#its affecionate tho
spineferno · 1 year
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she bites (affectionately)
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Due to lack of affecion in my life I gladly wanna say that I made another
Slashers hugs and kisses headcanons
It's fully swf! Pure fluff! They/them Somone hug me pls. Request open
Brahms Heelshire
How his hugs look like: he either goes romantic and hugs them very gently OR just grabs them and holds them as close to him as possible. Loves hearing heartbeat too (when laying in bed )
He loves any kind of physical contact with them! Any handholding, hugs, cuddles ANYTHING this guy loves. Especially grabbing their hips or dhoulders when they are cooking or doing chores
Laying in bed together before staring day and morning routine is a must! He needs to wake up with good mood or he will stay grumpy for whole day
Also pls give him little kisses! On cheeks, forehead, hand, neck HE LOVES THOSE
Billy Lenz
Hugs on couch, him on top cuddling like his life depends on it, like they gonna evaporate in his hands if he stops hugging
Also he is going to say a lot of weird things (wow no way billy lenz saying weird stuff??) And he will inform them that he is plannin on doing the nasty with them later (respectfully)
But he enjoys the moment
Everytime he sees them after long day (assuming that s/o works/studies outside their household) he will just keep one of his arms around them till they go shleep really
Also he stares, a lot, if they aren't in huggy mood he will just stare without any emotions on his face, hes not mad he just misses the warm feeling of somone loving him :(
Also he bites
Asa emory
I swear this little prankster will pretend he fell asleep on couch while yall be watching movie, just to hear them react and take care of him. Also he melts when they give him little kisses or turn tv off so he can peacefully nap.
Or when they are tired after long day and have nap on him while he monologues about cool bugs. Playing with hair and lil massage included
He doesnt really like hugging while he just stands, it feels so akward, so he rather go lay on couch/sit on armchair while yall wanna get phisical
Every cuddle session ends with one of you falling asleep and other one really hates waking the first one up
Jason Voorhees
I dont really write for Jason but oh boi
Cuddling before sleep is so goofy, this guy is huge, like HUGE. If s/o prefers being smol spoon he will cover them completely, he is one of those people who put their leg on their partner so they are closer. But if s/o prefers being big spoon, he will giggle, blush even, he loves it! Also good luck with not being squshed at night
This guy really goes 'a mimiimi ah mimimii zzz' when sleeping btw
He will pick them up while hugging and hold hands 24/7, especially after that one event when s/o got lost in Forest once. No. No more of that pls there are degenerates around
Bear hugs
Micheal Myers
Just no
He won't hug anyone really, its uncomfortable for him. I mean after really long time spent and enough trust given, he will let them hug him, or grab his arms and hands and give him lil smooches
But he won't really give those back, no, even if they are very upset or in bad mental situation, he won't. Respect that
Again-if he knows them well and likes them, he will pay no mind in them giving him smooches or hugging him. He gets that that's how they find comfort, but don't think he will do it too
Vincent Sinclair
This one is very hugable bean
He will be akward due to his lack of social skills but oh boi isn't he very meow meow?
When they kiss his head or hug him while saying something nice. Guy will be soso happy
He gets very shy when Bo sees yall hugging. Like he did something embarrassing:(( somone needs to explain to this poor baby that hugs and comfort is okay and valid :(
Bo Sinclair
His hands are all over them
If yall aren't holding hands, he has his on their hip, or on they shoulder
He also kinda ??? Sniffs you??? Idk he likes how they smell?
He likes when they lay on top of him or when he's big spoon
Will say some goofy level stuff, wacky even
And bites them a bit, not hard tho
Also vincent once walked in room while yall were cuddling and laughing and he thought yall were doing the nasty and now he has (another) trauma
Boioioioojgn 3am here yall have great day bai
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atiny-piratequeen · 5 years
It's me! Hope I'm not bugging you. If you can give me a rundown of Ateez (their personalities in life), I'd love you forever! -Minty the Cookie
Okay here we go!
Starting with our beloved leader, Kim Hongjoong is the second oldest member of ateez. He’s incredibly multitalented, he can sing, he can dance, he can rap, he produces music in his studio all the time (which is why he falls asleep in a lot of places. He exhausts himself too much). 
