any enemies, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t love them if I did. Otherwise, why would they be enemies in the first place then?
Do you struggle to love your enemies? >> ---
Are you bothered by things that have been done to you in the past? >> Yeah, that’s kind of what being post-traumatic is.
Do you hate bullying? >> I mean, I don’t think it’s great.
Do you get bullied frequently? >> No.
Do you often wish you could go to sleep and not wake up until something good happens? >> I’ve wished that before.
How many people do you know who are suicidal? >> I don’t know how many people I know are suicidal. I’m not really... keeping track, you dig. Also, not everyone who is suicidal talks about being suicidal.
Do you read advice columns? >> I read Ask Polly sometimes, I think she has a lot of thoughtful and compassionate and passionate things to say.
Have you ever used a dating site? >> Yeah.
Do you want a fairy godmother? >> No.
Do you enjoy watching talent shows? >> Not especially. America’s Got Talent has had a few episodes that interested me, but I don’t watch it regularly.
Which cartoon character would you want to play you in a movie? >> ---
What is something you do not understand? >> Oh, you know. Calculus and stuff.
Do you know anyone who is spoiled? >> I don’t think so.
Do you think cars are ugly? >> All cars??? Of course not. There are some styles that I do find unattractive, but there are also styles I find very attractive. ...This makes me sound like I’m attracted to cars. I will neither confirm nor deny that assessment. :p
What is your favorite musical? >> Phantom of the Opera.
Have you made a lot of huge mistakes? >> Oh, yeah, definitely.
Are you ok? >> I suppose you could say that.
Do you ever feel God's presence? >> Nope.
Do you believe in angels? >> I had an Inworlder when I was younger that I interpreted as angelic. There was also an angel I knew a few years ago, which was a complicated situation I’m not sure I’m equipped to explain right now. I miss Tobias, he wrote me such wonderful things... :’(
What is your favorite magazine? >> I don’t have one.
What color hair did your favorite Barbie doll have? >> ---
Who were you rooting for in the very first season of American Idol? >> ---
Do you believe in miracles? >> I don’t find the concept useful.
Have you ever been to a tea shop? >> I’ve been to Teavana.
If there were a tea shop in your city, would you go to it? >> Sure. I love tea.
Do you still have your Christmas decorations up? >> Nope.
How many pairs of jeggings do you own? >> Zero.
Do you have any memories that are painful? >> Of course.
Do you learn from your mistakes and move on, or do you do the same things over and over again? >> Sometimes the former, sometimes the latter.
Do you make a habit of taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone? >> No, I don’t make a habit of it. Then again, my comfort zone is really small. Like, really. So many activities involve me being outside my comfort zone by default, which means I have less mental energy for purposefully choosing to do things that are outside of my comfort zone. I think this kind of thing is more suited for people whose comfort zone is a lot larger than mine -- who don’t regard basic things like “using the phone” or “being in a crowd” as being outside of their comfort zone.
Is your life boring? >> It can be. But frankly, I prefer this to the alternative.
What is your favorite thing to follow on tumblr? >> I don’t know how to answer that.
What are your favorite Pinterest boards? >> I don’t use Pinterest.
Is your Pinterest profile cluttered? >> ---
Do you wish you owned more board games? >> No, I don’t play board games. Sparrow likes them, but we also have no one to play with. We have three board games and at least one of them is still in the packaging.
Do you wish you had visitors more often? >> Not at all. I’m perfectly happy not having other people milling around my apartment.
Do you hate the economy? >> No.
Do you hate our culture? >> No. These are way too vague to be answerable by me in any real capacity.
Do you live in the USA? >> Yes.
What accent do you like best? >> There is no accent I like best. I like most accents just because I love the many different ways people speak.
Is there a guy you wish you hadn't let slip away? >> No.
What are some things you would like to do this summer? >> Just... go somewhere. I would like to be able to go somewhere. That’s really it, the bar is so low these days.
What are some things you love about spring? >> I think I love everything about spring. The warmth, the increased sunshine, the way the air smells when it rains, the explosion of greenery and colour, the feeling of finally being able to breathe, the fact that the air doesn’t immediately suck all the moisture out of my skin...
Are you feeling optimistic today? >> No. Optimistic about what? Isn’t that something you feel about something specific, not just... randomly?
When was the last time you did something that made you feel stupid? >> I don’t remember.
Do you hate social classes and inequality? >> I mean, it’s not great to deal with.
Is they're anything that you're questioning if you're allergic to? >> No.
Do you believe everyone should be treated with respect when you first meet them? >> Sure. I at least try to treat people with basic respect until it becomes clear that they’re 100% not interested in giving the same in return.
Do you hate that nobody cares? >> Nobody cares about what?
What websites shut down that you miss? >> Xanga, certainly.
What were your favorite websites when you were a teenager? >> Xanga, various band websites, Chimerical Publications (an old David Duchovny fansite).
What was the best class you took in high school? >> ---
Are you happy? >> Mildly.
Would you ever enroll in a college class just for fun? >> I would if it were possible to do so. That always sounded like a fun thing to do -- just take a class to get all the lectures and materials, without having to take the tests and stuff.
Do you feel free to be yourself? >> Well, sure. It’d be real fucked up if I felt like I had to be a different person all the time.
Do you stand up for yourself when needed? >> Yes. Sometimes a little more than necessary, but I’m just so used to having to fight for my existence. Or at least feeling that way.
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kanene-yaaay · 4 years
No Moving
Kanene’s note: One year ago I threw a surprise party (very small and cozy) in my house and, after some hours, one of mah friends suggested we played some old games from our childhood and I remember my first thought was “Hey, no. We’re not children anymore.” but I said nothing because that sounded a lot like what society would want me to say. We played. And that was one of the best days I’ve ever had. Good enough to give me inspiration for this fanfic. With a lot of chaos and dorky sides and chaos and tickles!!! So I'm giving this to myself as a gift, because, ya know... S e r o t o n i n! Soooo, the lesson? Idk. Be feral, do chaos, play and f**k the society, I guess. Happy day for us all!!! :DD
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to Thomas Sanders and his series Sanders Sides!
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* This is Ler!Roman and Ler!Virgil with Lee!Logan and Lee!Patton. Around 3.700 words.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Eu vou traduzir ainda ;w;. Thank you so so so much for being with me through all this crazy and difficult year. It’s been a bless to have all of you in my notes, my askys, and my notifications! Take care of yourself, lollipop, you deserve. <33
It was a sunny day. The heat from the biggest star of our solar system being placated by a relaxing wind incessantly throwing the napkins from the so careful, yet messy – as if this wasn’t a tradition the quartet repeated affectionately every single year – decorated table. The friends positioned themselves around it. The surprise party’s rush being already over after all their screaming, singing, eating and bickering, leaving the four to lazily chat or stare the breeze carrying lonely flowers around Virgil’s – the one who offered his house as a sacrifice to the chaos - yard, making them float in the air for some seconds before forgetting them on the dirt again.
