#it's the hp envy if anyone wondered lol
finiel · 10 months
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ms paint gideon to test my new laptop's palm sensitivity + stylus functionality (poor and acceptable respectively, if you wondered)
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alpha-exodus · 4 years
2019 Writing in Review
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tysm @quicksilvermaid for tagging me :’)
I came out of hiatus midway through 2019, so I actually squinted at this and was like, did I even write 5 works last year? I had to go and look at the Excel sheet I use to track my word counts (borrowed as always from the wonderful @tryslora) and it turns out that I did, in fact, just barely! My total word count for the year was ~102k (not all published), which I’m incredibly happy with considering I didn’t have words come out of me for so long <3
So, here’s my list of 2019 favorites for anyone who is interested! Please read the warnings if you decide to click on any of the links~
1. you, a violent desire - drarry, E, 47k - The Amortentia was an accident—but only the first time.
This was my Erised submission for the year!! I’ve wanted to do a terrible pining-filled unhealthy love potion fic for a really long time, and Q’s sign-up was absolutely perfect for it. It also meant I finally got to make use of some fun vague headcanons I had with @drarrytrash eons ago, hahaha. If you’re into punching and bad decisions and falling in (fake) love over and over again (like I obviously am), I hope you’ll consider reading it :’)
2. All Your Stars In View - drarry, M, 18k -  Life after the war is difficult for Harry, especially when the only thing that makes him feel better is, oddly enough, being around Malfoy. So when Malfoy asks to paint his portrait, Harry can't refuse, even if it means baring himself in more ways than one.
My other longerish fic for the year - this was my third time participating in hd fanfair, which seems to be a fest where it’s dangerous for me to look through the prompt list (and by dangerous I mean it never fails to make me want to write things.) Truly though, I’m really proud of the emotions I managed to pull out here. And there’s also, y’know, Draco painting Harry almost naked, so there’s that lol
3. A Little Less Lonely - drarry, E, 3.5k -  All Harry wanted for Christmas was to see his friends - but the company he ends up with isn't who he expected.
This is a PWP I wrote for hd owlpost. It contains exactly one line that I’m overly proud of along with a mishmash of some tropes that were pretty fun to write as well :’)
4. ‘Til It All Burned Down - drarry, E, 5.5k -  Half of the reason Draco likes his job is because he gets to stare at Potter with his shirt off.
Y’know when it’s summer and it’s really hot outside and you’re daydreaming about fun pining!drarry doing some fun and sexy yardwork? Yep. That’s this fic ahaha
5. A Summer Storm, Ephemeral - tomione, M, 7k - In the middle of summer 1943, Tom meets a girl.
One of the mods for hp drizzle put out a call for a few more rarepair fics, and my brain went, you know what? Let’s write tomione! (me, squinting at my brain still: where did that come from??) (actually I do know where it came from - if you’re ever interested in this ship go read Nightmare by provocative envy. it’s the only reason I’m even tangentially interested in this pair lol) At any rate, idk if I’d write this ship again since it’s pretty morally ambiguous (shrug), but it was fun while it lasted!
I’m not going to tag anyone in particular since I’m sure this post has made the rounds already, but feel free to do it if you’d like <3
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