Also something very special of note since debut, Hongjoong has had his one pinky painted in support of the painted man campaign, a campain that encourages men to paint one of their nails in order to raise awareness for CSA victims. I’ve seen plenty of men do this, and I love them for participating, but I’ve never seen anyone do it for as long as our leader and precious Mini Hong
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Next is Park Seonghwa. He’s the oldest and the shortest member of who I have dubbed the ‘Tall Line’ (Him, Mingi, and Yunho). Seonghwa is the king of murdering visuals and the members affectionately call him Angry Bird (because of his eyebrows) and Toothless (because of his smile). Seonghwa also appears to be the ‘no nonsense’ member of the group due to his resting bitch face and such, but he’s just as much of an adorable dork as the rest of them.
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Next is Jeong Yunho, Ateez’s energizer and self proclaimed ‘puppy’! Yunho is the tallest member of Ateez (some people will tell you him and Mingi are the same height. They’re wrong.), and he has the most adorable nose scrunch in the world when he smiles. Yunho is one of the members of the performance line (with Mingi and Yeosang) and he’s honestly the softest baby bean ever, please give him smooches, okay?
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okay okay, next is my soft boy. My baby boy. My absolute-*cough*ahem.
Kang Yeosang is one of the visuals and performance members of Ateez. He’s a shy boy that sucks at winning games (its so sad but also so cute). His favorite thing in the world is flavored chicken and he has a big sweet tooth. He used to be a BigHit trainee (the came company as BTS and TXT) but then he left and joined KQ. He’s also been friends with Wooyoung for 5 years and they aren’t afraid to talk about it. He’s a little petty, tbh, and he likes to casually talk shit about/to the other members (in a friendly way, obviously. But this makes people lable him as ‘savage’ and I have to laugh sometimes bc if yall think that’s savage than I-). He also has the most adorable lisp and birthmark ever near his eye. You don’t see the birthmark often because it’s covered by makeup but seriously, just listen to Yeosang talk. His lisp sends me to a higher plane of existance.
Also his natural eye color is gorgeous, kk thx bye-
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Next is our king of dualities, the one everyone calls ‘demon’ one second and then ‘babie’ the next, Choi San! San is honestly a jack of all trades. Main vocal, stunning visual, chaotic but wonderful performer, lOUD(tm). San is honestly just a babie whenever he’s not on stage and he has a habit of collecting plushies. The one we know of the most is a shiba inu plushie named Shiber! San also is highkey Wooyoung’s husband *cough*
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Next is Mr. Fix On, himself, Song Mingi! Mingi is the only other rapper of Ateez alongside Hongjoong. He’s the second tallest member of the group, another member of the performance line, and he’s full of energy at all times. Unfortunately, baby boy has been out on injury shortly after this era began, so any recent ateez videos you watch won’t have Mingi in it, since he’s resting. But please love him with all your heart, okay?
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Now we have the one ‘in charge of the sexiness in the group’ even tho they’re all sexy wtf, Jung Wooyoung. Okay so remember how I said Yeosang was a BH trainee and then he left for KQ? Guess what? Wooyoung’s friendship and love for Yeo was so strong that he actually followed him to KQ. He said he wanted to debut with his friend and even if they failed, they’d fail together and if that isn’t the cutest shit ever-
Wooyoung is also the epitome of baby boy culture. Small, loud(tm), very affecionate. He’s also a little sHIT and we love him for it. Wooyoung gets a good amount of visuals in mvs and choreos, and you may know him well for the little smirk and wave after the first ‘Will You Be My Friend?’ in Pirate King, or the wiping of the lips after all the boys fucking ended themselves at the end of Hala Hala. Honestly, what a legend.
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and last, but not least, is Choi Jongho. Our maknae and local strong boi(tm). Jongho is one of the main vocals and his nickname is “the maknae that’s not really the maknae” because out of all of these crackheads, he’s definately on the more mature side of the spectrum. (Don’t be fooled completely tho, he’s got the chaos energy in him, too). Jongho has some wicked powerful vocals to accompany the fact that he can probably break you with a finger flick to the forehead. He’s also known as the “real life fruit ninja” because, like....he breaks fruit apart (mostly apples) with his bare fucking hands. Showoff.
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akvtsuki-ari · 6 years
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Warning: none really, super cheesy fic though might make you embarassed by how cheesy it is
Length; 3.1k 
Authors Note: So sorry to anon that requested this 8 million years ago, I was laptop less for 2 fucking weeks and couldn’t post or complete it even if I tried,, I also don’t know how good it is so tbh my apologies. i’ve missed u babies quite a bit tho, v v v excited to be back. also here’s a link to the song at the end, but i’ll link it again there to so u can listen to it 
Spencer has learned to love many things about you, but your butterfly tattoo was his favorite.