Virgil snored softly from the spot he conquered on the tabletop, taking a peaceful nap. Patton was saying, in the fastest pattern he could muster, all the dad jokes his brain managed to think only to see how much time Logan would continue to give him the silent treatment before finally – and figuratively, the owner of the only brain cell of their group would say if he heard this narrative, - exploded and Roman? 
Well, Roman was bored.
Then he slammed his hands on the top of the wooden object, successfully scaring Virgil out of it and of his sleeping – leading the poor adult to fall. Not before kicking a cup in Roman’s direction, his moves being weakened enough by his fogged brain so he missed it and hit Roman’s carefully manicured hands, instead, – at the same Patton, by reflex, slapped the two poor persons who had the bad luck of sitting next to him. He gathered the perfect timing to interrupt Logan’s scared jump by his confused ‘Why did- why- Why did you hit ME?’ sputtering.
“Ow.” The one in red shirt held protectively his arm and hand next to his chest, protesting with his usual offended noises as analyzed the light red spots on them and purposely ignored the ‘What the FUCK, Princey??’ shouted by the host. “Ow. O-w. Are you guys seriously going to hit me every time I try to make your poor lifes better, your barbarians? You know what? I am offended. Your peasants. I am going to get my dear Amanda the katana and then I am- I am out.” 
Logan deadpanned in his direction, lifting one of his eyebrows in his disbelief expression as the other didn’t give a single step to the exit. He did his best to maintain the façade as Patton fuzzed over him, hugging and apologizing and hugging and softly petting his head and offering cake before gasping and turning around to fuzz now over Roman. “… Okay. I am taking Patton with me.”
“Over my dead, haunted body.” Virgil quickly proclaimed before his tune got slurred, very much likely still sleepy. “I saw…” He balanced his hands in front of him, eyes wide and hair spiked, very much reminding of a scared cat. “I saw the angel of death, in all his tall dark, cold aura. In front of me. He was right before me, full of-” He moved his hands more, as if that compensated for his lack of words. “Emo.”
“…Thanatos?” Logan pointed.
“Yeah, yeah. That guy.” Virgil came back to his initial position laying down on the cold surface, yawing. “Totally emo.”
“Actually, when he was created-”
“Excuse me. Focus, focus!” The one who initiated the commotion snapped his fingers until all the eyes were fixated on him, glares traveling from interested to unimpressed. “My brilliant idea? That will light up this party and hearts? Drum the drums!” Silence. He turned to Patton, who was staring at a cute butterfly mindless flying around. “Patton! The drums!” The one wearing black rims seemed to come back to reality, drumming his fingers on the table. “Very well!” Roman spun, extending the suspense. Logan came back to scrolling on his phone, Virgil getting closer to take a look, both hiding a smirk when heard the pout in Roman’s tune. “You’re all jerks and boring. Let’s play S.T.O.P!”
That caught their attention.
“Roman, you are…” Logan talked slowly, as if trying to make his words as clear as possible, “aware that we’re adults now, right?”
“Aw, come on, guys!” Patton jolted upright. “Sounds fun! And I think Virgil’s yard is bigger enough to make it even better than when we played in middle school!”
“Exactly! And it was one of your favorites games when you were younger, remember, Specs? I think it’s a good way to celebrate that special date which is your birthday!” Logan scoffed at that, albeit his mind was somewhere else. 
Roman wasn’t wrong, he really used to love this game, especially because he was good at it. His love for sports was often ignored by most of his classmates because of his good grades – Logan never understood why one thing would exclude other – therefore he was constantly forgotten in the team or even underestimated. Two things extremely crucial in a game like this. Roman noticed his contemplating face. “I mean, except you are afraid of losing. Again.” 
“I did not lose! Kyle fell on me and he was the only one supposed to be out and not both of us and you. Know. It!”
“No, no, no! Claire said you were the one who tripped on your way and then YOU fell on Kyle-”
“That is nonsense! If Claire had stopped just one second her Dance of Victory, she would be able to see that, by the angle we both were on the ground there was no way I would be able to-”
“Oh, plu-e-ase. You are just a sore los-”
“What is this game?” Virgil questioned Patton, both letting the bickering fall on the background, who smiled widely, his gaze unfocusing a bit, probably watching some old memories of his childhood.
“It is a very simple but fun game!! One person stays next to a wall and, oh! We call him the Looker by the way! Or even some large thing and the others players stay the most away from him as possible. The person next to the wall has to count until a certain number of his choice and while he is counting everyone is free to wander around the place until he turns around, then every player has to freeze on the same spot and position they were. If you move and the Looker catches you, you’re out. You win if you touch the wall where he was. You can do everything you want as long the Looker is not staring at you.
“There was that one kid who managed to win the game by climbing a tree until he was close enough to jump from it and run to the wall before the Looker shouted he was out.” The one wearing two party hats as ‘cat hears’ stopped to breath. “Ah! Ah! Also! If you’re out you can choose to just watch the game or become the Looker’s partner and try to help him. Roman and Logan used to be the worst ever when together.” He giggled, sounding a bit hysteric.
“Hm. I think they used to call this ‘10 Seconds’ in my school, since you could count only further than 10 seconds.” Virgil then frowned. “Wait, why were they the worst?”
“Uhh, so, you see, the Lookers can use some… attics to try to make you move. Logan and Roman usually choose to-”
“I do NOT wish to participate.” Logan stated, crossing his arms stubbornly. Roman sighed. 
“Well, you do you.” Roman then traveled his glare to the others two. “Are you guys coming? I’m the Looker.”
“I’m in!!” Patton excitedly got up, joggling his way to the yard, casting a slightly worried look at Logan, who was adjusting his chair in order to have a better view of the game. Virgil shrugged, taking off his hoodie and following them, quickly throwing a ‘You ok?’ as he passed next to the most professional of the group.
“Yes.” He deeply breathed, sounding calmer. “Yes, I am.” And then give him a bite of a smile. 
Roman positioned himself before the colorful three foot tall concrete tunnel forgotten there by the last owner, barely catching with the corner of his field view his two friends whispering something to each other, the one wearing two party hats snickering behind his hand, bouncing as also choose a good position far away from him, who tried to not think much about what he just presented. A suspicious feeling crawled the back of his neck.
“Go.” Logan pronounced. 
“Oneeeee, twooo, three, fourfivesixseveneight,” Roman turned away from them, counting in a tune just above a whisper. Patton and Virgil exchanged glances.
When he got at twenty, he turned. 
Only to find Virgil laid on the grass, his arm extended to point something in the sky, Patton crouched by his side, his face firm in a puzzled expression staring in the same direction, hand above his eyes to block the Sun. Roman frowned in confusion, the curiosity tickling the back of his brain until he succumbed to it, also looking at the sky to - surprise, surprise! – find absolutely nothing!
By the time he stared at them again Patton now was in front of Virgil, both making what seemed like a very horrible parody of The Creation of Adam painting. Roman got closer, managing to clearly see the smug smile on Virgil’s face and Patton wobbly lips, very much likely holding laughter. He crossed his arms, staying stubbornly for some seconds before giving up, seeing that none of them moved a single millimeter. 
“You two are so funny.” Roman rolled his eyes, sarcasm dropping from each word. Logan snorted.
This time the Looker counted at only fifteen seconds.
This time Patton was in Virgil’s arms when he turned, one leg suspended dramatically in the air. The third time Roman growled loudly as Virgil was on one knee, pretending to propose to Patton who was frozen in the middle of his faint. In the fourth he didn’t even have the chance to turn before two hands tased his sides, making his knees buckle but being held in the same place when a pair of arms that hugged him from behind, capturing the poor adult in a flow of high-pitched squeaks and surprised laughter at each squeeze and spidering deposited just above his hips. 
Some minutes later soft snorts followed him to the ground when he was finally freed, flames running on his face and his arms firmly pressed at his sides, the ghost tickles leading to a sea of giggles dancing in the air.
“Enough.” Logan cut the moment, all the eyes on him when he got up, stretching and loosening his party tie. The Looker recomposed himself in order to sneak pokes and squeezes on the other two, who quickly dashed their way back to the yard. “You both clearly aren’t taking this seriously enough.” A dangerous gleam took over his eyes, staring intently to Roman, who instantly got the same kind of shine in his own glare, nodding in his direction. Both too much preoccupied to notice Virgil and Patton silently high fiving in the distance.
The game started again, now a very different electricity dancing in the air. Logan sensed an old feeling of nostalgia resting on his back as he analyzed the place and his opponents as things went by. Roman turned for at least three times – the perfect number for things to get really interesting, - before he decided to finally move from his place.
Silent steps, he went right to Patton. Logan breathed in relief, taking the opportunity to adjust his strategic position half behind the tree. Patton kept a pattern of switching from moving too fast in a round and then barely taking a step in the other, however, as Roman stopped before him, and for the way he soundless snickered as The Looker changed his target to Virgil, his weakness was still holding his laughter when stared for long periods of time.
Virgil was sitting on the grass. Again. A very good tactic when you tend to fidget or tremble a lot. He would stay in the same position for some rounds until in an explosion of energy dash forward when Roman wasn’t paying attention. The Looker crouched in front of him, his index finger pointing and almost touching his nose.
“You. I don’t trust you.”
And then there was Logan.
“You,” Roman stared in distance – not because of fear pffff of course not - Logan’s form half hidden by the foliage and trunk of the medium tree, his glass making his eyes gleam in a light even more enhanced due the shadow provided by the plant, the rest of his face being partially hidden because of his bangs falling on his features. “are fucking creepy. Stop.”
In the next round Patton gave everyone a heart attack when he screamed since he didn’t heard/saw Logan approaching his spot. Two more rounds. Virgil sneezed and lost his balance in a not very ideal mid-run position. Out.
“Oh, thank gracious, great goodness!! Come here, Knight Mare!! I have an idea!!” Virgil barely had time to stop swearing for losing before being recruited by Roman, who immediately began to whisper in his ear.
 “What do you think they’re talking about?” Patton asked, both being close enough for the question doesn’t need to be spoken above a murmur.
“Not a good thing for us both, I am sure.” In that moment The Lookers turned and a cold shiver ran Logan who, for the way Patton trembled, wasn’t the only one. Adrenaline started pulsing on his veins when they approached, although the birthday person had no idea of why. His old memories too much buried under newer ones for him to catch them.
“Nooohoho.” The cat lover whined and the fact Roman clearly saw that but did nothing to point it, his only reaction being to expand his grin, worsened Logan fears, a ray of recognition finally shining on his mind. That should be how karma feels.
“Look at you both, just standing right there, not being allowed to move an only single inch. What a sad fate, don’t you think, Princey?”
“Oh, absolutely, emo. A horrible, wondrous thing, indeed. But you know what that would be perfect for?” Roman now was just a few centimeters away, the infinitesimal distance being cut when he inclined forward, his breath tickling Patton’s – Poor Patton – ear. “Revenge. You know, Pattycake, Hot Topic here told me the previous attack on my amazing person was your idea. And now that I stop to think, what a wonderful idea, don’t you think, Pat-pat?”
Virgil pulled lightly Roman’s shoulder, sensing the other about to crack but yet having too much fun to end this all so early. “But not now. No touching, right?”
“Oh, right, right. Of course, no touching!” He wiggled his fingers, barely away from the poor target’s ribs, his cheeks already beginning to get pink from blush. “No touching, no touching, no touching, but, most important than anything else: no. moving.”
“Oh, yeah.” Virgil took the opportunity to walk around, stopping right behind Patton, who firmly closed his eyes, the smile he carried getting bigger. “Because the exact, very moment when you can’t take the teases anymore so you break and move?” He tsked. “Then all your protection will be over and you will be all helpless and vulnerable for us to tickle,” He almost purred the words, in the slowest way possible. “tickle, tickle, tickle for hours and hours. Can you imagine that, Popstar? Our fingers prodding and squeezing and tickling every single ticklish spot they find?”
“Ohoho.” Roman evil laughed. “Tickle spots? My Dear Imbalanced Romance, our pipsqueak here doesn’t have any tickle spots. He IS a tickle spot. Ah! I can almost hear his hysteric high-pitched squeaks and giggles! Such an adorable, beautiful, cute melody to my ears. Actually, I don’t know if I will ever be able to stop, Virgil. It’s just all too beautiful and intoxicating, you know?”
“Mm hm,” The other seemed to stop to think. Patton felt like he was going to melt at any moment. “Well, we could always just keep going forever.”
“Of course!” Roman again ignored the slight trembling of the cat lover’s chest, probably due all the giggles trapped there. “Don’t you think it will be wonderful and oh, so, so fun, cutiepants? Receiving all the tickles and nuzzles and raspberries and tickle hugs and tickly butterfly kisses forever and ever and ever? ~” He sing-song the last part.
“But,” Logan almost jumped in the same place, not even realizing how much keyed up he was before Virgil’s breath attacked the back of his defenseless neck. Suddenly all his nerves were hype-aware that he couldn’t turn around or run or even rub away the tingles. Goosebumps ran freely across his spine. “Let’s not forget about our so sensitive nerd here too, right?”
“Sure. Sensitive.” If he didn’t know Roman for all these years, Logan would almost swear he was the Cheshire cat, his smirk almost blocking Patton who hugged himself behind him, giggling quietly. “Because the serious, smart, professional Logan would never be ticklish, right? That is such a childish thing and he definitely, definitely outgrow it for now.”