In honesty, we never truly understand the life cycle of a butterfly, as if a butterfly was not a butterfly before it became one. We call it by its life cycle, we call the caterpillar a caterpillar and when it cocoons we know, the butterflies life can never be fully submitted in the fact that’s life cycle is always one event. A butterfly has been and will always be a butterfly, but when it gets its wings, that is the most beautiful it will ever feel. This is the cycle of the life of the butterfly, that it is one day an innocent bystander to what we know is life, and is next a cocoon learning to regrow, and someday it will become a beautiful butterfly, to be whisked away into sunlight and make a life for itself somewhere far from who it used to be.
So, when Spencer found himself at rock bottom a few months ago, it’s safe to say the little piece of the real word you and that tattoo brought him made him a remember a place he never thought he’d see again. Spencer loved loving you, and watching what the love between the two of you did for each of your recoveries was nothing short of extraordinary. You, to the beloved Doctor, were nothing short of extraordinary. You made him see all of the parts that made life worth living in a new way, you built your love on trust, on guidance from one another, from true support in the chance of recovery.
Being totally honest, he wasn’t too sure what it meant, that he met you in the lowest place in his life, he never really believed in the idea of destiny before he fell for you. The work he does didn’t let him believe that life was pre-determined, he couldn’t fathom the idea that maybe some people were destined for bad things, but this was much to him was certain. You were nothing short of a miracle, to Spencer Reid, you were what meant to be an angel.
So, as the two of you sat together at lunch time, across from eachother, and as Spencer admired the look in your eyes when you got mozzerella sticks, it was nothing short of love. Spencer loved you, he loved you so much it made everything a little bit easier.
“I can’t believe you get discharged tommorrow,” you say to him smiling, your hair framing your face in a way thats nothing short of perfect. He smiles,
“Yeah, me either. But I mean, it’s only another week for you, and then we can, you know..” he smiled, his cheeks heating up at the idea of being able to do even the smallest things with you.
“Be together?,” you asked softly. He nods and the two of you look away getting shy, stomach filling with butterflies and warmed by the idea of being able to really be with one another.
Relationships during rehab are strictly forbidden, you want to be focused on recovering, so at first Spencer and you had only been friends, bonding over literature. It was clear to both of you, that you needed to recover and get better more than anything, so you promised eachother to wait till you both got out to test anything, thought admittedly the two of you already knew that the other was more significant to your life than originally let on.
“I’m proud of you,” you say to him, and you mean it. You mean it more than you’ve ever meant anything you ‘d ever said to him
“I’m proud of you too,” he said back. And he was, he was so fucking proud of you.
Tommorrow came quickly, but Spencer couldn’t say the goodbye he wanted to say to you, and you knew why, the two of you had worked to keep it as much of secret as you could. Spencer was gone, and that would be hard on you, but a week,  and you’d be together again and even better, you could really be with him too, it was a week, a week and you’d make it.
Spencer, was well on his way now, and he was greeted by the team he hadn’t really seen all together in two months, he was smiling big as he walked to the lobby, his things in his hands. Spencer was so ready to go back to work, but more than that, Spencer had found someone and he was happy and that really did mean the world to him.
“SPENCER!! I get to hug him first, move out of my way,” Penelope barked, moving her way through the group. Spencer smiled and opened his arms, giving Penelope a hug and a smile.
“Hey, Garcia,” he laughs lightly. Penelop looks like she could cry
“Oh my sweet boy genius how I’ve missed you! It feels so empty without your oddly detailed facts and terribly unfunny jokes about philosphy, as if anyone could ever replace you,” she said dramatically. Spencer crinkled his face and then laughed
“I missed you too, Garcia, thanks,” he said. Next up was J.J. who gave him a gentle hug, a soft one,
“I’m so proud of you,” she says, tears filling her eyes. Spencer smiles,and hugs her back comfortingly.
“Thank you,” he whispers. J.J. steps back and Prentiss gives him a quick hug
“Nice to have you back, Spence,” her voice doesn’t reveal how excited she is but Spencer knows her well enough to know.
Rossi goes next, give Spencer a kiss on the forehead like a father to his son, Spencer laughs and Rossi does too as the two of them exchange hugs.
“Nice to see you doing well, genio,” Rossi says smiling,
Hotch gives him a quick handshake, smiling at him softly. Spencer is comforted by his change of expression.
And last but not least is Morgan, who bear hugs Spence affecionate as ever. Spencer laughs aloud as Morgan picks him up
“My man! Look at you go pretty boy, we’re so proud of you, how was rehab? Meet any nerdy ladies for that love life of yours,” Morgan teases. Spencer immediately blushes and looks away, and being profilers everyones quick to take notice.
“Oh pause pretty boy, you got a woman in rehab?,” Morgan asks seriously. Spencer looks up with a shy look and nods
“Uh, yeah. She’s actually a federal agent too, works in Sex Crime, names Y/N Y/L/N,” Spencer admits quietly, remembering you with almost too much fondness. He gets distracted quickly and tries to refocus, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. The entire team is in shock
“Y/L/N?,” Hotch asks surprised, the whole team turns to him and Spencer nods.
“She worked with me on a case back in Seattle, she was a sweet girl, a lot like Morgan and loved books, had a very distinct butterfly tattoo on her forearm,” Hotch annouced slowly trying to see if it was the same person. Spencer nodded and smiled
“Uh, yeah, that’s her,” Spencers voice was soft. The whole team was quiet for a second, Hotch being the first one to break the clear shock.
“Congratulations, Spencer. When do we get to meet her?,” Hotch asks politely. The whole team sits in wait for a response and Spencer laughs, a real genuine sort of laugh that the team rarely sees. Whipped, Spencer Reid was indeed whipped
“Well - um, actually that’s what I wanted to ask you guys, was if we could talk to her team at Sex Crimes and maybe all greet her together? She really likes karaoke, always insist I go with her, and she’s been in there longer than I have, so I was hoping we could, I don’t know do something she would like? And get to know all of you, while I get to know all of them?,” Spencer asks shyly. Spencer was indeed in love, this much was more than obvious to his team, but Spencer didn’t see it that way.
Spencer just wanted to make you happy, especially after all the times you had told him how much you missed even the simplest things. He wanted to do something nice for you, thats really all it ever was, Spencer was insistent on making life good for you when you got out, though he entrusted your friends too, maybe seeing all of you together would make you happy like you always said it would. Spencer loved you, real true love is felt long before he would ever say it.
The team was already fond of you, seeing as you made their beloved boy genius into the softest most gushy he’d ever been. The team looked at eachother nodding, Morgan patting Spencer on the back.
“Yeah, kid, alright,” he says to him, the team agrees in unison and Spencer shuts his eyes in soft gratitude, indeed it meant a lot to him.
It would be a slow progressive communication after that, Spencer had reached out to some of the people you had talked about, and to his surprise most of them already knew who you were. You’d been talking about him to your closest friend on the team, and apparently she’d spilled the news to everyone else. They decided it would be best for Spencer to go with your friend, Agent Cameron, and greet you as a surprise. Since she didn’t expect to see you again until a while after she got out.
A week came as quick as it went, and to no surprise Spencer was filled with nerves as he walked up to the center doors. But he was beaming, undeniably he was beaming with his whole face twisted into a smile as he waited for you a little bit outside of the door. He watched as you greeted your friend with a large hug, watching your tiny facial expressions that he adored so much, the way you scrunched your nose and smiled and blinked when you got excited. Spencer admired all of it about you, watching your face and your energy glow with a purity and excitement he’d never seen in anyone would before,
He also laughed in the way your face contorted as your friend annouced that she, presumably had a surprise for you. Slowly, the two of you walked out, and there Spencer was, with a boquet of flowers in his hand, bright red and blooming. Your hands went to cover your face, as you ran over to Spencer and enveloped him in a hug. The flowers stood between your chest as you cuddled your way into him, feeling his body heat up. You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face.
“Hi,” you said softly, tears forming in your eyes. Spencer looked down at you adoringly, “Hi, Y/N,”
Your friend took the flowers out of Spencers hand, and smiled at the two of you.
Pulling away, you look to Spencer and see his wonderfully loving expression. You love him, and it’d be a long time before you said it but it was true.
“Can I please, please, kiss you?,” you asked breathily. Spencer was shy but he nodded his head
“Yes,” he said quietly. You placed both of your hands on his face and leaned up, giving him a soft kiss. It was warm, inviting, kind. Not too rough. Not too much for Spencer, the way you kissed him was just right. Spencer never understood why people kissed till now, but he gets it.
He pulls away, and brushes his nose against yours smiling,
“The real surprise is that you and your team have a gathering with me and my team, karaoke, you know - just like you said you missed so much while you were inpatient,” Spencer says softly. You widen your eyes and then soften them again, smiling brightly.
“You’re so wonderful,” you comment affectionately. Spencer blushed
“So are you,” he says back, your friend whistles loudly and the two of you blush.
“Alright lovebird, lets get you home,” she says, and the two of you walk to her car hand in hand.