“Yup. I am sure that, if we slowly and thoroughly spider our fingers all the way up from his sides to his armpits, being sure to give each and every rib a special attention since we don’t want to let anyone feeling left out, there will be no reaction.”
“Absolutely! No reaction at all! Not even if we squeeze the hollows of his hips, or scribble on his already quivering tummy, or massage his shoulder blades or lightly, almost not touching, scratch his armpits… It will be all in vain since our birthday boy is not ticklish.”
“Which means: No wheezy, frantic laughter.”
“Or sputtering among his squeals.” 
“Or cute snorts. Don’t forget the snorts.”
“And what about when the snorts get mixed with his belly laughter?”
“Ohh, that is some good shit you have there.”
Logan was dying. He was fucking dying and the only thin line keeping him alive was his stubborn nature. He could already feel his barrier cracking and crumbling right before him. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, only to find both Lookers walking away back to the tunnels, not taking long before starting to count, this time out loud. The one with the, now freaking out, braincell began to snap his fingers non stop, trying to get away some of the built excited energy, some titters escaping from his lips during his happy stimming.
Roman and Virgil looked at each other and then the adorable scene right in front of them, deciding to have mercy and wait patiently for Logan and Patton – who yet didn’t stop giggling and hugging himself – to calm down.
One. Move.
And in the next second, they both were tackled on the ground.
“No, no, no!!! No!!” Patton was already giggling, trying to run from Roman’s firm hug, attacking with squeezes and scribbles in every spot he succeeded to research on the Looker as he also tried to escape from his friends’ hands attempting to hold him in the same place. “Wait, wait!” He cried, barely catching a glimpse of Logan’s trashing before an idea popped in his mind. “If we all gang up on Logan, I will tell about his secret tickle spot!!”
“Patton!!” Logan’s protest came out difficulty between his tight grin due his constant effort in trying to buckle Virgil from him, both struggling to immobilize the other and playfully rolling in the grass. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
“Pffft.” Roman said, a happy cry following his sentence when he finally managed to hold one of Patton’s hands, intertwining their fingers so the cat lover wouldn’t try to pry it away. “Nonsense, I know his tickle spots.”  
“Not all of them. ~”
“Patton, I am to going not figuratively end you. Get OFF, Virgil-”
“In your dreams.” He crackled. “Also, Patton, I’m listening.”
“Virgil! Don’t align with the enemy! And, of course I know all of them!”
“Even the one…”
“Patton, no! Stop!” Roman even if concentrated in tickling Patton’s knee so he could sit on his legs, got the slight tremble in Logan's voice, his curiosity one more time starting to take over his brain.
“Sorrey, sorrey, Lo! You know I love you but-”
“Patton, please.” Logan almost smiled as he fought his way to hug and trap Virgil from behind, but losing his balance as the other quickly turned and delivered a raspberry on his neck and quick squeezes on his left thigh. “dON’T!! I-I am going to bakeEEK - Fuck! - you a whole batch of cookies if you don’t tell them!”
Roman caught in the offer, his curiosity immediately perking up, answering in a bat:
“I’m going to tickle you both to pieces if you don’t tell us now.”
“Sorrey, Logan,” Patton tried to sound apologetic, but his excited smile made this task more difficult. “it’s you or me.”
“I’m going to tell them about your calves!” Logan threatened at the same time Patton said “It’s his lower back!”
“TRAITOR!” Both also shouted in synchrony. In a blink of eye Roman let Patton go and helped Virgil to make the most serious one of the group lay down on his stomach.
“I despise you all.” The aforementioned pronounced.
“Aww. Come on.” Virgil lowered, searching the other’s eyes, grinning. “Aren’t you enjoying the view?”
“400.000 years of evolution for humanity to become this. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“You know, talking like this makes me think you don’t want us to give you your so dearly craved birthday tickles, Pocket Protector!”
The three of them stared at the other, looking carefully for any slight indication that Logan was truly uncomfortable with the situation, receiving as response only a scoff, the blush painting his face as a whispered mumble flew from his mouth.
“You’re so cute!” Patton squealed, giving a light tickly kiss on the back of his neck, leading the attacked to suppress a small giggle which progressively got louder as the cat lover tickled his armpits, Roman and Virgil seeing unfazed by Logan’s squirming. “Okay, okay. You have to tickle his lower back but starting with reeeeeally slow scratches at his sides before speeding it to the fastest scribbling you can muster as you move to his spine!”
Logan hid his hot face behind his hands, the yelps and snorts already escaping between his fingers. He was, objectively, going to love every single second of this.
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andrea-lyn · 5 years
Dunno if I’m doing this right but, a malex prompt: Michael did go to UNM but lost Alex the same way. Ten years later, they meet again in Roswell.
After Rosa dies and Michael takes the blame for it, he sees the way Isobel looks at him. Guilt and sympathy and a bundle of other emotions that he’s not sure he can deal with, and it never stops. “I can’t stay,” he tells Max one night, even though things are tense between them, on the cusp of Rosa’s funeral. “I can’t take the way she looks at me, Max.”
“Isobel needs us,” Max says sharply.
“If I stay, I’m gonna end up telling her,” Michael admits, and as bad as it’ll be to abandon Isobel and Max in the middle of this, he knows if he stays and Isobel finds out, it’ll be so much worse. “She’s got you. You’re the ones with the connection and maybe for a little while, it’s better if I get out of here, before I break and tell her what happened. I’m not saying I’m going forever, but I can’t stay.”
Max doesn’t look like he has the energy or the argument to convince him otherwise. He’s giving up his dream to go travel, but then, he didn’t decide to cover up a murder and earn his sister’s crushing sympathy for it.
“It’s not the first time you two were on your own. You were fine last time, too,” Michael says, trying to ignore every stinging pain that says that they don’t need him. “I’ll go to UNM,” he shrugs. “That way, I can come back every once in a while to visit. It’s a good cover, but it gives me the space I need.”
“This isn’t a reward,” he guarantees, lest Max think that somehow Michael is giving himself an out. Alex is gone, Isobel thinks he killed those girls, and Max will barely look at him. There’s nothing in him for Roswell and at least if he goes to school, he might actually be good at something.
Max still looks like he isn’t convinced.
“You better come back.”
“Four years, maximum,” he vows.
He keeps true to his promise, even if he doesn’t exactly follow the normal course most students do. Four years later, he hasn’t taken a semester off and he’s loaded up on extra classes, taking night ones in addition. For all that he could have a social life, he ignores it to throw himself into school because he discovers that equations, like music, can quiet his mind.
Three years later, Michael Guerin returns to Roswell with a PhD in astrophysics and his engineers’ ring for mechanical engineering (dabbling in chemical because he needs the challenge). For a while, he teaches at the high school and moonlights at the junkyard, but then he starts hearing whispers that the government’s secretly looking into aliens through an unauthorized project.
That’s when Michael decides that “hold your enemies closer” is sound advice and puts in a job application when they start hiring science geeks.
He’s been consulting with the Air Force for two years now, with only one solid rule. He avoids Jesse Manes at all costs, even though it’s been almost ten years since the incident in the tool shed.  
He’s not sure he could avoid being arrested if he’s within four feet of the man, because his fucked up hand speaks of a lot of history, but Alex Manes’ absence from Roswell tells the rest of that story. Michael knows that Alex hadn’t decided to leave all on his own, that Jesse was the little angel and devil on his shoulder for that conversation.
Alex has been in his head a lot, lately. With Isobel talking non-stop about the ten year reunion (and Michael is just so glad that she’ll speak to him, that she looks at him and he doesn’t see sympathy in her eyes anymore), Michael can’t stop thinking about Alex.
It’s practically fate, then, what happens when he shows up to Foster Ranch to work, a few days before the reunion.
They’ve been setting up for a few tests while they work to get zoning permission on the new facility and they want Michael testing the ground and the area and he takes special notice in the tests that are being ordered by Master Sergeant Manes, looking for strange materials in the earth.
He’ll swap out the test results for some fake ones, keep the real specimens, but even now he feels smugly right that he’d made the right call taking this job. At least, he feels pretty good until he sees some of the new guys in Roswell hovering around his trailer.
The one rule of a site - stay away from Doctor Guerin’s shit, or get what’s coming to you.
“Hey!” he snaps, annoyed that a new bunch of recruits are traipsing around on his territory. He gives the CO an annoyed look, but he shrugs as if he can’t be held accountable for what these kids do, which means Michael needs to deal with this himself. “That’s my lab, you’re going to contaminate the…”
He yanks at the soldier’s arm, but when he turns him around, it’s Alex Manes.
They stare at each other for a long time. He knows all about Alex’s accident, knows about the IED, knows about his leg. He’d managed to get the reports with his clearance and while he’d begged for an assignment that brought him over there, they’d kept him here in Roswell to clear the land for their new facility, citing his desire to be close to family.
It figures that would bite him in the ass when he’d wanted to go after the only other family that mattered.
“This is yours?” Alex asks, pointing to the trailer.
“I mean, it belongs to the good ol’ US government,” Michael says, leaning forward to open the door so he can reveal the lab inside. He’s running the tests they’ve been asking for (chem tests, soil tests, and helping to plan the site), but he’s also using the opportunity to sneak in at night and get pieces off Foster Ranch.
It’s all kinds of win-win-win here.
“I didn’t know you’d be here today,” Alex admits. “I heard you were working with us…”
“Yeah?” Michael has had countless fantasies about what it’d be like to run into Alex again, but standing on a work site surrounded by coworkers hadn’t been in the list. He thinks that the CO would get a little pissed off if Michael backed Alex against the trailer and made out with him for the next forty minutes. “High school physics got boring, plus the job at the junkyard doesn’t exactly pay very well.”
He doesn’t think he should say, I’ve been waiting for you, I keep waiting for you to walk into a meeting room and be on my project, I’ve been needing to see you again.
Here he is, as large as life, and twice as handsome as Michael remembers him being.
“I heard you got your doctorate. I meant to send a card, but we were in the middle of the desert and…”
“It’s okay,”  Michael promises. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s just a piece of paper.”
From the proud look on Alex’s face, he clearly doesn’t think so. He’s felt this before. With Max and Isobel, he’d felt it, that gut-punch of pride when he feels so happy of his accomplishments and no matter the dark sins of his past, he’s proven that he can be something.
The moment draws on, but it doesn’t feel awkward. If anything, it’s heated, the two of them staring at each other while the world around them shrinks.
“Are you going to the reunion?” Michael asks, when the silence between them starts to feel heavy and Michael starts to think about doing things other than talking again.
“I was thinking about it, but it felt a little like adult prom to me and my history with that isn’t so great,” Alex answers over his shoulder, but he doesn’t fully turn around. “You?”
“I was waiting to see if I could find a date. I don’t know,” Michael admits, heart pounding in his chest. “Isobel’s planning it, so I probably have to go no matter what. I said I’d help with the slideshow, so…”
“It could be fun,” Alex offers.
That moment is back and the heavy heat between them with it. Michael forces himself to look at Alex’s uniform so he doesn’t do something stupid like haul him inside the research lab and break all the samples by pushing him to the table. Alex looks like he’s considering things of his own, his eyes clearly on Michael’s lips.
“I should get back,” Alex finally admits, though he sounds weirdly disappointed. “I’m just here to help see the sale of the site through, I need to be back on base.” He lingers, again, like he’s waiting for Michael to say something.
Michael wishes someone had handed him a script or something, because he’s lost.
With one last shrug, Alex turns to start making his way out, leaning heavy on his crutch as Michael watches him go.
“You’re the stupidest genius I know,” the CO mutters as he walks past, shaking his head. “Or did they not teach you Romance at UNM?”
“Fuck off,” Michael hisses, which will probably get him a reprimand later, but it does do the trick of spotlighting the very big elephant in the room he’d been missing. The reunion, the hesitation, Alex’s waiting and disappointment…
“Hey!” Michael shouts after Alex, before he can get back in the car. Capitalizing on his courage, not caring how many people are around them, he keeps going, figuring in for a penny, in for a kiloton. “You wanna be my date to adult prom? I figure, I’m this published astrophysicist with a pretty sweet gig,” he says, with a casual shrug, “I might be able to hold my own against a decorated airman.”
Alex hasn’t fully turned around, but he’s smiling a little, lips curved upwards.The sun catches him perfectly, making his skin seem to glow, more beautiful than any alien piece Michael’s hiding in his bunker.
Michael tries not to think about how he’s asked Alex in front of a shitload of people and given their history, that might be a bad idea.
Lucky for him, history isn’t repeating itself. “Pick me up at six,” Alex says over his shoulder. “I expect you in a suit, Dr. Guerin,” he adds, and even from here, Michael can see the way Alex licks his lips, like the image of Michael in a suit in his head is tasty in and of itself.
He picks Alex up at six in a suit, and he’s got a corsage with him.
“Happy adult prom, huh?” Alex jokes.
Pinning it to Alex’s flannel (because the bastard made Michael dress up and then didn’t himself), he thinks he’ll figure out some fair revenge later. “Only if we end the night better than it did ten years ago.”
“I think that can be arranged.”
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xxx-cat-xxx · 5 years
Hey! ‘M sending this q to users I rly respect (you!): Hello! I think ur such an amazing person, and I was wondering if I could ask u a question about this site? I’m considering getting a tumblr but...whats your opinion on the general experience here? Like, how bad the hate and pressure are, do you make friends, is it worth it or fun? If you stop posting, what happens? How safe is the website for teens? I know thas a TON of questions, so No pressure to answer! I appriciate it tho! Thank u! 🙂😊😊
Hi! I saw that you asked @whumphoarder the same question, and I mostly agree with everything she said. So I won’t repeat the practical advice she gave you, but I’ll try to tell you my opinion about the rest of the stuff.