Evening comes around the corner quickly, the bar lit with neon lights and from the outside view is the two beloved teams mingling and joking around with one another, your heart swells, as you see Spencer inside waiting for you,
You walk in, rather nervous but still attempting to put on a good face.
Spencer is the first to greet you, rushing to be by yourside. Everyone’s already met, including Spencer meeting your team, so tonight really is about you. You smile at everyone
“I’m Y/N, Spencers friend from rehab, “ you say aloud. Everyone whoops and cheers at you and you can’t help but laught at the commotion.
“Nice too meet you, Y/N, I’m Aaron Hotchner, this is Emily Prentiss, Jenifer Jaraeu, Derek Morgan, and David Rossi, pleased to meet you,” Hotch introduced, you smiled at them, shaking their hands. Derek pulls your hand and gives your knuckle a kiss, making you giggle as Spencer seethes.
“Reid didn’t tell us his friend was so beautiful,” Derek flirts. Spencer sends a look his way and he laughs as you blush
“I’ll back off pretty boy, but fuck this up and Chocolate Thunder is gonna shoot his shot in front of your very eyes,” Derek comments. You giggle, and Spencer rolls his eyes.
You take a seat, and the hostess of the reserved room gets up to get everyone excited.
“I hear tonight there’s a lady of the hour, so i think it’s only appropriate to give her tonights first song,” She annouces. Your partially startled by the suddenness, but you wanted to have fun.
Getting up and walking onto the stage, the whole room cheers and claps your name and you can’t help but chuckle
“Seriously this is so sweet, thank you to Spencer for making this all possible and bringing these fucking teams together somehow, this ones dedicated to you, and it is totally an official application to be your girlfriend,” you say smirking. Hotch wasn’t lying when he said you were a lot like Morgan. Spencer blushed as everyone hit him on the back
“This is, “I wanna get better,” by the Bleachers, sung by yours truly,” you annouced. The music started to play, and you sang the music, mostly making everyone laugh.
Hey, I hear the voice of a preacher from the back room Calling my name and I follow just to find you I trace the faith to a broken down television and put on the weather And I've trained myself to give up on the past 'cause I froze in time between hearses and caskets Lost control when I panicked at the acid test I wanna get better While my friends were getting high and chasing girls down parkway lines I was losing my mind because the love, the love, the love, the love, the love That I gave wasted on a nice face In a blaze of fear I put a helmet on a helmet Counting seconds through the night and got carried away So now I'm standing on the overpass screaming at the cars, "Hey, I wanna get better!" I didn’t know I was lonely 'til I saw your face I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better
At this point, Spencer had been pushed onto the stage with you as you serenaded him, he was shy and borderline embarrassed but he wasn’t upset. He was happy to see your face, singing him the lyrics goofily with a smile plastered onto your face. He was awkward, and shy, and nervous but he was here and thats what mattered most.
I go up to my room and there's girls on the ceiling Cut out their pictures and I chase that feeling Of an eighteen year old who didn't know what loss was Now I'm a stranger And I miss the days of a life still permanent Mourn the years before I got carried away So now I'm staring at the interstate screaming at myself, "Hey, I wanna get better!" I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better
You spun spencer around like you would a girl in a formal dance, he rolled his eyes at you but did it anyways as you laughed while the music played in the background. Everyone clapped their hands at his performance.
'Cause I'm sleeping in the back of a taxi I'm screaming from my bedroom window Even if its gonna kill me Woke up this morning early before my family From this dream where she was trying to show me How a life can move from the darkness She said to get better
You slowly walked up to Spencer, as this part of the song played, letting him stand as you smiled at him wickedly. So I put a bullet where I shoulda put a helmet And I crash my car cause I wanna get carried away That's why I'm standing on the overpass screaming at myself, "Hey, I wanna get better!"
Quickly, you kissed Spencer and went on your way to sing the chorus, having fun around the stage. Spencer was speechless but smiled, and he heard a “You go, pretty boy,” somewhere in the crowd as he did.
I didn't know I was lonely 'til I saw your face I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change I wanna get better, better, better, better, I wanna get better
The song closes off, and you and Spencer stand in the middle of the stage together face to face, you get on knee and everyone can’t stop laughing.
“Doctor Spencer Reid, do you accept my official application to be, your girlfriend?,” you ask seriously.
“After making some serious considerations, I have decided that accepting this application would be the best decision, and I intend to keep you to your promised on your resume,” he jokes with you. You get up and kiss him again
And all over again, his stomach is filled with butterflies, all for you. For a girl he loved, for a girl with butterfly tattoo whose smile was priceless.
All these butterflies flew for you.
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