I’ve been active on tumblr for about a year and until now my general experience was great, apart from the fact that it eats all my free time :) I didn’t get any hate messages (yet), although I know that this is an issue for some of the blogs I follow.
I did make some really good friends here, which I honestly would have never expected from a social media site like this. I also learned lots and lots and lots about people’s life realities and I think it contributed greatly to me becoming a more open and tolerant person, just by seeing tolerance and respect lived out daily in front of my eyes. (But just as Bethany said, that kind of depends on the blogs you follow, and maybe the fanfic/whumpfic community is special in that regard).
As for pressure (assuming that you talk about pressure to create content), it is probably a bit higher than if I would only publish my fics on AO3, mostly because of the instantaneous nature of the platform and the way it is all centered around that reblog/kudo reward system. I personally don’t ever feel pressured to publish posts, because if the blog stays empty for a few days it’s not like you get negative kudos or anything. Sometimes I do get pulled down if a fic I wrote hardly gets reactions from anyone. But then again it also depends on the personality of the user and on whether or not you have strategies to cope with pressure in general life.
If it is safe for teens...I really don’t know. I guess that just like with any other social media platform, it depends a lot on how much of your personal life you share with your followers and how careful you are when random people want to chat with you.
I hope that helped a bit! Feel free to contact me in case you have more questions!
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starzonfire-blog · 5 years
Discover Ways To Take Full Advantage Of You SEO Content
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Irrespective of how much you find out about SEO and exactly how quickly you learn it, you won't always be able to ascend from the rankings quickly. This article will shed some light on various tips you can test out to attempt to speed things up. Do not forget that SEO is centered on time, effort and implementation. get more advice: Longmont SEO
SEO needs time to work, so you have to be patient while you are seeking to increase search engine optimization for your site. Better rankings and more visitors will never occur quickly. Contrary to what some may tell you, it can be months before starting to acquire a steady stream of traffic, especially when your blog recently been built. The same as in a physical business, it requires time to produce an identity.
Utilizing social networking is a terrific way to gain more contact with your site and also to rapidly enhance your rankings. Join social communities that can be the most relevant to your web site to achieve a targeted audience. With "like buttons" and similar type widgets, your traffic provides the possible ways to improve exponentially.
Giving away free things can sort out search engine marketing.
The more content which is free, the more effective chances you may have of people linking to your site to allow them to share the info. Free situations are always popular with people. You can include free tips, software, samples, tutorials, e-books, coupons or also have a contest with prizes.
Always use SEO-friendly URLs for your websites. When you use keywords with your URLs your website will demonstrate up in the higher position searching results. Remember, hyphens in URLs are treated as spaces, but underscores or otherwise, so for internet search engine purposes it is much better to use hyphens in URLs and file names.
Optimizing your web site for search engines will improve the profitability of the internet affiliate marketing programs. By focusing on certain keywords and tweaking the items in your online pages, you may significantly increase your website's ranking on search results pages. This can direct more visitors for your site, upping your exposure and pulling in potential clients to your affiliates.
When making anchor-text in your site links and also on incoming links, you may increase your search engine ranking positions by varying the writing content of your links. In case the anchor text on every link is identical, it might hurt your rankings mainly because it looks like a computerized program. Varied links appear as being the work of several each person and therefore are rated more highly.
It is possible to bring in new targeted traffic to your web site by posting on forums inside your chosen niche. Most forums allow links in, either your signature area or on the profile, but see the rules first. When you comment on the forums, make certain your comments are of help. Answer questions, ask pertinent questions, be friendly and have fun.
Remember that search engines like yahoo are certainly not people.
Use HTML, which search engines like yahoo can read, to present your blog a plus on the competitors. Including other kinds of programming is helpful and perhaps even necessary, but including HTML being a back-up will offer the major search engines the details in needs on your website.
Always be aware of your web site standing. Use ranking sites like Alexa and google rankings to keep track of whether you are losing or gaining visitors. Do it yourself SEO starts with keeping an eye on your status regularly. Checking these stats will allow you to find out if your optimization is affecting.
Whenever you initially launch your brand new site, send a press release to local media who may be curious about within the story. Even though you have a proven site, perform a "remodel" and mail out a press release for that new and improved unveiling. You may be amazed at how many publications have space reserved for just these kinds of stories.
Depart from the old AP style for optimization and gravitate for the newer SEO friendly style. You should be using full names and places on some references in stories. When you use repeated keywords, you can acquire a higher spot on the search engine results page, also know as the SERP.
Provide top quality photographs of the merchandise
and include a simple to use magnification system so customers can get a good concept of the specifics. Be sure that colors are accurate and no parts are obscured by reflections. Try photographing the items from several angles and either opt for the most attractive result or allow customers to view each version, therefore.
Will not title all of your pages with general information. Even your welcome page must be titled with something relevant to your website. This will allow a search engine to direct a person to your page without difficulty. Besides, it lets the client realize that this is certainly, indeed, the page they were seeking.
As an alternative to creating several new links every single day that may not attract any traffic, invest some time building an online network and check out an excellent link that will redirect a lot of visitors to your site. You must do the best to obtain featured guest posts or reply to popular sites.
Tend not to use trademarked terms and product names in your meta tags unless you have the arrangement to do this using the those who own the trademark. Trademark owners are fiercely protective of their valuable property online. They will likely not appreciate it when you use their terms to drive up your website's search index ranking.
Obtaining a new website connected to by established, highly-ranked sites can significantly speed up the procedure of getting it indexed by search engines like google. This is significant to search engine optimization schemes since the initial indexing delay for brand new sites is extremely frustrating. The faster a site gets indexed, the quicker its webmaster can progress with aggressive SEO strategies.
Once you have read and absorbed the information contained in the following paragraphs, you can begin to put them to work for yourself on your blog or website. Keep in mind that it's planning to take time for the SEO tweaks you created to work correctly. But once they are doing start working, you will find that your site climbs the charts similar to a hit record.
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finnishfun · 6 years
How to start learning Finnish
I get asks every once in a while to recommend resources for beginners, so I thought of sharing what I started with and what I generally find useful for beginners.
Here is my resource post with all links and downloads I’ve collected so far, if you’re looking for specific things. If you know of anything I didn’t include, let me know and I will. :)
1. Apps
The first thing I used was the Finnish Fun Easy Learn 5000 words app. It teaches you words in different categories with various exercises (recognizing the words after hearing, writing them down, find the mistake, etc.), so it’s a good app for learning words in context. It also helped me to recognize various patterns in words that were helpful later. (also this was before I seriously started learning Finnish, so kind of a warm-up exercise).
Other similar apps are 6000 words also from Fun Easy Learn (it’s not actually 6k because you’ll have to pay for the full version) which has a similar structure with the added bonus that you can also practise saying the words and the app will tell you if it was good or not.
50 languages is also popular, again with various exercises to practise. (this personally didn’t work for me but mostly because my tablet kept crashing so that’s not to say others won’t like it)
So, a good idea to use some apps every day or maybe once a week, depending on what method you find best for learning. They can be a good extra practice if you want to focus on e.g. learning from a book.
2. Books
Language learning always starts with books, right? It’s always a good idea to have a grammar book, especially for Finnish. It will explain all you need to know and you can also practise. At least this method works for me.
Teach Yourself is probably one of the most popular books, I hear many people using and liking it. (The one on the link is an earlier edition, but just as good as the new one - I bought the hard copy). It’s a “classic” language book with topics, situations, grammar, vocab and exercises. There is also audio so perfect for getting an idea about speaking too.
Take a look at my resource list for more books, there are also links to various resource folders where you can download lots more. Maybe a different book will work for you, but I think this one is a good start. Whichever you chose, I definitely recommend using a book, at least for grammar.
3. Online resources
"There is no Finnish on Duolingo!” you will probably hear if you decide to learn Finnish. True, but there are other apps and sites you can use similarly, even if they not as “interactive” as Duolingo. Again, check the links to find something you like. :) There are some sites like Mondly or Mango that have premium features, so the free version is only a couple of lessons. Wasn’t worth for me so instead I tried to find others. The only two sites I use for Finnish at the moment are Memrise and Clozemaster.
Memrise is quite popular, mostly for vocab, even if you just choose one of the “most frequent words” courses, you can practise a bit every day and learn some new words that will surely turn up elsewhere. I did the beginner’s course first, it’s great even if you start a grammar book at the same time. Later you might find different courses that fit your needs.
Clozemaster is probably not the best for a total beginner, but after a bit it’s useful. You have to fill in the missing word in various sentences. The good thing is that these are sentences you might use in real life and contain very frequent words plus you learn in context and the grammar rules will turn up too. There is a multiple choice option which is good for beginners, later I switched to just adding the word by myself. You can play on various levels and the sentences repeat (so you can “master” them) so it’s also a good daily practice.
I didn’t have time yet to try more apps, but I will post about them when I do.
4. Immersion
Another thing you hear often as a language learner: Immerse yourself in the language! Read, write, watch movies in your target language, etc... so, how to do this with Finnish?
Again, check out the resources - there are some downloads and sites with children’s books which are probably the best starting point. They are easy and you can start recognizing things on your own and understanding more of the text. Believe me, you’ll get bored with it, but at first it’s a good feeling to say: Wow, I’m at the level of a Finnish four-year-old! :D Later you might want to read more complex books or Harry Potter or whatever, if you can and want, maybe buy some actual Finnish books :)
Also useful to read news and maybe Wikipedia articles on things that you’re interested in.
You might have to write some sentences during the exercises in your grammar book, so after a while you’ll be able to construct sentences on your own. Try writing short things at first, maybe a few lines about your day or choose a topic you’ve already learnt about. You can keep a diary or just post on your blog and others might correct it. It’s a good idea to write as often as you can, as early as you can, then you recognize the areas you have to improve in and go back to certain things if needed.
What to watch and listen
Youtube videos - check the resource list for some recommendations :)
TV programmes - again some links there, some probably have subtitles, but even without those you can just listen and see how much you understand, even if it sounds like nothing at first (an important part of language learning is falling in love with the language before you understand it, so just listening to it casually will make you love it even more and it also helps with listening to how people actually speak). You might find some cartoons/kid’s programmes as well which are probably easier to understand at first.
Music - just jump in and find Finnish artists you like and listen to them 24/7 and eventually you’ll pick out some words or try to learn the lyrics if you like (most of my Swedish learning was song lyrics for a long time) which helps learn a lot of vocab in context so you’ll remember better.
Disney songs - assume you know some Disney songs already, just listen to the Finnish version and similarly to music, it will help you learn more.
Watch movies - when you feel brave enough :D Also, watch movies you already know like Disney or others (if you can find them in Finnish) Again, you don’t have to understand everything, you know what the movie is about so try to pick out some familiar words.
Listen to the radio - again good for music and maybe some random speaking programmes
5. Tumblr
Make a langblr :D You can post about your progress, collect resources, practise writing and have others correct it, make friends and help others. You can find some of my favourite blogs in this post.
Tumblr is also good for finding random Finnish content and learning more about Finland and the culture. One way or the other you’ll find some Finnish blogs with interesting content and maybe eventually understand the weird memes they’re sharing :D Because let’s not forget, learning about your target language’s culture is important, and with Finnish it’s great fun because there are so many great things about Finland and Finnish culture.
6. General things
Some final pieces of advice based on my experience:
Don’t listen to the “OMG, Finnish is so hard” comments. Once you get the hang of it, it is just as easy as you make it to be. :)
Don’t be afraid to speak! Even if you just read out the dialogues from your book, words from Memrise or whatever, practise speaking. If you know native speakers and you’re not afraid to talk to them, do! :D
Practise every day (just like with any other language) - even if just a little, small progress is progress :)
Don’t get discouraged by the amount of grammar or unknown words or people who say it’s too hard. Just study in your own pace, try different methods, learn from the mistakes you make and try again. It will work!
This is all I can think of at the moment. Let me know if you have any questions and I will make more posts on different resources. And of course, good luck with learning Finnish! We’ll all get there one day!
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savefarris124-blog · 5 years
Love Me Tinder
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Words To Live By: “I just wish I could start a relationship 12 years in. When you really don’t have to try anymore and you can just sit around and goof on TV shows and then go to bed without anybody trying any funny business”--Liz Lemon (Tina Fey), 30 Rock.
Reader, I have an embarrassing confession to make: I am over the age of 30 and still single. You might think this isn’t terribly shocking as far as secrets go. Once upon a time I may have agreed with you. That was before older people started constantly asking me, “When are you getting married?”
I grew up watching a healthy dose of NBC’s Must-See TV, featuring such gems as Suddenly Susan and Just Shoot Me. These two shows featured 30-something women trying to balance a crazy career while possibly looking for love. The premise may seem clichéd now but in 1998 it was…also clichéd. Still these shows were great for background noise, and they infused me with the subversive notion that somehow a 30-year-old woman could walk into a room and nobody would be offended by her lack of husband.
I will confess that questions about my marital status bother me. Naturally I should be bothered on feminist principle and all that jazz, and I am. I am also bothered because I honestly do wish to fall hopelessly, sickeningly in love and share a life of adventures with somebody who sees me as I am. We would know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, push each other to become the best versions of ourselves, and laugh at jokes only we can understand.
Most people go about finding love by dating, but my dating history is spotty at best. I could go into details both depressing and/or absurd but here is the rundown of my greatest hits:
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I needed to break out of this cycle. I had tried online dating a little in the past, but this time I decided to dive deep. After all, if the internet could bring a custom-made Scarlet Witch headpiece right to my door why not a boyfriend? I set out on an epic quest to become a Tinderella. And guess what? I’m engaged!
Just kidding; I burnt out after six weeks of extreme dating. During this period I went out with four guys, which for me is the equivalent of trying to run the Boston marathon when your warm-up routine has been a coma. Still I learned some valuable lessons. Learn from my mistakes, readers, and godspeed.
DO: Choose a Good Profile Picture
One of the reasons I dragged my feet on joining Tinder is that I hate every photo of me ever taken. I therefore avoid cameras at all cost. “What am I doing?” I ask myself as I dodge behind the nearest potted plant. “How will I remember that I have a fun, enviable life?” I then leap out in front of the camera, contort my body into an unnatural posture never used in real life, and smile. My reward is yet another awkward photo of myself that I will destroy immediately. Wash, rinse, repeat for the next ten years.
Because the only way to get better at something is practice, I spent my summer learning the art of complete narcissism. Going to a play? Let me take a selfie. Someone’s having a party? Selfie time. Spending a relaxing day inside to avoid the heat? Selfie marathon! I took enough selfies to burn through my phone’s memory. One of my best friends got married in October and I used the opportunity of professional hair and make-up to snap roughly 800 pictures of myself and maybe two of the bride for good measure. This strategy worked though, because I now have a whole six of photos of myself I can show with pride neutrality.
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This photo obsession may seem like overkill, but online dating profiles have no context. The bio section is short, and half the time people don’t fill it out. Therefore if a guy doesn’t smile in his photos I assume he doesn’t have a sense of humor. If he takes a shirtless pic in a place where he shouldn’t be shirtless I assume he is a douchebag. If he refuses to post any photos with his face I assume he will murder me, and nobody has time to deal with that.
DO: Fill Out the Bio
Just take 5 minutes. Give me something. This is a system set up for convenience; I don’t want to dig. Also saying, “Just ask” doesn’t count. You are not mysterious, or rebellious, or beyond labels. You are lazy. I, too, am lazy, so I understand the impulse, but one of us has to put in the effort so it may as well be you.
DO: Play It Safe
Tell your friends whenever you are going out with someone new. Not only is it useful in case they need to file a police report, but also fun. The highlight of meeting so many new people was brainstorming safety code phrases with my gal pals. One friend insisted on the word “Pikachu.” I can’t remember if that meant I was safe or in trouble; it doesn’t matter. From “banana hammock” to “crazytown” to “vanilla gorilla” anything works for this purpose. Granted if a guy sees you get or send a text during the date, odds are he knows the score but a code word gives you at least some sort of deniability. That way in case he grabs the phone out of your hand like a psycho you can claim it’s just an inside joke, and oh my God, what the Hell has dating come to in the 21st century?
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DON’T: Set Your Expectations High
“The love of my life may be just a swipe away,” I told myself when I signed up for Tinder. This is technically true, but you know who else is just a swipe away? Every other guy in this city. The beauty of Tinder is that you can see just how much is out there. The downside is that most of it is hot garbage.
I don’t want to just rag on Tinder, though I could. They have a filter for age, a filter for distance, but they don’t let me set a filter for douchebags (again, those guys who think I’m impressed by their refusal to let shirts dampen the glory of their doughy physiques). However at least Tinder respects my filters. 
On the advice of a friend I also tried Coffee Meets Bagel, the site where she met her current boyfriend. While CMB seemed a bit more promising at first with its “select picks” it is rapidly disappointing me. I am 32 right now, and a very different person from when I was in my 20s. I told CMB I only wanted to date guys over the age of 30, but 75% of my picks are 29 or under. One time they selected a 28-year-old man for me that was clearly in his 50s. Between his gray goatee and his paunch he looked like Santa Claus with a mid-life crisis. Is that a fluke? Doubtful. Today the same thing happened, except this guy’s alternate pictures are all of Jesus. I think I’ll pass.
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DON’T: Ignore Yellow Flags
Sure we all can recognize red flags when we see them, but what about yellow flags? I ended up falling hard for a guy who was funny and introspective. He loved to sing and act goofy, and being around him made brought out the light-hearted dreamer in me. He also ended up being a massive jerkwad.
He would schedule every date to be at or around his place. This part I was sort of okay with because I don’t want near-strangers knowing where I live, but it did mean I did all the driving. He tried to reschedule our first date so he could hang out with his friends that night, and did reschedule our second date. On said second date he had his phone out during dinner so he could play a Ghostbusters game. In my head half of me would say, “Whatever, we don’t know each other that well, plus you know he has ADHD. Nothing like being a high-maintenance bitch to drive men away.” The other half would say, “You came all this way, battled for downtown parking, worked your ass off to look cute for this date, let it be rescheduled, and he can’t even set his phone down for one minute? WTF?”
Yet somehow this guy emerged as the leader of the pack despite the fact that if I made a list of “Guys Who Displayed Basic Consideration For My Time” he would rank 3 out of 4. What can I say, the heart wants what it wants, and also I have terrible self-esteem and judgment. It came as a shock to absolutely no one that after our third and final date he sent me this text message:
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Hmm, yes, “exhausting.” This was technically true, because I was exhausted. On the evening of our last date I bolted out of work at 5:00, drove home, took a shower, shaved my legs despite being on my period and knowing there would be no shenanigans that night, picked out an outfit, got dressed, decided that my outfit was too sexy for a night free of said shenanigans (I’m not cruel), put on a different outfit, looked around for my steampunk earrings because he mentioned he loved steampunk, did my make-up, and drove downtown to hang at his place at 7:00.
He got out of work late, fit in a workout, took a shower, and ordered pizza. Poor baby.  Poor me. I had thought of calling him on this BS multiple times but refrained because I didn’t want to scare him off. Now here we were a month later, him running away anyway and me peeved I had invested so much effort into a guy when I had seen from the start he wouldn’t do the same.
So here I am now, licking my wounds from this latest foray into dating. I won’t give up completely, but I have learned that I’m the kind of person that needs to take things slow. If that means I only date one person at a time, then I’m going to make damn sure that person is worth it. Will I go back to online dating? Maybe, although now when I check out Tinder or CMB instead of seeing possibilities all I see is a vast wasteland of strangers staring back at me. I’ll try again in the new year, but for now I’m back to my previous dating strategy of hoping to get hit on the head and ending up with a special kind of amnesia where I get transported into my favorite TV universes to romance the hot male leads. Sure Peter Stone has issues but at least he won’t constantly reschedule our steady date night on Thursdays at 9:00.
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